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Phone call in a dream. Call interpretation of the dream book. Illness related call

The most detailed description: "a dream book to call and not get through" - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

If you dream of a phone call, then the dreamer should expect important news soon. The meanings of sleep depend on who exactly called: if a loved one - to pleasant surprises and gifts, parents - to material well-being, a child - to problems and troubles.

Depending on who is calling:

  • beloved - to an interesting acquaintance;
  • a man - the dreamer will have to make a difficult choice;
  • woman - in reality there are many envious rivals;
  • ex-boyfriend - personifies a woman's insecurity in her own sexuality;
  • friend - do not refuse the help of an experienced friend;
  • the guy you like - for a romantic date in reality;
  • ex-husband - the dreamer failed to let go of the old relationship, there is a desire to return them;
  • husband - it is worth paying attention to a loved one;
  • deceased - it is necessary to take care of elderly relatives;
  • ex-girlfriend - you need to forget old grievances and start a relationship anew;
  • girlfriend - in a close circle there is a person who wishes evil to the dreamer and specifically gives bad advice;
  • familiar - difficulties with communication in the work team.

Depending on who to call:

  • wife - to family well-being.

Depending on the device:

  • mobile - symbolizes obligations to loved ones.

Depending on the initiator of the call:

  • you call - soon he will receive valuable information that is better not to tell anyone;
  • they call you - you should stop listening to other people's gossip and start believing only facts.

Depending on the result:

  • calling and not getting through - you should treat life with great optimism;
  • talking on the phone - to an unexpected meeting with a childhood friend.
  • unexpected call - to unforeseen obligations in business;
  • long-awaited call - to great joy;
  • missed call - to financial losses;
  • missed call - to difficulties in reality.

Depending on what you hear:

  • silence - immediate plans will be violated;
  • the voice of a loved one - it is worth listening to a conversation in a dream, this information may come in handy in reality.

Phones are familiar to people well, if a hundred years, but have already become one of the most familiar items of our everyday life. Some people even communicate more often “through the pipe” than live - it is not surprising that in our dreams we often see phones. But why dream that we are calling someone, and in general, does the dream book consider a mobile phone or a landline phone a good sign?

  • Most often, interpreters say: people who at some point seem to themselves unhappy and lonely can talk on the phone in a dream. Moreover, your subconscious wants to assure: it is not so! There are loved ones around you who will be happy to support and help!
  • If at work you often communicate with people, such a dream can say: you are tired of it and you just dream of seclusion. So why not have a “hermit-style weekend” by turning off your phone and going somewhere in nature?
  • Hear someone else's conversation - to glory. Of course, you are unlikely to become a Hollywood star, but the best employee of the month - it may well be. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to expect that fame will chase you by itself.
  • If you have heard old ladies talking loudly, this sign assures you that soon you will hear amazing news.
  • Why dream that you are talking on the phone calmly, peacefully? Your life is entering a period of white streak. Rest, tranquility, happiness - that's what awaits you.
  • Was the conversation very loud? It's not the best good sign promising "nerves". A rather exciting life stage awaits you - however, optimism and healthy "indifference" will help you survive it with minimal losses.
  • Was the conversation uncomfortable? You will be in a stressful situation. Fortunately, it will not be grief that will cause it, but just some kind of problem that can eventually be solved. So be strong and do not get depressed - soon everything will come to its senses.

In the end, we propose to find out the interpretation of a famous psychologist, as well as a Russian couple of researchers who have been studying ancient predictions all their lives. Can they surprise you?

  1. Seeing that you are talking on the phone - to communicate with people whose language is like a pomelo. Their eloquent speeches will completely “powder” your brains.
  2. If the dreamer is a woman, the dream means: one of the girlfriends is sincerely jealous of you.
  3. A barely audible, blurry conversation is a bad sign for lovers. It is possible that you are in danger of breaking up. And the fault of everything will not be your sin or oversight, but someone's dirty gossip.
  4. If you have been calling a certain person for a long time, this means that in fact you are very dependent on him (even if you don’t want to admit it to yourself).
  1. As this dream book assures us, people can talk on the phone in a dream, languishing from the feeling of the remoteness of an event that still does not occur.
  2. If your interlocutor was a close person, in real life your relationship will be cooled by mutual misunderstanding.
  3. You couldn't talk because either the battery was dead, or the connection was bad, or someone interrupted the conversation? Who exactly did you call? The dream warns: if you do not want this person to leave your life forever, urgently strengthen your friendship with him.
  4. If you were chatting with a stranger in a friendly manner, the dream says: some people will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Fortune telling for today with the help of the Tarot layout “Card of the Day”!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

If in a dream you had to make a phone call, this indicates a lack of communication skills in real life. It is difficult for a person to establish contact with people on whom the outcome of an important matter depends, or he longs for communication, but there is no one to talk to. Calling the number that was in doubt - to a meeting with an old friend. Hear the call - to the news.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow. ” Read more >>

To decipher the dream in more detail, the identity of the caller, the topic of the conversation, and the actions of both interlocutors should be taken into account.

For an unemployed man, such a dream is a warning: soon he will have financial problems, so now you need to direct all efforts to find a suitable job.

A guy who studies at a university should study the material more carefully and in no case skip lectures; and if a student dreams of a call from a teacher, she has the opportunity to get an indulgence in exams.

A marriageable girl who called her parents in a dream needs to prepare for the wedding. And if she received a call from her fiancé, there could be discord in their relationship.

For a pregnant woman, talking on the phone portends the onset of childbirth. If the planned date is still far away, she will have a conversation with a doctor, during which the features of the course of pregnancy will become known.

Depending on the dreamer's gender and marital status, a phone call can be interpreted as follows:

  • A married man learns about his wife what she carefully concealed. If his mother-in-law or father-in-law called him, he doubts in vain in their favor. Talking on the phone with children is a hassle.
  • The bachelor doubts that he likes loneliness. A call that ends quickly indicates that this is a temporary feeling, and a long conversation portends a decision to start a family.
  • Divorced after talking on the phone with his ex-wife, which occurred in a dream, he will understand whether he got what he hoped for from the breakup, or whether this step turned out to be wrong. If a lawyer calls him about a divorce case, the division of joint property will occur with a scandal.
  • A married woman will find evidence that her husband is cheating on her. If the call is suddenly cut off, one of the friends deliberately slanders her husband. She herself calls her mother-in-law to ask for advice - in reality there is a subconscious rivalry with her husband's mother.
  • A free woman will soon meet a guy with whom she will not mind linking her life. A telephone conversation with friends about an upcoming party indicates that there is an ill-wisher in her inner circle who loves to give bad advice.
  • Divorced suspects ex-husband in fraud with documents and is looking for a way to verify this information.
  • In the morning - good news from people who are now far away.
  • In the afternoon - career advancement.
  • In the evening - you will have to bear responsibility for the collectively made decision.
  • At night - a small surprise, an insignificant profit.

The sleeper's behavior tells about upcoming events:

The important reason why this happened:

A call to an emergency number indicates that the sleeper knows information that could destroy someone's career or life, and he is afraid to accidentally spill the beans.

A person dials a number, but the call fails - a good sign. In life, everything will turn out for the best; only a lack of optimism can hinder the speedy achievement of goals.

A missed call indicates an unwillingness to take part in a collective affair.

If you managed to remember what was discussed when talking on the phone, the decoding of the dream will turn out to be more detailed:

Call yourself - feel envy or passion for the one who is on the other end of the wire; need his help.

To see how another person is dialing a number or talking on the phone - the opponent will be the first to achieve the result. If the wife dreamed that she caught her husband talking on the phone with another woman, in reality there is no doubt about the fidelity of the spouse.

If the dreamer received a call and answered it, it matters who was on the other end of the wire:

Action Interpretation
call If the dreamer is familiar with the subscriber in real life, then he would like a closer or more trusting relationship. Calling a person who does not really exist shows a desire to change, to become better at something.
drop a call The girl will have a quarrel with her beloved, the guy will be disappointed in his hobby. Intentionally disconnect during a conversation - the business that the sleeper is busy with will stall, and in order to get it off the ground, you will need to resort to the help of a professional
call back The one who is responsible for product quality at work will have to hide a large batch of defects. There will be arguments in the family about the upcoming purchase. It will not be possible to reach a consensus, and the acquisition of an expensive item will have to be postponed. If a person in a dream calls back several times, but no one picks up the phone, then in reality he will be denied a service
Hang up the phone without listening to the interlocutor
caller Interpretation
Stranger An unfamiliar man calls a lonely woman - to a stormy romance. A call from an unknown woman indicates that the dreamer has an enemy who, nevertheless, will not be able to harm her
Parents The sleeper needs help, but he does not know who to turn to for it. You should tell close relatives or friends about your problem
Girlfriend or friend A warning about the intrigues that are being prepared by the one whom the dreamer fully trusts
Husband or wife Households lack attention. A call during working hours means problems in relations with your soulmate, arising from excessive passion for professional activities or business
Boy or girl To separation and jealousy. Calls and hangs up - both partners are bored with each other, they need a shake-up
Deceased The solution to the problem that worries the dreamer is somehow connected with the deceased person. If this is a relative, you can look for an answer or a hint in the things left from him, documents
Neighbours Someone living nearby is not satisfied with the behavior of the sleeper
Work colleague or boss Changes are planned in the personnel policy of the enterprise. A call from the boss promises a promotion, and if a subordinate calls, it means that someone from the team is working dishonestly
Police The dreamer was in danger, which has already passed, you can relax
Bank employee Such a dream promises trouble in the financial field. It is possible that you will have to borrow money or take a loan
Ex-husband or boyfriend A person still believes that past relationships can be restored, although in reality there are no prerequisites for this. The call ended in a scandal - facts will become known that will make you disappointed in a person

The subscriber has the wrong number - the troubles that the dreamer was afraid of will bypass him.

Dream Interpretations interpret those dream plots in different ways, where the sleeper had to dial a number or talk on the phone:

dream interpretation Decryption
Miller The dreamer's phone rang - someone will try to mislead him; a woman does not hear well what the interlocutor says to her - to the loss of her lover. Business talk means the ability to resist evil
Esoteric A person learns important information from a source he is not used to trust - from a conversation between neighbors or from news in the yellow press
Hasse The case has dubious prospects and is likely to end in failure.
Modern You will have to change your plans because of the irresponsibility of other people and their inability to keep their word. A young woman should beware of the machinations of a rival
Loffa In real life, a person needs to contact the one he called in a dream
Italian Talking on the phone symbolizes personal loss, loss of some skills, forgotten information.
Freud A call from a former boyfriend indicates a lack of confidence in his attractiveness; a friend's call - for shyness in bed; parents call - for the inability to relax or the fear that someone will find out the details of an intimate life

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started with the fact that I ordered a personal one.

We manage to achieve creative results in our dreams. A person is able to easily cause an artistic dream, or a dream that will solve the problem. You can apply a technique by which you can plan the content of your dream. Dreams will easily become your muse, which will inspire you all the time.

  1. Meaning according to the online dream book of Fate, I dreamed of a phone - you need to be more attentive to others.
  2. Phone call - someone really needs your attention; perhaps they want to inform you about something important.
  3. There is no desire to approach the ringing phone, interpret the dream according to the modern dream book - your subconscious mind stores some information that you are afraid to remember. Perhaps you need to face your fears.
  4. You call someone on the phone - you can safely count on the help and support of your loved ones and friends.
  5. Someone calls you on the phone, decipher the dream from an accurate dream book - you need to be prepared for the fact that someone's problems will fall on your shoulders.
  6. Why see a telephone conversation in a dream (for a woman) - you have many ill-wishers whom you can resist and not become the object of gossip.
  7. During a telephone conversation, due to poor communication, you can’t hear the interlocutor, a full interpreter online (for a woman) - you will have to try hard to ensure that your lover stays close to you.
  8. The meaning of seeing a telephone in a dream is that you lack a good society. You need to relax in the circle of friends.
  9. Get household information by phone, interpretation modern dream book- you need to listen to what you have learned in a dream.
  10. Why dream about how they call you on the phone - you will show additional interest in the information that you learn about.

Do you fully understand the full extent of your creative potential? If you had a tool with which you could open the secret rooms of creativity in order to cope with your daily problems? You need to learn how to apply this tool that you already have - your dreams.

Have you ever thought about whether it is good or bad to sleep during the daytime? After all, many of us believe that traditional time for sleep it is night. But in many countries it is customary to sleep during the daytime, especially in hot summer weather. And the fact that it is customary for children and the sick to go to bed in the daytime does not bother anyone. So why shouldn't adults do this? Many scientists are trying to figure out the problem of sleep during the day, and so far none of them have come to a single conclusion.

If you saw a phone in a dream, then according to Vanga's dream book, this dream is a warning - beware of the insidiousness of loved ones. According to Miller's dream book, if you hear a phone call, then some person really needs you. If you do not want to answer a phone call, then according to the Muslim dream book, this means that information is stored in your subconscious that you do not want to accept.

Dream Interpretation: Wrong phone number, I can’t get through in a dream. Dream interpretation

You try to dial a number on your phone, but you keep getting it wrong. Although it may be a familiar number, you are annoyed by pressing the wrong buttons, confusing the last two or three digits. You really need to make this call because you need to talk to someone immediately. But even if you manage to get in touch, you find that you dialed the wrong number and got through to a stranger. Similar dreams are when you are trying to send important text or gain access to somewhere by entering a password on the keyboard.

Dream interpretation


Dream: You try to dial a number on your phone, but you keep getting it wrong. Although it may be a familiar number, you are annoyed by pressing the wrong buttons, confusing the last two or three digits. You really need to make this call because you need to talk to someone immediately. But even if you manage to get in touch, you find that you dialed the wrong number and got through to a stranger. Similar dreams are when you are trying to send important text or gain access to somewhere by entering a password on the keyboard.

This dream is trying to explain to you that communicating with a living person is not the same as working with a machine. If you can't get through to someone, it's often because of your communication style, and it's not the fault of the person you're trying to reach. Rather than keep trying to get your point across, try listening to what the person is saying to you. The more aware you are of his needs, the stronger your connection will be and the easier he will be to receive your messages.

Ever since we first flipped the light switch, we understand the cause and effect of certain actions we take. When we start using phones and computers, we already know that we must follow a certain sequence of actions in order to communicate with individuals. Most of Our communication with other people takes place at a distance, not face to face, and therefore, instead of starting communication by seeing another person and assessing their mood, we press a sequence of buttons and express our feelings. This often leads to distance and misunderstanding.

Sometimes usual life intersects with night dreams, and it is not surprising that you have to call someone in a dream. Why is this action dreaming? The dream interpretation believes that the details of the vision will give the answer.

A woman to see that she is calling her beloved man or husband on the phone and hears him very clearly means that in real life she has a lot of envious people. But Miller's dream book is sure that she surpasses all rivals and will cope with any difficulties.

If the conversation is interrupted, interference occurs and the words are not heard, then the lovers risk parting. Calling relatives and friends in a dream means that they will appear in communication. different kind difficulties.

Had a dream that you were unable to get through to a loved one? The dream book believes that you need to become more tolerant of others and understand them.

Any breakdowns on the line, interference and poor hearing symbolize certain events that violate your plans.

A call to the deceased in a dream hints that some information is stored in one's own subconscious that will help to cope with difficulties.

Did you dream that you were calling the deceased on your mobile? You have set limits for yourself and now you are suffering from it.

To dream that you were trying to call the dead man - to the collapse of a relationship with a very important person. Sometimes a call to a dead person helps to find out something very significant, especially if you were answered in a dream.

Why dream that you had a chance to call your ex? The dream book believes that in your soul you are striving to reveal a certain aspect of your own personality.

The desire to dial the former hints that something from the past haunts you. However, it is not necessarily associated with a specific person.

Had a dream that you decided to call some person? In fact, you really need some information.

The dream interpretation believes that its significance and character can be established based on the personality of the character in a dream.

  • Beloved - to the need for choice.
  • To a familiar guy - get the support of a friend.
  • Grandma - wise advice.
  • Mom will be lucky.
  • Dad, think carefully.
  • Sister / brother - a matter related to relatives.
  • Colleague / boss - with work.

Why dream that it happened to call an ambulance? A certain situation requires an immediate response.

If in a dream it became necessary to call the police, then it will not be possible to deal with the problem alone.

See that they ask you for a cell phone to call the police? The dream interpretation is sure that you worry about strangers much more and more often than for yourself.

Why dream - to call and not get through? In the real world, you will be shocked by unexpected news.

Dial in a dream desired number, but not getting through to the subscriber means that you exaggerate the significance of your failures, which leads to insecurity.

You can call in dreams not only by phone. If you dreamed that you personally rang the bell, then your dreams will come true, and in the future you will earn fame. True, the dream book believes that it can be bad.

Ringing church bells yourself is even worse. This is an unkind sign, portending many troubles and dangers.

Why dream of ringing the doorbell? Dream Interpretation suspects that soon you will need the help of friends.

If you were opened in a dream, then the necessary support will be provided with great pleasure. If not, then you will have to get out on your own.

Had a dream that you rang the doorbell of a stranger? You will be forced to communicate with an extremely unpleasant person who can easily betray and deceive.

Calling the door to neighbors or relatives means that you will bring some news.

In a dream, making a phone call is a harbinger of news and news that will be very important to you. They can be both positive and negative. This can be understood from the tone of the conversation. If you communicated calmly, then the dream promises good luck. Anxious conversation in raised tones dreams of experiences in real life.

When interpreting sleep, it is important to consider who you called. If it was a loved one, such a dream promises a quick meeting with him. If you talked to someone about the wedding, then happy changes await you. For some, such a dream is a harbinger of a wedding, for others - a meeting with the second half.

The dream in which you talked with a loved one promises his imminent appearance in your life. For example, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time or were in a quarrel, then a meeting awaits you soon.

If you talked with someone else, then it is quite possible that your future life will depend on this person. There is a high probability that soon it will somehow affect the course of your life. An unfamiliar voice may indicate that someone is gossiping about you.

The dream in which you called the dead man warns of impending danger. In this case, all precautions must be taken. In addition, the dream book advises you to remember what he told you. Perhaps he will give you practical advice that will help you in life.

If the connection is interrupted during the call, then this warns that in real life you can quarrel with someone. There is also a risk of deterioration in relations with a loved one.

If you called on a white phone, then the dreamer will expect positive changes and fun meetings with friends. The red phone indicates that you will soon learn something interesting about the person you love. Moreover, the information received can be both good and bad.

  • Phone in a dream
  • Taking pictures in a dream

What does the Phone mean in a dream - contacts, both external and internal. Dial numbers 01, 02, etc. - a call for help; when talking, it is bad to hear what they say - do not listen to your own intuition; ignore the advice of others; mobile phone - the desire to improve social status; safety.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a phone:

I dreamed about a phone in a dream - what does it mean?

You dreamed of a telephone - a confusion of plans. For a woman - talking on the phone - finding out about the presence of a rival, for men - meeting with strangers. Long dialing a number on the phone is a dubious course of affairs.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

I dreamed of a phone - what does a dream mean?

What does the Phone mean in a dream - A new acquaintance will confuse your plans. Imagine that you turn off your phone and throw it away.

What does a phone mean in a dream?

Telephone - This is the main symbol of mechanical communications both in real life and in a dream. Why dream: Does the image of the phone make you feel guilty or anxious? Are you waiting for someone to contact you? Is there someone you've been meaning to call but haven't had the time to? Do you put off doing an unpleasant or annoying task? If so, you still better call and fix the problem; the longer you put it off, the harder it will become.

Phone - You see a phone in a dream - some kind of surprise will confuse you; you will not be able to resist the bad influence of new acquaintances. You seem to be talking on the phone - everything would be perfect, but you have too many envious people; as long as they just grit their teeth and go into action, nothing threatens you. You are talking on the phone, but you do not hear well what they answer to you - you will soon lose one of your loved ones; if a woman has such a dream, she will lose her lover and will grieve for a long time.

The dreamer dreamed of a telephone, what is it for?

What is the phone for? 1. The use of a telephone in a dream expresses our desire to convey to other people information that, in our opinion, it will be useful for them to know. In fact, it may be someone from our real life or a part of ourselves with which we are not in full contact. Communication exclusively by telephone implies the availability of information that we are not yet consciously aware of. 2. If in a dream we can recognize the telephone number we are calling, then the numbers themselves may be important for interpreting the dream (see Numbers). We may also be aware of the need to contact a certain person whom we can help or who can help us. If we are looking for a phone number, then we have difficulty in coordinating thoughts and actions. Using the phone involves a direct one-on-one relationship. 3. Since when talking on the phone we do not see the interlocutor, then using it in a dream can mean communication with the Spirit or Guardian Angels.

Telephone conversations are an integral part of our lives. It is not surprising if this phenomenon is dreamed of in night visions. To forget about it without attaching importance is a mistake, because such symbols are rarely dreamed of just like that.

Your task is to remember with whom the dialogue took place. Taking into account other details will also not be superfluous. Did you manage to restore at least a little images from night visions? Interpretations before you!

If telephone conversations with men are dreamed of by ladies, surely the fair sex is not enough worries and romance.

A dreamed telephone conversation with a man who is a friend indicates that you are tormented by memories. Returning to the past and correcting mistakes is a utopia, so try to live in reality.

Have you talked to a man who is really your enemy? Very soon he will loudly declare his existence. This interpretation does not apply if the enemy apologized to you or simply spoke calmly. Such a dream indicates absolute indifference.

For married ladies, telephone conversations with a woman who is a friend may daydream before quarrels with husband because of his secrets, which will soon be revealed.

If in a dream a female rival called a girl, it means that your young man is unhappy with you. It is unlikely that he will express negative emotions, so take matters into your own hands and improve.

Men who saw in a dream a telephone conversation with a lady should be wary of insidious people seeking to embroil you with their beloved. Don't be tempted not to lose a truly dear person!

Sometimes a telephone dialogue with a female representative dreamed of by men indicates a lover's fear of destroying relationships. She is very worried for your love!

One of the interpretations of the dream - hidden spiritual addiction from a former chosen one or chosen one. Even if you broke up a long time ago, you feel some kind of affection and to this day you compare all ladies or men with a once loved one.

By the way, dependence can be mutual. It is possible that the former love often thinks about you!

If you're in a relationship right now, it can get sour. Former significant other dreamed you for a reason, because the solution to the problem may lie in a telephone conversation.

The dream suggests that you and your lover are well aware of the problems in the relationship, but do not want to do anything.

If you let everything take its course and are afraid to express dissatisfaction with each other, the relationship will collapse. stop being shy, after all, it is stiffness that prevents the elimination of troubles.

The dream speaks of frivolity of proposals that you have recently received or will soon receive.

Often such dreams promise deception. Always be on the lookout in the coming days, because scammers and other dangerous individuals are full of confidence in their abilities. Keep an eye on your wallet and don't show your cards to dubious people.

The main interpretation of the dream is the presence of a disease in the body. It was caused by a decrease in immunity due to fatigue, so it is worth relaxing so as not to lose productivity.

Shyness does not allow you to contact you, so if you want to help out, you need to find out about the troubles of your loved ones on your own.

Dreams are scary, but extremely useful. Demons, devils, death or other similar creatures are able to point out mistakes and instruct on the right path.

It is very good if the topic of a telephone conversation is perfectly remembered. The words of creatures should be treated with special attention. They hide tips and warnings. Surprisingly, in this case it is recommended to follow the advice of the dark forces.

Dialogues about finances on the phone - higher powers hint. You're wasting too much time, so you can't achieve the best.

If the conversation was very long, you should better prioritize. Either you stay with extravagance and deprive yourself of serious material benefits, or you limit yourself, but get what you want.

If in dreams you had to discuss someone's wedding, soon in reality you will have to talk about your own.

Talking on the phone about pregnancy reflect experiences. Either you really want to get a soulmate and children, or you want to eliminate all family conflicts.

For women, telephone conversations in a dream about children portend pregnancy. If a man dreamed of this, minor chores await him.

A dream is to some extent prophetic, since you have to lose touch with the interlocutor in reality.

The reason for separation can also be found in dreams. If the conversation was pleasant, then circumstances will separate you from the person. Quarrels on the phone and swearing in a dream hint at imminent conflict with an interlocutor or disagreement.

If something happened to your phone during a conversation, in reality you need to carefully consider everything you want to say.

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If in a dream you had to make a phone call, this indicates a lack of communication skills in real life. It is difficult for a person to establish contact with people on whom the outcome of an important matter depends, or he longs for communication, but there is no one to talk to. Calling the number that was in doubt - to a meeting with an old friend. Hear the call - to the news.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

To decipher the dream in more detail, the identity of the caller, the topic of the conversation, and the actions of both interlocutors should be taken into account.

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    Interpretation for men and women

    For an unemployed man, such a dream is a warning: soon he will have financial problems, so now you need to direct all efforts to find a suitable job.

    A guy who studies at a university should study the material more carefully and in no case skip lectures; and if a student dreams of a call from a teacher, she has the opportunity to get an indulgence in exams.

    A marriageable girl who called her parents in a dream needs to prepare for the wedding. And if she received a call from her fiancé, there could be discord in their relationship.

    For a pregnant woman, talking on the phone portends the onset of childbirth. If the planned date is still far away, she will have a conversation with a doctor, during which the features of the course of pregnancy will become known.

    Depending on the dreamer's gender and marital status, a phone call can be interpreted as follows:


    • A married man learns about his wife what she carefully concealed. If his mother-in-law or father-in-law called him, he doubts in vain in their favor. Talking on the phone with children is a hassle.
    • The bachelor doubts that he likes loneliness. A call that ends quickly indicates that this is a temporary feeling, and a long conversation portends a decision to start a family.
    • Divorced after talking on the phone with his ex-wife, which occurred in a dream, he will understand whether he got what he hoped for from the breakup, or whether this step turned out to be wrong. If a lawyer calls him about a divorce case, the division of joint property will occur with a scandal.


    • A married woman will find evidence that her husband is cheating on her. If the call is suddenly cut off, one of the friends deliberately slanders her husband. She herself calls her mother-in-law to ask for advice - in reality there is a subconscious rivalry with her husband's mother.
    • A free woman will soon meet a guy with whom she will not mind linking her life. A telephone conversation with friends about an upcoming party indicates that there is an ill-wisher in her inner circle who loves to give bad advice.
    • A divorced woman suspects her ex-husband of fraud with documents and is looking for a way to verify this information.

    When did you have a dream?

    Times of Day:

    • In the morning - good news from people who are now far away.
    • In the afternoon - career advancement.
    • In the evening - you will have to bear responsibility for the collectively made decision.
    • At night - a small surprise, an insignificant profit.

    Day of the week:

    Day Meaning
    MondayIn a week, the sleeper will become an active participant in the events. If after a conversation in a dream an unpleasant feeling remains, then the events in real life will turn out to be bleak; if a person was in high spirits, he will have to be invited to a holiday
    TuesdayThe call was a signal that you need to analyze your past and, if possible, correct the consequences of mistakes.
    WednesdayIf one of the deceased relatives called, the dreamer will receive a salary increase or be awarded a bonus for selfless work. A conversation with an official indicates the receipt of benefits that are not associated with any merit (a gift without a reason, sincere help)
    ThursdayThe business started today is doomed to failure. An unexpected call indicates that a brilliant idea will dawn on the sleeper.
    FridayIf the call sounded when the person was unable to answer it, hopes will not come true, the dream will not come true. If on the other end of the wire there was someone with whom the sleeper has no desire to communicate, business will have to be postponed due to illness
    SaturdayThe dream participant who called will provide invaluable help in real life. An unanswered call signals that it's time to take a break.
    SundayThe dreamer will be engaged in routine affairs. If in a dream there was a conversation about entertainment, fun, in real life there will be more problems. The boss called - an error warning; wife - a reminder that a person promised something, but did not fulfill

    Actions in a dream

    The sleeper's behavior tells about upcoming events:

    Action Interpretation
    callIf the dreamer is familiar with the subscriber in real life, then he would like a closer or more trusting relationship. Calling a person who does not really exist shows a desire to change, to become better at something.
    drop a callThe girl will have a quarrel with her beloved, the guy will be disappointed in his hobby. Intentionally disconnect during a conversation - the business that the sleeper is busy with will stall, and in order to get it off the ground, you will need to resort to the help of a professional
    call backThe one who is responsible for product quality at work will have to hide a large batch of defects. There will be arguments in the family about the upcoming purchase. It will not be possible to reach a consensus, and the acquisition of an expensive item will have to be postponed. If a person in a dream calls back several times, but no one picks up the phone, then in reality he will be denied a service
    Hang up the phone without listening to the interlocutor

    The important reason why this happened:

    • The dreamer had a more important matter - chaos in life, unforeseen circumstances.
    • The conversation was unpleasant - a person is gnawed by resentment against someone whom he is not able to take revenge on
    Wait for a callWith impatience - in real life, the sleeper experiences a feeling of anxiety and wants the situation to be resolved as soon as possible. With horror, hostility - dissatisfaction with their achievements; the dreamer knows that he is capable of more
    Wrong numberSuch a dream predicts a mistake that will be made in a case where the sleeper is an expert. If a familiar voice answered at the other end of the wire, but it was not possible to remember who it belongs to, the person himself realizes that he was wrong
    Wake up from a callA reminder of an important task that was put on hold and now has a deadline approaching
    Silence on the phoneHigher powers warn that you will have to answer for your words. Calling your husband or boyfriend and being silent is a sign of an imminent separation or cooling of feelings. If the interlocutor is also silent, the dreamer will have a problem that will be incredibly difficult to solve.
    To answer the callThe sleeper is ready to accept others as they are. If you were asked to call someone who is nearby, the person does not want to give in to his rival in skill or beauty.
    Ignore the callThe dreamer is afraid to admit something to himself. Asking another person not to answer the phone is a fear of the future, the hope that troubles will be resolved without third-party intervention.

    A call to an emergency number indicates that the sleeper knows information that could destroy someone's career or life, and he is afraid to accidentally spill the beans.

    A person dials a number, but the call fails - a good sign. In life, everything will turn out for the best; only a lack of optimism can hinder the speedy achievement of goals.

    A missed call indicates an unwillingness to take part in a collective affair.

    The topic of conversation

    If you managed to remember what was discussed when talking on the phone, the decoding of the dream will turn out to be more detailed:

    Talk Meaning
    Request to repay a debtA person has committed an act for which he is ashamed, or has committed injustice towards a weaker person. If collectors call, this is a sign that retribution for sins is inevitable and will happen soon
    Invitation to visitThe one about whom the dreamer spread gossip will find out about the source of false information and begin to take revenge. If the sleeping person calls the guests, he will have to face slander and gossip behind his back.
    Important messageAn attempt by the subconscious to inform about upcoming changes or about missed moments, the importance of which a person is not yet aware of
    Happy HolidaysIf you had to congratulate someone, such a dream promises success and victory; accept congratulations - to failure. The deceased congratulates or sends congratulations through someone - the dreamer has lost something very valuable and cannot come to terms with the loss
    Request for helpIn real life, one cannot do without consulting with someone who is better versed in the exciting sleeping issue.
    Discussion of work mattersPredicts the collapse of a new undertaking. If a housewife has such a dream, she will have inspiration for creative pursuit(embroidery, drawing) or studying foreign languages. Subsequently, such a hobby will bring a good income.
    Chatting about nothingYou should not interfere in other people's relationships, because the dreamer himself will suffer from this. A person is not interested in the essence of the conversation and he supports it only for the sake of decency, without delving into the words of the interlocutor - relations with good friend or acquaintances

    Who called?

    Call yourself - feel envy or passion for the one who is on the other end of the wire; need his help.

    To see how another person is dialing a number or talking on the phone - the opponent will be the first to achieve the result. If the wife dreamed that she caught her husband talking on the phone with another woman, in reality there is no doubt about the fidelity of the spouse.

    If the dreamer received a call and answered it, it matters who was on the other end of the wire:

    caller Interpretation
    StrangerAn unfamiliar man calls a lonely woman - to a stormy romance. A call from an unknown woman indicates that the dreamer has an enemy who, nevertheless, will not be able to harm her
    ParentsThe sleeper needs help, but he does not know who to turn to for it. You should tell close relatives or friends about your problem
    Girlfriend or friendA warning about the intrigues that are being prepared by the one whom the dreamer fully trusts
    Husband or wifeHouseholds lack attention. A call during working hours means problems in relations with your soulmate, arising from excessive passion for professional activities or business
    Boy or girlTo separation and jealousy. Calls and hangs up - both partners are bored with each other, they need a shake-up
    DeceasedThe solution to the problem that worries the dreamer is somehow connected with the deceased person. If this is a relative, you can look for an answer or a hint in the things left from him, documents
    NeighboursSomeone living nearby is not satisfied with the behavior of the sleeper
    Work colleague or bossChanges are planned in the personnel policy of the enterprise. A call from the boss promises a promotion, and if a subordinate calls, it means that someone from the team is working dishonestly
    PoliceThe dreamer was in danger, which has already passed, you can relax
    Bank employeeSuch a dream promises trouble in the financial field. It is possible that you will have to borrow money or take a loan
    Ex-husband or boyfriendA person still believes that past relationships can be restored, although in reality there are no prerequisites for this. The call ended in a scandal - facts will become known that will make you disappointed in a person

    The subscriber has the wrong number - the troubles that the dreamer was afraid of will bypass him.

    Dream Interpretation

    Dream Interpretations interpret those dream plots in different ways, where the sleeper had to dial a number or talk on the phone:

    dream interpretation Decryption
    MillerThe dreamer's phone rang - someone will try to mislead him; a woman does not hear well what the interlocutor says to her - to the loss of her lover. Business talk means the ability to resist evil
    EsotericA person learns important information from a source he is not used to trust - from a conversation between neighbors or from news in the yellow press
    HasseThe case has dubious prospects and is likely to end in failure.
    ModernYou will have to change your plans because of the irresponsibility of other people and their inability to keep their word. A young woman should beware of the machinations of a rival
    LoffaIn real life, a person needs to contact the one he called in a dream
    ItalianTalking on the phone symbolizes personal loss, loss of some skills, forgotten information.
    FreudA call from a former boyfriend indicates a lack of confidence in his attractiveness; a friend's call - for shyness in bed; parents call - for the inability to relax or the fear that someone will find out the details of an intimate life

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

Such a widespread today communication device as a telephone, without which a modern person cannot imagine life, can serve in a dream as a symbol of a lack of communication and a kind of barrier to full-fledged, close communication.

What if you dream of a phone call?

Why dream of a phone call is news. No wonder they say "this was the first bell", that is, the first warning, news about something.

The interpretation of a telephone call is akin to dreams in which the dreamer clearly hears a knock on the door. And in this case, the sound of the phone. You can not even see the action itself, the handset, but suddenly wake up from the fact that the call was clearly audible.

Fortunately, waking up from what he heard, in reality does not carry anything terrible. Most likely, unexpected events are foreseen that will bring joy or surprise.

It is believed that a dream in which you have to call yourself is much more favorable than receiving a call from someone. This has nothing to do with the above, since we are already talking about the vision of a telephone, about his call and subsequent conversation.

Calling someone means solving problems without anyone's participation, and when outsiders call, this portends troubles associated with the intimate side of life. If a dream is accompanied by worries that, in response to a phone signal, all attempts to hear something from the other side of the wire are futile, then joyless events will occur due to unwillingness to take good advice.

To languish in a dream waiting for a call - to the expectation of change. Realize that a long-distance phone call corresponds to larger troubles.

What portends?

There are other interpretations of the dream in which the bell is heard - to be drawn into very dubious events, and for positive-minded individuals - to wait for a very talkative person to visit.

It happens that by picking up the phone, a person understands in a dream with whom the conversation is to be. This circumstance indicates that the relationship is not as close as we would like and is unlikely to be closer, since the conversation takes place via telephone. After all, it is not for nothing that the telephone is considered one of the best options that replace personal presence.

However, the participation of the phone in a dream and the image of a certain person with whom a conversation will take place or is supposed to mean that it has an impact on the dreamer's life. Unsuccessfully calling someone, on the contrary, is a sign that there are many superfluous, insignificant people in the immediate environment, from whom there is nothing but trouble.

Although, quickly getting through to someone also does not carry anything positive. It is believed that in reality, requests will not be heard by the surrounding people, whether they are business or domestic. Therefore, after such a dream, you still have to reconsider your environment. Or choose the most liked, positive interpretation of this.

Hearing a call in a dream is bad news.

Call according to the Summer dream book

Hearing a call in a dream is an alarm.

Call according to the Autumn dream book

Hearing a doorbell very clearly in a dream - to an alarming state.

Dream call from A to Z

Hearing a doorbell in a dream means that you will soon receive news that will prompt you to act quickly and decisively.

Calling someone’s door yourself - in reality, turn to your friends for help and get all kinds of help and the warmest spiritual participation.

If the postman rings at the door - this is an unexpected visit.

Hearing a phone call in a dream is a sign of unforeseen circumstances in business.

If you heard an alarm clock that fit into the outline of your dream, it is possible that someone close to you will be unwell, whom you will have to take care of.

Call according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

A phone call heard in a dream portends important news that will require an extremely quick reaction from you.

If you heard in a dream that someone is ringing your door, unexpected and not very pleasant news awaits you.

Call according to the Esoteric dream book

Doorbell - hear deceived, distort information.

Call according to the Modern dream book

If you hear a call at the door, but there is no one behind the door, then you have to deal with a person who will arouse your suspicions.

If you get a phone call, it means that you lead a too closed way of life, this does not please your friends.

If you dream of an alarm clock - this portends a rest, an opportunity to relax, enjoy the charm of life.

If in a dream you cannot get through to the door of the apartment where a friend lives, because the bell does not work, you will be upset associated with the failure to fulfill the obligations that the people cooperating with you assumed.

Hearing a doorbell in a dream is a prediction of unexpected news. Business may urgently require your presence, or you may be called to the bedside of a sick relative.

Call according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Bell (door) - you see a doorbell or press the bell button - good news awaits you; if a girl has this dream, it is time for her to let a wreath down the river.

You dreamed of a call to what it is (sound) - you seemed to hear a call at the door in a dream - the news that you will receive will most likely relate to the state of health of one of your relatives; you will have to spend part of your time caring for the sick. You open the door to the bell, but you don’t see anyone - you will have a common business with an unfamiliar person; you will accordingly depend on him, just as he depends on you; for some time you will experience mutual suspicions. You hear a phone call - perhaps you are tired of everyone and want to spend a few days in solitude; however, your friends are not happy about this, they will try to drag you into their company. You seem to hear the alarm clock - if the alarm clock in reality announces the end of your vacation, then the alarm clock in a dream, on the contrary, tells you that it's time to relax; you will have a pleasant weekend; you use your vacation well, and you will remember it for a long time.

Call according to the dream book of catchphrases

CALL - "last call" - the last warning. Call - “a ringing is heard, but we don’t know where it is” - suspense, ignorance, premonition. "Call" - publicity, gossip (empty talk), the end of business.

Call according to the Idiomatic dream book

"Last call" - the last warning.

“A ringing is heard, but we don’t know where it is” - suspense, ignorance, premonition.

"Call" - publicity, gossip (empty talk), the end of business.

Call according to the dream book of the XXI century

Hearing a phone call in a dream means that good news or success in business awaits you.

If a phone call woke you up, but in fact it didn’t happen, then you will be dissatisfied with yourself.

The doorbell you dreamed about could be a harbinger of a meeting with a very unpleasant or mean person, a call for caution in dealing with little-known people.

Call according to the Slavic dream book

Call - to false rumors, but you will need a quick reaction.

Call according to the Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

The third call - being in a dream in a theater or cinema and hearing a third call means that you are overly concerned about your reputation and forget about the needs of loved ones. If you manage to enter the hall before the lights go out there, then you should be careful only with the person who will call you in 3 days, otherwise you have nothing to worry about. If you enter the hall already in the dark and look for your place by touch, then you are behaving imprudently and giving food for gossip. If you are also looking for a place at number "3", then after 3 weeks your secret will come out and you will have nowhere to go from shame and humiliation.

Call according to the detailed dream book of Denise Lynn

Call - can symbolize a personal setting.

If the sound is clear, this may mean consonance with the well of life.

If the sound is muffled or unclear, you may need to take the time to personalize it.

Dream call 2012

The call is a reminder to "Be on the lookout!" Reflection of personal energy settings.

In a dream, making a phone call is a harbinger of news and news that will be very important to you. They can be both positive and negative. This can be understood from the tone of the conversation. If you communicated calmly, then the dream promises good luck. Anxious conversation in raised tones dreams of experiences in real life.

When interpreting sleep, it is important to consider who you called. If it was a loved one, such a dream promises a quick meeting with him. If you talked to someone about the wedding, then happy changes await you. For some, such a dream is a harbinger of a wedding, for others - a meeting with the second half.

The dream in which you talked with a loved one promises his imminent appearance in your life. For example, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time or were in a quarrel, then a meeting awaits you soon.

If you talked with someone else, then it is quite possible that your future life will depend on this person. There is a high probability that soon it will somehow affect the course of your life. An unfamiliar voice may indicate that someone is gossiping about you.

The dream in which you called the dead man warns of impending danger. In this case, all precautions must be taken. In addition, the dream book advises you to remember what he told you. Perhaps he will give you practical advice that will help you in life.

If the connection is interrupted during the call, then this warns that in real life you can quarrel with someone. There is also a risk of deterioration in relations with a loved one.

If you called on a white phone, then the dreamer will expect positive changes and fun meetings with friends. The red phone indicates that you will soon learn something interesting about the person you love. Moreover, the information received can be both good and bad.

Valuable reader comments

    I didn’t know that talking on the phone with the deceased was a harbinger of danger. It is a pity that I did not know about this earlier - I would have paid attention. My dreams are chaotic, colorful, and I don’t always remember them. But the fact that I talked on the phone with my late husband, I remember, and this continued until the fortieth day. And the fact that I had problems, for sure, with my health, with my youngest son, in family life.

    • With the dead, dreams are usually a warning. What you need to take care of yourself, for your family. Otherwise, you can miss the chance, and there is already like a snowball ...

    Good evening! We seem to have reconciled, at least I’m talking with my beloved! I have such a dream that my ex-boyfriend whom I broke up with for a long time is calling me and I ask who and he says it’s me .. well, I did see that I don’t know him .. And immediately on the second phone is ringing (in the life of the second phone. no) my current one, although it turns out he called before him and listened to our conversations with the former, I somehow understood it later .. well, I picked up the corpse as he started you are there with whom you are talking you lied to me here and keep talking, etc.. here I’m standing with two phones, and the former says something, I reject him and specifically did it so that my stranger would listen .. What does this mean ?? many thanks in advance !!!)

    • Perhaps some conversations and mutual barbs. Small quarrels.

    Hello. Explain my dream. I asked someone who was going to a sanatorium or something. They told me to call my uncle. I call my uncle - I ask - are you on the train? He says yes, I'm going. I always drive by car. Yes, you need to rest your eyes for 10 days ... And I seem to want to say that let's go together or something. And something prevents me from saying this .. then he seemed to say something else. But somehow I didn't hear what he was saying. Something prevented me from listening to him. And in a dream I somehow didn’t realize that my uncle was no longer alive .. and I woke up and at first I didn’t understand that my uncle was no longer alive. Remembering the dream, I was frightened or something .. oh my God, my uncle is no longer alive, and I called him and talked to him. And what does his words about eyes mean ...

    • Edited your comment! Next time you write a comment, capitalize and use punctuation, please.
      So, go to sleep. First, you need to pay attention to the number 10. It can have a meaning - the beginning of something that has already begun in the past and will now repeat itself again.
      Secondly, the train and the deceased relative in it - negatively, can promise business, employment that will greatly exhaust you - both morally and physically. You can even get sick after this dream, so more attention to health. And so the dream has a warning character. Through the whole dream stretches, some kind of feeling of detachment and lack of a complete understanding of what is happening.

    Thank you .... But you probably did not understand. Uncle said that, yes, he was driving, but by car .... I repeat ... .. I call my uncle - I ask - are you traveling by train? He says yes, I'm going. I always drive by car.
    And I didn’t understand about the eyes…..What did he mean by that…?

    • Perhaps a change of plans (waiting for the train, but will arrive by car). To rest with your eyes can mean that you somehow free yourself from your thoughts, conscience, and so on. You probably really need a break.

    Somehow in a dream, one ex of my ex called him on the phone (similar to an old one) .. He talked to her, and it seemed that he didn’t understand her or answered strangely, maybe he knew that I was nearby and eavesdropping .. He pretended that he doesn’t speak to her .. I, as it were, look from the side ..

    • You just have some kind of strange relationship with her, why did she get into your dreams like that. Amazing. Find out the news about her.

    She probably has a connection with my ex and I'm dreaming ..

    here is my dream: my friend and I are walking along the path (going to the school playground) when a person (my beloved) called her on a WHITE phone (in real life he doesn’t know my phone, but he knows his girlfriend since we called him from her body) and speaks very loudly (which I can clearly hear), go to the square ”we said okay and went .. there was a school next to the square, we saw him, I chatted with him and the teacher called him in English.. he left..
    the dream switched to the fact that we are at school, and as usual he is not there because he got sick, after that the next day he came, I was told to do one thing, but he said, can I show her how to do it? and he put his hands on my hands and began to show how to turn this wheel, after that I said that he would do it himself, he does it better .... then the bell rang, and my friend told me that she liked him, I got jealous and said that I also like him .. then we went to the dining room and I said that I would pursue him until I fell in love with Drugov (he actually has a girlfriend and in a dream too) and a friend said that she would seek him for almost a month, no more .. that's all. what is it for?

    • You need to start sentences with a capital letter. Fix please.

    Good afternoon I dreamed of a brother. He died 2 years ago. Calls my mother's cell phone. Joyful, cheerful such, said hello. I am shocked that the deceased is calling, and I hand over the phone to my mother. What could it mean? Thank you.

    • Perhaps warns against potential dangers and troubles.

    Good morning, Igor. I had a dream, I was seeing my mother off somewhere. Then I call her and say, Mom, you forgot your bag, and there are pills in it, how will you be without them .. She answers normally, that she feels good. And the dream ended incomprehensibly.

    • Larisa, this dream prophesies difficulties with your mother. You have already had a dream that may make you think about the state of her health. Don't let stress in her life. Perhaps the death of your brother had a very negative effect on her health. Besides, you often dream about him.

    Thank you Igor for deciphering the dreams.

    Hello! In a dream, I hear the ringing of my mobile phone and I rush to pick up the phone, I'm afraid not to be in time, because it was the guy I like who called. This is where the dream ends. Explain, please, what is it for? But such an addition: during the day we talked and agreed that he would inform me about one event. And in a dream he called. Maybe that's why I dreamed about it?

    • Apparently, the dream is really connected with the fact that you expect news from him. But there is also a hidden subtext in this dream - you expect him to take some kind of active action in terms of relationships.

      • Thanks for the answer! Today I had a dream about him, sitting in a room on a chair in the corner opposite, he is somehow sad, as if tired or as if “swollen”. Does this indicate his condition or mine? Then in a dream I eat fish and, in my opinion, fish milk (I don’t eat it in real life), but I myself think “why do I eat fish?”. Some strange dream. Clarify please.

        • Fish, most often for a woman, is a very auspicious symbol, promising health, both spiritual and psychological. Indicates a willingness to start a family, have children.

    Hello! I will tell you a dream that I had today, and it feels like this is the first time I dream about it. I dreamed about the guy I like again. I hold in my arms a little boy who kissed me like a child, but on the lips. I had a feeling on the lips like a man, I was surprised. I think I shared this with a guy (I don’t remember exactly). And we started kissing (slowly on the lips) as if in reality (a dream, with such sensations I dream for the first time), then we moved into the room on the sofa and a girl of about 5 turned out to be with us. She made a remark to me that I had small breasts (sorry!) , this caused awkwardness between us, and I started to reproach the guy with his curvy girlfriends. Then she began to feed the boy, and told the girl to eat herself. Please explain my dream. I was told that kissing a man is a disease. Is it so?

    • Usually to a quarrel, but this is such a dream that a lot depends on the life situation. Now you may have been shown your future: children, family, some troubles. But in principle, the relationship with this person is still somehow uncertain. Most likely, it is he who cannot decide what he wants, and not you.

      • Hello! I come back to you with a question. Today in a dream, a friend told me about a guy that I like and about whom I asked you (when I dreamed about him). She said in a dream that she saw a guy kissing a girl. I answered her that he seemed to be forcibly kissing her, but my friend objected and said that the girl was kissing back. In fact, my friend does not know this guy, but in a dream she said that she had known him for 10 years. Why this dream? Is he talking about the guy having a girlfriend?

        • He may say that he will quarrel with someone.

          • Thanks for the answer! I come back to you with a question. I again had a dream with this guy: a child (girl) loudly announces to a crowd of people that her mother is getting married (so that everyone can hear). I see a lot of people in which I see the girl’s mother (a woman with black hair), in a dream I understand that this woman is a friend of a guy I like, that is, it turns out that she is going to marry my friend. Her friend from the crowd asks her, “Are you in a hurry to announce your marriage to everyone?” and then tells her that she will deal with (harm) me as a guy's mistress (but I'm not really his mistress). And she says this in order to divert attention from me so that I will not be harmed. It turns out that the mother of this girl wishes me harm. All this happens among many people (in the crowd). Then in this crowd I see a guy, I see his look of happy eyes (as if he had achieved his goal). But he's alone, I don't see them together. I watch this from the side (like a movie) and in a dream I don’t feel jealousy. Can you please explain if this dream is to be taken literally? That he has a girlfriend and they are going to get married? Or can the dream reflect the past? The fact is that this girl in a dream in her life is the daughter of another woman (his ex-girlfriend), who, while communicating with a guy, put up in the social. network shared photos with the captions “we found each other”, but she hurried and soon removed them. What can this dream mean and can the dream show the past?

            Polina, it’s honestly very difficult for me to navigate your dreams. You cite quite a few facts that I cannot, unfortunately, remember.
            Let's try to figure it out. Let's start with, "this guy" is he important to you? I remember your dream with a bouquet, is it the same character?

    I dreamed that I was calling by phone (hidden number) to the former. He calls me back and says: “Well, why are you calling? Can't you see that I'm busy? (for work?)". I answer him capriciously, as before, I don’t yell at him, but he tells me that he will call me back. I'm at some wedding, the bride has a white dress, I wanted to try on a veil. Taking a photo with 4 friends as a keepsake.. One friend says that you can go to a restaurant opposite (Chinese Tsaitun, Shaitun), says that it is with columns. I really look, it is beautiful, like a palace. I am sitting at a height (railing, perhaps) and I have pipes in front of me and I look over them.

    • You will observe from the side someone's holiday of life, someone else's happiness. But you will not experience envy or other harmful feelings, but there is some kind of sadness and memories.

    Hello! In a dream in a photo, a familiar guy likes a photo. What does this mean? Thanks in advance!

    • To attention to your person from his side.

      • Hello! Another former friend of a guy calls in a dream only his number, and the name is different. What does this mean? Thank you very much in advance!

        • In life, someone will flatter you, pass off fictional as real.

          • What do you mean he's going to say something bad about me?!

            Perhaps just flattery.

    I dreamed that a friend of mine was talking on the phone to my girlfriend and informed me about the death of a person from my environment, whom I like. (In life, he is a work colleague)

    • That person can get better if he's sick. There will be some positive changes with him.

    We broke up with a man for more than a month ... I still miss him ... and now about a dream ... in a dream I saw that I called him and wanted to talk about something .... I don’t really remember what ... but he was busy at work and said that we would talk later ... he only warns me that he will call me in a conversation by a man's name ... (in real life, he is not free from relationships). This makes me uncomfortable, and this is where the dream ended .. a small note .. I had a dream in the daytime, when I just lay down to rest ... what does this mean?

    • A dream may reflect the current state of things: you would like to restore a relationship, but he could not devote himself to you because of many reasons. In the future, there is a chance to talk with him and dot the “and”, the dream warns you not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

    Hello! Yes, this guy is very important to me. And a dream with a bouquet, I think so about him. Please explain to me the dream of July 4th, when a woman's daughter announces to the crowd that her mother is getting married. Perception, as if for this guy, but in a dream they are not together, separately I see the look of the happy eyes of a guy from the crowd. The dream is complex, should it be taken literally? In a dream, I did not experience a feeling of jealousy, and when I dreamed, I felt uneasy.

    • The dream is difficult because you have a difficult relationship with this person. Most likely, there are some obstacles between you, but I think that they are still on his part, because you personally are ready for a dialogue and would like to talk honestly with him in order to finally sort everything out. If you want to know what's on his mind, then the most The best way- get to know him. Dreams only speak of your anxiety, excessive emotionality. Eyes are a sacred symbol, it is a reflection of a person’s soul, his state. Polina, you definitely need to figure everything out.

    Thanks for the answer! We are now far from each other, but I dream about him, and what you explain to me in my dreams then corresponds to reality. I can't talk to him now because of our past, which I tried to forget, and he apparently still projects into the past. More precisely, I tried to talk, but he was not disposed to such a conversation at that moment, he said so. What does his gaze say? That he achieved his goal, so how did I feel it? And why do I see him from the crowd? Explain, please, as it is, he is a contradictory person.

    • Polina, your and his eyes say that you still have a lot in common, a lot of things that are dear to both you and him. And if you and he can overcome all the barriers in communication, then everything will work out. After all, there was also a lot of good in your relationship, you need to focus on this, and not on each other's mistakes, if you want to come to terms with it in the future. You see from the crowd - it is important to you.

  1. And more about the look. In reality, I like the way he looks at me, in his eyes there is some kind of thoughtful tenderness, so to speak. I can't understand him.

    Good day! I again have a dream about a telephone conversation ... The dream begins with walking down the street. The street is going up. I'm climbing up it... I'm going to work to the former (for which my feelings have not yet cooled down in real life)... I come to the building, the building looks like some kind of square closed bunker.. It doesn't even have windows.. Everything is tightly closed.. I'm disappointed and I go further down the street and up again .. But I myself think that if I didn’t find him at work, then I’ll find him at his house, especially since you don’t go far .. I’m walking down the street and suddenly I hear his voice on the phone .. Really not I remember which of us called first, but I clearly hear his voice. I’m going to his house .. Like we need to finish everything and put all the dots over and ... And then he falls silent .. Not a sound at all .. I tell him that if you don’t want this meeting so directly and say 'yes' or 'no' .. But he is still silent .. I still remember the water .. While I was asking him questions, fountains of water were beating from under the ground ... Not very big, but there were several of them and the water was clean .. As a result, I had to turn onto another street to get around the puddles of water .. This is where the dream ends .. The street went up until I reached the water and turned off .. I had a dream from Sunday to Monday ... Thanks in advance for your help !!

    • Lala, judging by the dream, a conversation is possible, some kind of communication with him. Upward movement is favorable. closed house- he was not ready for dialogue for a long time. Puddles symbolize emotional barriers. And fountains, in fact, a manifestation of emotions. Fortunately, there was clean water.

  2. Hello Igor. Help me understand my dream. You have very interesting answers-interpretations of other people's dreams!

    I dreamed my former man. He called me and said he was inviting me to his birthday party. I was very pleased with his call. I was very happy. In a second I was already sitting at the table with other guests. The table stood in an absolutely empty little courtyard without vegetation in an unfamiliar quiet place. I sat with my back to the house facing the fence. The house, the ground and the fence were the same color - light sand. The table was oval, wooden, dark brown. Benches in the color of the table. I don't remember any treats on the table. Maybe some white napkins and cups. Next to me, on the left, was his mother, whom I don’t know in real life and have never seen her. She was sitting sideways, I couldn’t see her face directly – only half a turn. It was clearly visible, but in some gray shades, some not in color. She asked me something and spoke with great interest. The feeling of talking with her was pleasant. To my right were two girls, younger than me. One is pretty and smiling, the second is ordinary and somehow serious and silent. They were not colored either.
    He was sitting opposite me in black trousers, a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket with a button-down. At the same time, I saw him completely, he was colored or some brighter than the rest. His left hand lying on the table, legs uncrossed. He asked me something. I joked a little and sarcastically (I don’t remember what exactly). Then he went somewhere. I talked with his friend (who reminded me of some Russian supporting actor - not very popular, I came to this conclusion already in real life as a result of a dream analysis). There were three more of his friends, sitting far away. One looked at me for a long time and was silent, then he seemed to ask something ... (he looked like a man with whom I once worked for a long time in the same organization. He had curly hair and a mustache, but it felt like it was that employee in my dream that I didn’t have). The girls were talking to each other. Cheerful and smiling, she left somewhere. My ex appeared at the table, in the same place. He is in front of me. Serious girl to my right, to his left. I see three of us.
    We are talking about something with him, joking, and then she is displeased, but very quietly and indistinctly snapped at him, realizing that there was a relationship between us. He reacted calmly and said something to her, “Well, calm down.” I was embarrassed that he was comforting her. At that moment, I realized that she was jealous of him and this was his girlfriend.
    Then two women and two twin girls of 14 years old appeared in the yard. He said that strangers were already starting to come and it was time to disperse. He got up and walked beside this serious girl. I saw their backs receding, for some reason they were the same height and the same build in the same jackets, he was in brown, and she was bottle-colored. They walked slowly and very closely to each other. He and she kept their hands in their pockets. I followed them for a while. I wanted to talk to him, but then the thought occurred to me that he was leaving with her and I did not want to follow them. Then they disappeared. I panicked that I had lost sight of him, never talked to him, but even more upset, because of the thought that he went to her house. In the distance I saw open entrance and for some reason decided that they went into it. This is where the dream ended. I woke up upset. With a residue of anxiety.

    Our relationship with him did not last long, about 5 months, but the imprint on the soul remained deep. For the past month and a half, relations have come to naught on his initiative. He became cold and stopped calling, transferred all communication to Internet correspondence. It really hurt me, but I tried not to show it. The final break in relations was just his birthday. His DR is March 21st. I mistakenly called to congratulate him on March 20th. He began to play a joke on me, then said that he had no time to talk, the conversation was short, the last. I was very hurt and I decided that I would never disturb him again either by phone call or by letter. On emotions, on the Internet, she blacklisted him immediately after this telephone conversation. Knocked off the shoulder, so to speak. The next day, on my birthday, in the evening I received an SMS from him on my phone with a reproach that I had not congratulated him normally. And we didn't talk anymore. I still have feelings for him, but I will never dare to call ...

    For the first time, for so long, 4 months after the last message, I had a dream today - July 27, in the afternoon.

    Help me figure out what my dream means. Thank you.

    • Inna, judging by your dream, your relationship is not over. You, in fact, did not break up with him, but simply stopped communicating. I don't even know what to call it - a long pause.
      In general, your dream may mean an alternative future in which you will still talk, because the key symbol here is negotiations, reconciliation, and adjustment. Moreover, judging by the dream, you could remain friends, which allowed you to move on, get rid of the sediment in your soul, incompleteness. In a dream, he is bright, the position in which he sits is open, perhaps he is ready for dialogue. The remaining moments may already relate to your conjectures, the layering of various emotions, the details that you noticed when communicating with him.
      The last moment of sleep shows that you have a desire to talk with him, but something stops you, some kind of resentment.
      What do you think about your sleep? As I have said more than once, your vision of your dream is the most correct!

    I have an ambivalent feeling. A round table and at first there was a white tablecloth and white dishes with some small blue flowers - I think he wants to talk and absolutely agrees to a truce ... it’s embarrassing that when his mother disappeared, the table was empty without a tablecloth ... only some snow-white napkins and a couple of white cups... Girls - perhaps these are moods - fun / joy / carelessness and melancholy / life / problems ... I didn’t like that in the end he left with a serious girl, holding his hands in his pockets in some kind of depressed state ... Perhaps he has what to hide ... However, it is a call from him that indicates that he wants to tell me something, or maybe he just remembers ... Although all this may be the fruit of my fantasies, but I would not like to wishful thinking ...

    • Inna, you have a rather interesting interpretation of sleep. I largely agree with you.

    Thank you, let's see what will happen in reality ...

    Hello, today I had a dream: a bright dove flew to me, and an elastic band was wrapped around it, and there was a note for the bank in it, I gave it away, and the dove remained in my hands. I held the dove in my hands for the whole dream, but then it fell out of my hands into the water, I took it out of the water and again held it in my hands. Then I dream that I am calling my deceased dad on the phone, but another man comes up who used to work with dad, this man is now alive. I ask to invite my father, and the man replies that he is not there, I ask that they tell dad that his daughter called and that he calls me back. The dream had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. When I dream about my dad, I always have health problems. Maybe I need to do something so that he does not dream of me?

    • Ilona, ​​yes, there is such a pattern between dreams with the dead and illness, although everyone has their own way. Usually a dove is dreaming of favorable news, the very fact that you dropped it into the water indicates some kind of experience, trouble. Call the deceased - a warning about problems. Usually on this night, dreams are associated with any business.

    Good evening Sonmir. Again I turn to you for help. Starting July 27 (the dream with the birthday invitation) I began to have frequent dreams about my ex, but for some reason I can't remember what happens in these dreams. I remember only one of them: we talked on the phone again, but I don’t know if he called me or I called him ... .. I clearly hear his voice. We talk for a long time. At the same time, during a conversation, a dim yellow-green picture appears on the right, in which I see him ... not very clearly and somehow from above, as if hanging over him. He is in a black jacket. From above, I don’t see his face clearly, but I perfectly see his bald head, which glows - like a white ball on a black background))))) I don’t remember what exactly he told me, but he spoke a lot, tried to make trouble with me, was not me satisfied, made claims ... I saw how nervous he was during the conversation. What does this mean. And I don’t understand what suddenly happened, that he began to dream of me so often ...

    • Inna, there may be reasons that you will find in real life. Swearing with the former in a dream - there may be difficulties in the current relationship. The phone and calls show a large information flow that you pass through yourself, perhaps news from different people, social. networks and more. Tear up the past - learn something about his life. A bald man in a dream can say that some plans are not being implemented.
      Although for some reason I am inclined that the dream concerns this particular person, something about his life.

    He is - bald)) it was his head that was, as in real life)))). Since we broke up, I haven’t heard anything about him and I don’t know what’s going on in his life. In terms of thoughts, I really think about him a lot, analyze the causes and consequences of the gap ... maybe this is the reason why I dream about him? But then the question arises, why has this been happening for the last month? Why didn’t I dream about it before, I always remembered him before ...

    • Inna, perhaps something is happening in his life that affects you. After all, it often happens that people who have been in a relationship for a long time have a special connection with each other, feel each other's experiences, even through dreams.

    Hello! Today, in a dream, a familiar guy spoke to me at a distance (not on the phone, but as if at a distance): “I added you (or added) as a friend twice for half an hour.” What can this phrase mean? Then I see myself at some city mass holiday (it was already late in the evening) and everyone has to go somewhere (among the people I saw priests), I also stood in the ranks, but remembered that I forgot my purse, ran after it and right foot I got into asphalt that had not yet hardened and stained the toe of my shoe, and I myself thought, what am I going to tell the guy, I’ll tell the truth that I was in a hurry and stepped in the dark and got dirty. Please explain my dream. What can the guy's phrase mean?

    • A dream can dream of some kind of oversight in communication, an incident, awkwardness. Perhaps accidentally offending another person.

    Hello. A month or 2 years later, as her husband passed away. Today I see a dream, I call him by mobile phone. In thoughts, as if he had left, but somewhere not far away. I ask him to come back, he answers me in a rude manner. I start crying, he is silent... What is it?

    • Perhaps a dream is a dream for some kind of trouble that you can handle. In fact, his answer is favorable.

    I have a dream where I am trying to call my friend, with whom I am not talking now. In reality, my number is on his blacklist. And in a dream, I dial a number without hope and suddenly get through. We are talking calmly. Then he appears at my house and says that he will help solve my problems.

    • Most likely, your dream promises reconciliation, but over time.

      • Thanks for the answer. The dream began to come true little by little.

    I recently left a man whom I loved, but the feelings for whom were not mutual. Today I had such a dream.
    I’m sitting in my room, it’s already dark, I take out my mobile, I get worried and call him. He picks up the phone after 4-5 rings. And is silent. I interrupt the call with trembling hands and tears. This is where the dream ends.

    It would be interesting to know what it means.

    • Calls are usually dreamed of receiving news, perhaps even communication. Judging by the dream, it will not please you in all aspects, if not to say the opposite.

      • Igor, good morning!
        I dreamed that I was calling Alexei, picked up the phone, both were in the mood. I ask something, and he laughs in his usual manner and answers the wrong way. Then another phone rang from him, I hear him answer, and I thought, it means it’s more important there, I didn’t interfere and switched off.
        In reality, the other day he had a birthday, I congratulated the SMS, he did not answer. I admit that he may not have this number saved, he always called another one, I have two of them. Or maybe he's on a new adventure. It's easier to believe in the bad.
        Thank you in advance.

        • Igor, please forgive me, I myself did not understand how I stuck to someone else's dream. Take me to the end, if you can?

          • Igor, to fix something, he communicated in his own manner cheerfully, but for some reason he answered the wrong way, for example, to my question, I don’t remember which one, he answered with a set of letters, something similar to a chisel.

            Yes, it's no longer possible. Be careful.

        • Varvara, it is possible that he ignored the message in the sense that he was expecting your call, a more detailed congratulation.
          Well, there was an unpleasant feeling that you congratulated him, and he was a “bastard”, he didn’t even say “thank you”.

    Hello. My husband died a month ago. For the first time he had a dream and, not satisfied, he says: “What they called, I’m at home, I’ve been sleeping for a long time.” Then he dreamed a few more times, nothing concrete, but I woke up and it was calm. After that, he did not sleep for a long time. And today I dreamed that we were not together, I miss him, crying about him. Then I call him myself, but he does not pick up the phone and then I go to him. Tell me how to interpret dreams about him.

    • I'm sorry for your loss. Most likely, the dream says that you do not let him go, you constantly think about him, it is likely that such dreams come from here with a request to stop “calling”, to let go, to forgive for everything.

      • Thanks for the answer. I really can't stop thinking about him. I still don't understand how he could have died.

    Good morning. I had a dream that I was talking on the phone with my daughter-in-law (the wife of a brother who died), we had not communicated with her since my brother died. And then she called and began to say how wrong she was, that she regretted that it had happened. Return everything as before .... I shout at her, I say: “I don’t believe you.” She talks more about her brother….

    • Larisa, perhaps, she is experiencing his departure no less than yours, at some moments it is difficult for her even now, it is possible that some kind of help, a conversation is required.

    Good day. I had a dream. In general, I take the phone, I see the number, and there the deceased calls me, I pick up the phone, and the dream is interrupted, I just felt somehow creepy ..

    • Arseny, a dream can warn you of possible mistakes. Also a call - receiving useful news, important information which must be used correctly in life.

    Hello! Please help me understand the dream. Maybe he's a shifter? I dreamed that I was standing on the balcony, and below the ex-boyfriend, he was angry with me and forbade me to call him. Said, "Don't call me ever again!" And then his face changed. It became unfamiliar and unpleasant to me. I even doubted that it was him.
    We actually broke up 1.5 months ago. The feelings were strong for both. But I live in another city, I rarely come, so there is no way to change something yet. He said he didn't like it, but promised to call. So everything went quiet. I don’t disturb him, I wasn’t going to call, although I miss him a lot, because I decided that that was all. I know that it will be difficult for him to take the first step towards the meeting. Such a character. Tell me, please, what the dream can mean. Maybe I just didn't let go?

    • Olga, I think that the dream speaks of some understatement between you, in fact, you did not part, but not together either. As if everyone has claims and feelings, but they remain unfulfilled, your feelings will gradually grow into mutual distrust, as everyone thinks that it is not his fault that you stopped communicating. That is, it is shown in a dream - you are at different levels: on the balcony and on the ground.

    I saw in a dream how I was talking to a person who occupies a high position and assists me at a distance. By phone, I reported to him what work we had done at home. On the phone, he listened to me carefully, said that he understood everything.

    • Possibly receiving news useful advice, which can be applied in some way in practice. It is possible that the dream is associated with work activities.

    Good afternoon, please help me deal with a dream.
    I dreamed that a young man (who is really nice to me) comes up to me and asks him to call in the evening.
    I say: “I don’t have any money in my account at all.”
    And he answered: “Do you want to throw money or something?”
    I only said: “Don’t, do you really want to talk to me so much?
    He replied: “Yes, please call in the evening.”
    Does my dream mean that I need to call him in reality?

    • It is possible that there really is some interest between you. Usually, the call indicates the receipt of news, communication.

    Hello. Please explain my dream (dreamed from Fri to Sat).
    I called a friend (I used to love him). I did not wait long for him to pick up the phone, but I felt that he would not answer.
    He picks up the phone, I tell him: "S Good morning sorry to wake you up.” (I called in the morning).
    And he laughed in response and said something. Is it possible that the dream means that a friend mocked my feelings? ..

    Thanks in advance..

    • Elena, perhaps, a dream is the personification of some unrequited feelings from the past, which somehow reminded of herself. In general, a phone call - also to the news.

    Tell me, please, what is the dream of a phone call from a loved one with whom we are not together? We parted and had a dream: I know that he is calling, I answer the call in surprise, and I hear on the phone from him: “I love you!” (In my life, he never said these words to me, I generally doubt that he even has them for me). I, not believing, ask him: “Are you kidding?”, He is offended and says: “I see!” and hangs up. I call him back (thinking he won't answer). And he answered the call. Then he comes for me, takes me by the hand and takes me to live together as a family.

    • Nastya, the dream, in principle, is quite favorable in terms of relationships. In the future, most likely, there will be positive news and actions in this area.

      • Do you think that positive changes are expected in relation to this person and already in a new relationship?

        • Judging by the dream, you have some prospects in an old relationship, which may be after solving the problems that caused the disagreement.

  3. Good afternoon Help me make out my dream: my mother says to me: “Vika, our dad went to work (and dad made good money, but he had his own business) to St. Petersburg, my mom asks me to fly to St. Petersburg and pick him up, because dad with his sores it will die ahead of time (dad died in 2012). I bought a plane ticket, went through registration, and I think I need to call dad and tell him to meet me. I don't know where he lives there! I call my dad, or he accidentally pressed the phone, but in response there was breathing and not a word. I changed my mind about flying, I came back and met my classmate, I told him the whole situation, and he told me: “Vic, and my dad is also there,” (and his dad is also dead), he calls him and cannot get through and says: “Let's go, I'll take you to the plane, that I'm still flying, he will get through and they will meet me there. And when we came back, I was late for it. And we see how a plane flies and crashes into another, and so several planes and everything falls on us. And I did not feel that my father was dead. Why is this dreaming?

    • Victoria, most likely, some extraneous factors will interfere with your plans, they will not allow you to fully realize your plan ... The presence of a deceased person in a dream says that you need to treat with particular importance all the events that occur and will occur in your life. Careful attention should also be paid to risky situations, trips and travel.

  4. HELLO! A young man and I are now in a quarrel, I have a dream that we are gathering a table in the circle of relatives and I say to my beloved: “Go to the store, buy groceries, that’s not enough ... he went, but didn’t come, we were waiting for him, then he calls and apologizes, says: “I had a drink with a friend and fell asleep, forgive me.”

    • Julia, the dream reflects that he is now upset by the current state of affairs between you, is going through a quarrel. In the future, there is a possibility of a conversation with him, which will help restore peace.

    Good afternoon, Today I had a dream that I was standing with my friends, and my ex-boyfriend called me, I picked up the phone, I moved away from my friends a little, and one of them started yelling something
    (with friends it happens when they tease friends, there was something like that)
    I quickly hung up so he wouldn't hear. She walked a little further and picked it up herself.
    In life, I was offended by him because he deceived me, said that he wanted to be with me, and in the end he met with another.
    And so the dream was about this, we began to sort things out with him, we almost yelled at each other, I said, like, why are you lying to me, because you have a girlfriend ....

    And can I please tell you the second dream, tell me why, please.
    It was as if we were somewhere at home, and he was sitting next to me, I wanted to collect my hair and accidentally touched his eye with my hair, I began to apologize, and touched his eye with my hands, and for some reason he wanted to kiss me, we looked into each other's eyes and he just kissed me on the lips. Tell me what the dream is for, please ... ..

    • Indira, your dream may symbolize that your relationship ended in what they aspired to. Lately. The deception made itself felt, the truth was on the surface. Hence the cry of a friend - as if a voice that you might have hushed up in yourself, a voice-suspicion - everything was confirmed. How do you write that a person deceived you and admitted to it. A loud cry is a shock from the situation and what is happening. Further, again, the image of the eyes means - the discovery of the whole truth, a kiss means a major quarrel, that is, a gap, which happened between you. I think that the dream is firmly rooted in the past.

    I'll tell you briefly. I dream that I am indoors at the railway station and I see a former boyfriend. And I go up to him and hug him tightly and just kiss him on the lips, but he didn’t seem to expect it. I was going to the train, and then they offered me who I was driving with, and I quickly ran. I was in sneakers and it seemed to me that I was running slowly with them, and I took off one and ran, and then I took off the second and ran in white socks and got into the car. We are driving and we saw a flying saucer and decided to return, but we thought that it was fast here, but it took a long time to return. But I don't remember if they came back or not. But she dreams that they were hiding somewhere. Then I see that I'm hiding in high-rise building from the giant, for some reason he was looking for me. I saw it, but I couldn't reach it. Then it seems that the Armenian took me as if hostage, and I tried to escape. And it was on the train. I stand at the open door and see that the train is already moving towards me and I wanted to jump off, but did not dare. I see windows and a grid on them. And then I say that I want to breathe fresh at the door and a girl escorts me, and I, as it were, are already held hostage by the Germans. And she tells me: “run” and gives me her clothes (red dress, cloak and hat) and ran. There were many trains and rails. And I understand that this is most likely the Great Patriotic War, only I was a prisoner of the Germans. And it was already dark, and I have a cell phone and call the guy with whom I said goodbye at the station. And I tell him that I am there and there and I need help, I hear silence and ask: “Do you hear”, he says yes. He somehow laughed, and it was heard that he did not believe me, I say that this is true. Then they searched for me, I hid from the Germans. Like this)

    • Svetlana, a dream reflects an anxious period in your life. Chases, hostages, hiding from pursuers - all these are signs indicating a difficult episode in your life. He will be filled with emotion. different colors, so you should not write it down as clearly negative. From the dream, a rapid course of development of events is visible: firstly, there is Railway; secondly, the plots and semantic plots of the dream quickly change.
      The moment with socks says that you need to be ready for ambiguous actions, be ready for drastic decisions, overcoming difficulties. The UFO plate again contains a symbol that speaks of the sudden and unexpected nature of the events taking place.

    Igor, I had a dream: I can’t take it seriously, but I decided to write to you, to find out your authoritative opinion.
    I dreamed of a correspondence with a friend in a positive way, I don’t remember what.
    His last phrase: "Thank you, my love."
    Thank you in advance.

    • Igor, on the same evening there was a correspondence with this person, a pleasant conversation. He did not write the words from the dream, but similar words were: “Thank you, princess.” Turns out it's just a pleasant conversation. And today I see new dream like at home on the floor in the corner there is a vase of flowers, they are red, but not roses. And I understand that it's from him. This probably means that there is still sympathy on his part? How do you think? Thank you in advance.

      • Barbara, most likely, is really just sympathy, friendship. A pleasant remnant of the soul after talking with him.

    Igor, in a dream I was at work, vanity, a lot of workers, a lot of cars. In our room, there are heaps, right in heaps, of working dark jackets. I went out into the street and a call from Alexei asked: “How are you?” And I began to talk not about real things, but about those that happened in a dream: vanity, a lot of cars, people ... Thank you in advance.
    Maybe he remembered or missed?

    • Barbara, I think that a dream characterizes a memory. Most likely, not only for the current you, but more for the one you were in the past at work.

    Hello! Please help me interpret the dream. I'm lying in bed, chewing gum and my girlfriend is lying with me. I pretend to be asleep, I close my eyes, but I still see everything through the bangs. At this time, my friend's father starts to pester me and lies down behind me and presses against me. And then I see him - he leaves naked. Then fear appears in me, he wants to keep me and my girlfriend locked up in the apartment and rape me. I run around the apartment in tears, hide from him and hug my friend, who is no longer an adult, but a little girl, 7 years old. next moment I am already talking on the phone and calling the police, talking in a whisper, but they are not in a hurry to go. This is where the dream ends.

    • Sasha, a dream can symbolize stress, the accumulation of negative emotions. It is probably worth taking a break from some worries, trying to distance yourself from problems for a while. Seeing yourself in such a situation reflects fear of the coming, lack of self-confidence.

    Hello! Help decipher my dream.
    I dreamed about how I call my beloved on my mobile, I hear music instead of beeps (he really has music instead of beeps) and supposedly he is not there, someone else picks up the phone, the beeps-music stop, I hear only a rustle on the other end wires. And for some reason I’m sure that the one who picked up the phone is his ex ... Although from the very beginning I didn’t really want to call. I felt awkward about it.
    Thank you!

    • Anna, perhaps fears and experiences were reflected in the dream. Also, shortly before the dream, misunderstandings and a desire to remain with one's thoughts could be observed.
      The dream as a whole symbolizes a temporary lack of understanding on some issue.

    Hello. I dreamed that I called the person I like. I call him, another one picks up the phone and says - "he is at work."

    • Liana, perhaps some unpleasant note in communication, of a temporary nature.

    Dreaming: mine younger son went somewhere, and they call me from his phone strangers and they say he is no more. I cried and screamed a lot in my sleep and woke up. Explain, please, very bad at heart. Thank you.

    • Andrei, a dream may indicate a longing for a son, a lack of communication. It is possible that the reasons are work or distance.

    Hello. Here, by chance or not, I stumbled upon your page after another dream, which was not a dream at night. Help with the interpretation: quite often I dream of the same situation, but in different variations - I call and I can’t get through to my son, or I call once, then I don’t, and I just scream into the phone, but there is no connection. In life, I am raising my son alone, he is a teenager of 16 years old, and I am very worried about him. Thanks for the answer.

    • Natalia, it is possible that in reality he does not listen to you, ignores your recommendations and advice, acts in his own way. This can upset you, make you worry.

    Good afternoon Please help with interpretation. Thank you very much in advance!
    I dream that my husband is leaving somewhere, I have been calling him for 4 days in a row and he does not answer, although there are beeps. And I decide that this uncertainty is enough for me and I decide that I will be with the former. in a dream, it turns out that a few months ago my husband and I were arguing with the breakup, and I slept with this ex during the breakup with my husband. As a result, I go to the former and find out that I am pregnant (I even dream that I am doing a test and I see 2 stripes). Pregnancy makes me very happy. The ex agrees to be with me. And we go to all sorts of restaurants with him, and at the same time, I think that I no longer need to worry about money, how to survive, where to find it, that now everything is calm and easy. Then we come to the house with my parents and there I see my husband. He begins to make excuses that he earned money for a car (shows the keys to it), that there were problems with communication, that the phone was buggy. And at the same time I think that if we get together, how will he accept someone else's child, but at the same time I think how much I can trust these excuses on his part. Next, my ex asks me to go to the stairwell, we climb the stairs to the windowsill, sit on it and I get a little scared that it's so high. I look around and see that the entrance is all white and very large (we are on the top floor, it is always spacious there). And my ex asks me why I said that it's all over, if it's not so. I explain that I thought so because my husband left and did not return calls. And then the former is called from somewhere, and they shouted “Petya”, although in reality his name is different. And we go down, and then I don’t remember what.
    In reality, last year my husband left after a quarrel, and since January we have not communicated at all. I didn’t cheat on him with anyone, I don’t communicate with the former. Here is such a dream. Please help with interpretation.

    • Veronica, a dream could be a reaction to your experiences, resentments, thoughts about the future of relationships. It often happens that the image of a former lover appears in a dream when great difficulties arise in the current relationship, there is a risk of a break. It is important to understand why everything happened. Pregnancy may indicate that you have hope of reuniting with your husband, but over time you realize that you have few things in common.
      Buying a car without your participation speaks of your husband's waywardness, the desire to do everything according to his opinion, it is possible that this was the cause of quarrels in the past.

    Hello Igor. This dream has been around for a long time. Some unfamiliar place. I am looking for my husband. Like we came together and then he got lost. I have a phone in my hands. In the phone I see a map-navigator and the movement of cars. I call him, I ask: “where are you?” He replies, I'm near the 10 store. I understand that this is far away, I take offense and turn off the connection.
    Thank you.

    • Valeria, it is possible that the dream is related to those events when he suddenly disappeared, and you tried to find him, but, having found him, you understood everything, realized his act.

    Hello, in reality, my boyfriend and I (he is now in the army) talked on the phone ... but I was often silent, I just didn’t know what to say, and whether he hung up, or the connection, I don’t know ... but then he never called back . Usually, if we have nothing to talk about, then he says goodbye to me, and not just dumps ... And this night (from Sunday to Monday) I dreamed that he called me (it was at school), we talked a little , and suddenly my phone fell under the bench, I quickly picked it up, afraid to listen to the guy, but there was no one there: he hung up ... Then he called me again ... But I don’t remember how it all ended ... Please tell me what this means. Thank you in advance.

    • Polina, it is likely that the dream was based on this experience, such an accidental misunderstanding, literally on empty place. You and he worry about each other, miss each other. Therefore, cross-dreams about each other can be both for him and for you. Think about each other.

    Hello, today I had a dream about how I call a loved one who is no longer alive. The answering machine answers the language is not clear, then I hear the voice of my beloved. His voice, but somehow sleepy and hoarse, with noises and interference. I felt guilty that it was as if I woke him up and turned off the phone.

    • Tamara, it is possible that you will receive some news - important. What will force you to solve problems, new worries will appear.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was calling my young man (with whom we have been together for seven years), and some girl picks up the phone and asks: what happened to you there that you hammer him like that? And I say: who are you anyway? She paused as she thought about what to say. And I woke up. Please tell me what does that mean?

    • It is possible that there is some kind of misunderstanding with your lover, you cannot agree on something.

      • Thank you for the answer. He is now on a business trip for about six months, but during this time he came twice. We often swear because of his absence and because of my jealousy. I'm worried that another one will show up.

    I dreamed that I was dialing a friend from my phone, but in the end it was not him who answered the phone, but, as I understood it, my girlfriend. What does it mean?

    • It is possible that you will receive some news about a person from another person.

    Hello, please explain my dream. Today I dreamed of a loved one with whom I quarreled the day before, I worked and it was very noisy, he called me, but from my mother’s number, I was delighted and I say cheerfully - “Hello mom!”, But then he says and my fun disappears, I I felt guilty, he told me something affectionate, but I heard an excerpt: I am your friend, the call ended, I thought either he dropped it or the connection. The voices of the guys were still nearby, and the whole conversation I thought that he would think that I was surrounded by these voices, and I had absolutely no time for him. But I didn’t want to interrupt either, because he said something good. Then I go into our correspondence and there are nice words from him. But I answer only two words - “my friend”. And then everything gets better and we put up.

    • Ekaterina, it is possible that you are waiting for some changes on his part, which you should feel in the near future. The main thing is to support his undertakings in this direction.
      The dream will turn out to be prophetic, you will make peace.

    Hello, please explain my dream. Yesterday I dreamed of a loved one with whom I quarreled the day before, I worked and it was very noisy, he called me, but from my mother’s number, I was delighted and I say cheerfully - “Hi mom!”, But then he says and my fun disappears, I I felt guilty, he told me something affectionate, but I heard an excerpt: I am your friend, the call ended, I thought either he dropped it or the connection. The voices of the guys were still nearby, and the whole conversation I thought that he would think that I was surrounded by these voices, and I had absolutely no time for him. But I didn’t want to interrupt either, because he said something good. Then I go into our correspondence and there are nice words from him. But I answer only two words - “my friend”. And then everything gets better and we put up.

    Called in a dream ex boyfriend. Some girl picked up the phone and asks why are you calling him endlessly?

    • Anya, most likely, often remember him, stumble upon reminders of him.
      Also, a dream can be understood in practice. direct meaning- news, getting information about the former.

    I had such a dream. I dreamed that I wanted to sleep and before that, for some reason, I called my ex and dropped it. Then he calls me back and says why I called him, and I sleepily tell him that I didn’t call. He is outraged that I'm lying. I hang up.

    • Albina, it is most likely that one of you wants to communicate, talk.

    Igor, hello!
    I dreamed that I saw my old mobile, protective screen crumbled, moving away from the case, the keyboard also lags behind.
    I just got a new phone, in fact, and got rid of the old one.
    What does it mean so literally?
    Thanks for the interpretation.

    • Carolina, I think that the dream is situational. I could dream about how after buying a phone.
      You may also not be completely satisfied with the phone, either marriage, or something else.

    Good afternoon. I have a friend. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. About a year and a half. There was a quarrel. He asks me if I got through to this friend. As far as I remember, I called, but no one answered the call. Then I change my SIM card in my mobile phone. That is, I call from another number. Why such a dream.

    • Anna, it is possible that you will receive news about him. If he is not an important part of your life, then most likely there will be some incoming information about him.

    Hello. My young man is in the army. I had a dream: We were driving a military vehicle, I remember that there were 6 people in the car, but of them I only know my brother and his mother (my aunt). Behind the wheel (when I was still in the car) for me sits a stranger. Sitting next to him (in front) is my brother. And the rest are behind. I’m rushing about, then I’ll sit in front, then I’ll move back. We drove first through melting snow, then we drove onto a road full of mud, but we did not get stuck. As a result, we started to run out of gas. When we drove onto an asphalt road (many bridges went along it, there was a bridge literally every 100-500 meters), I got out of the car with some man (I don’t know him in real life, I didn’t know him in a dream either), we had to find gas for the car, and the car drove on. We found them, threw them into some hatches. There I already understood that this was a war with the Germans, but for some reason it was in the Far East. I called my aunt (I didn’t have a phone with me, I don’t know where it came from, I don’t know her number by heart either), she said that they would come for us soon. Then the man disappeared. The Germans noticed me, I ran away. I nailed to the local girls (to four: two older than 18, two younger), we crossed the bridge. We sat down near the shops on a bench (there should have been a beach somewhere nearby, it was like a recreation center). There, my eyes noticed a guy whom I know in life, we used to communicate, now we don’t. I asked the phone to call my man (at that moment it turned out that the man behind the wheel is my man). The most interesting and incomprehensible for me: the road is on one side of the war, mud, snow. On the other hand, greenery, heat, peace. But there was no beach at the recreation center, there was a country road nearby, lemons grew, there were benches, shops, and next to all this was a cemetery.
    Everything is somehow confused. I don’t even know what to look for in the dream book, so I’m writing to you.

    • Eugenia, sleep can be so hectic because of a large number small troubles and experiences in life. Here everything is superimposed. However, the main line, as you yourself noted this oddity in a dream, is that on the one hand everything is fine, on the other, dirt and so on. Bridges may indicate that some important elections in the past, you also did for yourself, but some next moment is approaching, where again there will be a choice between two possibilities, two directions for the development of life. Both there and there have their pluses and minuses.

    But I never got through to my man in a dream. On the fact that I dialed a number on the phone that one of the girls I hooked up with gave me. On this I woke up.

    All the locals were not excited at all, as if they did not even mean that the war was starting, they were smiling. And the Germans who supposedly noticed me - it was a girl speaking perfectly without any accent in Russian.

    All the personalities in a dream and those I know in reality are all alive. And I had quarrels with a young man for the last 2 months, even parted, but now everything has returned to normal, we decided to start all over again, forgetting all the negative past. He means a lot to me, I'm very afraid of losing him, there are joint plans for the future.

    • Evgenia, it is possible that the dream concerns your relationship with this person.

    I had a dream that I was trying to get through to my loved one, he dropped the call. Then he wrote that he was making some kind of schedule or some important notes and asked not to be distracted. Since the conversation was important for me, I wrote to answer urgently. Called and answered my friend! And I hear from the voice that the guy is there and it seems like he really keeps some important notes for himself. As a result, I began to scream that this was treason and just burst into tears. On this I woke up. Very scared. What could this dream be about?

    • Veronica, a dream may actually indicate some kind of misunderstanding between you and your loved one. However, the dream book recommends not making hasty decisions, but entering the situation of a person, trying to understand why the person did this.

    I dreamed that the former was calling, I was not surprised in a dream. He says that he has arrived - his voice is serious, without joyful notes, a little sad. I tell him how to find me: “You are on 3A, but you have to go ahead and I am on 3 b (or 5 B), Golden Palace Hotel. I'll meet you. Below I will wave to you, you will see me. Says it's ok. I sort through the clothes on the chair, everything is mixed up there, I put on a pink bathrobe. I think I'll meet him in a bathrobe. I myself am in a room where there are a lot of people, the kitchen is shared, there was a queue for the toilet. Then there was a fast train where I entered and was Sobchak, sort of. He himself was on my street, it was paved and not far from me. But nothing connects us anymore and we don't call each other, etc. I began to dream again from October - we met the sunset on the terrace together, he was caring, then he sits on the floor and looks at my huge color photographs (I’m beautiful there, then I change on one and became a little angry) and says that he is going on a long trip. I was surprised, i.k. he didn't go anywhere with me. I took my pictures from him, said that I didn’t have any. He began to enter my dreams again. Got it. I was excited - we parted badly and do not communicate at all, and he was on friendly terms with all those who were.

    • Diana, it's possible that he's also going through a bad breakup. It is possible that there will be a restoration of relations at the level of friends. The reason may be a chance meeting somewhere, a conversation.

      • We live in different cities. It is impossible for us to meet by chance. He has a girlfriend, I think.

    Hello. I want to know what it means to call my mother in a dream, but she does not answer calls. Please answer. Thank you.

    • Diana, it's possible that you can't convey your thoughts to her, something important. Perhaps due to misunderstanding.