Toilet      04/09/2019

Currant feeding in spring tips. Black currant: planting, feeding, care

With the first rays spring sun At the end of winter, the time comes to get serious about putting the fruit crops in order. berry bushes: do pruning, feed weakened plants.

Having combined crops such as currants and gooseberries in one article, we will consider in more detail how to provide plants Better conditions so that they thank the owners with a full harvest of berries.

It begins when the snow still lies in melted piles on the garden plot. At this time, the soil is saturated with moisture, fertilizers are easily dissolved and absorbed by plants.

Currants are an unassuming crop, but require attention.

Currant is a fertile shrub for garden plots.

This perennial easy to care for, and when proper care produces a bountiful harvest, survives even in abandoned areas, and thrives in the forest. What a rich bounty the taiga inhabitants bring home in the form of black and red currants! Berry after berry - selected, aromatic, soaked in the sun.

Why is it that at home, currants do not always please with a bountiful harvest like their wild relatives? For successful development and fruiting, currants require compliance with 4 conditions:

  1. Lighting.
  2. Watering.
  3. The soil.
  4. Feeding.

You should select a site and prepare the necessary soil composition before planting berry bushes. These actions determine the success of growth and developmenta young seedling that will “work” on the site for many years.

How many vital energy, nutrients are consumed by the plant in the fight against low temperatures in winter, sweltering heat in summer, and pest invasions! A caring owner strives to make the life of his helpers easier after winter frosts, providingcaring for currants in spring. Top dressing- this is the first step towards the summer harvest.

What you need to know about the Gooseberry family

In order to have a clear picture of how to properly feed berry bushes, you need to imagine what morphological features they have.

Surprisingly, currants and gooseberries belong to the same family. Gooseberry.

Currants are divided into 2 types:

  • black;
  • red.

The rest of the currant color range is just varietal diversity. Black currant varieties include: green and purple, red currants include pink, white, yellow.

Feeding currant and gooseberry bushes in springis carried out according to the same rules.

How to fertilize correctly

Regardless of when it is heldfeeding currants (in spring, in the summer or before the winter cold), what fertilizers are used, it is important to remember how to do it correctly in order to achieve best result and not harm the plant.

Gardening tips:

  1. Fertilizers should be applied evenly on each side of the bush.
  2. Liquid fertilizer is applied under the bush, and then the ground is watered abundantly.

Greater effect can be achieved with deep application of fertilizers. To do this, you need to make a furrow 0.3 m deep in the ground around the bush, 0.5 m away from the trunk. Fertilizer diluted with water is poured into it.

Feeding scheme

Begins fertilizing currants in springand continues throughout the growing season. Conventionally, it can be divided into 5 stages associated with the different state of the plant:

  1. Awakening of the plant and swelling of the buds.
  2. Bloom.
  3. The appearance and ripening of berries.
  4. End of fruiting.
  5. Preparing for winter.

If the seedling was planted according to all the rules, the required quantity organic and mineral fertilizers, then they begin to feed currants onlyfrom the 2nd year - at this age the berry crop enters the fruiting phase.

The first feeding is the most important

First fertilizing currants in springis carried out before the beginning of flowering, when the buds are swollen and ready to turn into sticky, fragrant leaves, the second - during flowering. At this time, you should feed the plant weakened in winter with fertilizers containing nitrogen. It helps actively build up green mass.

You cannot feed currants with nitrogen-containing fertilizers during fruiting, because at this time all efforts should be directed toformation and ripening of berries. When fruiting is over, the plant must restore its energy, gain strength, get stronger before the first frost, prepare for wintering - at this time it needs complex fertilizers.

Rule #1: The 1st and 2nd fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, all subsequent ones - with complex fertilizers, which include phosphorus and potassium.

Specialized compounds

Fertilizing currants in spring with mineral fertilizers is simple and effective method adding the required amount of nitrogen to the soil.

Urea (carbamide) is most often used for the first spring feeding:

  • for young plants (2-3 years) - 40-50 g for each bush;
  • for adult fruit-bearing plants - 20-40 g, divided into 2 feedings.

The use of specialized mineral compositions is the simplest way feeding. They can be bought at hardware or gardening stores, or at the market. How to apply fertilizers, in what proportions and within what time frame - the manufacturer indicates this information on the packaging. You just need to remember rule No. 1, mentioned above.

Proponents of environmentally friendly methods of caring for plants use nutrient mixtures proposed by nature itself and folk experience.

Bird droppings, manure, compost - here best components containing nitrogen for feeding currant bushes in the spring. The principle of preparing litter and manure is the same: you need to dilute them with water and water them at the rate of 1 bucket of the composition per bush. The dilution proportions are as follows:

  • Bird droppings - 1:12.
  • Manure (rotted!) - 1:4.

If the manure is fresh, then the procedure for preparing it is different:the manure must be filled with water (1:1), left for 3 days, then diluted in a ratio of 1:10. The watering rate remains the same: 1 bucket of solution per plant.

Compost or humus is used from early spring and throughout the summer as mulch under currant and gooseberry bushes.

Complex fertilizers

Ash, yeast, starch contain a whole range of useful elements, among them: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium.

  • Ash. The ash is poured with water in a ratio of 1:1, infused for 2 days, the resulting infusion is diluted with water 1:10. The consumption rate per bush is 1 bucket.
  • Yeast. They are used in the form of a bread composition. To do this, bread crusts need to be filled with water (5-10 l), left for 10-14 days in a warm place. The finished composition, depending on the concentration, is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 to 1:3.
  • Starch. Ready-made purchased starch is diluted with water (200 g per 3 l), brought to a boil, then diluted in 1 bucket of water. The consumption rate per bush is 2-3 liters. This method has a significant disadvantage: the finished starch is not fully absorbed by plants. A more effective way to get the nutrient-rich potato content to the roots is to use potato peelings.

Potato peelings - a ready-made set of complex fertilizers

Nutrients that berry bushes of the Gooseberry family actively take from the soil can be returned to the soil using potato peelings. Potatoes contain whole line macro- and microelements, mineral salts, organic acids, starch, glucose, fats. This set of nutrients is truly invaluable for the development of many crops. Black currants, which need starch and glucose, are especially favorable towards it.

Before conducting fertilizing currants in spring with potato peelings, they need to be prepared. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Dry. Cleanings should be washed thoroughly and placed in the oven, microwave, near the radiator. central heating or on the balcony. Important: if drying takes place outdoors, cleaning must be spread out in one layer, making sure to provide an influx of fresh air. When drying in an oven, you also need access to oxygen (the oven door should be opened slightly). If these rules are followed, rotting will not occur, and the cleaning will become dry and brittle.
  2. To freeze. Re-freezing of peelings should not be allowed: in this case, they lose their nutritional value.

Dried cleanings are stored in fabric bags.

P fertilizing currants in springcarried out with a potato nutrient mixture, which can be prepared as follows:

  1. Flour. The dried peel is ground in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Gruel. Dried cleanings are poured hot water and leavefor a week until the potato skins absorb water and swell. Then it is thoroughly mixed to a paste and used as fertilizer.
  3. Infusion. Dried, frozen or raw peelings are poured with hot water, allowed to brew for 24 hours, and the resulting infusion is used for irrigation.

The compositions obtained from potatoes are diluted with water 1:10 and used for watering: 1 bucket of infusion per bush.

Gardening advice: whenfertilizing black currants in springcarried out using potato peelings; they should not be laid out on the surface of the ground, as they can attract rodents or insect pests to the area. It’s also not worth burying raw peelings into the soil: even from tiny eyes, stubborn potato sprouts make their way to the soil surface. Such a “decoration” is unlikely to be appropriate under currant bushes.

All organic and mineral compounds used as root or foliar feeding. Only manure and bird droppings are used with caution. Their foliar application requires a halving of the recommended concentration to prevent burns of leaves and stems.

Timely feeding of currants in the spring will help to form a strong bush and get a high yield, each berry of which will be of excellent quality. Since this shrub is a perennial (capable of bearing fruit for more than 10 years), it needs fertilizing.

It is recommended to apply fertilizers intensively after the third year of the plant’s life in one place. This is due to the fact that the bush annually consumes for its development and the formation of a new crop a large number of nutrients and minerals, as a result of which the soil becomes poor very quickly. That is why fertilizing is a mandatory activity that is included in the care program, regardless of the type and variety of currants.

Black currants during the ripening period

They all love organic and mineral fertilizers, which strengthen the root system and stems. The first fertilizing of the season should be done in spring period, observing the rule that all additional substances are added to the soil before the leaves begin to actively bloom and the formation of berries. The second feeding is done in autumn period, after the full harvest of the ripe crop. Summer is a period when fertilization is not required.

The peculiarity of the fertilizing process is that the composition and variety of substances added in spring and autumn differ. For the full and rapid development of shoots and buds that develop with the retreat of cold weather, it is imperative to use nitrogen nutrition. After fruiting, that is, during the period of autumn feeding and preparing the plant for wintering, special substances and microelements are required to allow currants (both black and red) to prepare for winter and to lay new flower buds that will be visible the next season.

Failure to meet deadlines or deviation from them by more than 2 weeks can cause a significant deterioration in the quality of the harvest, and the berry itself will turn out to be sour or small.

Starting from the third year, fertilizing should be done regularly, 2 times a year, since by that time the plant will already be fully formed.

Fertilizers: what will benefit currants

The correct process of growing currant bushes suggests that already in April it is necessary to begin cultivating the soil, saturating it with substances beneficial to the plant. Before applying fertilizers, it is recommended to dig up the soil well to allow oxygen to penetrate into the fertile layer and circulate there evenly. Then the selected options for nutrient mixtures are used, and watering is also carried out (cold water is not used).

Spring feeding begins with moistening the soil next to the berry bushes

Important! Every gardener who grows or plans to place currant bushes on their plot should know that substances such as urea or bird (chicken) droppings cannot be used to feed currants, starting from mid-June. Also, in this case, mullein infusion is not allowed to be used as a fertilizer.

This precaution is due to the fact that additional nitrogen entering the soil from fertilizer will increase the intensity of shoot growth. This process will lead to the fact that new branches will not be able to grow stronger before the onset of the first frost, therefore the probability of bush death increases. After timely application of mineral or organic fertilizers to the soil around the bushes, it is necessary to water. The need for such an action is associated with ridding the root system of possible burns (especially when fresh manure or peat is used as fertilizer). As for the water regime, in the event of a rainy spring, subsequent watering should be done at a reduced rate, and it is recommended to use dry compounds and preparations as fertilizing.

If the weather is rainy in spring, water less or use dry preparations.

Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers and urea

Nitrogen fertilizers, which include urea, are needed by currant bushes during the period of their active growth, that is in early spring: from mid-March to April.

Important to remember! Immediately after the frosts stop, the fertile layer of the earth warms up very little. This is why soil microflora is inactive. During this same period, currants and other cultivated plants require large amounts of nutrients, which include nitrogen.

The process of fertilizing with nitrogen can be done in the form of irrigation

Depending on the region: center, southern part or northern territories, experienced gardeners carry out 2-3 feedings. Here you need to follow the scheme: the first feeding is carried out from the moment the buds open, after that once every 14 days. The end of the stage is June 1-2. Watering the bushes is required taking into account the amount of moisture in the soil. When carrying out the first feeding, you need to carefully look at the condition of the buds: as soon as they noticeably swell, you should add 1 tablespoon of urea under each of the currant bushes.

There is no need to dig it into the soil, just sprinkle it lightly. As alternative option This fertilizer should be diluted in a bucket of water (10 liters) and watered the plant, focusing on trunk circle. After 2 weeks have passed, you should re-feed using nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, it is best to shed the currants with an infusion of mullein, manure or bird (chicken) droppings. Nitrogen helps in pest control.

Organic fertilizers

In 90% of cases, the following are used to apply organic fertilizers:

  • compost;
  • manure (cow, horse);
  • droppings (from different birds).

All these types of fertilizer contain an increased amount of nitrogen. It is used to activate biological processes leading to growth, so organic matter must be applied exclusively during spring fertilization.

At the end of October, when climatic conditions lead to nighttime temperatures below freezing outside, you can apply compost and horse manure (several buckets per bush) under the currant bushes. It is necessary to fertilize the plant in this way in order to ensure that the root system is protected from freezing. In spring, such fertilizer serves the purpose of enhancing the nutrition of currants. As a result, the yield will increase and the quality of the berries will improve. Also organic species Fertilizers significantly improve the structure of the soil, making it good for cultivated plants and berry bushes.

Organic matter has a positive effect on plant vigor

Successful organic fertilizer for currants different varieties also mulch. It protects the soil from increased moisture evaporation and overheating if the area or garden is generally sunny. Also, this fertilizer, decomposing and gradually overheating, releases a sufficient volume of carbon dioxide and various microelements for the currants to grow quickly. Good organics - potato peelings, ash.

Fertilizer with potassium sulfate, superphosphate

In the spring, currant bushes should also be treated with fertilizers containing not only nitrogen, but also phosphorus, and potassium. These types of fertilizers contain a full range of essential microelements necessary for the development and strengthening of shrubs. If the gardener has a sufficient set of knowledge, then the composition can be selected independently, but it is best to purchase ready-made fertilizers (complex). It is important to consider here that some of them are recommended for application in the spring, while others are recommended for application during autumn feeding. Details are indicated on the packaging. Any product from this group leads to an increase in the productivity of berry plantings, so it is necessary to fertilize them if the quality of the ripened berries is important. There are also such features of spring feeding - during this period it is required that substances with a predominance of nitrogen enter the soil. Potassium and phosphorus work more actively in the fall.

When using these types of fertilizers, you need to ensure that the soil under and next to the bushes is always moderately moist. This is necessary for the rapid and effective absorption of incoming microelements, therefore, during the absence of rain, it is necessary to water the shrubs, as well as mulching, using compost, grass or cardboard for this purpose. This action will stop the process of evaporation of moisture from the soil surface.

Phosphorus components must be added to the soil during the period of fruit ripening. The plant also requires this component when new flower buds are formed and flowering occurs. When plants are preparing for winter, phosphorus is also required to strengthen them.

It is optimal to start adding components in the second half of summer and autumn. During this time period, the plants are fertilized with superphosphate. The substance is introduced into the soil as follows: 1 tbsp = 1 bush. If fertilizing is done after rain or the weather is humid for a long period, the composition can be distributed by simply scattering it under the bushes; no digging is required.

When weather conditions are dry, it is preferable to pre-water the soil or, as an alternative solution, dissolve fertilizer granules and pour the resulting solution onto all the bushes around the perimeter of their crown.

In 85% of cases, phosphorus fertilizers are combined with potassium fertilizers, since these substances react well to the presence of each other. In this case, the application is made according to the following scheme: 1 tablespoon of phosphorus and potassium per bush. The result will be that currants, regardless of their variety, will increase resistance to various fungal diseases.

Foliar feeding

When thinking about the best way to feed currants in the spring, you need to remember the existence foliar species fertilizers This type includes:

  • manganese potassium;
  • boric acid;
  • copper sulfate.

These substances penetrate the plant through leaf blades (leaf stomata). Application is carried out by spraying with water containing the element selected for feeding. In 90% of cases, complex, water-soluble mineral fertilizers are used, various compositions, capable of strengthening and stimulating the currant immune system.

Copper sulfate is actively used for foliar feeding

Important to remember! Root and foliar fertilizers should not be applied at the same time; it is best to use them with a break of 14 days. To guarantee and effectively strengthen the plant’s immunity, a complex composition is used. They need to spray the bushes once a week. As a result of application, currants will be able to withstand negative conditions environment, the risk of possible diseases will be reduced, good prevention will be carried out against various pests that can settle in the soil or on the plant itself.

Fertilizing currants as part of the care process

For any cultivated plant quality care required. That is why the stages of applying fertilizing refer to additional protection currants: they strengthen the strength of shrubs, provide them with health, and repel possible pests. The soil is also cleaned of microorganisms and fungi that can negatively affect the bushes and weaken them. There are folk methods of care that involve the use of gooseberries diluted in water in order to control pests. ammonia, fermentation products. If care and protection are carried out correctly, the shrub will delight you with a lush and strong crown and a bountiful harvest. Knowing what to feed currants with, you can guarantee that the berries will be large and fragrant.

Thus, spring, like autumn feeding currant planting is an important event for the plant. They should be carried out in a timely manner, choosing high-quality types of fertilizers and taking into account the condition of the soil on the site. Feed and fertilize in a timely manner suitable compositions and getting a good harvest is not difficult.


Currants are grown in various climatic regions and, with proper care, produce impressive yields of aromatic berries with a sweet and sour taste. Black currants are especially popular; red, white, and golden varieties of the crop are no less in demand.

Currant care

Currants as a garden crop are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to growing conditions. At the same time, caring for shrubs is not only about timely watering and weed control. To reap a good harvest, you should properly feed the plant with the substances necessary for development. Organic fertilizers and a complex of mineral elements are relevant here, the use of which can significantly improve the characteristics of agriculture:

  • when planting: with proper application of fertilizing when planting currants, the rooting process of the seedling is accelerated. Under the delicate influence of fertilizers, the plant adapts better to new living conditions;
  • during the growing season, a well-chosen complex of fertilizers contributes to the intensity of seedling growth and the active formation of the bush skeleton;
  • During the period of budding and flowering, with the help of balanced feeding, you can adjust the number of inflorescences on the branches upward. Also, the active substances in the fertilizer help reduce the risk of flower falling;
  • During the fruiting period, under the influence of beneficial elements, large clusters with large berries are formed, the taste of which impresses with its richness and bright aroma.

Currant care also includes protection from diseases and pests. If an illness of various etymologies occurs, it is necessary to promptly treat the bush with appropriate medications. It is also necessary to combat pests that can harm the health of a green pet.

Important! Correctly selected compositions for feeding help strengthen the seedling's immunity against possible ailments.

Soil for currants

To grow currants in the garden, choose a sunny place, protected from the winds. You should not use a swampy area; this crop requires non-acidic soil with good drainage. Most often, an area along the fences is allocated for currant bushes to prevent shading of vegetable beds. At the same time, experienced gardeners recommend planting seedlings maintaining a distance of at least 1 m from the fence. This allows you to create favorable conditions for the successful growth and development of garden crops, facilitates plant care.

Currants grow well in light loamy soil with an average pH above 5.5. If the soil on the site is sandy, then when preparing the area it is necessary to add clay and turf for digging. The result is a fertile mixture with good level breathability and drainage. Acidic soddy-podzolic soils with a pH below 5.5 should be deacidified by adding 400-500 g of lime per m².

Important! The rates of fertilization in the planting hole vary depending on the quality of the soil. The poorer the soil, the more active substances will be required to enrich its composition.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

With proper care, currants can bear fruit for at least 12-15 years, delighting with enviable harvests of juicy and aromatic berries. To do this, you need to know how and when to feed it.

They begin to apply fertilizers from the second year after planting according to a specific scheme:

in spring

In early spring, at the stage of bud swelling, currants are fertilized with nitrogen. The active composition will stimulate the development of buds and accelerate the appearance of young foliage. You can use urea at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water per 1 young bush.

Important! The dose of urea should be halved if a bush older than 4 years is being treated. Moreover, half the rate of the active element when added under mature plant in early spring it is divided into two feedings with an interval of at least 10 days.

Instead of urea, you can use ammonium nitrate in proportions of 30 g/10 l/m².

Chemical compounds can be replaced with organic matter in the form of slurry or chicken droppings. Manure is diluted with water 1:4, that is, 2.5 kg per 10 liters of water. The concentration of the working solution with chicken manure is much lower - 1:10, that is, 1 kg/10 l. Bird droppings contain a significant amount of nitrogen compounds. If you use a high concentration infusion as a fertilizer, this can cause burns to the rhizomes.

Immediately after flowering, the next fertilizing with nitrogen-containing additives is carried out. Nutrients during this period will affect the number of inflorescences. If turf, sandy or sandy loam soils are cultivated, then with the help of slurry the soil composition is enriched not only with nutrients important for currants, but also with humus.

As soon as the period of formation and filling of berries begins, the currants are fed with phosphorus and potassium. The use of nitrogen is excluded, since excessive growth of the vegetative mass is fraught with deterioration in the quality and quantity of berries. Ready-made complex fertilizers are relevant here; the working solution is prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you have one-component mineral additives on hand, you can make a mixture in the following proportions: superphosphate 20 g + potassium nitrate 15 g per 10 l/m². The potassium compound can be replaced with other analogues, for example, potassium sulfate 15 g or potassium chloride 10 g.

in autumn

After the end of the fruiting period (early August), currants should be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. At this stage, flower buds are laid, on which the harvest of the coming season depends. After picking the berries, the bushes are fed with organic compounds - slurry or chicken droppings. If you use an alternative with minerals, then ready-made complex fertilizers or mixtures of single-component additives are relevant:

  • urea 10 g;
  • potassium sulfate 10 g;
  • superphosphate 20 g.

The proportions are calculated for 10 liters of water/1 m².

If at the end of fruiting it was not possible to apply nitrogen fertilizer, then you can feed the bush with this active substance later, but no later than the beginning of September. The use of nitrogen will provoke intensive growth of young shoots, and before the winter cold, all this is fraught with dire consequences.

Before wintering - in November - the bush is fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. These substances help strengthen the plant’s immunity and have a positive effect on the condition of the currant root system. In the case of late climate winter, if the soil does not freeze in December, fertilizing in the form of phosphorus-potassium compounds is allowed.

Important! The potassium compound successfully replaces wood ash at the rate of 250 g per bush.

During the dormant period (from late September to December), most gardeners carry out work to fertilize currants with humus and compost. To do this, the useful mass is applied under the bush and sprinkled with a layer of soil mixture. These additives take a long time to decompose; the effect is felt just in the spring, when the phase of active plant development begins. You can add compost and humus in several stages - at the end of September, October, November and during the December thaw.

When growing currants, green manure should not be neglected. These plants are excellent in controlling weeds and can provide the bush with nutrients.

Upon landing

When planting currants, the soil is fertilized with the following composition:

  • 5-10 kg of humus;
  • 100-200 g of superphosphate;
  • 30-40 g of potash fertilizers.

This mixture is applied to fertile soil in a prepared hole for planting and the rhizome is covered.

Spring application of nitrogenous substances to currants is carried out in the following way:

  • furrows are dug half a meter from the bush;
  • apply nitrogen fertilizer;
  • covered with fertile soil and compacted.

Before application, it is necessary to water the treatment area well; at least 2 buckets of water must be poured under each bush. In autumn, it is also recommended to feed the plant in a similar way. Another option for introducing active nitrogenous substances is laying under digging.

The effectiveness of such manipulations is determined by the characteristics of active nitrogen, which easily evaporates and is washed away by precipitation.

During the growing season, currants are fed 2 times by spraying. The time interval between the application of nutritional supplements under the root and the foliar method of fertilization is maintained at least 15 days. During the flowering period, the first spraying is carried out with a working solution containing microelements in the following proportions:

  • urea 30 g;
  • boric acid 8 g;
  • zinc chloride 1 g;
  • magnesium sulfate 0.25 g;
  • copper sulfate 0.25g;
  • potassium permanganate 0.25 g.

During the ripening period of the berries, a second spraying is carried out, which promotes better absorption of nutrients. This fertilizer is also designed to prevent the proliferation of pests. The manipulation is carried out no later than 2 weeks before harvest. The working mixture includes:

  • copper sulfate 30 g;
  • potassium permanganate 5 g;
  • boric acid 5 g.

The proportions are calculated for 10 liters of water.

Important! Each type of active substance is dissolved in water separately, only then all the liquid components are combined in one container.

Fertilizing with potato peelings

Potato peels contain a lot useful substances and microelements, including potassium, magnesium, iron and many other compounds. When growing currants and other green crops, experienced gardeners widely use peelings as an effective growth stimulator. Feeding with potato peels also has a positive effect on taste qualities berries, making them sweeter and more aromatic.

The peelings are used fresh or dried. The product does not lose beneficial features even after freezing. To prepare natural fertilizer for future use, you need to thoroughly wash the potato skins with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and place them on a baking sheet. You can dry the peel using any available methods: on a stove, in an oven, in an electric dryer for berries and fruits. If cleaning is necessary, store in the freezer in an airtight bag.

Methods for preparing potato dressing:

  • after freezing. You should defrost the peel, dilute 2 kg of pulp from the peelings in 10 liters hot water, leave for a day. Water the currants with 1 liter of prepared organic matter per bush;
  • after drying. The peelings are crushed by one of available ways, dilute 1 kg of the finished mass in 10 liters of hot water, leave for a day. Apply fertilizing for 10 days in a row, 1 liter per bush, the course can be repeated several times a season.

To use fresh potato peelings, you should make grooves around the currant bushes, add fertilizer from the peels and cover them with soil. This method is especially relevant in late autumn.

Experienced gardeners claim that the effectiveness of fertilizer increases significantly if you use an infusion of potato peels as a top dressing during the formation of the ovary and repeat the procedure a week before picking the berries.

Features of different varieties

In addition to everyone's favorite black currant, garden plots Red and white varieties of the crop are grown.

Black currant

More demanding on soil fertility than other types of crops. The plant prefers light soils with good drainage, does not tolerate shade, and is susceptible to fungal diseases. Blackcurrant bushes are very responsive to organic and mineral fertilizers. With proper care, the crop bears fruit decently for up to 15 years with a fragrant and vitamin-rich harvest of blue-black berries.

Red Ribes

It is distinguished by higher resistance to various negative factors. The plant tolerates shade well and is capable of producing enviable yields even in dense planting conditions. Red varieties of the crop do not react strongly to a lack of moisture and nutritional supplements, but with proper care they delight with clusters of impressive size with bright berries of rich taste. The plant is capable of producing excellent harvests up to 20 years. Caring for red currants provides similar feeding options as in the case of bushes with blue-black berries.

White currant

It is distinguished by high taste characteristics, productivity and resistance to negative environmental influences. Like the varieties with red berries, the plant tolerates both lack of moisture and poor supply of nutritional supplements.

The bushes adapt well to Various types soils, are able to develop even on a piece of land with a close location of surface groundwater. The berries of white currants, like red ones, are rich in pectin substances, and black currants are considered the record holder for the content of vitamins and microelements. As for fertilizers, the same feeding options are applicable for all types of crops.

Pest treatment

Among currant pests, aphids are especially distinguished. The best remedy To combat this nuisance, treating the plant with a solution of actellik or karbofos is considered. Spray the bush in windless, dry weather in the evening or on a cloudy day.

Ants are the eternal companions of aphids. You need to fight the ant army with highly effective products new generation. Baits and gels with a long-acting toxic substance are relevant here.

If the plant is occupied by a mite, sulfur-containing preparations are used to destroy this pest. In the evening, in dry, windless weather, the bush is treated by spraying with a solution of karbofos, colloidal sulfur or phosphamide.

To prevent butterfly moths from “rewarding” the currant bush with voracious caterpillars, in early spring it is necessary to cover the ground under the plant with dense material, for example, roofing felt or linoleum. The edges should be carefully reinforced with earth so that the pupal fires that winter here cannot “break through the defenses.” After the currant blossoms, you can remove the covering, since the threat has already passed.

The following folk methods of caring for currants are especially popular among amateur gardeners:

Yeast feeding

Take brewer's or baker's yeast at the rate of 0.5 kg and 50 g of sugar per 10 liters of water. Yeast is dissolved in a bucket of warm water with added sugar. The resulting mash solution is used to water the plant under the bush, after moistening the soil with clean water.

Grain feeding

Fill a third of the bucket with dry crusts of rye bread, add 50 g of sugar or jam, top up the contents of the container with warm water to obtain the effect of mash. This fertilizer with a volume of 10 liters is used to fertilize the bush after preliminary watering with ordinary water.

Each of these applications is equivalent to one fertilizing with a complex composition.

Boiling water treatment

This folk way relevant as effective prevention currants from pests and diseases. Also, treating the plant with boiling water ensures intensive development and improves the fertility of the bush. Hot treatment is carried out in early spring before the start of sap flow. Heat the water to 80°C and give the green pets a shower using a watering can with a divider at the rate of 10 liters per 3 bushes.


To enjoy an impressive currant harvest, you need to properly care for the plant. In this case, the competent choice of seedling is considered an important factor for success. New crop varieties are practically not susceptible to diseases and differ high level fertility. Plants respond well to fertilizing and are capable of producing a fragrant harvest of up to 10 kg per adult bush.

It is possible to ensure optimal growth and development rates for the plant, as well as increase the yield level with the help of proper and timely feeding. Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that you can use. Feeding currants is not a difficult task, but requires a competent approach.

This extremely vitamin-rich berry can be found in almost every area. However, only experienced gardeners know why and how to feed currant bushes. The plant is quite unpretentious and bears fruit with minimal care. But the lack of fertilizers, improper watering and other agrotechnical measures greatly affect the degree of yield and its quality.

At first, the plant needs enough fertilizer applied during planting, especially for the red and white varieties. But over time, the number of berries decreases, and the fruits themselves lose their presentation, become smaller and become less tasty. Then the bush gradually stops developing and sprouting new young shoots. As a result, he is transplanted.

All this can be avoided by regularly seasonal feeding. Using a simple scheme, you can achieve increased yield and improved taste. In addition, a plant that receives all the necessary nutrients becomes more resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases.

Submission rules

Few people know that varieties of currants differ not only general characteristics bushes and fruits, but also the specifics of fertilizing. Next, you will learn about the rules for fertilizing red and black currants.

For red and white

Fertilizing red currants is greatly facilitated by the fact that they are undemanding to soil fertility. Light soils with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction are best suited. An important point is that it is sensitive to chlorine, so it is recommended to replace it with potassium sulfate or wood ash. Spring fertilizing is very important, thanks to it you can achieve an increase in yield so much that it exceeds that of black currants.

Since this variety loves moisture, it is better to feed the bush liquid fertilizers or apply along with watering. In April, the plant is watered abundantly and urea is added. At the beginning of summer, manure or bird droppings diluted with water are ideal. Also in the summer, special fertilizers enriched with microelements are applied: boric acid, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, ammonium molybdate and zinc sulfate, diluted in small doses in a large amount of water. Leaves are treated with this solution.

The last time the bush is fed is in early October with a mixture of organic and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. You can also use a fruit and vegetable mixture. Winter feeding is not required at all. The nutrients added during the warm period last until spring. Similarly, you can feed white currants. With the exception of summer treatment with microelements, which is carried out if necessary.

For black

The scheme for feeding black currants variably includes several more stages - earlier and later. In total there are five main stages:

  • in spring, during the period of swelling of the buds. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. Potassium and phosphorus can be added periodically (every couple of years);
  • after flowering ends. Similar types of feeding are used as in the first stage. However, it should be taken into account that you should not abuse nitrogen products; excess can affect yields and significantly weaken the immune system. It is best to use mineral and organic fertilizers in equal quantities;
  • period of ovary and fruit filling. It is recommended to give preference to organic and potassium-phosphorus complexes;
  • late summer, after the harvest. A comprehensive fertilizer that includes a small amount of nitrogen is best suited;
  • late fall. Potassium and phosphorus, which increase the plant’s immunity and are responsible for strengthening the rhizome.

What to feed black currants at each stage can be determined by appearance bush and its fruiting.

How to fertilize

A wide variety of different fertilizers can pose a problem for an inexperienced gardener, who can rack his brain over what to fertilize currants so as not to harm them. The easiest way is to use the scheme and focus on complex specialized mixtures.

Without any problems, you can buy a liquid or granular mixture for a certain stage and fertilize the bush according to the instructions. You can use folk recipes and the experience of gardeners. So, a large amount of nitrogen contains manure, compost and bird droppings. Bird droppings and manure are diluted with water and applied in liquid form; compost and humus can be used to mulch the soil.

Complex fertilizers can be replaced with available products: wood ash, starch and grain fertilizers. These products are diluted or infused in water and applied under the bush. Since starch is slowly and not completely absorbed, if possible, it is better to replace it with tincture of potato peelings. Such fertilizers for currants are available to everyone.

Special feeding

There are also specific fertilizers that are much easier to feed currants with than self-prepared fertilizers. They are sold in finished, powder or granular form with instructions for use.

Feeding with phosphorus fertilizers

This type is usually introduced after harvest or in the fall, since the main element requires long time for assimilation. Within a few months, the subcortex transforms into a soil-retaining complex and by summer begins to work fully. A certain type of phosphorus complexes - tuks, which contain fast-acting compounds - are also applied in the spring. There are several popular types of fertilizer.

On different stages the plant requires potassium fertilizing. For currants this is spring and autumn. The best option The addition of potassium fertilizers is considered: potassium nitrate, nitrophoska, ammophosphates. However, you cannot feed the bush “by eye”; you need a certain dose and application schedule.

It should be recalled that for currants, chlorine-containing preparations should be replaced with ash. It should also be taken into account that potassium increases the acidity of the soil, so calcium and lime must be added at the same time. For chernozems, you can add potassium without fear of negative consequences due to the alkaline reaction.

Liquid fertilizer

Berry crops, including currants, better absorb nutrients in liquid form. Therefore, almost any fertilizer must be dissolved in water, otherwise it will not be absorbed. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are dissolved in water. The norm is to apply fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

For any type of fertilizer, it is important not only the time of fertilizing, but also its quantity. Otherwise, you may lose the harvest or “burn” the plant. Therefore, you should not engage in amateur activities; it is better to use recommendations and instructions.

Video “Feeding currants after flowering”

From this video you will learn how to properly fertilize currants after flowering.

At least one bush black currant, every gardener probably has one. This berry is healthy and simply very tasty. It contains many different vitamins, and besides them, minerals and other “benefits”. All these beneficial properties in currants, plus its relative unpretentiousness, largely determine its popularity and such wide distribution. If you simply “stick” a few blackcurrant bushes and practically forget about it, it will still not leave you without a harvest. Well, if you find time for it, and make at least some effort to grow it, then it will certainly thank you with a huge amount healthy berries. After all, feeding currants is very important point when caring for her.

How to feed black currants. How to do this and when exactly?

Let's start, of course, with spring. At this time, currants simply need fertilizers containing nitrogen. Urea is best suited for this. If your currant bushes are still young, then for each of them you will need to add about 40 or 50 grams of urea. Then, when the bushes grow significantly, that is, from the 4th year, this amount is reduced to 25 - 40 grams -ka. In addition, this amount is even divided into two stages of feeding. Read more about the use of urea here. Be sure to read it.

As for feeding currants in the fall, organic matter will be needed here. This could be bird droppings (here's more about it), compost, or manure. Here the norm is from 4 to 6 kilograms, again calculated for each bush. In addition to organic matter, you will also need to add potassium sulfate (from 10 to 20 grams) and superphosphate (50 grams each). This set is considered the main one, because it easily covers the entire “appetite” of black currants in terms of additional nutrition.

Liquid fertilizer for currants

This option is necessary for currants 4 times a year. All these stages are determined by the growing seasons for this berry bush. Accordingly, the first time such fertilizing should be applied is when the buds open. That's when it begins active growth, and subsequent flowering.

When the currants fade, they should be fed again with liquid fertilizers. After the flowering process, the shrub begins to grow rapidly, and at this stage additional nutrition is also very necessary. Such nutrition largely determines the amount of growth of the plant, and this directly affects the yield.

Feeding number 3 should be carried out at the time when the berries are filling (usually in most cases June, or the beginning of July). Here, currants need more phosphorus, as well as potassium. All these components are present in any complex fertilizer.

The end of July will come, August will begin, you will reap the harvest, and before the next planting of new flower buds you will need to feed the currants for the 4th time. Here you should not use nitrogen fertilizers, as this will only delay the ripening of the shoots.

In general, the amount of fertilizing and how often they should be carried out are largely determined by the composition of the soil where you grow currants. Poor soils, of course, need to be enriched much more often.

How and what to feed?

As for the norm of fertilizing and its volumes, the main thing here is not to “overdo it.” After all, any fertilizer can easily be turned into “poison” if you add too much of it. If you prepare liquid fertilizers of an organic nature, they are usually made in the form of an infusion. For bird droppings the concentration should be 1:10, for slurry or mullein you need to take much less water - 1:4. A good option, is to prepare an infusion of any fresh green weeds. Here, for feeding, you need to adhere to the concentration of such green fertilizer 1:10.

Now we move on to mineral fertilizers, also water-based. The calculation here is again based on 10 liters of water. We use phosphorus fertilizers (20 grams), potassium fertilizers, plus nitrogen fertilizers, a little less - 10 grams each.

As for the norm for all liquid fertilizing options, this is 10 liters for each bush.

Foliar option

The best time for them is in June or July. They are carried out using various microelements. Here you simply take potassium permanganate (5 g), in addition to it, boric acid (3 g), plus copper sulfate (30 or 40 grams), and all these substances are first diluted in different containers, that is, first separately. Only after that they are mixed in a 10-liter bucket of water. This solution, complex in composition, is then used to spray currants.

Feeding option for those who simply don’t have enough time

This method is much simpler and does not require following all the “wisdom” to feed currants, which is called “on schedule”. To do this, you just need to find time in the spring to sow green manure crops between the currant bushes. It could be lupine, vetch or peas. In the fall, the soil is simply dug up in these row-spacings, and they do this together with this greenery, which is previously mowed.

Another option for feeding blackcurrants

In this case, the soil under its bushes simply needs to be mulched with manure. Usually 10 or 12 kilograms of it are used for each bush. Other organic matter is also quite suitable for this. Then your currants can easily do without mineral fertilizers. In addition to this, you can sometimes also use liquid fertilizers made from green mass, to which you will need to add leftover bread. Thus, you will get a very nutritious version of mash with bread, which currants really like.

Don’t forget to feed blackcurrants, be sure to find time for this, especially since there are types of feeding that don’t require much time. Then your bushes will definitely have clusters of large berries with an amazing aroma.

And here is another useful video where they will tell you about fertilizing berry bushes in general, including black currants. Let's see.

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