Water pipes      04.03.2020

We decorate the personal plot with a swan from plastic bottles. Step-by-step instruction. Swans from plastic bottles Swan from a 5 liter plastic bottle

Any summer resident dreams that his site was the most spectacular among the rest. As soon as they do not decorate adjoining territory, but the most common way is to create shapes from plastic bottles due to ease of installation and availability of material. Birds and animals are most often performed. Today we will talk about the creation of a noble swan bird with graceful outlines from plastic bottles. Such a craft will become the highlight of the whole garden and will definitely not go unnoticed.

Varieties of swans from bottles

On this moment from plastic bottles, you can create any configuration and design of a swan. Moreover, it can be not only decoration, but also a functional addition to the site, for example, a planter. The final result depends only on the imagination of the master and the materials and techniques used in the process of work. Among the whole variety of options for creating from plastic bottles, you can easily choose the one that is most suitable for the time spent, materials and just the algorithm of actions for a particular master.

Planter in the shape of a swan

To complete such a craft, you will need one bottle of 5 liters and a sufficient number of small plastic bottles. It is best to take those in which milk was bought, since they are white, which will be relevant for a swan, and subsequently it will not be necessary to color the material. In addition, you will need a metal rod to create a long swan neck, a metal mesh to decorate the base of the wings, adhesive tape, thin wire and fishing line that serve as connecting materials.

We carry out blanks

The preparatory step before creating a swan is to clean plastic bottles from dirt, labels and glue. Next, markings are made on each small bottle.

So, for starters, a line is drawn 2 cm below the neck of the bottle. The lower dotted line should be 1 cm above the relief part of the bottle. They are connected by a strictly perpendicular line. It is necessary to mark and cut the details as evenly as possible.

After cutting off the neck from white bottles, you do not need to throw away these parts, they will serve as a decoration for the swan's neck. The lower part under the neck is cut into 6 rounded parts. You can hold them over a burning candle for a bit to get a more realistic look. At the base of the finished petals, 3 paired holes are made.

The head of the swan is a 0.5 liter bottle. It is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Removing the neck plug.
  2. Making an incision along the seam in a cone-shaped section.
  3. Cutting lines with a gap of 0.5 cm.
  4. Gluing a clothespin to play the role of a beak.
  5. Cutting a fringe on a bottle from the side of the bottom.

The basis of the body of the swan is a bottle of 5 liters. Holes are made on it from below and from above to attach the neck.

Construction assembly

After all the components of the future swan are completed, you can begin to assemble it. First you need to fix the eyes on the head of the swan. It is best to do this not with glue, since with constant influence environment they will quickly fall off, and fasten the buttons with wire.

The blank of the swan's beak must be wrapped with tape so that the halves of the clothespin do not fall apart. From above, the design is decorated with a red cloth or foil.

Next, you need to fix the neck rod in the head of the future swan with wire, and fill the bottle itself with padding polyester. After that, you can string the bottle necks created earlier on the rod. The fringe on the head is fixed with fishing line to cover the beginning of the swan's neck.

The rod from the swan's neck goes through a large plastic bottle and out. The whole body of the bird is shaped with nylon threads or a nylon stocking is pulled over it. Strong synthetic threads, starting from the tail, mount parts of the plumage, stacking them on top of each other to hide the fixation points.

As a result, a chic swan will turn out from the bottles, which, in addition to external beauty will also serve as a spectacular container for planting flowers. You can put such a craft anywhere on the site, but the swan will most organically fit into the territory near an artificial reservoir, if one is present on the site. And if it is not there, then from the same plastic bottles it will not take long to simulate a pond.

Swan from bottles and tires

If there is one or more tires available in the summer cottage or in the garage, it is quite possible to build a swan from them. The combination of plastic bottles and rubber allows you to get not only beautiful, but also resistant to external influences and turning over crafts for the garden.

Execution technology

To create the body of a swan, a tire with a diameter of approximately 50 - 55 cm is taken. So, the formation of the body of the future swan follows the following technology:

The head of the future swan is made from a piece of foam plastic with dimensions of 20 * 12 * 10 cm in this way:

For plumage, birds will be needed

  • plastic bottles preferably white;
  • pliers and a sharp knife;
  • construction mesh;
  • cutters and wire.

When calculating the number of bottles, one should take into account the fact that one container will become the basis for 5 - 6 feathers. Petal-like elements of the same size are cut out of it, on which 4 holes are created for fixing on the grid. For more believability, the edges of each petal can be slightly melted or just cut a fringe on them.

Important! The mesh is pre-coated with an anti-corrosion compound to extend the life of the finished swan.

All swan feathers must be mounted on a piece of mesh, shaped like a wing, with overlapping wire so as to cover the joints. Even with inside wing, it is necessary to create several rows of feathers so that the grid is not visible in the finished structure. The tail of the swan is done in the same way.

After preparatory work proceed to the direct assembly of the structure. The connection of the neck with the body of the swan is made by screwing in the bolts. It is important to bend the end of the metal rod from the neck so as to fix it in the ground. The wings must be fastened together with wire and fixed with a rod. After that, the tail of the swan is installed.

Putty and bottle figure

An interesting version of crafts for a summer cottage - a swan from five liter bottle shaped like a sculpture. This is a unique creation that allows the fantasy to run wild. Such a swan will decorate the veranda, terrace and even look good just in the clearing. Among other things, it is very practical, since inside it is possible to create a small flower garden. If you decorate it with white flowers, you can achieve the effect of bird plumage.

The main stages of making a swan:

After completing the figure of a swan, it is necessary to wait until it is completely dry, carefully process sandpaper, and then paint in the likeness of a living bird. The swan is a symbol of fidelity, so it is best to pair it up right away. Such figures will enliven and diversify the landscape of the suburban area. Marigolds can be planted in the recess from a plastic bottle, which will complete the composition.

Spectacular film swan

From a plastic film and an ordinary five-liter bottle, it is easy to assemble a real proud swan, which no guest will pass by without surprise. Consider the manufacturing technology step by step:

  1. We make 2 holes in the bottle and stretch a thick wire into them that can keep its shape. It will become the frame of the neck and tail of the future bird.
  2. To give a neat and smooth outline, the bottle is slightly crushed in front and on top. The resulting form is fixed with adhesive tape.
  3. Ribbons about 7 cm wide are cut from isolon. The entire swan blank is wrapped around them and fixed with adhesive tape.

    Important! The head is also formed from isolon, but with more layers.

  4. A plastic film is being prepared to create the plumage of a swan. To do this, strips of ribbon are folded into several layers and cut so that a fringe is obtained. 17
  5. The whole bird is wrapped with such blanks, fixing the film with narrow tape. Each subsequent revolution is shifted by 2 cm relative to the previous one.
  6. The head is supplied with button eyes. They are easy to just sew on.
  7. The beak can be made from a red clothespin or marker. In the second case, it is necessary to make several cuts on it so that the wide part of the beak can be formed. After that, the marker is mounted on the wire.

Such an unusual swan will bring originality to the landscape of any site, and with any breath of wind, its plumage will sway easily, which is also very unusual.


The swan on the site is a wonderful decoration that will bring variety to the landscape of an ordinary summer cottage. Thanks to the creation of figurines of this bird from plastic bottles, you can not only take time, develop your imagination, get a spectacular decoration, but also get rid of waste containers. Thanks to the presented master classes, everyone will be able to choose the equipment for themselves and update their site.

Good afternoon, dear friends, today you will learn how to make a planter for the garden in the form of swans with your own hands. Any plot, garden or playground can be beautifully decorated, for this you need to attach only a little imagination. After all, you can not only decorate our site with flowers, but also crafts and garden sculptures. Due to the lack of space, it is not possible to put sculptures and plant flowers on every site, so for such purposes it is best to use a planter with your own hands. After all, you will have crafts and flowers planted. Cache-pots are made different both in shape and size, but most often they are created in the form of a swan. The swan is a very beautiful, graceful bird that does not leave anyone indifferent. Perhaps that is why most often on the site you can meet this charming bird. The swan is made from different materials: from tires, plastic bottles, cement, plaster, foam, etc. If you are interested in how to create, then on the site you can find crafts from these materials. Now let's get back to the topic and look at detailed wizard class for making flowerpots in the form of a swan, which will decorate your yard. The author of this master class is Alla Korobko. Alla showed and told in detail how to create a swan with your own hands.

To make a swan you will need:
* Plastic 5 l. square bottle.
* Iron rod 0.6 mm.
* Bandage.
* Starting putty.
* Small spatula.
* Brush.
* Capacity for mixing the solution.
* Water.
* Sand.
* Adhesive for tiles.
* Polyethylene film.
* Iron mesh.
* Sandpaper.
* Primer.
* Dye.
* Varnish.

How to make a swan with your own hands:
To make a swan, we need such a starting putty, Alla used this one.

We cut off the top of the plastic bottle as in the photo and pour sand there. But first we take an iron rod and bend it in the form of a two. We make a hole in the cork for the wire and insert a curved iron pond into the hole. From the inside, you need to fix it somehow, for example, you can use broken brick or stones and seal with tile adhesive.

Now we pour sand into it. Alla moistened the sand so that it was wet and then put it into a bottle. Slightly expand with sand at the side of the bottle to give a more natural shape to our planters.

Let's cook workplace, take polyethylene film and we cover it. Next, mix a very cool putty solution. We take a spatula and apply a layer of putty on the film with it, this will be the bottom for our planters.

When the layer is smeared, we put a bottle frame on it. We continue to smear putty, but already from the bottom along the edges. We evenly distribute the excess putty and smear along the edges from the bottom up. The spatula during operation must be moistened in water, this is done so that the putty does not stick and it is easy to work.

When everything around is completely missed, we move on to the neck. We wet our hands and take a putty solution from it, form a small ball and coat the base of the rod together with the cork.

Wet the brush with water and smooth the surface with it.

Let's start making wings. We take an iron mesh 15 cm by 30 cm and bend it slightly, give it the shape of a wing and press it a little into the workpiece as if obliquely.

When the mesh was installed, we immediately fix it with a small amount of putty. When smeared, leave it like that for 15 minutes, you need to wait for the putty to set for about 10-15 minutes. You can go for a rest and drink tea. Under the rear of the wing will need to make some kind of support.

When the wings are seized, we proceed to manufacture further. Wet our hands in water and take a little putty solution in them. We smear the putty with the help of our hands on the outer side of the wing, and with the other hand we need to hold it from the inside. We do the same with the second wing. If the putty doesn’t stick very well, try to make the second wing for now, don’t worry, you will definitely succeed. And we will fix all the shortcomings, flaws when the putty dries a little.

When the wings are smeared and it takes time for the putty to grab, we will take care of the neck at this time. With wet hands we form a small roller and fix it on the rod.

When the neck is smeared, we moisten the brush in water and use a wet brush to level the surface.

When we have more or less leveled the surface, we take a bandage, tear off small pieces and moisten them in water. Then we wrap a wet bandage around the neck, squeeze it a little with our hands. So we do the wire to the end, at the end we flatten it in the form of a beak and also wrap everything with a bandage. The neck is all for now, let's go back to the wings, they have dried up during this time and we can even out all the shortcomings.

Also forget about the tail. We take a small piece of mesh and bend it with a cut, about 40-45 degrees. With the help of putty and support we fix the tail.

The head and neck also need to be fixed and given time for everything to grab, you can go for a walk for about 30 minutes.

We smear the very top of the tail in several approaches, alternating it with the manufacture of the second layer of the neck and head.

While the ponytail dries, apply a second layer of putty to the neck with wet hands.

So we reach the head, we do the same. We just try to make the beak stand out and become like it.

Then, using a wet brush, we equalize the edges.

This is what the tail looks like from above.

And so from the side.

That's it, the swan pots are almost ready. Let's examine it from all sides and if there are flaws, we will smooth them out with putty. Then find a place for him so that our planter dries well and he is not afraid of rain. After a few days, our pots should dry well and then with the help of sandpaper we equalize the swan. Next, we need to prime the craft with a primer, and only then we apply paint. If you do not apply a primer, then the paint rolls in lumps. When dry, paint regular paint enamel in two layers. Next, paint the beak, eyes. When the paint dries, apply varnish, too, in two layers.

That's all, look what a beautiful swan turned out. Using a drill, make a few holes for water to drain and then paint them to protect the pots from destruction.

It remains to plant flowers in it, I think that dwarf marigolds will look very nice in them, but what would you advise for planting?

Advice from the author: Make the putty in small portions and very thick. You can always wet it.
DO WITH ME, DO LIKE ME, DO BETTER ME! And remember, “Do not forbid yourself to create, even if it sometimes turns out crooked, no one can repeat your ridiculous motives!” as M. Tsvetaeva said. Good luck everyone! With pleasure I will look at the swans-pots in your performance!

Swan planters for the garden

Not much time has passed since Alla's planter in the form of swans gained popularity on the Internet and many creative people also began to create swans for this reason. So Lydia Tkachenko also decided to create these wonderful swans for her garden. This wonderful planter will also decorate your garden and give you a mood. From the usual 5 liters. of a plastic bottle, Lydia made a beautiful planter in the shape of a swan for her garden with her own hands. Let's take a look at that too.

To make a swan, we need:

* Plastic bottle 5 l.
* Bandage.
* Putty knife.
* Brush.
* Sand.
* Iron wire.

How to make a pot:

We take a plastic bottle and cut a hole along the entire length on one side. Then we take the wire and insert one end into the neck and fix it. We give the shape of the neck. It is better to pour sand into the bottle so it will be more convenient to work. We put a film on the workplace and apply a putty solution on it and immediately install our pots on this layer of putty. We start from the bottom to coat our cache-pot with putty, having smeared a little, we pass to the neck.

We also need to make wings, take a mesh or wire and fix them to the base.

Then we gradually make the neck, wrap it with a bandage to keep it better. When the pot is ready, paint it and varnish it.

You can plant flowers in a ready-made planter or just decorate your garden.

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Making a swan from plastic bottles is hard work. But, after completion, you put it in a conspicuous place and it will look very beautiful and natural. It takes about 30 hours to make, but if you have someone to help you, you can do it in half the time. Basically, you will need junk material to work.

Making a case for a swan from bottles

The basis of the case will be an old car tire with a diameter of 50 - 55 centimeters.

Be careful not to injure yourself when working with the tire, steel bars can protrude from it.

After selecting the appropriate tire, cut it in half, then cut off 10 centimeters from one side of the tire. Twist both halves of the tire so that it looks like an egg shape and a diameter of 45 centimeters. Our body is ready and waiting for all other parts.

swan head

To make the head, you will need foam, putty and paint. First we take big piece foam plastic, size 20x12x10. From it we will cut out the very head and beak. We process the finished parts with sandpaper until all roughness and irregularities disappear. On the back of the head, we make a small hole 5 centimeters deep for attaching the neck. After completing the work with sandpaper, we take the putty and apply it evenly over the entire head. After the putty dries, we bring the surface to the ideal one with the help of finer sandpaper. After that, we start painting. We need paint of three colors: white, blue and black. We cover the corresponding parts of the head with paint, leave to dry. Our head is ready. The head is more difficult to make than all the details, but with the desire and a little skill, this is not a problem.


To make the neck, we need a rod and a corrugation. Corrugation can be taken from an old unnecessary vacuum cleaner or, if one is not available, bought in a store. Length 70 - 80 centimeters. Since we will paint the corrugation in White color, it needs to be cleaned first. As for the rod, we do not recommend taking a steel one - it is very difficult to bend it and it can burst. The length of the rod is 2 meters. On one side of the corrugation, we make cuts, the head will join these cuts. Using self-tapping screws, we fasten the corrugation to the body and head, thereby covering the rod.

The next stage is the wings and tail of a swan made of plastic bottles

To make wings, you will need 35 - 40 white plastic bottles, mesh for construction works and tools. It is desirable to paint the mesh white so that it does not rust. Tools: pliers, wire cutters, screwdriver, copper wire, knife. You can buy plastic bottles in stores that sell packaging. 4-6 feathers will come out of one bottle. We cut the bottle into pieces and form a feather. On one side of the pen we make four holes into which the wire is inserted.

It is better to take copper wire, as it will bend easily.

Construction mesh can be bought at a country goods store. We carefully connect the feathers with wire, laying one feather on top of the other so as to hide the junctions. One wing takes approximately 2-3 hours.


To make the tail of the swan, you will need the same mesh that we used to make the wings. It will take up to one hour to make. You need a mesh of 45 by 20, with pointed tips. The process of making a tail is no different from making wings: we take feathers pre-cut from plastic bottles and fasten them to the grid.

When you close the feathers, they will not give in well and stick out in different directions. Try to align them to one side.

Connection and installation of the finished swan

After all the details are ready, you can start connecting. First, choose a place where you will put the swan and install a board, bricks or an old car tire, to which it will then be installed. Connect the body to the neck with self-tapping screws. Bend one end of the rod so that it can be fixed into the ground. Then attach the wings and tail, connect the wing in front with wire, and in the back with a rod. Then fasten the tail. And finally, screw the head to the corrugation with screws.

Make graceful swans floating on a picturesque lake out of plastic bottles. A palm tree, also made by hand, is reflected in its smooth surface.

The content of the article:

It is not difficult to make a cottage extraordinarily attractive. To do this, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, it is enough to put empty plastic bottles in bags, and then choose ideas from those proposed and bring them to life. Such work inspires, allows you to make the site well-groomed. Neighbors and guests will certainly pay attention to it, and the owners themselves are pleased to be in such an environment. Start the transformation with a simple job that will allow you to arrange a fabulous corner in your backyard.

Bottled lake or pond

To make the reservoir itself, no special skill is required, depending on its size, you will need 30-250 bottles. First, outline with a shovel the place of the future fabulous pond. Inside its outlines, select the turf. You can put it in a pile, cover it with a dark film, periodically sprinkle it with water and kitchen waste, and you will have a wonderful compost next year.

If you are using a non-virgin piece of land, then simply loosen it with a shovel and, starting from the middle to the edges, lay the blanks. To make them, cut off the neck of the plastic bottles to the shoulders, now press the blanks upside down into the ground so that the container peeks out 8 cm above the soil surface. You can use the lower halves of the bottles left over from creating other things for this type of site design. The main thing is that they should not be shorter than 10 cm.

If you are using only the bottom of plastic bottles, then fill it with soil, turn it upside down so that the blanks rise above the ground. Place containers close together to minimize gaps.

After completing several rows of inverted plastic bottles, paint them blue. It is better to do this immediately, because if the lake is large, it is difficult to get into its center. If you do not have numerous containers available, make the lake gradually. The border can be decorated with large stones. To make the pond look picturesque, plant a few plants around the edges.

Decorate the lake with water lilies. How to make such crafts with your own hands was described in one of the previous articles, and from this one you will learn how to make a swan from improvised material. Such a bird looks great not only near the lake, but also in any other corner of the garden.

For this type of creativity you will need a tire from car wheel. Paint it white, attach strong wire to the outside with iron staples. It should wrap around the bottom of the tire, then bring it up and bend it in the shape of a swan neck.

Now put on a plastic wire water hose if you don't have one, a piece of watering rubber will do. Slightly cut its upper part on both sides, put the bird's head here. To make it, cut a soft bottle below the shoulders, making the cut curly. Put the blank on the wire, make a beak from a small ketchup bottle. If you do not have one, then cut a triangle out of plastic, glue its two opposite sides. After placing the beak in place, cover it with red paint. You can make a head out of synthetic foam rubber, and take a hose from an old vacuum cleaner for the neck.

Paint the head and neck white, and mark the junction of the beak and face with black, so that the suprafrontal part and the eyes of the bird are clearly visible.

If you have extra time, then before making the swan, modify the tire a little. As you can see in the photo, on the one hand there are small cuts on it, on the other - solid, it is made in such a way that the tail remains. The place of the cut is fastened with a bolt with a screw.

Bird with fluffy feathers from plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself swans are elegant if they are beautifully feathered. To do this, you will need white plastic milk bottles.

In the next photo you see how to make wings. To do this, cut out their base in the form of a triangle with beveled corners from a metal mesh. To make plumage, take white plastic milk bottles. Cut off the neck and bottom of each. Divide the resulting canvas into 6 parts, also round each of them with scissors. These are feathers. To attach them, use an awl and thin wire. Make punctures in the blanks and tie them to the wire mesh.

Cover it with feathers on both sides. Attach 2 fenders to the tire with self-tapping screws. You can do it differently by pulling the wings together with wire through the tire.

How are graceful birds made from plastic bottles?

Another graceful swan can be made from the following materials. For work you will need:

  • large plastic bottle of rectangular shape;
  • putty;
  • thick wire;
  • bandage;
  • sand.
Lay the plastic bottle horizontally, cut off the wide side. Make a hole in the lid with a soldering iron, insert the edge of the bent wire, as shown in the photo. Sand is poured into the bottle so that the swans, made with their own hands, are stable.

Now thickly grease the entire outer part of the canister with putty. Take the bandage, starting to wrap it around the wire from the bottom up, also generously coat it with this solution. As a result, you will get the neck of a graceful bird. Where the head will be, the bandage will need to be wound even more, layer it with putty. Finish this part of the workpiece.

Let's get to the wings. As in the first case, they will need a large-mesh iron mesh. To attach it, first coat the body of the bird with primer, let it dry, then attach the mesh and fasten it to the sides of the swan with putty.

You can leave the wings as they are, or decorate the outside with plastic milk bottle feathers, and with reverse side hide the mesh under a layer of putty.

It remains for you to let the product dry, then paint the eyes and beak of the bird in the desired colors. If you want to use the swan as an original flowerpot for giving, then fill the canister with sand only a quarter, and pour fertile soil on top and plant your favorite flower. Or make a second bird. As a result, you will get such beautiful do-it-yourself swans.

How to quickly make snow-white birds from bottles?

If you have some empty containers, and you want to decorate your site as soon as possible, then read how to make a swan quickly and from a small amount of materials. Also it can not only decorate country cottage area, but also to become a beautiful and original flower bed. For this, transparent containers are quite suitable, they need to cut their necks on top of their shoulders.

Outline the shape of the future flower garden on the ground. Fill the bottles with sand or waste soil, such as clay, paint them white. When the paint is dry, dig the bottles about a quarter into the ground according to the marked markings, turning them upside down. To keep them well, fasten them in a circle with a wide adhesive tape in 2-3 layers. It also needs to be covered with white paint.

The head and neck of the swan are made of plywood. First draw this part of the bird on the workpiece, and then cut it out. As shown in the photo, decorate this part with the appropriate paints. Pour fertile soil into a flower bed, plant flowers and you can admire the original creation.

Plastic swans can be made without much hassle. To make the following, you only need:
  • 5 liter canister;
  • milk bottles;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • wire.

Lay the canister horizontally on most, cut off the upper sidewall from it, pour on a third wet sand. Insert the wire into the hole made by the soldering iron in the cork, bend it in the form of the neck and head of a bird.

Cut one off the milk bottle. Cut it from the bottom to the shoulders into 6 parts, round the resulting feathers with scissors. Decorate the entire container in this way, and then put the blanks on the bird's neck in turn. Insert its beak into the neck of the last upper one. You can also make it out of plastic or polymer clay.

Now we need a few more milk bottles. Cut 4 feathers from each, stick them on the canister, starting from the bottom, so that the rounded part of the feathers looks up and slightly to the side. After the glue has dried, put the flower pot in the canister. The master class uploads a story on how to make graceful swans out of plastic bottles.

We decorate a country pond-lake with plastic bottles

If we imagine that the lake with swans swimming in it is located on an island, then why not install a palm tree on its shore? It is also made from plastic bottles. Craft with your own hands similar products very interesting. If you do this with your children, they will also grow up to be creative people, able to look at any materials and find craft ideas.

For a palm tree you will need:

  • metal fittings desired length;
  • brown and green plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • candle or lighter.
A palm tree from plastic bottles is made in several ways. Check out one of them first. For such a craft, you need to take bottles of the same volume. It can be a container from 1 to 2.5 liters. If the tree is low, small plastic bottles will do. For a larger one, take a larger container.

First, peel off the labels. If they are glued too high quality, then place them for 40 minutes in hot water, then remove, sometimes helping yourself with a knife.

Now cut off the bottom of the bottles, make the cut zigzag, slightly bend the resulting large notches outward. Stick the rebar in the intended place so that it holds tightly, start stringing the bottles neck down.

This creation technology is suitable if you do not have enough containers. If it is larger, then use only the bottom of the bottle. Drill a hole in each with a drill, and then string it on a metal rod, as shown in the photo. And in the next photo you see how you can make a trunk for a palm tree if you have an unnecessary log and bottoms from brown bottles. They are nailed or attached with screws to a wooden base, but the bottom is left free so that the tree can be dug into the ground.

How to make palm leaves from bottles?

When you decorate the trunk of the southern tree, proceed to its leaves. For them you will need plastic container Green colour. A master class on making palm trees from bottles will describe this process in detail.

There are also many options for obtaining this part of a tropical tree. If you like the wooden base idea, then you can make leaves. in a simple way. To do this, you need large plastic bottles with a pre-cut bottom. Cut them from the bottom to the shoulders, not reaching the neck, into many small ribbons.

Now drive metal rods into the upper part of the wooden palm tree, bend them slightly and string them neck down on each bottle. What you get is also visible in the photo.

And here is another way to make leaves from plastic bottles. For this, a container of any size is suitable, you need to cut off the bottom from it and make it on big bottles 4, and on small ones - 3 cuts to the shoulders, round them. These are leaf blanks.

Now make a thin fringe along the edges of each sheet. In the center, leave a gap of 1–2 cm - this is the vein of the leaf.

Put a bottle on top of the barrel Brown no bottom upside down. On the cover, make 6 holes crosswise with a soldering iron or a drill. Insert one rod or wire through the two holes opposite, through the other two - another rod, and through the third pair of holes - the third wire. Now string the first leaf blank on each rod, then the second, and so on. You should have 6 leaf pieces, each consisting of six bottles. For reliability, fasten them together on the covers with wire.

To prevent the bottles from jumping off the rod, simply bend it on the reverse side. And here is what you get as a result.

If you want to visually see the process of making a palm tree, then watch the video:

Swans for the garden with their own hands from plastic bottles will add grace and beauty to any palisade. Today, there are many ways to decorate the garden, but the most unusual decorations can be made at home. Such decoration will not require large expenses, but you can use your imagination to enliven the exterior. And it is rare that someone refuses a small flock of beautiful swans in their own garden.

There are several ways to make such swans, they differ only appearance and the time used to create such masterpieces.

The first method just does not require much time, but the result will certainly please the eye.

To make a swan for the garden you will need the following materials and tools:

  • 5 l plastic bottle;
  • milk bottles 800 ml;
  • hard wire hose;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • marker;
  • candle;
  • dye.

decoration process

A 5 liter bottle is taken. It is necessary to mark the lines with a marker along which it will need to be cut in two, the upper part is removed. Only the neck remains, which is necessary for fixing the neck. The hose, which plays the role of the neck, must be threaded into the neck and secured with wire to the base. Next, you need to do the "feathers". Blanks are cut out of white bottles (more often these are from under milk), get rid of the neck and bottom. The cut blanks need to be held above the candle from the outside, it is advisable to cut a small fringe on the sides of the blanks for a more realistic look. Then you need to collect 2 feathers and connect with wire to each other.

The design of the neck also uses bottles with a cut off bottom, according to the number of bottles used, you can choose the length of the neck. Now it's time to start creating the beak.

In the place where the hose and the last bottle end, you need to make holes and connect everything with wire. Close the base of the beak with a lid. The beak itself will be made from a cap, most often used for bottles with chemicals. You need to cut the cover in the shape of "M", then paint and install the beak. If desired, you can plant flowers for the garden in a flowerpot, and then an ordinary flower bed will become a work of art.

Unusual decision

There is 1 more way to create a swan for the garden. In this case, are used unusual solutions. So, you will need the following materials:

  • tire;
  • plastic bottles (70 pieces);
  • metal grid;
  • hose;
  • wire;
  • Styrofoam.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to cut off the inner rings from the tire, and to designate the tail, one side is cut into a triangular shape with special tools. We cut the tire in front for convenience, the edges are connected with bolts. To create a neck, you need to screw the wire to the tire, and leave quite a bit of material at the bottom in order to secure the swan to the ground as a result.

The wing is assembled from feathers made in the same way as in the first version, but this time the "fringe" is optional. On 2 pieces of the grid, which will be the "skeleton" of the wings, all the prepared feathers are screwed with wire.

It is necessary to fill several rows with feathers and from the inside of the grid so that in finished version no frame was visible.

It is advisable to take a larger mesh so that the wings look more spectacular. But the head is cut out of polystyrene foam, the beak and eyes are decorated with paint. The head is placed on the wire base after the self-tapping hose has been used to create the volume of the neck.

The body, like the head, is painted, and the wings are installed with screws or wire, as soon as the workpiece dries. The swan is ready to decorate the landscape.

The result is worth it

The last option for decorating the garden is more time consuming, but the result is worth the time. For a swan planter you will need the following:

  • 5 l plastic bottle;
  • iron rod 0.6 mm;
  • bandage;
  • starting putty;
  • small spatula;
  • brush and water container;
  • solution container;
  • sand.

First you need to repeat the already familiar steps with a 5 liter bottle - cut off the top, but leave the neck for the neck. Pour wet sand into the bottle, round the sides. Insert a rod in the form of a “two” into the lid.

Put 5 cm of putty on polyethylene, place a bottle on this layer, smooth the excess putty up the base with a spatula dipped in water. Next is to do the neck. Form a roller of putty and apply to the base of the rod and the cover. Use a damp brush to smear uneven areas. Next, treat the entire surface of the bottle in the same way.

Until the putty has set, it is necessary to take care of the wings.

Press the mesh on both sides of the body at a slight angle. Supporting it from the inside, it is worth starting to apply putty, imitating wings. Next, it is worth sticking around the neck in the same way and forming the head. At the end, wrap it with wet bandages. In this case, you need to fix the neck so that it does not fall under the weight.

Leave for a while and do the tail. A small piece of mesh is installed between the wings, pressing into the putty layer. Next, the tail is formed in the same way as the wings - a putty roller is applied to the mesh, and layers are added, then errors are removed with a wet brush.

The next is to apply 1 more layer of putty on the neck and head. When everything is finished, you need to walk with a wet brush and finally remove the bumps. It is required to leave the swan in the sun for 2 days for final drying. And as soon as the workpiece is ready, it is necessary to sand, paint, decorate the beak, eyes and varnish. And flowers should be planted in the container in the center of the figure, and the swan for the garden is ready.

There are several ways to create beautiful swans for the garden from improvised means. And which option to choose depends on your own imagination and desire, since there is nothing complicated in this. And let every garden find its "swan".