Well      03/07/2020

Bathroom design with wall-hung toilet. Toilet with installation in the interior. Beige and brown

✔ Installation advantages

Installation is a structure in which cistern and supply fittings are hidden behind the wall, leaving only wall hung toilet and a drain button. This solution allows you to more efficiently use the free space in the bathroom, especially if it is not different large sizes. From an aesthetic point of view, everything is fine too - the installation looks modern and laconic, nothing superfluous. All supply pipes and hoses are hidden behind the wall. It is very convenient to clean the room - the floor remains completely free of earthenware. Another advantage of the suspension system is low level noise, since the tank is hidden behind the wall and, in addition, has a soundproofing layer provided by the design. The collection of water occurs almost silently. There is an economical flush system, as in many toilet models. Installing an installation system opens up new opportunities for creating interesting and unique design bathroom.

Installation of toilet and hygienic shower.

✘ Disadvantages of installation

But nothing is perfect in this world, and there are some disadvantages to this technological miracle. This is a higher price compared to regular classic toilets. Low maintainability. The wall-hung toilet and the button are easy to replace, but what’s behind the wall can only be replaced after dismantling the latter. The same applies to all pipes and communications that will be behind the unit. In a typical bathroom, the installation is usually installed in a niche with risers and blocks access to the pipes located below. When installing a regular toilet, it can be made from plasterboard and tiles, but in the case of an installation, this is not possible. But it must be said that modern systems installations are of very high quality and provided correct installation will last a very long time.

There is one more point about which we consider it necessary to warn those who decide to install the installation in their apartment. Compared to a conventional toilet, which stands rigidly on the floor, you feel a slight depreciation of the structure when landing, which gives rise to doubts about the reliability of the base, which, by the way, are completely groundless. Manufacturers guarantee that suspension systems can withstand loads of up to 400 kilograms. This is a psychological effect, it just takes time to get used to. If none of the above is an obstacle, you can safely purchase an installation kit from a well-known manufacturer. Most often we had to install systems Grohe And Geberit. There are no complaints about the quality of these products.

Installation of toilet installation.

How to install the installation - yourself or seek the help of a specialist? If in the case of a regular toilet it was possible to repair the toilet and then invite a plumber to install the device, then this will not work with installation. Installing a suspension system is a rather complicated process. Since the installation is a built-in system, it is almost impossible to separate the process of its installation from the actual renovation of the bathroom. What is needed here is a specialist with a wide profile who can first reliably install the structure frame, correctly connect all the supply pipes, check the operation of the drain, make a wall of plasterboard or gypsum board, lay it with tiles, grout the seams and only then mount it wall hung toilet and a drain button. At the same time, you always have to measure and try on everything seven times. Even with extensive experience in installing installations various types, we spend significantly more time on this work than on installing a regular toilet. If you are not afraid of difficulties and have repair skills, then you can cope with this task yourself. The instructions included with the product describe the installation process in detail. The main thing is not to forget to use building level and comply correct sequence installation

We invite you to watch a video of the installation process from the famous manufacturer Roca.

What is installation and what are its advantages?

Most representatives of the older generation, far from the world of art, find it difficult to say what an installation is. In fact, this word comes from the English installation - installation, assembly, is nothing more than a spatial composition built from various elements. The second meaning is installing programs on a computer. But there is a third thing that interests us most, and it relates to plumbing. Thus, our conversation will now focus on installation in the bathroom.

The installation system, or, as it is called for short, SI, is a specially equipped structure that works on the principle of hidden installation. Simply put, in your bathroom you will not see any pipes or other communications, nor the places where they connect to the toilet and sewer: everything is hidden under tiles or other facing material. Only the most significant, sparkling clean places will be revealed to your eyes: bathtub, toilet, bidet, urinal.

SI will give the bathroom a modern look and make it stylish, not only visually increasing the area, but also making cleaning easier. Dirt will not accumulate at the joints, where it is difficult to remove, and there is another “trick” of the system: all objects, except, of course, the bathtub, seem to be hanging on the walls, and the floor underneath them is completely free! Any element of plumbing is connected to the sewer and water systems, both independently of each other and integrated into the overall system.

The design has a very small depth - 15 cm, due to which there is space saving and the possibility of increasing planning options. They can be unusual - for example, a sink and a “moidodyr” can hide in a wall niche, and other plumbing items can be placed in any combination. And if you buy corner bath and place it diagonally in the corner, the places adjacent to the walls will be completely free. Here is another secret that explains why the room looks so modern, spacious and unique!

Wide use frame partitions and walls speeds up work. Therefore, the undeniable advantages include significant savings in time, and therefore money, on the arrangement of such a bath.

Frame and block structures

Without going into engineering and technical details, we will describe what modern installation systems consist of. This metal structure, to which virtually all plumbing equipment is attached plus a plastic drain tank.

There are two types of structures - frame and block. The first, as the name suggests, consists of frames attached to four points - two to the wall and two to the floor. This method is used where the walls are lightweight so that the load falls mainly on the frame. All plumbing fixtures are located on it, and the fasteners for each piece of plumbing are separate. Special brackets are placed in the corner parts of the bathroom, the frame itself is set at a precise height, and having attached it, they begin to install hidden plumbing, for which they use studs. They need to be screwed in in advance, before finishing: Otherwise, drilling holes for them will have to be done at random.

IN Lately The package of such SI began to include rubber washers, which are strung on studs in the areas between the wall and the plumbing. Relative novelties include a special insert that has the property of isolating sound; thus, the system becomes virtually silent. All elements of the frame SI are coordinated with each other in a strict order.

For load-bearing, durable walls made of concrete or solid brick, block structures are most suitable, which are attached to the main wall with so-called anchor bolts. They are the ones who bear the bulk of the load. This design is considered simpler, but no less reliable.

Installation systems are also divided into groups according to their scope of application. The first group is intended only for toilets, the second - for all other equipment, namely sinks, bidets, urinals.

Toilet: nothing extra

A wealthy person who has a luxury apartment or Vacation home, I want his home to have an exclusive interior and be equipped with the latest design ideas. Considering this, the traditional combination of a toilet plus a cistern attached to it seems dull and outdated. In this case, an elegant engineering solution - an installation system - is exactly what will bring a fresh spirit to the tired one. bathroom interior and will give it sophistication and originality.

What will the modernized toilet look like? A neat wall from which a wall-hung toilet protrudes, and above it or next to it there is a flush button. SI for such purposes consists of three parts: a pipeline system - a frame and a drainage channel, a functional panel with a drain button and an overhead wall, which, like a screen, hides the entire structure. The reliability and durability of the installation system depend primarily on the first component. Drain buttons can be shaped like an oval, circle, square or rectangle.

The main difference between SI tanks and regular ones is the material from which they are made: it is not traditional ceramics, but plastic. The depth of such a tank is only 9 cm, and the width can be any. The top edge of the toilet is located from the floor at a distance of 40, 41 or 42 cm, and the sink - from 80 to 85 cm. The distances between the mounting holes are either 180 or 230 cm. The same applies to the bidet.

It may happen that the “everything is hidden” situation confuses an inexperienced user, or rather, he will be worried about the question of how to get to communications if “suddenly what?” There is no reason to worry! First of all, the advantages of the installation system include reliability and durability. Almost all components for installing such a design are supplied to Russia by well-known foreign companies, which guarantee many years of uninterrupted operation; you just need to entrust the installation to a specialist. To avoid overflow of water, if the float fails, drainage will prevent leaks and flooding.

Well, besides this, if a problem arises or you just want to make sure that everything is in order, open the inspection hatch located behind the flush button, and all the mechanisms of the tank will be in full view! Moreover, you have the opportunity to regulate the pressure and amount of water for draining - this can be from 3 to 9 liters.

The creators of the installation systems have done everything possible to make the user feel comfortable, although out of habit it may seem that the design is fragile and cannot withstand an obese person. And these fears are unfounded: a toilet attached to the wall can withstand a weight of up to 400 kg!

A urinal is hygienic and modern

It is a mistake to think that this item is only appropriate in public toilets. Its hygiene is appreciated by those who want to make their bathroom as comfortable and hygienic as possible. It is clear that it will not replace the toilet, but it will be an excellent addition to it.

It may be surprising that some models of urinals, or, as they are also called, urinals, can be in demand not only by men, but also by women. The latter can perform their natural needs without touching the ceramics or bending, which is very convenient in many respects.

If you decide to equip your sanitary zone so the right item and selected the installation, preparatory work: wall slitting, arrangement drainage system etc. - do it in advance. Considering that many companies equip urinals with infrared systems, it is necessary to resolve the issue with electricity.

SI for urinal are equipped with a set of fasteners for mounting both the system and the item itself, a supporting frame and an adapter for the flush elbow and, of course, detailed instructions, telling how to install the installation. The flush key may or may not be included in the kit - it depends on the manufacturer.

Considering that the equipment of a modern urinal is simple, closed installation using an installation is carried out easily and quickly, and almost any owner can handle it, if only there was desire and effort. But to correctly connect structures with the main communication, perhaps only professionals can do it.

Wall-hung plumbing fixtures are becoming more and more confident in the construction market. There are many reasons for this popularity; we will list a few: hygiene, compactness, practicality and, most importantly, space efficiency. Installation, translated from in English, call the placement or installation of a composition created from various objects and representing a single ensemble. A similar system arose simultaneously with the fashion for plumbing equipment, which is suspended from a support using a special mount.

All this makes it possible to equip it not like a standard bathroom, but with original ideas, which do not require special technologies.

It is important to understand that in this case you benefit in many ways and, by upgrading your bathroom in this way, you can save not only in space, but also in material costs.

You've probably come across unusual installation illustrations more than once. Many people immediately notice the presence of a “lightness or airiness effect,” which frightens with its fragility and unreliability. In reality this is not the case. The elements of the installation system can withstand significant loads (up to 400 kg).

An area free of plumbing equipment provides greater freedom for creative ideas when decorating the floor and walls of the room. By successfully choosing a design or pattern, you can visually enlarge the room. Properly positioned lighting will highlight the background of the entire composition.

All pipes, with fittings and fittings, can be closed with a special box and lined with selected material. At the same time, additional surfaces are created that present interesting possibilities for creating the desired interior.

Special facing panels (gypsum fiber) for tiles are available for sale. They are waterproof, airtight and soundproof. This material can be selected with the necessary openings for water supply and sewerage, faucets, and fasteners.

By using a system of installation elements, you can use every piece of space with maximum benefit. Problem areas (wall slopes, corners, etc.) of bathrooms, which you have long noted as a non-standard room layout, in this case, can turn into a functional area.

The desire to rebuild your outdated home is understandable, but it’s not so easy to break down the walls and build new ones. Recently, individual solutions for planning rooms for the bath and toilet are increasingly being used. For example, using three modules - a rectangle, a triangle and a trapezoid.

In fact, it looks like a structure that is attached, on one side, to the wall. Plumbing equipment is installed on the other part. This could be a washbasin or toilet, a bidet and more. There are many solutions, the main thing is that you can choose layout options thanks to standard forms.

Of course, this system works well for distributing zones in large bathroom spaces. At the same time, it can help solve design problems in small bathrooms. The combination possibilities provide an ideal composition that can be embodied in a new look for the bathroom.

A person spends about 6 months in the toilet during his life. Therefore, it is necessary that the design of the toilet, in addition to functionality, has aesthetic qualities. When decorating a toilet room, it is important to be able to correctly combine colors with materials and rationally use the available space.

In 2019, fashion for classics and eco-style prevails. Art Nouveau is also not losing its position. But, regardless of the current fashion, you need to follow your own tastes, taking into account the specifics of a particular bathroom.

Preparing to design a toilet

Before you start working directly on designing a small toilet room with your own hands, you will need to take a number of preparatory measures:

  1. Choosing a specific style.
  2. Calculation of the volume of repair work.
  3. Purchase of materials for room decoration.
  4. Toilet room renovation:
  • leveling and preparing walls, floors, ceilings;
  • doorway trim;
  • replacement and installation of plumbing fixtures;
  • finishing and design of surfaces;
  • furniture installation;
  • lighting installation.
  1. Installation of furniture.

The most common material is ceramic tiles. In addition to its obvious practical advantages (moisture resistance, durability, easy care), the tile looks aesthetically pleasing and will fit well into the interior of the toilet. You can find a wide variety in stores. But this material- not the only option.

In addition to tiles, the following can be used in toilet design:

  • plastic panels;
  • wallpaper;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • painting;
  • tree;
  • mosaic.

Unusual design with red and white toilet

Many of these options can be combined with each other, resulting in completely new toilet design options.

Not all materials are compatible with each other: wood and tile, for example, don’t look right next to each other.

Choosing a bathroom style

The interior of the restroom must necessarily have an idea - a style that can most successfully highlight the advantages of the restroom and hide its shortcomings. In addition to the practical side of choosing a style, there is an aesthetic one. Toilet in modern home must suit the tastes of the owner.

The toilet can be decorated in almost any existing style. Most popular on this moment are:

  • Classic. The classic style of the toilet implies a restrained design color, a traditional choice of plumbing fixtures, and their placement in the room. Emphasize classic style The use of marble and golden shades will help.
  • Minimalism. Bright interior a small toilet with a sink and a mirror without unnecessary decor is an obvious example of minimalism.
  • Eco style. One of the most fashionable in 2018-2019. The main idea is the unity of man with nature, the environmental friendliness of the materials used: wood and stone are good options. Will fit in well floral theme, it is possible to use live plants.
  • Baroque. Its distinctive features are its pomp, the combination of chocolate and gold, and the design of the toilet in dark colors. The finishing touch of Baroque can be an antique painting, gold-colored plumbing, screaming about the wealth of the owner.
  • Modern. Modern style characterized by the simplicity of straight lines, abundance geometric shapes toilet interior. Important role will play good lighting, visually increasing the space of the bathroom, correctly placed accents.

Color solutions

Choosing a color is an important decision. The character of the toilet room and the mood created completely depend on the color of the room. A bathroom of the same size, decorated in different colors, looks different.

Light, cool shades and diagonal laying will help to visually expand the toilet ceramic tiles or striped vertical pattern. Owners of a large toilet room will be able to afford any color option.

Main color solutions toilets are:

  • White is the most popular option for decorating a toilet room. will become ideal solution bathroom small area. It is recommended to combine White color with bright furniture or decor.
  • Black is a universal color. The combination of dark walls and white plumbing looks elegant.

The dark color should cover less than 50% of the area - the room risks becoming too heavy.

  • Blue – space for imagination on a marine theme. It is possible to use a palette from soft blue to blue and white.
  • Bright colors make it possible to play up the decor of a small toilet without using decorations. Rich, deep colors look good, emphasizing the owner’s sense of style. It is more correct to use a combination of variegated shades with classic ones.
  • Gray - may become original solution with an additional strong accent in the form of a motley mosaic or a bright painting.

Toilet design depending on size

Our apartments and houses are so different in size that the size of the toilet rooms also varies from tiny to huge with windows.

Design of a small toilet room

You can create coziness in the tiniest room. Speaking about the design of a toilet 1-2 square meters. m and more, the following rules are distinguished:

  1. Say "Yes!" light colors. White, beige, soft shades of blue will help to visually enlarge the space.
  2. Away with unnecessary little things. The presence of open shelves with decorative items or hygiene products will add sloppiness. If you need to store small items somewhere, let it be a locked cabinet.
  3. Large mirror small toilet. The presence of a mirror will further expand the bathroom.
  4. A design with a wall-hung toilet will save space and add zest to the interior of the toilet.
  5. Using a corner sink will increase the usable area of ​​the room.
  6. It is recommended to include the use of spotlights in the interior of the toilet.

Built-in wall installation

Design of a combined bathroom

There are tricks for a small space. Zoning of space has proven itself well. A small one will help to visually separate the bathroom area from the toilet, playing the role of decor.

Large toilet design

A large toilet room is a luxury. Having a large toilet, you can easily use any design option, limited only by your own imagination and financial capabilities.

The interior of a large toilet can additionally include a massive long sink, several mirrors and convenient cabinets for storing small items.

Unlike the small size toilet design in panel house, in a large area of ​​the room, the use of decor is not only possible, but, in fact, necessary.

You can decorate the toilet with your own hands, with decorations or figurines.

Panels, mosaics, paintings look good as elements.

Looks good in large rooms dark colors, contrasting with bright elements, light plumbing. Empty space will be filled with built-in furniture.

The lighting of a large toilet should not be too bright to avoid expanding the space.

Selection of furniture and plumbing fixtures

Taking into account the specifics of the room, furniture and plumbing should be as compact and comfortable as possible.

Most apartments have conventional floor-mounted toilets. The modern market has more wide choice. A good purchase is a hanging or floor-mounted model, which saves space for the tank and sets a special style for the room.

The problem with the bathroom is the presence of pipes in visible places. It is convenient to hide communications behind built-in furniture or a panel with a window.

Pictures on the wall using a rack Combining a washbasin and toilet

It is more convenient to choose a sink with a ready-made lower cabinet. And behind the large mirror you can build in additional shelves for small items, which will help avoid “overloading” the interior with bottles, jars, etc.

Instead of a cabinet, it is possible to use solid racks of open shelves. The design will look impressive within the framework of modern and classic styles, but will require additional care and may “clog” the space of the toilet.

Bathroom lighting

The final touch to decorating a room is lighting. The stage is designed to highlight the work done, hide imperfections, and visually adjust the shape of the room. It is customary to use soft diffused light in the toilet.

The choice of lamps depends on the style of the room. But there are a number of universal rules regarding the design of any toilet room.

The lone light bulb swinging in the center of the ceiling has long gone out of fashion. It is more aesthetic and practical to use spotlights that can be successfully combined with furniture and decorative elements, visually correcting the shape and size of the room. They can be placed on the ceiling, walls, shelves, floor.

A combination of several sconces near the mirror will look impressive.

In the design of a small toilet, the use of massive lighting fixtures is strictly prohibited.

Modern solutions in arranging living space make it possible to implement various tasks that were not previously available. For example, a toilet with installation makes it possible to remove unnecessary elements, free up space on the floor, and also significantly improve the interior of the toilet.

It’s no secret that many of us are focused on making our living space functional, comfortable and modern. And now this is available for both furniture and plumbing. Old toilets of the same type are being replaced by more advanced models, which can be seen in the photo. Thanks to some changes in the design, plumbing becomes much more convenient.

Therefore, there is a reason to consider models of toilets with installation. You can see what they look like in the photo. Such products perform their functions better, look great in the interior, and free up space.


  1. Every modern housewife and home occupants should appreciate the ease of maintenance of such plumbing fixtures. After all, it is not only convenient to use, but also to care for. Cleaning a floor with such a design is a pleasure, because the product is in a suspended state.
  2. Such models fit perfectly into any style, creating a feeling of lightness.
  3. Hygiene. Cleaning under the toilet, as noted, is very convenient. This will not work with the standard design.
  4. Compactness. This is very important for those who own a small apartment. If new design takes up to 15 cm of space, then a regular one – up to 30 cm.
  5. Reliability. According to manufacturers, the product can withstand up to 400 kg. In this case, the device is installed on a reliable metal frame.
  6. Fast installation. It only takes one day to install the installation. The only difficulty here is that the installation is first installed, then the finishing is done, and only after that the toilet itself is hung. And this really takes time.
  7. Ease of maintenance. This type of plumbing is easy to repair. And to do this, you don’t need to disassemble the wall: the drain button is removed, after which you can get to the main components.
  8. Design. The choice is simply huge. Everyone can choose the optimal model for their interior: any color, shape and size.
  9. Protection against bacteria. Yes, even this is provided for in this design. The product is coated with a special compound that makes the surface less porous. As a result, the dirt does not remain, but is washed away with the flow of water.
  10. Economical. Thanks to the choice, you can regulate the amount of water for flushing. If, for example, the tank holds nine liters, then six liters can be poured out.


If a toilet with installation is your choice, all that remains is to choose a model. First, you need to consider the size and installation location. Secondly, you need to buy a kit so that the toilet and installation are combined. Thirdly, it is worth considering the method of mounting the installation:

  • Frame. Adjustment of the mounting height is carried out by a set of metal frames. For installation, four mounting points are used (two on the wall, two on the floor). Therefore, this design is suitable even for mounting on non-permanent walls.
  • Block. Installation is quite simple. Anchor bolts are used for this. The structure is attached to the main walls. The kit includes: tank, mounting plates, bolts, trim.

It is worth paying attention when choosing and external data. The installation should not only be convenient, but also attractive. It should fit harmoniously into the interior.

You can't ignore the equipment. It must be checked upon purchase. After all, some manufacturers provide incomplete equipment. To avoid difficulties during installation, this nuance should be taken into account.

Toilet with installation - a new word in design

Indeed, such a design is not so much functional and practical as it is original in terms of design. After all, the toilet is in a suspended state, the button is embedded in the wall - it’s stylish, compact and convenient. I want to use such a solution, I want to implement it.