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How to deal with spider mites on indoor plants at home? Spider mites (Tetranychinae). Description, prevention and methods of controlling spider mites

Gardeners who care for indoor plants know the harm spider mites can cause to their pets. This insect is absolutely omnivorous and does not choose between flowers, actively destroying ficus, begonias, and cacti. If it appears in the house, all green indoor crops are at risk, and it is not always possible to remove this pest in time, as a result of which all the flowers can be destroyed very quickly.

Causes of the pest

Faced with this problem for the first time, many home flower lovers do not know why spider mite colonies appear on indoor plants and how to deal with this harmful spider. Meanwhile, an insect can very quickly destroy an entire collection of flowers. The reasons for its appearance can be completely different. Most often, the pest enters from the street, flying from trees and shrubs, so potted crops that are placed on the windowsills of the lower floors of houses can become infected with it. But he can get into the apartment in other ways:

  • with purchased substrate for flowers;
  • with plants brought from a store or from the street;
  • from the clothes of a person who worked in the garden or vegetable garden;
  • with a festive bouquet.

A plant that seems absolutely healthy at first glance can also suffer for no apparent reason if a female spider or eggs have somehow fallen into it. During the cold season, the female may be inactive, and when comfortable conditions“wake up” and start attacking the indoor flower.

What does the pest and the affected plant look like?

The harmful insect Tetranychinae is difficult to see with the naked eye. The largest adult individual has a body length of no more than 0.5 mm. A small spider can be of different colors - it depends on what plants it grows on and what it feeds on, but most often its body has green color. Less commonly, the spider is red or orange in color. Its body is completely covered with scales.

Spider mites reproduce very quickly on indoor flowers. In just one or two weeks, an adult insect can grow, which in 10-15 days can completely destroy a flower. When attacked by the Tetranychinae spider, it becomes covered with small white formations, and the lower part of the leaves is covered with cobwebs, not only spoiling appearance flower, but also has a detrimental effect on it.

How to get rid of a tick yourself?

Fighting the Tetranychinae spider is very difficult. It multiplies quickly, bites into leaves, sucking juice from flowers, and thereby infects it. Simple treatment with acaricides - chemicals that kill various pests - will not help. To combat the Tetranychinae spider, an integrated approach is required, which consists of several stages:

  • creating an environment in which the insect is uncomfortable to live;
  • treatment with biological and chemical agents;
  • preventive measures to prevent the emergence of new individuals.

Spider mites cannot tolerate high humidity, therefore, you should spray or wipe the leaves as often as possible, and also give them a “shower”. The roots of each indoor flower are washed with water diluted with laundry soap, and the soil is completely replaced with new one.

Advice. After spraying with chemicals, it is best to wrap the indoor crop plastic film or cover with a bag for several hours.

Every day you need to thoroughly wipe the window sill on which the pot stands, stands, shelves - everything that is in the immediate vicinity of the flowerpot. It is advisable that the apartment be warm enough (not lower than +18 degrees), but if the temperature drops, all measures that take a lot of time and effort may become useless. At making the right choice using a method to combat spider mites on indoor plants, the problem can be solved by preserving the flowers.


  1. Flumite is an acaricidal agent whose main active ingredient is fluvensin. It quickly penetrates the clutches of ticks, killing unborn spiders, and also has a toxic effect on adult ticks. The product is available in 2 ml ampoules, each of which can be diluted in 5 liters of water. Plants are treated with Flumite once every 4 weeks.
  2. Fitoverm. Spraying with this drug causes mites to stop feeding on plant sap. The effect begins after 5-7 hours, and complete death of insects occurs 2-3 days after the first spraying. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. After treatment, the liquid is poured out; it makes no sense to reuse the working solution due to the loss of toxic qualities.
  3. Akarin is one of the effective means to combat leaf-chewing insects. Dilute at the rate of 2 ml per liter jar of water. Spray the trunk and leaves on both sides every 3 days. The active effect of the drug begins 4 hours after treatment.
  4. Apollo: an acaricide that has a paralyzing and sterilizing effect on the tick. To combat insects, it is diluted in an amount of 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water. For effective action it is necessary to spray or wet the leaves very generously on both sides.
  5. Karate. Kills insects with high-quality treatment once every 2 weeks. The substance is dangerous for people and animals, therefore, during use, pets should be removed from the premises, aquariums should be covered, and the grower should use protective equipment and take precautions.
  6. Omite 30SP - an acaricide differs from many similar products in that even with prolonged use, ticks do not become addicted, so they can effectively combat pests with active spread.
  7. Sunmite. Kills both larvae and adults. It is possible for insects to become accustomed to the active ingredient pyridabene, on the basis of which the drug is made, so it is not recommended to use it more than once a year.
  8. Skelto is a relatively new remedy. It has a distinctive characteristic effect - it kills eggs, larvae and adult spiders, but their death does not occur quickly. Adult insects die after about a week; it will take at least 5 days to destroy the larvae. However, the drug is so effective that a single thorough treatment is enough to completely rid the plant of insects.

What to choose: chemicals or folk remedies?

Store-bought anti-spider mite medications may not always be effective, so experienced growers Along with “chemistry”, folk remedies are also used, which, as a rule, are always available household. The spider is afraid of medical alcohol, which has a paralytic effect on it. After generously spraying the leaves with alcohol, the insect stops gnawing on the leaves, but in this way it is impossible to destroy the eggs laid in the soil and on the leaves.

Many insect control preparations are toxic and have a hazard class 2 or 3 for humans and animals, so experienced gardeners suggest getting rid of pests using the following folk remedies:

  • infusion of onions in water;
  • strong decoction of chamomile;
  • horseradish leaves, minced and left to infuse in water for 1 hour;
  • black henbane - a poisonous herb infused in the proportions of 1 kg of raw materials per 10 liters of water;
  • decoction of horse sorrel.

Treatment with biological compounds should be carried out at least once every 2 days. It will be most effective if the indoor culture has just begun to become infected with the Tetranychinae spider. When struck most of flower, the mandatory use of acaricides is necessary.

Advice. The solution will stick better to the leaves if you add a little crushed laundry soap or any detergent.

It is necessary to process not only the infected plant, but also those that are in the same room with it. The harmful insect moves very quickly and can destroy the entire collection of home flowers in a few days.

How to prevent infection

Love for green pets and careful care of them will help prevent their death from attack by harmful insects. And although no one is safe from the appearance of this pest, it is necessary to prevent its appearance or at least notice it on early stage appearance is possible.

In order not to rack your brains about how to get rid of spider mites, you need to carry out prevention. Basic hygiene of the plant itself and the room will help keep flowers healthy. Periodic treatment of the leaves with alcohol will prevent the rapid reproduction of individuals if they begin to appear. This is done with a moistened cotton wool, wiping all the leaves from the underside and outside with it, or using a spray bottle.

Advice. Wipe window sills and frames with alcohol from time to time to prevent ticks from entering, and also remove curtains more often for washing. Washing the outside of the flower pot is also necessary.

It is unlikely that mites will appear on flowers if you take the following measures:

  • The soil for flowers needs to be steamed. This is done either in the kitchen oven, having previously scattered the substrate into shallow containers, or outside on the coals of a fire. Larvae and queens of various pests often “sleep” in untreated soil.
  • If moss is used, pour boiling water over it and leave to cool for an hour. Hot water will increase the likelihood of killing insects.
  • It is better to leave freshly purchased or gifted flowers in “quarantine” for several days, for example in the bathroom. It would be correct to “shower” the leaves or spray them with acaricide for prevention.
  • You should regularly inspect your home greenhouse. It is difficult to notice one individual that appears separately, but careful examination of the leaves will allow you to notice the pest invasion at an early stage.

It is possible to get rid of ticks at home using a soapy solution. Traditionally, laundry soap is used for this, but sometimes sulfur-tar soap or green soap is chosen. Some people recommend using a little detergent diluted with water instead of soap.

Any plants are treated with soap - both indoor and greenhouse. For the procedure, 200 g of laundry soap is ground on a grater and dissolved in a bucket of warm water. After the solution itself has been prepared, you need to take the affected flower and gently wipe the leaves and stems with a sponge soaked in the solution. You need to remember that getting this product on the roots will have a very detrimental effect on your flower (it may even lead to its death), so the procedure is carried out extremely carefully. When the procedure is completed, the flower is left for several hours (3-4), and then the remaining foam is washed off well. After the procedure, it is recommended to cover the flower with a plastic bag to maintain moisture levels.

Sulfur-tar soap has also established itself as reliable means, with the help of which it is really possible to get rid of the spider mite. You will need less of it than household or green - only 100 g per bucket of water. Processing is advised to be carried out every week, only 2-3 times.

It is also recommended to fight spider mites with the help of an alcohol solution. Suitable for this ammonia, which requires only 30 ml. As a rule, this method is used when treating plants that have rather thick leaves (ficus, dracaena), because alcohol can damage thin leaves. There is no need to spray the flower, just apply alcohol to a cotton swab and wipe the leaves. So at the same time you will remove the web that the tick left.

A solution is also prepared from alcohol and soap - for this you will need 20 g of soap and 10 ml of alcohol per liter of boiling water.

Let us remind you that alcohol will only help get rid of the pests themselves, but their eggs will not go anywhere.


There are several types of infusions that help in this case.

Firstly, they use garlic infusions, which are prepared in several ways. For the first method, you will need 30 g of garlic and a bucket hot water. Chopped garlic is placed in water and left for a day so that the solution is properly infused. A day later, the infusion is filtered and processed.

You can prepare a more concentrated infusion. To do this, place 500 g of garlic in a three-liter container with water and leave to infuse for 5-6 days in a cool, dark place. Then the infusion is filtered, 60 g is poured out of it and diluted in a bucket of water. The plant is treated with the resulting solution.

If you urgently need to carry out processing, you will need 200 g of garlic per bucket of water. The resulting infusion is used immediately.

Secondly, you can prepare an infusion of onions. To make it, take 200 g of onion in a bucket of warm water, let it sit for 12 hours, and then, after straining, treat the plants.

Thirdly, herbs and plants are used for tinctures: dandelion (30 g per liter of water, leave for several hours), yarrow (700 g per bucket of water, leave for three days), horseradish (1 kg of chopped roots per bucket of water, leave for a couple of hours ).


One of the types folk remedies, which are used against spider mites, are decoctions with which plants are treated regularly. To do this, you can use cyclamen roots (50 g per half liter of water), the decoction is immediately filtered and the flower is treated.

A decoction is also prepared using gray alder leaves. 2 kg of fresh leaves are poured into a bucket of water and left for a day. After this, the resulting broth is boiled for half an hour and left to stand again for 12 hours.

You can make a decoction of wormwood (800 g per bucket of water), which is infused for two days. After this, it is boiled for half an hour, filtered and another bucket of water is added.


To remove this pest, essential oils are sometimes used, which are diluted in water. So, for example, a few drops essential oil rosemary per liter of water can change the situation for the better.

Questionable means

Video “How to get rid of spider mites”

From this video you will learn about effective methods to combat spider mites.

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The spider mite family contains more than 1,200 species and is found everywhere except Antarctica. The size of an adult male is 0.3-0.45 mm, females - 0.4-0.8 mm. More often than other species, the common spider mite is a pest of garden and agricultural plots. It feeds on the sap of green plants, leaving behind dry skeletons entwined with cobwebs. The phytophage belongs to the class of arachnids; it is not an insect, but an animal.

Spider mite

What does a spider mite look like? The shape of its body resembles an ellipse, it is covered with hairs, and the back is convex. Larvae have 6 legs, adults have 8. Thin legs have sharp claws with which they cling to the surface of plants. The color of the larvae ranges from light green to brown; they darken with age. Reproduction occurs by laying eggs. In the absence of fertilization, males emerge from them, and females emerge from fertilized clutches.

One generation lives from 14 to 30 days; females manage to lay 100-150 eggs during this period. A voracious larva emerges from each after 3 days. If not favorable conditions offspring do not appear for 2 weeks. Eggs can stay alive for up to 5 years. At each stage of their development, from larva to adult, arachnids feed on cell sap. Weakened immunity of cultures cannot cope with infectious diseases. Following the pest comes gray rot, soot fungus and other diseases.

High temperature (from 27 0) and low humidity - optimal conditions for active reproduction of pests. As daylight hours shorten, they enter diapause, a state of hibernation. Hiding in the cracks of buildings, soil or plant remains, phytophages wait for the onset of heat. This ability makes it much more difficult to fight them.

Pest on vegetables - how to fight?

The spider mite has preferences among vegetable crops, most often he chooses cucumbers, melons, eggplants, peppers. Phytophages feel especially good in a greenhouse. Here they are protected from bad weather and temperature fluctuations. A high reproduction rate under favorable conditions leads to rapid infection of all vegetables.

The result of the activity of the pest are:

  • mechanical damage to the back of the leaves;
  • slowing down the development of the ovary;
  • when a spider mite appears on cucumbers, the upper tier of the plants becomes entwined with cobwebs;
  • photosynthesis processes are disrupted;
  • necrosis develops, the plant becomes deformed and dries out;
  • Productivity declines catastrophically.

Attention. The natural enemy of the spider mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, is used in greenhouses to kill pests. The predator feeds exclusively on this species; it is absolutely not dangerous to plants and humans.

Prevention is an important stage in pest control

The fight against phytophages includes mandatory preventive measures:

  1. After harvesting, it is necessary to remove all crop residues, pull out and remove weeds. It is in them that pests find refuge for the winter.
  2. Plant plants at intervals between rows.
  3. Conduct soil reclamation, remove upper layer contaminated soil and replace it with new one.
  4. To get rid of spider mites overwintering in a greenhouse, it is necessary to fumigate and burn all structures with a blowtorch.
  5. It is recommended to set a climate regime inside the greenhouse that is uncomfortable for pests - humidity 80-90%, temperature up to 25 0.
  6. Regularly treat with acaricidal preparations.

Chemical and biological preparations for plant treatment

Methods to combat spider mites include the use of improvised means and specially developed preparations. The first option is environmentally friendly, but in case of severe infection it is not effective. At the first sign of a pest, it is recommended to treat all plants. soap solution(100 g of laundry soap per 10 liters of water). Infusions of onion peels, garlic and tobacco are used.

Eco-friendly and safe methods of destroying phytophages include the use of the predatory phytosailus mite. It is enough to place 60 individuals per m2 of area to get rid of eggs, larvae and adult pests. Acarifage is active at temperatures from 20 0 high humidity. After removing all enemies, the predator will die without food.

Chemicals are much more effective in the fight to preserve the crop. Many means have been created that can destroy the pest at various stages of development.

  • Karbofos is an organophosphate substance, insecticide and acaricide. Available in various forms and concentration. The active ingredient malathion is effective against insects and arachnids. Duration of protection in open ground 10 days, in a greenhouse - up to 7 days. Spraying is carried out in the evening in calm weather.
  • Actellik is a spider mite remedy suitable for use on open and protected soil. The drug is an insectoacaricide; it does not affect the plant, it only poisons pests. The enteric-contact substance has fumigant properties, destroying phytophages on both sides of the leaves. Duration of exposure is 2-3 weeks.
  • Apollo - the action of the acaricide is aimed at eggs and larvae. This drug is one of the few that can cope with pests at an early stage of development. The active compound clofentesine sterilizes adults, preventing reproduction. Apollo is a contact acaricide; to poison eggs, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the plants with a freshly prepared solution. The substance is slightly toxic, safe for people and insects. The drug protection lasts up to 2 months.

Attention. When crops are treated with one chemical, pests become addicted. During the summer season it is necessary to change means of destruction.

Types of mites on houseplants

Spider mite occupies a special place among plant diseases. Phytophages are persistent and difficult to remove pests, including several species:

  • The common spider mite is a species common on the ground and indoors. Colonies settle on the underside of leaves, hiding from sun rays. Adults quickly crawl from the infected plant to neighboring flowers.
  • Red mite - indoor plants often suffer from attacks by a small pest that settles on lemon and balsam. Soft-bodied females measuring 0.5 mm are purple, males 0.3 mm are bright red.
  • False spider mite - has a miniature size of 0.25 mm; it does not spin webs. Infection becomes noticeable when there are a huge number of individuals.
  • The Atlantic mite is similar in appearance to the spider mite. Propagates in any humidity, prefers palms and citrus trees.
  • Cyclamen mite - affects the edges of leaves, buds and stems. Not noticeable to the naked eye. Colonies settle on the upper side of the leaves and look like a layer of dust. Pests choose cyclamens, balsams, chrysanthemums and other tuberous plants.
  • The broad spider mite is a very prolific phytophage; a new generation appears on the leaves every 5 days. After 2-3 weeks, the plant becomes entangled in cobwebs and clusters of mites that look like reddish-brown dust. The pest attacks oleander, ficus, cactus, tagetis. Sulfur preparations are effective in combating it.
  • Cactus flat mite - it is recommended to use insecticides to destroy phytophages. Carry out the treatment several times with an interval of 7 days.

Where do spider mites on flowers come from?

Pests are unpretentious in choosing a habitat; they can be found on various indoor flowers:

  • ficus;
  • palm;
  • Sims azalea;
  • rose;
  • Cyperus.

The first signs of infection are yellow dots on the leaves, which over time merge into a large spot. Microscopic arthropods in small quantities do not entwine indoor plants with webs, so they are not immediately noticeable. Usually the damage caused by it is attributed to a lack or excess of moisture. You should look for pests with reverse side leaves. When there are several dozen individuals, they can be noticed.

Attention. If you suspect a spider mite on a ficus, it is worth conducting a simple study. Rub the sheet over the paper, and then examine the surface with a magnifying glass. A few pests are sure to fall off the plant and be noticed.

How do indoor plants become infected?

The pest enters plants in various ways:

  1. With an infected indoor flower. When purchasing a new plant, you should carefully examine its leaves. You won’t be able to spot a tick, but yellow dots on the leaves will make you think about the health of the plant.
  2. With soil. Store-bought or street soil may be fraught with danger in the form of females or spider mite larvae. Arachnids can enter diapause, a state of slow metabolism, under unfavorable conditions. They come to life as the temperature increases and the humidity decreases. After the start heating season the pest begins active life.
  3. Through an open window with the wind. Residents of the first floors risk their indoor plants more than others when the windows are open. Adults travel long distances with the wind, clinging to webs. The pest can be carried onto the balcony, and also enter the apartment on the clothes of summer residents. He is mobile, in search of food he actively explores new territories. Flower mite introduced from fresh bouquet, will be a threat to all indoor plants.

Pest extermination methods

After removing the dry leaves, wipe the rest with a cloth soaked in soapy water on both sides. This allows you to remove adults and some of the larvae. To enhance the effect, the plant along with foam and moisture is placed in plastic bag. After 48 hours it is thoroughly washed warm shower. The procedure is not a one-time procedure; it is repeated after a week.

Attention. Simultaneously with processing the flowers, it is necessary to wash the window sill (with soap or alcohol), window frames, and wash the curtains.

A common method of getting rid of spider mites is alcohol treatment. It should be done carefully, first try on one leaf so that there is no burn. Apply alcohol with a spray bottle or cotton pad. The treatment is suitable for ficus, dieffenbachia and other plants with dense leaves. This disinfection is effective for window frames. Exposure recommended ultraviolet lamps. It only benefits plants, and ticks always avoid contact with ultraviolet radiation.

Specialty chemicals

Without the use of chemicals, it will not be possible to completely remove pests. designed for use in indoor environments. Effective method the fight against spider mites is spraying chemical compounds and cultivating the soil in a pot with them. Recommended products include:


Plant-based bio-insecticide Fitoverm can be used at home without fear. It is recommended for the prevention and destruction of pests on indoor plants. The effect of the product begins 6-7 hours after application. The period of protective action is 2-3 weeks. An ampoule of the drug (2 ml) must be placed in 1 liter of water, and the prepared mixture should be intensively sprayed onto the infected plants.


A modern acaricidal drug is used not only in the garden, but also to destroy pests on flowers - roses, violets, ficus and others. The product is offered in the form of a concentrated emulsion and water-soluble granules. Small packaging in ampoules and bags is convenient for processing house plants. Aktara against spider mites is a systemic drug. It penetrates the leaves and tissues of plants, sucking the juice from them, and the pests receive a dose of poison.

An hour after the insecticide enters their body, phytophages lose the ability to feed and die within 24 hours. The effect of the drug, when applied to the soil, protects indoor plants for 2 months. When spraying, use a fresh solution. When working with a toxic substance, you should be careful - wear gloves, wash your face and hands after work, and change clothes.

Plant Pin

Sticks with the active ingredient butoxycarboxim. A no-spray remedy for spider mites on houseplants. The number of sticks depends on the diameter of the pot - 9 cm - 1, 12 cm - 2, 20 cm - 5-6. They are stuck into the ground at a distance of 2 cm from the plant. During watering, the active substance dissolves and enters the roots of the flower. The effect of the drug is observed after 3-7 days. It will protect against the pest for 8 weeks. Etisso has a similar effect.


It is better to prevent infection by phytophages than to fight them later. Simple rules will help you preserve indoor plants:

  • The active development of spider mites on lemon, ficus and other indoor plants occurs in dry air conditions. You should ventilate the room more often and spray the plants with water.
  • The earth mixture prepared independently or purchased is sterilized in the oven, and the moss is treated with boiling water.
  • When processing plants, be sure to wipe the window sill where fallen pests may be located.
  • Do not place bouquets of cut flowers next to indoor plants.
  • New plants must undergo a quarantine period - stand separately from others for 2-3 weeks after purchase. Even if the purchase was made in a specialty store.

Advice. Flower pots place in wide trays with water, which will gradually evaporate, creating humidity that is uncomfortable for ticks.

Measures for the prevention and control of spider mites are characterized by an integrated approach. They require taking into account the development characteristics of the pest. If after the first treatment complete destruction has not occurred, then after 7-10 days it must be repeated. Ticks are resistant to external factors, but with due persistence, they can be defeated.

Chemical preparations against spider mites have repeatedly shown their effectiveness in practice.

Folk remedies

If chemicals such as Fitosporin or Apollo contain toxins, traditional methods Treating greenery against ticks will certainly not cause any harm to the plants. One of the simplest, but at the same time good methods is to maintain plenty of humidity. To do this, simply water the plant thoroughly, or even better, cover it with a bag. This will create greenhouse conditions, and there is nothing worse for spider mites.

Very often, flower growers prefer to prepare special medicinal solutions. One of these is made with rosemary. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to one liter of water, then soak a cloth in the liquid and thoroughly wipe the leaves of the plant. Another effective one folk way– use of laundry soap. Take a regular sponge or rag, lather it with soap and thoroughly wash the leaves and stems of your indoor flower. Give Special attention also worth a flower pot.

If desired, dilute a small amount of laundry soap in water and spray the soil with the resulting solution, but make sure that the liquid does not get on the roots of the plant.

The use of phytosporin or other chemical agent is not always necessary if you use truly proven folk methods. However, remember: the effect of such mixtures does not last as long as the use of chemicals. Therefore, you will have to carry out this kind of processing of home greens more often.

Preventive measures

To prevent spider mites from visiting your home flower garden, follow these rules:

  • The sooner you can identify a threat, the easier it will be for you to deal with it. Inspect regularly indoor flower– if you notice cobwebs or yellow dots, you should sound the alarm;
  • maintain a humid climate in the flower garden. If the air is dry, insects will quickly choose this place;
  • in the summer, regular spraying of greenery and washing of leaves will not hurt;

  • Another basic rule is that once you have purchased a new indoor plant and brought it into your home, you should not immediately choose one for it. permanent place. First, organize a quarantine for him for two weeks. If suddenly the flower becomes infected with some kind of infection or pests appear on it, this will become obvious, but you will prevent infection of other indoor flowers.

Take care of your plants: get rid of mites effectively and without delay.

Video “How to get rid of spider mites”

From this video you will learn how to get rid of spider mites on plants.