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Registers made of smooth pipes drawings. Heating registers - calculation of heat transfer and do-it-yourself manufacturing: step-by-step work on register manufacturing. Manufacturing of heating registers

It is not advisable to use standard factory batteries and radiators to organize heat supply to large rooms. They have too low thermal output and rated power. As an alternative, we can consider heating registers: manufacturing from pipes, calculation rules and installation features.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating registers

Homemade steel or aluminum heating registers differ from standard radiators in their size. They consist of several pipes whose diameter exceeds 32 mm. To organize the circulation of the coolant, the pipes are interconnected by branch pipes.

What is the reason for the popularity of these heat supply devices? Firstly, the opportunity self-made. You can make bimetallic heating registers, steel or aluminum pipes. Much less common plastic models, since they do not have the proper performance qualities.

Before you connect the heating registers, you should carefully study their "weak" and "strong" sides.

Benefits of use:

  • Long service life. For steel and aluminum models it can reach 25 years. In this case, the probability of breakdown will be minimal;
  • Great heat dissipation. This is due to the fact that the power of the heating register exceeds this parameter for classic radiators and batteries. Associated with a large volume of coolant;
  • Easy installation and operation. Since anyone who is at least a little familiar with the rules for organizing heat supply can correctly install heating registers, they can be used in buildings of all types. But most often they can be found in the heating system of large industrial, administrative and commercial premises.

But besides this, it is necessary to take into account the possible disadvantages that a heating register made of a smooth steel pipe may have:

  • Large volume of coolant. This leads to its rapid cooling;
  • Minimum air convection rate. Reduces the efficiency of heat supply;
  • Unattractive appearance . Most often this applies to homemade structures.

Correctly calculated heat transfer of the heating register directly depends on its design. Currently, several types of these heat supply devices are used, differing not only in the material used, but also in appearance.

The mass of the register filled with water can be very high. Therefore, you need to think in advance of a reliable system for attaching it to the wall.

Initially, you should decide on the type of structure. After all, how to calculate a heating register if its geometric parameters and the principle of coolant circulation are not known? For the manufacture of heating devices, it is recommended to use standard proven circuits.

The determining parameter of choice is the required circulation rate of the coolant in the system and the degree of heat transfer of the register. Based on these requirements, two types of heating devices can be selected:

  • Sectional. It consists of two or more large-diameter pipes connected by pipes. The cross section of the latter should be equal to the same parameter of the supply line. The selection of a heating register of this type is relevant for systems with forced circulation, since the design creates excessive hydraulic resistance during the passage of the coolant;
  • Coil. Consist of one pipe, which has bends. It is problematic to make such home-made heating registers. To increase the circulation rate, pipes can be connected with nozzles. But this is not mandatory, as in the models described above.

Since you can make a heating register with your own hands even at home, they are often made rather than purchased ready-made models. But before this, you must correctly calculate the power of the heating register.

To make registers, you can use pipes of various sections - round, rectangular or square. Preference is given to the first, since for them the friction of water during movement will be minimal.

Calculation of heating registers

There are several methods for calculating the parameters of heating registers. They differ in computational accuracy and complexity. But to organize heat supply using steel or aluminum heating registers, it is recommended to resort to the services of professionals. Alternative option– use special software.

However, in some cases it is necessary to correctly calculate the heating register yourself. To do this, you can use a simplified scheme. You must first know the following parameters:

  • The total area of ​​the heated room;
  • Heat transfer coefficient of register material;
  • Diameter of pipes used for manufacturing.

For round pipes, the specific power of the heating register can be calculated using the data in the table. These values ​​are given for 1 lm. register pipes.

However, this method of selecting a heating register has a number of significant disadvantages. The data is given for rooms where the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. The thermal operating conditions of the system and the air temperature in the room are not taken into account.


Where Q– specific thermal power, W, P- number π – 3.14, D – pipe diameter, m., L– length of one section, m, TO- coefficient of thermal conductivity. For metal, this figure is 11.63 W/m²*C, Δt– temperature difference between the coolant and the air in the room.

Knowing these parameters, you can independently calculate the power of the heating register. Let's assume that the length of one section is 2 m, and the diameter of the pipe is 76 mm. Δt is 60°C (80-20). In this case, the power of one section of the heating register made of a smooth steel pipe will be equal to:

Q=3.14*0.076*2*11.63*60=333 W

To calculate each subsequent section of the device, the obtained result must be multiplied by a reduction factor of 0.9.

This method cannot be used to calculate finned heating registers. Their heat transfer will be higher due to the increased area of ​​the device.

Selecting material for registers

The next parameter that must be taken into account when choosing a register is the material of its manufacture.

It is rare to see heating registers made from a profile pipe - most often steel products with a round cross-section are used for this.

Currently, several materials are used to produce registers - metal, aluminum or bi metal pipes.

The difference between them lies in the calculated heat transfer and service life:

  • Steel heating registers made of profile pipe or round section. They are characterized by ease of manufacture and low cost. Disadvantage: surface rusting. When choosing Special attention you need to pay attention to the quality of the welds;
  • Aluminum. They are extremely rare, since welding aluminum heating registers requires special equipment. But they have better thermal conductivity. There is virtually no heat loss;
  • Bimetallic. They are made from a special type heating pipes. They have a core made of steel. To increase the heating area, the design has copper or aluminum plate heat exchangers. All bimetallic heating registers are not characterized by large diameter pipes – up to 50 mm. Therefore, they are more often used to organize heat supply in residential buildings and small industrial and retail premises.

The material of manufacture directly affects the calculation of the heating register. The main indicator is the thermal conductivity coefficient. Despite the fact that aluminum models have optimal value- their high cost and laboriousness of manufacturing do not allow the use of registers of this type in heating systems everywhere.

For the manufacture of ribbed heating registers, components from steel radiators can be used.

Making heating registers with your own hands

One of the advantages of using registers in heating systems is the possibility of their self-manufacturing. For this, round steel pipes are most often used. Despite the fact that the heat transfer rate of the heating register in this case will not be ideal - the manufacturing process does not require special skills.

For self-produced This heating element will require a pipe with a diameter of 40 to 70 mm. A larger value of the cross section will lead to significant heat losses during the circulation of the coolant. You can make a heating register with your own hands according to the following scheme of work:

  1. Calculation optimal parameters heating device - pipe diameter, total length of the section.
  2. Drawing up a drawing to calculate the optimal amount of material.
  3. Carrying out work on making a heating register with your own hands.
  4. Checking the structure for leaks.

To accomplish this task, you will need a steel pipe designed to form the main registers and a smaller diameter line. With its help, the registers will be connected to each other and the heating system. You will also need special end caps for the pipes.

At the first stage, you need to use a grinder to cut the pipes to required length. It is not recommended to use a welding machine for this, since a weld will form at the ends of the heating register from the round pipe. Then holes are made to connect the pipes. The pipes are welded using a welding machine and the end caps are installed. To ensure the safe operation of a homemade heating register, it is necessary to install an air vent and a drain valve. They are mounted at the top of the structure, but on the opposite side of the heating connection point.

In some cases, the traditional scheme of a steel or bimetallic heating register is being modernized. It consists of installing an electric heating element.

This can be done standalone source heat, which will not depend on the operation of water heating. In the event of an accident or technical work a homemade heating register will generate heat using a heating element. But for this you should install during installation shut-off valves so that the coolant circulates only inside the heating device.

During the selection of the scheme and the manufacture of the heating register, the thickness of the pipe does not matter. The difference in diameters between it and the supply line causes the complete absence of water hammer in the structure.

Installation of registers in the heating system

The correct setting of the heating registers can be carried out in two ways - on threaded connections or using a welding machine. It all depends on the total mass of the structure, its dimensions and the parameters of the heat supply system.

In general, experts recommend following the same rules as when installing radiators. The difference is only in the size of the structure. If it is necessary to connect the heating register to the gravity system, the required slope indicator must be observed. The heat supply device must be tilted towards the movement of the coolant. There are no such requirements for systems with natural circulation.

For correct installation heating registers must be guided by the following rules:

  • Maintaining minimum distances from the wall and window designs. It must be at least 20 cm. This is necessary for technical or repair measures;
  • For threaded connections of the heating register, only paranitic linings or plumbing linen are used;
  • All heating registers from profile or steel pipes must be painted. This is necessary to prevent rust from appearing on their surface.

Despite the fact that the heat transfer rate of the heating register will decrease, the maintenance-free service life of the structure will increase significantly.

Installation is recommended to be carried out outside the heating season. After trial run heating system you can compare the calculated power of the register with the actual one and, if necessary, make prompt changes to the design.

Operating rules for heating registers

To increase service life, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to maintain heating registers in working condition. It is recommended to establish a control check schedule that includes visual inspection and analysis temperature regime register work.

In addition, periodic cleaning should be carried out inner surface structures against scale and rust. For this, it is best to use the hydrodynamic method, since chemical cleaning will require a large number of special liquid. This can be done without dismantling the structure - it is enough to install pipes during manufacturing to provide access to the internal cavity of the register.

Every time before a new one heating season The integrity of the structure and the reliability of welded and threaded connections are checked. If necessary, the gaskets are replaced and repair seams are welded.

Is it possible to use heating registers to supply heat to a private home? This practice exists, but for this purpose they order products from copper pipes. They are characterized by high cost, but at the same time they have a number of distinctive qualities. Their attractive appearance is also taken into account, which differs significantly from steel structures.

The video shows an example of making a register from a steel profile pipe:

There is a considerable amount on the market various kinds heating appliances, However, homemade radiators are still in use. And the most common registers are made from pipes. Heating registers are welded or prefabricated structures made of horizontally located pipes connected to each other by jumpers for coolant circulation.

What are

Heating registers are made from different material they have different shapes. Each has pros and cons.

What are they made of

If we talk about materials, the most common is steel, or rather electric-welded steel pipes. Steel has not the most better heat dissipation, but this is compensated by low price, ease of processing, availability and a large selection of standard sizes.

It is very rare to find pipes made of stainless steel - for decent power a large number of pipes are required, and you have an idea how much stainless steel products cost. If they did, it must have been a long time ago. They also use “galvanizing”, but it is more difficult to work with it - it will not work to cook.

Sometimes they make copper registers - they are used in those networks where the wiring is done. Copper has high heat transfer (four times more than steel) and therefore their sizes are much more modest (both in length and in diameter of the pipes used). In addition, the distribution pipes themselves (if they are not) give off a sufficient amount of heat. At the same time, the plasticity of this metal allows pipes to be bent without any special tricks or effort, and welding can be used only at the junction of different pieces. But all these advantages are offset by two big disadvantages: the first is the high price, the second is the capriciousness of copper to operating conditions. For the price, everything is clear, but for the operation there are a few explanations:

  • requires a neutral and clean heat transfer fluid, free of solid particles
  • the presence of other metals and alloys in the system is undesirable, except for compatible ones - bronze, brass, nickel, chromium, therefore all fittings and fittings will need to be made from these materials;
  • Careful grounding is mandatory - without it, in the presence of water, electrochemical corrosion processes begin;
  • the softness of the material requires protection - casings, etc. are needed.

There are registers made of cast iron. But they are too bulky. In addition, they have a very large mass; no less massive racks need to be made for them. Plus, cast iron is fragile - one blow and it can crack. It turns out that this type of registers also needs protective covers, and they reduce heat transfer and increase cost. Moreover, installing them is complex and hard work. The advantages include high reliability and chemical neutrality: this alloy does not care what coolant to work with.

In general, copper and cast iron are not easy. So it turns out that the optimal choice is steel registers.

Types of registers

The most common type is registers made of smooth pipes, and most often - steel electric-welded ones. Diameters - from 32 mm to 100 mm, sometimes up to 150 mm. They are made of two types - serpentine and register. Moreover, register ones can have two types of connections: a thread and a column. A thread is when the jumpers, through which the coolant flows from one pipe to another, are installed either on the right or on the left. It turns out that the coolant sequentially runs around all the pipes, that is, the connection is serial. When connecting the "column" type, all horizontal sections connected to each other at both ends. In this case, the movement of the coolant is parallel.

Any type of registers can be used for any type of system: single-pipe and vertical, vertical horizontal type submissions. With any system, greater heat transfer will occur when the supply is connected to the upper pipe.

When used in systems with natural circulation, it is necessary to maintain a slight slope towards the movement of the coolant of the order of 0.5 cm per meter of pipe. Such a small slope is explained by the large diameter (low hydraulic resistance).

These products are made not only of their round, but also of square pipes. They are practically no different, only they are more difficult to work with, and the hydraulic resistance is a little higher. But the advantages of this design include more compact dimensions with the same volume of coolant.

There are also registers made of pipes with fins. In this case, the area of ​​contact between the metal and the air increases, and heat transfer increases. In fact, builders still install just such heating devices in some budget new buildings: the well-known “pipe with fins.” With not the best appearance, they heat the room well.

If you insert a heating element into any register, you can get a combined heating device. It can be separate, not connected to the system, or used as an additional heat source. If the radiator is insulated with heating only from the heating element, it is necessary to install an expansion tank at the top point (10% of the total coolant volume). When heated from the expansion tank, it is usually built into the structure. If it is not there (it often happens in), then in this case installation is also necessary expansion tank. If the material for the registers is steel, then the tank needs a closed type.

Electric heating can come in handy in the most extreme cold, when there is not enough. Also, this option can help out in the off-season, when there is no point in loading and overclocking the system to full capacity. You just need to warm up the room a little. This is not possible with solid fuel boilers. And such a fallback option will help warm up in the offseason.

Calculation of registers from smooth pipes

Steel heating registers are easy to do with your own hands. The cost of such a heating system will depend on who will cook them. If you own the welding technique yourself, the option is the most low-budget; if the welder needs to be paid, there will not be much difference in cost with inexpensive ones.

In this case, the registers will occupy larger areas than standard heating devices: due to the small surface of contact with air, their efficiency is low. They increase heat transfer by installing a more powerful pump, but there are speed restrictions due to possible noise in the system. About,

Diameters, as mentioned - from 32 mm to 100-150 mm. Big sizes pipes lead to an increase in the volume of the system. When starting and accelerating the system, this is a minus - it will take quite some time until the coolant heats up. When working, a large volume is rather a plus: softer conditions for the boiler. On the other hand, with a large amount of coolant, it is difficult to regulate the temperature.

Heat transfer table of steel pipes of different diameters for different conditions system operation (click on the image to enlarge it)

The distance between two pipes in the register should not be small: this reduces heat transfer. Therefore, they are located at a distance of not less than 1.5 radius. The number of rows and register length depend on the required power, as well as the diameter of the selected pipes. IN general case(For middle lane Russia, for rooms with medium thermal insulation and a ceiling height of 3 m) can be calculated from the heat transfer of a meter of steel pipe. These values ​​are given in the table. Using it you can find the size and number of registers by area of ​​the room.

Heat transfer of one meter of steel pipes of different diameters - for calculating the heating register by area

To calculate the heat loss of the room, there are averaged data on the heat output running meter steel pipe. You can use them for standard conditions. If the system operates at other temperatures, adjustments up or down are required.

If these tables did not help you, you can calculate the register using the formula.

By substituting the appropriate values, you will find the heat transfer of one pipe under your conditions. The heat transfer of all subsequent (second and more) will be slightly less. The found value must be multiplied by 0.9. So you will calculate and be able to make a register of smooth pipes with your own hands.

How to install

There are two installation options: hang it on the wall or put it on a stand. The choice depends on the dimensions and weight of the resulting structure, as well as on the type of walls.

Quite often they do a combined installation: they weld racks, which are then attached to the wall. Even very massive registers can be installed in this way. This installation option also provides a high level of security.

Each such heating device must have at the top point. It is needed to bleed air from the system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include simple design and simple calculation, availability of materials. All this together allows you to make heating registers with your own hands.

The next positive point is that most of the heat is transferred using radiant energy, and it is perceived by a person as more pleasant.

The next plus is smooth surface, which ensures easy cleaning.

Excellent quality - compatibility with any systems - both natural and forced circulation.

There are also disadvantages: low heat transfer, susceptibility to corrosion, not the most attractive appearance, the need for regular painting ().


Registered heating is rarely used in private homes today: there is a large selection of heating devices for different conditions. The price range is also quite wide. But registers made of smooth pipes and pipes with fins are often used for heating production, storage and auxiliary premises, greenhouses, garages, greenhouses, etc. That is, where external attractiveness does not matter.

Without heating appliances, it is difficult to imagine a living space, a public building, or workshops at enterprises, since comfortable temperature air inside buildings different type is necessary condition for human life. In order to maintain normal conditions in the premises, various heating devices are used, among which it is worth highlighting registers.


The question of economy and rational use heating appliances in the current situation is quite relevant. Purchasing registers today is quite simple; purchases can be made through numerous online stores or in specialized departments of supermarkets. In most cases, these heating devices are an effective design that can be used in any type of premises - residential, industrial, technical and others.

In addition, registers are widely used in heating systems of multi-apartment residential buildings. By using large-diameter pipes, even with a minimum length, it is possible to make an autonomous vertical or horizontal heating device, which, despite its small dimensions, will differ high level heating efficiency.

There is an opinion that, compared to registers, radiators cope with their main task better, since they have additional area. But registers, in the production of which smooth-bore pipes are used, have heat transfer rates that significantly exceed those of radiators. And additional modernization of the design, which involves attaching metal plates to the system, will have a positive effect on the efficiency of the register.

If you plan to install registers general purpose By connecting thin tubes arranged in parallel, the result is a high-quality and attractive design, which in some cases is called design radiators. The production of such devices is relevant for use in public buildings.

However, the main areas of use of registers are enterprises, as well as various service or technical premises.

Most often, they are not individual heating elements, but entire pipelines made of pipes, which is due to the simplicity of the designs combined with good heat transfer rates.

During operation, the devices have proven themselves on the positive side, characterized by durability. It would be a mistake to think that heating registers can only be a rough bundle of metal pipes, since product manufacturers offer consumers individual structures small size, which can be installed to heat private houses, while not reducing the overall attractiveness of the interior.

The diameter of the pipes for the manufacture of such separate devices is usually about 32 mm, which makes their installation much easier.

The compactness and low cost of such registers are the main positive features that make it possible to equip a system for heating a home. The raw materials for the manufacture of devices are various materials, and also designs can have different shape. Main feature heating structures of this type is the possibility of making them with your own hands from steel, aluminum or other raw materials.

It is worth highlighting the following advantages of registers:

  • long service life– steel and aluminum systems usually function effectively for 20-25 years with a minimum probability of breakdowns;
  • high heat transfer rate, which is explained by greater power compared to batteries or radiators;
  • easy installation process and ease of operation. Anyone who has minimal knowledge of the rules for organizing heat supply can install the device.

It should be noted that heating registers have some disadvantages, such as:

  • a large volume of coolant, due to which the system cools down quickly;
  • low level of air convection, which negatively affects work;
  • some designs have an unattractive appearance, however, this feature is more typical for products that were made independently.

The demand for the product is quite high due to the fact that the devices can be used in any heating systems, since the design works equally effectively with both water and antifreeze. In addition, it is worth highlighting another option for connecting the device - this is installation at the bottom of the heater pipe electric type with a thermostat, due to which the coolant will be heated from the electrical network.

However, such a configuration also requires installation at the top of the system expansion tank. With such a device, the heating register will act as an autonomous heating system, which is very convenient when heating utility buildings with a small area.


The determining parameter when choosing such a device is the speed of movement of the coolant in the structure, as well as the heat transfer rate. Based on the above properties, two types of registers can be distinguished.

  • Sectional devices– this type of product usually consists of two or more pipes with a large diameter. The elements are connected to each other by pipes with a cross-section equal to the cross-section of the supply line. Such designs are recommended for systems with forced circulation of coolant, since excessive hydraulic resistance is formed inside.
  • Serpentine registers are made from a single pipe, which is bent accordingly. Independent production of such devices is a rather labor-intensive task. To increase the circulation of pipes, they can be additionally connected by pipes, however, this is not a prerequisite for the manufacture of structures.

Heating devices can also be classified taking into account the type of material from which the unit is made. The following types of registers can be found on sale:

  • steel appliances installed in the heating system by welding. The service life of the device will directly depend on the quality of the work performed;
  • cast iron products are notable for their ease of installation, since the devices are equipped with flanged monolithic connections. During installation, another flange is welded to the system, after which it is attached to the wall using bolts;

  • aluminum products widely in demand due to minimal specific gravity, resistance to corrosion processes, as well as the absence of welding seams on the structure. Products are produced by monolithic casting; the main disadvantage of aluminum products is their high cost;
  • bimetallic devices are made from special type heating pipes with a steel core. In addition, the system has copper or aluminum plate elements. As a rule, pipes of small diameter, which does not exceed 50 mm, are used for the production of products. Due to their characteristics, such devices are most often installed in industrial or commercial premises with a small area.

In addition to the above materials, copper is used for the manufacture of heating registers. Such devices are installed in networks with copper pipelines. This raw material has high heat transfer rates, so the structure does not necessarily have to be large. Copper is also notable for its ductility, making it easy to bend. However, copper structures have disadvantages - the high cost of products, as well as the demanding nature of the material in terms of operating conditions.

Mandatory conditions for use include the following factors: neutrality and purity of the coolant, the absence of other metals in the system except those compatible with copper, for example, nickel, chromium, bronze and others. In addition, the presence of grounding is considered mandatory.

The raw material is also soft, so the design needs additional protection, which is carried out using special casings or screens.

When considering the types of registers, it is worth dividing the products into stationary and mobile models. Heating the coolant in stationary structures occurs with the help of boilers, mobile devices are heated by heating elements operating from the electrical network.


To execute correct calculations register, first of all, it is necessary to determine the type of construction. Then the geometric parameters of the device, as well as the diagram and principle of circulation inside the coolant, will become clear. There are several proven methods that allow you to calculate the parameters of heating devices.

However, when planning to use steel or aluminum systems, it is best to entrust the calculations to professionals or resort to the help of special software.

In addition to calculations made by specialists, in some cases they prefer independent drawings and calculations; for this there is a fairly simple scheme.

Before you start working with it, you need to decide on some values ​​that will be used. You need to know the following parameters:

  • the area of ​​the heated room;
  • the heat transfer coefficient of the material from which the device will be made;
  • pipe diameter

The formula for counting is as follows:

Q=P D L Kt, Where

  • Q is the specific thermal power, which is measured in W;
  • P is the number π, which is 3.14;
  • D is the diameter of the pipes used;
  • L – length of 1 section of the system;
  • K – thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • ∆t – temperature difference between air and coolant.

To calculate each subsequent register section, the resulting value will need to be multiplied by a factor of 0.9. However, there is one limitation: using such a formula it will not be possible to calculate rib-type registers.

You will learn more about how to calculate the heating register in the following video.


In order to properly weld and install heating registers, you should use the following methods:

  • perform installation on threaded connections or brackets;
  • use welding equipment for work.

For the heating system of large premises, it is not advisable to use conventional factory batteries and radiators. They have very little heat output and power. As an alternative, heating registers can be considered.

Heating devices called registers are several folding pipes located parallel to each other and connected to each other by jumpers. The coolant moves through the pipes, transferring heat to the iron walls of the register, which heat the air space in the room.

As a heat carrier, it can be water or antifreeze applied, which eliminates the freezing of pipes of a disconnected system in the cool season. In independent heating registers with a cylindrical electric heater (TEH), the coolant can also be oil, then the independent register is considered the most powerful analogue of domestic oil radiators. They have become widespread due to their simplicity of design, reliability and a number of other advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of devices

Homemade metal or aluminum appliances differ from conventional radiators in their own dimensions. They consist of some pipes whose diameter exceeds 32 mm. To organize the circulation of the coolant, the pipes are connected to each other by pipes.

What is the reason for the popularity of these heat supply devices? First of all, the prospect of independent production. You can make bimetallic devices, metal or aluminum pipes.

Before connecting the heating registers, you should carefully study all their sides.


But besides this, possible disadvantages must be taken into account., which a register made of a smooth metal pipe can have:

  1. Large coolant size. This leads to its rapid cooling.
  2. Lowest rate of air convection. Reduces the efficiency of heat supply.
  3. Unsightly appearance. Most often this applies to homemade systems.

Correctly calculated heating heat transfer directly depends on the design of the device. Currently, a number of types of these heat supply devices are used, differing not only in the production material used, but also in appearance.

Design Features

Heating registers are used to a greater extent in industrial workshops, technical rooms, and, in addition, in apartments and own homes. Registers are common in many rooms with high sanitary requirements, for example, in medical organizations and schools.

According to the type of system, heating registers are divided into collapsible and coil devices:

  1. In sectional registers, pipes are interconnected by jumpers of the smallest diameter - this type of connection is determined mainly by the ease of installation. The distance between the pipes of the register is calculated by the formula D + 50 mm, where D is the diameter of the pipe. Subject to the rule, the mutual irradiation of pipes will be minimized, as a result, heat transfer will increase.
  2. In serpentine-type registers, pipes are combined from the end, using a branch, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the pipes. A small increase in the cost of the product is offset by a huge surface area, and as a result - more return. heating device. In addition, the coil register has less hydraulic resistance than the sectional one, which makes it possible to use less powerful, but more economical and cheaper pumps in the heating system.

Pipe end caps can be either thin, convex or elliptical. These plugs are recommended for use in systems with the most high pressure coolant, and, in addition, for decorating purposes, in order to add the most interesting appearance to the device. If necessary, the outer sector of the register is additionally equipped with a fitting for a degassing valve.

There is another variation - independent register with heating element. Equipment of this type does not require connection to a heating system, since the coolant is heated by electricity using an integrated heating element. During the design of such registers, the power of the heating element is selected according to the section of the device plane: overheating can provoke an excessive increase and leakage of coolant through the emergency valve. At low power The heating element efficiency of the device will be lower than its possible capabilities.

The outer segment of the independent register is integrally equipped with a fitting, which is initially used to fill the coolant inside, and then used to connect an emergency valve or expansion tank - and in this case it is used to compensate for the expansion of the coolant during heating.

Materials for manufacturing

As materials used For the production of registers, VGP pipes and electric-welded steel pipes are used (according to GOST 10704−91 and others). The alloy has absolutely all the data needed for heating devices: resistance to high temperatures and pressure, the smallest thermal increase (in the established temperature range), significant thermal conductivity, impact resistance (which is important when used in industrial premises), a long period of operation in heating systems.

In order to ensure the quality of welding and the reliability of the seams, the finished heating registers are subjected to pressing and hydraulic tests. The pointer is filled with liquid, and excess pressure is reached, usually 1.6 MPa. If a leak is detected, the liquid is combined, the detected holes are welded, after which the process is repeated.


There are methods for calculating the characteristics of heating devices. They differ in accuracy of calculations. However, to organize heat supply with the support of metal or aluminum heating registers, it is recommended to seek the services of specialists. Another variant - use special software.

However, in some cases it is necessary to properly think through the heating device yourself. To do this, you can use a simple scheme. You should first know the following characteristics:

  1. General area of ​​the heated building.
  2. The heat transfer coefficient of the used register material.
  3. The diameter of the pipes used for the manufacture

Calculation of registers from smooth pipes, their quantity and parameters required to heat a particular building can only be achieved approximately with a significant degree of error. This is explained by a large number of conditions on which the temperature in the room depends, such as: wall thickness, the thermal insulation properties of the room, the number and area of ​​openings (and, in addition, the total area of ​​the cracks in them), ventilation intensity, outside air temperature, wind speed.

Therefore, it is more correct to plan the number of parts in the registers and the number of heating devices themselves “with a reserve”, and you can control the temperature in the room by changing the operating modes of the heating boiler. Nevertheless, there is an unofficial standard: for heating 1 sq. meter of a building with a ceiling height of 3 meters, 1 meter of a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm is needed.


Connecting devices to the heating system can be implemented using welding, threaded and flange connections - the selection of one or another type of connection depends on useful features heating system. If the device consists of a significant number of parts and pipes larger diameter, it is important to use stands and fasteners that support the register not only at the bottom, but also in the middle, in order to divide the weight and not form an excessive load on the lower sector. Please note that for best performance, it is preferable to install the register closer to the floor.

DIY making

One of the advantages of using registers in heating systems, the probability of their independent production is considered. For this purpose, round metal pipes are most often used. Despite the fact that the heat transfer coefficient of the heating register in this case will not be perfect, the production process will not require special skills.

To make this heating element yourself, you will need a pipe with a diameter of 40 to 70 mm. The largest cross-sectional value will lead to significant heat losses during coolant circulation.

Make your own heating device It is possible according to the following scheme of work:

  1. Calculation of the optimal characteristics of the heating device - pipe diameter, total length of the section.
  2. Formation of a drawing to calculate the optimal amount of material used.
  3. Carrying out work on the production of a heating register.
  4. Checking the structure for leaks.

To accomplish this task, you will need a steel pipe specialized for the formation of main registers and a line of the smallest diameter. With its help, the heating devices will be combined with each other and the heating system. In addition, special end caps for the pipes will be required.

At the first stage Use a grinder to cut the pipes to the required length. It is not recommended to use a welding machine for this, since a weld will form at the ends of the heating register from a convex pipe.

Then holes are made to connect the pipes. Branch pipes are welded with a welded machine and end caps are installed. To provide safe work The air vent and bleed valve should be identified. They are installed at the top of the system, but in back side regarding the place of connection to the heating.

In some cases, improvements are made to the traditional design of a steel or bimetallic register. It consists in installing an electric heating element. A homemade heater will produce heat using a heating element. But for this, it is necessary to determine the shut-off valves during installation so that the coolant can circulate only inside the heating device. So you can make a good source of heat.

Proper installation of heaters can be carried out in 2 ways - on threaded connections or using a welding machine. It all depends on the single mass of the structure, its dimensions and the characteristics of the heat supply system. In general, experts advise following the same instructions as when installing radiators.

The heating register is component heating system, a device consisting of several parallel horizontal smooth pipes. This type of heating device has not gained much popularity among private homeowners, and there are objective reasons for this. A register-based heating system has a large volume of coolant, which requires much more energy to heat than with conventional radiators.

Application area

Currently, water heating registers are mostly used in industries (workshops, workshops, warehouses, hangars and other buildings with large areas). The large volume of coolant and large dimensions allow the registers to efficiently heat such rooms.

Use of heating registers in industrial buildings provides the most optimal efficiency of the heating system. Compared to cast iron or, registers are characterized by better hydraulics and heat transfer. The relatively low cost of their manufacture reduces the cost of installing the entire factory heating system. In addition, they are not expensive to operate.

Despite this, the concept of efficiency does not apply to this type of heating device. As noted above, heating a large volume of coolant requires a lot of energy.

Heating registers at one of the productions Food Industry in the Moscow region.

Heating registers made of steel electric-welded pipes can be used in both single-pipe and two-pipe heating systems with forced or gravity circulation of the coolant (based on water or steam).

Note! Due to the large volume of coolant, which requires a lot of fuel to heat, only enterprises can afford the use of heating registers, but not the owners of private houses, for whom the efficiency of the heating system is important.


  • The large length of the devices (up to 6 m) allows you to heat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room evenly and in the shortest possible time.
  • High hydraulic characteristics.
  • Relatively low price. The cost of a mobile 3-pipe device (designed for heating a room up to 200 m²) with steel pipes with a diameter of 108 mm, with a wall thickness of 3.8 mm and a length of 3 m, with a power of 2.5 kW is about 13,000 rubles.
  • Easy to use. The devices can be easily and quickly cleaned from accumulated dust and other contaminants.

Mayevsky tap at the top of the register.


  • A large volume of coolant does not allow efficient use of registers in private homes. Home boilers simply will not be able to heat such an amount of water, or the heating will be insufficient.

Advice! To increase the power of the entire heating system of a private house, in addition to the boiler, a tubular electric heater can be installed. The heating element is mounted in the lower pipe of the register and is an additional source of heat. In the most frosty weather, when the boiler cannot cope with heating the house, you can turn on the heating element.

Technical characteristics of heating registers

  • Working pressure: 10 atmospheres
  • Working medium (coolant): water, steam.
  • Connection type: threaded or welded.
  • Heat dissipation: 500-600 W/meter

There are 3 main types of registers:

  1. sectional U-shaped;
  2. serpentine S-shaped;
  3. "Mixed" (coil U-shaped).

The main elements of heating registers are steel pipes (or pipes made of of stainless steel brand 304) with a diameter of 25 to 200 mm. Registers with a diameter of 25 to 100 mm are used for heating factory premises for administrative or household purposes, devices with a diameter of 100 to 200 mm are used in production workshops or large sports complexes (pools, volleyball, basketball halls).

As for private households, the use of registers is one of the most ineffective ways to heat a private home.

2-pipe register.

The number of sections of the device can be unlimited and depends only on the area of ​​the room and the required heat transfer.

Advice! If you use too many pipes (more than 4), it will still not be possible to significantly increase the power of the entire device, because heated by bottom pipes ascending warm air will be less able to accept thermal energy from the top pipes.

Manufacturing of heating registers

For the production of heating registers, steel pipes of various diameters (25-200 mm) are used, which are welded together at a distance of 50 mm from each other (reducing the distance between the pipes can lead to a decrease in heat transfer). This distance allows you to achieve maximum heat transfer and minimize mutual radiation.

The register includes supply and return, as well as an air vent with a ball valve installed in the upper part of the device. The supply and return pipes can be made in two versions:

  • Threaded connection;
  • Welded connection.

When ordering registers individually at the manufacturer, registers can be supplied either ready-made, assembled, or disassembled, which allows you to save money on logistics.

How to make a heating register with your own hands?

Unlike other heating devices, the production of which requires complex, expensive equipment, water heating registers can be made with your own hands. The main thing that is required for manufacturing is smooth steel pipes and the ability to use welding machine. If you cook it yourself, you will get the cheapest option, but if you need to welding work You will have to invite a third-party welder, such a register may be more expensive than the factory one. In this case, you should think about whether it’s worth doing this yourself or whether it’s easier to buy a factory device.

So, if registers are made for use in a private home, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Steel pipes with a diameter of 25 to 100 mm, or profile pipes similar size;
  • Jumpers made of steel pipe with a diameter of 25-32 mm;
  • Pipe plugs;
  • Inlet and outlet pipes for welding or threaded connection;
  • Branch pipe for air vent with ball valve;
  • Fastening elements (brackets for fastening to the wall, or floor stands);
  • Welding machine;
  • Electrodes;
  • Welder personal protective equipment (mask, gloves).
  • gas key;
  • Angle grinder;
  • Centimeter;
  • Building level;

Important! If a heating register made of steel pipes acts as autonomous system heating a separate room, when the heat source is a heating element built into the device, then in this case it is mandatory.

After completing the welding work and connecting components (etc.), the register is pressurized. If no leak is detected, the device is painted. If a leak is detected, the coolant is drained and the problem area is welded again.

How to improve register efficiency?

Registers have a relatively small heat-transfer surface and to increase it, metal plates can be used, which are welded vertically to the pipes. The result is a kind of finned tube.

In addition, the registers can be improved in such a way that they will “produce” convector heating. To do this, instead of metal plates, round or profile pipes are welded vertically onto the front of the device, which will create a convection effect. Convection is based on the fact that hot air always rises. Cool air located in the floor area is drawn in through the bottom of the pipe and, when heated, rises. As the air passes through the pipe, it heats up and exits, already heated, through the top of the pipe.

Calculation of heating registers made of smooth pipes

The calculation is made using the following formula:

Q = 3.14*D*L*K* (Tr – To), where

  • Q – pipe heat transfer
  • D – pipe diameter (measured in meters)
  • L – pipe length (m)
  • K – heat transfer coefficient
  • To – room air temperature
  • Tr – coolant temperature

Thus, by substituting the values ​​of each specific room, the heat transfer of the lower pipe is calculated. The top pipes have approximately 10% less heat transfer than the bottom pipe.

Note! On average, 1 m² of room requires 1 m of pipe with a diameter of 60 mm.
