Well      04/08/2019

DIY decorative screen for zoning a room. Making a screen with your own hands

Screen – mobile partition, which allows you to hide the action taking place behind it from prying eyes. It can be used in different ways - the screen is used in medicine, in the theater, and in enterprises for various purposes, both in offices and, of course, at home, as a way of zoning a room. Such partitions are easily removed, folded and hidden in a far corner, as they say, out of sight. They have many advantages, and it is for this reason that, together with the site, we will pay a little attention to this product and tell you how to make a screen with your own hands?

Accordion screen photo

How to make a screen with your own hands: choosing the material

An interior screen is a rather ancient product, and people have learned to make it from a very wide range of different materials. The only trouble is that not all of them are easy to process at home - in this regard, the choice will be somewhat limited. Among the most available materials In terms of self-processing, the following things can be highlighted.

In principle, there are other materials that make it very easy to make a screen for your home with your own hands. For example, for the manufacture of a frame (frame), a material such as polypropylene pipe– after covering it with fabric, its entire nondescript appearance is completely hidden. You can use rattan as a frame filler, you can also weave macrame or come up with something even more original.

Screen manufacturing process: three stages

Globally, the entire process of making a screen for a room with your own hands can be divided into three main stages, each of which has its own subtleties and nuances, which will have to be observed at least in order for it to really turn out beautiful product. Let's start in order.

  1. Framework. You will need several of them - at least two, maximum ten. In general, such a plan can have many sections, but it should be understood that if there are too many of them, the screen will turn out to be heavy and it will be almost impossible to transport it. So if you need to make a long screen, you should think about making several separate products. But let's return to our frames - there are not so many requirements for their production (apart from aesthetic ones). First of all, this is the rigidity of the structure - it is ensured by reliable fastening of the elements and the installation of additional transverse jumpers. Secondly, clear geometry - all frame angles must be within 90 degrees. If there are no straight right angles, the screen will have a skewed appearance. In principle, these are all the main points. Now as for the assembly - if we talk about wood, then frames are assembled from timber. In fact, you will need to screw two long bars into the frame (they set the height of the product) and three, or even four short bars, which set the width of the screen section. The most reliable fastening of the bars to each other is provided by furniture confirmations.

    How to make a screen with your own hands photo

  2. Filling sections. It all depends on what material you choose as a filler. If it is glass, then it is installed according to the principle of window glazing - that is, first you nail a glazing bead inside the frame on one side, then insert the glass and install the glazing bead on the other side. With fabric, things are a little more complicated and here you can go in two ways - the drapery can be nailed directly to the section of the screen and hide the junction with a slats or the same glazing bead. Or you can make a separate frame for the fabric, cover it with fabric and install it using glass installation technology. The second option is better, since you get an easily replaceable element - if the fabric is torn, it will not be difficult to repair the screen. In general, similar technologies are used to install any other material that you come up with to fill the sections of the screen. Even rattan or macrame weaving is first assembled on a frame and only then installed in sections using glazing beads.

    How to make a screen for a room with your own hands photo

  3. Assembly. There are only two things you need to do here. First of all, this is to connect all the sections into one single product - this connection is made using canopies, which you can choose both in size and design in almost any hardware store. There is only one nuance here - you need to make sure that the sections fold in different directions. In the sense that the first is towards itself, the second is away from itself, the third is towards itself again and the fourth is away from itself again - only such a sequence will ensure compact folding of the screen for the home. In general, ideally, you can choose hinges that will ensure the section folds in any direction - however, in this case there will be a gap between them. If it doesn’t bother you, then such a decision will generally be made ideal option. The second point is installing the screen on rollers or on a stand. In general, you need to provide stability in the unfolded position, and this can only be achieved in one way - attach a transverse rail to the bottom of each section and equip it with rollers for better transportation. In principle, this is a simple point that is easy to figure out on your own.

    Screen for home photo

As you can see, everything is quite simple, and there are no particular difficulties in the process of making a screen for your home. The main thing is to have the desire to do it all with your own hands and treat the process of its production creatively and with full responsibility.

To conclude the topic of how to make a screen with your own hands, I will say a few words about making a partition from glass or monolithic polycarbonate. Such screens are made even easier, especially if we talk about a material such as plexiglass () - all that needs to be done here for the structure to work is to purchase the right fittings, that is, canopies and supports. When you buy the whole thing, the process of making a screen will be reduced to a banal assembly. You will only need to drill holes in the right places and connect pre-cut sheets of plastic into a single product.

  • 2. French liaison. A screen can not only divide, but also unite. Installed in a wide partition between the windows, it becomes the center of attention, preventing the space from “falling apart” into pieces. A screen by Jean Cocteau, a couple of sheep and photographs of Pierre and Gilles bring an element of artistry to the rather conservative interior of this bedroom.
  • 3. Collected works. Decorating screens with fake paintings is a long-standing tradition. Such an object is capable of not only modeling space, but also filling it with new meaning. For example, with the help of a screen depicting shelves with books, it is easy to turn any room into a reading room. And at the same time, emphasize that the owners of the house are intelligent people and are not indifferent to the written word.
  • 4. Open book. To study in detail the skillful painting on the sashes of the Japanese screen, you need to place it at eye level. To do this, you will either have to sit on the floor or hang the screen on the wall. The plot must be “read” from right to left. It is advisable to dim the light at the same time - after all, twilight reigns in Japanese houses. Then the gold on the screen will shimmer and not scream, and the colors will become soft and refined.
  • 5. The third way. This half-empty hotel interior, designed in a neutral color scheme, had every chance of becoming one of those transit zones that do not “catch” the eye in any way. The situation was saved by a screen, thanks to which the room acquired a new dimension. Of course, we are not so naive as to mistake the painting for a real landscape. And yet the city streets that go intoperspective, involuntarily lead one to think: where to move next - right, left or straight?
  • 6. Give it your all! Such a screen will not be able to fulfill its original purpose - to intrigue and hide. But thanks to it, there will be no cluttered corners in your bedroom that need to be hidden from prying eyes. For greater practicality, you can insert a mirror into one of the doors of such a mini-wardrobe.
  • 7. Divide and conquer! Should you make the kitchen isolated or combine it with the living room? The truth lies in the middle, and its name is a screen. For example, the owner of this Parisian loft uses a rare Claustra screen, invented in the 60s by the Cloutier brothers, as a partition.
  • 8. Corner kick. This corner is a typical “dead zone” - the approach to it is blocked by armchairs and a table by the fireplace. The screen does not simply “justify” the existence of this nook. Its mirror doors reflect light and visually expand the space. The only problem is that the screen is located close to the head of the bed. Think carefully about whether such a neighborhood suits you: admiring your sleepy face in the morning is not fun for everyone!
  • 9. Holy place. The age-old problem of how to use the space under the stairs was solved by designer Kelly Hoppen with the help of a screen. Openwork design made of black lacquer rings became the background for the yellow “eared” chair. However, in this interior the screen solves not only decorative, but also spatial problems - it serves as a “watershed” between the dining and sofa areas.
  • 10. Reliable rear. Sitting with your back to a door or window is extremely unpleasant. In this interior, the problem is solved by using a screen, which forms a kind of niche and gives a feeling of security. I can’t even believe that in front of us is not a cozy old mansion, but a modern open space.
  • 11. Oh times, oh morals! Since screens first arrived in Europe, interest in them has waxed and waned. Another surge occurred during Art Deco, when screens made using varnish, metal and glass came into fashion. The photo shows a typical representative of that era, although it is not an antique, but a skillful stylization. The author of the object is contemporary American designer Thomas Fisant.
  • 12. Everything is to the side. Sometimes screens take on the role of architectural elements (such as columns, niches, etc.), changing the proportions of the room and setting it in a solemn mood. Installed on either side of the bed, they form an alcove.
  • 13. Up to 16 and older. As they say, comments are unnecessary. Before us is an object that is useful in all respects. It remains to add that such a screen will be useful not only in the nursery, but also in the office or, say, in the kitchen. If you don’t like chalk (it crumbles), insert a magnetic board with a special coating on which you can write with felt-tip pens into one of the doors.
  • 14. The head of everything! The screen often acts as a headboard. Here this idea is brought to its conclusion logical conclusion: the doors are covered with the same fabric as the bed valance and the upholstery of the chair. But you can do it differently - play on the contrast, making the screen the central element of the interior.

Learning theory

Answering the question of how to make a screen with your own hands, we can say that in fact general view it looks something like this: you need to make frames, then stretch the material over them and connect the frames with hinges so that the screen can fold. In this case, usually the width of each screen sheet is about 50 centimeters, and their height is approximately 170-180 cm: if these dimensions are observed, this element of the interior will be easy and pleasant to use.

It is also worth noting that a classic screen, as a rule, should have three or four separate parts, which are usually made from canvases of the same size and pattern. To create a screen with your own hands, you will most likely need the following tools: a hacksaw, a drill, wire cutters and pliers. If you decide to create a model using metal structures, then you will need a hacksaw and a welding machine.

Let's try it in practice

In order for our conversation with you about how to make a screen with your own hands to take on a concrete character, you can write down the “recipe” for its “cooking”. So, you will need 6 pieces of wood, each about 2 meters long, and 6 shorter pieces that will make up the width of the screen. You will also need to purchase fabric of any color you like. In this case, you should start from the place where this screen will be located. For example, for a children's room you can choose a more cheerful and bright fabric that will create a playful mood in the baby.

In addition, to create a screen with your own hands, you will need to prepare 4 door hinges: if your accessory has three doors. Also, don’t forget about a paint brush and varnish, which you will use to put the frames for the screen in order. It is worth noting that when performing this work you also cannot do without nails and a hammer or self-tapping screws. At the same time, some specialists use a stapler for furniture and various elements of decorative finishing.

The technique for doing the work will be as follows:

  1. You need to create a frame from bars. To do this, we make 3 wooden frames and then fasten them together with screws.

  2. By using door hinges We fasten the frames together. To ensure that the base for the screen is completely ready, coat it with varnish and let it dry thoroughly.

  3. Cutting the fabric required sizes, leaving 2 cm from each edge for the hem. Then we carefully stretch the resulting blanks onto the frames and nail them with a furniture stapler. It is very important that the fabric is stretched tightly and evenly. If desired, you can decorate the resulting screen with any decorative elements.

Otherwise, the hand-made screen is ready and you can put it in its place and enjoy its beauty and privacy.


A screen - partition is a rather interesting and versatile decorative element, thanks to which you can easily zone a room. Therefore, if you would like to create separate zones in different rooms, then feel free to start making a screen - partition.

This kind of home screen - partition is quite simple to make, just prepare everything necessary materials and tools.

. Wooden blocks 2 m long, 6 pcs;
. Wooden blocks across the width of the room (measure the width of the room, dividing by 3) - 6 pcs;
. A piece of thick fabric (choose colors to suit your taste or to match the interior);
. Brush;
. Door hinges- 4 things;
. Varnish;
. Furniture stapler;
. Glue;
. Self-tapping screws;
. Nails;
. Hammer;
. Decorative braid

Instructions for making screens - partitions

1. First you need to make a frame for the screen. We use prepared wooden blocks. From the prepared bars you need to prepare 3 wooden frames, connecting the bars together with screws.
2. We connect the frames with door hinges.
3. Using a brush, open the frames with varnish to add shine.
4. Cut 3 cuts from the prepared fabric for each frame in accordance with the dimensions of the frames.
5. Glue each piece of fabric with glue to one side of the frames, then secure with staples using furniture stapler. Next, stretch the fabric and secure with staples on the other side of the frame. Make sure that the fabric is stuffed evenly and symmetrically.
6. Front side screens - partitions are ready, now you need to decorate them aesthetically inner side screens. To do this, use prepared braid, which you carefully stick to the cut edges of the fabric.
After this, all the main work is completed and your screen - partition is ready for use. If you wish, you can easily further decorate the screen by decorating it with appliqués, original inserts and photographs.

We are confident that a handmade screen or partition will become a wonderful decoration for your home. Creative success and good mood!


The topic of this article is DIY screen.

As I already said in my article, you can zone a room different ways. Including using a screen.

This is very convenient option, allowing you to change space at the speed of light! Especially if you have several screens of different designs (or the base of the screen is the same, but the panels (filling) are different). After all, moods can also be different - and the world around should change accordingly!

Panels can be made from fabric, wood, plastic, stained glass.

The design of a screen should be based not only on the style and color of the interior, but also on the functions that our screen should perform. If you need to tightly fence off some part of the room, then you need to choose less transparent materials. It could be wood, opaque plastic, opaque fabric (or light, but very tightly gathered), possibly stained glass.

If you only want to visually separate part of the space, then you can limit yourself to transparent materials, or even make a screen with decorative holes.

And if necessary, you can safely put the screen in a corner and free up space, for example, for a party!

You can easily make a screen with your own hands. In addition, you will know for sure that no one else has a screen like yours! Thanks to this guide, you will make it quite simple!

If you have children, this is a great opportunity to connect your child to the creative process of creation! Everyone will have fun and interesting! The main thing is to use a little imagination!

You can safely use almost everything you find at hand: bright scraps of colored fabric, old broken hairpins, pieces of leather (can be cut from an old bag), beads, beads, paints, various ropes, child’s drawings, photographs, etc.

And if you feel the strength to do it, go ahead!

So, to make a wooden frame we will need the following tools and materials:

  1. The wooden planks themselves (we recommend using pine planks 6 cm wide and about 2 cm thick). There should be 24 pieces: 1.70 m long - 12 pieces, 0.6 m long - 12 pieces. (or take 6 pieces of 1.2 m each).
  2. Designed for a screen with three doors.
  3. A simple pencil with a square.
  4. Wood glue with a paint brush.
  5. Varnish for wood.
  6. Sandpaper.
  7. The chisel is thin.
  8. Carpenter's vice - 4 pcs. (you can do less, but then the process itself will take longer).
  9. Hammer.
  10. Hacksaw.
  11. Wood screws (D = 3 mm, length can be 1.5 cm). Approximately 100 pcs.
  12. Screwdriver (if available).
  13. Steel corners - 12 pcs.
  14. Loops - 6 pcs. or 9 pcs. (depending on the type of loops)


So, we take our wooden planks, retreat about 6 cm of edge on each side on both sides, mark a line parallel to the edge of the plank.

Note: These lines should be on one side of the plank.


Along these lines we make a notch with a hacksaw to the middle of the thickness of the plank.


We take a hammer and a thin chisel and make cuts (remove the wood by about half the thickness of the plank) to the line and the cut we marked.


We take two long strips and two short ones, apply glue to inner part cut and assemble the frame. We clamp the gluing areas with a carpenter's vice and wait until the glue dries.

We do the same with the rest of the planks.


It is necessary to sand the resulting frames sandpaper. Then coat them with wood varnish.


Now we take the corners and secure our frames in the corners with them.

Decorative partitions were first produced in China. Today, screens are used to decorate the interior and zoning it. How to make your own screen with your own hands?

How to make a screen with your own hands - materials

To make a wooden screen frame you will need:

  • 12 pine planks 170 cm (6 cm wide, 2 cm thick);
  • 12 pine planks 60 cm (6 cm wide, 2 cm thick);
  • pencil;
  • square;
  • wood glue;
  • wide brush;
  • light wood varnish;
  • hacksaw;
  • thin chisel;
  • hammer;
  • carpenter's vice (4 pcs.);
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • 12 steel corners;
  • 96 wood screws with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 1.5 cm.

How to make a screen with your own hands - manufacturing

  • From the end of each pine plank, step back 6 cm. Draw with a simple pencil a straight line along the widest part of the planks.
  • To the middle of the width of the planks, along the marks marked with a pencil, we make cuts with a hacksaw.
  • From the end of the planks, using a hammer and chisel, we begin to remove the wood in layers, forming cuts.
  • Apply glue to the notches and connect the short strips with the long ones into a rectangle. Secure these frame points with a vice. Now you need to wait until the glue dries.
  • After complete drying, sand the frames with sandpaper and coat with a light wood varnish.
  • To prevent the frames from falling apart in the future, attach the corners with screws.
  • Thus, you have 6 separate frames and it’s time to start decorating them and final assembly screens.

How to make a screen with your own hands - screen decor

The easiest way to decorate a screen is to use fabric. Choose its density and color according to your taste (from organza to thick cotton or linen). To fix the fabric to the frame you need to use furniture stapler. If you don't have a special stapler, use hot glue. Some designers wrap fabric around frames and secure it with needles. This option is not suitable for those who have small children in the house.

How to make a screen with your own hands - final assembly

The final assembly of the screen involves connecting the frames together with hinges. Don't go wrong with the mounting side. Your screen should fold like an accordion.

How to make a screen with your own hands - ideas

In fact, screens can be decorated with the most unpredictable materials:

  • multi-colored glass bottles;
  • branches;
  • paper, cardboard and newspapers;
  • threads and ropes;
  • garlands;
  • ivy;
  • organic glass.

To make your screen easy to move, attach special wheels at the bottom.

A homemade screen will be a real decoration in your home. It is not necessary to build brick walls to divide the space; use mobile partitions for this purpose.

A few centuries ago, the screen was a classic attribute of any interior that aspires to pretentiousness and taste.

Nowadays, screens can be used to regulate the space in the house.

Over time, fashion “pushed aside” the screen, turning it into an antique of interest only to fashion historians. Now, when the concept of zoning space is returning to the interior, the screen has again become necessary.

Screen is not easy decorative element, but a completely functional part.

With its help, you can hide something that is not intended for prying eyes, complicate or make a space more comfortable, and also turn it into an art object, add theatricality and decorativeness, etc.

In the living room, a screen can be made the main decoration of the room.

Modern screens are divided into various types depending on the structure, materials used and purpose.

The original glossy screen serves as a decorative element.

And if the purpose of a screen can be very diverse and depends only on the imagination of its owner, then the most popular types by design are the following.

  1. Casement.

Until recently this was the only possible appearance screens. A rigid sash frame with fabric stretched over it (paper, glass inserted into the frame, etc.), the sash is connected to each other like an accordion.

A screen along the entire length of the room along the wall acts as a decorative element.

The fastening is made with furniture or piano hinges, in some cases strong soft material(leather, thick fabric, artificial leather). Initially, the frame was made of wood, but later it was replaced with lighter aluminum.

Currently, the main material for folding screens is plastic.

  1. Single screen.

This is the main type of office screens. It is used when it is necessary to divide a large space into smaller, individual “offices”.

An unusual single-screen screen in a relaxation corner.

  1. Composite.

Recently, this type has become especially popular among those who like dramatic changes in their interior. This screen is assembled like a puzzle from several elements. The material is usually plastic, but a textile option is also possible.

In this case, you can choose the number of elements, the material for them and in what order they will go in yourself.

  1. Flexible.

This type of screen is the latest invention of designers. The structure does not consist of separate doors, but is a single wall made of flexible material.

The screen can be easily rolled up if necessary, can take fancy shapes and be used in various situations.

It can be bent at almost any angle, creating not only small zones in space, but even labyrinths. If necessary, the screen is folded and removed.

A new product in the world of partitions is a flexible screen.

If you are faced with the question of how to make a screen with your own hands, then you need to proceed from the design features. For example, it is not possible to make a flexible screen yourself, because it’s all about the material. Such a screen can be subjected to design changes or assembled independently.

Making a classic folding screen with your own hands is quite possible.

At the same time, such a screen will have an undoubted number of advantages:

  • M the material is selected based on your own preferences, as well as configuration, height, width, etc.;
  • Sh Irma will perfectly “fit” into the interior in size, design, color, and style;
  • C The price for such an individual design is significantly lower than any other analogues;
  • P If desired, you can attract additional help for production, for example, woodworkers, artists or professional decorators.

Since screens are made from a variety of materials, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing one for a particular room.

A screen for a room can be not only functionally useful, but also decoratively beneficial.

Materials and tools needed to make a screen

Making a screen with your own hands- It's not a complicated process at all. Having done this for the first time, in the future, having necessary tools and experience, you can independently improve the technology, develop unique design solutions. But for the first screen you will need a minimum set of tools and materials. Namely:

  1. Screwdriver and drill;
  2. Construction stapler;
  3. Furniture hinges;
  4. Hacksaw;
  5. Screws;
  6. Paint, varnish;
  7. Wood blocks of the required length;
  8. Fabric for internal filling sashes (if glass is used, additional glazing beads will be needed);
  9. Suitable decor.

If everything you need is available, you can begin production.

The manufacturing process, in turn, is divided into the production of frames for the sashes, decoration and fastening of the sashes.

Step-by-step instructions for making a screen frame

The main element in the design of the screen is the frame of the sash. Therefore, frame screens are most popular when made independently. The wooden frame is a regular frame. It is made in several stages.

If the sash is planned to be solid, the material chosen is as light as possible.

DIY screen ( step-by-step instruction)

  1. Calculation of sizes.

    We mark the timber (4x4) with the calculation of six bars of one hundred eighty centimeters and six bars of fifty centimeters each.

  2. Cutting wooden blocks according to the dimensions produced.

  3. Pre-treatment of wood for the frame: sanding, impregnation suitable composition, primer, painting.

    We process wooden blanks with sandpaper or grinder, until smooth.

    It is necessary to carry out preliminary work to cover all irregularities and cracks.

  4. The bars can be connected in several ways. For example, using spikes (by appearance This method is similar to a clothing “zipper”). To do this, deep grooves are made along the edge of both bars with a drill.

    This connection is the most durable.

    After making sure that the grooves match exactly, coat them with glue and connect them using spikes of suitable size.

  5. The bars can also be connected with screws. When creating a frame, you can leave space for the legs when attaching the bars.

    We fasten all three doors in a similar way.

  6. Coating with paint (stain) matching the interior color.

    After completing the preparation of the surface of the future screen for the house, we paint the wood with the paint we like.

  7. Varnish coating in two layers.
  8. Make several more similar sashes.

    We connect the individual sashes using hinges.

To complicate the task, the frame can be woven from wicker, made from openwork metal (forging), and the corners of the frame can be decorated forged metal, apply the craquelure technique on wood.

Decorating the screen

Based on the method of decoration, structures are divided into solid and transparent. Based on this, the material to fill the frame is selected. If the final product is planned to be transparent or translucent, choose glass. It can be corrugated, matte, mosaic, painted, etc.

For glass, recesses are made in wooden blocks, then it is secured with glazing beads.

Another material suitable for translucent screens is sisoflor. But it is difficult to work with; it is quite fragile.Sometimes, when creating a multifaceted decor, transparent sections of the screen are combined with non-transparent ones. For the latter, cardboard is used.

Cardboard is combined with floral mesh, paper, and foil.

The most used material is fabric. And here the scope of designer imagination is simply limitless: chintz, exquisite silk, embroidery, organza, tapestry, fabric painting, etc.

There are practically no restrictions in decor.

There are also quite a few types of fastening fabric to a block frame:

  • WITH using a construction stapler;
  • N pull onto the slats;
  • WITH using decorative loops;
  • “Plant” on glue with a rubber base;
  • WITH using specialized pins.

Over time, when making a screen with your own hands, each craftsman develops his own secrets, methods of fastening and decoration.

VIDEO: A screen is a stylish way to zone space.

Screen in the interior - 50 photo ideas:

A screen is a very elegant and light partition. Usually it consists of three doors that fold like an accordion. With its help, you can divide a room into zones and thus add variety to a small apartment. A self-designed screen will make the room original and mysterious, because it will always be interesting, what’s there? At the same time, there are plenty of techniques for creating such a miracle in the interior. It can be wickerwork, decoupage and craquelure wooden surfaces, the screen can also be fabric or plastic.

DIY screen: materials

To make a screen with your own hands from wood and fabric, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials.

Tools you will need:

Materials for making a screen with your own hands from wood:

  • wooden blocks;
  • textile;
  • various tapes.

When everything you need has been collected, you can start making the screen yourself. The manufacturing process is divided into two stages: making the frame and decorating it.

Frame makingfor screen

The frame can be manufactured as a frame or a solid panel. When making a solid frame for a screen, it should be taken into account that the material must be chosen light. Otherwise, the screen will be too heavy, which is extremely inconvenient to use. A DIY screen made in the form of a frame is more convenient to use. Such a screen will provide more opportunities for realizing fantastic ideas in its manufacture.

Make a frame for the screen from wood. Making a regular frame yourself is not a lot of work. First of all, we calculate the dimensions for the future screen. We cut the wooden blocks according to size. To connect the prepared parts, you can use a tenon joint. This connection is very similar to a zipper for clothing. Along the edges of the bars, grooves are cut in the form of recesses on one side. On the other side we make cloves. Everything needs to be done so that the two bars are connected tightly to each other. First, coat the joint with glue. After this, we insert the teeth of the other into the grooves of one bar. This connection is very strong.

The second option for attaching the frame is simpler. To do this, you need to connect the edges of the bars using screws. When making a frame for a screen, you can connect wooden beam so that you get legs.

When making screens with your own hands, they often use wooden frame. It should be taken into account that the wood requires pre-treatment. A prerequisite is impregnation, priming and painting of wood. Impregnation will not work wooden products swell from high humidity or water ingress. The primer allows the paint to adhere wonderfully.

We treat the frame with everything necessary and paint it in a color that will harmonize with the furniture and textiles in the room. The screen is coated with several layers of varnish. In this way we make two or three wooden frames for the screen. If desired, the wooden frame can be coated with varnish or stain. Interesting option- combine contrasting acrylic paints and make a screen to match the interior.

Of course, you can use it to make a frame for a screen. various materials. For example, bamboo, metal rods, mesh or other material. The main thing is that the screen you make yourself fits well into the interior of the room.

DIY screen decoration

A frame screen can be decorated in several ways. It is important to decide whether it will be a solid screen, transparent or mixed. Depending on the type of screen chosen, the material for decoration is also selected.

Mixed screens look beautiful in the interior. Their surface consists of various sections, transparent, translucent and solid. Such screens carry an ambiguous connotation. On the one hand, they hide from prying eyes, and on the other hand, they provide the opportunity to peep behind the screen. To do this, many decorating techniques are used. These can be cut out silhouettes or regular slits. With such openwork, a hand-made screen gives the impression that you can see everything that happens behind it.

A DIY screen, decorated with fabric, creates warmth and comfort in the room. It is ideal for a children's room. Using fabrics of various colors, you can create unusually bright and a beautiful screen with your own hands.

We cut out the fabric for the screen with our own hands. It is necessary to take into account that we will bend it. Therefore, we add 5-6 centimeters on each side.

Before attaching the fabric to the frame, you need to create the necessary picture. For example, make an original applique or sew bows from ribbons of different colors onto fabric. You can use beads, buttons and any other decoration accessories. It will look beautiful if you place artificial flowers on a fabric surface, exactly the same as those in a vase on the floor. The result is a single ensemble that will enliven the most boring interior.

It is better to start fastening from the top, using a construction stapler. The fabric must lie flat, otherwise you will get unsightly waves. Once the top is secured, we proceed to attach the bottom. In this case, it is necessary to stretch the fabric well. Only when the top and bottom of the fabric are securely fastened to the frame, do we fasten the fabric on the sides.

The last stage of making a screen with your own hands is connecting the decorated frames using door hinges. For each connection we use two loops. This will allow you to fold the screen if there are guests on the threshold.

An interesting option in bedroom design is a screen on which framed photographs are placed. It can beautifully delimit one zone from another, and will serve as a small photo album.

A do-it-yourself screen, made with love and imagination, will bring fresh breath and novelty to the interior of your home.