Well      03/08/2020

Features and sequence of replacing interior doors with your own hands. Removing the door frame How to remove the old door frame

When an apartment owner intends to radically change the interior style of his home, he will have to do work such as dismantling old interior doors.

Purpose of dismantling

Features of dismantling work directly depend on further use removed door. If you do not plan to use it further, you should not think about the possible loss of the original appearance of the structure. But if it is only necessary to repair the opening, dismantling work must be carried out carefully.


Dismantling an interior door must be done skillfully, otherwise an incorrect movement can lead to damage to the door frame. If the apartment owner has already ordered a new door based on the parameters of the old one, he may be faced with the fact that the purchase will not fit the deformed door frame.

Tools and materials

Do-it-yourself dismantling of interior doors requires a certain set of tools. To remove the plastic door you will need ordinary pliers and different shaped screwdrivers. A metal cutter and grinder saw will be needed to dismantle the metal door.

To dismantle a wooden door with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • mount;
  • chisel;
  • nail puller

In some cases, a hacksaw may be needed.


To ensure that dismantling the interior door does not harm other objects in the room and the master himself, it is necessary to carry out careful preparation. Preparatory work include:

  • protecting the body and hands of the master from sawdust and dust using a work suit and gloves;
  • ensuring the insulation of interior items and other premises in order to prevent their contamination by dust.


Dismantling work, regardless of the further use of the dismantled door, has common features. Dismantling includes:

  • removal of the door leaf;
  • opening of platbands;
  • dismantling the box.

The first stage of work involves removing the door leaf. To do this, you need to open the door so that it is at a right angle to the frame. Then the canvas is slightly lifted with both hands and moved to the side.

If the old door is installed using lower and upper hinges, it is opened and fixed, after which you need to remove the hinge with the upper axis from the frame. If the hinges are covered with rust, when dismantling the door you cannot do without a scrap of steel.

The next stage of dismantling concerns the platbands. It is necessary to take the prepared ax and hammer it with a hammer so that its tip is between the casing and the door frame. If the place where the casing is attached is clearly visible, you can take advantage of this by driving an ax near it.

The platband must be vigorously pressed away from the box until the fastener (nail) is visible in the crack. The ax is moved to the mount and the pressing is increased. This work must be done with each nail until all the trims have been removed.

If the old door frame has become unusable, it must also be removed. A wood saw will be useful for this job. Using this tool you need to saw through the vertical posts of the box. It is recommended to cut them in the middle. The sawn posts must be pressed out using a pry bar and removed. You don't have to cut the top post; just use a pry bar.

If the door frame is not firmly fixed in the opening, it can be easily removed using a nail puller, as in the photo. It is necessary to take into account that a sawn door frame cannot be restored, so the above method of dismantling an interior door is advisable to use if it is no longer useful.

Removing the door and reinstalling it

If an interior door needs to be removed temporarily, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the door leaf, door frame and plaster.

Features of web removal depend on the type of loops. If these are card hinges, the door is quite easy to remove. If you have to deal with universal hinges, you need to remove the screws from them.

Decorative door plugs are removed using a screwdriver. If the trim is attached to the box with nails, you need to carefully pry them off with a chisel until the nails come off. After that, they are removed with pliers and the cash is disconnected.

To dismantle the interior door frame, you need to unscrew the fasteners from it. You can get acquainted with the features of door dismantling in the video.

Any major renovation An apartment or house often involves replacing old, worn-out interior doors with new ones. This stage of repair, first of all, involves dismantling the old door, which can be done independently. Such a procedure can save some money that would have to be paid to specialists. However, dismantling the old interior door must be done very carefully so as not to damage the doorway in the wall and it would be possible to install new doors without much difficulty.

Many people mistakenly believe that dismantling an interior door is a simple matter and will not be difficult, however, this is not entirely true. In the process of dismantling an old door, you can make a lot of mistakes that will only come up at the installation stage. new door. When removing an old door, it is very easy to damage the doorway, which is why a new door, the dimensions of which were taken using the old doorway, simply may not fit. In such a situation, the doorway will have to be adjusted to fit the new doors. If you remove the old doors correctly, you won’t have to adjust anything. Small flaws and mistakes can be easily corrected with polyurethane foam and platbands.

What determines the difficulty of dismantling a door?
The complexity of dismantling work mainly depends on the materials from which the door is made. If you need to remove plastic or wooden doors, you may need to have some tools, and during the work you will need to adhere to special technologies for carrying out such work. To remove wooden doors from a doorway, you will need at least a chisel and an ax, and to remove a plastic door, you will need a set of screwdrivers and pliers. One way or another, one condition is inherent in both cases: the door must be dismantled in such a way that the installation of a new door frame would require minimal amount modifications and adjustments. Therefore, it is necessary to dismantle the doors carefully and carefully.

In what cases may it be necessary to dismantle the door?
Of course, interior doors have their own resource, which does not always coincide with the general renovation of the apartment. Interior doors may fail before major repairs are required. In these cases, dismantling the interior door can be completely carried out separately from the repair. Moreover, careful work after installing a new door will be practically unnoticeable. In such cases, it is best to entrust the dismantling and installation of a new door to specialists. They have the necessary knowledge, experience and tools that will allow them to carry out all the work quickly, accurately and efficiently.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of an interior door
If you decide to remove the old doors yourself, you will need to take into account some nuances. First of all, you need to remove door leaf. To do this: open the doors completely and lift the door leaf, which is removed from the hinges. If the doors are too heavy, you can use a pry bar. It will need to be placed under open door and press to lift the door leaf. If everything is easy and simple with the door leaf, then dismantling the door frame will force you to get dirty and work more seriously.

First, you will need to do some preparatory work:

  • Clear the space around the door frame from furniture and other objects that may interfere with the work process
  • To avoid dust on furniture, especially soft ones, cover it with polyethylene.
  • So as not to damage flooring(parquet, laminate, etc.) it is advisable to cover the floors with the same polyethylene or fabric
  • Wear work clothes or clothes that you don't mind getting dirty

Next, using a hammer and chisel, you need to remove the platbands. After this step we will understand how the box is installed in doorway. In older houses, the door frame is usually pressed tightly against the sides of the doorway, and vertical bars the boxes are nailed to the bars installed in the masonry of the wall.

If the door frame is made in the form of a solid structure with a threshold, dismantling will need to begin with cutting the threshold. Pay attention to the fastening elements of the door - if self-tapping screws were used, use a screwdriver to carefully unscrew them, which will allow you to pull them out easily and without much effort door frame from the opening. If the box is nailed down, try to remove them with a nail puller.

However, if you do not need to save the old door frame, you can simply cut it in several places and remove it in parts. In many cases, this approach allows you to quickly and easily dismantle the door frame, and the doorway is practically not damaged.

Please note that before you try to remove the door frame from the opening, make sure that you have completely freed it from fasteners - nails, screws, etc. Only then can the box be removed.

These instructions are given as an example for a general understanding of the door dismantling process. Experienced craftsmen they know: in each case, dismantling a door contains some nuances that are completely different from others, which are simply impossible to take into account in advance. That is why, if you have the desire and opportunity, this work It's best to leave it to the experts.

Every owner who has undertaken a major renovation in old apartment, is faced with the problem of dismantling interior or entrance doors. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - to remove the canvas from its hinges and “uproot” the box. But it's not that simple. As practice shows, if you want to get a smooth and beautiful doorway, you need to remove the old structure correctly. We will talk about how to dismantle doors in this article.

Many inexperienced self-taught builders mistakenly believe that to remove an old door it is enough to just pick out the jambs from the wall. But in practice, everything turns out to be not so simple. Often, with incorrect and aggressive dismantling, not only the door design, but also part of the wall. This situation is especially common in old Soviet houses, where construction interior partitions We used weak gypsum plaster slabs.

If you don’t want to lose part of the wall when dismantling the interior doors, you need to approach the work creatively. First of all, decide whether you need the old door or are you going to take it to its final destination - to the landfill. In the first case, dismantling must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the components, for example, if you want to move the door from an apartment to a country house. If you don’t need the box and all its elements, there is a faster and “ruthless” method, which we will talk about a little later.

But no matter what method of dismantling old doors you choose, the work should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the wall. Otherwise, after removing the box, you will have to spend time and money on puttying and plastering.

But first, a little theory. Any similar structure consists of two vertical posts, one horizontal crossbar on top and the door leaf itself, sometimes there is also a lower horizontal bar - a threshold. Often old doors are behind their long life managed to survive 5 or even 10 painting sessions, becoming several millimeters thicker, and therefore heavier.

The paint has long hidden the slightest hints of the location of screws, nails and other fasteners, but on an intuitive level you can still recognize where everything is. So, usually between the wall and the door frame there is wooden block. Its thickness was selected in such a way that the vertical posts were positioned strictly perpendicular to the floor surface. Large nails 120 or 150 mm long were driven into this beam: two in the left vertical stand, two - to the right, and one (sometimes two) - to the upper horizontal crossbar. If the doors have not been replaced for 30-50 years, then these nails have probably had time to rust, so you won’t be able to simply remove the frame.

To avoid uprooting part of the wall with the bars, use a nail puller or pry bar. You will also need a hammer, an ax and a saw (hacksaw).

Gentle way

In this chapter we will tell you how to remove the door and frame so that they can be used later.


We have described one of the most problematic options for dismantling doors using large nails as fasteners. If you see that the elements are fastened with screws, then disassembling such a box is not difficult - you just need to use a screwdriver.

A video about door dismantling will help you carry out the work more accurately:

Fast way

If you are planning to get rid of your old door and do not intend to install it in another place, use a simpler and in a fast way dismantling the box.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • axe;
  • hammer;
  • crowbar;
  • hacksaw for wood.

How to quickly dismantle a door:

We remind you that if you don’t need the old door frame, the remaining wall will still be useful for installing a new door, so do the work as carefully as possible.

Removing a plastic door

Plastic and metal-plastic doors have long ceased to be a novelty, and it is much less common to see high-quality massive wood panels than the usual construction, shining with pristine whiteness. However for correct operation, repair and adjustment, you need to know some secrets that not all owners of plastic doors know.

The most important thing is to understand the structure and functioning of the hinges on which the door is held. Then you will be able to use its full potential to the maximum, repair or remove the entire structure yourself. The hinge consists of several elements: a steel tab, a frame with fastening pins, and a spacer sleeve located between the tab and the frame.

Removing the door on the balcony

If you try to dismantle the plastic door according to the instructions described above, you will not succeed. The fact is that such structures have their own installation and, therefore, dismantling features, so they need to be removed in a special way.

Dismantling balcony door:

Removing the front door

The structure of a plastic entrance door differs from a balcony door, so dismantling occurs a little differently. The main difference is that entrance doors have reinforced structure, and they do not have double-glazed windows installed.

The structure of the hinges is also different - they are more powerful, reinforced and have an anti-burglary system. Entrance plastic door has as many as three loops, the balcony one has two. This is explained by the fact that the door is quite heavy, and two hinges could not cope with such a load.

In principle, the dismantling procedure follows the same scenario as for a balcony door, with the only difference being that you will need help to remove it alone front door it won't work. Once you lift the door off its hinges, it needs to be held firmly, which can only be done by two people.

Removing a metal door

In most new buildings, apartments are commissioned with metal entrance doors, but, unfortunately, they seem reliable only at first glance. In fact, this is an ordinary sheet of steel, not reinforced with anything, and certainly not having insulating properties. Owners of such apartments prefer to replace structures with new ones or insulate existing ones, but first they need to somehow remove the fabric itself.

Dismantling a metal door is quite simple:

  1. Beat off the plaster near door slope to open the door lug mounting points.
  2. Since modern metal doors are fixed using anchor wedges or anchor bolts, try unscrewing them with a key or screwdriver.
  3. If the fasteners do not budge, gouge them out with a hammer drill chisel.
  4. Between the wall and the door frame there is a layer polyurethane foam– cut it with a knife to free the door.
  5. Lift the door leaf and remove it from the hinges in the open position.
  6. Then you can remove the door frame and install a better door.

As you can see, dismantle old door It’s not at all difficult, be it wooden, plastic or iron. The main thing is to do everything measuredly and carefully so as not to spoil the opening in the wall, which will still be useful for installing a new door.

In this article you will learn how to properly disassemble and install an internal door with your own hands.

We will discuss the details of door design in detail.

Removing old doors

There are two ways to parse:

  1. "Precise" - save port components for future use. For example, in the country. In this case, you need to store the door leaf, panels and frame.
  2. “Inaccuracy” - you don’t need old doors and all the other elements.

Attention please!

Regardless of the method you choose, you must remember that in any case you must do everything carefully. So when installing new doors there is no need to carry out extra work: plaster, kit etc. T.

Door dismantling: consistency and necessary tools

How to dismantle an old internal door

A seemingly simple disassembly can become complicated if technology is not taken into account.

First you need to prepare the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • wood saw;
  • remainder with nail;

These are the main tools.

For “precise” dismantling, you may need a wide chisel, pliers, a sharp knife, a screwdriver, a screwdriver and a cutting machine (Bulgarian) with a metal disk.

General steps in parts:

  1. Preparing the device.
  2. Remove the door leaf from the hinges.
  3. Tear the panels from all sides.
  4. Remove the door frame from the opening.

Carefully disassemble the inner door hinges

There are situations when disassembly and installation are required.

This may be due to the need to preserve the door itself and all its elements.

Or you just don't want to add extra decoration to the walls adjacent to the door.

Removing the door.

In this case, the work should be done as follows:

  • First you have to remove the canvas from the loops. If the hinges are card shaped and removable, this won't be very difficult. If the hinges are universal, remove the screws from them first.
  • Now we are withdrawing money. Remove the decorative caps from the screws and unscrew them using a Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver.

    If the clipper is attached to the box with finishing nails, gently pull it from the opposite side with a wide chisel. In this case, the nails must be “projected”. We remove them with pliers and take the money.

  • Then disassemble the box. First you need to find places to attach to the hole. They are most often found in conditions of a hinge and the wrong part of the lock. In other places of the box, the mounting screws are covered with decorative plugs.
  • We remove the fasteners from the box using a low speed screwdriver.

    Or use a Phillips screwdriver.

Attention please! Perform disassembly, remember that the patient cannot be removed, bolts and nails in the neck frames are understood in Bulgarian. In this case, use protective equipment: glasses, gloves.

  • To remove the column from the hole without damaging it, you must hang all the precast foam. To do this, use a sharp knife. If there is plaster in the hole, remove it using a gentle hammer.
  • Once done, remove the entire box from the opening and disassemble it down to a flat, horizontal plane.
  • If the box is screwed onto the device, it is better to remove it.

    Otherwise, when transporting box elements, additional bars may damage or damage the box.

Exhibition "Sloppy"

If in the future you do not intend to use the dismantled doors and its components for their intended purpose, you will have the following tools:

  1. hammer
  2. axe
  3. lift
  4. grebenec-nail.

Below are some of the sparseness and features of the "uninhibited" exhibition:

  • The neck box will be more suitable for interruption if you cut the saws in the middle of one of its vertical parts.

Attention please!

Sewing boxes is best done not at all, but at an angle of 45 °. This will make the disassembly process easier.

  • If there is a threshold in the field, you can also see it for convenience.
  • If the threshold is fixed in the hole above the floor cover, it can be removed by breaking it.
  • The cashier breaks with an ax and a hammer.

    S close the gap between the piston and the locking bar. We drive the blade deep into the hammer. Let's take the ax hand. Once enough space has been created, you can continue using a reciprocating hammer.

Additional functions for installing an internal door

Installation phases interior door

  • If the hole under the neck is made of drywall metal, it will need to be reinforced.

    Remove the inner door from its hinges? Easy to disassemble old doors

    To do this, before sewing the GKL, you must place wood block inside the profile to which the box will be attached.

  • Before installing new doors, complete all floor leveling work. It will be awkward with the box attached.
  • The range between the box and the wall should not exceed 2 centimeters.

    If this distance is greater, you must remove the excess using plaster or wood.

  • When assembling the box, remember that it is best to make all blades at a 45° angle.

We suspect that installing and disassembling a door is a process that requires careful preparation and precision at all stages.

With these rules, you can perform all your operations yourself.

Order an exhibition

If dismantling the interior door lighting is not so difficult, then replacing the iron structure is a task for professionals.

Door dismantling: step-by-step instructions

And not so much in the large weight and size of the neck. Generally, installers install the structure securely. Our specialists assess the complexity of the fasteners on site and select The best way It is safe to disassemble iron doors.

It happens that the box is tightly welded to the door with reinforcement. There are always shades of dismantling, but for us there are no problems. In addition, the price will not be increased after the product has been inspected or after disassembly is completed.

We do not have unreasonable tariff increases or unexpected complications. The client pays a certain amount, everything is directly according to the contract.

Carefully disassemble without damaging the door

We will carefully analyze the plan:

  • We show the panels.
  • Carefully remove the door frame.

    At the same time, many of our craftsmen find it difficult to work. In addition, it is important to take careful measures. Sam, I'm not trying to handle this kind of exhibition.

  • Disassemble and remove the box.

    Clean the hole from traces of plaster, loosen the metal pins, the edges of the pre-made foam.

  • We use doors and collect and remove waste.

It’s good if the box is secured with dowels. This will allow you to carefully disassemble the entire structure without damaging the holes. Therefore, door installation should also be entrusted to professionals.

Attention! If you want to use the services of inexpensive iron door removal specialists, do not use this opportunity.

This attempt to save money can lead to structural damage not only to the door, but to the entire opening. Removing a structure

Our advantages

  1. Full service and warranty.

    Our technicians demonstrate iron doors of all shapes, clean doors and legally remove debris.

  2. At the end of the work, we not only dig out the debris, but also, if necessary, old metal doors.
  3. The work was carried out by qualified specialists of the Prodemontazh company with more than 6 years of experience.
  4. Individual approach to removing metal door structures.

    We guarantee the safety of the client's property. For this wizard, consider the characteristics iron door and its fastenings.

  5. Professional dismantling of metal doors with special tools. In this case high level noise, threshold values ​​and wall vibrations at the entrance are practically eliminated. If possible, we work quickly and quietly.

We offer videos with examples of disassembling metal doors.

If you are looking for someone in St. Petersburg to dismantle metal doors at low prices, contact us.

Quality guaranteed. To order professional services with quality assurance, leave online requests for dismantling iron doors.

We offer you the best prices for drilling diamond holes and drilling in concrete, brick and reinforced concrete,
as well as high quality of work performed.


Installation of metal doors has become a popular phenomenon due to its robust design and high resistance to burglary to secure premises. However, with some nuances of your own designs (hollow inside) or with an individual desire to improve it in order to raise it in thermal or acoustic insulation, for example, there are no more questions about how to install and how to disassemble the door.

cavitation circuit inside

Attention please! In some cases, it is impossible to disassemble and reassemble metal entrance doors.

This depends primarily on the manufacturer of the products that produce doors that can be permanently deformed in the event of disturbances and cannot be repaired, as this often happens with Chinese-made products, for example.

low quality canvas (China)

This also applies to all-in-one products whose skeleton is tightly connected to steel sheets.

These structures can only be insulated through the outer skin of the skin, which is installed through an additional sheet on wooden frame shipyard, block heater, filled and closed boards.

It is also possible to have another more favorable option - thermal insulation with rubber tape with an adhesive backing.

ribbon printing

Important! There are fewer questions about how to dismantle domestically produced doors.

We show old wood panels and door frames

Our production plant, which produces products for the general consumer market, strives to take into account all possible manipulations in future operation. Often household products are equipped with a removable sheet decorative covering(MDF, laminate) or metal, which greatly simplifies the disassembly process.

MDF panel

If the plan allows for insulation from the inside, it's time to determine the type of insulation.

For this purpose, you can use foam blocks or more durable versions - polystyrene foam or mineral wool, which has high humidity, noise, thermal insulation.

We are putting up the front door.

Work phases:

  • for ease of operation, remove the fabric from the loops;
  • remove the handle and remove the sheet decorative board using a screwdriver or screwdriver;

Removing the handle

  • measurement of fabric parameters, in which the necessary measurements of the number of pads must be resolved with scissors in order to obtain the appropriate shape and size of the aquatic environment;
  • for each block of insulating adhesive (liquid nails) is used and attached to the canvas;

final print result

  • After the seal has dried, the removed sheet of decorative leather is placed on top again.
  • the doors are back in the box.

Important! For sealing, it had greater adhesion to the metal blade, so all steel surfaces must be treated with a special lubricant.

In these cases, kerosene is suitable.

In case of rust, the door is also disassembled. To do this, remove the shell shell, remove the seal. Iron brushes clean and polish surfaces that are susceptible to corrosion. This refers to their solvent to degrease the surface of the whale and is crushed again within a few hours. The disintegrated sheet is covered with primary mixture and spray paint, then the seal is removed and decorative panels are installed in place.


Attention please! Whatever the reasons that do not force you to disassemble the door (loosening the hinge, rust, draft, askew wooden frame, replacing the lock), the main thing to remember is that you do it yourself only if steel door made of high quality materials and refurbished,

Features of dismantling

First of all, we draw the attention of customers that unprofessional actions can lead to damage to the entire doorway and even the wall. So don't take risks. By ordering work from us, you receive a turnkey service: we dismantle structures and legally remove construction waste. Here are just the main features of phased dismantling:

  • The craftsmen arrive at the site. As a rule, this is the middle of the day, so the noise will not disturb the neighbors as much as in the morning or evening.
  • We clear the space around the door.

    We assess the situation and select the best dismantling method. There are some small features in the design. Dismantling metal and wooden door is different. But we have all the necessary electric tools, as well as crowbars, hammers, and hacksaws.

  • Depending on the chosen dismantling option, we proceed. If the task is to preserve the structure, we will carefully disassemble it without damage.

Dismantling a metal structure

  • We dismantle the trim, remove the door from its hinges and disassemble the door frame.

    The fastest way is to saw the door frame and break out its parts with a crowbar. But this must be done carefully so as not to damage the doorway.

  • The box is secured with dowels. If possible, we carefully unscrew them. If the connections are old, you need to use a crowbar.

Note! We also offer in St. Petersburg the dismantling of walls, partitions and windows with garbage removal. Professionals work.

Why come to us?

When you look for advertisements for services in St. Petersburg, you often see low prices for dismantling various doors.

It would seem that breaking down a door is a simple matter.

How to change interior doors correctly: step-by-step instructions

But low prices can lead to the following consequences:

  • Lack of neatness and individual approach. No one will really listen to the wishes of the customer. Such inexpensive offices will quickly carry out the work according to the principle “you have the strength, no need for intelligence.”

    The door is dismantled using an unsafe method, which will damage the frame and doorway.

  • Since companies offering inexpensive services want to get more clients, it is possible that the price will be raised during telephone conversations. Or, on the spot, it turns out that the work is more complex and therefore requires additional payment... This technique works, but only unscrupulous organizations and craftsmen do this.
  • “Specialists” can easily scratch the home (walls, ceiling, floor) while dismantling and removing the door.

Dismantling of wooden structures

We guarantee that all these horrors will not happen.

If you are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation, please contact us. Our advantages:

  1. Individual approach. Craftsmen take into account the characteristics of the door, frame and doorway. They evaluate the strength of materials and the possibility of dismantling without damaging the structure.
  2. The work is done by professionals.

    Our craftsmen have been successfully proving their professionalism in St. Petersburg for more than 12 years. We quickly and accurately dismantle doors using modern tools.

  3. After completion of the work, we remove all waste from the site. We carry out this operation legally and carefully: the ceiling, floor, furniture - your entire home will remain safe.

We offer a short video with examples of door dismantling.

We offer to dismantle old door structures of any complexity in St. Petersburg.

Quality guaranteed! To order a door dismantling service, leave a request or call the office.

We guarantee the best prices for diamond drilling and drilling holes in concrete, brick and reinforced concrete,
as well as high quality of work performed.


Installing interior doors is one of the most difficult repair work. This is due to the fact that the door structure requires very precise centering - both vertically and horizontally. The latter is not easy to achieve.

Dismantling the box

Door block design

The interior door can be made in two versions: with and without a door frame. The second case involves installing the canvas into an old or simply ready-made frame, the first involves installing the entire block in the doorway.

The first option is preferable for many reasons.

  • Deformation – old box, even when saving appearance, to some extent deformed. The “native” canvas underwent changes along with her, which means that it somehow compensated. The new one does not contain suitable changes, and therefore it simply will not fit into the old door frame.
  • Dimensions - opening parameters are rarely standard, especially after renovation. When installing a door, even a specially made one, difficulties arise. Fitting the box to the opening, and then to the canvas, means prolonging the installation work at least three times, and without guaranteeing the result.
  • Load – the door frame, leaf, hinges and lock in the block are designed for certain loads. If the structure was manufactured as a single module, then the load distribution has already been calculated by the manufacturer and implemented. Otherwise, the owner will have to do it.

Such high demands are placed mainly on swing systems. Sliding structures are somewhat easier to install with your own hands, since, firstly, they are most often installed on the opening, and secondly, they are much more standardized.

How to disassemble an interior door block

The door frame is installed taking into account the wall material. Accordingly, do-it-yourself dismantling will also require different instruments and techniques.

  1. The door will be removed from its hinges - to do this, place the end of the pry bar under the door, which is as open as possible, and gradually lift it until the door comes out of the hinges. It is recommended to move the sash a short distance to the right and left.
  2. In order to disassemble the platbands, the edge of an ax is driven between the platband and the vertical post of the frame. Force is applied in the direction away from the box until a gap is formed. The photo shows the moment of separation of the casing.
  3. The same procedure is repeated at the attachment points, then the casing is removed. Usually it is not possible to disassemble the platband without damage, since thin strips are used for its manufacture.
  4. If nails can be found on the box - and under multi-layer painting this is not always possible, then they should be removed: a beam is cut out around the head to free up space, and then the nail is removed using pliers or a nail puller. If we are talking about a metal door frame, then it is necessary to cut off the pins.
  5. The vertical stand is sawn at a distance of 60–80 cm from the floor. If the attachment point is visually determined, then you should move 20 cm away from it. Then the tip of an ax or a nail puller is placed between the slope and the stand below the cut point, and the beam is pressed out with force. The top of the rack is also removed. The photo shows the separation of the lower part of the rack.
  6. The horizontal crossbar can be removed without sawing, by pressing down. You need to disassemble the second vertical stand in the same way as the first.