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Action description. Deutzia shrub: description and cultivation features. Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’

IN Lately, increasingly for decoration personal plot gardeners choose exotic flowers and plants. One of the most spectacular of these plants is deutzia, which has gained popularity due to its amazing beauty.

Deytsia can transform your garden beyond recognition. The variety of colors of the flower beds against the backdrop of bright greenery is emphasized by the snow-white deutzia, which covers certain areas with a unique carpet. Deutia does not require much effort when planting and caring, so growing it will not be difficult. All you need to do is find one for her appropriate place and take care of shelter for the winter, and your action will definitely thank you with lush flowering.

In this article we will give a description, analyze the features of the action, and introduce you to the popular types and varieties of this plant. We will also talk in detail about the intricacies of agricultural technology for growing deutzia.

Description of the action and its features

Deutzia is a deciduous evergreen perennial woody plant of the Hydrangeaceae family. The natural habitat of the action is the Himalayas, Mexico, East Asia. The abundance of its blooms resembles cherry blossoms. It is for this splendor and beauty that deutzia fell in love with gardeners all over the world.

Deutia has about 50 species. Dutch traders brought it to Europe from Japan in the 19th century. Since then, the bush has become one of the most sought-after elements landscape design in Europe, and now in Russia. The name of the Asian beauty was given by Swedish scientist Carl Thunberg. Thus, he noted the mayor of Amsterdam, Johann van Deitz, who sponsored the expedition to the East.

Deutzia is a shrub 0.5-2 meters high. The shape of the stems can be either erect or spreading, which allows the use different variants to decorate the area. Due to its large branching nature, deutia is easy and convenient to prune, creating the required crown shape. Bark of a young deutzia Brown, acquires a grayish tint with age. A feature of hydrangeas is the peeling of the bark. Deytsia is no exception. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, it’s just a property of the bark of a mature plant. The leaves are opposite, oblong with a pointed apex, serrated edges, up to 6 cm long. The color of the leaves is from light to dark shades of green, yellow-brown in autumn.

Deutzia blooms on last year's shoots, so you definitely need to take care of their shelter for the winter. Otherwise, you can hardly count on the appearance of blooming action next year. Its flowers are not large, but rather small, and have no scent. The color can be white, cream or pink. The inflorescences are racemose or shield-shaped, up to 7 cm long. Deutia begins to bloom towards the end of May and lasts from 10 to 16 days, some varieties bloom for up to 1 month.

The deutia fruit is a yellowish-brown, spherical capsule with small seeds inside. This crop is easy to care for, drought-resistant, and does not make any special demands on the soil. The only requirement is, as mentioned above, mandatory shelter for the winter. In any case, deutzia has a unique ability to recover. Deutzia can be planted in tubs; it is good both for creating a hedge and for single planting.

Types and varieties of deutzia for landscape decoration

We figured out what an action is. But it is important to remember that this plant needs correct landing And good care which should be observed in open ground. As mentioned above, there are about 50 varieties of deutia. Some of them are decorative and used to decorate the garden. Let's take a closer look at the most popular and sought-after varieties for these purposes.

Deytsia Amur.

Another name for this species is small-flowered, in nature it is distributed in Far East, in Korea and in China. Deutzia Amur is the most common species, which is often used for breeding hybrid varieties.

Deutzia Amur is a spreading shrub with a height of 1.5 to 2 m. The brown bark of a young plant changes color to grayish with age. The leaves of this species are up to 6 cm long, oblong in shape, narrowed. Color ranges from rich green to grayish. Flowering begins at the end of June and lasts for 20 days. It blooms with small white flowers collected in thyroid inflorescences up to 7 cm long, odorless. Amur deytsia is able to adapt to any conditions. It is light-loving, moisture-loving, and resistant to gases, smoke and drought.

Deytsia is elegant.

Also a very common type of action. Grows in Japan.

Deutzia graceful grows in the form of a small bush from 0.5 to 1.5 meters in height. The bush has a beautiful spherical shape and is formed by thin arched branches. This type of action fully corresponds to its name. The leaves are oblong, pointed, bright green. The leaves are covered with a small fluff on top. Although flowering in this species begins late, by mid-July, it continues for more than a month. The flowers of Deutia graceful are white, collected in erect racemes up to 9 cm long.

Deytsia is great.

Is a hybrid. Has low winter hardiness.

The bush is formed by erect shoots that grow quite quickly. The height of the bush reaches 2.5 meters. The leaves are oblong, ovoid in shape. It begins to bloom in June. Double flowers of snow-white color are collected in umbrella-shaped panicles up to 10 cm long. Deutzia magnificent blooms so profusely that the stems bend in an arc under the weight of the inflorescences. This type of action is one of the most beautiful.

Deytsia grandiflora.

The homeland of this species is China and Korea.

The shrub grows up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are oval, up to 5 cm long, dark green, slightly rough underneath. The flowers are snow-white, quite large in size, up to 3 cm. As a rule, flowers grow singly, occasionally collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. In terms of flowering time, this species is the earliest.

Deutzia Vilmorena.

In nature, Deutzia Vilmorin lives in China.

This is a shrub up to 2.5 m high. The stems have a brownish bark; as the plant matures, the bark begins to peel off. The leaves are oblong, up to 5 cm long. The leaves are green above, grayish below. It blooms from the beginning of June with rather large, up to 2.5 cm, snow-white flowers collected in small inflorescences.

Deutzia Lemoine.

It is a hybrid between Deutia gracilis and Deutia parviflora. It is characterized by high winter hardiness. Bush up to 2 m high, blooms early and abundantly. It blooms with snow-white flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences up to 10 cm long. Highly decorative varieties of Deutzia Lemoine are popular among gardeners:

Pink Pompon: distinguished by bright pink double flowers collected in dense inflorescences.

Mont Rose: medium-sized shrub, up to 1.5 m tall. Prized for its large pink flowers with curled petals. It begins to bloom in June.

Deytsia is rough.

This species is also called star-shaped. Natural habitat - China and Japan. The latest type of action.
Deytsia rough is a spreading shrub, up to 2.5 m high. This deytsia was named rough because of the leaves covered with small villi. Deutia rougha blooms for about 3 weeks, starting in June. The flowers are snow-white to pinkish, small. The inflorescences are large, up to 12 cm in length.

Popular varieties of deutzia rough:

  • Marmorata: different unusual appearance foliage - it is green with yellowish or white spots.
  • Plena: widely spreading shrub up to 3-4 meters high. Double flowers, white.
  • Most types of deutia are obtained by crossing the most common species: Amur, graceful, rough.

Propagation of action

It is impossible to imagine growing deutia without reproduction. Deutia can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively. Let's take a closer look at each of these methods so you can choose the one that's right for you.

Propagation by seeds.

This method is used infrequently, since it is only suitable for species varieties. From seeds of hybrid varieties good plant cannot be obtained, since all the parental properties of the shrub may be lost.

To begin with, you need to collect seeds that ripen in late September - early October. Choose the ripest fruits. Selected seeds should be stored until sowing, i.e. until spring. No preliminary preparation seeds are not needed.

For sowing, take a suitable container, which must be filled with nutritious soil consisting of peat, humus and sand.

The seeds are sown directly on the surface of the soil, without deepening them; you just need to lightly sprinkle them with river sand. Next, to create greenhouse conditions, the container is covered with film or glass. Care involves maintaining soil moisture. With the right actions, seedlings appear within a month and a half, and they can be planted in open ground.

Propagation by green cuttings.

This method is one of the most common.

Cuttings should be harvested as early as June. For this purpose, choose a healthy, strong bush. Mature thick shoots will be used for cuttings, the length of the cuttings is 10-12 cm.

To stimulate the formation of roots, you can treat them with special preparations before planting.

To root cuttings, choose spacious containers that are filled with nutritious soil, consisting of fertile soil with the addition of sand.

Green cuttings, slightly tilted, are buried 0.5 cm. Containers with cuttings are placed in greenhouses. If everything is done correctly, you don't have to worry about rooting. In spring, cuttings are planted in open ground.

Propagation by lignified cuttings.

Another way to propagate action. Cuttings for this option are prepared late autumn. The length of the cutting is 15-20 cm, and it must have at least 3 buds. The desired number of cuttings are collected into a bunch and fastened together. Then the bundle is placed in a container with wet sand and stored in a dark room at a temperature of about 0 degrees. In spring, cuttings are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses. Further actions are the same as in the previous case.

Reproduction by layering.

Deytsia can also be propagated by layering. To do this, in the spring, select the strongest shoots on the bush that are as close to the ground as possible. Directly under the bush you need to dig grooves into which to place the selected stems. They are covered with earth, leaving the top on the surface. When such a layer takes root, it is separated and transplanted to another place.

Reproduction by dividing the bush.

This method is suitable if your bush has grown greatly. The bush is carefully dug up and several parts are separated with pruning shears so that each part has strong, healthy roots. Places for each new bush should be prepared in advance to avoid drying out of the roots. Also in the spring you can replant the root shoots that form on the root system of the deutia.

Preparations before landing

In order for the deutzia to feel good and decorate your garden for many years, it needs planting and high-quality care in the open ground. In addition, it is important to necessary preparation. You need to choose a quality one planting material, correctly determine the place for planting, prepare the soil.

Stage 1. Select seedlings.

Properly selected seedlings are the key to the health of your future operation. It is best to purchase planting material from nurseries or specialized stores.

When purchasing seedlings, carefully inspect the bushes. They should have intact, healthy buds, and there should be no signs of damage or disease. Seedlings are sold with both open and closed roots. An open root system makes it possible to assess its condition, and a plant in a container does not require immediate planting in open ground.

Stage 2. Select a landing site.

Deutzia is a light-loving plant, so it prefers open areas with protection from cold winds. Trees growing nearby will protect the plant from the midday sun and create the necessary air humidity for it.

Stage 3. Preparing the ground.

Deytsia does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, high level groundwater also unacceptable. The soil for it should be loose, fertile, neutral, and well-drained. The ideal option for full growth would be a mixture of compost, humus and sand.

Planting in open ground

The planting of any plant must be correct and deutzia shrub is no exception. It also requires compliance with certain points. Before planting, inspect the seedlings. If the roots are dry, they need to be soaked in a clay mash for 2-3 hours. You can also trim the roots slightly. If everything is in order with the roots, we proceed to preparing the soil. You need to add a little fertilizer to it at the rate of 1 bucket of compost and 100 grams of nitrophoska per plant. The depth of the planting hole should be at least 0.5 m. Leave the distance between seedlings from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. A drainage layer of 10-15 cm is poured onto the bottom of each hole. You can use broken brick, expanded clay or sand. Next, the roots of the seedlings are lowered into the hole and filled with soil mixture. The root collar of the seedling should be no deeper than 2 cm or flush with the surface. Next, the soil is compacted and watered abundantly. The final procedure is mulching the tree trunk circle with sawdust or peat.
To stimulate tillering, shoots can be pruned.

Caring for action in open ground

Caring for the action is not at all burdensome; the main rule to follow is to observe moderation.


Deytsia has sufficient drought resistance, so it can easily do without water. long time. However, under such conditions, it is difficult to count on lush, long-lasting flowering. Optimal mode Watering for this crop is once a week. In especially hot, dry weather, the norm is increased to 2 buckets. In case of prolonged rains, the tree trunk circle is covered with waterproof material, because... Stagnation of water is detrimental to action. In mid-August, watering is stopped.

Loosening and mulching.

After rain and each watering, it is very advisable to loosen the soil around the bushes. This is done to saturate the soil with oxygen. At the same time, loosening removes weeds. If loosening in this mode is difficult, you can get out of the situation by mulching the soil. Sawdust, dry peat or tree bark are suitable for this.


All fertilizing is applied exclusively during flowering. Liquid manure dissolved in water is added to each bush. It would be useful to feed the action 1-2 times per season with complex mineral fertilizers or superphosphate.


With the help of pruning, you can easily give the bush correct form. Deutia pruning is carried out twice per season: in spring and autumn. In spring, remove all damaged and broken branches. In addition, shoots that have frozen over the winter are shortened. At the end of flowering, the branches that bloomed are pruned to a young shoot. Shorten by about a quarter. Thus, the bush will begin to branch.

Pest and disease control

We hope that with the help of our recommendations you can easily plant deutsia in your front garden. Now let's talk about such a thing as pests and diseases. Deytsia is very resistant to diseases and pests. In rare cases, the shrub can be affected by a proboscis eating the leaves. A fairly effective measure to combat this pest is to treat the plant with karbofos.

Shelter for the winter

The only problem in growing deutia is proper shelter for the winter. If you do not take care of this in a timely manner, the shoots of the deutia will freeze and it may not bloom. You can use fallen leaves or straw as shelter. They cover the tree trunk circle. Particular attention is paid to young seedlings. You can also use coniferous spruce branches for shelter. Some varieties should be covered more carefully, for example with burlap or spandbond. It is important to remove the covering material in time with the onset of spring, otherwise the root system may die.

Use in landscape design

The action in the photo, thanks to its decorative effect - perfect option for decorating and landscaping your site. But this will happen if you grow it correctly and provide it with proper care. The undoubted advantage of the action is the great variability of its use. Will you plant single shrubs on a green lawn, or create hedge, place it next to conifers or separately from everyone else in tubs, in any case, your action will become the central element that will give blooming splendor, filling your garden with the atmosphere of the East.

In the middle of the last century, Dutch merchant ships first brought seeds to Northern Europe that decorated Japanese gardens, and at the end of the century its Chinese varieties arrived in France.

The sight of the blooming plant captivated absolutely all gardening lovers, and in England, the popularity and demand for the eternal British roses was shaken from their “pedestal.” This - action.

In the photo deutzia is white

Since the beginning of the last century, he began to decorate gardens in the Moscow region, and now, action, photo which often adorns the covers of botanical magazines, not only does not lose its popularity, but, on the contrary, constantly increases it, confidently moving from the West back to the East.

Description and features of the action

Today, gardeners have access to more than 50 varieties of this variety; moreover, work on developing new hybrids does not stop, since it is extremely in demand both in landscape art and in floristry.

Deutia bushes are truly universal, they are beautiful both in carefully selected compositions of landscape parks, since they tolerate pruning very well and keep their shape for a long time, and in the garden, where no one has ever picked up garden shears, since they grow into spreading flowering cascades, creating with their branches shadow.

Many poetic people note that there is nothing more inspiring than lying under the influence and looking through the endless shadows at the sun's rays passing through the branches.

In the photo the action is rough

The variety of available varieties makes this oriental beauty among gardeners desirable in every garden and at any summer cottage. The only difficulty is choosing the most suitable type.

Deutia bushes grow from 50 cm to 4 meters, can be spreading and erect, deciduous and evergreen. They belong to a large family, and just like everyone else in this family, they have both simple flowers and caps of double inflorescences, in almost all colors and shades.

A common feature of all the abundance of forms and types of these shrubs is the absence of odor - this feature makes it ideal for allergy sufferers, because not only do they not smell, they do not attract insects, which often make it simply impossible for many people to spend time in their dachas.

Also among all other plants, it stands out for its early and very long flowering. In the middle zone, already at the beginning of May, the gardens in which deutsia grow are filled with blooms.

Themselves, regardless of their color and whether they are simple or double, are collected in inflorescences and are bisexual. After flowering ends, “boxes” with seeds are formed.

Pictured is the action Magnificent

The same, extremely in appearance graceful action, is distinguished by excellent health, high immunity and longevity - this plant pleases with stable and lush flowering in one place for at least a quarter of a century.

Planting and propagation of action

Landing action carry out in early spring, the hole for the plant must be prepared in accordance with the selected type of shrub, however, there is also General terms:

    open or slightly shaded area;

    the depth of the hole is from 30 to 60 cm; after planting, the root neck of the bush should be open;

    to stimulate the plant adaptation process, liquid manure is added at the rate of 4-5 liters per bush;

    if a composition or a hedge is being made, then the distance between small actions should be from one and a half to two meters.

The plant propagates by both seeds and cuttings. Seeds are usually germinated. Then the plants are grown in boxes for up to a year, and only after that they are planted in the garden.

However, self-seeding occurs quite often, especially in abandoned garden plots, and bushes that grow independently are no less decorative or resilient. Than those who grew up “by the rules.” Such bushes bloom for the first time in the third year of life.

In the photo there is pink deutzia

For propagation, they are cut in the spring; their length should be from 10 to 15 cm. For greater rooting speed, the cut is treated modern means to stimulate the formation of the root system. The cutting can be either immediately planted in the ground or pre-rooted in a peat tub, planting it on permanent place at the end of summer.

Caring for action

As for care, action- the bush is unpretentious, but it needs to be watered. If the weather is hot and dry, then the bush should be watered three times a month, 10–25 liters per plant, depending on its size and weather. Under ordinary, familiar weather conditions for middle zone, the bush drinks 10-12 liters per month.

As for the land, these shrubs prefer fertile loams, that is, fertilized, but without a hint of stagnant water. Water stagnation negatively affects both growth and its decorative effect, that is, the quality of flowering.

Planting action and care in open ground are not difficult, and the bushes tolerate replanting just as well, which makes them stars in landscape design.

In the photo the action is graceful

For replanting, which, as a rule, is carried out before it blooms, you should take into account the length of the roots when digging a hole and create a nutrient medium in it for maximum speed in the survival of the bush.

A mixture of river sand with peat and humus, or mineral sand sold as ready-made mixtures, would be ideal. Both dry ones, which need to be placed at the bottom of the hole, and liquid ones, intended for watering, are suitable.

To provide more lush flowering, the bushes are fed with liquid organic matter once a season, at a rate of 3 to 5 liters per bush. Many gardeners add an additional 100-200 grams of minerals monthly, but this action is completely optional.

As for landscape decoration, bushes are trimmed twice per season:

    in spring, before flowering begins;

    in summer, after flowering has stopped.

Pruning is carried out in accordance with the desired shape for the bush. If necessary, you can trim the crown of a bush at absolutely any time; you are completely calm about it.

In the photo, Deutzia large-leaved

There is no need to cover the bushes for the winter if the frost does not exceed the threshold of 30 degrees. At stable harsh winters When it’s 40 degrees below zero outside, shelter is a must.

Types and varieties of action

Varieties Deutzia bushes there are a lot, but the following are the most popular among gardeners:

Deytsia white. A two-meter hybrid with large snow-white flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, the components of inflorescences up to 12 - 15 cm in length. The lifespan of a bush with stable flowering reaches 40 - 50 years, which is twice the average lifespan of this species, and is a merit of the botanists who bred the variety.

The most popular species not only among our gardeners, but throughout the world. It is these actions that grow near Eiffel Tower and decorate the Tuileries Gardens, they form flowering alleys in the secluded corners of London parks and hang over the narrow canals in Amsterdam.

Deytsia rough. Natural look, growing wild mainly in China. When growing freely, it reaches 2.5 - 3 meters, the shade is soft pink and white with pinkish veins.

Deutzia pink. Hybrid miniature variety, not growing higher than 1.2. With very good branching. The bush is created so that round green balls are formed from it, flashing with delicate pink flowers in the spring. An ideal variety for design.

In the photo is Deutzia Strawberry (Strawberry)

Deytsia Strawberry Fields. Another one hybrid action, created for use in design. It never grows in height over one and a half meters, covered with elegant long semi-double inflorescences, all shades of pink.

It also has a beautiful decorative peeling of the bark, which some use when trimming the bush in the shape of a “poodle”, with partial exposure of the trunk.

Deytsia is magnificent. Extremely winter-hardy hybrid. Representatives of this variety can easily endure winters in Yakutia. At the same time, this bush, first of all, decorative action , As the others.

It grows from 2 to 3 meters, has lush and long trusses of snow-white semi-double inflorescences and ideally decorates any landscape.

One of the favorite plants in the gardens of Norway, Finland and Germany. It is also very actively used by domestic designers when designing sites in Karelia, Kamchatka and Yakutia.

Deutzia Mont Rose. A very interesting hybrid with bright, blazing all shades of pink, from light to deeply saturated lavender, with a border and curling of the petals.

Pictured is Deutzia Mont Rose

The inflorescences are collected in clusters, provocatively sticking up. The variety is most suitable for single planting. Incredibly popular in the landscape of courtyards during the restoration of old houses in Portugal and southern France.

Deytsia Turbilon. Erect stems and cluster-shaped clusters of inflorescences with flowers of white and red shades with clear color boundaries give the shrub a somewhat aggressive and warlike appearance. It grows to a height of 1.8 meters and is ideal for focal points in landscape compositions.

In addition to the garden, the shoots of this particular variety are loved by florists all over the world, and, perhaps, the finest hour of the flowers of this plant in floristry was during its use in the decoration of the Vatican Cathedrals during the election of the last Pope. Also, quite often the inflorescences of this particular plant decorate the cathedrals and chapels of Florence.

Pictured is the action Pom Pom

Deytsia Pom Pom. Or, as this is often called hybrid varietyDeutzia Pink, this is the most decorative bush from the whole family of these. Growing to a height of two meters, this shrub is decorated every spring with incredibly long, cascading cascades of pink inflorescences.

Very often, this particular variety is used to decorate waterfalls, Japanese corners and gazebos in the spirit of fantasy. It was these bushes that decorated most of the location filming in fairy-tale and fantasy films and even appeared in the design of the pavilions for the location filming of one of the episodes of the Star Wars epic.

Diseases and pests

As for health, these shrubs are simply of iron, with regard to absolutely all diseases characteristic of plants. Even stagnation of water in the roots does not lead to rot, but only reduces indicators such as the growth of the bush and the quality of its flowering.

Also, bushes are of no interest to insects. The only ones who decide to eat the foliage during the action are the bumblebee-like proboscis, which is extremely easy to fight, you just need to treat the bush with a solution of karbofos or phthalophos, 10-15%. A one-time treatment is always sufficient.

Pictured is Deutzia Turbilon

Sometimes, gardeners encountering this crop for the first time and focusing on it appearance, they begin to care for the bushes in the same way as for lilac or bird cherry, fearing that the abundance of flowers will attract a large number of pests.

It is completely unnecessary, completely devoid of aroma, bisexual flowers, completely unattractive to insects, and its leaves cause something like digestive disorders in most pests, such as caterpillars. Despite the fact that the bushes tolerate all kinds of preventive treatments well, there is no need for them.

Saplings actions to buy You can find it almost anywhere, from specialized gardening stores and seasonal fairs, to supermarkets and online stores. Prices for seedlings depend not so much on the variety, but on where they are purchased and range from 300 to 700 rubles per piece.

Besides the beautiful decorative properties in the garden landscape, branches with deutia inflorescences can be used as cut flowers, both as independent bouquet compositions and as part of complex floral bouquets; the durability in cut form far exceeds the same qualities of bird cherry.

In the photo there is a hybrid action

Particularly beautiful in vases are the upright shoots with complex multi-colored flowers.However, no matter what variety of shrub is chosen, spring action will be covered in scattering and will forever win the heart of both the gardener himself and everyone who sees it.

Nowadays it is in fashion to plant various exotic plants on his own farm. Breeders develop hybrids that can grow in the most unsuitable climates. Summer cottages often look like botanical gardens, and amateur gardeners continue to look for new “pets”.

A striking representative of the dacha flora is Oriental beauty action.

Brief description and types

Homeland of this flowering bush- China. It was only at the beginning of the nineteenth century that deutzia was brought to Europe by Dutch merchants. As the story goes, the expedition was sponsored by the mayor of Amsterdam, Johann van Deitz. So the action was subsequently named in his honor.

Today there are many varieties of this flowering shrub. They differ in the shape of the flower, and in shades, as well as in their height.

The plant is whimsical, requiring attention, but it is becoming more and more popular from year to year. Difficulties in growing deutia do not stop not only experienced flower growers, but also for beginners.

The height of the deutia varies from a very small height (about 35 centimeters) to a high height of 4 m. The flowers of the deutia are usually white or yellow color, without smell. Pink and burgundy bushes are more exotic. Due to its external similarity, the shrub is often confused with honeysuckle. The deytsia lives for about 25 years.

A wild plant can be found in Japan or China. In all other countries, deutzia is cultivated. Wild deutia has small white-pink inflorescences and rough foliage. The height of the wild species is no more than 2 meters.

Cultivated species:

The most capricious varieties are Deutzia Pink and Turbilon Rouge.

Planting and care

It is recommended to plant deutia at the end of March, before the buds on the trees begin to bloom. When choosing a landing site, protection from the wind should be taken into account. Deytsia loves the sun, so it is important that a minimum of shadow falls on it. Does not tolerate deutzia and high humidity. The soil should be moderately moist and necessarily loose. Loamy, slightly alkaline soil and super sandstone are suitable.

Planting deutia in open ground and caring for this shrub is not particularly difficult. In addition, the plant is little damaged by pests, for which it is valued by gardeners.

Deutzea (Deutzea) from the Hydrangeaceae family grows naturally in the mountainous regions of the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Using the inherent ease of hybridization and the formation of new forms, Victor Lemoine, a French breeder, created many hybrid forms at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Actions were brought to Europe from Japan and China in the 19th century by Dutch merchants and Catholic missionaries. The lifespan of the plant is up to 25 years.

Options for using action in garden design

In garden design, action has not only a decorative meaning, but also a practical one - it can hide the site from prying eyes, protect it from the wind, and hide ugly buildings. The shrub grows quickly and does not require particularly careful care.

  • Deutzia is a silhouette shrub. It can be used as a single plant or in a group with other shrubs. Low-growing forms of deutia are used as a potted crop, for planting in containers, along fences and paths.
  • The traditional use of shrubs is in borders, especially multi-tiered and mixed ones.
  • Deutzia hedges, which do not require shaping, divide the garden into zones. Before planting a hedge, you need to calculate the distance between the bushes - add up the estimated height of two adjacent plants, divide the result by three. The distances between bushes can be temporarily filled with annuals or biennials, ground cover plants, currants. Filler plants are removed as the action grows.
  • Deutzia is used as a drapery plant to hide unsightly objects on the site.

Deytsia: growing features (video)

Deutzia shrub: botanical description of the plant

Perennial shrub with a height of 0.5 to 4-5 m. Flowering begins at an average daily temperature of 15-19º C, Inflorescences are few or many flowering, corymbose, up to 4-7 cm in diameter. Oblong racemose up to 7 cm in diameter. Broad pyramidal up to 8 cm in diameter. Flowers are 1-2 cm in diameter, white, pink, lilac.

Deutzia develops better and blooms earlier if the spring was warm and humid. The total flowering period of numerous varieties of Deutia is 90 days, which allows you to create a garden of continuous flowering on your site. They grow on humus-rich fertile soils. Requires full sun and partial shade.

Main types of action

Deutzia is capable of developing such a mass of flowers that it will completely hide the foliage underneath.

Deutzia pink

An elegant, medium-growing shrub with a foam of pale pink flowers. The hybrid was created using two types - Deutzia purpurea and Deutzia graceful. Medium-sized bush up to 1 m high.

Tall bush up to 2 m in height. Double flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are collected in large inflorescences up to 12 cm long. Flowering time is June-July.

Deytsia graceful

The bush is up to 1 m high and spreads up to 1.5 m wide. Early flowering time is May-June. The leaves are oval, olive in color. The flowers are snow-white, star-shaped, collected in racemes. IN favorable conditions gives annual growth of up to 25 cm in height and up to 30 cm in width.

Deytsia terry

Distributed terry variety D. rough plena (D. scabra plena). It blooms with white flowers on the inside and pink-purple on the outside.

Deytsia hybrid

Garden hybrids not only combine best qualities parental forms, but also superior in abundance and duration of flowering. Variety D. Contraste has purple-lilac flowers.

Popular varieties of deutzia

Deutzia blooms earlier than all the shrubs on the site.

A spreading shrub up to 2 m high, growing up to 1.5 m wide. It blooms in spring with bright pink or lilac flowers with slightly curled petals, forming apical racemes. The leaves are oval, large, dark green in summer, golden in autumn.

Hybrid. Collected in paniculate inflorescences large flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, painted in lilac-pink tones. The bush stretches up to 1.5 m.

Giving growth of 30-40 cm per year, it grows up to 2 m. Solid, raised branches form a spreading crown, like an umbrella. Blooms in summer, in June, with white, pink-tinged, double flowers.

The most stable species for the Moscow region. Medium-sized bush up to 1.5 m high. Blooms in May with flowers of deep Pink colour with white cores.

Winter hardiness of shrubs and rules for preparing for wintering

Deytsia is a relatively winter-hardy crop. Northern winds, lack of snow cover, and fluctuations in low temperatures can lead to damage to the root system, dehydration and drying out of the above-ground parts of the bush. Plants native to the northern parts of their range and the high mountainous regions of Northern China tolerate winter well.

To protect against freezing, dry leaves are raked under the bush in a layer of 20 cm. In the autumn, before all the leaves have fallen, the deutzia is tied with covering material, pinning the lower edge to the ground to avoid drafts. The roots are covered with earth, and then with fallen snow, and covered with straw. Flexible branches of young plants no more than 1 m high are bent to the ground and covered with earth or snow.

Covering with spruce branches for the winter begins in November, when the average air temperature becomes stably negative. Previously, in October, the crowns are tied in a spiral, bent to the ground, tied to pegs. The best covering material is spruce spruce branches. It holds snow well, provides good air exchange, prevents damping off and rotting, and protects the plant from small rodents.

How to root an action (video)

Deytsia: basic rules for planting and care in open ground

Deytsia is not demanding on the soil - it grows wherever water does not stagnate. Seed germination lasts from 1 to 3 years. The plant propagates by sowing seeds, dividing the bush, layering and cuttings.

How to propagate by cuttings

  • In June or September, cuttings 7-15 cm long and 5 mm in diameter are taken from semi-lignified annual shoots. In this case, the cuttings must have at least three buds;
  • the lower cut is made 2-3 mm from the kidney at an angle of 90º;
  • truncated leaves are left in the upper part, leaf blades are removed from the lower half;
  • cuttings are treated with a root stimulant;
  • cuttings are placed in sand at an angle of 30º;
  • spray with a spray bottle several times a day;
  • duration of root formation - about 23 days;
  • Rooted cuttings are planted in a container.

How to propagate by layering

  • select a flexible young shoot, make a 4 cm oblique cut and insert a match into it;
  • place the shoot in a hole 15 cm deep and fill it with peat soil mixture;
  • pin the cuttings to the ground with a twig, tying the end to a peg;
  • leave connected to the parent plant for about 6-12 months until rooting;
  • After rooting, cut it off from the parent plant and replant it in a new place at the same depth.

Planting actions in the ground

  • Prepare a hole 50 ⅹ 50 cm deep;
  • pour drainage - sand in a layer of 10 cm at the bottom;
  • distribute the roots evenly in the hole and cover them with a planting mixture consisting of humus, compost or peat and sand in equal parts;
  • to neutralize acidic soil, add 200 g of slaked lime or wood ash to the pit.

Cuttings can be planted in open ground in October. In this case, the formation of callus and the first roots in cuttings occurs in May of the following year. The younger mother plant, the better the cuttings take root.

After early spring pruning, mineral fertilizers are applied. Feeding with diluted manure (1 kg per 10 l) will improve flowering. I mulch with peat in a 5 cm layer.

Pruning is carried out after flowering or during the dormant period. All branches are cut into two eyes. It is necessary to cut out old unproductive branches and weak liquid shoots. If you are late with pruning, the plant may get sick or miss flowering this year. Pruning under the stump is done for the purpose of rejuvenation. It is done in the spring before the sap begins to flow, or late in the fall.

If there is an old deutzia growing on the site, you should remember that it may not withstand radical pruning. In this case, pruning is carried out in several stages:

  • in the first year, a third of the oldest branches are evenly cut off, leaving stumps of 15 cm and observing whether the young shoots will grow back the next year;
  • a year later, in early spring, before sap flow, another third of the bush is removed, making inclined cuts just above the buds;
  • in the third year, the remaining branches are cut out.

Features of growing plants in the Moscow region

In the temperate continental climate of the Moscow region, deutzia develops well and blooms profusely. The shrub is fed in spring or in the first half of summer. Feeding at a later time is undesirable, as it can lead to late growing season, which will stop the hardening of the plant necessary for wintering.

The plant requires watering during drought - 15 liters for each bush 2-3 times a month, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Early frosts can damage the ends of non-woody shoots with flower buds, which can delay flowering by one year. It is necessary to thin out thickened bushes and carry out pruning correctly. Hilling up and sheltering will help you survive the winter.

Deytsia is characterized by rapid growth. Under favorable conditions, it blooms in the third year after sowing.

Action: care and reproduction (video)

Due to the ability to grow quickly and recover after frost, deutia are widely used in decorative floriculture. In modern green construction, such an ornamental flowering shrub as deutia is a significant component, the use of which increases the effect of a garden or park composition. In addition, deutzia grows well in city conditions - it is resistant to dust, smoke and gases.

has the following description: a genus of deciduous and evergreen, perennial woody plants from the Hydrangeaceae family. There are 50 species, the distribution range of which is Mexico, the Himalayas and East Asia. At the beginning of the 19th century, Dutch merchants brought Himalayan and Japanese species of deutia.

Did you know? Swedish naturalist Carl Thunberg named the plant in honor of one of the mayors of Amsterdam, Johann van Deitz, who sponsored a sea expedition to the East.

The best time to plant action on the site

In the spring, when the soil has thawed, but the buds on the trees have not yet blossomed, you can plant deutia. Late March - early April is best. You can plant seedlings with a closed root system until mid-June.

Choosing a landing site

a light-loving plant that needs a sunny place, protected from piercing winds. Neighboring plants should not shade the garden shrubs, which will tolerate light partial shade created by the crowns large trees. Moderate humidity and diffused light are beneficial for action. Deutia develops best and spends the flowering period on loose, moderately moist, fertile sandy loam and loamy soils with a slightly alkaline soil reaction.

To avoid stagnation of groundwater, soil drainage should be ensured, thanks to which nutrients will be evenly distributed and a moisture regime will be created that promotes the normal development of the root system of the plant. It is necessary to select a deutzia variety suitable for the soil. The least whimsical varieties Pink Deutzia and action Turbilon rouge.

Important! It is very difficult to distinguish one or another type of action without special knowledge; you need to pay attention to the structure of the seed capsule or the structure of the leaf.

How to choose and prepare seedlings before planting

When choosing seedlings, you need to carefully examine the bush, determining the presence of damage on the shoots, the integrity of the buds, the condition of the roots or symptoms of diseases. You should buy seedlings right before planting; if they have to be transported, the roots must be wrapped thick paper. Immediately before planting, cut off broken branches, shorten the roots to 40 cm, and if they are dry, soak them for several hours in a bucket with a clay mash, adding 1 liter of potassium permanganate solution.

Rules for planting young seedlings of deytsia

To plant, you need to dig up landing hole up to 50 cm deep, in order to drain the bottom, you need to pour sand or broken bricks 10 cm layer. Deutzia has its own growing characteristics, and therefore you need to know some subtleties. Gardeners recommend adding 100 g of Nitrophoska to the soil mixture to fill the hole. The root collars of seedlings must not be buried; they must be left at ground level. After planting, compact and mulch the soil with peat.

Caring for action in the garden

The action itself, its cultivation and care in the garden will not require large investments of effort and money.

How often to water

Mature deutia bushes are drought-resistant and do not tolerate excess moisture well; one bucket of water once a week per bush is enough for them. When watering the deutia, it is worth loosening the soil by about 20 cm. In the summer and during the flowering period, you need to increase watering, and stop in early August so that the plant has the opportunity to prepare for winter. Young plants need to be watered abundantly, especially during their active growth. It is worth monitoring the condition of the soil, regularly weeding out weeds near the action, which will interfere with its development.

Mulching the soil

Mulching the tree trunk with fallen leaves and straw is one of the simplest ways. You can also use peat for mulching and insulate small bushes cardboard boxes, boxes or branches of coniferous spruce branches. Cold is very detrimental to young seedlings and deutsia seedlings. At the end of November, at low air temperatures, when the soil freezes to a few centimeters, the bushes need to be tightly covered with a layer of dry foliage or coniferous spruce branches.

When and with what to fertilize

Feeding the plant is done with compost with a glass of ash or fermented liquid manure in the proportion of 1 liter per 10 liters of water. Twice a season, 150 g of complex fertilizers ("Ammophos" or "Nitrophoska") are applied to the bush. The plant should be fertilized during the flowering period and at the beginning of summer, so as not to impair the frost resistance of the plant.

When preparing the area for action, they dig it up, adding manure or peat manure compost (10-15 kg/m2), potassium sulfate and dolomite flour to reduce soil acidity (100-200 g/m2). The structure of heavy clay soil can be improved by adding sand and peat (10-15 kg/m2). Peat soils require the addition of sand and clay; sandy soils require the addition of loam and peat, which has the property of accumulating and retaining water.

The mixtures are thoroughly mixed, the soil is dug up with a shovel or cultivator to a depth of 20-25 cm. After the earthen clods have dried, they are crushed with a rake. If the land on which deutia is going to be planted is cultivated, holes are dug in the spring before planting; heavy soils should be prepared in advance in the fall.

Important! The action has one great feature- she is immune to tobacco smoke and exhaust gases, so it is advisable to plant it along roads and highways.

How to prune action

Pruning of action is carried out in spring and late summer. At the beginning of May, remove the branches that grow inside the crown, damaged and immature in the past year, as well as the tips of the shoots that are frozen. Each branch that fades, after flowering, is pruned to a young shoot, which is also shortened by a third, and subsequently it begins to tiller and lay flower buds. Action may also require a process such as pruning in the fall.

The procedure includes cutting out branches that have thickened the bush, and already old ones. If the bush is more than five years old, it is necessary to get rid of 1-2 of the oldest shoots every 2-3 years, thus rejuvenating the bush.

How to prepare deutia bushes for winter

is a heat-loving plant, and its preparation for winter begins quite early. Harsh winters can deprive a shrub of flowering, killing the previous year's shoots. Young plants should be bent to the ground, the branches should be secured with two sticks crosswise or in small arcs, fallen leaves should be sprinkled on top and a mini-house made of sticks should be built, covering it with lutrasil and polyethylene.

The design will prevent the snow that settles in the spring from having a detrimental effect on the branches: bending them and breaking them. With an adult bush it will be more difficult - it will not be possible to bend it due to the fragility of the thick branches. Adult plants begin to prepare for winter even before the leaves completely fall off, which in the future can become additional protection from the cold.
The branches of the bush are carefully tied together with a rope, the bush is covered with a bag or any dense non-woven material, secured on top with clothespins. This shelter will protect not only from low temperatures, but also from drying out the shoots, since without a bag the flower buds risk drying out.

When and how to transplant deutzia

Deutzia is replanted in the spring. First, they dig up the bush very carefully, trying not to destroy the root ball of earth. To do this, they dig in the plant from all sides along the contour of the crown, then take it out with a lump of earth and move it to a new place.

Before this, 30 g of complex mineral fertilizer is added to the planting hole. The root collar should not go very deep into the ground or rise above it. The action in its new place grows evenly and does not bend; the free space between the lump of earth and the wall of the hole should be filled completely and compacted thoroughly.

After transplanting is completed, the shrub is well watered. When this is done, the plant is watered abundantly. Young plants, unlike adults that can get sick, tolerate replanting normally, quickly settle into a new place and bloom well.

Did you know? Landscape designers should know that deutia can be transplanted next to a lilac bush, the flowering of which will precede the flowering of deutia.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The garden shrub deutia has the advantage of excellent resistance to diseases and pests, but sometimes the plant can be bullied by the bumblebee-like proboscis, which eats the leaves of deutia. You can get rid of it by spraying the bush with a solution of Phtalofos, Karbofos, Decis or Kinmiks.

Methods of propagation

There are several ways to propagate this beautiful shrub.


Deycia can undergo a procedure such as propagation by cuttings only if it has well-developed, leafy, semi-lignified shoots. This happens at the beginning of summer. When cutting cuttings, leaf blades are halved with scissors or pruners. The lower cut is made obliquely, just under the internode, while the upper cut is made above the leaf node. Cut cuttings 12-15 cm long are planted in river sand, which is spread in a five-centimeter layer on the nutrient soil of the greenhouse. Action after planting and the entire period until the root has formed requires special care: It needs to be watered 3 to 7 times depending on the weather.