Well      06/23/2020

Bath blocks, which ones are better. Foam concrete, aerated concrete, polystyrene concrete, expanded clay concrete, brick - which is better? Bathhouse made of foam blocks or gas blocks

Wall materials are presented in a wide variety on the market, so developers face a difficult task of choice. Light artificial stones - foam blocks, gas blocks and cinder blocks - are very popular in low-rise construction (house, garage, bathhouse). But to choose the most suitable option, it is necessary to compare their physical and mechanical properties and specifications.

A cinder block consists of a lightweight filler - slag, Portland cement is used as a binder, and sand, screenings or gravel are used as additives. Density depends on the fraction of the aggregate: the coarser, the lighter the material. The volume of one cinder block is equal to 4-5 bricks, which means that construction will progress very quickly, while saving masonry mortar. The cost of such blocks is lower compared to analogues.

To produce foam blocks, lightweight porous foam concrete is used, which consists of Portland cement with the addition of sand, water and a foaming agent. In production fake diamond in two ways: by pouring into special forms or by sawing a monolith of cellular concrete into blocks of the required size. The wall element is:

  • Thermal insulation - D300-D500.
  • Structural and thermal insulation - D500-D900.
  • Structural - D1000-D1200.

Main characteristics

To give preference to a foam block or cinder block, you need to familiarize yourself with all the properties of both materials, after which you can compare and determine which stone is better. The table below shows the technical characteristics of wall blocks.

All these stone parameters have a good effect on the performance characteristics of buildings for various purposes. Foam block is suitable for building houses, as it is able to retain heat in winter and coolness in summer. In addition, the foam block is not afraid of dampness, since due to its porous texture, air humidity is regulated (such properties are inherent only in wood).

Advantages and disadvantages

Construction from slag and foam blocks is popular due to the following features wall material and numerous advantages:

1. high strength and reliability;

2. good sound and heat insulation;

3. favorable microclimate at any time of the year;

4. fire safety and fire resistance (the stone can withstand high temperatures for up to 4 hours, does not crack or burst);

5. resistance to temperature changes;

6. low shrinkage rate;

7. ability to withstand heavy loads;

8. environmental friendliness of the starting materials (complete safety and compliance with European standards);

9. economical - no need to build a strong foundation or additional insulation;

10. the ability to build buildings on unstable soils independently, without the help of specialists;

11. quick laying, thanks to large sizes;

12. easy processing (cuts, drills, saws well ordinary tools- using a hacksaw or saw, and also cutting the wall for electrical wiring and communications compared to a slag stone);

13. availability - low cost;

14. durability.

The disadvantages of foam concrete include:

  • violations of production technology, as a result the material becomes brittle and unsuitable for construction;
  • water absorption, which causes premature destruction of the stone.

All these shortcomings can be easily eliminated if you protect the walls of your house, garage or bathhouse with high-quality finishing. In order not to be mistaken about the reliability of the blocks, it is better to buy from trusted manufacturers who guarantee high quality and durability.

Why is it better to build from foam blocks?

A review of the characteristics and features of slag and foam blocks makes it possible to choose the most suitable option. Having compared all the advantages and disadvantages, it becomes clear how cost-effective and practical the foam block is. A garage or bathhouse built from light stone will not only last a long time, but will also not create problems during the entire operational period.

A small building can be erected in a few days and will require significantly less labor costs and the amount of masonry mortar compared to the same volume, but made of brick. When constructing a building from foam blocks, significant savings occur on the foundation. A strong and reliable bond between the stones is created by a special glue, and to avoid the formation of “cold bridges”, the layer thickness should not be more than 1 cm. The smooth sides of the foam blocks allow for high-quality external cladding and different finishes can be used for these purposes.

Bathhouse on personal plot or a dacha - the dream of many owners. Such water treatments not only pleasant, but also useful - they cleanse and strengthen the body, and help improve blood circulation. Friendly communication over a cup of aromatic tea after a steam room can hardly be overestimated. When it comes to choosing a material for building a bathhouse, you need to take into account not only the price factor. This is a specific room with special functions, high humidity and temperature. Therefore, it is important not to get lost among the diversity that the market offers. To choose what to build a bathhouse from, it is recommended to consider different building materials in advance from the point of view of their suitability for the construction of a given building. This will allow you to understand which one will be optimal for your needs and conditions.

General requirements for materials from which bathhouses are built in the country

The construction of bathhouses, like any other objects, is regulated by SNiP standards:

  • SNiP 30–02–97, which describes the rules for the development of garden and personal plots;
  • SP 11–106–97 - rules for creating a site development project.

Many owners are surprised to learn that the requirements for baths are in some aspects even stricter than for residential buildings. This is due primarily to increased fire hazard due to the presence of a stove. In addition, there are technical requirements to building materials. They have to:

  • provide good thermal insulation;
  • be resistant to influence high humidity and temperature.

The issue of price in this case comes in last place, although it also matters, other things being equal.

What to build a bathhouse from: advantages and disadvantages of different materials

The market offers us many options:

  • tree;
  • aerated concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • brick;
  • wood concrete;
  • cinder block.

Gas block or foam block

Aerated concrete blocks are made from cement, quartz sand and foaming agents. The material belongs to cellular concrete. The resulting blocks are processed in autoclaves to increase strength. They have the correct geometric shape and are, in fact, a synthetic stone.

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  1. Fire resistance. This is an important indicator of the material from which the bathhouse will be built.
  2. High strength that increases over time.
  3. Light weight. Thanks to this, you can save on the foundation.
  4. Ease of processing. It is easy to cut with a hacksaw and drill with a drill.

The main disadvantages of this material are its high cost and hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb and accumulate moisture). Therefore, the use of aerated concrete for the construction of a bathhouse requires some measures. To reduce the amount of moisture absorbed, special additives are added to the material.

Additionally, during construction it will be necessary to create vapor and waterproofing.

For a bathhouse, such a material characteristic as its thermal conductivity is important. For aerated concrete it depends on its density. For material of different grades from D300 to D600, the thermal conductivity coefficient ranges from 0.072 to 0.141. The lower the density of gas blocks, the less they conduct heat. At low density, the cells of the material contain a lot of air, which heats up slowly and is an obstacle to heat transfer. It turns out to be a thermos effect. It should be taken into account that the thermal conductivity indicator is given for aerated concrete at zero humidity. When moisture is absorbed, it increases noticeably.

Another feature of building from aerated blocks is that they need to be laid on a special glue that looks like cement mortar. The latter is not recommended to be used, since the blocks absorb moisture from it, thereby reducing the thermal insulation of the room.

Frame bath

Frame baths are gaining more and more popularity due to their advantages:

  1. Light weight, thanks to which it can be mounted on a lightweight foundation.
  2. High speed of construction. Average frame bath can be assembled 3 times faster than timber or brick. Construction takes no more than 2–3 weeks.
  3. Good thermal insulation. In terms of warmth, it is comparable to log and timber buildings.
  4. It can be erected at any time of the year, including in winter at temperatures down to -15 degrees.
  5. The material of the walls absorbs and allows air to pass through, allowing them to “breathe”, so this bathhouse has a pleasant microclimate.
  6. Natural frame materials are safe for human health.

Such a bathhouse is not without some disadvantages:

  1. Shrinkage within 2 years, during which the building can settle by 10 cm. To reduce it, you need to use chamber drying materials.
  2. Additional costs for insulation and finishing. The frame itself is cheaper than timber or brick baths, but costs increase due to interior and exterior decoration.
  3. Difficulty in choosing effective insulation. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam will not work here. You will have to look for insulation that does not absorb moisture and does not ignite.

A frame bath is considered the best budget option.


Brick as a material for building a bathhouse has three main advantages:

  1. Durability. Brick baths can last more than a hundred years, while the average service life of wooden ones is 15–20 years.
  2. Attractive appearance. The brick does not require additional finishing. You can use it to create any design elements of buildings.
  3. Fire resistance. Unlike wood, brick does not burn.

There are many more disadvantages of this material in the context of building a bathhouse:

  1. Need to create strip foundation. This is an expensive and time-consuming process.
  2. The brick takes longer to warm up. For kindling wooden bath takes on average no more than 1–1.5 hours. To warm up a brick one, you will need much more time and, accordingly, fuel.
  3. Poor ventilation. Brick walls“breathe” much worse than wooden or frame ones.
  4. High price.
  5. Long construction period. You need to wait until the concrete in the foundation dries and gains strength. Laying walls also takes a lot of time and effort.

Due to its long service life and fire safety, many owners prefer brick. A beautiful appearance is an additional incentive. If you also decide to build a bathhouse from it, use some tips:

  1. The best option in terms of price and quality is one-and-a-half red bricks. And gas silicate is also often used.
  2. In such a bathhouse, you need to think through the ventilation system and leave ventilation gaps.
  3. Cement for the solution must be taken at least grade M200. It will ensure the reliability of the seams and good thermal insulation.
  4. Insulate brick bathhouse It is better from the inside so as not to spoil the external appearance.

Expanded clay concrete

This is a monolithic material, naturally cured, which contains cement and expanded clay - foamed and fired clay. Expanded clay concrete has a number of advantages - it is non-toxic, does not absorb moisture well and has low thermal conductivity. In addition, such blocks have low mass. This makes construction easier and the foundation cheaper. A bathhouse made of this material requires less insulation than, for example, one made of aerated concrete or a heat block. Frost resistance, and therefore durability, of expanded clay concrete is 5 times higher than that of aerated concrete blocks, and 2 times higher than that of foam blocks. Another indisputable advantage of the material is zero shrinkage.

Thermal conductivity depends on the filler fraction, therefore it ranges from 0.15 to 0.45. The larger the fraction, the lower it is, but also the lower the density of the material.

For laying walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks, you can use ordinary cement-sand mortar or special adhesive mixtures.

cinder block

This is a cheap building material that is obtained by pouring concrete into waste products - combustion products of coal and other materials or sawdust. In the second case, the material is called sawdust concrete (it is absolutely non-flammable).

Cinder blocks come with voids inside and solid ones.

Advantages of the material:

  • long service life - up to 50 years;
  • fire resistance;
  • low cost compared to wood or brick;
  • A variety of fillers allows you to choose the material for different needs.

Among the main disadvantages are:

  • hygroscopicity - when using the material to build a bathhouse, it will require waterproofing;
  • increased thermal conductivity - the bathhouse will have to be additionally insulated.

Cinder blocks have another important feature. Before using them in construction, they must be weathered in the open air for a year. Otherwise the blocks will be allocated harmful substances. Therefore, the only obvious advantage of this material is its low price. This is not the best option for building a bathhouse.


A wooden bathhouse is classic version. Tree happens different breeds, and lumber made from it also differ in characteristics. Industrial are:

  1. Pine. This tree has a natural defense against mold and pests - their resin. Wood has high moisture resistance. Pine is available - there is a lot of it on the market, it has a low cost compared to other species. Its disadvantage as a material for building a bathhouse is its ability to “cry” when high temperatures. Needs additional treatment against rotting.
  2. Linden. This type of wood is easy to process. Suitable for building a bathhouse because it has an important property - good heat resistance. However, without additional processing, the linden darkens. She is also afraid of moisture.
  3. Aspen. It is not afraid of moisture, has a high density, and becomes even denser over the years. Aspen exhibits low shrinkage. It is durable and practically does not crack when dried. In addition, the wood has a beautiful red color. The disadvantages of aspen are its high price and difficulty of processing due to its high density. And it is also believed that aspen is not suitable for building baths, because it makes you feel worse and causes headaches.
  4. Fir. It is rarely used in construction for two reasons - it is susceptible to rotting and has soft and fragile wood.
  5. Alder. It is widespread in Russian forests, but still has a fairly high cost. The wood has a beautiful color - from flame to brick. Gives little shrinkage. Practically does not warp. It is easy to process and does not twist, which is important for building a bathhouse. However, it darkens after several years of service and is susceptible to rotting.

Log house

Rounded logs are considered a completely ecological product, unlike laminated veneer lumber. A bathhouse built from it will not need additional external and interior decoration, because the log has a natural chic appearance. Thanks to minimal gaps on the crowns, log houses made of rounded logs are characterized by increased thermal insulation. The ability to connect logs at any angle allows you to realize unique design solutions during the construction of buildings. The disadvantages of logs are twisting, cracking, and bowing. The material has high shrinkage.


Profiled timber can be solid or glued. In general, it is not subject to deformation, like a log, and has good performance characteristics. It is impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants to increase resistance to biological factors and fire. Solid profiled timber is considered more environmentally friendly because it does not contain adhesives. At the same time, glued wood is less susceptible to cracking and has increased strength and resistance to deformation.

Building a wooden bathhouse with your own hands requires certain skills. If you do not have sufficient experience, it is better to hire specialists for this.

Arbolite blocks

This material has been known since the times of the USSR. The blocks consist of 90% wood waste. They are brought to required sizes in a chipper and crusher, then filled with cement with the addition of calcium chloride or liquid soda glass. These additives are needed in order to neutralize resin acids, which destroy wood, and accelerate the hardening of the mass.

Wood concrete as a building material has a number of advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the room;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low cost.

Provided you purchase high-quality blocks, this material can be called good option for a bath. One more important feature wood concrete has a heat capacity that is higher than that of air. This means that in a bathhouse built from it, the air will warm up first, and then the walls. When using brick, the opposite happens.

Arbolite is suitable only for low-rise construction, since it has low strength and is not able to withstand heavy loads. It is worth considering its high hygroscopicity. You cannot do without waterproofing and a good ventilation system. It is not possible to use ordinary plaster for finishing.

It is best to finish the outside of wood concrete walls with facing bricks, clapboard or moisture-resistant wood. There will be lining for the bathhouse the best option, otherwise the cost of construction will increase, which will defeat the purpose of using this material.

What material to choose to build a bathhouse (reviews)

Nothing helps you make a choice more than reviews from people who have experienced something themselves.

Before building my own bathhouse, I thought that it had to be made of wood, but wood breathes. But no matter how much I walked around such baths, no matter how long I stayed inside, I never saw (didn’t feel) this breath. Today I am sure that a bath is the conditions that should be created in a steam room, the optimal ratio of humidity and temperature. The project was born quickly, because I clearly understood what I wanted from it: a steam room and a wash room must be separate, a large and comfortable relaxation room, a firebox must have a fireplace effect and... the opportunity to spend time comfortably in the winter. A bathhouse in winter is a song. That’s why I chose foam blocks for the walls.



My steam room/sink is a log house made of aspen d=250\300 and the dressing room is a frame building. I did not pour concrete under the pouring floors, but welded a frame of 12 reinforcement bars with slopes in the center towards the scupper (aka ladder) and pulled a thick plastic film. I also made “eternal” joists under the floors, fortunately we sell inexpensively used thick-walled timber (76\6 mm), welded strip pads to it along the edges (so as not to spin) and scattered 6 pieces. with an interval of 0.5 m (the ends of the pipes lay on the lower strapping beam, in the places where half-logs are placed near the log house). Another “know-how” is to ensure that the floorboards of the pouring floors are not attached to the joists (you can always lift them to dry, or clean the drain under them) and so that they do not run together and lie at equal intervals. Along the edges of the boards (with an indentation of 10 cm) you drilled and inserted PVC “mushrooms” to attach the insulation to the facades, then you measure 10 mm and cut the mushroom with a hacksaw. The result is a board with spaced chips along the edges, simple and reliable, it won’t rot and holds tightly.



In fact, from a quality point of view, frame 100 or timber 100, raw, unplaned, and frame 200 are the optimal technologies, respectively, for an unheated and heated bathhouse.



Good afternoon The wood concrete material for a bathhouse is not bad, but you need to use it wisely. Namely, you can insulate, if you don’t plaster the wood concrete, it breathes wonderfully, the cake will turn out like this: interior lining(solid wood) ventilation gap 1.5–2 cm, vapor barrier, basalt insulation 5–10 cm, wood concrete, windproof film, ventilation gap 2–5 cm, outer skin. Why is basalt insulation used? Because the thermal conductivity of the insulation is much lower than that of wood concrete, therefore there are fewer losses and faster warming up. If you plaster the outside, then such a structure will not be able to breathe towards the street and will accumulate moisture, and it can even penetrate through the vapor barrier, since small leaks and damage are possible. In terms of vapor permeability, materials must follow each other in order of increasing vapor permeability (from the inside to the outside); there are no plasters comparable in vapor permeability to wood concrete.



Regarding the construction of a bathhouse from laminated timber. A definite plus, from my point of view, is minimal shrinkage and understandable behavior of the timber in the future. Of course, provided that the timber is of high quality.



Video: how to choose material for building a steam room

There are many options for building materials for a bathhouse, and each of them is good in its own way. Making a smart choice requires careful consideration of the pros and cons of each. If you know what is your priority - price, appearance, ease and speed of construction, or thermal insulation properties, then you can easily determine the appropriate material for yourself.

The abundance of building materials on the modern market is often confusing. What to choose for building walls individual construction or industrial buildings? The range of products is quite wide, but what is hidden behind the name and what type of building material should you prefer? Our article examines the difference between two fairly popular types: foam block and cinder block. Our article will tell you what the difference is and which material will be preferable.

Foam block production

To make a foam block, a certain composition is used, the main components of which are cement, sand and a special foaming agent. Thanks to this, the structure of the blocks becomes as if saturated with air bubbles - pores. This innovation has shown itself to be excellent, because thanks to the air pores, the material acquires additional heat capacity.

Advantages of using foam blocks:

  • Strength.
  • Resistance to temperature changes.
  • Affordable price.
  • Durability of construction.
  • Possibility of trouble-free installation of communications.
  • No need for additional insulation outside.

The video shows how to make a foam block:

A big advantage when choosing foam blocks will be the ability to produce slabs of various sizes directly on the construction site. To do this, you can use wooden formwork or special forms. The dimensional accuracy will not be too high, but transportation costs will be reduced.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the rather significant consumption of the fastening composition, which is not always advisable. Also, foam blocks are quite massive and require additional labor, which, however, is typical for most building materials of this kind. Therefore, it is impossible to answer unequivocally.

Making cinder block

The production of cinder blocks involves the use of special vibration-pressing machines. Cement mortar is poured into the prepared forms, into which to ensure additional characteristics slag, combustion waste and ash are added. You can often find cinder blocks with the addition of stone, granite, crushed stone screenings and other inclusions.

Advantages of cinder blocks during construction:

  • Affordable price.
  • Possibility of self-production.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Different compositions of components give the material altered characteristics.

The physical properties of this material directly depend on the raw materials used in production, so it will be difficult to give an accurate description. Typically, “heavy” and “light” blocks are classified, which contain various grades of cement.

In the photo - a cinder block house:

“Heavy” cinder blocks are used mainly for the construction of basement floors and when laying foundations. The “light” variety of material is used for the construction of walls. A feature of construction from this material can also be called various additives, thanks to which the blocks acquire additional properties. The pros and cons of cinder block houses are described in detail. You can see the sizes and prices of cinder blocks.

The video shows how to make a cinder block:

Several nuances of using different compositions

  • Adding large slag will increase thermal conductivity and make the material more porous and lighter.
  • Selected small slag will make the block heavier. Typically, this type is not used in the construction of residential premises due to the high thermal conductivity of the structure.
  • Often small ones are added to the composition sawdust. This makes the blocks look "cleaner" and is often used for residential use. The downside is the need for additional waterproofing, which increases costs exterior finishing building.

The versatility of this version of the building material is difficult to overestimate, but at the same time it will also have significant disadvantages. Many manufacturers add unsuitable substances to the composition, the purity and safety of which raise serious concerns.

Also, this material is not very suitable for individual construction due to its good thermal conductivity, which will increase the cost of heating the building. External insulation can partially cope with the problem, but it will not help completely eliminate it. Cinder blocks are more suitable for construction utility rooms and industrial buildings. This will significantly save the cost estimate and give the structure the specified parameters.

What's better

No one can give a knowingly correct answer. If we look at the issue from several angles, foam blocks have more advantages in using them. However, the popularity of the second material is also beyond doubt. If we consider what is cheaper, then the cost of finished cinder blocks is an order of magnitude less, which often becomes a priority when choosing a suitable material.

Having compared the technical characteristics, it is also impossible to come to an unambiguous conclusion; some heat losses inherent in cinder block material also apply to foam blocks to one degree or another, so it would not hurt to perform external insulation for this material as well.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that for the construction of residential buildings it is preferable to use foam blocks due to the low thermal conductivity of the material. Cinder block is best used for the construction of utility and industrial facilities, for whom this indicator will not be so important. The option of using a combined composition of materials is allowed: for laying the foundation and ground floor use cinder block as it is cheaper and strong material, and when constructing walls, use foam blocks.

The video says that better foam block or cinder block:

When building a bathhouse, it is traditional to use wood as the main building material. However, in Lately application has become widespread various types blocks that have advantages over classical method construction.

Previously, we already looked at what is best to build a bathhouse from, in this case we will dwell in detail on the choice of a specific type of blocks. In order to answer the question of which block is best to build a bathhouse from, it is necessary to consider everything possible options used block materials.

Advantages of using blocks in construction

  • Simplicity of technology. It is much easier to build walls from blocks than from any other material. It is quite possible to carry out these works independently, without the involvement of highly qualified, therefore expensive, workers.
  • Cheap material and construction technology. Making blocks using modern technologies allows us to achieve high quality at a relatively low cost. In addition, their characteristics, mainly low weight, allow you to save effort and money on the foundation, making it lightweight.

Aerated concrete blocks

The material is a type of cellular concrete. It is made from cement and quartz sand with the addition of special foaming agents. Blocks with the required increased strength are additionally processed in autoclaves. Therefore, there are two types of aerated concrete:

  • volumetric mass 0.3-0.5 t./cubic. m. - can be used for thermal insulation;
  • volumetric mass 0.5-1.2 t./cubic. m. (autoclave) – used for laying walls.

For the walls of a one-story bathhouse, aerated concrete grade D500 (0.5 t/cub.m.) is quite sufficient, and the blocks can be installed on edge, then the wall thickness is approximately 20 cm. Since the outside of the blocks is usually insulated and finished, the resulting structure will be excellent keep warm and have the required load-bearing capacity.

Advantages of aerated concrete

  • relatively light weight;
  • ease of processing (drills a regular drill, cut with a hacksaw);
  • non-flammability;
  • becomes even more durable over time.


  • quite high price (compared to other blocks);
  • requirements for the quality of the material (the need to strictly adhere to manufacturing technology);
  • hygroscopicity (reduced by the use of special additives), resulting in the need to use special glue for laying blocks. Laying on the mortar will cause the blocks to absorb moisture and reduce thermal insulation properties material.

Price for 1 cubic meter m of autoclaved aerated concrete - from 3200 rubles.

Gas silicate blocks

The manufacturing technology is similar to aerated concrete, but differs from it in the composition of the binding material: lime is used to produce gas silicate blocks (62% quartz sand and 24% lime), and cement is used for aerated concrete (up to 60%). Gas silicate always white and has even greater hygroscopicity. Moreover, when saturated with moisture, it loses its strength characteristics, which can lead to destruction of the material. Therefore, its use for the construction of a bathhouse without additional processing or insulation is irrational. Price – from 3000 rub./cub.m.

Foam concrete blocks

Another material related to cellular concrete. It is made from cement, sand and water with the addition of foam created in a foam generator. The manufacturing technology is simple, which allows for the production of blocks in private settings. This leads to the fact that the quality of the purchased material must be carefully checked. Otherwise, the block structure can quickly become unusable.

Advantages of foam concrete

  • the lowest cost compared to other blocks (except cinder blocks) and, especially, wood or brick. Price – from 2800 rub./cub.m.

Nowadays, the variety of building materials is very large, so building a fence, house or garage will not be difficult. a lot of work. Such building materials are easy to work with both for a professional builder and to the common man. Nowadays, the market quite often offers foam concrete or aerated concrete for building houses. They are practically no different from standard materials that have already become traditional for us: wood, cinder block and brick, but for some unknown reason many builders are afraid to work with such materials. But before you start construction, you need to choose a good and quality material, therefore, it is much wiser to first find out everything about everything, and then make the only right choice for yourself. Moreover, progress does not stand still and being afraid of the new is definitely not the right choice.

Unknowing people, seeing a foam block and a cinder block, can say that they are very similar and are unlikely to differ in any way from each other. But don't rush to conclusions. Outwardly they are indeed similar, but a number of distinctive qualities make these two building materials completely different both during the construction process and during the operation of the finished housing. Let's take a closer look at all the advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete and cinder block and find out how they differ and which one will be better.

cinder block

A cinder block is not new material in the construction field. It has been tested for decades, and that is why people are not afraid to buy it and build houses from it. In any more or less large populated area you can find a cinder block manufacturer; everything has been clear and understandable with production technology for a long time - a lot of experiments have been carried out, which have been tested in practice and have given certain results that allow us to draw conclusions.

The first thing that catches your eye is the fairly low price of the material; it directly depends on the fact that recycled material - slag - is used in the production of blocks. The block is also made from concrete mixture And various fillers, so it will be somewhat lighter than brick. The weight and size of each block may not be the same, since GOST standards do not have cinder blocks. Such material can be produced not only in factories, but also in private firms, which again does not make it possible to unambiguously judge the quality of the material.

Another distinctive feature of cinder block is its low thermal conductivity when compared with brick or foam block. But here, too, the developers found a way out. they improved with various fillers. Therefore, if you need more heat-conducting materials, pay attention to the composition of the cinder block.

Many experts who have worked with such blocks recommend cinder blocks with lime admixtures, as they are more durable. And few people know that cinder blocks can be used not only to build walls, but also to lay a solid foundation.

Pros of cinder block

    One of the most important advantages is speed and ease of use. A cinder block is the size of approximately 7 bricks, so it only takes a couple of hours to lay out the wall.

    Due to its low thermal conductivity, cinder block is a good thermal insulation material.

    A wall built with cinder blocks dries much faster than with other materials.

    Cinder block is not dangerous to human health, as it is completely non-toxic, does not contain radioactive substances, and is fire resistant.

Although, of course, it would not be superfluous to check the documents with a sanitary and hygienic certificate for the purchased batch of material. Radiation is a relative indicator.

Cons of cinder block

    Has a very low level of sound insulation. Therefore, it is still better to use cinder blocks for walls inside a residential building. If you live near a busy road or are building apartment house for several residents, after a short period of time you will most likely want to soundproof the walls, and this is a troublesome and expensive pleasure.

    After the construction of the walls is completed, it will be necessary to make the internal and external finishing, since externally the cinder block is not distinguished by its elegance and attractiveness.

    Cinder blocks are very afraid of water and moisture, so walls can collapse relatively quickly in our climatic conditions. This can only be avoided by substantially working out the elements of waterproofing and vapor barrier of the walls, both externally and internally. inside buildings.

    The heavy weight of a cinder block wall requires a reliable foundation. It is not recommended to use such material for multi-storey construction, as there is a high risk of cracking of the walls and foundation.

    Cinder block makes it difficult to install internal communications wiring. Working with it is not very easy; it requires considerable physical strength both for transportation and for laying walls. Even if it is possible to work with cinder blocks on your own, it is definitely problematic.

If you still choose cinder block material, do not forget that after using it you will need to cover the outside of the house with brick or, for example, siding. And this will lead to some waste.

Foam blocks

Foam blocks are made by foaming concrete special installations. The quality of the foam block is practically in no way inferior to brick. And the biggest advantage is the cost of the blocks. It is much lower than a brick. But, despite the fact that foam concrete is very similar to brick, it also has its positive and negative sides.

Pros of foam block

    Foam block is an environmentally friendly product that does not harm people. It is made almost entirely from natural material: sand, cement and foaming agent.

    Fire-resistant and responds well to possible temperature changes.

    Foam block walls do not require additional insulation.

    The low weight of the foam block will allow you to install a foundation and drive out walls on not very stable ground. It is easier to work with, which means the time spent on construction is reduced.

    Compared to a cinder block, communication in a foam block is quite easy.

    It has a very high level of sound insulation, so it can be used not only for interior walls.

Disadvantages of foam block

    Improper technology in the production of foam blocks can affect the quality of the product itself. The blocks will break and crumble a lot.

    Just like the gas block, it does not like moisture; lack of ventilation, as a result, can collapse.

All the shortcomings of the foam block can be easily and quite simply eliminated. And in order to protect yourself from low-quality products, you need to buy blocks from trusted manufacturers. Also façade wall can be protected from moisture by finishing the façade with thermal insulation material.

Which material is better - cinder block or foam block

After all the positive and negative aspects of these materials have been listed, a conclusion can be drawn. Cinder block will not be the worst material for construction, and its low price, compared to brick, is good news.

But still the most suitable material There will be foam blocks for the construction of houses. It is not inferior in quality to either brick or cinder block. And also all the shortcomings of the foam block can be easily corrected and the price will be much less than brick, but more than cinder block. Also, long term services of this material will not leave anyone indifferent. Considering modern trend to save energy, the high heat-retaining indicator of the foam block will more than pay for its cost in just a few years.