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Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper from cardboard boxes. Video: technology for working with "liquid wallpaper" factory production. Benefits of home cooking

Date: 05/18/2017

If you want to transform your room beyond recognition, make the design unique - liquid wallpaper will come to your aid. IN Lately interior decor with their help is becoming increasingly popular.

Thanks to liquid wallpaper, you can create unique design and completely change the look of your room.

You can buy such a mixture at any hardware or specialized store, but many are stopped from buying by their rather high cost compared to the classic ones. Therefore, if you like to do everything yourself and are not afraid to experiment, then making liquid wallpaper with your own hands will surely interest you.

Liquid wallpaper can be made independently. This will give you more room for creativity and save money.

Liquid wallpapers are an interesting and aesthetic solution for the design of almost any room, they have a number of undeniable advantages:

    • cause a feeling of comfort and warmth;

Liquid wall-paper will help to create the cozy atmosphere in the house according to your ideas.

    • have a heat-insulating and sound-absorbing effect;

Due to the special texture and internal properties, liquid wallpapers are distinguished by good sound insulation.

    • environmentally friendly;

The materials from which liquid wallpaper is made do not harm the environment

    • have antistatic properties;
    • mask wall defects;

Liquid wallpaper allows you to qualitatively and imperceptibly eliminate wall defects.

    • do not have connecting seams;

Unlike ordinary wallpaper, liquid do not have butt joints.

  • long service life and the possibility of repair, in case of damage to the material.

Liquid wallpaper allows you to carry out repairs if the surface is partially worn out.

All these wonderful qualities will be inherent in liquid wallpaper made independently. But at the same time, they have some more advantages compared to those purchased in the store.

First of all, you will be able to realize your creative ideas: form a unique texture of the material by adding non-traditional, interesting components to their composition, achieve the desired shade, create your own, unique, pattern or decoration on the wall.

Self-made liquid wallpaper will allow you to come up with your own drawing and depict it on the wall.

In addition, this "creativity" has a significant economic effect. Their cost is 5-6 times cheaper than store counterparts.

Let's decide on the technique of creating them at home.

What to choose?

Making liquid wallpaper from paper or newspapers is the most common technology.

Using newspapers to make liquid wallpaper is one of the most common options.

But another method is also used - from sawdust.

Another suitable option the basis for liquid wallpaper is sawdust.

According to their main characteristics, they are not inferior to each other. The difference is only in the appearance of the finished wall covering, in its texture.

The texture of liquid wallpaper made of paper.

The texture of liquid wallpaper from sawdust.

If it is decided to choose paper as the basis, then we strongly recommend using only pure white (good quality second-hand or office sheets). This will avoid unpleasant surprises - the finished mixture may acquire a gray, “dirty” shade. Use of glossy or colored paper is possible when you want a dark shade of the finished wall covering.

Painted paper should be used as a base only in the manufacture of dark liquid wallpaper.

Sawdust is an affordable and attractive material from a decorative point of view. It is necessary to choose the most fine, clean, without impurities, material.

Sawdust for liquid wallpaper should be as clean and fine as possible.

Making liquid wallpaper from paper and sawdust - the necessary materials and proportions

The proposed proportions of materials are calculated for a coverage area of ​​4 m 2 - 5 m 2 (depending on the thickness of the layer) and are indicative, the actual ratio may differ from the proposed one. This is affected by the quality of the base material, the type of glue, dye, the presence of threads and fibers.


    • paper or sawdust - 1kg;

We need one kilogram of paper.

Or you can take a kilogram of sawdust.

    • water - 5 l;

It is also necessary to prepare 5 liters of water.

    • glue - 0.5 kg;

In addition, you need 0.5 kg of glue. You can use PVA or regular wallpaper.

    • gypsum (alabaster) - 0.5 kg;

In addition, prepare 0.5 kg of alabaster or plaster.

    • antiseptic additives;

Do not forget also about antiseptic additives.

    • pigment;

To give the wallpaper a nice look, choose the pigment of your choice.

    • fiber - 15g / m2;

Prepare fibrous material at the rate of 15 grams per square meter of surface.

  • decorative additives.

Optionally, you can use various decorative additives for liquid wallpaper.

If the mixture is difficult to spread, you can add water. If, on the contrary, it is too liquid, add glue or plaster.

It should be noted that alabaster hardens much faster than gypsum, so if you are not a professional, it is better to use gypsum.

PVA glue is most often used as an adhesive base. You can also use regular wallpaper paste. If there is a need to give the wallpaper additional strength, to increase resistance to mechanical stress, the use of acrylic putty is recommended.

One of constituent parts any liquid wallpaper should be fiber. You can use medical cotton, cotton, linen, wool, silk or synthetic threads. These additives give the wall covering that same softness and warmth, provide coziness and comfort in the room. The main requirement is to finely chop the material used.

The pigment (or dye) must be on water based. The store will offer a wide range of colors and shades.

Decorative components - sparkles, crushed quartz, marble or mica - will help to give ready-made wallpaper unique appearance. The use of these additives will protect the wallpaper from the appearance of mold. They are sold in any hardware store and are inexpensive.

It is necessary to decide on the choice of tools for making liquid wallpaper with your own hands.

You will need:

  • basin (container);
  • drill (screwdriver) with a nozzle "mixer";
  • trowel (better, transparent);
  • brush;
  • gloves.

Production of liquid wallpaper

Before you start making wallpaper, you need to prepare the walls. They need to be cleaned of old coatings, peeling plaster and whitewash. If necessary, putty the resulting cracks, level the surface as much as possible. Then treat with a colorless primer for better adhesion of the material to the wall.

Prepare the walls for applying liquid wallpaper.

After finishing preparatory phase, you can start making wallpaper by following the following instructions for making liquid wallpaper from paper with your own hands.

    1. It is necessary to shred the paper using a shredder, scissors or simply by tearing it. The degree of grinding affects the final texture of the coating.
    2. Prepared raw materials should be mixed with plain water room temperature.
    3. Mix and leave to swell. Depending on the density of the material, this process will take 1-3 hours.
    4. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly with an existing tool until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
    5. Add glue, dye, chopped fiber, additives. Mix thoroughly again.

At this stage, add various decorative additives to the solution.

  1. Add gypsum (alabaster) and mix.
  2. Now you can start painting the walls!

Making liquid wallpaper from sawdust with your own hands - step by step instructions

  1. sawdust must be mixed with warm water for swelling, it will take approximately 4 hours.
  2. Add glue, pigment and other components, except for plaster.
  3. Mix the ingredients well and leave for 12 hours, closed with a lid.
  4. Add gypsum and mix thoroughly. All is ready!

The final stage of preparing a solution of liquid wallpaper.

It should be remembered that the application of liquid wallpaper on the wall must be carried out immediately after receiving the finished mixture.

As you can see, the technologies for making finishing material from paper or sawdust are practically the same. The only difference is the preparation time.

Now you know how to get liquid wallpaper at home. We are sure that you managed to learn a lot of interesting and useful information about this process. Imagine and bring to life all your ideas!

Video: how to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands

50 photo ideas for decorating a room with liquid wallpaper:

Liquid wallpaper - a new progressive method interior decoration walls. It harmoniously combines the advantages of classic wallpaper and decorative plaster. But the high price of such material prevents its wider distribution.

There is a way out of this situation - to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands. Next, we'll look at how to achieve desired effect at home, while significantly saving on the purchase of finished products.

General provisions

To begin with, let's consider what properties the material offered by manufacturers has in order to understand what to strive for when creating your own.


  • Simple instruction manual. All you need to do is soak the cotton mass with water, apply it to the wall and smooth it with a plastic float. Thus, you bypass the measurements and cutting of the canvases, laying them out on the floor and spreading them with glue, selecting a picture and smoothing the wallpaper on the wall. Also, you do not have to carefully remove the applied layer, as required by the plaster finish.

  • No butt joints. Even the highest quality paper, non-woven or fabric by very skilled professionals will not become one, and upon careful examination, it will be possible to detect a junction line. The considered material forms a single monolithic coating.

  • Flaw masking. There is no need to pre-level the surface. On the contrary, the mixture used is able to smooth and even out cracks and hollows.

  • Vapor permeability. continue to “breathe”, thanks to which a favorable microclimate is formed in the room without the greenhouse effect and dampness.
  • Practicality. Resistance to excessive moisture, physical damage and ultraviolet radiation makes it possible to use such comfortable material in any room with confidence long term services.

  • Ease of restoration. In case of damage or severe contamination of a certain area of ​​​​the coating, it is enough to carefully cut it out and fill it with a new portion of the solution.

  • Ecological cleanliness. All components are of natural origin and are absolutely harmless to humans.

  • Soundproofing. They will make the room more comfortable, fencing off extraneous sounds.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Insulation of the room in our climate is always in place and, in addition to improving comfort, also allows you to save on heating in the winter.


  • High price. This is exactly the reason why we will learn how to make liquid wallpaper ourselves.
  • Small range of mixes. Unfortunately, today this technology finishes can not boast of a great variety.

Tip: if you want to create more attractive and individual ornaments, then it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the video materials containing master classes in applying liquid wallpaper to the walls.
They are able to introduce you to the basics of combination, which will give you the opportunity to make something more than just a monotonous surface.


Now let's look at what liquid wallpaper is made of. But it should be understood that each manufacturer hides the full list of ingredients available in the models of liquid wallpaper they offer.

So only the general composition is available to us:

  1. cellulose fibres. Sounds menacing. But in fact, it only sounds, because, in fact, this is the most ordinary cotton wool. That is, you just need to buy it, color it with a suitable dye and cut it into small pieces.

  1. Wool. Polyester fibers or synthetic winterizer are also perfect.

  1. Textile fibres. There is really nothing special here either, any colored thread will do. The main difficulty will be their grinding, as this is a very monotonous task.

Tip: To make the task easier, buy threads in spools and cut them lengthwise without unwinding.
This will greatly speed up the process.

  1. Carboxymethyl cellulose glue bustylate or acrylic acting as a binder. Available for sale.
  2. Mineral components to increase the attractiveness of the decor. Perfect: marble or quartz dust, ground mica, mother-of-pearl sequins and other similar substances.

  1. Dyes. They most strongly affect the appearance of the future cladding. There are a lot of them on the shelves of specialized stores. In addition, they can also be mixed to achieve more unique colors.

  1. Antifungal supplements. Take care of their presence if you want to protect the wall as much as possible from the appearance and spread of mold. They are also freely available on the shelves of retail outlets. For example, sodium silicate works well with this.

Manufacturing technology

We examined the ingredients, now we make liquid wallpaper on our own:

  1. We buy the necessary components and carefully grind. It should be remembered that the more different substances we use, the more picturesque the final result will be.
  2. We mix a small amount of the resulting mosaic with the selected adhesive base, it can be:
    • Wallpaper glue.

    • Natural adhesive solution. Guarantees maximum environmental friendliness.
    • Acrylic plaster.

At the same time, we stir the minerals and fibers that determine the main color until completely homogeneous, but the additional decorative elements leave in random order. This will give the composition more aesthetics.

  1. We test the resulting solution by applying it to an inconspicuous part of the wall. We are waiting for solidification, after which we examine for strength and aesthetics.
  2. We make adjustments to the proportions used. We repeat the test until a satisfactory result is obtained.
  3. Create required amount liquid wallpaper and process it with all the walls in the room.

Simplified version

You can use a simpler and cheaper way to create an analogue of liquid wallpaper on your own:

  1. We take the scribbled sheets of paper in the required quantity, for example, we will count forty.

  1. We cut them, or due to lack of time, we completely immerse them in a bucket.

  1. Fill it all up with water. One and a half liters is enough for our quantity.
  2. Not earlier than an hour later, we take a construction mixer or a drill operating at low speeds, put on a whisk and grind the paper that has swollen and become soft from the liquid.

  1. We add about twenty grams of the liquid dye you like, 400 g of gypsum and 200 ml of PVA glue. All this time we do not stop mixing, which as a result gives us a porridge-like mass, ready for use.
  2. Add some decorating elements and put on the wall. A day later, the surface is completely ready for use.

This method will not require a lot of cost and time from you, but, of course, it will be inferior in quality to a more complete recipe.


Liquid wallpapers perfectly combine all the good things that can be taken from ordinary ones. At the same time, its cost is also correspondingly high.

But this shortcoming can be circumvented by own production the required solution. We considered a more full-fledged method that has all the necessary advantages, and an even more economical one that allows you to achieve a similar visual effect.

The video in this article will introduce you to additional materials. Keep up with the times!

Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper affordable alternative expensive finishes. For their manufacture, you will need materials that are ubiquitous in every house or apartment, and are no longer of particular interest for other uses. Of course, some components will have to be purchased, but financial costs will not hard hit according to the family budget. At the same time already ready-made options, which are found in abundance in hardware stores, can be quite expensive.

Why is liquid wallpaper so good that there is more and more talk about self-production of this decorative finishes. Naturally, you will have to make significant efforts, follow the rules and proportions. It is impossible to just mix the ingredients and think that the resulting mixture will be no worse than store-bought.

Why did this material, another name for which is wet wallpaper or silk plaster, become so attractive? Its positive properties will tell about it:

  • Complete environmental Safety. When making the material yourself, you need to pay due attention to this aspect. Do not use components that do not meet the standards or are damaged.
  • Walls treated with such a mixture "breathe". It turns out that the premises will not be “mothballed”, which means that a unique and necessary microclimate will be preserved.
  • No irritating odors. For example, working with paints and varnishes, a problem often arises - it is difficult to get rid of the corrosive smell. In case of liquid wallpaper, this problem absent.
  • Good antistatic properties. This indicator began to pay attention quite recently. Previously, this was not taken into account. But the accumulation of static electricity causes significant harm to human health. It also serves as an attraction for various particles of dust and dirt.
  • Lack of flammability. Indeed, the product does not contribute to the spread of flame, and also does not emit harmful chemical substances when smoldering.
  • Does not absorb odors. It can even be used in the kitchen area.
  • Proper application does not leave seams. This noticeably improves decorative properties surfaces.
  • Some of the flaws that are present on the walls can be hidden with the help of liquid wallpaper. But major shortcomings must be completely eliminated.
  • Can be applied in new homes. This is remarkable in that even significant shrinkage will not damage the coating.
  • Diversity design solutions. Can create unique interior. After all, the application technology allows you to realize any ideas.

There are also disadvantages, they are few. They are due to the fact that the material appeared relatively recently, so it has some limitations in terms of decorative characteristics, which are gradually being erased.

How to make liquid wallpaper

Nothing is incomprehensible to man. There are always craftsmen who are ready to offer their own solution that allows you to do something at home. Therefore, there are many options that allow you to independently prepare liquid wallpaper. But almost all of them have the same basis, only auxiliary components are different. There are several methods that deserve the most attention.

Option one - paper waste

In every house or apartment, there is probably a lot of unnecessary waste paper. And it can be successfully put into action.

Do not rush to throw away waste paper, this is an excellent raw material for the manufacture of decorative wall decoration

To make liquid wallpaper you will need:

  • Any kind of paper waste - old magazines, books, newspapers. Sheets that are used for printing on a printer are also suitable.
  • Color. You can choose dyes of one or more colors.
  • Gypsum.
  • Water.
  • PVA glue or glue similar in characteristics to bustilat. Acrylic putty is also suitable.
  • Various decorative additives. It can be sparkles, mineral components, tree bark.

On a note! When it comes to newspapers, it is better not to take old editions. They used technology that was based on the use a large number lead. Modern print media are safer in this regard.

Manufacturing technology

All work is divided into several stages. It is important to know that the dye is added at the last moment. Also come with additional components.

On a note! Before directly to the surface, gypsum should be added to them and mixed well. It is taken into account that it contributes to the hardening of the material, which means that it is used only in the amount of liquid wallpaper that will be applied within 40-60 minutes.

Option two - use different materials

This method is more time consuming due to the fact that it includes more different components, which can also be household waste.

The basis

Different components are suitable for the base: cotton or cellulose fibers. Suitable ordinary cotton wool. And also insulation products (ecowool) can be used, which are made on the basis of cellulose.

Cotton wool or ecowool used for insulation can serve as the basis for liquid wallpaper.

It should be borne in mind that quite a lot of material will be needed to obtain a mixture. Especially when it is planned to veneer large areas.

You need to work with cotton according to the following principle:

  • With small amounts of work - you can cut cotton wool using simple scissors. It is first torn a little, and then cut.
  • When you need to make a large mass - take a drill. One of the varieties of mixer nozzles is put on it (you can do it yourself). Cotton wool is placed in a bucket, previously torn into smaller pieces. A hole is made in the lid of the container, a nozzle will be pushed through it (if this is not done, the material will simply fly out). And they start mixing. Of course, some pieces will have to be additionally chopped by hand.

Fibers of wool, flax, synthetic winterizer - this is one of the varieties of the base, which will successfully replace the cellulose component. The work that should be done with this material completely repeats the previous ones. Remember that the ingredients must be carefully ground.

If there are linen products in the house, then they can be successfully used in the self-production of liquid wallpaper

Basic or additional elements there may be different threads. Any yarn that is left after needlework will go into business. The main thing is to free it from any foreign inclusions and clean it well.

Advice! Any old sweaters and jackets are a godsend for obtaining threads that will be used for liquid wallpaper. But they need to be well ground. For this, an ax-chopper is used. He can often be seen in action when it comes to chopping cabbage.

In fact, you need to understand that the work of grinding is very laborious. You will have to make an effort to get the ingredients that will be an excellent foundation.

All components that will be used in the manufacture of decorative finishes are subject to thorough grinding.

Binding component

This component will interconnect all components. Therefore, his choice must be approached with all care. Suitable for the process:

  1. Casein wallpaper paste. Check the expiration date, old formulations are not used.
  2. PVA or glue similar to bustilat (or itself).
  3. Acrylic putty. It is believed that it is she who gives the material increased wear resistance, but has a characteristic smell, and also requires additional preparation.

It is not recommended to use several formulations at the same time. The fact is that they can mutually level their properties.

Decoration Additives

These materials serve to decorate the resulting coating. That is, to give it originality and individuality. These are the same components that were in the first version: a fine fraction of various minerals, mica.

On a note! Sometimes there is a desire that the surface literally glows and shimmers. Therefore, they try to mix as many decorative substances as possible, but this is wrong. They will mutually exclude each other, and also spoil the structure of the mixture.

Color or dye

To get an even more expressive surface, it must be tinted. This is done by directly adding color when kneading. Compounds that are used for water-based paints are used. This is important, otherwise you will get an undesirable effect.

To make the color non-uniform, do this:

  • first, the dye is applied at the kneading stage, a uniform shade is obtained;
  • then, when the mixture is applied to the wall, but does not mix well.

At the same time, if they want to get a multi-colored surface, they apply different (by shade) layers.


Liquid wallpaper, consisting of various materials, is mixed as follows:

  1. Take the chosen base. Placed in a deep container, filled with a binder. The ratio is one to one. Stir.
  2. Add decorative elements. Knead until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Bring in the dye. Repeat the procedure.
  4. Leave for 8-12 hours. Everything should be well soaked.
  5. At this time, prepare the surface.

Advice! If the mixture is too thick, you can add warm water.

You can see how do-it-yourself liquid wallpapers look like, as well as understand the intricacies of the process of their manufacture, by running the video below.

Application of self-made liquid wallpaper

How to make wallpaper is understandable, but now how to apply them. Everything is done according to the following principle:

It should be borne in mind that self-made wallpaper is applied exclusively by hand. Doing this with a spray gun is an extremely rash decision.

One of the types of interior finishing materials- liquid wallpaper, loved by many for its natural composition, practicality and decorativeness. However, a lot of advantages are crossed out by the significant cost of the coating, and if the area of ​​​​the surface to be trimmed is tens square meters, the amount looms and is completely frightening. To save money, FORUMHOUSE portal members found a way out - to make liquid wallpaper on their own.

About material

Liquid wallpaper is a mix of crushed natural fibers and a binder, which, when mixed with water, forms a pasty mass. The factory formulations include not only cellulose and glue, but also fibers of cotton, silk or linen, and interspersed yarn are also possible. To increase the decorative effect, various sparkles of a golden or silver hue are added.

After application, a textured, monophonic or multi-colored coating of increased strength is obtained. It is more difficult to scratch or tear off, it is not afraid of moisture and drafts.

The maintainability of this finish is also captivating - a damaged fragment is easily removed and replaced with a new mass, without joints and differences in color (if a little dry composition is left during application in case of force majeure)

However, the biggest disadvantage is the price of the material, even a room with a small square will cost decently. If we exclude such a repulsive factor and make our own composition, we get a universal and original finish.

Theory, recyclables and desire

Created a topic on the forum Al Sergeevich, who considers himself an office plankton with far from golden hands, but events have shown that his hands are just skillful. He set himself the task of finding an affordable and attractive finish for rooms that do not require increased decorativeness. Looking ahead, we can say that his wallpaper went with a bang in any room. The engine of progress was the wife of the topikstarter and the desire to save money.

When my wife finished me up to make repairs in the kitchen, I decided to get creative with the process. I never liked to glue wallpaper, and liquid wallpaper is expensive (and I could not withstand the recommended 1 mm thickness), I decided to try to make liquid wallpaper myself.

Having studied the information on the network, Al Sergeevich came to the conclusion that it would be necessary to hone the technology empirically, since the available data were general and did not disclose the subtleties. Several packages of newspapers became the raw material for wallpaper, PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate dispersion) was used as a binder, and gypsum was used to increase adhesion to the base.

Method of preparing the mixture

  • Grind paper - cut or tear into small pieces, this simplifies mixing the composition to a homogeneous consistency.
  • Fill with water (it is convenient to use plastic construction buckets or plastic container) and let it brew for an hour.
  • To stir thoroughly construction mixer(drill or perforator with a special nozzle).
  • Add PVA, mix.
  • Add plaster, mix.

Proportions from Al Sergeevich

Al Sergeevich FORUMHOUSE Member

For 1 gram of newspapers - 1 gram of PVA, gypsum 1 gram per 5 grams of paper (in the dry version). This is the most optimal ratio, but variations in proportions do not greatly affect the quality of the mixture.

As for the amount of water, the recommended proportion of 1 kg per 5 liters can be obtained from network resources, but our craftsman went the other way. He starts from the desired effect - in order to get large fibers and a pronounced relief, he fills the paper mixture in level, and then squeezes out half of the liquid. If you remove the fourth part, you get a fine-fiber mass, reminiscent of putty, but the relief on the wall will also be smeared.

Since the initial mass turned out to be a dirty gray color, due to newspapers, the topikstarter tried to tint it, adding dye during the mixing process (there is a large selection in stores). However, a few things came to light along the way:

  • When dry, the coating brightens by several tones.
  • Even strictly observing the dosage, it is impossible to get two mixtures of the same color, and it is realistic to knead the whole mass at once, only if you work with assistants, since the gypsum “plants” the composition in about an hour, and it is desirable to work out before this time.

That's why Al Sergeevich I decided not to suffer with color in the future, but to paint the already finished walls, which he did after applying his wallpaper to all the walls.

Both he himself and the customer, represented by his wife, were satisfied with the result - it turned out both nicely, and it holds tight, and it costs - you can’t imagine cheaper.

  • Newspapers - 70 pieces for free.
  • Building gypsum - 70 rubles (3 kg).
  • Kohler - 50 rubles.
  • Paint - 140 rubles (2 kg).

The amount of about five hundred rubles today will certainly increase somewhat, compared with the prices of a year ago, but not critically. If we take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen in six squares, it turns out less than a hundred rubles per square. It was found in self-made wallpaper and one more advantage.

Al Sergeevich FORUMHOUSE Member

I considered this option as cheap way to make repairs in the boiler room or utility room, but laid a laminate, put the furniture and realized - the result is cool. If you choose between purchased and homemade, then of course homemade. They give a lot more options for creativity, almost in no way inferior. In addition - they come out very cheaply, compared to other materials, plus the absence of joints and much more. I have a 43 m² kitchen-studio project for the future, I will sculpt these wallpapers.

In the kitchen, home-made liquid wallpaper went through a "baptism in battle" - preparations of compote for the winter were made in the amount of forty cans, with closed windows and without hood. No bubbles or delaminations, although the humidity increased to the maximum, and many predicted a fiasco for the material in such conditions.

One of the participants in the branch suggested replacing ordinary gypsum with a “secondary” one - gypsum putty for finishing work. This composition has a longer working period and higher elasticity. Other rationalization proposals were also made, for example, as paper base use ecowool.

There are a lot of variations, if you take not newspapers or other recyclables, but paper best quality, and the result will be more decorative. And if you want mother-of-pearl - paint the walls not ordinary acrylic paint but with the desired effect.

Adding various glitters, fabric or other fibers to the mixture makes sense if the composition is tinted in the total mass and not dyed after, otherwise, all these additives will simply not be visible.

The problem of quick setting of the solution will help to solve not only gypsum for finishing work, but also replacing some of the water with an acrylic primer. Yes, and adhesion to the walls of such a composition will be higher. And to remove the mixture from the wall, just moisten the desired area and scrape off with a sharp spatula or plastic bevel.

Since homemade wallpapers give a thicker coating, they can correct small wall defects. This property was used by the participant of the topic Rogozhina Galina. She has plasterboard ceiling V wooden house went cracks, apparently due to shrinkage of the structure. After the jointing, she applied homemade liquid wallpaper as a finish according to the recipe of the topikstarter.

Modern high-quality liquid wallpaper on the basis of characteristics can be classified as textile, as they are made on the basis of natural silk and cotton natural fibers. The composition contains components such as cellulose, fire-resistant additives, high-quality innovative adhesives and acrylic substances. This coating looks like ordinary textiles, walls and partitions seem modern, draped with aesthetic silk materials.

This material differs from ordinary roll wallpaper. appearance, but also by the method of application, which in many respects is similar to decorative plaster. Another advantageous difference is the ability to prepare liquid wallpaper with your own hands. You can find out how to make such liquid wallpapers, how to lay them with your own hands in this article.

Do-it-yourself coating features

Before describing the process self-manufacturing liquid wallpaper, it is worth studying the features of the composition. The following components are present here:

  1. Paint, moreover, a dye made on water.
  2. The main material is cellulose and plain paper.
  3. Special composition for bonding the base, for example, glue.
  4. Accessories, among which there may be sparkles, as well as stone chips.

The material is used in the process of decorating the walls, different partitions, and all categories of buildings and structures. Liquid wallpaper is ideal for decorating a bedroom, living room, children's room.

The production of liquid wallpaper does not take a lot of time resources, while all the work can be done in living conditions, that is, it is not very complicated, as you might initially think.

Important! Liquid wallpaper is characterized by a huge number of advantages, among which there is the possibility of effective finishing of such parts of the room as bay windows, various ledges, decorative columns, as well as angles.

Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper manufacturing instructions

Before independent execution wallpaper, it is recommended to carefully prepare for this process. One of the most important criteria is the preparation of a special container where the mixture will be mixed. It is advisable to prepare a simple plastic basin with a diameter of at least 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm. It will be quite convenient to mix all the necessary components in such a container.

Required pure water room temperature or even warmer. This parameter important only for the reason that it will be more comfortable and convenient to mix the resulting composition, for installation and technical qualities it has no effect.

Important! If it was decided to independently prepare liquid wallpaper from the material purchased at the hardware store, it is worth making sure that all the components used are from the same batch.

Along with the prepared container and water, it is worth finding and preparing paper, adhesive composition, gypsum, color. It is better to use paper that is not very thick, leftovers are perfect office paper which is better than a newspaper because it has White color. In this case, it is important to monitor the absence of various foreign objects. It can be a metal bracket, glue residue, rope.

To prepare the mixture, it is worth following certain instructions, following a certain sequence of actions. You will have to carry out correctly selected and consistent actions:

Important! If for some reason the composition turned out to be dense and dry, you can add a small amount of water to it and stir everything.

As soon as the entire mass is completely saturated with water, it is worth leaving the resulting composition for infusion. This time can be from 6 to 12 hours, and this is required in order for the glue to effectively soften and thoroughly bind all the fibers.

It is not worth preparing a large amount of material at once. It is enough to prepare it in parts, that is, for one element of a building or structure and with small reserves. This is very important rule, since it is impossible to make the same composition twice in a row, that is, when applied to the wall, visible transitions may form. In wall transitions, such transitions will not be so visible. If after mixing the composition a small amount of wallpaper remains, they can be safely added to the next batch.

As for the quantity, if liquid ones are bought at a hardware store, then the package will be enough to process 3 meters of walls. It is worth knowing that the solution may well stand for several hours and remain fully usable; it can be stored in the closed state for several weeks.

Preliminary measures before application

Self-made liquid wallpaper can be applied without any problems on surfaces made of concrete, on surfaces finished with putty. Also, the material will ideally lie on brick and professionally plastered surfaces. The material can be used when finishing country surfaces, as it fits perfectly on wooden structures. it can be fiberboard, plain plywood and MDF.

With wallpaper of this kind, you can finish plasterboard surfaces and painted walls. Liquid wallpaper can be applied to all such surfaces without any problems. To obtain an ideal result in all respects, simply follow the instructions and recommendations listed below, most of which relate to the preparation of wall surfaces.

It should be understood that all subsequent work is characterized by certain features that must be taken into account. The surface is being prepared. It is important to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Uniformity;
  2. Full uniformity and minimum moisture absorption;
  3. Shade should be white or last resort, must match the shade of future wallpaper;
  4. The complete absence of various drops, potholes, and various depressions is important. If they are, then more than 3 mm;
  5. High strength values ​​are required.

Before application, it is very important to completely remove all old wall coverings. This is necessary for the reason that the old coating after applying liquid wallpaper to it can quickly peel off. At the same time, old fasteners are completely removed - self-tapping screws, screws, nails, plastic and metal parts that stick out of the wall. If these are elements of reinforcement that cannot be removed, it will need to be bent and sealed very carefully. This can be done with a regular 2 mm putty.

When preparing the walls, it is absolutely not necessary to bring them to a perfectly even level and make them completely smooth on your own. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that the application does not emphasize depressions, as well as serious protrusions, moreover, you can not notice even a serious slope of the surface.

Applying liquid wallpaper on the wall with your own hands

To work, you need to prepare tools such as a plastic grater, construction trowel, convenient size spatula, spray gun. For wallpaper, it is worth buying a grater, which is distinguished by a narrower canvas. They are made of completely transparent plastic, then smoothing can be visually controlled. This helps a lot in the process of compiling a variety of applications made from a variety of categories of material.

As for the application process, it is quite simple. In many ways, it is similar to working with ordinary decorative putty, just a little simpler and lighter. Application consists of the following simple and understandable steps:

Important! If the composition is not very well attached to the wall, and also if it is very thick in structure, it is worth adding a small amount of water.

There are several rules for applying the material. If you follow them, you can get an ideal surface in all respects. The main rules include:

  • The grater must be kept not flat, but slightly raising the edge by 5-9 degrees relative to the wall;
  • Efforts should not be very pronounced, it is enough just to distribute the solution to the desired one;
  • After filling one meter of the wall, you can move on to the next, but before that, with a grater, it is worth slightly leveling the previously designed area to prevent the appearance of furrows and lumps. Then you can start applying the next section itself;
  • The type of wallpaper applied directly depends on the direction in which the grater moves. It is in the direction where the tool is directed and the fibers will be laid;
  • For the most aesthetic and flat wall each applied portion should be separately leveled with small multidirectional movements. Many make small twisting movements to give some originality.

At wall joints, liquid wallpaper is recommended to be leveled strictly in the direction from a certain angle to the side. If the wallpaper is applied on some area strictly in one previously selected direction, in adjacent areas, change it by about 45 degrees, it is quite possible to get quite interesting drawings.

Partial restoration and repair of liquid wallpaper

Quite often, situations arise when it is necessary to carry out a small additional repair, during which it is necessary to remove a small section of the wall. This may be necessary when changing wires or for small cosmetic repairs. What should be done in such a situation?

You just need to prepare a spray gun and a spatula. Using these tools, you need to carry out the following activities:

This technology is ideal for resurfacing small areas. If after the finishing works a small amount of solution remains in the presence, they can be dried by spreading on an open surface.

Many, after applying the composition, decide to give them strength. For this, a colorless varnish is applied, preferably on water. After the work done, you can get the usual washing wallpaper.

Important! This method does not make liquid wallpaper resistant to moisture. For this reason, wallpaper should not be applied in the kitchen and bathroom. for this purpose, moisture-resistant high-quality wallpaper is provided.

Average prices for liquid wallpaper

Features of the use of liquid wallpaper in various interiors

Modern manufacturers produce a decent variety of liquid wallpaper, made in the most unique color solutions and different in structure. This allows you to quickly decorate the premises in a variety of style solutions. In order to get the perfect result during the finishing process, it is worth choosing the type of wallpaper correctly, based on the purpose of the room.

There are the following preferred interior design options:

The method of decorating a room in an English style decision is popular. In this case, the entire wall is divided into separate sections by means of borders. Each element inside is decorated with wallpaper that differs in color.

With liquid wallpaper, any room can be truly exclusive. With your own hands, the interior can be made stylish and attractive.

Liquid wallpaper in the interior photo

A few photos of ideas for using liquid wallpaper in interiors:

Positive qualities of liquid wallpaper

Described modern coating corresponds to GOST. Advantages provide an optimal opportunity to use the material for interior decoration of residential buildings and structures, but also for office decoration. In addition, this perfect option for finishing buildings outside the city that are not heated in cold weather. Covering the walls with liquid wallpaper perfectly tolerates different temperature extremes and high humidity. Other equally important benefits include:

  • fire safety;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Perfect anti-static;
  • Vapor permeability;
  • Excellent covering qualities, that is, the complete absence of seams and cracks;
  • The possibility of interior design in a variety of style solutions;
  • Simplicity in design and application;
  • Affordable cost;
  • The coating can be quickly restored;
  • Liquid wallpaper is durable, they can last up to 10 years.

Working with the material is very simple, the process of finishing the room is even easier than with conventional wallpaper. In the latter case, it is necessary to more carefully prepare the walls and the working area. The composition is mixed in a small container, and the application process is carried out from a certain local area.

Ease of application contributes to the fact that literally half an hour you can finish about 6-8 square meters of varying complexity of walls and partitions. There are compounds that are applied using standard construction sprayers. This provides the most economical consumption of material, which is very convenient when finishing the ceiling.

Summing up

Covering with liquid wallpaper makes it possible to avoid long-term preparatory work. This is a fairly thick mass of mortar, which is able to effectively hide such minor defects as cracks, crevices and other surface defects. Liquid wallpaper can be used as a putty in the process of sealing gaps that often form between walls and baseboards, as well as in areas of frames, switches, platbands, sockets and different elements decor. With the help of this coating, you can equalize the corners. The coating is ideal for wall decoration in new buildings. The material does not crack with possible deformation of walls and ceilings, with their shrinkage.

Liquid wallpaper is relatively easy to care for. It is enough to clean them with a vacuum cleaner from time to time, you can carry out wet cleaning by wiping the walls with a damp soft sponge or napkin. If small stains appear on the walls, it is enough to use stain removers. If it forms on the surface mechanical damage, the problem is easily fixed by replacing the damaged area with new material.

Modern coatings are absolutely not afraid of pets, tricks of small children, communal problems, such as flooding. All problems are very easily and simply eliminated, and the apartment becomes clean, cozy and warm. A wide variety of choices allows you to get an ideal and stylish interior after the repair.