Well      03/29/2019

Application and useful properties of fragrant geranium. Fragrant Lemon Geranium: description with photo, home care and possible problems

Pelargonium fragrant is a well-known plant that has a lot of useful properties that are effectively used in traditional medicine. The evergreen subshrub comes from South Africa and has been grown for artificial purposes because of its decorative effect and for the production of essential oils present in the leaves of the plant and its stem.

In warm climates, fragrant pelargonium, often called geranium due to the similarity of the leaves of both plants, is grown on an industrial scale.

Description of fragrant pelargonium

Fragrant pelargonium is a flower that is completely unpretentious in its care, quickly rooting and easily propagating. The stem of the plant is densely branched, woody at the base, a little less than a meter high. The upper leaves, which range in color from pale green to dark shades, are arranged alternately, the lower ones are opposite; petioles are hairy. Monotony is often diluted with splashes of red or burgundy. Pelargonium leaves are decorated with a frill along the edge or deep cuts. Flowers are collected in umbrellas and delight the eye. various paints: purple, red, pink, white. The plant has a mild aroma, fragrant pelargonium with the smell of lilac is very beautiful.

The qualitative growth of fragrant pelargonium depends on factors such as:

  • good lighting;
  • timely regular watering;
  • warm climate;
  • pruning;
  • topping;
  • no spraying.


Pelargonium fragrant, home care for which is not particularly difficult, feels comfortable on warm and bright window sills; South windows are most suitable for the plant. The plant is very fond of the direct rays of the sun, with their lack, it ceases to please others with its flowering or it blooms very poorly. Pelargoniums grow well in hanging baskets and pots. These flowers love warm climates, direct sunlight, good drainage.

Content temperature

In winter, the most comfortable temperature for pelargonium is + 8-10 ° C, in summer + 25-30 ° C. Moreover, during this period of time, the plant is recommended to be kept outdoors or on a balcony.

The room in which the flower is located must be regularly ventilated, providing an influx of fresh air.


In watering, fragrant pelargonium loves moderation: an excess of water can cause rotting of the roots and wilting of the leaves. In winter, the supply of moisture needs to be reduced significantly - the plant will quite calmly endure its lack. It is not necessary to spray pelargonium, since the flower does not suffer from dry air at all. This procedure can only be performed in summer, at very hot temperatures.

top dressing

Two months after transplantation, pelargonium is recommended to be fed twice, with an interval of two weeks. Improving flowering will be determined by liquid mineral fertilizers (with a maximum of phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen); the flower assimilates organic raw materials poorly. Feeding is especially important during the period of active growth.


In order to ensure lush flowering, pelargonium needs to be pruned every year, leaving shoots with 2-4 nodes. Along the way, yellowed and dried leaves should be removed. To carry out these manipulations, you need to use a sharp knife; it is not recommended to tear off the leaves with your hands, because rotting of the torn edges may begin. It is advisable to sprinkle the cut points with charcoal.

The soil

The most comfortable is fragrant pelargonium, the medicinal properties of which are appreciated folk medicine, will feel in soil rich in nutrients. It can be a self-prepared composition of peat, sand and garden soil. A good drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the landing tank. In order to ensure oxygen access to the root system, the earth periodically needs to be loosened.

A small pot is most suitable for growing pelargonium: if the capacity is too spacious, the plant does not bloom so brightly and abundantly. A lush crown of pelargonium can be given by pinching in February or March (removing the growth point). An annual transplant is recommended for young plants, for adult specimens - as the roots of the flower pot are completely braided.


Vegetatively and by seeds are two ways in which fragrant pelargonium propagates. Home care (photo) is simple if you plant the plant correctly.

With the vegetative method, green apical cuttings with at least 3 leaves are cut at the end of the winter or summer season. The cut is made just below the knot, at an angle. Cuttings need to be dried for several hours; before planting, it is recommended to treat the cut points with a growth stimulator and charcoal. In the planting container, you need to place a substrate from the same parts of peat, soddy soil and sand. A container with plants is placed in a place where diffused bright light penetrates; the soil is constantly sprayed. Rooting occurs within 15-20 days. Then the grown seedlings need to be planted in individual containers. Pelargonium fragrant will begin to bloom approximately 5-7 months after rooting.

When growing pelargonium seeds, their sowing occurs in December-February. As a soil, peat is suitable in its pure form or in combination with sand. Shoots will appear in three weeks. All this time, the soil needs to be regularly moistened, and young plants need to create a greenhouse effect by covering the container with film or glass. Pelargonium is transferred to a separate container after the appearance of three leaves on it. It is better to pinch when the number of leaves is at least 6. The first flowering of a young plant is observed after about a year.

Problems in growing pelargonium

Of the pests, pelargonium is preferred by whiteflies and aphids.

Useful properties of pelargonium

It is believed that fragrant pelargonium is a flower of health, protection and love; She is able to cheer up and get rid of negativity. If pink flowers pelargoniums bring love to a person, then whites give the joy of motherhood. Fresh pelargonium leaves are used to flavor water in bath procedures or in the last water when rinsing hair. Pelargonium essential oil, which increases mental activity and physical performance, is widely used in soap making, perfumery and cosmetics. This healing agent is an excellent antidepressant that helps in the fight against the state of fear and anxiety, the restoration of the emotional state and a favorable aura.

Pelargonium essential oil is optimal for sensitive skin; having regenerating properties, it helps in the fight against rashes, peeling, burns, inflammation. Carrying out long-term aromatherapy will help in normalizing blood pressure.

Pelargonium fragrant: medicinal properties

The photo conveys all the beauty of the indoor flower, which is present in the apartments of many amateur flower growers.

High pressure will be removed by two leaves of pelargonium tied to the wrists. In this position, it is recommended to sit near the pelargonium for about 15-20 minutes.

From migraine will help get rid of 2 leaves of pelargonium, rolled into a tube and placed in the ears.

You can get rid of insomnia and increased nervous excitability by using a decoction of a crushed pelargonium leaf, poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink such a remedy twice a day before meals, 50-100 ml each.

Skin diseases can be cured with an infusion of crushed leaves of the plant. To do this, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, hold for 5-7 minutes in a water bath, strain, squeeze and bring boiled water to the original volume. Take three times a day for a tablespoon.

Toothache will help to remove a sheet of pelargonium, which, in a carefully mashed state, must be applied to the focus of pain.

A natural flavor that grows on the windowsill and is always near you (and not somewhere in the store) is a dream that, thanks to fragrant pelargoniums, comes true! The leaves of such pelargoniums are incredibly fragrant: just touch, and the aroma fills the room! When touched or rubbed, the leaves emit an aroma similar to those of rose, apple, cinnamon, mint, lemon, orange, pineapple, peach, lavender, verbena, wormwood, pine, lily of the valley, ginger, juniper, cedar, almond, coconut, nutmeg, caramel, and sometimes have complex flavors (aroma of balm, cologne, mossy forest, and even Coke!). Fragrant pelargonium (Pelargonium fragrans) has the smell of nutmeg, fragrant pelargonium, or fragrant (Pelargonium odoratissimum) - the smell of an apple. If you collect dried flowers in glass vessels, you can make a whole collection of smells.

The flowers of fragrant pelargoniums are inferior in beauty to species and hybrid pelargoniums, they are usually small and dim, but in some, flowering is elegant due to the abundance of small flowers. Some pelargoniums almost never bloom on window sills and are grown solely for the sake of fragrant foliage. Moreover, their foliage is unusual in shape, "curly", interesting.

Homeland of most fragrant pelargoniums - South Africa.

The essential oil of these plants is very different in composition and smell, even within the same species.

Smelling of rose, mint and citrus pelargoniums are suitable for flavoring teas, drinks, dishes. Dried leaves are used and mixed with tea. Citrus-scented leaves can spice up fish dishes and flavor vinegars and salad dressing oils.

Geranium essential oil is widely used in perfumery and food industry, as well as in medicine (antiseptic and bactericidal properties). It is used to make rose-scented perfumes, added to cosmetics, and used as a spice.

Fragrant Pelargonium

Initial scented species include in the group Species, or wild pelargoniums (Pelargonium Species), and in the group of pelargoniums with fragrant leaves (Scented Leaved Pelargoniums) they combined the obtained from them garden molds, varieties and hybrids.

Most often these are bushy plants with small simple flowers, although there are varieties with large ones. bright flowers and lush inflorescences. The leaves vary in size and shape in different varieties, they can be variegated (variegated).

The main ancestors of this group are fragrant pelargonium (Pelargonium graveolens), fragrant pelargonium (Pelargnium odoratissimum), curly pelargonium (Pelargonium crispum), pink pelargonium (Pelargonium radens), oak-leaved pelargonium (Pelargonium quercifolium), capitate pelargonium (Pelargonium capitatum), felt pelargonium ( Pelargonium tomentosum), odorous pelargonium (Pelargonium fragrans, in Lately it is supposed to be a hybrid of P. exstipulatum and P. odoratissimum).

Other types of fragrant pelargoniums:

Pelargonium birch (Pelargonium betulinum) - with a spicy aroma;
grape-leaved pelargonium (Pelargonium vitifolium) - with the smell of lemon balm;
guitar-shaped pelargonium (Pelargonium panduriforme) - with the aroma of geranium;
dichondroleaf pelargonium (Pelargonium dichondraefolium) - with the smell of black pepper;
sticky pelargonium (Pelargonium glutinosum) - with the smell of lemon balm;
pelargonium klobuchkovy (Pelargonium cucullatum) - with lemon aroma;
gooseberry pelargonium (Pelargonium grossularioides) - with lemon flavor;
melissa pelargonium (Pelargonium mellisimum) - with a sweet lemon aroma;
small-flowered pelargonium (Pelargonium parviflorum) - with the smell of coconut;
hairy pelargonium (Pelargonium hirtum) - with a pungent aroma;
sickle-leaved pelargonium (Pelargonium crithmifolium) - with the aroma of ginger and nutmeg;
rough pelargonium (Pelargonium scabrum) - with the smell of lemon;
rough pelargonium (Pelargonium x asperum)
Pelargonium abrotanifolium - with a sharp aroma;
Pelargonium hypoleucum.

Pelargonium is the most fragrant, or fragrant.

Torrento (Cola).

Pelargonium fragrant, or fragrant (Pelargonium odoratissimum) has a sprawling shape, the bushes are low and seem to be spreading in different directions. The leaves are rounded and almost not dissected. Plants can be used in flowerpots as ampelous. Depending on the origin essential oil can vary greatly in chemical composition and, accordingly, in therapeutic action. There are samples with an apple smell.

Pelargonium fragrant, or fragrant (Pelargonium graveolens), sometimes referred to as pink geranium. An old but very showy variety, bred as far back as 1805, Lady Plymouth with very elegant grey-green strongly dissected leaves and bright pink flowers. The bushes branch well and form well. The leaves have a pink aroma with a pronounced mint note.

The hybrid species of Pelargonium rough (Pelargonium x asperum Ehrhart ex Wildenow Bourbon type) produces an essential oil that is very valuable from the point of view of aromatherapists. It showed the greatest antiviral effect among geraniums.

Pelargoniun radens/

Under the name pink geranium, the capitate pelargonium (Pelargonium capitatum) is sometimes also mentioned, the species has heart-shaped strongly dissected leaves, strongly pubescent, cyclamen-pink flowers and a pink aroma. There is a very old Attar of Roses variety known since 1800. In height, it usually does not exceed 60 cm and is well suited for pots and containers.

Another species that claims to be the pink pelargonium is Pelargoniun radens. It is characterized by leaves very strongly dissected into narrow slices. Dense, strong, highly branched shrub with pink flowers, reaching a height of 1.5 m, to give it an acceptable shape for the room, you need to constantly cut it. Its leaves can smell like both rose and lemon.

Curly pelargonium (Pelargonium crispum) has a citrus aroma, small rounded leaves, more or less dissected. The Queen of Lemons variety, in addition to the lemon aroma, has elegant pink flowers. Lemon Fancy has small leaves with a rich lemon aroma, maroon touches are clearly visible on light pink petals. The Prince of Orange variety has been known since 1820 and has a rich orange peel smell. The flowers are large, light pink, like the previous variety, with maroon strokes at the base.

Varieties of fragrant pelargoniums

P. crispum Cy's Sunburst.

Pelargonium felt P. tomentosum Chocolate Mint (syn. Chocolate Peppermint) - undersized, up to 30 cm tall, with slightly hanging shoots. The leaves are medium to large, deeply lobed, soft, velvety, with a chocolate-brown spot in the center, smell of mint. The flowers are pale pink, with purple feathers on the upper petals.

Pelargonium capitatum P. capitatum Attar of Roses - up to 45 cm tall, with large three-lobed leaves with a strong aroma of roses. The flowers are lilac-pink, with a burgundy throat.

Pelargonium curly P. crispum Cy's Sunburst - has small lemon-smelling corrugated variegated foliage - green with a thin golden border. The flowers are pink.

Oakleaf pelargonium P. quercifolium Giant Oak - with very large, lobed leaves with a balsamic smell.

Pelargonium pink P. radens Red-Flowered Rose is an openwork pelargonium with grayish-green palmately dissected foliage (for which it is called crow's feet) and abundant red-pink (brighter than the main species) flowers. Very drought tolerant.

Pelargonium pink P. radens Radula - leaves are less finely cut than the main species (P. radens), with a less bright aroma. The flowers are small, lilac-pink.

Graveolens Group. Varieties of fragrant pelargonium (P. graveolens)

Camphor Rose - upright, up to 45 cm tall, with deeply cut leaves with a strong aroma of camphor and mint. The flowers are purple-pink.

Lady Plymouth is a very popular cultivar, 45-60 cm tall, leaves with fine white ossification, eucalyptus scent. Inflorescences of lavender-pink flowers appear in summer.

Both's Snowflake - upright, 30-60 cm tall and wide, with deeply cut leaves, sparkling due to irregular creamy variegation, with a rose scent.

Variegata - up to 60 cm, with pink flowers and variegated white green leaves with mint and rose fragrance.

Fragrans Group. Varieties of odorous pelargonium (Pelargonium fragrans)

Ardwick Cinnamon.

Fragrans Variegatum is a semi-shrub up to 15 cm tall, often with reddish stems, leaves are velvety, three-lobed, obtuse-toothed along the edge, light green, chartreuse color bordering, with a spicy aroma. The flowers are white, collected in inflorescences of 4-8, the two upper petals with small red stripes.

Lilian Pottinger - 25-30 cm tall and 12-16 cm wide, leaves are gray-green, irregularly three-lobed, serrated along the edge, with a complex aroma of camphor and pine. Forms many white flowers in summer with small red marks on the upper petals.

Ardwick Cinnamon - with small velvety dull green foliage with a cinnamon scent and white flowers with raspberry marks on the upper petals.

Pelargonium varieties with fragrant leaves

Varieties are mostly of hybrid origin.

Brunswick - up to 60 cm tall and 45 cm wide, leaves are large, dark green, deeply cut into pointed lobes, with a pungent odor. It has spectacular inflorescences of large pink flowers. Blooms in summer.

Citronella - dark green leaves, many-parted, with a very bright citrus aroma (citronella). During the flowering period - many small bright pink flowers.

Charity is a compact pelargonium up to 30 cm tall with palmately lobed, soft hairy, light green leaves with wide uneven golden edging. Very bright aroma of lemon with hints of rose. The flowers are small, white-pink, with crimson markings on the upper petals, collected in inflorescences of 5-7.

Copthorne - 45-60 cm high and often the same width, with powerful dark green leaves with large lobes, with a very strong sweet smell, reminiscent of cedar. Long-blooming showy purple-pink flowers with wine-red veins and spots on the upper petals.

Eucament - with strongly dissected leaves, like those of pink pelargonium (P. radens), with a bright smell of menthol.

Galway Star is a small dense pelargonium, leaves are deeply incised, serrated on the edge, corrugated, green, with a cream border, strong lemon aroma. The flowers are pale lilac, with bright magenta marks on the upper petals.

Gemstone is an upright, bushy variety 45-60 cm tall, with rough, lobed leaves that have a bright lemon scent. It blooms for a long time with spectacular pink-red inflorescences.

Grace Thomas is a large and dense upright variety up to 90 cm tall, with large, deeply cut, serrated leaves, with a lemon and lime scent and a sweet raspberry hue. The flowers are white to pale pink, with crimson spots and veins.

Hansen's Wild Spice is a slender plant up to 45 cm tall and wide. Without pruning, it gives semi-hanging stems. The leaves are beautiful, bare, serrated, with a strong aroma of citrus and spices. The flowers are quite large, come in different shades of pink, with darker marks on the top petals.

Joy Lucille - 45-60 cm high, with large velvety cut leaves with a menthol-mint aroma, and pale pink flowers with purple feathers on the upper petals.

Lara Jester - up to 40 cm tall, leaves are large, strongly dissected, with a lemon aroma. The flowers are quite large, the petals are pink-lilac, with paler edges and a white base. The upper petals have purple veins.

Lemon Kiss is a lush vertically growing pelargonium up to 40 cm tall and 20 cm wide. The foliage resembles curly pelargonium (Pelargonium crispum). The leaves are medium in size, rough, textured, serrated. Counts the best variety with lemon aroma of foliage. The flowers are small, lavender, with deep carmine feathers on the upper petals.

Mabel Gray - a wide bush 30-35 cm tall, with two-color serrated leaves of the form maple leaf, medium and large sizes, with the aroma of lemon verbena. The flowers are pale pink to light purple, the upper petals are marbled with plum-colored feathers. One of the most fragrant pelargoniums. Discovered in Kenya in 1960. Sometimes referred to as P. citronellum Mabel Gray.

Mabel Gray (P.citronellum)/

Mabel Gray (P.citronellum) is a fragrant pelargonium that is a real treasure. It occupies a special position for several reasons. Firstly, she is quite stubborn, it is difficult to root her. Secondly, of course, the main thing is its unsurpassed aroma, this is one of most fragrant pelargoniums. With a crisp lemon scent with minty notes, Mabel Gray is often cited as the best lemon-scented Pelargonium. Thirdly, the maple shape of the leaves, they are hard, rich green, attractive.

The history of this pelargonium tells about its thorny path. In the last century, the variety was found in Kenya by Lady Mary Baring when her husband was governor of the area. She named the plant after her mother, Mabel Grey. new pelargonium was presented at the most prestigious flower show in the world, the Royal Horticultural Union Show in 1960, as a cultivar Mabel Grey. Later, this plant was decided to be attributed to species pelargoniums, and it was renamed P.citronellum. Now we know this pelargonium under two different, but equivalent names.

In its native lands, it grows as a rather tall bush 1.5-2 meters in height, therefore, with a skillful approach, it is a candidate for the formation of a standard fragrant pelargonium at home.

Orsett is a large upright bushy plant up to 75 cm tall, with lobed green leaves with purple-brown spots in the center, with a spicy pleasant aroma. The flowers are large, mauve, with darker markings on the upper petals. Blooms for a very long time.

Paton "s Unique - belongs to the Unique group. 60-65 cm tall and up to 20 cm wide, leaves with a pungent smell, showy inflorescences, from coral red and pale pink flowers with small white eyes.

Phyllis - belongs to the Unique group, a very beautiful variegated sport from the Paton's Unique variety. The leaves are deeply incised, green, with creamy-cream edges, fragrant. The flowers are bright pink, luminous, with a white eye and dark feathers on the upper petals.

Round Leaf Rose - 60-90 cm high, with rounded, indistinctly lobed velvety, textured, repressed leaves with a bronze spot in the center, having a fresh orange aroma. The flowers are pink, with light spots and purple veins on the upper petals.

Shottesham Red syn. Concolor Lace - up to 60 cm high and wide. A compact pyramidal plant with very beautiful, velvety, corrugated, light green leaves. The aroma of the leaves is sweetly pungent, with slight hints of hazelnut. It blooms from spring to autumn with inflorescences of lilac-red, rare colors, flowers, with darker feathers on the upper petals, the three lower petals are lighter.

Application of geranium oil

As a medicine, geranium oil has been known since ancient times. It has a bactericidal, antispasmodic, soothing, tonic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic effect. Due to its bactericidal properties, geranium oil is used in the treatment of certain infectious diseases. The bactericidal activity of geranium ranges from 125-400 μg / ml. Active against Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It has a positive effect on the phagocytic activity of macrophages (5 µg/ml). Stimulates the adrenal cortex.

This essential oil contains more than 120 components, mainly terpenoids. Its antimicrobial and antiviral activity is 6.5 times greater than the effect of phenol (carbolic acid), which is considered the strongest antiseptic.

Geranium oil increases efficiency, increases attention, improves the tone of brain vessels, relaxant. Effective for burns, wounds, fractures, frostbite, dermatosis and stomatitis. Used for diabetes. Stimulates the functions of the liver and pancreas. Effective in the form of drops and ointments for otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

This is a good antiseptic, mild to the skin, does not cause irritation. It, like tea tree essential oil, is recommended for external use in the form of ointments for shingles and chickenpox.

Ointments with geranium essential oil - good remedy with eczema and dermatitis, poorly healing wounds, cuts, scratches, as well as acne and pimples. Geranium is very active against candidiasis.

Externally, mixed with warming oils, it is used for arthritis and myositis.

In aroma lamps, they are used for asthenia, neurasthenia and other functional disorders. nervous system. The aroma of geranium has a regulatory effect, weakening the reaction to stress. This action is associated with the regulation of the production of stress hormones. Essential oil has a regulating effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate. Not being a hormone, rose geranium essential oil has a harmonizing effect on the endocrine system, especially in women. Therefore, in the form of inhalation, the oil is useful for PMS and dysmenorrhea.

This oil, like rose or lemon, can be taken orally 1-2 drops. It has a regenerating effect on the liver.

Russian scientists tested the effectiveness of the properties of geranium oil experimentally. A few drops of a liquid containing millions of staphylococci were applied to the surface of a leaf of room pelargonium, and after 3 hours most of the bacteria died. The bacteria applied to the nutrient medium were placed at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the leaves of the pelargonium, and after 6 hours they all died.

Clinical studies have confirmed that staying for 10 minutes next to a flowering pelargonium bush (at a distance of 60 cm) has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the central nervous system: it calms, improves sleep. Neighborhood with pelargonium is useful for people with neurotic reactions, suffering from insomnia, hypertension, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Especially good action it has on patients with chronic gastritis with high acidity.

Contraindications: Geranium oil is not toxic, but in very rare cases, individual intolerance and allergic reactions occur.

Fragrant pelargoniums: reasons to start

This is aromatherapy, and the remedy is always at hand: just stroke the leaves of the plant, and the aroma spreads throughout the room.

Fragrant pelargoniums are available in any color and smell. From chocolate and lemon to wormwood, mint and even Coke!

Most species of these plants are hardy, do not cause any trouble, easily tolerate drying and overflow.

They will provide a powerful antibacterial effect in the house. Essential oils and phytoncides contained in these plants kill pathogenic microorganisms. You will be much less likely to get sick.

All fragrances are interesting and beautiful plants.

You can even experiment with fragrant pelargoniums in cooking, because these plants are edible. They can flavor butter, add to pastries and tea.

The leaves of these pelargoniums are used for treatment various diseases.

They purify the air the best. According to the latest research, it is fragrant pelargoniums that purify indoor air from harmful impurities.

Fragrant pelargoniums, list of varieties and aromas

The indication of the aroma of fragrant pelargonium is largely conditional: each person is unique, you can hear the indicated smells in the aroma, or you can smell something else. The easiest way is with bright lemon aromas, it is difficult to feel something different here, but complex aromas are really complex, they can be very difficult to describe. Nevertheless, for guidance, see the list:

Apple Betty - delicious fruit scent with apple flavor
Attar Of Roses - the scent of a rose, rose oil
Atomic Snowflake - very pleasant lemon-rose scent
Ardwic Cinnamon - sweet cinnamon smell breaks through the subtle wormwood scent
Ashby - pine aroma with spices
Both "s Snowflake - the aroma of a rose and the distant smell of lemon
Brilliantine - the smell of Cologne water, men's cologne, perfumery with a tobacco note
Citronella - the smell of citronella
Citrosa Lemon - lemon + herb flavor
Cordifolium - pleasant subtle grapefruit flavor
Crissum variegatum - lemon scent
Cristum peach cream - vanilla-lemon and peach scent
Candy Dancer - pleasant aroma of rose and lemon with caramel
Charmay Snowflurry - the smell of balm and lemon
Camphor Rose - strong aroma of camphor and mint
Charity - the smell of orange-rose, lemon with notes of rose
Chocolate eppermint - the smell of chocolate menthol
Crowfoot Rose - lemon-rose fragrance
Clorinda - cedar-eucalyptus fragrance
Concolor Lace - aroma of spices
Cy's Sunburst - delicious citrus flavor
Cuculatum subsp. tabulare Volschenk - sweet smell with a hint of incense
Dark Lady - menthol flavor
Dorcas Brigham Lime - the smell of Coke
Deerwood Lavender Lad - lavender fragrance
Dean's Delight - coniferous aroma, oak foliage
Elongatum - sweet fruity coconut-citrus fragrance
Englerianum - floral-fruity sweet oily scent + cedar, rose, camphor
Fulgidum - the smell of leaves resembles the smell of carrots
Fringed Apple - a scent of wormwood with a hint of apple
Filicifolium - peach rose and some pine needles
Fruity - sweet fruity scent + subtle hint of wormwood
Fragrant Frosty - lemon rose, variegated foliage
Fragrans/Nutmeg - the smell of wormwood and nutmeg, woody
Fragrans variegatum - wormwood and nutmeg scent, woody
Golden Clorinda - forest scent with hints of peach
Graveolens - the scent of a rose
Gibbosum - succulent variety, beautiful hyacinth-scented flowers
Galway Star - the strongest lemon flavor
Grossularioides - strong sweet smell of coconut
Hazelnut - the smell of hazelnuts (hazel)
Hispidum - pleasant balsamic smell + grassy undertones
Hemley - lavender-rose fragrance
Hermanus Show - menthol-herbal fragrance
Islington Peppermint - the smell of mint. beautiful flowers
Joy Lucille - menthol-mint flavor
Lady Plymouth - eucalyptus and rose scent, variegated
Lara Jester - rose-lemon mint fragrance, beautiful foliage
Lara Nomad - the strongest lemon scent
Lavender Lindy - smell of lavender
Lady Scarborough - fruity strawberry-strawberry scent
Lilian Pottinger - a complex aroma of camphor and pine
Little Gem - lemon-rose
Mabel Gray = p.citronellum - very strong citrus aroma, strongest!
Mons Ninon - rose and peach
Marie Thomas - citrus and catnip scent
Odorata Lemon - smell of lemon
Odorata Pino - resinous scent of pine needles
Odorata Rose - the scent of a rose
Odorata Cola - the smell of Coca-Cola
Odoratissimum - the smell of apple and rose
Old Spice - the smell of cloves and a hint of wormwood
Orange Fizz - strong citrus scent of lemon with orange
Orange=Princeanum - light citrus scent
Olga Shipston - the scent of lilac with a subtle hint of wormwood
Orsett - the smell of spices, needles, allspice and black pepper
Pink Champagne - the smell of pink sweet champagne
Pink Capitatum - fruity, floral, rose notes
Tetragonum - succulent pelargonium with a sweet scent of leaves
Phillys - complex, sweetish-spicy smell of mushrooms and woods
Prince of Orange - floral sweet scent + tangerine
Panduriforme - the smell of pine balsam
Pheasants Foot - pungent sweet woody fragrance
Poquito - coniferous sharp pungent smell
Quercifolium/Village Hill Oak/Giant Oak - balsamic + pine scent
Radens - the scent of a rose
Royal Oak - royal oak, pungent resinous smell of needles and woods
Robers Lemon Rose - lemon-rose fragrance, leaves like a tomato
Scabrum - sweet smell of gum
Sweet Mimosa - sweet mimosa, spice and rose fragrance
Torrento - the smell of Coca-Cola
Vitifolium - smell of meadow herbs, lemon balm and rose
Patons Unique - sweet peach and verbena scent
Robin "s Unique - sweet smell and rose-peach smell
White Unique - sweet pleasant aroma

Indoor Geranium or pelargonium well-known houseplant. Released today so many various kinds and varieties, there are already more than 400 of them all over the world. output new varieties of indoor geraniums started a very long time ago, probably, as soon as they got to England, botanists immediately began to breed new species and subspecies, already in the 17th century there were quite a few breeding varieties of geranium. The most popular varieties can be found on the shelves flower shops and window sills of the houses of your relatives and friends.

Pelargonium, with its unpretentiousness, has won the hearts of many flower lovers. The main advantage of room geranium is the fact that the same plant is equally well grown both indoors and outdoors, and at the same time the breeding conditions themselves do not differ, which makes its breeding and cultivation quite troublesome. If you still don’t know the name of the room geranium variety on your windowsill or table, read the description of the varieties and you will find out what your beauty is called.

Indoor Geranium (Pelargonium) Zonal

Zonal geranium (pelargonium)

Zonal geranium (pelargonium) - the most popular variety, every lover of this plant has such a geranium. This variety of geranium has a large number of varieties, but each variety of this species is distinguished by a special splendor of the plant and very abundant flowering.

The trunk of all varieties is even, and the leaves are always corrugated, have different edging along the edges, the foliage is always lowered to the bottom and has a peculiar aroma. Her flowers are very diverse, they are ordinary, double, semi-double, each flower has from 5 to 8 petals. In shape, the flowers of the zonal geranium are very diverse, some simply fascinate with their beauty, and they are like this:

Geranium (pelargonium) Tulip-shaped

Tulip-shaped - in shape, these flowers look like nothing more than a half-opened tulip bud; in the inflorescence, they resemble a bouquet of tulips that are about to open. Colors are completely different.


Rosebuds- the name itself, immediately reminds of roses, they are exactly what they look like, such a flower looks like a rosebud that has not yet been fully opened. The color is only pink or red.

Cactus or clove geranium

cactus- resemble a cactus or chrysanthemum flower, they always have narrow petals, and the color is only red.

Star-shaped - the name speaks for itself, they resemble small stars in their shape.

Geranium (pelargonium) stellata

Format (stellate) - in shape, the flowers themselves, as if star-shaped, look like stars, but the foliage also has a difference here, it is dissected into 5 parts.

Deacons- have the smallest flowers in size, inflorescences can be pink, red, purple, while these colors have different shades.

Geranium (pelargonium) Deacons or Bird eggs

The color of the flower petals of this species is very diverse, in their color, there are even mixed colors, with stripes or splashes. There is even a coloring which was given a name "bird eggs" They named them so because the blotches are shaped like the color of a bird's egg. Zonal geranium blooms all year round and quite abundantly.

Zonal geraniums differ from each other not only in the shape and color of the flowers, but also in their size; they are microminiature; this variety reaches a maximum height of 14 cm; large it irines they always grow up to 70 cm.

This species is also distinguished by its leaves, they are always bordered, the border can be brownish, reddish, white, bluish or burgundy. The center of the leaf is also always pronounced, it can be varied, the most unusual black and silver colors of the center of the leaf. You can sometimes find even tricolor leaves.

Royal geranium (pelargonium)

royal geranium called the most beautiful representative among geraniums, and her flowers are the largest among all. The flowers of this beauty can be pink, white, purple, red and burgundy, and the size of the inflorescence is large 16 cm in diameter, making this bouquet simply luxurious.

Flowers are ordinary and double, the edges are always wavy. Flowers almost always have stripes or dark spots. The highlight of this variety are flower petals, to be more precise, 2 petals on a flower - they are always larger than the rest and more terry and velvety.

The leaves of this variety are very similar to clover leaves. They can be pale and rich in color.

The size of the royal geranium is quite small, it grows up to a maximum of 15 cm in height.

This variety, unlike the others, is very whimsical like a real queen, she is picky in everything. Yes, and it blooms less than all the others, the flowering period does not exceed 4 months and it blooms no earlier than 2 years later and only if the conditions are completely suitable for it.

This variety does not like to live on the windowsill in the summer, for the summer it is better to identify it in fresh air, but plant it in open ground no need, it will create stress for her, and she will start to get sick, just take the pot outside. You can put it on the balcony if you live in an apartment. While she is outside, be attentive to the weather, the hero does not like rain, in no case leave her in the rain, heavy rain can completely destroy the plant.

Fragrant geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium (pelargonium) Fragrant

scented geranium named so for a reason, this variety is really very fragrant, has a very bright aroma. If you touch its leaves, it will simply surround you with its scent. In this aroma, you can clearly catch notes of mint, ginger, lemon, a little rose and even strawberry, this variety has such a unique aroma.

Nowadays, through the efforts of botanists, unique hybrids of this variety have already been bred, which exude aromas of apples, anise, pine, and even, which is difficult to imagine, the aroma of kiwi.

The flowers of this variety are not at all large, they are only purple and pink in color. Their form is different, there is no exact description of the forms.

The leaves are divided into 5-7 parts and they are always double.

Geranium (pelargonium) Angel

Geranium (pelargonium) Angel

Angel - this variety stands out among the rest with its unusual flowers, they look like " Pansies". They also have dark spots or stripes on the top two petals, which is quite unusual for geraniums. These unique flowers come in pinks, whites and purples in a variety of hues.

This variety grows neither large nor small, its growth reaches 35 cm in height. She has a very beautiful branching, especially with proper pruning, the bush looks very aesthetically pleasing due to the lush branches that look just luxurious.

Ivy geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium (pelargonium) Ivy

ivy geranium was bred by botanists by crossing. She is an ampelous plant. The leaves of this geranium are similar to ivy leaves, which in general gave the plant its name. Such a geranium is intended for growing in hanging flowerpots, it is decorated with loggias and balconies, it looks simply gorgeous, especially during the flowering period.

This is the only representative of the species that is rarely grown indoors, it is designed to grow in outdoor conditions and it blooms, respectively, exclusively in the warm season, starting in May and flowering ends around the end of September, it all depends on weather conditions.

It is necessary to plant a geranium in a bright place, it does not tolerate a constant shadow, but the constantly falling sun's rays are also detrimental to it, so a place should be chosen such that the sun's rays fall on the geranium only some part of the day.

The plant is watered in the same way as everyone else, watering is needed moderate. During the dormant period, watering is reduced, the soil is not watered abundantly, it will simply need to be moistened.

The flowers of the ivy geranium can range from simple to chic double-coloured like no other. The size of the flower is quite large, it reaches 5 cm in diameter, one flower, and their inflorescences can be up to 15 pieces. The color of the flowers is very diverse, they come in various shades and reach from white to black and blue. Spots, blotches, stripes and edging are very common on flowers. If you plant such geraniums of various colors in one flowerpot, then the effect is simply amazing.

This geranium is not one of the small ones, the length of the branches can reach 1 meter in length, respectively, this variety of geraniums must be planted in flowerpots suspended at least 1.5 meters from the ground.

For the winter, the geranium plant is brought indoors, but it does not fit in warm, bright rooms, for the winter it must be placed in a cool place with low lighting, such a place can be, for example, an insulated corridor at home where frost does not get.

Pruning of this variety is carried out only at the end of winter, it is best to do this in March.

Cuttings for propagation in the winter are not grown, because for the plant this is a dormant period and the cuttings take root very poorly. It is better to do this during pruning, that is, in early spring.

Geranium (pelargonium) Unicum

Geranium (pelargonium) Unicum

Geranium varieties unique quite tall, mature plants reach 50 cm in height. This group of varieties began to be bred as early as 1870. The unique ones are the easiest to care for and are perfectly grown outdoors in the open field.

The only ones always bloom very profusely, the flowers have a variety of colors, they are simple and terry. The color of the flowers is varied and varies, flowers with dark spots and stripes are not uncommon. The flowers themselves are similar in shape to flowers. royal geranium, but their size is much smaller and the inflorescences themselves are not so lush. The foliage is always heavily dissected and has a very rich color and a spicy aroma that spreads when the leaves are touched.

Geranium (pelargonium) succulent

Geranium (pelargonium) Succulent

succulent geranium so named due to the fact that it is a variety obtained by crossing with succulents and it has received many of the characteristics of this plant genus.

The trunk of this species is always stiff from below, they are branchy, and there are also representatives who are more like an elongated root crop that has grown on the surface, which has already dried up and stiffened, and suddenly suddenly came to life and released a leafy forelock from above. Such geraniums are great for decorating various bonsai. Fit perfectly into various decor rooms that need to be decorated in a certain style.

Succulent geraniums are hard to tell right off the bat that they are geraniums, but the scent of the leaves will always give it away. The appearance of the edge is very unusual and it is not immediately clear whether a dwarf baobab is growing in a pot, or whether it is some kind of mythical creature that has climbed into the pot. This unusual and non-standard is a highlight that makes it absolutely unlike any other plant of its kind.

There are varieties of succulent geraniums, the branches of which are covered with small thorns.

In care, geraniums are not whimsical. Watering also requires moderate, but if you forget about watering for a long time, then it can completely shed its leaves from drying out. It will be enough to restore the water balance of the soil and new leaves will definitely appear again.

When planting, this variety needs well-drained soil and good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Lemon geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium (pelargonium) Lemon

lemon geranium the largest representative of its kind, it is a real giant among geraniums, its height can reach up to 1.5 meters in height. It was called lemon because of the peculiar aroma that the leaves exude, it is very similar to the aroma of lemon.

It is not whimsical in care, like most geraniums. It blooms only in summer, in winter it has a dormant period. Great for outdoor growing. A distinctive feature of this variety, its leaves, they have a rich green color and are strongly dissected into 5-7 parts, the leaves of this variety are always down. From afar, its leaves resemble green snowflakes and look very impressive. This geranium does not tolerate being near heat sources, for example, it cannot be placed near radiators or stoves.

Watering is also moderate and no spraying at room conditions. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced, provided that it does not bloom.

Regardless of the variety, your geranium will always delight you with its beauty with proper care. Decide on a variety that you would like to see in your home and grow this beauty in your home without difficulty.

You can find out more about growing geraniums and caring for them in the article. .

Great( 11 ) Badly( 6 )

All pelargoniums are divided into two large groups: bush and ampelous plants. The first are divided into flowering, creating decorative effect bright, conspicuous inflorescences, and fragrant, which are bred for their fragrant leaves.


The most common type in indoor floriculture is Pelargonium garden, or zonal. Bushes reach a height of 30-60 cm, although in some varieties the stems grow up to 1.3 m and above. The species name refers to the horseshoe pattern on the round and slightly wavy leaves. The flowers are double, semi-double or non-double, usually red, pink or white.

Pelargonium home- cultivated species, semi-shrub 45 cm high with leaves toothed along the edge. The flowers are white, pink, red, lilac in color, as well as with spots or stripes.

Pelargonium curly- the species is valued for its decorative fragrant, yellow-spotted leaves with curly edges.

Pelargonium fragrant - shrub up to 1 m high with fragrant leaves. Flowers small, pink.

Pelargonium grandiflora- a species with large finely toothed, folded leaves, without a border. The flowers are large (up to 5-6 cm in diameter), simple or double, of various colors - from white to dark red and purple, of various shades. Large-flowered pelargonium is sometimes also called English, but in England it is known as royal, or exhibition pelargonium, and in the USA as Lady Washington.


Pelargonium thyroid, or ivy- herbaceous plant with long (up to 80 cm) creeping shoots. The leaves are thick, smooth, green, sometimes reddish on the edge. The flowers are simple or double, white, pink, red or lilac.

Light mode: prefers a sunny place.

Temperature regime: moderate.

Water regime: moderate watering (the soil should be moist all the time, but not waterlogged).

Soil: from equal parts of soddy, leafy, humus soil and sand.

Transplant: as the root system grows (when the pot becomes small). For young plants take pots small size. In this case, flowering will be more abundant. Old plants with lignified stems are not recommended to be kept indoors!

Nutritional regimen: regular fertilizing with potash fertilizer.

Rest period - winter: moderate watering, keeping in a bright, well-ventilated room at a temperature of 8-12 o C. In the fall, the plant is pruned.

Propagation: stem cuttings.

Geranium pests


Control measures. 2 ml (1 ampoule) of Iskra BIO per 1 liter of water.

Use in geranium phytodesign

This is one of the most common indoor plants. Many flower growers grow geraniums not only because of the beautiful inflorescences, but also for the fragrant leaves. The most popular are zonal or garden pelargoniums. Pelargonium thyroid, due to its long shoots, is especially good for decorating balconies, growing in hanging planters and vases.

From the leaves of pelargoniums, an essential oil is obtained, which is called geranium. At all times, rose-scented geranium oil has been highly valued as a substitute for the extremely expensive rose. The best essential oil is obtained from plantations in the south of France and Spain. In France, in the vicinity of the city of Grasse, it was isolated from the leaves of "geranium" already in the 18th century, and today this country is the world leader in the production of aromatic substances. Geranium oil is widely used in perfumery, in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industries, it is used in soap making and the production of certain varieties of tobacco.

Useful properties of geranium

Reduces total microbial content in indoor air by 80%.

Pelargonium, which is called geranium by many flower growers, is a well-known indoor culture. The beneficial properties of geranium for humans and its medicinal purpose are known to few. However, when choosing such a plant as a component for the treatment of ailments, one must take into account not only its medicinal properties, but also contraindications.

The chemical composition of pelargonium

Fragrant geranium has not only a memorable smell, but also almost unique chemical composition. Harvesting of useful raw materials is carried out during the flowering period. For cutting, a flower is used, as well as a stem. The use of the rhizome is negligible, therefore, this part of the plant is rarely used as a medicinal raw material. Useful and medicinal properties geraniums are due to:

  • vitamin "C";
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • carotene;
  • starch;
  • pectin;
  • tannins;
  • gum.

The main value of such a perennial is the abundant amount of bactericidal substances released by the plant in the process of life. When combined with air, such components have an overwhelming effect on pathogenic microflora.

Useful properties of room geranium in terms of bioenergy

indoor geranium, or pelargonium, is not only a very attractive plant with bright flowers, but also an excellent absorber of negative energy. Despite the fact that a huge number of varieties of such a perennial ornamental plant are known, When choosing a room geranium, you need to consider its color:

  • red geranium is the most powerful source vital energy and strength. Such a plant is able to give its owner a supply of positive internal energy. A flower grower with such a perennial is less likely to be negatively affected by stress, and is also very well protected from chronic fatigue or overwork;
  • pink geranium quite deservedly considered a talisman of strong relationships of couples and all lovers. Such an indoor flower will be an excellent gift for everyone who seeks to find their happiness or wants to save the already created ones. family relationships;

  • white geranium is a symbol of pure and selfless love, so it will be an ideal gift for a wedding. According to popular beliefs, white geranium allows for conception and should be placed in the bedroom;
  • purple potted geranium not only looks very original and impressive in home interior, but also allows you to fill the soul of its owner with spiritual values.

It must be remembered that it is purple indoor flowers of any kind can distract from the hustle and bustle of the world. According to Feng Shui practitioners, the aroma of geranium spreading throughout the apartment allows you to get rid of an inferiority complex and self-destructive emotions, promotes rapid recovery after unpleasant conversations, and helps develop and strengthen a sense of love and mutual understanding.

The healing properties of pelargonium (video)

Medicinal properties of homemade geranium for humans

Indoor geranium contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. As practice shows, it is enough to attach a small leaf of such a plant to the wrist. Also, this odorous plant very effectively stimulates blood flow and allows you to normalize the heart rhythm. Pelargonium is very widely used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases. For this purpose, tincture or freshly squeezed juice is used.

Pelargonium helps with otitis very well, for which you just need to roll up the leaf of the plant and lay it inside the inflamed ear.

indoor flower can also help in the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • toothache;
  • stomach upset;
  • festering wounds.

A plant used for medicinal purposes must be perfectly healthy and well developed, free of signs of disease or pests.

The use of pelargonium in cosmetology

Despite the fact that geranium and pelargonium are plants from different kinds of the same family, amateur flower growers often confuse them. Pelargonium rosea is cultivated as an ethereal perennial plant, which is a hybrid form of many species. The oil of this plant is a popular aphrodisiac for women. Also Geranium essential oil is characterized by the following properties:

  • tones dry skin;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on dry, tired, normal and oily skin;
  • beneficial effect on problem skin;
  • normalizes the processes of fat metabolism and improves complexion;
  • has a pronounced whitening effect;
  • able to cure acne in adolescence;
  • effectively fights fine wrinkles;
  • helps in getting rid of cellulite.

The product is used in aroma lamps, cold inhalations, soothing or tonic baths, compresses, massage, as well as in conjunction with other cosmetics of plant origin.

The oil helps to eliminate dandruff, therefore it is included in the composition of special therapeutic compositions aimed at preventing and getting rid of hair loss. The use of undiluted oil applications promotes the regeneration of damaged skin, fast recovery skin with frostbite and burns, and also saves from fungal infections and dermatitis.

Geranium oil: properties (video)

The use of the plant in cooking

Scented pelargonium is the most famous and popular addition to pastries and jelly. Such a plant gives aroma and piquancy to many other culinary products:

  • leaves of varieties with a pronounced lemon, mint or rose aroma are often added to iced tea, butter and ice cream;
  • fragrant geranium with the aroma of roses and lemon, can be added in layers to flour or granulated sugar, which allows you to give a subtle and very delicate aroma;
  • candied leaves with the use of egg white and sugar can be used to decorate pies and all kinds of desserts.

Other culinary uses for the leaves of the ornamental fragrant perennial include incorporating the plant material into fruit punches, herbal vinegars, salads, biscuits and scones, holiday breads, cream cheese products, and rice dishes. Geranium syrups are used in jelly, sherbets, mousses and ice cream. Crushed fresh pelargonium is also a great addition to fresh or frozen fruit.

Fragrant geranium: contraindications

Restrictions on the use of any medicines obtained using room pelargonium is a history of diseases such as peptic ulcer and gastritis of various origins. Such drugs and folk remedies are also contraindicated for pregnant women and the elderly. Not recommended internal use infusions and decoctions for the treatment of preschool and younger children school age. Important to remember and about the limitation caused by individual intolerance and allergic reactions.

How to grow geraniums (video)

Pelargonium has for many years been the most famous houseplant care of which does not require special knowledge and a lot of time. And the presence of a large number of useful properties make this very beautifully flowering decorative perennial in demand among amateur flower growers, and also highly revered not only in folk, but also in official medicine in many countries.