Well      04/03/2019

Fertilizers for shrubs in spring. Proper feeding of fruit trees and shrubs in spring

Fertilizing trees in spring is one of the main measures aimed at ensuring good growth trees and increasing their productivity. At correct use With fertilizers, yields can be increased by 50-100% without deteriorating the quality of the fruit.

Fertilizers not only supply trees with nutrients, but also improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and increase its fertility. The effectiveness of fertilizers increases if they are used in combination with other agrotechnical measures. At the same time, the presence of moisture in the soil is of great importance, without which fertilizers can even be harmful.

When applying fertilizers should be considered biological features individual tree species, primarily their winter hardiness, the need for individual nutrients at different age periods and during the growing season. Both at a young and productive age, trees need more nitrogen and potassium, and less need phosphorus. These basic nutrients are removed from the soil in approximately a 3:3:1 ratio.

As trees age and yield increases, the level of nutrient removal increases. Every year, fruit-bearing trees are removed from the soil with an area of ​​100 square meters. m 0.9-1.2 kg of nitrogen, 0.9-1 kg of potassium and 0.3-0.4 kg of phosphorus. These losses must be replenished by applying fertilizers.

The amount of nitrogen and phosphorus is directly dependent on the amount of humus, and the amount of potassium is related to the mechanical composition of the soil. On sandy soils the latter element is much less than on clay and loamy soils.

What fertilizers do fruit trees need in spring?

Battery requirements vary significantly depending on fruit trees during the growing season. In early spring and at the beginning of the growing season, plants primarily need potassium; at this time, a little less nitrogen and phosphorus are required. During the flowering period and after it, during intensive shoot growth and fruit formation, the maximum need for nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition is observed. In the second half of the growing season, when growth processes slow down, the need for potassium nutrition increases, which contributes to better ripening of growths and increased winter hardiness of trees.

In order to create optimal conditions For the growth, development and fruiting of trees in the garden, it is necessary to combine the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

It is advisable to ensure that they are applied in a 1:1 ratio, that is, one half of the norm of nutrients is provided by organic fertilizers, and the second by mineral fertilizers. When there is a high content of humus in the soil, as well as when using irrigation, preference is given to mineral fertilizers.

If there is a sufficient amount of organic fertilizers containing all the necessary nutrients, mineral fertilizers do not need to be applied. In this case, the most favorable nutritional regime is created, the soil structure is improved, and the activity of beneficial microbiological processes is enhanced.

Fertilizer application has maximum effect in the case when these substances enter the zone of activity of the active root system of fruit trees. This is especially true for low-mobility fertilizers, which for the most part remain in the application zone. Based on these features, phosphorus, potassium and organic fertilizers should be applied in the fall before digging.

Nitrogen fertilizers, especially in nitrate form, are more mobile, and on light sandy soils during the growing season they can be washed to a depth of 100 cm or more, so it is recommended to apply them in spring and summer when fertilizing. Nitrogen fertilizers in ammonia and amide forms, especially on loamy and clayey soils, can be applied partially (25-30%) in the fall, the rest in early spring. In young gardens, it is advisable to fertilize the soil in tree trunk circles or strips, in older gardens - over the entire area.

Fertilizer rates depend primarily on the type of soil, the age and productivity of trees, and the availability of irrigation. If a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers are applied during tree planting, then in the first 2-3 years only nitrogen fertilizers are used at the rate of 6-9 g of active substance per 1 square meter. m of a standard strip or circle. This means, for example, that ammonium nitrate, which contains 34-35% nitrogen, must be added up to 27 g, synthetic urea (46% nitrogen) - 18-20 g.

The rates for applying mineral fertilizers in older gardens in different soil-climatic zones of Ukraine on different types of soil (in g of active substance per 1 sq. m of fertilized area) are given in the table.

In the forest-steppe and steppe When irrigated, the rate of mineral fertilizers can be increased by 20-30%. When keeping the soil under turf perennial herbs or when growing other crops between rows, their rate is increased by another 20%.

Organic fertilizers in young and fruitful plantings it should be applied once every 2-4 years at the rate of 3-6 kg (depending on the age of the trees) per 1 sq. m. m of fertilized area.

It should be noted that fertilizer rates The values ​​given in the table are indicative only. They must be updated every 3-5 years, in accordance with the data of a chemical analysis of soil and leaves carried out in an agrochemical laboratory. If it is not possible to conduct such research, then fertilizer rates are adjusted depending on the condition of the trees, their growth and yield.

The calculated rate of fertilizer can be applied in autumn and early spring, and partially - during the growing season in the form of fertilizing. However, you should not abuse the amount of fertilizers, since their excess negatively affects the winter hardiness of trees, the quality and storage of fruits.

Provide root fertilizers, when fertilizers are applied directly to the soil, and foliar, when fertilizers are dissolved in water
spray trees during the growing season. Foliar feeding is often combined with spraying trees with pesticides.

Root feeding are most effective when there is sufficient soil moisture. They are carried out during precipitation or during irrigation. For this purpose, organic and mineral fertilizers that are highly soluble in water are used. Most often, bird droppings are used for root feeding in an amount of 100-120 g per 1 square meter. m, diluted with water 8-10 times, manure - up to 500 g per 1 sq. m, diluted with water 4-5 times.

Root feeding of plants with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 3-4 g of active substance per 1 square meter is also effective. m, diluted with water 10-20 times. For feeding, they mainly use urea, potassium salt, and potassium sulfate. Superphosphate does not dissolve well in water, so it is better to apply it in the fall before digging.

Foliar feeding carried out, as a rule, with microelements in small concentrations. Most often, zinc sulfate, iron complexes (chelates), iron sulfate, boric acid, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, ammonium molybdenum, etc.

Gardeners know: to obtain a bountiful harvest in the fall, it is necessary to properly feed shrubs and trees in the spring. Trees, shrubs and plants constantly receive from the soil the nutrients they need for growth and development. But over time, the soil beneath them becomes poorer. This leads to a decrease in yield.

Even if you have already fertilized the soil in autumn period, this does not mean at all that this is no longer necessary to do in the spring. The fact is that snow washes away important substances from it, especially nitrogen. Additionally, trees and shrubs are actively growing in the spring, so it is important for them to get this extra help.

How to feed trees and bushes in spring?

  1. Manure or bird droppings - helps enrich the soil with all the necessary substances, as well as improve the permeability of moisture and air.
  2. Compost is plant debris that has begun to rot. With its help, you can improve the absorption of important minerals, but you should ensure that the compost is properly rotted.
  3. Slurry - to obtain, mix water and manure in a 3:1 ratio in a large container. Leave it to wander. Before fertilizing the soil, add another bucket of water to 1 liter of manure.

Mineral fertilizers are considered:

There are also a number of microfertilizers, which contain a set of the most important substances for plants - zinc, boron, manganese, iron, copper, sulfur.

Feeding trees and shrubs: when to do it?

In spring, it is necessary, first of all, to fertilize nitrogen-containing products. Many gardeners believe that it is better to do this at a time when the snow begins to melt. It is recommended to pour the preparations in circles (at least 50 cm in diameter, but preferably across the entire width of the crown) under the trunks of trees and shrubs directly onto the snow.

Melt water will quickly seep into the soil, dissolving nitrogen and nourishing the plants. This method is undesirable while the snow layer is still too thick or there is frozen ground underneath it. If the mixture remains in the air for a long time, then most of nitrogen will erode.

Many summer residents are of the opinion that the soil should be fertilized in the spring only after the plant has fully woken up after hibernation and the first buds appear on the branches. Whenever you decide to apply fertilizer, it is worth remembering to maintain the correct dosage. If you add too much nitrogen, it will lead to the development of fungal diseases.

Second time feeding orchard should be carried out in April, when most trees and shrubs are in bloom. In order for them to grow and develop normally, it is recommended to add them to the soil. phosphorus and potassium. But it is better not to add these components at the same time. First add some phosphorus, and after some time add potassium.

The third feeding is carried out after the plants have stopped blooming. At this time, it is better to use organic fertilizers. They should be placed in specially prepared holes, dug up and mixed with soil. If the soil in your garden is fertile, there is no need to fertilize with organic matter more than once a year.

Main types of fertilizers for perennial plants

So that your garden is fully provided with all the necessary minerals and nutrients It is recommended to fertilize in two ways:

  1. Feeding the roots - watering is carried out under the trunk so that the substances get into the soil.
  2. Foliar - branches are sprayed.

Both the first and second methods are effective. If watering and spraying are carried out in a timely and correct manner, trees and bushes will bloom more abundantly, grow faster and bear fruit better.

Foliar feeding of fruit trees in spring: features

In spring, you can use more than just root fertilizer to improve the growth of your garden. Foliar feeding also gives excellent results.. Take a small amount of the remaining groundbait mixture and make a weak solution from it. They need to thoroughly spray the entire crown of the tree or shrub.

The leaves perfectly absorb all substances, so the tree or bush receives minerals faster. Gardeners call this method emergency help. It is used if it is necessary to stimulate shoot growth or in cases where the trunk or root system has been damaged. Both organic products and mineral substances are perfect for this method. Microfertilizers also give pretty good results.

If you want the fruits to have a sufficient amount of calcium, you need to spray the fruit trees with a 4% Bordeaux mixture in the spring. She will also become excellent protection for wood from insect attacks and some diseases. Just remember: to avoid burns to the bark and leaves, the solutions must be very weak.

To spray the crown of apple or pear trees, a solution of zinc or manganese sulfate with water (ratio of 0.2 g of substance per 1 liter of liquid) is suitable. If you use two elements at once, then their dosage should be halved. It is better to spray the crown of cherry plum, cherry, apricot and plum with urea in early spring (it must be diluted in water in the ratio of 50 g of urea per 10 liter of water). You need to spray several times with an interval of 7 days. If you want to get more effective results, try to alternate between foliar and root fertilization methods.

Feeding trees in the spring: what is the norm?

It is very important to correctly set the norm for one tree. If there is not enough feeding, you will not get results, and if there is too much, you can burn the tree. Therefore, it is very important to remember the dosage of drugs.

What to consider when calculating the dosage for one tree?

  1. How often and how much you water your plants. If the plantings receive a sufficient amount of moisture, the dosage of fertilizing may be higher.
  2. When you prune. Immediately after pruning, you should slightly increase the amount of fertilizer so that the plant recovers faster.
  3. What is the composition of fertilizers?

Urea as a way to fertilize shrubs and trees

Urea is a mineral fertilizer, excellent source of nitrogen, which stimulates plant growth. Therefore, this method is used most often in the spring, when plants are leaving winter. For feeding, you can use a ready-made solution or scatter granules under trunks or plants. Urea is actively used for spraying strawberries, some fruit trees (cherries, apples, plums), raspberries, and black currants.

Spring feeding of young trees

It is not recommended to apply any type of fertilizer to seedlings that are too young. It is best to start feeding from the second year of the plant’s life. Young trees in spring need both organic and mineral means.

During the first loosening of the soil after the snow melts, it is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen-containing mixtures. Manure and urea should be diluted in water (300 g of urea or 4 liters of liquid manure per 10 liters of liquid). Remember that under one young tree you will have to spend at least 5 liters of the product received. If you use humus, remember that a tree that has been growing for no more than 5 years should receive about 20 kg of this fertilizer in the spring. Liquid fertilizer can only be introduced into moist soil so as not to damage the root system.

Remember that for the first few years you will not notice much effect from feeding. This is fine. You will see results only when the tree begins to bear fruit.

How to fertilize fruit trees in spring?

Apple trees in spring period need most mineral and organic nutrition. If your apple tree is more than 5 years old, but not yet 10, for its growth you need to add at least 30 kg of humus annually. Trees after 10 years need up to 50 kg of humus.

Fertilizing a pear is similar to feeding an apple tree, but is slightly different. The pear needs more humus. It must be mixed in the spring while digging the soil. While the tree is not yet four years old, up to 20 kg of humus can be used. But every year this figure must be increased by 10 kg.

Sweet cherries aged 4-5 years need to add humus every spring, scattering it around the pole (diameter of at least 0.5 m and layer up to 4 cm). Trees over five years old need humus every three years.

Up to 10 kg of humus should be added to a six-year-old cherry plum or plum. If the tree is more than six years old, the amount of fertilizer is increased to 20 kg.

Apricots are fed more than once during the spring. Nitrogen-containing products are used first, then organic matter.

How to fertilize shrubs in spring?

As soon as the snow melts, the bushes need to be fed with nitrogen-containing products (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate). A little later, you can feed the bushes with potassium or phosphate mixtures.

Most in recharge potassium preparations needs gooseberries. It also needs foliar feeding with manganese sulfate, potassium sulfate, and boric acid.

In spring, raspberries should be fertilized liquid mixtures minerals. Raspberries need to be fed with organic matter every three years.

Currants need to be fed several times. First, before flowering itself, using nitrogen and organic preparations. Then the fertilizer needs to be repeated after a few weeks. When the berries begin to set, you can use ready-made bush mixtures. Thanks to this you can improve taste qualities fruits

Feeding an orchard in spring: useful tips

Every gardener should know some features of spring garden feeding:

  1. Chemicals are carried from the soil to the roots by liquid, so if you are using a dry fertilizer, you will need to water the plant thoroughly.
  2. Even liquid fertilizer is not recommended to be applied to dry soil, as the root system may be damaged.
  3. In the first year of life, garden crops do not need to be fed.
  4. Fertilizer is more effective if applied in the evening.
  5. When feeding, keep in mind that in an adult tree, the root system can extend 50 cm from the crown border.

To increase fertility and improve vegetation processes in plants, the soil in the garden must be fertilized periodically. Most effective root feeding trees, however, to quickly saturate plants with microelements in the summer season, it is more rational to feed the garden using the foliar method (by spraying the crown). We will determine when and with what it is worth fertilizing the plantings for ideal development and fruiting, and also consider the main methods of feeding.

When should you feed your garden?

With the onset of warm days, the plantings begin to gradually wake up. At this moment very important role plays feeding trees in spring. The purpose of this procedure is to activate the growth and development of the garden. With the right flavoring composition, the plants begin to actively bloom and produce new shoots. Actually, the productivity of plantings in the future depends on the quantity and quality of greenery and branches.

Feeding trees in autumn is performed to improve the characteristics of the soil, saturating it with minerals and vital microelements for the plant body. During this period, mineral and complex fertilizers are applied. Only root feeding is used. As the garden begins to shed its leaves, the foliar saturation method is not possible. Feeding trees for the winter excludes the use of nitrogen-containing compounds. Autumn is the ideal time to introduce calcium, potassium and phosphorus into the soil.

Our experienced gardeners will help you select the composition of fertilizers and feed the plants. We will analyze the condition of the soil in each tree trunk circle, carefully examine each plant for a lack of microelements and, having determined the deficiency, we will formulate and apply a flavoring composition.

What to feed the plants?

One of the most popular ways to feed the garden is feeding trees with chicken droppings. This nitrogen fertilizer is applied exclusively during the growing season. They effectively fertilize the soil in the tree trunks of fruit trees (apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, cherries, quince, chaenomeles, persimmons, peach, apricot) in the spring. When working with chicken manure, it is important to remember that undiluted fresh droppings can burn the roots. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it with it.

In order not to injure the plantings, tree fertilizer from chicken droppings should be made as follows:

  • Place about 1-1.5 kg of dry chicken manure in a 10-liter bucket.
  • Add about 3-4 liters of water.
  • Leave for 1-2 days to ferment.
  • Add water to the bucket until full and move it carefully.

This spring feeding of trees and shrubs will not harm your garden. When purchasing litter, give preference to dry litter. If fresh fertilizer is not stored properly, nitrogen turns into ammonia. It is impossible to determine by eye how high-quality the “fresh” product is. Nitrogen is completely retained in dry chicken droppings.

The second most popular feeding trees with manure or compost. There are also some nuances here. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be applied to the plant, only rotted manure. Unlike chicken manure, no matter how much you dilute fresh manure, it will still turn into an ammonia mixture. It takes about 2-3 years to transform “fresh” fertilizer into high-quality fertilizer. Rotted manure is excellent for apricots, plums, cherries and other stone fruits, fruit trees (apple and pear), as well as coniferous plants(pine trees, spruce trees, cypress trees, junipers, yew trees, thuja trees, spruce trees).

Feeding trees in summer carried out with the aim of saturating the garden with nitrogen and missing microelements. The foliar method is most often used. The leaves absorb flavoring compounds much faster than the roots. Therefore, when a deficiency of certain elements is detected, foliar feeding with special compounds is used.

Fertilizing trees with nitroammophoska is considered the simplest, most accessible and balanced. This is a complex fertilizer that combines several important components for feeding trees: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. Each granule contains all four components. However, the balance of microelements remains questionable.

For ideal fertile soils, the use of nitroammophoska - great option get rid of headaches when choosing a complex composition. Regarding other soils (heavy, clayey, deficient in certain substances), it will not be possible to get by with nitroammophos alone. Feeding fruit trees will be effective only in combination with other fertilizers or by adding supplements in the form of missing substances. For deciduous plantings (larches, cedars, birches, maples, acacias, beech, hornbeam, willows, bird cherry, etc.) nitroammofoska can serve as the main top dressing, since you still won’t get a harvest from them. :)

Let us remind you what to choose proper fertilizer Our professionals can help you in your garden. Experienced gardeners will carefully study your plantings and their living conditions. Based on the data obtained, as well as individual characteristics individual plant, we will select the ideal composition. Only in this case will fertilizing coniferous trees or a fruit-bearing garden bring the desired result.

Signs of micronutrient deficiency

If plantings lack certain substances, they begin to “signal” this: leaves fall or turn yellow, shoot growth weakens. If you identify a lack of microelements in time, you can restore the health of the entire planting or individual plants. For this purpose, foliar feeding of fruit trees is used. It will help restore the health of the garden as quickly as possible.

Our gardeners are people who experience sincere love to nature. We wish good health to every element of botany, therefore, we decided to make our contribution to the improvement of your planting. Especially for you, we have created a unique table in which we have included the main symptoms of deficiency of vital microelements. By using it, you will be able to notice the lack of substances in time and select necessary fertilizers for feeding trees in order to normalize the growth and development of plants.

Table of symptoms of deficiency of substances:

Ways to feed trees

To feed the greenery on the site, two methods of applying fertilizers are used:

  • root(saturation of soil in the tree trunk circle with fertilizers);
  • foliar(the flavoring composition is applied to the crown).

Root feeding of trees is applied in spring and autumn to improve soil characteristics and saturate plants important elements. Flavoring compounds are gradually absorbed through small shoots of the root system. Absorption occurs over a long period of time (from 5-10 days or longer depending on the depth of laying and the amount of fertilizer).

To quickly saturate the planting with nitrogen and other substances, foliar feeding of trees is used. In just 2-3 days, the leaves completely absorb the substance applied to them.

Feeding the roots

In spring and autumn, root feeding of trees is carried out. Fertilizers are applied to tree trunk circles in one of the following ways:

  • The application of liquid formulations is carried out by pouring flavoring substances into special grooves artificially created in the trunk circle around the plant (see figure on the right). The more grooves, the more efficient feeding will be.
  • Solid fertilizers are introduced differently. Removed upper layer soil (about 1-2 cm). Fertilizers are evenly distributed over the entire territory of the tree trunk circle, after which they are covered back with earth.

Winter feeding of trees, or rather, feeding before the onset of cold weather is usually carried out with the help of solid fertilizers. They will gradually penetrate deep into the soil by absorbing melted snow. Liquid formulations are used mainly in spring and summer.

Determine the most effective method Our professional gardeners will help saturate your garden with nutrients and introduce them into the soil. One call to us gives us the opportunity to see how top-level specialists work, as well as get a chance to take a personal master class on the topic: feeding trees after flowering and before, rules for applying fertilizers, specifics of working with garden tools etc. Please note that to obtain real knowledge you are only required to attend garden plot and attentiveness. We work - you enjoy the work and at the same time learn from the pros! :)

Feeding through the crown

Most effective during the hot season foliar feeding of trees. Fertilizers in liquid form are applied over the entire surface of the crown. Essentially, the crown is sprayed with liquid compounds. Through greens, substances are absorbed and absorbed much faster.

Most often, urea is used as the main fertilizer. It not only saturates the plant with nitrogen, but also perfectly destroys many pests. That's why summer feeding trees in August is carried out using diluted karbofos. Essentially, it is a fungicide and an insecticide – two in one, and practically harmless to humans (at low concentrations).

A high concentration of the active substance in water, instead of the expected benefit, can cause harm plants. Therefore, we have compiled a small fertilizer dosage table especially for you.

Congratulations! You have just completed a short course on the topic “Feeding Trees”. Having theoretical basis and armed with tables, it will become easier to increase the fruitfulness and productivity of your planting :)

Good luck in creating a beautiful high-yielding garden!

Feeding trees video

Like all living things, an orchard needs nutrition. Therefore, fertilizers for fruit trees come to the fore - they are as necessary as timely watering, regular weeding, plowing and mulching. But before you feed the garden, of course, you need to have an idea of ​​what to fertilize with. fruit trees in spring and autumn, and in what proportions to apply fertilizing.

Fertilizers, along with other agricultural practices, have a great influence on the growth and productivity of gardens. By selecting nutrients in certain proportions, linking this with soil cultivation methods, it is possible to specifically influence the size of the harvest, the quality of the fruit, as well as frost and drought resistance. With a continuous ratio individual elements you may get negative results. High efficiency when fertilizing fruit trees in spring and autumn can be achieved by knowing the basics of their use in the garden.

Features of applying fertilizers to fruit trees

Before feeding fruit trees, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil of the site (natural supply of nutrients, mechanical composition, environmental reaction, etc.), plant requirements for nutritional conditions, method of soil maintenance, age of the plantings and other factors. Depending on these conditions, the types and rates of fertilizers applied will change.

Fruit plants - perennial crops, therefore, the effect of fertilizers applies to them not only in the year of application, but also in subsequent years.

Pre-planting soil filling and the use of fertilizers in previous years have a great influence on the efficiency of fertilizing fruit trees in spring and autumn.

In the first years of life, fruit plants are especially demanding of phosphorus, since it stimulates root growth and ensures the growth of the above-ground mass of the tree. Deep application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers promotes the development of the root system, as if drawing it deeper and thereby increasing the drought resistance and winter hardiness of plants.

Due to the weak mobility of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for fruit trees and their fixation mainly in the application zone, it is especially important to fill the soil before planting the garden with increased doses of these fertilizers, designed for a significant period of their action.

In growing orchards, applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the area where the bulk of the roots spread is difficult. The soil, especially near trees, is saturated with roots, which should not be damaged.

The application of nitrogen fertilizers for fruit trees due to their good solubility and mobility in the soil is not particularly difficult.

As a rule, surface sieving is used, mechanized or manual, or added in the form of an aqueous solution.

The main task when using nitrogen fertilizers is to reduce nitrogen losses, since its ammonia form is volatile, and its nitrate form is mobile, especially on light soil and during irrigation. In this regard, all nitrogen fertilizers applied in dry form must be immediately incorporated into the soil.

On light soils and with irrigation, you should not use high doses of nitrogen fertilizers, but apply them fractionally and more often than on heavy soils and without irrigation.

Before feeding fruit trees, remember that in the spring, during the first half of the growing season, nutrients are spent on flowering, shoots and fruit growth. At this time, plants need all three basic elements - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. After the growth of shoots stops in the second half of summer, nutrients are spent on fruit growth, the formation of flower buds, and are also stored. At this time, the need for nitrogen nutrition decreases. Excess nitrogen during this period can cause protracted plant growth and reduce their winter hardiness.

When deciding how to fertilize fruit trees, remember that the plants’ need for fertilizing greatly depends on their age. In fruit-bearing trees it is significantly higher than in young ones, which is caused by the high consumption of nutrients for crop production, as well as by the peculiarities of the development of the root system. If in young trees the roots quickly grow, covering new unused layers of soil year after year, then with age the formation of numerous lateral branches is observed in the already covered volume and a more severe depletion of it occurs.

When choosing what fertilizers to feed fruit trees with, do not forget that the use of fertilizers should be closely linked to soil fertility and the supply of nutrients. It is necessary to determine the presence of available forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil and only on this basis to decide on the timing of fertilizer application, their doses and ratios.

Most of the soils in the middle zone are of the chernozem type and are characterized by high natural fertility.

Such soils, if well cultivated and moistened, can annually replace significant amounts necessary elements nutrition. However, these reserves will quickly be depleted if the correct use of fertilizers does not maintain soil fertility at a high level.

This video of fertilizing fruit trees will help you better understand how to fertilize your garden:

How to feed fruit trees in spring: nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen is one of the most necessary for plants elements. It is part of proteins, chlorophyll and many other organic substances. The bulk of nitrogen is concentrated in soil organic matter and primarily in humus.

Nitrogen is available to plants mainly in the form of mineral compounds - ammonium and nitrates, which are formed during the decomposition of organic matter by special microorganisms. Nitrate nitrogen is more available due to the fact that most of the ammonium in the soil is in an absorbed state and is gradually nitrified. The nitrification process is most active with good air access, sufficient soil moisture and a temperature of + 15-20°.

If the soil in the garden has been loosened since spring, sufficiently moistened and manure is periodically applied, then with the onset of warm weather it accumulates a sufficient amount of nitrates for plants. In the case when the activity of microorganisms is suppressed, plants may lack nitrogen even on humus-rich chernozems. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain high yields only from natural nitrogen reserves.

An acute lack of nitrates is observed in the garden soil in early spring, when the need of fruit trees for nitrogen is high and the nitrification process is weak.

Plants consume especially a lot of nitrogen during the period of increased shoot growth and fruit formation. Applying nitrogen fertilizers at this time is very important. A lack or excess of nitrogen in the soil disrupts the supply of phosphorus and potassium to fruit plants. Excess nitrates are tolerated by plants more easily than large amounts of ammonium, especially with a lack of carbohydrates.

When applying nitrogen fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the plants: growth vigor, intensity of leaf color, etc.

Visual signs of nitrogen deficiency are pale green color of leaves, poor shoot growth in conditions of sufficient moisture, premature leaf fall, shredding of fruits, etc.

What fertilizers to feed fruit trees with: phosphorus fertilizers

Phosphorus is the second main nutrient; it is found in the soil in the form of organic and mineral compounds. Plants feed on phosphorus mineral compounds - on chernozems mainly calcium phosphates, most of which are inaccessible to plants. Mobilization of phosphorus from potential reserves is more difficult than nitrogen. Phosphorus supplements are necessary for plants throughout the growing season. A sufficient supply of phosphorus contributes to the faster appearance of new leaves, better development of the root system, and earlier and faster flowering. It influences the processes of formation of fruiting organs and the formation of flower buds for next year's harvest.

Phosphorus fertilizers are those fertilizers that need to be applied regularly to fruit trees, since with a lack of phosphorus, the growth of shoots and roots is greatly reduced, flowering and fruit ripening are delayed. Improving phosphorus nutrition increases the sugar content in plants and increases their winter hardiness. If there is insufficient supply of phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizers are used incompletely. In some cases, large doses of nitrogen with a lack of phosphorus negatively affect the growth and development of plants.

How to feed fruit trees in spring and autumn: potash fertilizers

Potassium takes part in the formation of carbohydrates, promotes the movement of nutrients in plants, increases their winter hardiness and drought resistance, resistance to pests and diseases.

Potassium in the soil is in mineral form. Organic forms of this element have not been found. Its gross content is several times higher than that of nitrogen and phosphorus. Hence, potassium deficiency in the soil is less common. Plants feed on both water-soluble potassium salts and absorbed soil colloid cations, and can also absorb potassium from minerals: micas, glauconite, biotite, etc. The main source of potassium is absorbed.

When applying potassium fertilizers to fruit trees, you must also keep in mind that the need for potassium is fruit plants higher than in phosphorus. If we take phosphorus removal as one unit, then adult apple trees carry out 3 times more potassium and nitrogen. An imbalance between nutritional elements must not be allowed, as this leads to functional diseases.

The use of fertilizers for feeding garden trees

When using fertilizers for garden trees It is also necessary to take into account other properties of the soil: the nature of aeration, mechanical composition, reaction of the environment.

Chernozem soils that have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction respond well to the use of acidic and physiologically acidic fertilizers (superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, etc.).

The effect of using fertilizers can be achieved while simultaneously improving other factors of life. The deficiency of one of the factors cannot be compensated by improving the other. For example, additional nutrition cannot replace a lack of moisture.

Therefore, when choosing what to feed fruit trees with, you should keep in mind that in unique natural conditions with rich soils and an arid climate, fertilizers may not have an effect if you do not provide enough favorable conditions hydration. When applying fertilizers, it is necessary to simultaneously improve the water regime of the soil in the garden.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude: there cannot be a single system for fertilizing a garden. The fertilizer application recommendations below should be considered as a guide only. They must be adapted to the specific conditions of a particular garden, depending on the properties of the soil, the age of the plantings, moisture conditions, etc. Best system fertilizer is the one that justifies itself with a high yield, good growth and condition of the trees.

In addition to the basic nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - fruit plants require microelements for normal development. Often in middle lane their importance when fertilizing an orchard comes first in comparison with the basic nutrients.

A lack of microelements causes profound physiological disorders in the nutritional process and leads to the appearance of functional diseases and a sharp decrease in plant productivity.

Feeding fruit trees in the garden in spring and autumn with organic fertilizers

Practical recommendations for the use of fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are of particular importance in the fertilization system for fruit crops. They enrich the soil with readily available nutrients, improve its physical properties (water and air regimes), as well as the supply of carbon dioxide to plants. They contain all the nutrients necessary for fruit plants (macro- and microelements): nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, molybdenum, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, etc.

The extremely important importance of organic fertilizers for the garden is that they revitalize microbiological activity in the soil.

The application of manure, in particular, is the most important factor mobilization of the natural supply of nutrients. With the systematic application of manure, clay soils become more moisture- and air-permeable, while sandy soils become cohesive and retain moisture better. Biotic substances contained in manure (vitamins, auxins, etc.) activate life processes in plants, resulting in more favorable conditions for the effective use of mineral fertilizers.

The best quality is horse and cow manure. In terms of nutritional content, pig manure is close to horse and cow manure, differing from them in a large amount of nitrogen compounds and sodium chloride. However, it is significantly inferior to them in terms of physical properties, representing a semi-liquid mass, inconvenient for use. Therefore, it is best to apply pig manure after composting it with straw, sawdust, leaves and other material. It is recommended to apply it to fertilize fruit trees in the fall at the rate of 5 - 6 kg per 1 m2. In this case, harmful chloride salts are washed deep into the soil. Considering the exceptional value of manure for the garden, it is necessary to periodically apply it from 4 to 8 kg per 1 m2 once every 3 years.

What else can you feed fruit trees in spring and autumn using organic fertilizers? Bird droppings are a complete, fast-acting fertilizer in which nutrients are in a form that is easily accessible to plants. In order to reduce nitrogen losses, which in 1.5-2 months can reach 30% of its total content, raw litter should be stored in a dry place mixed with peat chips, humus - 25-50% or with powdered superphosphate - 6 -10% of the litter weight.

Manure in dry and crushed form or in the form of a solution is used for all crops and on all soils, mainly when feeding plants. When applying dry, it is important to thoroughly crush it and disperse it evenly throughout the area. If applied unevenly, plants may burn out. To feed fruit trees in liquid form, bird droppings are mixed with water in a ratio of 1:15 (1 part fertilizer to 15 parts water). The solution should be used immediately after preparation. They bring it into the furrows made along the periphery of the crown, one bucket per 2 - 3 linear meters. m.

Sometimes bird droppings are infused with water before application to allow them to ferment. This technique is impractical, since when it is used, the fertilizer loses more than half of its nitrogen.

As a rule, there is not enough manure to fertilize fruit and berry crops. Its deficiency can be largely compensated by adding various composts.

Prefabricated composts are also a valuable organic fertilizer. All waste containing at least some organic matter can be used as compostable material: spoiled feed, weeds (without seeds), tops, sawdust, dry leaves, forest litter, pond sludge, yard waste, kitchen waste, etc. More valuable composts are obtained by mixing peat, good fertile soil, and slurry with waste, bird droppings, pig manure, superphosphate. Before fertilizing fruit trees in spring and autumn, the compost must mature. All materials for future feeding are piled in a certain place on a compacted area, in so-called compost heaps up to 2 m wide, 1.5-1.7 m high. For better absorption of moisture, a layer of peat 20-25 cm thick is placed at the base of the heap, or humus soil, or leaves. As waste accumulates, it is placed in compost heap layers and moisten, if necessary, with slurry, a solution of chicken droppings or clean water. Add 1.5-2% of the total mass of superphosphate. You can add 3-4% ash.

The edges of the pile are made slightly higher so that the liquid does not drain, but is absorbed. After watering, a layer of peat or soil is poured on top of the heap. Caring for a compost heap consists of shoveling it 2-3 times during the summer and moistening it when it dries out.

Hardly decomposed waste (sawdust, shavings, etc.) is placed in separate piles for more long term overheating. Compost for feeding garden trees is considered ready for use when it turns into a homogeneous crumbly mass. Composts can be laid in trenches 1.5 m wide and 0.7-1 m deep. This method is more convenient because the material dries out less. Prefabricated composts are similar in quality to manure.

Fertilizing fruit trees with mineral fertilizers

To fully satisfy the needs of fruit plants for easily digestible nutrients, mineral fertilizers are used in addition to organic ones. Unlike organic ones, they contain more nutrients and are less complex in their chemical composition.

Mineral fertilizers for fruit trees are divided into simple and complex. Simple fertilizers contain only one nutrient element; complex fertilizers contain two or three main elements.

Simple mineral fertilizers for fertilizing fruit trees are divided depending on what nutritional element they contain: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Nitrogen fertilizers.

Ammonium nitrate is a fast-acting fertilizer, recommended for early spring application and fertilizing at a concentration of 20 g per bucket of water.

Urea is not immediately absorbed by plants, so it is advisable to use it as the main fertilizer in the spring, and on heavy soils - in the fall. During irrigation, urea is used for fertilizing. Valuable fertilizer for foliar feeding in a concentration of 0.3-0.4% (30-40 g per bucket of water).

Phosphorus fertilizers.

The best of them in local conditions is superphosphate - simple and double. This fertilizing of fruit trees in spring and autumn has a long-lasting effect, therefore it is used as the main fertilizer. On carbonate soils, it is recommended to use it in a mixture with humus, peat, and compost. The mixture is prepared 1-2 months before application.

Potash fertilizers.

Potassium sulfate is the best of them, as it does not contain harmful impurities. Potassium chloride contains an admixture of chlorine, which in large quantities is harmful to fruit trees. For berries, especially strawberries, it can only be applied in advance.

Potassium salt. Should not be used for berry crops sensitive to chlorine. All potash fertilizers for fruit trees are used as the main application in the fall; only potassium sulfate can be applied in the spring.

How to feed fruit trees in spring and autumn: complex fertilizers

TO complex fertilizers for fruit trees include potassium nitrate, ammophos, diammophos, nitroammophos, nitrophoska, nitroammophoska, etc. All dormouse are highly soluble in water and are valuable food for fruit crops. Used as the main fertilizer and top dressing.

Ash tree species- valuable local fertilizer, contains all nutrients except nitrogen. It is used as a potassium-phosphorus and microfertilizer on soils that have an acidic or neutral reaction of 50-80 g/m2.

Fertilizers for fruit trees, applied in the spring, before planting the orchard, improve plant growth, accelerate fruiting and increase yield in the first years. They can be used for digging, deep plowing or in planting pits.

In industrial gardens, application can be continuous or strip (along the lines of future rows of trees). Under planting, 500-700 kg/ha of simple superphosphate and potassium fertilizers are applied. Semi-rotted manure 60-80 t/ha is applied under normal plowing. In the absence of manure, the doses of mineral fertilizers are doubled.

Rotted manure and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added to the planting holes.

Superphosphate is best applied in the form of an organo-mineral mixture. For one bucket of bulk manure, take 300 g of simple superphosphate or 150 g of double superphosphate. Superphosphate is mixed with moist organic matter two weeks before application.

Under the apple tree, 2-3 buckets of this mixture are added, which amounts to 15-25 kg of manure, 450-900 g of superphosphate. Potassium fertilizers are applied in the amount of 200-300 g. For stone fruits, the dose of fertilizer application is reduced by 2 times. It is not recommended to introduce unrotted manure and mineral nitrogen fertilizers into the pit, as they impair the survival rate of young plants.

With good pre-planting soil filling in the first 4-5 years or more, trees usually do not need to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In the first year after planting, manure is usually applied in the form of mulch in the spring and covered during digging. In the future, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers in the 4-5th year before the garden begins to bear fruit. The application of nitrogen fertilizers should begin 2-3 years after planting, when the plants have taken root and become stronger. When applied in the year of planting, they can cause burns to young roots and impair the survival rate of plants. In a young garden on fertile soil, the need for nitrogen in fruit plants usually occurs in early spring, when the process of natural microbiological formation of nitrates is suppressed.

In this regard, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers containing nitrogen in nitrate form (ammonium nitrate in a dose of 15-20 g/m2 - 150-200 kg/ha). The best time for this is after the bulk of the snow has melted on the thawed-frozen soil, when there are frosts in the mornings and fertilizer can be sifted. Easily soluble nitrogen fertilizers with residual moisture penetrate into the root zone at the beginning of their growth. If it was not possible to apply them on thawed-frozen soil, then apply them before the first spring loosening.

How to fertilize mature fruit trees in spring and autumn

In the first years, the effect of fertilizers on tree growth is usually weak; as they approach fruiting, their effect increases more and more. As the garden begins to bear fruit, the fertilization system for mature trees consists of autumn (main) application, spring application and fertilizing. The main thing is the main thing when applying organic fertilizer and mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. These fertilizers are not washed out of the soil, so they are applied periodically once every 2-3 years for plowing or digging in the amount of: 30-45 g/m2 of superphosphate and 20-25 g/m2 of potassium sulfate or chloride per 1 year. The autumn application of chlorine-containing potassium fertilizers helps to wash out chlorine.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which are inactive in the soil, should be applied as deeply as possible, into the zone where the bulk of the roots occur, which promotes the development of a powerful root system.

In home gardens, deep application is carried out in furrows, ring grooves, etc. The best way in this case it will be focal. The outbreaks should be in the form of holes made along the periphery of the crown to a depth of 25-35 cm. One hole is placed for every half meter.

Joint application of mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizers is effective. The rate of application of mineral fertilizers is halved. The addition of superphosphate in mixtures with organic fertilizers promotes better absorption of phosphorus.

In industrial gardens, the application of organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is carried out under plowing to a depth of 25-30 cm. Machines for deep application of fertilizers are also used: a vineyard mounted plow-ripper PRVN-2.5 and a garden-vineyard feeder - PSV-2.

For fruit-bearing fruit trees, fertilizing is of great importance. In non-irrigated gardens, they usually limit themselves to the early spring application of ammonium nitrate, since in the absence of watering, fertilizing is ineffective.

The application rate for this fertilizer for fruit trees in the spring is 15-20 g per 1 m2 when the garden enters fruiting and 20-25 g per 1 m2 when fruiting is in full swing.

In irrigated gardens, there is a danger of leaching of mobile nitrogen into deep layers, especially on light soils, while fruit-bearing gardens especially need nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, in a fruit-bearing irrigated garden, in addition to the early spring application of nitrogen fertilizers, one or two additional feedings are given during the growing season. The first fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) after physiological shedding of the ovary at a dose of 10 g/m2.

Fertilizing fruit trees in spring and autumn: feeding in a lean year

In a lean year, they limit themselves only to basic fertilizer and spring application of nitrogen, since in this case the consumption of nutrients goes only to the increase in vegetative mass and the formation of flower buds for the next year's harvest. It is necessary to restrain the formation of buds so as not to overload the tree with the harvest in a year. This is facilitated by low doses of fertilizers. When feeding, mineral fertilizers can be applied in liquid or dry form. In the first case, the fertilizer should be dissolved in water - 20-30 g per 10 liters, in the second, subsequent watering is required.

Fertilizing with local liquid organic fertilizers - slurry, bird droppings - gives good results.

Fertilizing is best timed to coincide with rains. If the weather is dry, it is necessary to water the furrows before fertilizing. Fertilizing can be done simultaneously with watering.

When using fertilizing, it is necessary, however, to remember that this method of fertilizing is auxiliary and cannot replace the main fertilizer.

Before fertilizing fruit trees with nitrogen fertilizers, especially in young orchards, carefully study the information about the doses and timing of their application. Excess nitrogen in the soil should not be allowed, as it delays vegetative growth, impairs the ripening of shoots and reduces the winter hardiness of plants. A constant excess of nitrogen, especially with a lack of other elements, leads to the fact that fruit plants may enter a state of so-called “fatification,” that is, violent growth in the absence of fruiting. It is not possible to induce fruiting of fattening trees right away. First of all, it is necessary to reduce nitrogen nutrition and increase phosphorus-potassium nutrition, and reduce watering. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to the use of special techniques: constriction of branches, ringing, etc. Stone fruits: cherry and plum are especially prone to prolonged growth and overgrowth with excess nitrogen nutrition. In this case, their winter hardiness is greatly reduced, and the trees often freeze slightly.

When caring for a young garden, good development and fruiting of fruit trees cannot be achieved without the systematic use of fertilizers, especially in areas of the non-chernozem belt.

For successful tree growth in young garden, accelerating their entry into the time of fruiting and creating conditions for obtaining high and regular yields in the future is of great importance application of fertilizers. Best results shows the combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

The use of organic fertilizers when caring for a young garden

Widely used in skin care young garden must get first organic fertilizers(manure, compost, peat, peat feces and others), which not only provide necessary for trees nutrients, but also improve the structure of the soil, which is destroyed by digging and frequent loosening.

Manure is applied in the fall, when digging up the soil, having previously scattered it evenly on the surface of the tree trunk in the amount of 4-6 kilograms per 1 square meter. This will amount to 15-20 kilograms for one two- to three-year-old tree, 30-40 kilograms for a five- to six-year-old tree, and 50-70 kilograms for a seven-ten-year-old tree.

Good action Compost also has an effect on fruit trees. Compost is prepared from household waste in specially constructed heaps. Compost heaps are a must on every household. Tree leaves, fallen pine needles, and tops can be used to prepare compost. vegetable crops, weeds, rotten straw and chaff, soot, house waste, kitchen waste, road dust, etc.

The compost heap is made 1.5-2 meters wide (at the base), 1-1.5 meters high and of arbitrary length (depending on the amount of material). They lay it on a special cleared and compacted area. Tops, house debris and other household waste and weeds are layered with soil when placed in a compost heap. The soil layer should be 5-6 centimeters thick. To ensure that the compost is always moderately moist, it is watered from time to time with water or, even better, with slop or slurry. It is useful to add lime, ground limestone and ash to the compost.

Once or twice a summer (every two to three months), the compost heap is thoroughly shoveled and stacked again. Shovelling speeds up the decomposition of waste. When the compost turns into a homogeneous mass, it can be used as fertilizer. The rates, timing and depth of application of compost are the same as for manure.

“Night gold” (feces) is also a valuable fertilizer when caring for a young garden. It is better to mix it with peat, to prepare the so-called peat feces. For this purpose, take fine, well-decomposed peat, lay it in a layer of 20 centimeters and water it generously with liquid feces. After watering, a second layer of the same thickness is laid on the first layer of peat and also watered, and this is done until the heap reaches a height of 1.5 meters. After this, it is covered with peat and left to decompose.

Peat feces can also be prepared directly in cesspools- restrooms. To do this, peat is poured into the pit every two to three days and mixed with the contents of the pit with a pole. Peat feces is a very strong fertilizer: its application rate is two to three times lower than the rate of manure.

In areas where there is no peat, compost, manure and even ordinary soil are used to prepare fecal fertilizers.

When caring for a young garden, you should also use bird droppings. It is applied at a rate of 100-150 grams per 1 square meter of tree trunk area. But it is better to give this fertilizer in the form liquid fertilizer in the first half of summer.

A good fertilizer is stove ash, containing potassium, phosphorus and lime. Ash is added at approximately 100-150 grams per square meter (a glass of stove ash weighs about 125 grams). The use of ash gives particularly good results on soddy-podzolic soils of the non-chernozem zone, reducing their acidity. In this case, the ash application rates are increased by at least two to three times.

Pond, lake and river waste or decomposed waste from landfills can be used as fertilizer.

The use of mineral fertilizers for caring for a young garden

If there are mineral fertilizers, then you need to use them.

They are divided into nitrogen (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, montanium nitrate), phosphorus (superphosphate, tomasslag, phosphate rock) and potassium (potassium salt 30 and 40 percent and potassium chloride). Nitrogen mineral fertilizers have a good effect on tree growth in most areas. A complete mineral fertilizer, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, works better everywhere.

Mineral fertilizers Apply at the rate of approximately 8-10 grams of the active substance of each type of fertilizer per 1 square meter. For example, ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate) contains 20 percent nitrogen. Therefore, 40-50 grams of ammonium sulfate must be added per 1 square meter.

One glass contains from 150 grams (superphosphate, ammonium sulfate) to 250 grams (potassium salt) mineral fertilizers.

The amount of mineral fertilizers that must be applied to one tree, depending on its age and the size of the trunk circle, is given in the table.

Montana nitrate is added by 20 percent, and ammonium nitrate by 40 percent less than ammonium sulfate. Double superphosphate They contribute half as much as usual.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, partly nitrogen fertilizers, are applied in the fall, before deep digging. These fertilizers are best applied in granular form. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can also be applied in liquid form in patches into wells made with scrap, 30-40 centimeters deep; Wells are made approximately two per 1 square meter.
It is better to apply the bulk of nitrogen fertilizers (about two-thirds) in the spring, during the first spring loosening.

Approximate amount of mineral fertilizers applied to one tree (in grams):

near the trunk
new circle
(in meters)
near the trunk
new circle
(in sq. meters)
Ammonium sulfate Superphosphate Potassium salt 40 percent
when fertilizing when fertilizing when fertilizing
weak average |strong weak average strong weak average |strong
100 200 400 600 150
150 300 550 850 225
1 100
100 200 300
  • When using mineral and organic fertilizers together, application rates are reduced by half of those indicated.
  • When mixing fertilizers, you must adhere to established rules. It is best to mix them just before adding them to the soil.

Feeding fruit trees caring for a young garden

Great value at at In the course of a young garden, fertilizing of fruit trees is widely used by leading gardeners.

For fertilizing, first of all, you need to use local organic fertilizers.: slurry, urine, fermented solutions of bird and cow droppings, etc. Slurry and animal urine for liquid feeding are diluted with 5 parts of water, and feces and bird droppings with 10-12 parts.

You can also feed fruit trees only with nitrogen or complete mineral fertilizer.

When feeding, mineral fertilizers can be applied in liquid or dry form.. In dry soil, the trunk circles are pre-watered with water before fertilizing. When applying fractionally, the indicated average rate is divided into parts according to the number of fertilizing: each time the corresponding part (half or a third of the rate) is applied. The first feeding is given in the spring, during bud break, the second - two or three weeks after the first, during the intensive growth of shoots (in the central regions - in June), and the third - two to three weeks after the second.

Considering that nitrogen fertilizers, if applied untimely, cause growth retardation, fertilizing with them should be carried out only during spring and the first half of summer or late autumn.

The garden should be fertilized annually on poor soils and once every two to three years on other soils. In the first year after planting, mulching is limited tree trunk circles manure, humus, compost, etc.

Podzolic soils, in addition, should also be limed. Lime or ground limestone is applied once every five to seven years at an average rate of 1.5 kilograms per 1 square meter. The best time applying lime is autumn.

Video: How and with what to fertilize fruit trees correctly

In this video, an expert will tell you how to fertilize fruit trees correctly and with what exactly.

Video: Apple orchard technology

When caring for a young garden, it is necessary to ensure the survival of all planted fruit trees, create conditions for good growth of seedlings and the construction of the correct tree crown, and also ensure that the trees enter the fruiting season early.