Toilet      04/03/2019

How to grow a coffee tree at home. Coffee tree propagation and care at home

Lovers indoor plants They started growing coffee trees at home a long time ago. These trees are very beautiful, and the aroma of the flowers is simply unforgettable. You can even enjoy coffee brewed from fruits that you have grown yourself. And you can get 300-500 grams of such fruits per year. Of course, you can’t drink a lot of coffee, but still.

The Arabica variety or specially bred dwarf varieties are suitable for growing a coffee tree at home. The Rabusta variety is too tall and also requires cross-pollination to produce fruit.

The domestic coffee tree grows up to 1.5 meters in height. But there are “lucky ones” whose tree grew more than 4 meters, which in an apartment presents some problems. But this can be easily fixed. You can regulate the growth of your coffee tree at home by pruning it to the required size.

Caring for a homemade coffee tree does not require much effort. It is much more difficult to grow it from a seed or cutting. Less commonly, grafting is used for propagation. Coffee trees grown different ways, have different characteristics.

Propagation by seeds

Soil preparation:

Before planting a coffee tree at home, the soil should sit for about 2 weeks. The soil should be loose, the reaction should be slightly acidic. The optimal composition for planting seeds: turf land - 2 parts, sand - 1 part, peat - 1 part. It is recommended to steam or bake the earth in the oven.

Germination temperature:

The optimal temperature for seed germination is considered to be 19-24 degrees. You need to choose the right time for planting or you can arrange a heated greenhouse.

Seed selection:

Fully ripened fruits are suitable for planting. They can be picked directly from the coffee tree. Grains with two “beans” are preferred. Coffee beans lose their ability to germinate very quickly. Green coffee beans are not suitable for propagation.

Preparing grains:

The grain is peeled from the outer shell to ensure rapid germination. Washed with water. Then it is processed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.


A separate pot is prepared for each grain. The depth of laying the seeds is 1 cm. The grains are laid out with the convex side up. This will make it easier for the sprouts to break through to the surface. After planting, water and cover with a glass jar.

Already after 1-1.5 months, cotyledon leaves should appear, which are protected by the seed coat. Before the leaves are released from the shell, the plant must be in a highly humid environment. Only after complete dropping, you can begin to gradually accustom the plant to the dry air of the room. They begin to remove the jar for a few minutes, gradually increasing this time.

Plant lignification:

At first, unsightly brown spots appear on the green stem of a young tree. The grassy trunk begins to dry out. It can shrink almost twice as much. This can be intimidating for inexperienced coffee growers. Gradually, the spots increase in size and merge with each other. The coffee trunk takes on the appearance of a tree. In the first year after planting, the crown does not form. Only the trunk grows. And only in the second year skeletal branches appear from the lateral axillary buds. To get a more luxuriant crown, these skeletal branches need to be trimmed a little.

Disadvantages of propagation by seeds:

  • A coffee tree begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years.
  • It may not reproduce all the properties of the mother tree.


  • Simple and cheap.
  • There are no problems with crown formation.

Propagation by cuttings

Soil preparation:

Any soil is suitable for propagation by cuttings. But two conditions must be met: the soil must be breathable and retain moisture. A mixture of peat and building material perlite (perlite expanded sand) in a 1:1 ratio is ideal. For these purposes, peat made from sphagnum moss or bog peat is best suited. For better substrate quality, it is recommended to sift the peat with a fine sieve. Perlite is good because it is absolutely neutral and does not require disinfection. The mixture of peat and perlite must be thoroughly mixed and the container into which the cuttings will be planted must be filled. There is no need to compact the substrate when filling the container. It is necessary to pour a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate onto the prepared soil. This stimulates the survival rate of the planted cuttings and disinfects the peat.

Selection of cuttings for propagation:

A branch is selected from the middle part of the crown of a coffee tree that is already bearing fruit. The cuttings should have two pairs of leaves. For propagation, it is better to choose branches from the previous growth. Buds form in them. This promotes faster flowering of future coffee trees.

Preparation of cuttings:

The cutting is cut at a distance of 2.5-3 cm from the lower pair of leaves. Several longitudinal scratches can be made on the lower part of the cutting using a sewing needle. This will help improve root formation. The cuttings should be placed in a heteroauxin solution for 3-4 hours. ¼ tablet dissolves in 1.5 liters of water. This solution stimulates rooting. Only the lower part of the cutting by 0.5-1 cm is immersed in the solution. The second type of rooting stimulation: indolylbutyric acid. A solution is prepared from 25 mg of acid and 0.5 liters of warm water. The cuttings are kept in this solution for 16 hours.


Cuttings should be planted only vertically, digging 2-2.5 cm deep. The cuttings are very carefully inserted into the ground, sinking the cuttings of a pair of lower leaves into it. At the junction of the leaves and the cuttings, additional roots are formed. Therefore, this method of planting gives almost 100% rooting.
After planting, it is recommended to water the soil again with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Rooting should take place in a moist environment. The vessel with the cutting is covered plastic bag with several small holes for air access. By the way, through these holes it will be possible to spray the plant during the rooting period. With this spraying, the leaves are completely moistened. Avoid contact with direct sun rays.

Rooting temperature:

The soil temperature should ideally be +25 - +27 degrees. In general, the higher the soil temperature, the faster rooting occurs. At a temperature of +21 - +23, rooting takes place from February 23 to April 10. And at a temperature of +25 when planting on April 1, rooting ends on May 5. But in pursuit of warmth, you should not overdo it. Temperatures above +32 do not promote root formation.


A sign that rooting has occurred is the awakening of the upper growth bud. After another pair of leaves has formed on top, the plant can be replanted. It should be dug up very carefully, trying not to damage the formed root system. It can be elongated or fibrous. 2-3 taproots can be distinguished. It is recommended to shake off any remaining soil from the roots, but do not rinse the roots.

Substrate for transplantation:

The following mixture is suitable for replanting: turf - 4 parts, peat - 2 parts, river sand - 1 part. You can mix a little wood ash.

Preparing the container:

Suitable for planting coffee trees flower pot with a diameter of 12 cm. A shard is placed at the bottom of the pot with the convex part up. 1 cm of drainage is poured on top. It is good to use coarse sand for this purpose. Then the prepared soil is laid.


The plant is replanted very carefully and sprinkled. After transplantation, abundant watering follows. This allows the soil particles to adhere tightly to the roots, and air voids are also removed. Transplanted plants are placed in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. After a week, the seedlings can be placed in a permanent place.

Disadvantages of propagation by cuttings:

  • You should monitor the formation of the crown

Advantages of propagation by cuttings:

  • The young plant has all the properties of the mother tree.
  • Flowering can occur even during the rooting period.
  • Full fruits can be obtained already in the first year.

Jul 20, 2016 Sergey

The coffee tree is a small heat-loving plant. Coffee flowers are similar to jasmine, but they are more massive. The leaves are dark green, shaped like an ellipse. Ripe fruits are black-blue or red in color (ripe cherries), oblong in shape.

About 50 species of the coffee family are known. Most of the plants in the wild grow in the tropical climate of Africa, America, Asia. Many grow a coffee tree at home. There are several varieties that have adapted to life in temperate climates as houseplants.

What varieties of coffee are best grown at home : description with photos

As an ornamental plant, the most popular are Arabian coffee (arabica), Liberian, and the Nana variety.

Arabian coffee

A compact plant common for growing at home. The leaves are dark, with an olive tint, the shape is elongated. Their surface is glossy inner part- pale. Coffee flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 2 cm in size. The opening of the buds occurs gradually, and they remain fresh for several hours.

Ripe fruits of Arabian coffee are burgundy. In shape, 2 coffee beans in a pair are similar to round beans. The fruits ripen 8 months after the flowers are pollinated.

Variety Nana

Dwarf coffee, the maximum height of which is around 85 cm. The plant blooms very profusely, has a good yield with proper care. The tree can be given different shapes by trimming and pinching the tops.


The leaves are oval, up to 40 cm long. Coffee fruits are red or slightly orange color. The height of the plant can be adjusted by trimming the crown.

On the picture young tree coffee

How to grow a coffee tree from a seed

For growing, ordinary ripe grains bought in a store, or taken from the tree itself, are suitable. The coffee bean has a hard, hard shell that makes it very difficult to grow. Therefore, before growing seeds, they need to be scarified. The shell is destroyed with a solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, or a mechanical incision is made.

The seeds are soaked in a solution that stimulates growth (,). The soil for coffee needs to be soft and loose. It must be prepared 2 weeks before planting.

Place the seed in the substrate flat surface down, deepening by 1 cm. Cover the top of the soil with a transparent film. A pot with planted grain is exposed in a warm place (at a temperature of 20-25 ° C) for faster germination. Direct sunlight should be avoided.

Coffee can emerge from the ground within a month. When the first leaves appear, the plant can be transplanted into deeper pots with a diameter of about 7 cm.

Disadvantages of propagating coffee beans:

  • fruits may appear no earlier than 3-4 years after planting;
  • the properties of the plant may not be transmitted from the mother tree.

To speed up germination, seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant solution

Growing a coffee tree from cuttings

This is a more reliable way to grow coffee than seeds. When taken from cuttings, the plant not only grows faster, but also bears its first fruits. If all planting conditions are correctly observed, then the survival rate of coffee cuttings is almost 100%. The plant can bloom already in the first year after planting, and the size and number of fruits exceed those grown from grains.

For cuttings, shoots of last year's growths in the middle part of the crown, about 8 cm long, are used. They need to be cut obliquely. The cuttings should have 2 pairs of leaves. Before planting, it must be left in solution for several hours. Then sprinkle the lower part of the cutting with charcoal.

Place the plant vertically in the ground. Cover the lower part with leaves halfway with soil. At the end of planting, water the soil with potassium permanganate and cover with polyethylene. Place the pot in a warm place +25-27 o C.

Reference. Periodically, the film must be removed to ventilate the soil.

What care is needed for a coffee tree at home?

If you have no experience growing a coffee tree, you need to turn to reliable sources of information on how to care for the plant at home. Although the crop seems quite finicky, it is not difficult to grow. The main thing is to follow certain rules.

The coffee tree needs good lighting

Placement and lighting

The light should be abundant and diffused. The optimal place for growing is the south, southwest or southeast side of the house. In summer it is better to keep the plant on loggias and terraces. In winter, place the coffee tree away from heat sources (batteries or stoves).

If there is not enough light (especially in winter), you can use an electric lamp as an additional source.

Important. The coffee tree does not respond well to changes in position relative to the incident light, so it is not recommended to rotate it often.

Humidity and temperature

In order for the plant to develop normally, in spring and summer it will be comfortable at a temperature of about +25 o C. In winter, the temperature cannot drop below +15 o C. In the room where coffee grows, the humidity must be increased. For supporting optimal humidity It is recommended to frequently spray the plant with water.


It is better to water the tree according to a schedule. From March to September, watering is carried out every day. In this case, you need to pay attention to whether water remains in the pan. Excess moisture can cause root rot. Melt and rain water are more suitable for irrigation. It should not contain salts, lime, heavy metals, etc.

Water for irrigation should be well settled

During the dormant period (winter), the frequency of watering should be reduced to once a week. This is necessary for the plant to accumulate strength for future fruiting.


Coffee needs to be fed once every 10 days during the growing season and flowering. Fertilizers with nitrogen and potassium are well suited for the plant. Phosphorus is needed for good fruiting. You can buy mineral minerals at a flower shop. liquid fertilizers for azaleas.

A large amount of nitrogen is contained in manure. This is a universal fertilizer for coffee trees. From the second half of autumn until the onset of spring warmth, you can fertilize the crop no more than once every 3 weeks.

Crown formation

But in order for the appearance of the crop to remain well-groomed, it is regularly necessary to trim dry branches, tear off withered leaves. Otherwise, plant growth will deteriorate. For timely flowering, long shoots of coffee should be trimmed in time.

It is necessary to regularly remove dry twigs and leaves from the tree.

After 8-10 years of growth, the coffee tree loses its external decorative effect. The branches weaken from regular fruiting. To rejuvenate the crop, you can cut the crown 10 cm from the ground so that young shoots grow and a new one is formed.

How to transplant correctly

Young plants need constant replanting (it is advisable to do this annually in March-April). As soon as the coffee begins to bear fruit, it should be replanted once every 3-5 years.

Narrow but tall pots are suitable for replanting. Each new container should be no more than 5 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. You can transplant them into larger pots, but this will negatively affect the abundance of flowering and fruiting.

The fruiting plant is replanted using the transshipment method no later than a month after harvesting the fruits. First fill the bottom of the pot with drainage.

Reference. To adapt the crop for some time, it needs to be placed in a dark place and sprayed from time to time.

Young plants need to be replanted regularly


For coffee, slightly acidic soil rich in organic matter and phosphorus is suitable, which allows moisture and air to pass through well. To prepare the substrate yourself, you need to take 2 parts of turf, 1 part of humus, 1 part of acidic peat, 2 parts of sand. For young plants of turf soil you need to take 2 times less. Wood ash can be added to the soil for the coffee tree.

Possible problems during cultivation

If small white spots are found on the leaves, this may indicate infestation with scale insects, sooty fungus, or aphids. To get rid of pests, the plant must be treated soap solution or solution (10 drops per 1 liter of water). In case of severe damage, 7-10 days after the first treatment, the leaves need to be sprayed again. To combat the fungus, use special antifungal agents for houseplants.

When growing coffee, you must follow all recommendations regarding humidity and temperature of the air and soil.

Coffee tree diseases, as a rule, appear when the rules of caring for it are not followed. Therefore, you must constantly carefully inspect the plant for damage.

Flowering and dormancy

With proper care, coffee begins to actively bloom 3-4 years after planting. The plant blooms in early spring. Flowers white shade, smell nice (reminiscent of jasmine). The flowering period of coffee is only a few days.

After some time, small round fruits form. At first they are greenish, and as they ripen they have the color of ripe cherries. The fruit contains a pair of grains. The fruit ripening period is about 8 months.

The dormant period of the coffee tree occurs in winter. Within several months, it is necessary to stop fertilizing the crop and reduce watering. Lowering the indoor air temperature in winter permissible norm– a lot of stress for coffee. This can cause the plant to get sick and die.

Useful properties and toxicity of the plant

The culture is not poisonous, so you can safely keep it in a house where there are children and animals.

Coffee can be grown safely at home because it is not poisonous.

Benefits of coffee:

  • grain drink helps eliminate headache, relieve fatigue;
  • thanks to the enzyme dopamine, improves mood;
  • for asthenia and low blood pressure, a little coffee has a tonic effect;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • coffee charcoal helps with poisoning and removes toxins;
  • ground grains are effectively used in cosmetic products against cellulite, for exfoliating and rejuvenating the skin, etc.

The most active substance in beans is caffeine. Its main effect is to stimulate the functions of the central nervous system, so coffee should not be drunk by people with hypertension, easily excitable people, or children under 12 years of age. Excessive consumption of the drink can lead to addiction, so it is not recommended to drink more than 1-2 cups a day.

The coffee tree is an exotic crop that is accustomed to growing in a hot tropical climate. Therefore, to grow it at home, you must adhere to certain conditions.

We invite you to get acquainted with the intricacies of growing a coffee tree. Enjoy watching!

There are coffee seeds and an irresistible desire to grow a coffee tree at home. How to plant coffee beans? What kind of soil is needed? Optimal conditions germination. The nuances of growing seedlings. In this case, consultation with experienced flower growers and instructions in pictures with a detailed explanation of each stage of growing coffee will be useful.

How to choose and where to buy coffee seeds?

So, if you are planning to buy seeds for planting, you need to know a few nuances about the seed:

  • Coffee seeds lose their viability very quickly. Already a month after the grain was removed from the tree, its germination rate drops by 50%, another half a month and germination rate drops by 90%;
  • It is better to buy seeds from breeders and it is advisable that the grain is surrounded by pulp. Only in this case can you vouch for good germination seed material;
  • germination of coffee tree seeds up to the formation of the first pair of true leaves should be carried out in conditions of high humidity. Otherwise, the dense shell of the grain on the sprout, which has just taken root, will not open and the cotyledons (the first pair of fake leaves) will be damaged. This will negatively affect the development of the plant;
  • if you buy coffee seeds for planting in a store, their packing date should not exceed 1.5 months and at the time of purchasing seed. Only then can we hope for the germination of at least one grain.

Where can I get coffee seeds? The best option is from the owner of the tree, who harvested his plant no more than 1 month ago. Coffee seeds should be stored in pulp. The second option is to buy in an online store where professional seed is sold. The grains must be fresh and unpacked no later than 1.5 months after removal from the tree. But seeds from flower shops must be treated with growth stimulants.

Preparation for planting coffee seeds in the pulp is very simple: the pulp is removed from the grains. The seeds themselves can be soaked in a growth stimulant or aloe juice, or you don’t have to do this, since such seed germinates well. The grains are immersed in the soil by 1.5-2 cm, watered and placed in a greenhouse. It is not recommended to use coffee beans from unripe berries (green berries) for planting coffee beans. They will not germinate, but will simply rot in the ground.

If you buy coffee seeds for planting at a regular flower shop, they will be dry and without pulp. The date of coffee harvesting and packaging is very rarely indicated on the bag of seed material. That is why you need to rely on the integrity of the seller, who will not slip expired goods. But even if the coffee tree seeds in the store are fresh, you need to perform the following manipulations with them before sowing.

So how do you prepare coffee seeds for planting? Preparation takes place in several stages:

  • remove parchment shell, which surrounds the grain. Sclerification increases the percentage of grain germination. You can remove the parchment shell without damaging the grain if you soak the seed for 2 hours in warm water;
  • mandatory treatment with growth stimulants. This could be Zykron, Epin or any other similar drug. Soak for at least 8 hours. If you don’t have growth stimulants on hand, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The solution is prepared with a pale color. Before sowing, coffee beans are also soaked for 8 hours in aloe juice;
  • To process and increase the percentage of germination of coffee beans, it is recommended to soak them in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. For the first 10 minutes, the concentration of the solution should be within 3%. After the above time, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide decreases to 1-0.5%. Coffee beans should remain in this solution for 24 hours before sowing.

High-quality coffee seeds suitable for planting, regardless of variety, will have a white or milky white hue. If the coffee beans are brown or green, they are either damaged by disease, very old, or moldy. They won't germinate.

The photo below shows an example of Arabica Nana coffee seeds.

How to plant coffee beans?

After processing, the coffee tree seeds can be planted. Experts recommend germinating coffee beans in slightly acidic soil, a mixture of vermiculite and sphagnum moss. Some gardeners keep the seed on damp cotton pads until the sprout appears. As practice shows, the latter method is not effective. The explanation is simple: even fresh grains germinate in 40-60 days. In too humid an environment, they can become moldy, which negatively affects germination.

What soil can be used for sowing coffee beans? The seed can be planted in the following soil mixture: turf soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. In such soil the plant will develop until the first picking. A mixture of vermiculite and sphagnum moss is also used. Such a mixture retains moisture for a long time, which is necessary for the successful development of the embryo. However, after germination, the coffee bean is transferred to ordinary soil. Prerequisite: the earth must not be compacted. It should always be loose.

Temperature for germinating coffee beans. Optimal temperature for successful germination of coffee lies within +25...+30 degrees. However, such greenhouse conditions are difficult to create in an ordinary apartment, especially in winter. Experts recommend not lowering the temperature below +21...+25 degrees at home. If the temperature is below +21 degrees, the coffee beans will not germinate.

Humidity. High level Humidity is the key to successfully growing a coffee tree from seeds. That is why a greenhouse is needed.

So, step-by-step instruction about growing coffee from seeds at home with pictures.

You can pre-germinate grains on damp cotton pads in a greenhouse.

1 step. Prepare the greenhouse. This can be a food tray with a transparent lid or a box, which is then covered with transparent plastic wrap. The prepared grain is placed in the ground. How to plant coffee from seeds? The seeds are laid out on the surface of the ground; they can be buried 1-1.5 cm into the ground with the flat side down.

If the seeds are grown not on the surface of the soil, but at a depth of 1-1.5 cm, you should not constantly pick them up and see what’s wrong with them. This way you can damage either the sprout or the root.

Step 2. The grains are sprinkled with soil. The earth is lightly compacted. Once again everything is watered. Important!!! The soil in the greenhouse where coffee is grown from seeds must be constantly moist. In a humid environment, the hard shell softens and it is easier for the sprout to get out. Next, the greenhouse is covered. It is placed in a warm place where the temperature does not drop below +23 degrees. The higher the ambient temperature, the greater the likelihood of coffee seeds germinating.

Subsequent successful cultivation coffee from seeds depends on proper care behind the greenhouse and seedlings. So, the greenhouse must be ventilated, cleaned inner surface condensate. The soil should not be dry. It is recommended to add Epin or Kornevin to the water for irrigation once a week.

When will coffee seeds germinate? Fresh seeds germinate within 40-60 days after planting. Germination from old seeds can be expected up to six months. Sometimes you can observe the coffee tree embryo falling out of the achene. This happens if the seeds are very old or the cotyledons themselves are damaged. In such cases, there is no need to wait for healthy seedlings.

The photo below shows an example of a healthy coffee bean that has already sprouted. Here you can expect a positive result and the development of a healthy plant.

How to germinate coffee seeds?

How does a coffee bean germinate? Initially, the grain produces a root, then it rises above the ground. You can notice that the root of a young plant from healthy seed is strong. Coffee tree seedlings cannot get rid of the bean shell for a long time. It covers the cotyledons or the so-called first pair of pseudoleaflets.

In some cases, coffee seeds produce two roots, therefore, two full-fledged plants will develop from such grain. Caring for such "twins" is no different from caring for ordinary seedlings. The only difference is the early picking of the "twins". Otherwise, they will interfere with each other's development. Such seedlings must be planted carefully, since their root system will be intertwined with each other.

Should you remove the cotyledons from a coffee tree sprout or wait until they open on their own? It is not recommended to remove cotyledons from a coffee sprout yourself, as you can damage the leaves themselves. The latter are responsible for the successful development of a young plant. As practice shows, those seedlings from which flower growers removed the cotyledons and damaged all the leaves developed more slowly than those whose cotyledons opened on their own.

How to remove cotyledons from a coffee sprout? It cannot be done mechanically. Experts recommend increasing the humidity level in the greenhouse where the coffee tree seeds sprouted. In a humid environment, the dense shell will become soft and the coffee leaves will easily be able to free themselves from it. How to increase humidity in a greenhouse. In addition to the usual watering of the soil, it is necessary to carry out regular spraying, up to wetting the dense shell of the cotyledons of the seedlings.

Coffee tree seedlings are kept in a greenhouse until the second pair of true leaves forms. Then the young plant is gradually accustomed to normal air humidity. To do this, open the greenhouse slightly and increase the ventilation time every day. You can completely remove the greenhouse when the leaves of the plant stop withering due to normal air humidity.

Coffee tree shoots need sunlight, and therefore they are placed on windows on the east or west side of the house, but not in direct sunlight. The length of light for a plant should be 12-14 hours. If there is a lack of natural light, artificial lighting is provided.

The comfortable temperature for coffee from seeds at home is +23...+25 degrees. A temperature of about +30 degrees is needed only during seed germination. The soil in the pot where the tree grows must be constantly moist. Picking is carried out at the stage of two pairs of true leaves.

There are coffee seeds and an irresistible desire to grow a coffee tree at home. How to plant coffee beans? What kind of soil is needed? Optimal germination conditions. The nuances of growing seedlings. In this case, consultation with experienced flower growers and instructions in pictures with a detailed explanation of each stage of growing coffee will be useful.

How to choose and where to buy coffee seeds?

So, if you are planning to buy seeds for planting, you need to know a few nuances about the seed:

  • Coffee seeds lose their viability very quickly. Already a month after the grain was removed from the tree, its germination rate drops by 50%, another half a month and germination rate drops by 90%;
  • It is better to buy seeds from breeders and it is advisable that the grain is surrounded by pulp. Only in this case can you guarantee good germination of the seed;
  • germination of coffee tree seeds up to the formation of the first pair of true leaves should be carried out in conditions of high humidity. Otherwise, the dense shell of the grain on the sprout, which has just taken root, will not open and the cotyledons (the first pair of fake leaves) will be damaged. This will negatively affect the development of the plant;
  • if you buy coffee seeds for planting in a store, their packing date should not exceed 1.5 months and at the time of purchasing seed. Only then can we hope for the germination of at least one grain.

Where can I get coffee seeds? The best option is from the owner of the tree, who harvested his plant no more than 1 month ago. Coffee seeds should be stored in pulp. The second option is to buy in an online store where professional seed is sold. The grains must be fresh and unpacked no later than 1.5 months after removal from the tree. But seeds from flower shops must be treated with growth stimulants.

Preparation for planting coffee seeds in the pulp is very simple: the pulp is removed from the grains. The seeds themselves can be soaked in a growth stimulant or aloe juice, or you don’t have to do this, since such seed germinates well. The grains are immersed in the soil by 1.5-2 cm, watered and placed in a greenhouse. It is not recommended to use coffee beans from unripe berries (green berries) for planting coffee beans. They will not germinate, but will simply rot in the ground.

If you buy coffee seeds for planting at a regular flower shop, they will be dry and without pulp. The date of coffee harvesting and packaging is very rarely indicated on the bag of seed material. That is why you need to rely on the integrity of the seller, who will not slip expired goods. But even if the coffee tree seeds in the store are fresh, you need to perform the following manipulations with them before sowing.

So how do you prepare coffee seeds for planting? Preparation takes place in several stages:

  • remove parchment shell, which surrounds the grain. Sclerification increases the percentage of grain germination. You can remove the parchment shell without damaging the grain if you soak the seed for 2 hours in warm water;
  • mandatory treatment with growth stimulants. This could be Zykron, Epin or any other similar drug. Soak for at least 8 hours. If you don’t have growth stimulants on hand, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The solution is prepared with a pale color. Before sowing, coffee beans are also soaked for 8 hours in aloe juice;
  • To process and increase the percentage of germination of coffee beans, it is recommended to soak them in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. For the first 10 minutes, the concentration of the solution should be within 3%. After the above time, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide decreases to 1-0.5%. Coffee beans should remain in this solution for 24 hours before sowing.

High-quality coffee seeds suitable for planting, regardless of variety, will have a white or milky white hue. If the coffee beans are brown or green, they are either damaged by disease, very old, or moldy. They won't germinate.

The photo below shows an example of Arabica Nana coffee seeds.

How to plant coffee beans?

After processing, the coffee tree seeds can be planted. Experts recommend germinating coffee beans in slightly acidic soil, a mixture of vermiculite and sphagnum moss. Some gardeners keep the seed on damp cotton pads until the sprout appears. As practice shows, the latter method is not effective. The explanation is simple: even fresh grains germinate in 40-60 days. In too humid an environment, they can become moldy, which negatively affects germination.

What soil can be used for sowing coffee beans? The seed can be planted in the following soil mixture: turf soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. In such soil the plant will develop until the first picking. A mixture of vermiculite and sphagnum moss is also used. Such a mixture retains moisture for a long time, which is necessary for the successful development of the embryo. However, after germination, the coffee bean is transferred to ordinary soil. Prerequisite: the earth must not be compacted. It should always be loose.

Temperature for germinating coffee beans. The optimal temperature for successful germination of coffee lies within +25...+30 degrees. However, such greenhouse conditions are difficult to create in an ordinary apartment, especially in winter. Experts recommend not lowering the temperature below +21...+25 degrees at home. If the temperature is below +21 degrees, the coffee beans will not germinate.

Humidity. A high level of humidity is the key to successfully growing a coffee tree from seeds. That is why a greenhouse is needed.

So, step-by-step instructions on growing coffee from seeds at home with pictures.

You can pre-germinate grains on damp cotton pads in a greenhouse.

1 step. Prepare the greenhouse. This can be a food tray with a transparent lid or a box, which is then covered with transparent plastic wrap. The prepared grain is placed in the ground. How to plant coffee from seeds? The seeds are laid out on the surface of the ground; they can be buried 1-1.5 cm into the ground with the flat side down.

If the seeds are grown not on the surface of the soil, but at a depth of 1-1.5 cm, you should not constantly pick them up and see what’s wrong with them. This way you can damage either the sprout or the root.

Step 2. The grains are sprinkled with soil. The earth is lightly compacted. Once again everything is watered. Important!!! The soil in the greenhouse where coffee is grown from seeds must be constantly moist. In a humid environment, the hard shell softens and it is easier for the sprout to get out. Next, the greenhouse is covered. It is placed in a warm place where the temperature does not drop below +23 degrees. The higher the ambient temperature, the greater the likelihood of coffee seeds germinating.

Subsequent successful cultivation of coffee from seeds depends on proper care of the greenhouse and seedlings. So, the greenhouse must be ventilated and condensation removed from the inner surface. The soil should not be dry. It is recommended to add Epin or Kornevin to the water for irrigation once a week.

When will coffee seeds germinate? Fresh seeds germinate within 40-60 days after planting. Germination from old seeds can be expected up to six months. Sometimes you can observe the coffee tree embryo falling out of the achene. This happens if the seeds are very old or the cotyledons themselves are damaged. In such cases, there is no need to wait for healthy seedlings.

The photo below shows an example of a healthy coffee bean that has already sprouted. Here you can expect a positive result and the development of a healthy plant.

How to germinate coffee seeds?

How does a coffee bean germinate? Initially, the grain produces a root, then it rises above the ground. You can notice that the root of a young plant from healthy seed is strong. Coffee tree seedlings cannot get rid of the bean shell for a long time. It covers the cotyledons or the so-called first pair of pseudoleaflets.

In some cases, coffee seeds produce two roots, therefore, two full-fledged plants will develop from such grain. Caring for such "twins" is no different from caring for ordinary seedlings. The only difference is the early picking of the "twins". Otherwise, they will interfere with each other's development. Such seedlings must be planted carefully, since their root system will be intertwined with each other.

Should you remove the cotyledons from a coffee tree sprout or wait until they open on their own? It is not recommended to remove cotyledons from a coffee sprout yourself, as you can damage the leaves themselves. The latter are responsible for the successful development of a young plant. As practice shows, those seedlings from which flower growers removed the cotyledons and damaged all the leaves developed more slowly than those whose cotyledons opened on their own.

How to remove cotyledons from a coffee sprout? It cannot be done mechanically. Experts recommend increasing the humidity level in the greenhouse where the coffee tree seeds sprouted. In a humid environment, the dense shell will become soft and the coffee leaves will easily be able to free themselves from it. How to increase humidity in a greenhouse. In addition to the usual watering of the soil, it is necessary to carry out regular spraying, up to wetting the dense shell of the cotyledons of the seedlings.

Coffee tree seedlings are kept in a greenhouse until the second pair of true leaves forms. Then the young plant is gradually accustomed to normal air humidity. To do this, open the greenhouse slightly and increase the ventilation time every day. You can completely remove the greenhouse when the leaves of the plant stop withering due to normal air humidity.

Coffee tree seedlings need sunlight, and therefore they are placed on windows on the east or west side of the house, but not in direct sunlight. The length of light for a plant should be 12-14 hours. If there is a lack of natural light, artificial lighting is provided.

The comfortable temperature for coffee from seeds at home is +23...+25 degrees. A temperature of about +30 degrees is needed only during seed germination. The soil in the pot where the tree grows must be constantly moist. Picking is carried out at the stage of two pairs of true leaves.

Growing coffee at home

To grow a coffee tree at home we will need: unroasted coffee beans or coffee tree cuttings.

Let's consider the seed method of propagating coffee. The main question is where to get coffee beans to grow at home, you can buy green, non-roasted coffee beans in the store and try to grow a plant from coffee seeds, the probability of growth is very small. You can ask friends who already have a fruit-bearing plant, a couple of fruits of the coffee tree, ripe brown-red coffee fruits, peel the coffee from the peel and pulp, which tastes sweet and has a tonic effect, the grain usually consists of two halves, each half is a full-fledged seed coffee tree that germinates very quickly. You can buy coffee seeds at a flower shop, but rather than buying seeds, it is better to buy a ready-made sprouted plant that is 3-4 months old. Now let's look at all the ways to grow coffee in more detail.

Coffee fruits from green to ripe and overripe

The genus Coffee, or Coffee tree (Coffea), includes about 50 species of evergreen or deciduous shrubs growing wild in tropical Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands. small trees. How ornamental plant The coffee tree was first cultivated in botanical gardens and greenhouses.

Coffee tree seeds generally lose their viability very quickly, and the fresher the seeds, the more likely they are to sprout. If you get your hands on dried green coffee beans, pour water into a plate and put the coffee beans there for a day; after 24 hours, a root embryo should hatch on the grains; plant the coffee beans that have begun to germinate in a separate pot. Of the hundreds of seeds that you remove from a plant, even after a couple of months only a few will sprout. Those who would like to have coffee at home should pay attention to this.

Two weeks before sowing the seeds, prepare a loose, water- and breathable substrate: steam the turf soil, mix it with sand and sifted peat in a ratio (1:2:2).

The peeled coffee seeds are placed in a pot filled with substrate, flat side down, 3 cm apart. Having pressed the seeds into the soil to a depth of 1 cm, water the substrate with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and cover the crops with glass.

Do not forget to ventilate the pots, wipe and turn over the glass; When seedlings appear, the ventilation time is gradually increased.

The first coffee sprouts will appear in two months, be patient.

Coffee at 4 months has already formed a primary leaf that will fall over time

Coffee is a very unpretentious and grateful plant. In the first year of life, the growth rate is modest - the average growth is 15-20 cm. But over time, the plant begins to branch independently, without additional pruning.

At 9 months of age, the coffee tree begins its primary crown formation; the crown forms independently.

You need to try to interfere as little as possible with the independent life of the plant. Pruning is only required when as a last resort- when the bush becomes too large for the room that you are ready to provide it with.

Coffee trees developing from seedlings do not need to form a crown: at first they grow with one trunk, and in the second year skeletal branches grow from the awakened lateral axillary buds of the trunk. Too long side shoots coffee is pruned to ensure a full crown and abundant flowering. Fruiting of coffee trees grown from seeds begins after 5-6 years; coffee branches grow quite interestingly, much the same as a Christmas tree. They extend at right angles to the trunk. Therefore, the crown turns out to be spreading. It is because of this crown that difficulties often arise, because the plant must be placed closer to the light, it is very light-loving

In the first years of life, replanting is required annually, into a pot that is at least 5 cm larger in diameter. Otherwise, instead of blooming for the first time in 4 years, your coffee will not bloom at all. Any soil can be used – suitable for potted plants or shrubs, rich in nutrients, structured and not very loose.

It's not necessary to spray the coffee, but it won't hurt. The coffee tree should be wiped from dust with a damp sponge and arranged for coffee. warm shower. Temperature common for indoor plants. Wintering at 16-18°C is recommended. But adult plants tolerate lower temperatures well, down to 10-12°C, but always in a very bright place and with rare watering.

Coffee is a very attractive shrub with a symmetrical crown and shiny dark green leaves. The light brown bark peels away from the trunk with age. So the surrounding ground is literally strewn with thin shavings.

In the summer, you can take the coffee outside, placing it in the shade of a tree; if you place it in direct sunlight, the coffee will quickly die; in the summer, the coffee tree loves shade outside.

The coffee tree is 9 years old.

Young seedlings of the coffee tree need to be replanted every year. When the tree begins to bear fruit, it is no longer necessary to replant so often, on average, once every three to four years. This should be done in the spring. Before transplanting the plant, provide drainage in a new vessel. Inspect the roots of the plant, remove rotten and diseased ones. Almost any soil composition is suitable, most importantly, with weak acidity. For example, this: turf soil - 40%, leaf soil - 30%, river sand - 20%, high peat - 10%. This soil is well suited for Arabica seedlings. Fertilizers can and should be used. Both regular manure and special mineralized compounds can be used as fertilizers. Horn shavings or bone meal (200 g per 10 kg of soil) are an ideal source of highly digestible phosphorus.

Coffee tree outdoors

The flowering of the coffee tree lasts from 2 to 10 days; the aroma of the flowers is not as strong as that of citrus fruits.

Coffee beans have long been known as a means of invigorating. They contain caffeine - about 2%, organic acids, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, amino acids, and minerals. In creating the taste and aroma of the drink, the main role is played by chlorogenic acid and ester-like compounds formed during roasting of grains, and the physiological effect is determined by the alkaloid - caffeine.

You need to wait until the berries are completely ripe. They will become cherry color and soft to the touch. Then, we do the same as in coffee plantations: We collect the seeds, wash them, separate them from the pulp and films and dry them. Further options are possible: someone will try to distribute them or sow them themselves. It is a gardener's natural instinct to multiply what he has. Or you can roast it and get the grains, which make a full-fledged drink.

Be sure to try the coffee from our own harvest. Select grains from ripe berries and soak them in water for 12 hours (this will clear them of mucus). Dry the grains for 7-10 days. Then keep in the oven for 2-3 hours at 70-80 °C. Without these procedures, coffee beans will not acquire the desired taste. Fry the cooled seeds after drying, stirring constantly, in a frying pan until light brownish. Cool again and fry again until dark brown. Only after these procedures can the coffee be ground and prepared as a drink.

Propagation by cuttings

Plants obtained by cuttings can bloom immediately after rooting; they retain all properties mother plant, the fruits are larger and more numerous. However, coffee trees from cuttings grow more slowly than from seeds; they require the formation of a crown (usually rounded).

1. To obtain cuttings, shoots of last year's growth from the middle part of the crown of a fruit-bearing coffee tree and apical branches are used.
2. The stalk is cut obliquely with two pairs of leaves; under bottom knot a piece of branch about 2.5 cm long is left, which is scratched from below with a needle to stimulate root formation.
3. The bases of the cuttings are placed in a heteroauxin solution (a quarter of a tablet per 0.5 liter of water) for approximately 4 hours; then dust the lower cut of the cutting with charcoal powder.
4. The cuttings are planted vertically in a mixture of sifted high peat and perlite, spilled with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate; The petioles of the lower leaves of the cutting are buried halfway into the substrate, preventing adjacent cuttings from touching each other.
5. After planting the cuttings, water the soil again with a solution of potassium permanganate and build a mini-greenhouse in the pot.
6. Place the pot with coffee cuttings in a bright place, protected from direct sun, and support high temperature substrate (optimally 25-27 degrees).
7. The greenhouse is regularly ventilated by spraying the cuttings; after about 40 days, their upper kidney awakens.
8. Transplantation of cuttings into individual pots with a diameter of 9-12 cm is carried out after the formation of a new pair of leaves. For rooted cuttings, prepare a mixture of turf soil, peat and sand (4:2:1) with the addition of wood ash. A shard is placed on the drainage hole of the pot with the convex side up, coarse sand is poured onto the bottom of the pot in a layer of 1-1.5 cm. The cutting is planted in a pot using the prepared substrate, at the same level (you can’t bury it - the root collar will rot), watered, placed on bright place without direct sun.
9. If buds appear on rooted cuttings, there is no need to remove them: the fruits will be full-fledged and will not slow down the development of plants.

The soil for cuttings can be taken different. It is important to observe two basic requirements for its structure. The mixture must retain moisture well and be breathable, since it is necessary constant influx air to rooting sites. Best results, as experience shows, gives a mixture of perlite ( construction material) and peat (1:1), where peat is the component that retains moisture. It is best to take bog peat from sphagnum moss, and before preparing the mixture it must be sifted through a fine sieve. For improved air supply during rooting, add perlite (perlite expanded sand). It has an absolutely neutral environment, so it does not require preliminary disinfection. Before planting the cuttings, both prepared components are thoroughly mixed, then the vessel in which the cuttings will root is filled with this mixture. There is no need to compact the mixture much. The prepared aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink color) is poured well into the mixture. This way the peat included in the mixture is disinfected and at the same time stimulates better survival of the cuttings.

The coffee tree does not have a clearly defined dormant period, therefore, in order for the plant all year round grew, blossomed and bore fruit, it needs to be constantly fed every 10 days: on the 1st, 10th and 20th, giving respectively 5 g of nitrogen, 7 g of phosphorus, 1 g of potassium and 7 g of trace elements per 1 liter of water. We use chicken manure as a nitrogen fertilizer, which we dilute in water and leave until it completely ferments. When there is no pungent odor and no gas bubbles are released (this means that all organic matter has decomposed), the solution is ready for use. Dilute it three times with water. It should be remembered that chicken manure is the strongest nitrogen-organic fertilizer, and it must be used carefully.

In a greenhouse, coffee tree plants are from 1 to 5 years old. Cultivation of coffee in greenhouses is promising. Thus, in GNBS, from each coffee tree growing in a greenhouse, 100-150 g of dry weight of seeds are obtained in the third year. The plant bears fruit in room conditions.

The cuttings are planted in a strictly vertical position to a depth of 2 - 2.5 cm. The prepared cutting is taken with two fingers and carefully inserted into the substrate so that the petioles of the two lower leaves are recessed into the ground. It has been noticed that roots often form at the place where the leaves of the coffee tree connect to the supporting branch. Therefore, when planting cuttings in this way, they root almost 100%.

After planting the cuttings, to better fix them in the substrate, it is recommended to spill it again with a solution of potassium permanganate. A prerequisite for rooting is a moist environment around the ground part of the cuttings. It is formed when the vessel in which rooting takes place is covered with a plastic bag. But you shouldn’t close it tightly; there should be some air access. To do this, cut a small hole in the bag and spray the cuttings through it during the rooting period, completely moistening the leaf plates. The planted cuttings are placed in diffused light. Direct sunlight is best avoided. The substrate temperature is ideally maintained at +25-27 °C. The higher the temperature of the substrate, the faster the cuttings root. So, for example, at a temperature of +21-23 °C, cuttings took root from February 23 to April 10, and at a temperature of +25 °C - from April 1 to May 5. However, temperatures above +32 °C already have a negative effect on root formation.

The first sign of rooting of cuttings is the awakening of the upper growth bud. However, if you notice this, do not rush to replant the plant. Wait for a new pair of leaves to form on top. And then, having dug up the rooted cuttings, you will see the resulting root system. It can be fibrous or elongated with 2-3 taproots.

It is recommended to shake off small particles of peat and perlite stuck to the roots a little, but do not wash them off under running water, otherwise the seedling will be sick for a long time before it begins to grow again. The earth mixture for planting rooted cuttings is prepared in the following composition: turf, peat and sand (river) in a ratio of 4:2:1. You can add some wood ash here. A pot for planting is taken with an upper diameter of 12 cm. A shard is placed on the bottom with the convex side up and drainage from coarse sand 1 cm thick is poured.
As a phosphorus top dressing, we take a solution of superphosphate. Pour superphosphate granules into the settled water and stir, heating the solution (for better dissolution) to a temperature of 50°.

A good potash fertilizer can be obtained from the ash extract. To do this, straw ash (contains up to 46% potassium) must be mixed in lukewarm water. After a daily settling, the potassium solution is ready for use. The coffee tree, like any plant, also needs other elements (calcium, boron, manganese, iron, etc.).

Many people believe that since the coffee tree comes from the tropics, it needs the scorching rays of the sun all year round. Actually this is not true. Even at home, on plantations around one coffee tree, four shading plants of a different species are planted. In our geographic area, coffee should be kept indoors on windows facing south or southeast. Any sun shining into them in the summer will not adversely affect the development of the plant. It is more difficult to provide sufficient illumination on cloudy and dark days, in autumn and winter. To do this, we illuminate the plants from November 1 to March 1 with a fluorescent lamp.

Pests and diseases of the coffee tree

Many lovers complain that the leaves turn brown. This is typical for indoor conditions with low air humidity in the autumn-winter period. However, this is not a disease. And if the plant is placed in a wide, shallow pan of water, a more favorable microclimate will be created.

Sunburn on the leaves from the bright sun and lack of moisture in the air.


One of the most important aspects Caring for a coffee tree is watering. If the roots are exposed to standing water, the leaves turn brown and fall off. All water should drain from the roots after watering.

Watering. Regular, abundant in summer. The water should be soft, settled, without lime, warm (a few degrees above room temperature). It is necessary to maintain weak soil acidity. To do this, once a month add 2-3 drops of acetic acid or several crystals of citric acid to the settled water.

Regular spraying will not harm it. Once a week (except for the flowering period), the tree can be given a warm shower.

Excessive watering often causes root rot, crusty growths and corking spots appear on the leaves of many plants (it can even cork the entire surface of the leaf). In addition to excess water during watering, the cause of the appearance of such spots can be a sharp change in temperature, a sharp fluctuation in moisture in the substrate (if the soil becomes very dry and you immediately water it abundantly), or lack of light. With the correction of errors in care, the formation of cork spots on the leaves stops. If the most likely cause of spots on coffee leaves is over-watering (after all, coffee requires moderate watering in winter), water the substrate once or twice with a suspension of foundationazole (1-2 g per liter of water) - this will help the plant in unfavorable conditions.

To restore the plant’s immunity, it is not forbidden to carry out a cycle of spraying the leaves of the coffee tree with warm water with the addition of “Epin” according to the instructions on the package.

top dressing

In spring and summer, feed regularly (once every 7-10 days), alternating a water infusion of mullein (1:10) with the full complex mineral fertilizers. In the spring you can increase the dose of nitrogen fertilizers, during fruit ripening - phosphorus, in the fall - potassium.

The main pests are scale insects, spider mite, from diseases - sooty fungus. If in winter the temperature in the room where the coffee tree is installed is between 10 - 12 C, then a black border will first appear on the leaves, and why the whole plant will begin to die.

  • If the soil is not too acidic, the leaves may become discolored.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out when there is a lack of moisture in the air.
  • The leaves turn yellow and brown spots of dead tissue appear on them in case of sunburn.
  • If overwatered, the leaves rot and fall off.
  • When watered with hard water, the tips of the leaves curl slightly and brown spots appear on them. To prevent this from happening, soften the water using special tablets, or keep a bag of peat in 3 liters of water.

Uneven ripening of coffee fruits, usually in room conditions

How to make coffee bear fruit?
Plants bear fruit only when year-round care, which includes weeding and regularly treating trees with fungicides and insecticides to protect them from pests and diseases such as bean borer or coffee rust. A young plant begins to bear fruit in at least two years.

The collected coffee fruits should be dried a little and cleaned of pulp. collected seeds dry and make coffee.

Coffee Recipes

Roasting coffee at home

You have taken out green, unroasted coffee beans, and you can prepare excellent coffee to suit your taste with the required caffeine content.
As you know, the taste of coffee is not least influenced by how the coffee beans were roasted. Properly roasting coffee is a special art. This experience does not come immediately. But you can learn how to roast.

Coffee roasting is such an important process that today the coffee producer is not the one who grew and harvested it, but the one who roasted and packaged it. In Italy there is even a special Institute that studies various coffee roasting methods. Scientific name This process is pyrolysis. As a result of complex chemical transformations, the taste of the grains is enhanced and improved. Scientists have found that coffee contains up to 2000 different oils, aromatic and chemical compounds. During roasting, they are activated, which subsequently gives coffee its unique bouquet. Select the best grains before you take to the pan. Please note that when roasting, the beans will evaporate moisture, so the weight of the roasted coffee will differ significantly from the raw beans. Different cultures have different roast levels for coffee.

Arabica varieties are traditionally lightly roasted. This method allows you to preserve subtle shades of taste and aroma.

Medium roasting gives the beans more dark color. At the same time, oil is actively released, which gives roasted coffee a characteristic bitter taste.

The so-called dark roast is the most intense. This coffee is more bitter than others. Its taste is tart and strongly pronounced. Moreover, the higher the roasting temperature, the more expressive the taste. Some varieties become slightly sweet when dark roasted. But here it is important to observe the allotted time. If the grains are overcooked, the sweetish taste will be lost.

In addition to those listed, there are other roasting methods. As a rule, they are named after the name of the area or city where they are used. For example, Scandinavian (light roast), Viennese (flavors develop fully and oil comes out) and Continental (also known as double roast, the beans take on the color of dark chocolate). In the east, they often try to give grains an exotic aroma. To do this, spices and herbs are added to coffee during roasting. Here are a few more useful tips. Once the beans are removed from the heat, try to cool them as quickly as possible. Grind immediately afterwards. In order for coffee to acquire sugar content, you need to wait at least twelve hours for the gases that are released when heated to evaporate. Roasted grains should be shiny. If they are dull, it means that the heat treatment time was insufficient.

What to roast coffee in. There are special roasters for this. Before pouring beans into the roaster, try to heat it evenly. However, in the absence of a roaster, coffee can be fried in a frying pan. The main thing is not to use an oven to roast grains. Firstly, the grains in this case will be fried unevenly. Secondly, you will not have the opportunity to mix and turn them. First automatic devices for roasting coffee appeared in the seventies. The heat treatment time in them could be maintained to within seconds. The difference with roasters was that the beans were not heated directly, but were exposed to hot air. However, gourmets say that the taste of coffee prepared in this way is not at all the same as if the beans are roasted using the traditional method.

We store and prepare coffee according to the rules

1. A closed bag of coffee must be stored in the freezer.

2. Coffee should always remain dry (to prepare coffee, do not pour it with a wet spoon and store it in places that are easily accessible to water.) The place where you store open coffee should be well ventilated, protected from dampness and light.

3. If the taste of coffee has changed, check the condition of the coffee pot and water filter. Also check the freshness of the milk or cream.

4. Spoons are different. If you have not only teaspoons in your cutlery set, but also

dessert, you should be careful about what spoon you use to take the coffee. Agree, a drink made from a small teaspoon differs in strength from coffee prepared according to the same recipe, but taken in the volume of a dessert spoon.

5. When preparing Bots coffee, do not forget that sugar is added after the ground coffee is poured with boiling water.

6. If you are serving classic coffee, then according to the rules of good manners, you should serve it with a jug of milk. So that each of your guests can add it if they wish.

7. Milk should be heated before serving or adding to coffee. Otherwise, you can spoil the taste by cooling the drink.

8. If you are a connoisseur of the taste of the drink, do not add a lot of sugar to your coffee. The optimal dose is a teaspoon

Mexican volcanoes. Light cakes

This dish is quite labor-intensive to prepare, but its extraordinary taste will serve as a reward for your efforts..
15 servings:
3 tablespoons skim condensed milk
0.5 chocolate bars
1 package chocolate cake mix
2 tablespoons instant coffee
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon red pepper
1 glass of water
1 egg
3 egg whites
3/4 cup sugar
15 Brazil nuts or walnut halves
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1.5 tablespoon cocoa powder
0.5 sachet vanilla sugar
3-4 tablespoons skim milk

1. Pour condensed milk over chocolate and melt over heat. Cool, then refrigerate for 30 minutes. In a large bowl, combine chocolate cake mix with instant coffee, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Add water and egg and mix.
2. For the meringue, in a separate bowl, beat the whites into a stiff foam and, without ceasing to stir, add sugar.
3. Prepare the frosting: Mix the powdered sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla sugar and milk in a bowl. Cool and coat the nuts to form balls.
4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease 15 muffin tins vegetable oil. Fill them 2/3 full with chocolate dough. Place 1 tablespoon of beaten egg whites on top and smooth out. Place a chocolate-covered nut in the center of each ramekin. Bake the cakes in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
5. Once cooled, carefully remove them from the molds and pour chocolate glaze on top

Iced coffee cream

This refreshing dessert is served in Italian cafes and bars during the summer.
You will need for 6-8 servings:
250 ml very strong espresso
250 ml milk
250 g cream 33% fat
1 vanilla pod
4 yolks
8 tbsp. l. sugar coffee beans for decoration
Cooking time: 45 min. (+ 3-4 hours for freezing)
Calorie content: 330 kcal

1. Dissolve 4 tbsp in freshly prepared espresso. l. sugar, cool. Heat milk in a small saucepan. Open the vanilla pod, take out the contents and put it along with the pod into the milk. Don't boil!
2. Place a round bowl in a warm water bath. Place the yolks and 4 tbsp in a bowl. l. sugar, beat with a whisk until foamy.
3. Remove the vanilla pod from the milk. First add cold coffee to the egg foam, then milk and mix vigorously. Remove the foamy cream from the stove, place in a cold water bath and cool.
4. Whip the cream into stiff foam. Mix 3/4 of the whipped cream with the coffee cream. Cover the remaining cream and refrigerate for further decoration of the dessert. Place the coffee cream in a metal bowl, cover and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours. 5. In 20 minutes. Before serving, remove the coffee cream from the freezer and place in tall glasses. Place the whipped cream in a pastry syringe and decorate the coffee cream. Place a few coffee beans on top.
Tip: Vanilla beans are quite expensive, but you can substitute ground vanilla. Use natural vanilla (blackhead powder) rather than artificial vanilla. It will degrade the taste of this dish.

Cold coffee with milk

To prepare one serving of the drink you need a glass of very cold milk, 2 tablespoons of coffee syrup and 2 tablespoons of ice cream.
Mix all this, pour it into a mixer and beat. The drink is poured into glasses and ice is added if desired.
Coffee syrup can be replaced with instant or just strong coffee.
The required proportions are easy to establish yourself. For example: in a mixer, beat 3/4 cup of milk, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 60g of ice cream and 1/2 cup of strong coffee.

O-lei Festival or Milk Festival

1 cup hot coffee
8 ounces milk
1 ounce vanilla syrup or extract 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon allspice
1/8 teaspoon cloves

Mix spices and vanilla in the bottom of the mug.
Half fill the mug with hot coffee, then add warm milk.
Designed for 1-2 servings.

Coffee Marianna

5 grains of natural Brazilian coffee
3-4 tablespoons of chocolate fudge
3 tablespoons heavy cream

Grind coffee and brew it in a coffee maker.
Whip cream with chocolate fudge and drop a teaspoon to the bottom of the cup.
Pour coffee.

Spiced coffee

Place the chopped zest of one lemon and one orange on the bottom of a shallow enamel pan.
Add 4-5 cloves, cinnamon, 20 pieces of refined sugar.
The mixture is put on fire and poured with hot black coffee (1 l).
After 3-4 minutes, filter through a sieve into cups (yield - 10 servings)

"Love potion"

Sophia Loren says that there is no better love potion than... regular coffee, brewed with your own hands. Once a man tries it, he won’t go anywhere.
In order to prepare 2 cups of this amazing drink, you will need:
- 2 teaspoons ground coffee
- 1-2 cardamom fruits
- 1 bud of dry cloves
- cinnamon and sugar

Heat the water in the cezve until the first bubbles appear on the walls.
At this point, reduce the heat to low, add coffee, stir gently, split the cardamom pods and throw the beans into the coffee.
Throw in cloves, cinnamon on the tip of a knife and, if you want, sugar.
Wait about five minutes for the foam to rise slowly, but do not let the coffee boil.
To do this, periodically lift the cezve even over low heat so that the bottom cools down slightly.
As soon as the coffee starts to rise, remove it from the heat and let it brew for a couple of minutes.