Toilet      06/20/2020

Do-it-yourself additional receiver from a gas cylinder. Receiver from a gas cylinder: assembly difficulties and optimal performance. Necessary parts, materials and tools

"Today we will look at step-by-step instructions on how to make a compressor from a gas cylinder with our own hands .. Every master in our time is simply obliged to have a compressor in his workshop, because you can connect an airbrush to it, as well as a pneumatic tool that works by supplying compressed air from the compressor reservoir, and it's just convenient to use a gun to remove dust and purge parts.

To understand how the compressor works, it is necessary to study its diagram.

Then you need to safely drain the remaining gas from the cylinder and unscrew the valve with a wrench or a gas wrench, see how to do it correctly.
We remove the motor from the old air conditioner.
Unscrew the valve.
Fill the bottle with water from a hose.
We drill holes for the gearbox and valves.
Saw off the protruding parts.
We weld a new sling.
And also for ease of movement, it is necessary to put the compressor on wheels.

We make a shelf and install a motor from an air conditioner or refrigerator.

We paint with a can of paint.
We connect the wiring and connections.

So simple and budget compressor made from rubbish. If you have any questions then ask them in the comments. Thank you all for your attention!

The compressor is an indispensable thing in the household, in the country. This is especially true for those who have their own workshop and love to craft or airbrush. Of course, you can go and buy this unit on the market, but often its price is quite high, which prevents the purchase. But, of course, there is a way out - to make a compressor with your own hands.

You don't need much for this, although you will have to buy something. Many probably have old refrigerator, which no longer fits into the interior. While still in working order, it goes to the dacha, where it stands and rusts, or to the trash heap. So, its compressor will be the main part of the future installation. As a receiver, an ordinary old fire extinguisher or a small gas cylinder, which has served its time - this is not such a problem, since almost everywhere everything is gasified. In a specialized store, you will need to purchase adapters, a pressure switch, a pressure regulator with a pressure gauge, an air filter and a water separator filter.

Installation does not involve complex work.

If a compressor, made from improvised materials with your own hands, involves a receiver from a gas cylinder, then it is necessary to remove propane residues. To do this, open the valve, put the cylinder upside down, then fill it with water and turn it over again. After that, the procedure with water must be repeated, but leave the tank in its normal position - let the remaining gas escape. Then you need to make outlet holes on the receiver: this is done by conventional drilling and tapping fittings and adapters. The self-mounted compressor involves hose connections (oxygen, high pressure). The outlet at the end of the receiver is being finalized - a pressure gauge is installed, and in it - an outlet to the working hose. In addition, the receiver must be provided with an upper platform if the engine itself is on top. Such a compressor, made by hand, will take less space. And the installed wheels will give it maneuverability.

How a compressor works

The principle of its work is simple. Its main part is the engine, thanks to which air is pumped into the receiver. The receiver, in turn, is equipped with a valve that prevents it from escaping. This creates air pressure. The compressor is equipped with a sensor that prevents excess pressure in the receiver, and the relay automatically turns off the engine. This helps to avoid an explosion and, therefore, not only damage to the mechanism, but also harm to human health. According to this design, various compressors can be made, it all depends on the capabilities and ingenuity: the larger the receiver, the more power the engine requires. Compressors from refrigerators, if they are paired, are able to work with a gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters and a pressure of up to 16 atmospheres.

How to connect the compressor to the network?

The electrical part consists of such parts as a starter, a trip relay, a wire connection terminal block. Power is supplied from a conventional network, which allows the compressor to be used in any place where there is a conventional outlet.

The compressor can be called a fairly common equipment that is used to create pressure in various systems. There is just a huge amount various options performance of such devices, all of them are characterized by high efficiency in use. Industrial compressors cost quite a lot of money, which is why many are considering the possibility of creating a structure with their own hands. There are many on the Internet various instructions, when choosing, the required power and performance are taken into account. Consider the features of creating homemade compressor from a gas cylinder.


There are several fundamental parameters that must be taken into account when creating a compressor from a gas cylinder. Power can be called the most important, since it reflects the functionality of the device, which consists in compressing gases. Among the features of the power indicator, the following can be noted:

  1. To measure this indicator, bars, atmospheres or Pascals are used. To translate the values, various tables are used, which greatly simplify the task.
  2. When creating a compressor, one should take into account the moment that the pressure decreases from the source to the direct executive body. In this case, the pressure drop occurs in the entire pipeline or on critical elements.
  3. Power largely determines how much pressure can be created in the system. It depends on the installed electric motor and many other points.

Manufacturers industrial equipment always carry out the indication of power in the specification. In the case of work to create homemade design you have to perform calculations and select the appropriate elements.

The classification of compressors is carried out directly according to the power indicator, which is reflected in the pressure. It looks like this:

  1. Vacuum.
  2. Low to medium group.
  3. High and super high.

Most homemade designs belong to the second group. This can be attributed to the fact that too high an indicator becomes the reason for the complication of the task.


Another important parameter is performance. This indicator determines how much substance can be transported per unit of time. Among the features of this moment we note the following:

  1. Usually, l / min, m 3 / h and some others are used for measurement. Indicators can be converted into certain units of measurement to significantly simplify calculations.
  2. Performance is determined under standard conditions, which are defined by a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and normal atmospheric pressure. Recalculation of productivity can be carried out depending on what the ambient temperature is.
  3. All compressors are divided into several main groups. Examples include small, medium and greater performance. This indicator largely depends on the design aspects.

Performance is also indicated in the instruction manual. This indicator is determined by conducting tests under certain conditions. As for a home-made design from gas cylinders, it is quite difficult to control and measure performance.

Air compressor from a fire extinguisher or gas cylinder

Considering how to do air compressor do-it-yourself options should be borne in mind that such a design is represented by a combination of a motor and a container acting as a receiver. In this case, it is possible to use a gas cylinder or a fire extinguisher. The created compressor from a gas cylinder with your own hands is characterized by the following features:

  1. The engine can be taken from an old air conditioner or refrigerator. They are used for direct injection of air mass.
  2. The gas cylinder acts as a reservoir for storing compressed air.
  3. At the outlet, a reducer with a pressure gauge is installed to measure the pressure in the system.
  4. If an airbrush is created, then there is a fitting at the outlet through which the blow gun is connected. This element can be replaced by any other, it all depends on the task. The connection is made using a special hose, which is designed for heavy wear and heavy use.

In general, we can say that such a design is quite simple in execution and is characterized by high performance. At the same time, it is quite simple to make it, which requires certain materials and tools.

How to make a complete compressor with your own hands

In order to create similar device DIY requires certain materials and tools. The materials are as follows:

  1. Gas cylinder, the volume of which is 25 liters.
  2. A motor that is obtained after parsing a refrigerator or air conditioner.
  3. Reducer with built-in pressure gauge.
  4. Reinforced hose designed for high loads.
  5. Blow gun and other executive body.
  6. Armature and wheel.

Work is carried out only with certain tools. They are the following:

  1. Bulgarian for cutting.
  2. Welding machine for connecting various elements.
  3. Drill for making holes.
  4. Set of wrenches.
  5. Screwdriver.

After finding everything you need, you can proceed to the direct work.

The procedure for creating a compressor for generating pressure with your own hands is quite simple, you can carry it out in own garage. Step-by-step instruction as follows:

  1. To begin with, a gas cylinder is required, from which the valve is unscrewed and the remaining gas is drained.
  2. After that, the motor is removed from the old air conditioner or other suitable device.
  3. The valve is unscrewed.
  4. The gas cylinder is filled with water.
  5. The drill is used to make holes that are suitable for fixing the valve and reducer.
  6. Protruding elements must be cut off. This greatly simplifies the use of the compressor.
  7. A new shackle is welded on to simplify the connection of other equipment.
  8. Experts recommend making a special element that is required to fix the wheels. They greatly simplify the transportation of the compressor from the gas cylinder across the territory.
  9. The next step involves creating a shelf on which the engine will be installed. When creating a shelf, it is worth considering the moment that it must have increased rigidity. Otherwise, during operation, vibration will occur, due to which the performance of the installation will deteriorate.
  10. You can make the device more attractive and extend its service life by coating the surface with a paintwork material.
  11. Electricity and hoses are connected. This point should be given Special attention, as incorrect wiring may cause a large number various problems.

In most cases, this element is used to directly equalize the flow in the system. Due to this, the quality of the work being carried out is significantly improved, for example, when covering the surface with a paintwork material.

The gas cylinder is made in most cases from a material with a low corrosion resistance, which is why the surface is protected by paint.

How to choose the optimal parameters of the receiver

The choice of the most suitable receiver is carried out according to the main parameters. The most important can be called the volume, which depends on the following points:

  1. Installation performance. In this case, a gas cylinder with a capacity of 25 liters is sufficient.
  2. Compressed air consumption cycles. This indicator is characterized by how many times you have to turn the unit on and off.

Before using the gas cylinder directly, attention should be paid to its integrity. The presence of even minor defects determines that the device cannot be operated. The test is carried out by filling the container with water. In addition, water allows you to free it from gas residues that should not enter the system.

To increase the efficiency of work using compressed air, the vast majority of compressor units use receivers - tanks for storing air under the required pressure. Depending on the intensity of work, receivers of 50, 100 liters and even more can be used.

Why do you need a receiver in the compressor?

The receiver for the compressor performs several important functions:

  1. Stabilizes the pressure of the air supplied to working area(Differences in pressure values ​​are inevitable, since the single cycle of operation of any compressor involves a suction phase and an air discharge phase).
  2. They provide compressed air supply for some time in case of interruptions in the operation of the compressor, or when an additional consumer is connected to it.
  3. Air purification from accumulated condensate, since high humidity air, which rises with an increase in its pressure, leads to intense corrosion of the steel parts of the compressor.
  4. The accumulation of compressed air in the compressor receiver leads to a subsequent decrease in the total vibrations in the system, which, in turn, reduces the overall noise level and reduces the level of loads on the base of stationary units.

When performing work related to the production of compressed air in especially large quantities, a regular receiver may not be enough. For example, when sandblasting surfaces with a large area, in order not to acquire a more powerful compressor, an additional receiver is often used.

The presence of the receiver, in addition, allows you to use the compressor periodically, i.e., reduce its consumption electrical energy.

Structurally, the receiver for the compressor is a sealed tank with a certain capacity. For mobile compressors, receivers up to 50 ... 100 l are used, for stationary - up to 500 ... 1000 l. Equipped with air filters, condensate traps and shutoff valves for connection to the main unit and to a working device that consumes compressed air - a nozzle, a spray gun, etc.

The container is made of steel, from corrosion-resistant steels such as 10KhSND or 16GA2F. In exceptional cases, for compressors especially low power, receivers can be plastic or even high-strength rubber.

The layout of the receivers can be horizontal or vertical. The first is used in mobile units, the second - in stationary ones. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. In particular, in vertical receivers it is easier to drain condensate, but horizontal receivers are more compact and require shorter pipelines.

How to choose the optimal parameters of the receiver?

In addition to capacity, the receiver for the compressor is also characterized by:

  1. Humidity limits.
  2. Operating conditions (difference in external ambient temperatures of -15 ... + 40ºС and relative humidity no more than 75 ... 80%).
  3. Requirements for the installation site (away from heat sources, combustible and explosive materials, as well as in an atmosphere polluted by mechanical particles - for example, near circular saws).

The requirements of PB 03-576-03 (Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels) also prohibit the operation of receivers that have not passed the verification of the operability of the tank walls, as well as those that have external surface defects - cracks, dents, traces of atmospheric corrosion.

The choice of characteristics of the receiver for the compressor is made as follows. Set the required compressed air consumption, the duration of its consumption, the minimum and maximum pressure values. Further, using the standard online calculation tables (for example, //, the desired parameter is determined. For example, with initial air flow data of 0.1 m 3 /min, duration of peak load during operation 5 minutes, allowable pressure drop of minimum / maximum 3/4 atm, the optimal volume of the receiver tank will be 500 liters.

This method is focused on the time it takes to completely empty the receiver. There is also a simplified, tabular method that correlates the volume of the receiver with the power consumption of the compressor. The ratios used in practice are as follows:

  • For a compressor with a power of up to 5 kW - up to 100 l;
  • For a compressor with a power of up to 10 kW - up to 300 l;
  • For a compressor with a power of up to 20 kW - up to 550 hp.

Intermediate values ​​are recommended to be obtained by interpolation. There are also experimental dependencies. For example, the capacity of the receiver tank cannot be less than the capacity of the compressor for 8 seconds of its continuous operation. In particular, with an air consumption of 400 l/min by the compressor, the volume of the tank will be at least:

V \u003d (400 × 8) / 60 \u003d 53.33 (l)

Do-it-yourself additional receiver for a compressor

A number of works in household or in a small workshop they require an increased consumption of compressed air, which a conventional household compressor cannot cope with. One way out is to install an additional receiver for the compressor. Such a device can be purchased (the issue price, depending on the volume, is 12,000 ... 15,000 rubles), or you can make it yourself. Moreover, most of the proposed models of receivers are focused on regular compressors, which explains the high price for them.

Depending on the calculated volume (it is easier to connect an additional receiver in series with the main one), it is possible to adapt a cylinder from liquefied gas or a fire extinguisher.

The cylinder for a homemade receiver is first cleaned of gas residues. To do this, the inlet valve must be removed (the use of a power tool is unacceptable, since gas residues may remain in the cylinder). Further, the container is filled with water, and settled during the day. After that, tubular splitters for hoses can be welded into the cylinder, although screw plugs with reliable gaskets can also be provided. The tank is painted with weatherproof paint.

A pressure gauge can be installed in the finished receiver, and a steam trap can be installed in the bottom of the cylinder. The size of the steam trap must be matched to the compressor capacity, operating pressure and connection threads. Prices for steam traps - in the range of 2500 ... 3000 rubles.

The finished additional receiver, mounted for stability on a tripod welded from a steel bar, has the appearance shown in the photo.

When using the considered device, the following must be considered:

  • Installation of a steam trap on an additional receiver is mandatory;
  • Before loading, it is necessary to check the compressor motor for the possibility of its operation with an additional receiver. To do this, turn on the compressor drive to Idling, and with the help of a flow meter, the actual difference in the parameter is checked during long-term (more than 20 min) switching on. If the pressure does not fall below the minimum set, then the additional receiver can be used;
  • When the pressure drops, it will be necessary to reduce the desired value of the on-time from the standard 75 ... 80% to 50 ... 60% (at lower values ​​​​it is not advisable to use a home-made receiver).

It is not necessary to buy a compressor for painting work or pumping wheels - you can do it yourself from used parts and assemblies taken from old technology. We will tell you about the designs that are assembled from improvised materials.

In order to make a compressor from used parts and assemblies, you need to be well prepared: study the diagram, find it on the farm or buy some parts. Consider a few options for independent design of the air compressor.

Air compressor from refrigerator and fire extinguisher parts

This unit runs almost silently. Consider the scheme of the future design and make a list of the necessary components and parts.

1 - tube for filling oil; 2 - starting relay; 3 - compressor; 4 - copper tubes; 5 - hoses; 6 - diesel filter; 7 - gasoline filter; 8 - air inlet; 9 - pressure switch; 10 - cross; eleven - safety valve; 12 - tee; 13 - receiver from a fire extinguisher; 14 - pressure reducer with pressure gauge; 15 - moisture-oil trap; 16 - pneumosocket

Necessary parts, materials and tools

The main elements are taken: motor-compressor from the refrigerator ( better production USSR) and a fire extinguisher cylinder that will be used as a receiver. If they are not available, then you can look for a compressor from a non-working refrigerator in repair shops or at metal collection points. A fire extinguisher can be purchased on the secondary market or you can bring friends to the search, at work who may have decommissioned OHP, ORP, DU for 10 liters. The fire extinguisher must be safely emptied.

In addition, you will need:

  • pressure gauge (as for a pump, water heater);
  • diesel filter;
  • filter for gasoline engine;
  • pressure switch;
  • electric toggle switch;
  • pressure regulator (reducer) with pressure gauge;
  • reinforced hose;
  • water outlets, tees, adapters, fittings + clamps, hardware;
  • materials for creating a frame - metal or wood + furniture wheels;
  • safety valve (to relieve overpressure);
  • self-locking air inlet (for connecting, for example, to an airbrush).

Another viable receiver came from an automobile tubeless wheel. Extremely budget, although not very productive model.

Wheel receiver

About this experience, we suggest you watch a video from the author of the design.