Well      04/14/2019

Combination of fruit trees and shrubs. Compatibility of fruit trees in your garden

A tree has constituent parts: a root, a tree trunk and branched branches - a crown. A shrub differs from a tree in that the plant has several equivalent main stems. Lilac is an example of a shrub often used in landscape design to decorate a site (photo). Lilac refers to ornamental shrubs.

A tree differs from a shrub in some other ways:
Has a stronger root system
Longer life span
The root of a tree is more powerful than that of a shrub.

Shrubs can serve as hedges. The source of edible, medicinal fruits are fruit trees and shrubs. Decorative varieties are used to decorate gardens, parks, house adjoining areas. Trees are also considered as a source of valuable natural raw materials - wood.

Plants may have a life form, which is defined as subshrubs. perennial plants, in which the lower shoots are lignified, the upper grassy shoots freeze in winter, and grow back with warming, are called semi-shrubs. Lavender, sage, blueberries are shrubs that live in temperate latitudes.

Lilac - the beauty of the park

Lilac - shrub, develops a height of two to eight meters. Due to its high decorativeness, a very popular plant in landscape design. The shrub has up to ten species and many varieties. received general recognition, also because, with an unusually beautiful flowering, the plant is unpretentious, does not require special care.

Lilac is a wonderful honey plant, different parts of the plant are used for medical purposes.

Rowan - the nurse of birds

Rowan is most often found shaped like a tree, but there are also shrub varieties. It grows in Europe, is found in Asia. Rowan grows in the mountains. Rising to the border, where vegetation ends, mountain ash occurs in the form of shrubs. It grows in temperate climates.

Rowan grows five meters high, can reach twelve meters. Very decorative. The matte green leaves turn red and golden in autumn, so it pleases the eye with beauty.

Rowan - the plant is more decorative, the raw berries are not used, during processing they get edible products, a storehouse of vitamins. Mountain ash is beautiful in winter - with baskets of red berries peeking out from under the snow (photo), in spring - with snow-white fragrant caps of inflorescences, in summer - ripening orange berries, in autumn - also with picturesque bright leaves.

Rowan is used in (photo), parks, rich in varieties garden forms: narrow-pyramidal, weeping (photo), yellow-fruited and others. The wood is used to make jewelry, furniture, turnery. Berries are very fond of birds.

Aronia - chokeberry. It occurs only in the form of a shrub, grows up to two meters tall (photo). The plant is used for ornamental plantings. The fruits of the shrub are edible and medicinal.

Kalina - good for everyone

Kalina - fruit and berry plant cultivated as shrubs and small trees up to three meters high. A beautiful plant, closer to autumn strewn with tassels of scarlet berries and framed by three-five-lobed leaves of emerald color. In May, viburnum is covered with white inflorescences (photo).

Kalina does not require special care, although it loves fertile soils, it suffers without watering in dry times. Resistant to diseases, it is necessary to ensure that aphids do not start up and deal with it in time. Use the plant in plantings landscape design.

Kalina is able to create in a garden or park - a corner dear to the heart. Its beauty is commensurate with usefulness. All parts of the plant are rich in valuable substances, it uses them ethnoscience. The berries are delicious in jellies and drinks.

Plant compatibility in plantings

Landscape design considers plants, taking into account their requirements for soil, lighting, watering, compatibility of plant sizes, configurations and light spots. There is another approach when planting a garden or landscaping plots: the friendliness of plants should be taken into account, this is called allelopathy.

All plants, including trees and shrubs, have likes and dislikes. This affects the fact that they contribute to the growth and health of nearby plants, or their proximity causes mutual oppression and disease.
Lilac, viburnum and mountain ash are mutually loyal. Lilac also coexists well with apple, cherry plum, apricot, plum, rose. Recognizes the neighborhood with wild rose, acacia, jasmine, peach, barberry, linden.

Harmonious plantings will be obtained if you plant lilac next to mulberry, currant, hawthorn, elderberry, bird cherry.
Finding lilacs next to blackberries, willows, dogwoods, birches, hazels and walnuts is not desirable.
Lilac does not get along with cedar, pine, spruce and oak.

Viburnum refers to monoplanting plants. She doesn't really like anyone. Kalina can suppress shrubs or trees planted close to it. Designers make compositions where viburnum is included in the group: mountain ash, oak, linden. Especially badly tolerates viburnum neighborhood with spruce.

Some experts also include lilacs as mono-planting plants, advising them to use it as a hedge, to make single plantings.

Rowan is more docile, shows compatibility with raspberries, spruce, pine and cherries. Walnut, acacia, rose, chestnut, jasmine, according to experts, are not suitable as neighbors for mountain ash. Some sources call both lilac and viburnum in this series.

It seems that the issue of plant compatibility requires even more observation and study. The type of plant also matters. Looking closely at the inhabitants of the site, you can immediately see where the plants are in harmony with each other, it feels like a piece of paradise. In another case, depression and frequent diseases of trees and seedlings leads to conclusions about their possible incompatibility.

Which fruit trees love being next to other trees, and which ones? And which cultures can't stand each other?

Muhammad Samadovich Abdulahatov, Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region

Indeed, some trees love the neighborhood of their own kind, and some cannot stand it at all, some are friends, and some are not. By planting "enemies" nearby, you can wait years for the harvest and never get it.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon: the roots of the warring neighbors can be located at the same depth, and they will interfere with each other; one plant releases substances harmful to another into the soil. Let's talk about the neighborhood of the most common fruit crops.

Apple tree- the most popular tree among our gardeners. This is a very friendly plant that gets along well with almost any crop (cherry, plum, other apple trees). However, in her trunk circle you should not plant berry bushes or break up a vegetable garden, but place flowers, both annuals and perennials, or aromatic plants Can.

And also interesting fact- if you plant conifers next to the apple tree, it will bear fruit more abundantly. But among them there should not be Cossack juniper, as it is a peddler of rust.

This disease is equally dangerous for the apple tree. But what this culture cannot stand is mountain ash. And the rowan moth is to blame, the caterpillars of which damage the fruits of the apple tree.

Pear not so kind to her neighbors. Plum and a number of others do not get along well with her. fruit trees and shrubs, therefore, so that peace and tranquility reigned on your site, place pear seedlings separately from other trees. Then there will be no compatibility issues.

next to currant- also a very popular culture - it is useful to grow onions, it will protect shrubs from bud mites. But only planting onions before winter "works". A good neighbor for black currants is honeysuckle, and for red, an excellent companion is gooseberries.

But it would seem that relatives, black and red currant get along badly. And the neighborhood with raspberries does not suit them either. And since we are talking about raspberries, this self-willed and freedom-loving lady cannot stand any kind of neighborhood at all. Rather, other cultures cannot stand it: powerful lashes and raspberry roots clog other plants, preventing them from developing normally.

And one more thing: do not plant in the garden bird cherry, since glassware can flock to it from all over the area, which will gladly move to other, more valuable crops. The insidious hawthorn also lures apple tree pests to the site.

If your area has birch, then all fruit plantings it is better to take it away from it, since the powerful root system of the plant will take away water and nutrition from them - you simply will not get a proper harvest from fruit trees.

If you are growing peach on your site, then plant it separately from all other trees: this is a single plant that does not tolerate neighbors. And he does not like cherries and cherries so much that the tree begins to lean in the opposite direction.

A garden is not just a collection of trees and shrubs growing side by side. Each plant in its own way especially in cultivation. Differences in crop care technology determine which crops grow well nearby, and which cannot stand being next to each other. Years of experience gardeners have long classified bushes and trees according to the availability of joint cultivation.

Neighborhood of fruit trees and berries: key nuances

The study of the favorable and unfavorable neighborhood of garden plants is more than one hundred years old. People have long noticed that some cultures do not affect each other in any way if they are planted side by side. Others wither. Still others, on the contrary, give a lush color and a greater yield.

The compatibility of cultures is a set of their preferences, taking into account such natural factors:

Advice. It is also important to properly plant trees and berries in the garden. Experience shows: the optimal arrangement for group landings is rows. In addition, the variety must be adapted to the climate of your region.

Recommendations for the neighborhood of fruit trees: apple and pear

The exact classification of good and bad garden neighbors is listed in the table. General characteristics popular cultures give a more complete picture of each garden dweller. It is difficult for other trees to get along with an apple tree; any shrubs do not grow well under it. That is why the apple orchard is usually planted at a distance from other crops. It's all about the powerful root system: it is able to oppress neighbors, depriving them of nutrient juices and water. The size of the roots of the apple tree corresponds to the diameter of the crown.

A young apple tree will develop faster next to a raspberry. This shrub loosens the soil well, improving its aeration. The seedling will get stronger and receive additional immunity from diseases and pests characteristic of the species. Raspberries will not suffer, but only until the crown of the tree grows.

Advice. From the point of view of convenience, raspberries are not the best partner for an apple tree. It is unpleasant to extract a fallen crop from thorny thickets.

Other aspects of the neighborhood with an apple tree:

  • gooseberries, currants and other fruit bushes also feel bad under this tree;
  • grows well with grapes;

  • apricot, plum, pear should be planted at least 4 m from the apple tree;
  • the apple tree itself does not tolerate the proximity of the hazel. Plant crops at different edges of the site;
  • the empty space under this tree is well filled with shade-tolerant decorative types(e.g. host).

A pear, in addition to an apple tree, does not get along well next to stone fruits. Most varieties of this tree need another pear in the neighborhood. The reason is the characteristics of pollination. You can solve the problem by grafting branches of a different variety to the tree. Of the neighbors of other species, the pear loves only mountain ash. But it does not suppress most shrubs.

Compatibility features of other horticultural crops

Cherries without proper attention can grow throughout the site, occupying the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmost other crops. Of the trees, it does not conflict only with plum, cherry and hawthorn. Apple, apricot, pear, red rowan, raspberries, currants and gooseberries should not be planted nearby. Cherries have similar priorities. Only her rhizome is even more powerful than that of a cherry. Therefore, even good neighbors are best placed at a safe distance.

It is generally difficult to grow peach in the conditions of the domestic climate. If you nevertheless took up this matter, the tree must be allocated a completely separate place. Plum does not like pears and apples. But it grows well next to cherries and cherries.

Among the shrubs there are also friendly and aggressive partners:

  1. Currant. You can not plant next to the raspberry. Black and red varieties do not like neighborhood with each other. The reason is different lighting needs.
  2. Gooseberry. Favors the red currant. But it does not tolerate closeness with the black one, since crops have a common pest - moth.
  3. Raspberries. Will suppress any neighboring shrub.
  4. Grape. Will share the land with almost any horticultural crop, except for quince.

Attention! A separate case is hazel. Not a single fruit crop will develop normally next to it.

It is safest to place groups of different species of seedlings with an interval of at least 5-6 m from one another. But in most cases, site owners do not have this luxury. Therefore, before planting, it is important to understand the principles of the neighborhood of fruit trees and berries.

What trees to plant nearby: video

Trees and shrubs, like people, have poor compatibility with each other, as a result of which a significant part of the crop is lost. The compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden is much more important than the compatibility of vegetables. In the latter case, the situation can be easily corrected next spring, but it will no longer be possible to transplant a rooted tree, especially an adult one. Therefore, this issue must immediately be given sufficient attention so as not to harm your own garden.

Bad and good living

Bad and good compatibility of trees and shrubs is a concept that includes various factors that affect plants. First of all, planting material should receive a sufficient amount of light, and in no case should neighboring trees obscure each other. A sufficient amount of nutrients and moisture must come from the soil, therefore, in closely growing plants, the root system is located at different levels. Different crops require different fertilizers for successful growth and development. This fact must also be taken into account.

The compatibility of trees and shrubs affects the yield and appearance of the garden

Some plants emit substances that significantly slow down or completely stop the growth of other trees. Almost nothing can be planted with them nearby. When choosing a place for planting horticultural crops, you need to pay close attention to the surrounding vegetation. The presence of sedge, couch grass and alder indicates excessive acidity and the need for liming.

On a note! Ideal compatibility of fruit trees and garden shrubs when planting, it is achieved if they are of the same species (for example, cherries with cherries, pears with pears, gooseberries with gooseberries).

It will not be difficult to do something similar with shrubs, but not every owner will allow himself to plant an apple, cherry or plum orchard separately on the site. The close location of crops should take into account both the conditions of detention and the possibility of damage by pests and diseases.

Reasons for incompatibility

The compatibility of bushes and fruit trees on the site depends on many factors. The main reasons for incompatibility are:

  • the location of the roots at the same level in the soil;
  • selection harmful substances, suppressing the growth and development of neighboring plants;
  • creating shading conditions for large trees;
  • consumption of the same nutrients and trace elements from the soil;
  • Availability common diseases and pests.

The compatibility of trees and shrubs in the garden depends on many factors.

It is best to check whether the cultivation of certain plants next to the table is compatible. However, if this is not possible, then the landing is carried out in groups of several pieces, and the distance between these groups is at least 2 meters. Shrubs can generally be planted in rows, which will facilitate not only the selection of neighboring plants, but also the harvest.

Compatibility table

The compatibility table will come to the rescue not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners. It should be noted that the recommendations it makes are not definitive. Reviews of summer residents indicate that the plants indicated as completely incompatible on their household plots grow nearby and delight with the harvest. Many factors influence the process of growth and fruiting, therefore it is impossible to be categorical.

Compatibility table of fruit trees and shrubs


Currant compatibility with others garden plants is of particular interest to gardeners. Everyone tries to have at least a bush of each type on their site, so that useful berry helped the body in the season to restore immunity and replenish the supply of vitamins. But where to plant it? It is ideal to plant onions near currants, especially before winter. With the onset of spring warmth, he will protect fruit bush from kidney mites.

Red and black currants do not get along well next door to each other.

The compatibility of blackcurrant with other horticultural crops deserves special attention. It is best to grow honeysuckle next to it. But the red varieties are better to remove away. Despite the relatedness of cultures, they get along very poorly with each other. In some cases, such a neighborhood led to the death of plants.


Fact! Cherries and sweet cherries are far from the same thing, but these plants coexist wonderfully next to each other. Feels good next to them and plum.

But such inhabitants of the garden as cherries and garden gooseberries have poor compatibility. Not suitable for the neighborhood and mountain ash. As evidenced by the reviews experienced gardeners, she often gets sick in this case.

Beginners are interested in the question, is it possible to plant currants next to cherries? Experts do not recommend doing this. As for plants such as cherries and raspberries, their compatibility leaves much to be desired. Although there are no direct prohibitions, it is noticed that the yield is noticeably reduced.


Raspberries do not like to grow next to other shrubs or trees. The characteristic of the shrub allows us to say that it is not only very tenacious, but also aggressive. It is recommended to dig the beds where a tasty berry grows with slate or corrugated board so that the roots do not flood the entire surrounding space. Despite this, the compatibility of raspberries and any apple tree causes positive reviews.

Raspberries get along well only next to the apple tree


If you decide to plant a plant such as a blackberry, the neighborhood with other garden plants should be studied more carefully, otherwise you may not try the crop. You can not plant a shrub near fruit trees, the root system of which will take away all the moisture from it, and the crown will create an unwanted shadow. In this situation, it will no longer be prolific, and the decorative qualities will decrease significantly. You can make a "blackberry" fence out of a plant, providing it with a sufficient amount of light and nutrients.

On a note! The compatibility of blackberries with other plants has not yet been precisely determined, since the shrub is quite rare in the gardens of summer residents or site owners.


Even for such an unpretentious shrub as gooseberries, compatibility with other plants plays a lot important role. For example, next to the red currant, he feels great, but with black - the compatibility is much worse. A gooseberry can be adjacent to a pear or plum, but at the same time, the crowns should not obscure the berry bush from the sun.

Apple tree

The apple tree has a very developed root system, which takes a lot of nutrients from the soil. Only raspberries can get along with her, and even then until the crown grows and creates a strong shadow. A stone tree, a pear is planted at a distance of at least 4 meters. Hazel is better to remove altogether. In plants such as currants and apples, compatibility is not very good, due to the same shading and lack of nutrients.


If honeysuckle has settled in the garden, then blackcurrant, gooseberry, pome and stone fruit plants will feel good nearby. Shrub roots release biologically active components into the soil, which are not to the taste of all plants.

Honeysuckle will feel good with blackcurrant and gooseberries


A rather rare guest in our gardens is blueberries, the compatibility with other plants of which is still poorly understood. She is known to dislike shade and requires adequate amounts of nutrients in the soil. Blueberries are extremely incompatible with sea buckthorn.


An excellent neighbor for a pear will be a mountain ash. This tree bears fruit well and develops next to such an amazing neighbor. Poor compatibility in plants such as cedar, juniper, pear, raspberry, maple, currant. It is not recommended to plant plums, apricots, apple trees and gooseberries nearby.

Pear gets along well next to mountain ash

In most cases, a pear is a self-fertile plant and several seedlings of different varieties should be planted nearby for pollination.


Fact! Cedar is a representative of evergreen plants. In the garden it goes well with pine, apple, raspberry, hazel, mountain ash, linden.

Shrubs should not be planted near this tree, as they will not receive enough sunlight.


Maple can be planted nearby with birch, linden, gooseberry. But the tree is completely incompatible with cherries, so the fruit may not yield a crop. Black maple is also an undesirable neighbor for fruit trees and shrubs; it is better to allocate a separate place for it.


Juniper is highly discouraged from settling near the barberry. But next to honeysuckle or dogwood, he will feel great. The shrub is best kept away from tall trees with a lush crown. Lawn grass will become an addition and decoration for landscape design to this plant.

Juniper grows well next to barberry

Proper compatibility of trees and shrubs in the garden plays a very important role. With an unsuccessful selection of neighboring plants, you can lose not only the harvest, but also ruin the seedlings. Experienced gardeners have already learned certain planting rules and strictly follow them, but beginners should pay attention to the compatibility table before starting to plan their garden. The landing pattern is also carefully planned.


Not so long ago, I learned that before planting a tree or shrub in the garden, you need to study the information about the compatibility of this crop with others, whether they can be planted side by side. It turns out that the compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs must be observed. Without knowing some of the features of the coexistence of plants, you can inadvertently harm your garden. If the mistake of planting nearby unfriendly vegetables can be corrected next spring, then it will be much more difficult to do this with fruit trees or berry bushes.

What are the reasons for the incompatibility of the growth of trees and shrubs nearby? First, some plants have roots that are located at the same depth. In this case, they will interfere with each other. Secondly, there are plants that release certain substances into the soil that inhibit the development of others. There are other reasons as well.

Tip one: before planting a seedling, check the information on the compatibility of plants as garden neighbors.

On a note

  • You can’t plant bird cherry in the garden - glass cases will flock to it from all over the area, which will then move to other fruit and berry plants.
  • Hawthorn lures apple tree pests to the site.
  • Buckthorn is a hotbed of goblet rust.
  • Not a single plant tolerates the neighborhood of fennel and hyssop, so they should be planted in the farthest corner of the garden.
  • Some vegetable plants do not get along well if they grow together. By planting them side by side, you can lose a significant part of the crop.

Apple tree compatibility - what can be planted next to them

These fruit trees are able to get along with almost any kind of horticultural crops. An apple tree does not require a lot of space, and there is still enough space under the crowns of the trees to arrange the beds. In order to have fewer voids on the site, on trunk circles you can break a flower garden, as well as land useful herbs. For example, dill and calendula will feel very good next to an apple tree. In addition to useful natural properties These plants do an excellent job of repelling pests.

On the other side of the garden, where the sun warms the earth well enough, under the apple tree you can grow tomatoes, the smell of the foliage of which will scare away the codling moth butterflies. Such a neighborhood is not only useful, but saves space.

An interesting and mutually beneficial neighborhood can be obtained by landing in apple orchard one or two coniferous or deciduous trees. Fruit trees in such a neighborhood develop rapidly and bear fruit abundantly.

But the mountain ash next to the apple tree should not be planted. This culture, as scientists found out at the beginning of the 20th century, has no place in the orchard. Because of this neighborhood, the crop becomes wormy. The reason is rowan moth caterpillars that damage apples.

Currant compatibility - the best neighbors in the garden

Near currant bushes, both black and red, you can safely plant onions. It is better to do this before winter, as in spring it will protect berry bushes from bud mites, a dangerous pest.

For blackcurrant, honeysuckle will be an excellent neighbor.

As for the closest relative - red currant, then you need to be more careful. red and black currant don't get along well with each other. An example is the snapshot at the beginning of the article. I was not able to take a photo so that it could be seen that blackcurrants are growing behind the neighbor's fence. But I assure you, before that, my red currants were literally strewn with berries. But the dacha neighbor planted a black one along the fence on his side - as a result, his harvest is meager and mine too. We both did not know about the incompatibility of these plants ...

Six months have passed since I published this article. In winter, it was not yet clear what we would see in the spring in the garden. Now I can already say that practically both of us with a neighbor in the country lost their currants. After spring, not a single (!) Blackcurrant bush “woke up” in him, and out of three red currants I had one left.

The same applies to raspberries. Its root system is very freedom-loving, it requires new territories. Currant from such a free neighbor begins to wither, the yield drops.

Gooseberry compatibility

For this culture, a useful neighborhood next to red currants is just right - the compatibility of these shrubs is good.

But with black, on the contrary, gooseberries are not friends. They have a common external enemy pest - gooseberry moth.

And for the same reason, it is better to plant raspberries away from gooseberries.

Raspberry Compatibility

A tasty berry crop - raspberries - does not like anyone's immediate neighborhood at all. The shrub grows strongly and begins to oppress other cultures, taking all the moisture for itself. So the question of the compatibility of raspberries with other trees and shrubs should not bother you.

Undersized vegetation (such as vegetables) will wither in thick raspberries.

Compatibility of grapes - what is more comfortable for him

This culture is loved, carefully cared for, monitored for development, for the quality of fruiting. Good neighbors for grapes will be planting radishes and oilseed radishes.

Parsley has a beneficial effect on the vine - the benefits of such compatibility are obvious. It heals grapes affected by phylloxera.

Unfavorable neighbors for grapes will be cucumbers and cabbage. At the same time, vegetables will suffer, since the climbing vine can oppress undersized plants.

Sea buckthorn compatibility

This is one of the most useful plants.

In the neighborhood with sea buckthorn (under its prickly crown), you can plant various medicinal plants such as oregano or chamomile. In addition, it is very convenient - everything for delicious fragrant tea is nearby. It remains only to collect leaves, flowers, berries and brew.

Raspberries, black currants and strawberries (garden strawberries) should not be planted next to sea buckthorn. The root systems of these plants in the soil are approximately at the same level, they will take moisture and nutrition from each other.

Tomatoes, potatoes should not be planted next to sea buckthorn - she does not like nightshade crops.

Strawberry (garden strawberry) compatibility - how to increase mutual benefit

Another favorite berry plant in the garden is strawberries. This culture is capable of capturing large territories, for which whole strawberry plantations are created. The plant behaves quite selfishly on the site, however, it grows well next to some cultivated plants. For example, next to marigolds, lettuce, bush beans, garlic, onions, chives, spinach. Such a neighborhood brings mutual benefits, in addition, it saves the landing area, therefore, with these crops, you can correctly plan the site.

Strawberry plantings are successfully combined with sage, borage, parsley, which will scare away slugs.

Refuse to plant potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers next to strawberries - they have a common pest - a nematode.

Also, do not plant strawberries next to raspberries. The harm from such a neighborhood is also associated with a common pest - the strawberry weevil.

By the way

Between the trees in the garden it is useful to sow spicy plants: anise, basil, coriander, lemon balm, parsley, thyme, tarragon. Their odorous substances repel many pests and curb the spread of diseases.