Shower      06/13/2019

How to grow adenium correctly. Step-by-step planting instructions. Further care for adenium

Adenium at home adapts to any living conditions. Despite this, this flower is not often found in apartments. Why? People are afraid of his exoticism. Many people do not know what care and maintenance adenium needs. In particular, how to water and feed it, how to replant and when to prune.

So, recommendations from experts on caring for adenium at home. What soil does it need, when to replant it, how to prune and fertilize. What to do if adenium sheds its leaves, a description of its common diseases.

Adenium - care and maintenance in the apartment

Adenium feels great both under the scorching sun and in the humid environment of the tropics. What kind of care does he need at home?

Collateral successful cultivation Adenium flower at home is moderate watering, light and loose soil and a well-lit place on the windowsill. IN winter time Backlighting is required for 14 hours.

Lighting. This is an important parameter in caring for adeniums at home. The flower needs quite intense lighting. The optimal location for the plant is windows on the east and south sides of the house, where there is no shading from trees. In summer, it is recommended to place the plant on a balcony or glassed-in loggia, where there is again direct sunlight. Despite the general opinion that adenium needs to be shaded, practice shows that the plant must be exposed to direct sunlight for 4-5 hours a day without any shading. During the rest of the daylight hours, the plant needs a large amount of bright, diffused light.

Without good lighting mature plant adenium blooms sparingly or does not bloom at all, young flowers slow down their growth.

In winter, you cannot remove adenium from the southern windows of the house completely. Due to lack of light, the plant does not bloom and looks sickly. With a parallel decrease in light levels, temperature and humidity, the plant goes dormant. Adenium may partially or completely lose its leaves. It all depends on the type of plant.

Temperature for adenium. The temperature regime at which adenium will be kept at home is closely related to the humidity regime. So, in natural conditions (tropics), the plant easily tolerates temperatures up to +42 degrees, but at the same time, air humidity reaches 90%. Therefore, at home (in mid-latitudes), when the average daily temperature rises, it is necessary to increase the air humidity. So, Maximum temperature The temperature at which adenium will feel comfortable in the room of an ordinary residential apartment will be +35 degrees. But in this case it is necessary to keep the humidity within 80%. The average daily temperature in ordinary residential premises in mid-latitudes in summer is +25...+30 degrees. In such conditions, air humidity should be equal to 75-80%. Although, according to experts, when the average temperature of keeping adenium at home decreases, its growth and flowering intensity decrease.

In winter, the average daily temperature in ordinary apartments decreases and is within +16...+22 degrees. At the same time, the length of daylight hours decreases. In such conditions, adenium goes into forced rest. The plant partially or completely sheds its leaves. It is believed that a period of rest is simply necessary for a flower, since during this time the flower gains strength and grows with renewed vigor in the spring.

It is believed that the optimal temperature for keeping adenium at home in winter is temperature regime within +12...+16 degrees. The lower minimum temperature limit at which the plant will not die is +10 degrees and necessarily low air humidity. If the room temperature drops below +10 degrees and the air humidity remains high, there is a possibility of rotting of the root system of the flower.

Humidity. There is a pattern: the higher the temperature of adenium at home, the higher the air humidity should be. On the other hand, this plant feels great in the desert, where, along with high temperature air humidity is low. What air humidity does adenium need at home? At an average temperature of +25...+30 degrees, air humidity should be in the range of 75-80%.

I don’t spray adeniums. The air humidity in the room where the flower is located is increased as follows: bowls with water or wet expanded clay are placed near the flower. Although, experts recommend giving the plant light, warm rain on the hottest days. But the rain should be short-lived and only in the evenings after sunset. Otherwise, the leaves of the flower will get burned in direct sunlight. Water during “rain” should not fall on adenium flowers.

Air humidity decreases with decreasing temperature of the plant. So, adenium can easily overwinter at a temperature of +12...+16 degrees and very low air humidity, almost in a dry climate. If the air humidity is high and the temperature is low, the roots of the plant will rot.

How to water adenium? Home care favorable for adenium involves the following watering regime:

1. Abundant watering every other day. On especially hot, sunny summer days, the soil in the pot with adenium should be slightly moist. This will have a positive effect on his well-being. The plant needs abundant watering during the period of intensive growth, and it grows when it is hot outside.

2. Moderate watering. The number of waterings is reduced if it is cloudy outside and the temperature stays within +20...+22 degrees. The lower the temperature outside, the less the flower should be watered. In cloudy weather and at a temperature of +20...+22 degrees (spring-autumn), you need to water the adenium once every 5-7 days and only superficially, that is, water only upper layer soil without wetting the entire volume of soil.

The soil moisture level in a pot can be determined as follows: take a regular wooden stick, stick it into the pot in which the flower grows. In autumn and spring, the soil in the pot should dry out by a third before the next watering. In summer, only the top layer of soil should dry out.

3. In winter, at a room temperature of +16...+20 degrees, watering is very scarce, with the soil in the pot completely drying before the next watering.

4. When the heating is turned on in the apartment and the room is warm enough, people wear T-shirts; adenium needs to be watered once every 5-7 days. high level air humidity. If the central heating is turned on, but the apartment is quite cool, then water the flower once every 7-10 days. In this case, it is impossible for water to come out of the pan, that is, it is not recommended to completely wet the earthen lump in a flower pot.

It is very important for adenium to comply with the following condition: at room temperatures of +20 degrees and below, carry out only surface watering of the soil, without completely wetting the soil in the pot. Otherwise, there will be an excess of moisture and rotting of the caudex!!!

Land for adenium. Proper care and maintenance of adenium at home involves the use of nutritious, loose soil. It should allow air and moisture to pass well to the roots and prevent liquid from stagnating in the pot.

Soil mixture options:

1. At any flower shop you can buy a soil mixture for succulents and add inert leavening agents. This can be vermiculite or perlite 20% of the total volume of soil used.

2. Make up a soil mixture yourself: coconut fiber (50%), leaf soil (20-30%), perlite and medium-fraction sand 10-20% each, you can add charcoal.

The general pH of the soil should be 5.5-7, that is, slightly acidic or neutral.

What should not be in the soil for adenium: clay (it interferes with air exchange in the soil), broken bricks(the plant injures the roots), a high percentage of vermiculite, perlite in the soil (leads to waterlogging of the flower roots).

Feeding and fertilizers for adenium. Feed adenium when proper care It is necessary during the period of intensive growth (spring and summer) once a month with liquid complex fertilizers.

Adenium transplanting and pruning

When and how often is adenium transplantation performed? It is preferable to replant an adult plant in the spring before the period active growth. If necessary, transplantation can be carried out in the summer, but no later than a month before the autumn temperature drop. Transplant adult adenium at home every 2-3 years. At the same time, each time slightly increasing the volume of the pot, preferably in diameter and not in depth. If the adenium is young, then the first transplant is carried out only in the spring, after the plant reaches one year of age. Until the age of 2-3 years, young adenium needs to be replanted annually, since the young plant intensively grows its root system.

Important note!!! If an adenium is cramped in its pot, it stops growing and looks sickly. However, this is not the main reason why adenium gets sick and drops its leaves. It is necessary to pay attention to the correct care and maintenance of the plant at home.

When is adenium pruned? This is usually done in the spring, but before pruning the plant, you need to consider several factors:

1. Has the flower been transplanted?, if yes, then its pruning is carried out no later than 2-3 weeks after transplantation. Important condition- adenium should restore the functioning of the root system after transplantation, its leaves should be sufficiently elastic. This means that the roots have recovered from the transplant and are fully functional.

2. Adenium must definitely come out of dormancy, that is, start growing new leaves. But there are also several nuances here. According to experts, if you prune too early (the plant is just about to come out of dormancy), then only one bud will wake up, which is closest to the upper, presumably removed, bud. As a result, only one shoot will continue to develop in the adenium after pruning. If you perform pruning after the plant begins to actively grow leaves, then the likelihood of several lateral buds awakening increases significantly.

The development of lateral buds in adenium, and therefore its branching, can be stimulated using cycotin paste. You can read how to use it in the instructions for the drug.

The cutting height of adenium is a personal matter for each grower, but in this matter experts give several recommendations:

1. If you don’t know what height to cut to, the universal option is the height of the remaining branches of 9-12 cm.

2. It is also necessary to focus on the rise of the caudex (the root part of the flower) above the ground. If you cut the adenium very close to the level of the caudex, then the flower will have too many small branches, which is not very beautiful for the adenium.

New shoots will form 45-50 days after pruning.

At what age should adenium be pruned? Despite the prevailing opinion that pruning of adenium should be carried out at the age of 1 year, experts still recommend focusing on the condition and size of the flower itself. So, with proper care and proper maintenance, adenium is ready for pruning in the second year of its life. If the plant is weak, that is, it has not grown a wide enough trunk and developed root system, then it is better to wait with pruning.

The wider the environment (pruning) of adenium, the higher the likelihood of awakening more dormant buds.

Read more about pruning adenium

Adenium diseases. Why does adenium shed its leaves?

The leaves turn yellow if the adenium either retires or gets sick. If adenium goes to rest, the leaves dry out and fall off gradually. And this happens when the average daily temperature decreases, that is, in the fall. The plant remains completely or partially without foliage - it all depends on the type of plant.

Paradoxically, with the onset of autumn, adenium can be filled. And the first sign of waterlogging and, consequently, rotting of its root system is leaf fall.

So, if the leaves of adenium turn yellow and fall off, you need to pay attention to the condition of its root system and caudex. They may be rotten. However, it should be remembered that even in a seemingly healthy plant, the stem and roots can rot due to excess moisture in the pot. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the soil moisture in the pot. If the plant is mature, it can overcome the disease on its own. If the leaves of a young adenium fall off (seedlings from 1 to 2 years old), then it is necessary to trim the caudex to healthy tissue and root the rest.

Leaves dry out if adenium suffers from moisture deficiency in the hot season. In this case, its caudex may shrink. The plant should not be allowed to dry out until the caudex begins to wrinkle. Even with subsequent watering, the stem tissue may not recover.

You can find out more in the article about adenium diseases,

Adenium is an exotic indoor plant. It is a member of the Cutraceae family and can be found in Africa, Kenya and the Arabian Peninsula. You can meet him in megacities only in flower shops. The plant can be recognized by its highly branched stem.

It also has lanceolate leaves with pointed edges. Its flowers are scarlet and double, and its throat is white.

In this article we will tell you how to grow adenium from seeds at home.

Important! Adenium refers to poisonous plants, therefore, it should be kept away from children and not placed in children's rooms, and after contact with it, thoroughly wash your hands and tools that were used with this plant.

Soil for sowing adenium seeds

The optimal soil mixture for planting adenium seeds should be nutritious and loose. Soil acidity can be neutral or slightly acidic.

You can also add a little crushed charcoal, but before that it would be better to sterilize it. Any fungicide will do for this.

The soil for adenium should include coconut fiber (50%), deciduous humus soil (25%), expanded clay up to 3 mm (20%) and perlite (5-10%). If you can't find coconut fiber at the gardening store, you can buy a package of succulent soil instead. It includes crushed polystyrene foam chips or broken bricks.

Did you know? The name "adenium" in many languages ​​has the translation "desert rose".

Capacity requirements

For sowing seeds, the optimal container should be low and wide, but the main thing is that it has good drainage holes at the bottom.

Seedling trays are also suitable, especially if you plan to plant several varieties. With the correct soil mixture and adequate watering, clay or plastic pots are also suitable for planting adenium seedlings.

When the plant grows, it is better to plant it in wide, but not deep containers, and deep pots are suitable for young adeniums.

Did you know? In nature, adenium can be found in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and the countries of the African continent.

How to prepare seeds before planting

Before planting adenium seeds in a pot, they need to be prepared. This procedure is not mandatory, but we recommend that you do it anyway.

To begin with, the seeds need to be soaked in warm water and should remain that way throughout the soaking time. You can also add growth stimulants or a solution of any fungicide to the water. We recommend using “Fitosporin” or a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Epin and Energin are most often used as growth stimulants.

Sowing adenium seeds

At the bottom of a pre-purchased pot you need to lay out drainage, which can be anything: expanded clay, brick chips, pieces of charcoal. Fill in half of the planting mixture and place the seeds flat on top. After this, you should pour out another 1 cm of earthen mixture. The earth should be compacted.

The planting container must be covered with a lid on top. The cut off top of a plastic bottle is suitable for this. You can use a plastic bag that closes at the top. If you don't have enough substrate and you haven't filled the pot completely, you can cover the pot with cling film.

Before covering the top of the pot, the mixture must be moistened with a spray bottle. You can also water the pot with a teaspoon or pour some water into the pan.

After you have covered the pot with a lid or film, mark the varieties by separating the containers with partitions.

Conditions for seed germination

After sowing, you need to put the pots in a warm place. Battery will do central heating or a towel rail in the bathroom. Such a greenhouse needs to be ventilated for 30 minutes in the morning and evening. Seeds are germinated at a temperature not lower than 25°. The lighting should be bright.

If everything is done correctly, the first shoots can be noticed on the third day. The average germination period is 2 weeks. Don’t worry if the seedlings don’t germinate during this time, you can wait up to a month.

After a month, when the seeds germinate, the film or cover can be removed. After the first shoots appear in all the pots, they can be moved to a bright place, but at the same time maintain heating. For the first 10 days, it would be optimal to place them under the window on the same towel dryer.

Caring for adenium seedlings

Caring for adenium seedlings is not difficult. The main thing is to maintain proper lighting, as the plant loves light very much. It is better to place pots with adenium on a south window, but direct sun should hit the plant no more than five hours a day.

After winter, try to shade the plant a little, as burns may appear on the trunk from direct sunlight. In summer, the temperature for adenium should be no more than 30 °C. Also, sometimes it needs to be placed outside, under an awning, to protect it from rain.

Like all plants, adenium must have a dormant period. This happens when the temperature and lighting drop. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than 10 °C, or even better, keep the temperature to 15 °C.

Important! Avoid overcooling the roots, this can lead to the death of the plant.

In summer, there should be regular watering after the soil has completely dried. In winter, it is better to water adenium little and infrequently. It is better to do this after the soil has dried. If you have chosen a place with a temperature below 15 ° C for adenium, then it is better to water the plant rarely or stop watering altogether.

In early spring, it is better to water the plant 2-3 weeks after the buds appear.

Since adenium seedlings will actively develop, you need to carefully spray the plant using a fine sprayer. After flowering begins, you need to spray the plant carefully so that water does not get on the flowers.

Many novice gardeners are interested in what to feed adenium and whether it is worth doing it at all. Our answer is yes. For house plant use fertilizer for indoor plants. The plant needs to be fed in spring, summer and early autumn, but not more than once a month.

The concentration of the fertilizer solution should be up to 2%.

Picking seedlings

After the small adeniums grow up, you will need to start picking them. Transplantation of young specimens of adenium occurs every year in the spring. The container for them should be light. This protects the plant from excess heat.

There are several reasons why adenium has to be transplanted.

For young plants, the first reason for repotting is the cramped pot. It is better to be patient and have several pots of different widths, as If you take a pot wider than necessary, the plant will grow slowly and its roots may begin to rot.

Seedlings are transplanted every 3 months during the growth period.

Adenium should also be replanted in case of root diseases. Such diseases are caused by hypothermia and waterlogging.

If you notice that your plant is growing slowly and gradually drying out, then it is better to dig it up, trim off the damaged areas and cover it with fungicide. After it dries, it needs to be transplanted into a new soil mixture.

An unsuitable soil mixture may also be a problem. This can only happen if you bought already planted adenium. It is better to replant the plant immediately after purchase, before the mixture shows its harmful qualities.

  1. A few days before transplanting, the plant needs to be watered and when the soil dries, it can be replanted.
  2. If you accidentally damage the roots of adenium, then the wounds should be sprinkled with colloidal sulfur or charcoal crushed to powder.
  3. When replanting, we recommend not to touch the earthen lump, as this can damage the roots of the plant, but if you are replanting young seedlings, then you even need to rid the plants of the heavy lump.
  4. The problem with watering adenium after transplantation is often encountered among beginners. It is important to remember that it is better to water a young plant 3-4 days after transplantation. Seedlings - for 2-3 days.
  5. After transplantation, there is no need to spray the plant.
  6. The soil mixture for adenium should be loose, so we recommend taking leafy, turf soil, coarse sand and a little charcoal.
  7. There should be good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Since young adeniums can often be exposed to any diseases and pests that are most often found in the soil, it is necessary to sterilize the soil. This can be done very easily using a microwave, heating in the oven, over steam, in a pan, by freezing or using chemicals.

The Adenium plant is a representative of the Kutrovaceae family. His homeland is Saudi Arabia. Translated from some languages, it is called adenium desert rose.

Adenium flower is a compact tree with a fleshy trunk, grows rather slowly, the main half of the thickened trunk is above the ground. The shoots of adenium are branched, and the leaves are elongated with a glossy appearance and a slightly pointed and rounded end.

Adenium inflorescences are distinguished by their individuality and beautiful appearance; they are large in size and have an interesting shade ranging from light to rich crimson. Interior The flower has a lighter shade.

It should be noted that when pruning adenium releases poisonous substance, after working with a flower, you must wash your hands well.

Adenium types and varieties

The adenium family represents approximately five species, and all the rest are subspecies.

or another name adenium obese . The plant develops slowly, its trunk is woody, and significant branching begins in the upper part. The height of the plant is approximately 1.5 meters, and the diameter of the trunk exceeds the mark of more than a meter. Grayish shoots with a thick fleshy base. Light green leaves with a long base grow on the upper shoots, reaching a length of about 10 cm.

In summer, the plant is about 5 cm in diameter with bright pink, red or light petals. Growing this plant at home, its height can reach about 70 cm, it all depends on the conditions of care and the abundance of moisture. Some tribes used its poison to create poisonous arrowheads.

natural habitat is the south of the Arabian Peninsula. It is worth noting interesting fact, if the plant does not have enough water, then the adenium remains in the form of a bush with a large root system. And if there is enough water, the plant develops and becomes a tree.

The leaves of this plant are outwardly shiny and larger in size than those of the obsessum, and with age they become up to 20 cm long and about 11 cm wide. The trunk reaches up to one meter in diameter. Adenium arabicum grows well at home and is a fairly unpretentious plant.

Flowering begins in the third year after planting. The first inflorescences begin to appear in the second half of winter. The most striking feature of Adenium Arabicum is its caudex, this is its appearance and extended base.

This is the brightest representative among other species. It is an actively branching bush, which blooms unusually and very actively from the moment of planting. Its growth is slow, like all species. The peculiarity that the plant has is its inconsistent varietal characteristics after breeding work, differences in color and shape.

his homeland is the coast of Mozambique. This species forms various interesting hybrids with Adenium obsumum. This plant is a shrub, its identity is its rhizome, but by the fifth year of growth it disappears. Flowering in this species occurs in cold and dry time, in winter. The inflorescences are white with a red edge. There are also red, burgundy and pink shades with inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter.

Adenium care at home

Caring for adenium does not take much time and effort, so the plant is quite popular among gardeners.

Adenium is a heat-loving plant that develops well even when exposed to sun rays. Sufficient lighting is a necessity for adenium in care and maintenance, so the south side is what it needs. The plant on the windowsill must be constantly turned around so that it grows evenly and does not “crook the top.”

For adenium at home, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 24 to 35 degrees; this is necessary during active development from autumn to spring. Moisturizing does not play a big role; you can sometimes spray it in the summer and only the leaves, do not touch the flowers.

IN autumn time, when the sunny day shortens for adenium, a state of rest begins. In some varieties, some of the leaves fall off, and sometimes all of them. In winter, adenium can withstand temperature drops of up to 10 degrees, but it is important not to overwater the plant during this period, otherwise you risk losing the plant due to fungal infection.

Adenium watering

Watering in spring and summer, when active development takes place, needs to be moistened regularly and abundantly. In winter, watering is reduced and moistened as necessary when the soil cover dries out. Water for irrigation needs soft, room temperature and slightly sour.

Adenium blooms from spring to autumn. The inflorescences are large and bloom in large numbers. Bouquets of flowers are located at the ends of the branches.

Adenium transplant

For adenium, transplantation is carried out as needed, but in good conditions adenium can develop quite quickly. The first transplant is required at about three months of age.

The thickness of the shoots usually reaches one centimeter. Adenium is transplanted in the evening or in cloudy weather and is not moistened for several days. If it turns out that the transplant happened during daylight hours, then after transplanting the plant must be moistened.

How to transplant adenium

The plant is taken out of the container and inspected for the presence of putrefactive formations. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the new container and not a large number of soil and place the seedling there, sprinkle the soil and make sure that it replaces the void between the roots. After transplantation, the plant is placed in a dark place for a couple of days. Young plants prefer moderate watering.

Soil for adenium

For adenium, the soil for transplantation is of particular importance. The ideal soil for adenium is light and moisture-permeable, with a sufficient amount of fertilizer and a neutral or acidic reaction.

You can purchase ready-made soil and add perlite or vermiculite to it, but ensure that its amount does not exceed 20%. You can buy ready soil for terrestrial orchids. You can also prepare the soil yourself. The composition of such soil for adenium should include coconut fiber or peat, deciduous soil or humus, coarse sand, perlite, and the ratio (5: 2: 1: 2).

Why doesn't adenium bloom?

Due to improper maintenance conditions, sometimes adenium stops flowering. The reason may be a large amount of fertilizer, because of this the flower goes well into the foliage, but does not bloom. Also, there may be a lack of sunlight, rotting of the root system and abundant watering in the cold season and improper observance of a dormant state for adenium.

Therefore, in order to make the plant bloom at home, you must follow these care rules.

The process of growing adenium from seeds takes place in stages:

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for several hours in warm water, adding a growth stimulator to it. To successfully grow adenium from seeds at home, you need to properly prepare the soil. The composition of the soil is peat for succulents with a soil loosener, one to one. Coarse sand or perlite, fine charcoal or expanded clay can serve as a ripper. If there is no peat, take coconut fiber.

Before planting adenium seeds in the ground, you need to choose a container; it is better to give preference to small pots with holes or disposable cups. At the bottom we arrange drainage from brick chips, small pieces of polystyrene foam or charcoal, and at the end there is soil.

We plant the seeds on top of the ground and press them gently into the ground. Cover them with cling film or you can use a cut plastic bottle to cover them. Moistening of adenium seeds must be done moderately from a spray bottle.

The temperature must be maintained at about 25 degrees, periodically ventilating your seeds. After the adenium seedlings have germinated, they are placed in a fairly well-lit warm room so that they begin to actively develop. The timing of germination may vary depending on the variety, but in about a few weeks.

Caring for adenium seedlings

When the seedlings grow several leaves, they should be replanted. In adenium, seedlings need to be transplanted after germination about three times during the year, as they grow. Adenium planted from seeds begins to bloom after a couple of years. Caring for seedlings, like all plants.

When to feed adenium seedlings

It is necessary to feed once a month with mineral and organic liquid fertilizers. This must be done during active growth and during flowering. To achieve lush leaves, you need to apply fertilizer with nitrogen at the beginning of spring. Flowering time can be extended by adding phosphorus or potassium.

Trimming adenium at home

To form the roots of the adenium, the so-called caudex, you need to lift it a little with each replanting. But not too high above the ground, as this can stop its development.

You can form adenium at home. In adenium, crown formation is not always the final result that you expected. To do this, you need to be patient. Young individuals are simply pinched, and a trunk is formed from adult adeniums using pruning.

How to prune adenium correctly

Pruning of adenium means that the larger the diameter of the shoots, the larger the cutting area needs to be, and this promises many new stems at the cut site. Form a crown pruning for adenium, as you would like to see your plant in your interior.

It should also be taken into account that if adenium is cut too low, the plant will grow irregular thin stems. The best period for pruning is the beginning of active growth. New branches appear at the cut site within a month and a half.

For adenium, root pruning is a real art. Proper root formation will give your plant an exotic appearance. Root pruning must be done on mature plants.

There are many interesting formations. One of these is when adenium is planted on a round plate, thanks to which the root system grows to the sides like an octopus.

The roots must be secured in the required position using sticks or toothpicks.

Diseases and pests of adenium

Adeniums are rarely susceptible to diseases; this may be caused by failure to comply with the conditions for caring for the plant.

Adenium sheds leaves what to do - most likely the reason is insufficient lighting. Due to lack of sunlight, adenium leaves turn yellow and fall off. If this happens in winter, try to provide artificial lighting. Also, the cause may be a lack of nitrogen; you should feed it with fertilizer containing nitrogen.

Adenium leaves curl or leaves do not grow , the reason is a lack of phosphorus fertilizer.

Adenium pests are mealy worms and spider mite . An insecticidal solution is used as treatment.

By following all the instructions, your plant will delight you with its growth and flowering!

Very beautiful flower in the form of a bush, belonging to the Kutrov family. This is a plant with a fleshy trunk, thickened at the base. The trunk is covered with numerous short shoots. The homeland of adenium is South-West and East Africa, as well as the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. Growing adenium from seeds is quite difficult, but possible. If you want to have this beautiful flower, use our tips.

A little about adenium

Today there are only five varieties of this exotic flower. at home it became possible only after he was grafted on oleander. This technique stimulated the abundance and brightness of exotic flowering, as well as its resistance to various diseases and pests.

In indoor floriculture, the most popular are: Nerum obese and Adenium. These are small plants that bloom with beautiful flowers.

In the wild, this succulent reaches a height of two meters. The leaves have a wide variety of colors, depending on the variety and type. Most varieties have green, oblong or round leaves with pointed tips. The length of the leaf blade is 5-6 cm. There are also varieties with variegated leaves or hybrids with narrow long leaves.

Flowering of adenium begins in summer and ends in autumn. The flowers are very beautiful, varied in color and shape. Their size varies from three to thirteen centimeters in diameter. Adenium is an unpretentious, low-growing indoor plant, characterized by slow growth and early lush flowering. Therefore, this flower is ideally suited for growing indoors.

Growing adeniums from seeds at home

This process consists of several stages:

  1. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water for three hours, but this procedure is not mandatory. Some gardeners do not recommend doing this, as it can cause rot. planting material and a decrease in its germination. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide here.
  2. Warm water is used to soak the seeds. Thirty minutes before the end of the soaking time, it is advisable to place the seeds in any growth stimulator. To the very effective drugs include Fitosporin, Epin, Zircon and Energin. You can also dip the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Experienced flower growers It is not recommended to use the growth stimulator "Maxim". It delays the process of seed germination and reduces their germination rate.
  3. In order for growing adenium from seeds to be successful, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil substrate for planting it. To do this, you need to mix peat soil for cacti or succulents with baking powder in a 1:1 ratio. Perlite, brick chips, coarse sand, vermiculite, crushed expanded clay or small pieces of charcoal can be used as a leavening agent.
  4. The most the best option there will be perlite. Instead of peat, you can use coconut substrate.
  5. After preparing the soil, you need to select a planting container. Adenium is planted in small pots with drainage holes. This plant can also be planted in any plastic container or low cups.
  6. At the bottom of the planting container we lay a drainage layer of expanded clay, brick chips, pieces of foam plastic or charcoal.
  7. Then we fill the pot to the top with a pre-prepared soil substrate, and place adenium seeds on its surface.
  8. Sprinkle the seedlings on top with a thin layer of the same soil for planting or simply press them down.
  9. After planting, the seeds should be covered with a transparent film or cut plastic bottle. If the seedlings are planted in plastic cups half filled with soil, they can be covered with cling film.
  10. Further care caring for seeds at home is to regularly irrigate them warm water from a spray bottle. If the seedlings are planted in a moisture-intensive substrate, the planting material does not need to be moistened.
  11. To avoid confusion, mark varieties immediately after planting.
  12. After sowing, the seeds need warmth. Therefore, they can be placed on the dryer in the bathroom or next to the heating device.
  13. Do not forget to periodically ventilate the plantings, at least twice a day - morning and evening. When the seeds germinate, after about a month, the shelter can be completely removed.
  14. Moistening the soil with seeds is carried out as needed. The soil substrate should be slightly moist, but not wet.
  15. In case of accidental overflow, plantings are ventilated until the moisture evaporates.
  16. After the seeds germinate, they are placed in a well-lit, warm place to ensure further growth and development of the seedlings.
  17. Under optimal conditions, seeds can germinate as early as the third day after planting. The germination time of adenium seed may vary, depending on the variety. For example, adenium obesum seeds germinate within two weeks. The first shoots of socotranums or abaricums appear no earlier than a month later.

Seedling care

When the seedlings get stronger and have one pair of leaves, they are planted in separate containers. This procedure will need to be repeated at least three times throughout the year. Adenium grown from seeds will bloom no earlier than two years from the moment of sowing. Basic care for young adeniums at home is the same as for adult specimens.

Adenium is a drought-resistant plant that actively develops in good light. This is perhaps one of the few flowers that are positively affected by direct sunlight. The tropical shrub loves frequent but moderate watering. In the summer heat, the plant needs to be moistened more often, and in winter, watering must be limited, since at this time of year the adenium enters a dormant period. Each moistening of the soil is carried out after the upper clod of earth has dried out. It is very important to avoid overwatering the flower, since this succulent, like many others, is damaged by rot.

Adeniums can be replanted no more than twice a year. Adenium is not picky about air humidity, so it does not need to be sprayed.

During the process of growth and development, this plant needs feeding. Liquid mineral and organic fertilizers are applied once every thirty days during the growing season and at the flowering stage of the succulent. To obtain densely leafy bushes, fertilizing with a high nitrogen content is applied at the beginning of the season. The splendor and duration of flowering can be achieved with the help of preparations containing phosphorus and potassium.

Dangers to adenium

Adenium windowsill garden is very rarely affected by diseases and pests. Just for a reason improper care On this exotic flower scale insects, spider mites or mealybug. For the purpose of prevention and treatment of affected specimens, an insecticidal solution is used.

The greatest danger to adeniums is root rot. To avoid its appearance, the plant is planted in light and breathable soil. In the winter season, when daylight hours are shorter and the room temperature is below twenty degrees, watering is reduced to a minimum.

Growing adenium from seeds at home is not difficult at all. Knowing the agricultural technology of the plant, providing it with proper care and attention, you will certainly succeed.

How and when to sow adenium seeds

When growing adenium from seeds, you can get a plant with a well-developed caudex. Germinating adenium seeds is not difficult. The seeds sprout on the third day and grow very quickly. If certain conditions are met, seeds can be sown at any time of the year.

What conditions are needed to germinate adenium?

To sow seeds, you need sterile and well-drained soil. You can take ready-made soil for cacti as a basis and add leavening agents - vermiculite or perlite. The soil composition should contain disintegrant from 20% to 50%. In this case, the soil will be light but nutritious, so the seedlings will not need feeding at first. Adeniums are heat-loving plants. The seeds will germinate well if a constant temperature of +25 to +35°C is provided. If the temperature regime is not maintained, the seeds may not germinate. The seeds also need to be provided with constant moderate air humidity. To create the desired microclimate, the container with the sown seeds must be covered with a transparent film. The most suitable time for sowing is spring and summer. But if it is possible to provide appropriate temperature and light conditions, then sowing can be done at any time of the year.

Before sowing

To prevent fungal diseases, before sowing, the seeds must be treated for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To increase germination energy, seeds are soaked for 1.5 hours in warm water with the addition of a stimulant (Epin or Zircon). The water temperature must be at least +35°C. To ensure a constant water temperature, you can place the container with the seeds on a heated towel rail.

Sowing seeds

The container for sowing must have drainage made of expanded clay. Then the container is filled with substrate and watered with warm water. The soil should not be wet. Grooves are made in the substrate and seeds are laid out. Seeds are sown horizontally. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm, then you need to sprinkle them with soil 0.5 cm thick. If seeds are sown different varieties, it is better to use a landing cassette. Using such a container will ensure that the varieties are not mixed up. It is important that the cassette has drainage holes. After sowing, the container is covered with a transparent film to create greenhouse conditions. For sowing, you need to organize bottom heating with a constant temperature from +25°C to +35°C. If the temperature is lower, the seeds may rot, if higher, they will not germinate. Light is not needed for seed germination.

Caring for adenium seedlings

There is no need to water the greenhouse for the first 4-5 days. After this period, the substrate must be carefully moistened. The crops are regularly ventilated - 30 minutes 2 times a day. The main part of the seeds germinates in 3-4 days, but this period can reach up to 2 weeks. After emergence of seedlings, the lower heating is removed. The seedlings are placed in a lighted place and ventilated regularly. The film is finally removed 2 weeks after emergence. After the appearance of the third pair of true leaves, the seedlings need to be planted in separate pots. The containers are taken small, corresponding to the root system.

Conditions for growing Adenium from seeds at home: planting, methods of propagation

Temperature and watering

Comfortable for the plant temperature limits and watering:

  • Summer: at 23-38 C° (irrigation of foliage on hot days, moderate systematic watering as soon as the soil dries completely after the last moistening; daily moderate watering on days when it is hot and stuffy around the clock).
  • Winter: at 13-18 C° (poor watering when a decrease in elasticity is detected in the lower part of the trunk - caudex), at 10-13 C° (watering should be reduced to a minimum, otherwise the root system will rot).

Growing from seeds (seeding rules)

Adenium seeds have a short shelf life - after purchasing planting material, do not delay its germination. The optimal period for planting adenium seeds: from April to the end of August.

The labor costs to grow Adenium by seed propagation are paid off by obtaining specimens with a highly decorative caudex.

For Adenium, growing from seeds at home begins with a pre-prepared container with soil consisting of sand, crushed charcoal granules and verimulite.

The last component can be replaced with fine-grained crushed stone, pre-treated with boiling water or simmered in a hot oven for 20 minutes for disinfection.

Before placing the seeds in the soil, the container with it must be kept for at least 12 hours in a warm place in order to achieve good heating of the soil mixture.
Soaking the seeds for half an hour in a warm, light solution of potassium permanganate with water will reduce the likelihood of developing fungal disease Adenium

Having distributed the seeds over the ground into grooves or separate shallow depressions, the Adenium crop is lightly sprayed and then sprinkled with soil. But no thicker than 3-4 mm. The manger is covered plastic film to create greenhouse conditions.

The container with seeds should be kept warm around the clock.

It is highly desirable that the temperature around and inside the flowerpot should not be below 32 °C.

Lower values ​​(lower permissible limit 22 °C) will increase the risk of rot developing inside the seeds and their subsequent death, and will delay the pecking process of the survivors.

At favorable conditions sprouts will appear in 3-7 days. However, some seeds can take up to three times longer to germinate.

Young sprouts are sprayed with warm water as the soil around them dries, and ventilated twice a day.


At the end of two months from the date of seed germination, the young adenium is ready for transplantation. If there is enough space in the container, and the seedlings are green, “cheerful”, actively growing in height and gaining volume in the “waist”, then they can be kept in the nursery longer.

Transplanting seedlings

You can plant grown seedlings in a separate container with the same soil as in a greenhouse. Changing the soil to ready-made store-bought soil for cacti is also not harmful to the plant.

Having transferred the Adenium seedling along with a lump of earth to a slightly moistened new place, the first meager watering is carried out no earlier than a week later.

Even transshipment replanting is stressful for the plant. Therefore, you need to take care of maintaining the optimal temperature around the pet around the clock in order to eliminate additional unfavorable stress on it.

How Adenium seeds germinate

The pipping of healthy seeds can begin on the third day from the moment of sowing. First, an arc of a “hook” appears from the ground. The straightened sprout resembles the shape of a dense light green carrot with a pair of tiny leaves on the top

The color of the flowers may differ from that characteristic of the buds of the parent adenium, since hereditary characteristics are not always transmitted to the seeds. The first buds appear on a two- to four-year-old plant if it is provided with proper care.


An established cutting can delight you with flowering in the coming year.
The plant will become a clone of the parent and retain the color and shape of the flowers.

  • Cuttings do not always take root.
  • In specimens grown from cuttings, it is sometimes difficult to form a voluminous caudex with increased decorativeness.

The material for cutting adenium with cuttings is obtained after pruning the parent bush. It is more rational to take material from the plant at the beginning of summer, after stable warm weather has established - sufficient lighting and warm atmosphere increase the percentage of established plants.

Adenium cuttings can be of any length, but the easiest to take root are 12-15 cm “sticks” with several leaves.

Not all solutions for speedy root formation can be used for adeniums. Therefore, it is better to let the cutting air dry for about 30 minutes, and then carefully stick it into the soil 5 centimeters deep, and then cover the container with a transparent polyethylene cover, a plastic half-liter glass, or a glass jar.

Important conditions for caring for rooted cuttings:

  • The soil (2 parts perlite with 1 part vermiculite or 2 parts clean sand, 2 parts sphagnum, 1 part perlite) should be consistently slightly moist, but not wet;
  • The plant must be provided with heat (25-35 °C) and light;
  • When watering, you cannot use any solutions with stimulants.

Propagation by cuttings in water

Growing the root system of adenium cuttings - clean water lottery.

With a probability of 50-70%, a cut branch may begin to rot.

But for some gardeners, cuttings still produce roots using this method of germination.


How to root Adenium? For rooting, cuttings need from half a month to three. Branches that are separated from the bush and planted in the ground in warm weather acquire a root system faster.

If the procedure is carried out in early spring or late autumn, outside a special greenhouse, then you need to spread a mat with a heating function under the flowerpot with cuttings. Or place the container directly on the line heating system near the window.


The florist has two grafting methods at his disposal:


It is possible that the first grafting option is more rational and less traumatic for the plant.

Because the:

There is no need to split the rootstock site on the parent bush;
the grafted cutting itself has not two, but one cut (flat);
the cut of the cutting fits tightly to the rootstock.

In addition, the place of flat grafting looks more aesthetic; with its help, cuttings from different bushes can be grafted onto one “stump”.

For the classic V-shaped grafting, the apical part is removed from the rootstock branch. The remaining stump is split, and a previously prepared cutting is inserted into the resulting gap, the lower edge of which is symmetrically cut off on both sides.
The grafting site is strengthened with adhesive tape, cloth, or plastic tape. The auxiliary material is removed after successful fusion of the graft material.

Prerequisites for successful vaccination by any method:

The rootstock and scion must be healthy;
there must be at least one living bud on the scion;
the grafted bush and the plant that gave the cutting must be in the growth stage;
trimming the edges must be done with a disinfected tool;
The grafted plant must be kept in comfortable conditions;
the connection point must remain stationary.

For a flat scion:

  • The rootstock branch must be larger diameter than the scion (or the same).
  • The ends of the plant to be joined must have an even cut.
  • After joining, the formed branch is carefully wrapped in polyethylene, and then the graft is securely secured using an adhesive plaster or electrical tape.

When do they start to bloom after grafting?

Flowering of varietal adeniums and grafts occurs after a few months.

Adenium is a very “grateful” plant. For simple care and warmth, both spiritual and very real, he will definitely thank you with lush flowering. And it will allow experienced experimental flower growers to get buds of different colors on one branched bush.

A seedling grown from seeds does not always retain its maternal characteristics. Often, instead of the expected double varietal flower, 2-3 years after planting the seeds, the seedling blooms with a simple pink flower, characteristic of a “savage”.

There are also pleasant surprises when adenium rewards the owner with lush terry bright flowers with two or three rows of petals.

Flowering conditions

Depending on the type of adenium, a young plant grown from seeds blooms with proper care at the age of 2-4 years. Necessary conditions for flowering of seedlings grown from seeds:

Winter peace;
trunk trimming.


Adenium needs sufficient lighting and spacious contents. In nature, this plant receives a sufficient amount of sunlight, so when kept at home, all species are placed on southern and south-eastern windows, shading only young seedlings, diseased or transplanted plants.

Winter peace

The plant reacts to the reduction in daylight hours in November-December by freezing all life processes and entering a state of winter dormancy.

In nature, at this time the plant experiences a lack of moisture, so at home it also needs to create conditions for winter dormancy. This necessary condition adenium blooms in spring. The duration of the dormant period depends on the species and the thermal conditions in the apartment.

  • The temperature of the adenium content is +12…+15 oC - watered approximately once a month. Species such as Arabicum shed their leaves at this time, however, and they also require watering about once a month.
  • The temperature on the windowsill is above +15 oC - the number of waterings is increased, but the dormant period is significantly reduced.


Pruning is carried out to stimulate the formation of buds, flowering and the growth of young shoots in the spring, before the growth of adenium begins. Pruning rejuvenates an elongated adult plant and uses it to form a crown and stems.

The plant responds well to deep pruning, new shoots form buds and bloom in the fall.

Why doesn't adenium bloom?

  • When applied generously organic fertilizers the plant “fattens”, grows well, produces a lot of shoots and leaves, but does not bloom.
  • Lack of lighting.
  • Watering in cold weather, root rotting.
  • Failure to comply with the rest period.

Procedure for growing adenium from seeds at home, transplanting seedlings. There should be sufficient drainage at the bottom of the container.

Seedling care

Caring for seedlings involves maintaining the temperature at least twenty-five degrees. Good lighting should be maintained twelve hours a day. Ventilation of the room should be carried out for one hour daily. Watering should be done as needed. The roots of seedlings are very sensitive to moisture, so overwatering or drying out of the soil should not be allowed.

Transplanting seedlings

If the seedlings were in a common container after picking, then after four leaves appear, they can be transplanted into individual small pots. In the first year of growth, up to three transplants are possible, depending on the growth rate of the plants.

Adenium transplant

How to transplant? Adenium is usually transplanted in the spring. Young plants are replanted every year. For mature plants, one transplant every two to three years is sufficient. Pots for adenium should be wide and low. It is advisable to select ceramic containers in light colors. Since the plant loves the sun very much, they will not get very hot.

When to vaccinate

Grafting makes it possible to place several adeniums of different varieties using one trunk. During flowering, such plants are especially unusual and spectacular. For the rootstock, you can use both grown seedlings and already mature individuals. For the scion, take healthy branches of plants with beautiful flowering.

Adenium should be grafted in the spring or early summer, when the sap is in active motion. You can do this in the following ways:

  • The rootstock and scion are cut at an angle and aligned. Then they are firmly fixed, for example with a vaccination spray.
  • The rootstock is trimmed (no higher than ten centimeters) and a cut is made in the middle. The scion is cut wedge-shaped, placed in the cut of the rootstock and tightly secured with electrical tape.

The room in which the grafted plants are placed should be very warm (thirty-five degrees). You also need to maintain high humidity and good lighting, but do not allow direct sunlight to hit the adeniums. All new shoots that appear on the rootstock must be removed. The sap of the plant is poisonous, so precautions must be taken when carrying out this work.

Formation of caudex and roots

How to form the adenium caudex? The caudex is formed with the help of adenium roots, which gradually thicken and begin to push the plant out of the soil. For getting decorative form The formation of the caudex must begin at the earliest stages of adenium growth, starting from about three months.

This can be done in various ways:

  • During transplantation, part of the lateral roots is cut off right at the trunk, the adenium seedling itself rises slightly above the ground so that the roots are a little exposed.
  • When replanting adenium, the longest root (taproot) is cut off and the top of the plant is pinched. The cut areas are treated with crushed coal, paraffin or hydrogen peroxide. In this case, the root system grows quickly.
  • To make the plant more decorative, you can give the caudex the shape of an octopus. To do this, during replanting, you need to trim the tap root and install the adenium on a flat stone located on the soil in the center of the pot. All lateral roots are evenly distributed in the shape of a fan and sink into the ground. They need to be sprinkled with soil on top. With each subsequent transplant, the size of the stones increases. This must be done until the roots reach the desired size and firmly secure the fan (octopus) shape.

Adenium should be raised above the soil by a few centimeters each time it is replanted. There is no need to raise it too high at once, this will greatly slow down its growth and delay the flowering period.

For the formation of caudex, the watering regime is of great importance. If you want to achieve good growth in a short time, then the plant must be in moist soil for a very short time. Therefore, to obtain a large and beautiful caudex, the soil is dried for a long time.

Crown formation

Pruning and pinching is of great importance for the decorative appearance of adenium. Most seedlings produce strong branches after six months of growth. Therefore in spring period It is imperative to cut off all unnecessary branches, which will slow down the growth of the plant and give the opportunity to form new growth points, which form a month and a half after pruning or pinching.

Trimming and pinching help good growth new leaves, and also bring the flowering time closer.

Since adenium is completely easy to grow and care for, it has small sizes, grows slowly, blooms profusely and brightly, it can be called one of the ideal potted plants. With proper maintenance, it takes root very well on the windowsills of city apartments.

Sowing seeds

Growing adenium from seeds is very exciting activity. Still would! Few plants can boast of pot-bellied shoots already on the third (!) day. I can’t even believe that such a fat man “hatches” from a generally small seed. And it doesn’t matter what time of year it is, the main thing is to comply with 2 simple conditions.

1. Optimal temperature germination 30-35 0 C. Minimum 28-29 0 C.
2. The planting mixture must be loose, breathable and sterile(!).

That's all. The better these 2 conditions are met, the higher the germination percentage will be. And vice versa, if you neglect them, you may not get shoots at all.

Let's move on to the sowing process itself in 12 steps:

1. Soak the seeds for 2-4 hours in warm water .

Calibri;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;color:black">The procedure is optional, but basically everything manufacturers they advise you to do it. Most experienced Russian adenium growers Adenium seeds are not soaked, because this can cause them to rot and reduce the percentage of germination. So, in this matter the choice is yours.

Water should be warm throughout the soaking time. If you cannot provide this condition, it is better to refuse the procedure.

You can simply soak it in water, which is ineffective, or you can soak it in solutions of a fungicide (30 minutes) and/or a growth stimulator (remaining time).

Common fungicides: , pink. I do not recommend using Maxim. In general, this is an excellent fungicide, but when tested on adenium seeds, “Maxim” significantly delayed seed germination and reduced the % germination rate.

Common stimulants: , , , , "Ribav", "Energin".

2. Prepare the planting mixture. It, as already mentioned, should be loose and aerated.

To do this, take 50% of purchased peat-based soil (for cacti or universal) or coconut substrate (from). Of the common brands suitable: “Terra vita”, “Garden of Miracles”, “GreenWorld”.
It is not recommended to use peat directly, because it has high acidity, which prevents seed germination.

The remaining 50% is leavening agents. The following are suitable: perlite, vermiculite, fine expanded clay, expanded clay chips, brick chips, foam balls, (river, quartz, but not construction), small pieces of charcoal.
Which baking powder to use depends on what you have. Advice: don’t get too carried away with charcoal and vermiculite, but perlite can be used as the only baking powder at 50%.

Instead of pieces of charcoal as a natural antiseptic, it is recommended to add a small amount (5-10%) to the seeding substrate.

3. Prepare the landing container (action No. 1 in the photo) . Anything that has a flat shape and where there are (or can be made) a lot of drainage holes (most conveniently using a heated nail or awl) is suitable as such. These can be low pots or plastic container from margarine, and cups. If you have a greenhouse for seedlings, use it, or plastic packaging for food products with lid.

The greenhouse must be ventilated. Preferably 30 minutes. in the morning and in the evening. You can finally remove the lid/film in about a month, when all the expected seeds have sprouted.

The substrate is moistened as needed. Try to keep the seed mixture moist, but not wet (!). If you accidentally watered more than necessary, the greenhouse should be ventilated until the excess moisture evaporates.

12. After the appearance of mass shoots (see photo), we transfer to windy place. Without heating, seeds will not germinate, so heating must be maintained throughout the entire period of seed germination.. You can do a little “excavation” and look at them. If, when pressed lightly, the seed sinks and bends strongly, it means that it will no longer germinate.

Under favorable circumstances, the first shoots mIt will appear on the third day. On average from Adenium obesum seeds germinate in 2 weeks. Sometimes the period increases up to a month This is especially true for arabicums and socotranums. Mini adenims also have a longer period of germination. Errors when sowing.