Toilet      06/13/2019

Moss garden: secrets of creating decorative green masterpieces at your dacha. Moss: cultivation and care

Moss looks amazing in the garden, especially on decorative stones and rock slides. It gives any garden a special charm of age and grandeur. Growing moss on your property simply means giving it the necessary conditions for germination, and have a little patience while it germinates.

What conditions does moss like?

Mosses love moisture, shade and acidic soil (acidity 5.0-6.0).

Direct sunlight can destroy moss sprouts in the shortest possible time. Did you know that moss has no roots?

Growing moss at home

He has thin threads, through which it receives nutrients from the soil, but no true roots. Therefore, it dries out and dies much faster than other plants.

How to grow moss on the ground?

The easiest way to grow moss in soil is to take a small piece of moss somewhere and place it on the soil in the desired location. Thoroughly loosen the surface of the soil in the place where you are going to plant it, so that its threads get good contact with the ground.

Moisten the area and place moss on it. It is necessary to press it well into the ground. You can even put a few light stones on top - this will help it stick better. Newly transplanted moss should be kept well hydrated for the first few weeks. Moss is not divided into varieties, but there is an opinion among practitioners that some types of moss grow better in the ground, while others grow better on hard rock.

So it is wise to take your planting specimen from the same surface where you are going to plant it to minimize propagation problems (eg if you want to grow it on rocks, then the seedling should be taken from a rock, etc.) .

How to grow moss on stones, bricks and garden figures?

Starting to grow moss on a rock is a little more difficult than simply moving a piece of it there. To grow moss on rocks, bricks, or garden pieces, many people have had success using buttermilk.

It is mixed with moss and applied to a new surface.

The recipe is:

2 cups buttermilk or yogurt

1-1/2 moss tops, chopped (fresh or dried)

Mix until the consistency of medium-fat sour cream. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water.

If it is too runny, add more moss.

Spread the mixture onto the desired surface and leave it there for a day or two to begin the process. After about 6 weeks you will see moss sprouting.

How to care for moss

In order for your moss to grow well, you must maintain ideal conditions for it:

  • shadow;
  • moisture;
  • low soil pH;
  • remove weeds regularly; mosses cannot compete for moisture with weed roots;
  • It is imperative to remove leaves that have fallen in autumn from the surface of the moss.

How to grow moss in a decorative pond

Moss grown along the edge of a decorative pond looks very interesting.

To do this, you will need landscape fabric. Place the strip of fabric around the perimeter of the pond so that it lies on the surface of the water. Place a piece of moss on top, the same as for growing in soil. The fabric absorbs water and remains damp - an ideal environment for moss to spread. So, to grow a piece of moss for planting, you can also use a shallow tray of water on which you place a piece of landscape fabric.

Once the moss strands have attached to the fabric, you can transfer the entire piece to the soil prepared for replanting.

Do not forget to moisturize it, and your moss carpet will not take long to arrive.

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How to grow moss on a plot

Methods for growing moss

There are several ways to improve appearance bonsai trees. Perhaps the most important attribute, in addition to the beautiful bowl, is the light green velvety carpet of moss.

If you look at photos of bonsai exhibits, you will notice that few of them do not have moss.

And it’s not just about beauty, because in addition to its decorative function, moss protects the soil from drying out, and also, in the case of street trees, protects it from birds, which sometimes try to pick around in the bowl in search of worms and insects.

The Japanese have been using moss in gardening for thousands of years, and have been so successful in this that they even invented the so-called “moss gardens”.
So, how to decorate the soil in a bowl with moss, fern and lichen? There are two methods.

How to replant moss for bonsai

The first method is to simply find moss and transplant it into your bowl.

Moss can be found anywhere, the main thing is that the conditions in the place where it grows and where the bonsai grows are approximately the same.

It's best to try looking for it in sunny places, such as roof tiles, cracks between paving slabs, tree bark.

The found samples just need to be carefully cut with a knife and transferred to the moist soil of the bowl.

Planting moss

You can also simply grow moss for bonsai yourself. The big advantage of this method is the ability to easily combine different types, creating a more attractive coating.

Just like in the previous method, you need to find a suitable growing moss of one or more types, cut it, dry it in the sun and chop it.

Sprinkle the resulting “powder” onto the surface of the soil in a bowl, and after a few weeks you will see a green carpet begin to sprout.

Below are some examples of a successful symbiosis of moss and bonsai.

The article was written based on materials from

Moss is in place

The Japanese have used mosses in gardens and parks for centuries. Near the Kyoto area, on the temple grounds there is a large garden of the Sayohi Mosque, which was founded in the 14th century. Visitors can see up to a hundred various types mosses and lichens.

Today, the use of this impressive element in landscape design has become popular because its treatment provides aesthetic and practical benefits.

Moss has a wide range of rich colors, exquisite textures and unique decorations. Mixing several types allows for a seasonally changing collage of different shades of green.

The emerald carpet in the shaded corners of the area fully matches the shade of perennials such as ferns, tenacious (ayuga), hosts, lilies, hyacinth, Dincenter, windmills, saxophores.

Using this evergreen miniature plant as an effective focal point for decorating water features, treatments and Japanese-style gardens will create a unique atmosphere of unity and harmony with nature.

Also at the end of autumn, when the leaves have flown and the last of the color has awakened, a soft carpet with carpets will amaze you with the bright emerald hue of the snow.

The practical benefit of planting moss in the garden is their resilience and ability to retain moisture. The plant thrives in places where it is difficult to grow other representatives of the flora.

All representatives of mosses are classified as bryophytes - non-vascular plants.

In nature, there are about 2000 thousand of their varieties, reproduced by plants and controversial ones. Their growth and development are influenced by three factors: humidity, sunlight and temperatures above -4 ° C. If these three conditions are met, photosynthesis will create the chemical energy necessary for active growth.

Although industrial moss is a plant, it does not have the plant parts that we are accustomed to.

These are not real leaves, branches or even roots. Because rootless mosses must find other ways to absorb moisture, they are often found in damp, shady areas where Moss's spread grows like a colony, which creates a dense layer of soft topsoil. Although some representatives of the genus were found in relatively open, dry areas.

Planting and care

To create a mossy clearing or meadow, you need to start from scratch.

First, clear the weed soil. For planting, you can take large pieces of moss layer found in the forest, garden or garden site and move it to a new location. Various types Bryophytes are compatible with each other, so don't be afraid to mix and match.

After transplantation with the mother, new growth points begin to sway and gradually expand.

The plant grows well in clay and organic soils with high acidity (pH about 5.5).

The exception is small soil with high content sand, which prevents the formation of a stable surface.

The ideal condition for moss in the garden will be shady areas in the north or east. Be sure to consider a sunny location for all four seasons. Suitable places with morning sunlight or dinner in the middle of summer. Very few species can survive in the sun.

Moss can tolerate short periods of drought, but rather increases moisture, especially during the first three weeks after planting.

Plants do not need deep and frequent watering, as this can cause excessive moisture and fungal diseases. It could be The best way installations automatic system fading.

If it is not possible to install a system, you can spray water to moisten the moss layer. The first 1-2 months every day, the third month every three days, the fourth - once a week. If the moss in your garden becomes cloudy, reduce watering as this is a sign of soil damage.

Also consider weather conditions.

How to make living moss graffiti in the garden

With the help of bryophytes ornamental garden you can create real works of art. Use a simple recipe to bring your ideas to life.

Add a few moss pads to a regular mixer, add ½ cup of kefir, a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of spoon.

l. special hydrogel for plants to thicken the mixture (try without it). Prepare a stiff mixture by mixing the ingredients for 2 minutes. Use the template on the selected surface (stone wall, wall, path, large stones) and fill empty seats apply a thick layer of the mixture with a sponge or brush.

Rinse well with water 2 times a week to start the spore.

Growing and caring for mosses at home

The result will be visible in a month.

These ancient land plants are very unpretentious. For comfortable growth they need a lot of moisture and some light. And to the question: is it possible to grow moss in an apartment, the answer will be unequivocal - it is possible, and with great success.

How to grow moss at home?

As you know, mosses do not have roots, and they receive all their nutrients by absorbing moisture over their entire surface. Caring for moss is not at all difficult, but with their help you can create amazing living compositions, mini-gardens, and forest landscapes.

You can grow mosses in any containers, but they look most impressive inside transparent glass bowls, vases or small florariums.

Growing moss inside a vase at home

So, to grow moss in a jar, vase or other container, you need to pour a layer of small pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom. This is necessary to prevent moisture stagnation. The next layer is granular carbon.

Only after this the substrate is poured.

It's time to start landscape design. It is not necessary to strive for flat surface– hills and depressions will only add naturalism.

How to grow moss at home?

You can add pieces of wood, pebbles, and plant moisture-loving plants to make the composition look like a real forest landscape.

The moss itself can be taken from the forest by cutting it along with the turf. Or you can buy it in a specialized store. In the first days after planting, the pads need to be sprayed daily. After the end of the adaptation period, watering should be reduced so as not to cause an excess of moisture.

It is optimal to moisten the moss once every 3-5 days.

As you can see, growing moss at home is not at all difficult. Very soon after planting, the moss will begin to grow. For normal development, bryophytes need access to cool, fresh air and partial lighting. It is enough to expose them to the morning sun for 2-3 hours.

This lighting makes the color of the moss more intense and beautiful.

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Mosses in the forest

You will watch the day in the cool of twilight in a spruce forest or the intoxicating aroma of the resin of a pine forest, and then fall on foot into a fluffy emerald carpet sploshnyakom floor coverings. And if that doesn't catch your eye, everywhere there are unimaginable shades of green, lies the kingdom of mosses.

The surface of the moss is especially good after rain.

Lush, elastic, moisture-proof moisture, attracts the eye, attracts valuable dew drops. And at a dry age, it was as if his invisible hand had taken over.

The emeralds fade and disappear. Covered in dead gray powder.

But it's worth the pouring rain because the mosses come alive in their eyes.

How to grow mosses at home

They're playing with flowers again, and they're stupid again.

This carpet is not everywhere. Sometimes dark bald spots appear here or there, covered in fallen pine needles. And there are areas in the forest where mosses grow in curves that look like pieces of green velvet.

The Machons have an interesting way of life.

Every year they are green. Small, tangible, keep your equipment even under snow cover. And in the spring, as soon as the snow is cleared, they quickly wake up from sleep.

Where did moss get so much stamina?

How can such people suffer? harsh winters and prolonged drought?

The secret lies in the special properties of mosses. These cells contain a protoplast. Cells do not die when they lose water. And they go into a state of rest. Mahos are extremely important. They can also be revived after long-term storage in dried form.

There's another one interesting feature mosses: it absorbs water, absorbs it like a sponge.

They are also released after drying. In this case, don't worry.

Moffs reproduce by spores. These are the smallest living particles and are very volatile. They can be easily transported by air and brought new life generally under all reasonable conditions.

The fact is that mosses are opportunists.

They are forced to live in conditions dictated by higher plants. Be away from the falling pine trees coniferous trees and leaves to fill those places where the elderly brothers leave "generously." Mosses are excellent indicators of soil moisture.

Some are harsh, others are dry. And the nutrients contained in the soil are also sensitive.

Many mosses are similar in appearance, but distinguishing them is not as difficult as it might seem. They differ in leaf structure and color.

Moss Roberoom

If you look at the greasy carpet of spruce forests in wet weather, you will sometimes see small dark green “stars.”

Don't exceed the size of a penny. Each "star" is a pile of small moss leaves called Rhodobryum roseum. Its leaves are arranged horizontally and point in all directions, like the rays of stars.

It is easy to see them with the naked eye. We can even distinguish that they have an oblong oval shape and are directed towards the top. Such leaves are considered very large in the world of mosses. Try to find a moss rod. It starts just below the bunch of sheets and goes straight down. Tear off the moss along with the stem. What an original plant! It looks like... a palm. The same “body”, the same wide leaves

Moss opinion

In fir plantations there is another large leaf mill called mnium (some species of the genus Mnium).

Its leaves are oval shaped and have the length of wheat. They are attached to a horizontal rod on two opposite sides and are not very popular. In general, the species, similar to mosses of plants, significantly reduces the so-called “meadow tea” or monchetati willow - a horizontal stem similar in the form of leaves extending on both sides.

Their typical shape leaves mnium only in wet weather.

These are very thin and sensitive transparent panels. When dried, they shrink significantly and cannot be identified. If you look at the wet list in the light, you will see that the middle chain is full of its full length. When such a leaf is examined under a microscope, each of its cells is clearly visible. Many small green seeds in cells - chloroplasts - attract attention.

In these infinitesimal living bodies, throughout the day, the incredible process of photosynthesis produces sugar and starch from carbon dioxide and water. Not a single chemist in the world has yet repeated in his laboratory what happens in chloroplasts. Under the microscope, it is clear that the leaf cells are not completely blurred.

One cell does not interfere with another; they are all located in only one plane. In other words, the sheet is very thin - its thickness is only one square. This is a rare natural “preparation” for the treatment of cells “prepared” by nature itself. To obtain an artificially selected device from, for example, a stem or root, many very thin pieces must be made with a razor, and only a few are successful.

Moss Hillocomium

In a completely different building is another forest moss - Hylocomium splendens (Hylocomium splendens).

Its leaves are small green scales, so small that it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye. Gobo covers the thin, highly branched stem of the plant. The appearance of this moss is very characteristic - moss, since it consists of several “floors”. The main stem has three or four horizontally rounded "platforms". Each of them is a dense interweaving of thin branches. The rod grows obliquely, each time arcing in an arc between adjacent “points”.

We get a series of sloping "arches" separated by "steps" - something like a staircase. In the last, highest, “step” at the beginning of summer, another “onion” that has not yet risen is still growing. It ends up being bent and hence looks like a hook. Of course, all these characteristics of mosses are better visible when they are wet.

This moss is often found in rocky forests.

Sometimes the basis is green moss carpets on the surface of the earth in pine forests and spruce plantations.

Moss petilium

Ptilium crista castrensis moss also has very small leaves and is one of the most elegant mosses in our coniferous forests.

These are very beautiful shiny silky “feathers” of light green color. They are located almost horizontally, and the tip is slightly raised.

The "feather" shape is wedge-shaped, and the length is usually no more than play.

The similarity to a handle is due to the fact that the long "thin" side branches leave a main "stick" on both sides that are almost parallel and in close contact with them.

Ptlius' "feathers" are like miniature fern leaves - each "leaf" at the bottom is wide, and at the top it gradually leads to nothing.

This species is more often found in pine or spruce forests, without a mixture of pine trees.

This is a kind of “companion” of pine. However, it does not form carpets in any forest over any significant area.

Moss Climate

The original type is the climate tree (Climacium dendroides) - it really looks like a tree.

It has a vertical stem, from which a side branch, forming a bundle, is split at the top. A miniature tree with a “body” and a “crown” appeared. Both the "chests" and "bugs" are densely covered with rather small leaves.

When dry, the moss is light green and slightly blond. Interestingly, the individual “trees,” although standing separately, are connected by a common “root” that extends horizontally to the surface of the earth.

The climate is widespread in open areas in humid forests.

Sphagnum moss

The “special sign” of sphagnum is its unusually bright, almost “salad” color.

So light green color does not exist in other mosses. In the forest we see light “pillows” of sphagnum only where it is very wet. This moss is very hygrophilic. Interestingly, sphagnum moss is only greenish in color when it is sufficiently moist.

Once dry, it becomes almost white, which is why it is sometimes called "white moss". This bleaching ability, when dried in other mosses, is absent.

The structure of sphagnum is very unusual. Let's try to reach our hand deeper into the sphagnum bed and pull out a bunch of stems. This can be done easily. What will we see in this case? The moss stems are shiny and completely white at the very bottom, as if they are emptying themselves. The fact is that sphagnum grows all the time, and the lower part of the plant dies and turns white.

Here the green pigment chlorophyll disappears and the green color disappears.

Now try to separate one sphagnum plant. The swing is well marked by the main stem. It extends the lateral branches, which are quite long and thin. The untrained eye may pick them up as foliage. Higher pedal, more branches painted. At the very top of the stem they are collected into a narrow beam. This is typical for this Mahsa.

Sphagnum leaves are small scales that are almost invisible to the naked eye.

They smoothly cover both the main rod and all its branches. These are very thin panels. Their thickness, like many other mosses, is minimal - only one square. The microscopic structure of the leaves is very unusual. When a low microscope magnification is visible, it appears as a green grid with white cells. At higher magnification, it is clear that the network is a set of elongated living cells that are connected to each other at their ends.

They are lit in bright emerald green. And the transparent oval spaces among them are interesting cellular reservoirs, dead and empty. Like microscopic “reservoirs” for water. They are called water or, otherwise, hyaline cells. When the moss cools, these cells fill with water and the plant turns greenish.

But once the moss dries, they are empty and filled with air. Many of these small cells, which contain air, give the plant its whitish color. The capacity of these oil tankers is amazing. Water-saturated sphagnum weighs 15 to 20 times more than dry sphagnum. Sphagnum moss is a true spongy plant.

We learned about some types of mosses and their differences with you.

Unfortunately, we pay very little attention to these incredible plants in our botanical gardens.

But go into the forest, cut out a piece of turf, bring it home and place it on a damp cooker. Covered with transparent glass. And a miracle called “moss” will begin to live in your home.

And his eyes will delight you every day with their emerald light!

(Svetlana Volkova)


To moss could grow, it needs very few conditions: moisture and acidic soil. If there is high acidity in some place, then moss It will develop very well there. Growing moss right there, you need to be careful not to destroy the tree itself. You can improve the soil with citric acid– for one liter of water for irrigation, dilute a few grains of acid, taken at the very tip of a knife.

To moss, it is most likely not necessary to introduce its spores into the soil, because it is difficult to find land that does not contain spores of this plant. But if you want to speed up the result or the soil is clean, without mosses, then you need to sow it with spores. To do this, after looking at a good moss in natural cases, carefully collect mature sporangia. Suitable moss will look bright and green, soft like velvet. Then grind the collected ones and scatter them over the place where you are going to breed moss.

When growing moss, the soil must be watered regularly and kept constantly moist. Then, in about a month, your bonsai tree will have a very high-quality lawn, so you will even have to remove its excess.

Video on the topic


Be careful that the moss should not cover the entire soil of the bonsai tree. Otherwise, the earth will not be able to breathe, and your tree may die. Roots need oxygen, and to obtain it there must be open areas of soil through which the roots of the bonsai tree can receive air. Often, masters who have been involved in bonsai for a long time cultivate moss only before an exhibition, and after it immediately remove it from the ground. Approximately 75% of the soil is the optimal amount of area covered with moss. Leave the edges near the pot blank - then the composition will look more harmonious.

Helpful advice

If for some reason you do not want to grow moss, then you can simply collect it before the exhibition and cover the soil with it, and remove the artificial “lawn” after the exhibition. But growing moss is necessary if you want to achieve special textures and effects.


  • moss. basics. bonsai forum

Are you planning to create an original landscape park on a small plot of land and don’t know how to plant moss? Simple tips specialists will allow you to create an original alpine slide, where mountain plants will alternate with natural moss and stones various shapes.


When creating a beautiful landscape park with ferns and lichens, first study the recommendations on how to plant moss, and then go to a forest plantation or forest to collect the source material. First, collect the starting material for the moss by examining the stumps in the clearings, but the moss that you can find in the sun is considered especially beautiful. Grab all the beautiful moss pads along with the soil so that later they are well established, and try to choose moss of different structures and sizes so that they differ in shades.

Secondly, all collected material bring it to yours, spread it well on the surface of the ground, press it down, and then water it, since mosses love a sufficient amount of moisture. Before planting this crop, you can place it on metal trays, after pouring a little water there, and only then begin to create the original terrain of your site. Moss follows when an artificial pond has already been made, other main plants of your landscape garden have been planted, boulders are correctly positioned and natural stones.

Remember that moss starts from the edge of your site, so fill the entire free surface of the site where you originally planned to place it with material collected from the forest. Draw the location of the mosses on the ground, and when planting them, make a shallow hole that is well filled with water. When laying out the collected pieces of moss in such a recess, remember that the edges of their fragments should overlap adjacent elements, and also protrude beyond the contour of the recess itself. To prevent weeds from subsequently sprouting between the moss, cover the bottom of the depression with a special material - geotextile, on top of which add a little cleaned wet soil.

To make natural moss take root better, plant it in shaded areas of your landscape garden - around artificial moss, under trees or shady ones. The ideal time for planting moss is when the air becomes humid, so if you haven’t had time to plant it, then do it in September. Autumn rains will help saturate the ground with moisture, and the moss you planted will be accepted quickly and well, and if you cover it for a week plastic film, the moisture level required for it will remain under it.

Mosses, or bryophytes, are a very extensive division of the plant kingdom, uniting more than 10,000 species. According to scientists, the immediate ancestors of mosses were psilophytes - plants of the Devonian period. Mosses also arose quite a long time ago - long before flowering plants.

Mosses are small plants, in most cases their size does not exceed 5 cm. Their structure speaks about the antiquity of these plants: mosses have neither roots nor flowers, they reproduce by spores. The capsule containing the spores, the sporangium, is located on the sporophore stalk.

There is an opinion that mosses do not allow oxygen to pass through, thereby depriving other plants of the ability to breathe and causing their death. This is incorrect; it is not the presence of moss that causes the death of other plants, but the properties of the soil itself, which does not allow oxygen to pass through, while moss survives on such soil. Favorable conditions for mosses – shade and high humidity.

Mosses on a summer cottage

The appearance of moss on a site can cause a lot of trouble. If you don’t get rid of it in time, it can grow and “take over” a fairly large space. Some gardeners try to get rid of moss as quickly as possible using a general herbicide, but this becomes only a temporary solution to the problem if the cause is not eliminated.

If the site is located in a lowland or near a body of water, the most likely cause of the appearance of moss is too high soil moisture. It is necessary to dig ditches in the area or make a drainage system.

Moss grows well in acidic soils, so effective method the fight against it is liming. Lime is applied for digging - 50 g per 1 sq.m., and used in the fall dolomite flour. This needs to be done every year. Mulching with chopped straw and pine needles, which is carried out twice a season, also helps.

The appearance of moss is promoted by a lack of light, so shading must be reduced by trimming the lower branches of trees.

Use of mosses

Moss is not always the “enemy” of a summer resident; it can also be used to decorate a site. Often, moss is specially grown in places where no plants are planted - it looks no worse than a regular lawn, but moss, unlike grass, does not have to be cut. The most suitable soil for moss - sour peat.

Considering that mosses do not have roots, they can be grown not only on the ground, but also on stones, thereby decorating an alpine hill.

After cutting off a certain amount of moss from the forest, it needs to be dried for two days and then crushed. For moss you need to create a nutrient medium: a glass of buttermilk, a glass of flour, 2 packets of instant yeast, 2 tbsp. l. sugar syrup (a third of a glass of water per 1.25 cups of sugar). Add 1.5 cups of crushed moss to this mixture and place it in the sun for 3 days. Sign of readiness - appearance unpleasant odor. The mixture should be applied to the stones with a brush, covered with polyethylene and left in a shaded place. In about two weeks the stones will be covered with a beautiful green moss.

Which moss is best to choose for growing on rocks?

Some people like the look of moss-covered rocks on their property. People even grow their own moss. The best mosses for growing on stones are Lunularia, Astilbe, Sphagnu, Dicentra, Heuchera, Kupena and Hosta. Javan, Leaf-stemmed and Side-fruited mosses grow no worse on stones. All these types of moss grow in different conditions. Some types of plants love shade, while others prefer sunny places. But these types of moss have one thing in common - they all grow well in flower beds and stones. The most popular among other species is Sphagnum moss. It is easy to get it in the forest and plant it at home. However, you can take any moss. In order to grow it on canna, you need to add kefir and sugar to it. Then this mixture should stand for seven hours, after which it is poured onto the stones. In order for the moss to take root in the stone, it is necessary to fill it well with water for three weeks. In addition, you can buy moss at flower shop. Then it should be carefully planted near the stone. After some time, the plant will absorb the stone. You can also plant Sedum, which resembles moss. It looks very attractive on the stones.

Moss on a stone as an element of garden decoration

IN garden plots very often there are architectural elements of decoration beautifully covered with moss. Often garden sculptures decorated with moss. Such elements can be covered with moss either entirely or only in some specific areas. Moss is usually used in retro garden design. In this case, the moss helps give the sculptures an antique look. Moss also looks natural in Japanese garden. In modern landscapes, mosses soften the geometric rough textures of concrete elements. Moss is often used to make stones look attractive. garden paths. This technique is used not only in traditional, but also in modern landscapes.

How to grow moss on a rock

Stones are also concrete, brick surfaces and pottery ceramics. In order to grow moss on this basis, it is better to scrape the material from mossy stones. Although you can also use dry natural moss. Moss thrives best on porous stones or rough-textured surfaces. To do this, prepare a paste-like mixture according to a recipe that requires two glasses of kefir or natural yogurt and about one and a half glasses of crushed moss. These components need to be mixed. As a result, the consistency of the mixture should be similar to cream. The mixture is applied to areas of the stone where moss will grow. To do this, the mixture is smeared on the stone with your hand or a soft brush. The rate at which moss develops on the surface of a stone may vary. But in about six weeks it will be clear whether the moss has taken root on the stone or not.

Moss is a plant that grows from spores rather than seeds. Mosses grow in everything climatic zones on the ground. They mostly grow from the ground, but can grow on any hard surface: they can often be seen on tree trunks, rocks and other hard objects. Moss is ideal for adding a rich green color to your garden and can be used as a ground cover in place of grass.


Part 1

Growing moss

    Select the type of moss. Moss is a surprisingly diverse plant. There are dozens of variations on the traditional soft green carpet. The two main types of plant are pleurocarpous and acrocarpous. Pleurocarpous spreads low to the ground and grows quickly in width. Acrocarpous grows in “bushes” and first stretches in height and becomes thicker, and only then spreads horizontally.

    • Moss never blooms. From time to time, small stems with thickened tips appear in it - sporangia, or boxes with spores, with which moss reproduces.
    • If you want to cover a larger area with moss, such as your entire lawn, consider using two types of moss, pleurocarpous and acrocarpous, together.
  1. If desired, select moss from a garden nursery. To obtain professional advice or to see the variety of moss species, head to your local garden nursery. Different types mosses grow well together, so don't be afraid to combine them as you see fit.

    • If you are interested wide choose moss, but there is no nursery nearby, look for it in online gardening stores.
    • Read the label to see how fast the moss grows. Some species grow at incredible rates, so you only need a few; others will have to be purchased more.
  2. Take some moss from another garden or from the forest. If you're not too picky about what kind of moss you grow, or want to save money, try planting wild moss. Simply take a shovel or trowel and dig some moss out of the ground or remove it from a tree trunk. Try to capture the moss along with the soil (or other substance on which it grows) so that it does not dry out and replanting is easier.

    Part 2

    Planting moss in the garden/lawn
    1. Choose a moist area out of direct sunlight. Moss is not too picky, but there are ideal conditions for it. Most species prefer moist areas and indirect sunlight (that is, lightly shaded areas). It makes an excellent green carpet under big trees and other plants. However, if the only appropriate place is in bright sun, don’t worry: most likely, moss will be able to grow even there.

      • Moss perfectly absorbs excess moisture in places that are heavily flooded by rain. Plant it in such areas of your garden to improve drainage.
      • Moss does not have a root system, so it can easily grow on rocky soil where grass cannot be grown.
    2. Choose a location with acidic soil. If you are planting moss in the ground, loosen the soil with a rake until it is soft and loose - enough that you can easily grab handfuls of it. Check the pH level and adjust if necessary. Moss prefers acidic soils with a pH level between 5 and 5.5. Clear the area of ​​grass and other plants in advance.

      • If you are planting moss on a flat area, you need to carefully level the surface of the ground. Unlike grass, moss will only emphasize all the small unevenness of the ground.
    3. Press the moss onto the damp surface. Use a hose or sprayer to thoroughly water the area designated for planting. Then, with a steady hand, place each piece on it. Press the moss into the soil or press it against a stone surface so that it takes root and does not move anywhere.

      Water the moss daily for 2-3 weeks. Daily watering will speed up the growth of the moss and help it become established in place. This will encourage growth and hold the moss in place. It is better to use a sprayer or hose with a very narrow tip that will spray water onto the moss. A strong jet of water can damage plants. Alternatively, you can use a very gentle irrigation system to keep the moss constantly moist.

      • If the moss turns dark green or spots over time, you are likely watering it too much.
      • You can reduce watering about a month after planting, but the moss should always remain moist if possible.

    Part 3

    Propagating moss
    1. Divide and plant the moss. One way to spread moss is to divide an existing piece of moss into 0.5–1 cm pieces and plant them separately. Plant the resulting pieces at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other.

      • This method will only work if you are planting moss in the ground. Trying to plant moss on rocks or other objects this way is unlikely to succeed, as small pieces of moss will not stick.
    2. Make a moss milkshake to plant on a vertical surface. No, you definitely don’t need to drink this cocktail! Make a super mix for growing moss on anything, turning it into a liquid that can be applied to objects and vertical objects - walls, rocks, flower boxes, trees. Place in blender big piece moss, two glasses of buttermilk and two glasses of water. Blend until the contents are similar in consistency to a regular milkshake.

      Apply your mixture to the surface where you intend to grow the moss. Cover your desired objects or garden area with a cocktail of moss. You can simply pour the mixture over the objects, use a brush or a spray bottle. You can also water the mixture into the soil instead of planting whole plants or pieces, although this will not look as attractive.

    • When planting moss, try placing a board or other hard object on top and applying pressure. This will allow the moss to better bond with the soil.
    • Because moss gets its nutrients from the air rather than the soil, it is easy to care for. It does not need fertilizing or fertilizers.
    • After planting or replanting moss, constantly moisten the area. Water it by hand or install an automatic sprayer. A water reservoir (for example, a decorative pond) located on the site will also help maintain high level humidity.

Mosses are common on all continents, right up to Antarctica. These green carpets can be found on stones, trees, and any soil, which is what landscape designers are interested in. The plant can fit perfectly into the garden decor, decorate unusual composition room. Let's look at the features of growing moss in this article.

Fundamental Principles

Mosses, or bryophytes, are higher plants without a root and vascular system. They appeared more than 400 million years ago; they do not grow only in deserts and semi-deserts due to the lack of water there. Accordingly, the first condition for growing a plant is a sufficient amount of moisture. Water also serves as a source of nutrition for him.

The second condition for the development of bryophyte is the absence of direct sun rays: under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the plant loses its color and gets burned.

Bryophytes, as has been said, do not have roots and reproduce like mushrooms by means of spores. The approximate time for spores to ripen is late summer.

Did you know? Interesting experiment carried out by scientists with a sample of bryophyte found frozen in Antarctica. Having defrosted the plant, it was placed in an incubator and, despite the fact that the sample, according to biologists, froze fifteen hundred years ago, it returned to life.

How to plant at home

Mosses have been used in design for a long time and in a variety of ways: they are grown for bonsai, used as a decorative substrate around other plants and indoor mini-gardens. Bryophyte can be grown in any container and on any surface. For indoor plantings you can use decorative glass bowls with a wide bottom and neck, small aquariums, florariums and containers, glass jars.
Buy planting material You can find it in a garden store or nursery, or you can dig it up in the forest.

Drainage in the form of small river pebbles or expanded clay is placed at the bottom of a selected container. The ideal soil for growing moss is coconut substrate for the following reasons:

  • it has neutral acidity;
  • it retains moisture well;
  • is natural and environmentally friendly;
  • it is a breathable material.

Important! At independent search It is advisable to choose clean forests away from the road. It is better to collect the material itself from trees, since bacteria can be brought into the house with the soil.

We thoroughly moisten both the soil and the planting material, lay out the seedlings, slightly pressing them into the substrate. You can see the landing process in detail in the following video:


In the first few days, seedlings should be sprayed with a spray bottle daily. The water must be clean: filtered, rain or melt. Regular tap water may give a white coating on the planting surface.

Did you know? Reindeer moss (Scandinavian moss), which is practically the only food for reindeer in winter, has healing properties. Usnic acid, recently isolated from the plant, is a strong antibiotic that, in minute doses, destroys entire colonies of pathogenic microorganisms.

When you see that the seedling has taken root and begins to grow, reduce watering to twice a week. The moss should be kept shaded, but in the morning when the sun appears, expose it to the rays for a couple of hours.

How to plant a plant on the site

In garden plots, bryophytes serve not only decorative decoration, but also bring benefits:

  • in flooded areas absorb excess moisture;
  • on rocky soils they are used instead of a lawn.

How to grow on the ground

Let's consider detailed actions for planting bryophytes:

  1. Prepare the area in advance: level and clear of weeds and plant debris.
  2. Bring the soil acidity level to neutral. Acidic soil is limed; aluminum sulfate is added to soil with a low acidity level (both components can be found in the store).
  3. Using a spray nozzle, generously moisten the prepared “bed.”
  4. The optimal planting method is to divide a larger piece of moss into small pieces and plant them at some distance from each other, pressing them into the soil.
  5. Water the moss daily after planting for two weeks. During this time, the seedlings adapt to the new location.

How to grow on rocks

The instructions given above will not work when planting on rocks, since this requires some kind of adhesion to the surface. Several mixtures can play this role - use the one that is more convenient for you:

  • 200 g/ml each of moss, kefir and water;
  • 200 g of moss, 0.4 l of beer, 20 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of moss, powder of two aspirin tablets, 200 ml of water.

Important! If the color of the plant is too dark, this means an excess of water; if it takes on a light green tint, there is not enough moisture.

Any of the three proposed mixtures must be crushed with a blender, then applied to the required surface. Treated stones should be sprayed with water twice a week.

How to grow in a decorative pond

To grow a green carpet frame on a pond, you need to purchase water- and breathable geotextiles, which are used in landscape design. On the surface of the water, in the place where landscaping is planned, lay strips of fabric and pieces of moss on top of it. There is no need to water, since the fabric immediately absorbs and retains water, and accordingly, the seedlings are also sufficiently moisturized.

Moss has long been successfully used as decoration. How to grow moss at home on different surfaces? It's time to talk about simple ways, which do not require large investments.

How to grow moss at home?

How to grow moss: preparation

To grow moss, you need to decide on a site. This should be a shaded place, as moss does not like direct sunlight.

As a material, you can take moss with the substrate on which it grows. A small spatula will be useful for this. The fragment must be mature and well grown. Mosses take root on the basis on which they grew.

An important detail for growing moss is high soil moisture. The place where you are going to do this should have unobstructed watering.

To grow on rocks, in addition to moss samples, you will need water, milk, and a blender.

How to grow moss at home

If you have stocked up with everything you need, you can get to work.

Your actions will depend on what base you are going to plant the moss on. In order to cover a stone with a green carpet, you must do the following:

Mix equal amounts of milk and water;

Add moss fragments to the solution. There should be enough to fill the blender to the top;

· After that, beat all the ingredients;

· Apply the resulting “cocktail” to the stone with a brush.

Monitor the humidity of the selected location. The result should appear within a month. If it does not appear in some areas, repeat the procedure. It is desirable that the surface of the stone be porous and uneven.

To grow on the ground, the turf is removed from the area and the soil is loosened. Then moss cushions, cut from the forest or purchased in a store, are planted. When planting, the moss needs to be pressed down a little. The distance between the pillows should be about 20 cm. The planted moss should be watered.

If you want to grow moss on wood, you need to remove a fragment from the tree on which it grows. Then plant it in damp wooden surface. It should not be treated with any compounds.

How to grow moss on a stone, tree, open ground, It's clear. Often moss is planted in pots with indoor plants. When performing this procedure, one should not forget that the roots of the plant need oxygen. In order not to block its access, the green blanket should not cover more than 75% of the soil.