Toilet      06/17/2019

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller under the neck: a master class with photo schemes. How to sew a cushion cushion with your own hands? Patterns for different options How to sew a pillow cushion yourself

As promised, I am returning to the “pillow” theme with master classes that I prepared for a special issue of the magazine “I cross-stitch. My house". There are a lot of ways to sew a pillow, I tried to highlight six of the simplest, in my opinion, solutions. You are already familiar with two of them (the stud pillow and the drawstring pillow), so I will only show four here. A lot of people have asked me about sewing in a zipper, so let's start with a zippered pillow.

Pillow with zipper

There are several options for sewing in a zipper, we will consider one of them. The zipper is sewn into the back of the pillow.

Cutting features:

For the backdrop, cut out two pieces, the width of which is equal to the part for the front side of the pillow, and the height in total is equal to the height of the part of the front side of the pillow, plus about 2 cm.

Fold the back pieces right sides together and chop. Put marks, noting the location of the lightning. Stitch the details as follows: stitch to the first mark with a regular stitch, perform a bartack, change the stitch length to the maximum (5mm) and sew to the second mark, change the stitch length to a regular stitch and, having completed the bartack, sew further with a regular stitch. The resulting stitch should look like this: regular stitch - backtack - basting stitch - backtack - regular stitch:

Iron the seam allowance. On the wrong side, put a zipper along the seam, pin and tack (on a typewriter or manually):

Take out the pins. Sew a zipper on the front side using a special foot for sewing machine designed for sewing in zippers:

Cut out the basting line. Heel fold with front side pillowcases right sides to each other, chop off around the perimeter and stitch from the wrong side. Cut the corners diagonally and overcast the allowances with a zig-zag seam.

Pillowcase with "pocket" - ideal for beginners

This is the simplest pillowcase, it is sewn very simply and quickly from a single piece of fabric with the minimum amount seams.

Cutting features:

Cut out a rectangle whose width is equal to the width of the pillow plus two centimeters for seam allowances (1 cm on each side), and the length is equal to twice the height of the pillow plus about 15 cm for the inner lapel (“pocket”) plus about 6 cm for the hem of two cuts (3 cm each) for each cut).

Hem both short cuts. To do this, tuck the fabric to the wrong side at a distance of 1 cm. Iron. Twist 2 cm again, iron and stitch:

Lay out the rectangle right side up. On the left side, wrap the fabric up to a distance equal to the height of the pillow. Then, on the right side, wrap the remaining fabric up, equal to the size of the “pocket”. Chop the parts with pins along the side cuts:

Sew the pillowcase on both sides. Cut the corners diagonally and overcast the allowances with a zig-zag seam:

Round pillow - ideal for beginners

A very simple pillow with a drawstring, sewn according to the yo-yo principle.

Cutting features:

Cut out a circle with a diameter about twice as large as the future pillow and obliquely (i.e. at an angle of 45 degrees to the shared thread) a strip of fabric 5-7 cm wide, equal to the circumference of the round part.

Grind the strip into a ring and pin along the entire circumference with the right side to the front side. Sew in a circle, trim the seam allowance with zigzag scissors:

Turn the unprocessed edge of the strip to the wrong side at a distance of about 1 cm and iron. Fold the strip in half and stitch on the wrong side of the circle, leaving a small hole for threading the cord:

Insert a string or ribbon into the drawstring, tighten and tie in a bow.

Pillow - roller

A pillow - a roller can be made very simply by sewing a long "pipe" and tying both ends with ribbons like a candy. More difficult option- a roller with a zipper and round bases, the sewing of which requires some skill.

Cutting features:

Sew a zipper into the main piece as shown above for the zipper cushion. On both sides, pin the base (round parts) to the resulting cylinder, folding the parts with their front sides and watching for an even distribution of the fabric:

Run in a circle. Trim the seam allowances with zigzag scissors close to the seam so that later the seams lie well and do not bulge:

Perhaps we all need to learn from the Japanese how to get great sleep. They doze on their backs, on a hard specialized mattress, and put a log in a pillowcase under their heads. According to their point of view, only such a position of the body during sleep gives relaxation and proper rest to the whole body. Our mentality is completely different from the Eastern vision of the world, but no one bothers to adopt a little bit of their recreational options: you can doze off on a larger hard bed, and instead of a beam, a pillow-roller can be used entirely.

It has long been proven that napping on very large and large pillows is harmful. And the rollers, on the contrary, are one hundred percent suitable for this purpose. They are low, fairly rigid and are placed under the neck, therefore, allowing the spine to stay in a level position.

What can be pillows-rollers

Before we start listing all the advantages of such pillows, let's see what types of rollers are available:

pillow-roller for a bed, which is determined both for sleeping and for decorative decoration;

sofa decorative cushions under the back;

decorative rollers can be used for the armrest and also for the footrest.

Decorative pillows-rollers photo

Pillow cushion for bed

Sofa cushions-rollers are excellent for several reasons: Firstly, they are convenient in order to put them under the head, under the back, under the arm, under the legs, and secondly, they fit perfectly into any design, will become a bright accent in the room and perfectly combined with square throw pillows on the same sofa.

Roller cushions on the Biedermeier sofa bed, Morelato manufactory

sofa cushion cushions photo

In terms of size, a decorative pillow-roller can be straight, exactly repeating the shape of a cylinder, or it can be with a gathered edge, in this option the assemblies are crowned with either a beautiful button, or a “tail” made of fabric, or a decorative brush, as in the version with a roller, made in the style of the East. by the way, pillows-rollers came to us from the East itself, from this made of "oriental" fabrics, for example, from multi-color taffeta and embellished with tassels, such pillows look just fine and are considered an invariable accessory of oriental interiors.

Decorative pillow-roller photo

Candy cushion

Decorative pillow-roller in oriental design

Now, by the way, let's move on to describing the advantages of pillows-rollers. Why are they so pleasant that they are not at all inferior to classic rectangle-shaped pillows, and sometimes even exceed them?

Benefits of pillows

First, let us recall the structure of the human body and the fact that a person receives a simple rest only when his spine is relaxed. What is required for this? Absolutely not enough: so that at the time of sleep both the neck and the head lie on the pillow.

Only when the back is fixed at one point and deflections are removed does the spine allow itself to rest. Therefore, the back, neck relaxes, nervous tension disappears, and pain in the spine and back is also relieved. Those who suffer from back pain need to fully reconsider their attitude to sleep, take a look at what pillows you sleep on, are they comfortable, are they tall or, on the contrary, are they low?

Pillow-roller for sleep owns side by side therapeutic actions. Much depends on the correct position of the body during sleep. For example, as we said above, headaches and pain in the spine go away, blood circulation and heart function improve, pressure improves, eyes relax and intraocular pressure decreases.

Also, a pillow-roller has been demonstrated for sleeping for those who sleep restlessly at night and suffer from chronic fatigue.

by the way, such pillows are classified as orthopedic, in particular if they are stuffed not with feathers and traditional fluff, but, for example, with hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly buckwheat husk, which, moreover, has a massage effect. And in addition, orthopedic cushions for rest and sleep are filled with healing herbs in order to replenish the therapeutic result with aromatherapy. Of the most common aromatic fillers, juniper, lavender, and cedar should be noted. such rollers not only promote sound sleep, but also relieve stress, relax the nervous structure, and relieve insomnia.

Features of the production of do-it-yourself decorative pillows-rollers

For needlewomen, it will be interesting that the pillow-roller is quite easy to make at home. Moreover, it is very easy to sew to such a degree that even a novice seamstress can join the manufacture of the roller. The roller style looks beautiful - patchwork, when a decorative pillowcase is made from multi-colored patches of fabric. Also on the pillow-roller there will be suitable lace and hand embroidery. On decorative pillowcases, they mainly make a fastener from an unfastening zipper - this is done for the comfort of using the roller, so that if required, the pillowcase can be removed and washed very easily. And you can fill such a pillow with feathers and traditional down, or synthetic materials, for example, foam rubber or holofiber.

Decorative pillow roller do-it-yourself

As you can see, the cylindrical shape of the pillow has a very beneficial effect on general state organism. So, if for example you are unwell, then buy at least one roller and try it in action. Who knows, perhaps the actual pillow-roller will give you the opportunity to completely rest and taste life without pain in cervical region and back. Well, decorative varieties of such pillows will become good decision to decorate your home.

The art of real relaxation, comparable to immersion in blissful nirvana, came to us, overcoming time and space, changing and transforming, from the countries of the East. It was on this mysterious and blessed land that the first fluffy carpets were created, sofa cushions and soft puffs.

Over time, in the art of creating these products, oriental masters have reached real perfection. Why not borrow their experience and create a product for comfort and coziness, using the advice of experienced artisans. One of the most simple and useful products for interior and leisure - original pillow in the form of a roll. Do-it-yourself pillow cushion is a completely feasible project, the implementation of which even the most inexperienced needleworker will need no more than a couple of hours.

Yes, a do-it-yourself pillow cushion is created in a matter of hours. This is not much, even for our busy rhythm of life. At the same time, all work is carried out in full accordance with the technological rules characteristic of this oriental product.

Why do you need a cushion?

Do-it-yourself pillow cushion is a great opportunity to quickly and cheaply become the owner stylish accessory and just useful stuff.

Previously, rollers - before the appearance upholstered furniture, were used as armrests attached to hard wooden couches and sofas. These elongated pillows were stuffed with the usual stuffing for those times:
. horsehair;
. dry fern;
. straw.

But feather and down were not at all suitable for stuffing such pillows, since soft stuffing did not allow during small talk comfortable, and at the same time elegant, to lean on the roller. Of course, tailcoats and bustles are a thing of the past, but this does not mean at all that a do-it-yourself pillow cushion is not worthwhile and irrelevant. On the contrary, these original products from the "sofa team" are still in demand, relevant and fit perfectly into most modern interiors.

Do-it-yourself pillow roller, made in the form of a cylinder, is made from a single piece of fabric or from several strips that are in harmony with each other. For stuffing, you can use any suitable filler. They show special imagination when decorating the ends - do-it-yourself pillow cushion, this is a great opportunity to show your creative abilities. So, for example, for the design of the ends are often used:
. folds;
. edging;
. assemblies;
. decorative buttons;
. bows;
. pleating.

What tools and materials will be needed?

Do-it-yourself pillow cushion will require the following materials and tools:
. high-density fabric - it can be tapestry, boston, calico or microvelveteen;
. pillow in the form of a roller, stuffed with down, feathers or synthetic stuffing;
. decorative cord - for edging;
. large buttons trimmed with fabric, as well as tassels and rosettes - for decoration;
. buttons and zipper;
. chalk and ruler;
. centimeter and scissors;
. sewing machine;
. needles, threads and pins with an eyelet.

First of all, the future location of the pillow is measured - this will avoid unforeseen inconsistencies in the size of the product and the bed. Finished pillow cylindrical shape- sewn or purchased - must exceed the volume of the roller by approximately 10%. The manufacture of the cover, on the contrary, is carried out according to precisely calculated dimensions - then the cushion cushion with your own hands will acquire a clear outline and the required elasticity.

Tailoring options

1. Transferring the dimensions to the wrong side, we add two centimeters on all sides - for an allowance. We cut out the necessary fragment. We make sure that the lower and upper sides of the cut are equal to the circumference of the end, and the side edges are equal to the length of the roller.

Chip the fabric on the sides with the face inward, retreat 2 cm from the raw edges, from the ends - 15 cm each. We sew along the long side. We sew in a zipper, sew on buttons or buttons - to fasten the cover.

On the remaining fabric, draw two circles - the ends. We add to the circles for the seams - 2 cm each. Cut out and cut the allowances - so that the circles do not wrinkle. We sew an edging cord around the perimeter. Next, we make an incision of the end edges of the cover. The step and depth of the cuts are 1.5 cm each. Chips the front sides of the ends and the edging, we sew.

After turning the pillowcase, check the quality of the seams. If there are flaws, we fix them. The ends should look perfect. Everything, the cover can be put on - the cushion cushion with your own hands is ready!

2. In accordance with the length of the cylinder and the radius of the ends, we calculate the dimensions of the "tails" that will be tied at the ends of the pillow. Similarly to the first option, we make a pattern - we need a strip of fabric equal to the length of the pillow along the side edges, and the end circumference along the lower and upper sides. On all edges we add to the seams - 3 cm each. Then we cut off and sew the workpiece from the inside - along the long side. Tucking the end sides in half, by one and a half centimeters, we sew. Then we sew the tails, put the roller into the cover, tie the ends - the cushion cushion with our own hands is ready.

3. Having marked and cut out, we sew the cover, similarly to the first option. From both ends we make a fringing, cutting the cord so that there is one joint at the ends. We cut two strips of fabric. The width of the additional blanks should be equal to the radius of the end, the length - the circumference of the end. On each side of the cut should be left at the seams - 1.5 cm.

Having chipped and stitched the short ends, we attach one long side of the workpiece along the edging to the end. Having bent and trimmed the free edge, we thread a cord or braid into the resulting drawstring. Then we repeat all the operations on the second end of the roller.

Having put the pillow in the cover, we tighten the cords, tie them, and then sew them - for extra strength. Cut off the ends of the cords. The tightened hole formed in the middle of the butt is closed with a button, brush or rosette.

Each house has its own unique interior, each has its own little things and nuances that make it such. A rug at the entrance, embroidered napkins, non-standard panels - a popular "hand-made" that slowly floods our homes. Needlework usually requires specially prepared materials, they are not always right at hand. But if you decide that you should have a pillow-roller with your own hands, then maybe you already have everything you need for this.

Many people have sleep problems. And the solution to this problem can be the manufacture of an orthopedic pillow-roller on your own. In the countries of the East, pillows in the form of a roller are very common. This can be argued by the love, for example, of the Japanese, to sleep on a hard one, it could be either a specialized mattress or just a solid base, and for convenience, a cushion was arranged under the head. Of course, not every person is ready to radically change their sleep habits and switch from a regular soft mattress to a hard one, but using a roll during sleep and rest under the neck will definitely benefit.

Everyone has heard at least once in their life that sleeping on soft, loose pillows is not at all good for health. This affects both the neck and the back. Of course, the negative consequences will not catch you immediately, but over time they will begin to appear. According to recent research by scientists, it has been recognized that the cylindrical roller has become the optimal object that is used for sleeping under the head.

Types of rollers

Roller pillows can be completely different, in order to understand which one you want to make for yourself, you should familiarize yourself with their varieties.

There are cushions that can be used on the bed just for rest and sleep. They can be put under the neck, under the head, under the arms, legs, and in general under any part of the body, they are almost universal in their purpose.

These pillows have great view, they will suit any interior, and depending on the chosen appearance and for every style.

But in addition to pillows intended for the body, there are pillows just for decoration. They can simply decorate your sofa in the living room or serve as a side on the bed in the children's room.

by the most the best filler for a roller, buckwheat husk is considered. This is an environmentally friendly product, and it is in Japan that such a filler is most popular. If you notice, store-bought orthopedic pillows are also filled with recycled buckwheat. The use of such a pillow will provide, when placed under parts of the body, a slight deformation of the shape, but not its loss, and thereby increase comfort.

Pros of using

Roller pillows have become so popular precisely because of the benefits that are observed when using them. Even pregnant women use such pillows for comfortable placement on the bed, although for them, as seen in the photo above, a slightly larger size is required.

Having spent the night at least one night on such a pillow, relaxation and good health will immediately become noticeable, which will haunt you all day. The spine will not receive such a load, since it will not bend incorrectly, that is, the body will be in a more even position.

Cervical osteochondrosis will reduce its impact on your life as soon as you begin to systematically sleep with the right pillow.

Such rollers are sewn, crocheted and performed in various techniques. You don’t need a pattern for sewing, it’s very easy to understand how to make your own pillow cushion without it.

Easy option

To make a pillow-roller you will need:

  1. Fabric (there are no restrictions on the choice of fabric, but you should pay attention to natural materials so that in contact with the skin there are no unpleasant sensations, as well as irritations and allergies). The size of the fabric is calculated independently, depending on the size of the roller. In the master class, a size equal to 20 cm in diameter is used, the length is 61 cm;
  2. Lightning (for changing the filler or for washing it is convenient to be able to remove the cushion cover);
  3. Threads, needle, scissors, centimeter;
  4. Ribbon with pom-poms for decoration.

The first step will be cutting, according to the dimensions indicated above, without using any schemes, details are cut out: side circles. Allow for a 2cm seam allowance.

The finished pillowcase is stuffed with a filler of your choice: natural fillers, synthetic winterizer, etc.

Good advice would be not to be too lazy and sew a separate pillowcase for the filler, according to the same principle. Only for a pillowcase it is not necessary to sew in a separate zipper, it is enough to stuff it and carefully sew up the hole through which it was stuffed with a blind seam.

Video on the topic of the article

It turns out that there are several ways to sew a pillow-roller with your own hands. Here they are in no particular order.

You will need

  • The fabric from which you will make the cover.
  • Pillow that looks like a roller.
  • Decorative cord for edging.
  • Zip, buttons, and loops or snaps that you sew onto the cover so it can be removed and washed.
  • Sewing accessories.
  • Compass.

What you need to do before sewing a pillow-roller with your own hands

Measure the place where the roller will lie. This is necessary in order to calculate the dimensions of the product - after all, it should not hang from the sofa or be too small.

The pillow, which will be closed with a cover, should be slightly more sizes locations finished product. The material from which the cover will be sewn, on the contrary, must be exactly the right size. If you comply with these conditions, then the pillow-roller will turn out right size, shape and at the same time will be elastic.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller - option number 1

  1. Transfer the measurements to the wrong side of the material from which you will sew the cover. In this case, it is necessary to add 2 cm on all sides for allowances.
    Keep in mind - the top and bottom sides of the fabric should be equal to the diameter of the end of the pillow, and the sides - the length of the pillow.
  2. Make a cutout.
  3. Fold the fabric in half, bringing the sides together. In this case, the front part should be inside. After step back from the raw edges 2 cm, and from the ends - 15 cm.
  4. Sew along the side that is longest.
  5. Sew on a zipper (loop button or buttons).
  6. Draw two circles on another piece of fabric, the diameter of which larger diameter the ends of the pillow by 2 cm. The extra centimeters are an allowance. Then cut them out.
  7. Cut the allowances of the ends of the cover so that when stitching the end does not turn out to be wrinkled.
  8. Sew a edging cord to them around the circumference, as shown in the photo above.
  9. Cut the end edges of the cover. There should be a distance of 1.5 cm between the cuts. The depth of the cut should also be 1.5 cm.
  10. Chip off the face of the ends with a border and sew.
  11. Check the appearance of the seams by turning the cover inside out. If everything is in order, put on a pillow.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller - option number 2

  1. Cut out a fabric whose side edges are 3 cm longer than the pillow, and the top and bottom sides are 3 cm longer than the circumference of the end of the pillow.
  2. Peel and stitch the cut fabric along the long side. This must be done from the wrong side.
  3. Tuck the sides of the end so that the bend is 1.5 cm, and sew.
  4. Sew tails for the cover. The dimensions are determined depending on the place where the pillow-roller will be located.
  5. Put the cover on the roller and tie the ends.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller - option number 3

  1. Mark out, cut out and sew the cover in the same way as in the first version.
  2. Make edging at both ends. At the same time, cut the cord so that there is one joint at the ends.
  3. Cut out two strips of fabric, the length of which is equal to the circumference of the end of the pillow, and the width is equal to the radius of the circle. On the sides of the cut, add 1.5 cm for the allowance.
  4. Cut off and sew the short ends of the workpiece.
  5. Attach any of the long sides to the end in the length of the edging.
  6. Bend the remaining long side and hem.
  7. After step 6, a backstage is formed. Thread a string or ribbon through it.
  8. You do the same with the second end of the cover, which will be the end of the roller.
  9. Put the cover on the pillow, tie the cord and stitch this case to make it stronger.
  10. Cut off excess cords.
  11. If desired, close the hole at the ends with a button, which you first sheathe with material, a rosette or a brush.

Today it is very difficult to find a completely healthy person. Someone suffers from a headache, someone has a backache, and someone suffers from insomnia. Such problems may indicate the presence various diseases, however, very often a simple change of bedding can save.

According to the Japanese, you can have a good rest and sleep while lying on your back, on a hard mattress, and they put a log in a pillowcase under your head. It is they who should adopt the rules have a nice rest. However, it is not necessary to sleep with your head on a log, a pillow cushion can be a great alternative.

Moreover, such decorative pillow looks very stylish. It will perfectly fit into any interior. It is not necessary to purchase it, because it is easy to manufacture.


To understand the benefits of such pillows, it is necessary to remember the structure of the human body and the fact that you can really relax only when the spine is in a relaxed state. This can be done if during sleep the head and neck will be on the pillow.

The roller has a number of therapeutic properties. A lot depends on right position body: headaches and spinal pains stop, blood circulation and heart function improve, pressure normalizes. Also, an orthopedic pillow-roller will be a good choice for those who suffer from insomnia and chronic fatigue.

Particularly useful are pillows filled not with ordinary down or feathers, but with buckwheat husks - this is an environmentally friendly product that has an excellent massage effect and does not cause an allergic reaction. In order for the pillow to have not only therapeutic properties, but also the effect of aromatherapy, it can be filled with medicinal herbs(most often use lavender, juniper or cedar). These pillows can relieve stress and relieve insomnia.

Varieties of pillows

Before understanding, it is necessary to determine their varieties:

  • decorative pillows for the sofa, they can be used under the back;
  • the cushion for the bed is suitable for decor and for sleeping;
  • cushions that can be used as armrests or footrests.

Sofa cushions have their advantages: they are comfortable to put under your head, back or arms, besides, they fit perfectly into any interior and will bright accent in room.

The cushion cushion can be absolutely any shape. It can be made by exactly repeating the shape of a cylinder, or by picking up the edges. In the second case, the assemblies can be decorated with buttons, fabric “tails” or decorative tassels, which are inherent in the oriental style.

It should be noted that roller pillows were originally used in the East, and therefore today they are made using multi-colored taffeta and decorations in the form of brushes. Similar pillows very often used as decorative element, they are an essential attribute of oriental-style rooms.

Manufacturing features

Needlewomen will be interested to know that a pillow-roller is made quite simply with your own hands, even a beginner needlewoman can join such work. The cushion looks beautiful, the pillowcase of which is decorated in the patchwork style, lace and hand embroidery will also be appropriate on it.

If you do not know how to sew a pillow-roller, then it is better to stop at the option where a zipper is used in the manufacture of pillowcases. So the pillow will be convenient to use: if necessary, the pillowcase can be easily removed, it can always be washed. In addition to down, feather and other natural fillers, you can use synthetic materials - use foam rubber or holofiber.

candy roller

To get a pillowcase of this type, the panel of the desired size is cut and sewn into a ring. Both round edges of the resulting pipe are tucked inside out, overcast and processed on a typewriter.

Putting a pillowcase on a pillow, the edges are tightly pulled together and decorated with fringe or lace.

Screed roller

To get such a pillowcase, you need to cut out a panel that matches the size of the roller and sew it into a “pipe”. The round edges of the product must be overcast, wrapped inside out and stitched at a distance of 1.5 cm. Next, the pipe must be pulled off by threading a rope inside the seam and hide the tip in the middle. The sides can be decorated with original buttons, pom-poms or flowers.

Roller with zipper

The pillow-roller, the pattern of which is presented below, is a tube with sewn-in side parts. In accordance with the dimensions of the roller, it is necessary to sew a pillowcase in the shape of a tube, leaving a hole for the zipper. Two round side parts that correspond to the diameter of the holes obtained in the tube must be cut out additionally. They should be swept into the pillowcase face to face and stitched at a distance of about 1 cm from the edge.

Next, you need to process the area into which the pillow will be threaded. The left hole must be sewn on a typewriter (the seam is “in the hem”). After that, the cover must be turned out and sewn in with a zipper. The fastener must be placed under the cut, pinned with pins and stitched on a typewriter as close to the teeth as possible.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller

Decorative roller adds style and elegance to the interior. Make it easy. First of all, you need to prepare:

  • a piece of fabric corresponding to the size of the pillow;
  • decorative cord;
  • pillow in the form of a roller.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller, the pattern of which is presented in this article, is quick and easy. First you need to lay out a piece of matter on the table and tuck the long edges from the front side inward, they are chopped off with pins and sewn on. Thus, drawstrings for the cord are obtained.

After that, it is necessary to fold the part face inward, fix the narrow edges with pins, grind them.

Next, you need to process the edges. You can use overlay for this. You can go the other way: the edges are folded to the wrong side by 1 cm and ironed, then folded again by 1.5-2 cm, fixed again with an iron and sewn on a typewriter.

The resulting part must be turned right side out and ironed well. You need to thread a cord into one of the drawstrings and tie it tightly with a bow. A roller is inserted inside the pillowcase, the second drawstring is tightened, and the pillow cushion is ready. If desired, the sides can be decorated with decorative tassels or other elements of your choice.

If you have problems with musculoskeletal system, then you should consult a doctor with a request to help choose the right pillow. The orthopedic roller is able to adapt to individual characteristics its owner and provide quality sleep, as well as excellent support for the spine.

Moreover, it has long been proven that large and high pillows have a negative effect on the body, it is undesirable to sleep on them, while a cushion cushion is ideal for this purpose. And decorative variations of such pillows can decorate any interior.