Mixer      03/27/2019

When is the best time to plant trees? Features of planting fruit trees in the fall

If you dream about flowering trees spring and a rich harvest in autumn (which, however, will have to wait a couple of years), then planning a beautiful orchard should begin with studying the rules for choosing and planting nuances fruit trees. Today Elena Mironova, the leading designer of the Bastet studio, will talk about the most important, in her opinion, moments.

General Director and Leading Designer of Bastet Studio. Studied interior design at the International School of Design. Has been designing interiors for over 10 years. Considers work a calling. He loves non-standard, complex tasks that require full dedication and concentration.

Should I plant in the spring?

It's no secret that spring, like autumn, traditional time landing work. However, the opinions of gardeners on when it is better to plant fruit trees are divided: some argue that the optimal planting time is autumn, while others say spring.

Of course, both options are possible if the most important condition is met: the seedlings must be in hibernation (as you know, the hibernation period in plants lasts from the moment the leaves fall until the buds open).

But still, for Central Russia with its cold winters, it is preferable landing spring. It is also supported by the fact that young trees are much less likely to freeze, unlike those planted in autumn, and the fact that in spring young seedlings are not such tasty prey for rodents as during the first autumn frosts and snowfalls, and the fact that trees planted in spring will be a whole warm season more time to grow and develop.

Of course, there are spring planting and minuses: a rigid upper time limit (if a seedling is planted too late, it will be problematic to leave it) and frequent, unlike autumn, watering. However, when choosing a planting time, there is one simple rule: the further north your site is, the more arguments in favor of spring planting and vice versa.

Should only be planted in the spring thermophilic plants, such as: cherry, plum, sweet cherry, apricot, cherry plum, non-hardy varieties of pears.

As practice shows, seedlings with closed root system(with a voluminous clod of earth): gardeners are less likely to damage the roots when planting, and such plants can be planted until mid-June. seedlings with open root system, on the contrary, it is necessary to plant strictly before the buds begin to swell and without much delay - it is better to do it right away, as soon as it was purchased, so that the tree does not have time to dry out.

Planting fruit trees in spring: where to get seedlings?

This is the second, if not the first question that comes up.

Alas, the choice of seedlings in large nurseries - both in terms of varieties and quality - is more extensive in autumn. In spring, nurseries mostly sell off autumn leftovers, which means that the probability of choosing a strong and healthy tree, and of the right variety, is significantly reduced. But you should not despair. If the idea to set up a garden of fruit trees did not suddenly visit you (you hatched it for some long time), then you can buy planting material from autumn, or even arrange in the nursery so that the employees reserve trees of the desired varieties for you in the spring.

But in large garden hypermarkets, it is better not to take seedlings. Alas, in such places everything is focused on the number of sales, and often at the time of purchase, plants that seemed healthy (but were actually just overfed with fertilizers) literally in a few days begin to wither before our eyes and die.

What to look for when buying?

If you still choose seedlings yourself you should remember the following:

  • the seedling must be even and without flaws;
  • it should not have any signs of disease;
  • if the seedling is sold in a container, the roots should not grow through the drainage holes;
  • any damage to the roots is unacceptable. Dried roots also indicate that the plant is not viable;
  • earthen ball - again, not overdried! - should be the same volume as the crown of the tree;
  • leaves on the seedling should be completely absent.

How to plant?

When thinking about planting fruit trees, do not forget that planting plan should not contradict the general concept landscape design site. It is not at all necessary to place all the trees in one place, you can picturesquely “scatter” them around the site. But to take into account all the nuances, it is better to consult an experienced landscape designer.

And of course, the landing plan should be thought out in advance. Here it is important to keep in mind the composition of the soil, and the illumination, and the distance between the trees (at different types and fruit varieties, both the crown and the root system grow differently, which must be taken into account, otherwise an adult tree may interfere with neighboring ones).

The landing algorithm itself is easy to find on the Internet or other sources. Let's focus separately on some nuances planting is spring, which gardeners often forget about.

  1. In no case do not use fresh manure for fertilizer - it will burn the root system of the plant. The best option here is last year's manure, fermented or compost. You can also use store-bought manure-based fertilizers.
  2. When you cover the roots with earth, do not forget to straighten them, and also periodically shake the seedling so that voids do not form under the roots.
  3. The roots should not remain on the surface, but the plant should not be buried too deep. The best option when the root collar of the seedling (the place where the plant stem meets the roots) is at ground level.
  4. It is better to fix the support for the seedling until the plant is planted, so as not to damage the roots. Just drive it into the bottom of the pit, and then place the tree so that the support is on its north side - this way it will also protect the young bark of the tree, which is unaccustomed to the bright sun. Remember that the upper limit of the support should be below the beginning of the growth of the branches.
  5. If the site chosen for planting the tree is damp, fill in a mound of earth before planting to prevent root rot.

The most important One thing to keep in mind is that skill comes with experience. Of course, you are unlikely to do without mistakes, especially if you are planting a garden for the first time. In this case, before starting work, it is better to consult with experienced gardener or a landscape designer, which is even more preferable: a specialist will consider your idea from all sides and find vulnerabilities in it that you most likely do not notice yourself.

In any case, even if you have no one to consult with, in no case give up the dream of your own orchard. Draw a landing plan on paper, write down separately everything that could be important, carefully analyze your plan again and go for it! You will definitely succeed.

Planting fruit trees in spring video:

Quartblog Digest

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Photos: agrus.ua, 3topolya.ru, homestead-honey.com, koffkindom.ru, newsstand.clemson.edu

Price good seedlings is incomparable with those mental and material expenses that arise in the event of the death or poor growth of young plants.

Therefore, before planting trees with your own hands, it is important to learn a few rules regarding which seedlings to choose, when and how to plant pears, cherries and apples in a summer cottage.

How to choose seedlings of fruit trees before planting?

In order for the trees to grow quickly, not get sick and bear abundant fruit in the future, you need to buy seedlings in specialized outlets or in nurseries. Zoned seedlings that were grown in the same area where they are going to be planted will take root much faster than their counterparts brought from coastal regions.

What to look for when choosing fruit tree seedlings for planting

Groundwater at their summer cottage

  • for vigorous trees with long roots, the depth of groundwater in the territory should not exceed 3 meters;
  • semi-dwarf ones are planted in the ground, the underground waters of which rise no higher than 2.5 m;
  • seedlings dwarf trees, with a superficial root system, a plot with groundwater located at a level above 1.5 meters.

Soil quality

Picking a landing site at random is a mistake. Seedlings will develop poorly and will enter fruiting time with a great delay. If we talk about the addictions of fruit plants to soil conditions, then apple trees develop well on sod-podzolic, forest gray and chernozem soils of light composition with a neutral reaction. Pears love moist slightly podzolized soils, sandy loam and loam. Cherries are medium and light loams.


fruit trees good lighting vital. The more sun the plants receive, the larger and sweeter their fruits will be. Based on this, seedlings are planted on the southern (less often southwestern) side of the site, in a place protected from the winds.

The area of ​​the land

The area allotted for planting apple, pear and cherry trees is chosen after calculating the sum of the heights of all trees. That is, if different cultures grow in the garden with a height of 5 m, 4 m and 3 m, then they need to be planted from each other at a distance of 6-9 m. If you plant seedlings thicker, they will not die from this, but also developing, they will grow not in breadth, but upwards, intertwining with branches, interfering, fraying and shading each other.

Age of tree seedlings

The best option for planting will be a tree that is not yet 2 years old. How to determine the age of a seedling? The absence of branches on the trunk will help to identify such a seedling. Gardeners do not recommend purchasing plants with branches, overdried roots, with growths on the stem and leaves.

Grafted and own-rooted seedlings

Ask the seller what kind of seedling it is - grafted or own-rooted! Pears and apple trees must be grafted. Plums and cherries are much rarer.

How to tell if a seedling is grafted or not? If the inoculation was done by the kidney, then the stem of the seedling will be slightly twisted (another sign - look for a noticeable fine on the trunk). There are no signs of vaccination - it means that they are trying to deceive you!

The best option is to buy seedlings in a container or with an earthen clod that completely covers the root system. So that the roots (the standard of tree quality) of freshly dug up plants do not dry out, they are planted within a couple of days after purchase. Fruit trees in containers are planted at any time convenient for the summer resident - from late autumn to early spring.

When should a tree be planted?

The timing of planting fruit trees is determined taking into account biological features varieties and climatic conditions. Apple and pear trees are planted in two terms: in early autumn and early spring.

Planting trees in spring

Spring planting begins from the moment the last snow melts and ends ten days before bud break. For planting apple trees, cherries and pears, a natural product is used as fertilizer - fresh manure. They put him in the bottom of the pit. When the seedlings get used to it a little (after about a week), growth activators are introduced into the soil.

Planting trees in autumn

Survival fruit trees planted in the rainy season (time of biological dormancy of plants) is almost 100%. Loose, moisture-saturated soil and relatively warm air temperatures contribute to stable survival fruit seedlings. It is interesting that when plants are planted in the fall before the onset of frost, the seedlings, before they go into hibernation and stop growing, have time to give young roots. The roots in a snowless winter will be protected by a layer of organic matter and mulch. The material was prepared for the site www.site

Planting trees in winter

Winter plantings are relevant when it comes to large-sized plants. Young seedlings of fruit trees are not planted in frozen ground.

Planting trees in summer

During the hot period, extensive evaporation occurs through the leaves. Short roots lack moisture and do not grow. Seedlings planted in summer are doomed to death.

How to plant trees on the site?

Step-by-step instructions for self-planting seedlings - recommendations for beginners

1. Soil preparation

Bookmark the future orchard starts with soil preparation. The site is cleared of weeds mechanically or by means of herbicides. Preplant cultivation is carried out - they plow deeply and fill the soil with mineral and organic fertilizers.

2. Preparation of holes for planting trees

If the planting of fruit trees is planned in the spring, then the soil and pits begin to be prepared in the fall. To do this, a square-shaped pit 50-70 cm deep is dug under each seedling, with sides from 1 to 1.5 m. Cut branches, old leaves, compost, tops and so on are laid in the pit. From above they are covered with earth and left to rot until spring planting.

For autumn planting pits are prepared in a month. At the bottom, for good drainage, put crushed stone, a layer broken brick and coarse river sand. Then the planting hole is filled with rotted manure, peat and complex mineral fertilizers layered method. From above, fertilizers are covered with soil mixed with humus, 5-10 cm thick.

Soil is poured into the pit in the form of a cone.

3. Planting seedlings in prepared soil

After the soil has settled, a stable wooden stake is hammered into the center of the pit. A reliable support will not allow the wind to shake the young plant and will not allow the formation of voids between the soil and the roots.

The day before planting, broken twigs and roots are removed from the seedlings, they are renewed, slightly pruned to healthy tissues with secateurs.

Planting Trees - Rule #1

The root neck of the seedling should be above the soil level. Significant deepening of the plant stem into the soil leads to decay of the bark and further death.

It is quite easy to determine the root neck on the trunk - this is the border of the transition of the bark of a tree from greenish to milky brown.

When landing, the top of the earthen cone should rest against the base of the trunk. The roots are carefully straightened along the slope and covered with soil, focusing on the root collar. It should be 5-6 cm above the ground surface.

While falling asleep with black soil, the tree is shaken a little so that the voids between the roots are filled with soil. Otherwise, they may dry out.

Near the trunk, the earth is slightly compacted with a foot and watered with a weak stream of water with the expectation of 3 buckets per tree. Waiting for the soil to settle a little. Water again and compact well.

After watering, the roots may stick out a little from the ground. They will go into the ground in a few days.

Planting a tree from a container

Planting a seedling with an earthen clod

Tree care after planting

In the first two years of life, young trees require a lot of attention. Moderate regular watering and top dressing, loosening and weed control are important. In dry times, the soil must be carefully loosened after each watering or occasional rain.

Mulching should not be ignored trunk circles. Rotting mulch (cut grass of cereals) performs several useful functions at once:

  • provides good aeration of the root system;
  • protects the earth from drying out;
  • does not allow weeds to germinate;
  • protects against freezing of the soil in winter;
  • provides seedlings with organic nutrients;
  • prevents the appearance of soil crust.

Excessively moist soils do not mulch.

For the winter, the trees are insulated by tying the trunk with burlap or coniferous branches.

The first pruning of young trees is carried out in the second year of life.

Planting seedlings of fruit trees with your own hands - tips

How to plant an apple tree?

Early varieties of some apple trees may bloom in the first spring. But they are not yet developed enough to form a full-fledged crop in the fall. Therefore, for good survival, the buds are cut off even before they bloom. In the second year (provided that the plant develops without problems), a couple of dozen flowers are left on the tree.

Among the most easily adaptable varieties of apple trees, there are: Moscow Pear, Antonovka Ordinary, Summer Striped, Cowberry, Dessert Isaeva, Gift to Grafsky, Cinnamon New. Good varieties: Chinese Kerr”, “Arkadik”, “Oval”, “Medunitsa” and “Candy”.

How to plant a pear?

Most pear species known to summer residents do not impose special requirements on exposure and soil composition. But pear trees take root and grow better on humus-rich, loose soils and well-lit areas. Young plants do not tolerate drought. In the early years, they need to be watered abundantly and often. Pears begin to bear fruit at the age of 3-8 years.

As a result of hybridization of species, specialists in the field of breeding have bred a huge number of interesting varieties. Among the popular ones: "Pear Klapp's Favorite", "Pear Lada", "Nectar Pear", "Cathedral", "Allegro", "Dibrovskaya", "Beauty Chernenko".

How to plant cherries

The fruiting of cherries largely depends on the place of planting on the site. Incorrect selection leads to poor growth and poor yields. The root system of cherries, located close to the surface, is sensitive to drought. Therefore, loosening after watering is done very carefully.

The gardens of our country are dominated by local varieties, winter-hardy: "Oktava", "Purple", "Kent", "Shubinka", "Rossoshskaya black", "Rusinka", "Vole", "Youth", "Robin", "Prima" , "Turgenevka", "Lyubskaya", "Zhukovskaya", "Generous".

Planting a tree with your own hands - video

How to grow a tree from a seed?

Well-ripened seeds are washed and soaked in a stimulating solution for three days (the water is changed daily). Plant immediately in the fall. For planting in the spring, store for several months in freezer for the purpose of stratification.

Keep in mind that trees grown with your own hands from seeds grow very tall. Indeed, unlike the cultivated fruit species that all nurseries offer, they are not initially grafted onto a dwarf stock.

When to plant seedlings of fruit trees - in spring or autumn? Opinions of gardeners regarding the timing of the purchase and planting of seedlings differ. Someone argues that it is best to buy seedlings in the fall, since at this time of the year a large selection of plants is provided in nurseries. It is also believed that dug seedlings will be better preserved on the site in autumn. It should also be taken into account the fact that in the spring during the planting period, fruit trees may die due to inconsistent weather. It is not uncommon for May to get too hot and the seedlings suffer from such extreme temperature fluctuations.

Nevertheless, many experts believe that trees planted in autumn will not get strong enough before winter and will simply freeze in the cold season. Along with frosts, mice and hares can severely damage them. Animals harm not only planted, but also buried seedlings.

Optimal planting time

In which month is it better to plant seedlings of plants should be produced from April 15 to May 15. If you want to plant seedlings in the fall, this should be done no later than October 15th.

Shrubs are best planted immediately in the place where they will always grow. This is necessary so that the plants have time to take root before the start of the growing season.

Conditions for planting trees

What month is the best time to plant fruit tree seedlings? Planting dates should be limited to the relatively warm season, when the air temperature exceeds 0°C. This is necessary for better survival of plants (the formation of roots through which they receive moisture and the necessary survival time is from 2 to 2.5 months.

Often, plants planted in the fall and surviving the winter die from excess moisture, because they do not have time to get stronger. This happens as a result of long-standing melt and rainwater, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach fragile roots. This is especially true in clay soils. All this indicates that trees are best planted in the spring. Trees should be transplanted at rest, when they have already shed their leaves.

Most often, it happens that nurseries and gardeners who grow planting material, due to certain circumstances, dig up plants in the fall. Therefore, at this time, a fairly large selection of plants appears on the markets compared to spring.

Buying trees

Now that it has become clear in which month to plant seedlings of fruit trees, you can buy plants. Planting material should be chosen carefully, paying attention to their root system. Roots should be strong and well developed. It is best to buy a tree with an earthen clod, and it is important to make sure that it is sufficiently moist. A seedling with a too dry root system may not take root and die. The barrel must not be damaged. It is recommended to ask the seller where the grafting site is at the seedling, as well as the root collar. It is important to get as much information from him about the fruit tree you are buying.

Transportation of fruit plants

How to properly transport purchased seedlings so as not to damage them? This question is especially relevant when buying big trees. The fruit tree must be carefully and carefully packed, giving Special attention root system. Otherwise, when transporting on the roof passenger car the plant will suffer greatly, and instead of planting material, good kindling for the fire will be delivered to the site.

The process of planting seedlings acquired in late autumn

In which month to plant seedlings of fruit trees in the spring, if they were purchased late autumn? Such plants should be planted from about mid-April, when the soil has completely thawed. To save the trees until spring, they need to be buried for the winter. This can be done both on the site and in the subfield of the barn. The seedling should be sprinkled with peat, earth, sand and sawdust. Before landing on permanent place the tree should not dry out or suffer from excess moisture. Plants should be kept in the shade, covered with boards, so that the early spring rays of the sun do not burn them, and the buds do not begin to bloom before landing in a permanent place.

To dig a plant, you need to make a hole about 50 cm deep. It is important that the south wall be beveled at an angle of 45°. Seedlings should be laid on it. Then the roots are covered with earth, more earth is sprinkled on top. The branches of the seedlings are tied and wrapped with spruce spruce branches (needles down) to protect them from mice and other rodents. Simple elastic tights are also suitable for this.

When to plant seedlings of fruit trees in the spring, if they were buried for the winter? You have to wait until the ground thaws. It is impossible to remove frozen ground from the dig, because it will not be possible to free the roots of the seedlings from it. When warm weather sets in, the trees can be obtained, processed if desired. by special means, for example, a plant growth regulator, and transplant to a permanent place.

What happens if it's wrong?

When to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring? The month and day for planting should be chosen, taking into account the recommendations given above, namely: in spring, plants are planted from mid-April to mid-May, and in autumn - from September 15 to October 15. If you plant a seedling at another time, it may die. From proper disembarkation depends on the life of the plant. For example, if planted in early autumn, then they most likely will not survive the winter. Why? There may be 2 reasons: either the tree itself is not resistant to frost, or the seedling was planted incorrectly. For example, during planting, the root neck was damaged, and fruit plant threw all his strength into surviving, not having time to adapt to the cold. The degree of fruiting depends on the depth of planting. Often, trees grow well, but do not bear fruit. In this case, you need to look at the root collar. If it is below the soil, the excess earth must be removed by carefully digging the plant and raising it to the required height.

The distance from the tree to the nearest building should be at least 5 m. The planting hole should be large cylindrical shape. So the seedling will develop normally. The bottom of the pit needs to be loosened with a pitchfork. The tree must be planted strictly vertically, for this it is better to do it together. In the center landing pit you can install a stake on a more windy side.

Where and when to plant seedlings of fruit trees in spring? Plants such as apricot, peach, cherry and grape grow best on the south side. If the house is bright, then the trees should be planted closer to its walls. They will additionally reflect heat to the trees. An apple tree can also be planted in the northern part.

In order for the first crop to ripen faster on the fruit tree, at the very beginning of August, you can bend 1/3 of the length of the shoots into a ring at a distance of about 50 cm from each other and tie it up. They should be bent to the side where there is good lighting. Next spring, the shoots need to be untied. This method activates the laying of the kidneys and increases the frost resistance of the fruit tree.

Tree transplant rules

When to plant fruit tree seedlings? It is better to transplant plants in rainy or cloudy weather. If during the period of work there is sunny, dry weather, the planted plants must be covered so that they are in the shade. In this case, the success of planting will be ensured: the plant will not get burned and will grow well.

10.01.2017 14 152

Planting fruit trees - what requirements should be taken into account for a rich harvest?

Every gardener knows that planting fruit trees is the most important First stage development and growth of culture in a new place. Fruiting, healthy growth and active vegetation, disease resistance are laid down from the moment of planting. After all, wrong actions can not only weaken plants, but also destroy them, which is why it is so important to know the rules of planting, tree placement patterns on the site, follow the instructions and take care in the future. So, how to plant trees so that there are no problems in the future?


Tree layouts in the garden

Before planting a tree in a country house or garden, you need to familiarize yourself with the correct arrangement of crops, which will allow them to develop well and give bountiful harvest. Trees that have a rounded and compacted shape (apple, pear, plum, apricot, cherry, cherry plum, quince, peach, etc.) should be placed in a certain way.

garden tree layout

To determine the exact distance between crops, it is necessary to take into account varietal characteristics and growth vigor. For example, vigorous apple trees - Delicious, Simirenko should be located at a fairly large distance in comparison with varieties that have an average growth force (Parmen winter gold).

Among pears that do not grow too fast - Williams, Kieffer will need more space. The cherry variety Lyubskaya can be called dwarf, when compared with Podbelskaya, therefore, they are arranged according to the 4 × 2 m scheme.

Choosing planting material

It is not news to anyone that seedlings should be bought only in trusted places, namely, in nurseries and horticulture. To purchase exactly the variety that you really need, otherwise you can buy a "pig in a poke".

Fruit seedlings have their own standards, and all the assurances in the store that “such plants can also be planted” are just manipulations by unscrupulous sellers. You can plant something, but what will grow is the question ...

One-year-old apple trees, as well as pears grafted onto a vigorous rootstock, should have height 1.3 m and stem thickness 12 mm, for medium height - 1.2 m and 11 mm, on undersized - 1.1 m and 10 mm. Second-class crops are usually smaller in height by 20-25 cm, and the stem has a thickness 7-8 mm.
Remember, high-quality seedlings of stone fruit trees cannot be less than 1.5 m in height , second-class plants - 1.2 m. Seedlings of pome trees are sold as annuals and biennials, stone fruits - only annuals, older ones do not belong to the standards and do not meet the necessary criteria for successful planting.

planting material of a nursery where you can buy fruit trees - in the photo

Before buying, inspect the standard part, which should be flat, without damage and various branches, and the presence of root growth near the stock is also not allowed. First-class seedlings of fruit and other species, which are grafted onto a seed stock, should have a length of the main roots of more than 28-30 cm, second-class - from 25.

In addition to good roots, young crops should have a crown consisting of three branches. In some cases, there may be less, or even absent. Do not buy seedlings that visible signs obviously undergrown, damaged, have an underdeveloped root system.

In other cases, young fruit cuttings are added dropwise for preservation. For a couple of days - they are buried in loose soil just below the place of fusion, for winter storage- they are buried together with the root system and part of the trunk (up to 1/3-1/2 of the length). Be sure to water so that the water gets to the depth of the roots.

Tree planting dates

The timing of planting fruit species differ, depending on the region of cultivation and the characteristics of the crop. So, in the southern regions, in the Kuban, in the Astrakhan and Rostov regions, it is possible to plant in spring and autumn, due to climatic features. Usually, they start the autumn landing from the 20th of October and spend it throughout November. In the spring - before the buds begin to swell and until the roots begin to grow.

spring planting fruit trees - in the photo

In the northern regions, in the Urals and Siberia, the central part of Russia, the Moscow region, the Leningrad, Voronezh, Vladimir, Lipetsk regions, in the Republic of Mari El, Chuvashia and Mordovia, plums, cherry plums, cherries, peaches, certain varieties of pears and apples are preferable in spring.

If the winter is snowless, the degree on the street is kept near zero and above, you can plant at this time (in January, February). From the experience of gardeners, it is known that planting in winter is considered better in comparison with spring. Therefore, if warm weather conditions are established in winter (which often happens in the south of the country) and the earth dries out a little, feel free to plant trees.

Landing by all rules

Immediately before planting, the trees must be inspected, the dead bark (if any) removed to living tissue, the wounds should be treated with garden pitch. Bad, non-living roots are easy to distinguish from healthy ones - their color is brown, with a grayish tint, almost black. Good roots will be white or slightly yellow or greenish white.

Landing base - correct location root collar and plant stability in the ground. Put the seedling in the hole, straighten all the roots, trying to point down, and start falling asleep with fertile soil. When 0.15-0.20 m is sprinkled, you need to trample the soil with your feet. Place your foot with your toe against the trunk of the tree and do the main pressure on the heel, but not too hard so as not to damage the roots. After falling asleep with loose soil without trampling.

watering fruit trees after planting - in the photo

The correct procedure is performed when the plant does not pull out of the soil when sipping, and the root collar is flush with the ground. When planting in a freshly dug hole, the root neck should be raised by 2-4 cm, which will then be level with the soil after some time.

Do not forget to tie the trees with pegs so that the plants are not damaged by strong gusts of wind. After planting, young tree seedlings are watered. If planting is done in the spring, it is necessary to prune the trees to eliminate the difference between the shortened roots and the above-ground part.