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Why do geranium leaves turn yellow? Why do the leaves of indoor geraniums turn yellow?

Indoor geranium is also known as Pelargonium. The botanical name has Greek roots and arose from the word pelargos (stork) due to the resemblance of the fruit to the beak of a stork.

Only the two most common varieties are grown at home: fragrant geranium and royal geranium. The first type rarely blooms and has a strong smell, the second type has a weak smell, but has large, bright flowers.

Plants, like all living things, can get sick. You water and fertilize the flower, trim the leaves, but the geranium’s leaves have begun to turn yellow and dry. Why did this happen?

Geranium is sensitive to heat changes. Both its excess and its shortage are harmful to her. Optimal option: 10-14 C. In winter, the flower pot should be removed away from window slits and radiators so that the plant is not damaged by drafts and dry hot air.

Tight pot for geraniums

The container needs to be changed as the flower grows. If the roots are crowded and there is not enough space, then the plant begins to die.

Geranium cannot withstand high humidity. The first symptom of “overwatering” is yellowed dry leaves. Then the plant begins to rot and can no longer be saved. The top layer of soil should be moist, but water should not stagnate in the pot. It is not recommended to spray geranium.

The flower does not like frequent feeding. IN winter time It is better to abandon fertilizers and use potassium-phosphorus supplements in the summer.

Lack of moisture

This can also cause the plant to dry out. Monitor soil moisture.

To do this, you need to properly care for your green friend.

    Geranium is a light-loving plant, so it is not afraid of direct sunlight. Shade is only needed in very hot weather.

    The flower loves abundant watering and fresh dry air, but does not tolerate damp soil, so take care of drainage.

    The optimal temperature for development is below average and does not exceed 15 C.

    Fertilizing should be done once a week using liquid fertilizers.

    The diseased plant (black leg) is destroyed so that the infection does not spread to other flowers. When damaged by pests, geranium is treated with special means.

    Replant only when the pot has become small. It is best to do this in the spring: this way the pelargonium will recover faster.

Video about proper care of geraniums

To avoid drying and yellowing of geranium leaves, it is important proper care behind the plant. Therefore, we recommend that you watch this video on how to care for geraniums at home.

Proper care is the key to the health and beauty of any indoor flower!

This is a flower that can be found in almost every apartment. Geranium is valued for its ease of care. Thanks to its beautiful flowering, pelargonium has many fans. But besides external changes in the interior, it brings positive changes to the energy of the house. Therefore, when a flower starts to hurt, I want to quickly figure out why the leaves of my favorite geranium turn yellow and how to help it.


Geranium is one of the plants that does not require complex care. There are not many reasons why leaves may begin to turn yellow, so dealing with the problem will not be difficult. At the same time, you need to understand that this is a normal process, and if it concerns several lower leaves, then this should not be a cause for concern.

Bad feeling flower may be caused by:

  • an incorrectly selected container that does not match the size of the flower;
  • improper watering;
  • incorrectly selected soil;
  • violation of the feeding regime and unsuitable fertilizer;
  • violation of winter care rules;
  • diseases.

Often the problem lies simply in the wrong size of the pot into which the flower is transplanted. For some plants, the rule is that the larger the container, the more comfortable the flower feels. Therefore, housewives choose a container with a reserve so that the root system can develop and grow unhindered. However, for pelargonium this approach is not correct. The roots do grow in a large pot, but flowering and sometimes green foliage may not occur.

Pelargonium growth should also not be limited by using an excessively small container. The best option for a medium-sized plant there will be a pot whose diameter and height are about 15 cm.

Improper watering can also cause geranium leaves to turn yellow. If the plant has become lifeless, and rotting processes are observed in some places, it means that you are watering it too much. When caring for geraniums, it is recommended to follow the principle “less is better.” It is easier to save dried pelargonium than a flower whose roots have already begun to rot. You can determine that pelargonium lacks moisture by how the leaves turn yellow. In this case, the process starts from the edge and goes to the middle, and then the leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

Watering should not be carried out according to a schedule, but by assessing the external condition of the soil - when it has dried out. top layer, you need to moisturize it. Watering can cause yellow spots to appear. cold water. It is better to use settled water at room temperature.

At the same time, geranium does not like spraying! Yellow spots may appear if water gets on the leaves.

Attention! From time to time it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil so that air can flow to the root system.

How to properly feed geraniums

Geranium, like most plants, needs additional feeding. However, it should be fed by carefully choosing fertilizers.

For example, high content nitrogen in fertilizers may be the reason why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry.

Loves this type of flowers mineral fertilizers. It is better to use phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for pelargonium. Watering with iodized water will improve the appearance of pelargonium.

The winter period is a rest time for the plant. In winter, watering is carried out less frequently - it will be enough to water the geranium 1-2 times a week. There is also no need to add fertilizer during this period. WITH open window sill geraniums should be placed in a dark place, protected from drafts. However, it cannot be placed next to the heater - optimal temperature for keeping pelargonium in winter is about 12 degrees. Many housewives take the flower out onto the loggia until spring - it feels great there.

Advice! No manipulations with geranium should be carried out in winter. Reproduction and transplantation can negatively affect its condition. In the spring, at the beginning of March, dead leaves are carefully removed, and the flower is given shape and size adjusted. Already from this month, geranium wakes up and begins to bloom.

Diseases that cause leaves to turn yellow and dry out

It is necessary to carefully examine the flower for the presence of insects. The danger also lies in the fact that healthy ones can become infected from an affected specimen, so a new, just purchased flower should not be immediately placed with the others.

If you notice white fluff on a wilting plant, this is a sign of damage. mealybug. When there are few insects, it is enough to wipe the leaves with alcohol. If the defeat is serious, then this method will no longer help. To combat insects, you will need to purchase a special solution, however, this does not always help.

The disease can also cause spider mite, which is on early stage extremely difficult to detect. On initial stage Pelargonium needs to be treated with a special solution. It will need to be done at least 3 times at weekly intervals. It is extremely difficult to get rid of a tick - it can hibernate and show no signs of life, but favorable conditions wake up again and continue to reproduce.

Whitefly infestation can also cause yellowing. The larvae of this insect feed on the sap of leaves, which leads to their yellowing and falling. In case of infection, it will also not be possible to do without a special drug.

In addition to insects, viruses that are carried by insects can also destroy a plant. The virus can be detected by several signs: pelargonium begins to grow more slowly, the stem becomes crooked, spots appear on the leaves, and stripes appear on the flowers. The plant cannot be cured, so you have to get rid of it. This is done by burning to prevent the spread of infection.

In diseases of a bacterial nature, spots of different sizes appear Brown. The appearance of spots is accompanied by lethargy of the plant. To overcome the disease, you must immediately remove all affected leaves and ensure that the water does not stagnate.

The proliferation of microorganisms can also lead to “rust”. Yellow spots and spore pads on the leaves are a sign of such a lesion. Like bacterial diseases, the proliferation of microorganisms begins to manifest itself from the bottom of the flower. To prevent infection, it is important to loosen the soil well and remove weeds in a timely manner.

Geranium is considered one of the most unpretentious plants on the windowsill. Why geranium leaves turn yellow and what signal the plant gives must be understood as early as possible. The flower will tell the attentive housewife about its ailments. And again the geranium will throw up baskets of flowers high and refresh the air with the aroma of leaves.

Agricultural technology of pelargonium

Geranium is considered unpretentious plant. However, to place it you need a bright place without direct rays of the midday sun. The soil should be fertile and loose. The pot is chosen to be small so that the roots are cramped.

The soil should be moist and well drained. Spraying the leaves is not required. Fertilizing with a universal composition, but with a smaller amount of nitrogen component. Autumn pruning provokes the growth of new flowering shoots. Geranium does not like cooling the earth clod and drafts.

Diseases of geranium leaves - a signal to the grower

Violation of maintenance conditions leads to weakening of the plant. The color of the leaves can tell you what needs to be changed in the content of the flower. There are several reasons why geranium leaves turn yellow, curl up or dry out. The weakening of the plant varies for the main reasons:

  • incorrect content;
  • illness;
  • colonization by insects.

The result of improper geranium content

On an evergreen pelargonium bush, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, this natural process. Therefore, the stem becomes bare with age. But if the leaves fall often, then the flower does not have enough light. Need to change location or organize in winter.

Geranium leaves turn yellow especially often in winter. Why is this happening? The biological activity of the flower during the dormant period is not taken into account. A sign of overwatering can be yellowing of the crown of the plant. This means that diseased roots do not drive sap with the required force and the top is left without nutrition.

Why do the leaves of geraniums in the room turn yellow? The plant needs to be watered more often, it does not have enough water. If the plant was outdoors in the summer, when transferred to warm room before acclimatization, the color will become less bright. It is necessary to wait a week or two, and only then begin to change the conditions of detention.

The leaves will turn yellow if the geranium has not been replanted for a long time, has not been fed enough, or the pot has become cramped. Excessive moisture is created in the coma of earth, and the leaves of the geranium turn yellow. What to do in this case? Replant the plant in new land and a larger container.

Geranium does not tolerate spraying. However, dry air is also unacceptable for her. Do not place the flower in a draft or near a radiator. This is why geranium leaves turn yellow around the edges. The beginning of drying of the leaf gives a signal of insufficient watering.

Reddening of the leaf blades will tell the grower that the plant is cold. Perhaps it just needs to be moved away from the glass, closer to the edge. But why do geranium leaves turn red in spring? Most likely, during rapid development the plant lacks nutrition. Geraniums need to be fed in small doses.

Diseases of geranium and their treatment with photo demonstration

Sometimes, even if all conditions are met, the plant looks depressed. For some reason, geranium leaves curl inward and the color of the greenery changes. The causes of the disease can be those who have settled in the ground, or on the upper part:

  • bacteria:
  • mushrooms;
  • viruses.

Then brown spots and oily stains may appear on the leaves, which will dry out and destroy the flower over time.

Viral diseases are transmitted from an infected plant to a healthy one through insects that previously fed on the diseased bush. Perhaps the cutting was rooted from a diseased pelargonium. The sign is a disease of geranium leaves, visually resembling a mosaic. The sheet shrinks and spots or patterns are visible on it. This is a vascular disease. The plant must be destroyed so as not to infect neighbors.

TO bacterial diseases include various spotting and leaf drop. Why does geranium turn yellow and what to do if brown spots are found on the leaves? First of all, it is necessary to change the conditions of detention. Moisture can lead to bacteriosis warm air in the room. A sign of a bacterial disease is blackening of the veins on the leaves. If you do not take action, after a while the plant will dry out completely.

Crowding of plants on the windowsill, wetness of the leaf blade from condensation on the window, contaminated soil are provocateurs of the disease. Different bacteria and fungi produce different shapes and colors of spots, from gray fluffy plaque to dying tissue inside.

It is necessary to exclude damaging factors, pick off leaves with spots and treat the plant. Contact of water on the leaves should be avoided. The well-known black leg is also a bacterial disease. If the stem of a geranium rots, turns black and falls, this is it. The plant should be transplanted into a new substrate.

Rust is a serious disease for geraniums. Why do geranium leaves turn yellow in a room if this is preceded by the appearance of brown spots. It could be rust fungal disease. Brown spots are sacs with spores. Spraying with fungicide will help. The same disease causes swelling - growths on the leaves of pelargonium. For small lesions, the leaves should be picked and burned. Dry the soil, check how the drainage works, give the plant more light and air.

Insects and plant pests

One of the most unpleasant pests is nematodes. Tiny worms live in the ground, feed on roots and attach their cysts to them. The plant is first depressed and then dies. The sign is small peas, like poppy seeds, on the roots. It is difficult to get rid of nematodes. It is better to take a cutting from the top of the plant and destroy the pot along with the soil. When loosening the soil with a tool, cysts can populate neighboring pots.

The upper part of the flower can be populated by:

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite;
  • caterpillars and termites.

To prevent aphids from finding geranium leaves tender and tasty, the plant must receive enough potassium supplements and little nitrogen. The leaf becomes rougher and the aphids do not like it.

Whiteflies are small white flies that lay eggs inside leaf tissue. It can only be removed by repeated use of systemic fungicides.

Mites feed on plant sap, multiply quickly, and are the reason why geranium leaves curl inward. A cobweb appears on the back of the sheet, and the entire plate dries out.

Termites are pests that feed on woody parts of the plant, settling inside the stem and eating it away. They can get into the ground if they have colonized the foundation of a house, or get into a pot of soil.

Various caterpillars happily devour geranium leaves and flowers. IN room conditions They can appear if the leaf roller has laid larvae on leaves or flowers. The caterpillars will feed on greenery or flower petals, depending on the type of insect pest.

It is for geraniums that systemic preparations need to be used.

  1. Aspirin, 1 tablet per 8 liters of water, spray on leaves once every three weeks when pests appear.
  2. Messenger – water the soil to strengthen the plant’s immunity.
  3. Marathon is a drug with universal action. It should be sprinkled on the surface of the earth and watered.
  4. Monterey - a product for spraying geraniums against caterpillars.

Grow beautiful bush Geraniums are not difficult to grow; all you need is care and attention to your green friend.

Experience of growing geraniums - video

Many people have ordinary and beautiful plant, which blooms and smells, is an indoor geranium, but few know that it has many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. These properties help in the treatment of many diseases, so she can safely be called a home doctor. The name has Greek roots and is translated as “stork”.

The plant itself was first bred by a gardener from England, George Tradescan.

Geranium is distinguished by its beauty and delicate aroma, so it was popular with the ladies of the court; they decorated their décolleté area, their hats, and sleeves with it.

It was also used as a remedy for lice and fleas; royal healers made balms and ointments with oils from the juice of the flower, which helped in the treatment of many diseases. Thus, about the properties indoor geranium having therapeutic effect, were known back in the Middle Ages.

How is pelargonium useful and what medicinal properties does it have?

Pelargonium oil perfectly relieves muscle fatigue and back pain. Compresses draw pus from wounds and promote healing of ulcers on the body. A few drops of oil relieve a runny nose, eliminate pain inside the ear, headache. A delicate flower purifies the air around, its subtle aroma soothes nervous system, relieves stress and relieves depression.

The healing properties of pelargonium can be compared with the qualities of plantain. If you attach it
a leaf to the wound, it will stop the bleeding, remove the pus and help it heal quickly. Geranium decoction is successfully used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, and helps with gastritis, diarrhea, and colic.

The tincture helps with high blood pressure, sleep problems, and neuroses. There are others beneficial features this plant has a positive effect on human health. And so that it does not wither or dry out, you need good care and regular watering.

What types and varieties of pelargonium are there?

Plants that bloom at home include large group flowers, more than 15 sections of pelargoniums, in other words, geraniums. Its species have several varieties that differ from each other; there are perennial and annual, evergreen, and also varieties that shed leaves depending on the season. Below are some types and varieties of indoor geraniums with photos.

The Otidia species has small leaves, thanks to which it can retain moisture and store nutrients. Undemanding in care, but loves warmth and light.

Hoarea has no stems, forms tubers, and a rosette with leaves emerges from the ground. Loves water and light. Blooms in winter. Pelargonium has flowers that emit a subtle and pleasant lemon scent.

Pelargonium is unpretentious in care, loves light and moderate watering.

  1. Odoratissimum has the scent of lemon combined with rose and mint. Special care not needed. The leaves can be placed with other herbs in a bag and in the wardrobe.

Main varieties:

  • Royal - has large beautiful flowers;
  • Fragrant – exudes the smell of mint, lemon, pine, wormwood;
  • Zonal - terry, star-shaped;
  • Ampelous - have leaves of an unusual shape.

Zonal and royal varieties are the most common, have a large number of varieties, and in real life they look the same as in the photo.

How to care for geraniums at home

At home, caring for indoor geraniums is not difficult; the flower just requires attention and care. For pelargonium, it is important to have plenty of air, sun and regular watering. The soil should consist of sand, turf, humus and peat in equal proportions. It can be drained, loose, acidic, neutral.

In summer, the soil needs to be fertilized. The fertilizer must be saturated with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The tops of the plant must be trimmed periodically, then it will bloom and bush beautifully. Dry leaves should be removed immediately. The plant blooms from spring to late autumn, at which time it should be watered moderately.

Reasons why pelargonium leaves turn yellow

Many who have this flower at home often wonder why the leaves of indoor geraniums begin to turn yellow and fall off?

Leaves begin to change color for the following reasons:

  • abundant or infrequent watering - pelargonium does not like a lot of water, but a lack of moisture is also destructive for it;
  • there is no drainage in the pot - the leaves turn yellow and there is no color;
  • small pot - the roots cannot develop and grow normally;
  • improper care in winter - the flower does not like drafts, strong moisture, high temperature(near the battery);
  • a large amount of nitrogen in the soil.

Another reason why leaves turn yellow is a disease called verticillium wilt. First their lower parts turn yellow, then they become completely yellow and fade, the yellowness spreading to the stem.

To cure a flower, you need to remove the damaged leaves and add a fungicide or trichodermin to the soil.

When asked why indoor geranium does not want to bloom, the answer is simple: the plant is sick or it is not cared for properly. In this case, it is necessary to identify the cause and quickly eliminate it, otherwise it may disappear completely.

If pelargonium does not bloom in winter and its leaves are healthy, then the temperature in the room is elevated. As a result of excessive amounts of water, watery pads may appear on geranium leaves. Due to lack of light they fall off.

If the stem turns black at the base, this is a “black leg” disease, in which case the flower must be destroyed, because the disease is contagious. The Botrytis fungus produces gray mold; the affected leaves should be removed, reduce watering and spray the plant with a fungicide.

It's no secret that in most cases the reason why the leaves dry out and turn yellow is indoor plants, is improper care.

If the situation is not corrected, this may ultimately lead to the complete death of the plant. Therefore, you should study the typical shortcomings in growing geraniums at home.

Mistakes when planting and replanting plants

Sometimes the reason why geranium leaves become unhealthy yellow and begin to gradually die off, due to an incorrectly selected pot. If its size is too small for the root system (especially in plants whose age is several years old), then pelargonium does not have enough capacity for development. But you should not choose a pot that is too large: in this case, the geranium will begin to active growth roots to the detriment of green mass and flowering, which is also undesirable.

When planting a plant, it is important to ensure good drainage. Ideal fit purchased in flower shop or in the hardware department of an expanded clay supermarket. If there is not enough drainage, then it will not leave the ground. excess moisture. Proper air circulation will also be impaired. In some cases, the yellow color of the leaves is caused by damage to the roots due to careless transplantation.

Lack of minerals

The supply of minerals found in the soil is a resource that quickly runs out. Yes, and immediately after transplantation to new soil elements in it are not always contained in required quantities. But geranium spends a lot of energy on flowering and growth. Therefore, there is a need for additional and regular addition of mineral complexes to the soil through root feeding. The need for them increases during the growing season, when pelargonium is actively growing and blooming. A lack of minerals often causes the leaves to turn yellow. But It is important to remember that an excess of elements will also negatively affect the condition of the plant.

Improper care at home

As already said, geranium is quite unpretentious home flower, feeling good in the room. But so that diseases and yellow leaves did not appear, you must try to provide it with suitable conditions in which the plant will feel comfortable.

Pelargonium loves light, but direct sunlight is harmful to its leaves. Can cause great damage appearance plants low and excess air humidity in the room. Her optimal indicator is 50–60%. Geranium dries in cool drafts. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to keep the pot away from heating devices in the apartment - the heat from them will cause the leaves to turn yellow and dry out. It's better to take it out to a cool place glass balcony, if the temperature in the loggia remains around 12 °C, reduce watering to once a week.

Another common mistake is related to watering. Its frequency should depend on the time of year: in warm months, geraniums need to be watered more often. You should also pay attention to the quality of the water. If it is too hard, it will lead to excess calcium in the soil. The leaves will react to this and turn yellow. To make water suitable for irrigation, it must be allowed to settle for several days; add a couple of drops of lemon juice or a small pinch of citric acid.

What to do if geranium leaves turn yellow

The plant can be saved if the necessary measures are taken in time. First of all you should:

  1. Make sure the pot is suitable for geraniums and has good drainage. If necessary, you need to transplant it into a container that meets all the criteria as soon as possible. If the geranium blooms, then all flower stalks must first be carefully cut off.
  2. The pot should be placed on the sunny side. If the plant is exposed to direct rays, you will need to create temporary artificial shading. It is important that pelargonium does not stand in a draft.
  3. Avoid exposure of geranium to heating devices.
  4. If possible, maintain an acceptable temperature during the cold season. In other months there are no strict recommendations in this regard.
  5. If the air is too dry, you can place a container of water or moistened expanded clay next to the pot. Florists do not recommend spraying.
  6. Adjust watering and fertilizing of the plant. It must receive sufficient amounts of water and minerals. But overflow and excess of elements are also destructive.

When caring for pelargonium in an apartment, it is best to adhere to the “golden mean” rule. If you correct the mistakes described above in time, the flower will not disappear and will quickly recover, delighting you with carved green leaves and abundant flowering.

Pelargonium: other diseases and care errors

Geranium leaves indicate the health of the entire plant. This is a kind of indicator that can indicate possible diseases pelargoniums, incorrect watering and fertilizing schemes. There are some specific “symptoms” that can tell you a lot.

The edges of geranium leaves dry out

If the edges of the leaf blades of a geranium begin to dry, there may be two reasons for this condition:

  1. The plant does not receive enough moisture. This drying usually occurs if the pot is in a very hot place. It is better to move the geranium to partial shade.
  2. The root system of pelargonium was damaged. You can try to replant the plant by treating the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. But to be on the safe side, it is better to cut and root the cuttings in water or soil so as not to lose the variety.

Leaves curl inward

If the leaves of pelargonium begin to curl inward, this may be evidence of an imbalance of mineral substances. This condition is caused by a lack of nitrogen or excess potassium. Nitrogen in large quantities is needed only in stages plant growth, Therefore, the leaves of young plants often curl. To prevent deficiency or oversaturation of elements, it is recommended to use ready-made complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants: they contain substances in the required proportions.

Often the cause of leaves curled at the edges is pests. Most often - spider mites. To detect it, you need to examine the leaf blades of pelargonium from all sides. It is advisable to use a magnifying glass. Ticks are easy to treat chemicals– insecticides. Several treatments may be required.

Viral infection is much more dangerous. With it, the inflorescences take on a clumsy, ugly shape. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the geranium. It should be thrown out of the house to prevent the infection from spreading to other indoor plants.

Pelargonium withers in a pot

If a geranium withers in a pot and slowly dies, then the reason lies in root rot. This disease can easily destroy a plant. Such pelargonium is usually thrown away, cutting off healthy cuttings for further rooting. The instruments must then be disinfected. To avoid root rot, you should try not to overwater the plant and ensure good drainage.

Geranium leaves turn black

Geranium leaves turn black when improper care. Dry spots are associated with insufficient moisture, and “wet” spots that are slippery to the touch, on the contrary, are associated with excess moisture. Sometimes mealybugs are the cause of black spots. A plant infected with them begins to shed its leaves. In places where scale insects live, sooty fungi form, causing a black coating to appear. This disease is treated with insecticides.

White plaque on the plant

The leaves are getting smaller

Pelargonium leaves inevitably become smaller with age. If the plant is too old, then its freshest shoots should be cut off for further rooting. Other causes of small leaves in pelargonium may be:

  • nitrogen starvation (it is necessary to additionally apply the substance in the form of foliar feeding);
  • low indoor air humidity;
  • high air temperature.

Pelargonium leaves turn yellow and dry: preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent yellowing of leaves than to cure an already diseased plant. To avoid having to fight to save your favorite geranium, you should:

  1. Replant the pelargonium in a suitable pot in a timely manner.
  2. Find a place for it, closed from drafts, with enough diffused light.
  3. Water as the earthen clod dries out.
  4. Add minerals on time complex fertilizers, suitable for flowering plants. The application rates and schedule are indicated in the instructions for the product. During the flowering period, it is recommended to do root feeding twice a month. Organic fertilizers will also be useful.
  5. In winter, you need to try to keep the geranium cool.
  6. Regularly inspect the plant for infection by pests, bacteria, fungi and viruses, providing treatment if necessary.

Yellowing of geranium leaves is an alarming sign. It is important to understand in time the cause of such a plant malaise. By carefully examining it and analyzing the conditions under which the pelargonium is kept, you can find what provoked such a reaction. The sooner the errors are corrected, the less damage will be done to the geranium.