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Alpine aster for the garden: growing from seeds. Alpine aster - agricultural technology in stages

The perennial aster plant grows naturally in the Southern Urals, Transcarpathia, Asia and Europe, and the Caucasus. Today, these unpretentious plants are grown in almost all gardens, regardless of the region. Flowers decorate areas until frost, can be herbaceous or bushy, and have a wide variety of flowers of different shapes and colors.

With their help you can create beautiful flower garden or decorate an unsightly area of ​​the garden. Perennial asters are unpretentious in care, but you need to know some of the features of their cultivation.

General description, varieties, photos

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae and has about 600 species. Due to the fact that perennial asters are distinguished by late flowering, they are often called winter asters or octobers. Plants depending on type can grow as a separate flower or bush, and grow up to two meters. Their flowering begins in the first days of autumn and attracts the eye with its varied colors. Aster inflorescences can have shades from white to purple.

Perennials differ in bush height. Tall species of bush asters are often grown as a flower border or placed in the center of a fall flower bed. Low varieties are used to frame flower beds and borders.

Perennial asters differ in terms of flowering and appearance. Alpine asters bloom in June, and in August they are replaced by lush perennials of Italian varieties. At the beginning of autumn, bush asters decorate the garden with flowers of various shades.

Types of perennial asters

Alpine aster - photo. A low-growing plant, whose homeland is the Alps, reaches a height of only 30 cm. Its flowers are shaped like a chamomile and have a diameter of 4–6 cm. They are located on one stem. The flowers are formed from a yellow double center and tubular petals of pink, purple or white color. Alpine aster begins to bloom in early summer. Its bushes bloom profusely throughout the month. The plant looks very beautiful on alpine hills or in group plantings with low-growing crops. The most popular varieties:

Bush aster. The plant's homeland is North America. Varieties of this species distinguished by heavily leafy stems ranging from 20 to 60 cm in height. Of all the types of autumn perennials, the bush aster is the first to bloom. Its most popular varieties include:

  1. The Blue Bird variety is dwarf plant 25 cm high. Reed-shaped flowers have a soft blue color with a lilac tint.
  2. The Alba flor pena variety grows up to 40 cm in height and has petals of different shapes. Its tubular petals yellow color, and the reed ones have a snow-white color.

New England aster. The plant reaches a height of two meters and blooms profusely with white, red, pink, blue or dark purple flowers. Inflorescences with a diameter of 4 cm bloom in early autumn. The species is suitable for making bouquets. Cut flowers can last in water for two weeks.

Aster novobelgica. Perennial plant height from 35 cm to one and a half meters distinguished by not very large flowers of light purple, lilac, pink, burgundy or white . Depending on the variety, the Novobelgian aster can be dwarf, medium-sized or tall.

Italian aster. The plant is a bush, the height of which can be up to 70 cm. Distinguished by corymbose inflorescences– baskets that are collected from flowers of pink, lilac, yellow or dark blue. It begins to bloom at the end of summer.

Features of growing perennial asters

Perennials like sunny areas and well-drained soil. They grow especially well after calendula and tagetis.


plant perennials best on neutral fertile soils. If the soil on the site is depleted, it must be fertilized.. For this purpose, for each square meter entered:

  • from 2 to 4 kg of compost or humus;
  • 15–20 g each of ammonium sulfate and potassium salt;
  • 20–30 g of superphosphate.

Before planting asters, the area is dug up, leveled and loosened. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other. The grooves for them should not be very deep. The top of the seedlings is sprinkled with earth and watered. Then there is no need to water them for 2-3 days. After two weeks, young plants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Wet areas are absolutely not suitable for planting crops. The plant grown on them very often becomes infected with powdery mildew and dies over time.

Alpine aster

Features of outdoor care

An unpretentious perennial to care for, it is necessary to provide infrequent but abundant watering, timely weeding and loosening of the soil. When the soil dries out, the bushes lose their decorative appearance., and their baskets dry out.

To strengthen and accelerate the growth of the root system before flowering, the bushes are hilled to a height of 5–6 cm. During the flowering period, wilted and faded flowers must be removed in a timely manner.

When caring for perennial asters, do not forget to feed them. Otherwise, the plants will form few buds and not bloom very profusely. Per season the crop is fed three times. Two weeks after planting, it is necessary to add superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate. When buds appear and at the very beginning of flowering, fertilizing is done only with superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Perennial asters in winter

Many types of asters are frost-resistant, but there are some varieties that require shelter for the winter. For this, spruce branches, dry leaves or peat are used. Dried stems are cut off before covering. After the onset of warmth in the spring, the shelter is removed, the soil is watered and loosened.

Perennials grow in one place for five years. After this period, in the fall, the bushes are dug up, divided and planted in a new place. It is advisable not to damage the root system so that the plants do not get sick after replanting.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Unpretentious to care for asters can be affected by some pests and diseases:

  1. Aster jaundice is a viral disease in which the leaves first lighten, then the growth of buds and the entire plant stops. The disease is carried by pests, so first of all you need to destroy them. Insecticides are used for this.
  2. Aster rust is manifested by the appearance of swelling on the underside of the leaf. The leaves begin to wither and dry out. Rust spores fall from coniferous plants, so crops need to be grown away from them. If the disease appears, the bushes are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture every week.
  3. Fusarium blight is the most common disease of aster. It appears in an adult plant, which on one side begins to sharply turn yellow and wither. There is no cure for the disease, so you need to use preventive measures. To do this, cultural rotation must be observed on the site.

Among the pests, threats to perennial asters include cutworms, bud aphids, spider mite, common earwig, meadow bug. To prevent insects from attacking the plant and the soil in the garden should be carefully dug in the fall, removing weeds. Dried plant stems are burned. There should be sufficient distance between planting crops. It is recommended to add compost, humus and lime to the soil. In this case, the plants will be healthy and able to resist various pests and diseases.

Asters are plants that correct landing and care will allow you to decorate garden plot autumn time. Against the backdrop of general decline, they will bring bright colors and joyful notes into it.

Good day everyone!

The last article was about the annual aster - a beauty autumn garden. I can’t stop and will continue the story about asters. Today the heroine of the article is Perennial Alpine Astra: growing from seeds. It blooms unusually early for an aster - in May-June, about a month. The flowers are small, about 5 cm in diameter, reminiscent of simple multi-colored daisies. Typically, alpine aster bushes are low - 25-30 cm, the colors of the flowers are very different: lilac, pink, blue, white, crimson.

They grow well in lush bushes and look great on hills, rockeries, as a border, and in single plantings or in small groups. For lush flowering, you need to pinch shoots and remove fading flowers.

How to grow alpine aster from seeds

Choosing a place to plant perennial aster

The site for planting aster must be chosen carefully, since it can grow in one place for up to five years. But it is not afraid of transplantation; it can be replanted in spring or autumn, and at the same time propagated by dividing the bush.

The alpine aster prefers sunny places, but can grow in partial shade. You won't get compact ones in the shade fluffy bushes, the shoots will stretch out, and the flowering will be much more modest. Aster does not like damp places, stagnant water in spring and after rains. The roots may rot.

Seedlings or sowing in open ground

Alpine aster reproduces by seeds or by dividing an adult bush. Seeds can be sown directly in open ground. Seeds are sown on the prepared bed; there is no need to deepen it, just sprinkle 1 cm of humus on top. Seeds are sown in the ground in May or before winter - in November-December in frozen ground. The seedlings are planted on permanent place. Asters bloom from seeds in the second year.

This method is well suited for the southern regions. In the Urals and northern regions, seedlings are usually grown at home. Planted in early June, after the last frost.

The seeds are prepared for planting because they are more difficult to germinate in the alpine aster than in the common aster. , soaked. Alpine aster seedlings are sown and grown at home in the same way as ordinary annual aster. I first sow in small containers, and then plant them in smaller cassettes or boxes before planting them in the ground.

You can read more about sowing aster seeds in the article “”.

Before planting in the front garden, be sure to harden off your houseplants. In April, start taking them outside and let them get used to it. Seedlings should be planted in the evening and be sure to water well.

Propagation of alpine aster by seeds: video


Astra loves water, but does not like too much of it. That's how you want it, spin it. On hot days, I water the asters every morning. A lot depends on the right location. I repeat that water should not be allowed to stagnate at the roots. This means that the soil must be loose and allow water to pass through well. And fertile, of course, because alpine asters grow for several years in one place. Asters also do not like acidic soils; you need to prepare alkaline soil for the area with asters.

When the plants get older, they won’t need such frequent watering, and as they grow, they cover the ground. But it’s better not to leave the soil bare, but to mulch the plantings right away.

You can feed young asters with organic matter, mullein infusion. Twice in the first half of summer. By autumn, the bushes need to prepare for winter; they do not require nitrogen for rapid growth. In the fall, you can water it with infusion of ash.

If young asters have gained color in the fall of the first year, it is better to cut off the buds without allowing them to bloom, otherwise the plants will not survive the winter well and will bloom later next year.

In the spring, adult plants are watered with fertilizers with potassium, the same infusion of ash. For good flowering. To prolong flowering, fading flowers are cut off. Sometimes during a long, warm autumn, asters bloom again in the fall. But it is better to cut such flowers so as not to weaken the plant before winter.

All summer after flowering, alpine aster bushes remain decorative. After flowering, they grow in lush, dark green clumps.

If you want to collect your seeds from them, do not remove all the flowers. Leave the first few. The seeds will ripen in late July - August.

After five years, the plants need to be transplanted to a new location. Preferably in the fall. At the same time, they can be divided and multiplied. Try not to damage the roots when replanting. Alpine asters should not be left in one place for a long time. As the bushes thicken, they will bloom worse and suppress each other.

Under the snow, asters disappear green; branches with leaves do not die off in the fall. If they still dry out, then you need to prune them for the winter. There is no need to cover them; they winter well in middle lane and in the Urals.

If you have severe frosts without snow in the fall, you can cover the base of the bushes with earth or sand so that the buds do not freeze. New buds of alpine aster form on last year's shoots.

In spring, it is necessary to ensure that snow and melt water do not stagnate on plantings of perennial asters. Green bushes can dry out from excess moisture.

Adult plants are not afraid of cold weather. And in the first year it is better to cover young seedlings for the winter with the same sand, or spruce branches, dry leaves, dried flowers. In spring, the shelter is removed.

Diseases and pests do not damage the alpine aster. But when grown in a shady place, it can develop powdery mildew. The fix is ​​simple: transplant the bush to a sunny place and treat it with a biofungicide, for example, phytosporin.

Playing bright colors perennial aster, which gives the autumn flower garden a special charm and attractiveness. It's like a farewell greeting from summer before a long, cold winter. Bush forms are varied: there are low-growing and tall varieties from 35 to 150 cm.

Regardless of height, the bush is powerful, spherical in shape, and capable of growing quickly. A plant with lanceolate leaves at the top is strewn with flowers with an inflorescence-basket from 2 to 8 cm in diameter. They form simple and terry shapes. The colors are distinguished by an enviable variety: from white to bright red and blue, and in different shades.

Garden varieties of asters are divided according to a number of characteristics. Let's consider species popular among gardeners with different flowering periods:

Low-growing asters are used for rock gardens or borders.

If you plant them on the lawn, you get an interesting composition of “ flower balls" Pairs well with cereal crops or low conifers.

Tall varieties are perfect for creating the background of a composition, forming a garden screen of bright “stars”.

The lower tier can serve low-growing perennials: autumn helenium, Korean chrysanthemum, thick-leaved bergenia or Siebold's host.

How to plant a crop correctly?

You should start by choosing a landing site. In order for the crop to feel good, grow and bloom profusely, the place must be warm and sunny, and the soil must be light, fertile and permeable.

The perennial aster is propagated by seeds, cuttings, and dividing the bush. It is the last method that is the most convenient and simple. The plant takes root well in its new location and begins to bloom the next year.

When dividing the bush, the rhizome is disassembled into parts, each of which should contain a bud and several roots. Landing is carried out in spring period, when the soil and air have warmed up enough, since the crop is thermophilic.

In low light, the stem stretches and needs to be tied up. The plant will be weakened and flowering will not be abundant. In addition, asters are not suitable for acidic or alkaline soils and stagnant water. If the soil is waterproof, drainage should be done or coarse sand should be added.

The soil is prepared in advance: it is dug up and fertilized. From organic fertilizers humus, compost and peat are added, and from mineral fertilizers, potassium fertilizers are added. If the area is well fertilized, then asters will please lush flowering.

Step by step planting process:

  1. The planting pattern depends on the size of the bush and its characteristics: low-growing varieties are planted according to the 20x30cm pattern, medium-growing varieties - 30x50, tall varieties - 50x80. It is better to plant less often; dense planting will not allow the plant to grow well.
  2. The aster is planted in a permanent place and watered twice: in the hole and on top of the compacted soil.
  3. The plant must be lowered into the hole carefully, without damaging the root system.

The aster grows in one place for 4-6 years, after which the bush should be divided and planted in a new area. How to plant and care for perennial aster in the video:

Caring for flower crops

Perennial aster does not require special care. All creation activities favorable conditions for culture are simple and traditional. These include:

  • watering as the soil dries and more abundantly when the bushes enter the period active growth;
  • and careful loosening, as you can touch the root system;
  • fertilizing with rotted organic matter and phosphorus fertilizers,
  • liming the soil if it is acidic;
  • if necessary, treatment against gray rot and powdery mildew.

Tall varieties that are dense and grow in the shade require garter. They need support - pegs or a fence along which they are planted. In order for the bush to bloom for a long time and look decorative, you need to periodically remove the inflorescences that have already faded. And pinching the tops increases the number of flowers.

Perennial asters end the growing season with abundant flowering. They look like bright spots in the general decline and paint the autumn landscape with all the colors of the rainbow. This plant will decorate your flower garden and will always look great.

Video about varieties of perennial aster

Aster is traditionally considered autumn flower. However, there are also types of asters that bloom at other times - in late spring or summer. And the earliest of them are alpine asters. These are perennials that bloom mainly in May-June.

Alpine beauties differ from the flowers we are accustomed to not only in terms of flowering and the ability to winter in harsh conditions and be reborn in the spring.

Species differences

Alpine asters grow in bushes, usually low, up to 25-30 cm in height. Their flowers are simple, similar to daisies or daisies, and the colors are very different: white, pink, crimson, blue, lilac.

Lush bushes grow quickly and look good both in single plantings and in borders, groups, and rockeries. And, of course, on the alpine coaster.

Advice. To achieve a lush and abundant flowering, shoots need to be pinched and fading flowers cut off.


Having fallen into the hands of breeders, alpine aster received many varieties and cultivated varieties, differing from each other in bush height, color, timing and duration of flowering. Among them, every gardener will find an attractive plant.

Here are just a few examples, take your pick:

Variety Description

Low, up to 20 cm in height, bush with small leaves and white flowers. It blooms for a long time, from early June to late July.

A plant with light purple flowers about 6 cm in diameter. It blooms in June.

The flowers are small, do not exceed 3 cm in diameter, and are pale blue in color.

Similar to the previous variety, but has short stems and more small flowers dark purple hue.

The variety got its name due to the beautiful pink color of the flowers, the diameter of which reaches 4 cm.

One of the brightest varieties with flowers of a rich red-pink hue with a diameter of about 4 cm.

Quite tall bushes with lilac-blue flowers and about 3.5 cm in size.

Early variety with pink flowers and erect stems. It blooms in early May and lasts for about a month.

Growing and care

Growing alpine aster is not difficult - the plant is quite unpretentious and practically not susceptible to disease. If you choose for her right place and carry out basic care, you will not have any problems.

Selecting a location

Flowers grow in one place for up to five years, so you need to choose it very carefully. Although you can transplant the plant to another place at any time, it is not afraid of this process.

Aster can easily grow in partial shade, but feels much better in sunny areas. There it does not stretch out, but actively bushes and blooms profusely.

The plant is much more demanding of the soil: it does not tolerate damp lowlands and places where water stagnates after rains or when snow melts. Its roots begin to rot.

Its big advantage is its resistance to winds and drafts, which allows you not to worry about finding areas protected from these factors or about additional shelters.

Growing methods

Initially, alpine aster can be grown from seeds, like an ordinary annual. It is also easily propagated by dividing the bush.

Advice. It is best to propagate the plant by dividing the bush when transplanting it to another place every 4-5 years.

The method of seed propagation depends on the growing region:

  • In the southern regions with warm winters, seeds are sown directly into the ground in April-May or November-December, when the ground is already frozen. They are not buried in the soil, but only lightly sprinkled on top with a thin layer of humus. The emerging and mature seedlings are planted in prepared places.

  • In regions with cold and especially little snow winters It is better to grow seedlings at home and plant them in a permanent place after the end of frost - in late May - early June. The seeds are first sown in boxes, and then the grown seedlings are planted less frequently. Before planting in open ground, they are hardened by taking them outside or opening windows. Plant in the evening, watering the plantings abundantly.

Advice. Since alpine aster seeds are more difficult to germinate, before planting they should be placed in a gauze bag and kept for two hours in a thermos with warm water. And then soak in the solution for a day wood ash, which is a growth stimulator (1 teaspoon per half glass of water).

Plants grown from seeds bloom in the second year. If they are going to bloom in the fall of the first year, it is better to cut off the buds without waiting for them to open, otherwise they will go into winter weakened and will bloom worse in the spring.


If the soil in the place you choose is loose and well-permeable to air and water, then the aster will feel great. She responds gratefully to watering, but it should be moderate so that the water does not stagnate at the roots.

Advice. Mulch the soil around young bushes to prevent it from drying out. Then you will need to water them much less often.

Since the plant grows in one place for several years, the soil must be fertile. And, very preferably, alkaline.

  • If the soil is acidic, it is treated with lime or dolomite flour(200 grams per square meter).

  • Then it is fertilized with superphosphate (100 g/m2), dug up and weeds removed.

  • Young shoots are fed twice in the first half of summer with mullein infusion or other organic fertilizers.

  • In autumn, nitrogen fertilizers are excluded. Instead, the plants are watered with an infusion of wood ash.
  • Next spring, potassium fertilizers are applied for abundant flowering. You can use the same infusion of ash.

To prolong flowering, fading flowers are cut off, leaving only the first few if you want to collect your own seeds. They are collected in late July - early August.

Autumn flowering is also possible in mature plants if the weather remains warm for a long time. But it is better not to allow it, cutting off all the buds at once.

Alpine asters need to be transplanted to a new place after a maximum of five years, better in autumn. This is an excellent reason to propagate them by dividing the roots. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the roots.

If you leave plants to grow in one place for too long, they become too dense, begin to oppress each other and bloom worse.

Alpine aster is very resistant to pests and diseases. But it can get powdery mildew when grown in the shade. In this case, it will need to be transplanted to a place exposed to the sun and treated with Fitosporin or another fungicide.

Preparing for winter

The need for sheltering asters for the winter depends on the growing conditions. Since their stems and leaves do not die off, but remain green, in the spring they can rot from excess moisture.

  • If the bushes grow in places where a lot of snow accumulates in winter and melt water stagnates, they need to be covered with branches or spruce branches and removed in early spring along with the snow.

  • If your area experiences severe frosts in the fall, when snow has not yet fallen, or winters with little snow, then the base of the bushes should be mulched or covered with a thick layer of sand or earth to protect the buds from freezing. This is especially true for young plants.

Straw shelter

In the personal plots of garden floriculture lovers, you can often see luxurious flower beds in which alpine aster has been planted. Willing propagation of perennials in open ground justified not only by its lush flowering of the most unimaginable colors, but also by the plant’s unpretentiousness in care, as well as its high cold resistance. In addition, many varieties of plants continue to delight the eye with their blooming buds throughout the summer and until the beginning of autumn, when other flowers begin to go into dormancy.

Description: varieties and varieties of alpine aster

In its natural habitat, alpine aster is found in Europe, Asia and the North American continent. This herbaceous plant with erect stems from 10 to 35 cm in height. The basal and lower stem leaves have a short petiole, the upper ones are sessile. The shape of the leaf blade is elongated, ovoid.

Alpine aster Albus

The flowering period depends on the variety and can last from May to September. The inflorescence is a basket with tubular flowers and elongated ligulate marginal petals. The diameter of the inflorescence is on average about 5 cm.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular landscape design varieties:

  • Albus is a representative of the semi-double variety. Because of its white petals, it is also mistakenly called chamomile. Low-growing plant, up to 20 cm tall. The flowering period occurs in the first half of summer.
  • Gloria - the diameter of the basket does not exceed 3 cm, the edge petals are deep blue.
  • Dark Beauty - blooms blue-violet petals in the second half of summer.
  • Rosea - flower rosettes reach 4 cm in diameter, the petals are delicate pink.
  • Ruber is a medium-growing variety. The basket is densely covered with petals of a rich crimson hue.

Planting a plant

In many ways, the key to planting success depends on the correctly selected area for the flower bed. Alpine aster loves light, but direct Sun rays throughout the day are harmful to the plant. That's why suitable place there will be lacy penumbra.

Aster alpine Rosea

Reproduction of asters is unacceptable in drafts and strong gusts of wind. It is necessary to ensure that there is an obstacle on the leeward side - a fence, the wall of a house or other elevation.

An important condition is good soil drainage. If the soil on the site does not have such qualities, when digging it is worth adding a little sand to the area under the flowerbed. If the soil structure is heavy, a drainage layer should be arranged so that water does not stagnate at the roots of the plants.

The landing technology is as follows:

  • Holes in the flower bed are dug at a distance of 20 cm from each other with row spacing of 40 cm.
  • The planting depth of aster seedlings in open ground is 2 cm lower than it was in the container.
  • After planting the seedlings, grooves are made between the rows to moisten the soil.

You can sow seeds directly into open ground. However, seed germination is difficult to predict and flowers may germinate unevenly, which negatively affects decorative form flower beds.

Plant care

Astra can be called unpretentious plant in care. But in order for it to bloom in all its glory, you need to adhere to some rules of agricultural technology.

Aster alpine Gloria

First of all, it is necessary to ensure proper watering. The perennial belongs to moisture-loving flowers. The soil needs to be moistened with plenty of water. But you shouldn’t go through this procedure part-time. The soil should dry out before the next watering.

Important. During periods of heavy rains, additional soil moisture is not carried out.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. The soil needs to be loosened regularly and the beds must be weeded to remove weeds. In advance, before flowering, high hilling of plants is carried out - this stimulates the strengthening of the root system of perennials.

To extend the flowering period, we must not forget to promptly remove drying inflorescences from the bushes. They are left only on those specimens that are intended for collecting seeds.

Aster is a frost-resistant plant. You can leave the perennial to overwinter in open ground. Preparatory measures include trimming the above-ground part and covering the flowerbed with a layer of mulch.

Fertilizing and feeding aster

Fertile lands with high content humus. If the ground is on personal plot does not meet these requirements, applying fertilizer will help correct the situation.

Joint planting of alpine aster

Organic matter can be used as fertilizer. To do this, humus is added to the digging at the rate of 10 kg per 1 square meter.

Important. Fresh manure cannot be used for fertilization - it must be allowed to rot.

At long-term cultivation The flower is fed for it. In early spring, when the sprouts appear on the surface of the soil, use mineral fertilizer at the rate of 6 g of nitrogen and 4 g of phosphorus and potassium per 1 sq. m. You can also use a water infusion of mullein. During the flowering period, care consists of feeding with a potassium-phosphorus mixture.

Plant propagation

Alpine aster is propagated by sowing seeds through seedlings and dividing the bush. To grow seedlings, sowing begins in March. For this:

  1. Seeds are sown in room conditions into a mixture of turf and deciduous soil with a small proportion of sand and peat.
  2. The soil is moistened and the container is left in a dark place.
  3. After a week, shoots should appear, at which point the box is transferred to a bright place.
  4. Picking begins when the seedlings have two true leaves.
  5. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to harden them. To do this, take it out of the room into fresh air. The first time - for a few minutes, and with each new approach this time is extended.

Seedlings are planted in a flowerbed in mid-May.

With each subsequent year, the perennial takes up more and more space in the flowerbed. Therefore, once every 5-7 years it is necessary to divide the bush and replant the aster. To carry out this procedure, the plant must be at rest. Therefore, division is carried out in early spring, before the active growing season begins.

Diseases and pests

Reproduction is rarely accompanied by the development of diseases. But like many other flowers, in conditions increased dampness, plantings are affected by fungal infections. In particular, asters show poor resistance to the appearance of powdery mildew on damp days.

Important. The appearance of a whitish coating from a fungal infection is caused not only by the vagaries of the weather or soil conditions, but also improper care behind the flowerbed. So, powdery mildew appears when the perennial is not watered correctly.

Powdery mildew is a highly contagious disease. The infection is quickly transmitted, and the outbreak of the disease spreads to other flowers. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the affected parts of plants. Caring for a flower bed consists of treating it with fungicides, as well as correcting the watering regime. Effective drugs in the fight against fungus are Topaz, Alirin, Fitosporin.

Planting alpine aster in partial shade

There are also traditional methods fight the disease. To do this, spray the plantings:

  • water infusion of wood ash;
  • a solution of kefir or yogurt;
  • mixture laundry soap And soda ash, diluted with water.

To prevent powdery mildew, soil treatment should be carried out copper sulfate– 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Aster will serve as a good neighbor in open ground for many other plants. A large palette of tones of perennial flowers and the relaxed shape of the curtain creates a harmonious combination in landscape design with various partners:

  • The brightness of the alpine aster is favorably emphasized by low-growing ground cover plants that do not have expressive flowering - sedum, stachys.
  • A successful combination is obtained when growing rudbeckia and marigolds next to aster.
  • Flowers in blue shades are good near asters - muscari, bearded irises, violets.

An interesting solution in landscape design is planting perennials nearby different periods buds opening. If the aster blooms for a long time, it will serve as a colorful canvas, against which daffodils, hazel grouse, and phlox will replace each other.

Advice. Beginners in landscape design will not go wrong if they place chrysanthemums next to asters in the open ground. They will pick up the baton of flowering from late summer to late autumn.

Alpine aster is ideal solution in landscape design for decoration alpine slide. Low growing varieties they will decorate the lowlands with a thick flowering carpet, picturesquely entwining stones at different elevation levels.

Alpine aster in landscape design

Close plantings of varieties of different heights will form neat mixborders. In these types of flower beds, asters go well with other flowers - daylilies, phlox, astilbe.

Careful planting of one variety allows you to arrange elegant borders along the house. This crop is also suitable for border decoration.

Growing perennial aster- a very profitable occupation. It is enough to sow flowers for seedlings once so that they delight you with their appearance for many years. Work on the flower bed will have to be carried out infrequently, and propagation of plantings is very simple.

Alpine aster: planting and care (video)

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