Well      06/17/2019

Red spots on cherry leaves what to do. Cherry diseases: description with photos and methods of treatment. Cherry-Moniliosis Diseases - Gray Rot

Unfortunately, proper fit and caring for cherries do not guarantee you a harvest. After all, these garden trees can be seriously damaged various diseases or pests. Why are cherries sick? Let's analyze the main reasons:

  • non-compliance with the rules of planting and: for example, you chose the wrong place for seedlings, fed or watered the plants too much;
  • weather conditions can also play a trick on your garden, as too humid or, conversely, dry climate can lead to various diseases;
  • insects are frequent carriers of infections that cherries can get sick with.

sick cherry

By the way, the degree of susceptibility to disease also depends on the selected variety. That is why it is better to buy seedlings of varieties that are resistant to diseases, bacteria and adapted specifically for your climate zone. Undoubtedly, such seedlings will cost more, but in the future everything will pay off, because you will save a lot of money and time on treatment.

To protect the cherry orchard from diseases, learn to accurately identify their symptoms and select proper treatment. It is better to start with brown rot, which is most often found in domestic open spaces. It is not difficult to determine it: on the leaves appear dark spots brown or maroon, inside leaves form black dots. The affected parts of the tree dry very quickly and fall off.

Bordeaux liquid for disease control

Trees need to be treated with Bordeaux liquid, which you can easily prepare yourself. Take 100 g of slaked lime and mix in 5 liters of water. In another container, mix water and copper sulfate in the same proportions. After that, carefully and slowly pour the contents of the second container into the first and stir gently. By the way, the same remedy perfectly fights another disease dangerous for cherries - fruit rot. The symptoms here will be somewhat different: dark spots first appear on the berries, and literally a week later the disease affects the entire cherry, turning the pulp into an inedible and watery puree.

Klesterosporiosis can also cause serious damage to trees. This disease is determined by round spots with a dark red border on the leaves. After just two weeks, holes begin to appear in their place, after which the leaves dry out and fall off. The same marks appear on the berries, which dry out quickly. First of all, take care of prevention. To do this, treat your garden with a solution of copper sulfate (1%) in early spring. If the signs of the disease have already manifested themselves, treat the trees Nitrofen. At the same time, remember that it is impossible to spray during the flowering period and 20 days before picking berries.

There is one folk remedy in the fight against clasterosporiasis: pour a kilogram of finely chopped sorrel with a liter of water, let the mixture brew for several hours, and then carry out the treatment.

If yellowish stripes appear on the leaves of the cherry, your tree is struck by a disease such as mosaic ringing. It causes serious damage to plants, because at first the leaves turn yellow and fall off due to the disease, and after that the tree itself begins to slow down in growth. The problem is that on this moment there is no effective remedy against this disease - the affected trees will have to be removed from the site and burned. If there were trees in the garden that were previously affected by mosaic ringing, be sure to disinfect the soil with potassium permanganate.

Verticillium wilt is a very dangerous disease for cherries. It manifests itself in the fact that very few buds and buds develop on the tree, and even having blossomed, the buds fade in just two weeks, and the cherry itself ceases to bear fruit. To reduce the risk of disease, choose right place seedling planting: away from garden strawberries and nightshade (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes). Also do not forget to carry out root dressing with an aqueous solution of urea. If you don't have one, replace it with wood ash- 1 kg of ash is enough for 2 trees.

But not only diseases can cause crop loss. Cherries, like many other fruit trees, are very fond of various insect pests. Let's start with the cherry shoot moth. The problem is that this insect is very small - it reaches a length of about 5 mm, so it is quite difficult to notice the mole. The pest survives the winter in the bark of the tree, and in early spring it begins to feed on the buds, causing their rapid death. With the growth of the moth, the damage caused to the tree also increases: the caterpillars feed on the shoots of the plant, as a result of which the tree begins to bear fruit more slowly.

cherry shoot moth

To get rid of this pest, you need:

  1. In mid-July, dig up the soil and remove all the caterpillars living in the ground.
  2. During bud break, spray the trees in the garden with a solution of Karbofos (10%).
  3. Treat the cherry Spark, diluting 1 tablet of medicine in 10 liters of water.

Such a pest as the cherry fly lives in the southern gardens. True, as a result of climate change, the cherry fly is now increasingly found in the northern regions, so this information will be useful to all gardeners. At favorable conditions this pest is capable of destroying almost 90% of the cherry crop and 50% of the cherry. At the same time, he eats only healthy berries, bypassing underdeveloped and rotten ones.

To deal with cherry fly, follow our instructions:

  1. Choose early varieties for landing. Harvest as soon as the fruits ripen, and all fallen berries are best burned or buried deep - thanks to this, the pest living in them will not be able to overwinter.
  2. Use special baits to help distract flies from trees. It could be traps. You can also make a trap yourself: take honey water or any sweet drink, pour it into containers with cut off necks and hang it on trees. Flies, attracted by the sweet smell, will fall into the liquid, but they will not be able to get out.
  3. Don't forget to use insecticides. Best of all, drugs such as Spark and Karate. The first treatment is carried out at an air temperature not lower than +18 °C. The second time the trees are sprayed after two weeks, but at the same time, at least 18 days must remain before harvesting, insecticides cannot be used later.

Another enemy of the sweet cherry is the weevil, a small but very dangerous pest. The larvae can eat up to 50% of the crop. Adult beetles eat out the buds and the pistils and stamens located in them, which leads to damage to the fruit. To fence your garden from this insect, you should:

  1. In autumn, be sure to dig the soil to a depth of at least 20 cm, especially when. Keep your garden clean and tidy, fertilize in a timely manner, remove fallen fruits.
  2. Manually collect beetles and burn them.
  3. Before flowering, spray the cherry with an insecticide - preparations are suitable Fastak and Karate.
  4. After flowering, treat the trees with Aktars.

Winter moth can also bring a lot of grief to gardeners. This pest is especially dangerous for those whose dachas are located near the forest, from where the insect flies. It is easy to identify the moth - these are small yellow-green caterpillars that appear on the site about two weeks before the plant begins to bloom. They feed not only on leaves, but also on other parts of the cherry. In August, the caterpillars move into the ground and pupate, and already in September, butterflies appear, for which frosts down to -15 ° C are not terrible.

The fight against moth includes several steps:

  1. In early autumn, you need to carefully dig up the soil and destroy the butterflies wintering there. At the beginning of summer, try to loosen the soil near each tree to kill the caterpillars.
  2. The bark of trees should be cleaned of moss, do not forget about whitewashing the trunks, which will also become an obstacle to the pest.
  3. Treat the trees before bud break 30V. Spray cherries before flowering Aktellik or Calypso.

You need to start fighting pests even before they attack your garden. This will minimize the risk of tree damage. At the very beginning of April, it is imperative to treat the trees and the root zone with a solution of urea. This will destroy the pests wintering in the ground. The solution is prepared very simply: mix 0.7 kg of urea for every 10 liters of water. It should not be processed later with this composition, since there are high chances to burn the buds and ovaries of the cherry.

Prepared urea solution

In the spring, every 25-30 days, you should additionally spray the garden with preparations that will help scare away flying insects from cherries. The most effective are Iskra-Bio and Fitoverm, when using, you should strictly follow all the recommendations indicated on the package. To protect against pests, the object of which are the leaves, you should choose a drug Hom. Dissolve the package of product in a 10-liter bucket of water and spray the tree. In this case, the product should be used during flowering and after picking berries. In early spring you can wash the bark of a tree with a solution of iron sulfate. And so that the liquid does not drain and better stick to the bark, you can add a couple of drops of ordinary glue to the mixture.

In recent decades, due to the spread of stone fruit diseases, gardeners have faced a sharp drop in yields and even the need to cut down newly lush plantings. It is not surprising that cherry diseases and the fight against them occupy the main place among the burning topics, photos and descriptions of dangerous ailments will help the owners of household plots to identify the problem in a timely manner, cope with it and establish prevention.

Until the middle of the last century, the unpretentious cherry, which grew in gardens throughout the former USSR, had practically no serious enemies. And the old, proven varieties regularly pleased the villagers, if not with the largest and sweetest, but with numerous berries. But since the 60s, in a number of regions, cherry trees more and more often stood almost without foliage by the middle of summer, and fewer and fewer berries were tied on them. This is how coccomycosis, imported from the north of Europe, proved itself. Three decades later, Russian gardeners met another formidable enemy of stone fruit crops - moniliosis. Today, these diseases are the main, but not the only enemies of cherry orchards in Russia. Trees and crops are threatened by scab, perforated spotting, gum disease and other misfortunes.

General measures to protect cherries from diseases and pests

Unfortunately, fungal and related infections are so common today that to achieve good harvest, relying only on varietal characteristics and normal care, it will no longer work. Preventive and therapeutic use of fungicides in household plots is the norm. But even the most effective means have their weaknesses. The fungus already in the second or third year is able to adapt to earlier effective drug. Therefore, chemicals have to be changed regularly, not forgetting about the observance of agricultural technology and elementary attention to plantings.

In addition to spraying with fungicides, cherry trees need:

  • in the ongoing;
  • in the regular rejuvenation of fruit-bearing trees to the level of wood of 3–4 years;
  • in harvesting fallen leaves and removing even inedible, dry fruits remaining on the branches;
  • in competent fertilizer and mandatory watering of the garden.

Details about cherry diseases - video

12.09.2017 5 947

Cherry diseases and the fight against them - effective treatment and prevention

For many gardeners, cherry diseases and the fight against them turn into big problem, because the treatment does not help, the drugs are not effective, the tree withers, the leaves turn yellow, the bark bursts and the plant dies. Coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis, verticillium wilt, chlorosis, gommosis, cancer and other sores must, first of all, be able to identify and only then begin to act. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a tree, even if you are a great gardener...

Fungal diseases of cherries

Cherry diseases and their control are of great difficulty for gardeners. With the wrong approach to treatment, you can lose not only the crop of the current year, but also the tree itself. Therefore, it is important to understand what kind of disease the cherry tree suffers from. Particularly common fungal diseases stone fruits:

    The fungus primarily affects the leaves, brownish spots first cover the surface, and then corrode the leaf tissue, dotting it with small holes. Therefore, klyasterosporiosis has a second name - perforated spotting of sweet cherries. Branches, buds, flowers are also susceptible to fungal attack.

    Clusterosporiosis of sweet cherry - on the photo

    How to fight? Remove diseased leaves, regularly dig up the soil around the trunk. Treat all damage to the bark with 1% copper sulphate. At the beginning of the season, before the foliage appears, treat the tree and the ground around it again.

    As soon as the kidneys begin to open, treat with Bordeaux liquid at the rate of 100 g of the substance per bucket of water. The second time, spray the crown after flowering, the third - after another couple of weeks, and the fourth - after harvesting the berries.

    Bacteriosis, or cherry cancer

    If a cherry seedling dries up, it is possible that it is sick with bacteriosis, this is a very dangerous bacterial disease that usually affects young cherry trees from three to eight years old.

    sweet cherry bacteriosis - on the photo

    Bacteria are carried by airborne droplets, settle in tree buds and penetrate into the vessels of the plant. The bark is covered with ulcers from which gum flows. Fruits and leaves become mottled and die off. The cold spring contributes to the activation of the disease.

    How to fight? Unfortunately, effective methods bacteriosis control has not been developed. But, warm dry weather hinders its development. Nitrogen fertilizers strengthen plants and increase disease resistance. In addition, at different varieties cherries, the degree of resistance to the disease varies. Sweet cherries, the health benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone, require proper care to get tasty and juicy berries.


    Gommosis, or gum disease, is observed not only in sweet cherries, but also in all stone fruits. On trunks and branches, even on fruits and foliage, there are often streaks of a thick, viscous substance similar to resin - gum.

    cherry gum treatment - pictured

    Excessive release of gum indicates a problem with the plant. The reasons may be different: injuries, frost damage, excess nitrogen fertilizers, fungal diseases and pests, treatment with growth regulators and phytohormones. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what caused the excessive release of gum.

    How to fight? The wood in the place where the gum is released should be cut to a healthy layer, and then treat the wound with copper sulphate and cover it with garden pitch.


    Cherry chlorosis - many trees growing on land saturated with chalk and limestone fall ill with chlorosis. Proximity ground water also causes chlorosis. Plants do not receive enough minerals and synthesize chlorophyll poorly. This can lead to a delay in their development, deterioration in fruiting, a decrease in productivity and even death. Sweet cherries are largely prone to chlorosis. If you notice that the leaves are lightening, especially in young specimens, this may be a sign of illness.

    How to fight? Treatment of chlorosis is associated primarily with ensuring the functioning of the root system. It is recommended to water stone fruits with water with a minimum content of carbonates and salts - chlorides and sulfates. The oxygen exchange in the roots is improved by potassium permanganate, a tree is watered with a solution in the proportion of 30 g per bucket of water, the soil under which is previously moistened and loosened.

    Fresh manure, superphosphate, excess potassium fertilizers contribute to the development of chlorosis. It is useful to apply nitrogen fertilizers. Reduces chlorosis by adding compost, humus, peat to the soil. Two or three times a year, you can make them in the amount of 5 kg per square meter. When watering, it is recommended to add from time to time bird droppings diluted ten times.

    In early spring, before the leaves appear, spray the trees iron vitriol in the proportion of 300 gr per bucket of water. Later, at the beginning of summer, also carry out two or three treatments with an interval of 10 days, but at a lower concentration, 50 g per bucket of water is enough. Make sure the solution does not burn the leaves. If this happens, dilute the solution.

    In autumn, bring iron sulfate under the trees, mixing it with earth, humus or compost, then water the tree trunks abundantly. Now you know what are the main diseases of the sweet cherry and the fight against them. Like any disease, it is always easier to prevent than to get rid of them.

Any gardener takes care of his trees and worries when cherry diseases occur. Sometimes regardless of proper care trees are affected by serious diseases or pests. Cherries can be subject to such problems, so you need to know how to get rid of them.

In order to identify the disease, it is necessary to conduct a daily inspection of the trees. Because very often diseases and pests affect the crown, trunk, leaves, even berries. It is much easier to avoid such a problem than to deal with it later.

Be sure to constantly carry out prevention in your garden or garden. Used for this as medications, as well as methods traditional medicine. Each medicine for a tree must be used strictly following the instructions, otherwise you can simply destroy the tree.

Types of diseases

There are a wide variety of cherry diseases. Sooner or later, any gardener will encounter them.

Diseases in cherries can occur from both fungi and bacteria. Each requires a specific approach.

fungal diseases

  • Moniliosis - a disease that develops stone fruits due to a certain type of fungus. For a cherry tree, this ailment is bad because it affects the leaves, they begin to crumble, the flowers dry out, rot appears in the fruit. Gray sprouts appear on the berries. The berries are slowly falling off the tree, and those that remain turn black. The following year, spores remain, infecting the next crop.

The fight against diseases requires the need to constantly cut branches, rotten berries and leaves; constantly fight pests, such as caterpillars or codling moths; harvest carefully so as not to damage the berries.

  • coccomycosis - is different this disease the appearance of red spots that turn gray over time. The part of the leaf on which the red spot has formed falls off and forms a hole. Such a disease can occur from too frequent rains or heavy dew.

Advice. In the fight against this disease, you need to quickly resort to help. chemicals such as Topaz. To prevent the product from being washed away by rain, it must be mixed with laundry soap. Processing should be carried out after the color of the tree.

Rot and clasterosporiasis - how to fight

  • Clusterosporiasis - differ in the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, which have a red tint along the edge. After a while, holes appear. In this case, the entire tree is completely affected. The leaves crumble, spots appear on the fruits, and eventually corrodes to the bone. The bark of the tree is also affected. This disease can appear from rain, wind or insects.

For the fight, the removal of diseased branches or berries is used. Then it is necessary to treat with a chemical solution Horus. Treatment with copper sulphate or Nitrofen is also ideal. A folk remedy is a decoction of sorrel, which must be insisted and treated with a tree.

  • Cherry rot - the most common tree disease. It applies to all fruit trees. It is distinguished by the appearance of brownish spots on the berries. Over time, gray mold appears.

It is necessary to fight such an ailment from the spring. Those berries that have been damaged by hail or strong winds are affected. All spoiled fruits must be removed.

Powdery mildew and cytosporosis - treatment and prevention

powdery mildew
- this cherry disease must be feared when planting, because tree seedlings are affected. When this disease appears, the tree grows slowly, the leaves crumble.

Advice. In the fight against this disease, it is necessary to use chemical solutions such as Topaz or Strobe.

Cytosporosis - differs in the defeat of the stem, shoots of a tree, very rarely even the roots can suffer. When this disease appears, all young trees die. The bark becomes brittle, acquires a brown color. By spring, the tree is completely dry.

To prevent this disease, it is necessary not to allow various insects to corrode the bark. Pruning should be carried out very carefully, without damaging the tree.

Spotting, rot and other infestations

  • brown spot - characterized by brown spots. Over time, the spots turn black, and the leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

In this case, it is necessary to burn the damaged foliage. handle wood Bordeaux mixture, nitrafen, copper sulfate. If the infection is very strong, treat it again in the fall.

Important! Do not forget that processing, especially chemicals, it is necessary to produce, following safety precautions. Be sure to use gloves, a mask and goggles. Never inhale chemicals.

In order to completely get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to burn all the foliage, remove rotten berries, and dig up the ground.

It is difficult to overcome such a disease. You will have to completely get rid of the tree by burning. Or constantly remove emerging growths. Then clean the bark, treat with vitriol.

  • Sulfur yellow tinder fungus - gray rot appears on the bark of a tree, which grows into a mycelium of bright yellow color. The wood from it becomes fragile, begins to crumble.

In the spring, you need to feed the tree. Be sure to whitewash the trunk. If, nevertheless, there are cracks from frost on the bark, then you need to clean them up, then process and cover them up.

  • Gum treatment is one of the most common diseases. Gum begins to drip from the tree, this is due to infection with some kind of disease.

To avoid such a manifestation, it is necessary to protect the tree from frost in winter, properly insulate it, fertilize it. Frost cracks must be cleaned and treated.

  • Scab - Another common cherry disease. It is characterized by the appearance of brown spots. The leaves eventually curl up into a tube and fall off. Green fruits also suffer.

In order to avoid it is necessary to get rid of infected leaves and fruits, to produce constant spraying.

Bacterial diseases

In addition to fungal diseases, there are such diseases:

  • bacteriosis - has another name - cherry cancer. Already old trees that are more than five years old are susceptible to infection. The appearance of black or brown spots, ulcers characterizes this particular disease. She appears in the wet spring.

It can be avoided by good watering.

  • Mosaic ringing - different yellowish pattern on the leaves. The leaves dry up and slowly fall off the tree. After that, the growth of the tree slows down.

It is impossible to get rid of such a disease. It is necessary to burn the trees and treat the soil with potassium permanganate.

  • verticillium wilt - characterized by poor growth of buds and buds. To avoid such a disease, it is necessary to plant cherries farther from strawberries or nightshades. You also need to treat the tree with urea.

Pest control

Disease is not the only thing that can ruin a crop. These are cherry pests.

It is very important to get rid of unexpected guests, otherwise, in just an hour, the harvest of “bird cherries” will disappear from the garden. It is necessary to install various scarers on trees and in the garden: stuffed animals, mirrors, garlands - everything that will scare away birds. But this is a temporary salvation, the birds will return. Only a fine mesh thrown over a tree can really help.

We get rid of aphids, moths and flies

cherry aphid
- This is a black, shiny pest. Their eggs remain on young shoots. In spring, they hatch, while occupying the tops, leaves and pedicels, from where they suck out all the juice. The leaves turn black, dry and crumble. In order to get rid of this pest, you need to use a decoction tree resin. It is also great to use pesticides. Spraying should be done immediately after the appearance of the first insects.

cherry shoot moth - This is a very small pest that is difficult to find on a tree. It hibernates in the bark. Due to the appearance of this pest, the tree grows slowly and slowly dies.

In order to avoid the cherry moth, you need to dig up the soil, pull out all the caterpillars. Then treat with Karbofos and Spark solution.

cherry fly - is found in absolutely all regions and can destroy almost the entire crop.

For prevention, it is necessary to bury all spoiled berries deeply. You also need to distract the flies with sweet ribbons so that they do not reach the sweet cherry. Still need to be treated with insecticides.

Weevil and moth - dangerous pests

- a small pest that is considered very dangerous. It eats away the bud, which leads to damage to the berry. To avoid the consequences, it is necessary to dig up the soil in the fall, get rid of rotten fruits, and fertilize in time. Be sure to collect bugs and burn them. Should be treated with an insecticide.

winter moth - This is a pest that flies from the forest. These are yellow-green caterpillars that feed on both leaves and other parts of the cherry. Most importantly, butterflies appear from them, which are resistant to frost.

In autumn, it is advisable to dig up the soil in order to get rid of butterflies and caterpillars, the bark must be cleaned of moss.

Every garden must be protected from any influence of pests or diseases. It is best to carry out preventive measures in the garden, then there will be no need to fight diseases or pests. It is impossible to feel sorry for already dying trees; if necessary, it is necessary to uproot them and burn them. Otherwise, you risk healthy cherries and cherries.

Material prepared:

President of the Association of Gardeners of Russia (APPYAPM), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Dorohova E.V.,
Specialist of the Association of Producers of Fruits, Berries and planting material

Using the material of the site sadurad.ru

The main diseases of sweet cherry and measures to combat them

Almost all adults and children love juicy and sweet cherries. And, of course, every owner personal plot would like to have my own own tree cherries. But, unfortunately, growing cherries is a rather difficult task, because it can be affected by a huge number of diseases. The main diseases of cherries will be discussed in our article.

Brown spotting (phyllostictosis)

Round brown small spots appear on the leaves, surrounded by a narrow dark rim. Subsequently, the tissue in the spots falls out and holes form on the leaves. In places of spots on both sides of the leaf, pycnidia of Phyllosticta prunicola are visible in the form of black dots. Pycnidia are flattened-spherical, black, about 100 microns in diameter. Conidia ellipsoidal or ovoid, unicellular, colorless or light olive 4-6 X 5-3 microns.

The stone fruits are also inhabited by the fungi Phyllosticta pruni-avium and Ph. circum-scissa Cooke, differing from the species described above by minor diagnostic features. With strong development, brown leaf spot can cause drying and partial shedding of cherry leaves.

Control measures. It is necessary to remove the affected branches and treat wounds. To do this, they are cleaned, disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water), rubbed with fresh sorrel leaves (3 times with an interval of 10 minutes) and covered with garden pitch.

In gardens, trees and soil are abundantly sprayed with nitrafen or 1% copper sulphate. Spraying is carried out before bud break in early spring.

If necessary, Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 liters of water) can be used to combat the disease, spraying in the green cone phase (at the beginning of bud break) or in the budding phase. The second spraying is carried out immediately after flowering with 1% Bordeaux liquid. The third spraying is carried out 15 - 20 days after flowering. When using preparations of copper oxychloride and Bordeaux liquid for the third (summer) spraying, you must first make sure that they do not cause leaf burns. For verification, control branches are selected and only them are sprayed. Burns appear as necrotic spots on leaves or nets on fruits. The last treatment is carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

In case of severe infection of the garden with brown spotting, another treatment of trees is carried out in the fall after leaf fall, using a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture (300 g per 10 l of water).

Photo number 1. Damage to leaves by brown spot

Clasterosporiasis (perforated spotting)

The disease affects the whole tree: buds, flowers, shoots, leaves and branches. The disease manifests itself with brown spots, the edge has a darker border. The spots develop into holes, the tissues on the shoots die off, the fruits dry up, the leaves fall off. The fungus survives the winter in cracks in the bark of a tree or in the tissues of the shoots.

Control measures. It is necessary to remove the affected branches and treat wounds. To do this, they are cleaned, disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water), rubbed with fresh sorrel leaves (3 times with an interval of 10 minutes) and covered with garden pitch. In gardens, trees and soil are abundantly sprayed with nitrafen or 1% copper sulphate. Spraying is carried out before bud break in early spring.

If necessary, Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 liters of water) can be used to combat clasterosporiasis, spraying in the green cone phase (at the beginning of bud break) or in the budding phase. The second spraying is carried out immediately after flowering with 1% Bordeaux liquid. The third spraying is carried out 15 - 20 days after flowering. The last treatment is carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

Spraying is carried out in compliance with all the rules.

It is necessary to remove all fallen leaves under the trees (this is where the spores of the fungus hibernate) and dig the soil into trunk circle. All remaining brown leaves on the trees must also be collected and destroyed.

Photo number 2. Manifestation of clasterosporiasis on cherries

false tinder fungus

False tinder fungus causes core white rot of wood. The wood affected by the tinder fungus becomes soft and very light, such trees are easily broken by the wind. Black veins are visible inside the wood, penetrating or bordering the affected areas.

The fruit bodies of the tinder fungus are woody perennial growths, hoof-shaped (sometimes flattened). The mushroom can be of different colors - from yellow to dark brown. The top side is covered with small cracks.

False tinder fungus usually grows from cracks in the bottom of a tree trunk.

Control measures. It is important to increase winter hardiness fruit trees and choose zoned varieties.

It is necessary to whitewash the trunks and skeletal branches of trees with lime in the fall, to carry out top dressing after frosty winters.

All measures should be taken to protect trees from damage to the bark.

All wounds must be disinfected with a 3% solution of copper sulphate and covered with garden pitch.

Trees affected by tinder fungus are uprooted and burned. If it is not possible to destroy the tree, it is necessary to periodically inspect them and cut off the emerging bodies of the fungus to prevent the spread of its spores. The formed wounds need to be disinfected. It is necessary to cut off the tinder fungi in July, when their fruiting bodies have already formed, and the spores have not yet matured.

Photo number 3. False tinder fungus

Sulfur yellow tinder fungus

Sulfur yellow causes brown heart-shaped rot of wood, in which cracks form with visible spores of the fungus. Affected wood easily breaks into pieces. The fruiting bodies are different large sizes, in the form of wavy dissected hats of light yellow or brown color.

Control measures. The same as with a false tinder fungus.

Gray rot (moniliosis)

The shoots and branches of trees turn brown, wither and become like burnt ones.

The fruits rot. Small, gray growths appear on their surface, having a chaotic arrangement. This is what distinguishes gray rot from fruit rot, in which the growths are arranged in concentric circles.

It is important to carry out preventive measures to combat caterpillars, codling moths, weevils, goose and other pests and diseases.

When harvesting, care must be taken not to cause mechanical damage to fruits and berries.

In gardens, trees and soil are liberally sprayed with nitrafen, iron sulphate, copper sulphate, oleocuprite or 1% Bordeaux mixture. Spraying is carried out before flowering.

The second spraying is carried out immediately after flowering with 1% Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 l of water) or solutions of cineb, copper chloride, captan, phthalan, cuprosan and other fungicides.

When using preparations of copper oxychloride and Bordeaux liquid for summer spraying, you must first make sure that they do not cause leaf burns. For verification, control branches are selected and only them are sprayed. Burns appear as necrotic spots on leaves or nets on fruits.

It is necessary to store only fruits without mechanical damage. If the first signs of disease appear on the stored berries of cherries, plums, cherries, cherry plums, apricots, they must be immediately removed from storage.

The development of gray rot is restrained by whitewashing boles and skeletal branches of fruit trees, carried out in late autumn.

Photo number 4. Fruits affected by gray rot

Branches dying off

On the bark of dead branches, warty growths of a light pink color appear (the size of each is the size of a pinhead). Growths can be located singly and in groups.

Control measures. Affected branches must be cut and destroyed (burned). The resulting cuts (wounds) are smeared with garden pitch.


Small reddish dots appear on the leaves of the cherry. On the underside of the leaf, these spots are covered with a pink bloom. Cherry leaves gradually turn yellow, turn brown and dry.

Especially common disease in regions with a humid climate.

Control measures. It is necessary to regularly collect and destroy the affected fruits, remove dead branches.

In the spring, before flowering, the trees are sprayed with iron sulfate (300 g per 10 liters of water).

Immediately after flowering and petals fall (when the first leaves bloom), cherries and cherries are sprayed with chorus (2 g per 10 liters of water). Repeated spraying with chorus is carried out 20 days after flowering and 20 days after harvest.

Photo #5. Cherry coccomycosis.

Scab of cherries and sweet cherries

The leaves are covered with brownish-brown spots and infected among them curl up into a tube. Over time, they dry out and crumble. Green fruits stop growing and begin to dry.

Control measures. In the early periods of spring and autumn, in order to eliminate this disease, it is necessary to dig up the ground along with the foliage; get rid of sleeping fruits, leaves. You should also spray the plants, firstly, when the green buds stand out, secondly, the plants have faded and, thirdly, when the fruits have already been harvested. Spray with copper chloride (40 g / 10 l of water) or 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Photo No. 6. Scab on cherry leaves.

Cylindrosporosis (white rust)

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that causes complete fall of tree leaves by mid-July, as a result of which they become very weak and freeze out during colder winters.

Control measures. Fallen leaves are collected and burned; dry and diseased branches are cut out.

Mosaic cherry disease

Clear yellow stripes appear on the leaves along the veins. The leaf takes on a bizarre shape, twists, develops abnormally. After some time, the leaves on diseased trees turn red, turn brown and die prematurely.

Cherry trees affected by mosaic disease are significantly weakened.

Control measures. Viral diseases are practically not subject to treatment. Cherry trees showing signs of mosaic disease should be uprooted and burned. Ways to combat the disease are only preventive in nature - the use of healthy planting material, timely treatment of plants against sucking insects to prevent the spread of the mosaic, and compliance with quarantine measures.

Photo number 7. Mosaic cherry disease

Mosaic ringed sweet cherry

Pale green or whitish rings appear on the leaves. The rings are especially well visible if you look at the leaf in the light. Gradually, the leaf tissue inside the ring dies and crumbles, holes are formed in the leaves.

The disease may not appear on infected sweet cherry plants for up to two years.

Control measures. Same as with mosaic disease.

Photo number 8. Mosaic annularity of sweet cherry

Gum cherries

Non-infectious common disease. Cherries are particularly prone to this disease, as the tree is stronger than cherries or plums and grows thicker. As a result, enzymatic transformations occur in the cells and gum is formed. The disease manifests itself on trees damaged by unfavorable wintering or already affected by clasterosporiosis, moniliosis and other diseases of stone fruit crops.

Trees grown on acidic or highly moist soils, as well as after the application of high doses of fertilizers in high humidity, are especially affected.

Symptoms of gum disease: the release of gum on tree trunks, which hardens in the form of transparent glassy formations.

Control measures. It is necessary to follow all the rules of agricultural technology and cultivation of sweet cherries (increase winter hardiness and resistance to fungal diseases, fertilize trees in a timely and correct manner, monitor the water regime).

Wounds formed on the bark after pruning or for other reasons must be covered with garden pitch (petrolatum).

Wounds that secrete gum are cleaned, disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, then rubbed with fresh sorrel leaves 2-3 times with an interval of 10-15 minutes. After all, they cover it with garden pitch or nigrol putty (70% nigrol + 30% sifted oven ash).

Photo number 9. Hardened gum