Shower      06/15/2019

Dispatching of buildings, engineering objects and systems. Dispatching system: design, installation, installation, maintenance Dispatching building engineering systems program

The creation of dispatching systems is one of the key activities of NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY.

The dispatching system is a complex of software and hardware tools that allows remote control of the engineering systems of one or more objects.

An automated supervisory control system (ASCS) is required to control engineering equipment, geographically separated, as well as located in hard-to-reach places. As a rule, dispatching is included in the management system of multifunctional facilities with complex engineering infrastructure, such as office buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, as well as industrial complexes and other industrial enterprises.

The following subsystems can be included in the dispatching system:

  • power supply, gas supply;
  • heat and water supply, accounting of energy resources;
  • security and fire alarm, fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems;
  • Ventilation and air conditioning;
  • video surveillance, access control and management;
  • lift facilities and others.

The essence of the design of dispatching systems is to solve the problem of visualizing information about the functioning engineering systems and providing the operator with the ability to directly control the equipment from the control room. Data on the state of engineering equipment is received from local automation controllers and transmitted to the server. The processed technological data with the necessary analytical information is sent to the dispatching server and displayed on the computer screens at the operators' workplaces in a clear dynamic graphical form.

Advantages of the monitoring system of engineering systems of structures

The data received and processed by the dispatching system is formed into messages different kind, which are archived to durable storage. Based on this information, available at any time, reports are generated.

The dispatching system gives key benefits when managing an object:

  • constant centralized control of engineering systems;
  • rapid response in emergency situations;
  • reducing the influence of the human factor;
  • optimization of document flow, reporting systems.

NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY implements dispatching projects of varying degrees of complexity.

Along with conventional systems, the company offers dispatch systems with 3D visualization based on the new generation solution GENESIS64. This is a qualitatively new level of dispatcher monitoring capabilities, which allows the operator to see a realistic image of the object with all the parameters associated with specific nodes. The dispatcher can interactively change the detail of rendered objects by removing elements of buildings, installations and viewing them from the inside. Three-dimensional visualization will allow virtual navigation through the depicted objects, offers animation tools and dynamics of three-dimensional images and other advantages of 3D technologies.

Another pride of the company's employees is the ability to design and implement large-scale geographically distributed dispatching systems that provide not only data collection from remote objects, but also distributed computing, multi-level archiving and redundancy.

Do you need to create a dispatching system at your enterprise? Contact NORVIX-TECHNOLOGY specialists for a consultation.

The integrated automation and dispatching system is designed to manage the life support engineering systems of the facility and create comfortable living conditions for the working personnel.
Technical advantages

  • Automatic maintenance optimal modes equipment operation
  • Equipment failure prediction
  • All functions for managing engineering systems are available from a single user interface
  • Scaling from small systems to large systems with multiple subsystems
  • Operational dispatch control and notification of technological processes and equipment of engineering systems
  • Centralized control (monitoring) in real time of the state of technological parameters and equipment of engineering systems
  • Integration of all systems of the facility, creation of a corporate security system and implementation of a unified response policy
  • Using an advanced alarm management system
  • Prompt and visual display of emergency notifications on the screens
  • Differentiation of access to information

Economic benefits

  • Improving the efficiency of management, operation and safety of the engineering complex of the facility
  • Energy Saving
  • Saving labor costs for operational services
  • Efficient equipment planning
  • Increasing the prestige of the object
  • Reducing the cost of object insurance

The structure of building a system of integrated automation and dispatching of engineering systems
The system of complex automation and dispatching of engineering systems is built according to the principles of two-level integration:

  • Upper level - data collection and processing system
  • Lower level - local automation systems (LSA)

The data collection and processing system provides

  • Continuous monitoring of the condition of the equipment of the engineering systems of the facility and the flow technological processes with continuous registration of occurring events
  • Long-term storage of information about events
  • Binding of fixed events in various systems engineering support of the object to a single time scale
  • Interaction between systems in terms of functioning in various situations, including emergency (emergency).
  • Visual control of the operation (state) of the equipment of controlled engineering systems and the flow of technological processes.
  • Remote control of engineering systems and their individual equipment from an automated workstation (AWS) of the operator.
  • Remote change of operating modes of equipment of engineering systems from the operator's workstation.
  • Formation of various reports on the functioning of controlled building engineering systems.

Composition of the main equipment of the data collection and processing system

  • Data collection and processing system server.
  • Interface equipment for server communication with local automation systems.
  • automated workplace(Workstation) operator of engineering systems.
  • Software for data collection and processing system.
  • Equipment for creating a LAN.
  • Uninterruptible power supplies.

Proposed manufacturers of hardware and software data acquisition and processing systems


Local automation systems ensure the operation of engineering systems in automatic mode, both autonomously and as part of an integrated building automation and dispatching system.

The composition of the main equipment of local automation systems

  • Controllers and I/O modules
  • Peripheral Automation Tools:
    • process parameters sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure, differential pressure, flow rate, level, illumination, etc.)
    • actuators (valves, gate valves, actuators, etc.)

energy efficiency
Intelligent, energy-saving building automation system reduces emissions harmful substances and reduces operating costs.

Unlike constructive measures, building automation is a less labor-intensive and much cheaper means of improving energy efficiency. The automation system is the brain of the building. It integrates information about all engineering systems. It manages heating and cooling, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply and lighting systems. Therefore, it is the brain of the building that should be endowed with the functions of control over the use of energy resources. These features reduce the building's energy consumption by up to 30%.

Increasing productivity and efficiency by managing the full life cycle of a building RTK-systems LLC offers intelligent integrated solutions for residential and non-residential buildings and public infrastructures. Throughout the entire life cycle of a facility, our services and solutions in the field of low-voltage distribution networks and electrical installations, building automation, fire safety And security systems guarantees:

  • optimum comfort and highest energy efficiency of buildings,
  • protection and safety of people, processes and material assets,
  • increase in labor productivity.

List of controlled systems: Heating system (individual heating point) - dispatching of the building's IHS allows reducing the impact of the human factor during maintenance, reducing the risks of emergencies associated with unexpected equipment failure, minimizing damage associated with pipeline breaks, analyzing heat consumption at different time periods (and / or at different circumstances) to obtain the optimal (most economical) ITP operation settings. It is economically and technically expedient to carry out automation of the ITP as part of the dispatching system, which allows for the full integration of the ITP into the dispatching system and, at the same time, to avoid additional costs associated with duplication of equipment that controls one parameter.

  • The temperature of the heat carrier in the supply and return pipelines of the heating network, the supply and return pipelines of the heating circuits, ventilation, hot water supply and heating risers. Control of coolant temperatures at various points of the technological process allows you to optimally adjust the modes of consumption of thermal energy by various consumers, as well as control the quality of services provided by the heat supply company.
  • Pressure in the supply and return pipelines of the heating network - quality control of services of the heat supply company.
  • Pressure in the supply and return pipelines of heating, ventilation, hot water supply and heating risers - monitoring the condition of pipelines, the presence of coolant, protection against "dry running" of pumps.
  • Pressure drop across filters and sumps - control of filter clogging, timely notification of personnel about the need for cleaning.
  • Differential pressure on pumps - control of serviceability of pumps, timely notification of personnel about the need for repair / replacement.
  • Control of the position of shut-off and control valves for heating, ventilation and hot water circuits
  • Maintenance of thermal conditions according to the specified parameters (settings), outdoor air temperature, temperature of the heat carrier coming from the heating main.
  • Position management stop valves heating risers, prompt termination of coolant leakage in case of violation of the tightness of the circuit.
  • Integration of commercial and/or technical metering of heat consumption and DHW consumption.

Ventilation system - dispatching the ventilation system of a building allows reducing the impact of the human factor during maintenance, reducing the risks of emergencies associated with unexpected equipment failure (for example, smoke exhaust units), minimizing damage associated with pipeline breaks or downtime of expensive equipment. It is economically and technically expedient to perform automation of ventilation systems as part of a dispatching system, which allows full integration into the dispatching system and at the same time avoids additional costs associated with duplication of equipment that controls one parameter.

Controlled and managed parameters:

  • Pressure drop across the fan - control of the fan's serviceability, prompt notification of personnel about the need for repair / replacement.
  • Control of the position and control of blinds and valves - opening / closing of blinds and valves, monitoring of malfunctions of blinds and valves, prompt notification of personnel about the need for repair / replacement.
  • Heater temperature control (for air handling units) - protection against freezing of the air heater.
  • Supply air temperature (for air handling units) - control of compliance with the set value.
  • The temperature of the heat carrier in the return pipeline (for supply units) - control over the compliance with the specified mode.
  • Pressure drop across the filter (for supply units) - clogging control, prompt notification of personnel about the need for replacement.
  • Control of the position of shut-off and control valves of heating and/or cooling circuits (for supply units) - maintaining thermal conditions in accordance with the specified parameters, outdoor temperature, temperature of the coolant coming from the IHS.
  • Control of the position of the shut-off valves of the heating and/or cooling circuits (for air handling units) - prompt termination of the heat carrier leakage in case of leakage of the circuit.

Refrigeration system- dispatching of the refrigeration supply system of the building allows reducing the impact of the human factor during maintenance, minimizing the damage associated with pipeline breaks or downtime of expensive equipment. It is economically and technically expedient to implement the automation of the refrigeration system as part of the dispatching system, which allows full integration into the dispatching system and at the same time avoids additional costs associated with duplication of equipment that controls one parameter.

Controlled and managed parameters:

  • Pressure drop across the chiller fan - monitoring the health of the fan, prompt notification of personnel about the need for repair / replacement.
  • The temperature of the heat carrier in the return pipeline - control over the compliance with the specified mode.
  • Pressure drop across the filter - clogging control, prompt notification of personnel about the need for replacement.
  • Controlling the position of shut-off and control valves of heating and/or cooling circuits (for supply units) - maintaining the thermal regime in accordance with the specified parameter.

Water supply system- dispatching the building's water supply system allows to reduce the impact of the human factor during maintenance, reduce the risks associated with a sudden failure and / or unavailability of critical units (for example: fire pumping unit, valve control panels on bypass water supply channels (fire dampers), automatic fire extinguishing control units, etc.), minimize damage associated with pipeline ruptures or downtime of expensive equipment. The automation of the water supply system is economically and technically expedient to be performed as part of the dispatching system, which allows for full integration into the dispatching system and at the same time avoids additional costs associated with duplication of equipment that controls the same parameters.

Controlled and managed parameters:

  • Control and management of the position of fire dampers.
  • Control of parameters of booster pumps - timely warning of personnel about the need for maintenance and / or repair (replacement) of equipment.
  • Control of the readiness of the fire pumping unit - timely warning of personnel about the need for maintenance and / or repair (replacement) of equipment.
  • Control of pressure at the entrance to the building, as well as at critical sections of pipelines - timely warning of personnel about non-compliance of parameters with the specified values ​​(i.e. about the occurrence emergency).
  • Shut-off valve position control - prompt termination of leakage in case of violation of the tightness of the circuit.
  • Integration of commercial and/or technical metering of water consumption.

Drainage system- dispatching of the building's sewerage system allows to reduce the impact of the human factor during maintenance, reduce the risks associated with a sudden failure and / or unavailability of critical components (for example: drainage pumps, sewer pumping stations), automatic fire extinguishing control units, etc.), to minimize the damage associated with pipeline breaks or downtime of expensive equipment.

Controlled and managed parameters:

  • Exceeding the permissible level Wastewater in drainage pits - prompt notification of personnel about the need for an urgent check of performance drainage pump and/or cleaning the outlet pipeline.
  • Monitoring the status (readiness) of sewage pumping stations - operational notification of personnel about the need for maintenance and / or about the occurrence of an emergency.
  • Control of leaks in bathrooms and other places common use- operational notification of personnel about the occurrence of an emergency, issuing signals to close the shut-off valves to stop the supply of fluid.

Power supply system - dispatching of the building power supply system allows to reduce the impact of the human factor during maintenance, reduce the troubleshooting time in the power supply system and, thereby, minimize the damage associated with the downtime of expensive equipment.

Controlled and managed parameters:

  • Position of high-voltage load break switches switchgears transformer substations - control of the state of 10 kV switchgear of transformer substations and, indirectly, the presence of voltage at the inputs (according to the state of the input HV and sectional HV, controlled by ARV on the high side).
  • Status (Enabled/Disabled/Auto Power Off) circuit breakers low-voltage switchgears of transformer substations - control of the state of 0.4 kV switchgear of transformer substations and, indirectly, the presence of voltage at the inputs (according to the state of the incoming switchgear and sectional switchgear, controlled by ARV on the low side).
  • Temperature conditions of TP transformers - prevention of emergencies associated with overheating of transformers by promptly alerting personnel about the approach of temperature to dangerous values.
  • The presence of voltage on the busbars of switchboards - prompt notification of personnel about the shutdown of the corresponding switchboard (that is, about the occurrence of an emergency).
  • Status (On/Off/Automatic shutdown) of automatic switches of especially important groups of distribution boards - prompt notification of personnel about the shutdown of the corresponding AB (ie, about the occurrence of an emergency).
  • The presence of voltage at the points of connection of especially important consumers (if any) - prompt notification of personnel about the disconnection of the corresponding consumer (that is, about the occurrence of an emergency).
  • Integration of commercial and/or technical electricity metering.

Electric lighting system- dispatching and automation of the electric lighting system allows you to set up lighting control with maximum efficiency, using various combinations of setting factors (time, illumination, human presence) for each specific lighting group.

Monitoring of the microclimate of especially important premises - control of temperature and humidity in especially important premises(for example: server, hardware, storage, cold rooms etc.) and prompt notification of personnel in case of parameters going beyond the allowable range.

Dispatching of vertical transport (elevators, escalators and travolators) - control of the state of vertical transport means, providing voice communication with elevator cabins.

System fire alarm- SPS dispatching allows you to analyze the development of all means of fire protection of the building (ventilation, smoke removal, fire modes of elevators, fire dampers, etc.) after the fire alarm is triggered. The dispatching system is able to control the correct sequence and time of working out the building's engineering systems in case of fire, and, in case of failure, immediately inform the maintenance personnel about it. The use of reports of the dispatching system as a criterion in evaluating the results of a comprehensive testing of technical fire protection equipment allows us to exclude the influence of the human factor and obtain the maximum reliability of the result.

Integration into the system of any equipment that, at the request of the customer, requires operational dispatch control and / or management.

Fire alarm dispatching in the Crimea.

To provide protection against fires, the control room is the basis. This system includes many elements that interact with each other. Among them are alarms, sensors, devices for extinguishing a fire and some others. Properly selected elements, as well as their implementation, can save people's lives, as well as minimize property losses.

Such a control center can take control of dozens of facilities throughout Sevastopol, so automatic monitoring is an effective mechanism. Dispatching allows for continuous monitoring of systems fire alarm, enable or disable automatic fire extinguishing, and also allows you to adjust items such as elevators, escalators, doors and curtains.

When installing a fire protection system in the Crimea, special sensors are used that allow you to determine the correct operation of the entire system. This applies to connecting lines and blocks. If an error is detected, a corresponding signal will appear at the control room. This information comes in real time, which means that the staff will be able to respond to it as soon as possible.

The control room allows you to interact:

  1. Fire alarm . Basically, the signal is one-way, it comes from the fire alarm to the control panel. The dispatcher clarifies the veracity of the signal and takes appropriate action;
  2. Sprinkler fire fighting. The operator can send a signal to activate the fire extinguishing system. Before that, it is necessary to determine the need for these actions by clarifying the information;
  3. Evacuation alarm. The signal is sent from the control room to alert people in case of necessary evacuation.

In general, control room monitoring provides:

  1. Display the status of sensors in all rooms;
  2. Removal and arming of the necessary sensors, remote control;
  3. Timely notification of people about an alarming event, during which it is necessary to evacuate;
  4. Ability to automatically and promptly respond to emergency situations;
  5. Ensure high resistance of the entire system to internal and external influences of various threats.

As for the modern control room and dispatching fire fighting system in the Crimea, it is carried out using only modern and efficient equipment. Typically, such a system consists of several cabinets with automation. There is a relay in the cabinet that reads the information and transmits it to the host computer.

Note that each individual cabinet is installed for one specific building. Therefore, the control room may have a server room with several such cabinets. Signals enter and exit through these cabinets. It is this tool that allows you to provide systems that work around the clock. They monitor the fire situation and respond to the instantaneous sending of a signal.

Do you want to protect yourself and your property? Then you should contact our company, which is engaged in the installation of fire systems with full dispatching in the Crimea. Such a system will allow you to control the presence of smoke, as well as temperature rise, automatically turn on fire extinguishing elements, notify personnel and security services of danger, and much more. Remember, security is an important part of the modern world.

Modern large shopping centers, business buildings, as well as homeowners' associations and private estates need constant technical monitoring. Management of ventilation, water supply, electricity supply cannot be carried out without the help of special computer programs. They automatically control and change the operation of mechanisms, and in case of possible malfunctions and in emergency situations, the system gives an alarm signal. This building management system is called a "dispatching system". We will tell you more about how it is designed and installed in our article.

Dispatching system: principles of operation

Modern control rooms are equipped with engineering systems control computers. They commute with controllers in server rooms and frequency converters on installed engineering equipment. Dispatch and automation systems are designed to facilitate the monitoring of building equipment.

With the help of a computer, the dispatcher at the enterprise, and the owner or in a private house, monitors the change in supply air temperature, pressure drops in pipes and controls other parameters of various equipment.

Remote control

You can remotely control ventilation air handling units. By changing the opening percentage of the refrigerant valve, the supply air temperature can be influenced. The building management system remotely monitors the following facilities:

  1. Main switchboard of power supply and input distribution devices.
  2. Indoor and outdoor lighting.
  3. Gas supply.
  4. Supply and exhaust ventilation installations.
  5. Air conditioners and fancoils.
  6. Water supply and sewerage.
  7. Drainage system (drainage pits and storm sewers).
  8. Fire alarm and fire suppression air.
  9. parking spaces.
  10. Building access control.
  11. Lift and escalator equipment.

Initial preparation and commissioning

You should think about the installation of the described equipment at the stage. Designing of dispatching systems is carried out by special contractors.

The project must provide for cable channels connecting all equipment for communication with the server. Signals from frequency converters, which are located on installations, pumps, power equipment and other systems, come to the server blocks via cable.

The server room should be placed in a separate, well-ventilated room in order to cool the power supplies and fans installed inside the server racks.

Installation work

Installation of dispatching systems is usually carried out by specially hired contractors. They usually have their finished projects, but can also work on customer projects. Maintenance of the dispatching system at the stage of warranty service is carried out by the contractor who installed this equipment.

After the expiration of the warranty service period, it is possible to control the work by the duty team. Typically, a low voltage engineer is responsible for maintaining the system. Different teams have their own set schedule, and the effectiveness of the work of weak currents with equipment depends on this.

The internal stuffing of the control system

There are several computer programs that control the equipment installed at the facility. Not so long ago, Honeywell and Johnson Controls programs were popular. Now new facilities usually install Siemens, Orion and other less common programs, as well as modified Honeywell and Johnson Controls.

The object dispatching system requires constant monitoring and updating. Usually, all systems are installed with a long warranty period, and later, at the end of the warranty period, the obligations for adjustment and maintenance are performed by the same contractor companies.

For elevator equipment, everything is installed depending on which contractor company performs the installation and Maintenance elevator dispatching systems (Kone-Lift, ThyssenKrupp AG, Otis and others).

How does a fire system work?

Automation is also installed on fire-fighting equipment. It is triggered by smoke and sends an alarm to the control room. The dispatcher on the monitor sees the location of the sensor and reports the incident to the duty shift.

If two work smoke detector, an immediate evacuation alarm will sound throughout the building. This will turn on the air boost system in the elevator shafts. The elevators will automatically descend to the first floor and open the doors without responding to calls and orders.

How is automation controlled?

The equipment installed in the building contains sensors and instrumentation. They collect information about the state of the equipment and interact with the controllers, which transmit a signal to the automation system and the computer installed in the control room. The operator-dispatcher on the working monitor sees the state of the system and, if necessary, controls the installations.

Automatic ventilation regulates the set parameters according to the temperature settings in the room. If these are supply and exhaust units equipped with a heat exchanger, a heat exchanger and a cold circuit, the automation maintains the desired temperature by closing or opening the cold (hot) water valve or increasing the speed of the heat exchanger. The dispatcher observes all these changes on the monitor screen in the control room.

In the cold season, when the outdoor air temperature drops below twenty degrees Celsius, it is possible to transfer the units to manual mode by the dispatcher or on-duty personnel to prevent the heat exchanger from freezing.

By setting the necessary parameters on his control panel (computer), the dispatcher monitors the changes and the process of the installations. Typically, leading engineers, taking care of the normal operation of the equipment, post a schedule and work schedule ventilation units on a special stand or in the dispatcher's operational log. According to him, the dispatching system controls the processes of heat exchange and cold supply.

Security systems

When mentioning dispatch control systems, one should not forget about special dispatch systems for the security structure. They are called for short. It does not commute with the ventilation control system and other engineering equipment and is equipped with a special computer.

The control computer receives signals from all electromagnetic locks, turnstiles and other electronic readers, including the system for controlling the entry and exit of cars from the parking lot. All passes issued to employees and staff have numbers that can be used to determine at what time the employee passed through the turnstile or door equipped with a magnetic lock. All these data, also transmitted by magnetic sensors, are sent to a special dispatching access control computer.

Control system remote access connected to the fire safety engineering system. In the event of an emergency, it will automatically unlock the doors of all emergency exits.

An important place in the operation of building management systems is occupied by the source uninterrupted power supply server. In the event of a voltage drop, it will store it on the dispatcher console and allow you to turn off the systems without losing data.

Where are building management systems used?

No modern business center can do without building management systems. Even ordinary lighting in buildings is switched on through the dispatch system. In addition, security facilities play an important role in business centers. Hence, access control systems are also being installed. They provide work as well as entry and exit from parking spaces. The same applies to elevator and escalator equipment.

In any building, the installation of dispatching systems facilitates the work of on-duty personnel and saves energy resources, creating comfortable conditions indoors

In modern life, every residential building, office, industrial facility has at its disposal a lot of engineering equipment. A number that is continuously growing every year. This means that the level of comfort of life is significantly increased. To control all devices, equipment and other various equipment, the dispatching of engineering systems of buildings is actively used in order to minimize human intervention and reduce management costs. Dispatching helps to control and manage all engineering and utility systems, provide timely maintenance, coordinate the operation of the infrastructure of houses, districts and even the whole city.

Object dispatching systems allow:

  • Collect information on the use of resources;
  • Control everything engineering Communication, as well as systems of elevators, water supply, electricity, heating, ventilation and many others;
  • Monitor accidents;
  • Examine general state building;
  • Reduce the cost of eliminating emergency situations;
  • Control the consumption of energy resources.

Residential buildings are equipped with building management systems, which in turn regulate heating, water supply and electricity systems. Industrial ones have more complex types of systems, since it is necessary to control technological equipment. Control points are located in such a way that the monitoring system receives as much information as possible about what is happening, that is, they are installed in places of greatest responsibility. Engineers plan the location of all controllers, and indicate the places where a breakdown is most likely. the main task installed sensors notify the control room in time possible malfunctions and take the necessary measures to avoid wider consequences. Wire lines leading from the sensors to the building engineering system control point are laid in the safest places to prevent damage.

The control room has a system of computers with the help of which the entire control process is carried out. The dispatching system has several control points, which are located along the chain, starting from the local one and ending with the most important point - the central one. Autonomous system power supply allows continuous monitoring even in the most emergency situations. Object dispatching systems play a very important role V Everyday life, with the help of them, notification of the population can also be carried out, in order to warn about future technical work, or an impending danger that may threaten the health and even life of a person.

Our company designs the dispatching of buildings and structures on various modifications of equipment with the selection of a brand for a specific customer and his technical condition.

Building management system installation

Dispatching is the monitoring and management of work processes of a particular system. Control is carried out in real time, this provides an opportunity to adjust the necessary equipment in time. The control means includes a special system consisting of various sensors, where each of them, at a certain interval, transmits a signal about the current situation of a particular piece of equipment, a communication channel, a technical unit. All information goes to the dispatcher on duty, who monitors the status of the sensors and adjusts the engineering system, using only software. Special programs allow not only fixing processes, but also recording them in history, after which in the future it will make it possible to analyze data and find out the causes of a breakdown or accident.

In residential buildings, dispatching can be installed for heating and water supply systems, as well as for electricity supply. This is done in order to maximize the level of comfort of life. Control points are located in key locations, usually in the center of residential areas. This allows you to control several dozen houses at once. Before starting the installation of a dispatch control point, the design engineer conducts a survey of the building, premises, equipment that will be controlled and detects all points where the probability of breakdown, failure will be the highest possible. This will allow you to install control sensors in the most dangerous places, and in the future to prevent an accident or avoid breakdowns. After determining such places, the installation of sensors and the arrangement of protected highways, in which wires with power supply will be laid, begin. Control points can be installed not only in a specific room, but throughout the city, depending on the type of objects.