Well      06/16/2019

How to make a wooden roof from shingles using old Siberian technologies. Recommendations for the manufacture and installation of shingle roofing with visual photos. Do-it-yourself shingle roofing and laying Do-it-yourself shingle roofing


Since time immemorial, people have covered the roofs of their houses with wood. Also, natural tiles, reeds, reeds (more details: "") and straw (see: "") were often used. And in those regions where the forest was a rarity, roofing shingles were used. This material is called differently, in some regions it is a shingle, in some it is a spindle, plowshare or shingle. But regardless of this, the essence of the technology is the same - the roof is covered with wooden roofing boards, sawn or split in a certain way. Such a roof is as original as, for example.

Today, a shingle roof is an elite solution, which is distinguished by its high cost. In addition, there are various artificial materials that imitate natural shingles.

What attracts shingle roofing?

To the main advantages of this roofing material can be attributed:

Shingles production methods

Wooden plates of the fight are made by splitting small blocks of wood. This allows you to get boards with a thickness of only 3-8 mm and a length of 35 to 50 cm. The width of such material depends on the initial diameter of the logs.

The wood is selected of the highest quality, that is, without flaws, knots or rot, the trunks must be even. Before starting the production of shingles, the bark must be removed from the wood and the core is cut down (this element is most prone to cracking). Blocks up to 50 cm long are sawn from halves or quarters of the trunk. It is from them that shingles are made.

Today, such a manual method of material production is used quite rarely, since the process is highly labor-intensive. In industrial volumes, shingles are made by sawing trunks on special machines.

Manufacturing and installation of aspen shingles, details on the video:

Laying shingles on the roof

When arranging wooden roofs, the slope should not exceed 15 degrees. The crate is made solid or with a step that is equal to a third of the length of the shingle. Lathing bars should have a section of 50 * 50 mm or 60 * 60 mm.

But according to some recommendations, a solid crate is regarded as an unnecessary element. This opinion is explained by the fact that the ventilation gap in this case will be insufficient, and this can cause the material to quickly become unusable. A similar situation exists for the arrangement of waterproofing. Some sources claim that it is simply necessary, others simply deny it. If you follow the canonical rules for laying shingles, then waterproofing is not applied at all. Such roofs can easily last 20, 30, or even all 50 years.

The shingles of larch were fastened earlier by the method of arranging grooves and ridges. Now it is fixed with nails, which must first be boiled in drying oil.

Mount shingles in several layers. On the cornices, it is additionally necessary to nail boards up to 40 cm wide and increase the number of layers of shingles by one. This is due to the greater susceptibility of overhangs to moisture.

The total number of layers of material can vary from 2 to 5, and it depends on the functional purpose of the building:

  • for non-residential premises, 2 layers of material are sufficient;
  • for residential it is necessary to lay 3-4 layers. They allow you to provide reliable protection Houses;
  • if the roof has a slope of more than 45 degrees, then the shingles are laid in 2 layers.

Laying of wooden shingles begins with an eaves overhang. As already mentioned, one more layer is used for this area. The top row should completely overlap the bottom row, while protruding a few centimeters beyond it. The third row is laid in the same way - larger than the previous one, with a protrusion of several centimeters. And only the last fourth row does not reach the end of the previous one by a third of the length of the shingle (if the roof is laid according to the 3-layer method). Such a laying scheme allows you to completely protect the cornice overhang from the action of moisture that flows down from the roof slopes.

The shingle roofing technology itself is very reminiscent of a spruce cone. Most likely, the builders borrowed the arrangement of its scales for roofing works As a result, they were able to develop robust design a roof that does not leak, protects well from cold and wind.

Such a popular earlier and gradually forgotten material for roofing, like a shingle, met in the central and northern regions. It was made from aspen, due to the widespread use of the material. This coating has served for decades. It was used on peasant houses and wooden churches. Today, the old fashion is gradually returning, but due to the lack of specialists capable of making shingles, the material is expensive and is considered elite. If you like its appearance, but there are not enough funds, then you can consider an alternative offered by the modern construction market - imitation shingles. It will cost much less. Or you can try to make and lay the roof from shingles with your own hands.

Among the advantages of shingles, as a roofing material, are the following:

  1. It is resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity.
  2. Thanks to the laying method, a ventilated space remains, which prevents the formation of condensate.
  3. Environmental friendliness. Along with the naturalness of the material, one can also note the non-chemical nature of its production.
  4. No need for coloring. To change the color, special impregnations are used, which are not only able to give the desired shade, but also extend the service life.
  5. Shingles prevent freezing or overheating of the roof. The coating allows the building to "breathe".
  6. The material is not subject to rotting and destruction due to the presence of resins in the wood, as well as the density and high saturation of tannins.
  7. Noise isolation, which is provided by the relief structure of the plates.
  8. Waterproof due to the grooves that are formed during the splitting of the fibers.
  9. Aesthetics. Appearance such roofing can only become more interesting over time.
  10. Durability - if properly installed.

Manufacturing methods

Shingles are thin slices of wood. Their average thickness is 3-8 mm. with a width of 8-16 cm and a length of 35-45 cm. Traditionally, shingles were made from pine. As a material, you can also choose spruce or larch. For the manufacture of material, trees with a small diameter are suitable.. Important condition- the presence of even trunks suitable for sawing logs without knots. At the same time, their length should be within 40-45 cm. The core on the chocks is excluded due to the high risk of cracking. This can be done by splitting the block of wood in half or into 4 parts, after which the core is cut down. The rest must be split into thin plates- this will be a shingle. You can harvest material at any time of the year, except for winter. Before starting work, do not forget to remove the bark.

The bark left on the details will lead to the premature formation of rotting on the roofing material.

Industrial production of shingles also exists. Its principle is to cut a log into blocks of double length. After that, a timber is harvested with a width corresponding to the future shingles. Final stage- sawing the timber into the final material. But its disadvantage is its large length - about 80 centimeters. Therefore, the use of such shingles is possible only on a roof with a large area. For small roofs before starting work, you will need to cut it, thereby reducing the service life. Chipped shingles will last longer due to the natural splitting and preservation of the fibers. In order not to lose the integrity of the material, for its manufacture it is necessary to use the old fashioned way splitting. It involves the use of a special plow - a knife with two handles. Please note that this work is too meditative. And it can take a long time to prepare material for a roof of a large area. But there is a solution - the mahalo machine. This the simplest tool, which will help in the production of shingles.

In 1939, the Soviet inventor Glazunov V.N. received a patent for a machine for the production of shingles industrially.

Do-it-yourself old machine "mahalo"

Ancient lathe "mahalo"

Instructions for making a machine with your own hands:

  1. To work, you will need a log having a length of three to four meters with a diameter of 12-16 cm. A hole with a diameter of 3 mm must be drilled in it. It is done at a distance of 20 cm from the end.
  2. It is necessary to insert a metal king pin into the hole made and provide it with freedom of movement. Its length should be chosen in such a way as to ensure the fastening of the log in a wooden block.
  3. From the side of the end on which the hole is made, the knife is fastened. This should be done by stepping back from the edge of one meter. A bracket acts as a knife, the length of which should be equal to 60 cm. It is set at an angle so that it is possible to remove the shingles of the required thickness from the chock.
  4. WITH reverse side logs are knocked down by a handle 40 cm long. It will help move the log during work.
  5. Important for comfortable work ensure the correct length and width of the wooden plank. These parameters should be chosen in such a way that, provided that the block of wood is laid under the shingles, the "mahalo" is not pulled out of place.

Do not work with dry wood. Before work, the material must be soaked or boiled in boiling water for 30 minutes. Suitable for this iron barrel. Digestion is used for wood conifers. All work is done within a day.

Laying shingles

Some requirements for the roof for such a roofing material:

  • bias. It should not be less than 15 degrees.
  • Lathing. It is better to use a solid or one with a step of no more than 10 cm. Due to the low weight of wooden planks, bars with a section of 5x5 cm are suitable as a material, as well as poles with a diameter of 6 to 7 cm.
  • It is produced in several layers. Their number varies from one to five. In the presence of two layers, the laying of the plates is overlapped halfway. If there are three layers, then by 2/3, for four layers - 3/4, and for five layers, the overlap is 4/5 from the previous shingles.

A two-layer coating is used on non-residential buildings, but three to five are suitable for residential buildings.

  • Laying the waterproofing layer can be done in the form of roofing material. It is placed on a crate. But on ancient traditions, this stage of work can be excluded so as not to interfere with the roofing "breathe" and to avoid the formation of decay.

  • The installation of shingles starts from the bottom, from the cornice overhang, heading towards the ridge.
  • Roof outlets must be additionally covered with boards having a width of 35-40 cm, and the number of layers of shingles should be increased by one relative to the entire roof.
  • To fix the material, special dangling nails are used, having a length of 4 to 6 cm. Before starting work, they must be boiled in drying oil.
  • If the shingle is produced by the splitting process, this forms the plate in a special way. When it is bent, the fibers are raised, which are called “stabs”. When laying the first row, they must be positioned so that the resulting "stabs" are located on top. For the remaining rows, they are deployed to the inside of the roofing.
  • In the presence of valleys, the work process becomes more complicated. It will be necessary to lay an additional layer of shingles, as well as the installation of auxiliary battens.

Modern imitation

In the modern construction market, you can find an amazing variety of roofing materials designed to imitate shingles. Thanks to technology moving forward, they produce, for example, copper shingles. It is worth noting that such material is not very similar to its ancestor. Copper plates are made in rhombuses, squares or "fish scales" different size less than 1 mm thick. They have "ears" designed for fastening to the crate. At a cost, they are similar to hand-made wooden plates. Although among the advantages it should be noted fire resistance, ease of installation, a variety of colors. But the disadvantages can be noise and low environmental friendliness.

American manufacturers have a special collection of bituminous shingles made to look like shingles. Along with this, you can find polymer imitations made of PVC, resins, mineral additives. They are most similar to their historical counterpart in color, size and shape.

Roofing shingles price

By type, shingles are divided into chipped and sawn. The first one will cost more.

Pricing options:

  • plate thickness and length;
  • raw materials used - valuable wood species can significantly affect the cost;
  • degree of processing and impregnation.

Average price for 1 sq.m. will be from 2.5 to 3 thousand rubles.

But you can always try to make shingles with your own hands - however, this will require some experience and tools. On the other hand, such a roof will certainly please the eye and surprise others.

The basis of new building materials developments of past centuries are taken. So, shingles were used by our ancestors for many years as the main roofing that meets the requirements of the standard of that time. Such a roof not only looked beautiful, but also provided reliable protection of residential premises from different kind negative factors. Modern developers classify shingles as exquisite, expensive materials that require special skills to perform flawless installation. Despite the lack of craftsmen who are well versed in the technology of work, as well as the high cost, you should pay attention to the shingle roof, which will last for many decades.

The purpose and benefits of using shingles when installing a roof

Shingles is one of the most impeccable natural and environmentally friendly materials, presented in the form of small wooden plates 3–8 mm thick, produced 8–16 cm wide and 35–45 cm long. Among the common names of the material are wooden tiles, shingles, shingles.

Shingles is a natural material

Depending on the characteristics of the manufacture of shingles, there may be the following types:

  1. Chopped - the most practical due to properties such as shape retention and protection from decay processes. When harvesting wood, the integrity of the tubular fibers is maintained, which prevents moisture from accumulating in the structure of the material.
  2. sawn.
  3. Mosaic - widely used as a decorative coating.

A house with a shingle roof looks very colorful

The main positive properties of shingle roofing include:

  1. Sealing finish.
  2. Long service life. Compliance with the installation technology and competent care will allow you to use shingles for at least 100 years.
  3. Reliability of the layer - the strength of the material is laid in natural conditions.
  4. Resistant to moisture in all conditions (rain, snow, ice).
  5. Good ventilation ability.
  6. High thermal insulation characteristics.

Regardless of the desires of the owner of a private house and the design of the roof, wooden tiles are available for any finish. The laying of shingles is carried out in the most severe climatic conditions under the influence of large snow covers, low temperatures, and gusty winds. This material can be used when constructing curved roofs, and the number of layers is determined based on the functions of the roof. To form a waterproof and dense coating, the shingles are mounted in several layers.

Dranka has several names

When comparing the shingle with other analogues, the material differs in properties and installation technology. Elements of wooden tiles are attached according to the principle of scales in spruce cones, as a result of which swelling and closing of the coating parts is achieved at high humidity, and at the moment of drying the plates take on a domed shape, thereby releasing moisture to the outside.

In a house with shingle coating, it will be comfortable even on hot summer days, since wood does not have the ability to transfer heat like metal or tile.

The relief structure of the finishing layer serves as sound insulation of residential premises from the sound of rain, hail. With a breathable natural backing, the shingle is naturally ventilated. To increase the service life of the supporting roof structure, installation according to the shingle-roofing principle is recommended. This will provide an additional ventilated gap.

Features of the manufacture of roofing shingles

The production of the material is carried out in two ways: manually and mechanically. For manufacturing, coniferous wood species (spruce, pine, larch) or aspen are selected. Thanks to the resin produced by the trees, the material has a natural antiseptic protection and is able to withstand temperature fluctuations. Summer, spring and autumn are the most suitable seasons for harvesting raw materials. The diameter of the trunk can be any, as long as it is free of knots, defects, and its surface is as even as possible.

Drape can be made by yourself

sawn right size logs are manually processed by removing the core and bark. A distinctive feature of the industrial production of shingles is the sawing of logs into long logs, followed by the manufacture of timber, the width of which is equal to shingles. The wooden planks themselves are obtained by unraveling the timber.

In terms of size, a hand-harvested shingle reaches 40–45 cm, machined parts are 2 times longer, that is, 80–90 cm. The first option is used for standard roof structures, the second is perfect for both roofs with long slopes and and for ordinary roofs, but it will be necessary to cut the shingles in half.

Do-it-yourself instructions for preparing roofing shingles

You can prepare the material for laying the roof yourself, following the sequence of work.

You can simplify the process by using already machined wood and then sawing long planks into short elements. In this case, the material will last a shorter period, since the raw material was not split into fibers - it was simply cut. In a word, to maintain the quality of shingles, it is recommended to use the peeling method, which, although very long, is the most practical for manual harvesting of material.

Shingles can also be made mechanically

Video: how to make a shingle with your own hands

Laying shingles on a roof structure

When installing wooden tiles, it is enough to follow a number of rules, and then the coating will turn out to be durable and of high quality.

  1. Planks are overlapped on the crate in 4 layers on the roofs of residential premises and in 2 layers on non-residential buildings. The crate can be made solid or with the placement of slats at a distance of no more than 10 cm from each other. Laying shingles is allowed horizontally and vertically in case of slope angle of more than 15 degrees.

    Lay shingles need to overlap

  2. Waterproofing on the roof can be omitted, despite the advice of many developers on the need to lay a layer of roofing material. Our ancestors did not resort to additional means of roof protection in the form of waterproofing or continuous sheathing, explaining this by the fact that wooden tiles need to “breathe” freely. The roofing material will not let air flow through, exposing the tree to decay. The shingles independently cope with the protective function: in wet weather it swells, closing the cracks in the roof, and in dry weather it shrinks, allowing air to freely penetrate into the under-roof space.
  3. The lathing of the planks is carried out from the bottom up with the addition of a layer in the places where the ramp descends and the installation of auxiliary boards 40 cm wide.

    You need to lay shingles from the bottom up

  4. As fasteners use self-tapping screws for working with shingles, pre-impregnated with drying oil.
  5. In the process of splitting the logs into planks, the wood fibers bend and rise, therefore, when creating the first row, the plates should lie so that the staves look up, and the subsequent ones are formed the other way around - “stabs” down.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of shingles in the places of the valley, where the lathing is supplemented with planks, and the shingles consist of more layers than the rest of the coating.

Do-it-yourself wooden tiles are highly resistant to bad weather, impeccable sound insulation, and are not a source of static electricity accumulation.

Video: laying shingles on the roof with your own hands

Replacing an old shingle

To remove a damaged roofing element, use a peg to lift a solid shingle located above the one being replaced. The defective part is broken into pieces with a chisel and removed. The remaining caps of the screws are cut off.

If several rows are to be replaced, then work begins with the lowest elements. The new tile is cut according to the parameters of the resulting void so that a gap of at least 6 mm is obtained from each edge of the plank.

If the new element does not enter the opening or enters at a different angle, it is enough to cut off part of its thin end. The shingle should be started by tapping on the bar.

Service life of roof shingles

Among the factors that have a great influence on the life of the roof are:

  • selected wood,
  • harvesting technologies used,
  • features of processing raw materials.

Subject to the rules of wood harvesting, when sawing of the material is completely excluded, a shingled roof can stand for many decades, up to 100 years. If the material was obtained by sawing immature wood, then you will have to think about replacing the roof in a few years. An important point is the service finished product. So, with timely processing wooden elements you can achieve a long period of use.

The service life of shingles is about 100 years

Wood roofing is at great risk due to exposure to sun rays and wind. This leads to drying of its fibers. Loss of moisture is fraught not only with external changes coating, but also the loss of its original properties. The tile is gradually cracking, the tightness of the roofing layer is broken, the roof needs to be repaired.

No less dangerous for shingles is high humidity. If during installation some sections were laid in violation of the technology, then when the tree swells, proper ventilation will not be carried out, which will lead to the distortion of the entire canvas.

Ways to increase the operational life of shingles

Wood is a raw material that reacts strongly to temperature fluctuations and changes in humidity levels. Therefore, the layer of varnish on it, with constant expansion and contraction of the structure, will quickly crack. Moisture will begin to penetrate through the resulting defects without the possibility of natural evaporation, which will lead to the multiplication of microorganisms and decay. So that the wooden shingle retains its pristine beauty And specifications, it is enough to process it periodically. A large number of construction companies supplies to the market special means for processing wooden structures, which prevent the processes of decay, drying and bacterial spoilage.

Flawless processing is achieved by completely immersing the wooden elements in protective compound before they are attached to the roof. In the future, it will be enough to cover the surface with a protective agent using a brush or spray.

Proper care of a wooden roof is the key to its long-term use.

Like any structure, shingles need proper maintenance, which even a novice master can handle:

  1. As the layer accumulates snow mass swept away with a broom, starting from the top - from the ridge element, ending with the edge of the slope.
  2. The lower rows of shingles are subject to displacement and require timely identification and repair.
  3. Fallen leaves are washed off by precipitation in autumn or fly off by themselves, but do not neglect cleaning the roof from branches and remaining leaves.
  4. On wooden roof moss can grow, so it is important to detect it in time and remove it by weeding or cutting with a spatula.
  5. Prolonged use of shingles can lead to clogging of drains with accumulated resin. The problem is easily fixed by cleaning them inside.

Maybe thinly sawn wood?

Thin boards for upholstery of walls and ceilings under plaster, for roofing

Thin wooden slats, which are nailed to wooden walls, and plaster is applied to them.

in village huts in front of plaster walls are upholstered with shingles - these are thin - 1-1.5 mm narrow - 4-5 cm strips of dry wood

a kind of cutlet consisting of grated potatoes and fried in a pan

shingle is a thin board that is nailed to wooden surface, for its further plastering with clay

an ancient replacement for natural material slate?

Dranka - thin wooden plates used for roofing and facade cladding. For the manufacture of shingles, the wood of coniferous trees of pine, spruce, cedar, and aspen is used. The choice of trees is very important. Trees should be as straight and free of branches as possible. If there are a lot of branches in shingles, they will fall from dryness, so such trees are not suitable for shingles.

shingles are used in construction. walls from the inside are first upholstered with shingles and then plastered. a thin rail one and a half meters long, about three cm wide, about 2-3 mm wide.

width 2-3cm. thickness5mm. length 1 meter.

shingle is a thin board

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The word wood chips in English letters (transliteration) - shchepa

The word chip consists of 4 letters: a e p u

Meanings of the word wood chips. What is a chip?

Chips. shredded wood established dimensions, obtained as a result of grinding wood raw materials with chippers and special devices used as a technological raw material or fuel See all terms of GOST 17462-84.

Dictionary of GOST vocabulary

Chips - particles of wood obtained in the process of grinding short-length raw materials or scraps of lumber. There are technological and fuel chips.

Chips - shredded wood of established sizes, obtained as a result of processing wood raw materials with chippers and special devices, used as technological raw materials or fuel.

Glossary of basic forestry and economic terms

Chips for smoking

Chips for smoking are wood particles of the correct rectangular shape, obtained in the process of grinding wood raw materials with a chipper and representing a smoking material used in smoldering smoke generators ...


Chips, technological

Chips, technological. Technological chips Chips for the production of cellulose, wood-based panels and products of wood-chemical and hydrolysis industries See all terms of GOST 17462-84.

Dictionary of GOST vocabulary

Shchepa, Alexander Fyodorovich

Shchepa, Alexander Fedorovich - the specific prince of Rostov, the ancestor of the princes Shchepin-Rostovsky, according to one indication - the son of Prince Fyodor Alexandrovich, according to others - Prince Fyodor Andreevich ...

Alexander Fedorovich Schepa

Alexander Fedorovich Schepa (d. 1442) - governor of Pskov (1410-1412, 1421-1424, 1429-1434), prince of Rostov by origin, ancestor of the princes Shchepin-Rostovsky.


Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Schepy

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Schepakh, Nikoloshchepovskaya Church - an Orthodox church in the center of Moscow, in the Arbat district, at the corner of the First Smolensky and Second Nikoloshchepovsky lanes ...


Pozharsky, Prince Peter Timofeevich Shchepa

Pozharsky, Prince Peter Timofeevich Shchepa - son of Prince.

What is shingle: pros, cons and examples of use. Review

Timofey Feodorovich; in 1597-1599 he was bypassed by his head in Moscow, successively: in Kitay-Gorod, in the New Tsar's City, from the Neglinnaya River to Moscow, and in the Kremlin; in 1600 - governor in Urzhum.

Big biographical encyclopedia. — 2009

Russian language

Morphemic spelling dictionary. - 2002

Wood chips, -s, pl. chips, chips, chips.

Orthographic dictionary. - 2004

Usage examples for chip

Today, such products as bioplastics, wood chips, pellets and other biofuels are gaining popularity.

How to plaster wooden walls?

What is a drake?

We fasten and fill the shrapnel

Dran under a layer of rough and facing layers of plaster

Can wooden walls be plastered?

Answer: yes. But in the most common plastering technology, you will have to add a fastening to the wall of the shingle and its stuffing with thermal insulation. About all this further.

How to work with shingles

Wooden walls for plaster must be covered with shingles. Can be used reinforcing mesh, but this will lead to an increase in the cost of work. Log houses are leveled with boards, the width of which does not exceed 10 cm. More wide boards may subsequently warp from wet plaster. The boards are nailed.

What is a drake? These are small narrow dies, 3 to 5 mm thick. The length of an ordinary shred is from a meter to two and a half and the width, respectively, is 15-20 mm. The shingle should be light, without mold or rot, the package consists of 50 or 100 pieces.

The layer of shingles on which the plaster will be applied

Felt is laid under the shingles (or under the boards) in order to improve thermal insulation on the outer walls and sound insulation on the inner ones. The felt is impregnated with an antiseptic, for this a sodium fluoride solution of not more than 3% is used. You can use burlap or burlap.

If the material is thin, it is nailed with an overlap, and if it is thick, then end-to-end. Nails do not need to be hammered in completely, but only half. The remainder is bent and sunk into the wall, holding the material.

In addition to keeping the walls from low temperatures and protecting them from noise, the material helps to ensure that the boards do not deteriorate, it protects them from moisture, and improves the quality of the plaster. The solution adheres more reliably to the surface, moreover, there are more guarantees that it will not crack during operation.

To work with shingles you will need:

The rubbish needs to be sorted into two categories:

  • Shit is prostylnaya - these are dies 3 mm thick
  • Narrow and output shred - 4 or 5 mm.

Dran can be piece or shield:

  • Shield batten is a ready-made shield that is nailed to the wall. It is easy to work with them. If you need to cover a significant amount of surface with shreds, then it is better to purchase shields.
  • Piece shredding requires painstaking and some skill. It sticks to small patches. At all stages of work, the stuffing of the flaying is controlled by maintaining the vertical and checking its level.

general information

At the beginning of the process, they fill the entire width of the wall with prostrate shingles, its very name suggests that it, as it were, spreads the base, on which the second layer of shavings is attached from above. Nailed it at an angle of 45 ° relative to the floor. For these purposes, curved, narrow dies are used, their thickness should be at least 3 mm. A smaller thickness of the wound will prevent the mortar from adhering to the wound.

The second layer (exit shred) is also stuffed at an angle of 45 ° relative to the floor, but in the other direction. In relation to each other, the shingles are located perpendicularly, at 90 °.

The distance between the plates is 45 cm. The same distance is observed in the second row. So it turns out a kind of grid of wooden shavings. The cells will be 45x45 in size, which gives rigidity to the entire structure and holds it together.

The second layer consists of even and thicker dies, but not more than 5 mm. The width should be 15-20 mm. Dimensions must be observed, since dies with a width of less than 10 mm usually split when hammered, and a width of more than 20 mm leads to the fact that they bend from moisture without having time to dry out.

Step-by-step instructions for stuffing dran

Plastering wooden walls(on top of the insulated fleece) outside the house

They start stuffing shingles from the bottom of the walls, then moving to the ceiling and stuffing it completely.

  1. In the beginning, two or three rows of prostyle flaying are made on the walls. Nails are only fixed on it, but not completely driven in.
  2. The output die is nailed at the ends with two nails. One of them is nailed as usual, and the second is driven in at an angle, while the tip of the nail is directed towards the end of the pancake. Thus, it is pulled so that the junction is tighter.
  3. Next, the nails are driven into the exit batten every two prostrate dranitsy on the walls, and on the ceiling - every other. The ends of the dies are not placed end-to-end, but with a gap of 2-3 mm. This prevents them from swelling during the plastering process.
  4. The nails, baited when laying the prostrate, are taken out and used. You need to score with 2 hits. First, slightly deepening the nail, and then, removing the fingers, the second with a strong blow clog it up completely. The ends must be fixed, so that later when plastering works they did not warp or tear the plaster.

After finishing the stuffing, the walls are plastered, using a lime-cement mixture as usual, on beacons and marks, with a layer of up to 20 mm.

Based on site materials: http://orcmaster.com

1. What attracts shingles roofing?

2. Methods for the production of shingles

3. Laying shingles on the roof

Since time immemorial, people have covered the roofs of their houses with wood. Also, natural tiles, reeds, reeds were often used (for more details: “Reed roof - advantages and disadvantages”) and straw (see: “Do-it-yourself thatched roof - device features”). And in those regions where the forest was a rarity, roofing shingles were used. This material is called differently, in some regions it is a shingle, in some it is a spindle, plowshare or shingle. But regardless of this, the essence of the technology is the same - the roof is covered with wooden roofing boards, sawn or split in a certain way. Such a roof is as original as a reed roof, for example.

What attracts shingle roofing?

The main advantages of this roofing material include:

Shingles production methods

Wooden plates of the fight are made by splitting small blocks of wood. This allows you to get boards with a thickness of only 3-8 mm and a length of 35 to 50 cm. The width of such material depends on the initial diameter of the logs.

The wood is selected of the highest quality, that is, without flaws, knots or rot, the trunks must be even. Before starting the production of shingles, the bark must be removed from the wood and the core is cut down (this element is most prone to cracking). Blocks up to 50 cm long are sawn from halves or quarters of the trunk. It is from them that shingles are made.

Today, such a manual method of material production is used quite rarely, since the process is highly labor-intensive. In industrial volumes, shingles are made by sawing trunks on special machines.

Manufacturing and installation of aspen shingles, details on the video:

Laying shingles on the roof

When arranging wooden roofs, the slope should not exceed 15 degrees. The crate is made solid or with a step that is equal to a third of the length of the shingle. Lathing bars should have a section of 50 * 50 mm or 60 * 60 mm.

But according to some recommendations, a solid crate is regarded as an unnecessary element. This opinion is explained by the fact that the ventilation gap in this case will be insufficient, and this can cause the material to quickly become unusable. A similar situation exists for the arrangement of waterproofing. Some sources claim that it is simply necessary, others simply deny it. If you follow the canonical rules for laying shingles, then waterproofing is not applied at all. Such roofs can easily last 20, 30, or even all 50 years.

The shingles of larch were fastened earlier by the method of arranging grooves and ridges. Now it is fixed with nails, which must first be boiled in drying oil.

Mount shingles in several layers. On the cornices, it is additionally necessary to nail boards up to 40 cm wide and increase the number of layers of shingles by one. This is due to the greater susceptibility of overhangs to moisture.

The total number of layers of material can vary from 2 to 5, and it depends on the functional purpose of the building:

  • for non-residential premises, 2 layers of material are sufficient;
  • for residential it is necessary to lay 3-4 layers.

    They allow you to provide reliable protection for your home;

  • if the roof has a slope of more than 45 degrees, then the shingles are laid in 2 layers.

Laying of wooden shingles begins with an eaves overhang. As already mentioned, one more layer is used for this area.

Roof shingles: what is it, features and characteristics

The top row should completely overlap the bottom row, while protruding a few centimeters beyond it. The third row is laid in the same way - larger than the previous one, with a protrusion of several centimeters. And only the last fourth row does not reach the end of the previous one by a third of the length of the shingle (if the roof is laid according to the 3-layer method). Such a laying scheme allows you to completely protect the cornice overhang from the action of moisture that flows down from the roof slopes.

The shingle roofing technology itself is very reminiscent of a spruce cone. Most likely, the builders borrowed the arrangement of its scales for roofing, thanks to which they managed to develop a reliable roof structure that does not leak, protects well from cold and wind.

Do-it-yourself shingles for roofing

In the old days, it was quite difficult to find a more up-to-date roofing material than aspen shingles. In the southern regions of the country, houses were covered with straw and reeds, but in the northern and central regions, aspen shingles were common.

Shingles: the pros and cons of the material, examples of use

Aspen grows, and grew earlier everywhere, and shingles, properly prepared and mounted on the roof, for many decades reliably protected the roofs of peasant houses and wooden churches. On given time shingle roofing is elite, as well as reed, straw and slate, and natural tiles. There are not so many masters who know about the installation of shingle roofing and who have been able to maintain long-standing traditions, and their work is quite expensive.

shingle roof

Shingles production methods

Shingles are thin plates of wood, which have an average thickness of 3 to 8 millimeters, a width of 80 to 160 millimeters, and a length of 350 to 450 millimeters.

For its production, not only such a tree as aspen is suitable, but also larch, spruce and pine. You can use trees with a small diameter for this, the main thing here is that the trunks themselves are even, so that it is easy to cut logs from 40 to 45 centimeters long from them, and without knots. The chocks from which the core is cut out will be used for the production of shingles, since it is most susceptible to cracking. To remove the core, each log is first split in half or quarters and the core is cut out, and the remaining parts are split into thin plates, which are called shingles. Shingles can be harvested in summer, spring and autumn. The bark from the logs must be removed before work, otherwise the shingle roof will begin to rot very quickly.

industrial method for the production of shingles

There is a method and industrial production shingles, when the log is initially sawn into logs of only double length, then a beam is made from them, which is equal in width to the width of the shingle, and after that the beam is unraveled into shingles. Since the length of such shingles is on average 80 centimeters, it can be used on roofs with a large area.

For standard roofs, shingles with a long length are not used; they are sawn before being used in half. Sawn shingles will last a shorter period of time compared to chopped shingles, because it is not split naturally, which preserves its fibers, but is cut. Thus, integrity is not preserved in its structure, so if you want to make shingles with your own hands, then you should use the old splitting method. To do this, it is necessary to peel the logs using a specialized method using a knife with two handles, but this is a rather long task, it will take a long time to harvest shingles on a roof with a large area. So you can use a machine that is easy to make shingles, which in the old days was called “mahalo”.

Ancient lathe for making shingles

making shingles with your own hands

You need to do the machine like this:

  1. You need to take a log that has a length of 3 to 4 meters and a diameter of 120 to 160 millimeters. We measure 20 centimeters from the end and drill a hole, in which the diameter should be 3 millimeters.
  2. A metal kingpin must be inserted into the hole, it must move freely in it, the kingpin must have such a length that would allow the log to be fixed in a wooden block before starting work.
  3. At a distance of one meter from the end, where the hole for the king pin is drilled, we fix a knife-bracket along the log, which has a length of 60 centimeters. The knife should be located at such an angle that will allow you to remove shingles of the required thickness from the log.
  4. At the opposite end, a handle should be driven into the log, it should have a length of 40 centimeters.

    With this handle, the log can be moved during operation.

The chopping block made of wood, where the king pin is driven in, should be of such length and width that it is convenient to lay logs under the shingles on it, and the “wave” does not push it off during the work process. If the tree from which you are going to make shingles has dried up, then it should be soaked for a day or boiled for half an hour in an iron barrel in boiling water. The second option is more used for coniferous trees.
But not at all times, harvesting was carried out by a similar old method, for example, in 1939, in the USSR, the inventor Glazunov was granted a patent for a machine for the production of shingles by an industrial method.
If you like wood roofing, but don't want to do it yourself, then you can contact companies that know how to produce shingles, and they will do it quickly and professionally. You can also place an order for installation, and at the same time receive a guarantee for the material and for the work performed. If you can't afford it, then the next section is for you.

Installation of shingles on the roof

The slope of the roof for laying shingles must be equal to at least 15 degrees. The crate can be arranged solid or in increments of no more than 10 centimeters. Since wooden planks are light in weight, you can use 5 by 5 centimeters bars or poles that have a diameter of 6-7 centimeters for the crate. Roof shingles can be laid from two to five layers. When laying in two layers, each next plate should cover the previous half, in three rows 2/3, and if laying is carried out in four rows, then in 3/4, in five rows, the grip should be 4/5. A two-layer type coating is used for non-residential premises, but the remaining options are suitable for residential buildings.
There are two mutually exclusive opinions about the arrangement of the waterproofing layer. First opinion: waterproofing, that is, roofing material, can be put directly on the crate, second opinion: waterproofing can be omitted at all. If you follow the traditions of the ancient masters, then in fact waterproofing is not needed, including a continuous crate, since natural building material must breathe in order to properly perform its task. A solid crate and waterproofing interfere with this, and the roof will simply begin to rot.
The shingles should be laid from the overhang of the eaves to the ridge. Since the roof slopes are the most vulnerable places, it is necessary to lay additional boards there, which have a width of 35 to 40 centimeters, and even on the slopes, the number of layers of shingles should be done one more than on the entire roof. The boards are fastened with the help of special wooden nails, they have a length of 4 to 6 centimeters, before starting work they need to be boiled in drying oil.
The manufacture of shingles by splitting forms the plate so that if the plate is slightly bent, the fibers will rise and “pins” are formed. The lower first row should be laid out so that such "stabs" are on the outside, and the remaining rows on the roof so that the "stabs" are on the outside. inside. The most difficult thing is laying the plates in the valleys, here you will need additional layers of shingles and the arrangement of auxiliary planks on the crate.

Modern roofing materials imitating shingles

Companies that manufacture roofing materials offer a wide variety of shingle imitation options. For example, copper shingles, what is it like? In reality, this material, even from afar, does not look like wood plates. Copper plates have different shapes and sizes, it can be rhombuses, squares and others. Copper is less than a millimeter thick. Also, the plates are equipped with special "ears", for which they need to be attached to the crate. Price this material can be compared with the cost of wood plates, which were made by hand.
Foreign manufacturers of bituminous shingles offer collections made to look like shingles for purchase. But, in addition to this, there is also a polymer imitation of shingles, it is made of PVC, mineral additives, resins, according to external data, it completely repeats the color, shape and size of wood plates. This building roofing material is produced in three colors: weathered gray, new and brown cedar. This roofing material combines the external data of the ancient coating and modern technological processes production of the chemical industry. On sale, in addition to imitation shingles for roofing, you can also find basement siding shingles, which are also made of PVC and use such material to sheathe the lower parts of the walls of houses.


Proper organization of the internal space of the house is a guarantee that it will be functional and beautiful. This is what most owners of houses and apartments strive for, because living in stylish interior everyone wants! Can help with this wooden shingles. Many modern designers consider it an ideal material for creating original solutions for any living space. shingle finish will create coziness and harmony, filling with the warmth of natural wood.

What it is?

Shingles is a finishing material in the form of thin boards made of natural wood. For its manufacture, a special technology is used that allows you to maintain the integrity of the wood structure and obtain a versatile material that can be used both indoors and outdoors. For the manufacture of shingles, oak and larch wood is used.

Application in the interior

shingle finish - best option for rooms decorated in the style of "Country". A wall covered with wooden tiles will become one of the key design elements and will transform any room. Dranka can be combined with any other finishing materials. It will look good with elements made of glass, brick and even concrete. The use of shingles will also be appropriate in the interiors of cafes and restaurants made in the Rustic style.

How and with what to make a shingle yourself?

It will allow you to stylize the halls and create the desired atmosphere of uncouthness and rudeness. It can be combined with unplaned logs, rough plaster and other elements characteristic of this style. Deciding to use shingles in the interior, you will get a unique space and be able to create a comfortable microclimate for yourself and your family.

Where can I buy?

You can buy shingles and order work on its installation at WoodHead. We offer quality material manufactured in our own production shops using unique German technology. The process is complex and multi-stage and requires the use of high quality wood. This is what allows us to guarantee the high quality of our products. Our specialists have successfully implemented hundreds of projects and are ready to help you in the implementation of yours!

"WoodHead": invariably successful interior solutions!

All photos from the article

How to make a shingle with your own hands in a workshop in a garage or on personal plot? How does a machine for making shingles on an industrial scale work? How difficult is it to properly lay this material? Let's try to answer these questions.

What it is

To begin with, let's introduce those readers who are unfamiliar with the material under discussion and with its key features.


Shingles are chipped boards used as roofing. The raw material for them is aspen and coniferous wood - larch, cedar and pine.

Key feature: shingles, like other natural roofing materials. differing from it in the form and order of laying - shingle, plowshare, shingle - are made by longitudinal chipping of the workpiece.
Sawing will break the structure of the fibers and make the material excessively hygroscopic, which will necessarily affect its service life.

Key features

  • All types of wooden roofing can be used without additional waterproofing on roofs with a slope of 12-15 degrees;
  • With a smaller slope, the waterproofing material must be separated from the roof by a counter-lattice, which provides ventilation of its back side;

Good ventilation is the main condition for the long life of the roof.

  • The total number of layers in a wooden roof can reach eight, which makes its creation very laborious;
  • The maximum thickness of the shingles does not exceed 1 centimeter. The minimum thickness is 3 mm at all;
  • The typical dimensions of this roofing material are 400x150 mm. However, there are no formal requirements for size: it is determined by the dimensions of the chock from which the shingles are pricked;
  • Chock needs debarking: the presence of loose bark will lead to rapid decay of the roofing material. For the same reason, a soft core is cut out of the shingles or at the stage of sorting the boards;
  • Larch shingles are the most resistant to adverse atmospheric conditions and durable: its wood practically does not rot and does not absorb water. However, a much softer aspen shingle, despite its hygroscopicity, also boasts a long service life: periodic changes in the level of humidity and linear dimensions of the roof element do not harm the structure of the material.


The service life is, as a rule, no more than ten years. The exact value is largely determined by the master's ability to choose the optimal structure of wood and the direction of the fibers; even the direction of the annual rings affects the result. The laying procedure is very labor intensive and a significant percentage of rejection of the material.

For comparison, two people can cover the roof on a finished crate with a metal tile with a reasonable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house in one daylight hours. The service life of a metal roof with a polymer coating will be at least 30 years.



Do-it-yourself shingle production for small barn or a chicken coop does not require the purchase or manufacture of any equipment: all work is done with a direct hand plow - a knife with handles on both sides of the blade.

The quality of the roofing material obtained in this way is strongly influenced by the structure of the raw material. What should it be?

For the manufacture of shingles with a plow, only reliable fixation of the debarked chock in a horizontal position is required. Layers of wood are removed from it by the movement of the plow in the direction from far edge to yourself; the core is removed with the same plow from the already finished boards.


The traditional equipment for the production of shingles is a simple manual mahalo machine. It is a movably fixed long lever with a knife adjusted to required thickness cut wood, and an emphasis for fixing the chocks.

It is curious: massive logs are traditionally used as a lever and a bed.
The mass of the frame makes the swing motionless without pouring a stationary foundation; the mass of the lever and the inertia associated with it makes it possible to overcome the resistance of the fibers at the beginning of the shearing.

Mahalo is a simple device for handicraft production of small volumes of shingles.


The industrial machine for the production of shingles is a kind of horizontal guillotine: the reciprocating movement of the knife is combined with manual or mechanical clamping of the workpiece. The productivity of the machine is up to 40 boards per minute and is determined by the speed of loading chocks. The core is pre-cut from the workpiece.

As an example, we will give the characteristics of the SHS-1500 machine manufactured by Italian company Biffol.

The shingle machine allows manual adjustment of its thickness in the range of 8-40 millimeters.


The instructions for laying roofing material are identical to those for other types of wooden roofing.

  • The board is laid from the bottom up with an overlap of adjacent rows by at least two thirds of the length.. Laying is carried out in at least three layers;

In the photo - three-layer styling.

  • The maximum step of the crate should be no more than 10 cm. Often the shingles are laid on a solid plank shield along a counter-lattice;
  • As already mentioned, backside ventilation is a must.;
  • The board of the lower layers is attached to the crate with galvanized nails at the rate of one nail per board. The shingles of the top layer are fastened with two nails;
  • To prevent the nails from pricking the board, holes of a slightly smaller diameter are often drilled under them.. Alternatively, the tips can be bitten off at the nails: a blunt nail does not split the fibers, but crushes them;
  • In the valleys (corners between adjacent roof slopes) an additional layer of shingles is laid. Often an additional layer is laid under it. waterproofing material- bitumen or polyethylene.


We will consider our acquaintance with the ancient and so exotic type of roofing material in our time to have taken place. As always, the video in this article will offer additional thematic information to the reader. We will be glad to see your clarifications and additions in the comments. Good luck!