Well      04/04/2019

Climbing plants for the garden: selecting types and varieties for green screens. Fast-growing climbing plants for the fence - make your site unique

Climbing plants for the garden

Every summer resident or owner of a private house strives to decorate his plot, create beautiful landscapes and cozy corners on it. Climbing plants for the garden will help you quickly hide the shortcomings of an old fence or hide a nondescript wall of a building. The green screen attracts attention and delights, and living plants fill the air with sweet aromas and create a wonderful place for relaxation and meditation.

What to choose for your garden: annuals or perennials

Climbing flowers for the garden are conventionally divided into annual and perennial. The former are characterized by rapid growth and long flowering. When choosing annuals for hedges, it is necessary to purchase those species that develop as quickly as possible, since they should show themselves in all their glory by the beginning or middle of summer.

Undoubtedly, annuals can decorate the desired space in the shortest possible time, but their main disadvantage is their short life span. Such crops must be grown every year from scratch by seedlings or sowing in open ground.

Perennial vines easily tolerate winter and do not require such labor-intensive care as annual ones. Their flowering period is shorter, but the main advantage is that the green hedge appears already in early spring with the first leaves.

Annual climbing plants

The advantage of annuals is the possibility of annual replacement. If you like variety, annual climbing plants for the garden will allow you to constantly change the appearance of the landscape, choose new colors and turn various ideas and fantasies into reality.

Morning glory (lat. Ipomoea)

One of the fastest growing annuals. In the first couple of months, morning glory is capable of growing vines more than a meter long. This culture will quickly decorate any fence or gazebo.

Morning glory is used to decorate not only vertical surfaces, but also horizontal ones. Without support, the sprouts spread independently along the ground, entwining other vertical plants and tree trunks. Morning glory has beautiful large flowers that resemble a gramophone in shape. The most common colors are burgundy, purple, blue and pink. The buds open with the morning sun and close at noon.

The most unusual variety of this species is Ipomoea Kvamoklit. It is distinguished by unusual leaves reminiscent of spruce branches and bright small flowers in the shape of stars.

Kobeya (lat. Cobaea)

This vine has a long growing season, so it is recommended to grow seedlings in advance. The first flowers will appear only at the end of summer if you sow the seeds in open ground, and when grown by seedlings, you can speed up the start of flowering by a couple of months.

Large bell-shaped flowers have a pleasant cream, purple or pink hue. Kobei blooms for a long time - up to 4 months, so you can enjoy the beautiful view until frost.

Sweet pea (lat. Lathyrus odoratus)

The name speaks for itself - the plant has a pleasant sweet aroma. The color palette consists of many shades: from snow-white to brown.

The buds growing in clusters bloom at the end of spring and delight the eye until frost. This crop is very popular; it is planted along fences and recreation areas, or grown in containers and flowerpots on verandas and balconies.

Decorative perennial vines for garden decoration

Perennial vines for the garden are powerful plants with woody shoots. They need strong support and gartering of large and heavy branches. In addition to decorative flowering species also highlight fruit crops.

Decorative perennial vines growing in Russia serve only as decoration and are used only for landscape decoration. The most popular of them:

  • Clematis;
  • Climbing rose;
  • Ivy.

Clematis or clematis (lat. Clematis)

Clematis vines grow up to 3 m in height, turning any hedge into an emerald screen. The duration of flowering is up to 3 months. Several hundred large flowers cover each vine, filling the air with the delicate aromas of jasmine and almond.

Even the most demanding gardener will be able to choose the color he likes among white, pink, blue, red and purple shades. The flower itself is strewn with many stamens and pistils, which makes it double.

Climbing rose (lat. Climbing rosa)

Cuttings of climbing roses are planted along a fence or any other structure. Perennial vines quickly climb a vertical support and need to fix young shoots. Delicate buds bloom in June, and emerald greenery decorates the area until frost.

Ivy (lat. Hedera)

The most unpretentious climbing perennial is ivy. This is unique evergreen able to independently climb onto any vertical surface.

Ivy does not need special threads or supports. Thanks to its roots growing along the entire length of the vine, it can easily and quickly decorate the wall of a house, or cover the ground with an emerald carpet.

Ivy is also often grown in containers as hanging plant for decorating verandas and balconies. This culture does not require special care and is universal decoration any building.

Do not forget to monitor the growth of ivy, limit its growth in the desired direction by removing unnecessary vines. It is best to plant this crop in a limited space, for example, by arranging a low fence in the shape of a box. Otherwise, it will quickly envelop neighboring plants, buildings and trees.

Fruit climbing vines

Perennial vines for the garden can not only decorate, but also bear fruit. The most popular weaving species suitable for the territory of Russia:

  • Actinidia;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Maiden's grapes.

Actinidia (lat. Actinidia)

This deciduous vine deserves special attention. Curly shoots reach 2-2.5 m in height. Actinidia fruits have a delicate berry aroma reminiscent of strawberries.

The most popular variety is Actinidia Kolomikta. In early summer, the plant is covered with a tent of white flowers. During the flowering period, the leaves change their color, creating a unique crimson picture. They can exhibit white, pink and yellow hues and turn purple in the fall.

The peculiarity of this crop is that the plant is dioecious, so seedlings must be purchased both female and male. It is recommended to plant 2 male plants for 5 female plants. It is worth remembering that Actinidia varieties such as Kolomikta, Polygam or Arguta are pollinated only by plants of their own species. Sex can only be determined during the flowering period, so it is recommended to purchase planting material only in specialized stores and nurseries, and not on the market.

For planting, only young plants no older than 3 years are used, since older ones cannot tolerate transplantation and do not take root well. It is recommended to choose the southern sides of buildings and open areas. Actinidia does not tolerate proximity to orchard, the plant needs a free area a few meters from the nearest crops.

Honeysuckle (lat. Lonicera)

This variety of perennial vines amazes with its flowering. Although this period is only 3 weeks, the spectacle is unforgettable. Huge clusters of flowers almost completely cover the greenery, and the plant turns into a fragrant cloud of aromas. Honeysuckle fruits are both decorative and edible.

The most favorite variety among gardeners is Honeysuckle. Flowering occurs at the beginning of summer; delicate yellow, white and pink flowers have a unique aroma.

Brown's honeysuckle is distinguished by the fact that it is evergreen and does not shed its leaves in the winter.

The Telman variety is characterized by rapid growth. The crop can quickly reach 6 m in length. They easily climb vertical supports and create a dense green hedge.

Maiden grape (lat. Parthenocissus)

This crop produces inedible fruits; it is used only to decorate the site, which is why it is called ornamental, although it is classified as a perennial fruit plant.

For the reader's reference

The name “maiden” grapes received due to the fact that the flowers do not need pollination; this “immaculate conception” was called “virgin”.

Bottom line

When choosing climbing flowers for the garden, you need to consider the care needs of the crops and the location. Giving preference to annuals blooming vines, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, but as a reward you will receive a unique fragrant flower garden. Perennial climbers do not require special care. They form a dense green hedge from early spring to late autumn, and serve as decoration for any buildings and structures on the site.

The picky, but very pretty bindweed is popularly known as birch. Its soft pink or white flowers spread like a luxurious carpet on the ground. Many housewives use decorative varieties plants to decorate your backyard as well as a balcony. Rich shades of blue or purple look breathtaking against the backdrop of gray high-rise buildings. Scientists know about 250 varieties of the Vyunkov family. However, it is worth paying attention to the description of several gardeners' favorites.

Toffee should be planted at a distance of 25 cm to other crops. If it is used to fill the territory, then the distance from other plants is 50-60 cm.

General characteristics

In nature, birch trees can be found in your garden. It resembles a miniature vine. By the way, the Latin name for loach means “to roll up” or “to wrap,” which very accurately conveys the character of the plant. The stems and rhizomes resemble thin cables that expertly wrap around any structure: living or not. The question of what bindweed looks like should be answered with a description of each of its parts separately:

The value of this culture is also that it has many color solutions. As shown in the photo, bindweed can be one-color, two- or three-color. The dominant shades of these “European vines” are:

Loaches begin to bloom in late spring. As a result, the whole summer and until the autumn frosts you can admire the splendor of these delicate flowers.

Representatives of the Bindweed family need to be grown in non-acidic and relatively moist soil. You should also provide them with sufficient lighting, or at least diffuse lighting.

Field bindweed

With this herbaceous plant Most often they fight in vegetable gardens or flower beds. However, as practice shows, you can be friends with him. Field bindweed contains dozens of useful elements that help in the fight against diseases:

  • liver;
  • respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma);
  • circulatory system;
  • skin rashes;
  • kidneys (relieves swelling).

Moreover, it has antiseptic properties. Crops that grow next to it are less susceptible to mold or mildew. It makes excellent mulch. Such a substrate not only disinfects the soil, but also makes it loose and moist.

Favorable soil for this species is loam or sandy loam (with a high sand content).

Field birch can be either perennial or annual. White or pink small flowers (blue and purple are rare) abundantly cover the creeping stem. In most cases it has smooth surface, but sometimes there are specimens with hair covering. To a full description of field bindweed, the following must be added:

  • the stem reaches only 100-150 cm in length;
  • flowering period: from mid-April to the first frost;
  • leaves of an elongated triangular shape (like a spear), located on the petioles;
  • cone-shaped flowers grow on long stalks singly or in inflorescences (1-3 buds);
  • thin bindweed roots reach 3 and even 6 meters in length;
  • method of propagation: seed or root (offshoots).

This birch tree serves as a wonderful decoration for the garden. With its help, the hostess will skillfully hide incorrect spaces in . An exquisite living carpet in your backyard made from golden weed will create an enchanting ambience.

Garden bindweed

This type of toffee is distinguished by a variety of bright and contrasting colors. This flowering carpet can be used to decorate an unsightly slope in your dacha. Very often, uncultivated plots of land remain empty in vegetable gardens. Why not use garden bindweed to beautify your garden. In the garden they can decorate alleys. Curly blue or white borders made of loach will add some pomp to the corner of paradise. Designers recommend making a screen or partition from these plants. It perfectly separates one part of the garden from another or serves as a shade for other crops.

One branch is enough to grow golden weed in a container. Then it has more space to grow and create a thick, luxurious cascade.

Summer vines are dependent on sunlight. Thus, the bindweed flower closes and curls if it is cloudy or raining outside. Although this plant is unpretentious, there are still some features of its planting and cultivation:

If white streaks appear on the greenery, it means that the vine has been struck powdery mildew. Several treatments with fungicidal agents will destroy the pest.

It is important to water garden bindweed correctly, photo of this variety for vertical gardening is given below. You should not flood the beds too much, because this leads to the growth of greenery, not inflorescences. However, due to a lack of moisture, the buds will fall off. Without feeding, the flowers will grow small and faded. Therefore, before planting, the soil is fertilized with peat.
The soil is sprinkled when the toffee throws out buds. Complex fertilizers(nitrogen or potassium) treat the beds once every two weeks. The substrate is laid out on the soil and then washed off with water using a watering can.

To plant seedlings in the ground, you need to sow the seeds in a container in early March. Containers should be stored in a warm and sunny place and watered regularly.


It is considered the most effective for planting in pots (containers). The combination of blue (ultramarine shade) and white shade with a fiery yellow (lemon) center makes it unique. Thanks to this coloring, it flaunts magnificently on the terraces and flowerbeds of megalopolises. Bindweed tricolor is an annual that grows up to 50 cm tall. The stems are strewn with dense greenery. The bluish-green leaves provide an amazing backdrop for large, variegated flowers with wavy edges. They reach 5 cm in diameter.
Among other things, there are three more varieties of tricolor loach:

  • "Blue" and "Rainbow" Flash. Both flowers and leaves grow as densely as possible, forming spherical bushes.
  • "Royal Ensign". The flowers are dark in color - velvety purple flowers with a characteristic black tint.
  • "Crimson Monarch". Bright crimson shade of inflorescences.

These are the fastest growing ornamental species. In 2-3 months, the rhizomes grow up to 2 meters deep. If they tear, they form new shoots.

Bindweed is an annual plant that is grown from seeds. Due to the fact that this variety is low-growing, it has many lateral shoots. Therefore, such specimens resemble the shape of a sphere. They look amazing on terraces, windows or loggias.


In a house or apartment you can grow indoor bindweed, which was specially bred for such conditions. This variety is very capricious. He can't be kept on outdoors– window sill or balcony. Exposure to direct sunlight will cause the leaves to yellow and the root base to dry out. In addition, indoor birch loves moisture. Therefore, it needs to be watered and sprayed regularly. Young taffy can be safely bathed in the bathtub. These procedures must be done in winter, when the air in the apartment is dry due to heating. You need to place a pot with a flowerpot in a secluded place, because drafts are dangerous for it.

If you plant a vine in a container, then it should be placed on the south side of the house or closer to the east.

Caring for these three types of bindweed - field, garden and indoor - does not require much effort. This light-loving plant will become worthy decoration personal plot or terraces.

All annual vines can be conditionally divided into 2 large groups: vines grown by direct sowing in the ground, and grown by seedlings. These are mainly our southern guests, which in natural conditions are perennials.

Annual vines that are grown by direct sowing into the ground

Most often, easy-to-care vines that do not require much labor are grown in gardens by simply sowing seeds in the ground in May. These are nasturtium, sweet pea, ordinary bindweed and others.

Sweet pea, or sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

Popular garden plant, which has been used for vertical gardening in Russian gardens for many years. Popularity sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) ensured its unpretentiousness in cultivation, abundant flowering and the delicate beauty of its flowers. More than a thousand varieties of sweet peas have now been bred, grouped into 16 different groups, which differ in color, height and flowering time. You can choose a variety of sweet peas for any corner of the garden.
Sweet peas themselves are very unpretentious; they can withstand temperatures as low as -5°C, so they can be sown in the ground as early as early May. If desired, sweet peas can be grown through seedlings, which are sown in March.

Echinocystis, Echinocystis echinata

Prickly carp, or lobed echinocystis (Echinocystis echinata) perhaps almost the first vine that began to be used to decorate village hedges. Easily propagated by self-sowing, it independently spread throughout vegetable gardens and orchards. For its growth rate (lashes up to 6 m long) and prickly fruits that can “shoot” seeds and look a little like cucumbers, it is popularly nicknamed “mad cucumber.” The flowering of the thorny plant is also quite beautiful; at the moment of mass blooming of small white flowers, the plant is covered with a wonderful “white foam”.
Echinocystis is sown before winter; if desired, Echinocystis seedlings can be planted in the spring.

Bindweed, or “day beauty”. Convolvulus.

Most garden vines are quite large plants that take up a lot of space and require support, but bindweed, or convolvulus, is not like that. Tricolor bindweed or tricolor convolvulus (Convolvulus tricolor)- a relatively small groundcover annual vine, with stems up to half a meter long. But its flowers are large, bright, pink, blue or light blue, open only in good weather. It is propagated by direct sowing into the ground in the spring, but if desired, it can also be grown through seedlings.

It is interesting that the well-known weed bindweed with white li pink flowers, weaving along a fence or along our favorite flowers is field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)- a perennial plant that grows to a height of up to a meter. And in one place it can grow annually for 50 years!

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum cultorum)

Another vine that is not distinguished by its powerful growth, but is very decorative, is nasturtium (Tropaeolum cultorum). There are many ampelous varieties suitable for growing both in containers and on a support. Less known foreign nasturtium, or as it is often called Canarian (Tropaeolum peregrinum), meanwhile, this is a stunningly beautiful annual vine, with stems up to 3 m long. It is quite popular in Europe, but is still rare here. Unusual flowers with a corrugated edge they look like small yellow canaries. Unlike large nasturtium, which is sown immediately in open ground, this heat-loving “Canary” requires sowing for seedlings. They are sown in February, and in May, when the threat of frost has passed, they are planted in the ground.

Foreign nasturtium, or Canary nasturtium, Tropaeolum peregrinum

Moonflower - "Moon Wonder" (Calonyction, Ipomoea)

So far, moonflower is also not very popular among gardeners. Most decorative look - spiny moonflower or moonflowering morning glory (Calonyction aculeatum, Ipomoea bona-noх)- a herbaceous liana up to 3 m in height, suitable for decorating well-lit areas of the garden. It blooms from July until frost with large fragrant white flowers that bloom at night and fade in the morning, which is why the plant got its name.
Sow in May permanent place, seeds are scarified or soaked in warm water for about a day.

Moonflower (Colonyction album)

Annual vines that need to be sown for seedlings

There is quite large group vines of southern origin, which in their homeland are usually perennials, but in the middle zone they are grown as annual crops. Due to the shorter season, they must be grown as seedlings, sown in late February - early March. They are planted in the ground only after the danger of frost has passed.

Decorative fiery red beans - “Turkish beans” (Phaseolus coccineus)

In Russia, decorative beans are better known as "Turkish beans" (Phaseolus coccineus), although it comes from Central America, it came to us from Turkey, hence the name. Decorative bean is a fairly large annual vine that can reach a height of 3 meters or more. However, there is a large number of varieties, including bush forms that do not require garter or support. Unlike most decorative vines, which are famous for their beautiful flowering or decorative leaves, beans have very pretty fruits that decorate them before the onset of cold weather.
Beans are propagated by seeds, which are sown for seedlings at the end of April - early May, and planted in the ground at the end of May.

Kobeya - “Monastery Bells” (Cobaea scandens)

"Mexican ivy" or "monastery bells"- known by these names climbing kobaea (Cobaea scandens). IN middle lane Russia is a fairly tall annual liana, 2 or more meters high, with large flowers lilac or white. The plant is unpretentious, suitable for growing both in the shade and in the sun, in areas with any garden soil. Kobeya is sown for seedlings in February and planted in open ground no earlier than mid-to-late May.

Morning glory, or farbitis (Ipomea)

In the middle zone culture it is most often grown (Pharbitis purpurea, Ipomea purpurea). This is a large plant, reaching a height of 2 m by the end of the season, with large heart-shaped leaves and wonderful large flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, purple, blue or pink.
Ipomoea purpurea, which is sown in February. For planting, choose a sunny place with loose, fertile soil.

An interesting type of morning glory - sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a tuberous perennial that does not overwinter in open ground. The sweet potato received the status of an ornamental crop only recently, but at the same time it has a long history of cultivation as an agricultural crop. Most of all, sweet potato tubers look and taste like potatoes, which is why they are called “sweet potatoes.” In ornamental gardening, varieties of sweet potatoes are popular, valuable for their beautiful large leaves: red, purple, green, as well as two- and three-colored. They are often grown in hanging baskets and tall floor containers. In winter, the tubers are dug up and stored in a cool, dry room until spring.

Quamoclit - Spanish flag (Quamoclit)

, or Myna feathery (Quamoclit pinnata)- another interesting climbing herbaceous vine with red, less often pink or white flowers, up to 2.5 m high. Thanks to its decorative openwork leaves, it received the name “cypress liana”. Blooms from July-August to September. Three forms of quamoclite are known in culture, but the most decorative is the form with red flowers.
Propagated by seeds, which are sown for seedlings in March.

Quamoclit lobata (Mina lobata, Quamoclit lobata, Ipomea versicolor)- a perennial plant, grown in the middle zone as an annual crop, also known under the names “Spanish flag” or “ star bindweed" A liana with stems 1.5-3 m long. The flowers are collected in one-sided racemes up to 40 cm long. Quamoclite lobed is light- and heat-loving, propagated by seeds, which are sown in February - March. Typically used for landscaping balconies and terraces. The most popular variety is the one with light orange-yellow flowers.
Another quamoclite with red flowers is fiery red quamoclite or “beauty star” (Quamoclit coccinea. Ipomoea coccinea)- plant up to 3 m high. Blooms from late June - July. Unfortunately, after flowering, in August, it quickly loses its decorative effect.

Thunbergia, or Black-eyed Susan (Thunbergia alata)

Another pretty, but so far little-known annual vine - (Thunbergia alata), thanks to the black eye inside the flower, it is also called “Black-Eyed Suzanne”. The flowers themselves can be any shade of yellow, pink or white. However, thunbergia varieties can be monochromatic, without an eye. The plant itself grows no more than 2 m long.
Thunbergia comes from the tropics, so it does not tolerate frost, but feels good in room conditions, and therefore is better known to most gardeners as an indoor hanging plant, which can be placed in the garden in the summer and brought back into the house in the fall.
In the spring, pots with already blooming tunbergia are sold in almost all garden centers. However, if there is a desire to grow seedlings on their own, then tunbergia is sown in late February - early March.

Thunbergia alata, or "Black-eyed Susan"

Azarina, or Maurandia (Asarina, Maurandia)

Another beautiful annual liana that can decorate any garden. Most often grown climbing azarina (Asarina (Maurandia) scandens). She has wonderful tubular flowers of white, pink or lilac color, stems up to 3 m long. It takes 4 to 5 months from sowing to flowering.
Azarina is wonderful for container gardening and balcony decoration.

Rhodochiton - Purple Bell (Rhodochiton atrosanguineus)

Rhodochiton atrosanguineus It is also still a rather little-known plant, which does not detract from its merits. It has fragrant tubular flowers of a dark red-violet color. It can be found on sale under the names Purple Bell Vine or Purple Rain. At home, it is a perennial, in the conditions of the middle lane it can be grown as an annual plant.

Dolichos - climbing lilac (Dolichos)

Common dolichos (Dolichos lablab, or Dolichos soudanensis) popularly known as different names: “hyacinth bean” or “climbing lilac.” Both of these names quite accurately describe dolichos - it is a vine from the legume family, blooming with purple, pink or crimson flowers, leaves and fruits are also decorative. Like many southern guests, in its homeland it is a perennial, but in the middle zone it is an annual plant. However, in our country this vine is quite large, the length of the stems can reach 3-4 m. Dolichos blooms from July until frost.
In the middle zone, it is better to sow seedlings in March; they are planted in the ground in the second half of May. In the southern regions of Russia, seeds can be planted directly into the ground. Before sowing, the seeds are kept in warm water until they swell.

Decorative pumpkins (Cucurbita)

Unlike most ornamental vines, which are grown for their beautiful flowers or leaves, decorative pumpkins grown for its fruits. All pumpkins are classic yellow flowers, but the colors and shapes of the fruits are very diverse. Pumpkin shoots reach a length of 4 m and grow very quickly. Each plant can develop from 20 to 40 small pumpkins.
Decorative pumpkins are grown by seedlings, which are sown in late April - May, and planted in the ground in late May - early June. This is a very heat-loving crop and temperatures below +14 degrees inhibit its development.


A new plant for us - Basella It is not only decorative, but also edible. In many countries this is an important component national dishes, is still little known in Russia. The leaves are used as food, giving the plant the name “Malabar Nightshade” or “Red Grape Spinach.” In Russia, basella can be found on sale under interesting names: “Overseas Guest”, “Climbing or Creeping Spinach”.
The red form is interesting for decorative landscaping white basella (Basella alba r. rubra) with red foliage and purple stems. During the season, this annual vine can rise to a height of up to 2 m.
Basella is propagated by sowing seeds for seedlings in April, and planted in open ground at the end of May.

Basella alba r. rubra

Eccremocarpus or Eccremocarpus

Another new and promising plant - Eccremocarpus scaber (Eccremocarpus scaber). This is a herbaceous, vigorous annual liana (up to 3 m tall) with small neat yellow, orange or red flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. The most interesting are the hybrid viper fruits Tresco Hybrids (Tresco Mixed, Tresco-hybrid) And Anglian Hybrids.
Sowing seedlings in January-March. Seeds are germinated under glass without being buried in the soil.

universal tool for garden design and camouflage of unsightly buildings in the country. They create coziness, are used as hedges and protect the house from noise and pollution, and at the same time are completely unpretentious in care.

There are a huge number of types of climbing plants - annual and perennial, green and flowering, fast-growing, exclusively ornamental and fruit-bearing. To understand this diversity, let’s take a closer look at the plants that are most popular among gardeners.

The best perennial varieties

Perennial plants are convenient because once you take the time to plant, you can enjoy this beauty for many years.

climbing rose

A favorite among climbing plants among landscape designers. Will allow you to decorate a garden in Victorian style, and any country cottage area will make you more beautiful and well-groomed. Even an old village house, decorated with this rose, will sparkle with new bright colors. At the same time, the plant is unpretentious and does not require special care.

Climbing roses are planted at the end of September or at the beginning of October. Planting and care includes the following important points:

  1. Roses will grow poorly in both heavy clay soil and light sandy soil. Therefore, it is better to provide them with a mixed type of soil.
  2. At the end of summer, add fertilizers to the soil - humus, humus, phosphorus, so that by the time of planting, ideal conditions have been formed for the rapid growth of shoots.
  3. The plants are photophilous; the planting site should be sufficiently sunny.
  4. Additional watering is necessary; rainwater alone will not be enough.
  5. Roses grow well not only in length, but also in width. A distance of at least 1 meter must be left between bushes.

Climbing roses will delight you with their splendor for many years; just do not forget to cover them for the winter, because they will not survive severe frosts.

Flowers of incredible beauty, having in their color scheme orange, scarlet, crimson and golden shades. Kampsis comes from North America, but perfectly adapted to our winter frosts. It grows up to 15 meters in height, and timely pruning will allow it to be given any desired shape. It blooms for a long time - from June to September.

IMPORTANT: Bright flowers are attractive not only to people, but also to all kinds of insects, so you should not decorate the gazebo and other recreation areas in the country with Campsis.

Suitable for creating a hedge; a green fence strewn with large bells of stunning flowers will look gorgeous. In our country, the plant is widespread only in the south, but it can easily be grown in central Russia if you provide safe shelter for the winter.

Her large hanging tassels of purple, white or blue flowers with a wonderful aroma will create a simply fabulous atmosphere in the garden. It was Wisteria that became the prototype of the magical Eywa tree in the film Avatar. This is a woody plant, the stems of which can reach a height of 18 m. It grows very well in a humid southern climate, but northern latitudes are also suitable for it. But you will have to wait for lush flowering, because it begins to bloom profusely only from the 5th year of life. Wisteria is quite colorful even in the fall, when it has finished blooming. Its leaves take on a bright lemon hue, and its inflorescences turn into bean pods.

The plant is not too demanding to care for. For active growth and flowering, it is enough to follow these rules:

  1. Sunny and protected from strong winds place for planting.
  2. Light fertile soil with good permeability. Wisteria will not grow at all only in calcareous soil.
  3. Moderate watering, the plant does not like waterlogging.
  4. Pruning is the key abundant flowering. At the end of May, last year's shoots are pruned so that their length does not exceed 30 cm, then their pruning is repeated in August for another 5 buds.
  5. Winter shelter. late autumn Wisteria needs to be removed from the supports and placed on boards. You can cover the top with branches coniferous trees and agrofabric.

Otherwise, the plant will not cause much trouble. It is resistant to diseases and is very rarely attacked by insects.

Perennial varieties are suitable for those gardeners who do not want to spend time every year decorating their plot. If you are ready to regularly create new interiors in the garden, you better pay attention to annual plants.

Popular annual species

Annual plants are poorly adapted to cold, so they must be sown annually. But they also have their advantages. These plants are faster growing than their perennial relatives. In just two months they can completely cover any structure with dense thickets, and by mid-summer they will be presented in all their glory.

This annual vine is great for creating a screen for a terrace or balcony, for decorating a gazebo and fence, and also for planting in containers. It grows quickly - in mid-summer you will already have a solid green carpet with flowers of purple, blue, white or crimson color. Flowering begins in June and lasts until October.

TIP: The main condition for the rapid growth of Ipomoea is soil fertility. The plant needs to be fed regularly mineral fertilizers and a small amount of nitrogen.

Planting takes place in early May. You can plant both seeds and sprouts. You need to choose a well-lit place; in the shade, plant growth will slow down. Watering should be moderate as the soil dries out. No other additional care is required.

Most often used to decorate terraces and balconies. The plant is valued not so much for its beauty as for its exquisite aroma, this can be judged from its name. Has a huge color palette and a long flowering period, which is 3-4 months. Tolerates spring frosts well, you can sow it already in early spring. It is important to provide support for the plant in time; if the moment is missed, you will not be able to untangle the shoots. To preserve the decorative effect of sweet peas for as long as possible, it must be provided good lighting and watering, as well as promptly remove wilted flowers.

One of the oldest types. This vine was cultivated back in 1787, and to this day it remains a popular decoration for fences and gazebos in the country. The plant has shoots up to 4 m long and large bell-shaped flowers in purple and white shades. It begins to bloom from July until the first frost.

Suitable for growing in both sun and shade. It climbs the walls on its own, with the help of its antennae. Special care does not require. Planting can be done by seeds or cuttings. In the second case, for the winter the roots need to be dug up and stored in a cool room. The advantage of Kobeya is that there is no need to constantly remove fading buds. When the time comes, they fly away under the influence of the wind, and the plant remains decorative.

Most climbing plants are easy to care for, but there are varieties that require little effort to grow.

The most unpretentious varieties of climbing plants

Some types of climbing plants literally grow on their own; they just need to be planted.

Record holder for unpretentiousness and resilience. Of course, he is not so impressive with his appearance, like Rose or Wisteria, representing just a green wall, without flowers. But ivy also has its advantages:

  • This is an evergreen plant. Even in mid-latitude climates, ivy will decorate fences and walls with its greenery throughout the year.
  • Grows well anywhere, regardless of light level. Sucker roots allow it to stay on any surface.
  • The green wall acts as a wonderful backdrop for other flowers - roses, gladioli, tulips.

The plant is successfully used for landscaping balconies and terraces, and a gazebo covered with ivy is a classic of the genre, a place for quiet solitude and dates for couples in love.

This plant reveals its maximum beauty with the onset of autumn. Against the backdrop of a blooming garden, the bright palette of the leaves of the Maiden Grape is mesmerizing. The plant is also striking in its unpretentiousness. It grows on any soil, tolerates shade well and is not afraid of frost, so there is no need to cover it for the winter.

There is no need to create additional supports for it; the lashes will independently cover all available space with their foliage. Maiden grapes are not susceptible to diseases or pests. You can plant a plant, water it well and forget about it for a long time. The only necessary maintenance measure is trimming old vines, or those that have begun to grow in the wrong direction.

Maiden grapes bloom modestly in July with small but fragrant flowers. The fruits ripen in September; they are inedible and serve only a decorative function.

IMPORTANT: From landscaping Maiden's grapes plastered walls may be damaged. Under the weight of the foliage, the plaster will simply begin to fall off. Only brick, concrete and wooden walls can be decorated with plants without fear.

Among the varieties of climbing plants there are also those that, in addition to their beauty, also delight with useful fruits. This perfect option for rational gardeners who want to make the most of the territory of their plot.

Fruit-bearing types of climbing garden plants

These varieties of plants will not only decorate your garden, but will also allow you to harvest from them.

Extraordinarily useful and completely unpretentious plant, which can easily be grown in your dacha. Actinidia is valuable not only for its beautiful flowers that exude a light citrus aroma, but also for its delicious berries. They have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a bright aroma reminiscent of gooseberries. The fruits have a rich vitamin composition, especially a lot of vitamin C.

Actinidia reaches a height of 15 meters, spiraling around a support. Has no antennae. It has an unusual bright color of foliage, as can be seen in the photo. It is famous for its frost resistance, surviving even at -50 degrees in Siberia. Due to its resistance to cold, the plant can be planted as early as April. And by the end of August you will reap the first harvest.

Another unpretentious plant that is suitable for growing in the shade. Honeysuckle is not susceptible to disease and requires virtually no care. The main advantage is the magical aroma of its flowers. The fruits of the plant are also valued; they are consumed both fresh and used for making jam, wine and compotes.

NOTE: Not all types of Honeysuckle are edible. Only black and blue fruits are eaten, and red and orange color poisonous.

Honeysuckle is also actively used in medicine. Eating honeysuckle fruits has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, and digestive system. They are used to treat hypertension, stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders. And baths with young branches of the plant successfully treat articular rheumatism.


A variety of climbing bean. It has dense foliage, decorative white flowers and pods 50-60 cm long. The pods not only act as decoration, but also have a refined taste and nutritional value. They are used for preparing a variety of dishes, as well as for freezing and canning. Cowpea is also grown for beans. The plant is easy to care for and can bear fruit in any type of soil. Resistant to heat, drought and shade. The yield reaches 3 kg of pods per plant.

Any type of climbing plants can transform a manor or summer cottage beyond recognition, but often gardeners want immediate results, so that the area becomes green within the same year after planting. In this case, the choice should be made in favor of the fastest growing plants.

The fastest growing climbing plants

Some varieties of climbing plants have amazing growth rates. They allow you to green the area in just one season.

The fastest growing varieties of climbing plants include:

  1. Aubert's fallopia. A liana that can reach up to 8 meters in height in one growing season, and in subsequent years grows up to 15 m.
  2. Woodplier. The annual growth of this plant is 2-3 m, and in general it grows up to 10 m.
  3. . Its growth per year can be about 3 m, and in total it grows up to 8 m in height.
  4. . This plant can conquer any height. In Europe, there are specimens with shoots up to 100 m long. Its annual growth is 0.5 m.
  5. Kirkazon. It grows about 1 m per year, and the total height is about 10 m.
  6. . It rises to a height of up to 20 m, giving an increase of 2 m per year. Other grape varieties also have a high growth rate.

These types of plants require strong and reliable supports. Growing at tremendous speed, they increase not only the length of the lashes, but also their weight. Shaky and fragile structures collapse very quickly under their weight.

Climbing plants serve many functions. They will not only decorate the garden, but also hide unaesthetic elements of the garden plot, create pleasant shading on the terrace or gazebo, and even provide tasty and healthy fruits. With all this, they require minimal care, and even a novice gardener without experience can grow such plants.

Video compilation

Review of suitable plants from the video channel “Country Design”.

Nowadays, finding your own plant that you like and will meet your preferences is not very difficult. Since among all the variety you can choose the most common climbing flowers, and something new. We bring to your attention only a small part of the known climbing plants that can be freely used to decorate your garden.

List of flowers that are suitable for decorating a summer cottage.

In this article today we have collected all the climbing flowers for the garden. We will provide their names and photos here. Let's start talking in detail about these beautiful plants.

Photo: representative of climbing perennials - Morning Glory

Ipomoea. This one is growing country flower up to five meters long. And everyone knows it because it contains more than five hundred varieties and species, and therefore morning glory blooms in a wide variety of colors. In addition, this plant also has huge variations in the shapes and sizes of inflorescences.

Tekoma (campsis). The maximum height of this climbing flower is fifteen meters. The flowers have the shape of a funnel-shaped tube, and the size of these flowers is three to five centimeters wide and ten centimeters long. The colors of the inflorescences are yellow, red, pink and orange.

Photo: climbing flowers - Passionflower

Passionflower. In nature there are both perennial and annual species. And due to this division, they grow in height from two to ten meters. Passion flowers resemble stars. And the color of these stars ranges from white to blue, and there are also pink ones.

Canarian ivy. If you comply with all the conditions for its cultivation, then it will delight you in your summer cottage for more than fifteen years. And it will grow up to thirty meters in height. And the first flowers will appear only ten years later.

Maiden grapes. In length, the plant grows from twenty meters. As soon as the cold period of the year comes, its leaves will take on a crimson color. Berries of girlish grapes are small in size and dark blue in color.

Curly perennial - hops

Hop. The growth period of this plant is very fast, and its height will be from four to eight meters. It blooms with light green flowers that resemble the shape of cones. But the leaves, on the contrary, are bright Green colour and carved. In nature there is different kinds hops, for example, Japanese hops - annual plant, but ordinary hops are considered perennial.

climbing rose for a summer cottage

Climbing rose. There are three varieties of such a perennial plant:

  • large-flowered climbers,
  • cardesia hybrids,
  • ramblers.

Each species has its own specific height, and a specific size of the flowers themselves. Based on average indicators, the size of the plant is from three to six meters in height.

Wisteria. The height of the plant is fifteen meters, and it is surrounded by 30-centimeter brushes, and this continues throughout the summer. The colors of the flowers are different: pink, purple and white.

Sweet pea - climbing, photo

Sweet pea. This bush has a pleasant smell, and its height is two meters. Almost the entire summer period, beautiful elegant flowers, which are collected in brushes.

We have already listed several types for you perennial plants. These and many others will look great on a summer cottage, and will withstand our temperate climate zone. They take root well and do not require special care conditions. Some of the plants form a green carpet, but most of cannot cope without support. Such a support can serve as:

  • Arch;
  • Pergola;
  • Ordinary fence;
  • Summer gazebos;
  • Various architectural buildings;
  • Monuments;
  • Building's facade;
  • Tree trunk.

You can come up with different compositions yourself and decorate them with plants. So you make your site exclusive.

Perennial climbing plants for a summer cottage

Above, you were able to find out what curly flowers exist in the country today. But in this part of the article we will talk about what perennials exist. In addition, we will show their photos and tell them their name.

So, the process of growing perennial plants is very exciting, since, at your discretion, you can create a variety of shapes and create unique compositions. They also have an advantage - they bloom for a very long time and delight their owners.

Below we provide a list of these perennial plants that will always help decorate any garden plot.

Tecoma. Likes a mild climate, abundant watering, in autumn period needs to cut off old stems in summer and spring period the thecoma should be fed. The propagation process occurs through seeds, but if you want the tekoma to produce flowers in the near future. It is better to propagate it by cuttings or layering. Before the cold weather arrives, the cuttings are planted at an angle, in a permanent place.

Photo of Canarian ivy, climbing perennials

Canarian ivy. It will add beauty to any garden plot. It depends on the variety whether the plant loves light or can be in the shade. If the leaves are variegated, plant it in a bright place. Abundant watering is important here. Once a week, ivy is fed with mineral fertilizers. To give the bush shape and splendor, it should be pruned.

Wisteria. One of the most beautiful climbing plants. Almost all types of wisteria reach a height of fifteen meters, and one of the species grows 8 meters in length. The plant is frost-resistant.

Be sure to water it regularly, the soil should be loose, it loves Sun rays, and needs fertilizing once per day, allow the water to stagnate. But carry out the fertilization process in the spring, when the leaves appear. In addition to the fact that these plants perfectly decorate a summer cottage, they are also used. They decorate utility blocks, used as shade in gazebos or benches. Also, with the help of climbing plants, you can divide a summer cottage, for example, into a recreation area and work area. But thanks to climbing plants such as grapes, hops and others, which are not afraid of drafts, you can create a barrier from the wind or from the hot sun. Of course, with such plants, your dacha will immediately become cozier and more comfortable, and, therefore, relaxing at the dacha will become more enjoyable.