In a private house      04/17/2019

Homemade camellia: how to breed an oriental beauty at home. Camellia - care and propagation at home

Camellia is evergreen Tea family. The most common type of plant is "Camellia sinensis" Tea is made from its leaves. Most varieties of camellia are used in ornamental gardening.

Did you know? Camellia is also called Japanese rose.

Types of indoor camellia Camellia indoors is a shade-tolerant tall tree or shrub that is almost completely covered with flowers. They have pointed, shiny, dark green leaves. In the sun, camellia leaves sparkle like sunbeams.

Important! Handle the leaves of the plant with care: they are very sharp and can cut you.

These Japanese home flowers are divided into the following varieties:

Mountain camellia. The birthplace of this variety of camellia is considered to be Fr. Okinawa. Shrubs of this species grow up to 5 meters in height. On thin branches there are shoots covered with red hairs. The leaves are about 3 cm wide and reach 7 cm in length. The leaves are elliptical or elongated-ovate in shape, the lower side is slightly pubescent, the upper side is glossy, dark green. Flowers measuring 7 cm have a magical aroma; they grow in 2-3 pieces of pink, white or red. This variety grows well in cool rooms. Blooms profusely from early November to late January.

This species is widespread in Korean and Japanese forests. Japanese camellia shrubs and trees grow up to 15 meters in height. Pointed at the top and jagged at the edges, camellia leaves are dark green in color and leathery to the touch and slightly glossy. The shape resembles an egg or an ellipse. The flowers are 4 cm long and grow both singly and in pairs. The flower color is pink, white or red, and variegated leaves are also found. Usually blooms from December to April. At home it prefers a fresh, slightly cool place.

Chinese camellia. The habitat is the mountain slopes, gorges and forests of China. The height of an adult plant reaches 155 meters. The leaves are 4 cm wide and 10 cm long, ovate and elliptical in shape. Young leaves have a coating of white hairs, older leaves are bare. Chinese camellia loves cool rooms.

Comprehensive care for camellia at home

Camellia needs constant comprehensive care. This will allow it to bloom longer and delight the eye with its beauty.

Correct location and lighting

Camellia is considered a light-loving plant; it would be better to place it on windows with western or southern exposure. During the flowering period, it is recommended not to move the flower pot; it is advisable to initially choose a place for it where it will be permanently located.

Did you know? Mountain camellia tolerates bright sunlight well, while Japanese camellia, on the contrary, prefers shade.

Temperature and humidity

The flower is very sensitive to drafts and reacts poorly to sudden changes in temperature. In winter, the camellia should be on a glazed and insulated loggia, but the temperature should be about 12°C, since more heat air is destructive for these flowers.

Camellia loves moist air. It would be a good idea to place a container of water near the plant. You need to constantly spray the leaves with soft water, but the water should not get on the buds and flowers of the plant, this will lead to the buds falling off and the flowers rotting.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

The soil should be acidic. To achieve the necessary acidity, you need to add soil disintegrants to the soil: pine needles, perlite, finely chopped pine bark; in addition, for good growth Camellia vitally needs drainage in the soil. You can acidify the soil by adding lemon juice, oxalic and citric acid. The soil should be light and airy, this will help avoid stagnation of water. You can buy ready-made peat-based soil; this composition is also used for rhododendrons, azaleas, etc.

In summer time the flower must be watered frequently with settled or filtered water room winter You need to water less often. You need to make sure that the plant does not dry out, but also does not become waterlogged. When the flower buds form, the soil for the camellia needs to be slightly dry.

In the spring, When the first young shoots begin to appear, you need to fertilize the camellia. Complex organic or mineral fertilizers especially for flowering plants. When diluting fertilizers in water, reduce the dosage by half from that indicated on the package. There is no need to feed the flower too often, and if the concentration of feeding is high, the camellia may die. At the end of August, feeding should be stopped, as buds are being laid at this time.

Trimming and forming a camellia crown

It is customary to prune camellia before replanting it, so that the roots of the transplanted flower can independently feed the plant. Camellias are pruned after flowering has finished, before spring growth begins. Most often, it is customary to trim a third of the branches every few years, but if you wish, you can trim 2/3 at once.

In addition, pruning is used to thin out the crown and stimulate bud growth. Thanks to pruning, you can control the density of the flower yourself. The mountain camellia can be pruned without fear, but the reticulated camellia needs to be pruned delicately.

How and when to replant a flower

Young plants need to be replanted frequently; adult flowers are replanted once every 4 years. As a matter of fact, the camellia is not replanted, but literally transferred to a new pot. Camellia pots need wide ones. The transplantation is carried out very carefully, it is important not to damage the root system of the flower. The root collar, which is located between the roots and the trunk of the plant, should not be covered with soil. The flower needs to be replanted after flowering has finished. The first time after transplantation, the flower needs to be sprayed every day.

Methods for propagating indoor camellia

Growing and caring for camellia in a pot begins with proper reproduction plants. There are two ways to propagate camellias:


Propagation by seeds is the most common method. Freshly harvested seeds are sown immediately, since they very quickly lose their “germination”, since they contain very a large number of oils Seeds are sown in a mixture of sand and high peat (1:1). If you increase the temperature to 21°C, the germination rate of seedlings will increase significantly, given that their growth lasts from 2-3 weeks to one year. When two leaves appear on a sprout, the sprouts are transplanted one at a time into pots with a diameter of 10 cm.

Flowers sprouted from seeds grow faster and easily adapt to various unfavorable conditions. Some varieties of camellia can bloom in the third year after sowing.

Important!Typically camellia blooms after 6 years of growth..


Another method of propagating camellias is propagation by cuttings. Let's figure out how to properly plant camellia using cuttings. Cuttings that ripen in the second half of summer are cut with four developed leaves. They should be immediately planted in sand or a mixture of peat soil and sand (1:1). The tip of the cutting is dipped in the phytohormone and they try to ensure maximum burning of the lower soil. After this, you need to wait until the cuttings take root, this takes about two months. For propagation, you need to take adult cuttings - young shoots are not suitable.

Camellia (Camellia) belongs to the Tea family. It grows naturally in Japan, China, Korea, India, Indonesia, Java and Sumatra. Camellia got its name from the name of the Moravian naturalist G.I. Kamelius, who first brought this plant to Europe in the second half of the 18th century. Blooms in winter and in early spring, depending on the type.

What a camellia flower looks like: photo and description of the bush

Camellia as indoor flower- it's a small beautiful one evergreen shrub or small tree with leathery, elliptical leaves. IN garden conditions The minimum height of the shrub is 1.5 m, and the tree can reach 20 m in height. The branched stems very quickly become woody, become bare and instead of their green color they acquire a gray or light brown color. The leaves on the shoots grow alternately, one after another. They are short-petioled and can have an oval or ovoid shape with an elongated end. The surface is smooth, glossy. As you can see in the photo, the leaves of the camellia plant have a rich dark green color and are slightly folded along the raised central vein:

The size of the leaf plate can vary from 3 to 17 cm in length. There is slight pubescence along the veins.

This is a fairly popular plant among gardeners, as camellia flowers usually look very attractive, somewhat reminiscent of roses.

The diameter of the flowers ranges from miniature (6 cm) to large (up to 12-14 cm), red, white or Pink colour, with 5-7 petals. There are camellias with double and variegated flowers. However, they are on the bush for no longer than one month. Most varieties have no smell. The bases of the petals are folded into a tube. They can be arranged in one or several tiers, forming a lush bud. Each individual petal has a round or wide oval shape with a wavy edge. In the description of camellia flowering, a large number of yellow stamens are also highlighted, which are located in the center of each flower. Most of the petals are monochromatic in color, but variegated varieties have also been bred.

You can see in the photo that the camellia looks like an ordinary bush after the petals fall:

However, in their place fruits are formed - dry seed pods, divided into 5 compartments. The seeds that are contained in them quickly lose their germination capacity, since their structure contains peculiar oils.

Variety of camellia flower species and varieties: photos and descriptions of plants

The types of flowers such as camellia have quite a wide variety and differ from each other not only in the color of the inflorescences, but also in size and shape.

Popular types:

Japanese camellia (C. japonica);

Mountain camellia (S. sasanqua) - grows slowly, blooms in late winter - early spring;

Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis).

Many terry varieties have been bred.

Camellia japonica (S. japonica). This type of camellia plant is considered the most decorative among others and is valued by gardeners because of its very beautiful flowers. It is an evergreen shrub that blooms profusely. Its dark green leaves are covered with thin skin.

You can see from the photo that this type of camellia blooms in winter, which especially makes the bright buds stand out against the background of snow. IN room conditions the plant grows up to 1 m in height. Its flowers are double, with a variety of colors.

Camellia "Guilio Nuccio". This is a variety of Japanese camellia, which is distinguished by its rich raspberry-pink color of flowers and not very large sizes. The oval-shaped petals are folded in two rows.

Camellia 'Lady Campbell'. This variety is highly valued due to its high endurance. It can withstand a short drop in temperature to -20°C without consequences. Because of this, it is ideal both as a houseplant and as a garden plant. The size of this shrub can reach no more than 2 m in height. It branches very strongly and forms a rather wide and lush plant. Peony-like flowers can be up to 10 cm in diameter.

Camellia "Japonica Nobilissima". A rather tall bush, which in its natural environment can reach 2 m in height. In indoor conditions, the plant is naturally much lower. This variety blooms from December to January. The snow-white flowers stand out very favorably against the dark green background of the leaves.

Camellia 'Brushfield Yellow'. You can see in the photo that this camellia variety is different unusual flowers with double color - a creamy core surrounded by snow-white petals. This shrub has relatively small sizes– he never reaches a height higher than 1.5 m.

Camellia sinensis (S. sinensis). As you can see from the photo, the description of this camellia differs in many ways from the previous species - it is a tree-like plant, sometimes small in size, which, however, can reach 20 m in height. As you know, this representative is the very Chinese tea tree. Since ancient times, this species has been used exclusively for practical purposes - a special product was prepared from its leaves. medicinal tea. However, now more gardeners are paying attention to lush flowering trees. Large inflorescences of white or yellowish color have a slightly noticeable mesh surface. The leaves of this species can reach sizes up to 14 cm in length and 4 cm in width.

Camellia montana (S. sasanqua). This camellia as a houseplant is quite small in size and looks good indoors. This species has branched, ground shoots covered with smooth green or green bark. Brown. The edges of the leaves are serrated, and their surface is slightly pubescent along the central vein. The plant can form small inflorescences with 3 buds, or it can produce single flowers. The color of flowers can be varied - from red and pink to white. Several have been derived from this species decorative varieties, which are especially resistant to low air temperatures. They develop best in cool rooms.

Camellia hybrida Williams (Camellia x williamsii). This plant is especially popular in Europe. This is due to the ease of cultivation and the bush’s tolerance to climatic conditions of temperate latitudes. A distinctive feature of this camellia is that after the flowers fade, it completely sheds its buds.

Optimal home conditions for growing camellias and plant care video

Growing camellia at home requires not only care, but also providing the plant with optimal conditions environment.

Camellia is a light-loving plant, but exposure to direct sunlight is highly undesirable. The flower will feel best on an eastern or western windowsill. If you place a camellia near a north window, or in the back of the room, it will suffer from a lack of lighting. If the pot with this plant is placed on the windowsill on the south side of the house, then solar time day you need to take care of shading the flower. To ensure that the crown of the bush grows evenly and does not stretch in one direction, you can turn the pot from time to time. However, during flowering, changing the position of the pot is highly not recommended. In response to stress, the plant may shed its buds. As you can see in the video, caring for camellia in the warm season does not require much energy and the flower can be taken out into the fresh air:

However, it is important to ensure there are no drafts or direct sunlight. This plant will feel good in daylight conditions of 12 hours. IN winter time years, when natural light does not last such a long period, it is necessary to place fluorescent lamps near the flower.

In winter, the room temperature should not be higher than 10-12 °C. Drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations should be avoided. When buds appear, the temperature should be increased to 16 -17 ᵒC. The flower feels best at 18 – 20 ᵒC. If the room is too warm, the camellia will begin to drop its buds. Also, flowering may begin earlier than usual, and the quality of the flowers will sharply deteriorate. The flower does not like musty air, so the room must be ventilated from time to time. However, the plant should not be allowed to remain in a draft.

Loose, moisture-permeable soil is best. Substrate - leaf, turf and coniferous soil, peat, sand (2:2:2:1:1). The soil must be acidic.

The plant is suitable for cool, bright rooms and winter gardens.

How to grow a lush camellia bush at home

Many novice flower growers do not know how to properly care for domestic camellia, and make mistakes that can lead to the death of the flower. However, in order for the plant to live long and bloom well, you need to follow just a few simple tips.

The amount of watering depends on the air temperature - the hotter it is, the more water the flower needs. Each time between moistenings, the upper part of the earthen clod, 1–2 cm deep, should have time to dry completely. However, you should not allow the soil to dry out completely, as this will harm the plant and it will begin to shed its leaves. Overmoistening is also extremely undesirable - in this case, the substrate will turn sour and the flowers will fall off and the leaves will become covered with brown spots. It is recommended to water with water at room temperature. The water should be free of lime. In July - August, watering is reduced. Moderate in winter.

When growing and caring for a camellia bush, it is important to provide it with a sufficient level of humidity, since it survives dry conditions extremely hard. To do this, you need to regularly spray the flower. It is best to do this at low light intensity, otherwise burns may appear on the leaves. For this purpose, settled water at room temperature is used. If the camellia is blooming, it is important to ensure that during spraying droplets of water do not fall on the flowers, as this will lead to their rapid withering. You can also increase the air humidity around the plant by placing the pot on a tray with wet pebbles.

Caring for camellia flowers both at home and in the garden involves regular feeding in order to provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients. With the beginning of growth, mineral fertilizers without lime are applied. They need to be diluted at the rate of 1 gram of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. When the buds appear, feeding should be stopped.

In order to grow a lush camellia bush at home, it, like all indoor plants, must be replanted periodically. Considering that with the arrival of spring, most camellia varieties are still in full bloom, replanting is usually carried out at the beginning of winter. This must be done every 2 - 3 years for adult plants and every year for young ones. You need to choose a pot a few centimeters larger than the previous one. The root system of this plant is very fragile and can be easily damaged during transplantation. Therefore, they do not completely get rid of the old earthen coma, since after this the flower will hurt for a very long time. The best option will only get rid of a small part of the old soil and simply transfer the plant to a new pot. It is necessary to put a thick layer of drainage at the bottom, which will not allow excess moisture to stagnate in the soil. For this purpose, expanded clay or broken brick. After transshipment, the empty space remaining between the walls and the old earthen lump is filled with fresh substrate. The root collar of the plant must be placed on the surface of the soil. Care after planting a camellia is slightly different from usual - at first you need to water the plant quite rarely and very carefully.

Theoretically, this plant does not need pruning, but this procedure can be carried out to make the flower decorative. If you want to get a profusely flowering bush with a large crown, you can cut off the shoots a little, which will then branch much better. This procedure must be carried out after the camellia blooms. If there are too many flowers on the bush, the plant may get sick, since it takes a lot of effort to form them. In this case, it is better to cut off the excess buds, leaving about 3 flowers on one shoot.

If the pot is constantly moved, the plant may drop its buds.

Reproduction of camellia flowers: how to root cuttings

Reproduction of a flower such as camellia is carried out using seeds and apical cuttings, which take root easily. Seeds are used quite rarely.

Camellia propagation using cuttings can be carried out in the summer season - July-June, as well as in the winter, but it is worth remembering that in this case the development of the plant will last a little longer. To obtain cuttings, it is necessary to cut off several shoots from the apical branches. Stems that have already formed bark are best suited, but green ones can also be used. In order to root camellia, you need to place the cuttings as quickly as possible in pots with sandy-peaty soil or perlite. After this, the shoots are covered plastic bag or a jar, which will help maintain high humidity. Containers should be placed in a bright room with a temperature of 20 – 25 °C. From time to time it is necessary to ventilate the cuttings by spraying and watering them. In order for the root system to fully form, 1.5 - 2 months must pass. After this, you can remove the cover from the plant.

Growing camellia: how to plant seeds correctly to grow a beautiful bush

To grow beautiful bush camellia using seeds, you need to select the plant variety as carefully as possible, since such propagation will ensure the successful production of decorative specimens of not all varieties.

It is necessary to plant camellia seeds as soon as they are fully ripe and suitable for sowing. To do this you need to place them in disposable cups with loose garden soil and cover with glass or polyethylene. Containers must be placed in a well-lit place with a temperature of 20 – 23°C. The substrate is constantly sprayed with settled water. It would be correct to plant the camellia in a new pot after 2 full leaves have appeared on the plant.

At home, growing camellia using seeds is not recommended, since this method is usually used exclusively for breeding purposes.

Treatment of camellia diseases and how to get rid of pests (with photo)

As you know, camellia diseases are most often caused by errors in care, and each symptom can indicate what exactly the plant lacks.

If the flower begins to fade, the leaves become covered with brown spots, and the buds fall off, then most likely the reason for this is rotting of the root system. This can also be detected during transplantation. Roots begin to rot when the soil becomes waterlogged and the moisture turns sour. Excessive watering can have a particularly detrimental effect at low air temperatures.

As can be seen in the photo, to treat this camellia disease, the plant must be transplanted into new soil, which allows air and moisture to pass through well, while removing all damaged areas. After transplanting, you need to leave the flower alone for several days. There is no need to water it during this time - you can get by by simply spraying the leaves. Many inexperienced gardeners try to save a rotting camellia by reducing watering, but you should immediately warn that this method works quite rarely, and only if the damage is still very weak.

If the plant generally feels good, but brown spots begin to appear on the leaves, then the camellia is most likely to have sunburn. In this case, you need to take care of shading the flower from direct sunlight. Burns can also occur when foliage is sprayed at lunchtime.

At the same time, brown spots indicate the appearance of a disease such as phyllosticosis. It appears if the air humidity in the room with the camellia is too high. In order to get rid of of this disease, it is necessary to treat the foliage with copper sulfate. Damaged areas of the plant are removed. After this, it is important to take care of restoring the normal microclimate in the room.

It happens that camellia suddenly begins to shed its leaves. This can happen as a result of prolonged drying out of the earthen coma. This can be corrected by carefully resuming proper watering.

If grayish spots appear on the plant, then most likely the cause is a disease such as oidium. You can get rid of it by using sulfur or fungicidal drugs.

If symptoms such as black-gray spots on the leaves and brownish spots on the petals appear at the same time, followed by falling flowers, then the problem lies in the appearance of some fungal diseases. In order to cure a flower, you can use funginicides, but this will only help with a low degree of damage. Otherwise, it is better to throw away the flower, as the disease can spread to other plants.

Due to dry indoor air or frequent movement, camellia sheds its buds.

Many camellia diseases are caused, which can usually be detected even with the naked eye. For example, if a white coating appears on the stems and leaves of a flower, then this is mealybug. Clearly visible large areas of white accumulations should be wiped with a cloth soaked in soapy solution. Hard-to-reach ones can be obtained with gauze soaked in alcohol and wrapped on a stick. In case of severe damage, the flower must be treated with karbofos several times.

One of the common pests found on camellias is aphids, which cause the plant's leaves to curl and become covered with yellow spots. For treatment it is necessary to treat the bush special aerosols. However, they only destroy adult insects, so the procedure must be repeated several times every 2 to 3 days.

In dry air conditions, it can settle on a flower. spider mite. It is easy to detect - with the help of accumulations of white cobwebs on the leaves and shoots. The bright red mite itself is also a very noticeable insect. To get rid of this pest, you can treat the plant oil emulsions, or chemical aerosols.

Camellia - evergreen flowering plant from the Tea family. It is mainly found in the subtropics of Eurasia and North America, but can also be cultivated as a houseplant or greenhouse plant throughout the world. Camellia is used in decorative purposes, and also has medicinal properties. The leaves of some species serve as raw materials for tea. Many gardeners are afraid to grow the plant because of its capricious nature, but it is enough to learn a few care features to avoid problems and enjoy it. amazing flowers.

Description of the plant

Camellia – perennial shrub or tree 2-20 m in height. The stems branch from the base and quickly become woody. Young green shoots are pubescent. Over time, they become naked and acquire a gray or light brown color.

The branches of this evergreen plant bear alternate, short-petioled leaves of an oval or ovoid shape. They have smooth or finely serrated edges and a pointed, elongated end. The monochromatic dark green leaves fold slightly along the raised central vein. Each node can contain 1-3 leaves. The length of the shiny leaf blade, pubescent along the veins, is 3-17 cm.

Camellia blooms in November-December and can last until the end of winter. An individual flower lives up to 1 month. Large single flowers are located on straight stalks. Their diameter is 1-12 cm. The bases of the petals grow together into a short tube. The petals themselves are arranged in 1 or several tiers. They have a broad oval or round shape with a wavy edge. The center of the flower consists of a lush bunch of numerous yellow stamens with large anthers. Flowers do not emit a scent. Their colors are dominated by white, red, pink and yellow. Petals can be plain or variegated.

After pollination, the fruits ripen - dry capsules, divided into 5 compartments. Inside them are quite large angular seeds. They quickly lose their viability due to their high oil content.

Types of camellia

The international classification of camellia includes more than 250 species.

The most common plant among gardeners is in the form of a spreading shrub or tree 1.5-6 m high. The stems are covered with smooth grayish bark. During the flowering period, a lot of flowers appear, located between the leathery dark green leaves. Flowering begins in November-May. In Eastern medicine, the species is used to combat cancer. Varieties:

  • Alba - white camellia with simple flowers;
  • Winter rose – large double buds white or pinkish.

The variety serves as raw material for making tea. It is a bush or tree up to 10 m in height with spreading branches. Leathery dark green leaves grow 5-7 cm in length. Fragrant single flowers in the leaf axils consist of a five-membered calyx and a simple corolla with a diameter of 25-30 mm. Flower color is creamy yellow or white.

A lignified shrub 2.5-3 m high consists of branched, ground shoots. The annual growth is covered with light pubescence. Gradually it is replaced by brown-green or brown smooth bark. The regular, short-petioled foliage is dark green in color, has serrated edges and is pubescent along the central vein. Large sessile flowers are arranged singly or in groups of up to 3 buds. Their color is dominated by pink and red, but white flowers are also found. The plant is used as an oilseed crop. Several decorative designs have been obtained based on this species. garden varieties, resistant to frost, and therefore suitable for growing in temperate climates. The most famous varieties:

  • Bicolor - there is a wide pink border along the edge of the petals, and the bases are white;
  • Chansonier - double soft pink flowers;
  • Cleopatra - simple corollas with elongated pink petals.


Camellia is usually propagated by cuttings. To do this, in the summer (June-July) young shoots are cut from the tops of the branches. It is better to take ripened stems with olive bark, but younger, bright green ones are also suitable. Immediately after cutting, the cuttings are distributed into pots with sandy peat soil or perlite. They are covered with a bag to maintain high humidity, regularly ventilated and sprayed. The greenhouse should be kept in diffused light and at a temperature of +20…+25°C. A full-fledged rhizome is formed in 1.5-2 months. After this, the cover is removed. You can carry out cuttings in January, but then the rooting process will take longer.

Seed propagation of camellias is sometimes practiced, although it is not suitable for highly decorative varieties and is more often used in breeding work. Soon after collecting the seeds, they are planted in disposable cups or peat pots with loose garden soil. During germination, the temperature should be +20…+23°C. The soil is regularly sprayed. Seedlings with 2 true leaves dive into a larger container.

For poorly rooted varieties, the grafting method is used. The procedure is carried out in January. A developed shoot with 2-3 buds is attached to the species rootstock. The plant is kept at a temperature of +18…+20°C. It needs to be regularly watered and sprayed, and also shaded from direct sunlight. The engraftment process takes 2 months.

Home care

For the elegant, but sometimes capricious camellia, it is important to create an optimal habitat.

Lighting. The plant needs long daylight hours and bright but diffuse lighting. The Japanese variety is also suitable for shady rooms. Direct sunlight quickly damages the leaves, so the crown is shaded.

Temperature. In spring and summer, camellia forms flower buds, so it needs a temperature of +20...+25°C. Throughout the year, a hotter climate will not benefit the flower. From mid-autumn the temperature is gradually reduced to +10…+12°C. You can keep the plant even on an unheated loggia. It can withstand frosts down to -10°C. In the summer, it is advisable to take indoor camellias out into the fresh air (balcony, veranda, garden).

Humidity. Camellias live in the tropics and subtropics, so high air humidity is vital for them. Flowers are sprayed several times a day, and in winter heating season use humidifiers. It should be remembered that drops on flowers lead to rapid fading of the flowers.

Watering. The higher the air temperature, the more abundant the watering should be. Since autumn it has been gradually reduced. The soil should dry out by 1-2 cm, no more. Stagnation of water in the pan is not allowed. The liquid should be soft and well purified. Usually used rainwater or one that was defended for at least 3 days.

Fertilizer. From the beginning of active growth (April-May) until the end of July, camellia is fed twice a month with mineral complexes for indoor flowers. From August all fertilizing stops, which is a signal for the formation of buds.

Transfer. Since camellia is still in full bloom in the spring, it is transplanted at the beginning of winter. The roots are easily damaged, so they use the method of transferring them to a larger pot. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 years. A thick layer of drainage material must be poured onto the bottom. The root collar is placed on the soil surface. The soil must be sufficiently loose, water- and breathable. It is imperative that the soil be acidic or slightly acidic. You can make up your own mixture for planting from the following components:

  • leaf soil (2 parts);
  • coniferous land (2 parts);
  • high peat (2 parts);
  • vermiculite (2 parts);
  • sand (1 part);
  • bark coniferous trees(0.5 parts).

Trimming. Periodically, the camellia can be cut, giving it the desired shape. This should be done at the end of the flowering period. If too many flowers are formed at the budding stage, the plant may get sick. Because of this, some of the buds are removed, leaving 2-3 flowers on the shoot.

Growing in the garden

In the south of Russia, along the Black Sea coast and in the Caucasus, camellia is successfully grown in the garden. Bushes with a dense crown or low trees with bright flowers blooming between dense dark green leaves look very decorative. Appeared in last years hybrid varieties allow the plant to be grown in open ground in regions where winter temperatures do not drop below -20°C. Moreover garden plants have a more flexible character.

Camellia is planted in partial shade, in a place protected from drafts. You can plant it under tall deciduous trees with an openwork crown and deep-lying rhizomes, as well as near a fence or wall of a house. They will provide protection from the midday sun. You cannot choose a place in deep shade, as there will be no flowers at all.

The soil must be loose and fertile. When planting, it is important not to bury the root collar. It is placed flush with the soil.

The camellia will need to be watered regularly to keep the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged. Watering continues further in winter at positive temperatures.

In May-July, mineral fertilizer is applied monthly, intended specifically for camellia (full dose) or rhododendron (half dose).

In autumn, the soil near the trunk is mulched with fallen leaves and chopped bark, and then covered with spruce branches. If frosts rarely occur in winter, then additional shelter is not needed. In more northern regions, the base of the trunk is covered with non-woven material. At night, the crown with flowers is also covered with lutrasil.

An evergreen representative of the Tea family is a welcome guest in the home of any gardener. The bright flowers and dense, glossy foliage are often compared to the queen of the garden. For this reason, the native of the Japanese islands received its second name - Japanese rose.

Camellia prefers partial shade, regular but moderate watering and spraying.

The elegantly shaped buds can be painted in white, pink, red and their many shades. Reaches a height of up to 110-140 cm. You can achieve continuous flowering by creating for the plant favorable conditions. This capricious beauty requires a lot of attention and considerable effort from the owner.

Growing and care

Location, lighting and temperature

The best place is a greenhouse or winter garden. If there are no such conditions, then a glazed balcony or windows facing east or west will be a replacement. Direct sunlight and drafts are prohibited. For young specimens this causes more harm. With the onset of warmth, you can take a vacation: fresh air with shading has a positive effect on growth. The required daylight hours are at least 12 hours. From November to March, a phytolamp will come to the rescue.

The plant does not belong to the heat-loving representatives of the flora. Different periods require different conditions. If the buds begin to form, then they provide indicators of 5-6 degrees. Buds bloom best at 9-11 degrees. The dormant period is unconventional for indoor plants - it is 20-25. In the fall, hibernation begins. In order for the beauty to please you with new shoots in the spring, it is important to maintain the thermometer at +15.

Humidity and watering

Dry air brings the greatest discomfort during the heating season. A pallet with expanded clay or sphagnum saves the situation. In summer, it is enough to spray the plant with a spray bottle.. Enterprising gardeners often use electric humidifiers.

It loves moderate and regular watering. Only settled water at room temperature is used. Moisture should be evenly distributed over the substrate. Over-watering or drying out has a negative impact on health. 10 minutes after watering, drain all excess liquid from the pan. The next “drink” is required after the top layer of soil has dried. Restriction is necessary in the summer, when flowers are laid. Systematic spraying will help maintain the necessary microclimate.

In winter, to avoid root rotting, water very rarely. Approximately once every 7-10 days.

Choosing the optimal pot size

A wide flowerpot with many through drainage holes will do. Choose a heavy one so that an adult Japanese rose does not tip over.

Soil and fertilizers

The most commonly used is sour. You can prepare it yourself from the following ingredients:

  • peat, leaf and coniferous soil (2 shares each);
  • sand and crushed bark (1 part each).

Purchased at a flower market substrate for flowering indoor plants. It is better to give preference to a composition with perlite or vermiculite, peat.

Does not really need additional nutrition (fertilizers). The need for it arises in the process of active growth and bud formation. It is enough to add mineral complexes from the beginning of spring to the end of the summer quarter, with an interval of 14 days. With the onset of autumn, fertilizing is not required. After the beauty has finished blooming, it is advisable to add organic matter.

Pruning and flowering

Pruning is done before changing the “place of residence”. Favorable time- after flowering and before it begins active growth in the spring. Getting rid of excess parts helps the exotic “feed” itself. Those shoots that appeared this year are used as planting material. If the specimen is adult, then it is enough to carry out molding once every 2 years. It is permissible to cut by one third.

It should be treated with respect during the flowering period. Under no circumstances should you move the pot, or even rotate it around its axis. It lasts quite a long time: November-April (Japanese) or September-January (Sazanka). As soon as it ends, the frequency of watering decreases. This stimulates the formation of young buds and prevents the formation of new foliage.

Pests and diseases

Yellow spot

Yellow spot

Appearance of spots irregular shape yellow or light yellow color is an alarming sign. The disease occurs for several reasons: genetic predisposition or virus. Its main danger is the high probability of infecting all green “neighbors”. At the slightest suspicion, the plant is removed.

The best preventive measure is a careful, even scrupulous selection of queen cells.

This fungal infection spreads due to excessive moisture or damaged fragments. Symptoms: brown or brown spots with jagged edges. Treatment: remove infected fragments, reduce humidity. This will help the foliage dry out. After fighting such a nuisance, the camellia will have a difficult winter.

Treatment with such special preparations as copper sulfate, saporol and Bordeaux mixture.

Their target is young shoots. Brown with a golden tint or white tubercles are a sure sign of an uninvited guest. Remove them mechanically- manually. Pry with a fork and wipe with a napkin soaked in soapy water.

If the colony is small, then wipe the surface with kerasin. But, if the owner paid attention to the pet too late, then only chemical treatments insecticide.

Reproduction and transplantation

Transplanting at home is not difficult, but there are some subtleties that you need to know. The oxidized soil is diluted with humus and poured on top of the drainage layer. The latter makes up at least one quarter of the total mass. You should avoid calcareous or saline soil. Calcium oversaturation leads to leaf drop.

Before transferring the seedling, the soil is moistened. The earthen ball is not deepened too deeply (if this is a pot change).


The simplest and effective method. Thanks to him, in 2 years you will see the first flowering. Semi-lignified shoots are suitable for propagation. The favorable period for the procedure is from April to June. The shoot should turn brown and the growth bud should develop well. Rooting occurs quite quickly. Just 3 months in water or a mixture of sand and peat, and a young Japanese rose is ready to be transplanted into a full-fledged pot.

Favorable conditions for the formation of the root system: constantly moist soil, air temperature 22-23 degrees, diffused soft light.


In this case, you will have to wait much longer for the buds to appear. At least 5, and sometimes 8 years. Ready in mid-autumn planting material. Soil composition: sand and peat in equal parts. Sow shallowly (0.5-1 cm). To create greenhouse conditions, cover with film. Periodically it is removed, sprayed and ventilated. Optimal temperature+21. Lighting is low, shading is used. You have to wait longer for seedlings than in the previous method, but they are stronger and healthier.

Seedlings appear after 2 months. As soon as the first 3 leaves grow, you can dive into separate cups. In order for them to finally get stronger and be ready to move into a permanent container, it takes from 1 to 1.5 months.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

Immediately check with the seller the age of the seedling you like. If it is less than 4 years old, then do not agree to purchase. The shoots by this time are powerful and woody. Refuse to purchase if the bush has spots, stripes, cobwebs or dry ends. This plant is diseased or infested with insects.

After purchasing a new pet, it is kept at rest for 2 weeks: in a cool room with a minimum of sunlight.

The most popular types and varieties

The brightest and most sought-after representatives:

  • Japanese. Reaches from 10 to 15 meters in height. This tree has ovate leaves and double or semi-double flowers. Various colors: white, cream, pink, red.
  • mountain. The maximum growth of the bush is 4 meters. The flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter. The branches are thin with an unusual reddish pubescence. Blooms profusely from late autumn to mid-winter.
  • Chinese. The same applies to tall species. The buds are single or formed in groups of 2-4 in the axils of the leaves. The color is most often soft pink.
  • mesh. Most close-up view. It happens up to 21 meters. The flowers are just as big: about 16 cm in diameter.

Camellia is a large shrub or tree, if it grows in open ground, endowed with a porous crown reaching more than 2 meters. Not all gardeners will be able to grow a flower at home, since the bush, which blooms in winter, does not take root very readily in indoor conditions.

Nevertheless, the wayward charmer is extremely popular thanks to its exotic flowers and the presence useful qualities, which are applicable both decorative elements interiors, and practical and useful.

blooming camellia

Belongs to evergreen, ornamental flowering shrubs from the Theaceae family. In the natural environment, most of the varieties are found in regions where tropical and subtropical climates predominate. So you can find blooming camellia in Southeast and Central Asia, Indochina, Japan, the Philippine Islands and the island of Java.

Nowadays, there are about 250 species of this amazing tree. One of the most famous varieties is the Chinese camellia or tea bush, thanks to the foliage of which the original variety of tea is produced. Some of the varieties are grown only indoors or for decorating certain areas.
It is very popular as it blooms for a long time in winter.

Characteristics and description of Camellia

Camellia is a flower that can be either a shrub or a tree. The height reaches from 2 to 20 meters. Endowed with simple elliptical or broadly ovate and oblong-ovate leathery leaves.

camellia bonsai

The glossy leaves, located in several pieces on short petioles, can be either pointed or blunt. Their length, depending on the variety, varies from 3 to 17 cm.

In their circumference, single flowers vary from 1 to 10 cm. The petals fused at the base are colored pink, red, white or variegated, and are also decorated with many stamens. The tree begins to bloom with the onset of cold weather, if the air temperature does not exceed +12 degrees.

You can enjoy bright colors for 1 to 3 months. After they wither, fruits are formed, which are a dry box with five compartments, in which no more than 8 seedlings are formed.

Some of the varieties are valued by gardeners due to their evergreen crown and flowers that bloom with cold weather. They decorate rooms and parks, giving them rich green shades.

Using the foliage of the hybrid Japanese-Chinese eugenolic camellia, they create essential oil, which contains 97% eugenol.

What types of flower are found?

Only a few species of cameli are grown at home. Among them:

  • Mountain Camellia sasanqua - Camellia sasanqua

Sazanka variety

The Japanese call this species very beautifully and poetically - the flower of the winter sun, as it grows on the mountain slopes of the islands of Kushu and Okinawa, which are well lit sun rays.

The height of the bush varies from 3 to 5 meters. Deep green ovate or elliptical leaves, the upper part of which is shiny and the lower part pubescent, grow from 3 to 7 cm.

The circumference of red, pink and snow-white simple flowers can reach up to 7 cm. Both single flowers and several flowers can bloom on the bush. Abundant flowering on personal plots starts in November and lasts until February.

The most mega popular decorative varieties:

  • Bicolor
  • Bonanza
  • Cleopatra
  • White double
  • Enishi
  • Chinese camellia - Camellia sinensis

tea tree

This variety is also commonly called tea bush or Camellia bohea. But the most popular “name” is tea tree, since its leaves produce black and green tea. Young bai-kho greenery is used to make bai-kho tea.

The bush contains lovely fragrant inflorescences, which are excellent aromatic additives with an exotic taste for teas. They originate in the tropical and subtropical forests of Indochina. On the territory of Russia, this species can be found in the Krasnodar Territory. It is grown quite rarely indoors.

On a small evergreen tree, no more than 10 meters high, fragrant single buds bloom, which can also be combined into inflorescences of 2-4 pieces. White flowers consist of petals, sometimes with a yellow-pink tint, the number of which can vary from 5 to 9. Flowering begins in August and lasts until late autumn. The fruits are formed from October to December.

  • Japanese - Camellia japonica

IN folk medicine Chinese varieties of Camellia japonica are used as an anti-cancer medicine. The flowers tone the body and have astringent properties.

The Japanese camellia flower is grown quite often at home and is incredibly popular among professional gardeners.

indoor camellia

After all, it was on its basis that many indoor flower hybrids were bred. In Japan, the variety is no less famous than the magnificent sakura.

There are simple, double, semi-double, symmetrical and unevenly double inflorescences, in white, pink and bright red shades. In addition, there are hybrid varieties whose petals are decorated with specks, dashes or streaks.

The spherical flowers have a lot of similarities with a rose, peony or anemone, only the aroma emanating from them, of course, is absent. They are formed in the leaf axils and are located throughout the crown of the bush. All flowers do not fade for a whole month. You can enjoy the flowering from the beginning of November until the end of spring.

As a rule, this species is planted in pots, tubs and open ground. It feels great indoors, but the temperature where it grows should be no more than 12 degrees. Specimens grown in greenhouses form fruits.

Common indoor varieties:

  1. Hippolight Toby
  2. Japanese Tsubaki
  3. camellia japonica Nagasaki
  4. Lady Campbell
  5. Empress

Video of indoor camellia variety:

In addition to the already known species, you can also find:

  • Saulenskaya - Camellia saluenensis

Thanks to this type, frost-resistant varieties, which can be grown in completely open ground or in a greenhouse. The free-branching shrub reaches up to 1.5 in height and the same in width. Flowering begins in the last months of winter and continues until spring.

The color of camellia is snow-white or deep red, and sometimes you can see a burgundy flower. The diameter in circumference reaches 8 cm. It is one of the unpretentious garden varieties. It differs from other representatives in that it independently drops flowers from the bush. Thanks to this ability, the shrub always looks neat and tidy.

  • Camellia oleifera - Camellia oleifera

Distributed in forests and on the river banks of China, at an altitude of 500 to 1200 meters above sea level. It is often bred on an industrial scale for its seeds, which are saturated with beneficial essential oil.

Camellia oil acts as:

  1. Antiseptic
  2. Tones
  3. Local anesthetic

The height of this evergreen shrub reaches about 10 meters. The trunk reaches 20 cm in circumference and is decorated with brown bark. The regular, leathery, petiolate foliage is ovoid in shape with slightly pointed or blunt tips. Snow-white flowers can be either bisexual single or paired axillary. They form in September, and their flowering lasts until the second half of October. It bears fruit in large capsules, in which many round seeds appear, about 3 cm long.

  • Reticulated - Camellia reticulata

The height of the tree reaches 20 m. In China Buddhist monks decorate their gardens with rich red double flowers. It is characterized by rather large inflorescences, the circumference of which exceeds 20 cm.

The bush is strewn with an endless number of pink, white and red blossoming buds, in which all the colors are mixed together in bizarre transitions and unusually shimmering under the sun's rays. Thanks to this feature, gardeners call them chimeras.

  • Golden-flowered camellia - Camellia chrysantha

It differs from other varieties in its bright yellow opening buds, the number of which on one bush can reach up to 200 pieces. It is protected by law in China and is listed in the local Red Book.. It can be found in its natural environment in the hard-to-reach forests of Vietnam or China.

Camellia flower care and cultivation at home

how to care

Growing a plant indoors is quite difficult. The fact is that the camellia bush prefers to grow at temperatures not lower than +5 degrees and not higher than +10, and also practically does not hibernate. Maintaining such a temperature indoors is not easy, which is why growing it in an apartment causes a lot of trouble.

Important to remember! If you do not have a glazed loggia, balcony, winter garden or terraces, you are unlikely to be able to see flowering, since the shrub begins to bloom its buds with the onset of cold weather, and foliage forms only in the spring.

In order to enjoy flowering in your apartment, you have to create some special conditions for its successful growth.

Temperature regime for indoor camellia

The first thing to take care of is creating a suitable temperature. In order for the buds to emerge and actively develop, the camellia will need only 12 hours of exposure to the sun. But at this moment you should take your time Special attention temperature:

  • Its limits should be about 8-15 degrees. If it falls a little lower, flowering will most likely not occur.
  • If you provide the shrub with less than 12 hours of daylight, be sure to reduce the room temperature to 8-10 degrees.
  • Flowering begins in December and lasts until February and during this time you should maintain the temperature in the room no higher than 10 degrees, but it should not drop below 8°C.

If the air in the room is too warm, the bush will begin to drop buds or they will open much earlier, which will affect the quality of the flowers.

Сamelia: what kind of lighting does it prefer?

What should the soil moisture be and how to water it correctly

At the moment of bud formation, as well as when camellia flowers bloom, it must be watered with well-settled water.

how to water camellia

As soon as you see that the top earthen ball has dried out, be sure to water the plant. But remember that under no circumstances should the water be allowed to stagnate. When the tree is dormant, it is necessary to water it moderately.

  • Prefers to receive acidified citric acid, fresh lemon juice and vinegar water.
  • If the tree does not receive enough moisture, it will begin to shed its leaves.
  • If you water the shrub too often, its foliage will turn brown and the buds will fall off.

To increase humidity in the summer, spray twice a day, humidify the air by spraying the plant and adding water to the pan. You need to place the container with the bush in moistened coarse river sand, gravel, pebbles or moss. During the flowering period, be especially careful when spraying, as water should not touch the flowers. If you want the tree to develop well, be sure to install a humidifier.

What fertilizer to use

At the moment of the growing season, which occurs in spring period you need to start fertilizing regularly. Feed the tree no more than 2-3 times a month, using mineral or organic fertilizers for this purpose. They stop feeding it completely by the end of summer, which allows it to set buds and release buds.

What should the soil composition be?

Camellia care at home is not easy, because it needs special lighting and temperature regime. In addition, special attention should be paid to the soil in which you will plant the tree. In order to feel good in apartment conditions, it should be placed in loose, nutritious soil that easily allows water and oxygen to pass through. The acidity level should be equal to pH 4.0-5.5 units.

Juliet variety

It is possible to prepare the soil yourself using:

  1. 1 share of leaf soil
  2. 1 share of perlite
  3. 2 shares of coniferous land
  4. 2 shares of high peat
  5. 0.3 parts of conifer bark
  6. 0.3 shares of sand, which will make the soil loose

If you cannot prepare the soil, then purchase a suitable substrate from a specialized store, suitable, for example, for indoor azaleas.

First of all, a drainage layer is poured into the pot, which is covered with a thin layer of soil, on which the tree should be placed, straightening its root system. Fill the container with the rest of the substrate and lightly compact it with your hand.

Do not bury the root collar under any circumstances. This should also be monitored when mulching with sawdust, shavings or crushed bark.

How and when pruning and pinching is done

One of the important procedures that should definitely be carried out is tree pruning. In addition to removing damaged, dried and weak branches, you definitely need to shape its crown. If you do not do this, the shape will be lost, the bush will become too large, and you will no longer be able to grow it in the house.

This procedure is carried out when the flowers begin to fade one by one and new buds do not form on the bush. Based on the chosen camellia variety, its shoots are sometimes cut off almost in half. Large sections are processed using garden varnish.

Experienced gardeners, using pruning, manage to create small bonsai trees or standard specimens. Thanks to pinching and pruning, branching becomes more active, which allows the bush to bloom much more and more beautifully.

Follow this unusual plant It’s not easy, because camellia flower care at home, a photo showing all its beauty, requires special attention.

Important! Be sure to pinch the buds, leaving no more than 2 on each stem. This procedure will allow you to provide the bush with large flowers that will delight you for a long time.

How to transplant

When the bush is between 1 and 3 years old, it needs to be replanted annually. Adult specimens need to be replanted once every 2 years. The procedure is carried out in spring and summer, when flowering has already completed. At the same time, you need to pinch the top to allow the shape of a tree to form. It is constantly necessary to add soil to the tubs and pots, which is mixed in advance with complex fertilizers.

Reproduction methods

You already know that camellia garden planting and care, which is not easy, is a rather capricious plant in terms of demands. Now you should find out how you can propagate this incredible tree.

There are several ways to propagate camellia:

  • Cuttings

It is the most common method of reproduction.

Typically, this method is practiced in January, July or August. To form a root system, summer cuttings need only a month, which cannot be said about January seedlings, since they will need more than one month for this process.

  1. To obtain cuttings, you need to take special care to cut off the top young shoots that have formed in the current season. Their length should be about 6-8 cm. Don't forget to leave about 5 leaves on them. Under the axillary bud, make an oblique cut.
  2. Seedlings must be planted in special boxes into which a mixture of peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio is poured in advance.
  3. The box is placed in a lighted room in which the temperature is maintained at least +20+23 degrees.
  4. Be sure to water and spray the cuttings.
  5. After the roots have fully formed, transplant the plant into a pot with a diameter of about 8 cm.
  • Seminal

This method is also often used by flower growers. You need to sow 1 seedling in small pots. As soon as two full leaves appear on the sprouted sprout, transplant it into a larger container. Camellia sinensis tea is grown from seeds in the same way as other varieties.

  • Graft

There are varieties that take root with difficulty. In such situations, they are grafted onto the apical bud. The rootstock in this case is tea tree or other slightly demanding varieties of indoor camellia. After grafting, the room temperature must be maintained at least +20 degrees. Excess shoots that form on the seedling should be trimmed. It is necessary to spray the grafted flower regularly and not let the sun once again burn immature leaves. After 2.5 years, the seedling is separated from the rootstock and transplanted into a separate container.

Garden care

Camellia indoors is grown in the southern part of Russia and in the garden in open ground and it will already be a shrub.

To do this, you must follow some rules, including:

  1. tested soil composition
  2. maintaining a certain temperature
  3. careful lighting
  4. humidity in the air

As a rule, all these points should meet almost all the care requirements, as for indoor plants.

To decorate gazebos, loggias and other facades, a special variety of climbing plant was bred.

What problems do you encounter when growing camellia shrubs?

  1. Improper watering and excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root system and the formation of a crust on the foliage of the tree.
  2. Dry air causes black spots to appear on the leaves. To cope with this problem, you need to get rid of the affected greenery. Wipe those leaves that have not become infected with a soft, damp sponge. Place the container in a cool room or near a window, thereby distancing it from other plants.
  3. If you bury the root collar when planting, this will most likely lead to the death of the plant. The cervix does not deepen under any circumstances.
  4. It can easily drop all the buds and leaves if:
  • change his usual potty position
  • change the angle at which the light was illuminated
  • soil acidity will be higher than normal

Red camellia, like other varieties, needs special care. If you do everything correctly, you will soon be able to enjoy the lush, bright flowering of an evergreen shrub that will delight you with its flowers throughout the winter.

Video secrets for caring for camellia at home: