Mixer      06/15/2019

Rollers for decorative wall plaster: making the right choice. Rollers for decorative plaster Rollers with a pattern for decorative plaster

When it comes to beautiful finish walls, rollers for decorative plaster along with the application this material as an internal coating. Of course, a spectacular texture can also be obtained with the help of other tools, for example, applying light strokes with a narrow spatula, but the roller is the most practical. It remains only to find out what forms this tool takes and what results can be achieved with its help.

What are the rollers for decorative plaster

Initially, wall decoration was carried out exclusively with the help of paints, plaster was needed only for applying frescoes on it. In this regard, only paint rollers were used, from fur, and later from foam rubber, foam plastic and others. artificial materials. But over time, new techniques for decorating plaster coatings appeared, especially for the “Venetian”, which required the use and radical change of tools. All sorts of applicators, stamps, combs and, of course, textured rollers appeared, based on a coarse-mesh foam rubber prototype.

According to the materials, the aforementioned foam rubber and foam plastic, as well as rubber and leather rollers for decorative plaster are distinguished. More exotic options are also possible, for example, home-made, carved from wood, that is piece work. According to the texture, the surface of these tools can imitate marble stains, brickwork, wood fibers and even mat weaving. Attachments are also used for embossing simple and complex patterns, for which working surface a repeating pattern is applied, the end of which goes to the beginning. Coarsely porous foam rubber creates roughness of varying degrees of depth.

Textured rollers to imitate various materials

If you want to create a relief on the surface of the wall by covering it with plaster, it is necessary that there is some structure on the surface of the tool. To obtain protruding prints, textured rollers should be with recesses reflecting the selected pattern, if, on the contrary, the pattern on the wall surface should be extruded, use a work surface with a relief pattern. In particular, if we need an imitation brickwork, we take an ordinary even rubber roller, make two annular channels, dividing the working surface into three equal parts, after which we cut out transverse notches on each of them in a checkerboard pattern. We get a rectangular imprint in each row, they will be bricks.

To imitate marble, it is enough to take a roller with a nozzle made of crinkled leather or fabric. At the same time, during operation, movements should be made uniform, without lifting the tool from the surface for as long as possible. Another way to get a structural roller with your own hands is to wrap a rubber nozzle with a bundle of the same material, making turns in an arbitrary direction. With such an uneven work surface, wood fibers can be depicted. It is possible that the direction of the turns will have to be corrected to obtain a more reliable texture. And, finally, by sticking a piece of coarse fabric on the rubber nozzle, you can get an imitation of textile upholstery. Almost any imitation can be obtained with a foam nozzle by applying the desired pattern to its surface.

Structural rubber roller for complex patterns

In childhood, many are fond of making stamps from erasers, which can be used more than once by rubbing with a graphite pencil or ink paste. ballpoint pen. Approximately the same is a structural rubber roller, only the pattern on it is closed around a cylindrical working surface. Once upon a time, such rollers began to be produced so that the owners could make prints on wallpaper for painting at home. However, over time there were finished wallpaper with various patterns, and a special decoration device turned out to be unnecessary. A tool for decorating walls with plaster came in handy.

But if a regular nozzle with a slight relief can be easily used to apply enough liquid decorative composition, then is a figured roller suitable for this purpose, with a pronounced pattern? Unfortunately no. The fact is that a textured nozzle with small irregularities allows you to capture a fairly thick layer of the mixture, and in the process of applying it, the layer turns out somewhere thicker, and somewhere thinner. If strongly protruding figures of the drawing are cut out on the working surface, only they will be printed on the wall, the rest of the space will not be covered with plaster.

But such tools are great for getting a picture on an already finished surface. It is not news that even the fastest-drying composition freezes for about twenty minutes. This time is enough to pick up a roller and roll it over the surface of the finished area. It is only necessary to observe one rule: the movement must be carried out from top to bottom, at the same speed along the entire length of the decorated strip. The next pass of the tool must be made close to the previous one, without indents and overlaps.

How to make a structural roller with your own hands

Today, tools for creating a textured pattern on a freshly plastered surface are commercially available. They are made of rubber and have a stamp strongly protruding above the base in the form of one or another pattern. However, it is much more pleasant to do something unusual on your own in order to end up with a unique pattern. So, what is needed for this. First, a regular rubber roller for smoothing wallpaper. Secondly, you need to find dense thick rubber about a centimeter thick (you can take a couple of dozen erasers, but this is last resort). And finally, we need rubber glue.

From a sheet of rubber or from an eraser, we cut out a figure, for example, a leaf of a plant. If the fragments of the pattern are pasted at large intervals, the shape of the base does not play a role, otherwise it is better to make the fragment so that there is no difference which side becomes working. The next element, in continuation of the plant theme, will be, for example, a flower. You can make stems, buds, berries, the content of the pattern does not matter, the main thing is that it be continuous around the entire cylindrical surface of the tool nozzle. All parts are fixed with glue from end to end, the metal rod (byugel), on which the nozzle rotates, is usually bent so that it does not interfere with changing the diameter of the nozzle at all.

The sizes of machines, consisting of a handle, a yoke (metal rod) and a roller, can be different: short, within 30 centimeters, medium, from 35 to 45 centimeters, and long, from 50 centimeters and more. Special extension handles are also produced, from 70 centimeters to 4 meters.

In order for the pattern to turn out to be of the highest quality, it is advisable to round off the working surface of all glued parts. This will allow the curly elements to sink into the surface of the plaster gently, without disturbing the prints with sharp edges. You should not rush and create a pattern as soon as the plaster covers the wall. The fact is that the fresh mixture will stick to the relief of the tool, clog between closely spaced elements and, accordingly, remain on the roller. It is best to wait about ten minutes (or longer, depending on the finishing material) to dry out a bit.

Add room stylish design and rollers for decorative plaster will help to make it unusual. It is amazing that such an affordable and familiar wall leveling tool has become a full-fledged tool for decorative finishing. The secret of the transformation lies in textured rollers, which allow you to create a figured print on the wall that imitates Various types surfaces, for example, the texture of stone, wood, leather, "fur coat", etc.

With the help of figured rollers, you can easily create a picture on the wall

Varieties of rollers

For a long time, craftsmen have been working on walls with improvised means: sponges, a comb, a hard brush. Today assortment building tools for decoration, it allows you to find a roller with a ready-made relief that is suitable for the plan, which, after processing the plastered wall, turn it into real three-dimensional images. Variations of roller cylinder coatings:

  • rubber;
  • foam rubber;
  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • silicone;
  • textile;
  • leather.

Before choosing a roller, you need to decide on the desired pattern on the wall

Tools with a soft surface, such as fur, create a “fur coat” effect on the plaster. Marble finishing is obtained with a fabric roller with a crinkled fabric, and a leather surface gives a finish similar to natural stone. As a rule, they work with such rollers when it is necessary to process a painted surface. Standard foam cylinders can be upgraded with twine, thread, and foam pieces to create natural patterns such as tree bark.

Features of structural plaster rollers

If you are interested in a more pronounced decor, then you can not do without hard-coated rollers. Their cost is an order of magnitude higher than conventional pressure ones, but this is due to their high aesthetic value. Plus, you can use them multiple times. The most productive will be rubber rollers, which can have a convex pattern to get a depressed pattern or slotted to form three-dimensional textures.

Since such an innovation for decorative plaster came from Western countries, it is in their stores that a variety of textures and patterns reigns: leaves, flowers, animals, birds, geometric shapes.

Work with a structural roller is carried out in two ways - first they apply plaster, wait for some fixing, after which they finish by layer or apply plaster to the wall (already filled with putty in one layer), dipping the roller into the composition. But, basically, the second method is used to carry out patterned coloring by creating prints with this rubber product.

Stages of wall plastering

Before applying decorative plaster, the wall must be carefully prepared

In order for the plaster to last longer and not crack, it is necessary to pre-treat. To do this, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt, old wallpaper, dust and a primer is applied to it. Then, for leveling, they pass with putty. For puttying, spatulas with a size of 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm are used. Putty application should be uniform. And don't push too hard.

After the first layer of putty has dried, it is necessary to apply a second one using a 600 mm spatula. Putty must be applied and smoothed in two mutually perpendicular directions. Then you can proceed to the decoration process, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Dry plaster is mixed with water, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Then they apply the mixture to the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm in order to move on to creating a decor, or more dense if it is also necessary to level the surface. Smooth out with a spatula.
  3. They give ten minutes for the composition to thicken, and they begin to pass textured roller from top to bottom, forming a pattern. It is more convenient to work in pairs, when the first person is applying plaster, and the second creates a relief, for example, a “fur coat”.
  4. The subsequent processing of the wall with paint is carried out after 48 hours, as the plaster finally dries. If it is necessary to paint over the entire wall, then a roller with a long nap is bought, and to add color only to the protruding parts, they take a tool with a short nap.

Principles of accurate drawing

Using rollers for decorative plaster, you must follow a few rules:

  1. The roller is not pressed strongly against the wall, the movement should be smooth and unhurried.
  2. The application of the second ink path begins where the border of the first pattern passes, without overlap.
  3. At the ceiling, the roller needs to be pressed up a little, but keep a low pressing force further.
  4. If the pattern is too embossed, it can be smoothed out with a wet sanding mesh.

How to create a "fur coat" surface

A “fur coat” wall means that plaster is sprayed onto the surface with a broom, brush, or a special machine. "Fur coat" is especially popular for the facade surface, but it will also look interesting indoors. Modern version creating a fur coat includes the use of a textured roller, which allows you to make the layer uniform and presentable.

Facade processing under the "fur coat" is carried out in the same way as in the room. First putty is applied, plastered and carried out over the plastered layer with a pile roller. If an error occurs or you see that the plaster is uneven, you should remove the excess with a spatula. It is impossible to take breaks in the process of creating a “fur coat”, otherwise the composition will have time to dry, and there will be too noticeable a joint at the edges.

The use of structural rollers will allow you to decorate the wall as well as any repair specialist. Decorative plaster has long outgrown its main purpose (wall leveling) and is a great way to create exclusive interiors, and even in ethnic style.

If you really want to create a stylish, unique interior, but there is not enough money for a cool wall decorator, you should not give up your idea.

Textured rollers for decorative plaster will allow you to carry it out yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. But before you run to the store for this unusual tool, study the information provided in this article about its types and the technology for creating a textured coating with it.

We are all familiar with the usual paint rollers for painting walls and ceilings. And older people from the stories of their parents remember wooden cylindrical devices for drawing pictures on the walls, which were massively used in the era of the absence and shortage of wallpaper.

It was they who became the prototype of modern decorative rollers with a pattern for decorative plaster.

Construction market offers

Let's see what types of rollers are offered by manufacturers of construction tools. All of them are arranged in the same way and represent a rotating cylinder mounted on a handle.

The cylinder cover can be:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • foam;
  • tissue;
  • leather,
  • fur.

The texture of the future depends on the type of coating and its relief. decorative surface, which can imitate brick or masonry, marble, wood, fabric or be decorated with an original pattern, ornament.

Here are some examples:

  • Embossed plaster roller with hard rubber or plastic coated and a relief pressed into it will create a convex pattern on the surface of the wall;

  • Relief protruding above the surface of the coating, on the contrary, will allow you to squeeze out a pattern on fresh plaster. For example, create the effect of brickwork or tree bark;

  • Fur for textured plaster are used to create the effect of "fur coats";

  • Soft, crinkled swab roller imitates a marble surface, which will look very believable with the right choice of plaster and painting the walls (see) in a special way after it dries.

Homemade rollers

The price of finished decorative rollers can be very different and depends on the material, size, complexity of the pattern. But in any case, it is not so high as to save on this tool.

However, among both experienced finishers and beginners, there are people who are simply interested in making a structural paint roller with their own hands. This makes it possible to satisfy your creative needs and create a truly individual, unique design walls.

You can make a decorative roller with your own hands in different ways:

  • Cut out an ornament on a rubber roller with a sharp knife. flat surface. For example, longitudinal and transverse channels imitating brickwork;
  • Cut out the elements of the future pattern from thick rubber and glue them special glue. Before that, do not forget to slightly round the edges of the parts to be glued so that they are smoothly immersed in the solution;

Note. Whatever pattern or ornament you choose, it must be closed so that the imprint left is not interrupted.

  • Wind rubber strips, laces, clothesline on the working cylinder in random order - in the form of a spiral or with overlaps and intersections at different angles;
  • An unusual roller for textured plaster is obtained by fixing crumpled tape on it plastic bag, vegetable mesh, burlap.

For reference. In addition to relief rollers for plaster, you can use other tools and materials: stamps, combs, hard brushes, sponges, etc. down to your own fingers, with which you can draw on a fresh layer of plaster.

Ways to use

You can create a relief using a decorative roller in different ways. In any case, the walls before this must be well aligned, not have depressions and bulges, otherwise the prints will turn out to be uneven. Therefore, the device of the base for painting with a structural roller must be taken carefully.

If a hard roller is used for decorative plaster, then the process goes like this:

  • A layer of the working mixture is applied to the prepared, even and primed surface;
  • She is allowed to grab a little, since it is impossible to leave a clear mark on the liquid solution - it will stick to the roller, clog into the recesses of the relief. At the same time, one should not hesitate too much, allowing the solution to gain hardness. Therefore, it is better to work together: one applies the plaster, the second gives it texture;

For information. The setting time is usually 10-20 minutes depending on the type of plaster. The instructions on the packaging contain this information.

  • The roller is lightly pressed against the wall under the ceiling and, without lifting it from the surface, is led down, trying to exert very light uniform pressure on it;
  • The next strip begins close to the previous one and from the same fragment of the picture so that it does not interrupt. To do this, you can make a mark on the roller.

If the resulting relief seems too rough to you, it can be smoothed out with a sanding grid soaked in water. You can paint the walls only after the plaster has completely dried.

With the help of rollers with a soft coating, you can create a two-color relief plaster. To do this, the walls are first leveled with a solution of the same color, which will be the background, and allowed to dry. Then a composition of a different color and not very thick consistency is prepared, tinting it with special tinting pastes.

Applying decorative plaster with a roller is simple: it is immersed in the finished solution, rolled out first on the auxiliary surface to evenly distribute the mixture, and then on the wall. Movements should be smooth, with uniform pressure.


The video in this article will be an additional and more reliable help than an oral description if you decide to master decorative plaster with a roller. After studying it and a few training approaches, you can quite professionally do this job.

Make the room stylish and give it original design possible with quality finishes. Today, among a large abundance of materials, it is popular decorative coating walls with plaster or paint, for which a tool is used - a textured roller. So that the finish has a beautiful appearance, it is recommended to consider in more detail all the nuances of using this device.

The design of the device is quite simple: rollers for painting walls are made of various materials and by pressing are attached to the handle. The cylinder itself is located on a solid metal rod, which is fixed on the handle. Decorative wall paint rollers are used to create sinuous ornaments and patterns that look very advantageous in classic and modern interiors.

To work with the tool usually does not require additional skills. After the liquid composition of the future coating is diluted, the roller is knurled in a special cuvette. This is done to avoid smudges during work - thus, the paint lays down evenly, and the plaster is applied with a roller without leaving clots on the surface.

In the video: painting with a texture roller.

Important! Experts do not recommend using the same tool for different kind coatings: when applied textured paint you will need one type of roller, when using plaster - another. Besides, there is always an option self-manufacturing tool.

Roller materials for decorative wall treatment

Modern tools differ among themselves in the material of the working surface. Applying textured plaster using a decorative roller allows you to divide fixtures into several categories:

A textured roller creates beautiful textured coatings. In addition to these types of materials, foam rubber, foam plastic and fabric are also used. Textured plaster rollers made of foam rubber are suitable for priming the first layer for further decor. They also performed well in creating the effect of bubbles on the wall. In fabric analogues, soft plush material is used, which forms original traces on the surface. The foam product is similar to a structural rubber roller, but is notable for its fragility.

Classification of rollers according to the texture of the finished pattern

Tools have the most diverse structure, thanks to which the final ornament is obtained. Some imitate natural materials, others simply create an arbitrary pattern. All rollers can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Textured fixtures- are able to transfer materials such as fur, wood, textiles and natural stone chips to the surface of the plaster. With the help of a textured roller, a relief is created, which is achieved due to the material used to make the tool. For the effect of uneven fibers, a fur roller is used, to make an imitation of natural stone, a rubber product with a special pattern in the form of eyelets is suitable. Such a device is used on a primed wall without the use of pre-finishing.

  • structural products. Plastering with a roller of this type involves the application of a complex repeating ornament. This effect is achieved with the help of curly clippings on the roller. The peculiarity of their application lies in the fact that the coating should be applied to the prepared wall with the finish. For example, when the plane is finished with paint or plaster without relief, then it is dried and decorated. To achieve a more beautiful ornament, processing is carried out using a figured roller, which has a certain pattern.

In addition, products are classified according to the width of the roller. They come in sizes from 30 cm and up. The wider the tool, the faster the composition of the textured paint will fall, but choosing a narrow tool, the chances of getting an attractive clear structure are higher.

Self-made tool

As you know, some finishing fixtures are expensive, so making a device with your own hands will be a way out of the situation. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to make a textured roller with your own hands.

  1. For the first option you will need a clothesline and an old unusable tool with a reliable roller and a strong handle. Before making the device, wrap it with a rope and fix the ends tightly. Depending on the frequency of winding, you can adjust the future texture, which will create a variety of stripes on the wall.
  2. The second method involves using an old foam roller. By cutting the roller in several places with sharp scissors, you can get a texture roller with an original effect for the walls. Cuts can be combined with each other, make them wider and longer - all this will be reflected in the plane.
  3. Another way to make a textured painting tool is to use a plastic bag. Wrap it around a wall roller and tie it with a thread. It can be replaced with adhesive tape, which will add traces of texture.

On video: creating a texture roller with your own hands.

Jacks of all trades also offer to make a structural roller with your own hands. This will require a little patience and imagination. To obtain quality coating think carefully about your idea. You can also use the template when covering the wall with trim. To get on the wall structural plaster, consider this option for manufacturing a roller:

  • Take old tool, preferably foam;
  • cut out thick fabric figurines of the same size;
  • Form fantasy flaps from cuts and twist them like origami;
  • Attach the resulting products evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the roller using construction stapler or pins - the relief roller for plaster is ready!

Thus, it is possible to create almost any conceived structure on the surface of the wall, using improvised means.

wall coating technique

To keep the plaster for a long period of time, it is necessary to pre-treat the wall. If you intend to use a textured roller for painting walls, there is no need to paint the surface in the main color. When working with a structural tool, this procedure is mandatory so that the patterns on the roller do not stretch the finished mixture in the wrong direction.

Use the suggested tips to achieve the desired result:

  1. Do not press the tool close to the plane, move carefully and slowly.
  2. Using a patterned roller for decor with texture, start the next path where the border of the first pattern passes. Do not overlap the ornament.
  3. When you reach the ceiling, press the tool to the top. After that, work with normal pressing.
  4. Corner places must be treated with a brush - the roller will not pass into narrow joints.
  5. If it happens that the relief ornaments come out too convex, they can be corrected with a dampened grinding net.

Painting walls with a patterned roller requires care and smooth movements. Refuse to rush and keep the evenness of the pattern. Sometimes a stencil made of dense material is used during work.

Advice! To create the effect of a “fur coat”, marble chips, textile fibers, you can resort to using a relief roller for painting with a textured base. The material is applied to the walls, after running the tool in a container with paint. If excess is formed during work, they are removed with a spatula.

By applying decorative rollers yourself, you can create an attractive surface as good as any decorator. Choose a tool with the necessary structure and turn on your imagination - the result will surely delight you with its appearance.

If plaster is used to finish the facade, then its smooth surface, even painted in the original color, may look a little boring.

more original and interesting design help to make rollers for decorative plaster. Their relief surface will leave a textured pattern on outer wall, but at the same time the whole house will also be reliably protected from a large amount of precipitation and temperature changes with a layer of plaster.

In order to create a decorative finish on the wall, various sponges, stamps, combs and applicators are used, but they can be used if the scale of work is small. A roller allows you to quickly process a large area. In the assortment of stores there are several types of textured rollers:

  1. According to the material with which the moving cylinder is covered.
  2. According to the drawings that are created during the work.

There are also several ways to apply decorative plaster using a roller. In the first variant, still wet plaster (both colored and ordinary gray) is passed with a textured roller and the necessary pattern is created, which can be additionally painted. In the second case, the tool is dipped into the solution and the texture is already applied to the prepared flat surface.

What are textured rollers

If earlier paint was applied to a plastered wall with a metal cylinder, now the roller can perform various functions. With its help, a primer, paint and even a mortar for plaster are applied, and it will also help to make an original drawing on a large surface.

Given all the functionality, rollers for textured plaster are produced from various materials, such as:

  • foam rubber;
  • leather;
  • plastic;
  • tree
  • silicone;
  • textile;
  • rubber;
  • Styrofoam.

Foam tool

If a tool of this type is chosen for work, then you should know that the foam rubber must have sufficiently deep pores, and their diameter may differ significantly. With such features, a pattern will remain on the treated surface, which will resemble bursting bubbles or lunar craters.

Applying decorative plaster with a foam-coated roller should be easy, you should not press hard on it, because the soft base, compressing, will smooth out the entire pattern. Also, you can not use such a tool if a plaster with solvents is selected. These components will easily break the structure of the foam rubber and its particles will remain on the surface of the plaster.

In order to apply decorative plaster with an ordinary foam roller, it can be wrapped with ropes of different thicknesses, a vegetable net, or the desired pattern can be cut on it. This will be a do-it-yourself roller for decorative plaster. It will help to realize a truly original idea.

Fur or fleecy rollers

If used for work fur rollers, then a surface imitating a “fur coat” is obtained. An important point is the length of the villi. If you need a more pronounced effect, you should choose options with a long pile. Available for sale different instruments, the length of the pile ranges from 2 mm to 25 mm.

Both natural materials (natural fur) and synthetic fibers can be used as a material for the manufacture of these rollers. You need to carefully choose such a tool, the pile should not be pulled out of the base. Otherwise, when drawing a picture, the base will be damaged by the presence of unwanted villi.

leather roller

A leather-coated tool will help make the surface look like natural stone or marble. It is most often used together with Venetian plaster.

Please select a product from natural material, since synthetic analogues may be of poor quality and can ruin expensive plaster.


Textured rollers for decorative plastic plaster are considered the most budget options.

They may have bulges or depressions on the surface. various shapes. This material is not durable, after a while chips or cracks may appear on the surface of the roller, which will cause defects in the pattern.


Textured plaster can also be applied with a wooden roller. This tool can perfectly replace the most popular and durable rubber tool. It leaves a quality picture with correct use. Moreover, the tree is a rather inert material, and does not interact with chemicals plasters.

Its disadvantage is hygroscopicity. During operation, it can absorb water from the solution and, as a result, swell. This changes the size of the picture. To eliminate this drawback, you need to stop working and dry the tool thoroughly.

rubber roller

This tool is most often used to create complex textures:

  1. geometric shapes.
  2. plants.
  3. Animals.
  4. Murals.
  5. Brickwork.

It is used by professionals in their work, because the material is durable, easy to maintain and easy to work with.


This material is just as good as rubber suitable for applying complex textures and patterns. But due to the fact that the material is easily damaged during operation, when processing large surfaces, it will be necessary to change the tool several times. If the owner wants to finish on a small surface, then this will be an alternative to expensive options.

Work rules

Before proceeding to decorative trim walls, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, the walls are cleaned of all contaminants, well primed and leveled. If the base is not even, then the drawing will not turn out to be quite high-quality and uniform, it will not look aesthetically pleasing.

After the leveling layer dries, you can proceed to the decorative finish.

  1. A solution of special decorative plaster is made according to the recipe indicated on the package.
  2. Next, the mixture is applied to the wall, up to 5 mm thick.
  3. In order to get a clear picture, you need to wait a bit for the mortar to begin to solidify on the wall. Approximately 10 minutes will be enough. If you wait longer, then a thicker solution will cling to the tool, and if less, then a clear print will not work on a liquid basis. You also need to remember about the complete solidification of the plaster. Can't do a large number of solution. If not used immediately, it will solidify in the container. And if you put it all on the wall, then it will not be possible to process it with a roller. It is better to work in pairs - one applies plaster, the other works with a roller.
  4. They move from top to bottom.
  5. The embossed plaster roller must not be pressed hard. Movements should be smooth, sliding.
  6. Each subsequent strip runs close to the previous one. On the whip is unacceptable, because the picture will be distorted.
  7. The first few strips should be checked with a level or plumb bob. If they are not even, it is better to redo it immediately to get a high-quality result.
  8. If the pattern turned out to be excessively embossed, after drying it can be smoothed out a little with a grater and a sanding grid.
  9. If the area to be treated is very large, you need to monitor the condition of the roller, especially if it is made of soft materials. When worn, they must be replaced.
  10. After the decorative plaster has completely dried, if necessary, you can start painting. If the paint needs to be applied to the protruding parts, then use a short-nap roller or a brush. If the plaster must be completely painted with a roller, then it is better to use a tool with a long pile.