Water pipes      06/13/2019

How to compact the soil under the lawn. Proper preparation of the area for the lawn

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​After rolling out the lawn, it must be rolled and watered abundantly. During the period of germination of a rolled lawn, it must be watered for two weeks, and after two weeks it must be safely used. Most important condition– PROVIDE WATERING, especially in hot months. It should be noted that when seeding a lawn, watering with a hose creates the problem of furrow formation when dragging the hose. Rolled lawn has some advantage in this case. It is necessary to water it abundantly, but it is also possible to move around it in the unwatered part.​

​Each resulting seam and the ends of the lawn are filled with fertile soil composition. If local soils are clayey, use a mixture of peat, loam and sand (in parts 1:2:4). For sandy loam soil, the proportions of the same components change (in parts 2:4:1). And on peat soil, use a mixture of peat and sand (3:1). Immediately after laying, abundant watering is necessary so that the water not only wets the turf, but also the ground underneath it to a depth of about 3 cm.​

Cleaning the area and preparing the area for a lawn

​When you decide to buy, there is no need to rush; the material does not tolerate long-term storage. Initially, careful preparation of the soil must be carried out rolled lawn Without this, the lawn will not last long. The soil is processed according to the same rules as before sowing regular suitable grass.​ ​Return to contents​

​motor cultivator or walk-behind tractor for digging up a large area;​

How to properly dig up soil for a lawn

​For normal growth, not only careful care during growth is necessary, but also good preparation of the land for sowing.​

​When laying, the gardener should only move on the flooring made of boards. It is not advisable to walk on freshly laid out rolls or prepared soil. The boardwalk will not only protect the lawn from injury, but will also contribute to additional compaction and better adhesion of the roots to the soil.​

​Before you start laying the rolled lawn, you need to properly prepare the base for it. To do this, the area is thoroughly cleaned: any debris is removed and stumps are uprooted. You should also level the terrain, that is, fill all the depressions with soil and cut off the hummocks. It is not necessary to make the site perfectly smooth along the entire perimeter; on the contrary, if possible, it is advisable to make a slight slope from the center to the edges so that excess moisture went away without leading to waterlogging or freezing of the soil.​

  • ​The leveled soil must be trampled down in small steps or compacted with a lawn roller so that it does not sag after rain. In addition, grass will take root better in compacted soil. When the soil under the lawn is thoroughly compacted, walk along its surface with a rake again, leveling any uneven areas and removing stones. As a result, the surface of the earth should look like a pie sprinkled with sand crumbs, while remaining quite dense inside.​
  • ​Use a pitchfork or a pick to thoroughly loosen the lower level of the soil;​
  • ​Preparing the soil for a lawn is comparable to laying a solid foundation for a house. The more responsible you are about this important stage, the smoother and neater the finished lawn will look, and the fewer problems there will be with it later. Be prepared for the fact that it will take you a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it!​
  • ​After some time, brown spots appear on the lawn. Possible reasons: Watering was uneven. In some places the lawn is drying out from lack of moisture. The lawn was not rolled well enough when laying. Small air pockets remain. Uneven soil surface when laying lawn. Excess water cannot drain away (poor drainage).​
  • It is not recommended to walk on a newly covered area with turf for another 15 or 20 days, until the roots grow together with the soil. Be sure to provide care for the rolled lawn so that the blades take root as quickly as possible. In summer, when it's hot and dry time, requires abundant daily watering. When the turf grows, you need to water less often, 1-2 times every 10 days.​

​The area must be cleared of stumps, household or construction debris that cannot be buried in the soil. Various grasses from the ground are removed along with the turf. It is very important to carefully select the remaining weeds, especially rhizomatous ones, from the area being prepared. These are plantain, coltsfoot, nettle, wheatgrass, dandelions, gooseberry, nettle, etc. It is recommended that in areas where such weeds are particularly concentrated, herbicide treatment with a Roundup-type agent is recommended. Before laying the rolled lawn, the soil should be dug up with a shovel or cultivator. The earth clods are broken and crushed to a size of about 2 cm in diameter.​

Leveling the site and top layer of soil

​The next stage is leveling the surface. To do this, you should use a rake. However, large areas should be treated with a motor cultivator or walk-behind tractor. The surface must be level and smooth, and the level must be appropriate. That is, if the plot is to be planted with seeds, it should be level with borders and paths. If a lawn is laid on the prepared site, the level should be approximately 2.5 cm lower than the paths. This is the thickness that is usually found in finished rolls.​

​garden rake for leveling the soil and cutting up clods of earth;​

​Lawn mowing diagram.​

Final preparation of the soil for the lawn

​The newly created lawn cannot be walked on for a month. Wait until the end of this period for the roots to fully adhere to the base. After this, you can, without fear of ruining the rolled lawn with your own hands, have picnics on it and even play tennis.​ ​The next step in preparing the site will be installing drainage. To do this they cut upper layer soil over the entire area of ​​the future lawn. Gravel 10-15 cm thick is laid down the resulting pit, and 10 cm of sand is placed on top. Both layers are thoroughly compacted. Instead of a layer of sand, you can use geotextiles. After this, a layer of fertile soil 10-15 cm thick is laid, which is compacted with a roller weighing about 100 kg.​

​This completes the preparation of the soil for the lawn. It is recommended, if time permits, to leave the area fallow for one and a half to two months - the land will settle a little more, and you will be able to eliminate the defects that have appeared, as well as destroy the wave of weeds that will inevitably grow on freshly cultivated land. After this, all that remains is to loosen the surface of the area again with a rake and sow the seeds. lawn grass.​

​dig a second furrow and fill the first furrow with soil removed from it;​


Laying and caring for rolled lawn

​You will need to clear the selected area of ​​debris, remove weeds and uproot stumps, dig up the soil, level the surface, apply fertilizer, compact the top layer of soil, and then loosen and level again. You will have to work especially hard if the area has not been developed before. And it doesn’t matter whether you plan to sow the area with grass yourself or lay a rolled lawn - preparing the soil for the lawn will be the same.​

The lawn is becoming thinner and weeds are appearing. Possible reasons: The lawn receives too little light (near walls and high fences, shade of trees, north side). The lawn was not sufficiently mowed or fertilized.​

Features of rolled lawn

​The longevity of the grass surface can only be ensured by proper care​

If the site has clay soils that do not drain water well, be sure to lay a drainage cushion 5-10 cm high from a layer of sand and gravel. This will prevent root rotting and improve water-air permeability of the soil surface. It is recommended to add various improving components to the soil (to increase fertility, reduce acidity, improve structure). A week before you plan to lay the rolled lawn yourself, complex fertilizer is applied to the site, about 50 g per sq. m. All components mix well.​

Choosing a rolled lawn

​The rake must be moved back and forth across the surface until the ground becomes smooth and level. All lumps must be broken. To give greater smoothness, the rake is turned over and the surface is completely leveled with the other side. When leveling, you need to move in the opposite direction so as not to leave marks behind you.​

​garden watering can for watering the area;​

We calculate the amount of material

​Before you begin preparing the soil, you need to decide where to plant the lawn.​

​Immediately after laying, the new lawn should be well watered so that not only the turf roll is moistened, but also the soil underneath it. Over the next week, in the absence of constant rain, it is recommended to water the lawn every day, gradually reducing the water flow. In the future, they switch to regular watering approximately once every 10 days, of course, in the absence of precipitation and if the soil on the site is not sandy. In the latter case, you should moisten the lawn 2 times a week.​

Preparing the soil for rolled lawn

​Before laying a rolled lawn, it is necessary to destroy the weeds on the site. You can control weeds yourself, that is, pull out unwanted vegetation with your hands, or use chemicals. The most popular in this regard are Roundup, Reglon and Paraquat. The disadvantage of this method is that after using poisons you should wait a couple of weeks, and only then start laying the lawn, otherwise, along with the weeds, the chemicals will destroy the cultivated grass.

​Creating a seed lawn on a site is a rather long and labor-intensive task. The sown seeds germinate unevenly, and bald spots often form that need to be “patched” with new plantings. Young lawn grass requires frequent watering and regular pest and weed control. Only after 1.5–2 years will the seeded lawn acquire its final appearance. Moreover, whether it will look like the ground lawn near an English castle or an ordinary “wild” lawn is unknown. To a large extent it depends on the skill of the gardener.​

Break up large clods of earth with a pitchfork or shovel;

​In the photo preparatory work to arranging a lawn

Rolled lawn: installation

The lawn is starting to rot. Possible causes: Grass clippings are not removed from the lawn. Lawn grass grows too high. The lawn has never been aerated.​

​Starting from the second year, the grass will have to be mowed regularly (be sure to carefully remove the cut parts). The ideal height of greenery is 4-5 cm. The first mowing is carried out when the grass begins to grow, and only its tips need to be cut off. In subsequent times, the lawn mower blades are gradually lowered (they should always be sharp). Lawn mowing occurs from mid-spring to October. During rainy periods, the grass is mowed more often and cut lower. During dry seasons, there is no need to chop, and the mower blades rise higher. From the moment of mowing, you can begin to feed the plants with mineral fertilizers. It is better to do this before watering.

You will have to carefully prepare the soil first

​To reduce the number of weeds that grow in your lawn, you should use the following recommendation. It is necessary to water the prepared area and wait for the weeds to grow. After that, pull them out. If necessary, the operation should be repeated. Thanks to this, in the future, after sowing the lawn, it will have minimal amount weed grass.​

​roller weighing 100-150 kg for compacting soil.​

​What should it be like? The site should be sunny, trees, shrubs and buildings should not shade the planting site for more than 4 hours a day. In addition, there should be no stagnation of rain and melt water: excess moisture will help destroy the seedlings.​

​After a couple of weeks, the young lawn can be cut for the first time. This is done against the direction of laying the rolls, adjusting the mower blades so that only the top ends of the grass are cut. Then you can cut it shorter, gradually reaching the desired lawn height. The last time of the year the lawn is cut in September, then the grass goes under the snow with a height of 4-4.5 cm.​

​A week before the intended laying of the rolled lawn, additives are added to the soil that will increase the speed of its establishment in the new location. It can be peat, organic or mineral fertilizers.​

Roll lawn care

​For those who do not want to work for several years for questionable results, the modern agricultural market offers ready-made layers of turf with already sprouted grass - rolled lawn. Before sale, it is grown on special plantations using special technology for 1.5-2 years, and then cut with turf and delivered to the customer. Having rolled out such a roll, you can already improve your plot with a lawn grown according to all the rules within a day. We'll tell you how to lay rolled lawn yourself - it's not difficult, and it also allows you to save a lot of money.​

​The last furrow is filled with the soil that was dug at the very beginning.​

​The first thing to do is to clear the area of ​​construction and household debris, wood chips, stones, branches, etc. Just do not bury small debris in the ground, otherwise problems may arise later when using equipment, and foreign objects will interfere with the development of the plant root system. If you had concrete or stone paths where you plan to place the lawn, you will have to completely remove them down to the very base.​


​The ideal length of lawn grass is 4-5 cm. When mowing, the mower blades must be sharp. Regular mowing of the lawn helps to form dense and healthy turf and also reduces the risk of weeds appearing in the lawn. The mown grass should be removed after each mowing, but very carefully.​

​Grass slabs can be easily rolled into rolls​

​Then they begin the stage of site planning, followed by rolling with a special roller (tamper). This work is carried out in dry weather when the soil is not sticky. Rolling is needed to level and compact the soil, in which the fertile layer should exceed a thickness of 10-15 cm. The level of flat, rolled soil should be 2 cm lower than the height of the paths.​


​Immediately before sowing the lawn, it is necessary to carry out the last preparatory operation: compact the soil. To do this, the soil should be compacted using a roller weighing 100-150 kg. However, the soil can be prepared in this way only in dry weather and in a dry state. Since in wet weather the soil is compacted too much.​

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To calculate the required number of seeds, you should take measurements of the area. To do this, measure the length and width.​

Preparatory operations

​In the spring, after the snow has melted, you should feed the lawn with fast-acting fertilizer and cut the grass. During the first spring mowing, only the top of the grass blades is cut; the final height of the lawn will be achieved with subsequent mowings.​

​The best period for laying a rolled lawn is considered to be mid-autumn, when the ground has not yet frozen or become oversaturated with moisture. You can engage in “lawn construction” in early to mid-spring, but only if the soil has already thawed and dried well.​ ​A lawn in a roll is like a carpet made of real grass, which can be used to cover any area of ​​land. A standard roll has the following dimensions: width – 0.4 m, length – 2 m. The thickness of the turf layer is usually 1.8–2.5 cm, and the height of the grass is 3–7 cm. Average weight one tape varies from 15 to 25 kg.​

Well-rotted manure or compost can be added to the soil. In case of poor drainage and clay soil, preparing the soil for the lawn also includes creating a drainage layer - during two-tier digging, crushed stone or gravel is poured onto the lower level.​

​Video about preparing soil for a lawn​

​You can leave the mowed grass if it is evenly distributed throughout the entire lawn in hot weather, as well as in the case of rare growth of young grass. In other cases, collecting grass, collecting cut grass makes it possible to avoid rotting and damage to lawn grass, the spread of weed seeds and various diseases.​

Before winter you need to mow your lawn. When there is no snow and it is cold, it is better not to walk in this area. And in the spring, by piercing the turf, get rid of puddles of melt water. When the soil dries, the grass will need to be combed and aerated.​

​Experts advise purchasing a rolled lawn in spring, early autumn or summer. In hot weather, regular watering will be required. It is better to carry out work in dry, but not hot weather.​

  • If dry weather persists for a long time, then the soil should be watered 2 days before sowing.
  • ​What should the soil be like? Before planting, it is necessary to analyze the quality of the soil. To do this, the sample is sent to the laboratory, where the pH level and composition of the soil are determined. The optimal pH level is considered to be between 6.5 and 7. However, this indicator is very rare. Therefore, if the soil is acidic, you need to add limestone to it. If, on the contrary, the soil is alkaline, then you can add sulfur.
  • ​Another important stage in preparation is the choice of seeds. Currently, there is a huge selection of grass, differing in individual parameters. In addition, you can buy seeds or already sprouted lawn in rolls. In the first case, the lawn will be cheaper, but there is no guarantee that the grass will sprout or grow evenly. With ready-made rolls, the survival rate increases significantly. But this option will cost more.​
  • ​In the event that there is no way to regularly care for the lawn on the site, then you should pay attention to it artificial variant. It is a flexible rubber sheet on which a pile of polyethylene or polypropylene is attached, imitating real grass.​
  • ​It is advisable that the lawn rolls be delivered to your site immediately before starting work. They need to be deployed as soon as possible, otherwise the living grass may turn yellow from lack of nutrition and lighting. In addition, mold can develop on the lawn, which actively develops in warm and stuffy conditions.​
​As for the grass from which the lawn is created, preference is given to varieties that are typical for our climate. Most often these are meadow bluegrass and red fescue.

Determination of soil composition

​The land for the lawn must also be completely cleared of trees, shrubs, young growth, former flower beds. Special attention is devoted to the destruction of weeds. Can be removed bayonet shovel a thin layer of turf and subsequently use it as fertile soil (put the turf in a stack with its roots up in the far corner of the garden, and within six months it will turn out to be excellent fertile soil). Another option is to get rid of weeds using chemical substances(reglon or roundup), which, penetrating through the stems and leaves of plants into the root system, completely destroy all the grass in a few days. After using herbicides, it is recommended to sow lawn grass seeds only after six weeks, carefully weeding out the weeds that appear during this period.​

​One of the most important points lawn care involves watering. It should be sufficient. However, the turf should not be allowed to dry out, nor should it be over-irrigated. In snowless winters, it is better not to walk on the lawn. In the spring, after heavy snow melting, it is necessary to get rid of puddles (piercing). Lawn combing and aeration – necessary condition, after the soil dries.​

​You can quickly transform your plot of land by creating a uniform covering of it with beautiful emerald grass. For the first couple of years, you won’t even have to worry about removing weeds or controlling pests. Following simple rules for laying and caring for rolled lawns will improve any landscape, including areas with steep slopes.​

​It is advisable to install the purchased grass surface immediately, without storing it. It is recommended to lay the rolled lawn yourself within a day or two after it has been cut and delivered to the customer. Before laying, the rolled rolls should be kept in a shaded place in the sun; in hot weather, the grass can overheat, turn yellow and die. To prevent this, the plates are regularly watered. If for some reason laying is delayed, the plates can be unrolled and watered. This labor-intensive work will extend the life of the plants by another day or two.​

Thus, if you follow these tips, the soil will be completely prepared for planting a lawn. And the likelihood of getting a lush and green lawn will increase several times.

Final soil preparation operations

​The composition of the soil also plays a role important role in the growth of a thick and high-quality lawn. If the soil is too sandy, it will not retain water. On the other hand, although clay soil retains moisture, insufficient aeration will require more time for the liquid to reach the roots of the grass. Most best option for a lawn it is loamy soil. It has fairly good aeration and retains water for a considerable time. You can artificially achieve the required composition: add clay to sandy soil, and sand to clay soil. In this way some balance will be achieved.​

​It is worth considering that the best varieties grasses will cost more than low-grade crops. In addition, cheap seeds may contain weed impurities. So savings are not always justified.​

​The soil preparation for an artificial lawn is done in the same way as for a real one. As for laying, it consists of rolling out the roll and connecting the parts with special staples.​

​The installation of a rolled lawn begins on the side where the folded rolls are located. Remember, the less you move them around the area, the better. Carefully roll out the roll in a straight line; you cannot bend it, even if the future lawn has a round shape. All irregularities planned when laying out the lawn are cut out from straight laid out rolls using a knife.​

​A high-quality lawn has a number of features that must be taken into account when choosing. A lawn grown by professionals does not contain visible weeds and has a thick grass cover without bald spots. The high quality of the roll is also associated with the density of the turf, which is difficult to tear apart with your hands. A developed root system of lawn grasses should be well branched, which allows all the roots in the roll to adhere into one dense layer, which will also retain the thickness of the turf. In a word, if you lift a rolled lawn by the edge at a garden center, and it begins to tear and crumble, then this product is of poor quality.​

So that the grass on small hills does not look cut short, and in the lowlands it does not look too long, you need to take care in advance of how to level the area for the lawn. To do this, walk with a rake over the dug up area, at the same time removing old roots and stones that are on the surface. From time to time, carefully inspect the area from the side so that its level is the same from different points. Move the soil from the hillocks to the lowlands for leveling, but keep in mind: all unevenness will reappear after the ground settles.​


Laying a rolled lawn: preparing the soil for the lawn and rules for working with it » construction, repairs in the Mytishchi region

What is turf covering

​Further preparation of the soil for the lawn involves carefully digging it up. This stage cannot be skipped, even if it seems very difficult. It is enough to dig up good soil (after a garden or flower bed) to the depth of one spade bayonet, turning over and breaking pieces of earth. A simple single-tier digging is only suitable for soil that was previously cultivated, since only the top layer of soil is prepared, and the bottom layer remains unchanged.​

To quickly restore the lawn, you need fertilizing complex fertilizers in the spring. In autumn, fertilizing is done with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.​

​ - absence of weeds for the first 2 years; - the turf is not damaged by precipitation; - installation is possible from spring to autumn; - you can walk on the lawn right away, but very carefully (it’s better to use a shield or wide board), and actively use it after 2-3 weeks (subject to dry weather).​

The importance of preparatory work

​You can lay the purchased coating yourself, adhering to some rules​

​Biologists confirm that the natural creation of sufficiently high-quality and dense turf from lawn grasses is not an easy task. It will take time and effort. Of course, many are not deterred by the prospect of many years of work and waiting. But today there is a simpler option: artificial lawn. Buying it won't be cheap. But you can quickly create turf areas on your site and decorate your garden, flower bed or yard. Just a couple of weeks after installation, the result will be an excellent grass surface.​

To improve the structure of the soil, you can add organic matter, such as compost. Organic matter improves the properties of the soil: the soil is loosened and water is better retained.​

​It is best to plant a lawn in late April or early May. At this time, the weather is already quite warm, and the ground is still wet. Therefore, it is easier for the lawn to take root; it sprouts well and quickly.​

​Artificial lawn requires virtually no maintenance. The only thing you need to do is water the surface every two weeks to maintain the lawn's adhesion to the soil.​

​In order for the finished lawn to be as uniform as possible, it is recommended that each row begin and end with a whole strip or, in as a last resort, in a piece, at least half of it full size. The remaining scraps from the previous row can be placed in the middle of the next one, and not at the edge.​

​Please note that according to standards, the thickness of a rolled lawn should remain constant along its entire length. This applies to the thickness of the turf layer (about 2 cm) and the height of the grass (about 4 cm).​

​When leveling the area, try not to mix the top layer of soil with the bottom. If you need to level out hummocks and depressions, it is better to temporarily remove the fertile layer and put it aside, carry out all leveling work at the level of the lower layer, and then pour the fertile soil back. If there is a lack of fertile soil on the site (the layer must be at least 20 cm), you can purchase it and mix it with the existing soil - this will ensure uniform drainage.​

​Photo of digging up soil for a lawn​

​Weeds are a special topic. Many of them go away when mowed. Some are removed with selective herbicides (to control dicotyledonous weeds). Consumption rates are always indicated on the drug. And we remember that the lawn should be mowed before winter.​

​Both for sowing the lawn and for laying it roll version it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil. The soil composition needs to be improved by adding peat, dolomite flour and sand - if the soil is clayey, if the soil is sandy - add fertile soil, peat and fertilizers. Mix everything thoroughly.​

​When starting installation, the lawn mats are carefully unrolled, laying the soil in the prepared areas strictly in a straight line. The work is carried out on a board or shield so as not to push through the turf. Having laid the first row, it is well compacted with a thick board to ensure full contact of the roots with the soil. The same is done with each subsequent flooring. To avoid tearing the turf, it should not be driven in or pressed too hard. Rolling with a light roller is allowed to remove air and create a fit.​

How to keep your weed beautiful

​To get a great lawn at home, you don’t have to take care of it for years​

It is also necessary to add initial fertilizer, that is, useful substances that are added to the ground before planting the lawn. Such fertilizers contain a large number of phosphorus, due to which the lawn roots are better anchored in the soil. However, if, based on the results of the soil test, it was revealed that phosphorus is contained in sufficient quantities, then there is no need to add the initial fertilizer.​

​To prepare the soil for planting a lawn, you will need the following tools:​

​The lawn near the house gives it a special look. However, for the growth of high-quality and green grass, it is necessary to carry out a lot of work, since the lawn is a very capricious crop.​

​After the first row is laid, it is compacted using a press made of boards on the handle. If after this, depressions or bumps have formed on the lawn, you should lift the roll and add or remove soil. After this, tamping should be repeated.​

Video: laying rolled lawn

​Laying a rolled lawn with your own hands should be done within one day. This is the only way to get a perfectly even and uniform lawn, indistinguishable from the seeded version. That is why, before starting work, you should accurately calculate required amount rolls so that you don’t have to be distracted by temporary downtime that can spoil the final result of the entire event.​


​Before you prepare the soil for the lawn, you need to add mineral fertilizers to it, because in any case, the soil will lack nutrients, and fertilizing will not at this stage will allow for the best distribution of fertilizers in the soil. Organic fertilizers applied in spring and autumn.​

How is the rolled lawn laid and what should be the soil preparation?

​If the area has not been processed for a long time or the soil is too light or heavy, two-tier digging will be required:

​We wish you a pleasant stay on your emerald lawn!​

​Must be created drainage system(if necessary), the soil must be absolutely level and compacted. It is necessary to roll out the lawn in a checkerboard pattern, without stretching the layers. The sods must be pressed tightly against each other. It is better to join the edges as if in a mound, because After rolling with a roller, there will be no gaps between the sheets. The row should end with either a whole plate or half. The remaining space must be filled with a piece cut to size. Do not place small pieces around the edges. If you find holes or bumps, lift the turf and add or remove soil.​

​The row should end with a whole plate or half of it. They begin to lay the next one with half a piece of roll in order to get a checkerboard pattern and not match the transverse seams. The touching strips of grass should fit snugly against each other. You can join the edges with a small slide so that after rolling there are no gaps. The turf should not be allowed to overlap. Gaps between the plates are also not desirable, especially more than 1.5-2 cm. On areas of land with a complex configuration, the plates are cut as necessary. But, you cannot place small cuttings of turf along the edges.

What problems might arise?

​In fact, the installation of a rolled lawn differs little from that grown independently. These are living herbs. Specialized farms grow them from seeds, which takes about 3 years. Ready material are turf mats, the base of which is a durable mesh base. One cut layer has a width of 0.4-0.6 m and a length of 1.9-2.15 m, depending on the manufacturer (i.e., the area is about 0.8-1.24 sq. m.). The height of the material is approximately 2.5 cm. The turf can weigh from 15 to 30 kg. Such grass plates are easy to roll. They are usually stored in stacks on pallets.​

Fertilizers must be applied to the soil 7-10 days before sowing. The substances are dug evenly into the soil and then leveled with a rake. When digging, it is necessary to remove large roots of weeds: dandelions, woodlice, clover, etc.​

​bayonet shovel for manual digging of the site;​

How to properly care for your lawn?

​When creating a lawn, you need to choose the right grass seeds that do not require special care behind you.​

​The second row and all subsequent ones are laid in a checkerboard pattern, that is, the joints are in different rows should not coincide with each other. The flaps of rolls lying nearby are laid as closely as possible one to one, but without overlap. Gaps between pieces should not be larger than 1.5-2 cm in width.​

​First, we determine the area of ​​​​the territory on which the lawn will be located. To this figure we add 5%, which is necessary to take into account possible shrinkage of the turf. Such a calculation will accurately reflect the area of ​​the rolled lawn only if there are no flower beds, paths, or various roundnesses on the site that need to be rounded and, accordingly, parts of the roll must be cut out. If there is something similar on the territory, it is better to play it safe and increase the reserve to 10% of its area.​

​Video about the lawn, preparing the land for sowing​

​dig a furrow across the area with one bayonet of a shovel, moving the soil to the side for a while;​

​Any use of photographs and articles is permitted only if there is a direct hyperlink to the website www.eco-land.ru. On our website you will find a large number useful ideas and photographs to create a unique landscape design. Landscape design For country house in Minsk and Minsk region. © Copyright 2012.​

​It is necessary to work on a board or shield to avoid pushing or deformation. The plates must be laid in a straight line. Do not attempt to round or bend the edge. This must be done by cutting along the desired contour. The plates must be offset relative to each other, like bricks in a masonry. If cracks have formed, they must be filled. It is also necessary to fill the edges of the lawn, otherwise they will dry out.​

Regardless of how you create a lawn on your site (with your own hands or by inviting professionals), you must follow certain rules. As a result, you will not only be able to correctly complete all the work on installing the lawn (if the work is done yourself), but you will also be able to monitor the completion of all the work so that everything is carried out at the highest level.

Preparation for installation

One of the most important requirements before starting work on installing a rolled lawn is to clear the area of ​​debris. Cleaning does not mean burying waste, but removing it from the site. Before starting work, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary bushes and trees on the site, uproot them, inspect and, if necessary, cure the plants that remain if any diseases are detected. It is necessary to take care of uprooting the rhizomes of perennial weeds. It would also be a good idea to carry out weeding using chemicals(one of the best is Roundup). After treatment with this product, the weeds will gradually begin to dry out until after 1-1.5 months they completely die off. After this, they begin preparing the soil to create a lawn. But still, such prevention cannot fully guarantee that weeds will not appear on the lawn in the future - there may be weed seeds in the soil that will germinate after some time. Some weeds die after mowing, but, alas, not all. For example, you should get rid of dandelions using a root digger. But you don’t need to throw all your energy into fighting weeds when creating English lawn 15-20% weeds are acceptable.

Creating a lawn

When performing work on installing a rolled lawn, it is advisable to completely remove excess water from the area where the lawn will be located. This work is especially necessary for regions where there is a large amount of rain or spring meltwater. High quality drainage is essential to obtain good lawn. To do this, you can use materials such as gravel and brick, which are laid in a layer of up to 15 cm. When this layer is well compacted, it is covered with the same layer of sand (it should also be compacted). After completing this work, you can finally put the soil in place, which must then be rolled with a roller. If you are creating a ground lawn, then the fertile layer on the site should be at least 30 cm.

Before laying the rolled lawn, the prepared area must be kept fallow for about 1.5 months, after which all weeds (if any) must be removed and the soil loosened. If the soil is weathered and dry enough, you can roll it with a garden roller. On a not very large area, you don’t need to use a roller; you just need to compact the soil in shoes without heels. It is very important to carefully plan what the future lawn will look like. It is important to know that the area under the lawn should be located on a slight slope so that excess water can drain freely.

Lawn diseases

Rust quite often affects plantings of lawn plants; fescue and meadow bluegrass are most often infected. Suitable conditions for the spread of this disease are insufficient fertilization and, as a result, a lack of nutrients in the soil and weak immunity, bad light and sudden temperature changes. Signs of rust development can be detected as reddish-yellow spots on plants. If you examine diseased plants carefully, you can find round pustules Brown appearing on the leaves of grasses and other plants. Rust causes an increase in transpiration, and if the disease develops severely, the leaves may also die.

Lawn crops that grow in unfavorable or stressful situations are at much greater risk. Lack of nutrients, the spread of pests, and frequent droughts increase the risk of disease. One of the best ways The fight against the disease is timely application of fertilizers, fertilizing and proper irrigation. When the first symptoms appear on the lawn, treatment with fungicides is required that can stop the spread of this disease over the entire surface of the lawn.

After the end of the winter period, the lawn can also get sick.

  • Lack of nutrients in the autumn, and as a result, reduced immunity;
  • A crust of ice on the snow and trampled snow on the paths significantly impairs air exchange;
  • Neglecting to carry out preventive lawn care in the autumn.

This article contains information on how to properly prepare an area for a lawn. We will tell you about the sequence of actions and describe in detail what needs to be done at each stage.

Preliminary work

In order for a beautiful grass covering to appear on the site, you first need to decide how it will be done. There are two options: sowing special seeds and using ready-made rolled lawn. And although preparing the base for a rolled lawn is practically done in the same way as with the seeding option, there are still some nuances. They relate to the composition of the soil that will accept seeds or grown grass rolled into rolls.

In general, the soil for a lawn should be fertile or neutral. The main criterion is at least 50% black soil. If seeds are used, then the remaining 50% should contain 10% sand and humus, as well as 30% peat. For the rolled version, humus is not required, because the base has already been grown. Therefore, 25% sand and peat are added to the chernozem.

But this is done when black soil is present. If the soil on the site is clay, you will have to add fertile soil to it. If there is sandy soil, sand is not used additionally. Only peat and humus are used. Therefore, before you begin preparing a site for rolled lawn or sowing seeds, you need to determine the type of soil available.

Step-by-step actions

When the choice of lawn material has been made, it is necessary to decide on the size of the area on which you plan to make a lawn. The following is done:

    Marking place and its cleansing.

    Alignment plot.


    Formation the required percentage of soil, applying fertilizers, performing drainage.


Cleaning and leveling

Preparing the soil for a lawn begins with cleaning the designated area. If there is grass growing on it, it needs to be mowed. There may also be old bushes, trees, and stumps. In order for the site to have a harmonious appearance, you need to not just cut down their visible parts, but uproot everything along with the roots. This is labor-intensive work, but it will bear fruit in the future.

Attention is paid to the degree of surface evenness. Sometimes there are elevation changes, bumps, and ruts. In this case, it is better to plan the area so that it becomes uniform. If desired, you can make a slope, but it must also be uniform. This option is convenient in places where a lot of moisture accumulates. All protruding parts of the surface are removed.

If you have regular grass cover, you need to decide how to remove it. This can be done in two ways. The first is to remove a small layer of turf from the top layer of soil. It is advantageous in that this mixture of earth and grass will produce good rotted soil in about six months. To do this, the turf must be laid in a remote place on the site.

The second method is the use of modern chemicals that destroy not only the upper part of the plants, but also their root system. It is more reliable because in the first option the roots remain in the ground. They are removed during further work with the soil. But the chemicals do not work immediately. It takes time for them to permeate the entire system. This usually takes several days, after which all that remains is to remove the dry residues. The disadvantage of the second method is that there is a waiting period before sowing lawn grass. It must be at least three weeks.

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The next stage of cultivating the soil for a lawn is digging. It is mandatory even if the site has been cultivated every year. Then a single-tier option will be sufficient. It consists of removing and turning over a layer of soil, the depth of which is approximately equal to the bayonet of a shovel. At this time, the roots remaining in the soil are additionally removed. If this is not done, they will grow through the cultivated lawn.

The two-tier digging option is used in areas that have not been previously treated. It is also used if the treatment was carried out a long time ago or the soil is heavy. This is done in the following sequence:

    A furrow is dug across the area of ​​the site. The depth is the same as for single-tier digging. The earth is moved to the side.

    Remaining bottom layer of soil exposed to loosening. This can be done using a pickaxe or pitchfork.

    Parallel to the first the next furrow is dug. The soil removed from it is placed in the initial furrow.

    The process repeats until the end of the section is reached. The soil removed from the first furrow is placed in the last furrow.

In both digging options, large lumps of earth are broken. When it is completed, the ground is leveled with a rake. At this time, the process of removing the roots of plants that were previously on the site continues. In the end it should be flat piece clean land.

Soil formation, drainage

The upper part of the area allocated for the future lawn should have the soil described at the beginning of the article (chernozem, sand, peat, humus). It is recommended that its layer be about 15 cm. When preparing the soil for a rolled lawn, the thickness can be less - 12 cm. This is due to the fact that the rolls are ready-made turf mats. If the underlying soil is loose enough and is a clay-sand mixture, lawn grass will grow well. If sand or clay predominates in it, additional drainage is required. To do this, before pouring the fertile top layer, small pebbles and gravel are laid. The thickness of this part is usually 5 cm. If the soil is too clayey, the thickness increases to 15 cm. In this case, additional sand is poured between the pebbles. It is allowed to replace it with small screenings. If there is always a lot of moisture in the area, make drainage ditches. In the most difficult cases fit special pipes, with the help of which water is drained.

Fertilizer application, compaction

Before moving on final stage To prepare the land for a lawn, it is necessary to add fertilizer to the top layer of soil. The main one is phosphorus, thanks to which nutrients accumulate in plants, their root system is strengthened, and new shoots are formed. Nitrogen is also important to speed up growth. Additionally, potassium is added, which makes the grass resistant to diseases and adverse environmental conditions.

When this work is completed, the area is watered so that the earth settles. Then you need to wait until it is completely dry and start compacting the soil. Garden rollers are used as a device for this. This is an important stage, especially if seeds will be sowed. Plants take root better in dense soil. After all the manipulations carried out, the area should look like a flat, clean field and resemble a pie with fine crumbs sprinkled on top.

Prices and terms

The cost of performing work to prepare the selected area for a lawn depends on how large its area is. The configuration of the site is also of great importance. If it is a hilly area that needs to be leveled, it will be higher than for normal flat surface. On average, the price for 1 m2 is 70-80 rubles. This is for light soil - the one that was processed last year. For difficult soils (clayey, swampy, virgin soil), the price increases to 90-100 rubles per square meter.

It matters whether it is necessary to uproot stumps on the site, cut down trees, or remove garbage. Such work has been carried out since May. The weather needs to be dry. The end could be October if it is not rainy. When the work is completed, it is advisable to immediately begin sowing seeds or laying rolls. Otherwise, weeds will begin to appear, because on vacant land this process is inevitable.

Video description

In the video you can see the preparation of the area for the lawn:


When you want to make a beautiful grass lawn on your property, you need to first select a convenient place for it and decide how the grass will appear. After studying the composition of the soil, you can begin preparatory work. This is a standard set of manipulations, which may vary depending on the complexity of the soil and the presence of plants that interfere with the appearance of a smooth lawn.

The house is built, the tree is planted, the son is growing up - but the program of a good life still cannot be considered completed until you sow a lawn: around the house, under the tree, for your son. This article tells you how to seed your lawn, when, and what to do before and after. The material contains recommendations from FORUMHOUSE experts and users!

DIY lawn

It is very important to do everything “according to science”. The fact is that the advanced achievements of agronomy, with which the consultants of our portal work, make it possible to obtain an excellent lawn on almost any plot of land. By properly preparing the soil and choosing the right lawn grass, you will be simply destined for a lush green lawn in your yard. You should prepare for the fact that you won’t be able to finish sowing your lawn in a day, or even a week!

Preparing an area for a lawn: what you need to do

By carrying out a number of measures to prepare (cultivation, if necessary - creating a normal pH of the soil, eliminating perennial weeds, ensuring a good air-water regime) and leveling (leveling) the soil, we will subsequently save ourselves from tedious alterations, finishing touches, and most importantly - disappointments and hassle .

But first, it would be wise to spend time on a few, so to speak, pre-launch matters. Think about how your irrigation system will be arranged, do a soil analysis so that, if necessary, you can adjust it in the right direction. You can determine the mechanical composition of the soil yourself by doing the “sausage test”. It is also important to understand how much the area under the lawn is illuminated by the sun - it will depend on this.

Lawn soil: doing a test

This method allows you to accurately determine the mechanical composition of the soil. Try rolling a sausage from a moistened piece of soil. If it rolls, it means you have loam. Now roll the sausage into a ring. A high-quality ring without cracks means that you have heavy loam or clay. A ring in the cracks indicates medium-heavy loam. If the sausage breaks when rolling, the loam in your area is light or medium.

Sodmaster, consultant for the “Lawns” section at FORUMHOUSE, carries out preparatory work approximately in this order: rough levels the soil, cultivates, waits for the weeds to grow, kills them, and only then does the final leveling.

Preparing the soil for the lawn: leveling

The surface of a good lawn should be smooth and leveled, but this does not mean that it should be horizontal and flat.

Sodmaster Agronomist, consultant FORUMHOUSE, Moscow.

Leveling does not mean fitting everything into one plane, like a table. This means achieving the absence of microrelief - hummocks, holes, as well as a targeted layout that provides for water drainage.

That is, on a plot with a lawn there may be slopes, hills, and hollows. The area doesn't have to be level, but there shouldn't be anything on it that would interfere with the smooth movement of the lawn mower or anything that could cause your child to trip on it while running. Starting your lawn with a rough foundation plan, you will have to fill in all the holes and ditches, remove hummocks and tubercles, and level out all the uneven areas. The smoother the lawn, the more beautiful it is. And even if you sow the most best seeds, without high-quality preparation you will not get a good lawn.

Preparing the soil for the lawn: surface runoff

Stagnant water is harmful to your lawn. If your site is waterlogged, it may require drainage, but providing surface drainage may be sufficient.


I'm ready to make a lawn on the asphalt if water drains from the surface. But I won’t undertake to do it even on clean sand if it lies in a hole.

The optimal fertile soil layer for a lawn is 25 cm, the minimum is 15 cm.

If the layer is smaller, it is brought in and evenly distributed over the site. Uniformity is especially important and is the key to a uniform lawn structure.


“Fertile” soil, which is suitable for vegetables and flowers, is not the best for a lawn. The lawn is better off with crumbly, sandy soil with a small amount of organic matter.

A properly prepared fertile layer should be underlain with a dense layer - FORUMHOUSE even has an example of a lawn that people laid out on a concrete pad. That is, all this should look like a duvet, which is laid on a hard bed.

Preparing soil for a lawn: loosening

Here are the activities carried out by FORUMHOUSE user at his dacha to prepare the soil for sowing gartenriger. The soil is dug up to a depth of 20-25 cm, small areas- manually, large ones - using technology. There are increased demands on the quality of loosening the top layer into which the seeds will fall. Ideally, it should be completely homogeneous, without large lumps, consisting of segments of soil the size of a grain of wheat. This is achieved by repeated raking; some even go so far as to crush the top layer with their hands.

gartenriger I plowed the ground three times with a cultivator. Physically, this is not so expensive, but the effect is excellent - repeated plowing allows you to extract all the roots from the soil perennial plants, and the most nutritious part of the soil remains in use. Next: a mixture of soil and fine sand was brought to the site. All this was leveled by hand, then rolled with a heavy roller.

Bonus from FORUMHOUSE: how to make a landscape rake with your own hands

The reference point should be the tool used by road workers to level the asphalt: this is a board measuring about 15 cm x 80 cm with a stick nailed to the center. Proper landscape rakes are made according to the same principle: a 20x100 cm duralumin plate has teeth 4-5 cm long and about 1 cm wide cut on one side, while the other side remains smooth. A cutting 1.8-2 meters long is attached to the center of the plate. That's all.

Preparing the lawn for sowing: removing weeds

The absence of weeds is one of the signs perfect lawn. It is often recommended to start a lawn by treating the area for weeds. Processing is carried out according to green leaves, the herbicide used is tested and known to everyone - Roundup. However, consultants in the lawn section of our portal have emphasized many times that sowing a lawn is always an individual process, which largely depends on the characteristics of the site. Therefore, it would be more correct to organize it like this at the first stage (below is a list of necessary work):

  1. Dig up the area;
  2. Wait for the weeds to come out;
  3. Treat with Roundup;
  4. Shallowly loosen the soil.

After the death of the weeds, FORUMHOUSE consultant Sodmaster recommends only fine processing (3-5 cm). According to agronomists, deep processing should not be carried out for two reasons:


1. To avoid bringing to the surface weed seeds buried under a thick layer of soil and therefore safe.
2. In order not to disturb the settled soil and not return to the beginning of planning work.

The point of treating with herbicides is to give the lawn an advantage over weeds at the initial stage, and then it will cope with them on its own, or, in extreme cases, with your help. And if you first treat the area and then dig it up, it may seem to you that there are even more weeds than there were.

Preparing the soil for sowing grass: leveling

You can think as much as you like about how to properly sow a lawn, but without leveled soil nothing good will come of it. The surface of the soil is leveled several times, because after each time it settles, and we should strive for an even fertile layer.

A prerequisite: before sowing, it will be necessary to compact the soil and roll it with a roller - in this way we can avoid unevenness, which will be difficult to eliminate later.

User FORUMHOUSE Ivanpost I leveled the area with a piece of thick-walled pipe 500 on the handle, a piece of metal I-beam (120 mm) 1.2 m long on a rope loop and a wide rake with blunt round teeth.

Ivanpost User FORUMHOUSE

The procedure is like this - you roll everything, go in two directions with an I-beam (you pull it behind you), roll it again, rob the tubercles. Then you roll it up and plunder it completely for sowing. After sowing and loosening, I rolled it again.

Getting ready to plant a lawn: fertilizing

When the soil has been repeatedly leveled, loosened and rolled, all that remains is to add pre-sowing soil to the surface layer. It contains some nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus; phosphorus is the main thing in pre-sowing fertilizer, because it stimulates the development of the root system in seedlings.

It is worth noting here that preparing the soil for a rolled lawn is many times easier than for sowing: it is often enough to kill weeds with herbicides, level the area without digging (fill in holes, cut off tubercles). If the height of the fertile layer is more than 10 centimeters, add just a little loose soil for good contact with the roll. Surface layer filled with fertilizer. That's it, you can lay the roll.

Preparation for planting a lawn: immediately and to the maximum

An important point at which we will end the conversation about preparing the soil for planting grass: many of us have been sowing our lawn for years, gradually winning half a hundred spaces from the beds. This is a bad approach. You can sow some seeds into a bald patch, but it will be almost impossible to even out areas from different years. Neighboring planes may subside by different sizes and fall into different planes, and the lawn should be perfectly flat. Our experts recommend sowing the lawn immediately in the maximum possible space, and then making paths on it, high decorative beds, flower beds and all that stuff. In Canada, a country whose lawns can serve as an example for the green lawns of many other countries, cottages and houses in cottage communities are sold with the territory rolled into a lawn. Then paths are trampled and laid on the grass, flowers and shrubs are planted, etc.

Sowing the lawn

It is recommended to sow a lawn at the dacha in the spring, and the earlier the better, but this is if all the work to prepare the land for the lawn is completed in advance. And if nothing is ready, and you are struggling to get the soil ready for the lawn, then it is better to postpone sowing until late summer or next spring. The end of summer, starting in the second half of July, many experts believe optimal time to sow the lawn: there is time to lime the weeds and properly prepare the soil, and by the time frost sets in, the grass on the site has time to grow and get stronger and tolerate the winter well. A big plus is that you don’t depend on the weather at this time. In hot weather, the seeds lie quietly in the soil and wait for the rain; in the rain, lawn grass seeds germinate faster than weeds (in the spring, weeds always germinate faster).

Winter sowing also has its advantages: it often gives top scores than spring.

When sowing, it will be correct to assess weather risks and, if the climate is unstable, take this circumstance into account. It is definitely not recommended to sow the lawn after September 15 - the seedlings may be subject to severe frosts. Pre-winter sowing is not suitable for regions where a thaw of +10 or higher may occur in December. The timing of sowing also depends on what kind of grass you will sow your plot with: ryegrass sprouts quickly, and before winter you will have time to mow it, and bluegrass will just sprout by this time.

Preparing the soil for a lawn is comparable to laying a solid foundation for a house. The more responsible you are at this important stage, the smoother and neater the finished lawn will look, and the fewer problems there will be with it later. Be prepared for the fact that it will take you a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it!

You will need to clear the selected area of ​​debris, remove weeds and uproot stumps, dig up the soil, level the surface, apply fertilizer, compact the top layer of soil, and then loosen and level again. You will have to work especially hard if the area has not been developed before. And it doesn’t matter whether you plan to sow the area with grass yourself or lay a rolled lawn - preparing the soil for the lawn will be the same.

The land for the lawn must also be completely cleared of trees, shrubs, young growth, and former flower beds

Cleaning the area and preparing the area for a lawn

The first thing to do is to clear the area of ​​construction and household debris, wood chips, stones, branches, etc. Just do not bury small debris in the ground, otherwise problems may arise later when using equipment, and foreign objects will interfere with the development of the plant root system. If you had concrete or stone paths where you plan to have a lawn, you will have to remove them completely down to the base.

Video about preparing soil for a lawn

The land for the lawn should also be completely cleared of trees, shrubs, young growth, and former flower beds. Particular attention is paid to the destruction of weeds. You can remove a thin layer of turf with a bayonet shovel and subsequently use it as fertile soil (put the turf in a stack with its roots up in the far corner of the garden, and within six months it will turn out to be excellent fertile soil).

Another option is to get rid of weeds using chemicals (Reglon or Roundup), which, penetrating through the stems and leaves of plants into the root system, completely destroy all the grass in a few days. After using herbicides, it is recommended to sow lawn grass seeds only after six weeks, carefully weeding out weeds that appear during this period.

How to properly dig up soil for a lawn

Further preparation of the soil for the lawn involves carefully digging it up. This stage cannot be skipped, even if it seems very difficult. It is enough to dig up good soil (after a garden or flower bed) to the depth of one spade bayonet, turning over and breaking pieces of earth. A simple single-tier digging is only suitable for soil that was previously cultivated, since only the top layer of soil is prepared, and the bottom layer remains unchanged.

Well-rotted manure or compost can be added to the soil.

If the area has not been processed for a long time or the soil is too light or heavy, two-tier digging will be required:

  • dig a furrow across the area with one bayonet of a shovel, removing the soil to the side for a while;
  • Using a pitchfork or pick, thoroughly loosen the lower level of the soil;
  • dig a second furrow and fill the first furrow with soil taken from it;
  • break large clods of earth with a pitchfork or shovel;
  • the last furrow is filled with the soil that was dug at the very beginning.

Well-rotted manure or compost can be added to the soil. In case of poor drainage and clay soil, preparing the soil for the lawn also includes creating a drainage layer - during two-tier digging, crushed stone or gravel is poured onto the lower level.

Leveling the site and top layer of soil

When leveling the area, try not to mix the top layer of soil with the bottom

To ensure that the grass on small hills does not look trimmed, and in the lowlands it does not look too long, you need to take care in advance of how to level the area for the lawn. To do this, walk with a rake over the dug up area, at the same time removing old roots and stones that are on the surface. From time to time, carefully inspect the area from the side so that its level is the same from different points. Move the soil from the hillocks to the lowlands for leveling, but keep in mind: all unevenness will appear again after the land settles.

When leveling the area, try not to mix the top layer of soil with the bottom. If you need to level out hummocks and depressions, it is better to temporarily remove the fertile layer and put it aside, carry out all leveling work at the level of the lower layer, and then pour the fertile soil back. If there is a lack of fertile soil on the site (the layer must be at least 20 cm), you can purchase it and mix it with the existing soil - this will ensure uniform drainage.

Final preparation of the soil for the lawn

Before you prepare the soil for the lawn, you need to add mineral fertilizers to it, because in any case, the soil will lack nutrients, and fertilizing at this stage will allow the best distribution of fertilizers in the ground. Organic fertilizers are applied in spring and autumn.

Video about the lawn, preparing the land for sowing

The leveled ground must be trampled down in small steps or so that it does not sag after rain. In addition, grass will take root better in compacted soil. When the soil under the lawn is thoroughly compacted, walk along its surface with a rake again, leveling any uneven areas and removing stones. As a result, the surface of the earth should look like a pie sprinkled with sand crumbs, while remaining quite dense inside.

This completes the preparation of the soil for the lawn. It is recommended, if time permits, to leave the area fallow for one and a half to two months - the land will settle a little more, and you will be able to eliminate the defects that have appeared, as well as destroy the wave of weeds that will inevitably grow on freshly cultivated land. After this, all that remains is to loosen the surface of the area again with a rake and sow lawn grass seeds.