Toilet      04/23/2019

Mullein ordinary (bear's ear), treatment with mullein ordinary. Mullein ordinary, description and medicinal properties of mullein, use and treatment of mullein

A stately mullein in the garden will not go unnoticed; from June to August, spikes with charming flowers will flaunt on tall peduncles. Each of them individually does not live long, but thanks to the alternate opening of the buds, flowering seems to be almost continuous.

This plant, which is also called the golden flower, the archer and the royal scepter, is just a godsend for the gardener. The mullein looks very impressive and requires a minimum of care.

Mullein species

All species of mullein, and there are up to 300 of them in the genus, have quite decorative leaves. However, only a few forms are used to decorate the garden. Varieties with impressive flowering were bred by crossing different kinds. This is how perennials appeared, which belong to the group of hybrid mulleins.

Garden forms are larger than specimens growing in the wild, among them there are real giants up to 2 meters tall. True, there are also 50-centimeter babies, for example, purple mullein. This variety with a pubescent lower surface of the leaves blooms in June, more often it is grown as a biennial. If there is a desire to decorate the compositions with pale pink flowers, you can choose the variety Southern Sharm.

The long-leaved mullein stretches up to 120 centimeters in height, it is quite frost-resistant, the petals are golden in color. Mullein She prefers sunny areas, flowers on meter-long peduncles are also yellow, but with brown stamens. The silk-bearing mullein is a southern guest from Turkey, but it tolerates our winters remarkably. Throughout the year after planting, a large rosette of delicate pubescent leaves is formed, they are, as it were, covered with hoarfrost. In the second year of life, a peduncle will appear (about 180 centimeters in length), the flowers of this variety are light yellow.

The perennial black mullein surprises with its original color, its yellow throat is decorated with brown spots with speckles. The length of the leaves is up to 25 centimeters, and the peduncle is 50-110 centimeters. The Olympic mullein is quite high, up to 2 meters. It blooms in July, yellow petals no larger than 3 centimeters in size. This variety comes from Asia Minor, it does not tolerate temperatures below -18 ° C and needs shelter for the winter.

Mullein - planting and care

This plant will definitely not upset with whims, but it will please abundant flowering. The perennial is drought-resistant, as the rod-horse system helps it to extract water from the depth, and the pubescent leaves help to reduce the evaporation of moisture. He loves bright light, but will survive partial shade. It also does not impose special requirements on the soil, although it should not be planted on a site with clay or damp loam.

Propagated by seeds. They are sown immediately permanent place in May-June, simply distributing it over the garden and sprinkling it a little with earth (the seeds are very small). As soon as shoots appear, they must be thinned out, leaving the strongest specimens at a distance of about 20 centimeters. Seedlings are provided with regular watering and in the second year the plants will bloom. In the case of a transplant, the root should not be separated from the earthy coma, so the plant adapts better.

In the future, this perennial reproduces well by self-sowing. However, even from seeds collected from one plant, descendants with different colors of flowers can grow. If uniformity of flowering is important, reproduction by root cuttings is suitable. It is better to do division in August or September, after mother plant will bloom. It is dug up and the root is carefully cut into several pieces of about 6 centimeters. Then the cuttings are placed on the garden bed, covered with a centimeter layer of sand and another 2-centimeter layer of soil on top, but so that the delenka is slightly visible on the surface. Young plants will emerge from adventitious buds.

The plant needs regular moderate watering, water should not stagnate on the site. Most species are grown as biennials, and to prolong their life, the stems are cut immediately after the flowering period, without waiting for the fruits to ripen. Zealous with top dressing is not recommended - on too fertile soil, the plant will be short-lived. If drying inflorescences are removed in time, then the hybrid mullein may bloom again in September, but not so magnificently.

Application in garden design

Flowering ears of plants will certainly be in the spotlight. Compact groups are good on the lawn. If you choose varieties that bloom from early June, you will be able to fill the gap between faded bulbs and perennials that are still preparing for a riot of colors. It is very important not to make a mistake with the choice of neighbors, they must hide the voids when the mullein begins to dry out. Plants such as

The common mullein is a useful biennial plant. The height of its erect stem can reach one and a half meters. Large pubescent mullein leaves have an oblong shape. Gently- yellow flowers collected in a solid spike-shaped inflorescence. An elegant tubular-funnel-shaped corolla has a falling appearance. Five stamens adhering to it give the plant unique image. Common mullein often blooms at the end of summer - in July and August. This herb can be found in middle lane Russia on forest edges and clearings, in ravines and clearings, as well as along river banks.

Useful properties of mullein

Mullein is rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, sugars, tannins and essential oils. It is known that this herb is an excellent expectorant with anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects. Along with this, the mullein boasts unique wound healing capabilities.

Application of mullein

An infusion of mullein flowers is often used for severe coughs, whooping cough, bronchitis, as well as pneumonia and hemoptysis. It perfectly removes thick sputum from the bronchi and lungs due to the mucus included in its composition. Traditional medicine recommends using this herb for severe colds, asthma, and shortness of breath. In addition, this wonderful plant copes well with diseases of the spleen and liver, inflammation of the stomach and intestines. To achieve a noticeable effect in treatment, mullein is almost always used in combination with other herbs.

Mullein from hemorrhoids

The common mullein can be called one of the the best means in the treatment of hemorrhoids. This medicinal plant contributes to the normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and most importantly, it is able to quickly stop bleeding, removing the inflammatory process from hemorrhoids. A decoction of mullein roots is used for sitz baths. You can also make poultices on the anus from pre-crushed leaves and flowers of this medicinal herb.

Mullein tincture

Mullein tincture is made from 100 grams of freshly picked flowers and 250 grams of alcohol. It is necessary to insist the remedy for at least 20 days and only then strain. This medicine is indispensable as a rub for rheumatic, nervous and arthritic pains.

mullein leaves

Mullein leaves should be stored along with the collection of flowers on sunny days. Well dried leaves long time retain a grey-green color. They taste slightly bitter and have no smell. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to boil the leaves in milk to relieve the pain of burns or hemorrhoids.

Mullein flowers

Healing mullein flowers are used as a soothing cough and shortness of breath, and they are also included in the well-known breast collection. collected flowers it is necessary to dry well in the fresh air, gently mixing.

If the drying technology is not violated, they will not lose their yellow tint and will have a pleasant honey aroma.

Common mullein

So that the common mullein does not lose its healing qualities and light golden color during the collection and drying process, it is necessary to collect it in dry time days. In good raw materials, there should be no cups of flowers. Drying can be done indoors, but then it should be well ventilated. Immediately after harvesting, it is recommended to place the flowers in a hermetically sealed container or use them as a necessary component in various collections. IN folk medicine mainly leaves and flowers are used, which are harvested at the end of summer.

Mullein scepter

It's no secret how widely mullein scepter is used to treat hemorrhoids. In addition, it is this species that is part of various medicinal tinctures. This plant has medicinal properties as expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory. It is the scepter-shaped mullein that cures pulmonary diseases, even in a neglected form.

Mullein "royal scepter"

This plant is really very similar in shape to the majestic royal scepter. Such a grass can be of impressive size, growing up to 2 m. This species blooms almost all summer. Blooming flowers are harvested, dried and made into unique tinctures that cure many internal organs person. And most importantly, the “royal scepter” mullein perfectly relieves pain of a different nature.

Mullein "bear's ear"

Mullein " bear ear» different from other species of a similar plant small size corolla and two lower stamens. This herb, indispensable for traditional medicine, grows on sandy slopes and forest clearings. Flowering continues from July to August.

Mullein purple

Mullein purple is an elegant perennial with delicate purple flowers. An upright stem can be both multi-leaved and leafless. The flowers are collected in sparse simple brushes. The fruit is presented in the form of an ovoid box, most of which is naked. This grass blooms in June and early July. Infusion of purple mullein perfectly stimulates cardiac activity and motor activity human intestines.

Mullein hybrid

Mullein hybrid is an unpretentious biennial plant with erect stems and petiolate basal leaves collected in a rosette. Inflorescences of yellow color are presented in the form of a panicle or spike. This herb is drought and frost tolerant and also loves light. The hybrid mullein gives abundant self-seeding, often clogging the adjacent plots of land.

Mullein paniculata

Panicled mullein is a special variety of mullein, which is distinguished by the height of an upright stem up to 130 cm and the presence of serrated leaves. The flowers of the plant are collected in a kind of brush, and the fruit is in a box. Mullein paniculata is found both in the Urals and in the Volga region, mainly on hillsides and dry meadows. This herb blooms from June to August. It has been found that infusions from it can lower blood pressure.

Mullein black

The black mullein is characterized by a spindle-shaped root and an erect stem, not exceeding 1 m in height. This plant has regular leaves, and mullein flowers are collected in unusual bunches. This grass blooms all summer, from June to the end of August. As a rule, only black mullein flowers, which have a sweet smell even when dried, are used in medicine for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract.

Mullein densely flowered

A two-year-old densely flowered mullein in the second year of life has a flowering stem, the average height of which is about 70–80 cm. This plant is covered with felt pubescence, and the basal leaves amaze with their oblong shape. Dense apical racemes form inflorescences. The fruit is an elliptical box, the size of which does not exceed 1 cm. This plant blooms all summer, and the seeds ripen in early autumn.

mullein olympic

The Olympic mullein is a large perennial which reaches 2 m in height. This grass has large elongated leaves of a grayish tint. The flowers do not exceed 3 cm in diameter and are collected in a simple paniculate inflorescence. Olympic mullein blooms in July.

Contraindications to the use of mullein

There are no serious contraindications to the use of mullein in medicine. But it is worth considering the individual intolerance of each individual person.

Mullein bear's ear: medicinal plant, application.

Mullein bear's ear is a plant from the family Norichnikovye. Alternative names: royal candle, royal scepter, cloth. Distributed in the southern and middle zone of Russia. There are 280 species of mullein.


Grows on dry stony soils and sunlit slopes. The flowering period lasts from June to September. The top of the stem is covered with flowers with five petals. The flower has a bright yellow color. That is why the mullein was nicknamed the "golden candle". You can see it in bloom in the photo.

Source: Depositphotos

bear ear blossom

The leaf plate is oblong, gray-green in color, covered with a pile. It deviates from the stem at a certain angle. Long hairs protect the mullein from excessive evaporation of moisture from the surface.

The mullein reaches a height of 180 cm. The Latin name of the plant comes from the word "beard". Bear's ear grows in places with low levels of humidity. The root is deep and pivotal. The plant is biennial. In the first year, only leaves appear, and in the second year, a rosette with buds. The flowers are sweet in taste, they have a pleasant honey aroma.

Application in medicine

The herb bear's ear is used in traditional medicine:

  • The plant is used by folk healers as a diuretic and enveloping.
  • Known recipes for teas based on mullein.
  • Crushed bear's ear is used as a wound healing agent.
  • Water tincture can cure herpes on the lips.
  • Soothing decoctions are prepared on the basis of the herb.
  • A decoction of the roots is used to treat cystitis, diarrhea, liver disease, rheumatism, and headaches.
  • An infusion is prepared and compresses are applied to festering wounds, lichen, ulcers.
  • Mullein is added to baths to treat rickets.

Mullein petals are harvested without pistils and stamens in June-July. In the bear's ear, they found substances such as:

  • triterpene saponins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • sugar and essential oils;
  • coumarin.

Mullein tincture with alcohol is used to treat gout, as an analgesic poultices. Petals and leaves are used. If the raw material is collected from one plant, then part of the mullein is left for subsequent reproduction. Dry the mullein in a dark ventilated room. Dried bear's ear is placed in boxes.

Bear's ear is a golden plant. It can be grown on the site and used for medical purposes, as it is completely unpretentious and easy to cultivate.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo of a medicinal plant Mullein ordinary

Mullein - medicinal properties

Common mullein- a remedy for coughs, whooping cough, colds, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, rheumatic, arthritic and especially for nerve pain, diseases of the liver and spleen, chronic cystitis, gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, for sitz baths, for hemorrhoids and itching in the anus .

Latin name: Verbascum thapsus.

English title: Great or Common Mullein.

Family: Norichnikovye - Scrophulariaceae.

Folk names: bear's ear, royal candle, fire-grass, grass-torch, golden flower, Mary's candle.

Pharmacy name: mullein flowers - Verbasci flos.

Common Mullein Parts Used: leaves and flowers.

Botanical description: common mullein - biennial plant in the first year it forms only a rosette of densely pubescent hard leaves. Then a large, thick, also densely pubescent stem develops, 1-3 m in height with sessile decurrent leaves. The leaves are entire-edged in the mullein-shaped and crenate in the dense-flowered. Bright yellow flowers sit on the peduncle in bunches (2-5 each) and form a dense spike-shaped inflorescence; they do not bloom at the same time, but gradually, several flowers a day, and fall off very quickly. Blooms from June (July) to August (September).

Habitat: The common mullein is distributed almost everywhere in the world. Natural range - Macaronesia, Eurasia. Introduced and naturalized in Australia and New Zealand, North and South America. On the territory of the former USSR, it is distributed in the European part, in the Caucasus and Altai, in Eastern Siberia, as well as in Central Asia. grows on open places, mainly on sandy soil, on cliffs along river banks.

Collection and preparation: when collecting, drying and storing mullein flowers, you need to be extremely careful, because they easily lose their golden color (becoming dirty brown), and with it most its healing qualities. Best time for collection - late in the morning, immediately after the sun dries the morning dew. At this time, it is easiest to separate the corollas of newly blossomed flowers with stamens adhering to them. Try not to take cups of flowers if you want to get good raw materials. Drying should be carried out in a ventilated area, the temperature should not exceed 50°C. Immediately after drying, the flowers are placed in well-closing vessels so that they do not again pick up moisture from the air (they are very hygroscopic!).

Active ingredients: The first active substance of mullein was mucus. Shortly thereafter, saponins, flavonoids, iridoids and some essential oil. Other components were also found, which also cannot be considered ballast, but the above-mentioned substances are the most important.

Mullein - useful properties and applications

Mullein leaves included in dietary supplements Bres Iz (Free Breath) , bon-si , Iron Chelate produced according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Photo of mullein leaves

The flowers and leaves of the common mullein have expectorant, emollient, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing properties. The flowers also have anticonvulsant properties. An infusion of flowers is used for coughing, hemoptysis, whooping cough, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, severe runny nose with lacrimation, shortness of breath, asthma. Also in diseases of the liver, spleen and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Mullein is included in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.

The German National Health Service recognizes its effectiveness in catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract. Mucus, which is part of its composition, softens irritation, and saponins dissolve thick sputum in the bronchi and facilitate expectoration.

But mullein is almost never used alone. He is always only one of constituent parts various medicinal teas for coughs, and in addition to the direct action, it must also be recognized for the effect of improving the taste of tea. Here is one of the recipes of the German Pharmacopoeia (6th edition).

Mullein ordinary in folk medicine

In folk medicine, mullein is used as a cough remedy (mixed with plantain in equal parts), especially for the common cold. In addition, mullein is used for sitz baths prescribed for hemorrhoids and itching in the anus, as well as for diarrhea and bedwetting. I would like to mention the so-called royal oil, which is an extract from mullein flowers in olive oil. It renders good action with ear pain, boils in the ear, eczema in the external auditory canal and with chronic inflammation of the middle ear.

  • Royal Oil Recipe: Pour a handful of fresh mullein flowers into a bottle and pour 100 g of pure olive oil. The bottle should be made of white glass, it is placed in the sun. Shake the container with the mixture thoroughly every day. After 3-4 weeks, the oil is filtered and it is ready for use.

side effects you can not be afraid if you do not give too large a dose.

Contraindications. In normal dosages, no contraindications were found.

The mullein has long been known as medicinal plant used in folk and traditional medicine. It is also known as the verbascum or royal scepter.

The plant was first mentioned in the medical writings of the ancient Greek scientist and physician Hippocrates, later medicinal properties mullein was studied by Avicenna and Simon Sirensky. Ancient healers used the plant to fight many ailments, such as toothache, tumors, coughs, colds, conjunctivitis and whooping cough.

The plant belongs to the Norichnikov family, which has more than 100 species. Verbaskum is distributed throughout Asia and Europe, but feels best in the mild maritime climate of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. It's biennial herbaceous plant, rarely perennial or annual, up to 3 m high and above.

On a strong rod-shaped stem, wide leaves covered with villi are attached. Mullein by appearance resembles a spruce, that is, the structure of the plant is pyramidal, with an inflorescence in the form of a brush on top. Blooms from May to August. Flowers are yellow, orange, purple, blue, red and white.

Many types of verbascum are also common in temperate climates in Europe. The plant prefers to settle on rocky or sandy slopes of mountains and hills, next to the road, in the steppes or in dry meadows. Finding it is quite simple, since the mullein is unpretentious to conditions and climatic changes. In our country, you can find the following types of mullein:

  • scepter;
  • Black;
  • Paniculate;
  • Olympic;
  • Violet;
  • Drug;
  • Bear ear.

All of them have a similar chemical composition and useful properties.

Medicinal properties

First of all, you should pay attention to the rich chemical composition plants that include:

The composition determines the many medicinal properties of the plant:

  • diaphoretic;
  • wound healing;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • painkiller;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • hypotensive (lowers blood pressure);
  • anticonvulsant;
  • expectorant;
  • antitumor;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • choleretic.

Indications for use

Medicines based on mullein are indicated for the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • angina;
  • whooping cough;
  • cold;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • convulsions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • asthma;
  • headache.

The plant strengthens the immune system well, which is a means of preventing any infectious diseases. In addition, it is used to disinfect and accelerate wound healing. Of particular note is the expectorant ability of mullein, which helps with any kind of cough. It is also noticed that this plant has antioxidant properties, that is, it prevents the formation of malignant tumors and helps in the treatment of oncology in the early stages.

Harm and contraindications

On this moment no known contraindications or possible harm from the use of the plant. It is allowed for use even by pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as young children. The only thing that can occur is an allergic reaction to one of the components in the composition in individual cases. You should also follow the recommended dosage and courses of treatment with drugs based on verbascum.

Important! The leaves, stem and flowers of the plant are completely harmless, but the seeds contain a lot of toxic substances Therefore, their use inside is strictly prohibited!

Dosage forms

In the manufacture of medicines, all parts of the plant are used: stem, leaves, flowers and roots. The following dosage forms are prepared from them:

  • infusion;
  • decoction;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • oil;
  • ointment;
  • pills.

Pharmacies usually sell a dried plant, sometimes tablets, so the medicines will have to be prepared on their own at home.

Instructions for use

Consider the main recipes and methods for preparing medicines based on mullein:

Interesting! In the US, the mullein is called " toilet paper cowboy" due to the abrasive effect of the plant's hairy leaves.

Mullein is a very useful medicinal plant against many ailments. The main thing is to observe the dosage and course of treatment. Verbascum will relieve colds, stop bleeding, cure infections and improve digestion. This good remedy strengthening immunity and preventing malignant tumors.