Well      06/14/2019

Large-fruited strawberry tree - Arbutus unedo. Growing from seeds, properties and description. Strawberry tree and its types. Strawberry - technology for growing at home and in open ground. Planting, propagation, care. Agricultural technology. Harvesting and storage of berries. WITH

What is Kudrania and where did it come to us?

Kudrania or whatever they call it strawberry tree another exotic in our garden. How most of exotic new products came to us from warm eastern countries, to be more precise, from East Asia. In Iran and Afghanistan, it is revered not only for its tasty, juicy fruits, but also for its fairly large root system.

It’s not new to anyone that these are countries with mountainous terrain and landslides are commonplace in them. Kudrania It has also become irreplaceable there in strengthening the soil. It is very thermophilic and grows exclusively in warm regions, such as southern Russia, Ukraine and Abkhazia.

Kudrania is a tree belonging to the mulberry family.. Although it is called the Strawberry Tree, in fact it has very little in common with strawberries; rather, it can be compared with raspberries or even mulberries, but certainly not with strawberries. The fruits are spherical in shape and have complex seeds, the color of the fruit is red or red-burgundy, the weight of the fruit is from 3 to 5 grams. The berries have a sweetish taste, completely without the sourness inherent in strawberries, although the taste of this berry will rather remind you of Persimmon, but without its characteristic astringency.

Like raspberries Kudrania should be consumed immediately after collection., because after a couple of hours it already loses its juiciness and brightness of taste. The height of an adult tree reaches 6 meters. The fruits ripen at the end of October or by mid-November, depending on weather conditions; it is worth noting that full ripening of the fruits occurs after the leaves have fallen.


Kudrania is grown in open ground and indoors. Reproduction is carried out cuttings. For the first planting, it is better to purchase a seedling, since when planting a cutting, it must be prepared for planting as quickly as possible before it loses the necessary juices, otherwise there is a high risk that it will not take root. Buying a seedling these days is not difficult; there are a sufficient number of nurseries selling Strawberry tree seedlings. It is only important to choose a growing method, where your tree will grow indoors or outdoors.

For planting in a pot and growing indoors, select in advance the container in which the tree will grow so that it does not have to be replanted. The container should be large enough, because Kudrania has a fairly large root system. You need to pour coarse sand and vermiculite into the pot or tub you have prepared. After planting, it is necessary to water the seedling with a root solution and spray it with a growth stimulator.

For planting in the open ground of Kudrania it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil. It is necessary to prepare a hole at least a meter deep and wide. It is necessary to fill the hole with a mixture of humus, turf soil, coarse sand and peat in equal parts. At the bottom of the hole you need to fill in at least 20 cm of drainage. The strawberry tree loves loose soil and sufficient air access to the roots.

If you decide to grow a cutting yourself, then before planting it must be soaked in the Kornevin solution for several hours. Then deepen it into the ground, it is worth noting that rooting of the cuttings takes a long time, about 3-4 months, and the first year they grow very slowly, while the seedling in the first year can reach a height of one meter.

Care Kudrania (Strawberry tree)

IN special care Kudrania does not need due to the fact that for the most part it is a wild plant. In the first year of a tree’s life, it is enough to provide moderate watering and your tree will grow and delight you. The second condition for the healthy growth of a tree is loosening the soil; its roots need to independently provide access to air in our soils, because in its homeland it grows on rocky and loose soil. It is also worth noting that Kudrania came to us from the warm east and loves the sun very much, keep this in mind both when planting in open ground and when growing indoors.

Kudrania plant is heat-loving and does not survive severe frosts, but even if you live in the southern region, then in the first years of life it is worth taking care of young tree and wrap it in non-woven fabric for the winter. When your Strawberry tree grows, you need to insulate the trunk and root part for the winter. The root part can simply be covered with leaves or straw, and the trunk and large branches can be covered with dense woven fabric. When the tree begins to bear fruit, it is worth applying fertilizer in the form of humus or cow manure during the growing season.

Crown formation Kudrania (Strawberry tree)

When grown indoors, the Strawberry tree is formed into a Bonsai or standard tree.

To form a Bonsai, you need to cut a thin strip of bark without damaging the trunk itself, and deepen the trunk into the ground, new roots will begin to grow at the cut site. Once the new roots have grown (the trunk will be lower than the new roots), transplant the curdania into a bonsai pot.

Next, remove the lower branches and identify 3-4 main branches from which the formation will begin. Then a wire frame is created, first the wire is wrapped around the trunk, ending under the branches, the tree is bent slightly down and to the side, and the ends are buried in the soil so that they can hold the tree, gradually bend the tree down at your discretion.

The branches are formed in the same way, the wire is fixed on the trunk and the branches are wrapped around it in the shape in which you want your tree to be formed. The ends for all branches are added to the main wire. The branches must be entwined carefully so as not to damage the fragile young branches and the entanglement must be bent just as carefully and gradually day after day.

If you want some of the roots to be on the surface, and you want to form them too, then you need to do the same with them. The wire must be in the winding! It will be possible to remove it from the branches in 8-9 months, this will be enough for their formation, but the trunk will be formed only after a year.

Forming a trunk is much easier than Bonsai. The rules are very simple, from the very beginning the seedling must be tied to a peg so that the trunk does not bend and is straight, all side branches are removed immediately. When the tree reaches the desired height, you just need to pinch the top. That's it, your standard tree is ready!

Forming a tree in open ground is not difficult; it is enough to remove excess branches, branches that bend inward and dry branches. If you prefer not tall trees, then leave 3-4 main branches and remove the rest, then prune according to the shape you need.

Pests Kudrania (Strawberry tree)

Despite its such a gentle and sweet name strawberry tree It is able to independently fight and defend itself against pests and is very resistant to diseases. The only pest which can cause harm Kudrania This Thrips. If you notice them on your tree, then immediately treat the tree by spraying it with Fitoverm, repeat spraying if necessary.

Composition and beneficial properties Kudrania (Strawberry tree)

The fruits of Kudrania, as described earlier, are sweet and contain a lot of glucose, but it has practically no acids, so it cannot be called rich in acids. But nature has not deprived the Strawberry tree of vitamin content; its fruits contain a group of vitamins B, C, P, as well as such useful carotene and rutin. Kudrania is not deprived of iron, pectin, glycosides and resinous substances.

IN folk medicine Fruits and tree bark are used, and decoctions and infusions are made from them. In folk medicine, berries are also used fresh, for example, for heartburn, due to their properties, they can reduce and normalize the acidity of the stomach; fresh berries are also used for indigestion and dysentery.

Decoctions of dried berries are successfully used for peptic ulcers and duodenum. Fresh fruits and decoctions of dried fruits will help normalize metabolism, and also help get rid of anemia and cleanse the blood. Regular intake of fruits and decoctions will help normalize and reduce high blood pressure.

Curling will help you restore function and improve the condition of your important organs such as the liver and thyroid gland. Regular consumption of berries helps strengthen the immune system and overall body resistance, and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

In folk medicine, kudrania bark is used in the form of a decoction; it has a pronounced antibactericidal property and is used for washing wounds and skin ulcers; the decoction is also used to wipe the face for acne. An oil infusion is also made from the bark; for this, the bark is ground into powder and infused in vegetable oil, it is used to treat wounds, skin ulcers and burns; you can add a few drops to face masks for acne in teenagers.

Contraindications for use Kudrania (Strawberry tree)

Kudrania has practically no contraindications. These include only individual intolerance and diabetes due to high glucose content.

Kudaraniya (Strawberry tree) in cooking

For many centuries, housewives have used curls as a preparation for the winter and in fresh form. They make compotes, jams, fruit drinks from it and prepare dried and frozen berries.

Berry compote Kudrania (Strawberry tree)

To cook a delicious compote from Kudrania, put 3 liters of water on the fire, when it boils, add 1 kg of berries, add sugar to taste, a little citric acid, because berries do not have acid, add a sprig of mint or lemon balm. Place in a cool place and a delicious cold drink is ready!

Jam from Kudrania (Strawberry tree)

To make jam, bring 1 kg of berries and 700g of sugar. Cover the berries with sugar and let stand for about an hour so that the berries release their juice. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, simmer for no more than 10 minutes, pour into sterile jars and cover with a lid.

Bon appetit!

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Kudrania triacumta or strawberry tree(lat. Cudrania tricuspidata, Mulberry family) is a perennial deciduous tree (may have the form of a bush) with thorny branches, a wide and spreading crown, living in tropical and subtropical climates. The lifespan of the plant is on average 50 years, and it can grow up to 6 m in height. Kudrania is known as fruit tree with very juicy and tender, sweet berries that combine the taste of persimmon, fig and watermelon. It is cultivated in its homeland, in East Asia (Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Nepal), as well as in China, where kudrania plantings can be found at altitudes from 500 m to 2200 m above sea level, Iran, and Afghanistan.

They use it for landscaping areas and how hedge. The tree’s powerful root system helps stabilize the soil, and the leaves serve as valuable food for silkworms. Kudrania branches are known as a source for the production of yellow dye, valuable in the textile industry. The bark is used as a raw material for paper production. Kudrania wood is distinguished by its high strength, lightness and beautiful texture, which determines its use for the manufacture of musical instruments, as well as in souvenir and furniture production.

Kudrania is a dioecious plant. Its inflorescences, located in the leaf axils singly or in pairs, consist of male or female flowers. Male flowers are different large size(their diameter is about 5 mm) than women's (from 1 to 1.5 mm). Flowering occurs late, in May–June. And full ripening of the berries can be completed after the leaves have fallen. The spherical fruits of kudrania when ripe have a bright red or burgundy color, can be up to 2.5 - 5 cm in diameter, and appearance resemble very large raspberries or mulberries. Inside them are small brown grains. Both the fruits and leaves of the crop contain white milk.

The berries are rich in vitamins (B, C, P), rutin, carotene, pectins, glycosides, and iron. The amount of acids in them is very limited, so it is recommended to use them for people suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers, heartburn, high blood pressure, metabolic disorders, anemia, to improve the functional abilities of the liver and spleen.

Also known healing properties plant bark. Its decoction has a strong antiseptic effect and promotes wound healing. To treat burns and ulcers, powder from dried kudrania bark is used. The fruits of this crop have a very low shelf life, so immediately after harvesting they must be eaten or processed into jam, marmalade, compote, or fruit juice. Dried berries brewed like tea.

Kudrania prefers neutral or slightly acidic, well-drained soils ( best option– loams). A mixture of turf soil (2 parts) with humus (1 part), peat (1 part) and sand (1 part) is ideal for its cultivation. The plant reacts very poorly to excessive moisture and a humid climate; it is unusually light- and heat-loving: it does not grow in the shade, and can die when the soil freezes.

To protect curls from low temperatures in the cold season, they resort to covering the lower part of the trunk and the trunk circle with fallen leaves, peat, sawdust, and large branches with coverings nonwoven materials(agrofibre, spunbond, etc.). With age, the frost resistance of curls increases. Some of its representatives can easily survive frosts down to – 28 – 30° C. Plants grown from seeds are distinguished by such tolerance to cold. But their fruiting begins only in the tenth year of life, while in kudrania grown vegetatively, the first berries appear already by 3–4 years, and at 10 years it is capable of producing full harvests (up to 180–200 kg per plant).

As a rule, in mid-latitudes, greater preference is given to growing kudrania in room conditions. In addition, this plant is easy to shape and is known as an excellent material for creating bonsai. Kudrania can be propagated vegetatively (cuttings, root shoots) and seeds. Best result obtained when rooting shoots of root shoots. Each shoot, separated from the donor tree, is placed in an individual pot, at the bottom of which there is a drainage layer (at least 3 cm), sprinkled with loose, nutritious soil mixture on top. Such seedlings are characterized by intensive growth and by the end of the first year of life they can reach a height of 1 m.

Indoor curlew is formed as a low-standard tree with a compact crown. It should be remembered that this plant has a rather long dormant period. In the middle or end of November, after the leaves have fallen, it is recommended to move it to a cool, preferably unheated, room with a low temperature. If the air in the room is very dry, it is moistened with a spray bottle.

In March, the kudrania begins its growing season, so the plant is placed in a well-lit, warm place, initially protecting it from the effects of direct sun rays. In the spring, during the first years of life, the tree needs careful pruning, which consists of removing all vertical shoots and shoots growing inside the crown. With the onset of real warmth, it is advisable to move the curl to open beds, placing the pot with the plant on open ground, or digging it directly into the soil. In summer, it is also necessary to periodically thin out and pinch the shoots to prevent the crown from becoming too thick and to promote its proper formation. In extreme heat, it is recommended to water the plant and spray its crown with water.


It turns out that the trees we all know from childhood are not only fruit and ornamental. Among them there are strawberry, tulip, lily of the valley, bottle, even sausage and candy ones. Each name reflects either the shape of the fruit or the flowers, which resemble other plants. For example, the strawberry tree (Arbutus) from the Heather family was so named because its fruits are vaguely similar in appearance to the well-known strawberry.


A typical representative of the genus Arbutus is the large-fruited strawberry tree - Arbutus unedo. This is what is described in the scientific literature, giving general characteristics family It is also often called by the name of the genus “Strawberry tree” without specifying “large-fruited”. Names-synonyms of Arbutus large-fruited tree: Common strawberry, Common strawberry tree, Common arbutus, Large-fruited strawberry.

The strawberry tree is a large-fruited, amazingly beautiful plant. Its high decorative value is due to the coincidence of the time of flowering and fruiting, which is why on the branches you can simultaneously see blooming white flowers and ripening last year’s fruits of different colors, depending on the degree of maturity: yellow, orange, red, burgundy.


Now the large-fruited strawberry tree can be seen in parks and just on the streets of many European cities, as well as in America, Mexico and Canada. But initially it grew only in the Mediterranean, as well as in some regions of France and Ireland. The map below shows the natural habitats of the Arbutus arbutus. In nature, the common strawberry settles on sandy or calcareous slopes, often in mountainous areas along the Mediterranean coast, and grows in community with other trees and shrubs.

The northern limit of its range is in Ireland. Growing here subtropical plant at first glance it is surprising, but it is fully explained by the proximity to the warm Gulf Stream and the hotter climate that existed in these places before the great glaciation (excavations indicate that Arbutus unedo grew here during this period). Once upon a time, the common arbutus was even called the Irish strawberry tree. And the Irish themselves called it not a strawberry, but a cane apple. Obviously, because the large-fruited strawberry tree grew there mainly in the form of a bush or low tree. From Ireland in the 16th century it was brought to England as a gift to the royal garden. There the plants took root well and are thriving to this day, having spread to other counties.

This species of Arbutus was imported into Russia at the beginning of the 19th century and, in single copies, took root in the Caucasus in the foothills on the Black Sea coast and in Crimea at the southern tip of the peninsula, where a subtropical climate prevails. The lower photo of a large-fruited strawberry tree was taken in Crimea.



Flowering of the large-fruited strawberry tree begins in October-November and lasts until December-February. Terms and duration depend on many conditions. The large-fruited strawberry tree has white or pinkish flowers. They are small, up to 10 mm at their widest part, collected in 10-30 pieces in loose drooping panicles. Even a separate tree can bloom and bear fruit, since the structure of the flower contains both male and female organs reproduction, that is, the plant is bisexual and does not require a pollinator plant.

The flowers resemble jugs with their necks down, or lilies of the valley. Each individual does not shine with beauty; together, when there are hundreds of them on a tree, they present an intoxicating, fragrant, foamy splendor. They are pollinated by insects, which always swarm over the blooming strawberries in whole armies. Like all its relatives, large-fruited arbutus can be used as a honey plant.


After the flowers wither, ovaries are formed, from which the fruits will ripen only a year later, just during the period of new flowering. These are berries with small seeds (drupes). They can reach 20 mm in diameter - these are the largest fruits among all types of strawberries. Round in shape, they are completely covered with small tubercles. Green and yellow at the beginning of ripening, orange and red, after about a year, at the stage of full ripeness, the fruits acquire a red-brown color.

One can argue about the taste of strawberry tree fruits. Many people don't like him, although quite edible berries you can name it. Their yellow, sweetish pulp contains up to 20% sugars. It is mealy, slightly sour, with the aroma of strawberries. The taste is reminiscent of an exotic fruit: for some kiwi, for others persimmon, for others a strong pear. The tannin content in berries gives them astringency and a slight bitterness. Among all types of strawberry trees, the fruits of arbutus macrofruit are recognized as the most delicious, but only if they are completely ripe. The berries are more popular among birds than among humans, and the ripe ones are quickly eaten by them.

Cooks and winemakers love the berries of the large-fruited strawberry tree. And not only for the original taste. After all, they contain useful substances, for example, a lot of vitamin C. The fruits of the strawberry tree can be eaten fresh and used in dishes. They are used to prepare compotes, jams, jellies, sweets and even alcohol. Often the berries are used to prepare traditional alcoholic drink of the southern Slavs “rakia”, from which the Portuguese brandy Medronho and the Madrid liqueur Madroño are prepared, which is why the tree itself is called by this name - madroño.

Only fully ripened fruits are suitable for food. Unripe ones not only taste bitter, but can also cause food poisoning: weakness, dizziness, headache, upset stomach.

The ripe harvest is collected from the tree by hand; the picked fruits can lie for several days without losing their quality. Berries that fall to the ground break and quickly deteriorate, so they are processed immediately. To protect crumbling berries from strong blows, trunk circle keep it clean, trim the grass growing there or cover the soil with something.


The large-fruited strawberry tree can grow as a shrub, but can be a tree about 10 meters high. Specimens reaching 15 meters are known. They have a slender, powerful trunk with a diameter of 80 cm or more. In culture, they usually do not reach such sizes. The bark is dark gray or brown, with multiple small cracks, wrinkled. It does not peel off like the small-fruited strawberry or Mencissa strawberry tree.

The wood of the plant is strong and light, very durable; they say that sometimes it is impossible to drive a nail into the tree. But it is not used in construction, since the lumber warps greatly. Wood is a very efficient fuel, as it has a high calorific value, surpassing oak in its properties. In addition, the wood is used to make turning crafts, carpentry, and musical instruments.

The bark contains a lot of andromedotoxin, which, if ingested, can cause dizziness, vomiting, weakness, heart problems and other symptoms of poisoning. This toxic glycoside may be present in small quantities in other parts of the plant, but there it is in a concentration that is not dangerous to humans. You can do harm if you eat a lot of strawberries and drink their drinks, decoctions and infusions excessively. The same applies to honey collected from the strawberry tree.

The crown of the large-fruited strawberry is very beautiful, compact and lush, often taking the shape of a hemisphere. On thick branches all year round dark green glossy leaves are abundant, lighter on the underside. Foliage that does not fall characterizes the tree as evergreen foliage plant. The dimensions of the leaf blade range from 40 to 100 mm in length and from 20 to 35 mm in width, which is slightly smaller than that of small-fruited strawberries. At the same time, the leaves are elongated, jagged and slightly pointed at the end, and have long petioles.

The presence of a large amount of tannin in the leaves of the large-fruited strawberry tree makes it possible to use them for tanning leather, pickling fibers, and also for obtaining tannin for medicinal purposes. It is used as a hemostatic, antihemorrhoidal, antidiarrheal and poison neutralizing agent.


The large-fruited strawberry tree is widely used by folk healers, since all its parts have beneficial properties– diaphoretic, astringent, antiseptic, antimycotic, sedative and anti-inflammatory. From the bark of the plant, preparations are prepared that are used for eczema, cystitis, inflammation of the urethra and other organs of the genitourinary system. Decoctions and tinctures of flowers help with colds, sore throat, stomatitis, and sinusitis. Decoctions from the leaves are used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and the bark is used for any injuries skin. And once upon a time, even the plague was treated with preparations from the large-fruited strawberry. It must be borne in mind that all these remedies should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women and children, since the andromedotoxin present in the plant does not disintegrate during heat treatment or drying.

Connoisseurs of natural cosmetics use the large-fruited strawberry tree in various lotions, creams, and masks. A fragrant scrub is prepared from the berries, which cleanses and disinfects the body well.


How ornamental plant The large-fruited strawberry tree has been valued and used for many centuries. In gardens and parks it looks good as a solo plant planted separately. It can grow in company with other crops whose growing conditions are similar. It is planted as an alley plant or hedge. When forming a standard tree, the lower branches are removed. Low-growing and red-flowered forms are especially popular among gardeners and indoor floriculture enthusiasts: Rubra, Compacta (right photo), Elfin King, Croomei.

The strawberry tree is large-fruited, like all strawberries, a heat-loving plant. In open ground it is recommended for 8-10 frost resistance zones , which means it can grow at temperatures not lower than -7-12 degrees C. It can withstand short-term drops to -15-16 degrees. Because they bloom late, plants in cold climates require shelter.

The best summer temperatures are +25 degrees, +30 degrees and above are acceptable. In the south of the Crimean Peninsula and on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, it bears fruit weakly and not everywhere, since buds, flowers and leaves are already damaged at -12 -14 degrees. After such freezing, the plant recovers. On the territory of Russia it is more suitable for humid subtropical winter gardens and greenhouses. Bonsai lovers can grow a strawberry tree in an apartment. The strawberry tree, grown in bonsai form and shown in the bottom photo, is 30 years old. This is an exhibit from the exhibition “The World in a Clay Bowl”, held in the Botanical Garden “Apothecary Garden”.

At optimal conditions When grown, the plant has proven itself to be unpretentious and drought-resistant. It needs a lot of sun/light and protection from the winds. Withstands partial shade and urban pollution. The large-fruited strawberry tree is used in landscape architecture, and is also planted to strengthen slopes, especially on acidic soils.

In cultivation, it loves nutritious, moist and drained soil, tolerates heavy clay soil, but feels better when planted in light sandy or medium clay soil. Tolerant of acidic soils, prefers calcareous soils.


Seedling . For planting, it is better to purchase a seedling with a closed root system (in a pot). They are often sold already bearing fruit, while when grown from seeds you will have to wait a long time for results. Domestic nurseries do not specialize in this exotic plant, so it will not be easy to buy what you want.

Seeds. But seeds from some foreign producers are quite accessible to us. And you should expect good results, because in nature, propagation by seeds is very successful with the help of birds. It should be taken into account that under the name “strawberry tree” the seeds of other decorative look strawberry They are grown in the same way. Those who wish can bring ripe and healthy strawberry fruits from their trips to Europe, Crimea, Sochi and prepare seeds from them (separate and wash).

Vegetative method. Propagation by root cuttings, which are separated at the end of winter from the trunk in the area of ​​the root collar and planted for rooting, gives a good result, but somewhat worse.

Reproduction by layering is very slow, rooting lasts up to two years. The shoot must be cut, pinned to the ground and covered with earth.

An ineffective method is propagation by semi-lignified cuttings taken from the current year's shoots. They are planted in late autumn - early winter under glass using a root former.


Self-collected seeds are sown fresh. Dry ones are pre-soaked. Seeds must undergo wet stratification before sowing. To do this, take a container, fill it with soil, into which the seeds are placed at a shallow depth (about 10 mm). All this is watered, covered with a bag and placed in the refrigerator (not freezer) for three months. You can use a balcony or loggia.
There are many recipes for preparing soil:
- ordinary garden soil,
- a mixture of perlite, vermiculite and palm soil,
- from soil for conifers, sand and peat.

A little hint - the strawberry tree grows well in symbiosis with a special mushroom. Therefore, the ideal soil for sowing seeds and further cultivation The plants will be soil taken from where adult strawberries grow. Adding vermiculite to it will further increase the chances of success.

Sometimes it happens that seeds begin to germinate already in the refrigerator. Then the container with the seedlings is placed on the northern window, where it is warm, but not hot, and there is no sunlight. If, after 3 months, there are still no seedlings, the containers with the seeds are still removed from the refrigerator and placed on the same non-sunny window, but the bags are not removed from them. There is evidence that the seeds began to germinate only 10 months after sowing, so you need to be patient and carefully continue to moisten the soil in containers as it dries.


If the seeds have sprouted, the bags are removed from the planting containers. All care at this stage will consist of watering, but not flooding, the seedlings with water and providing them with a temperature in the region of +20+22 degrees. When future strawberries grow to 5 cm, they are picked. This must be done as carefully as possible, without disturbing the earthen ball, since the strawberry tree has an incredibly delicate and fragile root system. Older seedlings may not survive the picking at all. Next, young plants are grown in containers allocated for them until the 8th leaf appears, after which they are moved to permanent place residence. There it is advisable to provide them with conditions similar to natural ones, for example, as in the right picture: stones and pine needles. The needles will become a good mulch for young roots and, together with pebbles, will protect them from drying out, while at the same time ensuring the necessary acidity of the soil.

In the garden, the strawberry tree needs to be given a place in the sun, in as a last resort where there is light partial shade not all daylight hours. It is also important to ensure soil drainage. That's probably all. The strawberry tree is large-fruited, grows in open ground, and does not require complex care. He only needs to receive water from time to time (when the soil becomes dry). In the first years of its life, a young strawberry can be fed with organic matter, adding it no more than twice a year. After 3-4 years, fertilizing may not be necessary.

Large-fruited strawberry tree growing in a house or winter garden, also does not require complex care. It needs to be provided with very moderate watering and fed once or twice a year. In addition, every few years, the strawberry must be very carefully transferred into a larger pot, without destroying the earthen lump. In winter, the plant should be placed where it is not hot and the air warms up to a maximum of +15 degrees, and in summer it should be taken out into the air.


The large-fruited strawberry tree may be affected spider mite and thrips. In such cases, treatment with suitable insecticides is recommended.

Strawberry tree diseases: late blight, anthracnose, rust, root rot. Correct conditions maintenance and prevention will prevent their occurrence. In case of damage, the necessary drugs are used. The photo shows a large-fruited strawberry tree growing in Tuapse. The difference with its Mediterranean relatives is obvious.

When overwatered, the plant's leaves appear dark spots, and the leaves themselves droop. The reason is root rotting. Then the plant is removed from the pot, what is rotting is removed, treated with antiseptics (for example, potassium permanganate) and planted in fresh soil.

It may happen that the strawberry suddenly begins to completely shed its leaves. The reason here is a lack of moisture, which is why the soil in the pot dries out completely and becomes like a stone. Treatment is to give the plant a drink, spray its leaves with water from a spray bottle and then adhere to the required watering schedule.

Another nuisance for gardeners can be the lack of fruiting. That is, the large-fruited strawberry tree blooms in the house, but does not bear fruit. The reason is lack of pollination. If this happens, you can try to solve the problem with a brush, transferring pollen from one flower to another.


The large-fruited strawberry tree is not just a relic, it boasts a unique history. Thus, the legends of the peoples of northwestern Europe say that it was this plant that saved people during the flood. The tree grew on a mountain that became a mound when the water began to rise. People grabbed onto it like an anchor and thus saved themselves from imminent death. And the strawberry farmer, in addition, fed them.

There is information that the large-fruited strawberry tree was known by Pliny the Elder, who, as is known, lived in the vastly distant 1st century AD. He believed that this plant should not be planted where bees take their bribes, because strawberry nectar makes honey bitter. But the people (mostly men), on the contrary, loved to relax under the shade of the strawberry during its ripening period, because its edible, but for most - tasteless, berries had a slight alcoholic effect. But these are all just assumptions of historians.

But why the large-fruited strawberry tree is called “unedo” in Latin is known for sure. This word is derived from "unum tantum edo". This is what the same Pliny used to say. In Russian it means “I eat alone.” Most likely, the ancient Roman celebrity did not like the berries at all, and he could eat no more than one of them. Knowing the taste of the berries, one can hardly assume that they were so good that you didn’t want to share them with anyone, but wanted to eat them all alone. Or perhaps it was a warning not to eat too much fruit.

The great Carl Linnaeus was the first to describe the large-fruited strawberry tree, and assigned the name “Arbutus unedo” to the plant. This happened in 1753, but to this day the large-fruited strawberry is called exactly that in Latin.

But even earlier, in 1222, the image of a strawberry tree appeared on the coat of arms of Madrid as a symbol of victory in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, as a result of which the city gained possession of the large-fruited strawberry tree forest. Before this event, the coat of arms was decorated with a bear. Now the bear eating the berries of the strawberry tree has become a symbol of the city.

In France, the common strawberry tree was called maquis, since it, among other evergreen hard-leaved and thorny shrubs and trees, grew in difficult thickets in which French partisans hid from the Nazis. Maquis is the French name for such a community of plants, and the members of the resistance themselves were also called “maquis”.


There are 11 species of strawberry tree (or strawberry, or arbutus). Some of them are common in America and Mexico, and are also found in Canada. This:

Arbutus menziesii - Mencissa strawberry tree, also known as madroña. American species, grows up to 25 m in height, has dark red exfoliating bark, large inflorescences up to 15 cm long. Cultivated since the 19th century. Wood is used as fuel in some states North America along the Pacific coast.

Arbutus canariensis – The Canary arbutus tree, endemic to the Canary Islands, is known in Spain as madroño canario - madroño canario.

Arbutus arizonica – Arizona strawberry tree, northwestern Mexico and southwestern USA, tree up to 14 m high.

Arbutus × androsterilis – hybrid Mediterranean type Large-fruited strawberry tree (A. Unedo) and endemic to the Canary Islands Canary strawberry tree (A. Canariensis). In American nurseries it is sold under the name Arbutus "Marina", named after the town of Marina in San Francisco (California), where it was hybridized. Very decorative and unpretentious in culture.

Arbutus xalapensis – Texas strawberry tree, native America, Mexico, tree height up to 25 m, trunk up to 50 cm in diameter, peeling bark, berries up to 1 cm in diameter.

Arbutus tessellata - Mexican shrubby species of arbutus.

Arbutus occidentalis – Western strawberry tree, endemic to Mexico, the height of the bush is no more than a meter, grows horizontally, forming colonies up to 1.8 m.

Arbutus madrensis - a species of Mexican origin.

Another group of strawberries grows primarily in the Mediterranean.

Arbutus andrachne Strawberry tree red, or Greek , is also found in the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and its northern border runs along the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula. The height of the tree can reach 12 m. It can be distinguished from the large-fruited strawberry by its bare (without rough bark) and reddish branches and trunk.

Arbutus unedo – The large-fruited strawberry tree is a symbol of Madrid; the largest forests are located in Spain. Single imported specimens are found in the south of our country. As ornamental plants, low-growing forms with a slow growth rate, bearing fruit on ringlets, as well as forms with pink flowers are popular:
Compacta – does not grow higher than 1.8-2 m;
Croomei – pink flowers, slow growing form;
Rubra - trees with pink flowers, height at 50 years can reach only 4-8 m, were discovered in Ireland;
Elfin King - this strawberry has the largest fruits with a diameter of up to 25 mm, the plant itself is no higher than a meter, ideal for pot culture.

Arbutus × andrachnoides - Hybrid strawberry tree. This natural hybrid occurred on the territory of Greece as a result of cross-pollination of large-fruited and small-fruited strawberries, discovered in the 19th century. Its bark, fruits, and serrated leaf edges are inherited from the large-fruited strawberry tree, and the large size of the leaves, flowering time, and height are similar to the small-fruited strawberry tree. The taste and size of the berries are not inferior to the large-fruited strawberry tree. Several imported hybrid plants can be seen in Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. A popular species in cultivation, unpretentious, highly decorative, its fruits are recognized as the most delicious and largest among other strawberries. Synonymous names: Arbutus × hybrid, A. andrachne × A. Unedo.

How to plant and grow strawberry (strawberry tree) in an apartment and outdoors. How does a plant reproduce? Agrotechnical advice (10+)

Strawberry fruit plant

Strawberry or strawberry tree called a large-fruited tree that belongs to the genus Arbutus of the heather family. Small-fruited strawberry Arbutus andrachne. There is another strawberry tree called Myrica rubra from the myrtle family. It grows in China and Japan.

About strawberries

Small-fruited strawberry is listed in the Red Book. This tree is very beautiful. It is not tall in size. Its trunks are curved, its branches support a crown on which shiny emerald leaves grow. Depending on age, the bark takes on a pale green or pinkish-red hue. If the bark is old, then it cracks, and twisted scrolls and thin shreds peel off from it, and a young pistachio-green bark appears. With the coming autumn period the bark turns red, which is why the tree is also called “resort” or “shameless”. Since May, flowers similar to lily of the valley flowers have already appeared. Over time, red fruits appear that resemble strawberries, which is why the tree is called strawberry. Such fruits ripen by autumn.

The strawberry tree is an exotic tree on the southern coast of Crimea. There are especially many such trees at Cape Martyan. It is the small-fruited species that grows in this area. And the large-fruited strawberry grows in America and Western Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean coast.


In nature, strawberries can withstand light frosts. In regions with harsh climates, this tree is grown in homes as an ornamental plant. The tree grows and bears fruit for many years. The strawberry plant needs a room with good lighting and ventilation. If the tree is planted in an open space, then this place should be in the sun. It is preferable to plant a small-fruited tree in light soil that drains well.


Strawberries are mainly propagated by planting seeds. Seeds are taken from the fruit, which can be stored for about two years at room temperature. Before planting the seed, it is necessary to stratify at a special temperature of up to 24 degrees for two months. Tree cuttings tend to take root poorly. This method of reproduction is almost never used.


Strawberry seeds should be planted in nutrient soil at a depth of up to seven millimeters. After the seed is planted, it needs to be watered with warm water.


Starting from the end of winter, strawberries need to be fertilized with manure. If the tree grows at home, then use fertilizer from liquid fertilizers every twenty days.

To stimulate plant growth, fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium are used. At home, strawberries need to be watered abundantly once every two weeks, two buckets for one bush. IN winter time You shouldn’t water it often throughout the year, but you also shouldn’t let the earthen ball dry out. The plant does not require shaping pruning. This can only be done for sanitation purposes, to remove broken and dry branches.

If the plant grows in an open space, so that it does not die from low temperatures, it is necessary to mulch the circle near the trunk with fallen leaves. It must be protected from strong winds. For our region, grow strawberries on outdoors very difficult and requires a lot of effort.


By taste qualities The strawberry is not at all similar to the wild strawberry, only in appearance. There is a seed inside the fruit, the taste is fresh and slightly bitter. You can make jam or jam from the fruits, as well as make liqueur and wine. For example, in Portugal they make vodka from strawberries. It is called "Aguardente de Medronha".

Jam is made according to this recipe. For one kilogram of strawberries you need to take 850 grams of sugar and 150 milliliters of water. Mix sugar with water and boil the syrup. The berries need to be washed and placed in a bowl to cook in syrup for three hours. After this, you need to put the jam on low heat. After boiling, boil for another five minutes and leave for eight hours. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon and put them in jars that have been pre-sterilized. Pour boiling syrup over and roll up.

The tree is an excellent honey plant, but the taste of honey is bitter. If you eat the fruit in large quantities, a strong headache and a stupefied state.

The entire tree is suitable for medicinal purposes. Since the fourteenth century in Europe, plague was treated with an extract of leaves and flowers. A little later, herbalists used this plant as an antiseptic. In modern medicine this fact has been confirmed. Strawberry flowers smell like honey and have a diaphoretic effect. The bark, leaves and roots are more astringent and diuretic. These parts are used for diseases of the genitourinary system to treat cystitis and urethritis, as well as for gargling.

The leaves and bark contain a lot of tannin. Extract from the bark is used to tan leather. The bark, in turn, has a dye quality with a brown tint. In the Middle Ages, wool was dyed with this dye for tapestries.

Strawberry wood is strong, hard, does not rot and is light in weight with a brownish-white color. It is used to make jewelry boxes and watch cases.

Strawberries and insects

Insects can crawl into a flower, get enough, but they are not always able to get out immediately due to the narrow entrance. So they collect a large number of pollen and transferred to another place.

Butterflies also love strawberries, they lay eggs there and caterpillars appear.

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