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Growing oregano in a summer cottage is a worthwhile activity. We grow honey plant - oregano (oregano), right in our garden! How to grow oregano seedlings

Oregano, as the owner of a valuable and refined aroma, is a real leader among cultivated herbs. It became popular primarily due to its taste and has been used since ancient times as a seasoning for many dishes. In the Mediterranean countries, oregano (as oregano is called) is added to almost every dish. In Germany, it is called "sausage grass".

Growth zone

Oregano is very unpretentious plant, but chooses sunny places or a small penumbra. On the territory of Russia, it grows almost everywhere, except for the regions of the Far North. Prefers small-leaved forests: birch, aspen, alder. The narrow leaves of the trees do not cover the oregano from the sun. In such places, it can grow, covering large areas.

Oregano in open areas grows on hills, meadows, but avoids muddy areas. She doesn't like a lot of water.

Oregano planting and care

Oregano is harvested not only in the wild form. Many plant it on their site. It is an adornment of the garden, as it blooms with red-pink flowers and exudes a fragrant aroma (oregano is translated as “decoration of the mountains”).

The strong scent is tempting a large number of bees. Beekeepers often take their hives to clearings covered with thickets of fragrant grass. It is mainly grown for further use in cooking. In Europe, oregano is cultivated on an industrial scale.

Growing an oregano is quite simple:

  • this does not require special knowledge and skills;
  • get an environmentally friendly product, because chemical fertilizers for better growth not required;
  • almost any soil is suitable for planting;
  • the plant is not afraid of frost, there is no need to cover it for the winter.

Important! For planting, it is better to choose a sunny area, since growing conditions affect the further qualities of the plant.


Oregano reproduces in three ways:

  • seeds (they are suitable for planting for 8 years, germination rate is more than 70%);
  • seedlings;
  • cuttings and rhizomes.

Oregano planting and care at home

In March, to obtain seedlings, oregano seeds are planted in boxes. Suitable for both plastic and wooden containers. It is advisable to pour drainage under the ground. It is better to buy the earth in a store, it is already enriched with minerals. Add some sand to loosen.

Important! The soil is watered, they do not make recesses for the seeds, but simply press them into the soil. But you can slightly sprinkle the seeds with earth.

To create a greenhouse effect, the boxes are covered with a film on top. This provides warmth and moisture and will provide best germination. Keep seedlings at home room temperature. In such conditions, sprouts appear quickly. After their appearance, the film is removed and, as the soil dries, it is watered from a spray bottle.

When the first leaves appear, it is advisable to transplant each plant into a separate container. In order for the seedlings to strengthen and harden before planting in open ground, it is taken out to a place where conditions are close to street ones.

Important! When transplanting seedlings (diving), do not damage the root system, which is just beginning to form.

Planting and care in the garden

There are several ways to plant and propagate a plant: seeds, seedlings, cuttings and rhizome. Let's look at each in more detail.

Planting seeds

Most often, the seed method is used to grow grass as a raw material for medicines and production essential oils in large quantities and over large areas.

When planting in open ground in the garden, small indentations are made for seeds, no more than a centimeter. In this case, the soil must be leveled, large stones should be broken. After 2 weeks, shoots begin to appear.

Oregano seeds are very small. With this method, it is difficult to calculate how many seeds are needed and at what distance to sow them. Therefore, after germination, when the young growth is a little stronger, it is thinned out or planted if necessary. When sown with seeds, oregano blooms in the second year.

Planting seedlings

This method gives more chances that it will begin to bloom in the first year.

Seedlings are planted in May, when the soil is already warm enough. Seedlings are planted in holes, the distance between which is about 20 cm. It is better to plant seedlings with a lump of the earth from which they are taken out of the greenhouse / box / glass. This will help the plant to better accept in a new place.

Important! The wells are watered and sprinkled on top with dry earth. This keeps the moisture in longer.

Planting cuttings and rhizome

When planting with a rhizome, the bush is dug up, and the root is divided into several parts. Then they are added dropwise in selected places. Watering is necessary as the soil dries up. The first leaves that appear are a signal that the plant has taken root. Rhizome transplantation is carried out in spring or autumn.

Important! The roots of oregano grow in width, when digging, you should try not to damage them with a shovel.

Decorative varieties of oregano are propagated by cuttings. The principle remains the same as for other plants. There are no features characteristic of oregano when planted by cuttings.


When sown with seeds, the emerging sprouts are very small, so it is very difficult to process weeds.

As needed, the plants are watered and loosen the soil. Frequent watering is not required, it can be harmful and interfere with development. An excess of moisture leads to a reduction in the essential oils in the herb.

In the first year, the still unblown inflorescences are cut off. Subsequently, this will give the plant greater bushiness and density. perennial. As it grows, it will require less maintenance. Thick bushes will clog weeds.

Oregano grows quite quickly. It can grow in one place for more than twenty years, but gardeners recommend transplanting every three years. What is it for? When the plant grows for a long time in one place, the stems become very long, become stiff and the leaves become smaller, flowering disappears. Transplantation is done by dividing the rhizomes.

Important! Repot every three years.

  1. If the plant is planted for beauty, then fertilizers should not be applied to avoid violent upward growth.
  1. planted for beneficial use the plant is fertilized either with complex mineral fertilizers or organic (diluted chicken manure or mullein).
  1. Essential oils contained in the plant repel many pests. Therefore, insects do not cause problems when caring for oregano.

When to collect and how to dry

The crop is harvested during the flowering period (July-August). Cut the stems at a distance of about 20 cm from the ground. During the summer season, the flowers of the plant are cut several times.

The grass is dried by collecting in bunches and hanging or spreading in a thin layer. Drying should not be carried out under the scorching sun. Under the influence high temperature essential oils evaporate. For this, dark, well-ventilated rooms are best suited.

When the oregano dries, the leaves and small twigs are separated, which are then used for their intended purpose.

Important! Dried grass should not be darkened. This speaks of its low quality.

Store dry oregano in tightly closed jars. She saves up to three years. Compliance with simple rules when planting and caring will give a guaranteed harvest.

Various plants are grown in the garden with spices, among which you can often find common oregano. Oregano is better known to culinary experts as oregano, whose piquant spicy taste perfectly complements fish, meat, this spice is included in salad dressings.

In order to always have fresh oregano in the kitchen, this crop can be grown at home. In this case, there will be no lush rosettes of leaves, but subject to the growing conditions, you can always have fresh spicy greens on the windowsill.

In many forests and meadows, you can find wild oregano, but it is easier to grow it in the garden. Breeders have bred several varieties of this spice, among which high yield the following differ: Rainbow, White, Elegant, Farmer. Caramel and a number of others.

Common oregano: cultivation

Since this plant is quite demanding and tender, certain rules of agricultural technology should be followed when cultivating. Growing oregano is possible through sowing seeds directly into the ground, seedlings, dividing an adult bush or cuttings.

Oregano: growing from seeds

There are no difficulties in growing oregano in this way, but the plot for sowing should be prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, carefully choosing all the roots of weeds. In the spring, humus is added to the soil (about a third of a bucket per "square"), complex mineral fertilizer (2 spoons). The bed is carefully leveled so that it becomes loose, without lumps.

To have a plant like oregano, growing from seeds should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of sowing. It is necessary to sow oregano only in moist soil, for which the cut grooves are shed with water. The seeds of this crop are very small, so they should be planted in the ground to a depth of no more than 1 cm. A distance of 25 cm is left between the rows so that the plants have enough light and food area. The sown seeds are sprinkled with soil, the planting site is compacted and the surface is mulched to retain moisture.

The first shoots of oregano appear 15-20 days after sowing. At this time, it is important to ensure that weed grass does not drown out plantings. To get a good crop of oregano, growing from seeds is further reduced to periodic watering and top dressing. mineral fertilizer in case of poor plant growth.

Seedlings at the age of two weeks common oregano thin out, leaving about 15-20 cm between plants. However, do not rush to throw out the oregano removed from the rows - it can be used as seedlings. Planting oregano requires attention for the first two months, after which the mature plants grow on their own.

Growing oregano seedlings

To ensure that oregano grows in the garden, growing from seeds is not always suitable. Small seeds germinate slowly and are often washed out by rain in open ground. The easiest and most economical way to grow this plant is through seedlings.
At the beginning of March, seedling boxes or individual cups are filled with loose nutrient soil, moistened with water and seeds of oregano are sown, planting them to a depth of 1 cm. Before emergence, seed containers are kept at a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius.

In order for the seeds of oregano to germinate faster, they are pre-soaked and sown already with the sprouts already pecked. With dry sowing, seedlings will appear in 2 weeks. Seedlings need watering when the soil is drying and scattered sunlight. Oregano grows slowly, so it is important to create optimal conditions for its normal development. As in the case of oregano, which is grown from seeds in open ground, the seedling method is also used
pick. With the formation of 1-2 pairs of true leaves, oregano is seated in separate containers. This should be done carefully, trying to minimize damage to the root system of the plant. As the transplanted plants continue to grow, the room temperature should be gradually lowered to prepare the oregano seedlings for planting outdoors.
From the second half of May, oregano seedlings can be planted in open ground. A place for planting is chosen sunny, the soil must be fertile. Since this plant does not tolerate stagnant water, with a close occurrence ground water and in low-lying places, the soil is drained before planting. Perennial plants also include oregano, which has been grown in one place for several years, so you need to take care of applying enough fertilizer before planting spice seedlings.

It is advisable to plant seedlings of oregano with a clod of earth in a well-spilled hole. About 20 cm of distance is left between plants, which is enough for normal development and nutrition. The soil around the seedlings is lightly compacted, gently watered and immediately mulched to retain moisture.

In the first year of planting, oregano does not bloom and grows rather slowly. In the second year, its growth intensifies, and bushes up to 60 cm high are formed. Before planting flowering, it is advisable to feed it with mineral fertilizer using a solution of nitroammophoska for this (take a spoonful of the substance for 10 liters of water).

Growing oregano by dividing the bush

An adult bush of oregano can be divided into parts, each of which should have several shoots. Using part of the oregano bush, growing at home can be continued by planting it in a suitable size pot.

When transplanting, the separated bush of oregano is buried 5 cm into the soil. Rejuvenation of oregano bushes is carried out every 3-5 years. Such delenki of oregano take root well if planted in fertile soil. After a few weeks, the plants start to grow and by the fall they are building up a large number of young shoots.
The strong aroma of spicy oregano repels pests, so it is practically not damaged by insects. The plant is also resistant to fungal diseases.

Collect oregano from August to mid-September, when the plant accumulates maximum amount essential oils.

Oregano, or oregano, is one of the most fragrant herbs; it is widely used in cooking to give food special flavors. palatability. Oregano as a spice can be purchased at the supermarket, but you need to store it at home in a place protected from light and with a tightly closed lid. True, these measures help to preserve healing properties oregano only for a couple of months. By the way, lovers Italian cuisine noticed that the spice is not as tasty as fresh oregano. Fortunately, the oregano plant can be grown at home from seed. Its grass is characterized by high hardiness, which makes it easy to care for.

plant varieties

The most popular varieties of oregano:

Arbat seed.
White oregano.
Honey aroma.
Oregano is elegant.
Siberian melody.
Northern lights.

Soil preparation and oregano seeds, growing at home

Oregano is fairly easy to grow from seed, but the seeds themselves can be a little tricky due to their very small size. In order not to have difficulties with planting oregano, growing from seeds begins by mixing them with dry sand. So it will be possible to achieve a more even distribution of seed material in the soil.

Containers for oregano need to be selected deeper than for other seedlings, this plant has long rhizomes. The container must have drainage holes. The container or pot must be filled with nutrient soil, it is best to buy already prepared soil, but if you want to make the soil yourself, mix earth, sand, humus and leaves in equal parts. At the bottom of the tank you need to lay drainage from vermiculite or perlite.

Moisten the prepared recesses with water and plant the seeds there to a depth of no more than one centimeter, cover with a new layer of soil, and water. Cover containers plastic wrap or glass. Glass or film helps to create a greenhouse effect - the necessary humidity and temperature for the plant to emerge. Do not forget that from time to time the plant needs fresh air, so you need to open the containers for a while.

It is recommended to plant oregano for growing at home in mid-April, when the seedlings of the plant get stronger, they can be transplanted into open ground.

Care when growing at home

Oregano is a very photophilous plant, so when planting it needs to allocate a sunny place, although, of course, everything should be in moderation - you don’t need to leave oregano in the sun. In May and June, the plant can be taken out to a balcony or loggia, so it will not only enjoy natural light and air, but will also be prepared for transplanting into open ground, if one is planned. Temperature for successful cultivation oregano should be at least 15 degrees.

You need to moisten the soil regularly, although the plant is not demanding on the ground, but it still loves to drink. You will have to water once every two to three days or as the soil dries. Sprouted sprouts should be watered very carefully, use a sprayer, a watering can, the device will help not to flood the plant and not damage the thin leaves with water pressure. In order to avoid stagnation of water, the earth must be carefully loosened and done regularly.

Transplantation in open ground

Already 25-30 days after planting oregano seeds, thin sprouts are replaced by young, rather strong plants, that is, in mid-May, the grass is already ready for transplanting into open ground. How to do it right? First of all, you need to prepare the soil: make holes in it at a distance of fifteen centimeters from each other and moisten each hole, you can also mix fertilizers with the ground.

Plants can already be planted in the holes, it is not necessary to sprinkle the ground with oregano roots, so it will be easier for him to adapt to the new soil. Next, the oregano is sprinkled with earth, tamped and watered again, it is also necessary to mulch the soil so that the moisture is retained for the longest time.

Outdoor seedling care

The first time after transplanting oregano in open ground, the plant needs careful care. Watering should be done regularly, while watering the grass is best in the evening or early morning, the main thing is that the sun is not at its zenith, otherwise the oregano leaves may burn out and the plant itself will die.

You should also regularly weed the ground around the oregano so that weeds do not interfere with its growth, do not forget about loosening the soil. After the oregano gets stronger, it will require much less attention and care will become easier. Oregano blooms in the second year after planting.

For successful flowering, the plant must be fertilized before budding. As a fertilizer, this mixture is well suited: a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate, diluted in 10 liters of water. Oregano is harvested in July by cutting the stems with leaves and leaving at least 20 centimeters of the above-ground part of the plant.

A wonderful fragrant herb that is dried after harvest. It must be dried at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, under a canopy, otherwise the essential oils of the plant will evaporate and useful properties won't stay. Oregano, by the way, is also used in medicine. It is an excellent antioxidant and is more effective than many antibiotics. However, recently we told you about this ...

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It is difficult to find a garden spice more desirable than oregano. This incredible plant can not only change the idea of ​​the art of cooking, but also cure many diseases, give peace and tranquility. If you want oregano grass to delight you with its modest color and healing fragrance, this article will help you grow it on your site.

Oregano is a distant relative of rosemary, lemon balm, mint, basil and other aromatic herbs widely used in cooking and alternative medicine. It has a pronounced smell and powerful healing properties. As a spice it is used in many national cuisines. It is impossible to imagine the famous Greek salad or real Italian pizza without oregano.

Interesting: In Italy, they do not know what oregano is - there this plant is known as oregano.

The stems, flowers and leaves of oregano contain a large amount of antioxidants, vitamin C, essential oils and tannins. Because of such a rich and valuable composition, it is cultivated in Europe and the USA. In the wild, oregano grows especially luxuriantly on the Mediterranean plains, but it is also found in Russia - on warm southern edges, clearings, and mixed grass meadows.

Varieties of oregano

Despite the widespread popularity of the plant throughout the world, most people are not familiar with the full range of its capabilities and use it only as a seasoning or flavoring additive for brewing tea. At the same time, oregano is able to ennoble and transform garden plot, give health and even prolong life. It is very easy to grow it not only in open ground, but even on a balcony or windowsill. high-rise building. To do this, you do not even have to look for grass in the forest, dig it up and replant it.

Breeders have long developed oregano cultivars that can withstand more adverse living conditions while producing consistently rich color and lush foliage. Artificially created varieties are in many ways superior to ordinary oregano - they are much more fragrant, neater, have a different chemical composition, thanks to which one or another variety can be used appropriately (treated, added to salads, tea, etc.). Also, oregano may differ in flower color, foliage size, shape and height of the bush. Despite the obvious differences, each of the varieties has three essential qualities: spice, medicinal properties, decorative.

Interesting: There is a legend saying that during the reign of King Kinira in Cyprus, his servant inadvertently knocked over an amphora with the owner’s favorite incense. The young man was so frightened by the wrath of the ruler that he fainted and turned into grass that smelled exactly like spilled perfume.

There are the following varieties of oregano, bred by Russian breeders:

Since oregano is loved and appreciated far beyond the borders of Russia, several foreign ornamental varieties:

How to grow oregano

Growing oregano, unlike working with other varieties, does not require special skills and strength. This is a hardy plant that needs minimal care. It endures even the most severe Russian winters, feels comfortable in summer and grows on almost any soil (except swampy). If you want to receive stable good harvest And lush bloom, it is preferable to plant oregano in sandy soils with good drainage and neutral acidity.

If you grow grass by vegetative propagation, you should plant bushes in spring or early autumn, but with regular watering, oregano will take root even in summer.

Growing from seeds

Growing oregano from seeds is the most effective and priority method of reproduction. If you want to grow grass for personal use, it is better to use seedlings. For industrial scale, seeds are sown directly into the ground. At the same time, about 2 kg of seeds are spent per 1 ha of land. To get seedlings, seeds are sown in mid or late March. In the first year, oregano begins to bloom. When planted in late April-May, flowering begins in the second year.

How to grow oregano:

  1. Use small containers with drainage holes ( a plastic cup or storage container).
  2. Fill the container with a light nutrient soil mixture with a small proportion of fine sand.
  3. Moisten the soil with plain water from a spray bottle and tamp lightly.
  4. Dig shallow grooves or individual 1.5 cm holes and put seeds in them.
  5. Sprinkle with a layer of earth no thicker than 1 cm, spray again with water and cover the container with cling film or a bag to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  6. Raise the film from time to time to ventilate the crops and moisten the ground if necessary.
  7. When the first shoots appear, remove the film and gently moisten the ground so as not to harm the delicate fragile seedlings.
  8. When the sprouts have 2-3 leaves, plant them in separate cups (you can take peat pots).

If the seeds were planted in March, oregano can be planted in open ground in May, keeping a distance between bushes of 30-50 cm on each side (depending on the variety). If you planted oregano seeds in May, the seedlings should be grown on breeding beds, planting 15-20 cm apart. Grass can be planted in open ground in late July-August.

Vegetative reproduction

Oregano can be grown not only by seed, but also vegetatively - by dividing rhizomes, cuttings or layering. In any of the three cases, the plant takes root very successfully.

To divide the rhizome, carefully dig the bush out of the ground. Divide the plant so that there are at least 4-5 strong buds in each part. In the place where you will plant new bushes, make holes 30x50 cm, pour water over them and place the rhizomes.

If you got a rare variety of oregano, it is better to propagate it by cuttings or layering. You can take cuttings in the usual way: root a cutting with 3-5 internodes, cover with a film and keep in a miniature greenhouse until the plant begins to develop.

To propagate the bush by layering, tilt the stem to the ground and secure it with a makeshift bracket. Then sprinkle with earth the place of pinning and pour water. In this case, the top of the stem should be outside. In a year, the stalk will take root, and it can be planted elsewhere.

Oregano care

Caring for fragrant bushes is easy and pleasant. Young grass should be watered and fertilized from time to time, remove weeds and slightly loosen the soil, in general, do the same manipulations as for most garden plants. In the second year, attention should also be paid to feeding and watering, but watering should be moderate so as not to lower the content of essential oils in the composition of the grass. Starting from the age of three, oregano does not require special care and develops completely independently. Sometimes you can make a shaping haircut, weeding and watering.

Although planting and caring for oregano is not at all burdensome, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Despite the fact that oregano is perennial, it is better to “relocate” it every 5-6 years from one end of the garden to the other. In this case, the rhizomes should be divided so that the stems do not stretch, but are of moderate growth and give a lot of foliage.
  2. In one-year-old oregano, it is necessary to remove the first inflorescences before they bloom. Thanks to this, the bush will be more lush and fragrant next year.
  3. Special attention give fertilizer. If you grow bushes to obtain medicinal material, then after each pruning (2-3 times per season), water it with water with organic fertilizers. A solution of mullein in a ratio of 1: 6 or water with bird droppings in a ratio of 1:15.
  4. If you grow oregano in pure decorative purposes additional feeding is not required.

An interesting fact: the aroma of oregano drives away pests and insects not only from it, but also from crops growing nearby. Only in rare cases can cicadas spoil the oregano, and even those only need sweet nectar from it. The fragrance of oregano will help get rid of not only garden insects, but also solve the problem with moths, cockroaches and even mice.

Where to plant oregano is up to you, but it is preferable to choose the sunniest and most remote corners of the garden. Two or three bushes to meet the needs of one family will be enough. Enough to dry fragrant herbs for the winter and brew medicinal tea to make incense pillows for a good night's sleep, or pick fresh leaves for gourmet cooking.

It is difficult to find a garden spice more desirable than oregano. This incredible plant can not only change the idea of ​​the art of cooking, but also cure many diseases, give peace and tranquility. If you want oregano grass to delight you with its modest color and healing fragrance, this article will help you grow it on your site.

General characteristics

Oregano is a distant relative of rosemary, lemon balm, mint, basil and other aromatic herbs widely used in cooking and alternative medicine. It has a pronounced smell and powerful healing properties. As a spice, it is used in many national cuisines. It is impossible to imagine the famous Greek salad or real Italian pizza without oregano.

Interesting: In Italy, they do not know what oregano is - there this plant is known as oregano.

The stems, flowers and leaves of oregano contain a large amount of antioxidants, vitamin C, essential oils and tannins. Because of such a rich and valuable composition, it is cultivated in Europe and the USA. In the wild, oregano grows especially luxuriantly on the Mediterranean plains, but it is also found in Russia - on warm southern edges, clearings, and mixed grass meadows.

Varieties of oregano

Despite the widespread popularity of the plant throughout the world, most people are not familiar with the full range of its capabilities and use it only as a seasoning or flavoring additive for brewing tea. At the same time, oregano is able to ennoble and transform the garden plot, give health and even prolong life. It is very easy to grow it not only in the open field, but even on the balcony or windowsill of a multi-storey building. To do this, you do not even have to look for grass in the forest, dig it up and replant it.

Breeders have long developed oregano cultivars that can withstand more adverse living conditions while producing consistently rich color and lush foliage. Artificially created varieties are in many ways superior to ordinary oregano - they are much more fragrant, more accurate, have a different chemical composition, thanks to which one or another variety can be used appropriately (treated, added to salads, tea, etc.). Also, oregano may differ in flower color, foliage size, shape and height of the bush. Despite the obvious differences, each of the varieties has three essential qualities: spice, medicinal properties, decorative.

Interesting: There is a legend saying that during the reign of King Kinira in Cyprus, his servant inadvertently knocked over an amphora with the owner’s favorite incense. The young man was so frightened by the wrath of the ruler that he fainted and turned into grass that smelled exactly like spilled perfume.

There are the following varieties of oregano, bred by Russian breeders:

Since oregano is loved and appreciated far beyond the borders of Russia, several foreign decorative varieties have appeared:

How to grow oregano

Growing oregano, unlike working with other varieties, does not require special skills and strength. This is a hardy plant that needs minimal care. It endures even the most severe Russian winters, feels comfortable in summer and grows on almost any soil (except swampy). If you want to get a consistently good harvest and lush flowering, it is preferable to plant oregano in sandy soils with good drainage and neutral acidity.

If you grow grass by vegetative propagation, you should plant bushes in spring or early autumn, but with regular watering, oregano will take root even in summer.

Growing from seeds

Growing oregano from seeds is the most effective and priority method of reproduction. If you want to grow grass for personal use, it is better to use seedlings. For industrial scale, seeds are sown directly into the ground. At the same time, about 2 kg of seeds are spent per 1 ha of land. To get seedlings, seeds are sown in mid or late March. In the first year, oregano begins to bloom. When planted in late April-May, flowering begins in the second year.

How to grow oregano:

  1. Use small containers with drainage holes (plastic cup or food storage container).
  2. Fill the container with a light nutrient soil mixture with a small proportion of fine sand.
  3. Moisten the soil with plain water from a spray bottle and tamp lightly.
  4. Dig shallow grooves or individual 1.5 cm holes and put seeds in them.
  5. Sprinkle with a layer of earth no thicker than 1 cm, spray again with water and cover the container with cling film or a bag to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  6. Raise the film from time to time to ventilate the crops and moisten the ground if necessary.
  7. When the first shoots appear, remove the film and gently moisten the ground so as not to harm the delicate fragile seedlings.
  8. When the sprouts have 2-3 leaves, plant them in separate cups (you can take peat pots).

If the seeds were planted in March, oregano can be planted in open ground in May, keeping a distance between bushes of 30-50 cm on each side (depending on the variety). If you planted oregano seeds in May, the seedlings should be grown on breeding beds, planting 15-20 cm apart. Grass can be planted in open ground in late July-August.

Vegetative reproduction

Oregano can be grown not only by seed, but also vegetatively - by dividing rhizomes, cuttings or layering. In any of the three cases, the plant takes root very successfully.

To divide the rhizome, carefully dig the bush out of the ground. Divide the plant so that there are at least 4-5 strong buds in each part. In the place where you will plant new bushes, make holes 30x50 cm, pour water over them and place the rhizomes.

If you got a rare variety of oregano, it is better to propagate it by cuttings or layering. You can take cuttings in the usual way: root a cutting with 3-5 internodes, cover with a film and keep in a miniature greenhouse until the plant begins to develop.

To propagate the bush by layering, tilt the stem to the ground and secure it with a makeshift bracket. Then sprinkle with earth the place of pinning and pour water. In this case, the top of the stem should be outside. In a year, the stalk will take root, and it can be planted elsewhere.

Oregano care

Caring for fragrant bushes is easy and pleasant. Young grass should be watered and fertilized from time to time, remove weeds and slightly loosen the soil, in general, do the same manipulations as for most garden plants. In the second year, attention should also be paid to feeding and watering, but watering should be moderate so as not to lower the content of essential oils in the composition of the grass. Starting from the age of three, oregano does not require special care and develops completely independently. Sometimes you can make a shaping haircut, weeding and watering.

Although planting and caring for oregano is not at all burdensome, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Despite the fact that oregano is a perennial plant, it is better to “relocate” it every 5-6 years from one end of the garden to the other. In this case, the rhizomes should be divided so that the stems do not stretch, but are of moderate growth and give a lot of foliage.
  2. In one-year-old oregano, it is necessary to remove the first inflorescences before they bloom. Thanks to this, the bush will be more lush and fragrant next year.
  3. Pay special attention to fertilizers. If you grow bushes to obtain medicinal material, then after each pruning (2-3 times per season), water it with water and organic fertilizers. A solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:6 or water with bird droppings in a ratio of 1:15 will do.
  4. If you are growing oregano for purely ornamental purposes, additional feeding is not necessary.

An interesting fact: the aroma of oregano drives away pests and insects not only from it, but also from crops growing nearby. Only in rare cases can cicadas spoil the oregano, and even those only need sweet nectar from it. The fragrance of oregano will help get rid of not only garden insects, but also solve the problem with moths, cockroaches and even mice.

Where to plant oregano is up to you, but it is preferable to choose the sunniest and most remote corners of the garden. Two or three bushes to meet the needs of one family will be enough. Enough to dry fragrant herbs for the winter and brew medicinal tea to make incense pillows for a sound sleep or pick fresh leaves for cooking gourmet dishes.