Toilet      04/01/2019

Technology for growing dill on a windowsill at home: proper sowing and care. How to grow dill at home on a windowsill: choosing a variety and soil, tips for planting and care

In winter and early spring, people really need vitamins: fruits and vegetables from last year are almost gone, and the new harvest is still far away. And in such cases there is only one way out - to grow fresh herbs right on the windowsill. This is not only useful, but also pleasant, especially since you can grow it in winter as green onions, as well as celery, dill, parsley, cilantro and various salads. And today we will talk about just that how to plant dill and parsley on the windowsill.

Let's start with brief description these crops.

It is known primarily for being a strong antioxidant and also removes toxins from skin thanks to the high content ascorbic acid. In addition, regular consumption of dill enhances gastrointestinal motility, increases appetite, normalizes metabolic processes, reduces blood pressure, etc.

If dill grows in the garden on almost any type of soil, then to grow it on the windowsill you will need a fertile soil mixture, which you need to prepare yourself (we will talk about this in more detail a little later).


Parsley is another rich source of vitamins and microelements. The plant is stored frozen for quite a long time (about one year), but it does not lose its beneficial properties. Parsley is not only eaten, but also used for cosmetic purposes, due to high content vitamin A.

Despite the fact that the growing procedure for both parsley and dill is almost the same, the first winter time It is recommended not to sow, but to grow using root crops. Instructions for sowing both plants will be given below, but in fairness, we will now briefly consider the features of growing parsley from root vegetables.

You can get root vegetables in one of two possible ways:

  • purchase them at the market or in a specialized store;
  • dig up in the garden in the fall, and then store in the refrigerator for plastic bag on the vegetable shelf.

Note! It is very important that the diameter of the roots is at least two to three centimeters. If the roots are too long, then they should be cut off, wait a while (the cut part should begin to grow old) and only then begin planting. Otherwise, the roots will simply rot.

The roots are planted in specially equipped boxes, always in rows (the distance between the latter should be nine to ten centimeters). The distance between the plants themselves should vary within three to four centimeters. If desired, instead of boxes you can use flower pots 13-14 centimeters high - in this case, several root crops should be planted in each pot at once. It is also important that the upper part of the head is not covered with soil when planting.

Selection and planting of root crops

Parsley should be watered only once a week, because this crop cannot tolerate excess moisture. The water used for irrigation must be settled and always at room temperature.

After each application of moisture, the earth is loosened. Containers with parsley should be placed on light windowsills - in this case, the first greens can be cut after three to four weeks.

Actually, that's all. Now let's get acquainted with the features of planting these crops on the windowsill.

Planting parsley and dill

Let us immediately make a reservation that there are no special varieties in nature intended specifically for “window-sill” cultivation, so when purchasing seed material You should pay attention, first of all, to the timing of maturation. It is very important not to make a mistake with the choice: of course, early varieties produce green mass quickly enough, but they also quickly grow into flower stalks, and besides, they are not as leafy as early-ripening crops. As for late varieties, they do not ripen in the beds during the summer, but for home grown fit perfectly. Now - directly to the workflow.

Stage one. We prepare everything you need

You should start by preparing everything you need for cultivation. For the convenience of visitors, the information is presented in table form.

Table. What will be required at work

NameBrief description, requirements

We are talking about simple containers (ceramic or plastic), the same ones used for flowers. If pots have been selected, their volume should be one to two liters (the specific figure depends on how much greenery will be grown). The bottom of each container must have holes to drain excess liquid.

Expanded clay drainage, for example, can be easily purchased at any specialized store.

It is desirable that it contains vermicompost. Eat Alternative option- usage coconut tablets, however, this method is more expensive.

With its help you need to pickle the seeds. Yes, today it is not possible to purchase potassium permanganate everywhere, so the text will also provide several alternative options.

After preparing everything you need, you can start dressing the grains.

Stage two. Seed preparation

If the seeds are more than two to three years old, they should be soaked in warm water overnight. The next morning, the water must be drained, and the seeds themselves must be soaked in a heated solution of potassium permanganate (the color should be bright pink) for about two hours. This is necessary in order to disinfect the grains - the plants will not get sick after treatment.

If you were unable to purchase potassium permanganate, you can use one of the following methods.

Method one. Using a 2 or 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution. It should be preheated to a temperature of 38-40 degrees, then soak the seeds in it for about six to eight minutes.

Method two. Usage boric acid. In this case, you need to dilute ½ teaspoon of acid in a glass of water. The seeds should be soaked in the resulting solution for two to three hours, and the temperature should vary between 25-30 degrees. After dressing, the seeds are thoroughly washed under the tap.

Stage three. Sowing seeds

While the seeds are being treated, you can begin preparing the pots. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Step one. Expanded clay drainage is poured onto the bottom in a layer of two to three centimeters.

Step two. Soil is poured over the drainage, not reaching the top edge by about three or four centimeters. The soil is watered abundantly with pre-settled water. That's it, the containers are ready for further sowing.

Step three. After treating the seeds, the potassium permanganate is drained, and they themselves are laid out on a piece of gauze to drain off any remaining liquid.

Note! It is necessary to leave for sowing only the seeds that sank to the bottom when soaked. The fact is that the seeds left afloat will have low germination.

Step four. Dried seeds are sown in pots. This can be done in the usual way, that is, simply sprinkle them with a pinch, or plant them in any convenient order - checkerboard, rows, etc.

Step four. A layer of soil maximum two centimeters thick is poured on top of the seeds, after which you can add a little additional watering.

Step five. The pots are covered with cling film or PET bags to create a greenhouse effect. Then they are placed on the windowsill. It is important that the room maintains the optimal temperature for germination - about 18 degrees.

Now the pots can be left alone until the first shoots form. For parsley this takes no more than two weeks, for dill - from seven to ten days.

Stage four. Further care

When shoots appear, the film must be removed.

Dill shoots

Further care of plants consists of compliance with standard requirements.

Note! Three to four weeks after germination, it is advisable to add a few more centimeters of soil. This simple action will replace picking, that is, germinating seeds in small cups and then transplanting them into larger pots.

Actually, that's all you need to know about caring for parsley and dill. Now all that remains is to wait for the harvest, which will appear 1.5 months (for parsley) and five weeks (for dill) after planting the seeds. As for overseeding, in our case it is not required, since the crops described produce a harvest throughout the year.

Video - Growing dill in winter

Growing dill and parsley in eggshells

Egg shells, which account for thousands of tons of waste annually, are 95-97% calcium carbonate. In addition, it contains nitrogen, calcium and phosphoric acid- everything that plants need for development. For this reason, the shell is actively used in gardening. It can also be used to grow parsley and dill on a windowsill.

The procedure itself is not complicated and consists of several simple steps.

Step one. First, the shell is prepared - it needs to be washed and dried.

Step two. A small hole is made in the lower part of the shell through which excess liquid will be drained.

Step three. The shell is ½ filled with soil.

Step four. Several seeds are placed inside, on top of which a little more soil is poured.

Step five. You can write on the shell with a marker what plant is planted there.

Step six. The shells are placed in an egg tray, which is placed on the windowsill. From time to time, the plants need to be watered with a small amount of settled water.

In this case, of course, you shouldn’t expect large bushes, but the shell will act as an additional fertilizer and provide the plants with useful elements.

Video - Growing parsley on a windowsill

Many housewives are interested in how to grow dill at home on a windowsill in winter. After all, the need for fresh greens, which is not cheap, especially in the winter-spring season, is always present. Dill is added to almost any dish - soups, stews, salads, roasts, boiled and fried vegetables, pancakes, fillings for snack pies and dumplings. And classic new potatoes with butter and dill can thrill the most demanding gourmet. Let's figure out how to plant dill on the windowsill in the winter.

Details on how to grow dill at home on a windowsill in winter

Surprisingly, not everyone knows that garden greens are very sensitive to environment and absorbs all available substances from the soil and air, including toxic ones.

So dill grown in greenhouse conditions can accumulate not only toxic chemicals and pesticides, but also excess mineral fertilizers, without which it is impossible to obtain a decent harvest on an industrial scale, and, accordingly, profit. Dill leaves always concentrate nitrates from nitrogen fertilizing with ammonium nitrate or urea, which is carried out to quickly increase the green mass of plants.

Purchasing greens at the market is also fraught with poisoning, because you don’t know where the beds are located, what if it’s near a highway, in an industrial or urban area, or in an area with high background radiation. Therefore, the easiest way to safely consume healthy dill sprigs is to cultivate the plant yourself.

Fresh greens all year round - is this possible?

Even if you don’t have your own garden, enjoying juicy, spicy dill every day is not difficult. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the agricultural technology of this plant at home, make a minimum of effort, and the result will not be long in coming.

Choosing a place in the apartment for dill

Planting containers with dill can be placed on the balcony, and in winter on an insulated loggia. Many experienced housewives grow herbs on the kitchen windowsill, regularly using individual branches to prepare and decorate their favorite dishes.

Suitable for creating a mini-garden are window sills facing west, southwest, south, southeast and east, since dill is a plant have a long day. You can also grow dill on window sills facing north, provided additional lighting is provided. Backlighting will also be required in winter, when daylight hours become short and cloudy weather prevails.

Planting container and soil

Dill grows well in clay pots, ceramic flowerpots, plastic containers, and wooden boxes. The main condition is the presence of drainage holes.

The choice is yours. Depending on the interior of the room where your vegetable garden will be located, decide on the choice of planting container. For example, wooden tub will fit perfectly into the interior of a country-style kitchen, as will a pot made of unfired clay.

Any universal soil mixture purchased at a garden store is suitable for dill. Greens grow well in specialized soil for seedlings vegetable crops, as well as in the ground intended for indoor flowers. When purchasing, it is enough to pay attention to the acidity of the soil - it should be in the range of 5.5 - 7.0 pH.

It is possible to self-cooking soil for leafy greens. For this, many people calcine garden soil in the oven to destroy dangerous microorganisms, cool it and mix it with river sand, sawdust and peat (3:1:1:1). Another composition option is calcined turf soil, compost, humus (1:1:1) with the addition of a tablespoon of vegetable ash for each kilogram of the mixture. We try not to thermally treat the soil, but to protect against pathogens we use onion peels - we put the scales in seed cups and/or brew them.

Sowing dill on the windowsill

It is advisable to purchase seeds at specialized points or borrow from friends. To speed up the appearance of young shoots, planting material is soaked between layers of natural fabric for 48 hours, dried for 30 minutes, poured with hot (40-50°C) water and left for a quarter of an hour, after which planting begins immediately.

It is advisable to make a drainage layer at the bottom of the planting container to prevent moisture stagnation. Broken clay shards, small pebbles, brick chips, expanded clay, agroperlite, egg shells, and large pieces of ash are suitable for drainage.

First, the soil mixture is moistened abundantly. Seeds are planted to a depth of about 1.5-2 cm, the distance between plants is left about 4-5 cm. After planting, the container is covered with polyethylene and sent to a warm, dark place until the first shoots appear, which usually hatch on the 5-7th day. Next, the polyethylene is removed and the pot is placed on permanent place a habitat.

Dill care

Growing greenery is watered once every 2-3 days, focusing on the condition of the soil, which should not dry out. Regular watering will ensure bright color and richness of greenery. However, do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, as the dill roots may rot.

Use only organic solutions to fertilize dill. At home, a good nutritional supplement can be an infusion of eggshells, pre-washed banana peels with soap, grapefruit peels. You can fertilize dill plantings with the liquid obtained after boiling potatoes, only unsalted. For example, we always boil the peelings of potatoes and carrots and water all our indoor flowers with this water.

It is useful to periodically dust the soil in pots or boxes before watering with sifted plant ash, which is a supplier of valuable microelements that are fully absorbed by plants.

With a lack of light, dill sprouts stretch and turn pale. Organize additional illumination with biolamps or fluorescent lamps so that the daylight hours of the crop range from 10 to 12 hours. In the summer heat, shade the dill from noon to lunch, as the plants can burn out under the scorching heat. sun rays.

Expect the first harvest 4 weeks after planting. Organize constant reseeding (once every 2 weeks) in containers that are emptied of used herbs, since growing dill at home on a windowsill in winter can be like a conveyor belt. You can also pick off only the leaves, then the bushes will rise and produce fragrant greenery throughout the 3 winter months.

Many prudent housewives plant dill at home - we will discuss how to grow it correctly in our article. This green is very unpretentious, and if you follow a few basic rules for planting dill and caring for it at home, then you will always have fragrant and juicy greens on your table.

At home you can get good yields - not experienced gardeners after planting the seeds in the ground, scanty sprouts are obtained pale color, without any smell.

When summer season ended a long time ago, and it’s dark and cold outside, our body really lacks the natural vitamins of the greens that we are used to picking straight from the garden.

In this case, a small one that is located right on your windowsill in the kitchen can be very convenient.

How to grow dill at home on a windowsill.

To get beautiful and lush dill from your windowsill you will need:
— Purchase at the nearest flower shop, unpretentious variety high yield seeds.
— Prepare fertile soil or purchase ready-made soil (for indoor plants).
— Prepare pots or boxes for planting.
— Buy ​​a complex of mineral fertilizers and, in case of insufficient lighting, lamps (fluorescent).

Choosing dill seeds for growing at home.

Many experienced gardeners, who have been growing greens at home for many years, give preference to the Gribovsky variety. This variety of dill is distinguished by its rapid ripening, resistance to temperature changes, good yield and resistance to diseases. It is enough to sow such dill in the ground, water it regularly and you will definitely get the desired result.

You can choose other varieties of dill, which may differ in color, spiciness of smell and richness of taste.

The choice of variety depends only on your preferences, but there are several factors to consider:
— Very early varieties ripen in a short time and give a bountiful harvest, but very soon they begin to stretch out and produce scanty greens, unlike mid-ripening varieties.
— Late varieties take longer to ripen, but they feel great in artificial conditions and can delight the housewife with rich and lush greenery for a long time. Dill bushes are constantly throwing out more and more green shoots.

Growing dill.

First, let's prepare the soil - the best substrate for growing dill will be prepared soil from yours in the fall. summer cottage, mixed with neutral soil purchased at the store. Take a container of a size so that your greens are not crowded. The bottom must be filled with drainage and earthen mixture, leaving about 3 cm from the edge of the dish.

Dill seeds are rich in oils, so in order to speed up their germination you need to place the planting material in water for 2 days. Sow the seeds directly on top of the soil. The usual norm for planting is 0.3 g. per 1 square dm. Cover the seeds with a small amount of peat and humus and water with warm, settled water.

The prepared containers should be covered with thick film or glass and placed in a dark place at home with a temperature of about 20 degrees. for 1 week.

Caring for dill seedlings.

After the dill seeds sprout the first shoots, the container is placed on the windowsill in a well-lit room, so that the seedlings do not begin to stretch too much; it is recommended to lower the temperature at night (open the window or take it out to glass balcony). If there is not enough daylight and your greenery begins to fade, you need to provide artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps.

Don’t forget to regularly water your beds and feed your greens with mineral fertilizers once a week.

The most suitable temperature for growing dill is 8-18 degrees. C. Therefore, if you have an insulated balcony, you can easily arrange garden beds there.

When you start harvesting greenery, new branches will not appear in place of the plucked branches, so it is advisable to sow new seeds once a week for continuous growth of greenery. Now you know how to plant dill at home - everyone decides for themselves how to grow it correctly based on own experience and existing conditions. The main thing is to follow the basic principles and your table, even in winter, will be rich in vitamins.

Video on how to grow dill at home in winter

Closer to spring, when growing dill at home on the windowsill, you will no longer need additional lighting and to obtain greenery at home you will only need regular watering, and then the garden at the dacha will begin to produce its harvests.

Do you have your own dacha, garden or vegetable garden? Please share this article with your gardening friends:

Dill on the windowsill is a fairly common occurrence. It's fragrant spicy plant is indispensable in preparing salads, first and second courses. Dill contains many vitamins and microelements that can not only become an excellent addition to the diet, but also improve your health.

It would be useful to know how to grow dill on a windowsill at home, how to plant and grow fragrant seeds and green mass at home, as well as what care the plant needs after planting in an apartment.

Variety selection and seed preparation

For successful cultivation dill at home in winter it is important to choose suitable varieties plants and take proper care of them. Cultivation begins with choosing a variety. Planting material for growing at home, you can choose from any variety, only the time intervals between planting and harvesting in winter will differ.

When choosing early ripening variety seeds for growing at home, it is better to stop at Gribovsky, Grenadier. These varieties will produce abundant greenery from seeds within a month and a half after planting. The most unpretentious variety for growing at home in winter is the Gribovsky variety.

The only important requirement for successful growing at home is the presence of fertile substrate.

Also, caring for it involves eliminating possible weeds. Care also involves timely watering of the plant. The advantage of this variety is its resistance to diseases and pests.

When growing a mid- or late-ripening variety at home from seeds in winter, it is recommended to opt for the Richelieu variety. It has blue-green fragrant leaves and its positive aspects, which include:

  • abundant bushing of the plant;
  • abundant harvest of deciduous green mass;
  • wonderful aesthetic appearance, decoration of the windowsill of the house (if dill is grown in a pot, then it can perfectly become a substitute for flowers on the windowsill).

Before planting, it is important to properly prepare the grains. To do this, they are immersed in heated water for the whole day, changing the water regularly throughout the day. Approximately how long does soaking take? - about 9 o'clock.

Sometimes this soaking lasts up to 24 hours. At the end of the soaking procedure, the seeds are dipped in a slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate, this will help disinfect the material. Next, the swollen seeds for growing at home are laid out on a clean, dry cloth or cotton wool so that they dry before planting.

Seeds that sink to the bottom of the container during the soaking procedure should be immediately discarded; they are empty.

How to sow dill

How to grow dill on a windowsill correctly? To receive later good harvest, you need not only to choose the right seeds, but also to plant them correctly and carry out proper care at home.

The most suitable containers for planting dill are chosen (wooden, plastic boxes or flower pots). It is necessary to drill holes in the containers for drainage, this will prevent stagnation in the soil and root system. At the bottom of the container they arrange drainage system, the bottom is covered with crushed stone and pebbles.

Sand is poured on top of the drainage layer, then soil substrate is poured. Vegetable growers often prefer to use ready-made purchased soil for sowing, but you can make a soil mixture manually using garden soil, compost and peat.

You can plant seeds at home in any convenient way; planting is carried out both in furrows and in rows. Take the seeds, lower them into moist soil, sprinkle with dry soil or peat. Planting involves maintaining a distance between grains of at least two centimeters.

It is necessary to maintain a distance so that the seedlings do not shade each other as they grow, so you need to sow the material carefully.

Containers with planted seeds must be covered with polyethylene, this will provide a greenhouse effect, then the containers are moved to a warm place. When the seedlings germinate, they will need an abundance sunlight. Such shoots optimal temperature it will be 18 degrees.

How long will it take for sprouts to appear? When planting is carried out, after 7 days the first sprouts will appear; all grains planted at home will germinate within two weeks.

What are the features and nuances of growing

Caring for green spaces at home and growing them involves timely watering, irrigation, and removal of weeds. Watering is carried out using settled water at room temperature.

The plant loves moist soil, but do not allow it to stagnate, so as not to cause diseases and rotting of the root system, and the appearance of mold. If dry air prevails in the room, it is recommended to spray the green mass frequently. Every day you should turn the dill containers to the other side.

Such care will ensure uniform growth of greenery and prevent it from stretching too far towards the sun.

The green mass is drawn out even if the plants do not have enough lighting. For plants you need to install an additional lighting system. To do this, use lamps that are turned on for several hours.

In winter, the lamp should be turned on for at least 5 hours. Once every few weeks it is recommended to fertilize the plants using complex fertilizers. If the seeds were planted in nutritious fertile soil, fertilizing is not required too often.

Such care at home allows plants to grow properly and develop their foliage.

If climatic indicators exceed 20 degrees along with a lack of lighting, the dill, as a rule, will stretch out, the greens will grow unevenly, and the greens will be of a pale shade. If the room where dill is grown is excessively hot, cultivation requires regular spraying.

It is necessary to irrigate the green mass daily, especially if the room is too heat. Such care and cultivation helps to grow juicy and tasty greens.

What care does growing dill require?

Growing dill involves proper care behind the plantings. After all the sown seedlings have appeared, the film cover is removed, and the container with seedlings is transferred to the warmest and most well-lit window. This garden crop needs plenty of sunlight, the temperature should be at least 19 degrees.

If the conditions are unfavorable - the temperature is too high, but there is a catastrophic lack of light, the greenery will stretch out and its color will be dull.

Every day, containers with plantings are turned to the sun in different directions. This way the shoots will grow evenly and will no longer lean in any direction. Watering should be systematic, but stagnation should not be allowed. Young greens must be irrigated clean water room temperature.

Any dish with the addition of dill becomes not only tastier. It looks more attractive and becomes much more useful. Vegetable garden and garden covered in snow in winter. The green harvest will not come soon. How to grow dill on a windowsill so that you always have fragrant vegetation rich in useful elements and vitamins on hand? So, know that dill feels great at home, no worse than in open ground.

This process is not distinguished by any special difficulties or tricks, but certain agrotechnical requirements still worth following. Get good result, providing yourself with fresh herbs throughout the year is quite feasible. Dill grows well in autumn and winter - when our body especially needs vitamin supplements.

Dill grown at home, photo:

What are the benefits of dill for the body?

ABOUT beneficial properties Dill was known in ancient times - the greens and seeds were widely used to prepare medicinal decoctions. Today, rarely can anyone argue about the importance of dill for our diet. The plant not only adds a piquant taste to dishes, but also contains a powerful vitamin complex, as well as a source of valuable macro- and microelements. Dill improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the intestines (thanks to green fibers), its beneficial components normalize metabolic processes in the body, and eliminate bloating.

Study the features of growing dill on a windowsill - this plant will come to your aid in case of viral and cold diseases. For high blood pressure, nervous irritation or sleep disturbances, a decoction of dill herbs (seeds) will become a real medicine, natural and harmless. Exceptions for use are hypotension (so as not to lower blood pressure even more) and individual allergic reactions. Even pregnant women and nursing mothers will benefit from dill. First, it will help get rid of toxicosis and prepare the body for breastfeeding; second, it will increase lactation if circumstances require it. For greater confidence, it is better to consult your doctor, and then feel free to use dill, teas, and infusions from it. Now, let's start with the most basic thing - choosing a variety that is ideal for home growing.

Pot of dill, photo:

Dill on the windowsill - varieties

You can sow seeds at any time of the year; for harmonious development and growth they will need good lighting and fertile soil. An interesting fact is that for indoor breeding There are no special varieties of this crop! Many people unknowingly try to purchase early varieties - this is not worth doing. Firstly, in terms of ripening time, the early ripening variety will be about 10 days ahead of the usual variety, and secondly, it will not have that characteristic spicy aroma to which we are accustomed. Early dill is short-lived, and its bushes are not at all as lush as those of late- or mid-season varieties.

According to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, to sow dill for the winter, give preference to the following varieties: “Gourmet”, “Russian Size”, “Salute”, “Richelieu”. The following varieties are particularly bushy: “Dill”, “Kibray”, “Amazon”, “Buyan”. Such greenery from home garden beds is good not only for its intended purpose, it will also decorate your interior and be pleasing to the eye. bright colors, pomp. If you still want to choose early variety, then take “Gribovsky” or “Grenadier” - they have the best indicators for home breeding, based on reviews from gardeners from thematic forums on the Internet.

Before growing dill on a windowsill in winter, take care of the containers for it. For these purposes, elongated plastic or clay trays (pots) are best suited, which can be purchased in the appropriate departments of supermarkets or flower shops. The container must have sufficient depth, because in addition to the soil, a drainage layer (expanded clay, small crushed stone or small pebbles) will need to be laid down. It goes without saying that the bottom of the pots should have drainage holes.

Suitable container with soil mixture, photo:

Dill - how to grow at home

Once you have decided on the variety, you need to choose correct soil. A ready-made soil mixture for indoor flowers is well suited for these purposes. You can also mix equal amounts of neutral soil and loose garden soil yourself. Or take the same proportions of peat, humus, and turf soil - dill will really like this composition. To be sure that there are no harmful bacteria, bake the earthen mixture in the oven (about half an hour), and then let it sit for 24 hours.

How - what to do with the seeds? Important nuance: seeds should be pre-prepared (“awakened”). Soak them in warm water for about 8-10 hours. In this case, the water should be changed periodically every 2.5-3 hours. Experienced gardeners In general, it is recommended to soak dill fruits for at least a day, and you need to change the water every 5 hours. In any case, both options “work”, and the procedure itself speeds up the emergence of seedlings and the growth of greenery.

Sometimes several crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water; this nuance is especially relevant if the seeds are not fresh and have been stored for more than two years. After the fruits have swollen slightly from the “bath,” they should be laid out to dry using a clean cloth. During soaking, you will see that some seeds have sunk to the bottom of the container. They are no longer suitable for planting; it is better to remove them immediately.

How to grow dill correctly? Clean river sand should be poured into the planting containers on top of the drainage layer. The sand is laid in a thin layer; it is also recommended to pre-calcine it in the oven. Soil is laid on the sand and must be moistened. The seeds can be buried in any way you like - in grooves or simply scattered evenly over the area of ​​the pot, after which they should be sprinkled with a thin layer of peat (about 1 cm) and pressed slightly. Then cover the container plastic film, place in a warm place (+18..+20 °C). You will have to wait approximately 10 days.

The film will create a greenhouse effect. If you are planting dill for the winter, then place the pot closer to the radiator - this way you will create the necessary microclimate for successful sprouting. Periodically lift the film to remove condensation. As soon as the shoots appear, the container should be moved to a windowsill or any bright place where the greenery will grow further. Sprouts need light; this crop itself is light-loving, so dill should spend all stages of its life in a lighted place.

Dill - how to grow? South windows are best place for placing pots of herbs. In winter, when daylight hours are very short, your mini-vegetable garden will have to be illuminated. The additional lighting time should be approximately 5 hours. In this case, the lamps should be placed above the containers at a distance of approximately half a meter. Special phytolamps are also perfect for these purposes.

Dill on the windowsill in winter - growing features

Optimal temperature regime for favorable growth of dill is +18..+20 °C. Keep in mind that if the thermometer rises much higher, the plants will lean to one side and become lethargic and pale. If there is a feeling of lack of light, the dill will begin to stretch in length, the stems will become thin, and there will be few leaves. This is a long day culture. With 10-12 hours of daylight, an increase in green mass occurs. And it takes 14 hours for fruit to form. In our case, obtaining seeds is not so important, because we are growing a plant for aromatic greens.

The biological characteristics of dill imply sufficient moisture saturation. This is especially important during the period of seedlings pipping and, in fact, growth itself. It is important to find a middle ground here, since when there is oversaturation with moisture, the crop begins to wither, the soil becomes moldy, and when there is not enough moisture, it stops growing leaves and becomes coarser. Dill should be watered for the winter often, but moderately; it is also recommended to practice irrigation with a spray bottle. If the plant is grown in summer, then watering or spraying should be done more often. For these purposes, the water must have a suitable temperature (not lower than 30 ° C), be settled or thawed.

The tricks to growing dill for greens are as follows: in addition to the requirements for lighting and watering, you should get rid of weeds in a timely manner. If the greenery grows too thickly, it can be thinned out to remove weaker representatives. This plant loves freedom, so this procedure is important for the comfortable development and growth of shoots. Don’t be lazy, turn the containers with dill 180 degrees every day, so they will grow more evenly, without stretching out in length. Fertilizers can be applied once a month; complex fertilizers are optimal for these purposes. Many gardeners use vermicompost or the “BIUD” preparation diluted with water (1:20). Do not overdo it with fertilizing; if you planted the seeds in fertile soil, then fertilizer additions should be minimal.

How to grow dill at home

Based on all of the above, the most important criteria for growing dill are quality lighting and proper hydration. The higher the temperature in your apartment, the more actively you should water the soil and irrigate the above-ground part of the plants. At first, as soon as the seedlings appear, it is advisable to lower the temperature near the containers with the plants as night falls. This is done so that the sprouts gain strength and do not stretch upward. This idea can be realized by taking the pots out onto the balcony before nightfall. You can also open the window to allow the plants to “breathe” fresh air. Naturally, take into account the time of year outside the window and the outside temperature.

Now you know how to plant dill for the winter. How to grow it all year round. Because for this plant there are no time restrictions on planting dates. Light, the length of daylight hours, is an important criterion for dill. In spring and summer, providing yourself with fresh herbs will be much easier than late autumn or in winter.

How to grow dill on a windowsill - the instructions are simple: well-selected soil, a suitable and bright place, additional lighting (if necessary), proper watering. If you follow these simple rules, you will always have lush, juicy, healthy greens at hand!