In a private house      07.03.2020

Arrangement of the adjoining territory of a private house - we create our own design. Photo of the courtyard of a private house

For each of us a private house fulfills its tasks: someone lives in it, someone comes to relax on weekends, and someone grows various crops on its territory. But, nevertheless, everyone wants to improve their yard: zone, ennoble, make it cozy and rationally distribute free space. Let's find out your private home.

Drafting a project

For the correct and rational arrangement of the yard on your land, you need to draw its project, so you can visually plan the location of the zones on the site and the space they occupy. First, you can make sketches, roughly planning the distribution of zones and arranging the site, putting it all on paper. When the plan is drawn up, it is recommended to transfer its project to graph paper, clearly calculating the cells in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot. Performing all actions impromptu and by eye - you can make a lot of miscalculations.

The more functional areas you have, the more space you will need. Therefore, decide which zones are more significant for you, and which ones you can refuse.

When designing functional areas, you need to determine the tasks of the site and personal preferences. If the main thing for you is a garden, then for zoning you need to allocate a minimum of space, which is better to put under extra beds. If the garden is not particularly important for you, those very extra beds can be used for arrangement, because in order to realize your goals you will need a lot of free space for the so-called functional areas.

Functional areas

Now consider the options for zones for arranging the yard with a photo for them in order to visually represent what is at stake.

Rest zone

Perhaps the most important area in the courtyard of a private house is the one that is allocated for recreation. This zone includes all the elements that contribute to a comfortable and complete rest, both individually and in the company of friends.

  • Alcove. In many courtyards, which are universal in their own way, an atmosphere of tranquility hovers in this building, it seems that without it there will be no comfort on the site. If your space land plot allows, be sure to build a gazebo. In it, you can have conversations with family and friends, as well as in splendid isolation, relaxing in such a small cozy house from accumulated problems.

  • Gazebo + summer kitchen. You can do it more rationally and combine it with a gazebo, thereby making the most of the space occupied by the building. Here you can not only talk, but also hold family meals and receive guests.

  • Playground with a canopy. If you are not impressed with the gazebo, then you can simply select a platform and, as a result, you will get the most relaxing area. Here you can put sofas and armchairs, big table or a small table - from the goals and personal preferences of the idea. The building itself can be with a solid roof, or it will be a simple tent, located both on the lawn and on the tiled surface.

  • Hammock. This device is a bright personification of outdoor recreation, while it takes up little space, and requires only two nearby trees at a short distance. It is very convenient to relax on a hammock, in addition, it perfectly complements the overall landscape of the yard.

  • Armchairs or sunbeds. You can simply select a small part of the site and place chairs or sun loungers there, if desired, you can install an umbrella for each of them.

  • benches. Alternatively, you can simply install beautiful benches in the recreation area.

  • Garden swing. At the end it is worth mentioning this interesting solution for a recreation area as a swing. In addition to their harmonious fit into the general courtyard landscape, they will perfectly contribute to relaxation.

"Barbecue Zone"

If you plan to gather guests in the courtyard of your house, then you should think about building a separate so-called barbecue area. As you probably guessed by the name, this zone involves barbecue and similar structures. An ideal addition would be a nearby gazebo and a summer kitchen.

If the cherished acres of the yard allow, then be sure to allocate space for it, especially since you can even build it from improvised means. As for specific structures, the playground may include: a sandbox, swings, slides, stairs, horizontal bars.

Flower garden or garden

It is simply impossible to imagine the courtyard of your house without green spaces. Trees, bushes, flowers - just look how they decorate the area, giving it a special atmosphere. For those who love the garden and green spaces, the site team recommends trees or shrubs. For women, flower beds are more preferable, so the dense green range can be supplemented by representatives of the flower world. Today, you can freely purchase the most extravagant plants and flowers that are adapted to the climate of our country.

Pond or fountain

Do you still have free space and a desire to equip your site with your own hands? Or a fountain then. These designs are far from the lot of the rich, building a fountain or a small pond on your site is not as costly as it seems at first glance, and you can do it yourself.

Stylistic space

Wanting to diversify the arrangement of the site with something unusual and creative, you can create a stylistic space: for example, a piece of the tropics or the Mexican desert. It is not necessary to buy expensive materials for this, you can show your imagination, and no one has canceled the decoration, go for it!


We will also give a few tips on ennobling the territory of the yard, which will become a kind of crowning achievement.

An important element of the arrangement is the paths. It is advisable to do them in uniform style. As paths, you can use concrete, concrete or natural decorative rock, paving slabs, crushed stone, wood, etc. We talked about it in more detail in previous articles.

Existing zones need to be demarcated, otherwise they will not be zones in their essence. Optionally, it should be a wall compartment, the so-called screens. For separation, you can use any materials and means that visually draw the edges of the zones: bushes, structures made of wood or brick, stones, paths, etc. - it all depends on the style, taste and capabilities.

An integral part of the arrangement is a. Again, today you can find many lighting solutions for the site, hundreds of lamp options are able to recreate the most diverse types of lighting on the site: bright, subdued, spot, color, etc.

As the cherry on the cake, the decor of the site gives it the effect of completeness. The right decor will make the site as comfortable as possible and add to it the very habitation that will complete the entire huge process of arrangement.

Below we offer you videos that show examples of arranging the yard.

A few more examples of arrangements.

Very interesting option yard beautification.

The next video will give tips on landscaping.

The beauty and harmony of the courtyard of a private house is the pride and heritage of any owners. But for all this it is worth making a lot of effort to achieve the final and desired result.

Before proceeding with the design work, you should understand the features of the improvement itself, the rules for its planning. And also find out about some of the main elements. Only then can you start somewhere.

Fundamentals of design and landscaping of the yard

1. Accounting for the characteristics of the territory . By using modern technologies, the professionalism of the workers, you can make the entire site even, which will require a lot of physical and financial investments. But is it worth breaking all this?

Indeed, on the site of a hill, you can break a beautiful and modern alpine hill, and in the hollow - a transparent reservoir. But if the differences are simply huge, then you can use the services of a vertical planning specialist who will make the desired picture for you and make it a reality.

2. Harmony with the building and various small structures. The design of the courtyard of a private house should adapt to the structure itself, which plays a dominant role. With the help of landscaping, you can hide outbuildings and make a beautiful approach to the main element in the territory. Opening the view of the facade of the house should be smooth and organic.

3. Functionality - this means planning the territory by zones . It all depends on the preferences of the owners, their type of activity, the presence of children.

For example, the following zones should be present: front (entrance), household ( orchard), a zone of quiet rest, sports, active recreation, a children's zone (if there are children), and others. The breakdown is made in advance, carried out by the system of the road-path network.

4. Visibility of the territory. It is necessary to think in advance how the yard looks from all windows and balconies. After all, even while at home, you can admire the open views.

It is not at all interesting if the owners watch the place for drying clothes from the bedroom, or the car peacefully standing in the parking lot. It's nicer to look at the beautiful landscape design, body of water or sculpture.

5. Lighting will help diversify and make beautiful courtyard . You can play with light throughout.

Thinking through this process is very important. For example, illuminated paths with small lamps, or the use of special flashlights built into the tiled paving.

6. Gardening and landscaping . A lot depends on these processes - this is leisure, and a person's internal perception of the environment, and the aesthetics of the courtyard. Also, such processes are the final stage of design and improvement.

Examples of designs for decoration and landscaping of the yard

But you can arrange the courtyard of a private house with your own hands, it is very important to correctly follow the above rules and have some idea about it. For what, and it is necessary to present several good examples interesting designs landscaping and landscaping.

Option 1. There is a landscape style in the design (smooth paths, lack of symmetry).

Several main zones immediately stand out here: a nursery (the presence of specialized small architectural forms), an entrance (a wide entrance and flower beds), a recreation area (an arbor, beautiful tree and shrub compositions), and a dendrological garden. There is a small pond with a walkway that blends in very well with the surroundings.

Option 2. Also, everything is decorated in a landscape style. Here, the most interesting is the originally allocated economic zone: a vegetable garden, an orchard.

The emphasis is on modular rectangular beds, which, when growing crops, will look very aesthetically pleasing. The parade area is located with reverse side, it must be present in any design.

The main elements that contribute to the process of design and improvement of the courtyard of the house

The arrangement of the courtyard of a private house begins directly with the project itself, after which estimates are drawn up, planned costs are calculated. Then purchased Construction Materials, small architectural forms and planting material.

There are basic elements that should not be forgotten. These include the following components:

1. Buildings and structures. These elements are basic and dominant. On private territory there must be a house for living, as well as some buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, an outbuilding (storage of working equipment, various accessories), a greenhouse, and so on.

2. Road and path network . It separates all zones according to their functions. When planning, all paths should be laid only over the shortest distance, which will save time when moving and financial resources for building materials.

yard country house may also contain complex systems paths with a variety of paving options.

3. Lighting - availability is provided lighting fixtures . It can be used not only for practical purposes, but also to create a beautiful decorative effect.

4. Flower beds - giving the aesthetics of the territory . Probably not a single owner can imagine how to equip a yard without planting flower plants.

There are a huge number of such elements: a flower bed ( correct form flower garden), mixborder (complex flower garden, consisting of perennial flowers), border (flower garden along the paths), rockery, rock garden (complex flower garden, including natural stones and various mountain plants), and others. This element will perfectly complement any territory.

5. Small architectural forms . Thanks to them, you can distinguish which zone is which. It's different garden furniture, sculptures, fountains, lanterns and lamps.

6. Tree and shrub plants . They can be planted in beautiful groups, create hedges and beautiful unique tapeworms. Thanks to proper fit, guaranteed to create surprise open species, their smooth transition into each other.

7. Reservoirs are a great element that will perfectly give a sense of nature. , naturalness and natural beauty. These can be small ponds, fountains, cascades and decorative waterfalls, streams and pools. They look very nice with natural stones and aquatic plants.

Thanks to proper planning territory and the presence of the main elements, your yard will be the most compelling and beautiful, constantly attracting everyone's attention.

Landscaping, created by a professional or by the owner himself, turns an ordinary house in the village into a real one. country estate.

Each owner of the site (regardless of the number of acres) is aware that it will be much more difficult to create a landscape design for a private house than to make repairs, for example, in a standard apartment. And yet, the efforts spent will be more than rewarded with the beauty that will delight you every day.

By far the easiest way to create a beautiful backyard is to hire a professional landscape designer. However, this service is not cheap, and there are no guarantees that a stranger will correctly understand your preferences and create a dream plot for you.

Given the abundance of information on this topic in the public domain, you can plan and create a piece of paradise in your yard on your own. How to equip a plot near a private house, you can look at the photo in our photo gallery.

Such a landscaped yard will not only beautiful plot near the house, but also a favorite place to meet friends, to get together with family, to relax in the bosom of nature.

Preliminary preparation

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house is a very complex and responsible enterprise, therefore, when starting this on your own, you should whole line preparatory work including theoretical training.

Each owner understands that landscape design near the house has two main goals:

  • make the local area as comfortable and practical as possible;
  • ennoble the site, give it gloss and emphasize beauty.

In order for both of these tasks to be successfully completed, in your work you need to take into account many factors that affect the overall result. So, where do you start and what must be taken into account?

building codes

Over the years of construction country houses and arrangement of the territory around them, certain standards have been developed that allow you to properly organize work and avoid mistakes in planning.

The main building regulations relate to maintaining the distance between objects:

  • the residential building is at least 3 m behind the regular road and 6 m behind the motorway;
  • a residential building and an outbuilding should be located no closer than 7 m from each other;
  • the dog enclosure is 4 m from the house;
  • outdoor toilet, compost pit and even a well must be placed at a distance of 15 m from the main buildings;
  • the distance from the fence to the nearest building is 1-1.5 m, but large trees and shrubs should be planted no closer than 1-3 m from the border of the territory.

Strict rules apply to the laying of all communications. The depth of ditches, the distance from buildings, as well as cables from each other, the possibility of planting certain plants near communications - all this must be taken into account even before the actual arrangement of the site. It is safe to bring light to the gazebo, lay water to the pool or organize a drain from it.

Thanks to the observance of these norms, in the future it will be pleasant to enjoy the beauty and peace, it is convenient to spend repair work, drive up to the house and move around the territory, in general, it will be comfortable to live.

Individual features and preferences

At independent work over the design of a plot of a private house, you can fully realize all your dreams, make the surrounding area unique and unrepeatable.

At the same time, it is important to take into account not only your personal preferences, but listen to the wishes of all household members. Agree, in the house where children live, there cannot be no playground, and avid lovers of gatherings around the fire cannot do without a gazebo and barbecue. The professional design of the courtyard of a private house and photos of modern courtyards confirm this.

Lifestyle, family composition, the presence or absence of pets - all this significantly affects the design of a personal plot. And if you take into account all the nuances at the planning stage, in the future you will not have to rebuild, redo and regret.

Climatic features of the region

Having made a general idea of ​​what exactly will be placed on the site, where and how the main objects will be located and, having chosen your favorite plants, be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the climate.

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house in the photos that you will find on our website proves that outdoor outdoor pools, for example, or huge fountains are difficult to design where winter lasts 9 months a year. And a closed windproof gazebo with a huge stove would be completely out of place somewhere in the tropics.

Of course, the plants that you can plant in the garden of your dreams depend directly on the weather conditions.

Thus, the weather and temperature background during the year largely determine not only the flora on your site, but also dictate the possibility and features of the placement of certain objects.


Many are sure that good site- This is a flat area. Therefore, often the owners try, at the cost of incredible efforts and financial costs, to cut off all the elevations and fill up all the depressions at all costs. And yet, it is most advisable to think over the landscape design of the yard, taking into account the features of the relief.

If the area near your house is initially more or less flat, you can do anything on it: plant a garden, plant a lawn, build a gazebo, or dig a pool.

The uneven area allows you to equip various functional areas in different planes, separating them with decorative steps or terraces. On a hilly area, an alpine slide would be appropriate, and the depressions are perfect for arranging a pond. Huge height differences also open up scope for creativity - the vertical layout is fraught with a lot of surprises.

So, the whole yard will play, gain complexity and originality. It will be your individual creation, which no one can reproduce.

Combination with buildings and structures

Very often, planning the landscape of the courtyard comes at a time when the main buildings (including a residential building) have already been built. In this regard, it is important to think over the design in such a way that the house fits organically into environment, did not stand out from the overall composition and was combined in style with the surrounding area.

Given the scale, the cottage will play a dominant role throughout the site, so all other elements should emphasize its merits. At the same time, outbuildings can be hidden behind greenery.

Proper consideration of all the features of the site, construction norms and rules, laying communications, as well as your own taste will help create the picture on the site that will delight you and your loved ones for many years.


From general ideas and reasoning, it's time to move on to more specific planning of your own site.

Admiring the beautiful landscapes of private houses in the photo, many owners strive to embody everything they see. But you need to be able to control yourself and, with all the variety, choose exactly what is really needed and appropriate in each specific case.

At the planning stage, it is necessary not only to draw a scaled sketch of the site and all the objects on it, but also to place those that will appear in the future there. There are a number of "mandatory" attributes of any suburban economy (not counting a residential building):

Among the frequently encountered objects in suburban areas are:

  • bath;
  • dog enclosure;
  • playground;
  • pool, pond or fountain, etc.

All this must be properly placed so that the yard is not only beautiful, but also functional. Only after sketches and drawings on paper (or in special programs where the design of personal plots of private houses looks like in the photo), when the layout is optimal, you can start marking on the ground.


Even at the planning stage, the owners are determined with the functional load that their site will subsequently bear. In accordance with this, the entire yard is divided into certain zones.

Among the main zones that are found in almost everyone suburban area, the following can be distinguished:

  • entrance (front door);
  • household;
  • gardening;
  • recreation area (quiet or active);
  • children's area (if there are children).

If the territory is small, then often the functional zones are combined and not separated from each other. The main emphasis in this case is on the design of a recreation area in a private house.

When the size of the site allows, it is convenient to isolate each of the selected areas so that when sunbathing, for example, by the pond, you do not have to breathe in the exhaust gases of an approaching car.

To distinguish between each element of the site, the following methods are used:

  • green spaces (hedges);
  • decorative fences;
  • tracks;
  • arches, pergolas;
  • tapestries, screens, screens, etc.

When planning the location of each of the zones, it is important to consider how they will look from above, for example, from a balcony or from the windows of the second floor of the house. Look at the projects of courtyards of private houses, the photos that we have selected for you, and you will understand that it is not very romantic to admire the parking from the bedroom, but playgrounds, on the contrary, should be in sight.

Style selection

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house looks solid and complete only when it is designed in general style with a house and other capital buildings.

There are a lot of styles. However, at the first stage of species gradation, there are:

  • regular (classic) style;
  • landscape (natural) style.

A regular park appeared in France during the reign of Louis XIV, so this concept of site design is often called French. It is enough to recall Versailles to understand the main features of the regular style:

  • large area of ​​the site;
  • strict geometricity in everything (paths, flower beds, cutting shrubs and trees);
  • order and regularity.

It is very difficult to take care of such a park, so usually the regular style is found only in large estates, where its beauty is maintained by a whole team of professionals.

It is quite natural that the landscape design of a private house is often created in a natural (landscape) style. Here, care does not require such colossal efforts and it is quite up to the owner himself.

Mostly, natural design classified according to the place of origin of a particular design model of the area around the house:

  • English (as close as possible to the natural landscape, characterized by smooth lines, winding paths, cascades, artificial reservoirs);
  • Slavic ( natural materials, an abundance of wood, stone, rural decor, an abundance of perennials and the absence of flower beds with regular outlines) Even the design of a private house garden will be important here;
  • European country (slightly more orderly than Slavic, but in general the same “sloppy”, slightly neglected in appearance);
  • Japanese (restrained, strict, with artificial reservoirs and obligatory rock garden, evergreens, mostly low);
  • Mediterranean (ideal for outdoor recreation: patios, gazebos, fountains, shady corners, bright plants in clay pots);
  • Moorish (in the center there is always a small artificial reservoir surrounded by lush vegetation) and many others.

The choice of style depends on personal tastes, on climatic features, but the starting point is always the house, which sets the tone for the whole composition.

Landscaping and walkways

On the plan of a personal plot, not only capital buildings are designated, future functional zones are distinguished, but they also connect all objects with a network of paths, paths and paved areas.

For maximum convenience of movement, the tracks are laid along the shortest path. And at the same time, if you want to create something original and unique in your yard, you can make the paths winding, and the areas (for example, under a car or for a patio) uneven and asymmetrical.

Of course, the paving of paths and areas in the local area depends on the chosen style of decoration of the entire garden.

Judging by the photo of the landscape design of the adjoining territories of private houses, designers often try to choose a more restrained option closer to the house, but in thematic corners and various zones they allow themselves to play with the form and choice of materials.

Today, there are many tools for laying tracks:

  • concrete tiles;
  • paving stones;
  • hewn stone;
  • wood cuts;
  • crushed stone and gravel;
  • decking, etc.

Whichever option you choose for your site, the main thing is to plan the road and path network correctly so that you do not have to subsequently shorten the path along the lawns; and also follow all the laying rules so that the tracks perform their function for a long time.


Although landscaping the yard of a private house (photo below) does not look that difficult, in fact it is the most problematic stage when designing a yard landscape on your own. And all because serious theoretical preparation is required here (botanical knowledge allows you to choose the right plant depending on the conditions of their growth, flowering periods, combination with each other, etc.).

And at the same time, looking at the landscape design of the adjacent territories of private houses in the photo in our photo gallery, you just want to create something like this outside your window. We will give basic advice on landscaping the site.


The fundamental element of landscaping the area around the house is the lawn. Areas sown with special cereal herbs, and serve as a background for all other plants, and frame the entire green composition.

Lawns are different.

  • The main type, which is immediately presented at the word "lawn", is the so-called lawns for recreation. These are the areas around residential cottages that are planted, because they grow well and are able to withstand moderate loads (animal running, children playing, and even a picnic on a blanket);
  • Decorative lawns usually arranged in huge parks, where they create an even, dense coating;
  • Flowering lawns (Moorish) are more like not an herbalist, but a summer meadow, full of all colors;
  • Sports (for tennis courts and football fields).

The process of arranging a lawn and subsequent care for it is quite troublesome, despite its apparent simplicity. Prepare the soil, sow, water, loosen, sow, mow regularly - these are just the main types of work. To simplify initial stage you can use rolled lawn, but here it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the help of professionals.

Modern design the territory of a private house in the photo does not happen without green lawns that allow you to fully enjoy the surrounding beauty.

flower beds

Leafing through photos with the design of backyard plots of private houses on our website, you first of all pay attention to flowers, without them it is impossible to imagine any yard. When large-sized plants (trees and shrubs) have already been planted, you can start organizing bright eye-catching corners.

Flowers and ornamental plants can be planted in different forms:

  • a flower bed (a regular-shaped flower garden, consisting mainly of annuals);
  • mixborder (composition of their perennials of complex shape);
  • border (flower framing of paths);
  • rockery, rock garden (compositions of stones and mountain plants), etc.


The design of the adjacent territory of a private house (photo from our article), in addition to lawns and flower beds, also implies artificial reservoirs. They enhance the feeling of closeness to nature, and the sound of water relaxes and soothes.

Basically, on personal plots you can find the following types of reservoirs:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • waterfall;
  • fountain;
  • pool.

Artificial ponds are created not for swimming, but for admiring nature. There you can land special aquatic plants and breed fish.

The stream can be either an independent element of the water structure of the garden or complement, for example, a pond. Here the water must be flowing and not stagnate. That is why the equipment of the stream requires pumps and pipes.

Waterfalls and fountains are also often additional objects and require significant effort and expense for their arrangement.

But the outdoor pool is a real luxury. After all, it must be carefully thought out and properly built, so that later it can be planted with cool water on a hot day.

The murmur of water, light refreshing splashes and the mirror-like surface of the pond are the best antidepressant in the world, relieve stress and allow you to relax. The design of the plot of a private house with ponds, even in the photo, looks soothing. And because the reservoir in the recreation area - best solution for homeowners.


To date, the lighting of the courtyard of a private house can be divided into two categories:

  1. functional light (i.e. one that allows you to safely and comfortably move around the site in the dark);
  2. decorative light (designed to highlight the most interesting areas and objects in the territory and allow everyone to enjoy this aesthetic view).

Without fail, light is carried out:

  • to the front porch of the house,
  • to the car park,
  • outbuildings.

The second stage of lighting is aesthetic light. sculptures, big trees, the original flower beds at night will sparkle with new shades in the beams of spotlights, and the pond and pool will enchant with the reflections of lanterns on the water surface.

It is necessary to think over the location of all lighting fixtures even before landscaping work, because each lamp and lamp requires wiring. Fortunately, there are now a variety of lamps on solar panels which greatly facilitate the work.


The finishing touch in creating a dream garden are decorative elements that not only emphasize the stylistic solution of the local area, but also add variety to the surrounding picture. Best Options you will find the decor of the courtyard of a private house in the photo on our website.

Decor includes small architectural forms (arches, fountains, sculptures, garden furniture). With their help, they delimit the functional areas on the site, create dynamics and make the necessary accents.

Small decorative elements (such as figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters) give the yard a touching and unique charm. Only here you need to know the measure, so as not to turn your site into a playground.

In modern landscape design, the combination of decorative and utilitarian functions is warmly welcomed. For example, a waste box decorated with trellises, decorated flower arrangements a hatch or a fun and unusual bird feeder, in addition to its original purpose, will also serve as a decoration for your garden. Such a design near the house photo can be found in our gallery.