Well      03/27/2019

How to quickly get rid of moths: basic methods. Step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of moths in an apartment: clothes and food, effective and proven folk remedies

Small, gray-green or dirty brown moths up to 15 mm long in cabinets or in the kitchen are not only disgusting, but can also ruin things or food. It is quite possible to get rid of moths on your own at home; it is only important to choose the right product, use the drug according to the instructions, and then take preventive measures.

There are about 30 types of this pest: wool, carpet, furniture, clothes, food and others. You can tell that there are moths in your apartment not only by looking at the adult moths (butterflies). If caterpillars and threads resembling cobwebs appear in cabinets and places where cereals are stored, check all products and things made from natural fabrics with a flashlight.

Butterflies flying around an apartment or closet are safe adult male moths. Due to the lack of mouthparts, they do not feed and die within a couple of weeks at most. First of all, you need to fight the eggs and voracious larvae that are laid by sedentary female pests living in dark places.

Causes of moths. Unlike, for example, cockroaches, this insect is indifferent to the sanitary condition of the room. Moths can live even in a perfectly clean house with normal humidity and temperature. The main criterion is the presence of food supply and dark places with musty air where direct air does not penetrate. sunlight. Everyone is a potential risk area, since every home contains items made from natural fabrics and food products.


  • outerwear, shoes and carpets made of natural wool or fur are the most common reason, even things bought in expensive stores are fraught with danger, and worn ones even more so;
  • furniture and food – the source of infection is improperly stored food (mainly cereals) and furniture, in the filling of which larvae and eggs can easily be transported;
  • ventilation systems and windows – typical for apartment buildings, moths can come from neighbors;
  • pet fur - this method of moth spread is rare, only adult moths travel this way on the very long fur of pets.

Store-bought anti-moth products in the apartment

1. Aerosol- an affordable, easy-to-use product, it is a solution of an insecticide (chemical poison against insects) in a pressurized container. After spraying, particles of the toxic substance enter the respiratory tract and onto the chitinous cover of the moth, after some time the pest dies.

Aerosols are effective against clothes moths and give a quick effect (after a few hours), but are useless against food species, since insecticides cannot be sprayed on food.

The following products are widely used: Raptor “Moth Protection”, “Mosquitall”, “Antimol”, “Armol”, “Dezmol”, “Extramit” and others.

Method: before processing, remove from closets, dry out and air all clothes. Vacuum carpets, furniture and other fur-covered surfaces. Use the product according to the instructions on the can, treating not only clothes, but also storage areas (especially closets), then leave the room for several hours. The final stage of fighting moths in an apartment using an aerosol is general cleaning.


  • unpleasant odor;
  • high price;
  • cannot be used to combat food moths;
  • insecticidal sprays can cause allergies.

2. Fumigatorelectrical device, which slowly vaporizes a plate or insecticide solution by heating. The concentration of the active substance in the air is strictly dosed and stable, which is safe for people and pets. Also, the fumigator does not cause unpleasant odor.

Thanks to the uniform spraying, the poison lasts longer than when using other means, often destroying not only moths, but also other insects, such as cockroaches and mosquitoes.

The fumigator allows you to get rid of house moths of any type (kitchen moths, clothes moths, larvae and adults) in 2-14 days. This does not require preliminary preparation things or apartment.

Attention! Some devices only need to be turned on for 1-2 hours a day. The rules of use are described in the instructions.


  • requires connection to an outlet and constant monitoring of the condition of the plates;
  • does not allow creating an increased concentration of poison in cabinets when large quantities insects;
  • does not act immediately, but with a certain time lag (from 2 days).

3. Moth sections– unlike previous products, they do not contain insecticides; the principle of action of these drugs is based on repelling essential oils and with an unpleasant odor for moths, which is not perceived by people and animals. However, only adult individuals (butterflies) are sensitive to essential oils, while caterpillars almost do not react to the smell.

Disadvantage: sections with essential oils do not destroy moths, but only repel them, therefore they are suitable for preventing the appearance and spread of the pest, but not for controlling it.

The most famous manufacturers are Mosquitall and Raptor.

4. Traps. Sticky tapes and other structures that trap insects on bait. Somewhat effective only against adults, but useless for killing moth eggs, so can only be used as an addition to insecticides.

Folk remedies for moths in the apartment

Despite the cheapness, safety and ease of use, completely get rid of moths folk remedies almost impossible, since the effect of all substances and methods is based on repelling the pest with an unpleasant odor or physical destruction, in which almost always at least one insect survives. Use the methods below only for preventative purposes and additional protection. If the moth has already appeared, preparations containing insecticidal poisons are required.

A few decades ago, moths in closets were eliminated with the help of naphthalene, but studies have shown that this substance only repels insects, and naphthalene vapors are a powerful carcinogen that can cause cancer of the respiratory tract.

Using naphthalene against moths is dangerous to health

Removal food moth. To destroy moths in the kitchen, inspect the food: throw away heavily contaminated food supplies, sift through cereals and pasta, inspect nuts and dried fruits. Store food only in closed containers so that if infested, moths cannot lay larvae elsewhere.

Not severely affected products can be saved by placing them in an oven at 60-70°C or a microwave for 15-20 minutes. Wash the storage cabinet warm soap solution, then with plain water and dry. Lubricate the cracks and grooves with table vinegar and keep the doors open until they dry completely and the vinegar smell disappears.

Destruction of moths in the closet. The most dangerous is the wool moth, which reproduces all year round, feeds not only on wool, but also on fur, natural velvet, feathers, felt, book bindings and much more. On the way to food, this species chews holes in plastic bags and synthetic fabrics. The wool moth lives for about 2 years, can go without food for several days, and the caterpillars can withstand temperatures from 0 to +30 degrees Celsius.

Wash the affected item at the maximum permissible temperature. Unwrap and dry in the sun. Moths are afraid of direct sunlight.

Home remedies to repel moths with scent:

  • orange peel - helps against food moths, place the peels in food cupboards, butterflies do not like the aroma of citrus fruits, pests will look for a new place to lay eggs;
  • lavender and geranium - used as a preventive measure against all types of moths (adults only), distribute dried lavender, folded in a fabric bag, into cabinets and bedside tables; the plant itself can also be replaced with lavender oil or fragrance;
  • tobacco is another folk remedy for repelling moths; sprinkle dried tobacco in places suitable for insect habitat.

Preventing the appearance of moths in an apartment (house)

To reduce the risk of moths entering your apartment, adhere to the following rules:

  • wash at the maximum permissible temperature conditions and clean clothes before storing, first of all, the moth begins to feed on fabric with traces of dirt and sweat;
  • after washing and drying, shake the clothes well so that the moth eggs detach from the fibers;
  • leave washing as long as possible in the fresh air under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • store fur and wool products in plastic bags, fur coats - in special covers made of thick paper with anti-moth coating;
  • store products separately from each other in tightly closed jars or tied plastic bags;
  • install mosquito nets on windows and ventilation openings;
  • periodically check products (cereals, flour, nuts, dried fruits) for contamination - the larvae are too small, and caterpillars and butterflies can be replaced with the naked eye.

How to get rid of moths in an apartment at home? The question is far from idle. Thousands of housewives daily encounter such harmful insects as moths.

Sweaters with holes, scraps of fur falling out of a fur coat or hat, spoiled cereal with lumps, matted stuffing next to your favorite sofa - the result of the “activity” of a small but annoying pest. It is important to know which formulations are most effective for fighting moths, how to use folk remedies and chemicals.

Where do moths come from in an apartment?

Many owners think that a flying pest lives only in cluttered, dirty apartments, and in a house where an ideal housewife works, there is no threat of a moth invasion. How great is the disappointment if in pure, cozy apartment Pest larvae and adults are detected. The reason is an excess of food supply for insects. The voracious pest settles where there are fur and pure wool products, food supplies, natural carpets and fur coats.

Types of moths:

  • fur coat The favorite habitats of harmful insects are natural fur of various types, clothing covers;
  • grain. Lives in cereals, prefers wheat, semolina, barley, nuts, and plant seeds. The grain moth entwines the grains with a thin web;
  • rye. It is found in fields and reproduces on cereal crops;
  • wardrobe The species often lives in apartments and houses. Quite a large insect with two-colored wings. It settles in the folds of clothing, feeds on the stratum corneum of wool fibers, and often gnaws large holes in things;
  • cabbage The pest's wings are brown. The insect breeds among cabbage leaves;
  • barley moth. The pest penetrates the barley grains, spoils the cereals and crops in the fields;
  • furniture. The insect settles inside upholstered furniture, eats stuffing and upholstery material;

How to withdraw: the most effective ways

The appearance of harmful butterflies in an apartment, among things or in cereals often causes an attack of panic. The owners understand: if there are adults, then most likely they have already laid eggs.

Ladies immediately rush to inspect fur and knitted items, which are often reached by clothes and fur moths. Often fears are confirmed: a favorite fur coat and a spectacular sweater are “decorated” with holes different sizes. We have to urgently start fighting moths.

Unfortunately, many owners create their own favorable conditions for reproduction and development various types harmful insects. It is important to know how to prevent the appearance of flying pests in your home, what products are effective against eggs, larvae and adults.

General wrestling rules

How to remove moths from an apartment? Useful tips from experienced housewives:

  • first you need to figure out why there are moths in the apartment;
  • then you will have to check all the closets with clothes, take out things, inspect the furniture, look into jars of bulk products;
  • when the pest’s habitat is found, it is easy to understand what type of pest has started;
  • the next stage is the removal of contaminated products (the cereal will have to be thrown away, the container should be thoroughly washed with soda solution and dried);
  • if knitted or fur items are affected, you need to think about whether to take them to the dry cleaner or throw them away;
  • If there are a large number of larvae, it is not advisable to leave moth-eaten items at home. The larvae remaining among the folds will grow, continue to destroy the tissue, and the process will begin again;
  • if the affected area is minimal, you will have to carefully select the larvae, clean the item with a brush, and wash it to remove all the insects. Dry cleaning is a great option;
  • To be sure, experts recommend treating the affected areas of clothing with non-toxic compounds to prevent re-infection.

Important! Treatment with toxic aerosols is carried out in protective clothing (old clothes with long sleeves + medical mask + gloves). Do not break the rules: inhaling toxic fumes is harmful to various organs.

Folk remedies and recipes

If there are voracious flying insects at home, many residents remember their grandmother’s methods. Home remedies are most relevant when there are small children or people with allergies.

Proven folk remedies for moths in the apartment:

  • fir or lavender oil. Insects that feed on the stratum corneum of wool cannot tolerate the smell of these esters. To combat harmful insects, it is most convenient to place cotton pads, pieces of foam rubber, soaked in lavender or fir essential oil in the drawers of the chest of drawers and closets. Natural esters are safe and can be used to repel pests even in the kitchen;
  • lavender flowers- another proven remedy. Wrap dried plant materials in gauze and arrange bouquets in risk areas. The smell of lavender is not liked by flying insects and larvae; the plant protects things well from “attack”;
  • orange zest. Inexpensive, accessible remedy safe for residents. Dried orange peels can be laid out in the wardrobe and kitchen cabinet, put in a chest of drawers and a mezzanine with warm hats. The crusts can be dried in the oven or in the sun;
  • cedar bark. The resinous aroma also repels pests. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get cedar bark in all regions, but if possible, it is worth purchasing natural raw materials to repel harmful insects;
  • tobacco leaves. Perhaps not the safest remedy, but very effective. If there are no small children in the house, you can safely use ground tobacco or whole leaves. Place the dried raw materials in places where moths are likely to appear, and close the doors tightly. It is advisable to carry out the operation towards the end of spring in order to less often open the place where warm things are stored;
  • sunlight. Free moth repellent. The larvae cannot tolerate ultraviolet radiation. Experienced housewives recommend hanging all sweaters, scarves, hats, and fur items on the balcony a couple of times during the summer so that they are well “fried” in the sun. Start processing in the morning so that things hang in the heat all day. In the evening, carefully inspect knitted items and fur, remove larvae (if any are identified), treat with anti-moth, and store again.


The devices are designed to repel and kill mosquitoes, but many owners claim that the fumigator plates and liquid help get rid of moths. How to use a device to kill flying pests?

The method of application is the same:

  • install a plate or pour the product into a special flask;
  • plug the device into the outlet;
  • wait for the smell to affect harmful insects.

Popular brands of liquid and plates for fumigators:

  • Raid.
  • Mosquitall.


Using spray cans with the active substance, it is easy to get rid of voracious insects in an apartment or house. When selecting a product, it is important to consider several indicators:

  • toxicity of the composition;
  • whether children live at home;
  • processing area;
  • the tendency of family members to allergies.

Effective drugs:

  • Raptor. Quite expensive, but highly effective drug.
  • Clean house. Excellent product for processing clothes. The composition is practically odorless, the result of use is positive.
  • Armol. Non-toxic product, no harmful components, suitable for use in the kitchen.

How to use:

  • read the instructions on the package;
  • protect your face, hands, and body from aerosol vapors;
  • remove things from closets, open the window for fresh air;
  • spray the product not only on the affected areas, but also on the walls of chests of drawers and cabinets that come into contact with contaminated items;
  • Close the doors tightly so that the components are well absorbed into the treated areas.

You can put things back in their place after a period of time according to the instructions.

How to kill fleas in an apartment? Effective methods struggles are described on the page.


How to fight moths in an apartment using traps? The developers of the device offer owners a win-win option for fighting insects. The method is effective in controlling the food variety of winged pests. Popular brands: Raptor, Aeroxon. The compositions are non-toxic and odorless.

The essence of the method:

  • the moth trap releases a special substance - ferromone, which attracts males;
  • the reproduction cycle is gradually interrupted;
  • After a while, all the individuals living in the apartment disappear.


The effect of the product lasts 3–4 months. It is enough to hang a container containing anti-moth plates in the risk zone and the effect will definitely appear: pests cannot tolerate the smell of the filler.

Popular brands:

  • Raptor series (moth repellent plates, odorless and with a pleasant aroma);
  • Mosquitall series (there is an option for a cabinet and a wall-mounted version).


Representatives of the older generation well remember the pungent smell of naphthalene, which was saturated with fur and knitted items in Soviet times. The toxic agent had a detrimental effect on larvae and adult insects and prevented the spread of moths in the apartment.

Naphthalene is still used to repel pests. Now there are tablets on sale containing a familiar component and camphor. The remedy for flying insects and their larvae is contained in foil.

The method of application is simple:

  • in the spring, put the anti-moth tablet in high-risk areas: mezzanines where they are stored fur hats, in a closet to protect a sheepskin coat and knitted items;
  • close the doors, do not open unless necessary;
  • the drug retains its active properties for one to two years or more without loss of effectiveness.

Important! The composition is toxic, open the package and leave the drug on open areas it is forbidden. Under no circumstances should children get access to anti-moth tablets. If there are people in the family suffering from cancer pathologies, the use of naphthalene is prohibited.

Preventive measures

It is worth spending a little time on simple manipulations and the risk of moths appearing in the apartment will be minimal. Mothers should teach family members simple rules, the observance of which will rid the house of the invasion of flying insects and voracious larvae.

Five rules for protection against moths:

  • carefully inspect items when purchasing, check seams, folds, pockets, lining. Special attention– hats and fur coats made of natural fur, high-quality winter shoes with fur lining, knitted items, woolen carpets, blankets;
  • air new things on the balcony in frosty or sunny weather. Before hanging or putting a piece of clothing in place, you need to carefully inspect all the details again;
  • check cereals, vegetables, cereal crops at the time of buying. If you have the slightest doubt (in a package of cereal you can see stuck together lumps, grayish grains of unknown origin), refuse to purchase. Do not take large batches of bulk products: during long-term storage, in most cases, in flour, semolina, millet, rice, dry spices, and nuts, a food species of winged pest is infested;
  • in the spring, place dry orange peels and bouquets of lavender on the shelves of the closet; place tobacco leaves or “strong” cigarettes in the pockets of fur products. The smell will repel winged pests;
  • ventilate warm clothes more often, never pack fur hats, mittens, sweaters, scarves in plastic bags. In sunny, hot weather or severe frost, take things out onto the balcony: the larvae cannot tolerate low temperatures and ultraviolet rays.

Fighting moths at home will be successful if you understand the reason for the appearance of flying pests and determine the type of insect. An integrated approach is effective: synthetic components + folk remedies + preventive measures.

More methods of fighting moths in an apartment can be found in the following video:

How to remove moths is not an idle question. Why?

Any butterflies seen in the house are a reason to seriously worry about the safety of your own belongings. What does a moth eat? She eats almost everything. Many larvae can render clothing, furniture, carpets, fur coats, and food completely unusable.

What makes killing moths difficult is that butterflies are predominantly nocturnal and nest in places that are difficult for humans to reach. The larvae are also quite difficult to detect until the butterflies hatch. They prefer to live in deep folds and seams of clothing, furniture, and grocery bags.

Butterflies, in fact, are harmless (they cannot eat anything due to the lack of a mouth) and appear only when the number of larvae and eggs reaches truly alarming proportions. Exterminating them is useless and ineffective. Your task is to discover where the moth comes from and where it nests.

The insect does not eat things and products. Furniture moths, carpet moths, clothes moths and any indoor moth in the larval stage feed on keratin. She is interested in exfoliated particles of skin, nails, and hair remaining on clothes, carpets, and furniture. In an effort to get to them, she gnaws huge holes in the fabric.

The same substance is found in most cereals, dried fruits, nuts, and pasta. The grain moth feeds on this.

No one is safe from its occurrence at home, even if the household is kept in perfect order. In principle, why it started is not so important.

The most likely ways are to start it through an open window without mosquito net, entrance doors, from neighbors ventilation ducts. For butterflies and larvae, something small is enough - cracks, cracks.

The following options are quite possible - you brought eggs or larvae on clothes, handing them over to the wardrobe; eggs and larvae were already in the purchased furniture, carpet or food.

In general, it doesn’t matter where the moth came from. The main thing is how to get rid of moths in an apartment. Start taking measures against it immediately as soon as you notice the first butterflies, because in warm conditions it breeds all year round.

Types of moths

Entomologists know more than thirty species of these butterflies. Any of them looks like a moth of indistinct color.

The most common moths found in the house are carpet, food and clothes moths. However, there is only one answer to the question of how to get rid of moths. You need to find the place where the moth eggs are laid. At one time, the female is able to lay up to 500 small eggs elliptical in shape, silvery white or pearly grey.

Butterflies that have appeared in the house can be divided into two: large groups– kitchen and clothing. They look different. The first has a dirty gray tint to the wings, the second is sandy or light beige.

The habitat also differs. Clothes moths live in the closet with clothes. She is especially attracted to expensive furs and fur coats. Dirty clothes with sweat stains also receive increased attention.

The fur butterfly is a small yellowish butterfly with shiny wings. The larvae are an unhealthy whitish color and translucent. In just a couple of days they are able to turn a fur product into a real sieve.

Clothes moths prefer thick drape, wool, cashmere fabrics, cloth, cotton and natural silk. Her butterflies are several bigger size. They can be recognized by their characteristic purple-brown tint at the base of their wings. It is difficult to detect - the female lays eggs under the lining, the larvae make longitudinal passages in the tissue, which appears intact from the outside.

Furniture moths are the smallest. To make masonry she chooses inconspicuous corners and crevices in the wood where dust accumulates. The larvae eat all types of stuffing and upholstery, then chew through wood and plywood.

The most difficult thing to deal with is carpet moths. Moreover, its larvae eat not only carpets, as the name suggests. They do not refuse fur, leather shoes, bags, gloves, belts. Killing moths is not an easy task because they are not afraid of products containing naphthalene and camphor. Washing and then drying in bright sun can help against it. In winter, place the carpet on the balcony. The colder it is outside, the better.

Food moths live exclusively in the kitchen or pantry where cereals, flour, pasta, dried fruits, nuts, and mushrooms are stored. It breeds in ideally warm, dark places with high humidity, For example, kitchen cabinets.

How moths harm

Why you need to fight moths:

  • Clothes moths spoil clothes, shoes, carpets and furniture. It is absolutely impossible to wear it after the larvae that have hatched from the eggs have been feeding for several days.
  • It is not the moth itself, or even the larvae, that causes irreparable damage to products, but the products of its vital activity. Cocoons made of silky threads, particles of chitin after molting, feces, and dead larvae contaminate cereals and other products. After that, you can only throw them away.

The most important thing is to understand once and for all that the enthusiastic extermination by everyone possible ways butterflies fluttering serenely in the house against moths is completely ineffective. You only see males, the removal of which makes no sense. They themselves will soon die.

Females fly very little, preferring to crawl in dark, damp places, laying eggs almost continuously.

All damage to your things and products is caused only and exclusively by larvae, the removal of which from things and products must be taken care of first.

Where to start the fight

What to do if you notice butterflies in the house - start looking for nests.

But individuals constantly flickering before your eyes are also annoying. Ordinary sticky tape used to catch flies will help against them.

For prevention, it wouldn’t hurt to install mosquito nets on the windows and close them. ventilation holes, if you think that one or two butterflies accidentally flew in from neighbors.

Then start general cleaning and disassembling things in the closets, especially those inherited from your grandmother. Pay special attention to the kitchen.

Pour all bulk products, dried fruits, nuts out of containers and bags onto light paper, level to a thin layer and look for larvae. If you find at least one, throw everything away. For those products that do not contain larvae, bake them in the oven at low temperature, place them in the refrigerator for a short time and pour them into hermetically sealed glass, ceramic, plastic or metal containers.

Next stop - kitchen set. Remove all shelves and drawers. Thoroughly wash all cabinets inside and out with soapy water and wipe dry. Move them away from the wall and wipe them from behind too.

Don't forget about others hard to reach places– gaps between the wall and the baseboard, dark corners. Clean them with a special attachment for a vacuum cleaner.

Whatever you have prepared for disposal, do not leave it in the trash bin for a long time. Get him out of the house as quickly as possible.

Then start disassembling the wardrobes. When taking out each item, inspect it carefully and shake vigorously several times. As a precaution, wash and iron all items before hanging them back. Cover all things that may attract the attention of moths in special clothing covers or sealed bags.

Treat the cabinets themselves in the same way as kitchen cabinets.

Vacuum and clean the carpet thoroughly. Both dry powder and wet cleaning will do. In winter it can be cleaned with snow, in summer it can be dried in the sun. Moths equally dislike cold and extreme heat, fresh air and sunlight.


How to kill moths. The most radical methods of fighting moths that will help kill them at home are anti-moth aerosols of various brands based on dichlorvos. This is the only thing that can kill carpet moths.

The aerosol is used to spray wardrobe items and cabinets in which they are stored. It is strictly prohibited to treat food products, kitchen units and pantry with them. You can get seriously poisoned.

When carrying out this treatment, wear rubber gloves and a respirator (at worst, a medical mask). Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions as outlined in the instructions. Remove children and pets from the premises. After waiting the allotted time, ventilate the room well. The effect lasts approximately 10-14 days (or until the first wet cleaning). Then the entire procedure is repeated until the moth is completely destroyed.

To consolidate the result, place gel or paper plates or moth tablets soaked in a product based on herbal ingredients in the closet. They do not destroy moths, but only repel them. Moreover, they are completely safe. This measure is also suitable for the kitchen.

What can be achieved? Despite all the difficulties, the aerosol will help destroy mainly flying butterflies. Caterpillars that live deep in the folds of clothing or under the lining suffer much less, if at all.

Special covers will help protect your clothes. They are made from dense nonwoven fabric, impregnated with an appropriate insecticide and equipped with a hermetically sealed reusable fastener. But if the larvae are already inside, they are useless.

An important point is that the aerosol cannot be sprayed onto natural fur. The villi become thin, brittle, and partially lose color. Unsightly yellow stains may remain on white clothes, which are then difficult to get rid of.

How to remove moths? Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers carried out the destruction of moths using mothballs. Now this remedy is strongly not recommended due to increased toxicity. Human and pet health can be seriously affected. Scientifically proven connection with cancer.

Folk remedies

What are moths afraid of and what helps get rid of caterpillars and eggs? Folk remedies for moths are very diverse. It is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Garlic. Place the peeled (but not cut) slices in the cabinet, a few pieces on each shelf.
  • Tobacco. Best grown yourself. Dry the leaves and grind them into crumbs.
  • Dried citrus peels.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Ground black or red pepper.
  • Carnation.
  • Copper or aluminum wire. Place a small piece in each jar or bag of bulk foods. Weak electrical impulses are sufficient to remove moths.
  • Finely shaved strawberry or laundry soap. Pour directly into clothing pockets.
  • Lavender and other herbs with a strong smell - mint, basil, wormwood, rosemary, thyme, coriander, tansy. Place fresh or dried flowers or leaves on shelves or hang them in small bunches.
  • Essential oils – lavender, fir, cedar, eucalyptus, bergamot, peppermint, tea tree. Place a couple of drops on a cotton pad and leave on the shelf. But the smell will permeate the clothes.
  • Fresh geranium or coleus leaves.
  • Vinegar. It is recommended to periodically wipe the shelves with a 6-9% solution.
  • Camphor powder and camphor oil.

All the proposed methods for dealing with moths can only scare away butterflies if they have not yet laid eggs. Caterpillars have the ability to develop immunity. After 2-3 generations, they will completely fearlessly settle where a certain remedy is spread out.

Therefore, moth control must be carried out comprehensively, using the entire arsenal of available methods.

Other means

How to remove moths - butterflies, caterpillars and eggs are equally afraid of ultraviolet radiation. The reason is that it destroys the protein that makes up their body. On a hot sunny day, take the clothes outside and leave them for 1-2 hours, periodically turning them over, shaking them and turning them inside out.

In cloudy weather, treat things with a quartz lamp. This is no less effective remedy from moths.

If the fabric allows, the clothes can be boiled or washed, then ironed with a hot iron.

What cannot be washed, leave it in the cold overnight. Even small negative temperature the caterpillars will not survive.


How to get rid of moths - this question will cease to be relevant if you take some useful habits as a rule.

Preventing the causes will help prevent moths from getting into your home, instead of fighting it.

First of all, it concerns food products, which must be carefully inspected upon purchase and stored only in hermetically sealed containers. For a complete guarantee, bake it in the oven, process it in microwave oven or put it in the refrigerator.

In the closet, seal the clothes that are most valuable and attractive to moths. Periodically, you need to do an audit, getting rid of old, no longer used things, especially your grandmother's dowry.

Your brownie.

There are moths in the apartment - how to get rid of this annoying and harmful creature? The most radical and easiest way is to call exterminators and treat the home. But if the destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches, rodents and other unwanted neighbors by specialists is considered not shameful, then in most cases we prefer to get rid of moths with the help of slippers or a rolled-up newspaper. Even more often, the fight against moths is carried out with the help of stormy applause and nervous movements throughout the apartment. The effectiveness of such measures is low and the question of how to remove moths from an apartment does not lose its relevance for at least 2 reasons: property damage and psychological irritation from chaotically flickering creatures.

Who is this moth?

Most people will shrug their shoulders in surprise at this question. A mole is a mole. The one that lives in the kitchen is called the kitchen. The one who prefers carpets, hats and wardrobes is an indoor one. In reality, everything is much more complicated and interesting. Let's leave cabbage, barn, apple and other wild moths to be torn to pieces by workers Agriculture and concentrate on “domesticated” individuals.

“Moths” is the common name for many (up to 40) families of lower butterflies. There are about 15,000 species of moths in total, of which about 200 have settled in Russia. Fortunately, no more than 10 of them lead a domestic lifestyle. Our cohabitants belong to the most common species of lepidopteran insects from the family of true moths (lat. Tineidae). The length of adult house moths does not exceed 10 mm, the wingspan is 20–22 mm.

The moth itself is a harmless insect. Her life is short and tragic in many ways. Due to the absence of a proboscis, the moth cannot feed, and the digestive organs do not function. The purpose of its existence is the continuation of offspring. After several clutches of eggs, the moth dies. The damage is caused by moth larvae, which are capable of destroying even inedible objects. When getting to food, the larvae can gnaw through silk and synthetic fabrics. They feed not only on wool, fur, cereals and similar delicacies, but also on book bindings, bristles, and feathers.

The question often arises of where moths appear in the house. The moth cannot start on its own. No one will take them out on purpose either. Most often, moths can appear in a home along with a person in food, old things, and furniture. Moths can enter through cracks from neighbors or from the basement. Human housing attracts insects with an abundance of creatine, which is found in large quantities in natural fabrics, wool, and cereals. However, if a moth appears, how to get rid of it becomes a more pressing issue.

Stages of life

Like other butterflies, the moth goes through several transformations during its life. The total lifespan from egg to death can be up to 1 year.

Laying eggs

Laying eggs is the first stage in the life of a harmful insect. A fertilized female moth lays her eggs in a cluster in one place. To lay eggs, moths select secluded places where sunlight does not penetrate. The eggs are laid on nutritious material, which will later become food for the larvae. It could be a woolen item thrown into the corner of the wardrobe, a fur item, a forgotten bag of cereal. Moths will never lay eggs on clothes that are used every day.

Moth eggs have cylindrical shape, one end is more pointed. The average egg size is 0.5x0.3 mm. They can only be seen due to the mass and compactness of the masonry. At one time, the moth lays from 60 to 230 pearl-white eggs. The optimal temperature for the maturation of eggs and in general for the life of moths is +20…+25ºС. The egg maturation period under optimal conditions is 10–15 days. The greatest activity is observed in late spring and early summer, although in apartment conditions moths can breed all year round.

Eggs cannot cause harm in principle, but voracious larvae hatch from them, which pose a danger. It is necessary to get rid of discovered clutches without waiting for the larvae to appear. Otherwise, the specific condition of the laying site will help to detect the former clutch of eggs.

Larva (caterpillar)>

The caterpillars hatching from the eggs immediately begin to carry out their main task- cocoon weaving. For this purpose, the larvae begin to actively feed, leaving behind waste products. The food for the larvae is creatine, which is found in wool, fur, and lint. Caterpillars literally eat away the place in which they emerged from eggs, and fur moth larvae, for example, may not eat fur hairs, but gnaw them, leaving a specific path behind them. Kitchen moth larvae begin to eat food depending on their preferences.

  • The caterpillars are born about 1 mm in size and can reach 12–15 mm when fully mature. The larvae are not active in movement; they prefer dark and secluded places. Caterpillars of some types of food moths come out into the light to pupate, crawling along walls and furniture. Moth larvae different types similar in appearance. They are all approximately the same size and have White color, sometimes with a yellowish tint, often translucent. The larvae have a clearly visible brown head. Caterpillars have powerful jaws that allow them to bite into hard materials. The presence of acid in the digestive organs allows the digestion of solid objects. There are 6–8 pairs of legs on the body of caterpillars.

The larvae of food and clothing moths lead an inactive lifestyle, although food moths are more active. However, eating everything in their path, the larvae can crawl short distances and move from thing to thing. Optimal temperature for the development of larvae is +23…+25 °C. Temperatures below +13 °C and above +30 °C are critical for caterpillars, although some species can tolerate temperatures up to 60ºC. Moth larvae that specialize in edible objects will never consume fabrics or furs, although they may retrain for items uncharacteristic for this species food products. As well as vice versa, the larva of a fur moth can taste a woolen sweater, but will not try flour or dried fruits.

  • The caterpillar stage lasts an average of 2–3 months. During this period, the larva molts 3–6 times, leaving molting products in food and things. The period of maturation and pupation depends on the ambient temperature and humidity. Under favorable conditions, the caterpillar can fully mature within 30 days. Deviations from optimal conditions slows down development. At low temperatures, the pupation stage lasts up to 4–5 months or even more. If they cross critical temperature limits, the larvae die.

Pupa stage

A fully formed larva stops feeding and begins to weave a cocoon in which a pupa will form. The cocoon is a hard spindle-shaped little case or cave made from its own silky secretions, uneaten food and waste residues. The place for pupation is also chosen, closed from prying eyes in some dark corner of the wardrobe. The exception is some food moths, which prefer to attach the pupa in a visible place.

The pupae reach up to 10 mm in length and are darker in color than the caterpillars. The surface of the pupae is hard, covered with particles of uneaten food and excrement. The color of the pupa is similar in color and shades to that of the moth. The duration of the pupal state depends on external conditions. Under favorable conditions, it will take 1–2 weeks for the butterfly to form. At low temperatures, development slows down and may even stop until better times.

The process of a butterfly emerging from a pupa is not a spectacle for the faint of heart. The cocoon breaks and from there, long and painfully, something crosses in appearance between a worm and a grasshopper emerges. Having got out into the wild, the butterfly spreads its wings for a while and straightens its legs. Literally a few hours after its appearance, the moth is ready to begin reproducing.

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And finally the butterfly

The moth at the winged stage is not able to take food and exists due to the energy accumulated in the larval state. Males are more active, capable of flying over distances of up to 800 m. The moths flitting chaotically in our apartments are males. This activity is not in vain for them; the lifespan of a male moth is 1–2 weeks. During this time, the male must fertilize the female. Particularly gifted males manage to do this several times, after which they still have to die. The search for partners occurs by smell.

If necessary, the female moth prefers to move by crawling, making small flights or jumps. A pregnant female generally refuses to move, remaining close to the place of her birth. Due to lower energy consumption, the lifespan of a female moth is slightly longer. As a rule, the moth lays her eggs in approximately the same place where she emerged from the pupa. During the year, 2–3 generations of moths appear. Considering their ability to reproduce year-round in apartment conditions, a fur coat chosen as a meal and place of residence can turn into rags until the next winter season.

It is noteworthy that the maturation of butterflies does not occur simultaneously. From one clutch of eggs, ready-made individuals emerge in different time. The female moth begins to lay eggs within 3-4 hours after mating. During its short life, the moth makes 1-2 clutches.

Main types of house moths

Let us conditionally divide domestic moths into 2 groups: kitchen moths and indoor moths. This division will help you better understand what chemical and natural means and how to fight moths in your apartment. Despite the huge selection, it is not advisable to use modern effective aerosols in the kitchen, since they can easily destroy moths, but food supplies will have to be thrown away.

House moth

The main types of moths that have settled in our sofas and wardrobes include:

  • Clothes moth. A butterfly with a body length of up to 8 mm and a wingspan of up to 16–18 mm, yellowish in color with purple shades. Lives in wardrobes, dark closets where clothes are stored. The larvae are located in the folds of clothing or on inside. They prefer drape, wool, cloth, cotton and silk fabrics. Stained areas on clothes are especially appreciated. They are capable of chewing holes in tissues, but often eat away only the inner surface, leaving the thin top layer untouched.
  • Coat moth. Wingspan up to 15–16 mm. The color is gray-yellowish, the upper wings are darker than the lower ones and are decorated with dots. The larvae prefer fur products, and can chew through cellophane for the sake of fur. Caterpillars can not only eat fur fibers, but also simply cut them off to clean their path. Why the fur moth larva tends to crawl somewhere when there is an excess of food around is not clear. In the absence of their favorite treat, they eat everything they see - wool, felt, feathers, book bindings. Lives in his own portable case.
  • Furniture moth. Light yellow butterfly with a golden tint. Perhaps the most prolific of the domestic ones. A female furniture moth lays up to 300 eggs. Young caterpillars feed on furniture stuffing. Closer to pupation, the larvae crawl out and gnaw through the furniture upholstery. Eggs are laid on the lower surfaces of furniture - under sofas, armchairs, and chair seats. Over time, in such places you can see whole bunches of white cocoons.

Kitchen moth

Living with moths in the kitchen is psychologically more unpleasant than sharing one wardrobe between two people. From a material point of view, kitchen moths are cheaper, but watching worms swarming in flour is extremely unpleasant. The housewife will rush to remove moths from the kitchen first, protect food from unwanted intrusion, and general cleaning and only after that will he wonder how to remove moths from an apartment. Kitchen moths include:

Grain moth. White-silver butterfly, wingspan reaches 15 mm. The larvae eat grains and cereals, making holes in them or gnawing them completely. They tie several grains into a bunch and carry them with them. Do not refuse dried fruits and various seeds. The larva is capable of molting up to 12 times.
Mushroom moth. A brown-gray butterfly with a wingspan of about 15 mm. Initially lives in forests, but also feels great in the kitchen. Prefers bulk products and dried fruits.
Flour moth. A nondescript grayish insect that lays eggs in flour. Moth larvae bind flour into small lumps and contaminate it with waste products and molting. They feel comfortable even in tightly closed containers.

How to fight moths?

Indoor moths can be easily destroyed using special preparations and aerosols. However, the use of such substances in the kitchen is undesirable due to the presence of various toxic substances. Even if the packaging says that the drug does not pose a danger to humans and pets, this is not worth checking. The difficulty of fighting kitchen moths also lies in the fact that they are more patient with folk remedies. Conventionally, methods of fighting moths can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. prevention;
  2. use of chemicals;
  3. folk remedies.


The best way to get rid of moths is to prevent them from appearing. For prevention, the following measures must be taken:

  1. monthly inspect containers with products, especially bulk products, sort through the contents of wardrobes and chests of drawers;
  2. V winter time take containers with food, as well as wool and fur products that are not constantly used, onto the balcony for several hours;
  3. Throw away products that are more than 20% contaminated;
  4. rinse at least once every 2–3 months internal surfaces kitchen cabinets and wardrobes using disinfectant solutions;
  5. regularly vacuum carpets, upholstered furniture, check sofas, armchairs and chairs from below;
  6. use special traps and sticky tapes.

To conduct preventive measures no financial costs required. If you follow these recommendations, your apartment will always be clean and comfortable.

Use of chemicals

Currently, stores offer a wide selection various means to fight flying, crawling, jumping and running creatures that want to share shelter with humans. Chemicals can be divided into the following groups:

  1. aerosols;
  2. fumigators;
  3. sections.

Using aerosols you can kill moths in a matter of minutes. The contents of the aerosols are sprayed into moth habitats. It is necessary to treat the lower parts of upholstered furniture, other fabric or fur surfaces, and spray a certain amount throughout the rooms. The aerosol does not leave marks on clothing and fabric coverings and destroys both winged individuals and larvae. After treatment with an aerosol, the room must be left for several hours, after which it must be thoroughly ventilated. It is not recommended to use the aerosol in the kitchen, as the poison will in any case end up on food products. The most popular are Dr. aerosols. Klaus Antimol, Armol, Raptor “Moth Protection”, Mosquitall and others.

  • Fumigators, which first appeared as successful mosquito fighters, can also solve problems with moths with the same success. With the help of fumigators, you can get rid of moths in a few days. The use of a fumigator is not associated with the spread of an unpleasant odor or the splashing of toxic substances. The fumigator can also be used in the kitchen. It must be taken into account that the effect of the fumigator extends over a limited area, so to increase efficiency it is recommended to install several pieces in the apartment. Anti-moth plates are offered by manufacturers of the brands Raid, Mosquitall, Raptor and others.

Moth sections are less effective, but completely harmless. The sections do not contain toxic substances that can destroy moths and their larvae. The action of the sections is aimed at repelling butterflies with the essential oils they contain. The sections have no effect on the larvae, but the adult moth will prefer to lay eggs in a more hospitable place. The sections are represented on the market by manufacturers of the Mosquitall and Raptor brands.

Folk remedies

Moths plagued humans long before the invention of aerosols and fumigators. Natural remedies such as lavender, orange peels, tobacco and geranium have an excellent deterrent effect. Even simple laundry soap will have an irritating effect on butterflies. Bunches of lavender or tobacco should be placed in bags and placed on shelves in cabinets and wardrobes. Orange peels must be fresh. As long as the crusts emit an aroma, the moth will not lay eggs. Orange peels can also be used to repel moths from the kitchen. The smell of living geraniums also repels butterflies. Pots of geraniums can be placed in the kitchen and rooms.

It is hardly possible to get rid of kitchen moths using only folk remedies; an integrated approach will be required. First, you need to identify the habitats of the larvae and get rid of them, sort through cereals and other food products, and carry out a thorough cleaning. After this, orange peels and geraniums can help. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to install traps and hang sticky tape. But even under such conditions, in cases of severe infection it will be necessary to resort to the use chemicals. If you follow these recommendations, a moth that wanders into your apartment will very quickly begin to beg for mercy and disappear from sight forever, taking its eggs and larvae with it.

At least once in their life, every person has faced the problem of how to get rid of moths in an apartment. These annoying and harmful insects can cause great harm not only your favorite things, but also products. The appearance of a nondescript butterfly in an apartment can spoil the mood of all residents for a long time, because not only material values ​​are at risk, but also the family budget. Therefore, pest control is a priority at the first signs of its appearance indoors.

Mole - general information

  • wardrobe;
  • fur coat;
  • felt;
  • furniture;
  • carpet;
  • cereal;
  • and other varieties.

To simplify and generalize the classification, we can distinguish two most common subspecies - clothes moth and food moth. Adult representatives of these domestic insects have small sizes, not exceeding 15 mm. They have an unsightly grayish color. Only males can fly, but they do not do it very skillfully. Females do not use wings. They are smaller in size than those of males.

The main damage is caused not by flying moths in the house, but by their larvae and caterpillars, which, thanks to the powerful oral apparatus They can eat everything continuously and in large quantities. They live next to a food source or directly in it. Everyone leads a sedentary lifestyle and spends all their time in one place before turning into a butterfly. Having turned into an adult, they stop feeding, so their life span is too short. The moth spends the rest of its time only on reproduction.

An adult individual has the ability to mate already on the second day after its appearance. The female places the clutch in secluded, safe places located in close proximity to the source of food, which is necessary for future larvae. A moth butterfly can lay up to 150 eggs at a time. For the appearance of an insect nest, one fertilized individual is enough and comfortable conditions for reproduction.

Causes and main signs of moths

You will get rid of moths if you know the reasons and signs indicating the presence of a pest in the house. The main options are:

Before deciding how to get rid of moths at home, you need to find out where they started. natural materials or some types of food.

An inspection of kitchen cabinets will reveal the source of the pest's spread by quite characteristic cobwebs and small worms in cereals, flour or dried fruits. The most the right decision will get rid of contaminated products. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse the kitchen unit, ventilate and dry its interior. If the degree of contamination of food is not very high, it is recommended to warm it up at high temperature in the oven or other ovens. The thoroughness and accuracy of the measures taken will allow you to get rid of food moths the first time.

Identifying the habitats of clothes or furniture moths is also not difficult. To do this, you need to do the following:

All these activities will be a reliable help in solving extremely important problem how to get rid of moths in an apartment.

Basic methods of controlling moths at home

Many years of struggle with domestic pests have made it possible to develop a set of means and methods to get rid of moths. The most commonly used are:

  • the use of insecticidal preparations and;
  • calling special services.

Heat treatment of the apartment

Harmful insects feel most comfortable in the temperature range, which ranges from -5°C to +45°C. If these parameters change radically, then this will kill the entire brood. Thermal agents include:

  • Freezing the room for several hours. This remedy will help get rid of adults and larvae.

    Important! Precautions must be taken to prevent damage to the heating system.

  • Steam treatment or washing items at maximum permissible temperatures. Furniture and carpets must be treated using special household hair dryers or steam generators.
  • Place fur clothing in refrigeration chambers to get rid of moths.

These remedies are quite effective and, with a small degree of infestation, will allow you to get rid of moths in your apartment.


The best results in the fight against clothes moths can be obtained if you use effective insecticidal preparations at home yourself and strictly adhere to safety measures. There is a wide arsenal of products on sale, such as aerosols, fumigators and repellent sections. Let's take a closer look at the line of these devices:

Highly effective products allow you to get rid of household pests forever.

Folk recipes

You need to poison moths quickly using effective methods. But if there are small children, pets or people suffering from allergic diseases in the house, then in this case it is best to get rid of insects by using a folk remedy for moths. People widely use as natural repellents:

  • dried lavender herb with flowers, thanks to its specific smell, drives out insects forever;
  • citrus peels, tobacco, wormwood, leaves walnut and chestnuts;
  • geranium will provide peace in the house;
  • Lavender oil applied to tampons can kill adults.

Professional exterminators

If all of the above methods and means did not help get rid of the moth and the question of how to remove the pest remains open, then you will have to turn to specialists for help. Professional exterminators know how to kill pests quickly and with a high degree of efficiency. To treat premises they use preparations based on natural oils having an unpleasant specific odor. Specialists will select the right product and thoroughly treat the infested room, which will allow you to get rid of the moths forever.