In a private house      04.03.2020

Installation of windows in a wooden rural house. Installation and installation of windows in a wooden house. Step-by-step instructions for DIY installation

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Every builder knows how to install wooden windows V wooden house, but ordinary residents of private houses cannot do this with their own hands. The reason is the lack of knowledge, although ordering such a procedure from experts will cost a pretty penny. Read the information below to make your home as comfortable and warm as possible.

Grandparents know very well what is wooden frame. After all, before such windows were on every corner. The process of installing a wooden window requires special skills and abilities from the master in order to get the right result. It is the experience and skill of the master that directly affects the quality of installation, compliance with tightness, service life, and appearance generally. And to avoid drafts and unnecessary distortions, let's look at it step by step correct instruction for wooden windows. When installing a wooden window, one cannot do without skill and certain skills, but then it will be possible to make an excellent glazed one.

Features of installation and dismantling of old wooden windows

Before installing wooden windows in a wooden house, you should listen to the recommendations experienced craftsmen in order to effectively carry out the operation with your own hands. Especially if you have never experienced this kind of work before. It is best to transfer such a process into the hands of a master who knows all the secrets of installation firsthand. After all, the lack of necessary skills can lead to the fact that the frame will be damaged. And their cost is quite high, so spending extra money on repairs is expensive. In addition, repair is not always possible. However, it is often necessary to install products, for example, in.

Woodworking enthusiasts can delve into the details of the installation and try their hand at this craft. If you follow the recommendations, you will not only be able to install a wooden window with high quality, but also save a lot.

Tip: in the case of ordering a new wooden window, it is worth leaving the installation in the hands of the manufacturer. The fact is that in this way all guarantees for this design will be saved. And if the installation is independent, then all your mistakes will remain on your conscience.

In any case, before installing new window frames, it is worth removing the old structures. This paragraph does not apply to houses that are under construction. Observing correct sequence actions, you will greatly facilitate your task:

  1. Before work, you need to prepare the room. If possible, it is better to move to another room small parts interiors, clothes and furniture. Thus, your things will be safe and sound.
  2. The furniture that was left in the room, and flooring worth securing. To do this, it is enough to cover them with a film.
  3. Floor coverings should also be removed. This includes a carpet, carpet, path, etc.

After such preparations, you can proceed to the very dismantling of the old window. To do this, carefully, but applying force, you need to disassemble the wooden frame. At the same time, the slopes are beaten off along with the plaster. This operation will help you determine the presence of a lintel. Without this element, the structure is dangerous. In older buildings, such a "hack" is found all the time. If you are also included in this number of "lucky ones", then further actions are impossible without solving such an issue with professional builders, and you do not need to meddle there yourself. But experience will help you further develop in the direction, and then completely.

Then beat off the slopes in all places. Take a close look at each wall to see if there are embedded bars on which the window frame is fixed. It is worth immediately determining their condition.

Mortgage bars in the wall

Tip: In order to find out if these bars need to be replaced or not, use a regular awl. It is worth sticking it in a bar. If it sits tight and is difficult to pull out, then everything is in order. Their presence is not necessary to install a new window.

The importance of correct measurement of parameters

Replacing any window requires the correct measurement of parameters. This will determine how perfectly the window fits into the window opening. If you have a wooden house, then cleaning should take place up to the level of the casing. Now you can start taking measurements. It is important to measure clearly and in the right places. Even a small mistake can cross out everything.

Even if you have saved previous measurements, it is not a fact that they will fit now. After all, over time, any building is influenced external factors. It is important to create a wooden window slightly smaller than the opening itself. So you can correctly set the frame in relation to the horizon using the correction. To do this, subtract 15 - 25 mm from the height, and as much as 4 - 6 cm from the width indicator.

All parameters are taken from ideal lines (horizontal and vertical). They are used to create building level. Modern devices, for example, a tape measure with a laser, will greatly simplify all measurements. After all, it will give a real indicator for each parameter. It is also important to know how if they are located on the upper floors.

Wooden window installation step by step

Before mounting a wooden frame, it is necessary to prepare the right tools. For work you will need:

  • drill and perforator;
  • pliers with a hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • perhaps a saw and a planer with an axe.

It will not be superfluous to buy a sealant on silicone, mounting foam, roofing material (polyurethane). These materials are useful in order to seal the opening.

If a wooden window is installed in a wooden house, then the technology involves the use of support blocks.

Initially, the installation of wooden windows in a wooden house with your own hands begins with protecting the window from moisture, which can be provided by a wooden wall. After all, such moisture provokes the occurrence of mold and various fungal growths. And all this spoils the wood very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to glue parts of the roofing material in the opening. It sits well on silicone. Here is what you should do:

  1. Blocks (length 12 - 15 cm) made of wood. One end should already be under the frame. The widest point should correspond to the distance between the frame and the wall. You need at least 4 pieces.
  2. 2 pieces are installed at the bottom of the opening. There should be about 80 cm between them (depending on the size of the wooden window).
  3. Remove the sashes from your frame and place it in the opening itself on supports. Keep the required slope - at least 10 cm.

  1. The remaining pads are set according to this scheme, as in the photo. They shouldn't be too tight, so use a planer to lighten them up if necessary. Constantly adhere to the vertical (plumb test) and horizontal (level test) so that there are not even small distortions.
  2. When everything is set perfectly, you can pull out the block one at a time, fill this place with sealant and insert it back.
  3. The hardest part is behind. Now it's up to the mounting foam. With its help, all the cracks around the perimeter are closed. You need to work with it carefully, and after drying, simply cut off the excess parts with a knife.

You can learn more about installing windows from the video. Now you know perfectly well how to install wooden windows in a wooden house, and you can do it yourself, and not spend extra money on the work of builders. The main thing is attention and patience.

Self-assembly window construction allows you to save money, but the wrong work only increases costs in the future. For houses made of wood, there is a special technology PVC mounting windows.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC structures

Installation requires special skills and knowledge from a person, if there are none, then it is better to study the topic in detail. The best system fixation is a tenon-groove, it is it that allows you to avoid deformation when the tree shrinks, which has Negative influence on operational properties window metal-plastic construction. New buildings are more prone to shrinkage, but even older houses can experience shrinkage.

Professionals note that a wooden house sags by an average of 20 mm per year. It is not so easy to determine with the naked eye, but it is very easy according to the window structure.

Rarely, but it happens that there is no deformation for several years, and then, under the influence of the environment, the distortion becomes visible. To prevent this from happening in a wooden house, it is necessary to make a casing before installing the window. This is a very complex and painstaking process, but it cannot be ruled out. If you make the installation, as in brick house, you will need constant adjustment of the fittings in the window structure. Plastic structures have a lot of advantages, which is why they are in great demand in the market. Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

  • low costs during operation, since such a window does not need to be painted or treated from insects;
  • durability of the material, which is resistant to temperature changes environment, it is not affected by ultraviolet, corrosion does not appear and it does not rot;
  • good frame rigidity;
  • fire safety;
  • no cracking or warping.

All these advantages make the window construction suitable for all regions of our country. PVC perfectly copes with the assigned tasks both in the south and in the north. But, like any material, PVC has drawbacks, because it is far from ideal. Among them are the following:

  • the inability to maintain the required level of humidity in the house, since such structures are completely sealed;
  • it is impossible to repair such a window if the surface is damaged;
  • there is always a lot of dust on plastic, as it attracts it with static electricity;
  • the material has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, so the places where the plastic adjoins the wall are often damaged;
  • wood has better sound and heat insulation than plastic.

Important nuances

The installation of plastic structures in a wooden house has its own characteristics. It does not matter whether such windows are mounted in timber or log house technology must be strictly observed. When installing a plastic window, it is worth remembering that the shrinkage of the tree causes additional pressure on the frame. This is one of the reasons why it is impossible to do without casing.

In the space between the top bar of the window and the wall, it is not always worth using foam, as it becomes quite stiff when it dries and also creates unnecessary pressure on the structure. In this case, all the benefits of casing are nullified.

If you do not take into account the gap between the frame and the wall, having calculated the wrong dimensions of the window, you will have to increase the opening, since it will be installed without negative consequences too big window will not work. After foaming the gaps from the outside, it is better to mount the PSUL tape, it will not only protect against ultraviolet rays, but also from moisture.

Mounting foam, with all its advantages, quickly collapses and loses its properties if it is not protected. Inside the cottage from a bar, this must be done with the help of a vapor barrier, and waterproofing will help outside. Most window distortion occurs when it is not installed level. Fittings in this design fail twice as fast and require replacement.

We must not forget about the cold zone, in which the window begins to freeze from the side of the slopes, and condensation appears inside.

Manufacturers emphasize the tightness of PVC structures and excellent sound insulation as one of the main advantages of windows of this type. In fact, the wooden frame has natural ventilation, thanks to which the humidity level does not increase in the room, the same cannot be said about PVC windows.

During their installation, in order to eliminate the problem with condensate in the future, it is necessary to install ventilation yourself, and if there are no special holes, you will have to try hard.

Makes the situation much easier supply valves, which are special profiles installed on a plastic window.

You can't help but be pleased with the ease of installation. The user will be required to remove the seal already present in the window structure and place the valve on the sash. It is easy to fix it with self-tapping screws, but you will need to think over the exhaust hole, otherwise there will be no sense from the system.

No one will be happy that companies that install plastic structures in a wooden house do not guarantee their work, because they cannot fully predict the behavior of PVC. Even if you follow all the rules and requirements, there is no guarantee that after a few years of operation the window will not stop working.

Casing manufacturing

Only the casing protects the window structure in the log house from distortions, bends and other kinds of deformations. Casing boards must be dry and strong, otherwise they will not be able to complete the task. For this, a board is suitable, the thickness of which cannot be less than 5 cm or a bar 15x10 cm. The thickness of the element is always equal to the thickness that the wall has.

The rules for building in an old wooden house do not change. Things are quite different with frame structures because they don't shrink. Such houses are already being created with openings for windows and doors, they have the necessary rigidity for installation. Does not shrink and a log house that has stood for more than ten years.

Embedding can be done in a variety of ways, such as:

  • thorn-monolith;
  • mortgage beam;
  • into the deck.

The most reliable of the three options is the last, but it is also considered the most time-consuming. For those who do not have enough skills and abilities, it is recommended to do the casing using the second method. It is necessary to make furrows in the middle of the window opening, vertical to each other with dimensions of 5x5 cm. As an assistant, you can use circular saw, chainsaw, ax and even a chisel.

Before driving a beam into a groove, it must be wrapped in lnovatin. The seal will be between the wall and the element, but at the same time it should slightly go into the window opening.

Laid on a bar edged board and fix it with self-tapping screws at the top and bottom. Two bolts are sufficient in each case. Before that, it is worth drilling a recess a little larger diameter hats. If a spike-monolith is used, then the T-shaped beam is cut out in advance, and then installed in the existing groove, after which it is fixed with self-tapping screws to ensure reliable fastening.

Elements of the window structure, located vertically, should be at a distance of 8 cm from the top of the window opening. That is, a five-centimeter beam laid on the upper jamb should be at a distance of 3 cm from the wall. It is this distance that is taken as the shrinkage gap.

Top bar windows should not hang in the grooves, enter only with effort. The final fastening is made with self-tapping screws, which are driven in at an angle. The final work at this stage can be considered the installation of insulation. The gap is closed with mounting foam, which can be laid in one or more steps. If it is necessary to apply the composition twice, then you should wait ten minutes until the first layer hardens. In hot weather, the foam must be moistened with water from a spray bottle.

The material is quickly destroyed under the influence of the sun and other weather conditions, therefore, with inside it is covered with a vapor barrier, and a windproof membrane is used outside.

It is forbidden to use a vapor barrier on both sides, because then moisture will accumulate under it, and it contributes to the formation of mold.


You can install the window structure with your own hands, insert the structure into a box, put a window sill, make slopes, but it is better to study the technology first so as not to spoil everything. The main tools you will need are:

  • level;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • spray;
  • key to adjust windows;
  • chisel;
  • bolts;
  • spacer wedges.

It is easier to install windows with a partner as not everything can be done by yourself. It should be understood that the double-glazed window has an impressive weight and it is impossible to hold it alone while carrying out work. Before installation, it is better to check the measurements taken, to determine the presence of gaps. For foaming, 5 cm should remain on top, 3 cm on the sides, and 4 cm at the installation site of the window sill.

Incorrect mortise in wood country house will cause many problems in the future.

Before installation, be sure to purchase hardware store special mounts, which are metal plates with holes made. Professionals advise using them, stipulating this requirement by the fact that the use of self-tapping screws that penetrate the frame completely deprives it of tightness, and, accordingly, reduces the level of thermal insulation.

The window is installed only according to the level and nothing else, distortions threaten to get quick damage plastic product and broken hardware. Be sure to remove the sash from the window, thereby reducing the weight of the frame at the time of work. The insert should be located evenly, fastened only to the elements dictated by the standard. When foaming the gaps, you can prevent their displacement by placing bars under the frame, and then they are removed.

It is important to choose the location of the screws correctly, it is strictly forbidden to screw in at the location of the ridge.


The pigtail is assembled after preparing the window opening. The upper part is cut out of a 15x4 cm board and grooves are created through which it will be attached to the ridge. This part of the opening is located on top, it must be even, not have kinks, otherwise there will be difficulties with the installation of the plastic structure.

The protrusion, which plays the role of a crest, is lined with rolled tow, and then a carriage is put on - prepared wooden element with cut groove. This is done in order to improve thermal insulation and get rid of creaking. The upper part of the pigtail must be screwed to this element with self-tapping screws, but in such a way as not to affect the comb.

double glazing

Double-glazed windows are delivered to the installation site assembled, they must be disassembled before installation, the only way to reduce the weight of the structure. Using a special key, it is necessary to remove the upper pins that hold the sash open.

After that, the handle turns and in the open state the sash is easily removed from the lower mount, but it is worth remembering that this is the heaviest part of the structure.

To knock out the glazing beads and remove the double-glazed window, you must use a spatula or a hammer and a knife. Gently pushing the element away, you should simply remove it from the frame. The short sides can be slightly pry from the corner and pulled.

Experts advise immediately remove from the outside of the window structure protective film until it adheres to the surface by reacting with the plastic under the influence of ultraviolet light. Then it will be almost impossible to tear it off. It is necessary to drill holes for the pins, which should be located at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the corner, and no more than 70 cm from each other.

Plastic windows can reduce heating costs, since the hermetic design prevents the formation of drafts. It should be noted the aesthetic appeal of such products, cost savings on maintenance. But plastic windows will meet the requirements only if the installation has been carried out correctly.

Self-installation of PVC structures in a wooden house has some difficulties, which is why it should be done in accordance with the instructions of specialists. The time of year does not affect the installation process in any way. Availability modern technologies allows you to work with the same success in summer and winter, when a polyurethane frost-resistant sealant is used.

Many users are unhappy with the accumulation of condensate and say that moisture is constantly accumulating on the inside. This can be avoided by simply ventilating the room or installing exhaust devices, high-quality ventilation system. In cold weather, you can immediately determine the presence of poor sealing, the condensate that appears will indicate places where it is necessary to foam more strongly.

If the installation will be carried out by workers, you should make sure that the installation of plastic windows is carried out according to established standards, then in the future you will not have to face unpleasant surprises. A professional installer will not work when sub-zero temperature air.

Pursuing self-repair, many are interested in:

“Is it possible to install PVC windows with your own hands?”

"How difficult is it?"

This event can be classified as medium-difficult work.

In terms of time, it may take about five hours for a person without experience to work on replacing the middle window, including its dismantling.

Constantly practicing employees of specialized firms spend much less time on this.

The upper and side parts from the inside of the room and from the outside are closed with slopes. They may be made from the same material or using a different technology.

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows


To order plastic windows, you need to make important ones. These are six mandatory indicators: the width and length of the window sill and slope, the width and height of the window.

In order for the measurements to be performed correctly, you need to determine the type of your window opening - with or without a quarter.

The opening is inspected: he and a quarter if inner part the windows are wider, and the outer narrower. Measurements in this case are carried out at the narrowest point, and at several different points. It is necessary to determine the smallest indicator, and add three centimeters to it. This is a measure of the width. The height is set as it is.

In the case of an even opening, without a quarter, the calculation is carried out differently. Height and width are measured, and five cm are subtracted from the first value, and three are the second. This is the height and width of the future window. The side three cm are removed because gaps of one and a half cm are needed for mounting foam on both sides. Five cm of height are distributed as follows: the same one and a half cm from above, and 3.5 cm below will be required for mounting the window sill.

The length of the window sill is considered to be five to ten centimeters greater than the width of the opening inside the room. The length of the ebb is also calculated, but outside. For some distance they go deep into the wall. The window sill is measured on the basis that it should deviate somewhat from.

Its width can be different - at the discretion of the owners. More often it ends a little further than the battery. Before ordering, you need to decide what components will be in your window, and how many there will be: is there a capercaillie, if so, where is it located, the number of sashes, how they open, in what positions. The type of fittings used is also considered in advance.

Preparing for installation

Removing old windows

When replacing windows with new ones, the old ones must be dismantled. This is easy to do, but it will take some effort. Then an audit of the opening is carried out, during which everything that can fall off later is removed. All protruding parts are removed with a chisel, hammer or even power tools.

All debris generated during the dismantling process must be carefully removed, including construction dust. In the presence of large cavities or potholes, it is advisable to cover them with a solution. The fact is that the installation is easier to carry out, the smoother the window opening. If the walls are made of too loose material, they should be treated with special ones.

The choice of installation method for metal-plastic windows

There are various installation methods: with window disassembly (unpacking) and without.

When unpacking, holes are drilled through the frame through which anchors are driven into the wall. This method is more difficult, but more reliable.

With another method, metal plates are attached to the outside of the frame, then they are fixed to the wall with them. This is much faster, but such a mount is not the most reliable. The frame may sag or warp under significant loads, such as strong winds.

If you do not want to disassemble the window, then for installation it is better to use wide and thick plates used when installing the system. If you install small windows on just such, then they will stand normally in the absence of strong wind loads.

If your region is characterized by frequent and strong winds that blow mainly through the windows, and the apartment is located on a high floor, then installation with disassembly will be required.

Window installation technology

Let's take a closer look at both methods. Indeed, it is often the method of mounting on plates that is required.

It is preferred in buildings erected from low bearing capacity, when it is necessary to distribute the load from windows over a large surface.

Also, this method is necessary in the case of building a building using a special “layered” technology: for example, behind and in front of concrete layers, between which a layer of insulation is placed.

If it is intended to install a window in a soft layer, then it should be fixed with plates. Installation of PVC windows in a house, panel or cinder block is best done on an anchor.

After installation, only plastic profile in three planes and in two axes of rotation.

Installation with unpacking

With this method, only the frame is installed in the opening.

First, the window opening and the frame itself are measured to make sure they are compatible. Only after that they start working.

The process begins with unpacking the window. Actions are carried out according to the following algorithm:

Removing window sash

  1. the window is placed in the closed position, its handle is directed down;
  2. pry off with a screwdriver and remove the plastic lining from the hinges;
  3. the pin on the top hinge serves as a movable connection, it is located in the center and protrudes slightly. By pressing, you need to slightly drown it so that it slides out below. Then it is grabbed with pliers (or side cutters) and pulled down;
  4. hold the sash at the top, turn the handle, opening the lock. The upper part deviates slightly towards itself, the sash rises and is removed from the pin at the bottom.

The double-glazed window is also removed on the capercaillie. It is held by glazing beads, which are removed, after which it can be easily removed.

Beads are removed

  1. something strong and narrow is inserted between the frame and the glazing bead, for which it is convenient to use a spatula. Disassembly usually starts on the long side;
  2. the angle of the spatula is inserted into the slot and the glazing bead is gently moved away from the frame, moving along the entire length. The separated glazing bead is taken out;
  3. with a short side is even simpler: the freed edge is hooked and removed from the groove by turning the spatula. By pulling it up, the glazing bead is removed.

After all of the above activities, you can try to pull out the double-glazed window. You should be careful that it does not fall out: it is quite heavy.

The double-glazed window is pulled out

  • along the outer perimeter, the released frame is glued with self-adhesive tape, as recommended by GOST, so that the future window does not dry out;
  • remove the protective tape;
  • a prepared frame is inserted into the opening. To set it up, you will need mounting wedges, which are placed under the impost and in the corners, as well as in places where it is necessary. They are gradually laid down, while the window is aligned in three planes, strictly according to the level. The position of the window is fixed using mounting plates;
  • drill with drill right size make mounting holes, retreating 15-18 cm from the top edge for the first of them. At approximately the same distance from the bottom corner there will be a place for the lower fastener. IN standard window one more anchor is placed between them: the distance between adjacent fasteners should not exceed 70 cm;
  • having made holes for fastening, in all three planes they check the position of the frame - whether it has moved. After that, the anchor is carefully hammered in, tightened, but not overtightened. It is impossible for the profile to sag;

Arrangement of low tides from the street side

  • self-adhesive vapor-permeable insulation is glued outside the frame. Neat strobes are made along the sides of the opening: later, the edges of the tides will be brought into them;
  • on the outer part of the opening, in the place where the ebb is supported on the wall, mounting foam is applied. In some cases (with large elevation differences), a lining profile is first mounted, to which the ebb is attached. The ebb of the desired size is fixed with screws to the frame under its ledge;
  • the tide foams along the bottom edge;
  • the opening is also foamed. In summer, for a better setting of the foam, the space between the opening and the frame is sprayed with water;
  • a heat-insulating vapor-permeable strip is glued along the contour of the window frame;
  • all gaps for two-thirds of the volume are filled with foam. With a large gap, it is necessary to do this in several stages, with an interval of at least ten minutes between applications. After the first layer dries, it is sprayed with water, then the next one is applied;
  • until complete polymerization has occurred, the edge of the tape is glued to the window opening. It is important to remember that when using heat-insulating tape, the slopes must be made of plastic. Mortar and plaster do not stick to it;
  • all parts of the window are assembled;
  • vapor barrier tape is also installed under the window sill, at the bottom. Support pads made of solid are also mounted there at a distance of 50 cm. The window sill should have a small (about 5 degrees) slope into the room;
  • slopes are closed last.

Installation without unpacking

All the details and nuances of this work have been listed above. Installation begins with the installation of special mounting plates, which can be linear and U-shaped. They must be thick enough and reliable. They are placed with the same pitch as the anchors: between the middle ones no more than 70 cm, from the edge 15-25 cm.

Further installation according to this method is carried out similarly to the process that has already been described in detail, starting with leveling the window in the opening. Only in this case, not the frame itself is fixed, but metal plates, and self-tapping screws are used instead of anchors. A hole is made with a drill, then the plate is bent, a dowel is placed, the plate is returned to its place, and the dowel is wrapped. Further, everything is as in the first option.

Relatively recently, all residential buildings had ordinary wooden windows that had to be sealed for the winter. Today it is almost a relic of the past. And most people seek to replace such windows with modern plastic window structures, and they are especially interested in installing plastic windows with their own hands.

This desire of the consumer is quite understandable - plastic windows have not only an aesthetic appearance, but also serve as an interior decoration. They are also much easier to operate, serve an order of magnitude longer, and are much cheaper than their wooden counterparts.

If you have a desire to change old windows in your apartment for modern double-glazed windows, then you will certainly wonder if it is possible to install a plastic window yourself. How difficult is the installation of plastic windows, and is it possible to do it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists?

Yes, it is quite possible. In order to install a plastic window with your own hands, it is not necessary to have a construction specialty. With certain skills and good tools anyone can install a plastic window with their own hands.

Let's figure out how to do it right.

What is a plastic window made of?

First, consider the design of a plastic window. Without this, you will not understand the installation process itself.

Plastic windows are made from a special material called Polyvinyl Chloride. Therefore, plastic windows are abbreviated as PVC windows. As with any window, the main element of a PVC window is a frame made of a profile consisting of cells. The more such cells in the frame (they are also called cameras), the warmer the window will be.

As a rule, the color of the frame is white. Although plastic can be black, brown, and even colored. The most common and most a budget option- white plastic windows.

In addition, the window consists of an opening part (sash) and a fixed part, which is called the "grouse". A double-glazed window is inserted directly into these parts of the window, which is pressed against the frame with a special plastic strip. For tightness, a black rubber seal is placed.

Special mechanisms are installed on the window sashes, with the help of which the window opens and closes.

In addition, on the outside, the window has a so-called low tide - a small board with which precipitation is removed, and slopes - plates that close up the side and upper parts from the side of the street.

Do-it-yourself installation steps for plastic windows

All stages of installing plastic windows with your own hands are as follows:

  • careful measurements;
  • dismantling of old window structures;
  • preparation of window openings;
  • do-it-yourself PVC window installation.

We take measurements

Before ordering, and, accordingly, installing a plastic window, you need to make several measurements. Moreover, how carefully they will be done depends on how your design will fit into the window opening. Remember that accurate measurements are almost half the success. If you take the measurements incorrectly, when installing plastic windows with your own hands, the structure simply will not enter the opening. In addition, the windows may begin to freeze.

First you need to carefully inspect the opening. If the part of the window that is smaller on the outside, then measurements are taken at the narrowest point. Moreover, it is highly desirable to make several of them, because window openings are rarely perfectly even. Find the smallest measurement value, and add 3 to it. Measure the height, leave its value as it is.

If the window is the same size both inside and outside, the measurements are taken a little differently. You need to measure the width and height. Then you need to subtract 5 cm from the height, and 3 from the width. It will be full size of your window, with width and height. We subtract the values ​​in order to leave gaps for the installation of the window sill and special mounting foam.

Each owner chooses the window sill according to the size he wants. Someone like wide window sills, someone is narrow, and someone makes them at the level of the wall. This is individual, and there are no rules here. It's about width.

Along the length, both the window sill and the ebbs must be taken with a margin - about 10 cm wider than the window opening.

Getting ready to install

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows always begins with the dismantling of the old window. As a rule, even for novice builders, dismantling is especially easy.

After you have broken the old window, you need to carefully inspect the opening and remove everything that may later fall off. If some parts of the opening protrude from the walls after dismantling, they must also be removed and the surfaces smoothed. Potholes, if any. Should be sealed with cement mortar.

When installing PVC windows with your own hands, you must consider the following circumstances:

  • plastic window construction should be carefully fixed;
  • the window structure must be aligned both horizontally and vertically, otherwise it may simply skew in the future;
  • it is necessary to plaster the mounting foam on all sides, with which the structure is attached, also in order to avoid problems such as deformation in the future.

Plastic window installation technology

Do-it-yourself plastic window is mounted as follows:

  • on four sides, fix the structure with wedges, and determine how accurately the frame stands relative to the opening;
  • fix the frame with special bolts;
  • attach the structure with screws to the wooden part;
  • seal the plastic structure with mounting foam, spreading it over a surface slightly moistened with water.

Let's start with the fact that there are two different ways do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows.

The first method is that holes are drilled in the window frame for special anchors that are driven into the wall. This is a rather difficult method, but a more reliable mount.

The second method is that metal plates are first attached to the frame from the outside, and only then these plates are attached to the walls. It is much simpler and fast way, however, such a mount is not reliable. The frame can simply warp even in strong winds. Therefore, if you nevertheless decided to make your life easier, and install a plastic window with your own hands in the second way, use thick and wide metal plates. In this case, you can give your plastic construction greater reliability. However, if it is very windy in your city, this method is definitely not suitable for you.

Direct mounting

Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic window in the first way with secure fastening is carried out as follows.

First you need to check whether the structure and the window opening are combined. If everything is in order, proceed directly to the installation.

First you need to remove the window sash. For this:

  • turn the window handle down, putting the window in the “closed” position, and remove the lining from the hinges with a screwdriver;
  • pull out the pin, which is located on the upper loop;
  • open the shutter by turning the window handle to a horizontal position, after which, lifting the window sash, you can easily remove it from the lower pin.

After you have removed the sash, you need to remove the double-glazed window on the "grouse". For this:

  • insert a small spatula or something similar, strong enough, thin and not wide, into the gap between the frame and the glazing bead;
  • move the glazing bead with a spatula, going along the entire length, and remove it from the frame.

After that, it is already quite easy to remove the double-glazed window itself. The main thing is that it does not fall out of the frame after the glazing beads you have taken out have ceased to hold it. To avoid this, the window should be tilted.

The frame is freed from the double-glazed window, and now it should be glued around the perimeter special tape. This tape is needed in order for the window to retain heat.

As a rule, white self-adhesive protective tapes are glued to the frames. It is also desirable to remove them, because later, when they heat up in the sun and stick to the frame, fused with it, it will be difficult to do. And while the tapes are removed very easily.

Now the frame needs to be inserted into the window opening. To do this, you need mounting wedges that are placed in the corners (this mandatory requirement), as well as in other places where you deem it necessary.

Using a drill and a drill, special holes are made into which fasteners are inserted. The first hole is drilled at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from the top edge. The bottom hole should be about the same distance from the bottom corner. The gap between two fasteners should not be more than 5-7 cm.
Anchor is hammered into the hole, and then the anchor is tightened. At the same time, the anchor must be tightened carefully, trying not to overtighten, otherwise the profile will bend, and this cannot be allowed. This operation - tightening the anchors - is continued as many times as necessary.

After that, ebbs should be installed outside. Before installation, stick self-adhesive waterproofing on the part of the frame that is outside. On the side, strobes are made in the openings (then you will need to bring the edges of these ebbs there).

On that part of the opening where the ebb rests on the wall, a special profile is installed, to which the ebb is then attached. If the height difference is small, you can not install the profile, but simply apply a layer of mounting foam. Then the ebb should be brought under the ledge of the frame, and attached to it with self-tapping screws. On the lower border, the ebb must also be filled with mounting foam.

Now let's take a closer look at the second way to install plastic windows with your own hands - using plates.

This method is much simpler, although, as we have already said, it is less reliable. Installation by this method involves the installation of thick metal plates.

They should be installed at the same distance as the anchors in the first installation method - about 2 cm from the edge, and no more than 7 cm between those that are in the middle. Metal plates are simply screwed to the profile using self-tapping screws.

In all other respects, the installation of plastic windows with your own hands completely coincides with the first installation method. In the same way, a window is set in three planes according to the level, after which all actions are identical. Simply, unlike the first method, they do not attach the frame itself, but metal plates, and they are attached to the so-called dowel-nails. The peculiarity of fastening is that first a hole is drilled, then a metal plate is bent, a dowel is inserted into the hole, the plate is put in place and the dowel is twisted.

The main mistakes when installing plastic windows with your own hands

If you install plastic windows incorrectly, this can lead to the fact that it will be cold in the house, water will flow into the room through improperly installed ebbs. And the expensive structures themselves will quickly become worthless. And if professional installers sometimes make mistakes when installing PVC windows, then an amateur who installs plastic windows with his own hands is certainly not immune from them.

Let's look at the 10 most common mistakes that are made when installing plastic windows.

Window size is wrong

Usually this is a consequence of incorrect, careless measurement of the window opening, and, accordingly, the manufacture of an unsuitable window structure. And in case the window is too big in size. And if the size is very small, it is simply impossible to install such structures.

Poor window preparation

If the surfaces are poorly cleaned, construction debris, dust, potholes remain on them, or, on the contrary, parts of the wall protrude on the surface of the opening, the mounting foam will not stand up as tightly and evenly as it is necessary for a high-quality installation of plastic windows with your own hands. In addition, this kind of pollution absorbs moisture very well, and it will soon be inside your apartment.

Ignoring wall insulation

If the plastic window is installed without taking into account the thermal insulation of the wall, then at the joints it will penetrate into the apartment cold air. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the layers of the walls when installing plastic windows. If the wall consists of one layer, the window should be placed exactly in the middle of the wall. If the wall is two-layer, the window should be installed at the very edge, as close as possible to the insulation. And if the wall is three-layer, then it is necessary to install a PVC window directly in the plane of the wall insulation, in order to avoid heat loss.

Incorrect distance between the window frame and the slope

If the window frame is located too close to the slope, then the seal in this place will be of poor quality, and moisture will begin to appear and accumulate in these places. If the frame, on the contrary, is located too far from the slope, then there is a risk of deformation, since the load on the anchors or metal plates is too great.

Wrong sill size

The window sill should be somewhat narrower than the window frame itself. If it is of a different size, or it was decided not to put it at all, then under window frame water will penetrate due to the lack of a normal seal in this place, and as a result, the wall will be constantly wet. Metal parts can simply corrode after a certain time.

Poor quality fixing of the PVC window to the wall

If you feel sorry for the dowels or anchors, and there are too few of them to attach the window structure to the wall properly, over time the position of the window will change, the frame will deform, and it will be difficult for you to open and close the window.

Not enough mounting foam

Polyurethane foam is practically the only material for insulating a window structure and the wall itself to which it is attached. If there is not enough foam, then the heat will go away. Therefore, the gap between the slope and window frame you need to fill it properly, not sparing the mounting foam.

No duct tape

If you decide not to use the insulating tape laid down according to GOST on the inside and outside of the window structure, be prepared for the fact that the thermal insulation will gradually become worse and worse. Accordingly, the windows will become unusable much faster than you would like.

Therefore, if you decide to install a plastic window with your own hands, try to go through everything necessary steps and produce everything necessary actions high quality, neat and tidy. Then your beautiful do-it-yourself plastic windows will delight you and your household for many years.

You can do a lot with your own hands. For example, install window systems. Such work will save a significant part Money. If the work is carried out in accordance with all the rules, then the windows will serve for a long time, delighting the owners with their functionality. Installing windows in wooden houses has a number of features that must be taken into account in advance.

Instructions for installing a window in a wooden house - how to replace an old window with a new one, standard errors during fastening and installation.

Design features

The most common slopes today are considered to be made of drywall. To do this, the opening is plastered, then painted in the desired shade. This type of finish is easy to perform and affordable, but it can only be installed inside the building. However, the durability will be low, they will last no more than three years.

It is more profitable to make slopes from polyvinyl chloride, they are placed inside and outside the building. These panels are practical, can serve for a long time. Plastic slopes have a width of 25 cm, when the depth of the opening is greater, it is necessary to dock them, which can reduce the aesthetics of the appearance.

Wooden slopes are in great demand, they have the following advantages:

  • high aesthetics;
  • environmental Safety;
  • strong fixation;
  • high quality;
  • the ability to create any forms, parameters;
  • application of paintwork.

Slopes made of wood perform the following functions:

  • insulation of joints, cracks from the penetration of cold air, noise;
  • protection against moisture penetration from the outside, which prevents the occurrence of mold, fungus;
  • decoration of space, the ability to create a single style;
  • masking flaws that arose during the installation process.

The choice of wooden slopes

Wood slopes are recommended to be made from the breed from which the frame is created. This will give unity to the pattern and colors. Slopes can differ in length (up to 2.8 m) and width (about a meter), the thickness is 12 and 15 cm. This factor should also be taken into account.

Some panels are made of plywood, the material is quite resistant to moisture, it is durable and wear-resistant. The base here is covered with wood veneer, and a primer mixture is applied to the surface. This coating facilitates the application of paint, varnish.

It is desirable that the outer slopes be made of larch. This type of wood is durable, resilient, resistant to mechanical or atmospheric damage. Such products will not have a very high price.

Preparatory stage

Before finishing the slopes, several preparatory measures should be carried out:

  • check the correct installation of the unit;
  • check with a plumb line the probability of vertical deviations;
  • check the horizontal position with a level;
  • measure the diagonals to determine the presence of distortions, deformations;
  • inspect the profiles in order to detect damage, chips, scratches;
  • examine the double-glazed window, clarify if there are any cracks or air bubbles on it.

Installation of wooden slopes

Installation work is carried out 12 hours after installation, this period is necessary for the foam to dry and take its final form. This process should not be delayed too much, the foam may begin to collapse under the influence of external factors.

Slope installation methods are different.

With the help of foam, the strips are fixed as follows:

  • panels are measured and cut to size;
  • corners are made as even as possible;
  • fasten the panels with self-tapping screws on the corner joints;
  • the remaining space is filled with foam (considering that after drying, its volume will become 3 times higher).

The second installation method goes like this:

  • trim panels to fit existing parameters;
  • attach a heater mineral wool, pre-cut into strips of the desired size);
  • cover with insulation film made of polyethylene, fix with double-sided tape;
  • fix the panels with a self-tapping screw;
  • install the frame in the grooves of the window block.

How to make window slopes in a wooden house

exterior finish are made using materials that are resistant to moisture. Any kind of materials can be used inside the house.

You can make slopes inside the house using:

  • lining;
  • wood panels;
  • plastic.

Work order:

  • install a crate;
  • prepare the bars, taking into account the parameters of the slopes, the chosen method of installation;
  • attach the crate with screws;
  • insulate the opening with heat-insulating material (styrofoam);
  • attach the car with self-tapping screws;
  • vertical installation involves fixing the slopes from the frame, horizontal - work from the bottom;
  • first fix the slopes in the opening, then with each other;
  • put corners (external, internal) to mask defects and increase the tightness of the structure.

How to make wooden slopes on plastic windows

Slopes in a wooden house with PVC windows are often made of wood.

The opening process goes like this:

  • guides are placed around the perimeter;
  • fasten parts to the walls with self-tapping screws (the holes are prepared in advance);
  • track verticality by level;
  • adjust the slopes according to the parameters;
  • insert the strips into the starting guides;
  • close the gaps with a hermetic composition;
  • seal the sealing area with adhesive tape for painting;
  • decorative corners are attached at the joints;
  • remove excess foam.