Shower      03/29/2019

Projects of beautiful cottages with a garage. Projects of private houses and cottages with a garage

Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand among developers. After all, imagine life modern man Without a car, and even living outside the city, it’s simply not possible. That is why the presence of a garage in a house project is important factor at the time of buying. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But a garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate

The house and garage are planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. There is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is located from the kitchen or hallway. There is another positive point in this arrangement: if you brought, say, groceries from the store, then transferring them directly to the kitchen is very convenient.

Projects of houses with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that a garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m2. In this case, it is advisable to maintain all the distances recommended by experts: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, on the left and right - 70 cm, at the back you can limit it to 20 cm. Usually the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then on the right side of the garage you can place racks with tools and car parts. The standard width of the gate is 2.5 m. The height is designed so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be comfortable, the room must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide convenient access to the shelving and think not only about electric, but also about natural lighting. It would be nice to provide a sufficient number of sockets into which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on power tools, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care in advance to install an outlet designed for three-phase current.

By the way, a heater may not be needed if you plan to heat the garage. Moreover, connect it to common system Heating a house is quite simple. And, in addition, in the garage you can set up an additional workshop or storage room for equipment.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a house project with a garage designed for two cars. This choice will allow you to solve your car parking problems once and for all and save you from searching suitable place under the garage for a second car.

As a classic of Russian literature once argued: the housing issue spoiled Muscovites and it turned out to be wrong. The housing problem has plagued not only residents of the capital, but everyone in general. A roof over your head is something a person cannot do without. In our Fatherland, every person strives to acquire his own apartment or his own house, rightly believing that living on rented apartment extremely short-sighted, since you have to pay for it practically the same as for a mortgage.

At the same time, having paid for a mortgage for 10-15 years, a person receives ownership of 2-3 rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom and a peaceful old age in the future, and after living for 15 years in a rented apartment, he simply loses these fifteen years.

Having your own apartment is, of course, good, but not everyone likes living in a concrete box, especially if this life takes place in a large metropolis.

Therefore, every year the number of people seeking to move to permanent place residence in the suburbs. Buy six hundred square meters of land there and build own house with a garage, a bathhouse and other delights of rural life with city amenities.

Legalize the future garage

Of course, this has its problems. No one will allow you to build something just because you saw a photo of a house with a garage on the Internet and you wanted to have one. The tricksters who still succeed are periodically forced to demolish their illegal buildings. In order not to fall under the skating rink of justice, it is necessary, first of all, to legalize the construction.

Legalizing such construction means obtaining permission from local authorities. It can only be issued to the owner land plot, on which he (the owner) is going to build a house with an attic and a garage.

Moreover, the documents you receive must clearly state that in addition to a house with an attic, you are also going to build a garage. It is better to discuss all these nuances in advance so as not to return to them every time you want to build some kind of extension next to the house.

Country house options

The simplest and cheapest option country house is a wooden building. It holds heat well, is environmentally friendly and, as a result, does not have any harmful effects on human health.

But if you want to build housing for several generations of your family, then it is still better to build it from brick. A brick house will last for hundreds of years and, importantly, it will never burn down, that is, it is practically not afraid of fires.

Before starting construction, you need to develop a project for the future building or simply look for something suitable on the Internet, for example, study the designs of houses with a garage and choose the one that suits you.

In general, this approach to construction is the most rational, since it saves time and money. After all, not every one of us is able to create own project, therefore, it will still have to be ordered by someone.

The person you order it from will do just that, find the project on the Internet and sell it to you as his own. Of course, there is always a chance that you will run into an honest person, and he will conscientiously work off the money he received from you. When choosing a project for your future home, you need to decide on the location of the future storage location for your car.

Garage placement

It can be placed in the basement or basement under living spaces. It can be attached directly to the house on the same foundation. However, if the area of ​​the land allows, it is best to build a box for the car a little to the side. This placement of this building has undeniable advantages and will cost no more, and maybe even cheaper than the first two options.

As a rule, even wealthy people are strapped for cash and are forced to count every ruble, so when they talk about suburban housing, they mean a one-story house with a garage built slightly away from the main building. The fact is that building them on the same foundation as the house or, for example, in ground floor, of course, tempting, but also somewhat fraught.

House and garage on the same foundation

If you are making a foundation brick house, then it must be powerful enough to withstand the load of a large building. At the same time, a garage is a relatively small room, the height of which rarely exceeds two meters.

The thickness of the garage walls is also practically half the thickness of the walls of the main building. It follows from this that the load on the same foundation in its different parts will not be uniform, which means that a crack may form over time at the junction of the house and the garage.

Of course, you can do without a crack if you combine them with a common reinforced belt; in this case, the difference in loads on the foundation has a noticeably smaller effect and in no way affects the appearance of the house.

Installing an armored belt is quite a labor-intensive task, but this is not its only drawback. Since they will be connected by a common wall, it is very likely that the living space will constantly smell like a garage.

This nuisance can also be eliminated if done between the living space and the garage double doors. The most reliable way to avoid the penetration of odors from the garage into the living space is to arrange another ventilated room between them, for example, a boiler room.

In general, such a house layout is completely justified if a reliable ventilation system is installed in it, which can be either natural or forced.

Garage on the ground floor

Good ventilation won’t hurt in any case, because in addition to the attached garage, there will probably also be a bathroom inside the house, so why not put it on the same foundation as the house.

The second option for a garage located in the basement also has a right to exist. However, perhaps its only advantage is that the car, standing practically under your nose, will always be at hand.

Such a project has many more disadvantages than advantages. The very first of them is price. It will be quite expensive both in terms of money and labor costs. There are other equally significant disadvantages to the idea of ​​keeping your car in the basement.

The first of them, so to speak: environmental - fumes from fuels and lubricants will inevitably reach the upper floors.

Life in such conditions will become uncomfortable and will lose all the charm of living in the countryside. Any bad weather, rain, for example, will lead to flooding, and it will be very difficult to avoid this.

However, numerous projects two-story houses with a garage on the ground floor indicate that this idea is very popular among the people. This is understandable, since in this case you will have not just a roof over your head, but the roof of a house with a garage.

Garage at the side of the house

To be fair, it must be said that the projects one-story houses with a garage are no less popular. Especially in cases where the garage is not located under the same roof as the house, but is placed a little further away.

The fact is that when you combine a house and a garage into one whole, this whole should look like this, that is, both buildings should be brick.

If the place where the car is stored is located to the side, then it can be made of either wood or metal, and this gives the owner free hands and allows for significant savings.

A metal structure will be much cheaper than a brick structure. The same can be said about a wooden garage, which has both its disadvantages and whole line benefits.

Among the disadvantages of a wooden garage, the main one is that it is built from flammable material. As for the advantages, there are a lot of them. The main one is the low price. Wooden garage in a private home - this is the best option for middle-income Russians.

Photos of houses with a garage

The presence of a car determines certain features of the layout of the local area - here it is important to think about the location of not only the main home, but also the garage. Of course, it is advisable to equip the technical room separate building so as not to create any inconvenience for household members. But what to do if the plot is small and several buildings simply cannot be placed on it? The best option– a garage under the same roof as the house. After looking at photos of similar complexes, you will be convinced that this idea can have several different implementations at once. Next, we will look at the features of projects of one-story and two-story buildings with a garage box and learn how to properly combine such different objects under one roof.

Advantages of a house with a garage

Still can’t decide whether the option of a combined house and garage is suitable for your particular case? Perhaps the benefits of such a combination will speed up your thinking:

  • Reduced construction costs - you will build not two separate objects, but one complex structure, which will make it possible to save on materials.
  • Ease of use - daily use of the garage under common roof it is much more comfortable with a house than with a separate building, since thanks to the unification, the need to regularly go outside to get to the car disappears. This advantage is especially important in the cold season.

A house with a garage is very convenient for small areas

  • Saving space - the construction of a combined complex allows for rational use of the site area.
  • Increasing the functionality of the garage - during the design process, you can think through the layout so that the garage room not only fulfills its direct function, but also serves as a utility room.

If all of the above advantages have convinced you of the need to build a house with a garage, let’s begin to study the features of the projects. Let's start with the options for the location of the technical room.

Garage placement

When developing a project for a house with a garage under a common roof, it is important to think in detail about the location of the two objects relative to each other. And if everything is clear and clear with the main building, then there are three options for placing a car box:

  1. Underground - the garage is installed directly under residential building: on the ground floor or in the basement. This option makes it possible to significantly reduce the overall height of the building and reduce the amount of work with soil. The underground method of locating a garage is very convenient in areas with a natural slope of the terrain.
  2. Aboveground lower - technical box is placed at the base of the main building, and all living quarters are built above it. This option increases the height of the house, but allows you to leave the space around it unaffected.
  3. Ground side - the garage is located to the right or left of the residential building. This option is convenient because the technical box can be added both during the construction of the main building and after.

Project of a house with an underground garage

One-story house with garage

Among all the projects of houses with a garage under a common roof, the most popular are those options that feature a one-story building. And this is not surprising, because such a complex has two distinctive advantages:

  • simplicity of project implementation - there is no need to arrange staircases and floors;
  • low weight of the building - makes it possible to limit ourselves to a lightweight version of the foundation.

Since the house is one-story, all rooms must be placed on the same level - here it is important to avoid the proximity of bedrooms and children's rooms to the garage. The best option- place between living rooms and technical box, bathroom and kitchen.

Advice. It is not necessary that the garage is closely adjacent to the house - you can make a small transition between them, turning it into a workshop, furnace or storage room.

As for the roof, most often the house and garage are combined under a common gable roof- This is the cheapest option. But if you're interested original solutions, you can make a broken roof structure: above the house - pitched roof, above the technical box – flat. In the second case, it is necessary to provide in the project a high-quality drainage system in the roofing pie area.

One-story house with garage

Two-story house with garage

On a small plot of land it is very difficult to build a house that can comfortably accommodate a large family. Perhaps the only real chance to acquire comfortable housing in this case is a two-story house.

There are various layout designs for multi-level complexes with a garage. The most common scheme: car box - on the ground floor; service premises, including a bathroom, furnace and kitchen, as well as a living room - on the ground floor; children's rooms, bedrooms, office - on the second floor. All levels are connected by stairs: straight marching, spiral, bolt, etc.

Very often the base is made wider - this allows you to build a terrace on an additional area above the garage. The latter, in turn, can be made both open and closed. The benefit of such a project is that the terrace will distract attention from the technical box and give the house some charm and lightness.

Two-story house with garage

Another popular project is an elongated house with a garage at the end of the building. This technique will make it easier for cars to leave and enter, since the gate of the box will go directly onto the street. Therefore, it is rational to make two entrances to the home - from the yard and from the garage. Next door to the box you can place a bathroom, pantry and kitchen, and on the second floor - all the living rooms.

General features of designing a house with a garage

Despite the existence of completely diverse options for houses with a garage, the success of their implementation always directly depends on the same factor - on how thoroughly the construction work is thought out. Therefore, no matter what configuration of the complex you choose, it is important to know about general features design of integrated buildings.

Firstly, it is necessary that all solutions included in the project strictly meet sanitary and fire safety standards, otherwise there can be no question of the safety and comfort of using the house and garage.

Keep in mind that it is not advisable to locate living rooms next to the garage

Secondly, most projects involve a common foundation for the house and the car garage, so it is advisable to build both buildings at the same time: if you build the main building first, and only then proceed to the garage, the foundation under the house will have time to sink and the foundation of the entire building will turn out to be at different levels.

Advice. If your project assumes that the garage is located on the side of the main building after its construction, it is extremely important to maintain the connection of the walls.

Thirdly, the project must provide for a powerful ventilation system - if it is not there, everything unpleasant odors, smoke, oil and gasoline particles will enter the residential part of the house.

Fourthly, do not forget about waterproofing - include measures for arranging drainage in your plan to ensure optimal humidity conditions in the box.

A house with a garage under a common roof is an example of maximum rational use land area. But in order for the complex to be not only ergonomic, but also safe and comfortable, it is important not to forget about all the above-mentioned features of combining objects - only in this case can you count on the successful implementation of the chosen project.

Projects of houses with a garage: video

House with garage: photo

As statistics show, today more and more more people want to move from busy cities with polluted air to their own Vacation home. Fresh air, solitude with nature, absence noisy neighbors, the presence of a bathhouse on the site is only a small part of the advantages of a private house. Of course, living outside the city, having a car is a vital need for a person, so there should also be a garage for a car. Detached garages have long gone out of fashion various reasons, some say that this is not practical, others claim that they violate the aesthetic appearance of the site. An excellent solution is to build a garage adjacent to the house. In this article, we invite you to consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof, which are in perfect harmony with each other and it is quite possible that you would want to see something from what you saw on your site.

Advantages of house projects with a garage under one roof

Let's take a closer look at all the advantages of the joint construction of a house and a garage, we will try to determine all the advantages or identify the disadvantages of this neighborhood.

If the garage is attached to the house, you can get into your car without any problems in any bad weather. To do this, buildings only need to have a common door, which it is advisable to provide for at the design stage.

A house with an attached garage is always practical and convenient

The roof of an attached garage can also be used rationally by placing an open terrace or an upper extension on it, which can be used as a workshop or personal account, where you can retire and spend quality time.

Accommodation open terrace above the garage will fit perfectly into the overall interior

Rational use of any space will allow you to solve the problem of free space on the site

Of course, every car owner thinks that he himself knows how and where best to arrange his garage. Despite this, it is still sometimes worth listening to the opinions of experienced experts in the field of architecture and design. Their opinions and advice may help you avoid ridiculous mistakes, which are often impossible to correct.

The attached garage is an integral part of the house.

The joint construction of a house and a garage is an excellent solution from a practical and aesthetic point of view. A huge number of advantages, as well as a large number of positive reviews about such projects makes it possible to believe that a detached garage will quickly lose its relevance.

A garage attached to the house, decorated in the same interior, will always look expensive and attractive

The choice of one type of roof is a priority condition for designing houses with a garage under one roof. This way the structure will look like one common whole.

Manufacturing garage doors one color scheme with a roof will emphasize their overall style

Projects of two-story houses with a garage under one roof are very popular

A garage with a second floor is an excellent solution

Projects that have a garage and a house under one roof do not exclude the possibility of arranging a living space above the garage. Such houses have found wide application abroad. For some time now they have been popular in Russia.

The thing is that you don't see it there very often a private house with a large plot of land, so they know how to rationally use every meter of usable area very well.

Living space above the garage - perfect solution increase the total area of ​​the house without losing precious meters on the land plot

A two-story house with two garages underneath could easily be used for two families

When considering finished projects, it is necessary to take into account the fundamental principles of such housing construction:

  • A carefully planned air ventilation system is very important. It must be designed in such a way that carbon monoxide your car could not get into the house;
  • The garage must be functional and have enough free space for convenient use for its intended purpose.

A wide and spacious garage will allow you to place many other useful things

Make efficient use of available space. You can place a large number of objects on the wall, ranging from gardening tools, ending with a bicycle.

Each wall of the garage is a usable area. All you have to do is learn how to use it correctly

Following these principles will allow you to plan everything correctly and practically. After all, mistakes made during design can reduce all your expectations to nothing.

Garage placement options

Garage and house under one roof do not imply the mandatory use of one common wall. The garage can be located at a direct distance from the house, and they can be connected by a so-called passage gallery.

A one-story house with a garage united by a passage gallery takes up much more space on the site

Beautiful one-story house with a garage

Access to the garage

Another important point is good entrance to the car garage. Try to choose a project where entrance gate will be located as close to the road as possible. This will save space in your backyard.

After all, if you move it deeper, it will no longer be possible to use the space for access to it; it must be concreted or laid.

The access path to the garage is an integral part of it

Well-designed projects make it possible to practically place a building with a garage under one roof, even on a plot with small area. In this case, the functionality of the garage will not be impaired in any way.

A double garage under the same roof as the house fits quite well on a small plot

The remaining space near the garage can be sown with lawn. He will definitely give appearance site elegance and attractiveness. In addition, it will always be pleasant to spend your free time in such a place.

  • When choosing a project, it is better to pay attention to the one that provides a full-fledged garage with a large area;
  • It is desirable to have a vestibule between the garage and the house. It will help avoid unnecessary heat loss during the winter;
  • The presence of good quality is a prerequisite for design;
  • Projects of houses with a garage under one roof should only be considered those that can be placed on your site without violating established urban planning standards;
  • You should not distinguish the garage space with other colors from the general style of the house. Its façade and roof must be made of the same building material as the house itself.

Classic example good project garage under one roof with the house

Great combination coffee tree and natural stone

It is advisable to plan the location of the garage, like the house itself, on a hill, this will protect the building from water getting inside during heavy rains. The device will also not be superfluous.

Good projects always include reliable protection from flooding during rains

We have selected a couple more for you finished projects which you can view directly on our website:

Don't make hasty decisions. Think carefully about every little detail in your project. This is the only way you will get exactly the home you have dreamed of all your life.

The popularity of hotels located in suburban villages is increasing every year. The construction of such settlements is carried out both by construction organizations and on an individual basis. A finished or original project of a house with a garage, as it is implemented, will help solve at least two problems at once. Along with comfortable housing, the owner receives space for a vehicle.

The idea of ​​combining a house and a garage is very successful and allows you to use it in the best possible way. A built-in technical room has a number of advantages over a free-standing structure. Firstly, the costs of its construction are much lower. Secondly, the garage, which is part of the house, is convenient for everyday use, especially in the cold season. There is no need to go outside to get to the car.

A variety of designs for houses with an attic and a garage are offered by architectural bureaus and other specialized organizations. The main advantage of such housing is the fullest use of the entire internal space of the building. With relatively small external dimensions, houses of this layout have everything you need. There are a great variety of options for locating residential and office premises.

Project of a house with a garage and an attic in the chalet style

The garage box can be placed in a space located along one of the walls of the cottage under the same roof as it. Another option: the technical room can serve as the basis for living rooms attic floor. Common to all such projects is the distribution of premises into levels according to their functions.

First floor plan of a house with garage and attic

On the ground floor there is usually a kitchen, dining room, living room, and toilet; on the second floor there are bedrooms and bathrooms.

Attic floor plan

Single-level residential buildings with garage boxes

Ready-made projects of one-story houses with a garage are extremely popular among the population of our country. Their main advantage: ease of implementation and, as a result, relatively low cost. One-story buildings have less weight, which helps reduce the load on the foundation and soil. This circumstance makes it possible to make do with bases that are lightened to a certain level.

When all rooms are located on the same level, there is no need for expensive staircases. As a result, the entire usable area of ​​the house can be used more efficiently. The layout of premises for various purposes is developed in such a way that kitchens and bathrooms are located between the living rooms and the garage. This approach minimizes Negative influence from the neighborhood with a garage box.

An example of the layout and location of premises in one-story house with garage

Multi-level houses with a garage: design options

Limited sizes land plots It is not always possible to place housing whose area would be sufficient to comfortably accommodate the whole family. A variety of designs for two-story houses with a garage are an excellent opportunity to solve this problem. While maintaining the external dimensions of the building, its internal space is at least doubled.

There are different layout schemes for multi-level buildings. For the most part, they relate primarily to the location of the garage box. Logic dictates the need to place technical rooms on the lower floors of houses. Built-in garages can be located either at ground level or below it in the basement. Such projects are extremely popular among the population and provide an opportunity to build decent housing on a small site.

Two-level houses with a garage in the basement are one of the most popular options.

Box and service premises: boiler room, kitchen, bathroom, and living room serve as the basis for the bedrooms, children's and bathrooms located above.

Example standard layout houses with a garage in the basement

The movement of people between levels is carried out by. There are many options here: from simple straight flights installed in separate rooms to original screw structures.

There are many architectural solutions implemented in . As an option: a covered terrace can be located on the garage box, which is used in the warm season. The open architectural element gives the house a certain charm and makes it light and airy. The terrace area is used mainly for relaxing, eating and drinking tea.

Read also

Projects of aerated concrete houses with an attic

Project two-story house with a garage and a terrace located above it

Specialized bureaus offer ready-made projects and also develop individual projects. Usually, during preliminary negotiations, the client is shown standard designs that are most suitable in terms of characteristics to the customer’s requirements. Serious organizations have dozens and even hundreds of ready-made projects, which, for convenience, are compiled into catalogs or collections with sonorous names.

In multi-level residential buildings, garage boxes can be located below ground level in the basement.

The construction of such houses is usually carried out in order to make the most of the allocated area with restrictions on the overall height. Project of a separate dwelling with a garage located in basement, fits perfectly into the complex terrain of the site, for example, on a hillside.

Project of a house with a garage in the basement, located on a slope

Particular attention during the process construction work it is necessary to pay attention to waterproofing. The project includes a set of measures aimed at creating drainage system and applying coatings to walls that prevent moisture penetration. In recessed garage spaces, it is necessary to provide an effective ventilation system. Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity conditions is necessary to ensure the safety of the car.

Specifics of houses equipped with a garage made of different materials

Construction technologies involve the use of materials with different properties and characteristics. One of the most affordable and therefore attractive for the client are wooden houses with a garage made of profiled timber or rounded logs. Lumber natural humidity create in interior spaces a special microclimate that promotes the preservation and maintenance of health.

Many companies offer services for the construction of wooden houses. When choosing a contractor, preference is given to those enterprises that have their own modern production facilities. with built-in garage boxes can be either standard or developed in accordance with the wishes of the customer. Construction material allows the construction of a single-level or multi-storey comfortable dwelling.

Example of a two-story project wooden house with garage

Original designs of houses with a garage made of solid or laminated timber are varied in architectural solutions. The choice can be made from a number of ready-made designs or you can order an individual design. In this case, the terms of reference are formed based on the wishes of the customer and taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

It has a number of features. Manufacturing complete set parts are produced at a woodworking plant. Modern high-precision equipment allows us to produce elements with necessary tolerances. In parallel with the production of the assembly kit, the preparation of the base is carried out: strip or slab. The assembly process on a finished foundation takes little time.

Another option for using wood in individual housing construction: . This technology has long been successfully used in developed countries Scandinavia, North America and Europe. Projects in Russia frame houses with a garage are becoming increasingly popular. The explanation is simple: in comparison with other construction methods, this is the most inexpensive.

The frame structure is supplied as an industrial assembly kit. The low weight of such buildings allows the use of lightweight, and therefore inexpensive, foundations. Columnar and pile-grillage foundations are widely used. The supporting frames are made of rectangular timber of different sections and are reinforced with steel plates at the joints. carried out with mineral fiber mats or polystyrene foam.

In addition to wood, traditional and innovative materials are used in the construction of private houses. We are talking about bricks and blocks produced different ways. One- and two-story houses with a garage made of foam blocks have proven themselves excellent in our country, especially in the northern latitudes. Energy saving in such buildings is taken to a whole new level.

Project of a two-story house with a garage made of foam blocks

The material has sufficient strength combined with a relatively low specific gravity. Foam block is used for the construction load-bearing walls and partitions of both one- and two-level houses. At the same time, the maximum load on the foundations of such buildings is much lower. There is an opportunity to save materials and overall reduce financial and labor costs during construction.

Projects brick houses and cottages with a garage can be classified as classic. Due to the nature of the technology and high costs manual labor Such buildings turn out to be quite expensive. Architectural bureaus and other similar organizations offer this material and develop custom documentation. This process is quite complicated, but the use of special software allows it to be intensified.