Toilet      06/13/2019

Oregano growing from seeds. Oregano - growing from seeds

Oregano or oreganoperennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high, shoots are branched, thin, hairs grow at the base. Oval, finely toothed leaves grow in pairs, opposite each other on small cuttings. Small flowers of lilac or white color form shield-shaped fluffy panicles. Chemical composition oregano includes essential oils, vitamins C and B6, antioxidants and tannins, due to which the plant has a bright aroma and healing properties.

Is it possible to grow oregano on a windowsill?

enough unpretentious plant and grows well in open ground garden plot, and in a container on the windowsill in an apartment. Oregano leaves and stems are often used in cooking and medicinal purposes. By planting several oregano bushes in a pot at home, you will provide your family with fresh seasoning for first and second courses and medicinal tea, and your home will be filled with a rich, pleasant aroma and naturally cleaned of bacteria.

How to create conditions for growing oregano

Interested in the savory taste of oregano in cooked dishes and its therapeutic effect, many people wonder how to grow oregano at home. The growing process is not complicated, the main thing is to prepare a container for planting oregano and a place on the windowsill, and growing and caring for the plant will not be difficult if you follow all the recommendations.

Important! When preserving vegetables for the winter, add a little oregano to the marinade, this will add a piquant flavor and increase shelf life.

What should be the temperature for growing?

cold-resistant plant, tolerates cool ambient temperatures well. The most favorable temperature for germinating oregano seeds is +18+20 °C, exactly this temperature regime must be maintained until emergence. After the seedlings grow to 3-4 cm, the planting container can be moved to permanent place, grown oregano does not need to maintain a certain temperature level.

Choosing Lighting for Herbs

Oregano is very photophilous, a pot with plants of this herbs placed on the sunniest window, preferably on the south side. In the autumn-winter season, it is recommended to turn on the light more often in the room where oregano grows, for the favorable development of the plant.

How to plant oregano seeds at home

It is best to plant oregano for growing from seeds at home in March and April. Oregano seeds are sold in many specialized retail outlets; purchasing them is not difficult. When sowing oregano for seedlings, seed consumption is approximately 0.1 g per 10 square meters. m. All inflorescences that appear must be removed, otherwise the oregano stems will become woody and can no longer be eaten.

Seed preparation

In order to easily grow oregano from seeds, it is recommended to keep the seeds in a warm water two days. When soaking seeds, you need to update the water at least four times in one day; this will help remove essential oils from the seed, which will speed up their further germination.

Small oregano seeds are difficult to sow, so it is possible to mix them with sand and sow prepared beds with this mixture. This method will give a relatively uniform sowing of the soil. When sowing seeds in individual pots, you need to plant 2-3 seeds in each container to a depth of 5 mm.

Soil preparation

Having decided to grow oregano indoors, you need to properly organize planting at home. The bottom of the container is covered with a 3 cm layer of drainage - this can be vermiculite or perlite, then a universal soil mixture or peat substrate of neutral acidity is filled in; it is possible to use sandy loam soils.

Did you know? Oregano tea increases appetite.

Choosing a container for planting

Oregano has a long root system, therefore, containers for planting this spice should be much deeper than for other plants. It is imperative to use a container for planting oregano with drainage holes and a 1-2 cm drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone to avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil and rotting of the roots.

Sowing rules

The prepared soil for growing oregano (filled in a container with drainage) is moistened with a spray bottle, then seeds are sown in grooves 10-15 mm deep, which should be sprinkled with a layer of soil no more than 10 mm. After planting, the soil is moistened again with a spray bottle, and the container is covered with film to create a kind of greenhouse.

Several times a week you need to ventilate the fragrant grass plantings, removing the film for several hours in the morning or evening. 14-20 days after sowing the seeds, shoots appear, after which the film is finally removed from the container with oregano.

Oregano care

Caring for oregano is not difficult; it needs no more attention than ordinary vegetable seedlings or indoor flower. Watering, weeding, fertilizing - guarantee good growth fragrant grass. Watering should be moderate; from excess moisture, the roots of oregano begin to rot, which leads to the death of the entire plant. Loosening the soil will have a beneficial effect on general condition plants, it will grow better.

Important!The smell of oregano will help get rid of moths, cockroaches and mice.

Rules for caring for seedlings

Periodically, the seedlings need to be ventilated and carefully watered, it is better to irrigate with a spray bottle. After the first leaves appear, the film is finally removed, and the oregano beds are thinned out, leaving strong, healthy plants. Watering should be sufficient and regular. After the oregano grows to 60-70 mm, the bushes are planted in spacious, deep flower pots volume of about 3 liters per place of permanent growth.

How to care for an adult plant

As you can see, planting oregano at home is not that difficult. Next, it is important to pay attention to caring for an adult plant. Oregano is watered abundantly 1-2 times a week, the soil is loosened and the crown of the bush is trimmed to an acceptable shape. When watering, the main thing is to avoid excessive moisture to avoid root rot. For favorable development of the plant in the apartment, it is advisable to feed oregano with organic fertilizers for indoor flowers twice a month.

Methods decorative design summer cottage, independent production gardeners are increasingly interested in pure herbal spice plants that can be used for cooking. We bring to your attention a description of the popular spice - oregano (motherina, incense, oregano).
Oregano – herbal perennial, which has a pleasant aroma, which puts it on par with rosemary, mint and lemon balm, which are used everywhere.

Characteristics of culture

Before purchasing seeds, familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of oregano:

  • The height of the spice bush reaches 70 cm.
  • The root is creeping, branched.
  • The stems are pubescent with a red base and have the ability to grow back every year.
  • The leaves are dark green, oblong, 2-4 cm long.
  • The flowers are small, red (white, yellow), forming a lush panicle.
  • The fruits are triangular, consisting of 4 nuts (0.5 mm long).
  • The seeds are small, like poppy seeds, and red in color.

Please note that the plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and soil, cold-resistant, and does not need shelter. It easily tolerates hot climates, but in such conditions it grows small without watering. The spicy smell of the crop attracts bees to the garden and drives away harmful insects.

Variety of oregano

Choosing a variety aromatic spice, pay attention to its purpose. Breeding scientists during breeding different varieties emphasized decorative properties and aroma quality, spicy qualities (can be used as a spice or for making tea), high yield. The varietal names speak for themselves:

  • White oregano is a white decorative, high-yielding variety.
  • Honey Aroma is a red productive variety with a strong aroma. Height up to 35 cm.
  • Caramel has excellent spicy properties.
  • Rainbow – has enhanced medicinal properties. Reaches a height of 60-70 cm.

Gardeners will probably want to try and decorative varieties bred abroad:

  • Variety is a small but spreading shrub with white fragrant flowers and greenish-golden foliage. Good flavor.
  • Beauty Kent is a variety intended for planting in flower pots and decorating the veranda. The flowers and tassels of the plant have different colors.
  • Herrenhausen is an attractive oregano with clusters of purple inflorescences.

Notice the bushes different sizes. Large ones will require a larger area when planting and greater distance between plants.

How to choose a landing site

Oregano loves sunny places. It can grow in the shade, but the sprout will stretch out, flowering will be slower, the aroma will be weaker, and the medicinal properties will be lower. To plant a plant, choose the most illuminated place on the summer cottage or partial shade.
The culture can grow on any soil. Grow big harvest possible on sandy loam, neutral acidity, well-drained soils. Bushes grow unsatisfactorily on acidic soils.
The area should not be too dry or too wet. Oregano likes moisture, but not too much.

Methods of culture propagation

Oregano can be propagated in two ways - by seeds and vegetatively by dividing the bush.
The most optimal way for initial planting is to sow the spice with seeds. By the way, in large areas for sale, oregano is grown from seeds.
Traditionally, very fine seed material is first sown for seedlings, since the seedlings are too tender and are easily clogged by weeds. Plant in open ground Fully mature sprouts are best.

Features of sowing seeds for seedlings

You should plant the seeds of the plant for seedlings in March. Before planting, prepare the planting container. This could be a plastic container, wooden box or a regular pot.
Create drainage in the container with pebbles or broken brick. Fill the container with loose soil, adding sand or agroperlite.
Follow these planting rules:

  1. Make grooves up to 1 cm deep or make holes up to 1.5 cm deep.
  2. Moisten the soil.
  3. Sow the material.
  4. After sowing, sprinkle the seeds with soil (approximately up to 1 cm).
  5. Using a fine spray using a spray bottle or spray bottle, re-moisten the soil.
  6. Cover the container plastic film or glass to create a greenhouse effect (if you want to speed up germination).
  7. Maintain the seed germination temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  8. Moisten the soil as the soil dries out.

The first shoots will appear in two weeks. When seedlings appear, the covering should be removed. When the sprouts have 2-3 leaves, plant them in separate containers (pots, cassettes).
If necessary, arrange additional illumination with a phytolamp (or fluorescent lamps).
Planting of seedlings in open ground occurs in May. Sprouts that have reached two months of age are planted.

Preparing the soil for planting seedlings

Undemanding oregano will also grow on unfertilized soil. And yet, to obtain lush greenery under this perennial spice, it is advisable to add organic fertilizers in quantity per square meter:

  • Humus – 3 kg.
  • Complex mineral fertilizer - 2 tablespoons.
  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.

Rules for planting sprouts in open ground

Planting seedlings in open ground occurs in the month of May, when the ground is warm. In this case, follow the recommendations:

  • bushes are planted in ribbons with a distance of 45-50 cm;
  • leave 20 cm between the lines of the tape;
  • in a row – 10-15 cm.

The distance will depend on the variety you choose. The numbers will be different for low-growing and tall-growing varieties.
Planted plants do not bloom in the first year of planting and develop slowly. Flowering begins in the 2nd year of life. The bushes become lush, spreading, decorative.

Sowing seeds in open ground

When sowing seed directly into open ground, you will need to carefully prepare the soil and free it as much as possible from weeds. Planting takes place in May. The earth will warm up enough to begin sowing. The seeds are small; when sowing, keep in mind that you will need to take 0.1 mg per 10 square meters. Do the work in this order:

  1. Dig up the soil prepared in the fall shallowly, free it from weed roots, and loosen it well.
  2. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm with row spacing of 25-45 cm.
  3. Compact the soil and moisten it with light sprinkling.
  4. Mulch to retain moisture longer.

Shoots will appear in 14-20 days.

Spice care technology

Caring for the spice consists of watering, loosening, thinning, fertilizing, and weeding. Fragrant bushes do not attract pests.

  • Watering is done as needed in dry weather. In general, oregano likes to be moisturized.
  • Mulching is done with rotted straw to retain moisture longer.
  • To obtain lush greenery, you should feed oregano. Apply fertilizers in the following composition per square meter:
    • ammonium nitrate -200, 300 g,
    • superphosphate – 150-200 g,
    • potassium salt – 150-200 g.

    Fertilizing is done complex fertilizer 2-3 times per season. Before the bushes flower, add 0.5 tablespoons of nitroammophoska per 5 liters of water.

  • Ornamental bushes do not need to be fed, as they grow excessively and lose their decorative properties.
  • The crop does not like weeds; weeding should be carried out regularly until the plant reaches maturity.
  • Thinning is carried out 2 weeks after germination. A distance of 15-20 cm is left between plants. The torn sprouts are used as seedlings.
  • If you cut the flowers, the foliage will be thicker.

After the second year of cultivation, oregano is produced vegetative propagation dividing the bush. The plant cannot grow in one place for more than 5 years. That's why in early spring perform division of the bush. The rhizomes of the plant with several shoots are transplanted to another place.


You can begin harvesting oregano after growing from seeds from the second year of plant development. In the first year, you can cut it only before winter.
Most varieties require harvesting twice a season. The first time - before the spice begins to bloom, the second time - at the time of flowering in July.
When first harvested, you can remove 3 branches from an adult bush, up to 20 cm in length.
In practice, the branches are tied in bunches and hung in a shaded place (perhaps under a canopy), where direct rays of the sun do not reach.
If you lay out the grass on paper, you will need to turn it over from time to time.

When the drying process is completed, the leaves are removed from the branches and stored in hermetically sealed glass containers. The stems are removed.
Shelf life fragrant greenery 2 years.
For medicinal use, flowering, leafy stems are cut off in dry, sunny weather. The drying temperature should not rise above 40 degrees. Essential substances evaporate at this temperature.
If you are going to collect seeds from a bush, choose a large bush and leave it to flower.
Seed collection occurs in September. It is necessary to cut off the shoot with the seeds, dry them and manually grind the boxes to obtain the seeds. Separate foreign debris. If necessary, the seed material should be dried.
Store the material in paper bags in a dry place.

Application of oregano

The leaves of the plant and flowering tops are used to prepare aromatic and unique teas, tinctures, drinks, culinary spices, and for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and mushrooms.
The culture is popular not only as a spice, but also has medicinal properties, thanks to the increased content of antioxidants, vitamin C, essential oil, tannins.
Feeds are used to normalize digestion.
To prepare the infusion, pour 10 g of herb into a glass of boiling water, infuse it, and use 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
The spice is included in preparations for the treatment of sore throat, pharyngitis, stomatitis and diathesis.
The tea has a calming and mild hypnotic effect and relieves headaches.
To protect against moths, use bags of grass, hanging them between clothes in closets.
Grow fragrant oregano in your garden. How to use it - in cooking, how medicine or as decorative element- the choice is yours.

Despite the fact that many summer residents and gardeners know what oregano (oregano) is, growing from seeds is not easy for everyone. Let's talk about rules and mistakes together.

Oregano, although an unpretentious plant, still requires a little specific labor, knowledge and attention for beautiful growth. Almost any area, both in the sun and in the shade, is suitable for planting; it is good to plant this plant in the garden. The soil can be any kind, but it must be dug up and fertilized first. On loose soil in the garden, the plant takes root better and blooms beautifully.

Growing oregano (oregano) is best done from seeds using the seedling method. To do this, in early spring (the first half of March), seeds are sown in a prepared seedling box to a depth of 0.5 cm. The plant germinates in about two weeks at good watering and absent-minded sunlight. It is best to place the seedling box on a bright window. At first the sprouts will grow slowly, but then proper care They will give you leaflets. When approximately 3-4 full leaves appear on the stem, the seedlings need to be transplanted - each into a separate container. It is important not to damage the root system during digging. Then, as they grow, it is advisable to lower the air temperature and prepare the plants for planting in open ground.

As soon as the thin stems are replaced by young strong shoots, the oregano can be transplanted into the ground in the garden. This time usually arrives by mid-May. Plants are planted in well-watered prepared holes at a distance of 15 cm. Then it is advisable to water the soil well again and mulch it.

Directly into open ground

Some gardeners prefer to grow oregano from seeds by planting them directly in open ground. This is also a completely acceptable and acceptable method, especially if your region has a warm and early spring. To do this, at the beginning of March, the seeds are planted 0.5-1 cm deep into moist soil. After this, the growing area is not touched or fed until shoots appear. Only after this are the seedlings thinned out and well watered. Also at this time, it is important to carefully control weeds, which often choke the growth of young shoots. That is why oregano is most often grown in the garden, where there are fewer weeds.


After planting in open ground, the seedlings will initially require sufficient attention and care. But when the plants finally take root, get stronger and give active growth, growing does not take much time and trouble. However, it is worth remembering that in the first year, even with the most good conditions oregano does not bloom. Then, for beautiful and long-lasting flowering, experts advise fertilizing the plant before starting to plant buds. For this, as practice shows, a solution of 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate is well suited. The harvest is harvested in July, leaving only the main stem 20 centimeters high from the ground.

Growing common oregano from seeds is best done by seedlings. This way the plant takes root faster and requires less attention. Having grown stronger in a seedling pot, the plant already tolerates weather changes well and is able to fight weeds. As for subsequent cultivation, oregano tolerates both summer heat and winter cold well, so it does not require any additional shelter in the garden. Sufficient watering and timely fertilizing are the key to success.


When growing oregano from seeds, the list of care includes watering, fertilizing, removing grass, and loosening the soil. But the same simple steps must be observed during subsequent plant growth. It is worth noting that the value as useful aromatic plant, depends directly on care. For example, with an excess or lack of moisture in the stems and leaves, the amount of essential oils decreases, which is why the plant may produce less of a pleasant aroma. In the first years of growth, it is advisable to clear the bushes of grass and other weeds, but after the third year of life, oregano itself will drown out the “uninvited guests.”

If you want to breed and cultivate this plant for a long time, you must remember that oregano does not grow in one place for more than 20-25 years. But in the garden, in order to enjoy lush flowering and aroma every year, it is advisable to replant it every five years. In the first year of planting, the bush needs to be thinned out and the inflorescences removed, so the plant will become thicker. For fertilizing, it is best to use organic fertilizers in the form of mullein (1:6) or infusion of bird droppings.

Also due to the strong aroma and high content essential oils, oregano does not require treatment against pests or diseases, as it has strong natural immunity and protection. This, of course, makes it much easier to care for and successfully grow.


The oregano plant is known as a spice perennial grass, used in cooking, folk medicine, gardening art. In our country it is also called motherwort, and in Italy and Greece it is called oregano. Breeders have created many different varieties. Also, oregano is not difficult to grow, so it enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Where oregano grows, people are calmer and healthier, because tea with this herb calms nervous system, fights inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, helps with digestion, and enriches with vitamin C.

This perennial herbaceous plant grows everywhere in Europe and the Mediterranean, but in Russia you won’t find it except in the Far North. Oregano prefers open sunny places, so it grows in clearings, meadows, and hillsides. It has a straight tetrahedral stem with a soft edge, a creeping root, oblong leaves that end in a pointed edge, dark green on the upper side and slightly silvery on the lower side. Grows to a height of 0.5 - 0.7 m. Blooms in mid-summer. The flowers are small, red-lilac, collected in corymbose-paniculate inflorescences; the seeds ripen by the end of August.

The plant has a delicate spicy odor and slightly bitter taste; it is grown for the production of essential oil and as a honey plant. Many summer residents plant it on their plots to add fresh leaves to salads, and then drink aromatic tea all winter or treat a cold, if necessary.

Video “Beneficial properties of oregano”

From the video you will learn about the beneficial properties of this extraordinary spice.


People are often interested in how to grow oregano, because even without taking it into account beneficial properties this beautiful grass grown in decorative purposes. It is often used in borders, mixborders, ridges, alpine roller coaster and in moth gardens, it is also planted by gardeners to repel harmful insects. It propagates by seeds, cuttings, root division, and layering.

If it is possible to take part of a plant from nature or from friends, then this does not have to be done only in the spring. The transplanted part of the root (necessarily with several buds), rooted layering or cuttings are accepted even in the middle of summer; they only need to be planted in light, non-acidic soil, and then watered thoroughly until new shoots begin to grow.

Seeds are usually harvested in early spring. If you sow them on a plot, and this will not happen before May (they will then need to be replanted once or twice), new plants will bloom only next year. If you need to get flowering this year, you must first grow the seedlings and then plant them in the planned place.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in March. Take dishes with drainage holes, add light nutritious soil (you can just take garden soil and add sand), moisten it, make grooves or holes up to 1.5 cm deep, place seeds, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil, moisten it again with a spray bottle. Then the crops are covered with glass or film until germination. It is recommended to ventilate and moisten them periodically.


After a pair of true leaves appear, the plants are planted in separate cups, watered, turned, hardened until May, when real warm spring comes to the garden. The seedlings grow without requiring any extra hassle, they need to be watered regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out, you can water them once or twice with a solution of mineral fertilizers so that they gain strength, but you should not be overzealous with this - the plants may grow too rapidly.

Plant oregano in light open place with a distance of 30 cm between plants and 50 cm between rows. It is undemanding to the soil, but grows best on light, fertile neutral soils; well-drained sandy loam is suitable. The main thing is not to plant this plant in a wetland; it won’t like the heavy clay soil, but it will still grow, the bushes will be smaller, decorative and useful substances there will be less in the grass. Oregano can be grown not only in a flowerbed or vegetable garden; it grows well in a pot that can be placed on a windowsill or balcony; there are even varieties for overhead growing. Some owners plant individual plants in the garden among vegetables to protect them from pests; many harmful insects do not like the aroma of oregano.


Even beginners can grow oregano and require minimal care. It must be watered moderately, since overwatering, as well as underwatering, will certainly affect the amount of essential oil. The first two to three years you have to frequently weed the area and loosen the soil around each plant. And in three years they will have grown so much that there will be no room left for weeds, so weeding will become very rare.

This perennial grass can grow up to 25 years in one place, but it is advisable to replant it, dividing the bushes every 5 years, this way the decorative effect will be preserved.

If cutting grass for drying or extracting oil is done several times a season, then after each time it is advisable to fertilize it with a solution of chicken manure infusion (mullein is possible) or complex mineral fertilizers. When fragrant herbs are grown for yourself or in flower beds, it is better to do without fertilizing so as not to provoke too rapid growth.


When to collect oregano is a simple question; it is collected almost all summer, as soon as all the buds are fully opened. When all the branches with leaves and flowers are collected (they are cut 20 - 30 cm long), they need to be dried in the fresh air under a canopy or in a ventilated room. Properly dried grass leaves crumble and stems break.

Oregano should be stored in paper or linen bags separately from other herbs. The twigs can be used for one and a half years; when storing the ground herb in a hermetically sealed container, the period of use increases to three years.

Video “Growing oregano”

From the video you will learn how to grow oregano.

Oregano is a spicy seasoning that has medicinal properties. There are several varieties of the crop, each of which is capable of decorating the garden with beautiful flowers and leaves. The conditions for planting and maintaining oregano, as well as the features of caring for it, are quite simple. Thanks to this, oregano has gained fame as a modest plant, unpretentious for growing in open ground.

Description of oregano: varieties and varieties. Combination with other plants in the garden

The fragrant culture is also popularly known under other names - motherwort, oregano, incense, and in Western countries it has become widespread as oregano. In open ground, the fragrant bushes reach a height of 0.3-0.7 m. The perennial has fairly strong roots, thanks to which oregano independently reproduces and spreads throughout the garden. The leaves are oval in shape, with pointed edges. Flowers, depending on the variety, can have different colors and bloom from summer to autumn.

Domestic breeders have developed the following varieties of motherboard:

  • Caramel - has an excellent taste;


  • Honey aroma - the variety is distinguished by purple flowers and a strong aroma;
  • Fairy - has rich green foliage, very productive;
  • White oregano - produces white flowers, compact.

White oregano

Foreign scientists have also developed a number of varieties spice plant, which can be planted and grown in open ground or in flowerpots:

  • Gold Tip - bush 10-15 cm high with pink flowers and golden leaves;
  • Herrenhausen - blooms in lilac clusters;

  • Beauty Kent - in the photo and in person it looks like a masterpiece, because its unusual racemose inflorescences simultaneously combine white and purple shades.

Artificially bred varieties are more fragrant than wild ones. They adapt well to different conditions cultivation, and are as undemanding to planting and care as ordinary oregano. On the site, flowering varieties look good in rock gardens, rock gardens, ridges, and mixborders. You can’t go wrong by betting on combining motherwort with other fragrant crops: thyme, lavender, etc.

Growing seedlings and planting plants in the garden

To plant a spicy crop, you do not need to specially allocate a place. Reproduction of oregano on the site is possible in the sun and in a shady corner. The soil can be anything, but it is still advisable to prepare it in the fall. To do this, dig up the ground and apply fertilizer - 3/4 bucket of rotted manure in combination with 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. This amount of feeding is enough for 1 square. m of future plantings of the motherboard.

Advice. Avoid areas that are too dry or too wet.

Typically, the seedling method is used to grow oregano. Seeds are sown in pots in early spring:

  • drainage is placed at the bottom of the container;
  • loose soil with sand is poured on top;
  • make grooves 1 cm deep;
  • water from a spray bottle;
  • seeds are placed in the grooves;
  • A layer of soil is poured on top and the soil is re-moistened.

Oregano shoots

The rules for caring for crops are very simple: providing enough light, maintaining the temperature at +20...+22 °C, watering as needed. The first shoots will hatch in 10-14 days. To speed up the process, you can cover the container with film or glass. When the seedlings get stronger and produce 2-3 leaves, they should be plucked and at the end of spring, at the age of 2 months, planted in open ground. The distance between the bushes depends on the variety and is indicated by seed manufacturers on packages equipped with photos and diagrams.

Advice. You can also practice planting seeds directly into the soil. This is done in a way similar to seedlings, but directly into open ground. Sprouts appear after 2-3 weeks.

Vegetative methods of propagating plants on the site

Oregano has a good survival rate. Therefore, in addition to the seed method, there are the following options for propagating the crop:

Advice. It is best to propagate the mother plant by vegetative methods in spring or early autumn.

Basics of oregano care: fertilization and feeding, disease and pest control

Drought is contraindicated for oregano, so watering is one of the main care requirements. Make sure the soil dries out, loosen the soil, and remove weeds. From early spring until the harvest of the fragrant harvest, apply fertilizers, which will only be needed from the second year. It can be saltpeter or mullein diluted with water. Similar fertilizers can be added in the summer.

Attention! If you grow mother plant only as an ornamental crop, fertilizers are contraindicated for it, otherwise the flower will lose its attractiveness over time.

Despite careful care, oregano does not develop well during the first season. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it on annual bushes. unopened buds. This will ensure abundant flowering and significant growth of the mother from the second year of life of the bushes. Every 5-6 years, replant the perennial, and in the spring, break off parts of last year’s shoots.

Pests rarely attack oregano