Well      04/17/2019

Mullein - from bronchitis and hemorrhoids will cure without difficulty. Mullein officinalis: the use of the beneficial properties of herbs in traditional medicine


Scepter mullein or densely flowered mullein is a medicinal biennial herbaceous plant height from 50 to 150 cm. The plant belongs to the norichnikov family. The stem of the medicinal plant mullein scepter is unbranched, straight. Its lower leaves are petiolate, lanceolate, the upper ones are greenish-whitish, pointed, ovate. All medicinal plant has intense grayish pubescence. The flowers at the top of the stem form a spike-shaped dense brush, funnel-shaped, large, light yellow. Blooms from June to August. The fruits are capsules with many seeds that ripen in August - October. More about the medicinal plant mullein - useful properties, application later in the article.


Mullein scepter grows in the southern part middle lane Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries, the Caucasus. It grows along roadsides, clearings, wastelands.


Medicinal preparations are prepared from the corollas of the plant. To do this, they collect flowers, separate the corollas from the cups and immediately dry them, stirring occasionally, for outdoors or in ventilated areas.
Drying the plant should be stopped when the whisks become brittle. Store flowers in well-closed glass jars for no more than 12 months.

Chemical composition.

The flower corollas of the mullein scepter plant contain carotene, mucous substances, sugars, saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, coumarins, vitamin C, and gum.

Mullein - useful properties.

Mucous substances form its antiviral properties. In addition, the mullein scepter has an antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect.

Mullein - application.

The medicinal plant mullein scepter is used mainly to treat respiratory diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, as well as digestive disorders - gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, enteritis.
Medicinal alcohol tincture of mullein scepter flowers is used for rubbing with neuralgia, and ulcers or wounds are sprinkled with powder. With a medicinal decoction of mullein flowers, they wash their hair for baldness and dandruff. Medicinal infusion rinse the mouth with inflammatory phenomena, baths with it help with pinching of hemorrhoids.



2 cups boiling water pour 1 tbsp. l. flowers of mullein scepter-shaped, insist, when it cools down - filter. Take 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day.

Infusion for diseases of the respiratory system.

1 cup boiling water pour 1 tbsp. l. flowers of the mullein scepter plant, leave for 15-20 minutes, filter. Take 1 tbsp. l. after 3 hours

Bath infusion for hemorrhoids.

5 liters of boiling water pour 4 handfuls of flowers and chopped roots, leave for 2 hours, filter.


1 cup boiling water pour 1 tbsp. l. flowers of mullein scepter and simmer for 10 minutes, filter after cooling. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 p. in a day.

Decoction for the treatment of ulcers, wounds, skin irritation.

1.5 cups cold water pour 3 teaspoons of mullein flowers, leave for 30 minutes, bring to a boil over low heat, filter. Use for compresses.

Tincture for rubbing with radiculitis, rheumatism.

1 glass of vodka pour 1 tbsp. l. flowers of mullein scepter, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, filter.


The common mullein belongs to the Nornichkov family. It also has other names: “royal scepter”, “divin grass”, “bear's ear”. This herbaceous plant is perennial, rarely biennial. The mullein has a single stem, the height of which is from 1.5 to 3 m, due to which the bear's ear is clearly visible among other herbs. The leaves have a slight white pubescence.

In the first year of life, the mullein forms a rosette of leaves at the root, and flowering begins only in the second year. Each flower has 5 yellow petals, forming a spike-shaped inflorescence resembling appearance bright candle. By autumn, fruits are formed - small boxes in which there are small seeds.

The mullein has one very interesting difference from other plants: it prefers to grow on poor soils. If the seeds fall into fertile soil, then the plant will practically not bloom and will soon die altogether. Therefore, a bear's ear can be found on the sandy edges of forests and meadows, roadsides. Often the plant grows on stony soils with a low nutrient content.

Divin grass can be found in Europe, as well as in northern Africa and the Caucasus. The common mullein was brought by people to North America, where it also took root well. He feels great in a temperate climate, without making special demands on the conditions. environment.

Useful properties of mullein (video)

Places and features of the collection of mullein plants

The mullein is easy to spot in its natural habitat for its bright yellow flowers. When choosing plants for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, you need to pay attention to environmental safety: It is highly undesirable to collect grass growing along busy highways or chemical industries.

Harvesting of the common mullein is usually carried out during its flowering: in July and August. All components of the aerial part of the plant will be useful, but it is the petals that are endowed with greater healing power. In autumn, you can dig up and dry the roots.

Folk healers do not advise collecting wilted or wet inflorescences. After harvesting, the cut grass should be thoroughly washed from dirt and dried in a dark, dry and well-ventilated area to prevent decay. The mullein should be turned over periodically so that it dries evenly.

The bear's ear will become brittle over time, and its corollas will acquire a delicate golden color. Well-dried petals are fragrant with a sweet aroma with light honey notes. When these signs appear, the raw materials can be put into paper or fabric bags and sent for storage in a dark closet or pantry.

Chemical composition of bear's ear

Bear ear contains:

  • alkaloid verbascenin;
  • aucubin and catalpol, which are iridoids;
  • vitamins, the most significant of which are beta-carotene and ascorbic acid;
  • hesperedin (flavonoid);
  • tannins;
  • saponins;
  • ether compounds, etc.

Also in the mullein there are micro and macro elements necessary for the functioning of all systems of the human body.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of mullein

Thanks to such a rich composition that nature has endowed with mullein, the plant is used in folk medicine. It is useful because:

  1. Tannins promote wound healing, produce a soothing and astringent effect. Therefore, bear's ear is primarily known as an herb that helps people suffering from hemorrhoids.
  2. Content plays a big role iridoids, which relieve inflammation, remove toxins from the body, reduce pain. Also, these compounds improve the functioning of the human immune system and, according to some reports, have an antitumor effect.
  3. Coumarin reduces blood density, which prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
  4. Hesperedin contained in mullein in in large numbers, has a beneficial effect on the state of the human circulatory system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and lowering their tone. This flavonoid stimulates the saturation of the heart with oxygen and reduces the severity of allergies.

In addition to the medicinal properties, decoctions and infusions of mullein have a general strengthening effect on a person. Vitamins and minerals saturate the body, which contributes to its correct work.

How to collect mullein (video)

Contraindications and side effects of mullein

Application folk remedies made from mullein are useful for:

  • gastrointestinal ailments: gastritis, hepatitis, ulcers.
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • dermatological diseases (primarily with eczema);
  • dental diseases associated with a violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa (gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.).

Mullein does not contain hazardous substances, so the application folk medicines with its content has practically no contraindications. The exception is:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • Small children;
  • people with individual intolerance;
  • tendency to bleed.

The question of starting treatment with a bear's ear is strongly recommended to be decided together with the attending physician. In case of any deterioration in the condition, the use of the herb should be discontinued.

The use of mullein in folk medicine

In alternative medicine, mullein is used both internally and externally. So, ointment and oil from the plant is used for abscesses, hemorrhoids, eczema. You can drink infusions and decoctions for diseases of the cardiovascular system and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Alcohol tincture is relevant for relieving symptoms of sprains, arthritis, sciatica.

Recipes for decoctions and infusions

You can prepare a remedy for oral administration according to 2 recipes:

  1. A tablespoon of mullein flowers is placed in a saucepan or thermos, pouring 250 ml of boiling water. The container is wrapped and left for at least 1 hour. After straining, the infusion is ready for use: the recommended dosage is about 100 ml three times a day after meals. The optimal course of treatment is 10 days.
  2. To prepare a decoction, you will need 50 g of dry petals and a glass of water. They are put on fire and boiled for a quarter of an hour. After the liquid has cooled, it is ready for use. To make the broth more convenient to drink, it is filtered.

As a preventive measure for hemorrhoids, you can drink mullein like tea. 3 teaspoons are brewed in a teapot or thermos, and drunk 2-3 times throughout the day.

Mullein oil

To prepare mullein-based oil, you need 100 ml of high-quality olive oil and 3 tablespoons of plant flowers. They are mixed in a transparent resealable container and left on the window for 10 days so that direct sunlight falls on the composition. Shake the oil periodically.

When the oil is ready, it remains to strain it and put it in the refrigerator. Such a remedy can be used for skin lesions, hemorrhoids and even otitis media.

Preparation and features of the use of mullein ointment

Also with hemorrhoids, an ointment from the seeds of the plant will also be effective. They are taken out of fruit-boxes, ground to a powder and mixed with butter in a ratio of 1:2. Such a remedy will be effective for bleeding caused by hemorrhoids. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to use seeds inside!

The use of mullein in traditional medicine (video)

Alcohol tincture of bear's ear

If the joints and lower back hurt, then alcohol tincture will help relieve discomfort. The ratio of mullein flowers and vodka is 1:10. After mixing all the ingredients, the tincture is left for 10 days. After readiness, the remedy is used twice a day until a stable remission occurs.

Mullein is one of the plants that are easy to find in nature and they help people in the treatment of diseases. The main thing is to follow the rules for the collection and preparation of folk remedies.

Mullein is a useful and medicinal herb, and it looks beautiful. This plant, thanks to bright flowers, can become a flower bed decoration. The genus belongs to the numerous family Norichnikovye (Scrophulariaceae), which is known for its medicinal properties. This genus includes about 280 species that are distributed throughout Eurasia, but their greatest diversity is found in the Mediterranean. Of all the species, the most famous and popular is the common mullein.


Mullein is a grass that spreads easily throughout the area due to the huge number of seeds carried by the wind. This plant is familiar, probably, to every person. Mullein is annual, biennial or perennial.

The leaves are simple, collected in basal rosettes. The buds, depending on the variety, are placed more or less densely on the spike-shaped inflorescence. Mullein flowers have the form of a five-membered corolla, they are painted most often in yellow, but again, depending on the variety, they can be white and even red. A lot of seeds ripen in boxes. In the wild, they are sown themselves, forming whole meadows of mullein.

Common mullein

The most common is common mullein. It is also popularly called the bear's ear. And this is just the beginning of a long list of different names for the same plant. In the nineteenth century, more than forty names of mullein were known. The most memorable are the hare's beard, Adam's rod, and the ice sheet. Because of the hairiness, he was also awarded such names as velvet, obscure, flannel and many others.

This species, unlike the others, has small flowers. This is why the common mullein is called small-flowered. In European reference books, it is listed as a large mullein, in North America- like a normal mullein. The plant is very useful and, one might say, famous. Perhaps this is the reason for such a variety of names.

Description of the common mullein

Bear's ear is a biennial, herbaceous plant. The stem of the mullein is erect with regular large oblong leaves.

Light yellow flowers are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence 1.6-1.8 cm high. It blooms in June, flowering lasts the whole summer until the end of August. In its natural environment, it is found on forest edges, clearings, glades, slopes of ravines and near water bodies.

Growing on the site

The common mullein loves the sun and well-permeable soil, so if you decide to “settle” this doctor by nature on your site, then choose an appropriate sunny place for him.

Seeds can be sown in three terms: in early spring, summer and late August. In any of the three options, the mullein will have time to form a rosette before the onset of cold weather. If you plant a plant at the end of summer, then the outlet will be small, but this is not an obstacle to normal further development.

Mullein seeds are small, so they need to be sown with minimal incorporation into the ground, the recommended depth is 1 cm. There is no need to prepare the seed for planting. In order for the seedlings to sprout sooner, the bed must be watered, especially in the summer and in the absence of rain.

The first thirty days shoots develop very slowly. Caring for them consists in the timely removal of weeds and loosening the soil. Care must be taken not to form a crust on the surface of the earth. If the seedlings are too dense, then they should be broken through, leaving 14-18 plants per meter of row.

The best place for a mullein is to determine near the fence, where it will be protected from gusts of wind.

Application and procurement of medicinal raw materials

The bear's ear is considered ornamental plant, which looks great in flower beds, lawns, in single or group plantings. In addition, the mullein is an excellent honey plant. But most of all it is valued for being a medicinal plant. Stems, leaves, flowers and roots are widely used in folk medicine.

Collection medicinal herbs- it is necessary and useful. It is better to prepare natural medicine for yourself and your family. To properly collect and dry the mullein, you need to be very careful. When collecting, drying and storing flowers, they can lose their golden color, while acquiring a dirty brown color. But this is not the main problem, more importantly, along with the beautiful coloring, the flowers lose a lot of their healing properties.

To avoid this, you need to collect raw materials in the late morning, when the sun dries the dew. At this time, you can easily separate the blossoming buds from the stamens that have grown to them. If you want to prepare good medicinal raw materials, try not to take flower cups. Drying is recommended in a ventilated area. Dried flowers are stored in well-closed containers. This is necessary so that they do not again gain moisture from the air.

Tips for harvesting mullein flowers:

  • Harvesting is carried out during July-August.
  • It is unacceptable to collect wilted and wet from rain or dew flowers for harvesting.
  • Mullein is considered dried when the corollas become brittle, golden yellow in color, with a delicate slimy-sweet taste and honey smell.

Leaves and stems are harvested in the same way throughout the summer, while the roots need to be stocked up in the fall. In the role of doctors by nature, the mullein officinalis and umbellate have proven themselves well. You can not use black and cockroach mullein.

Medicinal properties

In ancient times, back in pagan Rus', our ancestors used the healing properties of mullein. And today this plant is successfully used by healers in many countries to treat diseases. This plant has antiseptic, softening, enveloping, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effects. An infusion of mullein flowers is recommended for colds, cough, hoarseness, pneumonia, shortness of breath, bronchitis. With its help, an asthma attack and convulsions are stopped.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, there are many recipes using mullein, with their help you can get rid of many diseases. Let's consider some of them.

  1. Pour 5 g of raw materials with one glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours, then strain. It is recommended to take the infusion in a warm form half an hour before meals 3 times a day for 1/3 cup
  2. Pour one tablespoon of raw materials with one glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes, then strain. Take one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
  3. Pour one tablespoon of raw materials with one glass of 40% alcohol or vodka, leave to infuse in a dark place for two weeks, then strain. The prepared tincture is used for sciatica, rheumatism and joint diseases.
  4. Blooming shoots of a bear's ear are mixed with string, calamus, willow, sage, thyme and used for baths with rickets in children.
  5. Flower powder is used to heal wounds and on the nipples of the female breast. Previously affected areas are smeared with carrot juice.
  6. Mullein flower powder ointment is used for ulcers.
  7. Mullein seed powder ointment is prepared as follows. Mix 5 parts of seed powder and 10 parts of butter. It is used to treat ulcers and putrid wounds.
  8. You can also make poultices. Pour 4 tablespoons of leaves or flowers with boiling water and apply to problem areas, previously wrapped in gauze.
  9. Fresh leaves are applied to wounds, boils and ulcers, and dry leaves, ground into powder, are sprinkled on wounds.


Common mullein is a very valuable medicinal plant. Each medicine has its own contraindications, but as for the bear's ear, no contraindications have been found for use. It is only necessary, when taking mullein infusions, to take into account personal intolerance and make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

  • Residents of the western United States call the mullein because of its hairy " toilet paper cowboy."
  • Mullein has been considered a magical plant since ancient times.
  • According to legend, witches used mullein to make witchcraft potions.

  • Some peoples believe that the mullein averts curses and drives away evil spirits.
  • Our distant ancestors, having dipped the mullein stalk in resin, made a torch out of it, which burned for quite a long time. Koenigskerze means "royal candle" in German.
  • The mullein was used to dye fabrics, and sometimes even to dye hair. The flowers of the bear's ear gave a bright yellow or green color.

As soon as the people call it: a fur coat, and an ataman-grass, and Peter's cross, and Yegorov's spear, and a cloth whip. In the Tambov region, the mullein has long been called the "archer", because the dry stems peeled from the skin went to the torch. But most often the plant was compared with the ears of various animals: a bear's ear, a wolf's ear, a deer's ear.

Features of growing mullein

The plant is biennial. In the first year it forms a rosette of large, up to 50 cm, light lanceolate leaves, in the second year a flowering stem appears, often up to 2 m in height. Blooms in June-July. The plant can have flowers, buds and boxes with green seeds at the same time. Seeds yellowish-brown, ripen in September-October.

This torch plant can decorate any flower garden. It burns with a golden yellow flame, visible from afar from all sides. Mullein flowers are similar in shape to violets, but bright yellow in color. Half-fused corolla five-lobed, inside

Five stamens. The brush of mullein flowers is powerful, thick, descending upwards into a cone. Perhaps this explains another popular name for the plant - the royal scepter.

The plant is completely unpretentious, perfectly tolerates drought, its powerful tap root goes deep into the soil. In order for the mullein to show itself in all its glory, take a sunny warm place for it, the soil should be quite fertile, but not wet.

Very decorative type of purple mullein. A brush of large purple flowers is spectacular against the background of green grass. In horticulture, varieties and forms with red, white, pink and purple flowers have been bred.

Modern man is getting further and further from nature. And perhaps that is why Lately many gardeners try to "invite" interesting wild plants to their plots. Among them is the mullein, a heroic plant from the norichnikov family.

The mullein reproduces only by seeds. Before sowing, it is better to mix them with finely sifted sand (1:10) and sow without sprinkling soil before winter. You can transplant a plant only at a very young age.

For medicinal purposes, flowers are used, namely: corollas of flowers that are easily pulled out. They contain quite a lot useful substances including some essential oil. Collect flowers at the time full bloom in dry weather every day, because a blossoming flower lives only one day, and then crumbles (and is not suitable for medicinal purposes).

Fold the mullein flowers loosely in a basket or cardboard box. In a plastic bag, they suffocate, when dried, they darken and turn into useless raw materials. They must be dried as soon as possible - in a thin layer on paper or fabric, in well-ventilated attics or in the shade under awnings. Be sure to stir occasionally to prevent mold. Usually in good weather they dry out in 4-5 days.

Drying is completed when the whisks become brittle, do not lose their yellow color and have a delicate honey smell. Clenched in the palm of your hand should not form a lump.

Medicinal use

For medicinal purposes, the leaves are also stored at the same time as the flowers. Dry in the sun or in a ventilated area. Ready-to-storage dry leaves crumble easily when compressed. Raw mullein is very hygroscopic, easily damp, moldy, so it must be stored in a dry place in glass jar with screw cap. Shelf life -2 years.

Of the more than forty species of mullein growing in our country, mullein is officially used for medicinal purposes - hairy or medicinal and scepter-shaped.

There is a lot of confusion in the specific names of this plant. Outwardly, they are very similar and can only be distinguished during flowering: by the shape and size of the flower, the growth of the plant. Mullein with orange pubescence of stamens are considered medicinal. Plants with purple pubescence of stamens are not suitable for treatment.

The action of mullein preparations is similar to the action of marshmallow root. Infusion of flowers: 1-2 tbsp. l. corollas of flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Strain. Take 1/3 tbsp. (in a warm form) 3 times a day for influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, whooping cough, bronchial asthma.

It is also prescribed for dyspepsia, gastritis, colitis. Doctors often recommend taking mullein along with coltsfoot leaves, licorice root, linden flowers. Mullein flowers are part of many breast teas.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the plant is taken orally for nervous disorders, epilepsy, and an infusion of flowers is drunk as tea for edema, diseases of the liver and spleen, nervous fatigue, and exhaustion.

Mullein is widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is advised to brew the flowers as tea - the bleeding stops after 2-3 days. Sitz baths also work well. For a bath, you need to prepare a decoction: 0.5-1 kg of mullein flowers per 10 liters of water (single dose).

Bring to a boil, leave for half an hour and pour into the bath. Take such therapeutic baths (water temperature +37 degrees) for 15-20 minutes. every other day also in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, diathesis, neurodermatitis, various allergic skin diseases.

A thick decoction is used to lubricate dipigmented spots with vitiligo, rashes with psoriasis. An aqueous extract from the flowers has activity against the herpes virus. Outwardly, an infusion of flowers and leaves is used to rinse the mouth and throat with various inflammations (stomatitis, gingivitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

Used to wash the head with baldness and seborrhea. Alcohol tincture flowers are used for rubbing in joint pain, as an anesthetic for rheumatism, arthritis, and especially for nerve pain (inflammation of the facial nerve).

Fresh leaves boiled in water or milk are applied to wounds and burns. If a fresh mullein flower (or a dry one soaked in a minimal amount of water) is applied to the site of the bruise, the pain disappears and no bruising is formed. It still remains unexplained interesting fact that mullein seeds thrown into the water can put the fish to sleep.

scientific study useful properties"royal scepter" continues.

Mullein royal scepter is a herbaceous biennial from the Norichnikov family. Unknowing people, meeting him on their way, sometimes confuse the plant with weeds. Today, breeders have managed to bring out many varieties of mullein, which differ in their color palette. Growing up to one and a half meters in height, the mullein blooms with bright spike-shaped inflorescences of yellow, pink, purple, white and red hues. On this page "Popular about health" you will learn how the royal scepter mullein is grown from seeds, how it is cared for, and you can also take a good look at its photo.

Pictured is a mullein royal scepter

Please look at the photo where the mullein is depicted - it looks impressive. A giant stem rises one and a half to two meters above the ground. It is all fleecy and strewn almost from top to bottom. bright flowers. Distinctive feature royal scepter from other types of mullein - the absence of branching of the stem. In rare cases, it occurs only in the upper part of the flower. The leaves are collected in a powerful rosette from below, they are oval in shape, green, as well as the trunk, are not devoid of edging. The villi on the leaves help the plant to maintain maximum amount moisture, so it successfully copes with a sudden onset of drought.

In its natural environment, mullein can be found in the Baltic States, on the Black Sea coast, in the Caucasus, as well as in Russia (its European part). This plant grows on roadsides, in ravines, and can also often be found in landfills. It will be useful for readers to know that this herbaceous plant has many medicinal properties. But how to grow it on your site?

Features of growing mullein royal scepter

Flower growers often use these flowers to decorate their plots. The impressive appearance, unpretentiousness and resistance of the plant to drought are some of its advantages. The mullein prefers to grow in sunny areas, it develops well even on depleted soils. Loamy viscous soil is detrimental to these flowers. The culture is frost-resistant. And now let's talk about how to grow the royal scepter mullein, we will focus on seed method, as it is most often used by flower growers.

Growing mullein from seeds

Find an area in your dacha that is well lit by the sun. Since the flowers are not demanding on the soil, no manipulations, except for loosening, are necessary in the flower bed. The only condition is not to plant the mullein on too heavy and viscous soil.

The optimal time for sowing mullein in the garden is the end of May. The seeds of the mullein royal scepter are rather small, so they are not deepened into the soil, but only slightly sprinkled with a layer of soil so that the wind does not blow planting material throughout the territory. Plantings are not irrigated too abundantly with a watering can with a shower head. If the weather is favorable, sunny, then the sprouts will appear on about 15 days. As soon as this happens, the beds need to be thinned out. About 20-30 cm are left between plants. When thinning, remove the weakest flowers so that strong specimens remain.

How to care for young and adult mullein?

Young plants need to be looked after, namely, remove weeds and water regularly, but not abundantly. This plant does not need fertilizing, because in nature it does without it. Although some gardeners alternate between organic and mineral fertilizers. However, you should not get carried away with this, as an excess of nutrients can be harmful. When the flowers grow a little and get stronger, then you should not worry too much about watering either. The plant has a long straight rhizome, which allows extracting moisture from the deep layers of the soil. Seedlings will bloom only in the second year after planting.

IN further care for flowers means the removal of dried inflorescences. The plant gratefully accepts the procedure of loosening the soil around the stem. For the winter, after cutting, the mullein is covered with a layer of leaves and dry branches, and the places of cuts themselves are treated with crushed coal or peat.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

If there is a need to propagate flowers, then the easiest way to do this is by dividing the rhizome in the fall. The plant is carefully dug up, cut into 2-3 parts, after which the divisions are planted in the ground. The flower is resistant to pests, but it can get sick due to severe stagnation of moisture in the soil, as this provokes the development of fungal infections. Snails, slugs and caterpillars can disturb the rest of the plant, but there are various drugs that are sold in stores to combat them. flower shops.

Gardeners saw a welcome guest in the mullein and are happy to use it to decorate plots. Such tall flowers look great against the background of undersized representatives of the flora and, of course, the attention of passers-by and guests is focused on them. Due to the fact that growing and caring for mullein is not at all difficult, it is increasingly in demand among gardeners. Try and you sow the seeds of this flower in your country house. Then next summer you will enjoy the wonderful abundant flowering one and a half meter giant.