Mixer      07/02/2020

Brief project activity in the first junior group. Project activity in the younger group. Theme: "Our cheerful bow"

Maria Isaeva
Project activity in the 1st junior group. Family short-term project "Kolobok"

Project« Kolobok»

View project: family short term(three weeks).

Members project: caregiver 1 junior group"A", children 1 junior group"A" and their parents.

Children's age: 2-3 years.

Location project: Kindergarten group, playground for walking on the territory of the kindergarten.

The problem to be solved project: involving parents in active participation in life groups.

Implementation relevance project: Teachers pay great attention to the organization of the subject-developing environment in group early age . The age of children, their desires, the nature of independent play are taken into account. activities. To help children feel kindergarten more comfortable, we decided to involve parents in the design of the reception.

From an early age, children are introduced to oral folk art. (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes). To increase the interest of kids and show parents their importance in this process, the principle of visibility helps.

Target project: Organization of a subject-developing environment with the participation of parents. With their own hands they create visual aids, didactic games for the Russian folk tale « Kolobok» . The exhibition of works in the reception room will not only enrich the subject-developing environment and delight the kids, but will also help parents realize their role in the development of the child's cognitive interests.

Tasks project:

For children:

Help children feel more comfortable in kindergarten.

Maintain interest in the Russian folk tale with the help of visualization and didactic games.

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary.

Expand your understanding of the world around you.

For teachers:

Promote the use of the method project in working with parents.

For parents:

Involving parents in active participation in life groups.

Educational work on the topic "The role of the family in the upbringing of the child".

Exhibition creative works parents.

Final event project: an integrated clay modeling lesson « Kolobok»

Preparatory stage.

Selection fiction for reading and learning;

Selection of games appropriate for age;

Enrichment of the subject-developing environment;

Prospective work planning;

Preparation of recommendations for parents (pay attention to the role of Russian folk tales in the development of young children; give recommendations on productive activities: make a picture, pano, didactic game or visual material (at the choice of parents) according to Russian folk tale « Kolobok» );

A selection of demonstration material.

Main stage.

The work of the educator with parents:

Practical help in productive activities, advice;

Consultation "The role of the family in the upbringing of children"

The work of the educator with children:

cognitive development:

The teacher's story about animals from a fairy tale.

Integrated lesson "What is the form?"

Di "Who lives where?"

- View cartoon: « Kolobok» .

Speech development:

Reading Russian folk tales to children « Kolobok»

Di "Who's gone?"

consideration plot pictures according to a fairy tale.

Socio-communicative development:

Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale « Kolobok» .

Finger gymnastics "The dough was quickly kneaded"

Nursery rhyme "Bear-toed"

S/r game "Feed the Fox porridge"

Artistic and aesthetic development:

modeling « Kolobok»

- Drawing: "Decorate Grandma's Mitten"

Listening to a musical composition "Song Kolobok»

The final stage:

Exhibition of works of parents in the reception groups.

Exhibition of children's works.


results project:

Children have an interest in Russian folklore, the prerequisites for telling a fairy tale « Kolobok» . Children are happy to show the work of their parents.

Parents took an active part in organizing the subject-developing environment groups: made manuals with their own hands. These works can serve as illustrative material in the classroom for the development of speech.

Presented at MO



on the topic "Project activity - as an innovative method

work with preschoolers

teacher of the municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 23"

Berdnikova Victoria Viktorovna

With. Alekseevskoye, 2018

Today, the state has set a task to prepare a completely new generation: active, inquisitive. And preschool institutions, as the first step in education, already imagine what a kindergarten graduate should be like, what qualities he should possess. Modern pedagogical research shows that the main problem of preschool education is the loss of vivacity, the attractiveness of the process of cognition. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing; the positive motivation for classes has decreased, the performance of children is falling. How to improve the situation? Formation new system education, focused on entering the world space, requires significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of preschool institutions, the improvement of pedagogical technologies.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for educating and educating preschoolers, and project activities have become one of the most effective today.

Project work is of great importance for the development of the child's cognitive interests. During this period, there is an integration between the general methods of solving educational and creative problems, the general methods of mental, speech, artistic and other activities. Through the integration of various areas of knowledge, a holistic vision of the picture of the world around is formed.

Project - This is a set of actions specially organized by adults and performed by children, culminating in the creation of creative works.

Project method - a learning system in which children acquire knowledge through the process of planning and executing increasingly complex practical tasks- projects.

The project method describes a set of actions of the child and the ways (techniques) of organizing these actions by the teacher, that is, it ispedagogical technology.

It is very easy to remember and understand that the project is 5 "P":


Design or planning;

Search for information;



Easy to remember - five fingers. The sixth "P" is a portfolio, which contains accumulated materials (photos, drawings, albums, layouts, etc.).

The purpose of the project activityin pre-school education is the development of the free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children.

Development tasks:

Ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

Development of cognitive abilities;

Development of creative imagination;

Development of creative thinking;

Development of communication skills.

Research tasksspecific to each age.

In early childhood, these are:

the entry of children into a problematic game situation (the leading role of the teacher);

activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve the problem situation (together with the teacher);

formation of the initial prerequisites for research activities (practical experiments).

At the senior preschool age it is:

formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

development of the ability to identify possible methods solving the problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the task, using various options;

development of the desire to use special terms, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

1. Choosing a topic is first step educator in the project.

2.Second step - this is thematic planning for a chosen problem for a week, which takes into account all types of children's activities: play, cognitive and practical, artistic and speech, labor, communication, etc.

At the stage of developing the content of classes, games, walks, observations and other activities related to the theme of the project, educators Special attention pay to the organization of the environment in groups, in the preschool institution as a whole. The environment should be the background of search activity, develop curiosity in a preschooler. When the basic conditions for working on the project (planning, environment) are prepared, the joint work of the educator and children and parents begins.

I stage of project development - goal setting:the educator brings the problem for discussion to children and parents, as a result of a joint discussion, a hypothesis is put forward, which the educator invites the participants in the process to confirm in the process of search activity.

II stage of work over the project is the development of a joint action plan to achieve the goal. First, a general discussion is held so that the children find out what they already know about a certain subject or phenomenon. For younger children preschool age the teacher can use a hint, leading questions; for children of older preschool age, it is necessary to provide more independence. Various activities can serve as a solution to the question posed: reading books, encyclopedias, contacting parents, specialists, conducting experiments, thematic excursions. The proposals received are additions and changes to the already prepared thematic plan of the educator. It is important that the teacher be flexible in planning, be able to subordinate his plan to the interests and opinions of the children, including children's activities in the curriculum, sacrificing some of the planned forms of work. This ability is an indicator of the high professional skill of the educator, his readiness to deviate from existing stereotypes, putting in the first place the inherent value of preschool childhood as a period of life, and only then - as preparatory stage to the future. After drawing up a joint action plan,

III stage of work on the project - its practical part.

Children explore, experiment, search, create. To activate children's thinking, the teacher offers to solve problem situations, puzzles, thereby developing the inquisitiveness of the mind. It is necessary that the teacher be able to create such a situation when the child must learn something on his own, guess, try, come up with. The environment around the child should be, as it were, unfinished, unfinished. special role in this case, play corners on cognitive and practical activities.

The final IV stage of work on the project is the presentation of the project.

The presentation may take place in various forms, depending on the age of the children and the topic of the project: final games-classes, games-quizzes: thematic entertainment, design of albums, photo exhibitions, mini-museums, creative newspapers. Projects, regardless of their type, creative, research, information, open, game, practice-oriented, etc., need constant attention, help and support from adults at every stage of implementation.

The specificity of using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to “guide” the child, help with custody and help from parents.

In the practice of modern preschool institutions, the following types of projects are used:

research and creative projects:children experiment, and then the results are drawn up in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design;

role-playing projects(with elements creative games when children enter the image of the characters of the fairy tale and solve the problems posed in their own way);

information-practice-oriented projects: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (design and design of the group, stained-glass windows, etc.);

creative projects in kindergarten(designing the result in the form of a children's holiday, children's design)

By duration, they are short-term (one or several classes), medium duration(1-3 months), long-term (up to 1 year)

Project activity has become a bright, developing, interesting method in my work with preschoolers.During the four years of my work as an educator, I developed and implemented 10 projects.

Project "My Friendly Family"

One of effective ways The development of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family is the participation of children, parents, teachers in joint projects, the result of which is the enrichment of parental experience, strengthening relationships with families of pupils, establishing emotional contact between the teacher and parents. The implementation of the joint project "My Friendly Family" made it possible to enrich the educational skills of parents, improve the relationship between parents and teachers, parents and children.

establishing partnerships between the kindergarten and the families of pupils;

creation of a unified educational space kindergarten - family in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard;

give parents and children the opportunity to showcase their creativity.

Project implementationincluded several stages and took place within a month.

Expected result:uniting and rallying the families of the group, enriching the educational experience of parents, obtaining positive impressions from participating in a joint project.

Project "Maslenitsa - Pancake Eater"

It's no secret that we have to relearn how to celebrate our traditional holidays. Once upon a time, traditions were passed down in the family from generation to generation - "by word of mouth", "from heart to heart". Preschool age is a favorable period for introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, capable of reviving the continuity of generations, conveying moral principles, spiritual and artistic values.

Objective of the project: to promote the development of cognitive and creative activity of children in artistic creativity, to instill in children a love for folk traditions, holidays.

Summing up the project"Maslenitsa - Pancake Eater" I would like to note that the projectintroduced children to the traditions of Russian culture and the Russian people.Holding such events leaves an unforgettable impression in the soul of the child and their parents and always remember the holidays and traditions of our country.

Projects "ABC - Health", "Healthy baby is great"

“Health care is the most important job of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vivacity of children” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The problem of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, which is not repeated throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits, attitude towards oneself and others are laid. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic training. physical education and sports.

The proposed set of activities, games, entertainment in projects is aimed at developing the value of health in a child, a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening their health, and expanding knowledge and skills in hygiene culture.

Target: the formation of children's initial ideas about healthy way life, cause an emotionally positive attitude to games, sports exercises, competitions, to sports, to joint walks in the nature of children, parents, educators.


The joint short-term projects “The ABC of Health” and “A Healthy Baby is Great!” contributed to the formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle, caused emotionally positive attitudes towards games, competitions, sports, and joint walks in the nature of children, parents, educators .

Project "Herringbone-Green Needle"

An important place in this project is the study and preservation of the traditions of celebrating the New Year, which helps to satisfy the cognitive interest of children and their parents in this holiday. The project is aimed at children of primary preschool age and their parents and allows you to create a joyful emotional atmosphere on the eve of the New Year holiday. The joint activity of adults and children teaches mutual understanding, trust, makes them real partners.

Objective of the project: introducing children to folk culture through calendar and ritual holidays, enriching the social experience of the child through various activities, developing children's creative qualities.
Project objectives:
- to form a holistic picture of the world in younger children
preschool age;
- to develop cognitive and research activities of children;
- create the necessary conditions development environment and
friendly atmosphere for all-round development
- to expand the knowledge of parents about the tradition of the New Year tree
and the importance of getting to know her children;
- strengthen the ties between the preschool institution and the family.

Conclusion .

During the implementation of this project, children were involved in the educational process with interest. This contributed to the development of children's cognitive abilities, observation and the development of creative imagination.

uniting and rallying the families of the group, enriching the educational experience of parents, obtaining positive impressions from participating in a joint project. The children were able to form the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature (trees covered with snow, fluffy snow, transparent ice floes).

Project "Books are best friends"

Fairy tales and stories, when presented correctly to children, give a lot of positive moments and give positive emotions. Give 15-20 minutes to the artistic word a day, and your baby will become bolder, more positive, more impressionable and more inquisitive. The child will be able to cope with his weaknesses on his own.Therefore, in order to attract parents to devote as much time as possible to reading fiction with children, and to educate children in the ability to listen and understand works of different genres, express emotions, cultivate a careful attitude to books, project activities were developed and carried out in the first junior group “Books are best friends ". Objective of the project : exchange of information with parents about the best works of art for children, to interest parents in actively familiarizing the child with literature.


To promote the formation of interest in books, works of fiction.

To cultivate the ability to listen and understand works of different genres, to express emotions.

Develop elements of creativity, teach how to use what you read in other activities (playing, productive, in communication).

Educate parents about the importance of reading fiction books in a child's development.

Summing up - results.

Parents received information about the importance of fiction in the development of the child.

Made Baby Books.

We got acquainted with the knowledge and opinions of experts on this issue.

Children began to treat books with care and love.

The project "Rules of the road, we will observe together"

The child becomes a road user while still in a stroller. And as soon as he begins to walk, then from the driven and passive he turns into the most active. The kid becomes a pedestrian much earlier than he becomes prepared for this according to his knowledge, efforts and development. Therefore, it is advisable to start introducing your child to the rules of the road from an early age, although this is difficult to do due to the psychological, age-related characteristics of young children.

My work presents the project “Rules of the road, we will observe together!” for children of the second younger group. During the implementation of the project, the kids were involved in various types of children's activities: playful, creative, cognitive, which contributed to the development of children's interest in the topic.

Objective of the project : the formation in preschool children of the basics of safe behavior on the road, on the street and in transport.

Project objectives:

1. Educate children necessary minimum traffic rules and road signs.

2. Develop the vocabulary of children on road vocabulary.

3. To educate the elementary implementation of the rules of the road.

4. Intensify work to promote the rules of the road and a safe lifestyle among parents.

Expected result:by the end of the project, to form in children the knowledge of the rules of the road and the skills of safe behavior on the road.

Project "Sorceress Autumn"

The project "Sorceress Autumn" introduces children to the nature of the world around them. It is nature that immerses children and parents in the bewitching beauty of colors, sounds and smells.

Objective of the project: Acquaintance of children with the season "Autumn".

Project implementation timeline: short term.

Summing up the projectI would like to note that the method of a cognitive and creative project, in the process of practical and research activities, contributes to the formation of curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, treat all living things aesthetically and carefully.

Project "Mystery of Friendship"

When a child grows up, begins to speak confidently, play with other children, he chooses his first friends.

A four-year-old kid can already more or less clearly decide: with whom he wants to be friends, and with whom he does not. At this stage, show delicacy and patience, remembering that the logic of an adult and a child are completely different things.

Watching children during their communication, you can pay attention to the fact that they cannot play together with each other. long time, quarrel, fight, sort things out, i.e. they can't just be there. It is at preschool age, when the child's ideas about the world around him as a whole, are formed, it is important to focus and direct the concepts and ideas about friendship in the right direction. This determines the theme of the project - "The Riddle of Friendship".

The main goals of the project were:reinforce children's knowledge about moral concepts- friendship, kindness, to develop the ability to see, understand, evaluate the actions of others, explain their judgments about friendly relationships, cultivate a willingness to help, care for others.

Project implementationincluded several stages and took place within two weeks.

Project results:

For children:

Systematize children's knowledge of kindness and friendship,

The manifestation of children's interest in empathy, the desire to come to each other's help.

For parents:

An atmosphere of mutual understanding has been created, aimed at developing and strengthening friendly relations

Project "Water is the source of life"

The project is aimed at consolidating and deepening children's knowledge that water is very necessary for all nature; Without it, plants, animals, and humans cannot live.

Objective of the project: to form in children knowledge about the importance of water in the life of all life on earth: Water is the source of life, as well as a conscious, careful attitude to water as an important natural resource, and also continue to educate children's interest in wildlife.

Summing up the project“Water is the source of life” I would like to note thatchildren have formed basic ideas about water as the main source of life for living organisms, children gained ecological experience while interacting with nature, learned to respect water. The competence of parents in the field of environmental education of their children has increased. Together with children and parents, the environmental action "Save water and save nature from death" was held in the garden.


As practice has shown, project activities are very relevant and effective. Combination various kinds children's activities in the interaction of adults and children in one whole - the project, consolidates the skills of pupils, helps them discover and learn about the surrounding reality much faster and deeper. Based on the knowledge of children obtained during the project activities, their observations, impressions; focusing on the personal experience of the child, I try to create an atmosphere of co-creation. After all, only by getting each child interested in a specific creative activity, supporting children's curiosity and initiative, can any problem be solved. The effectiveness of this approach also lies in the fact that it gives the preschooler the opportunity to explore and experiment on his own, maintain his curiosity and interest in the problem, and also apply the knowledge gained in a particular activity. The project method helps me reach a new level of interaction with parents, changes the relationship in the system "children - parent - teacher". In project activities, valuable relationships appear in this triad: understanding each other, support and assistance in activities.

Together with the children and parents, we were so carried away by project activities that we wrote a small quatrain:
It is not difficult for us to carry out the project,
He captivates and the covenant forward!
It helps to make friends and unite,
And gives us new ideas!

Project activity in the second junior group of the kindergarten "These lovely tales"

Author: Khramtsova Svetlana Yurievna, teacher
place of employment: Municipal state preschool educational institution of the Kuibyshevsky district - kindergarten "Kolokolchik", Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region

Project activity "These lovely tales"

The formation of speech is one of the main tasks of the speech education of a preschooler, as it plays an important role in the formation of personality. For the development of the child's speech, it is necessary to use various games, classes, fairy tales. It is fairy tales that are an excellent material for teaching children of primary preschool age the development of speech. From fairy tales, children take a lot of different knowledge: the first ideas about the world around them, about the relationship between man and nature, fairy tales allow you to see good and evil.
The characters of fairy tales are well known to children, their character traits are pronounced, the motives of actions are clear. The language of fairy tales is very expressive, rich in figurative comparisons, has simple forms of direct speech. All this allows you to involve the child in active speech work.
IN last years there is a sharp decrease in the level of speech development of preschoolers. One of the reasons for the decrease in the level of speech development is the passivity and ignorance of parents in matters of speech development of children. But the participation of parents in the speech development of the child plays a colossal role.
Development of interest in fairy tales, creation of conditions for active use fairy tales in the activities of children, involving children in active speech work.

To promote the formation of interest in books, works of oral folk art - fairy tales.
Develop children's speech activity, enrich vocabulary.
To teach to reflect the content of fairy tales in games, dramatizations, theatrical activities.
To develop in children emotional responsiveness, attention, curiosity.
Learn to play together, not to quarrel.
To give parents knowledge about the influence of fairy tales on the child's speech through sliders, information on the site.
Invite parents to actively participate in the project.


topic selection.
project implementation planning.
preparatory work teachers.
interaction between teachers, children and parents.
final event entertainment leisure "Visiting a fairy tale".
Children 3-4 years old.
Children are well aware of the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Teremok", "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear", "Gingerbread Man".
In the process of acquaintance with fairy tales, the dictionary is activated, coherent speech develops.
Familiarization with fairy tales contributes to the development productive activity.
Children will have an interest in games, dramatizations.
Parents take an active part in project activities, masks depicting heroes of fairy tales; didactic game "Find the heroes of the fairy tale"; finger theater; puppet show, a selection of coloring pages "Heroes of fairy tales"
Parents are familiar with the influence of fairy tales on the speech of the child.

SHORT TERM - one week

Conversations with children and parents;
Organization of thematic centers according to the project;
Gaming activity;
Performance of works on visual activity;
Reading, listening and watching fairy tales.
Joint design activities.
Organization of physical leisure.
masks for fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok";
didactic game "Find the heroes of the fairy tale";
puppet theater "Three Little Pigs";
a selection of coloring pages "Heroes of fairy tales"

I preparatory
The study of literature on the topic.
Clarification of the wording of the problem, topic, goals and objectives.
Consultation for parents through folders-sliders.
Selection of visual and didactic aids.
Replenishment of the book corner.
I I main
Working with parents:
Consultation "The meaning of fairy tales in the life of a child"
Consultation "Child and book".
Selection of coloring pages on the theme "Russian folk tales"
Action: "Read me a bedtime story"
Making masks for fairy tales To promote the active participation of parents in project activities. To acquaint with information about the significance of the influence of a fairy tale on a child.

Cognitive research activity. "Visiting a fairy tale." Raise interest and love for fairy tales.

FEMP "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
Continue to form elementary mathematical representations.

Speech activity "Journey to the land of fairy tales" To develop the ability to answer the simplest questions of the educator. To develop and activate the speech of children.

Modeling NOD "Gingerbread for the Goats". Promote development fine motor skills fingers.

Drawing GCD based on the fairy tale "Teremok". To cultivate interest in the occupation, diligence, accuracy, friendly relations.

Application GCD based on the fairy tale "Turnip". Improve teamwork skills;
Strengthen the skills of neat spreading and gluing.

Physical development of the NOD "Kolobok". Consolidation passed in the main types of movements. Improve teamwork skills.

Joint activities Reading, listening and watching fairy tales (audio and video recordings): "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Wolf and the Seven Kids"
Conversations with children: "My favorite fairy tale", "Rules for communicating with a book"
learning finger gymnastics"Teremok", "Turnip", "Kolobok".
Solving riddles about fairy tales and fairy tale characters
Role-playing game "Hospital for books".
Theatrical games:
puppet and finger theatre, masks,.
Didactic games:
"Heroes of fairy tales", "Find by description"
"Magic bag"
Outdoor games "At the bear in the forest", "Fox"
Round dance games:“Hare dance…”

Design: "A house for animals according to the fairy tale "Teremok".

To consolidate children's knowledge about the content of Russian folk tales.
To develop in children the ability, with the help of a teacher, to repeat the most expressive passages from a fairy tale.

Create a game situation conducive to the formation of emotional responsiveness, activate speech, promote emancipation.

III final
Final event Entertaining leisure “Visiting a fairy tale”. Create a game situation conducive to the formation of emotional responsiveness.

Download Project activity in the younger group

Municipal state preschool educational institution - kindergarten "Kolosok" with. magpie log

Project activity in the first junior group

Our friend the snowman

Compiled by: Manannikova Yu.A.

teacher of the first junior group

With. Sorochi Log 2014

Project type:cognitive research. Includes creative, cognitive and experimental activities.

Project type: group.

Project duration: short term (1 week).

Project participants : children II early age groups (2-3 years old), parents, educators.

The relevance of the project.

From birth, a child is a discoverer, a researcher of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, snow and hail. The relevance of this project is that it allows, in the context of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, to expand, enrich, systematize and creatively apply the knowledge of children about the snowman. Introduce elementary experiments with snow and water in order to develop interest in experimentation from natural material. At 2–3 years old, a child perceives the information received better if all the senses are involved, if he can not only see, but also touch, smell, taste, play, do something with his own hands.

Children with interest collect stones, shells, play with sand, water, snow. Objects and phenomena of inanimate nature enter into their life activity, are objects of observation and play.

Watching the snow from the window, the children began to ask questions: “What is snow?” Why does it snow in winter? Seeing a snowman in the picture, the children asked: “Who is this?”. That is how the idea for this project was born. I wanted to introduce children to snow and a snowman.

Object of study: snow.

Subject of study: physical properties of snow.

Objective of the project:

The development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of familiarization and experimental activities with snow.


  1. To give children elementary ideas about a natural object - snow, its transformations into water, into ice.
  2. To enrich the vocabulary of children on this topic.
  3. To form the cognitive activity of children during experiments, experiments and observations.
  4. To fix the concepts of "white", "round", "cold", "ball".
  5. Learn how to make a snowman.
  6. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Hypothesis:a snowman is a snow building that consists of snow, and snow, in turn, is one of the states of water, and water can also turn into ice.

Stages of project implementation.

Preparatory stage.

  • Conversations with children to reveal children's knowledge about snow.
  • Preparation of attributes for games, classes.
  • Selection of poems, fiction, riddles about winter, snow, snowman.
  • Consideration of plot pictures on the topic "Winter".
  • Listening to songs about winter, snowman, snowflakes.

Main stage.

Days of the week


GCD "Introduction to the properties of snow" "(Appendix 1)

Experience No. 1 "Snow and its properties" (Appendix 3)

The mobile game "A little white snow fell." (Appendix 2)


Experience number 2 "What is snow?" (Appendix 3)

NOD "Snowman" (sculpting). (Appendix 1)

Didactic game "Fold the snowman" (Appendix 4)


Experience number 3 "What is ice?" (Appendix 3)

Didactic game "Snowflakes" (Appendix 4)

Reviewing the album "Winter Fun".


BUT NOD. Application "Friends for a snowman" (application No. 1)

The mobile game "Snow is spinning" (Appendix 2).

Didactic game "Collect a snowman" (Appendix 4)


Listening to children's songs about winter, a snowman.

GCD Reading and memorizing the poem "It's snowing » (Annex 1)

Exhibition of creative works of parents "Our friend - the Snowman"

The final stage.

  • Show open class"Snowman".
  • Design of the exhibition of crafts of parents "Our friend is a snowman".
  • Showing the presentation of the project at the teachers' council.

Resource support:

Examination of albums and illustrations, landscapes of plot pictures depicting winter natural phenomena, a snowman. Reading works of art: fairy tales, stories, poems, nursery rhymes. Conversations on the topics of the project. Listening and performing children's songs about winter, a snowman.


  • plot pictures, albums on the theme of the project;
  • fiction - S. Marshak "Snow", A. Barto "Snow", Y. Akim "First Snow", Z. Aleksandrova "Snowball", O. Zhuk "Snow House", Prikhodko "Snowflake";Z. Rozhdestvenskaya "Asterisk-baby".
  • - visual material for children's creativity, building material;
  • - audio recording of children's songs about winter: "The Snowman's Song";
  • - attributes for games;

Labor :

  • selection of information and design of material on the topic of the project;
  • Drawing, application, modeling,

Gaming :

  • Di: "Snowflakes", "Collect the snowman", "Fold the snowman";
  • P / s: " “Snow is spinning”, “White snow has fallen”,
  • Breathing exercises "Snowflakes and wind", "Blow on a snowflake"


1. S.N. Teplyuk "Child of the third year of life";

2. "Educational games with kids up to three years"(Compiled by T.V. Galanova);

3 S.N. Teplyuk "Classes on a walk with the kids";

4.T.G.Kazakova "Develop creativity among preschoolers";

5. "Complex classes in the first junior group of kindergarten" according to the program of M.A. Vasilyeva;

6. Materials from the Internet.

Expected results:

  • children : they know what snow is, what kind of snow (white, cold, melts in warmth, snow is frozen water). They know that a snowman is a snow building that consists of snow. They know how to sculpt a snowman from plasticine. Make a snowman from circles, know the parts of a snowman. Make a snowman applique.
  • Parents: take an active part in the implementation of crafts on the theme "our friend - the Snowman".
  • Educators: create conditions for the implementation of the project and the active involvement of all participants in the work on the implementation of the project.

Summary of the project.

The project "Our friend - the Snowman" lasted 1 week.During the project, the children comprehensively examined the snow in the group in the experimental area, examined it, touched it, smelled it, all the children with great interest showed activity during the experiments, drew conclusions.

Made a snowmanthey practiced rolling out lumps of plasticine in circular motions, in joining the lumps together.

In the course of the project "Our friend - the Snowman", children developed a steady interest in creative, cognitive activities; a number of skills have been formed, the children have acquired and consolidated elementary knowledge about snow, they know well that snow white color, cold, melts in warm room. Snow is water that has frozen.

During the project, the kids became noticeably closer to each other, speech became more active, the children developed observation, attention, learned the elementary comparison of cold and warm. The final product of the project, we presented an exhibition of works by parents "Our friend is a snowman".

Throughout the project, childrenwith pleasure and desire they played outdoor and didactic games, got acquainted with new works of art about winter, conversations were held: “Winter and its signs”, “Winter fun”, considered illustrative and visual material depicting winter landscapes and winter fun.We learned by heart the poem by G. Poznansky "It's snowing."

During the experimental activities, experiments were carried out with snow: “Snow and its properties”, “What is snow?”, “Ice and its properties”, during which the children learned that snow is cold, fluffy, white, crumbly, snow is warm turns into water. We also learned that water tends to freeze and turn into ice (hard, brittle, cold, transparent).

Thus, the children's cognitive interest in experiments increased, vocabulary was replenished.

Further development.

This project provided great opportunities for creativity, made it possible to bring learning closer to life, developed activity, independence, and the ability to work in a team. Therefore, in the future I plan to continue experimental activities with water, with ice, in the spring and summer months - with sand.

The life of a child begins with a family. In the family, he grows and develops, his parents become an example for him. V. A. Sukhomlinsky rightly noted that "on how his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him, it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become. "



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Project activity in the second junior group on the topic "My family"

“ From how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Relevance. In the modern world, due to the heavy workload of adults, little attention is paid to the joint activities of children and parents. Children and parents most often meet only in the evening, after coming home from work and kindergarten. It is precisely at the early preschool age that elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life begin to form in children. And parents in this difficult matter should be their irreplaceable guides and helpers. In fact, it turns out that such a close lexical topic "Family" will cause great difficulties for children 3-4 years old. The My Family project is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the role of the family in the life of every person, on family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project is of great importance for the formation of the personality of the child, the strengthening and development of child-parent relationships. Parents should give the concept to the child that he is part of the family, which is very important. Children should understand the importance of the family, educate children in love and respect for family members, instill in children a sense of attachment to the family and home. Therefore, the topic family relations will always be up to date. Work on the formation and development of child-parent relationships, the development of respect for elders, family members, instilling a sense of attachment to one's family and home will always be of great importance in the educational process of a preschool institution.

Purpose: the formation of children's initial ideas about the family. Tasks: - to introduce children to the concepts of "family", "first name", "last name"; learn to name family members, establish family ties; - to educate the child in a benevolent attitude, respect for their parents and family members, the desire to help them; - to promote the development of children's desire to talk about their family; develop the ability to express their feelings (joy, tenderness); enrichment vocabulary(family, family traditions), development of grammatically correct speech.

Project type: group, long-term. Project duration: September 2017 - March 2018 Project participants: pupils of the second junior group, parents, teachers. Educational area: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development. Project implementation methods: verbal (conversation, story, explanation, work with a book), visual (illustration, demonstration), practical (game, exercises, cognitive-game activities). Demonstration material and equipment: a card file of didactic and role-playing games and finger gymnastics on the theme "Family", books by children's writers, a laptop. Forms of project implementation: direct educational activities, role-playing and didactic games, independent activities of children, exhibitions of children's drawings, consultations for parents, parent meeting.

Project implementation stages: 1 . Preparatory. Purpose: to identify the level of knowledge of children about their family members, to acquaint parents with the goals and objectives of the project. 2. Basic. Purpose: implementation in the educational process effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the family. 3 . Final. Purpose: summing up and analyzing the results of the implementation of the project "My Family".

Work on the project at the preparatory stage

Work on the project at the main stage Directly educational activities

Game activity

Finger gymnastics Children's creativity

Joint activities of parents and children

Help for parents

Work on the project at the final stage

Expected results: - fostering a sense of pride in one's family and love for its members; - expanding children's knowledge about their family, about family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents; - showing respect and concern for family members; - strengthening friendly relations between parents and children, establishing trusting and partnership relations with them; - Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.



Project activity in the second junior group

On the topic "My family"

Relevance. The life of a child begins with a family. In the family, he grows and develops, his parents become an example for him. V.A. Sukhomlinsky rightly noted that “on how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him, it decisively depends on what kind of person today's baby will become.”

In the modern world, due to the heavy workload of adults, little attention is paid to the joint activities of children and parents. Children and parents most often meet only in the evening, after coming home from work and kindergarten. Usually, by this time, the parents do not have the strength to communicate, since there are still many household chores to be redone before going to bed. And in the morning everything repeats according to the already known “scenario”. Therefore, unfortunately, children are often left to themselves or go headlong into the world of animated films and computer games, to which they were “accustomed” by eternally tired parents.

But it is precisely at the early preschool age that elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life begin to form in children. And parents in this difficult matter should be their irreplaceable guides and helpers.In fact, it turns out thatsuch a close topic "Family" causes great difficulties for children 3-4 years old. Unfortunately,not all children know about their own family: what are the names of their parents (they do not share the concepts of “mother” and “mother's name”), what their job isparents and grandparents, few of the children know family ties, do not understand who, to whom, who is related, who is the eldest in the family, who is the youngest.

The My Family project is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the role of the family in the life of every person, on family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project is of great importance for the formation of the personality of the child, the strengthening and development of child-parent relationships. Parents should give the concept to the child that he is part of the family, which is very important. Children should understand the importance of the family, educate children in love and respect for family members, instill in children a sense of attachment to the family and home.

Therefore, the topic of family relations will always be relevant. Work on the formation and development of child-parent relationships, the development of respect for elders, family members, instilling a sense of attachment to one's family and home will always be of great importance in the educational process of a preschool institution.

Objective of the project: the formation of children's initial ideas about the family.


- to acquaint children with the concepts of "family", "name", "surname"; learn to name family members, establish family ties;

- to educate the child in a benevolent attitude, respect for their parents and family members, the desire to help them;

- to promote the development of children's desire to talk about their family;develop the ability to express their feelings (joy, tenderness);vocabulary enrichment (family, family traditions), development of grammatically correct speech.

Project type: group, long-term.

Project duration:September 2017 - March 2018

Project participants:pupils of the second junior group, parents, teachers.

Educational area:cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development.

Project implementation methods:verbal (conversation, story, explanation, work with a book), visual (illustration, demonstration), practical (game, exercises, cognitive-game activities).

Demonstration material and equipment:a card file of didactic and role-playing games and finger gymnastics on the theme "Family", books by children's writers, a laptop.

Project implementation forms:direct educational activities, role-playing and didactic games, independent activities of children, exhibitions of children's drawings, consultations for parents, parent meeting.

Stages of project implementation:

– preparatory (September 2017);

– main (October 2017 – February 2018);

– final (March 2018).

Work planning

1. Preparatory stage.

Purpose: to identify the level of knowledge of children about their family members, to acquaint parents with the goals and objectives of the project.

No. p / p



Reading and analysis of D. Grabe's story "Mother".

1st week

Acquaintance of parents with the goals and objectives of the project "My Family".

1st week

Questioning of parents on the topic "The style of raising a child in the family."

2nd week

Advising parents on the collection of information for the genealogical tree of the family.

3rd week

Creation of a developing environments (selection of material, toys, attributes for gaming, theatrical activities; didactic games, illustrated material, fiction on the topic" Family " .

Within a month

Conversations with children on the topics “What is a family?”, “My family” (individual and collective).

Within a month

2. Main stage.

Target: implementation in the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the family.





1 Week

1. Conversation on the topic "Who lives in my family."

2. Reading and analysis of the poem by S. Mikhalkov "What do you have."

3. Carrying out finger gymnastics "Friendly family".

4. Making folders on the topics: "Poems about the family", "Folk proverbs about the family."

5. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "Gifts of Autumn".






Children, parents

2 weeks

1. Conversation on the topic "Our brothers and sisters."

2. Reading and analysis of A. Barto's poem "Younger Brother".

3. Role-playing game "Mom came home from work."

4. NOD "Application" Gift to sister / brother.

5. Parent meeting on the topic "Everything starts with the family."

6. Registration of memos for parents "Fundamentals of moral relations in the family."







3 week

1. Reading and analysis of the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka."

2. Carrying out finger gymnastics "My family", "Our baby".

3. Conducting didactic games "Who will bring the pictures faster", "What are we doing?".

4. Design of an exhibition-stand on the theme “Rights of the child. Keeping them in the family.





4 week

1. Conversation on the topic "My grandparents."

2. Role-playing game "Grandma has arrived."

3. Reading and analysis of A. Barto's poem "How Vovka saved grandmothers."

4. NOD "Modeling" Treat for grandma / grandpa ".

5. Registration of memos for parents "Psychological characteristics of children of primary preschool age."







1 Week

1. Conversation on the topic What is mom doing at home?

2. Carrying out finger gymnastics "Our baby", "Family".

3. Learning the poem by Y. Akim "Mom".

4. Drawing up memos for parents “Is it possible to do without punishment?”






2 weeks

1. Conversation on the topic "How I help at home."

2. Reading and analysis of the poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence."

3. Conducting didactic games "What are we doing?", "Remember the names of close relatives."

4. Registration of memos for parents "Mistakes of family education".





3 week

1. Role-playing game "Moms put the children to bed."

2. Reading and analysis of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans".

3. Conducting a didactic game "My family".

4. Compilation of stories from personal experience on the theme "Family Holidays".

5. Registration of memos for parents "Rights of the child in the family."






4 week

1. Learning the poem by O. Chusovitina "Mommy is a gift."

2. Carrying out finger gymnastics "Our mothers".

3. GCD " Sculpting on the theme "Beads as a gift to mom"

4. Participation in holding an event dedicated to Mother's Day.

5. Design of the photo exhibition "Me and my mother".




Children, parents

Children, parents


1 Week

1. Conversation on the topic "Who do your parents work."

2. Learning the song “My friendly family ".

3. Compilation of stories from personal experience on the topic: “How do we relax throughout family."

4. Role-playing game "Visiting Grandma."

5. Making memos for parents "The role of didactic play in the family and kindergarten."






2 weeks

1. Learning the poem by S. Pshenichnykh "With mom around the city."

2. Carrying out finger gymnastics "Ladushki".

3. Conducting didactic games "The house where I live", "Helpers in the family".

4. Making memos for parents"Play with the kids!"

5. Creation of a collage "My family".






3 week

1. Conversation on the topic "How we relax with the family."

2. Role-playing game "Dad is a good owner."

3. Carrying out finger gymnastics "Our mothers", "Our whole family."

4. Watching the cartoon "Mom for a mammoth".

5. Parent meeting on the topic"Age characteristics of children or a crisis of 3 years!".






4 week

1. Drawing up a story on the topic “Who do I live with?”.

2. GCD “Drawing “Our Christmas tree”.

3. Reading and analysis of the fairy tale "Morozko".

4. Conducting didactic games "My family", "Family tree".

5. Making a wall newspaper"On the dangers of lack of sleep."







2 weeks

1. Conversation on the topic "How my family spent the New Year holidays."

2. Reading and analysis of the poem by E. Urusova "Brother".

3. Conducting didactic games "What does mom do", "Mom's name".

4. NOD "Sculpting Let's bake cookies for the family.

5. Drawing up memos for parents “How to acquaint a child with family history.






3 week

1. Conversation on the topic “How mom, dad and other membersfamilies take care of you?».

2. Guessing riddles about the family.

3. Reading and analysis of S. Kaputikyan's poem "My grandmother".

4. Preparation of memos for parents"What toys to buy for a child of 3-4 years old."





4 week

1. Reading and analysis of the poem by I. Naydenova "My little sister".

2. Carrying out finger gymnastics “We reconciled”, “Our whole family”.

3. Conducting didactic games“Find your mom”, “Tell me what you are affectionately called at home?”, “Who is older? Who is younger?"

4. Playing the situation "Morning in our family."

"The influence of the psychological microclimate of the family on the health of the child."







1 Week

1. Reading and analysis of T. Prokofieva's poem "Papa".

2. Conducting didactic games“Fold the picture”, “Count family members”, “Spread by height”, “What is your family?”.

3. Carrying out finger gymnastics "Family", "Who arrived."

4. GCD " Origami "Fan for Grandma".

5. Design of the stand “A few tips on raising grandchildren and granddaughters”.






2 weeks

1. Conversation on the topic "Where do mom and dad work."

2. Ball games "Who are you to me?", "What is a family?".

3. GCD " Designing "House for my family".

4. Plot - role-playing games on the topic “Grandma’s birthday is coming soon”, “Grandfather got sick”.

5. Drawing up memos for parents "The role of the father in family education."






3 week

1. Conversation on the topic "Dad can."

2. Reading and analysis of the poem by O. Chusovitina "The Best".

3. NOD "A cup for dad."

4. Design of the photo exhibition "Me and my dad."




4 week

1. Reading and analysis of "The Tales of the Smart Mouse" by S. Marshak.
2. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "My family".

3. Role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters".

4. Day open doors for parents“We are ready to answer your questions…”.

5. Making memos for parents"Child health and the computer".




Parents, preschool specialists


3. Final stage.

Target: summing up and analyzing the results of the implementation of the project "My Family".

No. p / p



Presentation of albums with drawings made by children together with their parents "Happy fragments from the life of my family."

1st week

Parent meeting "My family - what could be more expensive."

2nd week

Within a month

Expected results of the project:

- fostering a sense of pride in one's family and love for its members;

- expanding children's knowledge about their family, about family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents;

- showing respect and concern for family members;

- strengthening friendly relations between parents and children, establishing trusting and partnership relations with them;

- Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

List of used sources and literature:

1. Vetokhina A.Ya. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children: a manual for teachers. – M.: Detstvo-press, 2016.

2. Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten: a guide for educators. – M.: Iris-press, 2015.

3. Gorbatenko Zh.M. Project "My family". 2nd junior group (3–4 years) // Issues of preschool pedagogy. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 97-99.

4. Davydova O.I., Mayer A.A., Bogoslovets L.G. Projects in work with family: Toolkit. – M.: Sfera, 2012.

5. Zvereva O.Kh., Krotova T.V. Communication of the teacher with parents in the preschool educational institution. – M.: Sfera, 2015.

6. Introducing preschoolers to family and pedigree / ed. E.K. Rivina: a guide for teachers and parents. – M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2015.

7. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in the preschool educational institution. – M.: Sfera, 2016.

8. Pashkevich T.D. Socio-emotional development of children 3-7 years old. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2016.

9. Svirskaya L. Working with the family: optional instructions. – M.: Linka-Press, 2017.

10. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about the rights of the child. – M.:Mosaic-synthesis, 2014.