Mixer      03/07/2020

Log house calculator. Calculator of wooden houses and baths. Types and purpose of timber

All project cards on our website have detailed description and approximate cost finished house. But you can calculate the timber for a house or bathhouse using a calculator by changing the thickness of the walls or making other adjustments. To use the calculator, select the following options:

  • type of building (house or bathhouse);
  • complete set (turnkey or shrink);
  • log house project (select from our catalogue);
  • beam section (90x140 mm, 140x140 mm or 190x140 mm);
  • foundation design (pile-screw, strip, etc.);
  • ceiling height (number of wall crowns);
  • view interior decoration(lining, block house, etc.);
  • view exterior finishing(lining, block house, etc.);
  • insulation of floors and roofs (knauf, rockwool of various thicknesses).

You also need to fill in the fields: type of windows, roofing material and other data. Our calculator for calculating timber will help you solve the main construction issue - how much will the finished log house cost?

Right now you can visualize your dream home using an intuitive online designer.

The program provides ample opportunities on detailed drawing of the layout of the house, which may consist of several floors. On initial stage design, it is proposed to indicate the type and dimensions of the foundation. The program allows you to easily change the material of the walls (log or timber), their thickness and the type of connection of the elements wall material in the grooves (in the bowl, in the paw). In a matter of seconds, you can indicate on the plan the location of windows, doors and openings. The online program displays information about the length of the walls and the area of ​​the resulting closed contours, which are considered rooms or other areas of the house. The simplest tools offered by the program at the design stage are quite sufficient to create a good original house project, or at least to be able to take a look and visually evaluate a possible house project. If deficiencies are identified, the necessary changes can be made to the model. In addition, you don’t need to be a professional designer to do this.

One of the main advantages of the program is the ability to switch to a three-dimensional mode for viewing a house model at any stage of project creation. In 3D mode, an object can be viewed from any side and even inside, as well as materials for external and internal decoration can be selected. With one click you can change, for example, appearance foundation, log color and type of flooring.

Such online designers are very popular among customers, since the trend last year revealed the interest of clients in houses built according to individual projects. At the same time, the most significant and in demand is the work of designers and architects. However, on at this stage level of automation using computer tools in the field of design wooden houses significantly lags behind production technologies in the field of wooden house construction. There are few domestic software products on the market that could become indispensable universal tool in the hands of the designer. Only then would they be able to increase the productivity of their work, and clients would be able to evaluate the quality of the completed project.

The presented program is, of course, not professional software, but can help you quickly and clearly assess the possibility of building your plan wooden structure. In essence, this online designer is a lightweight free version of a professional offline program used by designers throughout Russia.

The copyright holder of the presented program for designing houses online is our partner - the Vologda electronic trading platform "Your Home".

The beams are cut by specialists immediately to fit the finished construction project, where all the beams are adjusted to one another. The timber house construction calculator allows you to accurately calculate... The structure itself is erected from several days to a couple or three weeks, depending on the complexity of the project.

Material advantages

The timber is made from solid wood, which guarantees the structure high environmental friendliness and a minimum percentage of internal cracks. The shrinkage of a house made of timber is significantly less than that of other materials, for example, rounded logs.

Glued laminated timber is a very durable material, this is its undeniable advantage, since the house will not require any repair work or additional investments.

Choose timber from large manufacturers; the factories are very responsible in the production and storage of the material. Strict control of wood moisture content and the accuracy of pairing of nodes is what a large manufacturer guarantees and what will significantly speed up and facilitate the construction of a house.

The material is shipped in special transport packages, this protects the wood from exposure environment, humidity, precipitation and minor mechanical damage.

Well, practically the main argument when choosing is the final cost of the finished structure. Here the timber also wins, compared to others, it is available to almost any consumer who plans to build a house on long term from quality material.

The cost of the timber itself may turn out to be higher than planned, but here it is worth considering the entire project: due to the excellent thermal insulation of the timber itself, you can be more economical about it.

Structures made from timber are quite lightweight, which, in turn, allows you to work with a less expensive foundation. Taken together, these facts indicate that the market price for timber may seem high, but in the end the entire project costs less.

Among the additional costs when using timber, it will also be possible to exclude the cost of caulking: profiled timber does not need this, and there is no need to apply an antiseptic coating separately, the manufacturers will already take care of this.

House design and construction calculations

Before purchasing timber, make sure that you have a ready-made house project in hand. It is not necessary to order an expensive project for a new house; every construction organization will be able to offer you a choice of finished projects that this organization has implemented in the past.

It will be effective solution, since the builders will already have experience working on such a project and will be able to implement it in a short time and without force majeure. Also, each such project already has a calculator showing the required cubic capacity.

If you created the project yourself, or there is not complete, but partial construction - an extension or a terrace, then you can calculate the costs directly in the construction organization.

When planning to build on your own, you can use a resource called a log house construction calculator. Having specified the footage, the program will helpfully calculate for you required consumption material.

Be sure to remember that a house is not only timber, it is also a foundation, interior decoration, and tools for assembling the structure. Boards for partitions, rafters, scaffolding. There are a lot of nuances in building a house, which is why it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

They are more likely to save your money than to spend too much. The percentage of defects among professionals will be several times lower, consumables are also used wisely: nevertheless, experience allows you to act more productively and faster than when building a house on your own. In addition, the construction organization is fully responsible for all stages of construction: from studying the soil under the foundation to covering roofing material and interior decoration.

Quality determines cost

Summarizing all that has been said, it is worth noting several of the most important points. The cost of the house will be calculated based on the total production costs.

When choosing, consider not only the cost of one construction or finishing material, timber, for example, but also what kind of foundation this material requires, what kind of interior decoration, what the roof will be made of.

Only after this can we talk about the final cost of the structure and the benefits of this or that material. Be guided, first of all, by quality criteria.

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Having come close to the cherished goal - to build wooden house, you should familiarize yourself with the quality characteristics and procedure for calculating timber. Selecting high-quality lumber that meets construction standards and correctly determining the required quantity is the primary task of a difficult path.

Types and purpose of timber

Housing construction is carried out using glued or profiled timber. The quality characteristics of the product depend on the production process of the material. Source of profiled timber – conifers trees. Depending on the size and purpose of the building, 3 main options for standard timber are used:

  • a summer cottage or bathhouse is built from material with a cross-section of 100/100 mm;
  • for medium-sized permanent housing, products with a cross-section of 150/150 mm are suitable;
  • Cottages or houses of impressive size are built from 200/200 mm timber.

The length of the product is usually 6 m. It is possible to individually order material with non-standard dimensions. Front side timber can be arched or straight. Products are processed on machines with subsequent grinding of one side. Its location inside the home allows you to avoid subsequent wall finishing. The presence of spikes at the end of the beam provides an increase in the level of protection from moisture and cold future construction, and also facilitates the process of its construction. Having completed the installation stage of the log house, it is given time to settle for shrinkage for a year. Pre-drying the timber in specially equipped chambers allows you to speed up the process by several months.

The production of laminated veneer lumber is significantly different:

  • The log is pre-cut into pieces called lamellas.
  • The boards are processed on planing equipment and placed in drying chamber, where in a gentle mode the moisture content of the material is reduced to 10%.
  • The material is re-planed, sorted and glued into timber using special waterproof compounds using hydraulic equipment.

Note! Laying boards opposite to the cross-section of the fibers relative to the adjacent product increases strength finished material and resistance to rotting processes. These actions bring laminated veneer lumber to a leading position in terms of strength relative to profiled products.

It is possible to improve the strength indicator by using profiled larch material, but this significantly increases the cost Supplies. In glued materials, there is an option when one larch lamella is combined with less expensive species during pressing. This trick allows you to improve the quality characteristics of laminated veneer lumber with a slight increase in its cost.

What other differences are observed in the material when in different ways production?

  • The glued version is characterized by humidity around 10%. Pre-drying of the profiled product makes it possible to reduce the indicator to the level of 20%, which is the reason for the increase in construction time due to the longer shrinkage of the finished log house. However, a solid product is not subject to cracking, and with the glued production method there is a risk of minor cracks.
  • Focusing on the significant difference in cost (profiled products are almost half the price of their glued counterpart), do not forget about subsequent finishing. The lamellas are often left without additional processing, while they try to hide the profiled material with additional decor.
  • Going deeper into the question environmental safety, it is worth noting that the profiled timber is completely harmless. The owner can independently select special impregnations that provide protection against rotting and fire. The connection of the lamellas is carried out by using adhesive composition, the quality and safety of which lies solely on the conscience of the manufacturer. Therefore, there is a possibility of chemical fumes that have a negative impact on the condition of residents.

As can be seen from the description, each of the materials has significant advantages and certain disadvantages. Stop at optimal option Only the owner of the upcoming construction is capable.

Methodology for calculating material for building a house

When designing housing made of timber, it is worth taking it into account standard sizes to minimize waste. In addition to the material for the log house, material will be needed for the pediment, partitions, floor and ceiling beams.

Basic calculation formula

Calculation of timber cubic capacity uses the following parameters:

  • Section of timber. For the house they mainly use 150/150 mm timber; the additional use of insulation makes it possible to ensure comfortable conditions For permanent residence V middle lane Russia.
  • Housing dimensions: height and width, houses, number of partitions, rafters, floor and ceiling beams.

Let's say for one-story house 6x9 with a room height of 3 m and one partition you will need:

  • We determine the perimeter: (6+9)x2 + 6 = 36 m;
  • We calculate the total area: 36x3=108 m;
  • Required timber volume: 108x0.15=16.2 m3.

Some amount of material is saved by cutting out door and window openings. However, when purchasing, the volume of timber is always rounded up, taking into account the likelihood of defective products.

Calculation of volume for floor and ceiling beams

The amount of material required for beams, joists and other elements directly depends on the size of the house and the type rafter system. For ceiling and floor beams, 100/150 mm timber is sufficient. Referring to the dimensions of the future structure described above, calculating the amount of timber for the floor and ceiling separately includes the following steps:

  • With a distance between beams of 1 m, the number of products: 9/1-1=8 pieces;
  • With a standard length of 6 m, you need: 8x6 = 48 m of timber;
  • We determine the volume: 0.1x0.15x48=0.72 m 3 ;

Taking into account rounding, in general, 1 m 3 of material will be required for the floor and ceiling beams.

Rafter system

In suburban housing it is mainly used gable roof. It is important to design the slope correctly: a small angle will cause snow retention; if the roof is too high, it will increase. wind load. It is optimal to stay at 45 degrees. The recommended pitch between the rafters is 0.6 m, the timber is taken with a cross-section of 100/150 mm. More frequent pitches allow smaller thicknesses to be used. So:

  • Using the Pythagorean formula, we determine the length rafter leg, based on the width of the house being 6 m. It is equal to 4.2 m; the triangle will take 8.4 m of material.
  • Taking into account the length of the future housing, the number of triangles: 9:0.6-1=14 pieces;
  • Total length of material: 8.4x14=117.6 m;
  • Volume of material with a cross section of 100/150 mm: 117.6x0.1x0.15=1.76 m3.

Don’t forget to make a supply of material taking into account possible waste. The easiest way to check the accuracy of your calculations is to use an online calculator. A more accurate answer can be obtained from the developer. Some companies provide cost estimation services for free.