Shower      04/07/2019

Isn't a microwave harmful? Is a microwave oven harmful: myths and real facts

A microwave oven is a household appliance that allows you to heat food using microwaves. These are ordinary radio waves with a frequency of 2450 MHz. Microwaves penetrating the product cause the product molecules to vibrate. More precisely, not all molecules vibrate, but only water molecules. Due to this, food products are heated, since water is contained in any of them. No significant changes occur in the product itself, so food from the microwave is not at all harmful, and is even beneficial - unlike, for example, frying in oil, in which carcinogenic substances are formed under the influence of high temperatures.

Is microwaved food harmful or healthy?

The latest research by scientists and comments from experts will help us understand this.

When microwave ovens first appeared on the market Russian market, a horror story immediately appeared with them: “Microwave food causes cancer.” There were also scares that microwaves affect intrauterine development child, causing pathological changes. That microwave food is simply full of carcinogens...

According to the latest market research household appliances, every fifth Russian family has a microwave. And in the United States, only 10 people do not have microwave ovens. When purchasing, sales consultants assure that “this stove model” is shielded from radiation and is completely safe for health. So, is there still a danger?

Don't put your hands in the oven!

“Well, of course there is,” says Oleg DRONITSKY, director of the TEST-BET testing center. – If you put your hand in the microwave, you will get a burn. Just like in a regular oven. But you are unlikely to succeed in trying to fry it in the microwave. Because all modern models are equipped not only with a lock when the stove is operating, but also with child protection when the appliance is turned off.

A microwave oven uses radio waves, just like a regular receiver, only much more powerful and of a different frequency. Every day we experience the effects of radio waves of very different frequencies - from cell phones, televisions, computers, etc. Microwave waves directed at food bind protein, which also happens during boiling. After finishing work, no residual radiation remains in the food. That is, in fact, food from a microwave is just as harmful as food cooked on a regular stove.

Yes, microwave radiation in its pure form can affect a person, even causing serious burns. But microwave ovens are equipped with a special metal mesh through which radiation does not pass. So the harm will be noticeable only if for eight hours every day the person experiencing this harm is at a distance of 5 cm from the microwave. Only at this distance can harmful microwaves breaking through from the microwave be partially detected.


In Russia there are sanitary standards– “Maximum permissible levels of energy flux density created by microwave ovens” (SN No. 2666-83). According to them, the energy flux density of the electromagnetic field should not exceed 10 μW/cm2 at a distance of 50 cm from any point of the furnace body when heating 1 liter of water. Almost all new modern microwave ovens meet this safety requirement with a large margin.


Food is like steam

“I can’t say that microwave ovens are absolutely safe,” says gastroenterologist Galina SAMOILOVA. – But the idea that food from the microwave becomes carcinogenic is complete nonsense. It may be carcinogenic if it originally contained harmful substances. But they will not be able to form during the cooking process.


Will microwaves treat arrhythmia?

Australian scientists have developed a method that allows the desired areas of the heart to be heated to 55 degrees in a few seconds. Temperature destroys damaged areas, blocking the paths of propagation of “wrong” cardiac impulses.

– The same way a microwave oven heats meat. Only in our case, the area of ​​action of microwaves is much more precise, and local heating is recorded and controlled,” the scientists explained.

Scientists' opinions: pros and cons

American scientists say that thanks to microwave ovens, the incidence of stomach cancer has decreased in America. And all because no oil is added to food cooked in the microwave. And the cooking method resembles the most gentle one - steam.

Microwaves also preserve vitamins and minerals in food twice as well due to the short cooking time. The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences calculated that when cooking food on a stove, up to 60 vitamin C is destroyed. And under the influence of microwaves - only from 2 to 25 percent.

But Spanish scientists, on the contrary, indignantly claim that broccoli cooked in the microwave loses up to 98 percent of its vitamins and minerals.

In 1989, Swiss biologist Hertel, together with Professor Bernard Blank, tried to study the effect of microwave food on humans. Since they were not given money for a full-scale study, the scientists limited themselves to one experimental subject, who took turns eating food cooked on the stove and then in the microwave. Scientists assured that after microwave food, changes occurred in the test subject’s blood that resembled the onset of a pathological process, that is, cancer. In other words, the number of leukocytes increased. Therefore, regularly eating microwaved food could lead to blood cancer, scientists said. But their words were not heeded.

And this year the World Health Organization issued a verdict: microwaves use radiation that does not cause harmful influence neither per person nor per meal. The only “but”: implanted cardiac stimulators can be sensitive to the intensity of the microwave flux. Therefore, WHO recommends that those with pacemakers avoid cell phones and microwaves.

A microwave oven can do almost everything: defrost meat, bake fish, cook grilled chicken. It's very convenient - no doubt about it. But talk about the dangers of microwaves never ceases.

Microwave ovens have become indispensable helpers for many. Those who have children no longer need to worry about the child, who will now heat up his own lunch without turning on the stove. And it has become much easier and faster for very tired adults to heat up their dinner after returning from work late. Fast defrosting is another plus. Using a microwave, food can be defrosted much faster. Inner surface Microwaves are made of stainless steel or ceramic. Both surfaces are easy to clean. In addition, the energy consumption of microwave ovens is almost two times less than that of conventional electric stoves. It is not necessary to buy special dishes for microwaves. The one you already have in your kitchen will do. The main thing is that there is no metal finish.

However, with the advent of microwave ovens, endless debates began in almost every home about the fact that such useful household appliances can be harmful to health. Naturally, we were talking about the dangers of rays, with the help of which the stove heats food, for human health.

Here It is necessary to understand exactly what processes occur when foods are heated. The microwave emits ordinary radio waves at a frequency of 2450 MHz, which penetrate the food and cause the water molecules it contains to vibrate. As a result of these vibrations, heat is created. After finishing the work, the waves cannot remain in the product itself. So food cooked in a microwave cannot be harmful. And compared to food fried in oil, food cooked in the microwave is even healthy. Waves can damage the health of a person or any other creature only if they directly affect some part of his body. That's why you won't find a microwave that can operate with the door open. Also, the glass on the microwave doors is covered with a metal mesh, which absorbs the waves and prevents them from affecting anything outside the microwave. But experts still recommend buying the latest models of microwave ovens, and if you use them at all old model, it is recommended to replace it. So There is nothing to be afraid of - feel free to buy a microwave oven. It will save you a lot of time and help you prepare delicious food quickly and conveniently.

In the modern world, almost every home has a microwave, but many are afraid of microwave waves, explaining this as harmful to the body. WHO studied this topic a long time ago and pointed out those for whom microwave ovens are truly harmful.

Negative Action Facts

Many people use it in Everyday life Microwave cookers, but still cannot understand whether they are harmful to the body. Many articles have been published in magazines about how much the microwave affects the body and what it develops. dangerous diseases which ultimately lead to death. Some of these claims can be quickly undermined. A person who does not understand well may believe all the strange phrases that are constantly spoken about a microwave and stop using such a device for heating food altogether.

Of course, cooking in the microwave is allowed. In this case, everyone must understand for themselves exactly which opinion is best to trust. Before buying a stove, you need to carefully study its structure and operating principle.

General structure of the equipment:

  1. A special magnetron is built into the furnace body, which transmits electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. Their total length will be determined for comfortable work other devices in the kitchen.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation can come not only from the oven, but also from electrical appliances and the telephone. But so far there is no information that would prove their significant harm to health.
  3. The walls of the device are well fenced so as not to transmit radiation over a long distance.

Such a device is considered quite safe for the user’s body. But in this case, it is very important to remember one fact - food should be cooked only in a microwave, the period of use of which does not exceed the prescribed period.

Old model microwave oven may pose a health hazard. The instructions for such devices often state that you need to be at least one and a half meters away from them.

Evidence from science

Possible harm from microwaves and scientific evidence vary greatly. Some people think that the stove is completely safe for cooking and eating food, while others are sure that heated food leads to dangerous diseases. In this case, you need to rely on evidence, otherwise you can simply get confused in opinions.

The whole truth about such a device will be known only after it is studied more carefully.

When heated, the waves of the oven cause molecules to move, which is why the food becomes warm. It has been scientifically proven that with this process, radiation does not penetrate food more than three centimeters.

Facts from scientific research:

  • Microwave exposure leads to the breakdown of the molecular formula of the product.
  • When food is heated, carcinogens are created that are very dangerous to the health of the consumer.
  • Cancer cells begin to progress rapidly if you regularly eat microwave food.
  • Food cooked in a microwave oven has a negative impact on the digestive system, which ultimately leads to decomposition.

Old studies by Soviet scientists say that being near the equipment is very dangerous. Food that has been processed in the oven negatively affects the lymphatic systems, which leads to pathological processes. But modern researchers think that using modern microwave ovens is not at all harmful, since their design is reliably protected and simply does not release radiation outside.

Terms of use

Scientists were able to prove the fact that food heated in the device does not lose its useful components, but retains them in their original state. For comfortable operation of the device, it is very important to first carefully read the instructions for its use, and also clearly know how many years it can be used.

When heating food inside the oven, you can be sure that various E. coli and other microorganisms will disappear, since rapid heating will simply kill them. The stove also does not lead to the breakdown of molecules. stand next to modern models stoves are allowed, because the share of radiation is very small.

Rules of application:

You need to heat a small portion of food at a time. It is prohibited to heat food in metal containers.

On this moment It is very difficult to say who exactly invented the microwave oven. In different sources you can see completely different information. The official creator is usually named P.B. Spencer, an engineer from the United States of America who was involved in research on the emitter of microwave waves - the magnetron. As a result of his experiments, he made very specific conclusions. A certain frequency of radiation causes intense heat generation. On December 6, 1945, scientists received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking. In 1949, in the USA, using this patent, the production of microwave ovens, which were intended for quickly defrosting strategic food reserves, had already begun. The whole world celebrates the birthday of microwave ovens on December 6th.

Controversy surrounding the invention

Since this device was created, debates about its benefits and harms have not subsided. Until now, many people do not understand the principle of operation of a microwave oven, which is why it is believed that products that have undergone such processing can be dangerous to human health. When this device first appeared on the Russian market, many began to hear that food prepared or heated in this way causes cancer. They often talked about the influence of microwaves on the intrauterine development of children and their ability to cause various pathologies. Dishes from such an oven are full of carcinogens.

Recent studies of the household appliances market have demonstrated that every fifth family in Russia has a microwave oven, and in the United States of America only 10% of the population has not yet acquired this unit. When purchasing from sales consultants, you can often hear that this particular model is completely safe for health and shielded from radiation. And then the thought creeps in that there are some harmful factors.

This device uses radio waves similar to a conventional receiver, only they differ in frequency and are characterized by greater power. Every day we experience the effects of radio waves of different frequencies - we are influenced by our mobile phones, computers, televisions and other types of equipment. We should take a closer look at what a microwave oven is. Is there harm or benefit from its use, what is its impact? The cooking process works like this: microwave microwaves “bomb” the water molecules in the food, causing them to rotate at an incredible frequency, which creates molecular friction that heats the food. It is this process that causes severe damage to food molecules, as it leads to their rupture and deformation. It turns out that a microwave oven leads to decay and changes in the structure of products under the influence of radiation.

After the war, medical research was discovered that the Germans were doing with microwaves. All these documents, along with several working models, were transferred to the United States of America for further research. The Russians obtained a number of models with which they conducted many experiments. During the study, it was revealed that exposure to microwaves produces environmental and biological substances that are harmful to health. A regulation was created to strictly limit the use of microwave waves.

The harm and benefits of a microwave oven according to scientists

American researchers say that this device has reduced the incidence of stomach cancer in America. This is due to the fact that there is no need to add oil when cooking in a microwave oven. And according to the method of preparation this option very similar to steam, which is considered the safest. Short cooking time allows you to save twice as much useful substances in food: minerals and vitamins. At the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, it was calculated that the process of preparing dishes on the stove leads to the loss of 60% of useful elements, in particular vitamin C. And microwaves destroy only 2-25%. However, scientists from Spain claim that broccoli, which is prepared in this way, loses up to 98% of the minerals and vitamins contained in it, and the microwave oven is to blame for this.

Harm similar method cooking is more and more confirmed every day. A lot of information has emerged that food prepared in this way causes irreparable harm to human health. Microwaves cause food to break down at the molecular level, causing irreversible changes that cause cancer-causing substances in regular food.

In 1992, a comparative study was published in the United States, which stated that introducing molecules exposed to microwaves into the human body leads to more harm than benefit. In food that has undergone such processing, molecules contain microwave energy, not present in products prepared using traditional methods.

The microwave oven, the dangers of which have been studied for many years, changes the structure of products. A short-term study showed that people who consumed vegetables and milk prepared in this way had changes in their blood composition, increased cholesterol and decreased hemoglobin. At the same time, eating the same products, but prepared traditionally, did not lead to any changes in the body.

Unanswered question

Manufacturers of microwave ovens unanimously claim that food from a microwave oven does not differ in composition from that processed in a traditional way. However, not one State University in the United States of America has not conducted research into how food modified in this way affects the human body. But there is a huge amount of research on what happens if the door of the device is not closed. Common sense dictates that issues related to the food itself are quite important. Therefore, at the moment it is a complete mystery what a microwave oven does to food, whether it brings harm or benefit to them.

Other Important Points

Quite often you can hear that these devices are harmful to children. The composition of mother's milk and infant formula includes amino acids that, when exposed to this radiation, are converted into d-isomers, and they are considered neurotoxic, that is, they lead to deformation nervous systems s, and also nephrotoxic, that is, they are poisonous to the kidneys. Now that many children are fed with artificial formulas, the dangers are increasing, because they are heated in microwaves.

The World Health Organization has issued a verdict that the radiation used in microwaves does not harm food or humans at all. But the intensity of the microwave flux can affect implanted cardiac stimulators. This is why people with pacemakers are advised to give up microwaves and cell phones.

Other Features

However, many people are still targeting the microwave oven. Whether it is harmful or not is not clear. Therefore, a final verdict has not yet been made on this issue. Many scientists are working to study its effect on the human body. In the meantime, the dangers and benefits of a microwave oven remain a big question; you should use it only for heating and defrosting food, but not for cooking. You should not be near a switched-on stove yourself, especially if you do not allow children near it. A faulty device should not be used. The doors should close as securely as possible and there should be no damage to them. And if you have a microwave oven, the instruction manual will help you use it correctly. You should always have this appliance repaired by qualified personnel rather than doing it yourself.

Unusual use of microwaves

A microwave oven, whose characteristics depend on many factors, can be used for various purposes that are not considered traditional for it. You can use it for drying vegetables, herbs, nuts for the winter, as well as crackers. If you put spices and seasonings in the microwave for 30 seconds, you can refresh their aroma. Bread can be refreshed by wrapping it in a napkin and placing it in the device for 1 minute at the most intense radiation.

You can peel almonds by putting them in boiling water and then heating them in the oven for half a minute. full power. A microwave oven, the harm of which has been intensively studied, is also useful for peeling walnuts. They need to be heated in water at full power for 4-5 minutes. You can easily get rid of the white pulp on lemons or oranges. To do this, citrus fruits should be heated at full power for 30 seconds. After this, the white pulp can be separated from the slices quite simply.

Lemon or orange zest can be dried quite quickly by heating it for two minutes at full power. The same time will be enough to melt the candied honey.

Can be spared cutting boards from unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to wash them, rub them with lemon juice, and then fry them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. In this case, even the most pungent ingrained odor will disappear.

To squeeze out the juice from citrus fruits to the last drop, just warm them up in the microwave for a few minutes and then let them cool.

What is the harm of a microwave?

If you are interested in a microwave oven, the harm of which is confirmed by many studies, then it is worth noting that the operating frequency of this device coincides with the frequency mobile phone. At the moment, there are four main factors that speak in favor of the harm of this unit.

First of all, it should be noted that electromagnetic radiation, or more precisely, its information component, is harmful. In science it is usually called a torsion field. Experiments have demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion component. It is precisely such fields, according to most scientists, that pose danger and harm to human health. The torsion field transmits to a person all the negative information, which can cause irritation, headaches and insomnia, as well as other ailments.

It is also important to remember the temperature, but this applies over a long period of time when using the microwave oven constantly.

If we are targeting a microwave oven, the harm or benefits of which we are so interested in, then from the point of view of biology, it is high-frequency radiation in the centimeter range that is most harmful to humans. Since it is from it that the electromagnetic radiation of the highest intensity is obtained.

Microwaves lead to direct heating of the body, and only blood flow can reduce the degree of exposure. But there are organs, for example the lens, in which there is not a single vessel. Therefore, exposure to microwave waves causes clouding of the lens and its destruction. Such changes are irreversible.

Since we do not see or hear electromagnetic radiation, and we do not clearly feel it, we cannot determine whether it was the cause of this or that human disease. The influence of such radiation does not appear immediately, but only when it accumulates, which makes it difficult to blame any device with which a person has been in contact for this.

So, if you are considering a microwave oven, the characteristics of which are completely unimportant in this matter, then you should study its effect on food. Electromagnetic radiation can cause the ionization of molecules of a substance, that is, as a result of this, an atom can gain or lose an electron, which leads to a change in the structure of the substance itself.

Radiation causes the destruction of food molecules and their deformation. The microwave oven (whether its use is harmful to health or not is still being actively studied) creates new compounds that do not exist in nature. They are called radiolytic. And they, in turn, create molecular rot, which is a direct consequence of radiation.

Here are just a few facts to think about if you are interested in using a microwave oven:

Meat that is prepared in this way contains Nitrosodienthanolamines, which is a carcinogen;

In milk and cereals, many acids turn into carcinogens;

When fruits are defrosted in this way, their galactizoids and glucosides turn into carcinogenic substances;

Vegetable alkaloids become carcinogenic even with minor irradiation;

When processing plants, especially root vegetables, in a microwave oven, carcinogenic free radicals are formed;

The value of food is sometimes reduced by 90%;

Many vitamins lose their biological activity.

A microwave oven, reviews of which can be interesting and educational, is capable of weakening the cells of our body with its microwave radiation. There is a method of genetic engineering in which a cell is lightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves to penetrate it, and this leads to a weakening of the membranes. Since the cells, one might say, are broken, the membranes no longer serve as an obstacle to viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, and the natural self-healing mechanism is also suppressed.

The health hazards of microwave ovens are the same as exposure to radiation. In this case, radioactive decay of molecules occurs, after which new alloys unknown to nature are formed.

The influence of microwave radiation on human health

Eating food that is cooked in a microwave oven leads to a gradual decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. After this comes a period of nervousness and high blood pressure, headaches, eye pain, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, stomach pain, hair loss, inability to concentrate, and reproductive problems. Sometimes cancerous tumors even appear. With heart disease and stress, all these symptoms worsen.

What does the market offer?

The microwave oven, reviews of which you might like, is designed to provide maximum comfort, convenience and complete safety during use. The Russian market offers devices of different brands and sizes. Thanks to the abundance design solutions You can choose the model that best suits your taste preferences. There are both simple solutions and multifunctional large-sized specimens.

Any microwave oven whose characteristics suit you works on the same principle. The product is heated evenly due to irradiation from all sides. Simple models are characterized by the fact that the product is in one place, and a microwave source rotates around it, and more advanced options suggest that directed microwave radiation is used, and the product is located on a special rotating tray.

Microwave oven, the circuit of which may include a grill and forced circulation air, is a more complex device. In this case, the fan is usually located behind the chamber wall. Grills are equipped with tubular heating elements. For steam cooking, the device can be equipped with special utensils. All models have a backlight that allows you to monitor the cooking process.

Subtleties of choice and characteristics

Despite the fact that a microwave oven, reviews of which you may like, can completely replace a traditional kitchen stove, it is usually purchased as an addition to existing equipment. Before choosing, you should determine your needs and capabilities. You need to decide what tasks you need to perform and how often: prepare first courses, bake meat and poultry, defrost food, reheat it, and so on. Do you need a traditional, inexpensive device or a modern and elegant one? And all this is important when considering microwave ovens. How to choose one model or another is entirely up to you.

Many buyers prefer to use this device for defrosting food and heating food. These goals are easily achieved in simple microwave ovens, which use exclusively microwave radiation. Such equipment is usually purchased as an addition to a stove and oven. This way you can satisfy dietary and fast food requirements.

The size and design of the microwave oven affect the number of products and dishes that will be prepared at one time. The greatest demand is for devices that are characterized by medium and small dimensions, as well as the presence of a grill. With this option, food is not only heated, but also brought to perfect condition. Such solutions meet the needs of small families with limited budgets.

An important parameter is the volume of the chamber. Typically, the more functions a device has, the larger it is. Microwave wattage is another thing to keep in mind. This is what affects the cooking speed. The controls should be clear, but at the same time quite functional.

It is advisable that the kit includes a set of necessary accessories. Then working with the device will be much easier. The choice of one brand or another is a personal matter for everyone, and it all depends on preferences.

If we talk about reviews about microwave ovens, then here, as elsewhere, you can find different opinions. But most people agree on the usefulness of such a kitchen device as an assistant if you need to warm up, defrost, or quickly cook something. Models with a grill are more popular, as the food in them turns out to be more appetizing in appearance.

In general, a microwave oven, the photo of which you can take yourself, should be the way you want it. In the sense that the choice of a particular model depends entirely on your preferences.

Harmful microwave oven. Research

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted an examination of food prepared in a microwave oven. The level of vitamin retention during the preparation of vegetables and meat dishes. And the result exceeded all expectations - even the most valuable vitamin C was preserved after processing in the oven by 75-98%. And with traditional cooking methods, the preservation of this vitamin does not exceed 30-60%.

However, think for yourself, if we cook food in a microwave oven faster than usual and at a temperature no higher than the boiling point of water, then the danger of preserving all kinds of bacteria and chlorine-containing organic matter is not small.
If we are simply heating food or ready meals in the microwave when not high temperature, then this is always a loss of original taste properties, and maybe a provocation of the proliferation of any microflora in long-term or improperly stored products. Well, if we cook food without water or in small quantities of water, then where do all the heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites go?
You just need to imagine what happens when you use one or another method of cooking.
Soviet research on the dangers of microwave ovens
In the USSR, microwave ovens were banned in 1976 due to their harmful effects on health, as many studies had been conducted on them. The ban was lifted in the early 90s after Perestroika.
Here are some of the research results
1. Accelerate the structural breakdown of products.
2. Carcinogenic substances are created in milk and grain crops.
3. They change the elemental composition of food products, causing digestive disorders.

4 . They change the chemistry of food, which can lead to malfunctions of the lymphatic system and the destruction of the body’s ability to protect itself from malignant tumors.
5. Lead to an increase in the percentage of cancer cells in the blood.
6. Lead to malignant tumors of the stomach and intestines, general degeneration of peripheral fiber, as well as the gradual destruction of the digestive and excretory systems in a statistically high percentage of people.
7. Reduces the body's ability to absorb B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics (substances that help accelerate the breakdown of fats in the body).
8. Microwaves near the oven also cause health problems.
9. Heating cooked meat in the microwave causes the appearance of d-nitrosodiethanolamine (a widely known carcinogen), destabilization of biomolecular compounds of the active protein,
creation of carcinogenic agents in protein hydrolyzate compounds in milk and cereals.
10. Microwave radiation also causes a change (decay) in the catabolic behavior of glucoside and galactoside elements in frozen fruits if they are thawed in a microwave oven.
11. Cause a change in the behavior of catabolic plant alkaloids in raw, cooked or frozen vegetables that have been exposed to radiation even for a short time.
12. Cancer-causing free radicals were formed in certain molecular structures of trace elements in plant matter, especially raw root vegetables.
13. Those who consumed microwaved food showed statistically higher rates of gastrointestinal cancers, as well as general degeneration of peripheral fiber with gradual destruction of digestive and excretory system functions.

“The rise of widespread nutritional deficiencies in the Western world correlates almost perfectly with the advent of microwave ovens. This is no coincidence. Microwave ovens heat food by creating a process of molecular friction, but it is this same friction that quickly destroys fragile molecules of vitamins and phytonutrients (plants). medicines), found naturally in food. One study shows that microwave heating destroys up to 97 percent of nutritional value (vitamins and other plant nutrients that prevent disease, boost immunity, and promote health).”
There is a lot of research into microwave ovens and the effects they can have on the human body. Conclusive studies have not yet been published, but if any of the above shows signs of negative effects on food, one can only imagine what effects these effects would have on the human body. So if you can do without using a microwave, do so. Even if it's just to maintain the nutritional value and quality of your food.

How does a microwave oven work?
Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, just like light waves or radio waves. These are very short electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light (299.79 km per second). In modern technology, microwaves are used in microwave ovens, for long-distance and international telephone communications, transmission of television programs, and operation of the Internet on Earth and via satellites. But microwaves are best known to us as a source of energy for cooking - the microwave oven.
Each microwave oven contains a magnetron, in which electrons are charged by electromagnetic fields to produce microwave radiation equal to 2450 Megahertz (MHz) or 2.45 Gigahertz (GHz). This microwave radiation interacts with food molecules.
The magnetron in a microwave oven is the most important component. It is the source of microwave heating in a microwave oven. Food molecules - especially water molecules - have positively and negatively charged particles, similar to the south and north poles of the Earth.
Microwaves “bomb” food molecules, causing polar molecules to spin at millions of times per second, creating molecular friction that heats the food. This friction causes significant damage to food molecules, breaking or deforming them. In the scientific world, this process is called structural isomerism.
Simply put, microwaves cause breakdown and changes in the molecular structure of food through the process of radiation.
Who invented microwave ovens
The Nazis, for their military operations, invented a microwave stove - "radiomissor", for cooking, which they were going to use in the war with Russia. The time spent on cooking in this case was sharply reduced, which made it possible to concentrate on other tasks.
After the war, the Allies discovered documents of medical research conducted by the Germans with microwave ovens. These documents, as well as some working models, were transferred to the United States for "further scientific research." The Russians also obtained a number of such models and conducted extensive studies of their biological effects. As a result, the use of microwave ovens in the USSR was strictly prohibited. The Soviets have issued an international warning about harmful substances, biological and environmental, from exposure to microwaves.
Other Eastern European scientists also identified the harmful effects of microwave radiation and created strict environmental restrictions on their use.

Microwaves are not safe for children
Some of the amino acids L - proline, which are part of mother's milk, as well as in infant formula, are converted under the influence of microwaves into d-isomers, which are considered neurotoxic (deform the nervous system) and nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys). It is a disaster that many children are fed on artificial milk substitutes ( baby food), which become even more toxic with microwave ovens.
Scientific data and facts
A comparative study on Microwave Cooking published in 1992 in the United States states:
“From a medical point of view, it is believed that introducing molecules exposed to microwaves into the human body has a much greater chance of causing harm than benefit. Microwave food contains microwave energy in molecules that is not present in food products prepared in the traditional way."
Microwave waves artificially created in a microwave oven, based on alternating current, produce about a billion polarity changes in each molecule per second. Deformation of molecules in this case is inevitable. It has been noted that amino acids contained in food undergo isomeric changes and are also converted into toxic forms under the influence of microwaves produced in a microwave oven. A short-term study raised significant concerns about changes in the blood composition of people who consumed microwaved milk and vegetables. Eight other volunteers ate the same foods, but prepared in traditional ways. All foods that were processed in microwave ovens led to changes in the blood of volunteers. Hemoglobin levels decreased and cholesterol levels increased.

Swiss clinical trials
Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel, participated in a similar study, and worked for many years in one of the large Swiss companies. Several years ago, she was fired from her position for disclosing the results of these experiments. In 1991, she and a professor at the University of Lausanne published a study showing that food cooked in microwave ovens may pose health risks compared to food prepared in traditional ways. An article was also presented in the magazine Franz Weber No. 19, which stated that consumption of food cooked in microwave ovens has a malignant effect on the blood.
Dr. Hertel was the first scientist to conduct a clinical study on the effects of microwaved food on the blood and physiology of the human body. This small study reveals the degenerative forces that occur in microwave ovens and food processed in them. Scientific findings have shown that cooking food in a microwave oven changes the nutritional composition of food. This research was carried out together with Dr. Bernard H. Blanc from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Institute of Biochemistry.
At intervals of two to five days, volunteers received one of the following meals on an empty stomach: (1) raw milk; (2) the same milk, heated in the traditional way; (3) pasteurized milk; (4) the same milk heated in the microwave; (5) fresh vegetables; (6) the same vegetables prepared traditionally; (7) traditionally thawed frozen vegetables; and (8) the same vegetables cooked in the microwave.

Blood samples were taken from volunteers immediately before each meal. Then a blood test was performed at certain intervals after drinking milk and plant products.
Significant changes were found in the blood during the meal intervals exposed to microwave ovens. These changes included a reduction in hemoglobin and changes in cholesterol composition, especially the ratio of HDL (good cholesterol) to LDL (bad cholesterol). The number of Lymphocytes (white blood cells) increased. All these indicators indicate degeneration. In addition, part of the microwave energy remains in food, consuming which a person is exposed to microwave radiation.
Radiation leads to the destruction and deformation of food molecules. Microwaves create new compounds that do not exist in nature, called radiolytics. Radiolytic compounds create molecular rot - as a direct consequence of radiation.

Microwave manufacturers claim that microwaved food does not have much difference in composition compared to traditionally processed food. The scientific clinical evidence presented here suggests that this is simply false.
Not a single public university in the United States has conducted a single study on the effects of altered microwaved food on the human body. Isn't this a little strange? But there is a lot of research about what happens if the microwave door is not closed. Once again, common sense tells us that their attention should be paid to what happens to food cooked in a microwave oven. We can only guess how molecular rot from the microwave will affect your health in the future!
Microwave carcinogens
In an Earthletter article in March and September 1991, Dr. Lita Lee gives some facts about the operation of microwave ovens. In particular, she stated that all microwave ovens leak electromagnetic radiation, and also degrade the quality of food, converting its substances into toxic and carcinogenic compounds. The summary of research summarized in this article shows that microwave ovens are much more harmful than previously thought.
Below is a summary Russian studies published by the Atlantis Raising Educational Center in Portland, Oregon. They say that carcinogens were formed in almost all food products exposed to microwave irradiation. Here is a summary of some of these results:
Cooking meat in a microwave oven creates the known carcinogen Nitrosodienthanolamines.
Some of the amino acids found in milk and grain products have been transformed into carcinogens.
Defrosting some frozen fruits converts glucoside to galactoside into carcinogenic substances.
Even a short exposure of fresh, cooked or frozen vegetables to microwaves converts alkaloids into carcinogens.
Carcinogenic free radicals were formed by exposure to plant foods, especially root vegetables. Their nutritional value was also reduced.
Russian scientists also discovered a decrease in the nutritional value of food when exposed to microwaves from 60 to 90%!

Consequences of exposure to carcinogens
Creation of cancer agents in protein compounds - hydrolysate. In milk and cereals, these are natural proteins that, under the influence of the microwave, break down and mix with water molecules, creating carcinogenic formations.
Changes in elementary nutrients result in disorders in the digestive system caused by metabolic disorders.

Due to chemical changes in foods, shifts in the lymphatic system have been noticed, leading to degeneration of the immune system.
The absorption of irradiated food leads to an increase in the percentage of cancer cells in the blood serum.
Defrosting and heating vegetables and fruits leads to the oxidation of the alcoholic compounds they contain.
Exposure of raw vegetables, especially root vegetables, to microwaves promotes the formation of free radicals in mineral compounds that cause cancer.
As a result of eating foods cooked in a microwave oven, there is a predisposition to the development of cancer of intestinal tissues, as well as general degeneration of peripheral tissues with the gradual destruction of the functions of the digestive system.
Direct proximity to a microwave oven. According to Russian scientists, it causes the following problems:
Deformation of the composition of the blood and lymphatic areas;

Degeneration and destabilization of the internal potential of cell membranes;
Disturbance of electrical nerve impulses in the brain;
Degeneration and decay of nerve endings and loss of energy in the area of ​​nerve centers both in the anterior and posterior central and autonomic nervous systems;
In the long term, the cumulative loss of vital energy, animals and plants that are within a radius of 500 meters from the equipment.

Whether or not to cook food in the microwave is something everyone decides for themselves. A microwave oven significantly reduces the time of cooking, heating and defrosting food, which is important in our lives today. One way or another, many of us will cook or eat food cooked in a microwave oven. Perhaps there will be useful tips and recipes for cooking in the microwave.

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Is a microwave oven dangerous to human health: truth or myth?

When microwave ovens first appeared, they were jokingly called a bachelor's appliance. If you follow this statement, then it is true for the first generation of kitchen appliances. However, nowadays, microwave ovens are equipped with a number of functions and unique features who deserve respect. It is very easy to control the device using a processor that works in accordance with the set parameters. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this technique in order to make sure what effect it has on the human body.

Physical performance characteristics

Over the course of several recent years, you can observe a certain boom in microwave ovens. The harm of a microwave oven is not a myth, but a strict reality, which has been proven by doctors and scientists. This opinion is supported by materials whose scientific evidence confirms Negative influence microwave on the human body. Many years of scientific research into radiation from microwave ovens have established the level of harmful effects on human health.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to the rules technical means security or TSO. Protective measures will help reduce the power of the pathogenic influence of microwave radiation. If you do not have the opportunity to provide optimal protection when using a microwave to prepare food, you are guaranteed harmful effects on the body. It is very important to know the basics of TSO and apply them when working in a microwave oven.

If we recall the basic physics course in the school curriculum, we can establish that the heating effect is possible due to the operation of microwave radiation on food. Whether you can eat such food or not is a rather difficult question. The only thing that can be said is that such food is of no benefit to the human body. For example, if you cook baked apples in a microwave oven, they will not bring any benefit. Baked apples are exposed to electromagnetic radiation, which operates in a certain microwave range.

The radiation source of microwave ovens is a magnetron.

The microwave radiation frequency can be considered to be in the range of 2450 GHz. The electrical component of such radiation is the effect on the dipole molecule of substances. As for a dipole, it is a kind of molecule that has opposite charges at different ends. The electromagnetic field is capable of rotating this dipole one hundred and eighty degrees in one second at least 5.9 billion times. This speed is not a myth, so it causes friction of molecules, as well as subsequent heating.

Microwave radiation can penetrate to a depth of less than three centimeters; subsequent heating occurs through heat transfer from the outer layer to the inner one. The brightest dipole is considered to be a water molecule, so food that contains liquid heats up much faster. Molecule vegetable oil is not a dipole, so they should not be heated in a microwave oven.

The wavelength of microwave radiation is about twelve centimeters. Such waves are located between infrared and radio waves, so they have similar functions and properties.

Microwave danger

The human body is capable of being exposed to a wide variety of radiation, so a microwave oven is no exception. You can argue for a long time about whether such food is beneficial or not. Despite the enormous popularity of this kitchen appliance, harm from a microwave oven is not a fiction or a myth, so you should listen to the advice on TSO, and, if possible, refuse to work with this stove. During use, you need to monitor the status of the indicator.

If you do not have the opportunity to protect your body from harmful energy, you can use high-quality protection, the basics of TSO, to protect your own health.

First, you need to find out the risk that microwave oven radiation may pose. Many nutritionists, doctors and physicists are engaged in restless debate regarding food prepared in this way. Ordinary baked apples will not bring any benefit, since they are exposed to harmful microwave energy.

That is why every person should become familiar with the possible negative health effects. The greatest harm to health from microwaves comes in the form of electromagnetic radiation that comes from the oven when it is running.

Negative for the human body side effect deformation may occur, as well as rearrangement and collapse of molecules, the formation of radiological compounds. In simple words, there is irreparable damage to the health and general condition of the human body, since non-existent compounds are formed that are affected by ultrahigh frequencies. In addition, you can observe the process of ionization of water, which transforms its structure.

According to some studies, such water is very harmful to the human body and all living things, as it becomes dead. For example, when watering a living plant with such water, it will simply die within a week!

This is why all products (even baked apples) that are heat-treated in the microwave become dead. According to this information, we can summarize briefly that food from the microwave has an adverse effect on the health and condition of the human body.

However, there is no precise evidence that can confirm this hypothesis. According to physicists, the wavelength is very short, so it cannot cause ionization, but only heating. If the door opens and the protection does not work, which turns off the magnetron, then the human body experiences the impact of the generator, which guarantees harm to health, as well as a burn. internal organs, as the tissue is destroyed, it experiences serious stress.

To protect yourself, protection must be at the highest level, so it is important to adhere to the TCO base. Do not forget that there are absorbing objects for these waves, and the human body is no exception.

Effect on the human body

According to studies of microwave rays, the moment they hit a surface, the tissue of the human body absorbs energy, which causes heating. As a result of thermoregulation, blood circulation increases. If the irradiation was general, then there is no possibility of instant heat removal.

Blood circulation has a cooling effect, so those tissues and organs that are depleted of blood vessels suffer the most. Basically, clouding occurs, as well as destruction of the lens of the eye. Such changes are irreversible.

The tissue that contains the greatest absorption capacity is a large number of liquids:

  • blood;
  • intestines;
  • gastric mucosa;
  • lens of the eye;
  • lymph.

As a result, the following happens:

  • the efficiency of the exchange and adaptation process decreases;
  • the thyroid gland and blood are transformed;
  • the mental sphere changes. Over the years, there have been cases where the use of microwaves causes depression and suicidal tendencies.

How long does it take for the first symptoms of a negative impact to appear? There is a version according to which all the signs accumulate for quite a long time.

They may not appear for many years. Then comes critical moment when the indicator general condition loses ground and appears:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • apathy, stress;
  • heart pain;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue and much more.

So, if you do not follow all the rules of the TCO database, the consequences can be extremely sad and irreversible. It is difficult to answer the question of how long or years it takes for the first symptoms to appear, since it all depends on the microwave model, manufacturer, and the person’s condition.

Protection measures

According to TCO, the impact of a microwave depends on many nuances, most often these are:

  • wavelength;
  • duration of exposure;
  • use of specific protection;
  • types of rays;
  • intensity and distance from the source;
  • external and internal factors.

In accordance with TSO, you can defend yourself using several methods, namely individual and general. TCO measures:

  • change the direction of the rays;
  • reduce the duration of exposure;
  • remote control;
  • indicator status;
  • Protective shielding has been used for several years.

If it is not possible to follow TSO, you can guarantee that the condition will worsen in the future. TCO options are based on the functions of the furnace - reflection, as well as absorption capabilities. If there are no protective measures, it is necessary to use special materials that can repel the adverse effect. Such materials include:

  • multilayer bags;
  • shungite;
  • metallized mesh;
  • workwear made of metallized fabric - an apron and potholder, a cape equipped with glasses and a hood.

If you use this method, then there is no reason to worry for many years.

Apples in the microwave

Everyone knows that baked fruits and vegetables are very nutritious and healthy, baked apples are no exception. Baked apples- This is the most popular and delicious dessert, which is prepared not only in the oven, but also in the microwave. However, few people think that fruits baked in the microwave can be harmful.

Baked apples contain many vitamins and nutrients, giving them a more tender and juicy texture. Baked fruits are not harmful, so it is important to choose the cooking method. As it became known, baked apples in the microwave do not cause harm, since they do not ionize.

In simple words, baked apples are a very tasty, valuable food that can be cooked in a microwave oven without harm to health. If you do not follow the operating rules and neglect the indicator, you can harm your condition. Baked apples are very easy to prepare because the microwave reduces the cooking time. The indicator on the display is responsible for all other functions, so it is important to keep an eye on it.

It is important! If the indicator malfunctions, it cannot be repaired. The indicator is a special LED light bulb. That is why, thanks to the indicator, you can find out about the health of the device.

Answering the question whether microwave ovens are harmful - myth or reality, we can say for sure that this is not a myth. By following the suggested recommendations and operating rules, you will protect yourself from negative influences.