In a private house      06/20/2020

Do-it-yourself barometer from a branch. We make a barometer from a light bulb with our own hands. From a spruce branch

Ekaterina Tretyakova

How to show children changes in atmospheric pressure? We don't usually notice barometric pressure, but changes in it can cause dramatic changes in the weather. The device of modern barometers very difficult for preschoolers to understand. So I decided to do homemade instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.

A device for measuring atmospheric pressure is called barometer. To make it you will need balloon, glass jar, drinking straw, rubber band, toothpick, scissors and duct tape.

Cut off the end of the balloon with scissors.

Pull the ball tightly over the neck of the jar. Then firmly fix the balloon on the jar with an elastic band.

Using duct tape, attach a toothpick to one end of the straw.

We fix its other end with adhesive tape on a balloon stretched over a jar. A straw with a toothpick will serve as an index arrow barometer.

Preparing a vertical panel with designations: in the upper part - the sun, in the lower part - a cloud; in the middle - a scale of divisions. Also on the panel we have a schematic image of the action barometer.

At high pressure air presses on the ball, and the arrow rises. At low atmospheric pressure, the air pressure from the can increases on the ball, it rises, and the arrow falls. At high atmospheric pressure it is usually worth good weather, and at low pressure - cool and rainy.

Following your barometer for several days, children will notice: with any change in atmospheric pressure, its arrow will rise or fall.

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One of the factors to which the inhabitants of water bodies are very sensitive is atmospheric pressure. With sharp jumps in this indicator, a complete absence of biting is sometimes observed. Therefore, having a barometer at home, which can also be called a bite indicator, will be useful for every angler. Unfortunately, real barometers are quite expensive, so very often fishermen use their homemade counterparts. Homemade fishing barometer is made by hand with a minimum of materials and time. The most common indicators are bite indicators from a bottle, light bulbs and cones. bottle barometer

The base of the barometer is a half liter glass bottle. A soft bottle will not work, because when the pressure changes, it can deform. Except glass vessel necessary accessories are a cork and a glass tube. A hole must be drilled in the cork, the diameter of which is equal to the width of the tube. Instead of a tube, a piece of a dropper one meter long is most often used. The dropper in the cork must be sealed tightly. The procedure for assembling a liquid barometer is as follows: 1 The bottle is half filled with liquid. It is not recommended to use ordinary water, because after a short period of time it will bloom. Therefore, for the manufacture of a homemade barometer, it is advisable to take distilled water. In order to make it better visible in the dropper, the water must be tinted with food coloring; 2 The bottle is hermetically sealed with a prepared cork with a dropper. Air must enter the bottle only through a dropper, otherwise the barometer will not work; 3 A meter length is attached to the bottle wooden shingles, to which a dropper is neatly attached. The shingle is necessary for applying the barometer scale. This design option can be replaced by winding the dropper on the bottle, but then the scale will need to be applied to the dropper itself; 4 To apply the scale, you need to know exactly two marks that are measured on different days. They must correspond to the exact value of atmospheric pressure in this area. light bulb barometer

For the manufacture of this version of the barometer, a conventional light bulb is used. And it does not matter whether it is whole or burned out, because it is the bulb of the light bulb that is important for the design. To make a barometer, you need to drill a hole in the glass part of the light bulb next to the base. The hole diameter should be 2-3 mm. Drilling a hole in a glass bulb is not very easy, for this you need to perform the following sequence of actions: - a hole is drilled in the end of the bulb base to let air in there; - the drilling site on the glass flask is smeared with machine or vegetable oil and sprinkled with abrasive dust with fine sandpaper; - the light bulb is clamped in a vise with a base and wrapped with cloth or paper; - a piece of copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm is used as a drill; - after drilling a hole in the flask, it is necessary to solder or close up the hole in the base. To complete the manufacture of the barometer, it is necessary to fill the light bulb halfway with tinted liquid and hang it up. In summer, the barometer is hung outside the room, in spring and autumn - between the panes of the window, and in winter it is removed into the room.

The level of fogging of the bulb signals the weather for the next day: - there is no fogging - clear weather is expected; - fogging from small and frequent drops - cloudy weather; - misting from medium drops with vertical dry paths - cloudy weather, short rain is not far away; - fogging with large drops that flow into the water - heavy rain is expected; - no condensation inside when it is raining outside - by the end of the rain; - large drops, which are located in the central part of the flask, just above the water level - a large rain will not be far away. Cone Barometer

This version of the barometer is the easiest to manufacture. To make such a weather indicator, you will need: - spruce or Pine cone; - wood resin; - a rigid segment of a blade of grass about 20 cm long. The principle of operation of such a weather indicator is based on the reaction of cones in various weather conditions. In clear weather, the cones open, and in rainy weather, they close. For the manufacture of a weather indicator, it is more convenient to use large cones. By using tree resin a blade of grass is glued to one of the scales of the cone. By the movement of this herbal indicator, you can judge the upcoming change in the weather. For convenience, it is advisable to glue the cone to the stand with back wall with a conditional scale on which you can observe the slightest movement of a blade of grass. The use of such simple weather indicators can save the angler from the surprises of nature and the lack of fish biting. If the barometer warns of an impending thunderstorm, of course, it is better to watch such a whim of the weather at home from the window. And even if a thunderstorm is not planned, but just a change in the weather is expected, sometimes it will be right to replace fishing with a trip for mushrooms or berries, and reschedule fishing for the next weekend.


Almost all natural materials are very susceptible to environmental conditions. environment and weather events. For example, wooden crafts in humid air they become larger, the skin softens, and the pine cone opens its scales in dry weather.

Cone weather forecaster

To make a device that will predict the upcoming change in the weather, you can use one of the properties natural materials- cones. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, and the process will become interesting for both adults and children.

To make the device, you need to take two small, even wooden planks and glue them together, so that one of them is the base, and the second serves as a side wall. On a piece of cardboard, you need to draw a kind of scale with images of the sun and clouds.

A dry cone is attached to the edge of the base board, and a dry blade of grass is glued to one of its scales. When the air in nature is dry, the scales will open and the blade of grass will show in the sun. And if the weather deteriorates and rain approaches, the scales will close, and the blade of grass will point to the cloud.

Making a barometer from a light bulb

A light bulb for making a barometer with your own hands needs to be taken burned out, and at the base of the base it is necessary to drill a small hole. There is one good method how to do it neatly. In the place where there should be a hole, a drop of oil is applied - vegetable or machine. To it you need to add a little abrasive powder from sandpaper. Mix both ingredients on the glass, and insert into the drill chuck copper wire the desired diameter.

Before drilling a hole, wrap the glass part of the light bulb with a small piece of cloth or towel, and clamp the base itself, if possible, with a vise. You need to drill a hole at minimum speed, without applying any effort.

When the hole in the light bulb is ready, water is poured into it, about half of the total volume, and then you need to add a few drops of ordinary ink or a small part of the chemical pencil lead. The mixture is mixed, and the light bulb is suspended with a tight rope or fishing line.

A homemade barometer must be fixed between window frames but not in direct sunlight. When inner part the glass has dried up, you can take readings, for this you need to remember what this or that state of the bulb means.

For example, if small drops of condensate form on the inner walls of the light bulb, cloudy weather should be expected in the near future, however, most likely, without precipitation.

If the drops of condensate are of medium size, and vertical strips of dry glass can be replaced between them, this indicates variable cloudiness in the next day. It is worth preparing for precipitation in nature if large drops appear on the walls of the light bulb. And if they are so big that they flow down, the rain will be heavy and lingering.

When it rains outside the barometer, you can also understand how long it will go. If inner surface the light bulb has already become dry, then soon the precipitation will stop, and dry sunny weather will set in outside the window.

You can use such a barometer, made on your own, only at a positive temperature outside, in frost its readings will be incorrect. And in the summer it will be interesting and informative for the whole family to observe the changes in his readings, and then the changes in the weather.

One of the important points, which largely determines the success of fishing, is atmospheric pressure. If the indicator changes dramatically, then the bite is sometimes completely absent. Therefore, it will be quite useful for a fisherman to have at home such a device as a barometer. Since such display meters are not cheap, many are thinking about self-design similar device. Consider a master class on making a barometer for fishing with your own hands using simple materials.

The purpose of the barometer

The barometer is useful not only in conditions Everyday life but also for the amateur angler. Today it is not difficult to know the weather. But it often happens that information from different sources is quite different and it is quite difficult to understand which testimony to believe. In this case, a barometer comes to the rescue. If it shows a drop in pressure, then it is raining, if the arrow points to its increase, the weather will be sunny.

How does atmospheric pressure affect the behavior of fish

The fishing barometer is important device, but besides this, you need to know and take into account the physiology of the fish that is supposed to be caught:

  • the bubble in such fish as roach, crucian carp, bream and pike has a direct connection with the external environment through the mouth. To equalize the pressure in the bubble, they have to expend a lot of energy. Even slight changes in pressure in the atmosphere affect the increase in the appetite of the listed individuals, which manifests itself in the form of a good bite;
  • fish such as zander or perch have a separate bubble, so they react to pressure surges in this way. Appetite begins to appear only with an increase in pressure, and with a decrease - it is practically absent.

How to choose a barometer

In order for the barometer to serve its owner for a long time and not cause any problems, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Accuracy. Such a parameter as accuracy largely depends on the quality of the assembly.
  2. Adjustment screw. On mechanical barometers, it is desirable that the adjustment screw be located closer to the center of the hole for it. Misalignment indicates incorrect installation of the mechanism and inaccurate readings.
  3. Visual inspection. It is necessary to examine both the glass itself and the dial.
  4. Waterproof. An important parameter, since fishing there is a risk of falling into the water, and the weather can lead to moisture getting inside the mechanism.
  5. Calibration. The new device must be calibrated according to the indications of the city weather station.
  6. If the barometer is wrist, the strap must be reliable.

Below are popular models with photos:

How to build a homemade barometer

A fishing barometer can be assembled from the simplest and most available materials, which can be found in almost everyone on the farm. Consider a master class on making a barometer for fishing with your own hands.

From a bottle

The main element of such a barometer is a glass bottle.

In addition to the vessel, you will need a cork and a tube, such as a dropper. A hole is made in the cork for threading the tube: it must fit into the cork very tightly to ensure the tightness of the container. The device is assembled as follows:

From a light bulb

For such a device, you will need an ordinary light bulb, even a burnt one will do, since a flask is important for assembling a barometer. To make a display meter, near the base part in the glass, you will need to drill a hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Since the hole is not so easy to make, you need to follow these steps:

After the light bulb has been prepared, it is half filled with tinted liquid and hung up. In summer, the device is placed on the street, in spring and autumn - inside the window between the panes, in winter time- are transferred to the room.

You can navigate using a homemade barometer as follows:

  • complete absence of fogging - the weather will be sunny;
  • fine fogging - cloudy weather;
  • fogging with medium drops and dry tracks vertically - there will be a little rain soon;
  • fogging in the form of large drops - there will be heavy rain;
  • if there is no condensate during rain, then this indicates its imminent end;
  • large drops in the center of the flask above the liquid level - it will rain nearby in the near future.

spruce barometer

Since ancient times, Siberian fishermen and hunters have used branches as a guide for approaching weather. coniferous trees: if they rise, it means that the weather will be clear. Therefore, they can be used as a kind of barometer, which will serve as a guide to the upcoming weather.

To construct such a device, you will need a small part of a dry tree trunk about 30 cm long, on which there will be a branch of the same length. The bark is first removed from the trunk and branches, after which they are mounted on a board, which is fixed on the wall. The branch should be positioned in such a way that during raising and lowering, its free end moves along the wall and does not reach it.

On the board, you can fix or apply a scale with divisions of 1 cm. After some time, it will be possible to understand how the branch moves depending on weather changes and apply the appropriate inscriptions, for example, rain, sun or variable.

From the butter dish

A simple barometer can be made from a metal oil can with parallel sides. For the oiler hole, you need to choose a suitable plug that will tightly close it. Before installing the cork, a hole is made in it for a glass tube with a diameter of about 1.5-2 mm. The vessel is filled 2/3 with tinted water and the tube is inserted into the cork, after which the hole is carefully closed.

The barometer is fixed on a stand, and to take readings, a scale is made near the tube or a ruler is fixed.

If you could not find a metal container, you can use almost any small glass bottle. As atmospheric pressure changes, the liquid level in the tube will rise or fall.

From syringes and droppers

For the manufacture of the design you need to prepare:

  • 2 syringes of 10 ml;
  • dropper;
  • wall thermometer;
  • piece of board 16 * 25 cm;
  • graph paper;
  • scotch;
  • buttons, nails.

Elements are connected to each other according to the scheme. When the device is ready, it is fixed on the wall so that the window, the sun's rays and the kitchen do not affect its readings. Boiled water is poured into the barometer at room temperature+18°С and atmospheric pressure 750 mm Hg. Before pouring the liquid, the piston of the upper syringe 1 should be set at the 7 ml mark, while water up to 10 ml is started to be poured into the body of the second syringe (without a piston). After pouring through the piston of the first syringe, the level in the tube is set at around 750 mm.

The main part of the air (98%) is in the upper syringe and only about 2% is in the tube. When the pressure rises, the air is compressed and the water level in the tube rises, and, accordingly, vice versa, decreases during the pressure drop.

The scale step of the device in 1 mm is equal to 1 mm Hg. The dimension of the scale is determined by the amount of closed volume of air. If the air is compressed by 1 mm, the water in the tube also rises by 1 mm. The body of the second syringe is placed on the same level with the scale.

At first, it is recommended to record the barometer readings, while noting the weather conditions. It is desirable to take readings at the air temperature in the room at +18°C. When the records contain the necessary data corresponding to different weather, it will be possible to quickly navigate by the barometer and make a decision whether to go fishing or not.

The use of the simplest barometers for fishing, made according to a master class with your own hands, will allow you to avoid the surprises of nature and the lack of fish biting. If the device indicates an upcoming thunderstorm, then it is better to stay at home and pay attention to fishing at another time. Even in the event that a thunderstorm is not expected, but only weather changes are expected, it is better to do something else.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

One of the important points, which largely determines the success of fishing, is atmospheric pressure. If the indicator changes dramatically, then the bite is sometimes completely absent. Therefore, it will be quite useful for a fisherman to have at home such a device as a barometer. Since display meters are not cheap, many people are thinking about designing such a device on their own. Consider a master class on making a barometer for fishing with your own hands using simple materials.

The purpose of the barometer

The barometer is useful not only in everyday life, but also for an amateur fisherman. Today it is not difficult to know the weather. But it often happens that information from different sources is quite different and it is quite difficult to understand which testimony to believe. In this case, a barometer comes to the rescue. If it shows a drop in pressure, then it is raining, if the arrow points to its increase, the weather will be sunny.

How does atmospheric pressure affect the behavior of fish

A fishing barometer is an important device, but besides this, you need to know and take into account the physiology of the fish that you intend to catch:

  • the bubble in such fish as roach, crucian carp, bream and pike has a direct connection with the external environment through the mouth. To equalize the pressure in the bubble, they have to expend a lot of energy. Even slight changes in pressure in the atmosphere affect the increase in the appetite of the listed individuals, which manifests itself in the form of a good bite;
  • fish such as zander or perch have a separate bubble, so they react to pressure surges in this way. Appetite begins to appear only with an increase in pressure, and with a decrease - it is practically absent.

How to choose a barometer

In order for the barometer to serve its owner for a long time and not cause any problems, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Accuracy. It largely depends on the build quality.
  2. Adjustment screw. On mechanical barometers, it is desirable that the adjustment screw be located closer to the center of the hole for it. Misalignment indicates incorrect installation of the mechanism and inaccurate readings.
  3. Visual inspection. It is necessary to examine both the glass itself and the dial.
  4. Waterproof. An important parameter, since fishing there is a risk of falling into the water, and the weather can lead to moisture getting inside the mechanism.
  5. Calibration. The new device must be calibrated according to the indications of the city weather station.
  6. If the barometer is wrist, you need the strap to be reliable.

Below are popular models with photos:

How to build a homemade barometer

A fishing barometer can be assembled from the simplest and most affordable materials that can be found in almost everyone on the farm. Consider a master class on making a barometer for fishing with your own hands.

From a bottle

The main element of such a barometer is a glass bottle.

A plastic container is not suitable for such a product, since it will shrink and expand during pressure surges.

In addition to the vessel, you will need a cork and a tube, for example, a dropper. A hole is made in the cork for threading the tube: it must fit into the cork very tightly to ensure the tightness of the container. The device is assembled as follows:

From a light bulb

For such a device, you will need an ordinary light bulb, even a burnt one will do, since a flask is important for assembling a barometer. To make a display meter, near the base part in the glass, you will need to drill a hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Since the hole is not so easy to make, you need to follow these steps:

After the light bulb has been prepared, it is half filled with tinted liquid and hung up. In summer, the device is placed on the street, in spring and autumn - inside the window between the panes, in winter - transferred to the room.

You can navigate using a homemade barometer as follows:

  • complete absence of fogging - the weather will be sunny;
  • fine fogging - cloudy weather;
  • fogging with medium drops and dry tracks vertically - there will be a little rain soon;
  • fogging in the form of large drops - there will be heavy rain;
  • if there is no condensate during rain, then this indicates its imminent end;
  • large drops in the center of the flask above the liquid level - it will rain nearby in the near future.

spruce barometer

Since ancient times, Siberian fishermen and hunters have used branches of coniferous trees as a reference point for approaching weather: if they rise, it means that the weather will be clear. Therefore, they can be used as a kind of barometer, which will serve as a guide to the upcoming weather.

To construct such a device, you will need a small part of a dry tree trunk about 30 cm long, on which there will be a branch of the same length. The bark is first removed from the trunk and branches, after which they are mounted on a board, which is fixed on the wall. The branch should be positioned in such a way that during raising and lowering, its free end moves along the wall and does not reach it.

During the raising of the branch, this will indicate sunny weather, if it is lowered, it will indicate the upcoming bad weather.

On the board, you can fix or apply a scale with divisions of 1 cm. After some time, it will be possible to understand how much the branch moves depending on weather changes, and apply the appropriate inscriptions, for example, rain, sun or variable.

From the butter dish

A simple barometer can be made from a metal oil can with parallel sides. For the oiler hole, you need to choose a suitable plug that will tightly close it. Before installing the cork, a hole is made in it for a glass tube with a diameter of about 1.5-2 mm. The vessel is filled 2/3 with tinted water and the tube is inserted into the cork, after which the hole is carefully closed.

The barometer is fixed on a stand, and to take readings, a scale is made near the tube or a ruler is fixed.

The scale can be calibrated according to this instrument.

If a metal container could not be found, almost any small glass bottle can be used. As atmospheric pressure changes, the liquid level in the tube will rise or fall.

From syringes and droppers

For the manufacture of the design you need to prepare:

  • 2 syringes of 10 ml;
  • dropper;
  • wall thermometer;
  • piece of board 16x25 cm;
  • millimetric paper;
  • scotch;
  • buttons, nails.

The elements are connected to each other according to the scheme. When the device is ready, it is fixed on the wall so that the window, the sun's rays and the kitchen do not affect its readings. Boiled water is poured into the barometer at room temperature +18°C and atmospheric pressure 750 mm Hg. Before pouring the liquid, the piston of the upper syringe 1 should be set at the 7 ml mark, while water up to 10 ml is started to be poured into the body of the second syringe (without a piston). After pouring through the piston of the first syringe, the level in the tube is set at around 750 mm.

The barometer works on the principle of contraction-expansion of a closed volume of air during a change in atmospheric pressure.

The main part of the air (98%) is in the upper syringe and only about 2% is in the tube. When the pressure rises, the air is compressed and the water level in the tube rises, and, accordingly, vice versa, decreases during the pressure drop.

The scale step of the device in 1 mm is equal to 1 mm Hg. The dimension of the scale is determined by the amount of closed volume of air. If the air is compressed by 1 mm, the water in the tube also rises by 1 mm. The body of the second syringe is placed on the same level with the scale.

At first, it is recommended to record the barometer readings, while noting the weather conditions. It is desirable to take readings at the air temperature in the room at +18°C. When the records contain the necessary data corresponding to different weather, it will be possible to quickly navigate by the barometer and make a decision whether to go fishing or not.