Well      06/17/2019

Choosing a vacuum cleaner for a carpentry workshop. Homemade vacuum cleaner: cyclone, construction or workshop. We make from improvised materials

From the very beginning of work in the workshop, I faced the problem of removing dust after work. The only opportunity available to clean up the floor was to sweep it. But because of this, just an incredible amount of dust rose into the air, which settled in a tangible layer on furniture, on machines, on tools, in hair and lungs. The concrete floor in the workshop exacerbated the problem. Some solution was to spray water before sweeping and use a respirator. However, these are only half measures. In winter, water freezes in an unheated room and you have to carry it with you, in addition, the water-dust mixture on the floor is difficult to collect and it also does not contribute to the hygiene of the workplace. Firstly, the respirator does not block all 100% of the dust, some of it is still inhaled, and secondly, it does not protect against dust settling on the environment. And not all back streets can be climbed with a broom to pick out small debris and sawdust from there.

In such a situation, the most effective solution it would be to vacuum the room.

However, using a household vacuum cleaner will not work. Firstly, it will have to be cleaned every 10-15 minutes of operation (especially if you work on milling table). Secondly, as the dust container fills up, suction efficiency decreases. Thirdly, the amount of dust, greatly exceeding the calculated values, will greatly affect the resource of the vacuum cleaner. Something more specialized is needed here.

There are many ready-made solutions for dust removal in the workshop, however, their cost, especially in light of the 2014 Crisis, does not make them too affordable. Found on thematic forums interesting solution- use cyclonic filter in conjunction with a conventional household vacuum cleaner. All of the listed problems of household vacuum cleaners are solved if dirt and dust are removed from the air to a standard vacuum cleaner dust collector. Some collect cyclone filters from traffic cones, others from sewer pipes, others - from plywood and everything that is enough for imagination. But I decided to buy already finished filter with fastener.

The principle of operation is simple - the air flow is twisted in the cone-shaped filter housing and dust is removed from the air under the action of centrifugal force. In this case, the dust falls through the lower hole into the container under the filter, and the purified air exits through the upper hole into the vacuum cleaner.

One of the frequent problems in the operation of cyclones is the so-called "carousel". This is a situation where dirt and sawdust do not fall into the dust container, but swirl endlessly inside the filter. This situation arises from too high a speed of the air flow created by the turbine of the vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to reduce the speed a little and the "carousel" will disappear. In principle, it does not interfere - the next portion of garbage pushes into the container most from the "carousel" and stands in its place. And in the second model of plastic cyclones, this carousel practically does not exist. To eliminate air leakage, I smeared with hot glue the junction of the filter with the cover.

I decided to take a larger dust container so that I had to take out the garbage less often. I bought a barrel of 127 liters, produced, it seems, in Samara - the size is right! I'm going to carry the barrel to the trash can like a grandmother carrying a shopping bag - on another cart, so as not to overstrain.

Next is the choice of layout. Some install the dust collector permanently and lead channels to the machines. Others simply put a vacuum cleaner and a barrel next to each other and drag them to the right place. I wanted to make a mobile unit on wheels to move everything around the workshop in one block.
I have a rather small workshop and the issue of saving space is very relevant. Therefore, I decided to choose a layout in which the barrel, filter and vacuum cleaner are located one above the other, occupying a minimum area. It was decided to cook the body of the installation from metal. frame from profile pipe determines the dimensions of the future installation.

With a vertical layout, there is a possibility of tipping over. To reduce this probability, you need to make the base as heavy as possible. For this, a 50x50x5 corner was chosen as the material for the base, which took almost 3.5 meters.

The tangible weight of the trolley is offset by the presence of swivel wheels. There were thoughts, if the structure is not stable enough, to fill the cavity of the frame with lead shot or sand. But this was not required.

In order to achieve the verticality of the rods, it was necessary to use ingenuity. The recently purchased vise came in handy. Thanks to this simple equipment, it was possible to achieve precise installation corners.

It is convenient to move the trolley by holding on to the vertical bars, so I strengthened their attachment points. In addition, this is an additional, albeit not large, weighting of the base. In general, I like reliable things with a margin of safety.

The barrel will be fixed in the installation frame with the help of clamps.

At the top of the rods is a platform for a vacuum cleaner. Further, holes will be drilled in the corners in the lower part and wooden planks will be fixed with self-tapping screws.

Here is the whole frame. It seems to be nothing complicated, but for some reason it took four evenings to assemble it. On the one hand, I did not seem to be in a hurry, I worked at my own pace, trying to complete each stage with high quality. But on the other hand, low productivity is associated with the lack of heating in the workshop. Goggles and a welded mask fog up quickly, impairing visibility, bulky outerwear hinders movement. But the task is done. Besides, spring is only a couple of weeks away.

I really did not want to leave the frame in this form. I wanted to paint it. But on all the cans of paint that I found in the store it is written that they can be used at a temperature not lower than +5, and on some even not lower than +15. The thermometer in the workshop shows -3. How to be?
Esteemed thematic forums. People write that you can safely paint even in frost, as long as the paint is not on water based and there was no condensation on the part. And if the paint is with a hardener, then do not bathe at all.
I found an old, slightly thickened can of Hammerite in the stash, which I used to paint a horizontal bar at the dacha in the summer -. The paint is quite expensive, so I decided to test it in extreme conditions. Instead of the expensive original thinner, Hammereit added some regular degreaser to make it a little thinner, stirred it to the desired consistency and began to paint.
In summer, this paint dried in one hour. It is difficult to say how long it dried in the winter, but when I returned to the workshop by the evening of the next day, the paint had dried. True, without the promised hammer effect. Probably the degreaser is to blame, not negative temperature. Otherwise, no other problems were found. The cover looks and feels secure. Perhaps it is not for nothing that this paint costs almost 2,500 rubles in the store.

The body of the cyclone is made of good plastic and has fairly thick walls. But fastening the filter to the lid of the barrel is rather flimsy - four self-tapping screws screwed into the plastic. At the same time, significant lateral loads can occur on the hose, which is attached directly to the filter. Therefore, the attachment of the filter to the barrel must be strengthened. People approach this problem in different ways. Basically they collect additional frame stiffness for the filter. The designs are varied, but the idea is something like this:

I approached this a little differently. A holder for pipes of a suitable diameter was welded onto one of the rods.

In this holder, I clamp the hose, which accounts for all the twists and jerks. Thus, the filter housing is protected from any stress. Now the unit can be pulled behind you right by the hose without fear of damaging anything.

I decided to fix the barrel with tie-down straps. When choosing locks in a hardware store, I made an interesting observation. A five-meter tie-down strap with a foreign-made ratchet lock cost me 180 rubles, and a naked frog-type lock lying nearby Russian production would cost me 250 rubles. That's where the triumph of domestic engineering and high technology.

Experience has shown that this method of fastening has an important advantage. The fact is that on the forums dedicated to these filters they write that barrels like mine, when connected to a powerful vacuum cleaner, can be crushed due to the vacuum that occurs when the inlet hose is clogged. Therefore, during the tests, I deliberately blocked the opening of the hose and, under the influence of vacuum, the barrel shrank. But due to the very tight grip of the clamps, the barrel did not shrink completely, but only in one place below the hoop a dent appeared. And when I turned off the vacuum cleaner, the dent straightened itself with a click.

At the top of the unit is a platform for a vacuum cleaner

As a household vacuum cleaner, I bought a bagless almost two-kilowatt monster. I was already thinking, and at home I would need such a thing.
When buying a vacuum cleaner on an ad, I encountered some inexplicable human stupidity and greed. The people sell used things without a guarantee, with a depleted part of the resource, shortcomings in appearance at prices below the store by some 15-20 percent. And okay, these would be some running things, but second-hand vacuum cleaners! Judging by the period of placement of ads, this trade sometimes drags on for years. And as soon as you start haggling and calling an adequate price, you come across rudeness and misunderstanding.
As a result, after a couple of days, I still found for myself great option for 800 rubles. Well-known brand, 1900 watts, built-in cyclone filter (already the second in my system) and another fine filter.
For its fastening, I did not come up with anything more elegant than pressing it with a tie-down strap. In principle, it holds securely.

I had to fiddle a bit with the hose connections. As a result, we have such a setting. And she works!

Usually when you read reviews from the first use of such gizmos, people choke with delight. Here is something similar and I experienced the first time I turned it on. It's no joke - vacuuming in the workshop! Where everyone walks in street shoes, where metal shavings and sawdust fly everywhere!

I have never seen this concrete floor, impossible to sweep due to dust stuck in the pores, so clean before. Persistent attempts to sweep it only lead to an increase in the density of dust in the air. And such purity was given to me in a couple of easy movements! I didn't even have to wear a respirator!

In the barrel, we managed to collect what was left after the previous cleaning with a broom. During operation of the device, due to the translucence of the filter, you can observe dust wisps swirling inside. There was also dust in the dust collector of the vacuum cleaner, but it was a small amount and these were especially light and volatile fractions.

Very pleased with the result. No more dust storms in the workshop. You could say I'm entering a new era.

Advantages of my design:
1. Occupies a minimum area, due only to the diameter of the barrel.
2. The unit can be dragged and pulled by the hose without being afraid to pull out the filter.
3. The barrel is protected from crushing when the inlet pipe is clogged.

After some time of using the installation, I still ran into the problem of a lack of barrel rigidity.
Bought a more powerful vacuum cleaner. Household, but sucks like a beast - sucks stones, nuts, screws, tears off plaster and pulls bricks out of masonry))
This vacuum cleaner slammed the blue barrel even without clogging the inlet hose! Tight girth of the barrel with clamps did not help. I didn't have my camera with me, sorry. But it looks like this:

Thematic forums warn of such a possibility, but still I did not expect this. With great difficulty he straightened the barrel and sent it, fairly dented, to the dacha to store water. She is not capable of more.

There were two ways out of this situation:
1. Buy instead plastic barrel metal. But I need to find a barrel of a very specific size so that it fits exactly into my installation - diameter 480, height 800. A superficial search on the Internet did not give a result.
2. Assemble the box yourself right size from 15 mm plywood. Here it is more real.

The box was assembled on self-tapping screws. The joints were sealed with double-sided foam tape.

The trolley had to be altered a little - the rear clamp was digested for a square tank.

The new tank, in addition to strength and volume increased due to right angles, has another important advantage - a wide neck. This allows you to install a trash bag in the tank. It greatly simplifies unloading and makes it much cleaner (I tied the bag right in the tank and took it out and threw it away without dust). old barrel didn't allow it.

The lid was sealed with foam insulation for windows

The lid is held in place by four locks. They create the necessary tension to seal the cover on the foam gasket. A little higher, I wrote about the pricing policy for these frog locks. But I had to fork out.

Well done. Nice, functional, safe. How I love.

A home vacuum cleaner is so familiar to the household that no one thinks about the principle of its operation. Since the invention of this cleaning assistant, it has been used exclusively possible way separation of dust from clean air- filter.

Over the years, the filter element has been improved, from a banal bag of thick tarpaulin, it has turned into high-tech membranes that hold the smallest particles of debris. At the same time, it was not possible to get rid of the main drawback.

Filter makers are constantly looking for a compromise between cell density and air throughput. In addition, the dirtier the membrane, the worse the air flow through it.
30 years ago, physicist James Dyson made a breakthrough in dust collection technology.

He invented a compact dust separator that works on the principle of centrifugal force. Needless to say, this idea was not new. Industrial sawmills have been using centrifugal scorch and chip accumulators of the "cyclone" type for a long time.

But no one guessed to apply this physical phenomenon in everyday life. In 1986, he registered a patent for the first cyclone type vacuum cleaner, called G-Force.

In general, there are three ways to separate dust from clean air:

  1. filter membrane. The most massive and cheap way remove dust. Used in most modern vacuum cleaners;
  2. Water filter. Air with garbage passes through a container of water (like in a hookah), all particles remain in a liquid medium, and a perfectly clean air stream enters the outlet. Such devices have gained popularity, but their use has not become widespread due to the high cost.
  3. Centrifugal dry cleaning filter of the "cyclone" type. It is a compromise in terms of cost and quality of cleaning in comparison with a membrane and a water filter. Let's take a closer look at this model.

The principle of operation of the cyclone

The illustration shows the processes taking place in the cyclone filter chamber.

Polluted air through the pipe (1) enters the filter housing (2) cylindrical shape. The branch pipe is located tangentially to the walls of the housing, due to which the air flow (3) is twisted into a spiral along the walls of the cylinder.

Under the action of centrifugal force, dust particles (4) are pressed against the inner walls of the housing, and under the influence of gravity, they settle into the dust collector (5). Air with the smallest debris particles (which are not affected by centrifugal force) enters the chamber (6) with a conventional membrane filter. After the final cleaning, they exit to the intake fan (7).

About filters.
The cyclone filter does not retain more than 97% of dust. Therefore, additional filters are often added to them. From English, "HEPA" translates as High Efficiency Particulate Air "- a filter for airborne particles.

Agree that even you cannot imagine your life without such necessary equipment like a vacuum cleaner? They cope not only with dust, but also with dirt.

Of course, vacuum cleaners can be used not only at home, but they are also different: rechargeable, washing, pneumatic. As well as automotive, low-voltage industrial, knapsack, gasoline, etc.

The principle of operation of a cyclone vacuum cleaner

James Dyson was the first inventor of the cyclone vacuum cleaner. His first creation was G-Force in 1986.

A little later in the 1990s, he applied for the manufacture of cyclone apparatus and already assembled his center for the creation of vacuum cleaners. In 1993, his first vacuum cleaner, known as the "Dayson DC01", went on sale.
So after all, how does this miracle of a cyclone type work?

It looks like the creator, James Dyson, was a remarkable physicist. Thanks to centrifugal force, it is involved in dust collection.

The device is two-chamber and it is divided into two types - external and internal. The air that swirls inside the dust collector moves upward as if in a spiral.

By law, large dust particles enter the outer chamber, and everything else remains in the inner chamber. And the purified air leaves the dust collector through filters. This is how vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter work.

Vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter, features

Do not opt ​​for those models that require little power. You will definitely not like such cleaning and most likely want to throw away such a device.

Do not waste money in vain, but approach the purchase of a vacuum cleaner more seriously. One has only to contact the sales consultant and he will help you with the choice of one or another vacuum cleaner.

The device should be chosen, which is 20-30% more powerful than a bag vacuum cleaner. It is best to take the one with a power of 1800 watts. Almost all manufacturers of vacuum cleaners produce models with this filter, which is good news.

Advantages of cyclone dust collectors

1.Skazhdym, probably, it happened when you accidentally found the item you needed in the dust collector? Now this is not a problem because it is transparent! And you will always be able to notice the items that you need to get out of there as soon as possible.

This is one of the most important pluses.

2. The power of such vacuum cleaners is maximum and does not slow down the speed and power, even with a clogged container. Cleaning is much more pleasant, power does not drop, cleaning is cleaner.

Such a vacuum cleaner is capable of detaining much more than you imagine. Up to 97%!!! Not likely, right? Although some are dissatisfied with this result, as they prefer vacuum cleaners with a water filter.

3. Buying a cyclone vacuum cleaner not only makes a bargain, but also saves storage space, as its weight is quite light. You don't have to carry heavy things.

4. No need to constantly change paper bags for vacuum cleaner.

5. Power. She is not lost from fullness.

6. It can be washed well with water and dried.

Cons of cyclone dust collectors

1. One of the disadvantages of these vacuum cleaners is not very pleasant. This is washing and cleaning the filter. Of course, you don’t have to clean the container every day with a brush, but still, this is one of the minuses. Laziness is present in every person. Yes, it is certainly unpleasant to face the fact that you need to get your hands dirty.

2. Noise. The noise from this type of vacuum cleaner is much greater than from a conventional one.

3. Power consumption. It is also much higher than from a conventional vacuum cleaner. This is a small tornado.

Buy this little miracle or not, it's up to you. In fact, all its advantages cover those not many of its shortcomings. Cleanliness in the house is much more pleasant than not fully completed tidy, agree?

Personal impressions

Compared to the old vacuum cleaner, the cyclone dust collector looks quite modest in size. It is impossible to believe that such a little one is capable of something serious. Now old vacuum cleaner can only be used for wet cleaning.

I take out accessories, at the first use, I insert a pipe that is not large in diameter, I turn on the device, and what really surprises me is that the brush cleans carpets much better than my previous assistant.

He cleans everything. Dirt, the hair of our pets. Previously, it was necessary to make no small effort to cope with such “little things now”.

I have laminate flooring in the hallway and it was just as easy to clean. The fact is that I have another brush in stock, harder than the previous one for carpets, so I just coped with this task. You know, and the sound of this vacuum cleaner is not as loud as they wrote about it on the Internet.

I am pleased with this device because it is light and not so loud. I also liked the compartment for storing all the necessary nozzles, it is very convenient that it is built into the vacuum cleaner itself.

Once I knew what this little tornado was capable of, it was time to clean the container. Thank God, when I began to shake out the garbage from the dust collector, it fell in dense large lumps.

Since the debris was tamped down by the air flow. There are no balls of dust to be seen, and it did not rise into the air! So I finished my first cleaning with my cyclone vacuum cleaner. I washed the container and that was the end of the cleaning!

Cyclone for vacuum cleaner photo

All vacuum cleaners are designed for one purpose - cleanliness. This applies to all vacuum cleaners.
Industrial and construction vacuum cleaners are usually used on machine tools or for cleaning any premises. These vacuum cleaners are expensive, since the principle of operation of the cyclone filter vacuum cleaner must be selected carefully.
You should also know that most often industrial devices are used during repair and construction. Leave your workplace need to be clean.

DIY cyclone, made of transparent plastic video

Construction work is carried out after its preparation and surface cleaning. As you understand General cleaning impossible to do with a conventional vacuum cleaner. In other words, it is fraught with damage to the device.
Even small debris, such as: sand, oil, dry mixes, powdered abrasives and wood shavings, is designed only for an industrial vacuum cleaner.
If you suddenly go to choose a vacuum cleaner for construction works, then be sure to specify the types of pollution that it will encounter.
Have you thought about using a vacuum cleaner in repair conditions? Then consider the option of a do-it-yourself cyclone for a vacuum cleaner. There are many examples of how to make this kind of vacuum cleaner.

Do-it-yourself cyclone for a vacuum cleaner

1. In order to make such a vacuum cleaner on your own, you will need a Ural PN-600 vacuum cleaner, a plastic bucket (even out of paint), a pipe 20 cm long and 4 cm in diameter.
2. The nameplate is also unscrewed, and the holes must be sealed.
3. The pipe is quite thick and will not fit into the hole, so you need to grind off the rivets with a grinder and remove the pipe fasteners. Before that, remove the springs with clamps. Wrap electrical tape around the plug and insert onto the plug.
4. At the bottom, make a hole with a drill in the middle. Then expand it to 43 mm with a special tool.
5. Gaskets with a diameter of 4 mm are cut out to seal it.
6. Then you need to fold everything, the bucket lid, gasket, centering pipe.
7. Now we need self-tapping screws 10 mm long and 4.2 mm in diameter. Self-tapping screws will need 20 pieces.
8. From the side of the bucket, cut a hole along the suction pipe. The cutout angle should be 10-15 degrees.
9. We try on and edit the shape of the hole using special scissors that cut through metal.
10. Do not forget that you also need to try on inside. Also leave strips for self-tapping screws from the inside.
11. With a marker, mark the hole in the bucket and cut off the excess material with scissors. Fasten the pipe from the outside to the bucket.
12. To seal everything, use a 30x bandage. From an ordinary first aid kit and glue like "titanium" for foam. Wrap the bandage around the nozzle and saturate with glue. Preferably more than once!
13. While the glue dries, you can check how this vacuum cleaner will work. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and load it by blocking the nozzle with your palm. When checking the operation of the vacuum cleaner, the sealing process and connection with the nozzle are improved. It is unlikely that he will soon become obsolete.
14. Vacuum cleaner is best stored in a case.

A special vacuum cleaner is different from a regular one. If the latter is applicable for a small amount of small debris, then a special model is intended for collection, for example, in home workshops. However, it is expensive. And why pay the right money if you can make a cyclone for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands? Why exactly a cyclone and what is it? This is an important element, with the help of which the capacity of the garbage vacuum cleaner is increased, which means that it brings more benefits. If you need, then we have already prepared detailed instructions.

Features and Benefits

The purchase of a vacuum cleaner should be approached with all seriousness, because low power apparatus can create a lot of problems and will not allow you to achieve the purity that you aspire to. Listen to the advice of a sales assistant, which will not only save money, but also make a rational choice.

It is best to stop at models with a cyclone filter, whose power is about 1800 watts. Fortunately, today many manufacturers produce similar models so the choice is easy to make.

The principle of operation of the cyclone filter for a vacuum cleaner

The advantages of cyclone dust collectors include:

  • transparency. You can always notice if a random object gets inside;
  • high power. Due to the maximum possible power, there is no need to slow down even with a fully loaded container;
  • due to its low weight, such a device can significantly save storage space;
  • no need to spend money on paper bags for a vacuum cleaner;
  • when filling, the vacuum cleaner does not lose its power in operation;
  • this vacuum cleaner is easy to clean and dry;
  • it is easy to do it yourself, since everything you need can be found in your home. To make a cyclone-type vacuum cleaner, you can use any engine - from the old washing machine or a broken vacuum cleaner.


There are a number of disadvantages to keep in mind when choosing a cyclonic vacuum cleaner. These include:

  • the centrifuge of this model does not retain the smallest dust, so it is better for allergy sufferers to refuse to work with such a device;
  • during operation, the vacuum cleaner makes a loud, shrill sound;
  • an uncomfortable hose, which, due to frequent entanglement, can break at any time;
  • due to the frequent clogging of the filter, the suction capacity of the vacuum cleaner is sharply reduced.

Cyclone vacuum cleaner


Cyclone vacuum cleaners have a number of important characteristics, depending on which models differ from each other:

  • container volume. It makes no sense to buy a vacuum cleaner with a flask volume of less than one and a half liters, given the garbage that this device has to collect. In addition, it should be checked that it is as easy as possible to clean the vacuum cleaner after work;
  • suction power. The quality of cleaning depends on it, but this indicator should not be confused with the power consumption;
  • filtration system. It depends on it how clean the outgoing air will be, which is especially important for allergy sufferers. Most modern models HEPA filters are installed at the outlet, which can stop the exit of even the smallest dust particles. Remember, not all filters are washable;
  • convenience of a hose design. When buying a vacuum cleaner, check the maximum length of the telescopic tube to see if it is long enough. For high-quality units, all joints are tightly fixed, but at the same time they are easily disconnected if necessary;
  • placement of control buttons. They can be on the body or handle;
  • the length of the cord to connect to the network. The optimal length, which is sufficient for the full use of the vacuum cleaner, can be from 8 to 10 meters;
  • equipment. A good vacuum cleaner should come with maximum amount nozzles.

Industrial vacuum cleaners of the cyclone system

In the woodworking industry, production, places where there is a large accumulation of dust, a cyclone vacuum cleaner is indispensable. Thanks to constant force garbage suction, increased efficiency Such a device guarantees fast and most importantly high-quality cleaning of a room of any area. Subject to characteristics, industrial models cyclone vacuum cleaners divided into:

  • vacuum cleaners that collect low-hazard garbage and dust;
  • for garbage of medium and high danger, which includes concrete dust, asbestos, carcinogens;
  • for explosive dust. Often used in elevators.

Industrial cyclone vacuum cleaner

Principle of operation

Before you start making such an important mechanism, you should understand its principle of operation. So, a cyclone is a filter, in other words, a cyclone filter for a workshop. In fact, this is a miracle, as it significantly simplifies the work of the masters, more precisely, their cleaning for the fruits of their creativity.

How does a cyclone vacuum cleaner work?

The work is based on the fact that any dust and sawdust do not get to the vacuum cleaner itself, the power does not decrease, unnecessary debris that clogs them does not get into ordinary filters. The tube draws air into itself, its flow twists in a spiral. Weighty dust, such as sawdust, enters the narrow passage of the cone, and the air flow or suspension is sent to the vacuum cleaner.

It is not difficult to make such a cyclone, you just need to have necessary materials and know how to use them. There are several options for how to do this.

First option

Necessary materials Stages of work Add-ons
  • oil type filter (filters small fingers);
  • the bucket, to which the lid fits snugly, is the main container;
  • polypropylene elbows (they must be designed for water supply, have a straight and forty-five degree angle, the diameter of one piece is 40 millimeters;
  • plumbing pipe made of plastic, meter, with a forty-millimeter diameter;
  • corrugated pipe with a forty-millimeter diameter and a two-meter length
  • cut a hole in the center of the bucket lid;
  • seal the resulting cracks with sealant;
  • cut a hole in the side wall of the bucket;
  • insert a 45 degree corner into it;
  • the corrugation with the knee is connected by a part of the pipe;
  • you can put nylon material on the filter, this will extend its service life;
  • the filter outlet is connected to the elbow in the cover
If you can’t put the filter on the pipe, you need to make an adapter. They can be a rubber hose. All connections should be coated with sealant.

When the inlet closes, the bucket may crack. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen its walls or install a valve, the main thing is to make the right measurements.

Oil filter

Exit from the cyclone

Entry assembly

Second option

Another option is based on the use of a cone for the road, the height of which is 520 millimeters. It is made of non-rigid plastic. So, in the design you need:

  • conical shape;
  • twenty-liter container and a well-closing lid;
  • a pair of plumbing pipes with a diameter of forty millimeters;
  • corner adapter;
  • 16mm wood plywood.

In essence, the creation is similar to the above example. Just a few additions - a pair of identical circular shapes should be cut out onto the flask cover and glued together. This will keep the cone firmly in place. Connections need to be put on thermal glue, guns can be used. The last part of the vertical pipe must be lowered below the horizontal one, which will allow creating the movement of the vortex nature of the garbage particles exactly along the cone, after which they will fall into the flask.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing nuances

Although it will not be difficult to make a cyclone-type vacuum cleaner on your own, some nuances that can affect the quality of the device in the future should be taken into account. Here are some tips:

  • refuse to install a HEPA filter, because due to the failure of the smallest particles to reach the surface, the suction power will constantly decrease, and the cleaning quality will deteriorate. Immediately be prepared that without such a filter, an unpleasant odor will occur during the operation of the vacuum cleaner;
  • to optimize the operation of the vacuum cleaner will allow the connection of two hoses - for suction and for blowing;
  • choose a motor with more than 6 thousand revolutions. As a motor, you can use a part from an old vacuum cleaner or a refrigerator compressor;
  • in order to avoid malfunctions, be sure to install a fan on the vacuum cleaner and monitor the tightness of the container;
  • if necessary, the device can be equipped with a water tank.

It's so easy to make a cyclone, the main thing is to keep the proportions, and also tune in to the fact that everything will definitely work out!


If large and relatively large pieces of construction debris are well transferred from the floor into bags, then building dust— is the scourge of repair.

We turn our attention to the offers on the market of vacuum cleaners: from 6000 r.

Hmm, since it is not yet known if there will be more orders for repairs after this is completed, then the investment in a vacuum cleaner may not pay off. We shift our gaze to homemade products. Google. The principle of the cyclone filter has been known for a long time, we are studying the best practices of its independent production. There are very good designs, but difficult to manufacture. All the same, you need a vacuum cleaner quickly, there is no time for a long fuss with it. But the general trend is clear: standard vacuum cleaner + car filter + barrel. In the bins there is quite a worthy copy of the vacuum cleaner (priceless) The air filter from the Gazelle is bought in auto parts (180 r) The barrel is taken in a building supermarket (I had to run around different ones to find a suitable one and at an unclouded price. 500 r.)

After buying the barrel, I understand that it is essentially square. Let there be rounded corners, but a classic cyclone may not work. Okay, I'll rely on the filter from the Gazelle.

You can start. The hole in the cover has already been drilled, the nozzles of the required diameters have also been found.

First I figure out how to attach the filter to the lid. A very successful hole in it encourages the idea to use it. Firstly, a quick-release mount, and secondly, it still had to be closed with something. I cut out petals from tin (here Mercedes should fork off some money for advertising)

And I make such a central screed.

The filter is on.

First layout example.

A piece of pipe tangentially and slightly down. We see such a clean barrel for the last time.

Cover for the filter. The shape repeats the expected flow of sandblasting (by the way, the topic, we should hang some detail here, see if it will be sanded) It is necessary so that the dust does not immediately crash into the filter.

Guess what's on the filter?

Pioneers advise to put a woman's stocking on the filter to prevent large pieces of dirt from clogging the filter. The filter diameter is really big. Barely pulled, tore. In short, it works out its only partially.

The first test launches showed that the barrel is not rigid enough, the suction force is greater and therefore the barrel is distorted, especially when the mud flow is dense. You need to strengthen the sides.

I thought about it, realized that embedding the shell inside is difficult and will worsen the already not ideal aerodynamics inside. Therefore, I make a shell on the outside. 25mm strip bent on mine bending machine. Consists of two halves - for ease of installation. Fastened from the inside with screws with large washers.

There was less shrinkage.

4 swivel wheels are attached to the frame (they were lying around in the country).

And the final marriage of components.

Cunning quick-detachable system of fastening of a barrel on ropes. This is the best thing that came to mind.

And of course the ship product needs a name. As you call it, so it will float.

My construction vacuum cleaner, made by hand is called "Veterok-M".


And it works like a beast. Already working hard at the facility.

The cost of the product is 680 r + several working hours. If there is no vacuum cleaner lying around, then the budget will increase by 1000 r (this is how lucky you are with buying a used one). But in any case, it is much better (by an order of magnitude) than ready-made vacuum cleaners for sale. Another blow to global corporations in the gut!