Toilet      04/08/2019

How to properly grow a date palm from a seed at home. How to grow a date palm from a seed at home

You can often hear from home plant lovers the question of how to grow date palm at home from the seed?

The answer is quite simple, there is nothing complicated in caring for this plant. Just knowing the rules will help you grow a beautiful Phoenix at home.

Instructions for growing will be described below, but now let’s talk about the plant itself.

Description of culture

Date palmate

The evergreen date palm has been cultivated for over 4,500 years. It is native to Arabia and North Africa. From there they brought the beauty to our region. In the wild, the growth of the palm reaches just over 30 m.

The unusually beautiful leaves and hairy trunk attracted the attention of residents of other continents, including the travel enthusiast, the famous Columbus. It was he who initiated the transportation of this ornamental tree to Europe.

The plant also has other names: Date and Phoenix. The culture belongs to the palm family. This palm tree is considered the main queen of the entire oasis.

A total of 17 species are known. But only three types are popular in Russia:

  • palmate date;
  • Robelena date;
  • Date Canary.

Date canarian

The first species is called the common date palm. It can be described as fast growing plant. The shape of its leaves is not particularly beautiful.

As it ages, the trunk becomes bare, and this is considered a defect of the variety. But it is the fruits from this palm tree that are so loved by many for their sweet and pleasant taste.

The second type is characterized by a lush and dense crown. It is considered shade tolerant. And the height is about 2 m. As for the Canary date, it has thin straight leaves and a feathery trunk.

Its height is up to 2 m. Almost all types of dates have hard, narrow leaves. They are easy to care for, love light, and at the same time are quite hardy.

How to grow from seed

- 1 part peat;

- 1 part sand;

- 1 part manure;

- 2 parts of humus-leaf soil;

- 2 parts of clay-turf soil.

  1. It is necessary to replant the plant into a larger pot every year.

How to care for a palm tree at home

The date deserves respect for its very simple care. The room must be ventilated and well lit. The temperature in winter should be about +15 C. In summer, any temperature is suitable.

In the hot season, the leaves tend to dry out, so they need to be sprayed with water and wiped with a wet sponge. Once every 7 days you can bathe your phoenix using a shower.

In summer, feed with mineral and organic substances once every 1-2 weeks. In winter, once a month will be enough. Softer water is suitable for irrigation. But you can’t over-water it.

Subtleties of transplantation

The best time to transplant is the end of March and April. Until the age of five, the date palm is replanted once a year.

After growing up, only if necessary, approximately once every 3-4 years. You shouldn't do this more often.

The method of transferring it into a new, larger pot is perfect. In this case, the roots are not damaged. Their upper layer needs to be cut off. Each time you need to take the pot a couple of cm higher from the previous one.

It should not be too wide, but high enough to accommodate all the roots. It is always worth remembering the drainage layer to prevent the formation of stagnant water.

Diseases and pests

Even with the most good care palm leaves can dry out, rot, curl and darken. This means that the plant is sick.

If it becomes noticeable on the date that the leaves and trunk have begun to darken and rot, then most likely there is stagnation of water in the pot. You need to stop watering until the soil dries out.

During inspection, you need to remove the vesta with roots from the pot. If they are completely dark and wet, then the plant cannot be saved.

With dry air and insufficient moisture, the foliage will begin to turn yellow and dry out. This can also happen with sudden changes in temperature and the presence of drafts.

In case of defeat spider mite the date becomes paler. It also brightens when there is too much light.

If there are spots, curled leaves and various spots, the palm tree is most likely attacked by pests. To protect from them, you need to wipe the leaves with water. laundry soap and sprinkle with garlic extract. used in too severe cases.

The evergreen beauty is perfect for almost any interior and will decorate the room. Will green up a spacious room or work office. With the appearance of a palm tree, you will feel how much more comfortable and cozy your home has become.

Therefore, after reading simple instructions for the care and cultivation of this ornamental plant, there shouldn't be any problems.

Also watch a video about growing a date palm from a seed:

Date palm in conditions an ordinary house so far more a curiosity than an ordinary thing. It is not difficult to germinate a seedling from an ordinary seed. However, not everyone has the patience and diligence to properly care for it for several years before the tree becomes an adult. Homemade dates will never bear fruit, but they will fit perfectly into the interior and decorate your home.

How to germinate a date from a seed

The common date can be sprouted from the seeds of the fruit, which are sold in the store. The culture has other varieties - Canarian and Robelena. They are propagated and sold only in flower shops. As seed material You can use dates that have not been heat treated. For example, dried or dried. Seeds for planting must be processed immediately after receiving them.

It is best to start work in February or March. Prepare several seeds, even if you only want one palm tree. Indeed, during the growing process, young seedlings often die. The procedure should begin with water treatment of the seeds. Impregnating the seeds with moisture will significantly speed up the process of seed germination: 2-3 weeks versus 4 (if you skip this stage).

Date pit


  1. Remove the seeds from the date and remove as much pulp as possible.
  2. Place the seeds in a glass of warm water for 48 hours. Renew the liquid 2 times a day, maintaining the temperature in the container above +22°C.
  3. Remove the swollen growths of pulp with a knife.
  4. Give the seeds a 5-minute bath of hot water(about 80°C).

Many people use cotton wool during soaking. A cotton pad with a bone is placed in a plate filled with water. Cover it with another damp cotton wool on top. You can also use rolled gauze or sawdust as a material.

Advice. To further reduce the time it takes for the seeds to hatch, you can sand them or scratch them with a knife. A damaged shell allows moisture to pass through more easily, which gives vitality sprout

How to plant a seed correctly

The substrate for indoor flowers from the store is suitable as a soil for planting. You can prepare it yourself: mix peat, raw sawdust and river sand in equal parts. This soil is optimal for a young plant, but in the future, during the first and subsequent transplants, the pot will need to be filled with other soil. Proportions:

  • humus - 40%;
  • turf land - 20%;
  • leaf soil - 20%;
  • sand - 20%;
  • peat - 10%.

Sprouting date seeds

The planting process should be carried out as follows:

  1. Place the cleaned and treated seeds into the soil in a strictly vertical position.
  2. Sprinkle a centimeter layer of the same soil on top.
  3. Place the container and seeds in a warm place (+22...25°C). You can directly on the heating radiator.
  4. Water moderately: so that the soil does not dry out, but the water does not stagnate.

Attention! At proper care After 2-3 months, a sprout will emerge from the ground - a juvenile leaf. Then it will grow into an arrow consisting of 2-3 sharp leaves.

Transplantation and further care of date tree seedlings

After the sprouts reach 10 cm, each of them needs to be transplanted into a wider pot. Florists advise doing the procedure annually for the first 5 years of the palm tree’s life. The size of the container should constantly increase to meet the growing needs of the plant's root system. For the final transplant you need a spacious pot.

Advice. After acquiring the date permanent place residence, instead of replanting, periodically change the top layer of soil without disturbing the plant.

Transplantation is the most delicate process in caring for a date palm. In inexperienced hands, more than one seedling may die. The reason is the tenderness of the root system of this crop. If the long root is even slightly damaged, the plant will die. There is only one method suitable for replanting - transshipment. It involves transferring the root along with a lump of earth.

Date sprouts

Plant care has the following features:

  1. While the date has not yet formed, it needs weekly feeding in spring and summer. During the dormant period, organic and mineral fertilizers apply no more than once a month.
  2. It is important that the soil always remains moist. In summer, water the plant generously, even collecting water in a tray. In winter - least of all.
  3. The palm tree responds well to spraying in the warm season. In addition, give the plant a weekly water shower. room temperature. During the procedure, you need to protect the soil from excess moisture.
  4. Dates love a lot of light and will withstand even direct sunlight. Without proper lighting, palm leaves will become long and brittle.
  5. The air temperature in the room should be moderate, in the range of +16...+22°C. Placing a palm tree near a heating radiator is risky: it will die from the heat. In summer, the plant is taken out onto the loggia or veranda, limiting drafts. In winter, the temperature can range between +13…14°C.

Even if date care is correct, do not wait quick results. The palm tree will turn into decorative tree around the 5th year. But after this, the plant will become a real decoration of your home.

Growing a date palm from a seed: video

Many exotic plants can grow not only in natural climatic conditions, but also indoors - in pots or on outdoors. To grow such crops, you need to know some of the subtleties of planting and care. This article will discuss how to grow a date palm from a seed at home.

What it is?

The date tree belongs to the palm family and grows in Africa and Eurasia. Under natural conditions, the palm tree sometimes reaches thirty meters in height. Most species of this plant have one large trunk and long feathery leaves.

The fruits of the plant are eaten and exported to many countries around the world. However, not all date palm varieties have edible fruits.

It is difficult to grow a large palm tree at home. Most often, this plant is grown in pots for home decoration. In this case, the date tree will not bear fruit. To obtain a harvest, you need at least two strong trees, one of which will be male and the other female.

At home, the palm tree will grow and develop slowly. Leaves may appear only in the third year of cultivation, and flowering may not occur at all. However, with some effort and following all the rules for planting and care, you will be able to grow a very beautiful and strong tree.

Seed preparation

You can grow a palm tree at home from the seeds of not only fresh fruit, but also dried ones. However, the fruit should not be too dry. For planting, it is best to take several seeds at once, rather than just one. Before planting the seeds, they must be thoroughly cleaned of the soft part of the fruit.

If the pulp remains on the seeds, even in small quantities, this can lead to rotting of the planting material. After the seeds are separated from the pulp, they must be placed in a container with cool water for two days. The water in the container must be changed periodically.

After two days, the seeds must be carefully examined again for the presence of pulp on their surface. In order to speed up the germination process of planting material, you can resort to some tricks.

  • It will be necessary to disrupt the integrity of dense seeds by rubbing their surface sandpaper or by making several punctures with a sharp object. This way, water will penetrate inside the seed faster and easier, which will stimulate the appearance of the first shoots.
  • Planting material can be exposed to high temperatures. For this purpose, the seeds are placed in a container with hot water and kept in it for 10 minutes.

How to plant?

To germinate a date seed, you need to prepare high-quality soil. The soil should not be heavy or dense. As a primer, you can use a composition that is prepared from sawdust, peat and sand, taken in equal proportions.

The soil is placed in a container and well moistened before planting. In the center of the soil you need to make small depressions for the seeds. The seeds are placed vertically in the soil. The planting depth depends on the size of the seeds and should be one and a half times the length of the seed. The holes are covered with earth, and additional moss is placed on the surface of the soil so that moisture does not leave the soil as actively.

The container with date pits must be placed in a warm place where the air temperature is at least 25 degrees. If the procedure is done correctly, seed germination will take no more than three months. Under certain circumstances, seedlings can take much longer to germinate. If planting material was poorly prepared, or it is very dry, then the first shoots will appear only after 6 months.

When the first shoots appear on the surface of the soil, the plant must be transplanted into a deeper and wider container.

Where to place it?

The date tree is a light-loving plant, so it is necessary to place the pot in a place that receives sunlight. It is worth considering that the light must be diffused. If the palm tree is constantly exposed to direct sunlight, this will lead to burns of the leaves.

In this case, the room must be regularly ventilated, but in such a way that drafts do not disturb the plant. The palm must be constantly turned over to sunlight affected all leaves evenly. Otherwise, the plant will weaken and become brittle.

In summer, the most suitable temperature would be 22 degrees Celsius. IN winter time year at the location of the palm tree, the lower limit of the temperature threshold is twelve degrees. Air humidity should be at 50 percent.


The date palm does not require complex care. The plant loves warmth and moderate humidity. The palm tree absorbs fertilizers well. Regular and high-quality tree care will not only contribute to active growth and development, but will also protect the plant from diseases and pests.

Low levels of air humidity negatively affect the health of the plant. Excessive dryness is favorable conditions for the spread of many pests. In winter, it is not recommended to keep the palm tree close to radiators and other heating devices. In summer, you can move the plant outdoors.

However, excess moisture can also lead to dire consequences. First of all, this will negatively affect the root system. Large mature palm trees, in addition to fertilizing and moisturizing, need pruning. In this case, only weak or old leaves need to be cut off.


When caring for a date palm, it is very important to know moderation in everything, including watering. The root system needs regular moisture, but excess water will negatively affect the plant. In summer, the palm tree especially needs moisture.

Watering is carried out warm water(about 20 degrees) with a low chlorine content, which is recommended to be infused first. The frequency of watering in winter largely depends on the room temperature. At low humidity, the soil will dry out quickly, so the frequency of watering will be the same as in summer.

Top dressing

  • in spring and summer – once every 8 days;
  • in autumn - every 14 days;
  • in winter - every 30 days.

As a top dressing, you can purchase special complex formulations for large indoor plants. In summer, the palm tree can be kept outdoors, for example in the garden. In such a situation, the plant must be fertilized with chicken droppings once a week.

Plant transplantation

For the stable development of the root system and trunk of the date palm, it must be regularly replanted into deeper containers. In the first five years of development, this procedure is carried out once a year. In subsequent years, the number of transplants is reduced to one every three years. When replanting, you should remember that the root system of the plant is quite vulnerable, so the palm tree is placed in a new pot with an old layer of soil that is not cleared from the roots.

It is best to plant the plant in special soil for the palm family, which can be purchased at a gardening store. At the bottom of the container there must be a drainage layer, which may consist of crushed brick or expanded clay. The first time the palm tree is placed in new soil after the sprouts reach a length of 4 centimeters. It is recommended to replant when the palm grows about 15 centimeters.

With each new transplant, the height of the new container should be 4 centimeters greater than the previous one. Since adult plants are rarely placed in a new container, it is recommended to regularly replace the top layer of soil in the pot.

Common problems when growing

Date tree requires special conditions for growing. If you do not follow all the necessary rules, the plant may die. Among the most common problems encountered when growing date palms, there are several main ones.

  • Drying of leaves, which is primarily due to the microclimate in the room. Low air humidity can be compensated by regularly spraying palm leaves with water from a spray bottle.
  • Yellowed leaves indicate poor watering of the plant. The soil is not sufficiently moistened and the roots receive little water. To correct this problem it is possible by arranging watering of the palm tree.
  • When the leaves change color to a darker shade, this indicates an excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, you don’t have to water the tree so actively.
  • The growth of palm trees is stopped due to the influence of low temperatures. If temperature regime in the room is at a level of 15 degrees, then the root system of the palm tree begins to poorly absorb useful material. The second reason for poor tree growth is the acidity level of the soil. The cause of a high pH is most often watering the plant. tap water Bad quality. Transplanting the palm tree into new soil will help solve this problem.

Common diseases

Only weakened date trees are susceptible to diseases. With good and regular care the plant grows and develops without any problems. The most common palm diseases are wet rot and bacterial spot. Rot causes leaves to soften and deteriorate. Affected areas require complete removal, and healthy leaves are treated with copper sulfate.

Spot refers to a group of bacterial diseases. The disease is expressed in the appearance of small watery spots near the veins of the leaves. Over time, the affected areas become black, which indicates tissue death. If the spots actively spread, the disease can damage the root system of the palm tree, which will complicate the treatment procedure.

When only small areas of the plant leaves are affected, they must be removed and the cut areas treated with crushed charcoal. After this, the palm tree is treated with fungicides and moisture and watering are reduced.


  • common mite from the spider family;
  • felt;
  • scale insect.

It is not so difficult to detect spider mites: many small white dots appear on the affected leaves (mainly with inside), and you can also see a small cobweb where the pests live. Spider mites are capable of spreading infectious diseases and rot. On houseplants the pest gets in with the soil, on things or clothing, and can even penetrate an open window, especially if there are trees near the house.

If a date palm is infested with spider mites, the plant must be wiped with a solution of water and soap. This will reduce the number of pests, but will not eliminate them completely. To get rid of insects, it is recommended to treat the plant with a special chemical composition: acaricides or insectoacaricides.

The mealybug (felt bug) is an insect with an oval-shaped body no more than 7 millimeters long. The pest is covered with a peculiar coating white and produces a sticky mucus of the same shade, which remains on the affected plants and looks like a thin layer of cotton wool. The most favorable period for the spread of such insects is winter, as indoor plants become more vulnerable and weaker, especially when they are not properly cared for.

When found mealybug The date palm must be isolated from other indoor plants and treated with a soap or alcohol solution. To completely destroy pests, you will need to purchase special chemicals.It is recommended to carry out treatment several times at intervals of at least a week.

The scale insect is an insect with a small shell that is not part of the body and can be easily removed. Pests can reach 5 millimeters in length. Mostly such insects attack garden crops, but domestic palm plants are extremely susceptible to scale insects. The pest feeds on the sap of the date palm, which affects its growth and development: the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, but new ones do not grow.

If a scale insect is found, it will not be so easy to get rid of it. First of all, the palm tree is processed soap solution or alcohol composition. In addition to the plant, it is necessary to treat the place where it stood. Insecticide treatment will be required to completely kill the insects. The procedure must be carried out repeatedly so that the most resistant individuals are completely exterminated.

To learn how to grow a date palm at home, watch the following video.

For successful cultivation from date palm kernels, there are two completely equal methods.

First way.

Dry the date pit for several days in the open air. Then fill it with hot water and leave for about 24 hours so that the bone swells. Pour sawdust into a small container, place the swollen bone in it and generously water it. In this case, the sawdust should always be damp.

After 30 days, when the first sprout appears, you can transplant the sprouted seed into a pot about 70 mm high. We arrange good drainage in the pot and fill it with a mixture consisting of 4 shares of sand, 2 shares of turf soil, 2 shares of humus and one share of charcoal. During this procedure, you should be especially careful with the sprouted seed, keeping it connected to the sprout - the seed provides additional nutrition.

When the sprout reaches a height of 100 mm, you should also carefully transplant the young palm tree into a pot with a larger volume. Considering the fact that the palm tree is sensitive to transplantation, the best option It will be simple to move the entire plant along with the soil ball into a new pot and fill the remaining space with a soil mixture similar to that used during planting.

The first five years of transplantation are carried out annually, then once every 3 years. In this case, each time you should slightly increase the volume of land. Upon reaching 15 years of age, the frequency of transplantation decreases to once every 6 years. Pots should not be wide, but high, because The palm tree has a long root system. The lighting of the palm tree should be diffused, and during the process of growth, the plant should be turned little by little, while orienting the palm tree so that the end of the youngest sprout is directed deep into the room.

Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature. The frequency of watering increases in hot weather. Constantly wipe the palm leaves with a damp cloth and additionally moisten them with a spray bottle. Application of special nutritional fertilizer (ready-made in stores) is carried out once every 2 weeks; during the period of intense growing season - in summer and spring, the frequency increases to 1 time per week.

It is preferable to choose a moderate temperature: in winter from 8 to 15 °C, and in summer - up to 20 °C. The room is ventilated, but the date is not exposed to drafts. When “walking” a palm tree on a balcony or in a garden in the summer, avoid open, drafty places. Remove dried leaves immediately.

Second way.

The method is similar to the first in almost every way, except for a few features. Firstly, before planting, the hard shell of the seed is cut in the middle. This is necessary for faster emergence of the sprout from the very strong shell of the date seed. And secondly, after placing the cut seed in the pot, the surface is covered with film to create a microclimate. The soil under the film should be kept moist. The sprout appears after 30 - 45 days and further operations are completely identical to the first method.

The fruits of date palms are quite tasty, nutritious and healthy. Their the nutritional value per hundred grams of product is 227 kilocalories. They contain vitamins:

  • Ah, playing important role in the formation of teeth and bones in humans;
  • B1, necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
  • B2, which supports human immunity;
  • B3, involved in the metabolism of fats and amino acids;
  • B5, which can stimulate the production of adrenal hormones,
  • B6, which takes part in the production of blood cells;
  • B9, necessary in the synthesis of amino acids;
  • C, involved in the conversion of cholesterol into acids;
  • D, ensuring the absorption of calcium and fluorine;
  • K, necessary for protein synthesis.

It turns out from date pits You can get beautiful indoor plants, which, by the way, are quite easy to care for. The only drawback is that such a palm tree will never bear fruit or bloom.

Choosing a seed

The seed can be taken from any ripe fruit that has not been exposed to high temperatures.

To begin with, it should be washed and cleared of the sweet shell. It is better to take several pieces at once for planting, as some of them may die. Now you need to take a cloth, wet it well so that it becomes damp, and wrap the seeds in it. Before doing this, it is better to slightly cut the bones with a knife. This is necessary specifically so that the water is better absorbed and the shell opens better.

You need to put the rag in a container and place it in a warm place. Thanks to this procedure, the ripening time will be reduced by a couple of months. We wait 2 weeks, adding water to the container every day. Once the seed has swelled, it can be planted!

Choosing soil

In this case, it is better to give preference to peat mixed with sawdust. Soil is poured into the container. The seeds are inserted vertically, so that they are deepened one centimeter into the ground. Next, you need to arm yourself with patience and constantly ensure that the soil is moist.

Palm tree care

In a month, the seedlings will reach 10-15 centimeters. The peculiarity of the date palm is that its leaves are sharp, narrow and long and have a slightly grooved surface.

It is better to place the plant in a warm, well-lit place. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that before the age of five the palm tree should be transplanted into a new, larger pot. After this age, you can simply observe the condition of the roots: if they come out through the holes in the bottom of the pot, then this is a sure sign that it is time to replant.

It is not recommended to use tap water for irrigation. It is better to wait for it to stand for some time in the vessel, cool down and become softer. It is recommended to water the plant once a day. There is no need to flood the palm tree, but you also shouldn’t overdry the soil.

The palm tree loves fertilizer very much. Therefore, when replanting, it is advisable to think about drainage. For example, you can put expanded clay on the bottom and add charcoal. For mature plants, you can use a mixture of leaves, peat and sand.


Unfortunately, even at home, plants can carry diseases.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the leaves. If brown spots appear on them, then this is a sure sign that hard water is being used or there is excess watering.
  • Cold, dry air can cause leaf tips to dry out and change color. In this case, you should start spraying the leaves of the plant with water and move it to another, warmer place.
  • It will be much worse if the entire palm tree turns out to be completely brown. As a rule, this means the death of the plant.
  • However, do not be alarmed if the lower leaves suddenly dry out. The palm tree stretches upward and outward. You just need to remove excess leaves with a knife so that they do not spoil the picture.