Well      04/05/2019

Garden fence. Cheap ways to make garden fences

Many owners of private houses and garden plots are engaged in growing fruit crops. It is much more pleasant to watch plantings grown with your own hands than on the grass in the garden.

Plantings of fruits and vegetables separate beds ennoble the site and make it well-groomed. Every gardener thinks about landing fence how to make it yourself and what materials to use?

What material is better to protect the beds?

Fences for beds are used from various ones, the main ones are:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • rubber;
  • slate;
  • brick.

Before deciding what to make the sides for the beds, consider the disadvantages of these materials.


The use of galvanized steel borders with the addition of polyurethane will make the owners of the site forget about the fading of the material and its periodic replacement. fences are highly durable and decent view.

Such beds are created from environmentally friendly elements, and will not harm the health of family members.

Galvanized steel has a number of advantages benefits:

The disadvantage of such a border- increased heating of the metal surface, which also affects the temperature of the soil.

Most gardeners do not trust this material due to the fact that metal barriers will kill perennials in winter. If you follow the landing rules, nothing will happen.

Landing perennials with a metal border, it is important to remember: the distance from the intended fruits to the beginning of the barrier must be at least ten centimeters.

Plastic panels

Previously, a tree was often used to fence a flower bed or plot, but with the development of new technologies, gardeners switched to new materialplastic panels .

Similar ones are used to create a multi-tiered beds and structures with a curved or elongated shape.

Installation is easy, and it does not require digging grooves, just insert the panels into the ground. Such panels will last for many years, and will be distinguished by increased strength.

They have a number benefits:

  • ease of installation. Such panels are easy to install throughout the site in one day, unlike wooden pegs or bricks;
  • the material used in the manufacture of panels does not deteriorate under the influence of high and low temperatures;
  • increased strength in holding the site;
  • safety. Plastic is not a natural material, but it does not emit harmful substances to plants. Even under the influence of sunlight, the surface of the product remains safe;
  • ease of care.
  • To care for such a fence, it is enough to wash off the adhering earth with a hose or wipe it with a wet cloth.


Wooden fences easy to manufacture, therefore, to cope with their manufacture is within the power of both a man and a woman.

This is one of the most common and sought-after materials that has proven itself for many decades.

The downside of this design is fragility. Wooden fences will have to be changed once a year, and sometimes every six months.

For the simplest selection of flower beds or garden beds can be used wooden bars . This design will last one or two seasons. It is used as a temporary structure.

The terrace board looks exquisite on the garden, but its price is high, and before installation it is important to decide what functions the material should perform: practical or aesthetic?

Finished wood borders coated with paint or a special compound for extra protection.

After installation, such bumpers attract the attention of neighbors and catch admiring glances, but over time the situation changes. After prolonged rains and abundant watering, the tree is covered with a layer of fungus and loses its former attractiveness.


Polycarbonate is installed by gardeners who care about the beauty of their beds, because this material can be purchased in various colors.

It is resistant to mechanical stress, but if you hit it with a hammer, a crack forms.

Its main advantage considered to be fire resistant. In an open flame, the sheet may undergo melting. The flexibility of polycarbonate makes it accept various forms. Most often used to create greenhouses and greenhouses.


The use of slate sheets significantly reduces the risk of damage to the fence by small rodents or natural phenomena. Increased fire resistance and the ability not to collapse under the influence of rain and snow has made slate a popular material for fencing beds.

What material will be better and cheaper?

The choice of material for installing a border is varied if the gardener is actively involved in country life and can easily put up a new fence when the old one is demolished - he is advised to choose wooden fences for the base.

If you want the fence to be cheap and sustainable to various damages and temperature changes, of course, you need to opt for plastic panels.

If it is not supposed to constantly transfer the protective material from one bed to another and you want to achieve strength and durability, it is better to choose slate. It does not take much time to install, and its cost is low compared to other types of materials.

Optimal box height

boards at the curb must be at least twenty-five centimeters if the beds are located on flat surface with fertile soil.

For soil with abundant moisture or, conversely, with dry soil, you need to raise the fences at least thirty or thirty-seven centimeters.

Very wide sides are impractical unless, of course, they are part of individual project for landscaping the garden.

Bed length determined at the discretion of the owner: it can be from one meter to five meters or more. It all depends on the area with its dimensions. Depending on, the plot line can be increased or, conversely, there is no such possibility.

Gardeners love to make boards with transverse beam in order to sit down after work, but this is wrong. Water that will enter the beam contributes to the decay of the material. The best option there will be a rest on a folding chair brought from home.

Slate Installation Instructions

After the roofing of the roof, pieces of material often remain that can be used in the design of the beds.

It will need to work slate, metal bars and shovel. Before starting work, the slate should be prepared: you need to cut the material to the height required for installation. For this you should use circular saw with stone attachment.

standard sheet corrugated slate is one meter seventy-five centimeters. It is cut into as many pieces as necessary to create a barrier between honey beds.

The cuts will be even if you use chalk and draw lines.

The soil is also prepared for installation. The soil is watered abundantly, especially in those places where it is planned to put the material. A trench is dug around the perimeter of the proposed beds and metal rods are inserted.

The prepared pieces of the product are inserted around the perimeter of the beds in such a way that for the wave to overlap, and the upper edge is pressed with a bar. At the edges of the product, columns of reinforcement are installed to give stability to the structure.

When installing, observe the diagonal and with the help of a level. When the material is installed, it is compacted and sprinkled for greater stability, and excess pieces of earth are removed.

Spacing between rows carefully seal, and free areas should be covered with concrete or gravel.

When working with slate the following rules must be followed:

  1. Slate can be sawn both in two halves and in pieces. The width of the beds will depend on the cut option.
  2. In order to prevent the material from spreading in different directions, it fastened with metal corners, which are further treated with an anti-corrosion coating.
  3. Work on the installation of slate must be carried out with care so as not to damage the skin of the hands and the material. Metal corners can close with plastic bottles.

Installation of beds from plastic panels

plastic panels will serve the owner of the site for many years, unlike metal and wooden beds. It will not rot and decompose in the ground, which is important for a reliable product.

Gardeners are happy to use such material, primarily due to its low cost. Installation of panels should be carried out by a novice master according to a competent scheme, excluding the presence of inaccuracies.

The installation of beds from PVC panels should begin with measuring the future space for planting and, if used plastic tape, it must be cut to the desired size.

If the choice is made in favor of plastic fence, then the excess parts need to be cut off. It is necessary to saw in accordance with the measurements so as not to damage the excess part of the surface of the material.

If plastic tape is used, its cut parts are connected with each other with a stapler. In other cases, such an operation is not required.

Trench for tape done with a shallow depth; for other types, a trench is not needed.

The plastic tape is immersed in a pre-dug ground, and this completes the installation of the panels. When choosing other plastic elements, for example, such as , his needs to be strengthened from the edges with metal pegs for structural reliability.

Without installing fence pegs won't last long, and its further replacement cannot be avoided.

How to make inexpensive framing of beds using a border tape, see the video:

Fencing with metal structures

Metal fences for the beds give it the shape of a rectangle. For work it is allowed to use the remains of metal and corners. The edges can be bent with special tools or a cut hose can be put on the edges of a metal product.

An important detail: the treatment of the material with a special anti-corrosion compound to avoid its premature wear. For these purposes, paint is also suitable.

You can buy ready-made beds to be assembled as shown in the instructions. Manufacturers claim a high service life of such products - more than twenty years. But it is much cheaper and more pleasant to build such a structure yourself.

The work will consist of several stages:

You can install it yourself by following sequencing A: The length of the product should be within three 4-6 meters. The height is better to do from 35-70 cm.

High sides will protect plants from the access of animals that do not really care about the well-being of vegetables in your area.

Before installation, you need to determine the shape that the future bed will take. From this depends on the amount of material to create a structure.

  1. At the corners of the proposed perimeter of the beds hammer metal pipes.
  2. Along the marked area under the bed pull the rope.
  3. At the location of the fence dig a trench with a maximum depth of 10 cm.
  4. Strips of metal are inserted into the trench and strengthened from above with hammer blows.
  5. On the outside of the product set the pegs for additional support.
  6. Whole structure connects welding machine if the novice master does not know how to use the welding technique.
  7. It is allowed to use a drill on the surface of metal and screws. It is the design made by the drill that will help to move the metal fence to another place, if necessary.

  8. The resulting design sprinkled with soil for additional fixation.
  9. In the resulting box stack dry tree branches, leaves and bushes. Next, pour the soil with additional fertilizer in the form of compost.

Important to remember
that the metal edges of the product can be harmful skin person or gardener's clothes. To increase safety on the site, it is recommended to use plastic bottles to close the curb along the edges.

Any of these fences can be made if you study in advance all the rules for installing and caring for this decorative product.

The video below demonstrates the installation of a finished galvanized steel structure, which you can buy in a store and save time on self-production:

Most of us have our own small plot of land near the house. In order for it not to be empty, it is necessary to plant grass or lawn. However, the most enterprising people try to grow on such beautiful beds useful crops such as vegetables. Especially in the country - here to grow crops is favorite hobby many gardeners. It is much more pleasant to eat greens, cucumbers or tomatoes, which are grown with their own hands in their own beds. The fact is that today vegetables and fruits bought in the store are grown on nitrates, as well as other fertilizers, which then negatively affect human health. Today we'll talk about fences and borders for garden beds.

Landing various plants we do not always think about how the beds will look. We protect them with what we have at hand. Wherein appearance the bed turns out to be quite simple. The most important thing is cleanliness and grooming. In order for the weeds not to grow, and the bed to have a beautiful view, you need to use small borders.

So, we have determined that the separated beds allow you to create a neat look for the entire garden. It is very convenient when all cultures are separated. In addition, after the rain has passed, even the strongest, the beds do not wash out. The same can be said for watering the garden. Basically, for the fence, materials that are left after the construction are used.

Using a tree

Most often in the gardens you can find beautiful wooden fences. Depending on the capabilities of the owner, the course can be launched different kinds wood. Even branches that have been cut from trees are suitable for making borders.

Of course, for some time such a fence will have an unsurpassed appearance. But when watering, from rain, the tree will begin to dampen, become covered with fungus. This means that it will quickly disappear. It is also inappropriate to whitewash the sides, as the water will wash away the whitewash. Neither paint nor special coatings will solve the problem, moreover, it is unprofitable. Sooner or later the boards will have to be changed.

Brick for fences

Brick was once very popular for fencing. This is how many city flower beds were fenced. For example, bricks were installed with “teeth”. It has beautiful view. In addition, bricks can be painted or whitewashed.

However, the material itself is expensive. old brick do not need to use, as it has a non-aesthetic appearance.

We protect the garden with slate

Basic roofing material- it's a slate. But it is not always used for its intended purpose. For example, if after roofing works there are pieces of slate left, then they can be used to fence the beds.

In order for the fence to look neat and beautiful, you need to drive the slate into the ground so that its pieces stick out at the same height. The paint will add elegance. However, slate is not always stable.

stone fences

In order to protect the beds, natural stone is sometimes used. Of course, this is not a brick, but the view will still be neat. But in these works you need to show patience and diligence. Natural stone will need to be sized. Then we fasten them on the bed with each other with a solution. This fence will last a very long time. But over time, the sides can sink into the ground, so it's worth considering.

All of the listed materials are traditional, which are used very often by all summer residents. But in Lately There are also some novelties that we will consider today.

So, you can choose plastic for the fence, which does not deteriorate from moisture, and the sun does not affect it very much. If your beds are not large, then you can use plastic. However, for large beds, such material is unprofitable. But the sides can be made in any shape and color.

In some cases, gardeners use materials that mimic natural wood. There are solid and sectional fences. They have special mounts with which you can easily install a fence in the ground. Very rarely, special fasteners are used to install a fence on the beds.

The budget option is the curb tape. You can buy green or brown border tape. The benefits here are obvious. For example, installation is quite simple. The shape of the curb can be given any, while not resorting to cutting the material. Aesthetic appearance is provided throughout the garden.

In order to install a fence from a curb tape, you must have a stapler, tape measure and knife. All work does not take much time. With the help of a ladle, we make a trench around the entire perimeter of the bed. After the fence is completed, it is necessary to fasten the edges with paper clips. At the end, it is necessary to compact the earth around the fences.

If the bed is very large, then you need to use special pegs, with the help of which fasteners will be installed at a certain distance.

We use rubber

The rubber border is mounted in a similar way. However, if your garden is high, then this option is inappropriate - the tape does not have a large height.

If you made a greenhouse and polycarbonate remains, then it can also be used to fence the beds. Polycarbonate is not specially bought for fencing, as it is not cheap.

So, if you use plastic to fence the beds, the costs will be large and not always justified. And here improvised means come to the rescue, for example, plastic bottles.

Each of us often throws away plastic container. But it is worth noting that it can be collected and then used to fence the beds. It is best to choose bottles that are the same size and color. After that, plastic bottles are filled with sand and dug upside down into the prepared trench. Alternatively, you can paint the bottles with water-based paint.

Metal fences

Not infrequently, summer residents use metal plates to fence the beds. So, you can use metal plates up to one millimeter thick. The garden fence turns out quickly and beautifully. However, you need to understand that thin metal can be easily cut. In addition, the metal in the soil is susceptible to corrosion, which means it can quickly be damaged. If the surface of the metal reflects the sun's rays, then this can negatively affect the plants in the garden.

If you decide to use metal, then you can use galvanized steel. With the help of light metal plates, you can easily and quickly form a bed. However, the downside of the material is its price. The use of metal plates is considered unprofitable.

Photos of beautiful fences and fences for beds:

Ready-made fences that you can buy for beds

Beautiful vegetable gardens

You can make plastic fences for beds, as well as iron, bricks, concrete, vines, slate. From flexible rods, openwork borders are obtained.

Plastic fences for beds

You don't have to spend much on these. At the moment you can buy plastic lining in Leroy Merlin size 10x300 cm at a price of 17 rubles. a piece. Use plastic or aluminum corner for attaching these devices. But the latter is more expensive.

Here's what you need to make inexpensive DIY garden fences:

  • plastic lining;
  • plastic corner;
  • liquid nails, transparent glue Titanium or Moment;
  • hand saw;
  • scissors.

You can buy a colored plastic lining so that its color is in harmony with small architectural forms, buildings that are in the country.

Using a saw, cut the lining along the length of the beds, as well as in width. Four prepared boards need to be folded in the form of a rectangle, glued at the ends with corners. If you want high beds, then you can install the lining not in one row, but in 2 or even 3. For greater structural reliability plastic corners it is better to fasten not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Here are the advantages of such handmade fences:

  • profitability;
  • looks nice;
  • durability, since this material does not rot;
  • no need to paint;
  • you can make beds of any shape.
Based on the idea of ​​the last point, you can make, for example, triangular or 5-6-angled fences. To do this, boards of the desired size are sawn off, fixed with glue and corners.

If you want fences for beds and flower beds to not cost a single ruble, then use the same material for this, but in the form of bottles. They will need quite a lot. Here's what you need for such a border:

  • plastic bottles;
  • colored tape or rope;
  • pegs;
  • hatchet
Sharpen the pegs, drive them in reverse side an ax, after putting a piece of the board on top of the stick. Place the bottles upside down, fastening them together with a rope. You can use colored tape, fix this container at the bottom and top.

The advantages of such a border are that it:
  • free;
  • durable;
  • easy to mount;
  • you can make a bed of any shape.
If you wish, choose a pair by color, or paint the finished fence.

If you still have old vinyl records, make a border out of them for flower beds and beds, deepening half into the ground.

Even unnecessary car tires will go to work. Pre-color them, glue them together.

Do-it-yourself border for wooden beds

It is also very affordable and inexpensive material, easy to install. Watch the master class, which tells in detail how to make a fence for beds made of wood, step-by-step photos are given.

Mow the grass in the selected area. Mark out the future beds with pegs and ropes or sand.

To make such borders for beds, take:
  • wooden bars;
  • boards;
  • carton boxes;
  • metal mesh with small cells;
  • furniture stapler.
From four corners, drive into the ground pegs with grooves that you can buy or make yourself. Boards are inserted here. The higher the bed, the more they need. In this case, two are used on each side.

There are 4 recesses in such bars. Therefore, the design is easy to extend or expand, put additional boards on the side or behind.

Similar boxes without a bottom. If rodents can bother the crop, lay down a metal mesh with small cells. It is advisable to slightly raise its edges up onto the sides, fix it here.

If you then pour fertile soil into the box-bed, you don’t want it to mix with the existing one, then lay a dense soil on the bottom cardboard box disassembled. Such a device will also help protect the plants from weeds, and excess water will flow out through the pores of the paper. To prevent the cardboard bottom from moving, secure it with a stapler.

Pour inside light soil mixed with compost or humus. You can add a little mineral fertilizers. It is necessary to shed the soil so that it sits, only after that plant greens, carrots or other vegetables.

Look at the irrigation systems that are offered for such high beds. As you can see, along the contour of the curbs, you need to fix the hose and irrigation nozzles, at angles of 180, 90 °.

If you plan to plant cucumbers, beans, etc. climbing plants, then you need to install a trellis. Since the earth on such high beds is loose, the space is limited by a metal mesh, cardboard, therefore pvc pipes need to be fixed outside the curbs.

For you 3 useful advice about this theme:
  1. To keep vegetables grown organically, use deciduous trees, not conifers. The latter can release resin, which can adversely affect soil composition.
  2. Before treating fresh wood with paint or wood preservative, make sure that the solution does not contain harmful substances.
  3. Since the soil dries out quickly here, the planting density in such high beds is twice as high as in ordinary ones. So plants shade the soil, do not allow moisture to evaporate strongly. In such close proximity, they fight weeds better, and this is only good for gardeners - the harvest will be 2 times more.

Learn how different plants like or dislike the neighborhood of others. This table in green shows which crops grow well with each other, in red are those that are not recommended to be planted next to each other.

You can arrange wooden borders for the beds in a ring, make wide paths inside this structure so that it is convenient to walk here and take care of the plants. For curly - supports are also constructed from wood. If you put a lantern in the center, you will achieve an interesting effect, besides, it will illuminate this part of the cottage in the evenings, and you can pick the vegetables that grow here in the dark.

Rectangular beds can also be placed in the center, and in the middle one can be made in the form of a five-pointed star. For each corner, you need to saw off two identical boards at an angle, fasten them with self-tapping screws. If this is a high bed, then put two such blanks one on top of the other.

You can also make beds from pallets of various shapes. The simplest construction of this type is made by placing such a pallet on a dug-up area, sowing plants between two adjacent planks.

You can cut one pallet in half, making large sidewalls of the box from these parts, and making small ones from the second pallet. It will turn out such a wonderful bed.

If you have several pallets, then you can make a long fence.

Solid beds are built from the lining of the bars. If you fill the boards on top, then you can go here while caring for the plants.

Vine fences also look great. This environmentally friendly material will not harm plantings.

If you have rounded bars or old cuttings from a shovel, cut them into segments of different or equal lengths, sharpen on one side, sand, cover with an antiseptic. With help rubber mallet drive them into the dug up earth, right along the perimeter of the beds or flower beds.

Do-it-yourself fence from a vine for a garden bed

To create similar borders, take:
  • willow branches;
  • round bars;
  • axe;
  • wire.
Sharpen the ends of the bars, as in the previous case, drive them along the edge of the marked area. Fixing the end of the first rod with a wire on a bar, weave the branch through the rest of the vertical pegs, passing it first in front, then behind.

You can take not one, but several rods at once.

Make a fence for the beds of the desired configuration. You can give it a round, square or polygonal shape. It will be determined by pegs driven in along a given trajectory.

Make your own flower bed railings to look like baskets. To do this, make a round wattle fence, attach a handle, also created from a vine, to it from above.

You can make a two-tiered flower bed by creating at the bottom of willow branches large, place the small one in the center upstairs. Plant flowers or greenery here.

With the help of this material, not only fences for flower beds and garden beds are made, but also for wood. By trunk circle drive in shallow pegs, frame them with prepared willow branches or other well-bent material.

If you make two circles at a small distance from each other, then between them you can fill the soil, plant flowers here or put moss, which will regulate the level of humidity around the tree.

If you liked decorating your site in this way, after practicing, you can make not only wicker fences for beds and flower beds, but also real masterpiece on this topic.

Decorate the bed with flexible rods, separately weave such a cover for a magic chest. She is attached to uprights, is fixed on the lower basket with door hinges.

If spring and autumn frosts are transmitted, you will close the lid of the chest, thereby protecting the plants from the cold.

With the help of flexible rods, you can make long beds, make a path from paving stones between them, it will be neat and beautiful in the garden.

Fences for beds made of bricks, stone, concrete

A circular high bed is built from bricks.

A path is made from the edge to the center so that you can walk along it and process the landings. Such a beautiful high bed will be created if you take:
  • bricks or stones;
  • cardboard;
  • branches and roots;
  • compost;
  • metal mesh;
  • 3 iron fittings.
Mark a circle of the desired diameter, place 3 fittings in the center, stretch a metal mesh around them. Between its outer edges and the brick, you need to lay branches, roots, grass. Sprinkle light soil on top. Inside the metal mesh pipe, you will periodically put organic waste and water. Such nutrition will reach the plants, replacing them with mineral supplements.

Pumpkin crops grow especially well on such a high warm bed. It is best to plant zucchini, cucumbers, melons, watermelons or pumpkins here. But the flowers here are simply expanse, as the soil becomes highly fertile, well moistened.

If you have a garden on a slope, brick beds will help fix this. Lay more of this material at the bottom, less at the top. If the slope is to the south, then leave the beds in the same position, and they will be better warmed up by the sun.

A beautiful fence for beds and flower beds will come from waste material if you take:

On the marked area, lay out empty glass bottles in a checkerboard pattern, placing them with the bottom out. Fix this container cement mortar. Put bricks on top, also fix them. When the solution dries, it's time to pour earth into the flower bed and plant vegetables or flowers.

You can buy monolithic blocks for fences and sidewalks, or you can cast them yourself from concrete using a mold.

If the bricks are placed vertically in a previously dug recess, then you get another fence for the beds. To fix them, lay a row of bricks right there horizontally.

Flat stones will also work, it is enough to lay them out in a circle near a tree or garden bed, thus arranging a flower garden, placing them in 2-3 rows.

For the next border, you only need:
  1. bulk stones of different sizes;
  2. wooden pegs;
  3. flexible tape made of fiberboard or hardboard;
  4. cement;
  5. water;
  6. sand.
First, lay large stones on the bottom row, fastening them with cement mortar. Then there are several rows of similar stones until you achieve the desired height of the curb.

You can do it differently. Dig a shallow trench of the desired width along the perimeter of the flower garden or garden bed. Just lay the stones here, and the low curb is ready.

If you don't have that many stones, then make a low concrete fence. It will be so effective.

For such design work, you will need:
  • rubber hose;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • shovel.
On the territory marked with a hose, remove the sod, dig a trench 20 wide, 10 cm deep. Drive in wooden pegs from one and the other outer edges. Between them, lay and attach with screws a flexible tape made of fiberboard or hardboard.

Place wooden pegs horizontally between the two types of tape as spacers, spaced about a meter apart. Pour into the trench cooked concrete mortar smooth it out with a spatula. It remains to cover the border with sealant, when it is completely dry, the fence for flower beds and beds is ready.

You can also make borders from slate sheets, corrugated board.

Such an activity will not seem difficult to you if, after reading the above, you still watch video material on this topic.

What fences for beds can be, their advantages and disadvantages are described in the first story.

How to make fences for garden beds with your own hands from slate sheets, you will see from the second mini-movie.

In anticipation holiday season It's time to start thinking about seedlings. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the types of fencing for garden beds. Why, from what and how can they be made?

What you need to know before breaking the beds?

So that the plants feel comfortable and bear fruit well, and it is convenient for you to walk and make horticultural work, you need to follow the recommendations regarding the optimal type of beds.

  • Their optimal width is eighty to ninety centimeters. Two or three crops can be planted on such a site.
  • Any length of the beds is allowed and depends on the size of the garden and the placement of the paths. But it is recommended that the discount be no longer than four to six meters.
  • It is good to make the beds high. Let them rise ten to fifteen centimeters. Then the probability is reduced that garbage from the path and grass seeds that grow nearby will fall into the garden.

Why fence gardens?

One of the main purposes of fencing is to prevent one plant species from interfering with another.

There are a number of other advantages of fences:

  • garden land is used as functionally as possible;
  • the process of weed control becomes easier and more efficient;
  • the appearance of the garden is much more aesthetic;
  • it becomes possible to make comfortable paths;
  • it is more convenient to fertilize the soil depending on the type of planted crop;
  • easier to organize and group seedlings.

And here comes the question, when you decided to create a fence for the beds - what to make the sides from?

What types of fences exist?

As materials and beds with their own hands, the following materials are quickly and budgetarily used:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • slate;
  • stones and cobblestones;
  • concrete;
  • wicker fences;
  • plastic bottles.

You can also buy ready-made fences, but it is very expensive.

Metal fences are easy to install. But this look won't last long. Also, the downside is that the metal needs to be processed by special means, you can get hurt on it, and it also heats up easily in the sun.

Wooden fences were often used in summer cottages, but this is an expensive option. Still, such fences also need to be treated from dampness and pests, but this does not save either. Indeed, after some time, the tree partially or completely needs to be replaced.

Slate is popular because often the owners summer cottages remains of pieces after overlapping roofs. In terms of durability, it is better than metal and wood, and does not deform during operation.

Decorative stones and cobblestones are the most expensive fencing option. But you can also use improvised breeds, if you have them. Their downside is their size. Therefore, it is better to use stones for flower beds, and not for beds.

The most popular today are the beds made of plastic panels, built with their own hands. They have a lot of advantages, thanks to which more and more gardeners are choosing in their favor.

Types of plastic fences

Very common look plastic fencing- border tape. It is sold in rolls, the height of which varies from twenty to fifty centimeters. This tape is flexible and easy to install. It is easy to install and remove if necessary.

Also becoming more and more famous is this type of plastic fencing, such as garden constructor. Its appearance resembles wooden stumps. And it only takes a few minutes to install. To do this, simply water the selected area abundantly and press the fence into the ground, remembering to connect its edges.

Plastic mesh is less in demand, but such fences can also be found in the beds.

The most common type of plastic fence is panels. They are comfortable and practical. Also in this regard are good who remained after repair work. Then the cost of fencing beds is almost zero.

Appearance of plastic fences

The design of the beds with your own hands in the country can be made different. This task is simplified if you buy ready-made panels. Their appearance resembles a low fence, and color palette varied.

If you decide to make fences for beds from plastic panels, then after installing them, simply paint the new fence in the desired color. Paint can be taken moisture resistant or special, for outdoor work. The one in which the main fence and elements of the house or barn are painted is also suitable. Perfect option- choose paint for plastic.

If you slightly increase your budget for the purchase of plastic panels, you can purchase fences in the store, the appearance of which imitates various expensive materials very well. Thus, a fence for a garden bed made of expensive stone, wood, and so on may appear on your site. At the same time, such a fence will be much more practical than its prototype. For example, a white plastic fence will cost about 900 rubles. per metre.

As for the forms, the plastic panels are easily deformed. They can be bent as you like, thanks to which your site can have not only the usual rectangular flower beds, but also beds unusual shapes A: round, oval and so on.

How's the tape?

The procedure for performing work on the installation of plastic fences is as follows:

  1. Determine the length and width of the bed.
  2. Cut the desired amount of tape and connect the edges with a carpentry stapler.
  3. Dig a small, narrow trench at the installation site.
  4. Install a curb into the trench.
  5. Backfill the tape on both sides with soil and tamp the soil firmly.
  6. If your bed is more than two meters long, then for the stability of the plastic border, support it with metal or wooden pegs. You need to drive them in a checkerboard pattern: one in front, the other inside.

How to install plastic mesh?

To prevent the plastic mesh from deforming, you must adhere to the following installation instructions:

  1. Dig metal or wooden pegs around the perimeter of the beds. It is desirable that the distance between them is about a meter, then the mesh does not deform.
  2. If the height of the grid does not suit you, then make a narrow trench. Then the excess part of the fence can be hidden underground.
  3. Attach one end of the net to the first peg with strong wire or special building ties. This must be done in at least two places, it all depends on the height of the fence.
  4. Stretch the mesh well around the perimeter of the bed.
  5. At the end, reattach the plastic mesh to the peg.

Plastic panel fence

Why do gardeners increasingly prefer plastic fences? It's all about its advantages over other species.

Do-it-yourself beds made of plastic panels are easy to assemble, and their installation does not require much effort. And such a fence will last for many years, because what is so typical for metal and wood will not happen to it. It will not rot, will not be covered with mold, fungus and rust, will not decompose in the ground. And due to the fact that during installation, plastic panels are buried in the soil, the likelihood of weeds entering the beds is reduced. It is worth noting that plastic does not emit any harmful substances, and the soil is not polluted. Also, water and fertilizers that process plants will not flow out of the beds.

Another undoubted plus of plastic panel fences is a wide variety in creating shapes and decor.

Do-it-yourself fence for beds - how is a plastic fence made?

As mentioned above, such fences are very easy to install even with no experience.

Instructions for installing a garden bed made of plastic panels with your own hands:

  1. Take measurements of the garden. You need to know the width and length.
  2. Make the necessary marks on the plastic panel.
  3. Start cutting pieces of plastic. This must be done carefully, without damaging the material and without injuring yourself. It's better to use a small saw or a large one. The plastic is easy to cut, so you don't have to use a lot of force. Easy enough to measure right size, draw a cut line and draw a knife along it. Repeat the incision if necessary. Then you need to lightly press on the cut line. For one bed you need four pieces of plastic.
  4. Dig a narrow trench around the perimeter of the bed. Its depth can be arbitrary, but not less than four centimeters. If the height of the beds made of plastic panels with your own hands should be small, then you do not need to shorten the material. Just make the trench deeper.
  5. Install the panels in the trench and dig them in on both sides. Tamp the earth. If you bought special plastic panels, then pegs are included with them, thanks to which the sides of the fence are connected. If you used the plastic left after the repair, then put on special corners on the joints.

Growing plants in the country is not an easy task that requires knowledge and a responsible approach. To beautify the site and provide favorable conditions beds are used for the development of vegetable and other crops. Find out their types and features of the organization with your own hands.

If you plan to organize beds in the country with your own hands, familiarize yourself with the features of the process. First, understand the concept: the bed is a partially isolated small one, on which, under suitable conditions, you can grow different crops, providing the right individual care.

When organizing beds, several points are taken into account:

  1. The location depends on the specific crop being grown. Some plants require good lighting, others do better in shading. When choosing a location, you need to take into account the relief of the site. If the place is located in a lowland, moisture will accumulate in it, which is unacceptable for some cultures. When placing, ensure free access for convenient and unhindered care. To do this, do not place the beds far from water sources and do not arrange them at short distances from each other, otherwise it will be problematic to walk between them.
  2. The form is determined by the preferences of the owner of the cottage. It can be standard rectangular or square, but it is possible to organize beds with unusual shapes in the form of figures. The territory also affects the shape, because the beds should organically fit into it.
  3. What plants will be grown? They need individual care, taking into account the characteristics of a particular species, so the characteristics of the culture affect the choice of location in the country, the size of the beds. And some vegetables do not get along, so they need to be planted separately at a considerable distance.
  4. Skills. If you are planning to organize beds on the site for the first time and do not have the knowledge, choose unpretentious cultures and simple garden beds. Deciding to create complex structures, you risk making mistakes and reducing or spoiling the crop.

There are several types of beds, and they should be considered in detail and separately.


A box-bed is a convenient and popular method of arranging a garden, which allows you to create a separate isolated area for a particular crop, giving the area a neat, aesthetic and well-groomed appearance.

You can make a bed-box by preparing the place and fencing it with shields. To mark the boundaries and arrange the walls, sheets of polycarbonate or plastic, boards, slate (wave, flat) are used. It is advisable to choose a material that is practical and resistant to moisture, able to serve one season and maintain strength.

Do-it-yourself organization includes several stages:

  1. Border designation. Draw them or arrange the pegs, taking into account the shape and size of the beds.
  2. Wall installation. They are placed in the ground, in which furrows are preliminarily prepared. The soil must be compacted to ensure the stability and strength of the structure.
  3. Fill in the earth and organic matter, alternating layers.
  4. Plant your plants.

For your information! Preparing for the winter of beds-boxes involves their collection. In the spring, the structure is erected, the soil is loosened and planted with the selected crop.

Garden beds with drainage

Drainage beds are relevant and necessary if the garden is located in a lowland, and clay or swampy. Excess and stagnant water are detrimental and provoke decay of the root system, so it is necessary to ensure timely constant drainage and optimal gas exchange.

To organize drainage with your own hands, follow the instructions:

  1. Designate a landing site.
  2. Remove a layer of soil with a thickness of 50 to 60 cm.
  3. Sand is laid at the bottom of the formed pit, the thickness of the layer of which will be at least 20-25 cm.
  4. Lay sawdust, humus and a layer of soil suitable for growing the selected plant on top of the sand.


High beds should be made in a low-lying or heavily swampy area: raising the soil will prevent stagnation of moisture and ensure timely drainage. Suitable option for gourds, potatoes, zucchini. The height can be from 30-35 cm to 70-80.

Step-by-step device of a high bed in the garden:

  1. Prepare the box. It is possible to build it from plastic, boards, bricks, metal.
  2. A metal mesh is installed at the bottom of the structure, providing protection against rodents. A geotextile is laid on top of it, preventing the germination of weeds.
  3. Lay drainage, including expanded clay, broken brick, pebble. The thickness of the layer is not less than ten centimeters.
  4. Prepare the soil by disinfecting it and treating it from pests. Fill the box with soil, filling most of it and leaving sides about 5 cm high.

Good to know! High beds can be organized without boxes using bulk trapezoids or ridges. A compost layer is laid on the soil, which ensures the rise of the soil. Next, the earth is poured, landing is carried out. But the beds will last only one season, because during the winter they will sag under the weight of snow and get wet when it melts. If bear insects are common in the region, it is better not to use compost: pests quickly populate it and multiply, destroying the crop. The rise is provided by an embankment of soil.


A vertical bed will save space in the garden and will be an excellent solution if the site has small area. But the option is suitable for crops with a not very developed root system: strawberries, lettuce, cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes.

For organization, it is allowed to use boxes, special racks or containers. You can arrange a vertical bed from improvised materials by making containers from plastic bottles and placing them on homemade frame assembled from boards or a metal profile.


In 2018, beautiful and aesthetic French beds are relevant. Distinctive features are laconic geometric shapes, strict planted rows and paths between plantings. Guardrails can be made from finishing materials (terrace board, paving slabs), bricks. You can do it by planting leaf lettuce around the perimeter of the beds, a low-growing type of greenery. Elevate zones if the ground is waterlogged or the site is frequently flooded.


lovers original ideas will appreciate the English beds, allowing a mixture of cultures. , a garden area with trees and a vegetable garden do not have strict boundaries and form a single landscape design. One section may include flower beds, fruit crops, vegetable plantings.

Spaces are left between the beds for free movement and comfortable care. The territory should not look neglected and abandoned, so take care of the garden carefully, make sure that the land is free from weeds and fence the beds around the perimeter, for example, with stones or bricks (it can be irregular in shape).


lazy beds suitable for beginners or very busy summer residents, as they do not require complex organization and time-consuming preparation. No need to prepare recesses and dig the soil to a great depth. It is enough to weed the ground, freeing it from weeds, slightly loosen it, then land. The spaces between the bushes are filled with mulch, which ensures the preservation of moisture and the prevention of its rapid evaporation, as well as protection from weeds. This greatly simplifies care and helps to collect good crops.

Advice! Lazy beds are ground and devoid of fences or raised and surrounded by borders.


Smart beds are not only original and beautiful, but also practical and productive. This way of organizing will create optimal conditions cultivation and increase yields.

Do smart beds it’s not easy on the site, because you need to raise them and fill them not with ordinary earth, but with special mixtures suitable for specific crops, consisting of compost, fertilizers, clean nutrient soil, organic matter. Landings are protected by reinforced high sides. It is advisable to raise the site itself in order to protect it from stagnant water and pest attacks.


Warm beds will allow you to get an early harvest and will be a good alternative to greenhouses. Planting heat will be provided by organic matter, which releases energy in the process of decomposition.

Arrangement is carried out at the end of autumn and includes several steps:

  1. Remove a layer of soil about 50 centimeters thick. You can also make a box and install it in the prepared recess. A metal mesh can be laid at the bottom of a pit or container to protect against moles.
  2. Lay on the bottom pre-scalded and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate sawdust. This layer should have a thickness of at least 15-17 cm.
  3. Lay organic matter consisting of fallen leaves, turf, bird droppings or manure. Compact this layer to a thickness of 15 centimeters.
  4. Lay organic matter that rots quickly, such as prepared compost. This layer is approximately 10 cm thick.
  5. Lay a nutrient mixture that includes six parts of peat and a part of sand and sawdust. Add here a tablespoon of ash and superphosphate, a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, urea, zinc sulfate. The fertile substrate has a thickness of 20 cm.

With the first rays spring sun organics will release heat, warming the soil up to 40-45 degrees, which will allow crops to be planted much earlier. So you can grow plants with a small root system: cucumbers, strawberries, herbs, radishes.

garden fences

Arrange beautiful and neat beds and fences will help to zone the summer cottage. Try to organically fit them into the landscape design and do it correctly in order to protect the plants from negative influences and create an aesthetic appearance of the garden.

Different materials are used for fencing: polycarbonate, slate, metal, wood (boards or logs), stone, rods and pegs. lovers interesting ideas improvised means are used: plastic and glass bottles, car tires, old hoses.

Below are the characteristics of the main types of materials used for the organization of fences.


Metal fences are quite durable, but they can be exposed to prolonged exposure to moisture and become rusty, which will not only worsen the appearance of the sides, but also negatively affect the composition of the soil. thin metal subject to deformation after mechanical stress. Metal also heats up in the sun.


Galvanized railings are good performance: do not corrode, serve for a long time, retain their properties, are distinguished by high strength and resistance to attacks by pests and fungi. The beds will be reliably protected from wind and other natural phenomena, pests. Ready-made fences made of galvanized steel are light, easy to assemble, and have different shades.

A big minus is the high cost of structures. They also quickly warm up and transfer heat to the surrounding soil, raising the temperature of the soil and negatively affecting the root system.


Plastic railings - modern solution. They are light in weight, are not attacked by pests and high humidity, serve for a long time and have affordable price. Light plastic will not get very hot in the sun. But the fences are subject to mechanical stress.

Approaching responsibly to the organization of beds in the country, you will equip the garden, ennoble the territory and get excellent harvest. Good luck to all gardeners!