Water pipes      06/12/2019

Caring for a plastic window. How to care for plastic windows: washing the surface, cleaning the window and fittings

Plastic windows are becoming increasingly popular among owners of city apartments and country houses due to their ease of use, tightness, high degree of sound insulation, simplicity and unpretentiousness in their care, and also due to the fact that they do not require additional insulation before the onset of cold weather and painting to make it decorative. However, without such a procedure as lubrication plastic windows with your own hands, you still can’t do it. In addition to lubrication after long-term operation of mechanisms, sometimes they need additional

To carry out these processes correctly, without resorting to outside help, you need to study some of the nuances associated with them. Moreover, this work is quite easy to do if you have necessary tools.

When using plastic windows for a long time, especially if they are installed in houses in large cities, where there is a high volume of traffic, the mechanisms get a large number of dust and dirt.

These unwanted contaminants settle on the lubricant used in their manufacture and mix with it, which begins to complicate the operation of mechanisms and fittings when opening and closing. In addition, old dirty lubricant, saturated with microparticles, has a pronounced abrasive effect; instead of preserving parts and imparting anti-friction properties, it leads, on the contrary, to their accelerated wear and can completely disable them.

If do not mention it In case of malfunctions during the operation of the valves, before they completely break down, they kind of “warn” that they urgently need preventive maintenance, starting to make the sound of clicks, creaking or grinding.

Such sounds indicate that there is practically no high-quality lubrication in the mechanisms, and the individual metal parts of the window rub against each other, and this leads to abrasion of the metal. The tyranny process adds metal dust and dirt from the street, which can interfere with the normal operation of the lock, and the handle will be difficult to turn without closing it completely. These processes will disrupt the tight fit of the sash to the frame, and cold air will have access to the premises.

If the frames have been installed for a long time, and one of the elements of the mechanism has failed, it may happen that such a spare part is no longer possible to find, due to the removal of this system from production. In this case, you will have to replace the entire “stuffing” of the mechanisms with a new one, which will be very expensive. In addition, sometimes it is simply impossible to fit new mechanisms to previously installed frames, so you have to do it completely.

This explains the urgent need for periodic preventive maintenance of the working mechanisms of windows. These works are not difficult, but they will help maximize the life of plastic windows and avoid costly repairs.

You need to know that manufacturers provide a guarantee on window fittings for only 4 ÷ 5 years - this is the period for which factory lubricant will be sufficient. Sellers do not always warn about the need for preventive measures, and the owner of the windows himself only thinks about it when a creaking or grinding sound appears, although sometimes it is already too late to do anything. Therefore, you should not rely on guarantees and wait until the end of the established period - you need to make it a rule to regularly pay attention to your windows.

Lubrication frequency

Lubrication frequency metal fittings may be different. If initially for this process used high-quality compositions , and the house is located far from major highways, then it is enough to carry out preventive maintenance once a year, preferably with the onset of warm spring weather. Under more severe operating conditions of windows, in which severe contamination of the fittings occurs, it will be necessary to carry out lubrication of moving parts more often, approximately two to three times a year.

How to lubricate a window

When the time comes to carry out preventive maintenance, the question arises of what is the best way to lubricate. In principle, any technical oil used to lubricate mechanisms is suitable for this process. Most often they use a conventional machine, which is present in every home where there is Sewing machines. You can also use a silicone-based lubricant. However, special formulations are also produced that are designed to carry out such a procedure.

They are sold in metal cans and plastic bottles with nozzles convenient for lubrication.

One of the most popular lubricant compounds among home craftsmen is “WD-40”.

"WD-40" is one of the best and most convenient lubricants

All moving mechanisms of the fastening and locking system must be processed. The process is carried out as follows:

  • The window sash opens and all sides are examined.
  • Further, soft cloth Dirt is removed from the fittings along with old lubricant, since the new composition must be applied to a clean surface. You can use a sponge or long-handled brush to clean some areas.
  • After cleaning, the mounting brackets, bolts, latches, handle mechanism and other moving parts that ensure the closing and opening of the sash are generously lubricated.
  • Spraying the product from a bottle is more preferable, since the product applied in this way can penetrate even the most inaccessible corners of moving mechanisms. For convenience, many lubricant cylinders are equipped with removable tubular “spouts”, with which you can apply the lubricant to parts of the mechanism hidden by the frame body
  • If you use lubricant in bottles, then drop 1-3 drops onto each part.

  • In order not to damage the window fastenings, you should not conduct experiments and use vegetable or butter, various cosmetic gels and petroleum jelly, as well as other similar substances that are not intended to facilitate the operation of moving mechanisms.
  • Lubrication of all elements window frame and valves are carried out simultaneously.

Rubber seals should not be ignored either. They must be treated with a composition specially designed for them, preventing them from drying out and losing elasticity, otherwise the required tightness of the window sash to the frame will not be achieved, the sealing of the window will be broken with all the ensuing consequences - the penetration of cold, noise from the street, dust.

If you carry out preventive maintenance of all mechanisms and elements in a timely manner, the window system will last a long time without failures and will not require replacement of individual parts. In addition, lubricant will help eliminate the risk of drafts and heat leakage from the premises of the apartment.

Video: tips for preventive maintenance of plastic windows

Checking and adjusting plastic window fittings

Fittings include all metal and plastic elements, which are equipped with plastic windows, both movable and permanently installed. If they break or become loose, the window system will not be able to perform the functions assigned to it: hermetically closing, freely opening the sashes and installing them in different positions.

For example, the handle mechanism is designed in such a way that it allows you to open the window wide or only slightly open it at the top for ventilation.

Some fittings ensure smooth operation, thereby eliminating mechanism breakdown. Other details are designed to regulate the uniformity and force of pressing the window sash against the frame, ensuring not only heat retention, but also sound insulation.

Find out, and also consider the causes and solutions, from our new article.

In order for all these elements to work effectively, window maintenance, in addition to lubricating them, also includes periodic adjustment of some parts. However, it should be noted that adjustment is carried out only when clearly necessary, and only in cases where the window does not close completely or the handle does not turn well. Both processes - lubrication and adjustment - are usually carried out in combination. To do this, you will need some tools, which, by the way, may not be in the owner’s “arsenal”, but they can be purchased at hardware stores.

  • For example, you cannot do without a 4 mm hexagon of a curved shape.

Such keys are used when assembling furniture, so they are probably in the departments furniture fittings. In most window systems, it is this hexagon that becomes the main tool for adjusting mechanisms.

  • Certain difficulties may arise with a screwdriver. It’s good if the fasteners on the window are designed for a regular figured screwdriver (usually a “three”). But there are window systems that use Torx stars.
  • Most likely, every home has pliers.

Adjustment of individual mechanisms of plastic windows is carried out to eliminate problems that have arisen, which can include:

  • difficulty moving the sash when opening or closing;
  • sagging of window or door sashes;
  • the appearance of cracks, that is, a violation of the tightness when the valves are closed;
  • replacement if necessary individual elements, due to their failure;
  • when transferring the window system from the “summer” mode to the state for winter operation.

When starting adjustment, you need to know exactly how it is carried out and which elements are subject to it.

The process of regulating the window mechanism is carried out according to basic points, which include:

  • Accurate horizontal installation of the window sash;

  • Similar actions vertically;

  • Adjustment of the required tight pressure of the sash;

  • lower angle of sash opening in ventilation mode.

When adjusting the window elements, use a wrench to turn the adjusting screw clockwise or in the opposite direction. Depending on the direction in which it turns, the sash will move.

When changing the position of the sash, after each turn or half-turn of the screw, it is necessary to check the operation window system. If necessary, the screw is turned back to a certain angle. It is not recommended to turn it over a long distance at once - it is best to do this gradually, shifting the position of the sash by 0.5 - 1 mm.

In addition to the basic points, the fasteners are adjusted, which are installed using bolts with a head with slots for a shaped screwdriver. If necessary, you can loosen or tighten the fastening of the adjusting elements with the necessary change in their position.

  • adjust the trunnions;

  • bolts in the scissor system;

Checking the tightening level of the screws in the scissor system

  • fastenings in the upper canopy;

  • fastenings in the lower canopy;
  • clamping mechanism;
  • balcony magnetic latch;

The handle can also become loose - the screws need to be tightened

  • window opening handle mechanism.

Video: how to care for plastic windows

The mechanical part in plastic windows from different companies is designed, as a rule, according to the same principle, so the adjustment instructions should be suitable for any of them. Every manufacturing company that respects itself and its customers gives detailed descriptions of their products and recommendations for their care. If you wish, you can always turn to primary sources, knowing which company’s windows were installed in the apartment.

Having all the necessary tools and lubricants, approaching the work without haste and understanding the design of the mechanisms, it is quite possible to carry out this work yourself.

Find out what they are needed for, as well as consider the types and installation methods from our new article.

In a fairly quick period of time, plastic windows managed to take a leading position in terms of the number of their installations, since the vast majority of windows in homes and industrial buildings- these are PVC windows. In order for a plastic window to serve you for a long time, it needs special care, which we will tell you about.

Rules for caring for plastic windows

Caring for plastic windows is a mandatory procedure, otherwise the window will begin to lose its tightness, the fittings may fail, or the rubber seal will quickly wear out, and much more. After it has been done, it is necessary to remove the protective tape that is glued to the profile, since after a while it will be very problematic to remove it due to exposure to sunlight.

Now regarding washing plastic windows. It is necessary to wash plastic windows with special window cleaners and special napkins or rags. If any dirt appears on the profile, under no circumstances should you clean it with sharp objects: a knife, scraper, etc. To remove complex stains, use special means, to remove dirt from plastic surfaces or directly from PVC windows.

Before washing the window profile, we recommend that you first remove the layer of dirt and dust; this is best done with a brush made of soft and thick bristles. Then the window can be wiped with a napkin or rag, after applying detergent to its surface.

Preparing windows for the change of season

The fittings of plastic windows need to be adjusted 2 times a year.

  • How to care for plastic windows in winter
Caring for plastic windows in winter includes: washing window profile and glass, as well as switching the sash clamps to winter mode so that the sash fits more tightly to the profile when closing and cold air does not pass through it. This is done before the winter season in October-November.
  • How to care for plastic windows in summer
Caring for plastic windows in the summer includes: washing the profile, glass and moving the clamps to summer mode so that the sash is not pressed too tightly against the profile.
  • Adjusting the sashes
Due to temperature changes, the window profile may narrow and expand, and because of this, the sash may begin to rub somewhere. To adjust it, use a hexagon. How to adjust the window sash is demonstrated in the picture below.

How to care for plastic window fittings

The fittings are a complex mechanism that is responsible for the movement of the sash. In order for the mechanism to work freely, it must be lubricated with machine oil. To do this, pour oil into the moving parts of the window, then move the window from one position to another several times.

Caring for plastic window seals

Proper care of plastic windows also includes care of the rubber seal of plastic windows. Please note that it is the rubber seal that ensures high-quality sealing of the window profile. Like any rubber, the window seal wears out: it becomes hard and inelastic, dries out and cracks. In order for the window seal to last as long as possible, it must be cleaned and lubricated 2 times a year, as mentioned above: before the start of the summer season and before the start of the winter.

In order to clean the window seal, it can be either removed or cleaned in this state. If you have removed the seal, place it in a container of warm, soapy water for a few minutes, and then rinse clean water and wipe with a dry cloth. Next, insert the seal into the sash and into window hole, then apply a silicone agent to a rag and treat the surface of the seal.

Plastic window care products

To care for plastic windows, use either special sets of products for caring for plastic windows or separate ones. To care for windows you need:

  • Glass cleaner (for example Clin);

  • Plastic profile cleaner;

  • Seal cleaner or soapy water + silicone grease;

  • Machine oil for lubricating fittings.

With the arrival of spring, people begin to open their windows, which means they need to be cleaned and washed properly. Most people have plastic windows; it is quite practical and convenient. They do not need to be painted with enviable frequency and insulated during the winter. And this cancels the cleansing old paint and adhered insulation material.

The main difference between plastic windows and traditional wooden windows is their tightness. But because of this, condensation may appear; this can be avoided by periodically opening the window and ventilating both the frame itself and the room as a whole. This is both good for health and will not allow high humidity in room. Knowing how to care for plastic windows, you can enjoy their convenience and aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Caring for plastic windows and window sills is not just glass washing. The plastic profile, fittings, drainage holes and seal also require periodic attention. The window will last for many years if you spend a few minutes caring for it, no more than once a month.

Plastic profile

The plastic from which the window is made has a great advantage - it is very easy to clean. It is not necessary to use any special means for it. The main thing when washing a plastic profile:

  • Do not use bleach or powder.
  • Do not use chemical or alcohol-containing solutions.
  • Do not use rags with a scratchy surface.
  • Make sure that water does not get into the seal and fasteners.

If it turns out that the contamination is too strong and soap solution does not help, you can use a specialized cleaning product for cleaning plastic windows. Such substances are sold at any home improvement store or window manufacturer.

Window seal

Seals for plastic windows are made of high quality rubber or rubber with the addition of silicone and painted gray or black. The condition of the window seal determines whether the room will be warm and quiet. Therefore, it is worth lubricating the seal with glycerin a couple of times a year, silicone grease or rubber care products. Once a month, when the entire window is washed, the seal is cleaned of dirt and wiped with a damp cloth.

It is also important to monitor the condition of the fittings that press the sashes to the frame. It often happens that a window that is pressed too tightly during the winter period can completely crush the seal and have to be replaced. The process is simple and not even expensive, but why do it when it is enough to simply adjust the clamping bolts from time to time.

Window fittings

Whether a window will function well or stick depends on how well its hardware works. In order for its moving elements to work without jamming, it also requires periodic care and preventive measures for the operation of the window. For example:

  • You cannot hang anything on the window sashes.
  • Do not allow any objects or things to get between the frame and the window sash.
  • Do not jerk the doors sharply or forcefully when opening.
  • You cannot hang on window handles or sashes.

Important ! Under no circumstances should nigrol be used to lubricate fittings, since its dense structure and the presence of abrasives in the composition can damage some parts.

The fittings are usually lubricated with machine oil, grease, petroleum jelly or special lubricant, having previously cleaned them of small debris and dust.

The special lubricant is essentially a tube of purified oil, but the labels say that this is a unique and inimitable product. This is all a gimmick, and in reality any oil and lubricant will do. The only difficulty may arise with technical solid oil, since it can harden or thicken in winter, which will have a bad effect on the operation of the mechanisms.

Advice ! When choosing a lubricant for plastic window fittings, make sure that it does not contain strong substances that can damage the mechanism. It is best to consult with specialists when purchasing.

Window drainage holes

At the bottom of the window there are special holes that serve as drainage channels. Through them, condensation accumulating on the window comes out, which helps the glass not to fog up. Caring for plastic windows does not exclude cleaning all openings.

Periodically, the drainage holes must be checked; due to the accumulation of dirt in them, moisture will not be able to escape, which means the window will sweat. If the drainage holes become dirty, they can be easily cleaned using a regular solution of warm water and soap or detergent without aggressive substances.

To do this, simply open the plastic caps and clean the holes as much as possible. By the way, many modern windows, equipped with a multi-chamber profile, do not need to clean the drainage holes at all, and a system of complex labyrinths inside the window frame completely removes condensation, while preventing dirt and dust from accumulating inside.

In addition, multi-profile windows have improved ventilation, which means you will have to ventilate the room much less often.

Double-glazed windows

The glass of plastic windows comes in varying degrees of transparency, depending on the individual order. Transparent glass, just like tinted glass, can be washed with regular warm or room temperature water with glass or dishwashing detergent diluted in it.

The main thing is not to use powders or sharp objects when washing glass. If the stain cannot be washed off with water, you need to buy a special detergent in household chemical stores.

Important ! Glass with reflective effect, decorative coating, you need to wash with caution using different products. First, you should test the product on a small part of the glass.

The inside of the glass unit is not washable, as it is closed hermetically, due to which dirt and dust do not get inside.


Often plastic window sill Simply wipe with a damp soft cloth. For more severe contamination, you can use a soap or powder solution with warm water or a special product for caring for plastic products.

The texture of the plastic from which the window sill is made may vary. It can be a ribbed or rough surface, smooth or glossy. Choose for different textures different means cleaning.

A window sill that has turned yellow for any reason can be rubbed with a napkin moistened with alcohol or mushy powder so that its granules do not scratch the surface. You can also apply window cleaner to the surface by spraying it and waiting a little, then rub and rinse with water.

By the way, it is often the yellowing of the plastic that causes headaches for housewives. If the yellowness is not removed by detergents and cleaners, it’s sad, but most likely you have become a victim of low-quality material. Plastic simply fades in the sun, and yellow spots are not the result of pollution, but simply fading, and no means can remove it.

There are some tips from experienced housewives:

  • For quick wet cleaning, “Mr. Proper” is well suited.
  • If the plastic has turned yellow, Domestos will help return it to whiteness.
  • Small stains, such as coffee stains, can be quickly removed with office equipment wipes.
  • Sillit works best with rust stains.
  • If children have painted the window sill with crayons or pencils, a melamine sponge will help.

Advice ! If you regularly wet clean the window sill, you will not need any special products.


Caring for plastic windows in winter and summer will ensure their long service life. Cleaning and checking the window once a month will not take much time, but will help you notice and correct problems in time.

At home, you can use available products to care for plastic windows. But in order not to think about how to wash and clean a window or glass, you can buy a special set for caring for plastic windows. It already contains:

  • Glass cleaning solution.
  • Liquid for cleaning plastic surfaces.
  • Lubricant for window mechanisms.
  • Gel lubricant for seals.

Such kits can be purchased both from window manufacturers and in any store that sells household chemicals.

Of course, ready-made sets are practical and convenient, but they also cost a lot of money, so if you don’t want to spend money, then all the components of the set can be bought separately and it will be much cheaper. Since the inscriptions on the packaging of special products are nothing more than an advertising gimmick, and the contents are ordinary cleaning, washing and lubricating products.

Naturally, every person wants plastic windows to last as long as possible and not lose their attractiveness. Therefore, figuring out how to care for plastic windows is simply necessary to increase their service life. If you comply simple rules care for plastic windows and doors, they will serve for many years. All maintenance operations can be easily done with your own hands, as well as repairing PVC windows.


  • Wipe frames and glass with ordinary (but not aggressive) cleaning agents;
  • Use special cleaning products for plastic windows to clean glass and frames;
  • Lubricate all existing moving parts at least twice a year with a resin-free product. technical means to increase the service life of windows;
  • Wash all seals with clean water and then be sure to lubricate them.

  • Don't block streams warm air from heating devices to glass to avoid fogging of glass from the inside ();
  • Ventilate the room regularly. This reduces humidity and moisture will not collect in double-glazed windows in the form of condensation or fogging. A ventilation system or air conditioner is also ideal for ventilation purposes;
  • Constantly check the condition of the drainage channels in the windows and regularly clean them of accumulated dirt. They are designed to drain moisture that accumulates inside the window outside. These channels are located at the bottom of the frames and can be easily detected when the sash is opened;
  • And, of course, handle your windows carefully.

Rules for caring for PVC profiles:

First, study the material on the topic and their elements.

  • The PVC profile used for the manufacture of windows requires special and complex care. The profile must be cleaned from natural contaminants (precipitation, dirt, dust) using non-aggressive detergents;
  • In order to extend the service life of products made from PVC profiles, when cleaning heavy stains, do not use gasoline, acetone, solvents or abrasive cleaners;
  • Be careful not to hit or scratch the outer surface PVC profile.

Rules for caring for rubber seals:

  • Sealing rubber bands are located along the entire perimeter of the sashes and frames and serve to prevent the penetration of moisture and drafts into the premises. To increase the service life of the rubber seals (maintain their elasticity), it is necessary to regularly clean them from dust and dirt at least twice a year using cleaning agents containing glycerin or special products;
  • Important! After repair work or cleaning, sealing rubbers must be lubricated with products that do not contain resin.

Rules for caring for double glazed windows:

  • It is necessary to protect double-glazed windows from mechanical damage and blows;
  • Never use solvents or aggressive agents to clean double-glazed windows;
  • If possible, use special detergents to care for PVC windows;
  • When installing or reinstalling double-glazed windows, it is recommended to seek the help of specialists.

Rules for caring for window fittings:

  • All opening windows are equipped with fittings. The window handle, if it becomes loose, can be adjusted quite easily. To do this, you need to carefully lift the decorative strip located under the handle and turn it to a horizontal position. After this, tighten the fastening screws that secure the handle to the frame;
  • To increase the service life of the fittings, all moving parts must be lubricated at least twice a year;
  • Use lubricants that do not contain resin;
  • Carry out preventive adjustments once a year;

Rules for caring for mosquito nets:

  • Mosquito nets are made of an aluminum frame and stretched mesh. It is fixed on the window using fastening elements;
  • in winter mosquito net must be stored indoors;
  • When soiled, but at least once a year, it is necessary to wash with warm soapy water;
  • Fasteners do not require special care.

Video. How to care for plastic windows

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Caring for plastic windows: several simple ways For self-execution

Greetings. In this article I will tell you about proper care behind plastic windows with your own hands in winter and summer using simple and available funds. The topic is of considerable interest, since over 60% of the domestic housing stock is equipped with double-glazed windows in PVC profile.

Most compatriots build their relationship with glazing according to the “set it and forget it” principle. This approach results in a limited service life of the windows and, as a result, unexpected expenses for repairs or installation of a new double-glazed window.

Features of caring for double-glazed windows in PVC profiles

How to care for plastic windows so that they last a long time without breaking? To answer that question you need to understand that modern glazing is complex design, consisting of several elements, the state of which determines the performance of the entire window.

Thus, you will have to provide care for such components as:

  • Accessories- category of parts responsible for opening and closing the valves;
  • Sealant– is responsible for the density of the sashes and ensures the energy efficiency of the structure as a whole;
  • Double-glazed window– the degree of light transmission of the window depends on its condition;
  • Profile– needs care, as it becomes dirty during operation;
  • mosquito net- prevents insects from entering the room.

Maximum efficiency of preventive maintenance of glazing in plastic frames is achieved as a result of comprehensive maintenance of the listed components.

Let's look at the features of servicing double-glazed windows in PVC profiles using the example of caring for the listed components.

Washing double glazed windows

Frequency of execution: once every 2 weeks. The transparency of the glass, and therefore the light transmission of the window, depends on how regularly and how correctly you wash it.

Do you think it’s easy to wash glass without streaks? These instructions will make this task very easy.

To implement this method we need:

  • Container with warm water;
  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Glass scraper;
  • Kitchen sponge with an abrasive layer;
  • Two clean, lint-free rags (one will be used as a wet cloth, the other as a dry cloth).

The washing instructions are as follows:

  • Pour detergent at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water and mix;

  • We wet one rag with the prepared solution and moisten the glass;

Do not try to wipe off the stains immediately, as at this stage you need to moisten the stains so that they soften and so that they can be easily removed later. By the way, be prepared for a leak under the window dirty water, so I recommend immediately laying something on the floor or on.

  • Remove heavy dirt with an abrasive layer of a sponge after it gets wet;

  • We remove the remaining cleaning solution with a scraper, which we move in one direction, for example, only from bottom to top;

  • After each pass with a scraper, remove excess moisture from it with a dry cloth;
  • We carry out the washing procedure on both one and the other side of the glass unit.

To avoid doing the same job several times, I recommend immediately wiping the area where the profile adjoins the glass.

To perform the following method you will need a spray bottle, a scraper and vodka.

Did you know that most quality window cleaners are based on alcohol. The question is, why overpay for dubious scents and dye in detergent, if an inexpensive alcohol solution can be bought in most stores?

Any vodka for cleaning glass is suitable, the main thing is that the price of the product is as low as possible.

Pour the vodka from the bottle into a spray bottle - a garden sprinkler or a spray bottle from your previous detergent will do. Apply alcohol spray liberally to the glass, starting from the top and working towards the bottom.

Then wait a minute and use a scraper to remove the liquid along with any dirt. The procedure must be repeated until the stains are completely removed. The characteristic alcohol smell disappears in a few minutes.

By the way, vodka can be used to remove dirt from the screen of LCD monitors and televisions. The advantage is that the product, in principle, does not leave streaks or marks after drying. Just use paper napkins or toilet paper instead of a scraper when cleaning the screen.

Washing the mosquito net

Frequency of execution: 1 time per month. An anti-mosquito net is the key to comfort in a living space, since most of insects from outside enter through the window. But, during operation, dust and dirt are deposited on the mesh, and therefore proper and timely cleaning is required.

How to properly wash the mesh so that it remains clean for as long as possible?

For proper cleaning To remove any dirt, you will need regular dishwashing detergent, a clothes brush with soft long bristles, an old towel and a bath.

The instructions for washing the mesh are as follows:

  • We spread a towel along the bottom of the bathtub, on which we place a net;

The mesh must be positioned steadily; to do this, it must be leaned against the wall. It is no coincidence that the towel is laid along the bottom of the bathtub, since if this is not done, the plastic frame may leave scratches on the acrylic surface.

  • We collect in the basin warm water and dissolve a small amount of detergent in it, stirring until foam forms;

  • Dip the brush into the foam and clean the mesh with light pressure;

The window mesh is quite fragile, so we press it carefully.

  • Leave the moistened mesh for 15 minutes, during which the detergent should take effect;

  • After the product has taken effect, take the brush and running water wash off the softened dirt from both sides of the mesh;
  • Lightly knock out the mesh to remove any remaining water;
  • Now the mesh is ready for further use.

When cleaning the mesh, we do not use sponges or fluffy rags, as they can clog the cells and it will be very difficult to pick out these contaminants.

Cleaning the seals

Frequency of execution: once every six months. Thanks to high-quality seals fixed around the perimeter of the hinged sashes, the tightness of the glazing is ensured. Therefore, caring for plastic windows involves regular cleaning and degreasing of the seal.

Window seals are made of polyurethane or rubber-containing polymer materials. For preventive cleaning of the rubber cord, you can use a soap solution or a solution of any dishwashing detergent.

There are two ways to wash the seal:

  • Without removing from the frame - best option for frequent preventive wiping;
  • Removing from the frame - this method is recommended to be performed no more than once every six months.

The instructions for caring for seals are simple:

  • Prepare a solution of detergent and warm water;
  • We wet a non-humocky rag in the solution;
  • Wash the seal together with the frame with a rag;
  • Without letting it dry, wipe off the moisture with a dry cloth.

The instructions for cleaning the seal and removing it from the frame are as follows:

  • We inspect the seal and find the area where its cut is located (usually in one of the upper corners of the opening);
  • We pry the end of the seal and pull it completely out of the groove;

The seal should be removed from the groove as carefully as possible so as not to accidentally damage it. If the seal is damaged, a similar cord can be purchased at the market or from the organization that installed the windows.

  • We wash the dismantled seal in cleaning solution and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth;
  • Using an ear stick, clean the groove from which the seal was removed;
  • After the rubber cord has completely dried, we press it into the groove in the same way as we removed it, but in the reverse order.

If the sealing cord has not been cleaned for many years, I recommend degreasing the part with which it comes into contact with the profile when closing the sash. For these purposes, you can use a lint-free cloth and an alcohol solution.

Cleaning PVC profile

Frequency: once every six months. A story about how to properly care for PVC windows would be incomplete without tips on cleaning the plastic profile.

The profile from which the frames and sashes are made, especially if it is white, quickly gets dirty. For example, the outside turns yellow from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and dust. The gaps between the profile parts turn black over time as dirt gets stuck in them.

All these contaminants can be washed off using special or improvised means. Dirt from the gaps in the profile is cleaned with an old toothbrush with stiff bristles. Ordinary cleaning agent can be used as a cleaning agent. toothpaste. After the dirt has been cleared from the gap, the profile must be washed with clean water.

By the way, you can clear your entire profile in the same way, but why if there are more effective means, which can be bought at hardware stores.

COSMOFEN 10 is a white plastic cleaner used by professionals

If you decide to buy COSMOFEN, buy product number 10. Modifications number 5, 10, 15 and 20 are on sale.

Numbers 20 and 15 are too weak, but number 5, on the contrary, is too strong, as it dissolves the plastic. Number 10 does not damage plastic, but removes most contaminants.

A new window in a PVC profile is covered with a protective film, which the manufacturer recommends removing no earlier than after completion finishing slopes. But it often happens that the film on the outside of the glazing is not removed for a long time.

As a result, under the rays of the scorching sun and in the winter cold, the protective film partially cracks and peels off in shreds, and what remains is very difficult to remove. Common situation?

I offer an easier way to remove stickers without heating the profile.

  • Apply an aqueous solution of dishwashing detergent to the remaining film;
  • Leave the surface for a few minutes;

  • We wipe the surface of the profile with a rag, removing the remaining solution;

  • Glue on top old film wide stationery tape;
  • Carefully smooth the surface of the glued tape;

  • After a few minutes, peel off the tape containing the remaining film.

Perhaps the first time the glued tape will not completely remove the residue protective film. In this case, the procedure should be repeated several times until the surface is completely cleaned.

Setting up fittings

The frequency of execution depends on the deterioration of the vestibule and the sagging of the sashes. Now you know how to keep plastic windows clean with your own hands, all that remains is to figure out how to maintain their optimal technical condition.

During operation, window sashes sag, jam and close every once in a while. The problem can be solved by simply adjusting the fittings, due to which the sash can be adjusted in almost all planes.

To adjust, we need a 5 mm hexagon and a flat-blade screwdriver. The adjustment instructions are as follows:

  • Use a screwdriver to pry up and remove the lower hinge casing;
  • We install the hexagon in the upper adjustment screw and move the sash vertically;
  • We install the hexagon in the lower hole and move the sash in a horizontal plane;

  • At the top of the sash we find a hinge with similar settings;

The hinge settings on most windows allow the sash to be moved to different directions on average by 2 mm. This is enough to compensate for sash sagging due to long-term use. If adjusting the fittings does not help solve the problem, the fittings need to be replaced, and for this you need to call specialists.

  • At the end of the sash we find a pressing eccentric, which we set in summer or winter mode.


Agree that caring for plastic windows is not as difficult as it might seem at first. I hope that the proposed instructions will be useful to you and you will be able to extend the life of double-glazed windows in your home or apartment.

If you have any questions about the plastic window care processor, ask them in the comments, I will be glad to answer them. By the way, you may find answers to your questions by watching the video in this article.

October 9, 2016

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