Well      04/16/2019

When to plant cucumbers in open ground, tips from gardeners. When is it better to plant cucumber seeds in open ground - timing, scheme and planting depth

It is difficult to imagine a garden without a bed of cucumbers. But not everyone knows how to please a demanding vegetable. detailed information about the rules of selection and preparation planting material, cultivation of seedlings, the secrets of planting cucumbers in open ground and further care will provide a rich harvest even in capricious weather conditions.

For successful landing cucumbers in open ground, at least the following conditions must be met:

  1. Nai best time for direct planting with seeds in open ground, the period from May 15 to May 31 is considered (if there is a threat of night frosts, cucumber crops are protected with a film or covering material).
  2. Planting time for cucumbers is planned for the period when upper layer the soil will warm up to +15 degrees, because in colder soil the seeds will not sprout, or the plants will throw out empty flowers, instead of full-fledged ovaries.
  3. You should not wait until it becomes too hot and dry, in such weather the seeds take root worse.
  4. The last date for planting cucumbers in open ground is considered the first days of June.
  5. If it is planned to plant this crop with seedlings, then cucumber seeds are sown at home at the end of March - the first half of April in order to transfer the plant to the ground in about 30 days.

Seed selection and preparation

Every vegetable grower needs to know what to look for when choosing seed material for planting. An abundant ovary is formed on cucumbers from seeds that have lain for 2-3 years and were properly stored in cloth or paper bags. Whole seeds are selected for planting, without visible damage.

Before germination, the planting material is culled and calibrated. Cucumber seeds are soaked for several minutes in a solution of table salt, for the preparation of which they take 1 tsp. substances per 500 ml of water. The seeds floating on the surface are thrown away, and the seeds that have sunk to the bottom are dried and laid out in heaps in size.

Preparation of cucumber seeds for planting consists in heating and disinfection. Carrying out these procedures will disinfect the seeds and significantly reduce the risk of plant diseases.

It is easy to warm them up - just wrap them in a piece of cloth and hang them next to the battery 2 months before planting. The optimum temperature for seeds is about 25 °C. For disinfection, the seed material is soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, which is prepared at the rate of 1 g of powder per 0.5 l of water. Then the seeds are removed and washed with water.

After disinfection, the seed is transferred to a cotton bag and soaked for 12 hours in a nutrient solution. The tool is prepared from 1 tsp. sifted ash and 1 liter of settled water. Then the seeds are washed with water and stratified for a day on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Choosing a landing site: basic requirements

When preparing for planting cucumbers in open ground, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a place and planning a plant environment.

Knowledge of crop rotation will help determine the place of the beds. Do not allocate for cucumbers the same area where they grew last season. Compliance with a four-year alternation of plants will provide the soil with the necessary microelements and prevent planting diseases. Useful precursors of cucumbers in the ground include colored and white cabbage, legumes, potatoes, tomatoes.

Please note: a warm bed is the only option for planting cucumbers in the same area for several years in a row. The organic "cushion" gives warmth, nourishes the roots with the necessary substances and provides breathing due to the loose substrate.

The orientation of plantings from north to south will help to optimally use the ratio of light and shade for the growth of green beauties.
Cucumbers prefer areas closed from the wind, so the ideal neighbors in the open field will be those crops that quickly gain green mass and can become a “screen” for them. Such plantings include: sunflower, potatoes, dill, spinach, legumes. In addition, grown companions will be able to shade their neighbors in the midday heat. Cucumbers love abundant watering, which means it is undesirable to plan an environment of plants for which excessive soil moisture is undesirable, so you should not plant tomatoes nearby.

How to plant cucumbers in open ground

It's important to know the secrets proper fit cucumbers in open ground. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: is it worth germinating seeds in advance or not. On the one hand, this simple procedure will identify viable plants, saving the gardener from having to guess whether he was lucky with the planting material or not. On the other hand, it is important not to miss the moment and not to be late with the landing.

It is carried out when the cucumber seeds just peck, with later manipulations it is easy to damage the fragile root and destroy the seedling. It is better to plant seeds in the ground during the daytime, when the earth is warmed by the sun, and the seedlings take root better and do not burn when planted in the evening.

Soil preparation

Before planting cucumbers, you should take care of soil preparation in the fall. Following the harvest, the remains of plants are removed and destroyed, the area is dug up to the depth of a shovel bayonet.

Make an autumn portion of fertilizers and disinfect the soil:

  • the site is disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate - 50 g per bucket of water is spent per 5 m 2;
  • fed with superphosphate - 50 g of powder per 1 m 2 of the plot;
  • nitrogenous fertilizers are added. The addition of rotted cow manure is considered optimal - 6 kg per 1 m 2.

The method of growing cucumbers on a raised warm bed, the level of which is 25 cm above the ground, is considered effective and convenient. Advantages of this design:

  • located above ground level, as a result of which it warms up faster;
  • no tillage required in spring;
  • the process of composting residues will provide plantings with heat;
  • the composition of the "layer cake" will provide cucumbers with the necessary nutrients;
  • no need to fight weeds;
  • harvesting will be easier.

Make a garden bed better in autumn in order to start planting in open ground earlier in the spring.


  1. They take out a layer of earth to a depth of about 25 cm.
  2. A frame is made from boards.
  3. The filler is laid in layers.
  4. The removed fertile layer of soil is poured on top.

As a filler, a layer of branches or sawdust is laid in a warm bed. It is covered with plant residues - leaves, hay, straw. Humus is poured on top in such a way as to completely cover the previous components. The next layer is mineral fertilizers: pour ash, ammonia, potassium nitrate, superphosphate.

Important! To protect the high bed from rodent colonization during the winter months, a metal mesh is laid on the bottom.

Method 1: Planting seedlings

In order to transfer strengthened plants with real leaves to the garden, they start growing seedlings from seeds in mid-April. At the end of March, a nutrient substrate is prepared in the following proportion: 2 parts of humus, 1 part of peat, 1 part of lying sawdust. 60 g of superphosphate and about 2 cups of ash are poured onto 10 liters of the resulting soil, mixed thoroughly.

The substrate is laid out in pots up to 8 cm in diameter, moistened. In each container, 1 seed is planted flat to a depth of 2 cm, sprinkled with soil. Cucumbers love high humidity, therefore, in order to ensure a comfortable microclimate, planting containers are placed on a pallet, which is placed in a plastic bag and tied. After the appearance of sprouts, the shelter is removed.

Seedlings are grown for 25-30 days, at night temperatures not lower than 15 ºС, and during the day - not lower than 20 ºС. Watered with a frequency of 1-3 times a week, guided by the state of the earth in pots with slightly heated water. Watering is organized at 1 noon.

Before planting seedlings of cucumbers in open ground, seedlings begin to harden 5-7 days before the “move”. These activities are carried out due to the fact that plants have a negative attitude to a sharp drop in temperature. To adapt to transplantation, in the room where the cucumber seedlings are located, make sure that minimum temperature at night it was 14 ºС, and during the day 18 ºС.

Landing step by step instructions:

  1. Water plants 2 hours before transfer to open ground.
  2. Prepare a bed for planting necessary fertilizers. The distance between the holes should be about 25 cm.
  3. It is impossible to deepen seedlings of cucumbers because the roots need enough heat and oxygen to develop and maintain in a healthy state. In addition, deep planting provokes root rot disease. If the seedlings have managed to stretch out, they are planted a little obliquely (without deepening the glass). This measure will help cover the stalk with soil, which will prevent kink, twisting in this place, and also cause the development of adventitious roots.
  4. Carefully remove the plant with a clod of earth from the planting container. Putting the seedlings in the hole, check the degree of deepening, cover with soil and compact the earth around the plant.
  5. Irrigate with warm water (24-27 ° C) and immediately mulch the ground with humus or peat to prevent the formation of a soil crust.
  6. Shelter landings plastic wrap or nonwoven fabric on arcs 60-70 cm high.

lighten further care with a seedling method of growing, the use of mulching will help. Mulch in the garden eliminates the need to loosen the earth, it does not lose heat overnight and remains moist. Mulching is carried out with grass, straw or covering material. In the latter case, a non-woven material or a black film is rolled out onto the soil fed and spilled with water, the loose ends are sprinkled around the perimeter. They outline the location of the rows and make cruciform cuts 8 * 8 cm. 1 bush is placed in each hole. The film can be used the next year - in the fall it is removed, washed with water and dried.

Method 2: Sowing with seeds

Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds is preceded by the processing of planting material according to the same principle, as already described earlier.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds:

  1. In the spring, fertilizers should be applied to the garden: 6 kg of rotted manure, 14 g of ammonium nitrate, 28 g of superphosphate, 17 g of potassium magnesia per 1 m 2.
  2. Form holes for planting, spill them with water, minimum width row spacing should be 50 cm.
  3. Spread the seeds in the holes with an interval of 15 cm. If there is an excess of planting material, there are doubts about its quality, you can sow cucumbers in the open ground a little more often: put the seeds in pairs so that you can then thin out too dense plantings.
  4. Close up the seeds by 2-2.5 cm, sprinkled with humus on top.
  5. Then the rows of cucumbers are carefully watered and protected with a film material until germination. The condensate formed on the covering material will provide the plantings with an optimal microclimate and eliminate additional watering. Planting material germinates in 7 days.

Rules for leaving after landing

The rules of care after planting cucumbers with seeds or seedlings are practically the same.

After the appearance of the first sprouts (for planting with seeds) or within a few days when using seedlings, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture. Cucumbers are watered in the evening, with water at room temperature every 1-3 days. When the ovary begins to form and fruiting begins, plantings need regular and abundant watering.

The root system of cucumbers is shallow, the dimensions are small compared to the ground part. To increase its mass in the soil will help saturate the soil with oxygen. To this end, the cucumbers are loosened several times, while growing lashes allow. An alternative to loosening is mulching with film or mowed dried grass.

A prerequisite for obtaining a bountiful harvest is the application of fertilizers for cucumbers. 3-4 days after planting in the ground, the soil is enriched with minerals. Fertilizer is prepared as follows: 5 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, 10 g of superphosphate are taken per bucket of water.

Cucumbers respond well to a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10. The gardener insists on organic top dressing, saturates with fertilizer after rain or watering. An alternative to manure is chicken manure in a ratio of 1:15.

During the garden season, cucumbers are fed up to 4 times: at the stage of formation of the first leaves, during the formation of the ovary, at the stage of active fruiting.

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Knowing how to grow beautiful and strong cucumbers in the open field, the gardener will always be able to please himself and loved ones with crispy and delicious fruits. And how best to organize plantings: on a regular or high bed, and what to transfer there - seeds or seedlings - is a matter of personal experience.

The time has come for planting vegetable crops, for which, as a rule, fertile, even and well-lit areas are allocated. After all, obtaining the maximum and high-quality crop when growing vegetables in the open field is the main task of every gardener. Therefore, try to find in your dacha or garden for each crop the most favorable location, and for planting choose the most optimal varieties.

The soil

Keep in mind that parsley, dill, sorrel, lettuce, carrots and radishes prefer light sandy and loamy, well-fertilized soils, while medium-heavy soils with a high humus content are best suited for cabbage. Peppers, beets, radishes, garlic and onions are great feel on loam. Peas and legumes practically grow on all soils, but watermelons, eggplants, melons, pumpkins, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers only in the most fertile areas.

Seed preparation and selection

Seeds must first be subjected to heating, which contributes to the appearance of friendly and fast shoots, which ultimately leads to a significant increase in yield. After that, we carry out disinfection, which allows the plants to develop faster, not get sick, as a result, the fruits are larger. To create a protective and nutritious shell decontaminated seeds, giving them a round or oval shape and increasing their size (for example, carrots and parsley up to 2-3 mm, onions and beets - 4-5), a coating method is used, which consists in enveloping the seeds with a nutrient mixture. Increasingly, in Lately began to use a new effective method of pre-sowing seed treatment - bubbling, for this, the seeds are placed in water for 8-48 hours, depending on the crop used, saturated with air or oxygen. It also effectively disinfects the seeds, increases their germination, ensures friendly germination and accelerates ripening. Now let's consider the proven and well-proven vegetable seeds, which are still loved by the population. 1.

Early ripe varieties for open cultivation of tomatoes are: Alpatyeva, White filling, Ground Gribovsky, Moskvich, Siberian early ripening, Solnechny. Of the new varieties, Gurman (100-110 days from germination to fruiting), Gulliver (80-85), Dvorik (76-87), Healthy ( 90-92 days). 2. Nai the best varieties carrots- Vitamin, Losinoostrovskaya, Nantes, Incomparable, Rogneda, Shantenay. 3.

Beet- Bordeaux, Two-seeded, Egyptian flat, Single-grown, Cold-resistant. 4. When open cultivation cucumbers the best varieties are: Early Altai, Aquarius, Vyaznikovsky, Graceful, Kharkov, Nezhinka, Murom and hybrids - Krinitsa, Rodnichok, State Farm, VIR, Novosibirsk, April. 5. When growing cabbage, the following varieties are used:

  • - early ripening (the time from germination to harvesting is 90-115 days) - Number One, June, Early ripening; - mid-season (125-135) - Belorusskaya, Nadezhda, Slava; - mid-late (135-150) - Blizzard, Gift, Rusinovka ;- and, finally, late-ripening (more than 150 days) - Amager, Zimovka, Kharkov winter.

6. Zucchini- Gribovsky, Zebra, Tsukesha. 7. Radish- Heat, Dawn, Quantum, Red Giant, Ruby. 8.

When planting pepper in open ground, choose the following varieties- Dawn, Orion, California miracle, Fat Man, Tenderness, Yova, Star of the East, Samson. 9. Eggplant- Diamond, Black Diamond, Green, Spherical, Dark-skinned, Icicle.


The month of April is a period of mass sowing of early cold-resistant crops in unprotected soil, for this it is necessary to prepare the site in advance. At the end of the month, you can already sow radishes, carrots, greens, black onions, plant seedlings early cabbage in open ground and do not forget about the seeds of peas and beans. In areas where the soil has warmed up enough, they begin planting sprouted potatoes. It is advisable to plant cabbage seedlings on cloudy cool days, and if it is sunny, hot weather, then it is better in the evening:

  • - early (from April 25 to May 5) with a row spacing - 40-45, and in a row - 20-25 cm; - late - May 10-20, deadline planting - June 1. Rows are placed through 55-60, and in a row seedlings - 30-35 cm.

Seedlings are planted to the first true leaves. Plants, for the fastest rooting, need to be sprayed with water from a watering can for the first 6 days. In May, we begin planting seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes on permanent place with cover, at the same time we start planting onion sets.

From May 15-20, we plant cucumbers in open ground, as well as pumpkin, squash, zucchini with dry seeds, if we use sprouted seeds, then after May 25-30. From May 15 to May 25, we plant late white cabbage. Seeds of cucumbers are planted in well-warmed soil (12-130 C, to a depth of about 10-12 cm), at an air temperature of 15-200 C. Seed material of several varieties of 2-3-year-old cucumbers years of storage, planted in the garden, gives a higher and earlier harvest, since a significant percentage of female flowers predominate in it. Planting patterns are different, but the most common is row sowing on the surface, with row spacing of 70-100 and placement of plants after 10 -25 in a row with a depth of 1.5-2 cm into the ground.

In June, they start planting tomatoes in open ground, as well as eggplants and peppers in a timely manner.. Planting seedlings should not be delayed, but there is no need to rush, since light night frosts and cooling are still possible until June 10. When planting quality seedlings pepper has from 6 to 12 real leaves and a stem 20-35 cm tall, which is in the budding stage.

Seedlings are planted without deepening, up to the first true leaves, keeping a distance between rows of 50 and seedlings - 30-40 cm. Tomato seedlings should not be overgrown, 50-55 days old. It is planted vertically, with deepening into the soil to the height at which it was in the planting container.

Landing is carried out in two rows, row spacing is done after 45-50, and between plants - 35-45 cm. Pegs are immediately hammered in for their subsequent garters. In order for the seedlings to take root better, after planting it is not watered for ten days.

Agrotechnics of cultivation and care

Timely care consists of thinning, thorough weeding, fertilizing, watering, loosening and mulching (after watering or rain), protection from diseases and pests. On cucumbers, periodically, until the aisle closes, weeding is carried out.

Watering the plants is done in the evening (preferably before 18 hours) with warm water. After the third true leaf appears on the cucumbers (in two weeks), they begin to feed them with organic or mineral fertilizers, it is advisable to combine them with watering.

In the open field when growing pepper it is necessary to regularly remove fruiting or empty shoots on the main stem, all ovaries and stepchildren until the first branching. Seedling care consists in frequent, but not abundant watering ( better in the morning under the root) and timely top dressing.

The first and subsequent regular top dressings are carried out every 10-14 days. The earth after watering must be loosened. With a lack of moisture in the soil, the height of the bushes, the size of the leaves and fruits decrease, and the yield decreases.

Plants are erect with lignified trunks, but under the weight of fruits they can break, therefore, as necessary, it is advisable to tie the stems to pegs. Tomato care consists in the formation of plants with a maximum of three stems, removing stepsons and pinching the top flower brush.

This allows nutrients to go to the formation and filling of fruits, which leads to their increase and earlier ripening. A formed bush should have 5-6 fruiting brushes and about 35 leaves. It is watered abundantly weekly with obligatory mulching of the beds, during the growing season they give four top dressings.

After planting cabbage in a permanent place, for 2 weeks it is thoroughly watered in the morning or evening, and then once a week, with the obligatory loosening of the earth around the plant. It is desirable after planting, after 20 days, and then after 8-10, to carry out hilling. Here are the recommendations and wishes for growing vegetables in unprotected open ground. If you take good care of them, then the return will be in the form excellent harvest.

Planting cucumbers in open ground

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Ridges for cucumbers are prepared in advance in a warm and lit place where pumpkin crops (cucumbers, zucchini, squash) were not cultivated in the previous year to prevent infection with diseases and the appearance of pests. Already in the fall, they choose a bed intended for planting cucumbers next year. It is prepared as follows: the bed is treated with a solution of copper sulphate (1 tbsp per 10 l of water) at the rate of 1 liter per 10 m2 of the bed or with the Hom preparation (40 g per 10 l of water).

After that, all plant residues are removed from the garden and burned. The bed is dug up to a depth of 20-25 cm and left until spring. In the spring, we again dig up a bed up to 70 cm wide to the depth of a shovel bayonet.

Then we scatter organic fertilizer, cultivated peat, compost, manure humus - at the rate of up to 5 kg per 1 m2. Then we scatter the granular complex fertilizer "Agricola for pumpkin crops". One package (50g) is enough for 3-4m2.

After that, we take an iron rake and level the soil, together with organic mineral fertilizers, to the depth of the rake teeth. The leveled bed is easily tamped with a board or plywood.

After that, we draw a groove in the middle along the bed and press it, we get an even groove. Then we prepare a hot solution: in 10 liters of water with a temperature of 500C we dilute 2 capsules of the best Energen liquid stimulator in the world, stir well and pour the groove from the kettle, sparing no solution ( it is better to shed the groove twice). Well, now we take the dry seeds of self-fertile hybrids of cucumbers and sow in the groove: the seed is 50-60 cm from the seed. Carefully, easily press the seed with your finger to the warm, moist earth and fill it with moistened loose earth from above - about one tablespoon of earth is enough for one seed.

After that, you need to press the ground to the seed with your hand. The sown seeds are not watered from above, and the entire surface of the bed is powdered with ground hot black pepper (you can mix it with red). We do this so that the swollen seeds do not damage the ants, the shoots that appear do not eat the slugs and do not gnaw the mice - the pepper scares them well. And the last procedure is to tighten the bed with a covering non-woven material, preferably a double layer. , June 1, and the deadline for sowing is June 15-20.

Deadline planting cucumbers will give you the opportunity to eat fresh green cucumbers even in early October. As soon as the threat of frost passes (June 10-12), cucumbers open, put arcs 80-90 cm high on the beds and put a dense white covering material on them, covering the bed from all sides. If you do not cover the bed, then the cucumber leaves from the bright sun become very rough, hard and prickly, break, turn yellow, turn brown, and the ovaries turn yellow and dry out.

The harvest is quickly fading away. If the cucumbers are self-pollinating, the covering material is not removed during the summer, with the exception of watering, fertilizing and harvesting. If cucumbers bee-pollinated, covering material during flowering is half lifted from a warm, calm side. If after planting cucumbers slight frosts are expected, then cover the top of the covering material with additional plastic wrap, especially at night.

cucumbers in the summer, they are fed almost every 7 days, mainly with ready-made organic and mineral fertilizers. Root top dressing is carried out up to 5-6 times during the summer period: 1) 2 capsules of Energen growth stimulator are diluted with 10 liters of water, the solution consumption is up to 3 liters per 1 m2; 2) For 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated fertilizer "Agricola-5 for cucumber". Consumption - up to 3-4 liters per 1 m2; 3) For 10 liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid organic fertilizer "Effekton-O", consumption - up to 4 liters per 1 m2; 4) For 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska and 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid organic fertilizer "Agricola Vegeta", solution consumption - 5 liters per 1 m2; 5) For 10 liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of granular complex "Agricola for cucumbers", spending up to 3 liters of solution per 1 m2; 6) For 10 liters of water, dilute 2-3 tbsp. spoons of liquid organic fertilizer "Agricola Aqua" from yellowing of the leaves. Top dressing is carried out every 7-8 days, strictly following the watering. Watered cucumbers only warm water at least 3 times a week.

1 What cucumbers need - we help the plant ^

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According to experts, the process of growing cucumbers is quite easy in itself. But without knowing the nuances, you won't wait a large number delicious and crispy cucumbers.

Novice gardeners who plan to collect at least a few kilograms of cucumbers from each plant need to know that this vegetable crop is very fond of a warm and humid climate, as well as good lighting. The cucumber is unpretentious to the earthen layer, but grows better on light sandy and loamy soils with low acidity. It is this type of soil that is characterized by breathability and the ability to quickly absorb water.

Cucumbers do not like the presence of groundwater near the root system. As they do not like planting on those beds where beets and pumpkins used to grow.

2 Planting cucumbers in open ground - planting, growing ^

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Planting cucumbers in the ground has its own nuances. It is better to do this when the soil has already warmed up, and the temperature has reached about 15-17 degrees Celsius.

It will be right if you prepare holes for sowing seeds at a distance of about 50 centimeters, and it is better if it is 2-3 rows. You can grow bushes using a trellis - then the required distance between holes is 20 centimeters, and between rows - 30- 40. In this case, the sowing depth should be approximately 2 centimeters, and 4-5 seeds per hole.

AND general rule- with a seedless method, it is better to use pre-soaked seeds. And one more advice from professionals is to constantly thin out seedlings so that weak plants do not take moisture and minerals from strong ones. Weak sprouts are better not to pull out, but to cut.

This will avoid injuring the root system of other cucumbers. A here in late varieties, you need to carefully pinch the apical bud - but this should be done only when 4 or 5 leaves appear.

This will greatly speed up the appearance of inflorescences and ovaries. These plants, as we have said, love warmth. Cucumbers are afraid of frost and when the temperature drops to 15 degrees Celsius, they slow down growth, and at 10 degrees they stop growing altogether. To create optimal conditions, a cucumber needs an air temperature of 25–30 degrees Celsius, air humidity of at least 70%. As for watering, the most important thing in this matter is constancy.

  • So, before flowering, you need to water moderately, using 3-6 liters per 1 m?. We carry out such watering every 6–7 days. During the period of flowering and the appearance of cucumbers, it is necessary to water abundantly - about 6–12 liters per 1 m², and watering should be carried out every 2 days.

It depends on watering whether your cucumbers will be bitter. It is worth drying the soil once, and bitterness will appear in all subsequent fruits. When watering, it is important to use warm water at room temperature and do it in the evening.

3 What can I do to make plants grow fast? ^

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It is better to water cucumbers with a watering can with a sprayer. If you start watering with a jet, you can damage the root system.

By the end of summer, it is not recommended to water cucumbers abundantly, and the frequency should decrease significantly. And do not think that ordinary cucumbers do not require top dressing - this should be done regularly at the beginning of flowering (first fertilizer) and every 10 days when fruiting. It is believed that in just one season there should be 6–8 root dressings. Between them, abundant watering must be followed, which is easy to combine with the introduction of organic matter.

As an organic fertilizer, a solution of bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1 to 25, or mullein 1 to 10 is ideal. The application rate of the solutions is about 5 liters per 1 m?. Another desirable procedure is weed control.

Both weeding and loosening the soil are simply necessary for cucumbers. But keep in mind that the cucumber root system can be easily damaged, as it is located very close to the topsoil.

Therefore, if you are afraid of harming your crop, you can simply use soil mulching. If you do everything right, you will get good harvest. By the way, you also need to be able to collect it correctly - it is necessary to prevent the fruits from drying out and collect as they ripen.

We sow cucumbers in open ground

Cucumbers love warmth, so getting a good harvest of these popular vegetables depends not only on the right sowing time, but also on the choice of suitable place on the site - sufficiently lit and securely closed from the wind. So, let's talk about sowing cucumbers in open ground on the site.

Optimal time for sowing

In our region, it is recommended to plant cucumbers starting from the second or third decade of May, when the temperature at night is within 7-10°C. That is, there will definitely be no frosts. Although there were years when return frosts were observed on June 5th.

If you plant the seeds earlier, then the beds will have to be protected from the night cold, covering them with straw, fallen leaves, or some other suitable covering material. For these purposes, it is undesirable to use last year's dry tomato stalks and old squash or pumpkin tops - pests can be brought in with them. If there is no high-quality insulation at hand, sawdust, shavings, peat chips and even ordinary ash can replace it.

Preparation of cucumber seeds and soil disinfection

Before sowing, the seeds are sorted, sorted, disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, washed in clean water, wrap in a slightly damp cloth and leave for about two days in a warm and bright place. During this time, our seeds will swell, but will not have time to germinate.

The soil also needs preparation. For disinfection, the ground for cucumbers is also watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (an alternative is a solution of copper sulfate), after which it must be fertilized with a special mixture, which includes manure, peat, meadow turf and sawdust. At the same time, compaction of the earth should not be allowed, otherwise, after watering, the water will necessarily stagnate in the beds, which is unlikely to benefit the cucumbers.

Sowing features

On the site prepared as described above, it is necessary to make holes or grooves at an interval of 6-8 cm from one another. Seeds are laid out in them: in the holes - 3 pieces each, in the grooves - one at a time after 5-7 cm. The spread out seeds are covered with a layer of loose soil and pressed down a little.

If the earth is moist enough, the beds after sowing can not be watered, but gardeners strongly recommend covering them with a film or similar covering material. Subject to all the rules, the first sprouts in the garden may appear as early as 5-6 days.

Crop care

So we have produced. After three true leaves appear on most sprouts, the beds need to be thinned out. Thinning is done so that the distance between all plants becomes at least 12-15 cm.

As a rule, after thinning in the beds, the earth is carefully loosened and weeds are removed. Later, special wooden poles to which plants can be tied. This is necessary for their proper growth and development.

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Planting cucumbers with seeds and seedlings in open ground and in a greenhouse is always of concern to a large number of summer residents - gardeners, since these vegetables are cultivated almost everywhere. This culture is characterized by excellent productivity, active development of shoots, rapid maturation.

That is why many people who start gardening are confident in their success, but in the end they get a small harvest, and sometimes they cannot grow these vegetables at all. With apparent simplicity, the cultivation of cucumbers is not an easy task.

Various factors influence the final result, expressed in fresh and canned fruits (one salad for the winter from these vegetables is worth something!). Many people avoid planting cucumber seeds using seed, use a more reliable method of growing - seedlings.

This choice is due to the fact that when obtaining cucumbers from seeds, unfavorable factors can generally destroy all plantings. This can happen both in the open field and when cultivating vegetables in a greenhouse. In order to avoid such a nuisance, you should learn the basic rules for planting cucumbers with seeds (look here for their best varieties) and seedlings in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Common Landing Mistakes

Many people have common mistakes when growing cucumbers that prevent them from getting beautiful plants that bring a bountiful harvest. The most characteristic of them:

  • Insufficient soil moisture. Since cucumbers are very fond of water, they need constant watering. Some people sow seeds in the soil and, after watering them a couple of times, hope for a friendly seedlings of vegetables. When cultivating this vegetable in open ground, as well as in a greenhouse, it needs moist soil. When it dries out, cucumber sprouts sometimes cannot penetrate dried soil at all. Sowing seed at low temperatures. Some inexperienced summer residents plant cucumbers in open ground or a greenhouse when the air has not yet warmed up to 20 - 21 degrees. But only at this temperature, normal seed germination occurs, both in greenhouse and garden varieties of this vegetable. Wrong approach to the choice of seed. When selecting seeds, many people do not think about the fact that some varieties are intended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions, while others are intended for cultivation in open ground. But this division not only affects the germination of sown seeds, but also determines the yield of cucumbers. Seeding defective seed. Individual seeds may be "dummy" that do not produce any seedlings. Defective sprouts grow from small and deformed seeds. They will never produce a highly productive plant.

Preparing seeds for planting

The final result of the cultivation of cucumbers largely depends on the careful preparation of the selected seed. There are several methods of presowing seed preparation. The most effective of them:

  • To cull "dummies", we dip the seeds in lightly salted water (5 g / 100 ml). The pacifiers will float, while the normal ones will stay at the bottom. For growing cucumbers, it is best to use two-year-old seeds. At the same time, we select the largest of them for planting. When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, we warm the vegetable seeds for a week near heat sources at a temperature of 35 - 40 degrees. Warmed seeds germinate somewhat faster in any cultivation. To grow strong seedlings, we use seed soaking. This procedure helps to increase the percentage of germination and stimulates active growth young plants. For soaking use various options aqueous solutions. The amount of active ingredients is calculated per 1 liter of water. To prepare the solution, we take (optional): methylene blue (300 g); zinc sulfate (2 gr); boric acid (20 mg); baking soda(5 gr). We soak the seed in any of the above solutions for 24 hours. Then we dry them and sow them in open ground. A positive result is also obtained with preliminary dressing of the seed. This procedure is required as preventive measures to prevent diseases and pests. We disinfect cucumber seeds in advance or right before sowing. We use a choice of drugs such as Fentiuram (3 g / 1 kg) or TMTD (4 g / 1 kg). Disinfection of vegetable seeds in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes favors the appearance of friendly shoots. After this treatment, the seeds are washed in clean water, dried and sown in open ground. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent that kills spores and bacteria. To prevent various rots, we process the seed in a disinfectant solution: in 1 liter warm water we breed blue vitriol and boric acid (a pinch), 1 tsp. nitrophoska. We keep the seeds in the resulting solution for 8 to 10 hours. Sprouting cucumber seeds is a popular technique. We place them in a small container in a damp cloth (gauze) and leave them in a warm place, covered with glass. After a few days, the cucumber seeds will swell and germinate. As needed, add water to the container with soaked seeds to prevent them from drying out. And she must have room temperature. After 1 - 2 days, the vegetable seeds will swell and the tip of the root will break through. We obtain the strongest specimens of plants from the seed that hatches first. It is they who provide the opportunity to obtain a bountiful harvest of fruits. Germination of cucumber seeds also allows you to get friendly seedlings that need the same care. The only serious problem in germinating seed is the difficulty in maintaining the temperature at the same level. Also, with untimely planting of hatched seeds, tangling of the stems and seedling roots can occur, which leads to their breaking off. When working with germinated seed, we use tweezers so as not to damage the tiny plant with our fingers.

Seed hardening

A good result when cultivating cucumbers in greenhouses and open ground is the hardening of the seed before planting it. Place vegetable seeds wrapped in a wet cloth in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Soaking is done immediately before hardening. The optimum temperature for this procedure is about 0 degrees. Then the seeds are planted in pots or open ground.

Hardened seed is more resistant to cold and very strong sprouts appear from it. This procedure has advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, plants grown from hardened seed will be more resistant to negative factors. environment, and the other - inexperienced gardeners can incorrectly carry out this procedure and ruin it. We do not put the seeds that have hatched in the refrigerator, since the seedlings often die from the cold.

Growing seedlings for open ground

When cultivating cucumbers cultivated in open ground, we sow seeds for seedlings in April - May, taking into account the previous experience of the onset of the last frost. For its cultivation, we use peat pots or disposable plastic cups, in which we make a drainage hole from below.

The diameter of the pots is 7.5 - 8 cm. These vegetables grow well in store-bought soil prepared on the basis of peat. You can make a good substrate yourself.

To do this, we take the earth from country garden, sawdust and humus (1:0.5:0.5). Before planting the seed, we pour the prepared soil with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Place 1-2 seeds in a pot. We close them 1.5 - 2 cm into the substrate.

Planting cucumbers should be carried out at 20 - 22 degrees. When shoots appear, leave the strongest copy. Weak and ugly sprouts of vegetables are discarded. Water the seedlings as the soil dries up.

We feed her twice with bird droppings (1:20) or manure (1:10). You can replace these top dressings with a complete fertilizer (3 g / 1 liter of water). The first application of fertilizers is carried out on the 24th - 28th day after the germination of seedlings, and the second - a couple of days before planting cucumbers in the dacha land.

We plant 25 - 30 - day seedlings on the beds, in which at least 2 - 3 leaves have grown. We harden the grown young plants for a week before planting in open ground, by lowering the air temperature to 16 degrees.

Seedlings can be taken outside during the day, and left in the room in the evening. We plant cucumbers directly in peat pots in May - June. We plant seedlings only when the threat of frost has already passed.

We take out the cucumbers from the cups very carefully in order to disturb the earthen lump as little as possible.

Planting in a seedless way

In open ground, we cultivate cucumbers without pre-grown seedlings. In May, we sow vegetable seeds on pre-prepared garden beds. There should be 3-4 of them in each hole.

We close the seeds into the soil by 2.5 cm, placing them at a short distance from each other. After the emergence of seedlings, we remove the weakest and superfluous of them, pulling them out of the ground, leaving a distance between them of at least half a meter. After the formation of 6 - 7 leaves, we pinch the plants to stimulate fruiting.

Seedlings for a greenhouse

Planting the seed material of cucumbers intended for cultivation in a greenhouse is carried out in the same way as when growing seedlings for cultivation in open ground. Sowing seeds of vegetables is carried out at any time (February - March).

We close them in peat pots with a diameter of about 8 cm, filled with a nutrient substrate. We stick one seed into each of them with the tip down. The depth of their embedding is 2 cm.

The temperature during the germination of the seed of cucumbers should not be lower than 20 - 21 degrees. As the plants grow, it can be slightly lowered.

In this case, one should remember the rule: throughout the entire growing season of cucumbers, the air temperature should not fall below 16 degrees. After the appearance of two true leaves in young plants, we transplant them into beds or containers, where they will remain until the very end of the growing season.

When figuring out when to plant seedlings of cucumbers in May - June 2018 in open ground, depending on the region, it should be understood that seedlings should have no more than 30 days from the moment of germination.

Cucumber seedlings in May - June 2018: when and how

it is better to plant seedlings and seeds of cucumbers

into open ground

To make it easier to identify favorable planting days and a Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers was compiled for May and June 2018.

Even ancient people noticed the influence of the phases of the moon on the growth and development of plants. Since then, people have been making their landings on lunar calendar.

Cucumber transplant into open ground should be done only during the growing moon, preferably closer to the new moon. Days on which they take place lunar eclipses sowing cucumbers for seedlings is highly discouraged.

Cucumbers are also greatly influenced by which signs of the zodiac the moon passes through. Some of them are very fruitful for the growth of plants, while others are not so.

auspicious days for cucumber transplants according to the lunar calendar 2018:

  • May - 4-6, 9-11, 18-24, 26-28.
  • June - 1-3, 5-8, 10-12, 22-25.

How to determine the timing of planting cucumbers?

Open ground in the southern regions

Planting seedlings of cucumbers in open ground in the southern regions is possible already in mid-May. At this time, the earth is already warm enough and young seedlings are not in danger of freezing.

  • Disembarkation can be done at May: 18th, 19th.

Open ground (without greenhouse shelters)
in central Russia and more northern regions

  • Cucumbers are planted without greenhouse shelters, when the soil had warmed up to at least + 15-18 degrees by the time the seedlings were planted in a permanent place. For middle lane Russia, Moscow region usually, this is the end of May. Then the sowing of seeds should be carried out on April 27, 28, and planting - on May 24-28.
  • The Leningrad region is characterized by cooler weather conditions than the Moscow region. Here the winter is longer, and the spring is long. Frosts often last until the second decade of May. It is advisable to plant seedlings of cucumbers in unprotected land at the end of May, and even better - at the beginning of June. Then here sowing can be done at the end of April and these will be the following dates: April 27, 28, 29, and May 1, 4, 5, 6, 9(on days not prohibited by the lunar calendar). drop off such a seedling can be at the end of May: 24-28, and also at the beginning of June: 1-2 and 6-7.
  • If the regions are northern and open ground warms up late, and there is no possibility of greenhouse shelters, then sowing should be done in May 18, 19, A land into the ground before June 23, 24.

Timing correctly planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground, you will guarantee yourself a great harvest in the future.

If on none of these days you can find time to plant cucumbers in open ground, then we recommend that you do this on any day, avoiding strictly prohibited dates:

  • These are the full moon and new moon days. In 2018, they fall on May 15 and 29, as well as on June 13 and 28. These days, try not to plant in open or closed ground nothing (unless, of course, you believe in the power of the moon).

We report dates not prohibited by the lunar calendar for planting cucumbers May and June 2018:

  • May 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 2018
  • 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11 June 2018

When to plant cucumbers in open ground in 2018?

  • You must find the answer to this question for yourself by following the recommendations from this article. Remember, the main thing to focus on is the weather.
  • If the soil has not warmed up well, a cold snap or morning frosts are expected, then it is better to postpone planting.
  • However, in anticipation of stable heat, try not to deviate much from the scheduled date, as overgrown seedlings are not well received.
  • Whether to take into account the lunar calendar when landing is up to you.
  • If you want to test it, plant part of the seedlings as an experiment in auspicious days, and some in unfavorable.

For growing cucumbers in open ground, it is recommended to grow simultaneously from 3 to 7 varieties on one bed, and it is better if some of them are parthenocarpic, and some are bee-pollinated varieties. For some varieties, a particular season may be unfavorable, but other varieties will delight you with a rich harvest.

Planting cucumber seeds in the ground

  • If cucumbers are grown by sowing seeds into the ground, then it should be carried out when the soil at a depth of 8-10 cm warms up to 12-13 ° C, and the air temperature is at least 15 ° C.
  • In the Moscow region, this happens in late May - early June (oak leaves bloom, dandelions bloom, bird cherry blossoms, apple tree petals begin to crumble).

Auspicious days for planting cucumbers at the end of May: 24-28.

In June, planting cucumbers in open ground will be favorable:

  • June 1-2, 2018
  • June 6-7, 2018
  • June 10-11, 2018
  • June 14, 15, 21, 22, 2018

If we calculate crops for central Russia, then it should be understood that this region is very vast, and each specific region can be guided by the lunar calendar, but the main reference point, of course, is climatic conditions.

Similarly, the region of Siberia. It is impossible to give clear instructions on dates, since in one area it is already summer, and in another the land is just beginning to free itself from permafrost. However, in any case, seedlings will help buy time. If earlier the cultivation of cucumbers in some regions was out of the question, now, using ultra-early hybrids, getting a crop is not something unusual.

Bed preparation for planting cucumbers

Cucumbers give a high yield only on soil rich in organic matter and mineral fertilizers. It is ideal to grow cucumbers on manure beds. To do this, in the fall, a trench is dug 35-40 cm deep and 40 cm wide for the entire length of the beds, if it was not possible to do this work in the fall, then it can be done in the spring. In the spring, a thick layer (30 cm) of cow dung is laid in the trench, compacted, spilled with a hot 1% solution of potassium permanganate and covered with a film. After the manure warms up, it is covered from above with a soil mixture of peat, sawdust and humus. Again shed with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and covered with a film before sowing or planting seedlings.

In the absence of a large amount of manure, you can equip compost beds. Shredded plant waste, leaves, garden debris, green grass, sawdust, shavings are placed in a trench or on a ridge, manure can be added. A large amount of green grass and leaves provide the best heating of a warm bed. The poured waste is compacted, spilled hot water or a solution of manganese, covered with a layer of soil, 20-25 cm. Close the finished bed with a film for heating. The heating temperature of the compost bed is lower than that of the manure bed, therefore, sowing cucumbers or planting seedlings on such beds should be later than on manure beds.

The soil for ordinary beds can be of the following composition: 3 parts of peat, 3 parts of humus, 2 parts of soddy soil, 1 part of sawdust. The soil is brought into the greenhouse, beds are formed, mineral fertilizers are leveled and sprinkled on top: 20-30 grams of superphosphate, 15-20 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20-25 grams of potassium chloride per 1 sq. meter, mix with soil and level with a rake.

Cucumbers are planted by almost every summer resident. However, not everyone knows when and how to plant them correctly in order to get best harvest. A cucumber is a whimsical vegetable that puts forward a number of requirements for sowing and care. At optimal timing planting and due attention, the plant can grow and bear fruit well both in greenhouses and in the open. You will find tips on when it is better to plant cucumbers in open ground in this material.

Features of planting cucumbers in open ground, choosing a place for planting

There are a few things to keep in mind when planting cucumbers. First, you need to choose a place based on the preferences of the plant. Secondly, you should follow the recommendations on the timing of sowing. Thirdly, the soil and seeds must be properly prepared before sowing.

Cucumbers can be planted in two ways: seeds and seedlings. In this article, we will focus on the first.

Did you know? The seedling method allows you to get fruits two weeks earlier than the seed method. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in May. June 7-10 is the time when it is necessary to plant seedlings of cucumbers in open ground.

Before planting, it is necessary to decide on the method of planting cucumbers. There are two of them: horizontal and vertical.

Since cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, a site for them must be chosen well-lit, warm, protected from cold winds, especially from the north. It is better if the bed is located from north to south - so it will be under the sun throughout the day.

When sowing cucumbers in open ground, follow the rules of crop rotation. They can be planted in a place where cabbage, lettuce, peas, potatoes, tomatoes were previously cultivated. Cannot be placed after cucumbers, beans, zucchini, carrots, gourds, since all these crops have common diseases and pests.

A green vegetable is demanding on the composition of the soil. The plant thanks with good harvests if it is placed in fertile, loose soil with neutral acidity.

The soil for planting is prepared in advance - first in the fall, then in the spring, just before the cucumbers are sown in open ground. IN autumn period they dig a trench 20-25 cm deep and 70 cm wide. A ditch 30-35 cm deep is made in its center. A 15-centimeter layer of leaves, peat, sawdust, straw, grass should be placed on the bottom.

Right before sowing, the land will need to be fertilized with rotted manure, mullein or bird droppings. You can apply, for example, this method: a 25-cm layer of manure is poured into a trench dug in the fall in early May. Then the soil is disinfected with boiling water with manganese. For the next layer, 5-6 kg of humus per 1 linear meter, one liter jar of ash, 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium salt are added to the fertile soil. This layer is poured onto manure 20 cm high. Everything is mixed, poured with a hot solution of manganese and covered with a film. In this state, the earth must warm up to the required temperature for planting.

Seeds also require preparation - for swelling they are placed in water (20-25 ° C) for 10-12 hours. In this case, the water is changed several times. It is also recommended to start the procedure of warming them up at temperatures above 20 degrees two months before sowing. Also, the seeds can be disinfected by dipping into a solution of potassium permanganate, and treated with a growth enhancer.

Before sowing cucumbers in open ground, the furrow must be well watered. Even repeated watering is allowed. Then we spread the seeds in this furrow, leaving 25-30 cm between each of them. The aisles should be 50 cm wide. Cucumbers grow very well on high beds at 25-30 cm, they are a little warmer than normal ones. Sprinkle the seeds on top with soil, lightly tamp it with the palm of your hand and water again.

Important! Sowing is best done during the day, in sunny weather. Planting seedlings - in the evening or on a cloudy day.

To maintain the necessary humidity and temperature for planting, they must be covered with a film. You can directly cover the soil, but it is better to stretch the film on the arcs. No more watering is needed until sprouts appear.

When seedlings break through, the film will need to be opened periodically to allow access to oxygen and not provoke thermal burns. The shelter is completely removed when the first flowers appear.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground: weather conditions, planting dates, preparation of cucumbers

The timing of planting cucumbers will depend on the climate you live in, the weather conditions this spring and summer, and the variety you choose.

early sowing

Cucumbers should not be sown too early. The earth should warm up well to at least 15 degrees at night. most optimal temperature to develop this vegetable crop is +18 ... +26 °С. If you are interested in what date to plant cucumbers in open ground, then it is recommended to do this no earlier than June 5th. Although this date will depend on the climate of the region where you live. If the soil has time to warm up earlier, and at the end of May - in June there are no night frosts, then the earliest sowing is possible from May 15 to May 25.

Important! If cucumbers are planted at lower temperatures (10-15 ° C), then they can stop growing and even die.

Another factor that confirms that the first days of summer will be the best time for planting cucumbers is that the cucumber is a short day plant. For normal development, he needs only 10-12 hours of light. Thus, if you plant cucumbers, for example, at the end of June, then a long daylight hours and high temperatures not in the best way will affect the growth, development and yield of the plant.

If you want cucumbers to yield early, then there is nothing left for you to do but plant cucumbers in open ground using seedlings or give preference to growing in a greenhouse. Seedlings, as with seed planting, will need to be moved to the garden before June 10, but the harvest will be ready 2-4 weeks earlier - until mid-July.

Choosing early varieties, stop at "Competitor", "Cascade", "Universal", etc. For planting during this period, you should not choose pickling species.

Average seeding

The second sowing of cucumbers, medium, is carried out in June. Almost all varieties are suitable for medium sowing. May 25 - June 10 - this is the second period when you can plant cucumbers in open ground. When planted in June, the crop can be harvested from the beginning of August. Although these terms will differ depending on which variety you plant: early, medium or late ripening.

late sowing

For late sowing, choose varieties specially designed for this, best of all pickling. Early maturing varieties are also good for him, the growing season of which lasts 45-50 days. Their harvest will coincide in time with the fruiting of tomatoes. The advantage of this sowing is that fresh cucumbers will fall on your table until the first frost.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground during summer sowing? Dates will depend on climatic conditions and the weather that is observed in this particular season. However, definitely, it should be July.

In a cool climate, you can resort to the seedling method. If the conditions are hot, the seeds are directly placed in open ground, but the plants will need to be shaded with taller crops or covered with agrofibre.

Popular varieties for planting in open ground

One of the keys to the success of the high fruiting of cucumbers in the open field is the choice of the most suitable varieties for such planting. Among them there are undemanding and unpretentious, capable of enduring adverse weather conditions. These are, for example, "F1 Adam", "F1 Carolina", "F1 Christina", "F1 Darling", "F1 Cappuccino", "F1 True Friends".

Small bushes, the absence of long lashes and thickets, the setting of a large number of fruits are distinguished by the varieties "Baby", "Bush", "F1 Puccini".

"F1 Athos", "F1 Porthos", "F1 Murashka", "F1 Shchedryk", "F1 Southern Emerald" will please with juicy and odorous fruits.

If you like canned cucumbers, then we advise you to pay attention to F1 Zodiac, F1 Perseus, F1 Nord. For salting, "F1 Dasha", "F1 Rodnichok", "F1 Crane", "Salting", "F1 Zanachka" are perfect.

Did you know? The "F" in the name indicates the seeds of the hybrids.

Fundamentals of outdoor cucumber care

After planting in open ground, cucumbers will require care in the form of regular watering, weeding, loosening the soil, mulching, hilling and fertilizing.

Cucumbers are demanding on the presence of moisture. If they are not constantly moistened and allowed to dry out, then such plants may darken and become brittle leaves. With too much watering, the leaves brighten, the lashes stop growing, fruiting worsens. If long time there will be sharp changes in moisture and temperatures, this can add bitterness to the fruit. The optimal humidity is considered to be 80%. A level of 30% or less will cause the crop to wilt.

  • before flowering - 3-6 liters per 1 sq. m in 5-7 days;
  • when fruiting - 6-12 liters per 1 sq. m in 2-3 days.
Humidification of cucumbers should be carried out only with warm water (not lower than 18 ° C), otherwise problems with their development may also arise. This procedure is best done with a watering can in the evening or early in the morning, before the heat arrives. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the leaves.

If during landing were not made organic fertilizers, then cucumbers should be fed throughout the entire period. The first feeding is carried out when the first 2-3 true leaves appear. Further fertilize throughout the entire fruiting phase at intervals of 10-15 days. Provide nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is best to alternate organic with mineral fertilizers.

The number of planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2018 depends on the region of residence and climatic conditions. Proper seeding determines the quality of the crop in the future. According to the moon phase calendar, it is easy to determine the best days for sowing planting material into the soil. Below you will find a lunar cucumber planting calendar for 2018.

Sowing seeds of cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in April 2018

It is recommended to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in April on April 2, 3, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29. It is not recommended to plant and transplant anything during the full moon on April 30 and during the new moon on April 15, 16, 17.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in May 2018

In May, it is already warm enough and the seeds can be sown directly into the ground under a film shelter. The most suitable days for planting cucumbers are May 6, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 May. Prohibited for sowing and planting days: new moon on May 14, 15, 16 and full moon on May 29.

When is the best time to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in June 2018

Auspicious days for planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar 2018

There is a lunar calendar for planting cucumber seeds in the soil. In it, based on the phases of the moon, you can see days favorable for agricultural work. There is an opinion that crops are planted on the growing moon, in which the fruits are located above the ground, and on the waning moon - underground. It is desirable to sow the seeds of cucumbers on the growing moon. But it is possible to transplant seedlings to a permanent place in a decreasing one.

Auspicious days for planting cucumber seeds in 2018 according to the moon position calendar:

  1. The optimal time for landing in March: 10, 14, 19, 24, 25, 26th.
  2. In April, it is preferable to choose the following dates: 17th, 18th, 22nd, 27th, 29th.
  3. In May, seeds for seedlings are planted on the 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 26th.
  4. Most good days for sowing in June, the 10th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 23rd are considered.

These dates are considered the best time for agricultural work. According to the lunar calendar 2018, it is easy to find out which specific day to choose for agricultural work and planting material. The data is adjusted annually depending on the influence of the moon. You can familiarize yourself with the calendar for sowing cucumbers before planting. But whatever the timing and favorable numbers, you always need to be guided by the weather. If you plant seeds on a good day, but if it is still cold outside, then better job reschedule until it warms up.

How to choose good cucumber seeds?

First of all, if the gardener plans to use his own seeds in the future, it is advisable for him to purchase seed material of varietal, rather than hybrid, cucumbers. If the varietal seeds of the last year are preserved, they will sprout. But you just need to keep in mind that cucumber bushes will not give the same harvest. In this sense, it is better to use the material of the year before last. When buying material in a store, you need to carefully make sure that this variety or hybrid is suitable for your conditions, namely - temperature regime(presence/absence of a greenhouse) and the possibility of sufficient watering. As always, the old rule applies: if you need to get stable yields, it is better to choose proven varieties. And for the experiment, you can plant and new material in a small amount.

Unfavorable days for planting cucumber seedlings in 2018

The moon calendar for planting cucumbers suggests the presence bad days when sowing is recommended to be postponed to another date. It also contains information about unsuccessful periods for the cultivation of seeds.

Bad days for growing cucumber seeds in 2018:

  1. It is not advisable to plant crops in March on the 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 18th.
  2. In April, unsuccessful dates will be 4, 5, 6, 14, 17, 19th.
  3. In the last month of spring, such days will be 2, 4, 11, 12, 17, 26, 27th.
  4. It is necessary to refrain from sowing planting material in June 2018 on the 4th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th.

On a waning moon, the planting of planting material leads to the fact that the harvest is meager, and the fruits are not the largest. The lunar calendar will help grow a rich harvest of cucumbers in the summer. But a successful result depends not only on the phases of the moon. Do not forget about caring for plants throughout the entire period of fruiting.

Seedling care according to the lunar calendar 2018

After the gardener has been able to choose a suitable date and schedule his time accordingly, it is useful to remind once again what conditions for growing seedlings must be met. Running multiple simple tips helps to get a very good harvest - at least 2 kg from each square meter of land. Here are the tips:

  • The temperature of the soil and the surrounding air layer should be approximately + 18 ... + 20 ° C. Frosts below +14°C are unacceptable.
  • Water abundantly - the soil should always be noticeably moist. At the same time, in the very first week, it is better to pre-defend the water (keep it all night at room temperature).
  • The earth is periodically loosened to avoid caking and clumping.
  • Expose the container with seedlings to the open sunlight. And if there is a clear drawback in the natural rays, they are additionally illuminated with incandescent lamps for at least 10 hours a day.
  • They are fed with a special complex fertilizer, which is intended for seedlings. The second portion is applied immediately after planting in open ground.

Care after planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar 2018

In the first days after moving to open ground, seedlings should be shaded from direct sunlight and ensure high humidity soil for better rooting. To prevent the influence of cold, cultures are covered overnight with any non-woven material. Such shelter is removed after about two weeks. Watering of crops is carried out as the earthen coma dries up once a week, using up to 6 liters of liquid per square meter. During the flowering of the crop, the interval between waterings is halved. It is recommended to moisten the soil in the evening hours with water infused in the sun. You need to water the crops under the root using a watering can with a special sieve. Try not to get on the leaves of the plant, because droplets of water can cause burns. A day after each moistening, it is recommended to loosen the soil, which will prevent the formation of a dense crust. It is necessary to fluff up the earth with special care, because the root system of crops has a surface inception. To prevent evaporation of moisture, and also as an obstacle to the growth of weeds, the site is covered with a thick layer of mulch from broken straw or peat.

When growing cucumbers in bags or barrels, it is necessary to tie the crop lashes to supports, which will not only save usable space, but also prevent the development of certain diseases. Plants begin to tie to the trellis after the appearance of 4 true leaves. Depending on the cultivation method, the lash garter is either vertical or horizontal. In the latter case, to hold the cucumber bushes, a special trellis is used in the form of a grid, which is securely fixed between the posts. All the gardener needs is to periodically throw lashes into the mesh cells. In the second case, it is used solid construction, in the form of the symbol P. It is made of several vertical supports, on the tops of which a wire is stretched. Ropes will be tied to it, fixing the stems of cucumbers. During the growth of the culture, the stems are captured with shreds of tissue and pulled to the wire. Another important procedure for caring for cucumbers is top dressing. Such activities are carried out up to 8 times during the growing season, using organic and mineral nutrients. The first time cucumbers are fed in the flowering phase, then every two weeks. The best top dressing is an organic solution of mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water, or bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 25. During irrigation, up to 6 liters of such fertilizer are used for each meter of usable area. Alternative option the destruction of superphosphate between the rows of plants with further embedding in the ground is considered.