Toilet      04/17/2019

How to grow cauliflower in open ground. Planting cauliflower in open ground with seeds. Cauliflower: planting seedlings and care

Cauliflower: growing seedlings in the garden

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  • ​Good afternoon!​
  • In the fight against cruciferous flea beetles (small striped bugs) - the worst enemy of cabbage seedlings - early treatment of seedlings with the drug Intavir will help you. ​

​Water the plants as needed, but try not to let the soil either dry out or become waterlogged. In order not to overdo it with watering, loosen the soil more often.

Of course, you can prepare any other nutritious soil mixture - not only based on turf soil, but also, for example, peat. The main thing is that the resulting soil is breathable and fertile. Also, when preparing a soil mixture for cabbage seedlings, never use garden soil on which cruciferous crops were previously grown: it probably contains infections characteristic of cabbage plants, and the likelihood of getting seedling diseases increases significantly.​ ​Depending on the variety, planting time seedlings in open ground vary significantly. So for early varieties and hybrids it comes from the end of April until mid-May, when the age of the seedlings reaches 60 days. For mid-early plants, this is the period from mid-May to mid-June, when the seedlings live for 40 days. And late varieties are planted in early to mid-July at the age of 35 days.​

Cauliflower seedlings: when to plant?

​When growing cauliflower in open ground, do not forget about systematic watering. If it is not provided with sufficient moisture, the heads of cabbage will grow small, and in some cases may not set at all.​

“Adlerskaya winter” is a late-ripening variety. Heads of cabbage can grow up to 1.8 kg. Preferable for fresh consumption;

  • The following varieties of cauliflower are usually distinguished:
  • ​We sow the seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm, 2-3 pieces in each pot, leaving after germination one - the strongest, and cutting off the others at the root. There is no need to pull it out so as not to damage the root of the remaining plant.
  • ​When can you plant seedlings in open ground:​

Cauliflower is an annual plant, and growing its seedlings is not much different from the same process with white cabbage. Its inflorescences in the form of heads can be of different colors: white, yellow and purple. Its root system is less developed than that of its white cabbage sister, so sowing seeds for cauliflower seedlings must be done in a special way. To do this, the soil for planting in a common box is divided into 10x10 cm squares so that the seedlings have the opportunity to form branched root systems for better absorption of nutrients from the soil.​

  • ​I report what happened: everything I sowed came up. But I'm not sure the game is worth the candle. Cabbage is 10-12 cm high, carrot tops are 4 cm somewhere, and beets too. But the radishes are already big, but they haven’t filled up yet.​
  • ​I revealed to you all the secrets of growing strong cabbage seedlings - well, at least those that I knew :) I would be glad if you share your secrets of growing cabbage seedlings in the comments.​
  • When growing cabbage seedlings, you need to monitor the air temperature in the room. The optimal temperature before cabbage sprouts is +18...+20°C, but when sprouts appear, the temperature must be lowered: during the day to +15...+17°C, and at night - to +8...+10° C (we are talking only about white cabbage!). Such seemingly sharp changes in day and night temperatures will make it possible to strengthen the seedlings and help prevent the seedlings from stretching out.​

​There is no point in sowing cabbage seedlings at the beginning of January - this is too early - or at the end of May - this is too late. Every gardener knows this simple truth. But although we know the approximate dates for sowing seeds, sometimes it can be quite difficult to determine a specific date. Let's talk about everything in order.​

  • ​Gardeners often grow several varieties of cauliflower to produce a harvest throughout the season.​
  • The ripening period of cauliflower directly depends on the chosen variety: early ones can already be obtained in mid or late June. However, the main harvest of cauliflower still falls in July. During harvesting, cabbage is cut with a sharp knife, capturing a couple of leaves. If the fruits are picked overripe, they will quickly deteriorate.​
  • ​"Sochi" - the heads grow small. Their weight is about 0.5 kg. As a rule, this variety is grown in the Krasnodar region.​

​early ripening;​

How to grow cauliflower seedlings planted in the ground?

​At a temperature of 20⁰C, seedlings appear in about 3-5 days. And here it is necessary to create the very conditions that I spoke about at the very beginning. As soon as the shoots appear, you need to lower the temperature to 10⁰C for four days. And it’s best to use backlighting, at least simple ones. fluorescent lamps. In the future, the temperature should be increased to 15-18⁰С, but this is with sufficient lighting, and if there is not enough light, then no higher than 14⁰С.​early varieties– after April 25 until May 15;​

​When to sow cucumbers for seedlings​

​Wah!)) Thank you very much. You will live a long time)) Nadys remembered, shedding a stingy tear over the carrots))) It’s cold because. Even so - at first it’s cold, then dry and cold, then again cold and damp.​

Cauliflower - seedlings or direct sowing of seeds in the ground?

​And a little more about planting and growing cabbage:​

​Regarding cauliflower seedlings, please note: it does not tolerate low temperatures well, and this will only lead to a decrease in yield - the heads will be small and loose. Temperature growing cauliflower seedlings, of course, can also fluctuate during the day and night, but, on average, the temperature must be maintained 5-7°C higher than that of white cabbage.​

How to grow seedlings?..

​Remember: cabbage of early varieties should be sown for seedlings from the beginning of March to approximately the 25th-28th of the month, seeds of medium varieties can be sown approximately from March 25 to April 25, and cabbage of late varieties - from the beginning to the 20th of April. ​

Cauliflower is planted thickened. A distance of 45-60 cm is left between the rows, and 35-40 cm between plants. Plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern.​

​Fruits cut in time can be stored for up to two months at a temperature of 0 - +1 degrees.​

To grow cauliflower seedlings at home, you need to know some nuances and rules. We are talking, for example, about the timing of sowing, the frequency of watering, picking (plant replanting), and soil preparation. Let's talk about each process in more detail.​ ​mid-early;​

The rest of seedling care consists of timely watering and fertilizing. Carefully ensure that the earthen lump does not dry out and at the same time do not over-moisten it, in order to avoid the appearance of an ominous “black leg”, which can instantly “undermine” the kids. A couple of times during the growth of seedlings on the window, it is advisable to fertilize.


Watering cabbage in open ground

Transplantation into open ground.

So, the game is worth the candle. Thanks again.​

​How to choose a cabbage variety and grow seedlings? ​

​When growing cabbage seedlings, do not forget to feed them, because it is during the seedling period that young plants really need a balanced set of various nutrients that would come to them in the most easily accessible form.​ ​If such dates for sowing cabbage seeds seem overly vague and incomprehensible to you , and you are a fan of specifics, then you will appreciate the recommendations from the article When to sow vegetables for seedlings - it describes an algorithm that helps to calculate optimal timing sowing exactly for your conditions.​

Or you can directly plant the seeds in the ground!

​When planting cauliflower seedlings growing in peat cassettes, you can leave the seedling in the peat section

​Cauliflower is used both for canning and freezing. For these purposes, you need to choose dense fruits white.​

The timing of sowing cauliflower seeds directly depends on the growing season of the selected variety. Seeds of early-ripening varieties are usually sown in the first ten days of March (5-10th), mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties - in the second ten days of March (10-20th) or in open ground in early April under covering material or film.​


Cauliflower - growing and care

​By the way, on this occasion, a lot of advice is also given on what specific fertilizers and what elements to feed cauliflower with; I’m not further speculating here either. I simply use a proven experience as a complex fertilizer with microelements, because as we know, cauliflower especially needs elements such as boron and molybdenum for development. Therefore, carefully study the composition of the fertilizer you choose.​

Popular varieties of cauliflower: description

I have cabbage seedlings in pots - 10 cm, yes or not))) So - everything is correct. We'll prepare the bed in the fall, God willing) Carrots - if I didn't know where they were planted - I wouldn't have seen them) Radishes - yes - visible, but only visible) And no more!))) Well, beets - grated - they're not I've seen this)

  • ​How to grow cabbage seedlings in an apartment where there is no balcony? ​
  • ​The first feeding should be carried out approximately 7-9 days after picking. You can prepare the fertilizer as follows: dissolve 2 grams of potassium fertilizers and ammonium nitrate, as well as 4 grams of superphosphate in 1 liter of water. One liter of nutrient solution is enough to feed 50-60 plants. True, in order not to burn the young roots of the seedlings, first water them and only then “feed them.”​
  • ​Well, I’ll give you one more hint: you can determine the time for sowing cabbage for seedlings based on the fact that about 10 days pass from the time of sowing the seeds to the emergence of seedlings (plus or minus a couple of days), and another should pass from the emergence of seedlings to the time of planting about 50-55 days. Based on this, it is necessary to sow cabbage for seedlings 5-60 days before the desired planting in the ground. ​
  • ​The seedlings, no matter how strong and hardened they are, need to be covered with film in the first two or three days.​

​Growing cauliflower is not a difficult process. The main thing is not to forget to water and periodically feed the plant. Please also note Special attention to choose a variety. For example, in Siberian conditions, gardeners usually purchase early-ripening varieties of cabbage.​

Early maturing varieties of cauliflower

An important stage is preparing the soil for seedlings. Properly selected soil can reduce the germination time of seeds to some extent. So, what is needed: peat, turf soil and river sand. All ingredients are mixed at a ratio of 1:1:1.​

Mid-season varieties of cauliflower

In order for our cauliflower to begin to bloom early and prolifically, planting its seeds for seedlings must be done at a certain time on soil enriched with phosphorus, boron and potassium.

  • ​I only managed to cover the beds with covering material. And it helped a lot. The temperature difference between the ground and just a garden bed reached 10 degrees. True, it was also under a sheet of polycarbonate (I prepared it for cucumbers). It’s +14 outside, and the ground at a depth of 16 cm is + 17.​
  • ​Preparing seeds for sowing - a selection of videos ​
  • The second feeding should be done 2 weeks after the first. For it, we prepare a new nutrient solution from the same fertilizers, just doubling the amount per liter of water. If the cabbage seedlings begin to turn a little yellow, they can be fed with a solution of fermented slurry 1:10.​

Late-ripening varieties of cauliflower

​In the case of cabbage seeds, you should not hope “at chance” - before sowing, be sure to treat them using one of the generally accepted methods of pre-sowing seed preparation.​

  • ​Thanks to this, she will better settle into her new place. After two weeks, you can carry out hilling, and after three, feed with a liquid solution of mullein. To protect plants from insects, they are sprinkled with wood ash at the rate of 1 cup per square meter.​
  • ​In popularity, cauliflower is only slightly behind traditional white cabbage.​

How to grow cauliflower seedlings?

​It is important not to overdo it when watering cauliflower seedlings. If the soil is too waterlogged, the seedlings may rot, and if there is a lack of moisture, they will develop slowly. The best option– water the cabbage seedlings in small portions as the soil dries out (usually 2-3 times a week).​

​Let's look at the most popular varieties of cauliflower.​

Preparing the soil for seedlings

By planting in open ground in mid-May, good seedlings should have 5 true leaves. Plants are planted in a pre-prepared place at a distance of 40x40 cm for early varieties and 50x50 cm for mid-season varieties. The soil around each bush needs to be thoroughly watered and compacted. After planting cauliflower, the bed must be covered with covering material or film until the threat of return frosts has passed. Then I continue to grow all types of cabbage under the lightest covering material throughout the season, thereby saving the plantings from cruciferous flea beetles and caterpillars, as well as from the scorching sun in the heat.​


​After planting strong and sufficiently formed seedlings in the ground, it must be covered from the bright rays of the sun with film for the first time.

​If we increase the content of these elements in the soil and limit the amount of nitrogen, then our vegetable will grow and develop faster, and, consequently, the ripening of its inflorescences will occur much earlier than usual.​

Picking cauliflower seedlings


Growing cauliflower in open ground

​Tanya, I was pleased with the useful and timely practical advice, Thank you! :) This year I decided to sow early cabbage with sprouted seeds - now 3 varieties are soaked: Iyunskaya, Number One Gribovsky 147 and Express F1. Most likely, I will sow in small cassettes, and then transplant the grown seedlings into peat pots. I have learned from experience that pre-sowing soaking in nutrient solutions (I use a solution of Gumi + Fitosporin universal biological preparations) has a positive effect on both the germination and quality of seedlings. And sowing with sprouted seeds helps save both space and time: you can immediately select best seeds and sow exactly as much as needed (well, with a small margin). Otherwise, I have an eternal problem: I grow so many seedlings that there is enough for several subsidiary farms, and then I add them - it’s a pity to throw away the seedlings))​

The third fertilizing should be done a couple of days before planting cabbage seedlings in the ground, and for this we prepare a solution by mixing 3 grams with 1 liter of water. ammonium nitrate, 5 g. superphosphate and 8 g. potash fertilizers. In this case, the dose of potassium fertilizers is increased so that the seedlings take root better in open ground, which is why this type of fertilizing is called hardening fertilizing. If you don’t want to bother with preparing fertilizers, you can use ready-made liquid complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira Lux.​

​Thanks to simple manipulations, you can practically eliminate dangerous diseases of cabbage - such as black leg, powdery mildew and so on - already in the seedling period, which means you will be able to grow healthy and strong seedlings.​

When to fertilize cauliflower?

The main task in further caring for cauliflower is regular watering, loosening and mulching of the soil. In this case, the crop will grow healthy and nutritious.​

  1. However, those who grew it claim that there are fewer problems with growing it than with growing a regular one. To grow healthy, strong vegetables, you need to plant the area correctly. Let's take a closer look at this point.​
  2. ​IMPORTANT: At the initial stage, when the cabbage seeds are just sown, the seedlings are watered only when the first shoots appear (this usually takes 10-15 days).​
  3. ​Early ripening varieties are distinguished by a short growing season. It takes approximately 100 days from germination to harvest. The heads of cabbage of these varieties are dense, the leaves are short. Here are a few examples:​

How often to water cauliflower?

​❗ Cauliflower is demanding when it comes to watering and fertilizing.​

Harvest and storage

​. The seedlings should take root in the soil in the shade within two to three days. They need to start hilling only after two weeks. In order for a vegetable to grow quickly and develop properly, it needs optimal temperature air: 16–25 °C. If the summer is hot and the soil dries out quickly, you need to monitor the growing seedlings more carefully: water them on time and abundantly and hide them in the shade from the scorching rays.​

​Remember that cauliflower, like kohlrabi cabbage, is a rather capricious plant that requires special conditions for growing, so its seedlings for planting in the ground must have a sufficiently formed root system, otherwise the plant will not take root and will die.​

​You're great! I’m even a little jealous, my beets and carrots are still lower, about 2 centimeters each.) Have you already picked the cabbage? If so, don’t forget to feed it in a week, it will start growing right away.) Have a good harvest! ​

By the way, last year I sown all the cabbage in a greenhouse in April - there is not enough space for seedlings at home. Of course, the early one was a little late, but overall it still turned out well.​

Planting cauliflower (video)

​Hardening off seedlings means a set of measures, thanks to which the root system of plants develops better and their high survival rate is ensured. Cabbage seedlings begin to harden about 10 days before planting in the ground. If you purchased already treated seeds (this should be indicated on the package), it will be enough to simply warm them for 20 minutes in hot water (at a temperature of about 50°C). After warming up the seeds, cool them for 5 minutes cold water- this way you will increase the resistance of cabbage to various fungal diseases. Just keep in mind: not all seeds processed by the manufacturer can be soaked! For some species this is completely unacceptable, so in order not to make a mistake, read about what types of industrial seed treatment are used and what their features are.​

​Cauliflower is healthy and incredibly tasty​

Friendly cauliflower seedlings in cassettes

Picking is the process of transplanting seedlings into a larger container. This is done so that the roots of the plants become stronger and take root faster when planted in the ground. Cauliflower seedlings are pricked at the age of 14 days.​

"Summer resident" - has a white head of a flattened shape. The weight of the fetus is approximately 1 kg. It can be frozen and also used fresh; It is better not to allow the soil to dry out at all. The soil under my plantings is always mulched. I feed the cabbage 3-4 times over the entire period. For this I most often use liquid organomineral complex fertilizers or just a weekly herbal infusion. Sometimes, at least once during the growing season, I pamper my favorite cabbage with leaf feeding.​

​If this is not done, its heads may bloom ahead of time and darken. Three weeks after planting, plants can begin to be fertilized with liquid cow manure or wood ash. But mineral fertilizers are also suitable for the first feeding. Nitrogen fertilizers for feeding cauliflower are not recommended, since increased soil acidity will be detrimental for the proper formation of its root system and further flowering.​

Seedless method

Each variety of this vegetable has its own time for planting seeds:

Photo gallery of ripe cauliflower

Well, yes, well, yes... someone measures centimeters, but we are still just sowing... Under the cover.


Sweet girls! The advice is of course late, but it’s okay, apply it next year. I had a house in the village, in a remote village, no benefits of civilization, no store or pharmacy, and they had never even heard of medical care there. And somewhere in the beginning of July, the purchased cabbage ran out and I had to cook cabbage soup! Well, why not run to the store 7 km away? I'm a villager, maybe there are some supplies left? Well, you all ate a long time ago! And they say, go to Valyukha from Kaluga, she has it! I ran... she came out, listened to me and said, well, let's go... where? Yes, I need a little something, cut it from mine and I’ll go. Let’s go, let’s go... we go into the garden and there are rows of cabbage and such huge heads of cabbage! I'm shocked! How? She says that someone shared a secret, we come skiing with our husbands in late February-early March. Immediately fetch water and boil the kettle, drink tea and go plant cabbage. They shoveled the snow, shed the soil well hot water, covered it with foil so that the heat would go down and the ground would not freeze again, home again to the stove, 20 minutes later they returned and raked warm earth, we planted cabbage seeds, covered them with film, covered them with plywood or hardboard or roofing paper and sprinkled them with snow again and went home, well, fortunately Kaluga is nearby, I won’t run into that. And in mid-April we arrived, removed the film and then good seedlings and they planted it, and now since April the cabbage has been growing, first under the film and in May it was removed, that’s how she has early cabbage, she said that this way you can plant any vegetables and not have to suffer at home. I tried it, although I watered it with boiling water in May, at the end of May I arrived and there were already seedlings under the film, I planted them, the variety was early, I picked small heads of cabbage in August, and they were so strong and juicy! I also tried tomatoes and peppers and everything worked out. I didn’t risk eggplants. Try it too!​

​In the first day or two, we simply open the window in the room with the cabbage seedlings for 3-4 hours. Over the next few days, we take the seedlings out onto the balcony (loggia, veranda, etc.) for a couple of hours, thereby exposing them to direct sun rays. When taking the seedlings out into the sun for the first time, we lightly shade them with gauze so that the bright spring sun does not burn the young plants.

​It would seem that there is no need to bother: I bought the seeds, prepared the soil mixture and go ahead - plant it as you want. But it's not quite like that. In order for cabbage seedlings to be strong and stocky, it is better to grow them with picking - only then the volume of its roots will be large, the seedlings themselves will grow squat and stronger, and it will be easier to transplant to permanent place. How to sow cabbage correctly?​

Cabbage is a favorite vegetable of many, which has long been called the garden lady. Tasty and healthy, it is not the last place in our diet. It is successfully used in folk medicine. They write riddles about her. And few gardeners are willing to give up the opportunity to grow lady cabbage on their land. But without good seedlings you can get excellent harvest This unique vegetable is most often simply impossible, so let's talk about the secrets of growing healthy and strong cabbage seedlings.​

The soil for growing cauliflower must have normal acidity. It can be anything in composition, but what cabbage likes most is heavy, nutrient-rich soil that contains good moisture. This is podzolic black soil or loam. Cauliflower takes well to lime, so in early spring or autumn it is worth adding lime or dolomite flour. It is also possible to enter wood ash. Organic and mineral fertilizers, when applied in the fall, will also play a positive role. Cauliflower can be planted in open ground in April. To prevent the yet mature seedlings from freezing, they are covered with polyethylene. You can also use covering material for these purposes.​

The variety of cauliflower, the photo of the bark is shown below, is called “Amphora”. This variety is distinguished unusual shape heads - it resembles a shell. The weight of a head of cabbage can reach 2 kg. Universal use;

Now, to be honest, I rarely grow cauliflower using seedlings. Firstly, due to the lack of space on the window. Secondly, I have neither a balcony nor a loggia where it would be possible to provide lower temperatures for the plants, and the place under the sun with lamps has long been occupied by tomatoes and peppers.​

12 secrets of growing cabbage seedlings

​The second feeding should be done after another two weeks. To do this, you will need liquid compost made from wood ash and nitrophoska. The third feeding should begin during the formation of plant heads: ammonium nitrate in the amount of 30 grams per ten-liter bucket of water is mixed with 80 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of any fertilizer containing potassium.​

Secret 1: careful selection of variety

​sowing of early varieties and hybrids begins from the beginning of March throughout all four weeks of the month;​

​ And the weather is not making us happy, it’s pouring with rain... True, by the weekend they promise warming and an end to precipitation... Even if they gave what they promised... ​

​Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely use it!​

Secret 2: buying quality seeds

​Starting from the 6th day of hardening, we reduce watering, making sure that the soil does not dry out, and take the seedlings out onto the balcony permanently. There it will remain until it is planted in the ground. By the way, before planting in the ground, cabbage seedlings should have 4–5 leaves, and before planting they must be watered thoroughly.​

​Seeds early cabbage need to be sown in a tray or planter. Before sowing, water the soil thoroughly and try not to moisten it any further until the seedlings appear - this will prevent the seedlings from getting “blackleg” disease. Why water the soil generously before sowing? The thing is that cabbage seeds need a lot of water to germinate - about 50% of their weight.​

Secret 3: preparing the right soil mixture

​Before buying seeds, decide what kind of cabbage you want to get in the end, why and when exactly you need it. It is on this that the timing of sowing cabbage seedlings will depend, first of all. It’s one thing if you want to enjoy early cabbage in salads, and quite another thing if you need cabbage for fermentation and long-term winter storage.​

​Cauliflower grows well in places where potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, legumes, beets and onions were previously grown. Of course, it will grow poorly after its related predecessors like white cabbage, turnips, radishes, rutabaga and radishes.​

Secret 4: choosing the right time for sowing cabbage seedlings

Cauliflower is usually planted in holes. The optimal planting scheme is 50:50, i.e. both between the holes and between the rows there should be approximately the same distance. In order for cabbage to take root well in a new place, it needs to be shaded for 2-3 days (pulling some piece of rag over it). Meanwhile experienced gardeners To avoid loss of seedling material, it is recommended to plant cabbage in cloudy weather.​

“Snowdrift” – has a round head. Its weight is not that big - about 1 kg. Good for freezing.​

​More often I use another option that is quite convenient for me - direct sowing of seeds in a permanent place. For this I choose early varieties and hybrids. I start sowing at the end of April - beginning of May. By the way, you can continue to sow until the tenth of June, and the harvest will be more extended. I sow in rows, quite often - at a distance of 5-10 cm between seeds, with further thinning of the seedlings. Sometimes I use “extra” plants for planting, and sometimes I don’t. I install arcs over the bed and cover them with film, then change it to covering material.​

​Cauliflower seedlings.​

Secret 5: mandatory pre-sowing preparation

​Mid-early varieties are planted from April 10 to mid-May;​

​On the contrary, we are asking for rain, otherwise the heat is +25 - + 27 and will definitely be for another week. So I’m guaranteed a marathon with a watering can in the garden. ​

​Tomorrow I will go to the dacha in Mozhaisk and try to plant according to your method. The only thing that confuses me is: “they put it on film-plywood or hardboard or roofing felt and sprinkled it with snow again and go home...”, do seedlings grow normally without light?​

Secret 6: correct sowing

​If you didn’t notice: you overdid it with watering, didn’t keep track of the temperature, didn’t ventilate well, and so on, as a result of which the seedlings got sick: blackleg, root rot or other ailments - don’t hope that the disease will go away by itself, save the seedlings immediately.​

​When the seedlings appear, they need to be thinned out, leaving a feeding area of ​​approximately 2x2 cm. After 2 weeks, when the seedlings have grown a little, they need to be picked, planted according to a 3x3 cm pattern, for example in cassettes. When diving, do not forget to deepen the stem of the seedlings to the cotyledons! After another half a month, the seedlings need to be transplanted again, but into pots (peat pots, plastic or paper cups or any other suitable container) - ideally their size should be 5x5 cm.

​White cabbage can be early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. Early varieties are low-yielding; they have rather small (weighing about 1.5 kg) heads of cabbage of medium density. Mid-season varieties of cabbage are suitable for both summer consumption and pickling, while late-season cabbage is ideally suited for long-term fresh storage.​

​Cauliflower can be grown in one place for three seasons, no more.​

IMPORTANT: Seedlings are planted when the plant has about 5 true leaves (this takes about 45-50 days). If planting is done earlier, the cabbage may die, and if later, the leaf rosette will grow weak and the head of cabbage will be small.​

Secret 7: light for seedlings

The ripening period for mid-season cauliflower varieties is approximately 110-120 days. The leaves are larger, the heads of cabbage reach an impressive mass. Here are some popular varieties from this series:

Secret 8: timely watering

​Growing cauliflower by direct sowing into the ground has undeniable advantages for me: the plants become more resistant to heat and drought, thanks to the formation of a strong tap root, which is damaged during any transplantation, no matter how hard we try. Plants develop remarkably, without any delays in development. Also, such cabbage forms simply excellent heads.​

​When I decided that “there will be cauliflower in my garden!”, then, of course, I was seriously puzzled by the issue of sowing through seedlings and growing it in the window. This option is quite possible if it is possible to create certain conditions. And many, I know, use exactly this method of growing this healthy and tasty vegetable.​

Secret 9: maintaining optimal temperature

​Late varieties are sown after May 15 until mid-June.​

​Tatiana, I haven’t dived yet, I’m thinking of doing it this weekend. What’s the best way to feed it? I poured grass into a barrel and filled it with water; in a couple of weeks, if the weather allows, it will turn sour. Or should I water it with something else?

Secret 10: mandatory feeding

​seedlings are not normal, but seeds are easy)​

To combat blackleg, dry the soil inside the tray (pots), sprinkle the seedlings themselves with ash and loosen the substrate.

​Before planting seedlings into cups, it is advisable to treat them with a weak (blue in color) solution copper sulfate or any other drug that prevents the appearance of fungal diseases.​

​In addition to the fact that the ripening periods of cabbage are different, the timing of its sowing is also different - remember this.​

Secret 11: hardening

​Patient bacteria accumulate in the soil, so it is better to take a break of five years after growing this crop.​

​After planting the seedlings in the ground, caring for cauliflower comes down to timely application of fertilizing - this is necessary for the growth of a powerful leaf rosette. If it (the rosette) is scanty, you may not expect a good harvest. As a rule, three feedings are done:

“Moscow canning” grows well in Siberia. The heads are large, weighing about 1.5 kg;​

Secret 12: disease prevention and timely treatment

​Author of the article: Candy.​


​Very often they write that it is simply necessary to soak the seeds before sowing in hot water at a temperature of 48-50⁰C for 20 minutes. Next, rinse with cold water and soak again, this time in a solution of potassium permanganate. I’ll say right away: I’ve never done this, and neither has anyone in my family who grows cauliflower. Although, who knows, maybe in vain? 😉​

Root rot

​Age of seedlings before planting in the ground:​

​I tried to plant at home, the seedlings died, I plant them at the dacha as soon as the snow melts in the greenhouse. I add only manure, ash and fertilizer when planting in a permanent place. If you remove the cover in time, the black leg will not destroy the seedlings.​

How to administer medications

Well, yes, I'm talking about seeds. I sowed cabbage, carrots, beets and radishes, I’ll see what happens))))​

Cruciferous flea beetle

In the fight against root rot (and blackleg too) of seedlings, treat it with trichoderma or rhizoplane. It's environmentally friendly biological drugs, whose effect is based on the action of a specially grown mycelium, which, as it develops, releases substances that inhibit various pathogens.​

​If you have no desire to pick cabbage, then it is better to initially sow it in separate pots. When the time comes to plant the seedlings in a permanent place, its root system will have a large volume, and due to the fact that the plants grew in separate pots before transplanting, it is almost not injured.​

​It is the quality of the seeds, not least of all, that will determine the quality of the seedlings, and therefore the cabbage harvest, so purchase high-quality seed material.​

  • This crop is grown in seedlings and without seedlings. The second is only suitable for residents of southern latitudes.​
  • The first is done 10 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. For this, ammonium nitrate is used (20g per 10l of water).​
  • ​"Domestic" - the heads of cabbage grow small - approximately 700-800 grams. The growing season varies from 100 to 120 days;​

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

​Cauliflower, despite the fact that it cannot be seen in every summer cottage, deserves special attention. This vegetable contains many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to humans. These include, for example, vitamins B and C, as well as iron, potassium, and magnesium. Due to many positive characteristics, our article will focus on proper cultivation cauliflower

​It is best to immediately use separate cups or peat pots measuring approximately 7x7x7 cm for sowing seeds. I abandoned common boxes and bowls at the very beginning. Since during transplantation, no matter how carefully it is carried out, the root is injured and the development of plants is greatly inhibited, which is completely undesirable, because cauliflower is already far from being a precocious and quite delicate creature.


​early varieties - 2 months;​

Ivan Ivanov

​What fertilizers do you apply? How are you doing?​

Ivan Ivanov

​just don’t disappear)) tell me what happened.​

Ivan Ivanov

​Trichodermin treatment allows you to create around the roots of plants protective zone from microorganisms, and treatment with rhizoplane promotes the absorption of iron by seedlings, due to which they develop immunity to the same black leg. In addition, rhizoplane allows seedlings to fight not only blackleg, but also various bacterioses, stem and root rots.​

Ivan Ivanov

In order for cabbage seedlings to grow strong and stocky, it is not enough to plant them correctly - you need to provide additional lighting, because ordinary daylight at home is not enough for cabbage. We illuminate the seedlings for about 12-15 hours a day using an ordinary fluorescent lamp.​


​We talked about how to buy seeds correctly, so as not to purchase expired seeds that have lost their germination due to improper storage, or even counterfeit seed material, in the articles How to buy seeds on the Internet and 10 rules for buying seeds. And in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, read this useful material.​

Lyudmila Orlova (Abramova), Ekaterinburg

​If you are one of those living in warm climates, the seedless method can simplify the task of growing cauliflower. At the beginning of May, cauliflower seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of two centimeters. Already in July you can see the heads of the plant.​


​After 14 days, make a second feeding. This time, in addition to ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and superphosphate are used.​

Olga V., Omsk

"Yako" is a high-yielding variety. The weight of the heads is 650-800 g. ripens very quickly: from planting to harvesting on average 60 days.​

​Before we begin the story about the most popular varieties, we note that appearance Cauliflower differs from ordinary cabbage in that it has white inflorescences. They are then used as food.

Marina Dolgova, Mariupol

​The sowing time must be calculated so that the age of the seedlings at the time of planting in the ground is 35 days for early varieties and 40 days for mid-season varieties, taking into account your climatic conditions. Cauliflower, unlike white cabbage, does not tolerate frost well and may even die without shelter. Overexposure of seedlings in pots also has a bad effect on further development.​

​mid-early varieties - 40 days;​

​A very good article - everything is written in detail and clearly, but there is a question... I read that cauliflower, unlike white cabbage, does not like picking. Is this really so or is it still better to pick it up like a white cabbage? How does broccoli relate to this? To be honest, I manage to sow and grow in different ways - both with and without picking, and I haven’t noticed the difference...​

​Definitely. I’ll go again tomorrow, I really want to look there, but I’m afraid it’s going to get cold there, I’ll have to endure it)))​

​Trichodermin should be added to the soil mixture before planting cabbage seedlings in pots, at the rate of 1 gram. preparation for 1 plant. Along with trichodermin, it is necessary to add a grain of barley to the soil, treated with microspores of the fungus - it is cultivated on it. You can simply water the plants with Rhizoplan or spray the seedlings with the drug, having previously diluted 1 gram per 100 grams. water.​

Natasha, Russia

​“Cabbage loves water and good weather” - this saying-statement is equally true both in relation to already grown heads of cabbage and in relation to its seedlings.​

To grow strong cabbage seedlings, you need to properly prepare a nutritious soil mixture. Ideally, the soil for cabbage seedlings should be prepared in the fall, but if for some reason you did not have time to do this, you can do it right now. Mix 1 part each of turf soil and humus, add a little ash (10 tablespoons for every 10 kg of soil) and mix the substrate thoroughly. In this case, the ash will be a source of not only micro- and macroelements, but also an excellent antiseptic that can prevent the appearance of blackleg on cabbage seedlings. Cauliflower has many incredible varieties. It has a pleasant taste and is great in breading.

​The third feeding occurs during the period of head tying. In this case, complete mineral fertilizer is added to the soil.​

​These varieties have the longest growing season - it can reach 200 days. The fruits are quite dense, medium or small size. Typically, such varieties are grown in the south of Russia.​

Today there are a great many varieties of cauliflower. Their main difference from each other is the ripening period.

​The soil for growing seedlings must be loose, light, nutritious and at the same time moisture-intensive.​

Planting and caring for cauliflower Planting radishes in the ground Picking cabbage seedlings video

Cauliflower requires sunlight

Temperature. To ripen and achieve technical ripeness of the cauliflower crop, at least 120-160 warm days are needed, depending on the variety. It would seem like summer middle zone for this it is quite enough. But the difficulty of growing this type of cabbage is that it reacts very sensitively to temperature fluctuations, so a lot of effort is required to protect the plantings during cold spells and shade the beds from the scorching sun.

Landing place. Cauliflower is demanding of sunlight. Good, dense heads are tied only when grown in open, maximally illuminated areas. Even close proximity to growing garden crops can negatively affect the quality of the harvest.

Advice! Towards the middle of summer, when the inflorescences begin to form and ripen, break the top leaves of the head of cabbage and “shade” the head with them - this way it will remain white, will not turn yellow and will not crumble.

The best predecessors of cauliflower: potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, as well as peas and other legumes. Do not plant it after “related” crops, such as radishes, turnips, radishes and other types of cabbage, after which pathogenic bacteria and fungal spores may remain in the soil.

The soil. Heavy, clayey or poor soils are not suitable for growing cauliflower. These plantings produce crops on sandy loam garden soil, sufficiently drained with good circulation of moisture and air. To improve the nutritional value of cabbage beds, it is better to use organic fertilizers: rotted manure or mullein, humus, compost masses, non-acidic peat.

Video tips for growing

Humidity. Regular watering of cauliflower plantings is necessary, especially in the first stages of cultivation. But at the same time, stagnation of water in the soil is often the main cause of the development of fungal diseases, so the frequency and volume of watering are set depending on weather conditions and the amount of precipitation. As a rule, in the second half of summer, when the crop is ripening, cabbage is no longer watered.

Cauliflower plantings require regular fertilizing for full development and high-quality ripening of the crop. A fairly long growing season gradually depletes the soil, and the crop different stages additional micro-macroelements are needed.

If you doubt the nutritional value of the soil, then it would not be a bad idea to feed the cauliflower a third time.

The first feeding is carried out approximately ten days after planting the seedlings or by the time the rosettes have 5-6 true leaves. For this purpose, liquid organic matter is used - mullein infusion, bird droppings or herbal infusion added to water for irrigation in appropriate dosages.

Two weeks later, a second feeding is carried out, with the addition of mineral fertilizers: infusion of wood ash, bone meal or a ready-made complex preparation - nitroammophoska.

If you doubt the nutritional value of the soil, then it would not be amiss to feed the cauliflower a third time, at the beginning of the formation of the head.

Video about planting cabbage and care

Growing most varieties of cauliflower is often complicated by the fact that the quality of the future harvest is negatively affected by temperature fluctuations. Possible cold snaps below 10°C and hot weather when the air warms up above 26-28°C are both bad for it. During such periods, the growth and development of plantings is inhibited, the density and taste qualities forming heads.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out approximately a month before the expected planting date.

Based on this, and also taking into account the weather characteristics of a particular region, various methods growing cauliflower - through seedlings, sowing in open ground or planting under temporary shelter. Let's look at the advantages and difficulties of each of them.

  • Seedling method

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out approximately a month before the expected planting date, usually from the end of March to mid-April. Seeds are sown in loose, moist and nutritious soil in separate cups or in a common container, deepening them to about 1-1.5 cm. The crops are covered with a piece of glass or film and placed in a warm place for germination. After the seedlings emerge, the shelter is removed and the container is transferred to the windowsill, providing the rosettes with maximum illumination. Caring for growing seedlings consists of timely watering and spraying, and a week before planting they begin to harden off.

When the rosettes form 4-6 true leaves and the positive average daily temperature is not lower than 12°C, the cabbage is planted in open ground according to a pattern of 70 cm between rows and about 30 cm between holes.

This method of growing cauliflower, although quite troublesome, is very effective. There is no other way to grow cauliflower and get a good harvest in temperate weather conditions. But in the southern regions, where summer warmth comes already at the beginning of May, there is no need for seedlings and cabbage is sown immediately in the beds.

Video about planting and growing

  • Sowing seeds in open ground

The advantages of this method, compared to seedlings, are obvious:

  • it is less labor intensive;
  • plants immediately get enough sunlight and do not stretch;
  • rosettes do not require replanting, which inhibits their growth and development for some period.

As soon as the weather settles and the threat of return frosts has passed, begin sowing cauliflower. The most rational placement scheme is double rows of plantings with wide row spacing for ease of care. Between plants leave 25 cm for early and early ripening varieties and 40 cm for late ripening heads of cabbage. Usually 2-3 seeds are sown in each hole, and after germination one of the strongest and most promising plants is left. Further care for planting the same - watering, fertilizing and timely removal of weeds.

Today’s article will tell you how to grow cauliflower in open ground and get a good harvest. This is the most difficult cabbage to grow. Even a minor drought can lead to the destruction of the entire crop. In terms of its requirements for soil, fertilizers and water regime, it is superior to other varieties. You can read about the types of cabbage in the article ““. Now in more detail,

How to grow cauliflower in the garden

Growing seedlings from seeds

It is quite difficult to grow good seedlings of this vegetable. The point is not that the seeds need to be disinfected, soaked, hardened, germinated and sown. This is all solvable. It is difficult to create conditions for this whim.

Seedlings must be grown in a bright and fairly cool room. This could be a balcony, a cold veranda or a greenhouse. Alternatively, the seeds can be planted under a film cover when the snow melts. On the windowsill of a city apartment, the seedlings will turn out pale, long and weak. You won't get a good harvest from it.

Seed preparation

So, sowing any seedlings begins with seed treatment. First, they are calibrated and the largest and heaviest seeds are selected. The surface of the seeds of all crops contains a lot of viruses, which are revived when they enter the soil. By disinfecting seeds, we destroy many viruses. The easiest way to treat seeds against viruses and diseases is to place DRY seeds in a sieve and scald them with boiling water. Then immediately cool in cold water. By-effect this procedure, the plant will not release the flower arrow. Seeds treated in this way are soaked for pecking and germination.

To soak the seeds, just water is suitable, you can use any liquid fertilizer, diluted according to instructions. By placing untreated seeds in a Fitosporin solution, you can get a double effect - the seeds will be treated against diseases and will receive the necessary mineral nutrition for germination.

When the seeds hatch, they need to be hardened and placed where the ambient temperature will not be higher than +5C. For example, in the refrigerator, where the temperature is controlled. After a day, we take it out and keep it warm for a day, and then again in the refrigerator for a day. From such seeds, seedlings grow that are more resistant to unfavorable conditions.

Sowing - choosing a container, soil

When choosing a planting container, you must take into account that the root system of cauliflower is very weak and superficial. She absolutely does not like multiple transplants. It is better to plant each seed separately. This could be a peat pot, a plastic container, or a container made from several layers of newspaper wrapped around a bottle. Anything will do, as long as the roots are not disturbed.

Growing cabbage seedlings in cassettes

Each gardener prepares the planting mixture based on his own capabilities, but there is still something in common. The mixture should be nutritious, moisture-absorbing and loose. On the surface of the soil, make depressions no larger than 0.5 cm, into which 2 - 3 seeds are placed. To preserve soil moisture, crops can be covered with a transparent film. If they all sprout, then leave the strongest one, pinching the rest at ground level. You should not pull out excess sprouts; you can damage the roots of the remaining sprout.

Fertilizing, hardening of seedlings

Shoots with 3 - 4 true leaves need to be fed. A simple urea solution or a special fertilizer for seedlings will do. And to prevent the seedlings from stretching, they can be treated with a preparation that slows down the growth of leaves and stems, but accelerates the growth of roots. After this treatment, the seedlings will not stretch.

At the age of 40 days, with 5 true leaves, the seedlings are taken out to the balcony, into the greenhouse, gradually accustoming them to the open air. A week later they are planted in the ground.

Planting in open ground

Cauliflower loves rich loamy soils. It must be grown where the soil was fertilized for the previous planting. It is necessary to carefully dig up the soil in the fall. At the same time, a large amount of manure or garden compost is added to the soil.

The location should be sunny, sheltered from the wind. Even with partial shade, the leaves grow large and the heads small. In full shade the heads do not set. The acid-base balance of the soil should be neutral - between 6.5 and 7.5. And, naturally, cruciferous vegetables did not grow in this place the previous year.

At the time of planting, add regular mineral fertilizer to the soil (90g per 1 square meter). If the soil is highly acidic, add lime a few weeks after fertilizing.

In spring, the soil in the garden bed is not dug up, but only loosened superficially. One of the conditions for obtaining large and dense cauliflower heads is dense soil.

Holes for planting are dug at a distance of about half a meter. The depth is necessary so that the seedlings fit into it up to the real leaves. If the roots of the seedlings are treated with karbofos before planting, the mole cricket will bypass this bed. Even the cabbage fly will not like deep planting. The soil around the planted seedlings is compacted; the plants should sit firmly in the soil. After planting, all plants are watered.

In order for the planted plants to take root faster, each of them can be covered with an individual greenhouse.

Each cabbage in its own mini-greenhouse

She comes out very well plastic bottle, with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters. To do this, just cut off the bottom. If you screw on the lid you will have a completely sealed shelter. And if you need to arrange ventilation, you just need to remove the cover. The plastic from which the bottle is made has a layered structure. The air inside the bottle, heated during the day, does not immediately cool down at night. In addition, such a transparent greenhouse protects cabbage plants from the wind.

Summer care rules, lighting, watering, fertilizing

  • water,
  • protect from pests,
  • feed,
  • protect from heat.

Cauliflower is very capricious. If it’s less than +10C outside, she’s cold, if it’s above +25C, she’s hot. But in any case, the result is the same - a decrease in the quality and quantity of the harvest.

You can combat low temperatures by covering the bed with covering material. Increased ambient temperature is reduced by refreshing watering on the leaves.


The root system of cauliflower is located close to the soil surface. Basic root watering is carried out depending on weather conditions, but at least once every 3 days. Any overdrying of the soil also reduces the yield. Mulch is needed to maintain soil moisture. It is better to water in the evening with water heated in the sun.

Feeding and fertilizers

It is impossible to get a good cabbage harvest without fertilizing. Cauliflower loves to eat. In its menu you can include:

  1. Infusions of green grass or mullein, diluted in the proportion of one part grass or mullein to ten parts water.
  2. Feeding with a complex fertilizer containing boron and molybdenum is required.
  3. Cabbage will also like watering with a solution of vitamin B1 - 0.5 mg of vitamin B1 sold in pharmacies in 1 liter of warm water.

When the heads on the cabbage begin to form, stop fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. Switch to foliar. Boric acid (1 g), potassium magnesium (1 tsp), and superphosphate extract from 1 tablespoon are added to the solution. All this, diluted in small quantities hot water, bring to 10 liters of solution and spray.

How to grow snow-white heads?

Snow-white heads are obtained when immediately after tying they are protected from the sun. To do this, the adjacent rosette leaves are either broken, creating a canopy, or collected in a bunch, tied with an elastic band. Nowadays, varieties have been developed whose heads are initially covered with leaves. If the heads grow in direct sun, they turn yellow.


Cabbage flies, aphids, cutworms, and slugs love to eat cauliflower. You can protect your plantings from flying pests by spraying the plants with a solution acetic acid(1 tbsp diluted in 10 liters of water), planting flowers with a strong smell around the bed that will overcome the smell of cabbage. After watering, sprinkle the plants well with sifted ash - the cruciferous flea beetle will not touch the cabbage. If you sprinkle the spaces between the cabbage rows with lime, mustard or wholemeal ash, then slugs will not crawl in for dinner.

When to Harvest

Harvest dates are indicated on the seed packaging. If you plant varieties of different ripening periods, cauliflower will be on the table until the New Year. There is no need to delay cleaning. Overgrown cabbage heads become loose, darken, fall apart and bloom. Cut the heads of cabbage better in the morning, by dew. If frosts start, it is better to wait until lunchtime to collect.

How to Preserve Cauliflower

Cabbage intended for storage can not be cut, but dug up along with the roots, preserving the outer leaves. Such heads of cabbage can be buried in damp sand in a cool place, or they can be hung upside down in a dark, frost-free room.

Beneficial features

To say that cauliflower is healthy is to say nothing. The dietary fiber it contains cleanses the intestines, frequent consumption of it reduces the risk of cancer, and the juice of this cabbage inhibits the growth of dangerous microorganisms. Cauliflower has negative calories. 100g of cabbage contains only 26 kcal, and the body spends about 40 to digest it. In addition, cauliflower contains Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, folic acid. Eating cauliflower regularly reduces cholesterol levels.

Really “cauliflower” cabbage!

The best varieties of cauliflower with photos - a difficult choice

Today, cauliflower is beginning to live up to its name. Varieties have been developed not only in white or green, but also in purple, red-violet and orange.

White varieties:

Alpha- early high-yielding variety; from planting seedlings to harvesting 65 days; suitable for harvesting from early spring to late autumn; the head is dense.

Snowball 123- early variety, from sowing to technical ripeness about 100 days; the head is snow-white in color, very dense.

Goat Dereza- excellent early ripening variety; from planting seedlings to harvesting about 60 days; the head is white, dense, weighing up to 1 kg.

Variety Goat Dereza

Malimba- very early Dutch variety, dense white heads, productive.

Guarantee- guarantees an early harvest of white heads. It ties heads well in unfavorable conditions.

Skywalker F1 - late-ripening variety Dutch selection. Dense heavy heads from 1.8 to 3.5 kg. Very good for freezing for the winter.

Green varieties:

Shannon- mid-season variety with heads Green colour.

Station wagon- late-ripening variety with small heads (less than 0.5 kg).

Purple varieties:

Purple Queenearly ripening variety rich in anthocyanin, like all purple varieties. Delicate taste, less cooking required than white varieties so as not to lose color.

Amethyst - medium early hybrid with straight heads weighing up to 1 kg.

purple ball- mid-season, very productive variety. Mid-season (110-120 days). The head is purple, weighing up to 1.5 kg, dense, smooth.

Orange varieties:

Cheddar F1- early hybrid (65 days). Excellent taste of inflorescences and unusual color. Weight up to 1.5 kg.

Yarik F1 — mid-early variety with small orange heads - 300 gr. Very tasty.

One can only marvel at the rich imagination of nature and the breeders who develop new varieties.

Now you are armed with the knowledge of how to grow cauliflower - I wish you a rich harvest of this heat-loving sissy.

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

Cauliflower is a healthy dietary vegetable, rich in fiber, surpassing white cabbage in its content of nutrients. Heads of cabbage contain many B vitamins and microelements, while being a low-calorie product. This crop has been known since the 11th - 12th centuries - it was grown in Spain, the Mediterranean, and then in central Europe. In Russia, this vegetable began to be planted in the era of Catherine II. Growing cabbage in your summer cottage is not at all difficult; you just need to know a few features of the agricultural technology of this annual plant.

Cabbage varieties

Cauliflower varieties are divided into early, middle and late according to their ripening time. From the moment of planting the seeds to the ripening of the head of cabbage, 100-125 days pass for early cabbage, 126-135 days for mid-season cabbage, and 145-170 days for late-season cabbage. When choosing a variety for planting, you need to focus on the climatic features of the area: in the north of Russia, in the Leningrad region, it is better to grow early varieties, in Moscow, the central regions - early and middle varieties, and late varieties are also suitable for the southern regions. As a rule, many experienced gardeners know which varieties of cabbage to plant in their summer cottage.

For your information! The edible part of cabbage is the head formed by undeveloped flower stalks of white, yellow, green or purple.

Unfortunately, fake seeds from domestic and foreign companies are often found: cabbage grown from such seedlings either does not match the variety or does not produce a head of cabbage at all - all the work is in vain! Therefore, for those starting to grow this vegetable, it is better to buy different types with different ripening periods, carefully reading the instructions on the bag of seeds or using online reviews when choosing.

Cauliflower Vinson F1

Some of the most reliable varieties today are Vinson, Fremont, Movir 74, Koza-dereza, Snezhok. Often best harvest produce hybrids - F1 is always indicated next to their name.

Important! Cauliflower is quite light-loving. For optimal growth and head formation, the temperature should not exceed 25°C, optimal - 15-18°C.

At the same time, cabbage prefers high air humidity and frequent, abundant watering. If hot, dry weather occurs during the formation of the head of cabbage, then the harvest is unlikely to be abundant: the head of cabbage will be small or will not set at all. To maintain moisture, the soil around the plants needs to be loosened and mulched so that a crust does not form, preventing moisture from penetrating to the roots. However, it should be remembered that excess soil moisture provokes rot, so if there is a large amount of precipitation, it is better not to water the beds.

When the head of cabbage started and grew to required sizes Having turned from greenish to white, you need to break the leaves above the head of cabbage, creating additional shading. This way the cabbage head will grow a little, and it will also be possible to avoid “pinching” - the inflorescence will not turn green, stretch out, or become stiff.

It is important to cut cabbage heads on time. The correct fruit should be of a uniform color (in accordance with the variety, for example, white), and the inflorescences should be of the same height. If they begin to lengthen and turn green, it means that the head is “pinned”, becoming overripe. This cabbage will taste tougher.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Cabbage seeds do not germinate well in open ground, so they are always grown in seedlings. You can sow cabbage in a greenhouse, or you can grow it at home in containers.

As a rule, modern manufacturers treat seeds in a special way, covering them with a green or orange substance, so such grains do not need to be soaked before planting. If the cabbage seeds are untreated, then before sowing they can be soaked for a day: put in a wet napkin or cloth and be sure to make sure that they do not dry out, otherwise the cabbage seeds will lose their germination.

Sowing in a greenhouse should be chosen only if there is a constant opportunity to water the seedlings. If in early spring It is not possible to go to the dacha often; it is better to sow the seeds on the windowsill in the apartment.

Important! The root system of cauliflower is very fragile and can be easily injured when transplanting seedlings into open ground. A plant with damaged roots will be stunted for a long time. Therefore, it is better to sow the seeds immediately in separate pots. You can use peat humus disposable pots, but when planting in the ground, it is better to make several deep cuts at the bottom of the container so that the roots of the plant can come out of the container more easily.

The timing of planting seeds for seedlings at home depends on the ripening time of the cabbage variety:

  • early varieties are best sown in March;
  • middle and late - from mid-April to mid-May.

It is better to sow cauliflower seeds in an unheated greenhouse a little later - in mid-April - early May. But it is important to know that these dates are approximate, so they may shift by 1-2 weeks depending on the region and weather conditions. Cabbage should be planted in open ground 1-1.5 months after sowing for seedlings. Therefore, if the winter is long and the snow will definitely not melt until the second half of April, planting seeds can be postponed for a couple of weeks.

Planting Cauliflower Seeds

Sometimes it is practiced to plant seeds at different times in order to obtain a fresh harvest during the summer and early autumn. The same result can be achieved by sowing several varieties at the same time for different periods maturation.

Any ordinary seedling soil from a garden store will be suitable for planting seeds. If the soil is prepared independently, then before sowing the seeds it must be disinfected by steaming it in a colander (the soil is placed on cheesecloth in a colander placed on a boiling pan) or calcined in the oven. Disinfection will reduce the likelihood of the spread of mold and fungal diseases that affect cabbage seedlings.

If it is not possible to plant seedlings in separate pots, then you can sow cabbage in a box. To do this, you need to make shallow grooves in the ground, place the seeds at a distance of 3-5 cm, sprinkle them with soil and cover with lutrasil. Plantings can be opened only after germination. In this case, it is better to plant small plants with two pairs of leaves in separate pots. To save time and not bother with picking, it is better to immediately increase the distance between the seeds.

Cabbage shoots will appear in 1 week. They need to be kept for 4-5 days at a cool temperature of about 10°C. Then gradually increase it to 15-18°C (for example, seedlings can be kept in an apartment on a windowsill under a window).

Important! 30-35 days after planting the seeds, cabbage can be planted in open ground. This period may vary depending on the characteristics of agricultural technology: most importantly, the young plant should have 5-6 leaves and a thick stem, and look strong. Tall, thin, overgrown seedlings will be very weak.

Planting cauliflower seedlings in open ground

When choosing a site for planting cabbage in open ground, you need to take into account that all cruciferous vegetables are bad predecessors for this crop: cabbage, beets, turnips. These plants have common diseases and pests. The plant prefers soil rich in nutrients, so before planting in open ground, the soil in the beds must be specially prepared: add ash containing potassium and humus rich in nitrogen. You can add superphosphate granules at the rate of 70 g per 1 m². Then the soil needs to be dug well.

It is better to plant cauliflower seedlings in open ground in cool, windless weather so that the plant takes root better. You need to make small holes with a shovel up to 10 cm deep - 1/3 of the shovel bayonet (depending on the size of the seedlings). The distance between the holes should be about 40 cm, and between the rows - 50 cm. You can put a little humus and 5-7 g of nitrophoska on the bottom. Each hole needs to be well watered.

Young cauliflower plants must be removed from the pot carefully so as not to break the stem or destroy the earthen ball, damaging the roots. The plant is placed at the bottom of a hole made in the garden bed and carefully covered with earth. The cabbage neck needs to be deepened a little and the soil around the plant compacted. The seedlings should be in the center of a small “crater” - a hole with sides to make watering easier. After transplanting into open ground, cauliflower should be carefully watered and, if possible, sprayed with epin. This immune stimulant will help the plant recover faster after transplantation. Epin is always recommended to be used if the seedlings were exposed to frost, suffered from fungal diseases, and a few days after transplantation began to change color (darken or turn yellow) and drop leaves.

Important! The first few days after transplanting from pots into open ground, you need to ensure that the young plants do not dry out. In hot, dry weather, you can shade the plants with lutrasil for a couple of days. This will reduce the evaporation of moisture and will not allow the cauliflower to “burn” as if it were covered with film. 2 weeks after planting in open ground, the seedlings need to be earthed up.


Cauliflower responds positively to fertilization, so it is better to feed the plants 3-4 times per season. 2 weeks after planting in open ground, cabbage can be watered with mullein infusion, rich in nitrogen. This element is necessary for the growth of leaf mass before flowering.

Nitrogen fertilizers must be applied before the head of cabbage is formed, but very carefully, since if there is an excess of this microelement, the cabbage head will be loose or not set at all. Fertilizing with nitrogen can be done twice. It is better not to add nitrogen before flowering, because the cabbage will “go into the leaves” and will not form a head.

Fertilizers must be applied before the head forms.

During the formation of the cabbage head, you need to use phosphorus and potassium fertilizers: 80 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium per 10 liters of water. For good setting of heads of cabbage, seedlings grown in open ground for a month can be fed 1-2 times with boron. You can also add complex fertilizers, containing copper, molybdenum, magnesium.

Growing cabbage at home

Home gardening enthusiasts grow cauliflower at home on windowsills and balconies. In this case, the harvest can be purely symbolic. Agricultural technology in this case differs little from the rules for growing cauliflower in open ground described above: the plants should be in a well-lit place, on a south, south-west or south-east window. It is necessary to maintain high air humidity. Unfortunately, cauliflower in apartment conditions produces small heads of cabbage, sometimes leaving owners without a harvest at all. Therefore, before planting this plant at home, it is better to compare the time and labor that will go into growing it with the final modest result.

The nuances that it is advisable to observe when planting cauliflower seedlings in open ground seem numerous and complex only in description. In practice, growing this vegetable is not at all difficult. In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing once again that a lot here depends on the quality of the seeds and seedlings, since plantings that are unsuitable for the area or low-yielding plant varieties will negate all the work of the summer resident. Therefore, you should be more careful when choosing planting material and timely planting of seedlings in the ground.

Cauliflower is one of the earliest dietary crops in our garden. The birthplace of culture is the Mediterranean. It has settled in our latitudes and is loved for its precocity and the uniqueness of its qualities.

It is mainly white in color, and the heads of cabbage grow in weight of 1.5 - 2 kilograms. A head of cauliflower is nothing more than flowers, which is why cauliflower is called cauliflower. Since cauliflower is an early ripening plant, up to three harvests can be harvested per season.

The methods for growing cauliflower are no different from any other variety. It is grown through seedlings, but with special agricultural technology.

Optimal time for sowing seeds– end of March – beginning of April. Cauliflower is the most demanding on the composition and fertility of the soil; it requires twice as much nutrients as white cabbage, especially nitrogen; it loves water, but does not tolerate heat well.

Therefore, it is planted earlier than white cabbage, so that the formation of rosettes does not coincide with the peak of the heat.

How to grow cauliflower correctly.

Before sowing, seeds for 20 minutes. treated against various infections with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (5 grams per 0.5 liters of water), then washed thoroughly in water.

Until the emergence of seedlings, the temperature is maintained at about 20 degrees, and then reduced to 8 degrees. During the entire subsequent period, the daytime temperature is 18 degrees, and the night temperature is about 8 degrees. The sprouts sprout in the true leaf phase, slightly moistening the soil.

It is important to maintain moderate watering. It is less cold-resistant and can withstand very slight frosts (not lower than -1.5°C), so cauliflower seedlings are planted in open ground when the threat of low temperatures has passed.

A week or two before planting in the garden, young shoots are gradually hardened off outdoors(on the balcony or in the yard).

Cauliflower is planted in the usual way according to a 60 x 30 centimeter pattern. When planting, 200 grams of wood ash and a small handful of humus are placed in each hole.

Cauliflower Fertilizer

Cauliflower requires more careful nutrition. In addition to the usual fertilizers used, she really needs microelements such as molybdenum and boron. If there is a lack of these elements, the cabbage does not set heads. While growing, cauliflower requires large quantity watering to grow leaves and the head itself.

They start in two weeks. For feeding, use a water infusion of mullein (take 1 bucket of mullein for 6 buckets of water) or bird droppings (take 1 liter jar of bird droppings for 2 buckets of water).

For 1 bucket of infused mullein or manure add 10 grams of potassium sulfate and 10 grams double superphosphate , as well as 1 gram of ammonium molybdic acid and 1 gram boric acid. It is enough to feed each plant at the root with 1 liter of the resulting cocktail.

After such feeding, be sure to water the cabbage, let the soil dry slightly and hill up. The second time you need to feed the cauliflower seedlings is after half a month, excluding microelements.

The main feature during the formation of inflorescences is the breaking of the inner leaves. This agrotechnical technique contributes to the formation of a strong head of cabbage. If this is not done, the cabbage loses its color and the heads become loose.

You can use tomato tops for this purpose. Flowers of tall marigolds planted nearby can also cover the heads of cabbage, and at the same time repel pests with their smell.

In relation to day longitude, cauliflower is the most flexible, this makes it possible to harvest several crops during the season. In order to get a cauliflower harvest as early as possible in the spring, 45-60-day-old seedlings are planted, and for late summer and autumn - 40-day-old.

Cabbage is harvested selectively, not allowing it to overgrow, so that the heads are dense. Delay in harvesting cauliflower contributes to the coarsening of the inflorescence and the accumulation of bitterness. Cauliflower, like all other species, has many pests.

Cauliflower Pests

In open ground, cruciferous flea beetles attack planted seedlings. Therefore, after 5 days, the seedlings must be watered from a watering can so that the leaves are well moistened, and pollinated with tobacco dust. Caterpillars of cabbage whites and cabbage cutworms also adore cabbage.

If caterpillars have already been discovered, they are collected by hand, and the cabbage is treated with bacterial preparations, which can be purchased at any specialty store.

The use of these drugs is possible throughout the development of cabbage: the last spraying is allowed several days before the cabbage harvest.

To combat pests, gardeners plant marigolds among cabbage, which not only decorate the garden, but also repel numerous pests. There should be no doubt about how to grow cauliflower if you follow these simple techniques.

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