Shower      06/23/2020

How to choose the right plastic window sills. Plastic window sills - what do modern technologies offer? Window sill in the form of a tabletop

It would seem that the window sill is such an insignificant part of the interior, just a component of the window. But in reality it's more complicated.

In addition to the decorative function, this element window construction serves as a place to store various small things, an excellent space for placing flower pots, crafts, even a territory for games.

The choice of materials for the manufacture of window sills today is extremely large, and the color can be chosen individually for your interior.

With the widespread replacement of windows with plastic ones, the owners are presented with a large assortment of materials for the window sill. Consider the most popular.

The most common plastic window sills. They can be made to match the window perfectly, or you can order a pattern of your choice (wood, marble, stone).

Such material will provide you with good thermal insulation, long service life and unpretentiousness in care. Plastic is slightly susceptible to damage, especially if it is covered with a shock or thermal protective layer.

The next option is wooden window sills. Their great advantage is that they are environmentally friendly and fit perfectly into the "natural" design, complementing the atmosphere in the room with their comfort.

In terms of user qualities, wood, as a rule, is inferior to competing materials, but with proper care it will show itself from the best side.

You can also choose a marble window sill. They score very high. The material will serve the owners for a very long time, since it is not susceptible to damage and is very durable. And environmental friendliness and unique aesthetic qualities clearly speak in favor of marble.

It would seem that in the era high technology everyone wants to keep up with all the trends, light and durable materials that require minimal maintenance are in fashion. But such decisions in some cases may not always be reasonable.

For example, if you know that you can mechanically put a hot cup on a plastic window sill, then you better think about a more picky material.

In this case, you can remember the old proven concrete.

If you make a window sill out of it and give it the proper appearance, such a design is unlikely to yield to other materials.

As already mentioned, a concrete window sill will last a very long time. It is easy to restore even without calling specialists, this requires a minimum set of tools. washing, high temperatures and mechanical damage such material withstands without problems.

Another big plus: your window sill can be repainted as many times as you like without causing any harm to it. No matter how often the interior of the room changes, the window will always match the environment.

Another option is to cover the entire surface of the window sill with tiles or decorate bright elements optional.

Modern technologies make it possible to make a concrete window sill absolutely indistinguishable from, for example, stone.

There are many ways to make standard interior details more attractive, to make them work. One of them is very original - these are bay windows and window sills.

This solution is very interesting and brings a lot of positive effects. For example, replacing a standard loggia in an apartment with a semicircular “mini-balcony”, you will increase the view from the window, visually expand the space and increase the amount of natural light in the room.

By removing the usual rectangular window sill from the room and making a bay window instead, you will give the room a touch of absolute individuality and a special charm.

Among other things, this is not a hackneyed architectural move, but a fresh and unusual design. Such a window sill will become a real decoration of the room and at the same time a bright accent.

In addition, there are practical benefits. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe new window sill will increase slightly, which means there is more space for use.

For decorating private houses and facades of buildings, a bay window will be an ideal option. If you are thinking about making the face of your house unique and attractive, then try this option. Perhaps this is exactly what you are looking for.

Also watch a useful video about the types of window sills for plastic windows

The window sill in the apartment serves as additional protection from the cold, can be used to place flowers, books, replace the countertop and even a place to relax, and the window sill pulls children and animals with a magnet, because it allows you to look out the window and learn the world. So why do we pay minimum attention to his choice and rely on standard solutions that offer window companies? We will figure out which window sill to choose and what materials to give preference to in order to get a high-quality and durable construction.

No. 1. Basic requirements for a window sill

Windowsill performs several functions at once:

  • decorative. Thanks to the use of modern materials, the window sill can become interesting decoration rooms. Moreover, it allows you to organically connect slopes, walls and located under the window, and, of course, serves extra bed for placing flowers, accessories or storing the necessary small things. There should not be many of the latter on the windowsill so as not to clutter it up and block the way for the light penetrating through the window. The window sill can become a work surface or a dining table in the most;
  • cold protection. A window sill mounted in accordance with all the rules is a barrier to cold street air and prevents heat leakage to the outside;
  • correct distribution of heat in the room. Even the protrusion of the window sill beyond the wall surface matters. Thanks to him flows warm air from the battery do not immediately rise up, but are sent into the room. However, making the window sill too wide is also not worth it, otherwise you can completely isolate the window and adjacent sections of the walls from warm air and provoke condensation on the windows and slopes.

In order to ensure proper circulation of warm air and not impede movement near the windowsill, the latter must protrude beyond the level of the walls by no more than 5-6 cm, and in the calculations it is worth considering the future fine finish, if it is not already there. The window sill should not cover the radiator by more than half, otherwise it will be necessary to take care of the availability. As for the length, the window sill can protrude beyond the edges of the slopes by 1-8 cm, but no more.

When choosing a window sill, it should be remembered that it must meet certain requirements in order to last more or less long and cope with all the loads placed on it. So window sill must have performance characteristics:

No. 2. window sill material

For the production of window sills, different materials are used. The choice is built on the basis of the planned budget, personal preferences, interior features and room conditions, as well as depending on which one is installed.

The most popular materials for the manufacture of window sills include:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC), often referred to simply as plastic;
  • tree;
  • Chipboard and MDF;
  • natural and artificial stone.

Sometimes they meet non-standard options: , mosaic, WPC, injection technology or fabric upholstery. The window sill can have not only the usual rectangular form, but also be rounded or fancifully bent, but this depends more on the characteristics of the material from which it is made.

No. 3. Choosing a plastic (PVC) window sill

plastic window sill last years firmly holds the lead, which is explained by its performance and affordable price. Such products, in fact, are an ordinary PVC profile with several chambers and vertical stiffeners. Hollow plastic window sills usually have a thickness of no more than 25 mm, but for a visible increase in thickness, the structure is equipped with a so-called "nose", its thickness is 30-40 mm. From above, the product is covered with a film that takes on decorative and protective functions.

The design features of the PVC window sill allow us to talk about its numerous advantages:

Among cons They call it the ability to turn yellow over time, “absorb” pollution and even deform with a strong temperature difference. Finally, such a window sill cannot be called natural. The product can be covered as regular pvc film, and melamine. The second option is preferable, as it can significantly increase wear resistance.

No. 4. Wooden window sill: pros and cons

wooden window sill- an indispensable addition. Earlier in residential buildings only such products were used, today they are being replaced by cheaper plastic. Nevertheless, there are a lot of fans of wooden window sills, since this way they have many advantages:

cons a wooden window sill has a lot: price, sensitivity to temperature changes, high humidity, low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, fire, microorganisms and insects. It is better not to spill water on it and do not put hot dishes on it.

Manufacturers are doing their best improve performance wooden window sills and extend their service life. Wood must be well dried and treated with antiseptics, then covered with paints, varnishes or enamels, which protect the material from moisture, pests and temperature extremes, and at the same time help to emphasize the unique structure of the tree. No matter how hard modern industry tries, the tree still remains quite demanding in care, and every few years such a window sill will have to be covered with special wax or parquet varnish.

Most commonly used window sills from the following species:

Window sills are rarely made from solid wood - more often used glued boards. Those who are ready to choose a window sill from array, should prepare for big expenses. Thin layers of wood are glued together under the influence of high pressure and temperature, and as a result, a product is obtained that is practically not inferior in strength to an array, but at the same time acquires additional useful qualities, for example, less susceptibility to deformation. The thickness of the wooden window sill in any case should not be less than 28 mm.

No. 5. Window sills from MDF and chipboard

A cheap replacement for natural wood and stone is a chipboard window sill. chipboard are made using resins that can release formaldehyde during operation. With such products, you should be extremely careful and always check the emission level of the same formaldehyde in the documentation accompanying the product (permissible - E0 and E1). MDF board it costs a little more, but is safe for health, since no toxic substances are used in the production.

No. 6. Window sill made of wood-polymer composite (WPC)

Artificial stone can be made different technologies: agglomerate, acrylic stone or cast marble. In any case, mineral fillers, dyes and polymer resin are used as raw materials, and the difference lies in the percentage of components and the nuances of technologies. Artificial stone can have any shape, has a pleasant to the touch surface, dirt does not eat into it, and hot and mold are not capable of causing harm. If scratches appear during operation, they can be removed by grinding.

Even 20 years ago, most of the townsfolk did not wonder what window sills were installed in their apartment. What builders have put - such are worth it. Often these were reinforced concrete slabs with poorly processed edges (at best, arbolite). Diligent tenants eventually changed such window sills to wooden ones, filling the voids with foam rubber, at worst - with rags, and the cracks were sealed with the same cement-sand mortar.

Then came the era plastic windows. And along with it came plastic window sills, and mounting foam, and gypsum plaster compositions for putty. Yes, yes, a plastic window sill has become almost an uncontested addition to the same window. In most cases, options were not even considered, and by the way, they were not offered either.

Or almost never offered. Because at the same time we are not close, but still got acquainted with countertops from artificial stone, learned the technology of obtaining polymer concrete. Yes, and natural stone in slabs (English slab - plate, plate, large piece) has become more affordable, with the advent of modern stone processing equipment to our production facilities. Today it is quite realistic to talk about the choice of window sills or materials for window sills on the market. We will try to comprehensively consider this issue by analyzing all the pros and cons of various options.

Varieties of window sills and their features - what to make a window sill from?

Here we immediately answer the most frequently asked question on this topic: which window sills are best for plastic windows. For plastic windows, plastic window sills are better.

  • First, homogeneous materials have the same technical characteristics and chemical composition, which means they have the same expansion coefficients, thermal conductivity and other properties.
  • Secondly, the same chemicals and materials are used for their maintenance and repair, and their service life is approximately the same.
  • Thirdly, they just look organically in combination with each other.

There are other arguments in defense of this postulate, but even these are enough to come to this conclusion.

But, one more thing: it’s “for windows” that such window sills are better. But for a person, for a consumer - not a fact. It is definitely better for the user that the window sill meets the requirements that he puts forward. And plastic window sills are far from always able to match them: many of them will not be able to withstand the weight of a large flower pot, you can’t put a hot pan on them, they scratch very easily, etc. Although, if we talk about aesthetics and design, then in this regard they are able to cope with the highest requirements.

Moreover, they have an absolute correspondence with the color and texture base of the lamination of metal-plastic windows.

  • Plastic window sills (PVC window sills)- the most common installation option. The cost of 1 p.m. 100 mm of a metal-plastic window sill today ranges from 80 to 540 rubles / m.p. Agree: there are plenty to choose from. Both price and quality plastic window sills are radically different. We would advise focusing on products with a price of 250 rubles / m.p. 150 mm window sill.

And what does our industry offer today besides plastic for window sills?

  • Composite window sills– made by extrusion from a wood-polymer composite (wood chips + approximately 1/3 of the polymer).

From a purely plastic window sill, a composite window sill is distinguished by greater hardness, bending strength, durability and a slightly higher price;

  • Solid wood- rather a way to be original, given the physical characteristics of the tree. Complete with it, it is still better to use wooden windows or laminated metal-plastic ones, but remember that the requirements for installing such a window are tougher.

The appearance of abundant condensation on a window with such a window sill can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

  • Wooden glued- somewhat more physically stable than its solid wood counterpart, but not by much.

Glued window sills are also of this design, using plywood or MDF inserts, veneered.

The cost of wooden and wooden glued window sills today fluctuates (for pine) from 25 to 28 thousand rubles per cubic meter. Beech or oak will cost about 4500 rubles. but already per sq.m. with a thickness of 40 mm.

  • With fiberboard or MDF core, laminated or veneered.

Often such window sills are placed in residential premises. But in kitchens they can be used to create combined countertops (sill - table, window sill - working surface, window sill - bedside table, etc.).

In these cases, panels with thick plastic lamination with improved consumer characteristics are used. At a price of 3 to 5 thousand rubles / sq.m. it's a fairly affordable option.

  • Stone- often granite (harder) or marble (softer). Made from slabs of natural stone. It is possible to use other types of stone, but extremely rarely, when solving special design problems and having an almost unlimited financial resource, due to the high cost of the material.

The cost of such products made of marble or granite will be from 10 to 40 thousand rubles/sq.m. depending on the thickness (20 - 30 mm), type, quality of the stone and types of its processing (cleanliness, gloss, chamfers, etc.). With other stones, the calculation is individual.

  • Window sills made of artificial stone- a worthy alternative to all-stone window sills. Often only a specialist can notice the difference. Specifications differ dramatically depending on the type of polymer used in the manufacture. You can get a window sill with specified characteristics (chemical-resistant, heat-resistant, etc.).

Can create beautiful options stone from appearance very close to real, but not found in nature.

The version of the window sill - the countertop in the kitchen, is most often made of artificial stone. At the same time, you can get the most interesting combination of price and quality.

The cost of window sills and window sills - countertops made of artificial stone is very individual and depends primarily on the polymer and filler used, as well as on the thickness of the coating layer and the thickness of the fiberboard substrate. The weighted average for today for the central strip of Russia will be the cost of 1 sq.m. countertops made of artificial stone in 20 - 22 thousand rubles.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for execution, both in terms of types of materials, and in terms of characteristics and cost, but the next section of the article will help to competently balance our desires and capabilities with needs.

Crying windows, or how to get rid of condensate

Even if you installed the new window absolutely correctly, and first of all it refers to positioning it in the wall array so that inner surface double-glazed window was beyond the dew point, you need to keep in mind some more aspects. Without sufficient airflow (or heating), especially in the kitchen, in the bathroom, moisture can condense on the windows. The question of how the window sill can affect this process is more than appropriate, since we put it here.

When installing a window sill, most housewives insist on its maximum width, without thinking that with its increase they radically worsen the conditions for blowing the window due to air convection provided by a radiator installed under the window.

What to do?

1. Refuse the width of the window sill that completely covers the radiator. Ideally, the outer edge of the window sill should reach no more than half its thickness. At the same time, even the lowered curtain will not block the convection currents.

2. Embed gratings of directional air ducts into PVC, chipboard, MDF or wooden window sills and turn them so that warm air enters the double-glazed window.

3. Install a window sill made of natural stone, which, when heated, will itself radiate heat to the double-glazed window.

4. Install the so-called. " thermal curtain". Of course, we do not mean the blower installed at the entrance to stores and office rooms, although it will definitely cope with this task effectively. We recommend installing a PLEN (film infrared low-temperature electric heater) or a similar device in the slope, which will heat the window niche with radiant energy, creating the necessary operating conditions. At the same time, it is important to remember that IR rays freely pass through the glass without heating it, so the direction of the rays should be: from the slope - to the slope, from the upper slope - to the window sill (or vice versa).

5. Radically insulate the outer slopes and the wall of the building around the window, moving the dew point closer to outer surface walls.

Which of these is more suitable for you - choose for yourself, we will briefly talk about correct installation window sill.

We will not complicate the scheme standard mounting window sill, considering some techniques to be redundant and aimed rather at the use of one or another material, lobbied by its manufacturers. Therefore, we ask everyone who has noticed precisely these nuances of our instructions to think about the expediency and, most importantly, the effect of using such materials and devices.

Let's start with what at least you need to see under the windowsill, if you remove it.

We would like to draw your attention to:

  • the presence of 2 rows of stands under the windowsill;
  • the absence of voids in the junction with the window and slopes;
  • foamed outer edge;
  • foam protection with a layer of plaster.

But what was wrong with the installation of this window sill was that its edge, adjacent to the window, was not brought under the lower cut of this very window. Consider the schema:

This correct scheme installation of the window sill and it begins with a thorough foaming of the voids around the window, if they were not filled during the installation of the window. If the installation is carried out at the same time, then we simply focus on this. It’s just that window foaming defects can be corrected during the installation of slopes, and in the lower part, after the installation of the ebb and window sill, nothing can be corrected.

1. L-shaped supporting stops are recommended. They are inexpensive, but will allow even a beginner to press the window sill tightly against the window, without a gap, which will subsequently have to be filled with silicone sealant.

In the presence of such clamps, screwed to the stand profile at least every 15 - 20 cm, the rear row of stops may not be set.

2. The next step is to mark the window sill and install it dry, without foam. At the same stage, the height of the front stops is selected. Ideally, it is better to use special plastic wedge stops. They can be set perfectly when the window is measured correctly. If they are not there, trimming moisture-resistant plywood will do, plastic plates various thicknesses, etc. Use wood as a last resort.

By the way, in this photo, installation is carried out using bitumen tape, which, in our opinion, is not necessary at all, subject to all other conditions. Because uncut foam has very good waterproofing properties if insulated from UV exposure. When installing the window sill, both the first and second conditions must be fully observed. And that will be enough. Level necessarily control the correctness of the installation.

3. After the window sill is tried on and exposed, remove it, mark the installation sites for stops, spray the installation site with water from a spray bottle (if any) for better adhesion and apply foam, as shown above.

4. We insert the window sill, snapping it into the front stops, and evenly distribute the load for at least 12 hours so that the foam does not disturb the level during expansion.

After the polymerization of the foam, the load can be removed and the slopes can be finished, etc. It remains for us to mention the features of installing a window sill at a very thin wall, which now, with the development of energy-efficient housing construction, is increasingly becoming the norm. In this case, it will be most practical to use furniture corners - powerful enough and at the same time durable fixtures for attaching shelves and other things.

You can add to this that the vertical part of such a corner should be screwed to the supporting beams of the frame or other stable wall elements and can be mounted into it under drywall, but this should be remembered before finishing interior spaces.

Dear readers, if you still have questions, ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)

The window sill is one of the important elements of the window opening. Its installation is necessary to perform several functions at once: it gives the window a finished look, closes the mounting joints, protects against drafts and serves as a shelf for indoor plants and other useful things. In the manufacture of window sills, different materials are used, but plastic window sills are the most popular. The reason for the high demand for this product lies in the advantages inherent exclusively in PVC material.


Despite the relatively low cost, plastic window sills are not inferior in quality to wooden, metal and marble counterparts and have their own advantages:

  • plastic is moisture resistant, and therefore is not subject to rotting and corrosion processes in rooms with high humidity;
  • plastic is chemically resistant to solutions such as acetone and hydrogen peroxide;
  • the cost of a plastic window sill is much lower than wooden, marble and metal products;
  • installation work does not require specific building knowledge or skills;

  • due to the fact that the PVC window sill has an internal division into chambers, the product can be considered heat-saving;
  • the plastic profile does not need to shrink and warp, as is the case with wood;
  • the surface of the plastic window sill is presented in different color shades, and can also imitate marble or wood textures;
  • the strength and heat-resistant characteristics of a PVC window sill can be increased by applying a specialized composition.

This product also has its drawbacks:

  • relatively short service life;
  • low thermal stability (it is not recommended to put hot objects on PVC window sills, as this can lead to staining and deformation);
  • plastic products are subject to mechanical stress (if for some reason cracks or chips appear on the surface of the window sill, the only option is to completely replace the product - local repair of the PVC window sill is not possible).

There is an opinion that a reinforced window sill is a useless thing, devoid of any functionality. In fact, the window sill has at least two functional purposes:

  • is a kind of barrier that does not let through cold air into the living space, and warm air is dissipated inside the window sill;
  • controls warm air currents, directing them to the glass surface, and therefore the formation of condensate does not occur.

It turns out that the window sill forms a "warm air cushion”, which isolates the cold window glass and the atmosphere in the room. Refusing to install a window sill, there is a high risk of high humidity, and therefore the microclimate of the room may be disturbed.

In the manufacture of a plastic window sill, a standard typical PVC profile is used. Window profiles are extruded using an extruder, a specialized device that softens the plastic material and gives it the desired shape by forcing through extrusion holes. Inside, the space of plastic profiles is divided into several chambers, which are called honeycombs, as well as vertical and diagonal stiffeners. Similar design helps to increase the heat capacity and stiffen the window sill, preventing it from bending and breaking. After that, the product is subjected to lamination.


Replacement and installation of new plastic windows in accordance with GOST is always accompanied by the question: “Which window sill to choose? ". The most common solution to this issue is the purchase of a plastic window sill. Brands involved in the production of window sills offer consumers a huge range of plastic window sills, including those imitated for natural material, one of which is wood.

First of all, the plastic analogue "under the tree" much more hygienic than a natural product: it is not subject to absorption bad smell, and the removal of contaminants is carried out without the use of special chemicals. If the wood begins to rot after some time, then the service life of the plastic, subject to the requirements of operation, is more than thirty years.

A double-sided window sill is extremely rare, but still found its use in highly functional interiors. Such a product is characterized by the presence of two edges. Depending on the installation method, the double-sided window sill can be easily modified into a single-sided model. Due to the addition of wood or other filler, such window sills are quite durable.

If you plan to subject the window sill to serious stress, for example, use it as a sunbed, then it is recommended to purchase window sill block of increased strength. This product is characterized by greater thickness and an increased number of stiffeners. Such a window sill is able to withstand more than a hundred kilograms.


The plastic window sill block, due to its performance characteristics and relatively low cost, is the undisputed leader. According to the type of coating, a plastic window sill can be: matte, glossy, laminated.

Matte and glossy finishes fit perfectly into the interior of any interior. They can be made in any color scheme - it all depends on your preferences. Matte finish has become popular not so long ago. If a glossy window sill instantly attracts consumers with its luxurious shine, then a matte finish gives a feeling of warmth and comfort. It is worth noting that, unlike a matte surface, a glossy counterpart absorbs dust and dirt less.

However, if damaged, the gloss cannot be restored, and in the case of a matte finish, you only need to purchase special agent to restore the surface.

More budget options for a plastic window sill are characterized by a coating in the form of a laminated film. It is she who gives the product texture, as well as a long service life and increased strength. For laminating the surface, a PVC film is used, which is a colorless thermoplastic polymer. For window sill white color one layer of PVC film is used, for the manufacture of a colored window sill, repeated application with the addition of a dye is used.

Another interesting option window sill is wenge product made from a mixture of PVC and wood flour.

The unique manufacturing technology gave the product the following advantages: scratch resistance, insensitivity to ultraviolet rays, preservation of the original appearance and long service life.


As in the case of the installation of plastic windows, the window sill is made individually (to order). This is due to the fact that even a standard multi-storey building has a window opening, the size of which can vary within 10 cm. In addition, the width of the plastic profile corresponds to the depth of the window opening and can also vary. In this regard, when making an order, it is recommended to first use the services of a measurer who will determine the dimensions of the window opening.

The plastic window sill is made from a typical standard size PVC board, the length of which is in the range from 4050 to 6000 mm. As a result, the product that is made to order is limited to a length of 6 meters. The standard width of a PVC window sill ranges from 50 to 600 mm in 50 mm increments and from 600 to 1000 mm in 100 mm increments. To make a window sill, you will need to measure the width of the internal window openings. Then add 5–10 cm to the resulting value and round up to the nearest standard size.

Let's assume that the width of the window is 38 cm. To this value we add the minimum value of 5 cm and get 43 cm. We round this value to the nearest standard size - 45 cm (450 mm). And it is by this indicator that the cost of the finished product will be determined.

The maximum thickness should not exceed 600 mm.


Most consumers are convinced that an ordinary plastic window sill is presented exclusively in white. Meanwhile, the development of modern technologies today allows manufacturers of plastic window sills to produce products in any possible color shades. On the shelves of construction stores you can see various models: from imitation of different tree species to styling natural stones with a matte or glossy surface.

Today, color models are popular, as well as brown and gray options. A brown profile is made by mixing white plastic and acrylic dye, after which the product is laminated. IN construction stores you will come across a huge color palette of brown shades, from light golden walnut to rich chocolate. The brown window sill block will give your interior respectability and solidity. The gray window sill has some advantages, for which we love many consumers. First of all, grey colour not as polluted as white, and the neutrality of the shade allows it to fit into any interior.

Style and design

Among other things, the window sill also has an aesthetic function. It delicately smooths out the difference between thick walls and window frames. As mentioned earlier, modern technologies make it possible to imitate the plastic surface of any natural or artificial material. For example, imitation of natural rocks, such as marble, granite or asbestos, will perfectly fit into the kitchen interior, and the unique range of natural shades will add sophistication and luxury to the room.

The wooden window sill is an environmentally friendly material. Its high cost and the need for regular surface maintenance stop many consumers from buying. And a plastic analogue with an imitation of a wood structure will not only cost less, but will also give the interior of the living room warmth and comfort.

stained glass is one of the fastest and easiest methods to give plastic surface window sill originality and practicality. Stained glass window sill finish involves gluing a mesh glass mosaic on the surface of the window sill. You will need tile adhesive to secure the mosaic to the surface of the window sill, and a neutral-colored grout to keep moisture and dust out of the joints. Mosaic is presented in a wide variety of variations.

A mosaic formed from colors in harmony with the color of the wall surface.


For implementation installation work It is not necessary to have certain building skills and knowledge. You can easily cope on your own, do not resort to the services of specialists. However you can not do without accessories, which can either be provided by the manufacturer immediately, complete with a window sill, or they will have to be bought independently.

So, to install a PVC window sill, you will need: a double-sided end cap and connectors. End caps are used for decorative framing of the end of the window sill. They have two "spouts" that are cut in the middle. One part is fixed to the window sill on the left side, the second, respectively, on the right side. In order to join the window sill at an angle and connect it along the entire length, connectors are used.

Do not forget to also purchase slopes, brackets, stands. The slope is called the perimeter inside the window, passing from the frame to the edges of the wall surface. After the dismantling of the old window, the deformation of the old slopes often occurs, and therefore their repair is required. You may need brackets when installing a plastic window sill in order to prevent surface deformation under significant load. The window opening, as you know, is often the ideal place for houseplants. If the dimensions of the window sill do not allow to place all the necessary flower pots, pay attention to special stands for flowers.

Today, there are both suspended and desktop designs made of metal, wood or plastic.

How to choose?

One of the important aspects when choosing a PVC window sill is the quality of the product. Despite the fact that most plastic blocks may visually look identical, however, their content and production technology may differ. Window sills, in the manufacture of which plastic was involved, are tacitly divided into economical, medium and luxury categories.

TO economy category include products manufactured in Russia and China. They are characterized by a low price, poor selection color shades, fairly short warranty period and light weight. Since products from this category have thin stiffening ribs, it is recommended not to subject the surface to heavy load. Many consumers noted that after a certain period of time, black stains appear on the surface of a window sill made of a thin PVC board, which are not cleaned.

For middle category more dense stiffening ribs and increased strength qualities are characteristic. Often window sills from this category are covered with a protective polymer layer and have a fairly large range of color shades. Belgium, Ukraine and Russia are the main producers of these plastic window sills.

plastic window sill belonging to luxury category, has the highest value. Such products are produced in Germany and are popular all over the world. The German-made window sill has a more significant weight. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer covers the window sill with a protective layer of acrylic. This allows to achieve the stability of the product to mechanical and thermal effects.

So, regardless of the chosen price category, pay attention to the following recommendations that will help you choose a really high-quality product: the product must exactly match the size of your window opening, have a state quality certificate and preferably have an acrylic coating.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

German brands are the undisputed leader in the market of PVC window sill blocks. To date, the most popular and best-selling brand is Moeller. A specific feature of this manufacturer is the technology of manufacturing a plastic window sill: mixing polymer and wood flour. Finished material has a small coefficient of thermal expansion, does not change its shape even under mechanical stress, is resistant to high humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations. A nice bonus is the absence of formaldehyde in the composition, which is a confirmation of the safety of these products for the human body.

Another German quality manufacturer plastic window sills is a brand Werzalit. Their products have unique feature: the window sill block is completely filled from the inside, which gives the product solidity and increased strength. Due to the fact that in the manufacture are used exclusively natural materials, the window sill is recognized as environmentally friendly.

Among domestic manufacturers, one can single out a company Vitrage. A brand that was one of the first to use calcium-zinc production technology, which made it possible to abandon the lead stabilizer. This has had a positive impact on the quality of manufactured products and today makes it possible to subject the product to 100% recycling. In addition to the standard window sill sizes of 500, 600, 700 and 800 mm, Vitrage produces a modification of 900 mm.

This is an extremely tempting offer for the domestic consumer, given standard size window opening in a multi-storey building.

So, when buying any product, it is recommended in advance to carefully familiarize yourself with the nuances inherent in the material. Consider those that are typical for a plastic window sill block.

  • Make sure there is a protective layer on the product. Thanks to him, the window sill block is not deformed during the installation process.
  • The manufacturer must provide a warranty period and service in a service center without fail.
  • A quality product can withstand at least 2000 kg per 1 m3.
  • Depending on where the product will be located, make sure that its characteristics are at the proper level. For rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to purchase material with high moisture resistance. How more number stiffeners, the higher the strength of the product.
  • The subwindow block should be in good harmony with the window profile.
  • The material involved in the manufacture of the window sill is responsible for the quality of the product. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask consultants about the raw materials used and their compliance with the state standard.

When clarifying the above nuances, buying a plastic window sill will not cause you any difficulties.

Successful examples and options

Modern equipment allows manufacturers to produce plastic models of window sill blocks that skillfully imitate expensive natural materials. Window sill block "for wood" will add solidity and weight to your home. It is these qualities that are successful combination luxury and wealth.

It is hard to imagine, but in this interior, a PVC panel imitating natural stone was used as a window sill block. And the application of an acrylic layer increased the strength and moisture-resistant characteristics of the product. The bright glossy iridescent surface of the window sill, skillfully imitating natural stone, will add chic and aristocracy to the interior of your room.

The standard white window sill is characterized by low cost and high strength. Such a product is perfectly combined with a white plastic window profile, forming a single structure. At the same time, the coincidence of technical parameters will greatly facilitate the maintenance of the entire structure.

The window sill is a mandatory part of a competent and professional design of the opening. Before choosing a plastic window sill, you should familiarize yourself with other types of designs. Some experts believe that it should be made of the same material as the windows. Therefore, among consumers, PVC products are considered popular, in whose houses plastic windows are installed.

Product varieties

Currently, there are various types of window sills for plastic windows, the main materials for which are:

Advantages of plastic window sills

Compared to stone, wood and other PVC products window sills have the following properties:

  • they are resistant to moisture and corrosion, do not rot even in wet conditions;
  • have a low cost;
  • resistant to action chemical solutions(hydrogen peroxide, acetone);
  • easy to install due to light weight;
  • differ in heat-saving performance due to internal division into chambers;
  • do not require permanent staining;
  • no warping and shrinkage;
  • imitation of any color design;
  • the thermal resistance and strength of the plastic profile is increased with the help of a special coating, after which the cost and weight of the products increase.

But plastic window sills also have disadvantages: insufficient strength (compared to stone and wood).

Basically, when installing plastic windows, people choose window sills from the same material, as they are easy to use, last a long time, have an affordable cost and are quickly cleaned of dirt. They are inert to temperature changes, do not lose their original properties from the action chemical substances and ultraviolet, are not damaged by microorganisms and insects. Even after many years of use, plastic surfaces do not have to be processed (lacquered, painted, sanded). Plastic is practically non-flammable, and the multi-chamber design of the blade increases rigidity and strength.

The strength of the PVC window sill is provided by a multi-chamber design

The high performance of PVC window sills allows them to be mounted indoors and outdoors.

The choice of window sills and dimensions

So, we have decided which window sill to choose, now you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for purchasing a better product:

  • attention should be paid to certificates of conformity of the design with the requirements of standards. This guarantees the use in the production of high-quality raw materials that will be safe for health;
  • it is necessary to clarify the characteristics of the product (resistance to the accumulation of condensate, the action of sunlight), the available coating;
  • clarify with a specialist the basic rules for caring for such a structure.

You can also consult and get answers to the necessary questions, get acquainted with the variety of models and choose the option that is suitable for the room and will be combined with the overall interior.

The basis includes a plastic panel with walls, the thickness of which is 1.5-3 mm. Inside there are stiffening ribs responsible for the mechanical strength of the board. The greater the number of ribs, the higher the quality of the product and the resistance to stress without deformation..

Dimensions of window sills in width

All plastic structures for loggias, balconies and living rooms are made to order according to individual measurements, since their dimensions in different buildings can vary up to 10 cm. The width of the surface is determined depending on the installation depth of the window profile, so it may vary. Because of this, when ordering window products, a measurer leaves for the address, which determines accurate measurements up to 1 mm.

For the manufacture of window sill boards, it is necessary to correctly measure

Plastic window sills are produced from a standard board with a length of 405-600 mm, therefore it is impossible to order the manufacture of a structure larger than 6 meters. The width of the products is 50-600 mm in increments of 5 cm and 60-100 cm in increments of 10 cm.

Before manufacturing the inner window sill, the specialist measures the width of the opening (between the stand profile and the edge of the wall), adds 5-10 cm (the size of the protruding part beyond the wall boundaries). The resulting figure is rounded to the nearest standard value.

For example, according to measurements, we obtained an opening width of 40 cm, add 5 cm to the indicator and get 45 cm. The use of plugs should be taken into account. After that, the cost of the product is determined.

Features of the production of plastic structures

There is no generally accepted classification of window sills by type. Conventionally, they are divided into groups (types) according to the type of coverage.

The first category includes designs with a standard layer. They are mainly used in mass construction. The width of such window sills for windows can be different within 5-100 cm with a gradation of sizes of 50 mm (every 5 cm the width of the products increases), and the length is 6 m. Individually, you can order a design of non-standard sizes.

The second group includes canvases with a shock and heat-resistant layer. They are usually installed in wide openings that act as a working base. This coating is highly durable, does not leave any traces of mechanical damage. Similar properties are provided by laminating plastic with a special film.

The customer can choose any shade of products in accordance with the shade of the window, but white window sills are considered more popular. Colored products differ from white ones only in shade, but not in quality.. In this case, you can choose products that imitate stone surfaces (sandstone, marble) or wood species. For this, lamination and processing with an acrylic layer are used. During the lamination process, a strong plastic film, resistant to negative influences and imitating different textures (wood, stone). Russian, Ukrainian and Austrian manufacturers offer window sills with an acrylic layer, which makes the surface smooth and protected from damage.

Laminating pvc panels allows you to imitate the texture of wood or stone

You should not choose models from the budget segment, as cheap plastic turns yellow over time. More expensive options will not change the original shade for at least 10 years.

For the manufacture of a plastic window sill, a special PVC profile is used, which is extruded by an extruder and processed with a laminated film on the outside. The lamination of the outer surface provides easy maintenance and serves as protection against damage. The presence of numerous chambers in the internal space increases the heat capacity of the structure, its rigidity, fracture strength and deflection.

The thickness of the finished product is determined by the size of the profile, it can be 18-22 mm. If there is a heating battery under the window, window sills should not be made, the width of which protrudes more than 10 cm from the edge of the wall. Otherwise, a barrier will be created to the warm air that rises from below. This will lead to the appearance of condensation on the windows, the flow of cold air into the room. If the width turned out to be greater, then the product is reinforced at the bottom with corners, a protrusion is equipped with a ventilation grill for free movement of warm air flows.

The choice of window sill sizes depends on the parameters of the window.

The profile is cut with a hacksaw or saw in accordance with the specified parameters, put in place with end caps covering the internal cavities.

Installation Features

When you no longer need to think about how to choose a suitable plastic window sill, a stand profile is selected (a plastic pipe with a rectangular or square section). It serves as the basis for the entire window structure (window sill, drain and frame), therefore it is mounted under the frame of the double-glazed window, to which the outer ebb is fixed with the inner window sill. You can also put the window in a special groove, leveling by laying wooden bars. plastic board often placed in a horizontal plane, but sometimes with a slight slope into the room (for every 30 centimeters of board width, 3 cm of slope).

The service life of the structure depends on the correct installation of the window sill system.

The profile is fixed with high frost resistance mounting foam with a low expansion coefficient. The entire interior space should be treated with foam, after which a heavy object (a bucket of water, books) is placed on the board so that when the foam hardens, the window sill does not rise.

Correct selection and installation plastic products will provide high performance windows.